MFE230VB 2011 Section All

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  • 7/29/2019 MFE230VB 2011 Section All


    MFE 230VB GSI Section 1

    Frank Fung


  • 7/29/2019 MFE230VB 2011 Section All


    Project Think:

    Is there any hidden information in credit data?

    Can we/how can we exploit such information?

    Two parts:

    1. What signal(s)?

    2. How do you execute your strategies according to thosesignals?

    Examples of signals: P/E ratio, LIBOR-OIS spread,

    Examples of strategies: Trend, Contrarian, Always good to have a story behind signals/strategies. tojustify that you are not merely datamining

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

  • 7/29/2019 MFE230VB 2011 Section All


    Project (cont.) Things to consider:

    Signals can be exogenous, e.g. Moodys rating

    Signals can also be from your own model, e.g. PD You would have to calibrate your model to market prices. How much

    time are you ready to spend on that?

    Especially in credit finance, what is a good measure of risk? Standarddeviation? VaR? Max. drawdown?

    There are so many rates (LIBOR, Treasury, Fed Fund) and so

    many spreads (TED, LIBOR-OIS, CDS) in the market.Understand their differences and pick the right ones.

    Practical concerns: bid-ask, transaction cost, margin

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

  • 7/29/2019 MFE230VB 2011 Section All


    Project (cont.) More things to consider:

    If your arbitrage strategy is betting on two quantities to

    converge, does the convergence take too long? An alternative strategy can also serve as the benchmark

    If you want to do this, pick a zero-alpha strategy as benchmark

    . . -

    level, long-short ratio), can you optimize the strategy w.r.t.

    these parameters?

    Can you identify the source of your PnL ? (performance

    attribution) If so, can you hedge away the unwanted ones?

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

  • 7/29/2019 MFE230VB 2011 Section All


    Project (cont.) Seemingly trivial points:

    Label all the axes and graphs on the plots

    Properly label your equations/sections, especially if you want torefer to them later

    Citation (authors, paper title, year)

    st stan ar errors an or test stat st cs ; t e mean va uealone does not say much

    Put the exhaustive, detailed data and numerical results in your

    appendices; save the main body for a concise table that

    contains the most interesting results

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

  • 7/29/2019 MFE230VB 2011 Section All


    Lecture Review - Overview Structural Models in a few lines:

    Assume full knowledge of the firm

    Default Firm asset dynamics Focus on whydefaults occur


    Merton Black-Cox


    Give good PD prediction

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

  • 7/29/2019 MFE230VB 2011 Section All


    Lecture Review - Overview(cont.) Reduced Form Models in a few lines:

    Do not assume full knowledge of the firm


    Hazard rate or alike(hidden variable) Focus on whendefaults occur

    Examples: arrow and Turnbull 1992

    Duffie and Singleton [1999] Usually fit market prices better

    Very nice survey article: Bohn [2000], A Survey of Contingent-Claim Approaches to Risky

    Debt Valuation

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Lecture Review Merton Model Advantage:

    Similar to B-S. People like B-S.

    PD and DD connected by simple, analytic relation Limitations:

    Asset dynamics not observable

    Default can only occur at maturity Short maturity spread too small (overnight spread is actually


    Can be improved by introducing jump

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Lecture Review Improving Merton Black-Cox

    Allows for default before maturity

    Whenever asset value hits default barrier Default barrier can be time dependent


    In Merton, PD = N(-DD); in KMV, PD = f(DD) where thefunction f() is fitted to historical data

    Historical data is likely to be skewed and fat-tailed compared to anormal distribution

    Inhomogeneous capital structure (short- vs. long-term debts,common vs. preferred stocks)

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Lecture Review Short Maturities Under Merton:


    Short maturity risk structure very sensitive to quasi-debt-to-firm ratio Cause:

    Default is not recognized before maturity, even though asset leveldrops below barrier

    Problem: Short maturity spread too small

    Cause: Asset dynamics, modeled as a GBM, is continuous. It takes a finite

    amount of time for it to diffuse. Remedies: Adding jump, using Imperfect Information


    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Digression Jump Process SDE

    where dN is a Poisson counting process


    Can still do one-step MC in the presence of jumps

    Ref: Paul Wilmott on Quantitative FinanceCh. 57

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    MFE 230VB GSI Section 2

    Frank Fung


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    Agenda Lecture review

    Merton model walkthrough

    A reduced form credit model that looks like short ratemodel: Duffie and Singleton [1999]

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Lecture Review Probability Measure A few words on probability measure

    In credit derivative texts people usually omit the nuances ofP-

    vs. Q-measure. Be cautious about probability measure, especially when dealing

    with structural models:



    You then calculate the DDP, and hence the PDP

    What about if you want to find the price of a bond using PDP?

    Have to translate it into risk-neutral measure, PDQ

    See Bohn, Active Credit Portfolio Management pp.177

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Digression Volatility So many kinds of it:


    Not directly observable

    Kalman filter


    A backward-looking proxy to the actual vol.

    ow ong o we oo ac or ro ng ca cu a on eware o reg me

    change Implied

    Model dependent

    Just an alternative way to quote the price. Much like bond price vs. YTM

    Local/Forward Time- and price-dependent function thats consistent with the market

    E.g. Dupire formula

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Di-digression Whats so forwardabout

    forward volatility? There is an analogy between bond pricing and option


    YTM Implied volatility Both are ways to quote price by giving the value of a parameter

    Instantaneous forward rate Forward volatility

    Both require walking through a realized path

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Lecture Review FI Instruments Spreads i.e. Gimme a single number that reflects the relative

    values of two securities. There are dumb and smart waysto churn out such a number: Yield Spread Simple subtraction

    Z-S read Lets account for the fact that the

    instrument has CFs not only at maturity

    OAS Lets account for the fact that there isembedded option in the instrument

    Defined on a tree

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Lecture Review Survival Analysis Following are all related but different concepts (you will

    see these again in the ABS class):

    F(t) Survivor function Alive up to t

    f(t) Survival density

    s e pro a y o a ure w n e per o ,

    (t) Hazard function

    (t)dt is the conditional probability of failure within the period (t, t+dt)

    Ref: Kalbfleish The Statistical Analysis of Failure Time Data

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Lecture Review Survival Analysis (cont.) For your quick reference (Tbeing the failure time):

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Merton Model Walkthrough After taking two credit classes, you should know

    (KNOW-KNOW, not sorta know) how to implement

    Merton model, arguably the simplest non-trivial structuralmodel

    Whats the best way to assure that?

    Lets walk it through together!

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Merton Model Walkthrough (cont.) Not going to show you the picture with bell-shaped curve

    One-year historical stock price time series

    Et=[0.3500, 0.3652, 0.4187, 0.3565, 0.3808, 0.3910, 0.3568, 0.3468, 0.3568,0.4644, 0.5699]

    I know that

    Why? Because I cheated, these are data simulated using

    those parameters

    In practice, extract the drift and volatility ofE by Rolling calculation

    MLE and Kalman filter

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Merton Model Walkthrough (cont.) Other parameters:

    X= 0.24 default barrier (total book liability)

    T= 2 maturity, or horizon

    r = 0.05 risk-free rate

    Our objective is to deduce

    . From HW1,

    Equating drift

    Equating diffusion

    Under the Merton model framework the stock, or equity E, isa call option to the firm asset:

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Merton Model Walkthrough (cont.) From previous slide:

    From HW1,

    Equating drift

    Equating diffusion

    era on s requ re ecause e quan es we are so v ng

    for are deeply embedded within the ugly partialderivatives

    Now Maturity

    Historical stock data spans this region

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Merton Model Walkthrough (cont.) The iteration: (need initial guess of [ ]0 )

    1. Back out vectorA from vector E, using [ ]i as input (

    find the underlying stock price given the option price) 2. Use vectorA to calculate the realized [ ]i+1

    . ee t s set o ers s gn cant y rom t e

    previous iteration

    4. If the difference is smaller than some threshold, call it a day;

    else, keep iterating

    MFE230VB GSI Frank Fung

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    Merton Model Walkthrough (cont.) When the iteration converges: (red = Asset, blue = Equity)

    The spread betweenA and E

    is almost a constant. Why? Because







    . ,

    Check: exp(-0.05*3)*0.24 = 0.21

    = (0.0376,0.2743) Ref: Jovan [2009], The Merton Structural Model and IRB


    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Merton Model Walkthrough (cont.) Summary

    Have equity data (stock price series) up to now

    Want for the calculation of DD and hence PD Asset process is latent, i.e. not observable

    But we know(under Merton framework, anyway) that equity is

    a van a ca to rm asset

    This allows us to back out that are consistent with

    the equity process

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

  • 7/29/2019 MFE230VB 2011 Section All


    Reduced Form Model Revisited Many flavours of reduced form models

    Duffie and Singleton [1999]

    Cathcart and El-Jahel [1998] Vaillant [2001]

    Jarrow and Turnbull [1995]

    They all try to deduce default probabilities from marketprices of credit derivatives (risky bonds are creditderivatives too!)

    Well look at two of them in greater details

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Case Study Duffie and Singleton [1999] Modeling Term Structures of Defaultable Bonds

    Very similar to short rate model

    Recap: Vasicek model Risk-free pure discount bond price is (model independent)

    Short rate dynamics is Turns out that for Vasicek model (and other affine models) the

    expectation value can be evaluated analytically

    Fit to risk-free yield curve to find the three short rate dynamicsparameters

    Use the fitted short rate dynamics to price other derivatives

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Case Study D-S [1999] (cont.) D-S proposes that we can play a similar trick for risky


    A risky pure discount bond price is

    ris the risk-free short rate, hdt is the conditional defaultprobability, L is the fractional LGD

    Default manifests itself as a deeper discounting

    Suppose both rand hL follow square-root processes (i=1for rand i= 2 for hL):

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Case Study D-S [1999] (cont.) This is essentially a 2-factor CIR model

    Closed-form solution exists for bond price (see for

    example Chen and Scott [2002])

    Two ste s: 0.063

    Fit rto the Treasury curve Fir hL to the spread

    0 5 10 15 20 25 300.056







    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Case Study D-S [1999] (cont.) Summary


    Fit risk-free rate dynamics to risk-free yield curve Fit credit spread dynamics to risky yield curve

    Use the fitted parameters to price other derivatives

    Can choose different short rate and default processes

    Usually would use multifactor models for both rand hL

    D-S also discusses a defaultable HJM framework

    An LMM with default risk is studied Schonbucher [2000] These all resemble what youve seen in the fixed income class

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    MFE 230VB GSI Section 3

    Frank Fung


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    Section 2 Review

    Reduced form model: Jarrow LandoTurnbull

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Last Time

    Reduced form model by Duffie and Singleton

    is intensity (hazardous rate) based

    is identical in principle to short rate models calibrating of which amounts to fitting the parameters of the


    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    o ay we ta a out a re uce orm mo e t at

    is rating based

    Is analogous to binomial tree, just that there are more


    calibrating of which amounts to solving for the risk-neutralprobabilities

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    Case Study Jarrow Lando Turnbull [1997]

    A Markov Model for the Term Structure of Credit Risk Spreads

    JLT [1997] takes a Markov chain approach

    Credit migration/transition matrix

    Lets consider a simple example, with 3 credit classes:

    As shown above is the transition matrix describing anInvestment-Junk-Bankruptcy economy, assuming thatbankruptcy (=/= default) is an absorbing state

    In practice you can have N-by-N matrix covering all ratings This is in the P-measure, and can be estimated using rating

    agency data

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Case Study JLT [1997] (cont.)

    The transition matrix in Q-measure

    is what is needed for pricing


    This matrix in general can be time-dependent. In discretetime setting, we have a unique matrix at each timestep i

    The n-step transition probability is simply the matrix


    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Case Study JLT [1997] (cont.)

    Whats the plan?

    Ingredient 1: P-measure probability from rating agency

    Ingredient 2: R-N derivative connecting P- and Q-measure

    Ingredient 3: Risky bond price Q-measure probability

    Important Assumption

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Case Study JLT [1997] (cont.)

    As an example (3 credit ratings, 4 years): Step 1

    Obtain the P-measure transition matrix from rating agency

    Step 2 Get the risk-free and risky bond market prices

    p = [99.2, 98.7, 96.5, 93.8] for 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-year maturitiesvinv = [98.1, 97.3, 95.4, 91.6] for 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-year maturities

    vjunk = [97.0, 90.1, 82.3, 78.9] for 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-year maturities

    vban = [96.8, 85.1, 79.4, 66.3] for 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-year maturities

    Step 3 Estimate delta, the proportional recovery when default occurs

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Case Study JLT [1997] (cont.)

    Step 4 (see Matlab code)


    Step 5 (see Matlab code)

    Calculate iteratively for t>1

    1 1























    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Case Study JLT [1997] (cont.)

    How to price derivative using the matrices?

    For example, to price a call option on a junk bond maturing in 2 yrs

    expiring in 1 yr

    with strike K

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    option? 6! Replicating portfolio consists of p(0,2), vinv(0,2), vban(0,2),

    vjunk(0,1), vjunk(0,2), B(0)

    The junk can end up being (I-d), (I-n), (J-d), (J-n), (B-d) or (B-n)

    Ref: Jarrow [1995], Pricing Derivatives on SecuritiesSubject to Credit Risk

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    Case Study JLT [1997] (cont.)

    Summary Objective:

    Fit the Q-measure transition matrix to the bond prices

    Use the transition matrix to price other derivatives

    Final remarks: One advantage is that the framework considers different ratings


    The assumption that credit quality is independent of short rate reasonable for investment grade, doubtful for junk bonds

    I considered discrete time case in the example

    Both of the above can be relaxed

    Beware of negative probability

    Ref: Schoenbucher, Credit Derivative ModelsCh.8

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

  • 7/29/2019 MFE230VB 2011 Section All


    MFE 230VB GSI Section 4

    Frank Fung


  • 7/29/2019 MFE230VB 2011 Section All



    CDO pricing, as simple as it can get

    Sensitivity of different tranches to correlation

    How to create AAA tranches Caveats

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    Last Time

    A reduced form model

    By Jarrow Lando Turnbull

    That takes a Markov chain approach Which gives the risk-neutral probabilities

    And explicitly take ratings into account

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

  • 7/29/2019 MFE230VB 2011 Section All


    CDO Pricing

    If we are to choose the most simplistic model

    In equity option pricing:


    In FX option pricing:


    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    (turns out that you can have a model named after you just by re-labeling the variables)

    In fixed income pricing:

    Short rate models such as Vasicek, CIR

    In CDO pricing:


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    CDO Pricing Vasicek Model

    Vasicek gets the last laugh again!

    Lots of assumptions to simplify things:

    Large asset pool Homogeneous assets within the pool

    Single factor to describe default

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    Gaussian copula

    Constant correlation across assets and time

    Disclaimer: Vasicek Model is a pricing model, not a

    credit fitting model (i.e. Merton, Black-Cox, Duffie andSingleton)

    Vasicekrequires PD calculated elsewhere

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    CDO Pricing Vasicek Model (cont.)

    In other words, given the PD:

    CDS spread

    CDO tranche coupon rate

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    Zti is a stochastic variable that describes the accumulated losssuffered by the tranche during coupon period i, as apercentage of notional

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    CDO Pricing Vasicek Model (cont.)

    Setup and Notations

    Normalize everything: dividing by total portfolio value

    Tranches are defined by attachment points [KU,KL]

    0 10.05 0.20

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    In this case the equity tranche takes the first 5% loss, the Mezzanine

    tranche takes the next 15%, the senior tranche takes the rest

    Cumulative loss of whole portfolio, Ztotal, up to a moment

    and Cumulative loss of tranche j, Z, up to a moment are

    related through

    Z = min(Ztotal,KU) min(Ztotal,KL)

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    CDO Pricing Vasicek Model (cont.)

    Derivation (briefly):

    LHP assumption infinitely many assets

    Pairwise correlation is a single constant, i.e. Time independent

    Uniform across all assets

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    s ng e ran om quan y i,t e erm nes asse e au a .

    Xi,t has systematic and idiosyncratic components:

    The unconditional default probability of all firms is pt, hence


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    CDO Pricing Vasicek Model (cont.)

    Gis the unconditional probability that fractional portfolio loss

    is below , 0 < < 1

    This is the so called Gaussian Copula

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI


    portfolio probability How do we make use ofG?

    Recall that the tranche spread depends on E[Z],Zthe loss

    suffered by the tranche

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    CDO Pricing Vasicek Model (cont.)

    0 10.05 0.20

    = 0.09

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    is the loss given default KU/L is the upper/lower attachment points, 0 < KU/L < 1

    e.g. a Mezzanine tranche might have KL = 5%, KU= 20%

    Stop for a moment and make sense of the above Now that we know how to calculate E[Z], we can carry out

    numerical integration and find the tranche coupon rate

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    CDO Pricing Vasicek Model (cont.)





    0.03Yield Curve





    0.06Unconditional PD

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    maturity = 2yr payment = 3m = 0.54

    tranching = [0% 3% 6% 20% 100%] (4 tranches)

    We look at two correlation scenarios

    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 20


    0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 20


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    Discussion: Correlation Sensitivity

    High correlation

    hurts senior tranche

    benefits equity tranche

    Just as we expected!

    We have so far assumed -8-6




    2Log of coupon rate vs. rho

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    that is constant acrossall tranches

    This is all very well

    until the market slaps you in the face and tells you yourewrong

    0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9-16






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    Discussion: Correlation Smile

    Whenever you see a smile

    Not a good sign

    Model is too simple

    In stock option pricing we have seen the volatility smile

    Take the market option prices

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    Calculate the impliedvolatilities

    See a smile (or smirk) across different strikes

    In CDO pricing we might see a correlation smile

    Take the market tranche coupons

    Calculate the impliedcorrelations

    See a smile across different tranches

    B C d C l i

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    Base vs. Compound Correlation

    There are two types of implied tranche correlations: Compound correlation:

    Use market prices for [0% 5%], [5% 20%], [20% 100%] Back out the implied correlations

    Base correlation:

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    For the following equity tranches ([0% 5%], [0% 20%], [0% 100%]):

    Back out the implied correlations

    Why consider base correlation? It looks not as intuitive Base correlation smile is usually smoother than compound correlation


    Di i CDO D Id ?

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    Discussion: CDO, a Dangerous Idea?

    Market value of coupon rate for AAA tranche ~ 2%

    Using our very simple model:

    Start with junk asset with PD = 4% (S&P rating B) If we form a CDO with 2 tranches, how much equity tranche

    would be sufficient to produce a AAA senior tranche?

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    Equivalently, how much equity tranche would make the coupon

    rate for the senior tranche < 2%?







    [0% 1%] [1% 100%] 2.36%

    [0% 3%] [3% 100%] 2.04%

    [0% 5%] [5% 100%] 1.83%

    Di i CDO D Id ? ( )

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    Discussion: CDO, a Dangerous Idea? (cont.)


    CDO issuers are usually required to retain the equity tranche.

    Does it help protecting the investors?

    CDO pricing is hard. Why do the issuers still include so many

    asset in the pool? Wouldnt it make more sense to have fewer?

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    Di i CDO D Id ? ( t )

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    Discussion: CDO, a Dangerous Idea? (cont.)

    Excerpt from Coval [2007]:

    Althoughthe equity tranche isvery riskyit is exposed

    primarily to diversifiablelosses.

    as the value of N (# of assets) becomes largertranches bear

    progressively more systematic risk.

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI


    while the highest credit rating is AAA, the supplierslever up thesesecurities to match more closely the default probabilities of other

    AAA-rated securities.

    senior CDO tranches have significantly different systematic risk

    exposures than their credit rating matched, single-name


    Di i CDO D Id ? ( t )

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    Discussion: CDO, a Dangerous Idea? (cont.)

    Going back to our two questions: CDO issuers are usually required to retain the equity tranche.

    Does it help protecting the investors?

    CDO pricing is hard. Why do the issuers still include so manyasset in the pool? Wouldnt it make more sense to have fewer?

    If Coval 2007 is ri ht

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    Vasicek CDO pricing model way too simplistic

    Senior tranche is riskier than most people would like to think

    Senior (equity) tranche is usually over-(under-)priced

    A CDO tranche with AAA rating and a bond with AAA rating

    mean very different things Coval [2007], Economic Catastrophe Bonds


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    Lots of assumptions required to make CDO pricing tractable:

    Large asset pool

    Homogeneous assets within the pool

    Single factor to describe default

    Gaussian copula

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    Just as the Black formula in the IR market, Vasicek is anindustry standardin the sense that its convenient to quote the

    implied correlation

    Ref: Elizalde [2005], Understanding and Pricing CDOs

    Ref: Hull[2004], Valuation of a CDO and an nth to Default CDS

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    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

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    MFE 230VB GSI Section 5

    Frank Fung



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    HW2 Problem 4

    Credit derivative market

    Final thoughts/ideas on project

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    Last Time

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    Last Time

    Pricing CDO with Vasicek model

    Assuming large, homogeneous asset pool

    Gaussian copula

    Default of individual assets are correlated with correlation

    Produce the correct qualitative results tranche values depend

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI


    But being a constant is too strict an assumption

    Risk of CDO

    A very thin equity tranche is enough to produce AAA senior

    bonds Coval [2007]: risk of senior and equity tranches are

    qualitatively different

    HW2 Problem 4

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    HW2 Problem 4






    30-day rolling

    90-day rollingGARCH(1,1)

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 4500.01







    HW2 Problem 4 (cont )

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    HW2 Problem 4 (cont.)

    Default probabilities








    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 5000






    Credit Derivatives

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    Credit Derivatives




    to default Indexes: CDX, ABX

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    Credit default swaption

    Credit Derivatives (cont.)

  • 7/29/2019 MFE230VB 2011 Section All


    Credit Derivatives (cont.)


    By now you are familiar with:

    Cash CDO with pool of assets

    Synthetic CDO with vanilla CDSs

    Theres a third way to create a CDO

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    nth to default CDS

    Unlike vanilla CDS, nth to default CDS has to be priced in a

    portfolio context

    Hence it has correlation exposures, just like a CDO tranche

    does (a vanilla CDS does not) Makes it a convenient tool to bet on correlation

    Credit Derivatives (cont.)

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    Credit Derivatives (cont.)

    Credit indexes

    A recent development (

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    Try not to use simple moving average for mean and

    volatility. Alternatives include:

    Kalman filter


    Exponential moving average

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    Strategy not profitable?

    Apply your techniques to a different firm/index

    Once you have the infrastructures coded up it should be easy

    to change

    Project (cont.)

  • 7/29/2019 MFE230VB 2011 Section All


    j ( )

    Dont know what to discuss?

    With the abundance of tools and functionalities on Matlab you

    can achieve a lot without too much sweat

    Some examples:

    tcdf(), trnd(), tpdf() instead of normcdf(), normrnd() and

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    portvrisk() for portfolio VaR Plotting and graphing

    Project (cont.)

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    j ( )

    A point on backtesting:

    You fit your model to the in-sample portion of the data. It

    looks good.

    Now you try it on the out-of-sample portion. The

    performance is disappointing.

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI

    - ,

    the out-of-sample performance looks good. In this case the out-of-sample data is not truly out-of-sample

    Alternative: divide the dataset into 3 portions:

    The largest part is in-sample (~60-70%)

    Use a small set for the the tweaking

    Leave enough (>20%) for truly out-of-sample test


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    Personal favorite

    Wilmott, Paul Wilmott on Quantitative Finance

    All-purpose reference

    Hull, Options, Futures and Other Derivatives Comprehensive coverage on credit modeling

    Bohn, Active Credit Portfolio Management in Practice

    ot or t e a nt- earte

    Brigo, Interest Rate Models Credit models overview

    Bohn [2000], A Survey of Contingent-Claim Approaches to Risky Debt Valuation

    Good luck with your projects!

    Feel free to email me questions concerning project/fixedincome and credit in general

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI


  • 7/29/2019 MFE230VB 2011 Section All


    Merton Model vol.s

    Merton Model PD-DD mapping

    CDS rate

    IRS rate

    Frank Fung MFE230VB GSI