1 Michael Flinn Collection (Economic and Social History) 2015 The Michael Flinn Collection is held on the upper level of the Student Research Room (2M.25) and is organised in alphabetical order. Use computer keys CTRL + F to search for a title/author Abel-Smith, B. and R. Pinker (1964). The Hospitals, 1800-1948 : a study in social administration in England and Wales. London ; Cambridge, Mass., Heinemann. Abercrombie, P., et al. (1949). A civic survey & plan for the City & Royal Burgh of Edinburgh. Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd. Abrams, M. (1945). The population of Great Britain : current trends and future problems. London, Allen & Unwin. Ackley, G. (1961). Macroeconomic theory. New York, Macmillan. Adams, L. P. (1965). Agricultural depression and farm relief in England, 1813-1852. London, F. Cass. Addis, J. P. (1957). The Crawshay dynasty : a study in industrial organisation and development 1765- 1867, Wales U P. Ågren, K. (1973). Aristocrats, farmers, proletarians. Essays in Swedish demographic history. Stockholm, Laromedelsförlagen for Scandinavian University Books. Åkerman, S., et al. (1978). Chance and change : social and economic studies in historical demography in the Baltic area. Odense, Odense University Press. Aldcroft, D. H. and P. Fearon (1972). British economic fluctuations, 1790-1939. London, Macmillan. Aldcroft, D. H. and R. Rodger (1983). Bibliography of European economic and social history. Manchester, Manchester University Press.

Michael Flinn Collection (Economic and Social History) 2015 · 2016. 8. 26. · 1 Michael Flinn Collection (Economic and Social History) 2015 The Michael Flinn Collection is held

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Michael Flinn Collection (Economic and Social History) 2015

The Michael Flinn Collection is held on the upper level of the Student Research Room (2M.25) and

is organised in alphabetical order.

Use computer keys CTRL + F to search for a title/author

Abel-Smith, B. and R. Pinker (1964). The Hospitals, 1800-1948 : a study in social administration in

England and Wales. London ; Cambridge, Mass., Heinemann.

Abercrombie, P., et al. (1949). A civic survey & plan for the City & Royal Burgh of Edinburgh.

Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd.

Abrams, M. (1945). The population of Great Britain : current trends and future problems. London,

Allen & Unwin.

Ackley, G. (1961). Macroeconomic theory. New York, Macmillan.

Adams, L. P. (1965). Agricultural depression and farm relief in England, 1813-1852. London, F. Cass.

Addis, J. P. (1957). The Crawshay dynasty : a study in industrial organisation and development 1765-

1867, Wales U P.

Ågren, K. (1973). Aristocrats, farmers, proletarians. Essays in Swedish demographic history.

Stockholm, Laromedelsförlagen for Scandinavian University Books.

Åkerman, S., et al. (1978). Chance and change : social and economic studies in historical demography

in the Baltic area. Odense, Odense University Press.

Aldcroft, D. H. and P. Fearon (1972). British economic fluctuations, 1790-1939. London, Macmillan.

Aldcroft, D. H. and R. Rodger (1983). Bibliography of European economic and social history.

Manchester, Manchester University Press.

Page 2: Michael Flinn Collection (Economic and Social History) 2015 · 2016. 8. 26. · 1 Michael Flinn Collection (Economic and Social History) 2015 The Michael Flinn Collection is held


Alford, B. W. E. and Economic History Society. (1972). Depression and recovery? : British economic

growth, 1918-1939. London, Macmillan.

Allen, F. L. (1940). Since Yesterday : the nineteen-thirties in America. [S.l.], Hamish Hamilton.

Allen, G. C. (1946). The import trade of the port of Liverpool : future prospects. Liverpool,.

Allen, V. L. (1954). Power in trade unions : a study of their organization in Great Britain. London ;

New York, Longmans, Green.

Amulree, W. W. (1929). Industrial arbitration in Great Britain. London,.

Amussen, S. D. (1988). An ordered society : gender and class in early modern England. Oxford, Basil


Anderson, D. (1975). The Orrell coalfield, Lancashire, 1740-1850. Buxton (The Market Place,

Hartington, Buxton, Derbyshire SK17 0AL), Moorland Publishing Co.

Anderson, M. (1971). Family structure in nineteenth century Lancashire. Cambridge, University


Anderson, M. and Economic History Society. (1980). Approaches to the history of the western family,

1500-1914. London, Macmillan.

Anderson, M. and Economic History Society. (1988). Population change in north-western Europe,

1750-1850. Basingstoke, Macmillan Education.

Anderson, M. S. (1972). The ascendancy of Europe : aspects of European history, 1815-1914.

London, Longman.

Andrews, C. R. and M. Andrews (1956). The story of Wortley Ironworks : a record of its history and

traditions, and eight centuries of Yorkshire iron-making. Lenton, Notts., R. Milward.

Angrand, P. (1948). Étienne Cabet et la République de 1848. Paris, Presses universitaires de France.

Page 3: Michael Flinn Collection (Economic and Social History) 2015 · 2016. 8. 26. · 1 Michael Flinn Collection (Economic and Social History) 2015 The Michael Flinn Collection is held


Anthony, R. F. (1997). Herds and hinds : farm labour in lowland Scotland. East Linton, Tuckwell.

Ariès, P. (1962). Centuries of childhood : a social history of family life. New York

London, Knopf ;

Jonathan Cape.

Armengaud, A. (1970). Population in Europe, 1700-1914. London, Fontana.

Armengaud, A. (1975). La famille et l'enfant en France et an Angleterre du XVIe au XVIIIe

sie\0300cle : aspects de\0301mographiques. Paris, Socie\0301te\0301 d'E\0301dition

d'Enseignement Supe\0301rieur.

Armengaud, A. (1975). Les Franc\0327ais et Malthus. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France.

Armstrong, A. (1974). Stability and change in an English county town : a social study of York 1801-51.

London ; New York, Cambridge University Press.

Armytage, W. H. G. (1951). A.J. Mundella, 1825-1897 : the Liberal background to the Labour

movement. London, Benn.

Arnot, R. P. (1949). The miners : a history of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain... / Vol.1, 1899-

1910. London,.

Ashby, A. W. (1917). Allotments and small holdings in Oxfordshire. Oxford, Clarendon Press.

Ashton, T. S. (1939). An eighteenth-century industrialist : Peter Stubs of Warrington, 1756-1806.

Manchester, England, Manchester University Press.

Ashton, T. S. (1948). The Industrial Revolution 1760-1830. [S.l.], Oxford University press.

Ashton, T. S. (1951). Iron and steel in the Industrial revolution. Manchester,.

Page 4: Michael Flinn Collection (Economic and Social History) 2015 · 2016. 8. 26. · 1 Michael Flinn Collection (Economic and Social History) 2015 The Michael Flinn Collection is held


Ashton, T. S. (1955). An economic history of England : the 18th century. London,.

Ashton, T. S. (1963). Iron and steel in the Industrial revolution. Manchester,.

Ashton, T. S. (1972). An economic history of England : the 18th century. London,.

Ashton, T. S. and R. S. Sayers (1953). Papers in English monetary history. Oxford, Clarendon Press.

Ashton, T. S. and J. Sykes (1929). The coal industry of the eighteenth century. Manchester,

Manchester University Press.

Ashworth, W. (1960). An economic history of England, 1870-1939. London, Methuen.

Askham, J. (1975). Fertility and deprivation : a study of differential fertility amongst working-class

families in Aberdeen. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Askwith, G. R. A. (1920). Industrial problems and disputes. London, J. Murray.

Aspinall, A. (1949). The Early English trade unions : documents from the Home Office papers in the

Public Record Office. London,.

Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry. Office of Health Economics. (1963). Pneumonia in

decline. London, Office of Health Economics.

Atack, J., et al. (1994). A new economic view of American history : from colonial times to 1940. New

York ; London, Norton.

Atkinson, F. (1966). The great northern coalfield,1700-1900 : its books & papers from the earliest to

the present time, Durham County Local History Society.

Attman, A. (1973). The Russian and Polish markets in international trade, 1500-1650.

Go\0308teborg, Institute of Economic History of Gothenburg University.

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Attman, A. (1981). The bullion flow between Europe and the East 1000-1750. Go\0308teborg, Kungl.

Vetenskaps- och vitterhets-samha\0308llet.

Attman, A. (1983). Dutch enterprise in the world bullion trade, 1550-1800. Göteborg, Kungl.

Vetenskaps-och Vitterhets-Samhället.

Ausubel, H. (1960). In hard times : reformers among the late Victorians. New York, Columbia

University Press.

Baehrel, R. Une Croissance. La Basse-Provence rurale, fin XVIe sie\0300cle-1789. Essai

d'e\0301conomie historique statistique. [With \201CGraphiques\201D.], 2 pt. pp. 842. [Paris,] 1961.

Bailyn, B. (1986). The peopling of British North America : an introduction. New York, Knopf.

Bairoch, P. (1963). Révolution industrielle et sous-développement. Paris, Société d'édition

d'enseignement supérieur.

Baker, D. and Bedfordshire County Record Office. (1973). The inhabitants of Cardington in 1782.

Ampthill, Bedfordshire Historical Record Society.

Banks, J. A. (1954). Prosperity and parenthood : a study of family planning among the Victorian

middle classes. London, Routledge & K. Paul.

Banks, J. A. and O. Banks (1964). Feminism and family planning in Victorian England. Liverpool,

Liverpool University Press.

Barber, M. (1992). The two cities : medieval Europe, 1050-1320. London, Routledge.

Barfoot, J. R. (1973). The progress of cotton; a series of twelve engravings. Reprinted, Helmshore:

Helmshore Local History Society.

Barker, T. C. (1982). The transport contractors of Rye : John Jempson & Son : a chapter in the history

of British road haulage. London, Athlone.

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Barker, T. C. and J. R. Harris (1954). A Merseyside town in the Industrial Revolution : St. Helens,

1750-1900. Liverpool, Liverpool University Press.

Barker, T. C., et al. (1970). Dietary surveys of Dr Edward Smith 1862-3, Staples Press.

Barnes, D. G. and London School of Economics and Political Science. (1930). A history of the English

corn laws, from 1660-1846. London, G. Routledge & sons, ltd.

Barr, N. A. (1993). The economics of the welfare state. London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson.

Bayne-Powell, R. (1951). Travellers in eighteenth-century England. London, J. Murray.

Beales, H. L. (1933). The early English socialists. London, H. Hamilton.

Beales, H. L. (1958). The Industrial Revolution, 1750-1850 : an introductory essay. London,.

Bealey, F. and H. Pelling (1958). Labour and politics, 1900-1906 : a history of the Labour

Representation Committee. London ; New York, Macmillan : St. Martin's Press.

Beard, C. A. (1902). The industrial revolution. [S.l.], Allen & Unwin.

Bechhofer, F. and University of Edinburgh. Faculty of Social Sciences. Research Board. (1969).

Population growth and the brain drain. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.

Beer, G. L. (1913). The old colonial system, 1660-1754: Part 1: the establishment of the system 1660-

1688 (in two volumes): Vol 2. New York, P. Smith.

Beer, M. (1919). A history of British socialism. London, G. Bell and Sons, Ltd.

Bell, F. E. E. (1907). At the works : a study of a manufacturing town, Middlesbrough. Newton Abbot,

David & Charles.

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Ben-Amos, I. K. (1994). Adolescence and youth in early modern England. New Haven ; London, Yale

University Press.

Benda, G. and Néprajzi Múzeum (Hungary) (1982). A Magyar paraszti mez*ogazdaság technikai

újításai a 19-20. században / Technical innovation in Hungarian peasant agriculture ; (19th-20th

centuries). Budapest, Néprajzi Múzeum.

Benjamin, B. (1968). Demographic analysis. London, Allen & Unwin.

Benjamin, B. and Social Science Research Council (Great Britain) (1970). The Population census.

London, Heinemann Educational.

Bennassar, B. and École pratique des hautes études. Centre de recherches historiques. (1969).

Recherches sur les grandes épidémies dans le nord de l'Espagne à la fin du XVIe siècle problèmes de

documentation et de méthode. Paris, S.E.V.P.E.N.

Bennett, H. S. (1970). English books & readers, 1475 to 1557 : being a study in the history of the

book trade from Caxton to the incorporation of the Stationers' Company. Cambridge, University


Benson, J. J. and R. G. Neville (1976). Studies in the Yorkshire coal industry. Manchester, Manchester

University Press [etc.].

Bentham, J. and W. Stark (1954). Jeremy Bentham's Economic Writings. Critical edition based on his

printed works and unprinted manuscripts. By W. Stark. 3 vols. Vol 2, 3 vol. Published for the Royal

Economic Society by George Allen & Unwin: London, 1952.

Bentham, J. and W. Stark (1954). Jeremy Bentham's Economic Writings. Critical edition based on his

printed works and unprinted manuscripts. By W. Stark. 3 vols. Vol 3, 3 vol. Published for the Royal

Economic Society by George Allen & Unwin: London, 1952.

Beresford, M. W. (1983). The lost villages of England. Gloucester, Sutton.

Bernstein, E. (1908). Sozialismus und demokratie in der grossen englischen revolution. Stuttgart,


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Beveridge, W. H. B. and International Scientific Committee on Price History. (1939). Prices and wages

in England from the twelfth to the nineteenth century / Vol. 1., Price tables : Mercantile Era.

London ; New York, Longmans, Green and co.

Bielmann, J. (1972). Die Lebensverhältnisse im Urnerland während des 18. und zu Beginn des 19.

Jahrhunderts. Basel ; Stuttgart, Helbing & Lichtenhahn.

Billington, R. A. (1956). The Far Western frontier, 1830-1860. London, Hamilton.

Birch, A. (1967). The economic history of the British iron and steel industry, 1784-1879 : essays in

industrial and economic history with special reference to the development of technology. London,


Birley, D. (1993). Sport and the making of Britain. Manchester, Manchester University Press.

Birnie, A. (1939). Single-tax George. London,.

Biucchi, B. M. and C. M. Cipolla (1969). The industrial revolution in Switzerland, 1700-1914. London,


Blackburn, F. (1954). George Tomlinson, Heinemann.

Blake, J. B. (1959). Public health in the town of Boston, 1630-1822. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard

University Press,.

Blalock, H. M. (1972). Social statistics. New York ; Tokyo, McGraw-Hill.

Bland, A. E., et al. (1914). English economic history : select documents. London, G. Bell and sons, ltd.

Blaug, M. (1958). Ricardian economics : a historical study. New Haven, Yale University Press.

Bloch, M. (1949). Apologie pour l'histoire, ou, Métier d'historien. Paris, A. Colin.

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Blum, J. M. (1976). V was for victory : politics and American culture during World War II. New York ;

London, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

Boserup, E. (1965). The conditions of agricultural growth : the economics of agrarian change under

population pressure. London, G. Allen & Unwin.

Bouch, C. M. L., et al. (1962). A short economic and social history of the Lake Counties, 1500-1830.

Manchester, Manchester University Press.

Bouchard, G. r. (1972). Le village immobile : Sennely-en-Sologne au 18e sie\0300cle. [Paris], Plon.

Bourgeois-Pichat, J. (1973). Main trends in demography. London, Allen and Unwin.

Bowden, P. J. (1962). The wool trade in Tudor and Stuart England. London

New York, MacMillan and Co. Ltd.

St. Martin's Press.

Bowden, W. (1925). Industrial society in England towards the end of the eighteenth century. New


Bowditch, J., et al. (1961). Voices of the Industrial Revolution. Selected readings from the liberal

economists and their critics. Edited by J. Bowditch and C. Ramsland, pp. xvii. 187. University of

Michigan Press: Ann Arbor.

Bowen, I. (1954). Population. London, J. Nisbet.

Bowley, M. (1967). Nassau Senior and classical economics. New York, Octagon Books.

Bradley, L. (1971). Smallpox Inoculation : An Eighteenth Century Mathematical Controversy. [S.l.],

Adult Education Department of the University of Nottingham.

Brand, J. L. (1965). Doctors and the state : the British medical profession and government action in

public health, 1870-1912. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press.

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Braudel, F. and E. Labrousse (1970). Histoire économique et sociale de la France / Tom.2, Des

derniers temps de l'âge seigneurial aux préludes de l'âge industriel, 1660-1789 ; par Ernest

Labrousse... [et al]. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France.

Brewer, J. (1989). The sinews of power : war, money and the English state, 1688-1783. London,

Unwin Hyman.

Briggs, A. (1952). History of Birmingham. Vol.2, Borough and city, 1865-1938 ; by A. Briggs. London,

New York, Published for the Birmingham City Council by Oxford University Press.

Briggs, A. (1959). Chartist studies. London, Macmillan.

Briggs, A. and S. Pollard (1959). Robert Owen in retrospect. Loughborough, Eng.,, Education Dept.,

Co-operative Union.

Briggs, A. and J. Saville (1977). Essays in labour history, 1918-1939. London

Hamden, Conn., Croom Helm

Anchor Books.

Brockington, C. F. (1965). Public health in the nineteenth century. Edinburgh, E. & S. Livingstone.

Brockway, F. (1946). Socialism over sixty years : the life of Jowett of Bradford (1864-1944). London,

Published for the National Labour Press by G. Allen and Unwin.

Brogan, D. W. (1934). Proudhon. London, H. Hamilton.

Brookes, C. (1978). English cricket : the game and its players through the ages. London, Weidenfeld

and Nicolson.

Brooks, E. (1973). This crowded kingdom : an essay on population pressure in Great Britain. London,

C. Knight.

Brotherston, J. H. F. and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. (1952). Observations on

the early public health movement in Scotland. London, H.K. Lewis.

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Brown, F. K. (1961). Fathers of the Victorians : the age of Wilberforce. Cambridge, University Press.

Brown, H. P. (1959). The growth of British industrial relations : a study from the standpoint of 1906-

14. London, Macmillan.

Brown, H. P. and M. H. Browne (1968). A century of pay : the course of pay and production in France,

Germany, U. K. and the U. S. A., 1860-1960. London, Macmillan.

Brown, J. M. (1985). Modern India : the origins of an Asian democracy. Delhi ; London, Oxford

University Press.

Brown, L. (1958). The Board of Trade and the free-trade movement, 1830-42. Oxford, Clarendon


Brown, P. A. (1923). The French Revolution in English history. London, Allen.

Brown, P. W. and A. Westwater (1954). History of the early Lochgelly coalfield : Story of Lochgelly

village in 1854: a memento of a notable mining centenary. Lochgelly, John Westwater.

Brule, J. P., et al. (1972). China comes of age, Timely Publications.

Bruton, F. A. (1919). The Story of Peterloo: written for the centenary, Aug. 16, 1919, etc. [With plates

and a plan of Peterloo.], pp. 45. University Press: Manchester; Longmans & Co.: London.

Buer, M. C. (1926). Health, wealth and population in the early days of the industrial revolution.

London, G. Routledge.

Bullock, A. (1960). The life and times of Ernest Bevin / Vol. 1, Trade union leader, 1881-1940.

London, Heinemann.

Bullock, A. (1960). The life and times of Ernest Bevin / Vol. 1, Trade union leader, 1881-1940.

London, Heinemann.

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Bullock, A. (1967). The life and times of Ernest Bevin / Vol.2, Minister of Labour 1940-1945. London,


Burgess, K. (1975). The origins of British industrial relations : the nineteenth century experience.

London, Croom Helm.

Burke, P. (1978). Popular culture in early modern Europe. London, Temple Smith.

Burnett, J. (1966). Plenty and want : a social history of diet in England from 1815 to the present day.

London,, Nelson.

Burnett, J. (1974). Useful toil : autobiographies of working people from the 1820s to the 1920s.

London, Allen Lane.

Burnham, T. H. and G. O. Hoskins (1943). Iron and steel in Britain, 1870-1930 : a comparative study

of the causes which limited the economic development of the British iron and steel industry

between the years 1870 and 1930. London, G. Allen & Unwin, ltd.

Bythell, D. (1969). The handloom weavers : a study in the English cotton industry during the

Industrial Revolution. London, Cambridge University Press.

Cadell, P. (1973). The iron mills at Cramond. Edinburgh, Bratton Pub. for University of Edinburgh

Extra-Mural Studies.

Cain, P. J. and A. G. Hopkins (1993). British imperialism : crisis and deconstruction, 1914-1990.

London, Longman.

Cairncross, A. (1953). Home and foreign investment, 1870-1913 : studies in capital accumulation.

Cambridge Eng., University Press.

Cairncross, A. (1962). Factors in economic development. London, Allen & Unwin.

Cairncross, A. and University of Glasgow. Department of Social and Economic Research. (1954). The

Scottish economy : a statistical account of Scottish life. Cambridge, University Press.

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Cameron, G. C. and B. D. Clark (1966). Industrial movement and the regional problem. Edinburgh ;

London, Oliver & Boyd.

Cameron, G. C. and G. L. Reid (1966). Scottish economic planning and the attraction of industry,

Oliver & Boyd.

Cameron, H. C. and S. I. o. t. S. M. Crompton (1951). Samuel Crompton. [A biography. With plates,

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Cameron, H. M. (1969). Student accomodation : a study of some aspects of student accomodation at

the University of Glasgow. Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd.

Cameron, R. E. (1967). Banking in the early stages of industrialization : a study in comparative

economic history. New York, Oxford University Press.

Canning, F. and S. Schiller (1926). Eugenics and politics. [S.l.], Constable and Co Ltd.

Canny, N. P. and A. M. Low (2001). The origins of empire : British overseas enterprise to the close of

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Carolina Press.

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Carr-Saunders, A. M. (1922). The population problem : a study in human evolution. Oxford, The

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Chaloner, W. H. and A. E. Musson (1963). Industry and technology. London, Vista Books.

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Chambers, J. D. (1966). Nottinghamshire in the eighteenth century : a study of life and labour under

the squirearchy. London, Cass.

Chambers, J. D. and W. A. Armstrong (1972). Population, economy, and society in pre-industrial

England. London, Oxford University Press.

Chambers, J. D. and G. E. Mingay (1966). The agricultural revolution, 1750-1880. London, Batsford.

Chambers, M. (1974). The Western experience. [S.l.], Knopf.

Chapman, S. D. (1967). The early factory masters : the transition to the factory system in the

Midlands textile industry. Newton Abbot (Devon), David & Charles.

Chapman, S. D. and Economic History Society. (1972). The cotton industry in the Industrial

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