m: :* •,. > 1 »iir-;- v, 6 Wf' •Vr^. Mi Dakota' i Greatest Classified Scctioo 5*»- ;/ " ^ '•:'}•• ' 'i ' 4L * fh,\% ,. ., : 5^ \ :a>%W / > i? - r-, ' " a *•* Notth DtkoU'i Gfeatest Classified Section *wSE mm H •J w& { ^ K feet. ANT RATES ft INFORMATION I 8 OM t VMI l Bay. . n ft MM ft anlk.' " •W no ehanxa la il) :^V', ' Minimum Chtnti Ita _ VoSnwtratsi $'$••• ivortiilir.. t.... m ' mm* a <w ...Ma i words s taysw. .Ma i thla method of livtlai on any . «r of words.- These ratas am- b yon to publication lp both mora- f and •••nine editions. •> « Calepkeae aoo Slthstttaa.:fc 7RINO HOURS—Want Aft Forms Fuoaa every morning at tl;S0 far fcthe evening. edltlonSr^md I o'clock string for tha mornlat sw- an, oeapt Saturday, whan f< Idee* at p. m. for Sunday mania* Jeditlon. lELEPHONB WAMT-ADil want | Ada are received by phone, tat ars i payable tha aama day aa rsealrad and collection will be mada at your , noma or once- aa soon aa la eon* vealent for tha collector to ealL Mile is acoomuiodatlqn ssrvloe and paynitnt ahould ba mads promptly whan tho bill la presented. |01JT OP TOWN ORDERS muat to always accompanied by tho oaah. ?laass comply with tnls rule . ta avoid Inconvenience and dalay. i ABSTRACTS IND PORKS ABSTRACT . AND IN- aurance Co.. 1st Nat Bk. tnd floor. ARCHITECTS BERT D. RECK, M. C. A. L A. Architect. Offices First National Bank Bide. Grand Forks, North Dakota - and Crookaton, Minnesota. HAROLD B. WINSLOW, ARCHITECT. MI Wldlund Bids. Orand Forks. ' W. J. EDWARDS. ARCHITBCT. »Vorthwastern Block. Tal. i»l»-L N. W. A FRASER, ARCHITECT AND HNQIN- •aj^Sult^j^LndarsonWdjJIInotJJtji ACTO8 AND MOTOr.CTCljBS ••••• •••.•e a - AUTOS. Mltohall INNl. Opposite Hotel Daeotah. Touring car $2TS McKINNKY FULLER MOTOR CO. 1 aaa •••••••••••»• •V « CYLINDER 8 PASSBNOBR BT7ICK touring car, $876 j 1 4 cylinder 8 pass- enger Scripps-Booth roadster, $475; 1 ;C '• * cylinder 3 passenger Studebaker -roadster, $600; 1 4 cylinder 5 passen- ger Maxwell touring car, 1875; 1 4 Uj -cylinder B nassenger Cadillac tour- ing car, $876. Dalnta Auto Co. .WILLYS KNIOHT, B PASSENGER, M for |9S0. Bumper, shook abaorbers, extra tire, car run less than 4,000 " mil®". It's a sure bargain. General Motor Bales Co., University at Fourth Bv» j}'Studebaker,'model SB. ...t Rlear, lll« touring '...J > Reo. 1912 touring.. ;i READ MOTOR CO. 100 BOO 800 -SECOND HAND CARS FOR SALE AT bargain prices; nice aaaortment of food touring cars and roadatera. Come ' «nd look them over. Dakota Auto Co. URAL BARGAIN—1017 METZ ROAD- iter In excellent condition; like new, for |4tE. General Motor Sales Co., University at 4th St. > !TY DIAMOND , BLACK THREAD .. tires; allowance EOe per lneh cross section for old eaalngs. Read Motor Co. > SNAP IN BMALL 7 PASSENGER a car, 1917 model; uaed very little. Ad- > dress P. O. Box ."462, .East Grand , .Forks. FOR SALE—ONE en-nassengar. DeMers. BtriCK, UK. SEV. Strata Auto Livery^ B18 SECOND-HAND MOTORCTCLES FOR wl«. Qrand Forks Motornyele Co. AUTO PAnVCTWO. CHRISTIANSON * SON ARE, NOW .prepared to do all klnda of carriage ' ond automobile painting, at Slma Auto Cn.'w Hew Oarago. '/-v—~ ABTIWCIAIJ TEETH. FALSE TEETH—WH PAT AS HIGH on |22.B0 per aet for old false teeth, •- no matter If.broken; also gold crowns, •"* k rl S/E e *L ork % J"" 11 to Berner's Falsa « Te«h Specialty, 22 Third St, Tr ! N. T- and receive cash by return mi Troy, nan. BAXHS. '? . i' BATHS AND SWEDISH MASSAGE; H treatments fer rheumatism; will save you a trip to- the springs^ Hotel jt.. narntah. ,Krn»".xt Csrlnon. Sfi 5= nasseui^ BUSINESS CHANCE8. - FOR SALE—ON ACCOUNT OF POOR health, ray 'hotel and cafe; good es- •> -tsbllsned business and In the .best '* small town in North Dakota; good w buildings and fixtures In first class 5$r ahape; 4 city lota; line water, large a* -- cistern, etc.; property free from !n- •» cumbrance. As part of consideration would take small city residence or 3- land and not to exceed $2,000; must be clear of lncumbrance^ Address J. B. Doyle, Edmore, N. D. -' / 4* SFOR SALE AND TRADE—A MBRCH- <1 S?«A e, «n pr ^ , l r J ty .V , AA u - 11<,ln f: *2., $7,500.00; debts $1,600.00 cash needed C to clear; made In three yeara; will sell the merchandise; bad health; Address <10 lone Ave., Grand For - f FOR SALE OR RENT—BRICK BLDG-, «4 2Bx80; full basement; steam heat! i*. water and sewer; good front; suitable i'ih for store; alarf good opining for mov- ^ Ing picture, show. Addraaa N. a Jack- wltx, Kenmare. N. D. »: FQR SALE, ON ACCOUNT OF^HEALTH fj- —a well advertised territory of Dr. -J: ward's medicine, a On* income, also i* my residence property In a good ^'He'ralSf t0Wn ,n ^ D * k - Address «W SALE—IN WESTERN PART OF «uite, harrfesa shop, all ' * lng^ splendid territory, population; best of reaaons for aelllng. Address Lock Box No. 1«2, Halllday, state, harifess shop, alao shoe repair- , Ing^ splendid territory, town of 200 <•. nnmilation; best of reaaons rot .'ss Look Box No. N. D. FOR SALE^-SMALX- STOCK-OF HARD-' •" ware and . fixtures;-will sell 'or,rent ^o real.estate trades consld- AddrMa SUta Baak of garlas, N, ,Dak.;o . , building; no real eatata trades consid- ered. Address —• - - - Saries, "" JR SALE—1 ing alls: *tlon B0i. . only piaoa In town. wdte 797 Ha|«ld. 4LE—POOL ROOM AND BOWL-, illeyvln live. N. D. town; popubp- 100; building renta reaaonable; For partlculara *T. WITH. RIVERSIDE OROCEftC ^-tures. Corner Seward Ava. and it. Guaranty Abatract and- ; i-'i^Oo.. $o$ Kittsoft Ava. - ton SALE—FIRST CLASS VULCAN- 1 ' 'iilng and acpeaiory businesa la live : auto&oblle town; can give terma. Ad- 'V v «ffaas $0t-«eEaiq, ;,. .. i(: ..., v ^ stn .. te . piste for barber shop prlvatr uaa. 4'JMln Srat class, shapet' J. , 8. Ormaon, > v ^ " y a m | i i | l n f t , N . " P . . ' . . , ; v CHmOPKAOTQ^»—(Ooatfawefl.) Chiropraetara. * 1 -'™ ~ Phone N. W. BtO. H.TJSDA- Maaaeur; R hur Vapor . ty Bunding. ACTOR AND tap van and ml- Bulta 114 Sacur- \ DANCmO. DANCING LEfeSONS. EAST 190 T-S. DENTISTS BCKMAN AND SHERMAN, DENTISTS. Soita 2O1-20B widlund Block. Both Phonaa . - DHKWUHmWO MRS. A. T. STINSON. DRESSMAKER. Agent for Barcley Cuatom Made Cor- sat and Buckley Bros,' dreaa goodat Hematltching ft platting. 407 DcMera. DRESSMAKING SHOR FOR RENT; been doing good buainaaa as the loca- latlon^ la no better, at Wlttelahofer Block. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING DONE at home: reaaonable. 310 Chestnut 1B69-L N. W. . DRESSMAKING—BESSIE A SINNOTT. Flat 2. Sprlggs Block. »S4L T-S. EXCHANGES HAVE 1«0 ACRES OF LAND IN RICH- land Co.; win trade my equity for per- sonal property; will -give good deal. Paul Blumer, Waleott, N. p. . FOR QALB—GRAND PIANO: FINE condition; might exchange for Ford car. Post Office pox 4BS. WILL TRADE $1.(00 EQUITY IN MY $3,000 Grand Forks residence for lena. Addresf 794 Herald. CITY PROPERTY TO TRADE land. E. A. Fladland. FOR FARM KiAHPB FARM ONE MlbE FROM STATION for sale. 8'mllea east of East Grand Forka; aeetion $8, Keystone, with fine set of Improvements; '600 acres of crop; price $BB per acre with half crop If taken before July flrat. Terma to ault purohaaer. Addreaa Sullivan Broa., 809 DeMera Ave., East Grand Forks. H SECTION OF UNIMPROVED LAND near North Battleford, Saak.; $10 an acre: terma for quick sale. Address 801 Herald. 1«0 ACRES UNIMPROTOBD LAND FOR aale In Mountrail oounty. $1B per acre, ~«rt^cMA^balance. in S yeara. Addreaa ?I2 FOOT SPBCIAUIT. DR. J. C. ANSON. FOOT SPECIALIST; over drug atore, 3rd and DeMera ave. Corns removod; fifty oenta for one or two; Instant rallaf to tired or aching feat.. Nails, bunions treated. Bote phonea. FLATS FOR ^RENT. FOR RENT—APARTMENTS IN' THE Stratford Block.' Call at Ontario Store Office. R. B. Griffith. FIVE ROOM, THREE ROOM OR TWO room, modern, at 418 Mlnneaota Ave. Call Roat'a Paint atore.. MODERN 4-ROOM FLAT IN SKAREN ft Olson Block. Trl-State Bast 212-R. FLAT FOR RENT; 8 ROOMS. Gillespie's Flyless Store. CALL FOR RENT—B ROOM Friedman's Fur Store. FLAT OVER FLAT FOR RENT IN THE ARGYLE block. Inquire of O'Con'onr Bros. OlasaifloaMea. FURNITURE PHONE *80 AND ASK FOR McKBNZtE when you want to buy or Sell stoves; furniture or household goods. O. F. Furniture OB.. 187 8. 3rd St FOR SECOND HAND FURNITURE call at the Northwestern Furniture Cot 208. South Third st i FURNITURE PACKING. STORAGE and dray work. McKensle'a 187 South Third. Phonea (80. FURNITURE FOR SALE—CALL FLAT 4, Skaren and Olson building. (12 De Mers Ave. FURNITURE AND PIANO; ALSO lawn mower for sale. Flat 4 Dakota Block.. Call, afternoons or evenings. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE 10B1 N. W. 302 Security Bldg. SLIGHTLY USED BEDS FOR 812 No. (th St SALE. GRADUATE FOOT 8PECIAW8T DR. NELLIE 8. BAKER. All Foot Dlffloultlea Treated. Scan>Amer. Bank Bldg. N. W. »8(L HAT GLEANING. LADIES' AND MEN'S HATS CLEANED and reblocked; expert work; aend by mall. 117 No. 3rd. Grand Forks; T-K 487-la. WE CLEAN AND BLOCK ALL KINDS of hats. 8. Friedman. 18 S. Fourth St pELP—FBTMATJg . WANTED—MlbDLE -AGED LADY 'TO skeep house on farm; able to milk a few rows: no other need apply. John " Voesler, East Grand Forks,, or call T. 8. E-318. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED ON FARM for widower with B children; must bee good cook. John E. Fontaine, Thomp' son, N. D. - i. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED ON FARM - to cook for one or two men; $80 per v' month until harvest; $2S balance of ' aeason; Scandinavian preferred. Box 49, R. 2, Thompaon, N. R GIRL TO. WAIT TABLE; WAGES $20 ^r^month. Hotel Gladatone,' Overly, WANTED AT ONCE—EXPERIENCBD oook for amall restaurant. Box 144, •Qmemee, N. Dak. ' . COMPETENT GIRL OR MIDDLE aged woman, to worit on farm; goad wagea. Mrs. Jacob Gerjts, Lakota. N. D., Phone 198-20. , . . ANY YOUNG WOMAN IN NEED OF~A friendly hand will flnd (t at tha Young , Women'a Christian Asaoclatlon. 414H •• DeMera : •- DIN^NO ROOM AND klTCHBN HELP ^ wanted at Fair Grounda Wedneaday. : Apply at Columbia HotaL. rANTiBp; AT ONCE—EXPERIENCED waltwSs; .gos* wares. Hotel OiUear pie, Forest River, V. Dak. WANTED—WAITRESS/ IN SMALL cafe; wagea ffl month and room. Grill Cafa. Sanhoia. N.-Pak. . . Savory Hotel, Antler. . rweatheir.N.-Pafc." 'GIRLS Wi «> ;jbiisP*555v i ant L FOR GENC RAI a. K Colbf^mt (jj WANTI jmHAUB naxiPuoM. WANTBX>--CHAMBBRMAID) FOR 20- room hoteL A. J. Bhermaii, Napoleon, N - EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WANTED American restaurant. SIB DeMera Ava. - GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL houaework. Phone 844-J T-S. GIRL FOR GENERAL Both phonea B19. HOUSEWORK. MAlb_ WANTED AT THE HOTEL Frederick.. KITCHEN GIRL WANTED AT Ho- tel Daeotah. Apply'to chef. / ' Hffllif* itflfilt •. aaaaaaeaaaaeaaeaa ip'h ; - a : : LABORERS WANTED at : RED RIVER VALLEY BRICK CO. •/a.. i a i $17 South Third St. City. STEADY WORK ALL ibUMMER.' MEN AND WOMEN, LEARN BARBER trade—Special' Inducements ths next three months. Modern Barber Colleges, Branches, 110 Hennepin Ave., Mlnne- . apolls. 838 E. 7th St., St. Paul, 20 H E. " Superior St, Duluth. Minn. WANTED, AT ONCE—A GOOD MAN cook;, no booser need apply; must make, good bread and paatry; good wagea whole season. Address J. B. Doyles, Hotel ft Cafe, Edmore, N. Dak. FIREMEN AND BRAKEMBN. BEGIN- •ners paid $100-$1S0 monthly; experi- ence unnecessary, permanent posi- tions. Railway, Care Herald.' WANTED—A GOOD EXPERIENCED farm hand; one who can milk oecas- alonally; good wagea to right man. Addyeaa 810 Herald. WANTED—A COMBINATION PRINT- er-edltor and-base ball pitcher; must be good at both jobs; good salary for bOtn positions. Wire Review, Red- stone, Mont. BARBER WANTED AT ONCE; 818-00 week; 80% over $30. Peter Mclntyre, Willlston, N. D. . WELL DRILLER WANTED AT ONCE to run machine. Jamea Moftet, Bar- ton, N. Dak. BARBER WANTED AT ONCE; WAGES $16 per week; (0% over $15. Edward Newoerger, Columbia,.N. D. EXPERIENCED TABLE WAITER AND diahwaaher wanted at once. Address Box 441, Towner, N. D. AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC OR HELP- er wanted. McKinney Fuller Motor Co. WANTED'— DELIVERY BOY AT Orand Forka Herald bueiness office. BARBER WANTED, WAGES $18 PER week. Jim Odber, East Grand Forks. HOUSES FOR RENT ••••••••••••4a a WATCH GRAND FORKS GROW. FOR SALE. 810—1,000 Dickinson brick. $(B0—B room house; 28 foot' South Third Bt. lot; $850—4 room cottage; Budge Ave. a $i,ooo—Cottage and 28 foot lot; * South Third Bt FOR RENT. In- $10—8 room house; city water; ternatlofial Ave. $10—4 room cottage; city water; Budge Ave. $2S—8 room, all modern houae; In- ternational Ave. $38—9-4-oom, all modern houae; Unir verslty" Ave. $82—7 room, all modern houae: Cherry St $20—( room houae, ' modern but heat; Fourth Ave. $18—( room houae, modern but heat; International Ave. m —7 room houae, modern but heat; Cottonwood St $28—( room house, >all modern; North Third St. $20-'-# room' house; sewer ~and wa- ter; Klttaon Ave. W. H. KBLSEY. - -• ' I •-»••••••••••••••• a a a a ••••aaeaeaaaaaaeka LET US AID TOU IN FINDING a houae to rent'John C. Boa Co. a •••••••••••••••• MODERN EXCEPT HEAT; SIX ROOMS and bath; hardwood 1 floors through- out; large lawn fenced In; shade trees; full basement; rent $20. B14 N. 7th St. W. H. Bird. ALL MODERN (-ROOM HOUSE; HAftD it; full baaement $30. Call 649-L wood floors throughout; full baaement and screened porch; ~ N. W. FOR RENT—SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, ' alf. modern, newly decorated. v Apply Gua Myera, 808 Gertrude Ave. FIVE ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT; all modern but heat Inquire M. Gar- ber, (08 Walnut FOR RENT—ALL MODERN HOUSE on North Bth Street Inquire John . Blrkhols Office. FOR RENT—JULY 1ST, MY COTTAGE at lot No. 4th St Apply to M. J. Colton. FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM HOUSE. 38T South - Fourth St., Eaat Grand Forks. Call $84J T-S. FOR RENT—rflX ROOM HOUSE; MOD- erii. O. F. J. Banlk, 418 Dover Ave., B. T ROOM ALL MODERN. RESIDENCE. Inqiftra-'Mra, Horton, 108 Chestnut FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. (38 Chestnut Inquire Benner ft Begg. . FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. 1407 University Ave.; T-8. B38-8. (-ROOM ALL MODERN COTTAGE;- 80 dollara.. E. A. Fladland. _.. ( ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT. Call 108 Chestnut MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT. IN- quire 3/ D. Baeon. I FOR SMALL FAMILY. 101 COT- FURNISHED HOUSE, FOR RENT. 8f2 v Walnut^ SeaSlat A.FLADLAND. mvmut. Vamllji ly JhropMa Trsnslit Fl neat Cafe MnNortb wast ^ HOTEI^ DACOTAH ^ Rooms ^6^' KODAXFOfWHIira acAlt tain raoro imanRa w "^rftditMiat'a tuM i«wct ji n r "*. HOtfS FOR BAXJB BEAUTIFUL HOME' At A BARGAIN. : Strictly modern ( room hotiae, 24 by 88T aituated on $0 by $00 feet of - ground in south tad. Also garage. Thla la worth $4,100, but If taken be- fore Juno, II it goaa for $8,800. 4S1 Euclid Ave. •rruATioNi mnqi jS"> mmmw p'i- A GOOD B ROOM HOUSE.. SOUTH END haa good cellar, water, gaa, electricity, large sleeping poroh, 8 room house in rear, also large barn aituated on M by 800 feet of ground. Snap if taken at once. Owner leaving town. Addraaa 7B9 Herald. FOR SALE—7 ROOM HOUSE, HEAT, bath, electricity, gas; hardwood floors. Cloae to school and'car line. Price > right and good ternta. J. J. Martin. 809 Walnut St. / LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED. LAWN MOWERS Sharpened. Called for. and delivered. ^Phona 1181 N. W. LIVE STOCK v YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE; ALSO work horaea for aye. Arthur Dubu- que, R. 8, Grand Forka. HORSE AND LIGHT DELIVERY wagOn for Sale. Call at Roat's Paint > Store. FOR SALE—TEAM AND WAGON. 117 Euclid Ave. LOST AND POfrilD LOST—BETWEEN N. P. DEPOT AND Minnesota Point, Eaat Grand Forks, ladles handbag. Notify, 815 Hurlbut St., Crookston, Minn., and receive re- ward. \ FOUND GOLD WATCH IN OLD Wlckler nursery. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. 107 Conklln Ave., Riverside Park. LOST—MAN'S POCKETBOOK CON- talntng registration receipt and small change. Return to Herald for reward. HORSES LOST SUNDAY MORNING. > 2 black and one bay. Carl Nelson, Mayvllle, N. D. STRAYED YEARLING HEIFER, brown with' roan sides. Notify Gus KJorvestad. R 1, Grand Forks. LOST—SUNDAY AFTERNOON. White crocheted shawl. Return to- J. J. Dun- lap at postofltce and receive reward. LOST—COAT ON LARIMQRE ROAD. Address 1111 North Fifth St., Grand Forka. LOST—LADIES POCKETBOOK AT Grand Theater. Finder please return to Herald for reward. FOUND—ON UNIVERSITY AVENUE, locket. Call at Herald office. LOST—LADIES GOLD WATCH. RE- turn to Herald for reward. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. a a •• * •• * 0 0 % * « 0 *' 0 * * •• * 0 0 » •• » •• •••••• I " . FOR SALE CHEAP. 4 Show Cases. ^8 Tables. /. ^ 2 Counters. ^ 1 Coffee Mill. _ 1 Cash Register. , _ 1 1 Computing Scale. ^ 1 Bookkeeper's desk. - 1 McCaskey Credit System. Wall Cases and otheP atore fixtures. Have no us? for them. See .manager at PEOPLES SUPPLY CO. « ••••••••• •• HAY CUTTING RiaHT8 FOR SALE IN Rye( OakViUe and LakevlUe Town ships. The H. Bendeke Co. MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT ROOM FOR AN AUTO AT 2X2 WAL- nut. . MONUMENTAL TMORKB MONUMENTS MARKERS VAULTS W. R.'Jack. Grand Forks. N. D. OSTEOPATHS DR8. ORR AND MAY ZANDERS Suite 308. Security Block, Both Phonea 841. Orand Forks. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR. JOHN D. TAYLOR Physician and 8urgeon Special attention given to diseases of ths skin and genlto-urlnary aystam. Office over First National Bank. 8. A. DR& EKERN ft MARSDEN. Speclallsta. Nose and Throat Grand Forks. DR&BRATRUD ft ANDERSON; Physicians and Surgeona. 402-13 (tean.-Amcr, Bank Bid. Both Phones 141. ' DR 6. J. GISLASON, SPECIALIST. Ear.-E^re. Nose and Throat BaTa Block. Over Lion Drug Store. DRS. HKALY. <LAW * WOUTAT. Phyalolana and Surgeona <jgffijWfeJBcan-Ams»JJ«!^TO*^ ROOMS FOR RXNT NICELY FURNI8E FRONT* ROOM in modern houae; ladlea onljr; cloae la. 81( Chestnut st WH.RV- ONE ICODEKN BEDROOM. CtOSE IN, $( per monthr Ladlea preferred. JOS Soufit Fourth 8t FURNISHED ROOMS AND LIGHT housekeeping rooms; $S and up. 810 8. Fourth Northwestern 440..' strir: E OF Lion HOUSEKEEPING rooms furnished, by week or month. $1( Walnut Sti FURNISHED ROOM AT 4«1 SOUTH Sixth St, in all modern. houae. (07R ., T-S,-;.. .. ••• N ; •. ' TWO MODERN FURNISHED ROOMa 1008 Unlvenlty Ave. . ^ THE PAX^ACE HOTEL; par week and up. TWO .FURNISHED light housekeeping. ROOMS FOR 313 N. 3th St. t NICE UNFURNISHED ' keeping rooms. T-S. 7>T8. HOUSE- LIGHT FURNISHED sFRQNT ROOM RV MOD- . ernhotwa. 30BNo. 8th, , ROOMS )7 No. (th. IN, MODERN ^ _ ,R60M.M0DBRN HOUSK TO. Srd." ^ HOOM.'- MODBRM r-x:~r •• OOMS -FOR Aye. , .RB&T. > BOOM FOB RBNT. 811 -* y tp-. WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG man with fairly good education and business ability. Apply at onoa to BOX 813,- LltchvMe. N. D. STENOGRAPHER WANTS POSITION. Graduate of high- aonool, oenslderabla "iractlcabla experience. Phana T-S: pre 294 EXPERIENCED ^DRESSMAKER DE- sires work In. live town. Addreaa Box C, Hamilton,-N. Dak. YOUNG LADT WOULD LIKE CARING for children or other work, evenlnga. Call Y. W. C. A. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER deairea position. Address P. O. Box 118, City. POSITION BY STENOGRAPHER, Ex- perienced In garage and legal work. T-S 3S8L. Address 804 Herald. 8 NEAT YOUNG GIRLS NEED WORK at once.. Please addreaa. 814 Herald. PLACE AS WORKING HOUBfeKEEP- er on farm. Address 8ll Herald. SHOE REPAIRING. SHOE JB HO P. 113 THE WIDE AWAK_ N. 3rd St., Grand l^orka. Mall ordere a specialty; pay when shoes arrive. Wo.payreturn poatage. Hlgfc claaa work. Prices as low as any In city. <f * Cultivate Corn Intelligently. 8hos .Hospital—Largest, most complete shoe shop In Grand Forka; parcel poat paid one way: repairing while you wait. J. Sollanfl. Basement. 814 DeMers STORAGE Household Goods Paoked and Stored Panovlti Furniture and Carpet Co. " ' STORES FOR RENT STORE FOR RBNT L IN BACON FLATS, North Fourth 8t Inqulro of J. D. Ba- con. SUMMER RESORTS. COTTAGE AT LAKE BEMIDJI FOR rent Call T-8. 484-L. TYPEWRITERS. 840 WILL TAKE MY REMINGTON tygewrlte^ as good aa new. Write WANTED TO BUT WANTED TO BUY—l.OOO-TON COUN- try mixed aerap Iron. It will pay you to correapond with- Northern Scrap Iron ft Metal Co.. Duluth, Minn. Wanted to Buy—Mixed Scrap Iron; $12 8 er ton delivered at 724 2nd Ave., Irand Forks. M. Lundy; 1B7-J T-8. WANTED TO BUY—IVORY OR WHITE reed baby, carriage. T-8. 787-J. WANTED—TO BUY OR RENT BABY carriage. Phone T-S 707S. WANTED TO RENT. WANT TO RENT A at once. Prefer Ei . Taylor, C|o N. P. freight depot Grand Forks SMALL HOUSE Prefer East Side. Graver WANTED TO RENT—l-ROOM MOD- ern house. Address 816 Herald. LEGAL NOTICE Bonos of noaroua roainoi Default having been made in the terms of the mortgage described below, by the failure of the mortgagers to pay certain installments secured ' thereby when due or at all, and to pay taxes levied on said premises, and such de- faults still existing the mortgagee elect- ing to. hereby declare all sums secured by said mortgage due and payable at this time; and the mortgagee having been compelled to pay. and did pay In- terest over due on a prior mortgage on " premises, and the taxes overdue on said premises, to protedt its lnter- at page 828 Will eata under the mortgage described be- low, such sums are included In thla no- tice. , Notice Is hereby given that a certain mortgage made, executed and delivered by Sarah A. Johnson and John D. John- son, her husband, as mortgagors, to E. J. Lander ft Co., a corporation, as mort- gagee. dated April 8. 1918, and filed for record In the office of the Register of Deeds in and tor Grand Forka' county. North Dakota, on April 24, 1913, and there recorded in Book 101 of Mortgages, be foreclosed by a sale of the premises In such mortgage and herein- after described at the front door of the court houas In tha city and county of Grand Forka, In the etate of North Da- kota. on the 23rd day of July, 1917. at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of that day, to aatlsfy the amount due on auch mort- gage on the day. of sale. The premises described In such mortgage, and which will be sold to satisfy the same are lo- cated In Grand Forks county, North Da- kota, and described as follows, to-wlt: Lot Six ((), In Block Ten (10), of the Original Townslta of Grand Forks, D. T., now stats of North Dakota, accord- ing to the recorded plat thereof. There will be due on such mortgage on the day of sale, including ths sums paid for interest on a prior mortgage and for taxes as aforeaald, the sum' of $1,129.(4, besides the costs and dla- bursements of this foreclosure. Dated at Grand Forks, North Dakota, thla 9th day of June, 1917. IS. J. Lander ft Co., t v. _ Mortgagee, Murphy ft Toner, ivrpny « Aomri Attorneys for Mortgsgee, ~ nd ~ - Grand Forka, North Dakota. (June 12-19-28, July 3-10-17.) Hides, Pelts. Wool, Etc. /•' »• Review of tha market by Tha Redlok Hlda ft Fur Go. v No. 1. No. 2. Green salted hides 19 .18 Green salted calf 38 .!(| Grean salted bulla. 1( .IB Groan salted kip.. 22 .201 Green salted glue hldea and aklna ,v .10 Groan aaltad Deacon aklna. each $1.B0 to «i.M Green aaltad - horse hldaa, as to alga >.00 to 7.S0 Grean < aaltad poMaa, mules, glues, etc 1.80 to s.to Green salt* I oolt aklna, as to alao ........... .10to 1.S0 Grean and part cured hides 1 to 2c lees than above prices on cured ' stock. i \ /••••• •:• Dry flint hldaa and aklna .88 to .8* Dry and " aaltad- hldaa and aklna .......... .2$to .17 Dry damaged hldea and skins .. .11 to .28 Dry. ° glue hldaa Dry bull and stag hldaa. Rendered tallow Green palta, full wooled, each .lSt» .20 to to S.I0 2.00 1.80 to Qraan: pelts* short wool; each i ..... 1.00 to Green ahearlinga : and , Clips, each .......... .15 to >7S Dry weetern polta, par pound .... . r ........ ; -'it! Unwaahed wool. good.. Unwashed - Dead pulled. Dead puUed, poor. Washed wool, tab* .40 to .86 to .80 to :i4 to •IP to. CAMBRIDGE U HAS ,, 1SSUED WAK LIST \ > T WrrH MAHY NAMES Cambridge,' ..Bn£> June 'lt.—Caw». bridge unlverslty'a >r sp*c|al llat contatna tint' «wh4 vt - about Vl.TM By P. G. Holdep, 'Much depends, thla year, upon a large corn erop, and to a vary great extent tha else of thtf yield will depend upon the manner of Cultivation. We ahould bear in mind that deep cultivation, early In ' tha season, savss .the moisture, and that shallow cultivation, late In. tha aeafcm, saves the corn roots. It ,may be deep at first, l>ut it must ba shallow later. There are no rules that may be blindly followed for the growing of corn t any more than for doing other farm work. There la no best method for all ' sections or for different soils, or even for the different fields of tha aama , farm. Often different methods glye equally good results. But there la one motto that should always be followed: Have good ground, do tha work ; on time and do. It thoroughly* cultivate Intelligently. Kill Weeds Before They Come Up. We must remember that it left two weeks or longer, the ground often < beoomea foul with weeds, which not only take up the moisture but make it > hard to work the corn. ; The aground to apt to ; become packed by tha rain and baked ^by the I sun until it becomea hard and dry and la i poor condition. . ~ Corn should not be stunted when young, as It never .fully re* covers, even under : the most favorable ' conditions. Thirl should be frequent cul- ; tivatlon until the corn shades the ground and prevents the rain and ' sun from beating upon : the soil and making it hard and dry. Tha time to kill weeds la before they come up; before they deprive the corn of molature and nourishment. Where possible, we should cultivate the corn once before it comes up, following the cultivator with a harrow. This saves moisture, kills the weeds and keeps the Cultivation Kills Weeds and Saves Moisture. haTd n and fr c°racked. tUnS Deep cultivation the first time will not Injure the roots of the corn,' and It Is best to go deep enough to secure a beautiful mulch. The later culti- vation should be no deeper than is necessary to keep the ground clean. It is very Important that we disturb the roots as little as possible when the cora Is laid by. Generally, cultivation with a one-horse cultivator after the corn is too large for a two-horse cultivator is not good practice. Even though'weeds may have gotten a start, they will do less damage than will the cultivator, which will injure the plants by cutting the roots. This damage Is fre- quently considerable through the breaking down of the corn. Uneven Checking Cause of Trouble. Often the yield of corn is reduced and the work of cultivation made alow and difficult through carelessness in handling the planter. Uneven checking can be due to several causes. Generally, in a short field, we draw the wire too tight and the planter checks too quickly both ways. In a long field we are apt to check ahead because of the slack In the wire. This is especially true when the tongue of the planter Is raised too high and the team walks fast In an irregularly shaped field the checking Is very apt to be bad, es- pecially when the ends of the field are not at right angles with the row. In these cases there will be a Jog every four rows, the amount depending upon how much the field Is out of square. Poor checking is often caused by carelessness In setting the anchor.' It Is common practice for us to draw the wire about so tight at both ends I of the field. It is a better plan to set the anchor on a line at ona end of | the field and draw the anchor to tighten it at the other end. j: J V-i '•» tfyf ' ftWl MANY WOMEN SOON TO BE DRIVING MOTOR CARS AT THE FRONT .Paris, June 19.—(Correspondence) —Between a hundred and fifty and two hundred women soon will be driving motor cars behind tha front. Women have' tried since the begin- ning of the war to enlist In the au- tomobile service. The "Club Femlnln Automobile" waa the center of this group and it had secured tho signa- tures of several hundred of the thou- sand women in Paris who hold li- censes to drive motor cars. The pas- sive resistance of the different war bureaus held them back until now. The women are obliged to enlist for three months and to agree to sub- mit scrupulously to military rules and discipline, They will In the be- ginning replace motor ambulance drivers in the foreign sanitary sec- tions who are transferred to other services. Later on they may replace men In other automobile sections. The commanding officers of four mil- itary regions have made applications for women recruits to drive service cars. STATE TRAP SHOOT AT BRAINERD JUNE 21 Bralnerd, Minn., June 19.—The Minnesota State Trap shoot will be held at the Riverside Gun club, grounds in this city, June 21, 22 ana 28. One thousand dollars Is offered as prize money. On the opening day 10 events of 20 targets Is scheduled, also the O. N. "Ford miss and oat championship. The second day will be a shoot of 10 events of SO targets each. On Saturday five events of 20-targets each will be followed by the inter- state association's Minnesota state championship event. This is featured by five events of 20 targets each. On the afternoon of June 22 the annual meeting of the Minnesota State 8portsmen association will be held. NICKNAMES GIVEN TO ALL POPULAR BRITISH' LEADERS BY THE ARMY Behind tho British lines In Franco, June 19.—Popularity la the forerun- ner of a nickname In the British army. ' Soldiers stiU think of Lord Roberta as "Bobs" and of Kitchener always as "K", or "K of K". Sir Douglas Halg to tha Brltlah private is never anything but "D H."' Sir William Robertson, the ohlef' of the staff, is always "Wullle." General Sir Robert Whlgham'a 1 army name is "Wigdam." General Sir Hubert Gough is **Gof- fy" and General AUanby la "Tho Bull." No one ever thinks of General Rawlinson except as "Rllly." General Maude rejoices in the title "The Strafer." MEX. GOVERNMENT IS : NOW OWNER OF THE YUCATAN RAILROAD Mexico City, June 19.—The Mexi- can government has acquired the re- mainder of the stock of the United States railways of Tucatan and now has complete control of that com- pany which operated a line between the port of Progreso and Merlda. MANY EMPLOYES HAVE RECEIVED RAISE IN WAGES IN ENGLAND m London. June 19.—Fifteen hun- dred thousand employes in the Brit- ish Isles received increases in wagea -totaling $1,600,000 during April, ac- cording to statistics prepared by the labor department of the board of trade. These are larger figures than previously have been recorded In any one month. 4 -h/i THINK OF IT! Statistics Show That, In 1916 in North Dakota, one person in every sixteen^ , owned an automobile^ ^ i" t * &rd If 5 ^ This ye*r the percentage will beyeven greater. But ^•.'-everyone will not want to buy a new car—many will fpfprefer to tuy t a used car. If you have one for sale it _ If'fwillpay you'to advertise it m the Want Ad colwnas i, iSof Tpe Herald. It is the quickest and most econfrnical ^fwayp.dispose-of ; it^^f/• f.^ % .• Telephone BOO EMMF Uifco A peony i we .'^»|in bo^-moriring, i Jp pttbfiottion . _ ..»"<•»> fesAjaA vj% (5RAMflF0BKSHERi n "SX p Pi t-f-n g JffiS *-v<* <*

Mi Dakota' i Greatest · 2017. 12. 17. · Saries, "" JR SALE—1 ing alls: *tlon B0i. . only piaoa In town. wdte ... Call Roat'a Paint atore.. MODERN 4-ROOM FLAT IN SKAREN ft Olson

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Page 1: Mi Dakota' i Greatest · 2017. 12. 17. · Saries, "" JR SALE—1 ing alls: *tlon B0i. . only piaoa In town. wdte ... Call Roat'a Paint atore.. MODERN 4-ROOM FLAT IN SKAREN ft Olson

m: :* •, . > •

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Mi Dakota' i Greatest Classified Scctioo 5*»- •

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Notth DtkoU'i Gfeatest Classified Section *wSE


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8 OM t VMI l Bay. . n ft MM ft anlk.' " •W no ehanxa la il) :^V',

' Minimum Chtnti Ita _ VoSnwtratsi $'$•••

ivortiilir.. t....m ' mm* a <w ...Ma i

words s taysw. .Ma i thla method of livtlai on any

. «r of words.- These ratas am-b yon to publication lp both mora-f and •••nine editions. •> «

Calepkeae aoo Slthstttaa.:fc

7RINO HOURS—Want Aft Forms Fuoaa every morning at tl;S0 far fcthe evening. edltlonSr^md I o'clock

string for tha mornlat sw­an, oeapt Saturday, whan f<

Idee* at • p. m. for Sunday mania* Jeditlon. lELEPHONB WAMT-ADil — want | Ada are received by phone, tat ars

i payable tha aama day aa rsealrad and collection will be mada at your

, noma or once- aa soon aa la eon* vealent for tha collector to ealL Mile is acoomuiodatlqn ssrvloe and paynitnt ahould ba mads promptly whan tho bill la presented.

|01JT OP TOWN ORDERS muat to always accompanied by tho oaah. ?laass comply with tnls rule . ta avoid Inconvenience and dalay. i


aurance Co.. 1st Nat Bk. tnd floor.


BERT D. RECK, M. C. A. L A. Architect.

Offices First National Bank Bide. Grand Forks, North Dakota

- and Crookaton, Minnesota.

HAROLD B. WINSLOW, ARCHITECT. MI Wldlund Bids. Orand Forks. '

W. J. EDWARDS. ARCHITBCT. »Vorthwastern Block. Tal. i»l»-L N. W.


ACTO8 AND MOTOr.CTCljBS • • • • • • • • • . • e a

- AUTOS. Mltohall

INNl. Opposite Hotel Daeotah.


1 • • a a a • • • • • • • • • • • • » •

•V « CYLINDER 8 PASSBNOBR BT7ICK touring car, $876 j 1 4 cylinder 8 pass­enger Scripps-Booth roadster, $475; 1

;C '• * cylinder 3 passenger Studebaker -roadster, $600; 1 4 cylinder 5 passen­ger Maxwell touring car, 1875; 1 4

Uj -cylinder B nassenger Cadillac tour­ing car, $876. Dalnta Auto Co.

.WILLYS KNIOHT, B PASSENGER, M for |9S0. Bumper, shook abaorbers,

extra tire, car run less than 4,000 " mil®". It's a sure bargain. General

Motor Bales Co., University at Fourth Bv»

j}'Studebaker,'model SB. ...t f» Rlear, lll« touring '...J > Reo. 1912 touring.. ;i


100 BOO 800

-SECOND HAND CARS FOR SALE AT bargain prices; nice aaaortment of food touring cars and roadatera. Come ' «nd look them over. Dakota Auto Co. URAL BARGAIN—1017 METZ ROAD-

iter In excellent condition; like new, for |4tE. General Motor Sales Co., University at 4th St.

> !TY DIAMOND , BLACK THREAD .. tires; allowance EOe per lneh cross

section for old eaalngs. Read Motor Co.

> SNAP IN BMALL 7 PASSENGER a car, 1917 model; uaed very little. Ad-> dress P. O. Box ."462, .East Grand , .Forks.

FOR SALE—ONE en-nassengar. DeMers.

BtriCK, UK. SEV. Strata Auto Livery^ B18

SECOND-HAND MOTORCTCLES FOR wl«. Qrand Forks Motornyele Co.


CHRISTIANSON * SON ARE, NOW .prepared to do all klnda of carriage ' ond automobile painting, at Slma Auto Cn.'w Hew Oarago.


FALSE TEETH—WH PAT AS HIGH on |22.B0 per aet for old false teeth,

•- no matter If.broken; also gold crowns, •"* krlS/Ee*Lork% J""11 to Berner's Falsa

« Te«h Specialty, 22 Third St, Tr ! N. T- and receive cash by return mi

Troy, nan.

BAXHS. '? • . i' BATHS AND SWEDISH MASSAGE; H treatments fer rheumatism; will save

you a trip to- the springs^ Hotel jt.. narntah. ,Krn»".xt Csrlnon. Sfi 5= nasseui^


- FOR SALE—ON ACCOUNT OF POOR health, ray 'hotel and cafe; good es-

•> -tsbllsned business and In the .best '* small town in North Dakota; good w buildings and fixtures In first class 5$r ahape; 4 city lota; line water, large a* -- cistern, etc.; property free from !n-•» cumbrance. As part of consideration

would take small city residence or 3- land and not to exceed $2,000; must

be clear of lncumbrance^ Address J. B. Doyle, Edmore, N. D. -' / 4*

SFOR SALE AND TRADE—A MBRCH-<1 S?«Ae,«npr^,lrJty .V,AAu-11<,lnf: *2., $7,500.00; debts $1,600.00 cash needed C to clear; made In three yeara; will sell

the merchandise; bad health; Address <10 lone Ave., Grand For

- f FOR SALE OR RENT—BRICK BLDG-, «4 2Bx80; full basement; steam heat! i*. water and sewer; good front; suitable i'ih for store; alarf good opining for mov-^ Ing picture, show. Addraaa N. a Jack-

wltx, Kenmare. N. D. »:

FQR SALE, ON ACCOUNT OF^HEALTH fj- —a well advertised territory of Dr. -J: ward's medicine, a On* income, also i* my residence property In a good ^'He'ralSf t0Wn ,n ^ D*k- Address «W

SALE—IN WESTERN PART OF «uite, harrfesa shop, all '

* lng^ splendid territory, population; best of reaaons for aelllng. Address Lock Box No. 1«2, Halllday,

state, harifess shop, alao shoe repair-, Ing^ splendid territory, town of 200 <•. nnmilation; best of reaaons rot

.'ss Look Box No. N. D.

FOR SALE^-SMALX- STOCK-OF HARD-' •" ware and . fixtures;-will sell 'or,rent

^o real.estate trades consld-AddrMa SUta Baak of garlas, N, ,Dak.;o . ,

building; no real eatata trades consid­e r e d . A d d r e s s — • - - -Saries, ""

JR SALE—1 ing alls: *tlon B0i. . only piaoa In town. wdte 797 Ha|«ld.

4LE—POOL ROOM AND BOWL-, illeyvln live. N. D. town; popubp-100; building renta reaaonable;

For partlculara

*T. WITH. RIVERSIDE OROCEftC ^-tures. Corner Seward Ava. and

it. Guaranty Abatract and- ; i-'i^Oo.. $o$ Kittsoft Ava. - •


' 'iilng and acpeaiory businesa la live : auto&oblle town; can give terma. Ad-'V v «ffaas $0t-«eEaiq, ;,. .. i(: ..., v ^

stn ..te . piste for barber shop o£ prlvatr uaa. 4'JMln Srat class, shapet' J. , 8. Ormaon,

> v ^ " y a m | i i | l n f t , N . " P . . ' . . , ; v


Chiropraetara. *1-'™ ~ Phone N. W. BtO.


Rhur Vapor . ty Bunding.

ACTOR AND tap van and ml-Bulta 114 Sacur-

\ • •



Soita 2O1-20B widlund Block. Both Phonaa . - •


MRS. A. T. STINSON. DRESSMAKER. Agent for Barcley Cuatom Made Cor-sat • and Buckley Bros,' dreaa goodat Hematltching ft platting. 407 DcMera.

DRESSMAKING SHOR FOR RENT; been doing good buainaaa as the loca-latlon^ la no better, at Wlttelahofer Block.

EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING DONE at home: reaaonable. 310 Chestnut 1B69-L N. W. .



HAVE 1«0 ACRES OF LAND IN RICH-land Co.; win trade my equity for per­sonal property; will -give good deal. Paul Blumer, Waleott, N. p. .

FOR QALB—GRAND PIANO: FINE condition; might exchange for Ford car. Post Office pox 4BS.

WILL TRADE $1.(00 EQUITY IN MY $3,000 Grand Forks residence for lena. Addresf 794 Herald.

CITY PROPERTY TO TRADE land. E. A. Fladland.



FARM ONE MlbE FROM STATION for sale. 8'mllea east of East Grand Forka; aeetion $8, Keystone, with fine set of Improvements; '600 acres of crop; price $BB per acre with half crop If taken before July flrat. Terma to ault purohaaer. Addreaa Sullivan Broa., 809 DeMera Ave., East Grand Forks.

H SECTION OF UNIMPROVED LAND near North Battleford, Saak.; $10 an acre: terma for quick sale. Address 801 Herald.

1«0 ACRES UNIMPROTOBD LAND FOR aale In Mountrail oounty. $1B per acre, ~«rt^cMA^balance. in S yeara. Addreaa ?I2


DR. J. C. ANSON. FOOT SPECIALIST; over drug atore, 3rd and DeMera ave. Corns removod; fifty oenta for one or two; Instant rallaf to tired or aching feat.. Nails, bunions treated. Bote phonea.


FOR RENT—APARTMENTS IN' THE Stratford Block.' Call at Ontario Store Office. R. B. Griffith.

FIVE ROOM, THREE ROOM OR TWO room, modern, at 418 Mlnneaota Ave. Call Roat'a Paint atore..

MODERN 4-ROOM FLAT IN SKAREN ft Olson Block. Trl-State Bast 212-R.

FLAT FOR RENT; 8 ROOMS. Gillespie's Flyless Store.


FOR RENT—B ROOM Friedman's Fur Store.


FLAT FOR RENT IN THE ARGYLE block. Inquire of O'Con'onr Bros.



PHONE *80 AND ASK FOR McKBNZtE when you want to buy or Sell stoves; furniture or household goods. O. F. Furniture OB.. 187 8. 3rd St

FOR SECOND HAND FURNITURE call at the Northwestern Furniture Cot 208. South Third st i

FURNITURE PACKING. STORAGE and dray work. McKensle'a 187 South Third. Phonea (80.

FURNITURE FOR SALE—CALL FLAT 4, Skaren and Olson building. (12 De Mers Ave.

FURNITURE AND PIANO; ALSO lawn mower for sale. Flat 4 Dakota Block.. Call, afternoons or evenings.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE 10B1 N. W. 302 Security Bldg.




DR. NELLIE 8. BAKER. All Foot Dlffloultlea Treated.

Scan>Amer. Bank Bldg. N. W. »8(L


LADIES' AND MEN'S HATS CLEANED and reblocked; expert work; aend by mall. 117 No. 3rd. Grand Forks; T-K 487-la.

WE CLEAN AND BLOCK ALL KINDS of hats. 8. Friedman. 18 S. Fourth St


WANTED—MlbDLE -AGED LADY 'TO skeep house on farm; able to milk a few rows: no other need apply. John

" Voesler, East Grand Forks,, or call T. 8. E-318.

HOUSEKEEPER WANTED ON FARM for widower with B children; must bee good cook. John E. Fontaine, Thomp' son, N. D. - i.

HOUSEKEEPER WANTED ON FARM - to cook for one or two men; $80 per v' month until harvest; $2S balance of ' aeason; Scandinavian preferred. Box

49, R. 2, Thompaon, N. R

GIRL TO. WAIT TABLE; WAGES $20 ^r^month. Hotel Gladatone,' Overly,

WANTED AT ONCE—EXPERIENCBD oook for amall restaurant. Box 144,

•Qmemee, N. Dak. ' .

COMPETENT GIRL OR MIDDLE aged woman, to worit on farm; goad wagea. Mrs. Jacob Gerjts, Lakota. N. D., Phone 198-20. , . .

ANY YOUNG WOMAN IN NEED OF~A friendly hand will flnd (t at tha Young

, Women'a Christian Asaoclatlon. 414H •• DeMera : • • • •-

DIN^NO ROOM AND klTCHBN HELP ^ wanted at Fair Grounda Wedneaday. : Apply at Columbia • HotaL. • •

rANTiBp; AT ONCE—EXPERIENCED waltwSs; .gos* wares. Hotel OiUear pie, Forest River, V. Dak.

WANTED—WAITRESS/ IN SMALL cafe; wagea ffl month and room. Grill Cafa. Sanhoia. N.-Pak. . • .

Savory Hotel, Antler.

. rweatheir.N.-Pafc."

'GIRLS Wi «> ;jbiisP*555v

i ant L FOR GENCRAI a. K Colbf^mt (jj


jmHAUB naxiPuoM.

WANTBX>--CHAMBBRMAID) FOR 20-room hoteL A. J. Bhermaii, Napoleon, N -


• Ava. - • •

GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL houaework. Phone 844-J T-S.

GIRL FOR GENERAL Both phonea B19.



KITCHEN GIRL WANTED AT Ho­tel Daeotah. Apply'to chef. /

' Hffllif* itflfilt • . a a a a a a e a a a a e a a e a a ip'h ; • - a : : LABORERS WANTED


• / a . . i a i $17 South Third St. City. •


MEN AND WOMEN, LEARN BARBER trade—Special' Inducements ths next three months. Modern Barber Colleges, Branches, 110 Hennepin Ave., Mlnne-

. apolls. 838 E. 7th St., St. Paul, 20 H E. " Superior St, Duluth. Minn.

WANTED, AT ONCE—A GOOD MAN cook;, no booser need apply; must make, good bread and paatry; good wagea whole season. Address J. B. Doyles, Hotel ft Cafe, Edmore, N. Dak.

FIREMEN AND BRAKEMBN. BEGIN-•ners paid $100-$1S0 monthly; experi­

ence unnecessary, permanent posi­tions. Railway, Care Herald.'

WANTED—A GOOD EXPERIENCED farm hand; one who can milk oecas-alonally; good wagea to right man. Addyeaa 810 Herald.

WANTED—A COMBINATION PRINT-er-edltor and-base ball pitcher; must be good at both jobs; good salary for bOtn positions. Wire Review, Red­stone, Mont.

BARBER WANTED AT ONCE; 818-00 week; 80% over $30. Peter Mclntyre, Willlston, N. D. .

WELL DRILLER WANTED AT ONCE to run machine. Jamea Moftet, Bar­ton, N. Dak.

BARBER WANTED AT ONCE; WAGES $16 per week; (0% over $15. Edward Newoerger, Columbia,.N. D.

EXPERIENCED TABLE WAITER AND diahwaaher wanted at once. Address Box 441, Towner, N. D.

AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC OR HELP-er wanted. McKinney Fuller Motor Co.

WANTED'— DELIVERY BOY AT Orand Forka Herald bueiness office.

BARBER WANTED, WAGES $18 PER week. Jim Odber, East Grand Forks.

HOUSES FOR RENT • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 a



810—1,000 Dickinson brick. $(B0—B room house; 28 foot' South Third Bt.

lot; • $850—4 room cottage; Budge Ave. • a $i,ooo—Cottage and 28 foot lot; * • South Third Bt


In-$10—8 room house; city water; ternatlofial Ave.

$10—4 room cottage; city water; Budge Ave.

$2S—8 room, all modern houae; In­ternational Ave.

$38—9-4-oom, all modern houae; Unir verslty" Ave.

$82—7 room, all modern houae: Cherry St

$20—( room houae, ' modern but heat; Fourth Ave.

$18—( room houae, modern but heat; International Ave.

m —7 room houae, modern but heat; Cottonwood St

$28—( room house, >all modern; North Third St.

$20-'-# room' house; sewer ~and wa­ter; Klttaon Ave.

W. H. KBLSEY. - - • ' •


• - » • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a •

a a a

• • • • • a a e a e a a a a a a e k a LET US AID TOU IN FINDING • a houae to rent'John C. Boa Co. a

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MODERN EXCEPT HEAT; SIX ROOMS

and bath; hardwood1 floors through­out; large lawn fenced In; shade trees; full basement; rent $20. B14 N. 7th St. W. H. Bird.

ALL MODERN (-ROOM HOUSE; HAftD it; full baaement $30. Call 649-L

wood floors throughout; full baaement and screened porch; ~ N. W.

FOR RENT—SEVEN ROOM HOUSE, ' alf. modern, newly decorated. v Apply

Gua Myera, 808 Gertrude Ave.

FIVE ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT; all modern but heat Inquire M. Gar-ber, (08 Walnut

FOR RENT—ALL MODERN HOUSE on North Bth Street Inquire John

. Blrkhols Office. FOR RENT—JULY 1ST, MY COTTAGE

at lot No. 4th St Apply to M. J. Colton.

FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM HOUSE. 38T South - Fourth St., Eaat Grand Forks. Call $84J T-S.


J. Banlk, 418 Dover Ave., B.

T ROOM ALL MODERN. RESIDENCE. Inqiftra-'Mra, Horton, 108 Chestnut

FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. (38 Chestnut Inquire Benner ft Begg. .

FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT. 1407 University Ave.; T-8. B38-8.

(-ROOM ALL MODERN COTTAGE;- 80 dollara.. E. A. Fladland. _..


MODERN HOUSE • FOR RENT. IN-quire 3/ D. Baeon.





Vamllji ly JhropMa Trsnslit Fl neat Cafe MnNortb wast



acAlt tain raoro imanRa w

"^rftditMiat'a tuM

i«wct ji n



BEAUTIFUL HOME' At A BARGAIN. : Strictly modern ( room hotiae, 24 by

88T aituated on $0 by $00 feet of - ground in south tad. Also garage.

Thla la worth $4,100, but If taken be­fore Juno, II it goaa for $8,800. 4S1 Euclid Ave.

•rruATioNi mnqi




A GOOD B ROOM HOUSE.. SOUTH END haa good cellar, water, gaa, electricity, large sleeping poroh, 8 room house in rear, also large barn aituated on M by 800 feet of ground. Snap if taken at once. Owner leaving town. Addraaa 7B9 Herald.

FOR SALE—7 ROOM HOUSE, HEAT, bath, electricity, gas; hardwood floors. Cloae to school and'car line. Price

> right and good ternta. J. J. Martin. 809 Walnut St. /


LAWN MOWERS Sharpened. Called for. and delivered. ^Phona 1181 N. W.


YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE; ALSO work horaea for aye. Arthur Dubu­que, R. 8, Grand Forka.

HORSE AND LIGHT DELIVERY wagOn for Sale. Call at Roat's Paint

> Store.



Minnesota Point, Eaat Grand Forks, ladles handbag. Notify, 815 Hurlbut St., Crookston, Minn., and receive re­ward. \

FOUND — GOLD WATCH IN OLD Wlckler nursery. Owner may have same by paying for this ad. 107 Conklln Ave., Riverside Park.

LOST—MAN'S POCKETBOOK CON-talntng registration receipt and small change. Return to Herald for reward.

HORSES LOST SUNDAY MORNING. > 2 black and one bay. Carl Nelson,

Mayvllle, N. D.

STRAYED — YEARLING HEIFER, brown with' roan sides. Notify Gus KJorvestad. R 1, Grand Forks.

LOST—SUNDAY AFTERNOON. White crocheted shawl. Return to- J. J. Dun-lap at postofltce and receive reward.

LOST—COAT ON LARIMQRE ROAD. Address 1111 North Fifth St., Grand Forka.

LOST—LADIES POCKETBOOK AT Grand Theater. Finder please return to Herald for reward.

FOUND—ON UNIVERSITY AVENUE, locket. Call at Herald office.

LOST—LADIES GOLD WATCH. RE-turn to Herald for reward.


• • • * • • • * • 0 0 •

% * • « 0 *' 0 * * • • • • • • • • • • * • • 0 0

• • » • • •

• » • • •

• • • • • • •

I " .


4 Show Cases.

^8 Tables. /. ^

2 Counters. ^

1 Coffee Mill.

_ 1 Cash Register. , _ 1

1 Computing Scale. ^

1 Bookkeeper's desk.

- 1 McCaskey Credit System.

Wall Cases and otheP atore fixtures. Have no us? for them. See .manager at


« • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• •

HAY CUTTING RiaHT8 FOR SALE IN Rye( OakViUe and LakevlUe Town ships. The H. Bendeke Co.






DR8. ORR AND MAY ZANDERS Suite 308. Security Block,

Both Phonea 841. Orand Forks.


DR. JOHN D. TAYLOR Physician and 8urgeon

Special attention given to diseases of ths skin and genlto-urlnary aystam.

Office over First National Bank.

8. A.

DR& EKERN ft MARSDEN. Speclallsta.

Nose and Throat Grand Forks.

DR&BRATRUD ft ANDERSON; Physicians and Surgeona.

402-13 (tean.-Amcr, Bank Bid. Both Phones 141. '

DR 6. J. GISLASON, SPECIALIST. Ear.-E^re. Nose and Throat

BaTa Block. Over Lion Drug Store. DRS. HKALY. <LAW * WOUTAT.

Phyalolana and Surgeona <jgffijWfeJBcan-Ams»JJ«!^TO*^


in modern houae; ladlea onljr; cloae la. 81( Chestnut st WH.RV-

ONE ICODEKN BEDROOM. CtOSE IN, $( per monthr Ladlea preferred. JOS Soufit Fourth 8t

FURNISHED ROOMS AND LIGHT housekeeping rooms; $S and up. 810 8. Fourth Northwestern 440..'

strir: E OF Lion HOUSEKEEPING rooms furnished, by week or month. $1( Walnut Sti

FURNISHED ROOM AT 4«1 SOUTH Sixth St, in all modern. houae. (07R

., T-S,-;.. .. ••• N ; •. '

TWO MODERN FURNISHED ROOMa 1008 Unlvenlty Ave. . ^

THE PAX^ACE HOTEL; par week and up.

TWO .FURNISHED light housekeeping.

ROOMS FOR 313 N. 3th St.

t NICE UNFURNISHED ' keeping rooms. T-S. 7>T8.



FURNISHED sFRQNT ROOM RV MOD-. ernhotwa. 30BNo. 8th, •

, ROOMS )7 No. (th.


_ ,R60M.M0DBRN HOUSK TO. Srd."

HOOM.'- MODBRM r-x:~r ••

OOMS -FOR Aye. ,



BOOM FOB RBNT. 811 -*y tp-.

WANTED — POSITION BY YOUNG man with fairly good education and business ability. Apply at onoa to BOX 813,- LltchvMe. N. D.

STENOGRAPHER WANTS POSITION. Graduate of high- aonool, oenslderabla "iractlcabla experience. Phana T-S: pre 294

EXPERIENCED ^DRESSMAKER DE-sires work In. live town. Addreaa Box C, Hamilton,-N. Dak.

YOUNG LADT WOULD LIKE CARING for children or other work, evenlnga. Call Y. W. C. A.

EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER deairea position. Address P. O. Box 118, City.

POSITION BY STENOGRAPHER, Ex­perienced In garage and legal work. T-S 3S8L. Address 804 Herald.

8 NEAT YOUNG GIRLS NEED WORK at once.. Please addreaa. 814 Herald.

PLACE AS WORKING HOUBfeKEEP-er on farm. Address 8ll Herald.


SHOE JB HO P. 113 THE WIDE AWAK_ N. 3rd St., Grand l^orka. Mall ordere a specialty; pay when shoes arrive. Wo.payreturn poatage. Hlgfc claaa work. Prices as low as any In city.

<f *

Cultivate Corn Intelligently.

8hos .Hospital—Largest, most complete shoe shop In Grand Forka; parcel poat paid one way: repairing while you wait. J. Sollanfl. Basement. 814 DeMers


Household Goods Paoked and Stored Panovlti Furniture and Carpet Co.


STORE FOR RBNTL IN BACON FLATS, North Fourth 8t Inqulro of J. D. Ba­con.




840 WILL TAKE MY REMINGTON tygewrlte^ as good aa new. Write


WANTED TO BUY—l.OOO-TON COUN-try mixed aerap Iron. It will pay you to correapond with- Northern Scrap Iron ft Metal Co.. Duluth, Minn.

Wanted to Buy—Mixed Scrap Iron; $12

8er ton delivered at 724 2nd Ave., Irand Forks. M. Lundy; 1B7-J T-8.

WANTED TO BUY—IVORY OR WHITE reed baby, carriage. T-8. 787-J.

WANTED—TO BUY OR RENT BABY carriage. Phone T-S 707S.


WANT TO RENT A at once. Prefer Ei . Taylor, C|o N. P. freight depot Grand Forks

— SMALL HOUSE Prefer East Side. Graver

WANTED TO RENT—l-ROOM MOD-ern house. Address 816 Herald.

LEGAL NOTICE Bonos of noaroua roainoi

Default having been made in the terms of the mortgage described below, by the failure of the mortgagers to pay certain installments secured ' thereby when due or at all, and to pay taxes levied on said premises, and such de­faults still existing the mortgagee elect­ing to. hereby declare all sums secured by said mortgage due and payable at this time; and the mortgagee having been compelled to pay. and did pay In­terest over due on a prior mortgage on " premises, and the taxes overdue

on said premises, to protedt its lnter-

at page 828 Will

eata under the mortgage described be­low, such sums are included In thla no­tice. ,

Notice Is hereby given that a certain mortgage made, executed and delivered by Sarah A. Johnson and John D. John­son, her husband, as mortgagors, to E. J. Lander ft Co., a corporation, as mort­gagee. dated April 8. 1918, and filed for record In the office of the Register of Deeds in and tor Grand Forka' county. North Dakota, on April 24, 1913, and there recorded in Book 101 of Mortgages,

be foreclosed by a sale of the premises In such mortgage and herein­after described at the front door of the court houas In tha city and county of Grand Forka, In the etate of North Da­kota. on the 23rd day of July, 1917. at 2 o'clock In the afternoon of that day, to aatlsfy the amount due on auch mort­gage on the day. of sale. The premises described In such mortgage, and which will be sold to satisfy the same are lo­cated In Grand Forks county, North Da­kota, and described as follows, to-wlt:

Lot Six ((), In Block Ten (10), of the Original Townslta of Grand Forks, D. T., now stats of North Dakota, accord­ing to the recorded plat thereof.

There will be due on such mortgage on the day of sale, including ths sums paid for interest on a prior mortgage and for taxes as aforeaald, the sum' of $1,129.(4, besides the costs and dla-bursements of this foreclosure.

Dated at Grand Forks, North Dakota, thla 9th day of June, 1917.

IS. J. Lander ft Co., „ t v. _ Mortgagee, Murphy ft Toner, ivrpny « Aomri

Attorneys for Mortgsgee, ~ nd ~ -Grand Forka, North Dakota. (June 12-19-28, July 3-10-17.)

Hides, Pelts. Wool, Etc. • /•' »• •

Review of tha market by Tha Redlok Hlda ft Fur Go.

v No. 1. No. 2. Green salted hides 19 .18 Green salted calf 38 .!(| Grean salted bulla. 1( .IB Groan salted kip.. 22 .201 Green salted glue hldea

and aklna ,v .10 Groan aaltad Deacon

aklna. each $1.B0 to «i.M Green aaltad - horse

hldaa, as to alga >.00 to 7.S0 Grean < aaltad poMaa,

mules, glues, etc 1.80 to s.to Green salt* I oolt aklna,

as to alao........... .10to 1.S0 Grean and part cured

hides 1 to 2c lees than above prices on cured ' stock. • i \ /••••• •:•

Dry flint hldaa and aklna .88 to .8*

Dry and " aaltad- hldaa and aklna .......... .2$to .17

Dry damaged hldea and skins .. .11 to .28

Dry. ° glue hldaa

Dry bull and stag hldaa. Rendered tallow Green palta, full wooled,



.20 to to

S.I0 • 2.00

1.80 to Qraan: pelts* short wool;

each i..... 1.00 to Green ahearlinga : and ,

Clips, each .......... .15 to >7S Dry weetern polta, par

pound.... . r........ ; -'it! Unwaahed wool. good.. Unwashed -Dead pulled. Dead puUed, poor. Washed wool, tab*

.40 to

.86 to

.80 to :i4 to •IP to.

CAMBRIDGE U HAS ,, 1SSUED WAK LIST \ > T WrrH MAHY NAMES Cambridge,' ..Bn£> June 'lt.—Caw».

bridge unlverslty'a >rsp*c|al llat contatna tint' «wh4 vt - about Vl.TM

By P. G. Holdep, 'Much depends, thla year, upon a large corn erop, and to a vary great

extent tha else of thtf yield will depend upon the manner of Cultivation. We ahould bear in mind that deep cultivation, early In ' tha season,

savss .the moisture, and that shallow cultivation, late In. tha aeafcm, saves the corn roots. It ,may be deep at first, l>ut it must ba shallow later.

There are no rules that may be blindly followed for the growing of corn t any more than for doing other farm work. There la no best method for all ' sections or for different soils, or even for the different fields of tha aama , farm. Often different methods glye equally good results. But there la one • motto that should always be followed: Have good ground, do tha work ; on time and do. It thoroughly* cultivate Intelligently.

Kill Weeds Before They Come Up. We must remember that it left two weeks or longer, the ground often <

beoomea foul with weeds, which not only take up the moisture but make it >

hard to work the corn. ; The aground to apt to ; become packed by tha rain and baked ^by the I sun until it becomea hard and dry and la i poor condition. . ~

Corn should not be stunted when young, as It never .fully re* covers, even under : the most favorable ' c o n d i t i o n s . T h i r l should be frequent cul- ; tivatlon until the corn shades the ground and prevents the rain and ' sun from beating upon : the soil and making it hard and dry. Tha time to kill weeds la before they come up; before they deprive the corn of molature and nourishment. Where possible, we should cultivate the corn once before it comes up, following the cultivator with a harrow. This saves moisture, kills the weeds and keeps the

Cultivation Kills Weeds and Saves Moisture. haTdnandfrc°racked.tUnS

Deep cultivation the first time will not Injure the roots of the corn,' and It Is best to go deep enough to secure a beautiful mulch. The later culti­vation should be no deeper than is necessary to keep the ground clean. It is very Important that we disturb the roots as little as possible when the cora Is laid by.

Generally, cultivation with a one-horse cultivator after the corn is too large for a two-horse cultivator is not good practice. Even though'weeds may have gotten a start, they will do less damage than will the cultivator, which will injure the plants by cutting the roots. This damage Is fre­quently considerable through the breaking down of the corn.

Uneven Checking Cause of Trouble. Often the yield of corn is reduced and the work of cultivation made

alow and difficult through carelessness in handling the planter. Uneven checking can be due to several causes. Generally, in a short field, we draw the wire too tight and the planter checks too quickly both ways. In a long field we are apt to check ahead because of the slack In the wire. This is especially true when the tongue of the planter Is raised too high and the team walks fast

In an irregularly shaped field the checking Is very apt to be bad, es­pecially when the ends of the field are not at right angles with the row. In these cases there will be a Jog every four rows, the amount depending upon how much the field Is out of square.

Poor checking is often caused by carelessness In setting the anchor.' It Is common practice for us to draw the wire about so tight at both ends I of the field. It is a better plan to set the anchor on a line at ona end of | the field and draw the anchor to tighten it at the other end.



'•» tfyf ' ftWl


CARS AT THE FRONT .Paris, June 19.—(Correspondence)

—Between a hundred and fifty and two hundred women soon will be driving motor cars behind tha front. Women have' tried since the begin­ning of the war to enlist In the au­tomobile service. The "Club Femlnln Automobile" waa the center of this group and it had secured tho signa­tures of several hundred of the thou­sand women in Paris who hold li­censes to drive motor cars. The pas­sive resistance of the different war bureaus held them back until now.

The women are obliged to enlist for three months and to agree to sub­mit scrupulously to military rules and discipline, They will In the be­ginning replace motor ambulance drivers in the foreign sanitary sec­tions who are transferred to other services. Later on they may replace men In other automobile sections. The commanding officers of four mil­itary regions have made applications for women recruits to drive service cars.


Bralnerd, Minn., June 19.—The Minnesota State Trap shoot will be held at the Riverside Gun club, grounds in this city, June 21, 22 ana 28. One thousand dollars Is offered as prize money.

On the opening day 10 events of 20 targets Is scheduled, also the O. N.

"Ford miss and oat championship. The second day will be a shoot of 10 events of SO targets each.

On Saturday five events of 20-targets each will be followed by the inter­state association's Minnesota state championship event. This is featured by five events of 20 targets each. On the afternoon of June 22 the annual meeting of the Minnesota State 8portsmen association will be held.


Behind tho British lines In Franco, June 19.—Popularity la the forerun­ner of a nickname In the British army. '

Soldiers stiU think of Lord Roberta as "Bobs" and of Kitchener always as "K", or "K of K".

Sir Douglas Halg to tha Brltlah private is never anything but "D H."'

Sir William Robertson, the ohlef' of the staff, is always "Wullle."

General Sir Robert Whlgham'a1

army name is "Wigdam." General Sir Hubert Gough is **Gof-

fy" and General AUanby la "Tho Bull."

No one ever thinks of General Rawlinson except as "Rllly."

General Maude rejoices in the title "The Strafer."


YUCATAN RAILROAD Mexico City, June 19.—The Mexi­

can government has acquired the re­mainder of the stock of the United States railways of Tucatan and now has complete control of that com­pany which operated a line between the port of Progreso and Merlda.




London. June 19.—Fifteen hun­dred thousand employes in the Brit­ish Isles received increases in wagea -totaling $1,600,000 during April, ac­cording to statistics prepared by the labor department of the board of trade. These are larger figures than previously have been recorded In any one month.



THINK OF IT! Statistics Show That, In

1916 in North Dakota, one person in every sixteen^

, owned an automobile^ ^ i" t * &rd If5

^ This ye*r the percentage will beyeven greater. But ^•.'-everyone will not want to buy a new car—many will fpfprefer to tuyta used car. If you have one for sale it _ If'fwillpay you'to advertise it m the Want Ad colwnas i, iSof Tpe Herald. It is the quickest and most econfrnical ^fwayp.dispose-of;it^^f/• f.^ %.•

Telephone BOO EMMF Uifco A peony i we

.' »|in bo^-moriring, i Jp pttbfiottion

. _ ..»"<•»>

fesAjaA vj%



p Pi t-f-n g JffiS

* -v<* <*