Metro St. Louis PMI Chapter Mentoring Program January 18, 2012 Rob Kurtz, PMP Steve Lohbeck, PMP Andy Wise, PMP

Metro St. Louis PMI Chapter Mentoring Program January 18, 2012 Rob Kurtz, PMP Steve Lohbeck, PMP Andy Wise, PMP

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Metro St. Louis PMI ChapterMentoring Program

January 18, 2012

Rob Kurtz, PMPSteve Lohbeck, PMP

Andy Wise, PMP


• What is mentoring?

• Program details

• What is (and isn’t) a mentor?

• What is (and isn’t) a mentee?

• PDUs?

• Getting started

What is Mentoring?

Mentoring is:

• A learning partnership between an experienced project manager (mentor) and a less experienced project manager (mentee) for the purpose of sharing knowledge and information

• Access to professional growth and development

• For those naturally drawn to helping and developing others

Mentoring is not:

• A forced relationship – the choice is yours

• A job search

Who can Participate?

• Mentors must hold current PMP

• Mentors and mentees must be chapter members

Typical Mentoring Relationships

• PMP exam prep

• Looking to get into PM career field

• How to solve on-the-job difficulties

• General professional discussion

Our Program

• Nominal 6 month duration but may continue longer

• Live contact minimum of 2 hrs/mo

• Information shared is considered confidential

• Problems may occur (schedule conflicts, location, etc). Either participant may request a new match at any time without prejudice.

• Any costs incurred are responsibility of the pair - PMI will not fund for dinner, materials, etc.

Our Program (cont)

Becoming a Mentor/Mentee

Apply to the programo Go to Mentoring page on STL PMI chapter website

o Download appropriate information form (mentor/mentee)

o Fill out as much as possible then email the form and your current resume to [email protected]

Get Matchedo Mentoring committee will review packages and make appropriate

matches based on needs, experience, etc.

o Mentor and mentee will be contacted when matched

Begino If possible, first meeting will be with Director of Mentoring (warm

handoff) to go over ground rules and sign Mentoring Agreement Form


To make a good matchit is very important that we receive:

• Your background information form

• Current resume if available, or specific information of what you wish to gain from the Mentoring Program

If we do not have these documentswe are unable to match you!

Mentor Do’s and Don’ts

• Mentors…do:− Schedule a convenient time meeting location

− Set expectations with the mentee

− Listen to the needs of the mentee

− Proceed at the pace dictated by the mentee

− Be available for the mentee

− Keep all discussions confidential

− Discuss a development plan for the mentee

− Keep the relationship professional

Mentor Do’s and Don’ts

• Mentors…don’t:− Assume your schedule has top priority

− Automatically give advice or criticism

− Insist that the mentee suggest every activity

− Are proactive

− Reveal or discuss company proprietary or confidential information

− End relationship on bad terms

Mentee Do’s and Don’ts

• Mentees…do:− Schedule a convenient time meeting location

− Take time to think about and identify their goals

− Discuss length of formal relationship with mentor

− Provide and seek feedback to/from your mentor

− Discuss any limitations in your mentoring relationship

− Keep the relationship professional

Mentee Do’s and Don’ts

• Mentees…don’t:− Depend on your mentor to identify goals for you

− Assume your mentor has unlimited time for you

− Tune out a topic if you believe it’s irrelevant; keep an open mind

− Hang on your mentor indefinitely

− Reveal or discuss company proprietary or confidential information

− End the relationship on bad terms

PDUs for mentoring? YESNew PDU structure found in the PMP Handbook (updated August 2011)

PDU Category Divisions

Mentees with PMP Can Earn PDUs

Mentors Can Earn PDUs

Getting started?

• Go to St Louis PMI webpage. Under Quick Links on the left click on Mentoring Program.

• Download mentee/mentor application form from the bottom of the page

• Fill out and email form with resume or description of what you wish to gain from the Mentoring Program to [email protected]

Without this informationwe are unable to match you!


PMP Handbook:http://www.pmi.org/en/Certification/Project-Management-Professional-PMP.aspx

St Louis PMI Website:www.stlpmi.org

Mentoring Program Page:http://www.stlpmi.org/content.php?page=Mentoring_Program

For more information please send an email to:[email protected]

Thank you for your time!

Questions and Discussion