Mfr Nara- t1a- FBI- FBI Special Agent 42- 11-6-03- 00360

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  • 8/14/2019 Mfr Nara- t1a- FBI- FBI Special Agent 42- 11-6-03- 00360


    9/11 Law Enforcement Privacy t v \ 11

    . : \ ~ \ : : : \ . . . . . . M E M O R A N D U : : : : T H E R E C O R D\ \ \ .. .. .. ::>Even t: Interview of FBI Special Ageml.. ..\" """ \,);'ype of event: Interview\ '. J)at~~:.Novemi>er6, 2003

    \~\~I~tA:ess Issu~:~onepre~~reCtb,,:..RajDeeam'~um~r:.IA -.

    I\.OCatiO\FB I,~.e~~Field Office .Pa'~,~icipant;~- NoD:, : .~~ ,~m~~,S ion: FBI SuperVi'sQ.~ Special Agent Hank Allison. partl~iPants\com~issib~: j~ n Tamm, MiChaeIJ"aG~~Son,Raj De

    ~.~~'a.~e"~n-.FBJ agent on June ;~'~''l~98 and joined the Newark'

    Field ~::::~;::~ber )4'1.9~~,:\ .. \\. s no criminal and. never came to theattention of the FBI prior to 9/1]: owever, became aware of~our i post-9/1 ]but prior to learning about his associan w .. , .. came t61attention during his investigation as an employee attheNewark airport who was flying ont e mormng 0 ,.11 an w ose flight was redirected in

    the attacks. Alt~~J.lgh there turned,yut to -.~e nothing to that lead provided by. . .Ihad .~~~iousl: lived at Nouri ,sapartment at Unio~ Avenue in... utl~ ~ the mv~.shg~~IOn . 9 t I . . . . ~poke with N oun .tol~tiil}:fBItha~.~~::as the landlord for th e ~~in1rnentwhere the hijackers

    lived Paterson .. They-moved into his apartment at 48 6 Union ..Avenue on June 21, 2001and had given him a cashsecurity deposit. The hijackers told hiin . .hat the were stayingat ~n:eRainbow' Paterson be~re movin into his apartment' eli evest~at stay wassubsequently confirmed. stated these hijac ers rve In Nouri 'sapartment-until.mid-August 2001, afte.r w IC time they stayed in various motels. This:./apart~.ent ~a's the only place where theY)~,ved for an extended period of time .

    .:,/ .:'After the hijackers vacated Nouri's apartment at 486 Union Avenue, a Hispanic.female moved in. The hijackers gave the key to who passed them to the new:/. ../:.tenant. The new tenant had only cleared a couple ofitems from the apartment by the time

    :/ /::./ the FBI arrived. The FBI conducted a sweep of the apartment, recovering flight materials/ : . . .: : > . , and some clothing from the balcony. It is unknown who lived there before the hijackers . 9 ; ; : 1 1 Personal Privacy .. 9/11 ClassifiedInformation

  • 8/14/2019 Mfr Nara- t1a- FBI- FBI Special Agent 42- 11-6-03- 00360


    \. ':\::-''''\'''" Nouri's building at 486 Union Avenue. They identi ie d photos a ew 0 the hijackers.\ '-::::::\"\They had no other significant information about the hijackers activities, though.\ y \ . . . . ;

    l~\i . feJieved that the 9111 ~ijackers c~me t~Pat~rs~~ after hoo~in~ up "?thRababafi III aj/s thul'I

  • 8/14/2019 Mfr Nara- t1a- FBI- FBI Special Agent 42- 11-6-03- 00360


    . . . . ~ ~ ' " ' - v ,

    , ar~a and had requ~sted on~>;}structor,tP'p~ovide a flight ~ath up and down the ~~dson'River for a solo flight; the Instructor refusedJ Jalso recalled that the hijackersrented a box at Mailboxes, Etc. at 5 Sicamore Road and that the hiackers had used thecomp.l:lters at William Paterson colleg~L. __ ~ ~ ~ " " " '! " " " _ _ -r --'~_"""FinallyJ ~id recall thatthere was an individual name:have stayed at the same Mariotthotel as the hijackers prior to no connection betweenthem. ....


  • 8/14/2019 Mfr Nara- t1a- FBI- FBI Special Agent 42- 11-6-03- 00360



    Event: Interview 0~ ... I / / / ~ 7 : 9 / 11 Law Enforcement PrivacyDate: November 6, 2003Special Access Issues: nonePrepared by: Quinn John Tamm, Jr.Team Number: IALocation: FBI Newark Field Division>~e~k, NJParticipants-Commission: Hyon Ki.ri1,~ajsh De, Quinn John Tamm, Jr.FBI Representative: Robert sn;rfsjiitoi

    (V i . fSPl~ial Agent, ~edera~ Bureau of Investigation(FBI), Newark Field DIvIsion was appointed a SpecialAgent with the FBI on06/21/1998. He has been assigned to tJie Newark Divi s i on since 1011411998.

    W . tspresenttithe case a ent the 0 11112001 terrorist attackcase, whicfi h a s the codename PE ,.: .: as investigated variousaspects of this case since dvised that James Nouri first

    FBI, when e was contactedtenant in an a ing owned by identified fter he left an airline

    rute .States at Gander Newfoundland.It was after/the initial interview of No uriabout. it was discovered that Nouri had'beenrhe landlord for hijackers HaniHanjour , Nawaf al-Hazmi, S~lim al-Hazmi, Ahmed a l -Ghamd i , and Majed Moqed. The

    address of the apartment ~79 S. Union Avenue, Paterson, New Jersey.,/ ~ 'tatoo that he was told by'~ouri, that the hijackers paid cash...deposit. '~ouri speaks Arabic having been born in Aleppo, Syria. Nouri also stated that;' these individuals told him that they had most recently stayed at the Rainbow Hotel in... Paterson, New Jersey. All the hijackers vacated :the apartment on S. Union Avenue,:/ Paterson in early August, 2001. ~fter when the apartment was identified, a:/ search was conducted. Nouri hadalready rented the apartment to a new tenant. The.:/ . apartment was basically empty, bu~ a search the balcony recovered flight manuals,

    .... clothing, food and glasses from the'bathroorn' with latent fingerprints. There was a small... convenience store in the apartment building,' and the owners of the store were able to

    .. identify photo graphs of the hijackers /;pme of their purchases.

  • 8/14/2019 Mfr Nara- t1a- FBI- FBI Special Agent 42- 11-6-03- 00360


    '. ~ bdvised that ~./~omplete financial i~vestigation of Nouri was.'conducted by the FBI. Nouri had oper 'ted businesse p. ,: ~ srincipaik~siness ~ il2i1l & 1 1 1 1 unng thismv~tlgatlOn.\ ...

    ~ f laiSQparticipated in the investigation of Hanjour's flighttraining'iflNew Jersey. The investigation determined that Hanjour had received flightlessons at several flight academies, including the Air Fleet Training Systems at theTeterboro, New Jersey airport. Besides ground school, Hanjour flew a "check out" flightalong the Hudson River, between New York City and New Jersey. This flight wasknown at the flight academy as the "Hudson Tour." Hanjour attempted to fly this samecourse at a later date but was turned down the flight instructor for poor piloting skills .

    ~AdditionaJ investigation was also conducted at the library of William PatersonCollege. Hanjour and Nawaf al-Hazrni had used.the internet computers at the college topurchase airline tickets on two occasions, and to check on the status of their purchase oftickets on American Airlines Flight 77. The FBI seized the hard drives of the computersfor forensic examination. Hard drives were also seized.from a Kinko' s store inSpringfield, New Jersey that was used by Ziad Jarrah topurchase tickets on UnitedAirlines Flight 93. Searches were conducted at the Newark.Airport Marriott and DaysInn Hotels on empty box for a Global Positioning Device was in theroom at the Days Inn, along with flight manuals. This room had.~en occupied by Jarrah.

    Jrovided no more information at this time. .....------...