(8) W. F. Hamilton, J. W. Moore, J. M. Kinsman, and R. G. Spurling, (9) W. Per1 and P. Samuel, Circ. Re$., 25, 191 (1969). ibid., 99,534 (1931). (10) J. H. Oppenheimer, J. L. Schwartz, and M. 1. Surks, J. Clin. En- docrinol. Metab., 41,319 (1975). (11) Ibid.. 41, I172 (1975). (12) K. C. Yeh and K. C. Kwan, J. Pharniacokinct /?iopharm., 6, 79 (13) W. L. Chiou, ibid., 6. 599 (1978). (14) N. S. Aziz, -J. G. Gamhertoglio, E. 'r. Iin, H. Grausz, and I,. %. (15) J. Ham, R. D. Miller, L. 2. Henet, R. S. Matteo, and I,. I,. Ktder- (16) R. Platzer, R. L. Caleazzi, G. Karlaganis, and J. Bircher, Eur J. (1978). Benet, ibid., 6, 153 (1978). ick, Anesthesiology. 49,324 (1978). Clin. Pharrnacol.. 14,293 (1978). BOOKS Leslie 2. Renet x Department of Pharmacy University of California San Francisco, CA 94143 Renato L. Galeazzi Department of Medicine University of Bern Bern, Switzerland Received February 5, 1979. Accepted for publication June 1, 1979. Presented in part at the Basic Pharmaceutics Section, APhA Academy Supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grant (:M of' Pharmaceutical Sciences, New York meeting, May 1977. 26551. REVIEWS Methods in Pharmacology, Vol. 4R, Renal Pharmacology. Edited by MANUEL MARTINEZ-MAI.I)ONADO. Plenum, 2'27 W. t7th St., New York, NY 1001 1. 1978. 403 pp. 15 X 25 cm. Price $39.50. This volume aptly fills a gap in the literature. Although the honk was apparently intended for researchers in this area, each topic is treated such that even pharmacologists and physiologists not active in renal research can gain a hetter understanding [if' and appreciation for the technology discussed. In addition to the clear treatment of each topic, all chapters are well referenced. This hook should tie made available to all students of pharmacology, physiology, and medicine. The first chapter deals with morphological methods for studying the kidney, including fixation methods, light microscopy, and EM proce- dures. The second and third chapters deal with renal dynamics. including clearance methods and intrarenal hlood flow measurements. Chapter 4 deals with micropuncture techniques, while the t'ifth chapter is concerned with microanalytical methods lor nnalyzing samples ohtained hy the methods discussed in the previous chapter. In Chapter 6, methods measuring glomerular dynamics are descrihed, and mathematical models of glomeriilar ultrafiltration are discussed. Chapters 7 and 8 provide detailed descriptions of the apparatus used in microelectrode studies; Chapter 7 has to do with electrical potential measurement, and Chapter 8 concerns pH measurement. Chapter Y is especially interesting, providing methods for dissection and perfusion of isolated tuhules. Chapters 10-12 deal with renal biochemistry: Na--K-ATl'ase, ade- nylate cyclase, and intermediary metahdism. The last three chapters describe the methodology used in studying isolated perfused kidney in the dog (in vitro and in uico) and the rat (in citro). The effectiveness of the hook wciuld have heen greatly enhanced hy including with each chapter R hie( description of several experiments using the methods descrihed. Including examplary experimental drug application protocols and some typical data ohtained hy the methods would have provided the pharmacologist reader with a much clearer understanding of' how the method might he applied. In addition, it would probahly he helpl'ul lbr many readers if the names and addresses of manufacturers of critical equipment and supplies had heen provided with each chapter. 1 have personally experienced a need for such inlormation in my pre- vious experience with other volumes of Mvl/iocfsin Pharmacology. These two shortcomings are the only major problems I see in this vol- ume, and I view it generally as a very inlormative and iiseful contrihution 10 the scientific literature. Rcwieicwd b y W. M. Bourn ('o//ege of /'harrnac,) cind tloaltli .S(~ic~ni.r~s Nort heast /.riui.siann 1 inrwrsit>~ Monrnc?. 1.11 71209 Cocaine: 1977 National Institute on Drug Abuse (Research Mono- graph Series 13). Edited by H. C. PETERSON and R. C. S'I'II.IAlAN. Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Price $3 (paper cover). The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has heen publishing monographs on specific substances of ahuse. The monograph on cocaine lollows a pattern similar to earlier monographs. There are 10 chapters hy 13 authors with 350 references dating from 1884 to 1977. There is an adequate author and subject index. The information in the hook could be classified according to history, pharmacology and toxicology, abuse, use, behavioral aspects, and legal aspects. This hook and the others in the series are useful to anyone involved in the area of substance abuse. Their rather low price makes the entire series inviting. Reuieu~ed by Charles I,. Winek Schuol Of Pharmucy Duyuesno University Pittsburgh. PA 15219 NOTICES Disposition IJf Toxic Drugs and Chemicals in Man. Vol. I. CcJntmlly- Acting Drugs. Hy RANDAL], C. BASELT. Biomedical Publications, P.0. Box 368, Canton, CT 06019. 1978. 306 pp. 15 X 23 cm. Price $22.50. ffandbook of Experimental Pharmacology, Vol. 51. [Fric Acid. Hy WIL1,IAM N. KEI,I,EY and IHWIN M. WEINER. Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010. 19'78.639 pp. 16 X 24 cm. Price $159.50 /ARC MiJn0gmph.s on thi. Eualuation of the Carcinogenic Risk O/ ('hcmicals lo Humans. Some N-Nitroso Compounds. (Vol. 17). In- ternational Agency for Research on Cancer, distributed by World Health Organization. 1978. 165 pp. 17 X 24 cm. Price $25.00; 50 f'r. IAK(' Monngraphs on the Eiinluatimn of the Carcinogenic Risk of ('hc~micals to Humans. Vol. 18. Polychlorinated Hiphcnyls and /'olybrorninated RiphcJnyls. International Agency for Kesearch on Cancer, distributed by World Health Organization. 1978. 140 pp. 18 X 24 cm. Price 20 t'r. 7'hc !ntc*rnolionczl ('hallengv of Drug Ahusc.: NIDA Research Mono- graph 1.9. By IIOHER'I' C. I'ETERSEN. National Institute on Drug Ahuse, Division of Research, 5600 Fishers Lane. Rockville, MD 20857. 1978. 349 pp. I4 X 23 cm. Mt,lhods in ('anccr Resc.arch, VOl. X VII. (.'ancvr Drug Dt~LdrJpmcnt, I'nrt H. Edited hy VINCENT T. DeVI'I'A, dr., and HARRIS BIISCH. Academic, I1 1 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10003. 1979. 3.56 pp. I5 X 23 cm. Price $37.00. 1074 1 Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol. 68, No. 8, August 1979

Methods in pharmacology, vol. 4B, renal pharmacology. Edited by Manuel Martinez-Maldonado. Plenum, 227 W. 17th St., New York, NY 10011. 1978. 403 pp. 1,5 × 25 cm. Price $39.50

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Page 1: Methods in pharmacology, vol. 4B, renal pharmacology. Edited by Manuel Martinez-Maldonado. Plenum, 227 W. 17th St., New York, NY 10011. 1978. 403 pp. 1,5 × 25 cm. Price $39.50

(8) W. F. Hamilton, J. W. Moore, J. M. Kinsman, and R. G. Spurling,

(9) W. Per1 and P. Samuel, Circ. Re$., 25, 191 (1969). ibid., 99,534 (1931).

(10) J. H. Oppenheimer, J. L. Schwartz, and M. 1. Surks, J . Clin. En- docrinol. Metab. , 41,319 (1975).

( 1 1 ) Ibid.. 41, I172 (1975). (12) K. C. Yeh and K. C. Kwan, J. Pharniacokinct /?iopharm., 6 , 79

(13) W. L. Chiou, ibid. , 6. 599 (1978). (14) N. S. Aziz, -J. G. Gamhertoglio, E. 'r. I in , H. Grausz, and I,. %.

(15) J. Ham, R. D. Miller, L. 2. Henet, R. S. Matteo, and I,. I,. K t d e r -

(16) R. Platzer, R. L. Caleazzi, G . Karlaganis, and J . Bircher, Eur J.


Benet, ibid., 6, 153 (1978).

ick, Anesthesiology. 49,324 (1978).

Clin. Pharrnacol.. 14,293 (1978).


Leslie 2. Renet x Department of Pharmacy University of California San Francisco, CA 94143 Renato L. Galeazzi Department of Medicine University of Bern Bern, Switzerland

Received February 5, 1979. Accepted for publication June 1, 1979. Presented in part a t the Basic Pharmaceutics Section, APhA Academy

Supported in part by National Institutes of Health Grant (:M of' Pharmaceutical Sciences, New York meeting, May 1977.



Methods in Pharmacology, Vol. 4R, Renal Pharmacology. Edited by MANUEL MARTINEZ-MAI.I)ONADO. Plenum, 2'27 W. t7th St., New York, NY 1001 1. 1978. 403 pp. 15 X 25 cm. Price $39.50. This volume aptly fills a gap in the literature. Although the honk was

apparently intended for researchers in this area, each topic is treated such that even pharmacologists and physiologists not active in renal research can gain a hetter understanding [if' and appreciation for the technology discussed. In addition to the clear treatment of each topic, all chapters are well referenced. This hook should tie made available to all students of pharmacology, physiology, and medicine.

The first chapter deals with morphological methods for studying the kidney, including fixation methods, light microscopy, and EM proce- dures. The second and third chapters deal with renal dynamics. including clearance methods and intrarenal hlood flow measurements. Chapter 4 deals with micropuncture techniques, while the t'ifth chapter is concerned with microanalytical methods l o r nnalyzing samples ohtained hy the methods discussed in the previous chapter.

In Chapter 6, methods measuring glomerular dynamics are descrihed, and mathematical models of glomeriilar ultrafiltration are discussed.

Chapters 7 and 8 provide detailed descriptions of the apparatus used in microelectrode studies; Chapter 7 has to do with electrical potential measurement, and Chapter 8 concerns pH measurement. Chapter Y is especially interesting, providing methods for dissection and perfusion of isolated tuhules.

Chapters 10-12 deal with renal biochemistry: Na--K-ATl'ase, ade- nylate cyclase, and intermediary metahdism. The last three chapters describe the methodology used in studying isolated perfused kidney in the dog (in vitro and in uico) and the rat ( in ci tro) .

The effectiveness of the hook wciuld have heen greatly enhanced hy including with each chapter R h i e ( description of several experiments using the methods descrihed. Including examplary experimental drug application protocols and some typical data ohtained hy the methods would have provided the pharmacologist reader with a much clearer understanding of' how the method might he applied.

In addition, it would probahly he helpl'ul lbr many readers if the names and addresses of manufacturers of critical equipment and supplies had heen provided with each chapter.

1 have personally experienced a need for such inlormation in my pre- vious experience with other volumes of Mvl/iocfs in Pharmacology.

These two shortcomings are the only major problems I see in this vol- ume, and I view it generally as a very inlormative and iiseful contrihution 10 the scientific literature.

Rcwieicwd by W. M. Bourn ( 'o/ /ege of /'harrnac,) cind

tloaltli .S(~ic~ni.r~s Nort heast /.riui.siann 1 inrwrsi t>~ Monrnc?. 1.11 71209

Cocaine: 1977 National Ins t i tu te on D r u g Abuse (Research Mono- graph Series 13). Edited by H. C. PETERSON and R. C. S'I'II.IAlAN. Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Price $3 (paper cover). The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has heen publishing

monographs on specific substances of ahuse. The monograph on cocaine lollows a pattern similar to earlier monographs. There are 10 chapters hy 1 3 authors with 350 references dating from 1884 to 1977. There is an adequate author and subject index.

The information in the hook could be classified according to history, pharmacology and toxicology, abuse, use, behavioral aspects, and legal aspects.

This hook and the others in the series are useful to anyone involved in the area of substance abuse. Their rather low price makes the entire series inviting.

Reuieu~ed by Charles I,. Winek Schuol O f Pharmucy Duyuesno Universi ty Pittsburgh. PA 15219

NOTICES Disposition I J f Toxic Drugs and Chemicals in Man. Vol. I . CcJntmlly-

Acting Drugs. Hy RANDAL], C. BASELT. Biomedical Publications, P.0. Box 368, Canton, CT 06019. 1978. 306 pp. 15 X 23 cm. Price $22.50.

f fandbook of Experimental Pharmacology, Vol. 51. [Fric Acid. Hy WIL1,IAM N. KEI,I,EY and IHWIN M. WEINER. Springer-Verlag New York Inc., 175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010. 19'78.639 pp. 16 X 24 cm. Price $159.50

/ A R C MiJn0gmph.s on thi. Eualuation o f the Carcinogenic Risk O /

('hcmicals lo Humans. Some N-Nitroso Compounds. (Vol. 1 7 ) . I n - ternational Agency for Research on Cancer, distributed by World Health Organization. 1978. 165 pp. 17 X 24 cm. Price $25.00; 50 f'r.

IAK(' Monngraphs on the Eiinluatimn of the Carcinogenic Risk of ('hc~micals t o Humans. Vol. 18. Polychlorinated Hiphcnyls and /'olybrorninated RiphcJnyls. International Agency for Kesearch on Cancer, distributed by World Health Organization. 1978. 140 pp. 18 X 24 cm. Price 20 t'r.

7'hc !ntc*rnolionczl ('hallengv of Drug Ahusc.: N I D A Research Mono- graph 1.9. By IIOHER'I' C. I'ETERSEN. National Institute on Drug Ahuse, Division of Research, 5600 Fishers Lane. Rockville, MD 20857. 1978. 349 pp. I4 X 23 cm.

Mt,lhods in ('anccr Resc.arch, VOl. X VII . (.'ancvr Drug Dt~LdrJpmcnt, I'nrt H . Edited hy VINCENT T. DeVI'I'A, dr., and HARRIS BIISCH. Academic, I 1 1 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10003. 1979. 3.56 pp. I5 X 23 cm. Price $37.00.

1074 1 Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol. 68, No. 8, August 1979