FLEXIBLE MANUF A CTURING SYSTEM  Nagendra 1 ,Asif valli 2 6 th sem, mechanical engineering, REVA ITM Bengaluru - 6! "vgnag#gmail!c$m 1 , asifvalli!12%#gmail!c$m 2 ! Abs tra ct -Th e dawn of c! " #at on$ %an has bee n contn&o&s"' tr'n( to ease and %)ro!e hs wor* Snce b' de!e"o)n( better too"s+ Ths )rocess started wth the de! e"o )%e nt of stone too "s and w" " c&" % nate nt o de!e"o)%ent of a tota""' a&to%ated factor'+ Ths factor' wo&"d be ab"e to do a"" the thn(s assocated wth a )rod&ct$ r(ht fro% des(nn( t to )ac*a(n(+ Snce the h&%an o)erator tends to be the wea*est "n* n the )rod&cton )rocess$ the need for a&to%aton has been fe"t thro&(ho&t the nd&str'+A F"e,b"e Man&fact&rn( S'ste% F+M+S+./01 s a )art of ths )rocess and a ste) towards co%)"ete a&t o%at on of the factor'+ Ths s'ste% a&to%ates the %eta" c&ttn( )art of the )rod&ct %an&fa ct &r n (+ A F+ M+ S+ s a for% of f" e, b"e a&to%aton n whch se!era" %achne too"s are "n*ed to(ether b' a %atera"-hand"n( s'ste%$ and a"" as)ects of the s'ste% are contro""ed b' a centra" co%)&ter+ 2e'words-  Numerical &$ntr$ller ,cutting  'arameters,Ra nd$m (l$) ( !M!* ! +h )e use (!M!*! The current mar"et scenari$ is such that a cust$mer has the re.uirement t$ demand a )ide variet $f g$$d .ualit 'r$duct at a ver sh$rt n$tice! The traditi$nal sstems $f 'r$duct manufacture li"e Transfer /ine ss tem )ere una0l e t$ c$'e u' )i th the mar"et re .uir ements! The Tran sf er /ine s st em $f  manu factu re had a ver high 'r$du cti$ n leve l 0ut $ff ere d limite d fl ei0il it 23! 4n the $ther hand, +$r"sh$' sstem $f 'r$duct manufacture $ffered a ver high degree $f flei0ilit 0ut had a ver l$)  'r$ducti$n level! These sstems )ere una0le t$ sat isf the re. uir ements $f var iet , .ua nti t and s'eed at the same time! This lead t$ the )$r" $f de vel$'ment $f a sst em, )hic h c$m0ines the seemingl c$nfl ictin g $05e ctives $f high flei 0ili t and high 'r$ductivit ! The emergence $f (!M!*! techn$l$g has 'r$ved t$  0e an ideal s$luti$n t$ this 'r$0lem! +ith the hel' $f (!M!*! )e are a0le t$ 'r$ duc e a )id e var iet $f  'r$ducts )ith$ut ma"ing an changes in the hard)are set-u'! As a result $f this the change$ver time 0et)een t)$ 'r$ducts can 0e reduced t$ the time re.uired 0 the machine t$$ls t$ receive thenecessar instructi$ns!  It als$ reduces the lead-time drasticall! This is $f  'rimeim'$rta nce as lead-timeis e.uated )ith the c$st $f the 'r$duct! It is a mar"et-sensitive techn$l$g as it can 'r$du ce the re.u ired 'r$'$rt i$n $f 'r$du ct variet .uic"l and efficientl! F(&re 03 - 4o"&%e !ers&s !aret' ca)ab"tes of !aro&s Man&fact&rn( S'ste%s$ Courtesy Material and Processes in Manufacture, Lindberg 

Mfd011 - Flexible Manufacturing System

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 Nagendra1,Asif valli2

6thsem, mechanical engineering, REVA ITM

Bengaluru - 6!



Abstract -The dawn of c!"#aton$ %an has been

contn&o&s"' tr'n( to ease and %)ro!e hs wor* Snce

b' de!e"o)n( better too"s+ Ths )rocess started wth the

de!e"o)%ent of stone too"s and w"" c&"%nate nto

de!e"o)%ent of a tota""' a&to%ated factor'+ Ths factor'

wo&"d be ab"e to do a"" the thn(s assocated wth a

)rod&ct$ r(ht fro% des(nn( t to )ac*a(n(+ Snce the

h&%an o)erator tends to be the wea*est "n* n the

)rod&cton )rocess$ the need for a&to%aton has been

fe"t thro&(ho&t the nd&str'+A F"e,b"e Man&fact&rn(

S'ste% F+M+S+./01 s a )art of ths )rocess and a ste)

towards co%)"ete a&to%aton of the factor'+ Ths

s'ste% a&to%ates the %eta" c&ttn( )art of the )rod&ct

%an&fact&rn(+ A F+M+S+ s a for% of f"e,b"e

a&to%aton n whch se!era" %achne too"s are "n*ed

to(ether b' a %atera"-hand"n( s'ste%$ and a"" as)ects

of the s'ste% are contro""ed b' a centra" co%)&ter+

2e'words- Numerical &$ntr$ller,cutting

 'arameters,Rand$m (l$) (!M!*!

+h )e use (!M!*!

The current mar"et scenari$ is such that a cust$mer 

has the re.uirement t$ demand a )ide variet $f g$$d.ualit 'r$duct at a ver sh$rt n$tice! The traditi$nal

sstems $f 'r$duct manufacture li"e Transfer /ine

sstem )ere una0le t$ c$'e u' )ith the mar"et

re.uirements! The Transfer /ine sstem $f 

manufacture had a ver high 'r$ducti$n level 0ut

$ffered limited flei0ilit23! 4n the $ther hand,

+$r"sh$' sstem $f 'r$duct manufacture $ffered a

ver high degree $f flei0ilit 0ut had a ver l$)

 'r$ducti$n level! These sstems )ere una0le t$

satisf the re.uirements $f variet, .uantit and

s'eed at the same time! This lead t$ the )$r" $f 

devel$'ment $f a sstem, )hich c$m0ines the

seemingl c$nflicting $05ectives $f high flei0ilit

and high 'r$ductivit!

The emergence $f (!M!*! techn$l$g has 'r$ved t$

 0e an ideal s$luti$n t$ this 'r$0lem! +ith the hel' $f 

(!M!*! )e are a0le t$ 'r$duce a )ide variet $f 

 'r$ducts )ith$ut ma"ing an changes in the

hard)are set-u'! As a result $f this the change$ver 

time 0et)een t)$ 'r$ducts can 0e reduced t$ the time

re.uired 0 the machine t$$ls t$ receive thenecessar


 It als$ reduces the lead-time drasticall! This is $f 

 'rimeim'$rtance as lead-timeis e.uated )ith the c$st

$f the 'r$duct! It is a mar"et-sensitive techn$l$g as

it can 'r$duce the re.uired 'r$'$rti$n $f 'r$duct

variet .uic"l and efficientl!

F(&re 03 - 4o"&%e !ers&s !aret' ca)ab"tes of !aro&s

Man&fact&rn( S'ste%s$

Courtesy Material and Processes in Manufacture, Lindberg 

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+hat is (!M!*!

It is a c$llecti$n $f 'r$ducti$n e.ui'ment l$gicall

$rganised under a h$st c$m'uter and 'hsicallc$nnected 0 a central trans'$rt sstem!

It is gr$u' $f manufacturing cells lin"ed 0 anaut$matic material handling sstem and a central

c$m'uter! It is a0le t$ manufacture a mi $f 'iece-

 'art t'es )hile 0eing flei0le en$ugh t$ se.uentiall

manufacture different 'iece-'art t'e mies )ith$utc$stl, time-c$nsuming, change$ver re.uirement! It is

a medium sie 0atch 'r$ducti$n sstem%3! The 'arts

re.uiring the same machining $'erati$n is sent t$ the

t$ the a''r$'riate machine t$$ls irres'ective $f thet'e $f 'art!

F(&re 53 - B"oc* 6a(ra% of a F"e,b"e Man&fact&rn(

Ce"" F+M+C+.$

Courtesy Flexible Manufacturing systems in Practice, Bonneto

It 0asicall c$ntains a num0er $f machining cells

called (lei0le Manufacturing &ells 7(!M!&!8, (igure

2! These cells if installed as stand-al$ne entities can

$ffer a certain am$unt $f flei0ilit in machining! A

t'ical (!M!&! c$nsists $f a &!N!&! machine )ith a

transfer sstem t$ l$ad and unl$ad the )$r" 'iece and

a t$$l magaine3! The )$r" 'ieces m$ve fr$m

machine t$ machine in a se.uence inde'endent $f the

 'hsical arrangement $f the machine t$$ls!

+hen a num0er $f (!M!&!s are integrated t$gether )ith a c$mm$n c$ntr$ller called 9istri0uted : 9irect

 Numerical &$ntr$ller;3 and a Material <andling

*stem and T$$l <andling sstem it ev$lves int$ and

a (lei0le Manufacturing System! Each unit has its

$)n &$ntr$ller 7either 9!N!&! $r =!/!&!8 )h$se

activities are in turn c$-$rdinated and su'ervised 0

the central h$st c$m'uter! This interacti$n 0et)een

the <ard)are and *$ft)are m$dules results int$ an

$rganisati$n ca'a0le $f 'erf$rming multi'le

machining $'erati$ns!

&$m'$nents $f (!M!*!

&$m'$nents $f a (!M!*! can 0e 0r$adl classified

int$ t)$ categ$ries!

• <ard)are

• *$ft)are

<ard)are> -

The <ard)are c$m'$nent 7(igure %8 0asicall

c$nsists $f MachineT$$ls and <andling sstems!

It inc$r'$rates the f$ll$)ing e.ui'ments

• Machine T$$ls e!g!, ?niversal Machining

&entres, Turning &entres, 9rilling Machines


• <$st &$m'uter!

• /$ad: ?nl$ad stati$n

• @uided Vehicles e!g!, )ire-guided tr$lle,

shuttle, $ver-head c$nve$r etc

• R$0$ts

• +ashing stati$n

• T$$l R$$m

• *)arf 9is'$sal *stem

• Ins'ecti$n <ard)are 7&!M!M! facilities8

• =r$gramma0le /$gic &$ntr$llers 7=!/!&!8

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F(&re 73 - The (enera"sed B"oc* 6a(ra% of an F+M+S+$

co&rtes' F"e,b"e Man&fact&rn($ 8arrsh

*$ft)are> -

*$ft)are f$r (!M!*! can 0e divided int$ 2 0r$ad

categ$ries etrinsic functi$ns and intrinsic

functi$ns 7(igure 8!

*$ft)are f$r the etrinsic functi$ns is used t$ 'lan

and c$ntr$l the functi$ns that ta"e 'lace $utside the

 'hsical 0$undaries $f the (!M!*!

*$ft)are f$r the intrinsic functi$ns is used t$ l$ad

and c$ntr$l the c$m'$nents )ithin the 'hsical

 0$undaries $f the (!M!*!

F(&re 93 - E,trnsc and ntrnsc f&nctons of F+M+S+$

co&rtes' :andboo* of F"e,b"e Man&fact&rn( S'ste%s

Etrinsic (uncti$ns inc$r'$rate the f$ll$)ing

$'erati$ns> -

• =r$ducti$n *cheduling

=r$cess =lanning

• T$$l Management

• Maintenance =lanning

Intrinsic (uncti$ns inc$r'$rate the f$ll$)ing

$'erati$ns> -

• =r$ducti$n &$ntr$l

• =r$ducti$n M$nit$ring: Re'$rting

• Machine: =r$cess &$ntr$l

• Machine 9iagn$stic

+$r"ing $f an (!M!*!

(!M!*! is sstem )here a high degree $f flei0ilit in

the machining 'r$cess is achieved 0 an integrati$n

$f the hard)are and s$ft)are c$m'$nents! The

flei0ilit in (!M!*! is achieved )ith the hel' $f s$ft)are c$ntr$lling the hard)are! The first ste' in

the 'r$ducti$n $f an c$m'$nent is scheduling the

 'r$ducti$n! The flei0ilit in (!M!*! is achieved 0

 'r$'er scheduling $f the 'r$ducti$n 'r$cess! This isachieved )ith the hel' $f the  productionscheduling 

 software! A variet $f c$m'uter-0ased scheduling

meth$ds can 0e used in 'r$ducti$n! In $rder t$

 're'are an ideal scheduling 'r$cess, certain in'utsare re.uired 0 the s$ft)are! These data include Part 

 Data, Pallet Data, Program Data;3and  Machine


It selects the $'timal meth$d 0ased $n the 'r$ducti$n$05ectives, availa0le res$urces and the ec$n$mic

c$nsiderati$ns t$ select the 0atch sie! It determines

the all$cati$n $f 'art t$ machines de'ending u'$n the

$'erati$n t$ 0e 'erf$rmed, the availa0ilit $f themachines and 'ri$rit!

4nce the scheduling $'erati$n is c$m'lete, the

 process planning software  ta"es $ver! It determines

the t'e $f manufacturing 'r$cesses that the )$r"-

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 'iece has t$ underg$ t$ 0e c$nverted int$ a finished

 'r$duct! It d$es s$ 0 retrieving s'ecific inf$rmati$n

fr$m the central data0ase, and c$nsidering machine

t$$l ca'a0ilities and t$$ling!

After the t'e $f machining $'erati$n t$ 0e

 'erf$rmed $n a )$r"-'iece is decided, the tool management software  selects the a''r$'riate t$$l t$

 0e su''lied t$ the machining centres! It d$es s$ 0

ta"ing int$ c$nsiderati$n the t$$ling status andinvent$r rec$rds and a t$$l re'lacement strateg!

=r$'er interfacing sh$uld 0e 'r$vided 0et)een these

three s$ft)are!

4nce the scheduling and 'r$cess 'lanning stages arec$m'leted, the manufacturing $f the )$r"-'iece

actuall starts! The ra) )$r"-'iece is first fied $n

the 'allet and 'laced in the 'allet st$re! The R$0$tic

arm then 'ic"s u' the re.uired 'allet and l$ads it $n

the guided vehicles 7@!V!8! The @!V! trans'$rts the 'allet t$ the a''r$'riate machining centres acc$rding

t$ the scheduling 'r$gram! If the machining centres is

 0us, the 'allet is "e't in centres 0uffer stati$n! The 0uffer stati$ns are 'r$vided s$ that )$r" is al)as

availa0le f$r the machining centre!

The tool management software selects the t$$l fr$m

the t$$l r$$m and su''lies it t$ the machining centres

thr$ugh the t$$l trans'$rt sstem! The machine 'erf$rms the metal cutting $'erati$n acc$rding t$ the

 'art 'r$gram it receives fr$m the 9!N!&! The acts as

the single-'$int su''lier $f 'art 'r$grams as re.uired

 0 the vari$us machining centres!

After the machining is c$m'leted $n $ne machine a@!V! ta"es it t$ the net machining centre, if re.uired,

f$r the further 'r$cessing $f the )$r"-'iece! In this

)a the @!V!* trans'$rt the )$r"-'iece fr$mmachine t$ machine till it is transf$rmed in t$ the

finished 'r$duct! At regular interval intervals $f time,

the machining $'erati$n st$'s, all$)ing 'r$0es t$

c$me $ut and measure the dimensi$ns $f the )$r"- 'iece 0eing $'erated $n! This 'r$duct is ta"en t$ the

)ashing centre f$r cleaning and then t$ the

ins'ecti$n stati$n f$r chec"ing the 'r$duct! At the

end $f the )$r" 'r$cess, the )$r"-'iece is unl$aded)ith the hel' $f a R$0$tic arm63!

4ne $f the characteristics $f an (!M!*! is that a

machine t$$l can )$r" in vari$us m$des de'ending

u'$n the re.uirements $f the user! These are>

•  Automatic mode: - this is the n$rmal m$de

$f $'erati$n $f the machine t$$l )hen 'art

$f the sstem!

•  D..C. mode3 - In this m$de an $'erati$n

can 0e initiated at N!&!s 'anel )ith$ut

 0eing )atched 0 the h$st!

•  Maintenance mode: -This m$de is used

)hen maintenance is 'lanned f$r a machine!The machine is als$ 'ut in this m$de )hen it

is e'ected t$ 0e $ut $f $'erati$n f$r a l$ng


•  !tand-alone mode: - This m$de can 0e used

t$ test the 'art 'r$gram $f a ne) 'iece 'art 0ef$re intr$ducing it in the sstem! The

machine is unsnchr$nied 0 the h$st in

this m$de!

All the 'r$cesses carried $ut 0 the hard)are are 0eing m$nit$red in real-time 0 the vari$us intrinsic

s$ft)are7s8 l$aded $n t$ the <$st &$m'uter! Thus the

<$st &$m'uter c$ntr$ls the )h$le sstem!

 Production Control   s$ft)are selects the suita0le

)$r"-'iece t$ 0e machined and m$nit$rs its 'r$gressthr$ugh the machining centres and ins'ecti$n stati$ns

acc$rding t$ the 'r$ducti$n schedule!

 Production monitoring and reporting   s$ft)are

c$llects the vari$us data related t$ 'r$ductmanagement li"e num0er $f c$m'leted 'arts,ins'ecti$ns results, t$$l change data etc and 'r$vides

standard and cust$m re'$rts f$r managing the (!M!*!

res$urces! It als$ m$nit$rs the utiliati$n $f the

different units and the current status $f machining$'erati$n! If an 'r$0lems arise the are 'r$m'tl

re'$rted t$ av$id dela in ta"ing c$rrective measures

and maimiing machine utiliati$n!

The  Machine/Process control   is the l$)est level inthe c$mmunicati$n hierarch! It $'erates at the

machine level and 'r$vides 0$th c$ntr$l and

m$nit$ring functi$ns! It m$nit$rs t$$l status and 'r$vides t$$l re'lacement strategies! It can als$ ada'tt$ variati$n in 'r$cess varia0les in real-time!

 Machine Diagnostic softwareC3detects and can

 'redict malfuncti$ns, the 'r$0a0le reas$ns f$r the

malfuncti$ns and $ffers s$luti$ns f$r the same! In

case $f a failure, it can s)itch c$ntr$l $f the failedunit t$ a 0ac"-u' sstem!

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($r the $'timum 'erf$rmance $f the sstem, it is

necessar t$ carr $ut maintenance $'erati$ns $n a

regular 0asis! In case $f a failure, c$rrective measures

have t$ ad$'ted 0 the maintenance 'ers$nnel! A Maintenance Planning software  'erf$rms the

auiliar functi$ns re.uired f$r the actual

maintenance $f the (!M!*! This includes activities

li"e scheduling maintenance activities, issuingmaintenance re'$rts, su''$rting real-time su'ervisi$n

$f machine c$m'$nents etc! It sh$uld als$ 0e a0le t$

trac" the status $f maintenance and determine cre)


Simulation  is an im'$rtant t$$l t$ test the 'art 'r$gram $f a ne) )$r"-'iece that is t$ 0e intr$duced

$r t$ chec" an alterati$ns made in the 'art 'r$gram

$f an eisting )$r"-'iece and identif an

 0$ttlenec"s! It is als$ used t$ c$m'are alternativedesign and 'erf$rming )$r" scheduling and 5$0

se.uencing! Eam'les $f s$me simulati$n s$ft)are

are *IMAN, */AM II etc!

CAD software  is used t$ design the 'r$duct andre'resent it in a s$lid m$del! +hile a CAM software

is used t$ c$nvert this s$lid m$del int$ 'art 'r$grams

inc$r'$rating all the inf$rmati$n a0$ut the machining

$'erati$ns t$ 0e 'erf$rmed $n the )$r"-'iece!

The inf$rmati$n 0ased $n )hich the )h$le sstem 'erf$rms its functi$ns is accessed fr$m the central

data0ase sstem!

The s$ft)are is su''lied Artificial Intelligenceca'a0ilitD3 t$ 0e a0le t$ ta"e decisi$ns 0ased $n the

acti$ns $f the sstem 'erf$rmed till n$)! The 'r$gram devel$'ment sh$uld 0e menu-driven and

have a user-friendl s$ft)are! The c$nce't $f 

Blue'rint =r$gramming is )idel used in the sstem,)hich inv$lves the use $f data f$r cutting 'arameters!

Thus the vari$us c$m'$nents $f the (!M!*! )$r" in

c$-$rdinati$n )ith each $ther t$ create a su'er 

machine $f a versatile character!

9evel$'ing an (!M!*!

As (!M!*! is such an ela0$rate techn$l$g3, its

standardisati$n has 0een difficult! Thus each (!M!*!

has t$ 0e cust$mied t$ suit the re.uirements $f a

 'articular c$m'an! Thus each time a c$m'an )antst$ install an (!M!*!, it has t$ g$ thr$ugh the entire

 'r$cess $f designing the sstem acc$rding t$ its $)n

needs! A c$m'an that )ants t$ 0uild a successful

(!M!*! has t$ g$ thr$ugh ; ma5$r stages $f 


The 'hases can 0e classified as f$ll$)s> -

• A)areness 'hase

• =lanning 'hase

• =r$curement 'hase

• Installati$n 'hase

• 4'erati$n 'hase

F(&re ;3 - 8hases of the de!e"o)%ent of F+M+S+

A)areness =hase> -

The &$m'an first has t$ gather all the inf$rmati$n itneeds t$ understand the c$nce't $f (!M!*! and the

 '$tential it h$lds f$r the c$m'an! It sh$uld see

)eatherthe (!M!*! fits the c$m'ans 5$0 'r$file and

)eather it can derive an significant 0enefits fr$m it!

=lanning =hase3 -

4nce the c$m'an decides t$ g$ f$r)ard )ith theim'lementati$n $f (!M!*!, it must start 'lanning an

(!M!*!, )hich suits its re.uirements! The first ste' in

this directi$n )$uld 0e the setting u' $f a 'r$5ectteam )ith a 'r$5ect leader t$ $versee the entire

 'r$5ect! The team sh$uld then carr $ut a financial

evaluati$n $f the c$m'an 0ef$re ta"ing an further 

ste's t$)ards the devel$'ment $f the (!M!*! Based$n the evaluati$n re'$rt the team sh$uld f$rmulate a

l$ng-term strateg f$r the effective utiliati$n $f the


The team sh$uld then decide as t$ )hich machining

 'r$cesses it must include in its (!M!*! t$ fulfil the 5$0re.uirement! The (!M!*! that the c$m'an devel$'s

sh$uld 0e m$dular in nature, as it )$uld ena0le the

c$m'an t$ add ne) m$dules li"e machines and: $r 

 'allet stac"ets! As (!M!*! is a relativel ne)techn$l$g, the team sh$uld chal" $ut an $rientati$n

 'r$gram f$r the c$m'ans em'l$ees! It )ill ma"e

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the em'l$ees m$re res'$nsive t$)ards this

techn$l$g! Al$ng )ith this the team sh$uld ma"e the

necessar changes in the c$m'ans 'r$ducti$n

envir$nment and $rganiati$n! This )ill hel' in thesm$$th integrati$n $f the (!M!*! in the c$m'ans

scheme $f things!

The team sh$uld n$) 'r$ceed t$)ards determining

the t'e $f (!M!*! m$st suited t$ the c$m'ans

needs c$nsidering the level $f flei0ilit it re.uires!(!M!*!s can 0e 0r$adl classified int$ three

categ$ries> -

•  !e"uential Flo# F.M.!.3 In this sstem all

the )$r" 'ieces1F3 f$ll$) the same 'ath! Itis suita0le f$r machining )$r" 'ieces

 0el$nging t$ a )ell-defined famil $f 'arts!

•  !ingle-!tation F.M.!.3  In this sstem a

single machine is su''lied )ith all the t$$lsnecessar f$r c$m'lete machining $'erati$n

$f the )$r" 'iece! Thus all the )$r" $n a

)$r" 'iece is d$ne $n a single machine!

This sstem can achieve a high 'r$ductivit 0 increasing the num0er $f machines and

 'r$viding the same t$$ling! But this leads t$

higher e'enditure due the re'licati$n $f the

same set $f t$$ls $n each and evermachining stati$n!

•  $andom Flo# F.M.!.3  In this sstem the

)$r" 'ieces m$ve fr$m machine t$ machine

in an se.uence! The fl$) se.uence de'endsu'$n the $'erati$ns re.uired f$r the )$r" 

 'iece and the availa0ilit $f the machines

carring $ut th$se $'erati$ns! Thus a )ide

range $f dissimilar 'r$ducts can 0emanufactured simultane$usl )ithin the

sstem! This sstem all$)s the designers t$

ma"e changes in design )ith$ut ma"ing an

changes in the hard)are set-u'!

4nce the t'e and la$ut $f the (!M!*! is decidedu'$n )e can test its feasi0ilit 0 simulating its

$'erati$n $n a suita0le simulati$n 'ac"age! A suita0le

m$del must 0e created c$nsisting $f design featuresthat need t$ 0e studied! The m$del mimics the sstem

 0ehavi$r under vari$us $'erating c$nditi$ns! B

$'erating the (!M!*! m$del in a virtual envir$nment,

it is '$ssi0le t$ detect an fla)s in the (!M!*! design

and hel' us in ta"ing the re.uired c$rrective acti$ns!Thus a simulati$n 'ac"age saves the c$m'an the

m$ne it )$uld have l$st in e'erimentati$n!

At the end $f the 'lanning 'hase the team c$mes $ut

)ith a c$ncrete set $f s'ecificati$ns t$ 0e 'assed $n

t$ the 'r$curement 'hase!

=r$curement =hase> -

The 'r$curement team is entrusted )ith the 5$0 $f  0uing all the hard)are and s$ft)are c$m'$nents

re.uired f$r setting u' the (!M!*! in the c$m'an! ($r 

this it selects suita0le su''liers 0ased $n certain

criteria li"e l$ng-term financial sta0ilit $f thesu''lier, su''$rt and level $f training 'r$vided,

re'utati$n $f the su''lier etc!

 Installation Phase> -

4nce all the c$m'$nents are 'r$cured the need t$ 0e 'r$'erl installed and integrated t$ f$rm the (!M!*!($r this it is im'erative that the vari$us su''liers and

the (!M!*! user 0e 'resent t$ s$rt $ut an 'r$0lems

that ma arise during the integrati$n 'r$cess! The c$-

$rdinated eff$rts fr$m all the 'arties inv$lved )illensure a relativel sm$$th installati$n $f the (!M!*!

The installati$n 'hase inv$lves the f$ll$)ing tas"s>

1! &$nstructi$n $f the (!M!*! site!

2! *etting u' $f the hard)are and s$ft)are

c$m'$nents $f the sstem!

%! Integrati$n $f c$m'$nents t$ f$rm the(!M!*!

! Integrati$n $f the $ther de'artments t$ the


;! =lanning the test and acce'tance meth$ds

suita0le t$ all 'arties!

6! =lanning f$r the training and ta"e-$ver activities!

4'erati$n =hase> -

4nce the (!M!*! is installed $'erati$n 'r$cess

c$mmences! 9uring the initial 'r$cess err$rs are

li"el t$ cr$' u' in the hard)are and:$r s$ft)are!These err$rs have t$ 0e de0ugged f$r the sm$$th

$'erati$n $f the sstem! 4ver time the (!M!*! user 

learns t$ fine-tune the sstem t$ suit his

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re.uirements! This c$nstant fine-tuning ma 0ring

him t$ a stage )here he c$uld run the sstem in a

)a 'revi$usl un'lanned!

Advantages $f (!M!*

Im'lementati$n $f (!M!*! has resulted in advantagesin )ide ranging fields and has ena0led industries t$

 'r$duce high .ualit g$$ds efficientl and )ith a

great degree $f flei0ilit! The advantages $0tained

 0 im'lementing (!M!*! can 0e ta0ulated as f$ll$)s>-

o Reducti$n in 'ers$nnel Virtuall unmanned

o Reducti$n in designing



o Reducti$n in $verall

lead time

E.ual t$ manufacturing time

o Reducti$n in )$r" in



o @ain in $verall



o @ain in ca'ital

e.ui'ment $'eratingtime


o =r$duct .ualit gain 2FF-;FFG

o @ain in engineering



Courtesy: Materials and processes and materials of 

manufacturing, !ind"erg 113

Relia0ilit> -

A high level $f relia0ilit is $ne $f the ma5$r 

advantages $f (!M!*! $'erati$n! In the event $f ac$m'uter 0rea"d$)n, the (!M!*! can still c$ntinue

 'r$ducti$n f$r s$me time 0ut at a l$)er efficienc

level! The average 0rea"d$)n rate in an (!M!*! can

 0e as l$) as 1F 1G! The (!M!*! is in $'erati$n f$r a l$nger durati$n $f time, )ith the s'indle 0eing

engaged in metal cutting $'erati$n f$r a 'eri$d,

)hich is -; times l$nger than that in an is$lated

machine! Because $f this the are su05ected t$ muchless variati$ns and generall functi$n 0etter! This )as

evident fr$m the 'erfect $'erati$nal rec$rd $f the

first generati$n (!M!*! in the ?!*! even 12-1 ears

after the )ere set u'!

*afet> -

This sstem is inherentl safe, as human 'resence in

the machining area is minimied )hen the machining

$'erati$n is in 'r$gress! As a result the fact$r $f 

safet $f the sstem is ver high, after theinc$r'$rati$n $f certain 0asic safet measures!

The m$dular nature $f the sstem ena0les it t$ cater 

t$ an future re.uirements!


An sstem )ill have certain disadvantages! The

 '$ssi0le disadvantages ass$ciated )ith the sstem areas f$ll$)s> -

1! Ver high start-u' c$st!

2! =r$0lems ma $ccur in the vari$us

c$m'$nents $f the sstems, )hich ma

re.uire a l$ng de0ugging 'r$cess!

<$)ever, the magnitude $f flei0ilit that the sstem$ffers and the v$lume $f 'r$ducti$n c$m'letel

 5ustifies the high initial investment made t$ devel$'

this sstem!

An sstem $f this magnitude and c$m'leit it

 0$und t$ devel$' s$me 'r$0lems! <$)ever, thereturns $ffered 0 this sstem c$m'letel 5ustif the

time s'ent $n de0ugging it!

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(!M!*!s are n$) 0eing )idel em'l$ed t$ im'r$ve

 'r$ductivit and .ualit $f the 'r$duct! It als$

im'r$ves the .ualit $f life f$r the $'erat$r! The ne)

techni.ues )ill have a ma5$r im'act $n ec$n$mic

fact$rs! Research must 0e carried $ut in thedevel$'ment $f the technical as'ects $f s$ft)are and

hard)are t$ devel$' a 0etter (!M!* t$ suit vari$us

re.uirements! Research must als$ 0e c$nducted indevel$'ing a standardisati$n 'r$cess in certain areas,

t$ ena0le its easier im'lementati$n, as 'resent

Research 0eing d$ne is n$t sufficient!

Thus (!M!*! techn$l$g has 0een a0le t$ fulfil theneeds $f the industr .uite successfull! Theref$re,

im'lementati$n $f (!M!*! )ill 0enefit 0$th the

Manufacturer and the &$nsumer!


13 A0e T, *tarr =! Teaching the )riting and r$le $f 

s'ecificati$ns via a structuredteard$)n 'r$cess! H$urnal $f 9esign *tudies! 2FF%, 2, C;-D!

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%3 &hen /-&, /in /! 4'timiati$n $f 'r$duct c$nfigurati$n

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63 M$ntanha Hr! IR! *istemtica de gestK$ da

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thesis inMechanical Engineering!(ederal ?niversit $f 

*anta &atarina 7?(*&8, 2FF!C3 M$ntanha Hr! IR! *istematiaJK$ d$ 'r$cess$ de

engenhariareversa de sistemastOcnic$s! Pualif 7=h!9 in

Mechanical Engineering8! ?(*&, 2FF%D3 =ahl @, Beit +! Engineering design> a sstematic

a''r$ach! Berlin> *'ringer-Verlag!2nd Ed!, 1DD!3 R$th Q! Q$nstruierenmit"$nstru"ti$ns"atal$gen! Berlin>

*'ringer-Verlag, 1D2!

1F3 *$usa A@! Estud$ e anlise d$s mOt$d$s de avaliaJK$da m$nta0ilidade de 'r$dut$sindustriais n$ 'r$cess$ de

 'r$5et$!M!*c! thesis in Mechanical Engin!?(*&, 1DD!

113 Ta (E<, @u H! =r$duct m$deling f$r c$nce'tualdesign su''$rt! H$urnal $f &$m'utersin Industr! 2FF%, D,
