MH 502-01 Geometry & Measurement Unit 1 William Caten October 2011

MH 502-01 Geometry & Measurement Unit 1 William Caten October 2011

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Page 1: MH 502-01 Geometry & Measurement Unit 1 William Caten October 2011

MH 502-01 Geometry & Measurement

Unit 1William CatenOctober 2011

Page 2: MH 502-01 Geometry & Measurement Unit 1 William Caten October 2011

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Agenda• T3• Class Business• Major Assignments & Dates• Unit 1

– Readings & Discussions

• Principles & Standards of School Math– The 5 Process Standards

– The 5 Content Standards

• Graphic Organizers in Math– Virtual Fieldtrip

• Finding your state’s standards– Virtual Fieldtrip

• What’s due this week?• What’s due next week

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Class Business

• Technical Issues– Microsoft Office

• Class Etiquette

• Exiting/Entering Seminars

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This can also be found in


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Principles & Standards of School Mathematics

• Principles of high-quality mathematics– Equity – Curriculum – Learning – Teaching – Assessment – Technology

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The 5 Process Standards

• Geometry – Analyze characteristics – Specify locations – Apply transformation – Use visualization

• Measurement – Understand measurable attributes – Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas

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The 5 Content Standards

• Problem Solving

• Reasoning and Proof

• Communication

• Connections

• Representation

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Unit 2 Geometry Vocabulary

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Using Graphic Organizers to Show Relationships

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Virtual Fieldtrip

•  Van Hiele's Levels


• Click on the link labeled Van Hiele’s Level 1

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Q & A

• Any questions?– Comments?– Concerns?

• Feedback for the class?

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Unit 1 Reading & Thoughts

• 21st Century Skills: Will Our Students Be Prepared? from Tech & Learning, October 15, 2003:www.techlearning.com/article/13832

• 21st Century Skills– Core Subjects (Rigor & Relevance)– Learning Skills (Technology & the Skills to Use it)– 21st Century Tools (Technology & Communication Skills)– 21st Century Context (Global Awareness)– 21st Century Content (Global Connections)– New Assessments that Measure 21st Century Skills


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Unit 1 Reading & Thoughts

• The Latest Doomed Pedagogical Fad: 21st Century Skills from The Washington Post, January 5, 2009:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/01/04/AR2009010401532.html

• “It calls for students to learn to think and work creatively and collaboratively.”

– How?– With what resources?– To what expectations? (alignment of the k-12 curriculum)


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Finding your state standards

• See Education World, http://www.education-world.com/standards/state/index.shtml

or the department of education to locate standards for your state.

• Find your state’s Geometry standards for 3 dimensional figures for 2nd grade– Copy and paste it to the Seminar.

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Blog’s vs Wiki’s

• The open style of a wiki can be useful for group projects

– can limit which users can login and edit the content

– a continually modifiable easy-access web page

• A blog may aid in brainstorming or generating discussion Also, a combination of the two may best suit educational purposes.

– catalogs and dates content so readers can see the interchange of ideas related to the blog topic in question.

– facilitator can pre-screen comments and posts

• The main difference between a wiki and a blog tends to be the layout and organization of information


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Blog’s vs Wiki’s

• Check out this neat debate between 2 past presidents!– YouTube– http://www.youtube.com/watch?



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What’s due this week

• Discussion Board– 30 points– Be sure to check the rubric– Post early, and post often!

• Reflective Journal– 30 points– Content, Spelling, Grammar, & APA content


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What’s Due Next Week?

• Unit 2 Blog (35 points)– Content, Contribution to Discussion, Spelling, Grammar, & APA style

• Unit 3 Wiki (150 points)– Will require active participation by everyone!

• Reading

• Our next seminar – Monday, November 21 at 8:30 pm ET

– Is there a better time for you all?

• See you on the DB’s

– Post Early!

– Post Often!

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Have a Great Week

• Don’t Forget:– Discussion Board– Instructional Plan

• You can reach me on AIM at wcaten