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  • The Last Resort, How To Live Longer and Something For The Weekend. She has also written several books and is one of the UKs leading writers and present-ers when it comes to nutrition. She also runs a series of retreats in fantastic venues including Champneys, Glen-eagles and as far away as Phuket.

    Just as your personal trainer should look t and vibrant your detox guide needs to look fresh and glowing with vitality. Amanda certainly radiated all of that on top of which she exuded amiability, kindliness, experience and wonderful knowledge.

    Her detox weeks are fasts but with juices. This ensures that nutrients are absorbed and makes it all the more achievable for most of us to keep standing and not keel over. Being a juice queen myself and used to putting copious amounts of vegetables through my twin turbo V8 super juicer, it was a nice change to have a chef prepare them for me and achieve a palatability that I never have!

    Once, in a determined frenzy to clear bacteria, I stuffed an onion, leeks and garlic through the juicer, gulped it back, went into a pale sweat and spent the next 30 minutes praying at the porcelain altar in the bathroom. I wonder if it got rid of the bacteria?

    So after the self-punishment that Ive known, this was all very pleasant. It was also quite peculiar not to have a list of must dos for the dayno shopping, no emails, no chasing my tail, just down-time. Fasting is meant to rest the body and allow it to self-correct. The energy is spent on healing. As much as 50% of energy goes into digestion so remove that from the equation and the body is nearly in rest modealthough not if you run around doing the usual errands or carry on exercising with intensity.

    Octogenarian naturopath Keki Sidhwa takes no prisoners when it comes to fasting and has regularly supervised hefty two-week-long fasts. The results have been extraordinary in some cases but it takes a brave person to trust in this. However, as Amanda says, a long and real fast is a shock to the body so knowing when to administer such healing methods should be left up to the experienced and

    wise, like 84-year-old Keki.Juicing is very easy on the digestion, it

    is quickly absorbed and rapidly places vitamins into the bloodstream. It is also quite satisfying to the appetite. But you cant guzzle juices whenever you fancykeep it to about ve a day.

    As can be expected, much mental clarity follows as the toxins purge and surface. Beyond the detox symptoms which can range from fatigue to spots, headaches to the shakes and any ailments the individual is prone to, there is a clearing, lifting, energising feeling that comes from being empty and rid of pollutants. It is easy to see why it is commonly used in religious practice but it also cant be overlooked that brain function slows after a while. After all the body is happy for the brain to take a back seat whilst it is busy clearing out debris.

    One of the visitors even went through thoughts and happenings from years before in his life. Cells have memories, Amanda reminded us, and while spring- cleaning you come across all sorts.

    If only I could be supervised through this once a month all my naughtiness would be balanced out. But with such regularity it would be difcult to keep a happy relationship with food. Since eating sits high on my list of favourite hobbies, I think Id feel a loss in my life too. But now and again in the hands of an expert like Amanda in one of her rst-class venues, well... it could be just what the doctor ordered! M&F

    Joey Bull is a four-time UK tness champion, former adventure athlete and top international personal trainer. Visit and join



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  • C o m p i l e d b y J a m e s C o l l i e r





    Q I used to train in the evenings after work but now Im working a later shift Ill have to train in the mornings before work. How can I structure my nutrition plan to make sure that I have enough energy as I will only have time for breakfast before I start work? My goal is lean muscle growth and I start work at 11.00 am.

    Thanks, Nigel

    Hi Nigel,Moving over to morning training neednt be so much different from training later in the day. After all, its the whole nutrition plan which will provide energy and, if your previous days eating has been adequate, you should find yourself buzzing with energy before your morning workout. Also, its the nutrition surrounding your workout which is the key, so a good breakfast and post- workout shake are very important, as well as the meal following this.

    Below is a plan aimed at any keen competitive or recreational bodybuilder who wishes to gain lean quality muscle and strength. This plan offers a different meal structure and food choices and is based around morning weight training. The key to making quality gains is to eat good quality food, in adequate amounts without overeat-ing, at regular consistent times through the day. The food should be based around high

    quality protein foods, regular intakes of low glycaemic index carbohydrates, (which are more slowly digested and absorbed), plenty of fruit and veg and sources of essential fats.

    You will need to be adequately fuelled before training, so it will mean getting out of bed and leaving sufficient time to have breakfast and not train on a full stomach. In addition, to help keep gains lean, two sessions of 40 minutes of low intensity cardiovascular exercise per week would be useful, either in the morning or, if possible, in the evening. Some nutritional supplements can also be useful aids to packing on the bulk, but not in place of good wholesome food.

    BREAKFAST 8.00 AMHome-made smoothie: tbsp ground linseeds + cupful of berries + 50 g oats + 40 g whey protein powder + 400 ml skimmed milk45 MINUTES LATERWEIGHT TRAINIMMEDIATELY POST-WORKOUT40 g scoops whey protein + 40 g maltodextrin in water45 MINUTES LATERSandwich: 2 slices granary bread + 80 g chicken slices + saladHandful of mixed nuts

    Large bananaMug of green teaLUNCH 1.30 PM150 g oily fish (e.g. salmon/mackerel)50 g (dry weight) basmati riceLarge mixed salad1 Tbsp mixed seedsLow-fat yoghurt4.30 PM6 oatcakesTub of cottage cheese or quarkApple7.30 PM200 g lean red meat/chicken/turkey/white fish50 g (dry weight) basmati rice/wholewheat pasta or 5 to 6 small boiled new potatoes or large sweet potatoLarge serving of vegetables/saladLow-fat yoghurt10.00 PM2 slices granary bread toasted + crunchy peanut butterBEDTIME30 g casein protein in skimmed milk

    As with my other bodybuilding meal plans this is merely a guide. Vary your food choices with a range of different meats/fish/alternatives, complex carbohydrates, fruit


  • and vegetables every day, and drink plenty of water.

    Maltodextrin is a carbohydrate powder, ideal for replenishing energy after training. Casein is a much more slowly released protein powder than whey, so is preferable to have at bedtime.


    Q How is whey protein hydrolysate different to other types of whey protein powder and is it worth using?


    Hi Jim,Whey protein hydrolysate is also known as hydrolysed whey protein and is the purest form of whey protein powder supplement. Whey protein concentrate has to be processed, and whey isolate is put through additional processes. When this whey is then put through a further process, called hydrolysis, the longer protein chains (polypeptides) are broken down into even smaller peptides.

    Whey isolate is already pretty pure, but with the additional hydrolysis, there is further breakdown into short chain proteins called oligopeptides. The structure of the protein is broken and bonds between amino acids in the chain are hydrolysed allowing the protein to be more easily digested and absorbed. Think of hydrolysis as pre-digesting the protein. This is even easier on the digestive system and a higher percentage of the protein can be absorbed. Whey hydrolysates can have as much as half of the amino acid bonds broken. Taste can be a good indicator of whether the product youre using has a higher amount of hydrolysed bonds, as protein powders with smaller protein fragments tend to have a bitter flavour.

    Whey protein hydrolysates are claimed to be the best post-workout protein formulas available. However, they taste foul, are expensive and contain virtually no biologically active protein fractions as all are destroyed during the hydrolysis.

    When looking for a hydrolysed whey protein formula make sure the product indicates the degree of hydrolysis applied to the protein. The higher the percentage the more hydrolysis that has taken place and the more bitter it will taste. The packaging should display a table listing the molecular weights of the peptides measured in Daltons, as well as the percentage of peptides; for example: MW 20,000 to 40,000 Daltons 40%.

    In theory, whey protein hydrolysate is the ultimate protein to take immediately after a workout, as it is absorbed very quickly, due to the fact that its more digested than other types of whey. However, the fact that there are virtually no biologically active protein fractions could be viewed as a drawback. For this reason, its generally recommended that hydrolysed whey protein is used only pre- or post-workout. Use a good quality whey concentrate or isolate at other times of the day.


    Q Im confused with all the different carbohydrate powder supplements available. Do they have different uses and which are best?


    Hi Mark,Before we look at the different carbohydrate powders, we need to look at some basic chemistry and at carbohydrate foods in order to get a better understanding. Carbohydrates are organic compounds containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen; they are nutrients which are a very effective fuel source for the body. Each gram of carbohydrate provides us with four calories of energy. The main important terms Ill refer to are:Monosaccharide: The simplest form of carbohydrate, i.e. one sugar molecule. Examples are glucose and fructose.Oligosaccharide: Carbohydrate chain of a few simple sugars in length.Polysaccharides: Carbohydrates containing a large number of sugars. Starch, glycogen, multidextrose, and cellulose are examples.Glycogen: This polysaccharide is the storage form of carbohydrate in humans and animals, stored in muscle tissue and the liver.

    Principally, the carbohydrates in our diet are sugars and starches. Sugars include table sugar (sucrose), glucose, fructose, milk sugar (lactose) and others. Starches are obtained from complex carbohydrate foods such as bread, potatoes, rice, pasta.

    Dietary carbohydrates are a lot more com plicated than just sugars and starches, so to make things easier, we use the term glycaemic index (GI) which is a measure of the reaction of the blood glucose levels to consuming a food when compared with glucose which has a GI of 100. Low GI foods, below about 55 cause glucose levels in the blood to rise only slowly and over a long time

    period, compared with high GI foods of over 70 which lead to a rapid but short lived rise in blood glucose.

    High GI foods include sugars, white and wholemeal bread, some breakfast cereals, white pasta, old potatoes, cakes, sweet biscuits and confectionary. Low GI foods include oats, basmati rice, wholewheat pasta, new potatoes, sweet potatoes and granary bread. Ideally we should be basing our meals around low GI carbs in order to provide an efficient influx of energy.Carbohydrate Supplements: Not so long ago if you wanted to purchase a carbohydrate powder from a health food store it was easy: you simply bought glucose. But, as always, things have moved on and now theres a range of different formulas, the main ones being:Dextrose is glucose, the simplest carbohy-drate. Dextrose is a monosaccharide which is 70 to 80% as sweet as table sugar. It is highly soluble in water and mixes easily with a fork or in a shaker. Dextrose has been used for decades in sports supplementation, and its use continues today. It has a GI of 100 and is used for energy or refuelling after a workout. It is available as a flavoured or unflavoured powder to be added to drinks. It is also increases the mixability of other substrates when combined in solution.Maltodextrin is also known as multidextrose or glucose polymer powder and is a synthetic polysaccharide, i.e. a complex carbohydrate. It is usually produced from corn starch and the glucose polymers vary in length. It is a fine white powder which is not sweet, and is actually relatively bland.

    Maltodextrin is used by a range of sports people to help meet the high-energy demands


  • of intense exercise. Although structurally it is a complex carbohydrate, the chemical structure is such that it is open to rapid breakdown, so it is digested and absorbed very rapidly. It is in fact digested faster than sugar and has a GI of 105. Its main uses are for additional energy, to help bodybuilders gain quality weight and for refuelling after exercise. It is commonly a primary ingredient in weight-gain formulas as its a cheap and convenient way of bumping up the calories.Fructoses is the monosaccharide found in most fruits and in honey. It has a GI of 40 so, despite being a simple carbohydrate, it is in fact slowly absorbed. Fructose is a coarse granular powder with a sweet taste that mixes very well in water. It is popular as a sweetener as gram for gram com-pared with sucrose (table sugar) it is a lot sweeter, therefore you need less and you consume less calories.Palatinose is a low GI carbohydrate which provides a steady influx of glucose. It is a fine powder which has a very low GI of 32 and is also low on the II (insulin index). Its basically a source of glucose but without the surge of insulin, which makes it a useful supplement pre-exercise.Activated Barley is a pre-sprouted grain carbohydrate source that is digested slowly. The GI is very low at below 30 making it an ideal slow release energy source. It is also high in a type of fibre called beta-glucan which may have cholesterol-lowering and immune-enhancing benefits.Ultra Fine Ground Oats. Oats are a great source of slow released, low GI carbs. You can, of course,

    buy your own oats and blend them but they arent soluble and produce a very gritty shake. Ultra fine ground oats are available as a supplement which retains the nutrition and is soluble in a shake. Nutrient benefits are retained when the oats are ultra fine ground; this includes beta-glucan, B vitamins and protein. The GI does increase; oats are a low GI food, but ultra fine ground oats have a higher GI and thus should be considered a medium GI carb source.Waxy Maize Starch (WMS) is a complex, long-chain, super-high molecular weight carbohydrate with a neutral taste. The molecular weight of the molecules in WMS is a lot higher than other carbohydrates. The larger size minimises the osmolarity of the carbohydrate so it can move through the stomach twice as fast as dextrose, giving WMS a very high GI and very low osmolarity, so it is absorbed extremely rapidly, far quicker than maltodextrin or dextrose. It is ideal for refuelling post-workout and will boost insulin levels.

    After training WMS has been shown to replenish muscle glycogen considerably faster allowing for an increase in perfor-mance when compared to carbohydrates found in ordinary sport drinks.1 The fact that WMS passes through the stomach faster also means there is less chance of abdominal discomfort and bloating often associated

    with high intakes of carbs.Vitargo is a patented carbohy-drate formula derived from barley starch. The molecular weight of the

    molecules in Vitargo is a lot higher than other carbohydrates at around

    500,000 to 700,000 compared to maltodextrin which is less than 10,000.

    The larger size minimises the osmolarity of Vitargo, so it can move through the

    stomach twice as fast as dextrose, so its absorbed a lot faster

    than most other carbs.Vitargo post-workout

    has been show to result in faster and greater

    increases in blood glucose and serum insulin

    concentrations than a low molecular weight carbohydrate. Like WMS, it will empty from the stomach faster, and help with rehydration. It can be used pre- and during training without any discomfort and will help replenish glycogen more rapidly.

    Carbs are a great source of energy, but what types we use and how we use them will have a huge impact on our performance and progress. We should all be basing our meals around low GI carb foods, but the quantity we have at each meal will vary depending upon our goals. For instance, if youre trying to lose weight, the portions will need to be smaller, whereas if youre a hardgaining strength trainer or bodybuilder you can get away with larger portions of low GI carbs at meals.

    Post-workout is where the high GI carb supplement powders will come in handy. Adequate refuelling after training will help energy levels for the next workout. A maltodextrin-dextrose combo will be fine for most, but for those of you into hard training at competition level, where prompt recuperation is imperative, Vitargo or WMS will be great choices.

    If youre a hardgaining bodybuilder who struggles to eat the amounts of food required to gain muscle, 3 to 4 scoops of maltodextrin in water sipped throughout the day is a great way to supplement your carbohydrate intake.

    Carbohydrate-loading is a technique used by competitive athletes and bodybuilders whereby muscle glycogen reserves are increased by greater than normal amounts pre-event. Carb-loading usually involves two or three days of a large, regular intake of a mixture of high and low GI carb foods. The idea is that muscle glycogen levels are maximal which will help muscle endurance and make the muscles appear fuller. M&F

    Reference: 1 Piehl Aulin K, et al (1999). Muscle glycogen resynthesis rate in humans after supplementation of drinks containing carbohydrates with low and high molecular masses. Eur J. Appl. Physiol., 81: 346-351.

    James Collier, BSc (Hons), RNutr is a registered nutritionist and author of Informed Bodybuilding Nutrition. He runs his own nutrition consultancy business, and the bodybuilding, strength and fitness website

    He is available for personalised, tailored nutritional advice online.

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  • BY E R I K S O L N G , O N E O F T H E U K S L E A D I N G P E R S O N A L T R A I N E R S




    It is awesome to see celebrities with very lean, yet muscular bodies and streamlined waists. So many people want this kind of physique now that I thought

    I would look at some of the myths and misconceptions and give some advice on how to achieve it.

    Lets start with some basics: the quest to gain lean muscle mass starts with losing fat. Its not about reshaping the muscle; its about maintaining or increasing muscle mass while losing enough fat to make the muscle appear more defined. Regular resistance training is the best way to go about this because not only will it preserve and increase muscle mass, it will also make your metabolism more efficient and improve your mobility.

    There is a lot of misinformation out there about building lean body mass. If you base your knowledge on what you read in magazines and on the internet you must be careful about what you choose to follow. One of the biggest reasons people do not achieve their goals is because they get confused about what to do.

    MYTH 1 PERFORM HIGH REPS WITH LIGHT WEIGHTSThe majority of people I talk to in the gym, including many personal trainers, think that if you perform high reps with light weights you are guaranteed to get muscle definition. This is partly true: performing high reps and sets with a lighter weight might burn off more calories if done for long periods of time. However, doing this while dieting with the hope of adding more definition to your physique could simply leave you looking smaller and stringier than you desire.

    The only way to lose weight is to use more energy than you consume. But when dieting for fat loss the body can shift into a catabolic state whereby it loses fat tissue, which is great, but also muscle size, which is not so great. That is why you can look stringy. To achieve the fashionable lean and muscular body you must continue stimulating muscle growth whilst restricting calorie intake and as you probably know, lifting light weights for high reps is not the best way to do this. So dieting and high reps arent the best combination.

    Muscular bodies burn up more calories and potentially more fat so its good to maintain as much muscle as you can while dieting. This isnt always possible if you combine light weights with high reps because your muscles arent getting enough stimulus to grow.

    An effective way to hold onto your muscle mass is to lift as heavy as you can safely manage while performing a moderate range of reps. You will keep, and possibly increase, the muscle you worked so hard for and also burn more calories and fat. It is easy to fall for the myth that lighter weight and higher reps are better for definition. But less weight lifted equals less muscle growth. My advice is to lift heavy and focus on achieving defini-tion by watching your diet and by doing cardio.

    MYTH 2YOU NEED TO TRAIN FOR MORE THAN AN HOUR Another common mistake is spending too long in the gym. Training for too long, too often, can be counterproductive to your muscle-building aims. When the body is placed under stressful conditions, such as through prolonged weight training, it breaks down proteins from muscle and uses them as energy. If at the same time you are on a low or zero carbohydrate diet the effects could be even worse. The longer the workout, the more protein gets broken down to fuel the workout. Overtraining may also impair the efficiency of the immune system, which creates a greater risk of colds and viral infections. My advice is to limit your intense training sessions to less than an hour and to lift on no more than five days each week.



  • MYTH 3YOU CAN SPOT REDUCE FATEvery day I see people doing hundreds of crunches to lose unwanted fat from their waists. But I have never actually met anyone who managed to lose fat from just one body area. Thats because you can only reduce fat in a particular area by reducing overall bodyfat. The best way to achieve this is by combining sensible dieting with weight and cardio training. Spot reducing just doesnt work.

    and greasy fast foods. To get healthy polyunsaturated fats, eat more oily fish or regularly use flaxseed oil.

    SO HOW SHOULD I GO ABOUT IT?Many people who want to get lean monitor their daily intake of protein. Theres an ocean of products out there and thousands of articles recommend-ing how much to take but currently theres no conclusive evidence of the maximum amount of protein a person is able to utilise from each meal or drink. There are many factors that determine how much protein the body is able to use at a time, including health, age and weight, but its not possible to recom-mend a precise amount.

    What we do know, however, is that protein builds muscle and consuming 1.5 to 2 g of protein per kg of bodyweight each day is likely to meet your needs. Protein provides essential building blocks in the process of gaining lean muscle mass. And its also the least likely nutrient to facilitate the storage of bodyfat. However in order to build muscle and also to burn fat a specific physiological reaction must occur, which must be facilitated by carbohydrates.

    Therefore, for effective recovery after hard training I recommend a combina-tion of protein and carbohydrates, regardless of whether you are looking to gain weight or lose fat. Depending on your specific goals, you can vary the ratio between post-workout carbs and protein but I would never suggest taking only protein without any carbs.

    There are many theories going around gyms but I aim to coach my clients on how to gain lean muscle mass in a healthy, tried and tested way. Extreme results do not always require extreme regimes. It all comes down to the holy trinity of basics: training, nutrition and rest. If you nail them all you are bound to be successful!

    Healthy regards,Erik Solng M&F

    For more information contact:[email protected] visit:

    MYTH 4YOU SHOULD AIM FOR ZERO FATThis is a massive misconception and a sure way to end up with less muscle mass. Polyunsaturated fats are impor-tant factors in building muscle. They include two highly important essential fatty acidslinolenic (omega-3) and linoleic (omega-6). If you are looking to improve your diet, reduce the saturated and trans fats found in deep-fried foods, biscuits, doughnuts,




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    Stann. I told him that it could have been either one of us who got caught.

    Aptly nicknamed The All American, Stann has built his life around the concept of honour, the gesture to Santiago being a small window into a philosophy that has coloured every phase of his lifefrom playground brawls to his time at the U.S. Naval Academy to joining the Marines and seeing combat in Iraq. He currently serves as president of Hire Heroes USA, a non-profit-making organisation whose primary goal is to provide jobs










    A L






    Brian Stann knelt beside Jorge Santiago and spoke to him quietly. Their UFC 130 fight had ended moments before, referee

    Herb Dean pulling Stann off a dazed Santiago and pushing him away. Stann had forced Santiago, a Brazilian jiu-jitsu specialist, to fight on his feet, resulting in a devastating right hook and several seconds of unanswered ground-and-pound shots resulting in a TKO victory for Stann.

    I wanted him to know that I really appreciated him fighting me, says

    for military veterans, especially those wounded or disabled in combat.

    Weve come from getting a couple of veterans hired every few months to averaging three to five hired every week, he says. Were helping veterans write rsums, go through mock interviews, and learn to communicate their skills to civilians.


    Vegas bookies favoured Stann at UFC 130 despite Santiagos vast edge in experience. Perhaps it was Stanns dominant win over Chris Leben at UFC 125 that influenced their thinkingbut its more likely they couldnt see Stann, a Silver Star recipient for valour in Iraq, losing on Memorial Day weekend.

    Ive lost more friends than you can count, he says, so when Im walking into that cage, I think about some of the pain they had to feeltheir losses and their wounds. I use that to get just a little bit angry before my fight, and I want my opponent to feel that pain.

    In May 2005, Stanns platoon was ordered to guard a bridge over the Euphrates River that served as a main transportation artery for nearby insurgents. The platoonWar Pig 2 was constantly attacked, but after six

    Stann (right) has compileda 133 record sinceturning pro in 2006.


  • blood-soaked days and nights, the Marines emerged victorious. Some of the 42 men under Stanns command were wounded, but all survived.

    I got that Silver Star for being lucky, he says. It was strictly due to the discipline and courage of the Marines that I was fortunate enough to lead. Its like when an MVP gets an award, it was really the guys around him making him look good.


    Since his 2006 WEC debut, Stann has improved exponentially, winning the WEC middleweight title in 2008, and hes now a Top-10 contender in the UFC. After knocking out Santiago, he believes hes as close as two wins away from a title shot. Following UFC 130, hes gone back to his regular training schedule under the tutelage of world-class MMA coaches Mike Winkeljohn and Greg Jackson.

    His warrior mentality, however, is something more viscerala quality that cant be cultivated in a gym. By all accounts, Stann was born that way, his instincts first emerging when he was a 9-year-old boy growing up in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Most of the brawls from back then have faded from memory, but not his first.

    It wasnt over anything in particular, he says, just older kids looking for trouble. I was a big kid and I was athletic, but I had never been in a real good knock-down, drag-out fight. I remember he hit me with three punches right in a row, bloodied my nose, and knocked me down. I never felt

    so embarrassed and defeated in my life, and I never wanted to feel that again.

    Stann was at least four years younger than the aggressor, but he didnt see the age and size difference as an excuse. That humiliation instilled a settle this like men bravado that has informed the biggest decisions of his lifeincluding his choice of the Marines over the Navy after graduating. He didnt want to be on a ship. He wanted to be out in the desert with a rifle in his hands, face-to-face with the enemy.


    Stann took up kung fu after that early lesson, but the beatings kept coming, so he soon deemed traditional martial arts "impractical". Watching the early UFC gave him new ideas about how he should be training, with jiu-jitsu, boxing, and wrestling at the centre of his new universe. The movie Bloodsport, ironically enough, played a role, too. I used to watch it so often that I actually had to buy it twice because I wore the VHS tape out, Stann says, laughing.

    The picture is a bit ridiculous: a young kid gets bullied and takes refuge in a Hollywood fantasy, vowing to live it out. But no ones laughing now. Stann has authoritatively shut the mouth of every critic hes ever run across

    in his career. There is, however, one last profes-sional hurdle, and hes hell-bent on clearing it.

    I want to be champion, he says. I want to prove everybody wrong who said I couldnt do it, everybody who dubbed me as just a military guy with a story who doesnt really belong fighting at this level. Regardless of your background, if youre willing to put in the work, you can achieve anything. M&F

    Stann lands atextbook leg kick onJorge Santiago atUFC 130.












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    obody likes being injured. From a niggle which stops you performing to your optimum to a full-blown season-ending muscle

    tear, many of the injuries which you sustain are entirely avoidable through adequately strengthening your tissue. Each tissue in your body, be it bone, tendon, muscle or any other has a level of tolerance which, if exceeded, will break. You can liken your bodys tissue to a piece of paperyou need a certain amount of force in each direction to tear it. Similarly, weaken the paper by putting some small tears in itcomparable to the microtrauma caused by exerciseand the paper will tear more easily. Alternatively, increase the strength of the paper (using two pieces)similar to increasing the strength or size of your musclesand more force is needed to rip it. So how do you go about increasing the tolerance of the tissues which are the usual source of injury in sportnamely bone, tendon, ligament and muscle?

    Bone material is superior to all other materials of the human body in terms of elasticity, strength and toughness.(1) The majority of growth in bones occurs during puberty(2) although something termed remodelling replaces older bone material later in life(3). Thus, altering your bones strength after puberty is difficult, but not impossible. By stressing your bones under tension, compression and sheer forces will cause the microtrauma you need for remodelling to take place. This involves cells called osteoclasts which absorb old, damaged

    bone and in its place form new bone tissue.(4) An ideal way to cause the microtrauma needed to increase the density and strength of your bones, as with all of your tissues, is via the theory of progressive overload. (5)

    Simply adding some landing drills into your warm-up will be enough to begin the damage-repair process. These are drills which require you to jump from standing and land with stiff legs, for example, jumping over a hurdle or small block and landing with only a slight bend at your knee and hips. Continually increasing the weight (using weighted vests, etc) will continually overload your bones, consequently increasing the tissues strength.

    Tendons which join bone to muscle and ligaments which join bone to bone are both fibrous connective tissues made of collagen. Tenoblasts and ligamentoblasts are the cells which repair tendons and ligaments respectively and the activation of these cells through microtrauma occurs most effectively through the use of eccentric overload. Your muscles also have cells called satellite cells which are involved in growth and repair and the strength of these tissues is also best increased using the eccentric overload method, although this is not the most effective way of increasing your 1RM (1 Rep Max-imumthe maximum amount of weight you can lift once). The eccentric portion of a lift is the part where the weight is being lowered. Eccentric overload involves lowering a heavier weight than you lift.An example of this for your Achilles tendon and calf complex is a simple calf raise. Using a barbell on your back, or a Smith machine, stand on a 10 cm block with your heels off the back edge, then raise yourself up onto your toes using both legs and lower using only one, keeping your knees straight. Again increasing the weight and the total number of reps which

    you undertake will ensure that you are overloading your tissue each time you lift. Be warned thoughthis exercise, along with most eccentric overload exercises will cause major DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) if youre not used to the movement!

    The final point on strength training for injury avoidance is to ensure that you allow enough recovery time to allow your tissues to repairremember the pre-ripped paper analogy. In general, you should certainly look to leave enough time for all of the soreness in that area to subside before revisiting the exercisethis may be up to a week initially, but only a few days as your muscles get used to the exercises. If you have been unfortunate enough to get injured, you will have to make sure you read next months article where I will discuss the use of sports science in rehabilitation. M&F

    REFERENCES(1) Cardinale, M., Newton, R. & Nosaka, K. (2011)

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    Wiley-Blackwell: Sussex.

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    > Andy Shelton is sports scientist/strength and conditioning coach at Leicester Tigers Rugby Club. Andy is happy to answer M&F readers questions on strength and conditioning and sports science. Please email him at: [email protected].


    Matt Johnson and Andy Shelton

