Chapter III METHODOLOGY This chapter contains various means and methods of the selection of subjects, selection of variables, selection of test, training programme, experimental design, test administration, collection of data, and statistical procedure used for analyzing the data. Selection of subjects The subjects were selected randomly from Balar Kalvi Nilayam and YMCA College Special School, Chennai. Forty male students aged from ten to fifteen years of age with Down syndrome in the category of mild mental retardation were selected as subjects for the purpose of this study. They were dived into four groups of ten each for treatment. Three groups underwent the experimental treatment for a period of twelve weeks on Aquatic training, Yogic practices and Tai chi training and one acted as control group. Selection of Variables Gross motor development is required for all and it needs some physical movements. The Aquatic training, Yogic practices and Tai chi training were considered as Experimental Treatments. The loco motor abilities such as run, gallop, hop, leap, horizontal jump, skip and slide were the variables selected as dependent variables. Selection of Test The test selected for the purpose of the study was the Test of Gross motor development designed by Dr./Mr. D.A.Ulrich for the differentially abled. The assessment was done by the investigator who is well versed and has adequate training in administering the test with the assistance of the school physical education teachers with an accurate demonstration and verbal request. No motivational techniques were used for the test administration.

METHODOLOGY Selection of subjects - Shodhgangashodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/5601/12/12_chapter 3.pdf · 1 Standing in Shallow water:- The subjects were made to stand

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Page 1: METHODOLOGY Selection of subjects - Shodhgangashodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/5601/12/12_chapter 3.pdf · 1 Standing in Shallow water:- The subjects were made to stand

Chapter III

METHODOLOGY This chapter contains various means and methods of the selection of subjects,

selection of variables, selection of test, training programme, experimental design, test

administration, collection of data, and statistical procedure used for analyzing the data.

Selection of subjects The subjects were selected randomly from Balar Kalvi Nilayam and YMCA

College Special School, Chennai. Forty male students aged from ten to fifteen years of

age with Down syndrome in the category of mild mental retardation were selected as

subjects for the purpose of this study. They were dived into four groups of ten each for

treatment. Three groups underwent the experimental treatment for a period of twelve

weeks on Aquatic training, Yogic practices and Tai chi training and one acted as control


Selection of Variables Gross motor development is required for all and it needs some physical

movements. The Aquatic training, Yogic practices and Tai chi training were considered

as Experimental Treatments. The loco motor abilities such as run, gallop, hop, leap,

horizontal jump, skip and slide were the variables selected as dependent variables.

Selection of Test The test selected for the purpose of the study was the Test of Gross motor

development designed by Dr./Mr. D.A.Ulrich for the differentially abled. The assessment

was done by the investigator who is well versed and has adequate training in

administering the test with the assistance of the school physical education teachers with

an accurate demonstration and verbal request. No motivational techniques were used for

the test administration.

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Aquatic training

10 children

Yogic practices

10 children

Tai –chi training

10 children

Control group 10 children

Children with Down syndrome 40 children

Pre test (Loco motor skills)

Loco motor skills

Statistical Treatment Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by


Post test (Loco motor skills)

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Training programme Since the system of education for the differently abled is the individualised

education programme, the physical activities were taught by the individualised physical

education programme. Physical education teacher, special educators and the parents of

the special children were included for the individualised physical education programme.

They were given enough orientation on the physical activities to be performed. The

activities selected for the study were Aquatic training, Yogic practices and Tai chi

training. The treatment groups underwent the treatment three days a week for a period of

twelve weeks with forty minutes per session.

Aquatic Training Movement is made easier by the force of buoyancy (up thrust), the pressure, and

resistance force by water along the decreased influences of gravity (down thrust).The

therapeutic warmth was 90 to 93 degrees Fahrenheit. The Archimedis principles state that

when a body is immersed in fluid, it experiences a buoyancy force equal to the weight of

the fluid that the body is displaced. Before taking the children for aquatics they were

made to get aquatinted with water. The oral motor controls for lip, the naso pharynx

closure during submersion of mouth were practised. Ability to blow bubbles, ability to

spit and control exhalation when submerged were taught and practised.

1 Standing in Shallow water:- The subjects were made to stand in shallow water and do the following exercises

such as:

Alternate toe touch, side straddle hop, stride hop, toe bounce, side bend, standing

crawl and walking twists. 2. Holding Side of pool:-

The subjects were asked to hold the sides of a pole and do the following exercises

such as:

Knees up, knees up twists, leg crosses, leg circles, ankle circles, and prone,

supine, side lying flutter kick.

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3. Bobbing: - The cause to move up and down repeatedly, as while floating in water. The subjects were asked to do the bobbing exercises such as:

Simple bobbing, alternate leg backward bobbing, alternate leg sideward bobbing,

leg astride bobbing, progressive “bunny hop” bobbing and high bobbing (from deep


4. Treading water:- It is an aspect of swimming that involves a swimmer staying in a vertical position

in the water whilst keeping his or her head (at least) above the surface of the water. The

exercises done in this method were:

Simple treading water, one hand high treading, two hand high treading and look

out treading

5. Other Exercises:- The other exercises that were done by the subjects are mentioned below:

a) Sculling (forward, backward and knee up) : Sculling is when you move your arms in a swishing motion at your side. Your fingers should stay together if you want a harder workout and vice versa if you want an easier work out.

b) Pedalling in water,

c) Leg rises from side lying position,

d) Alternate leg rising during sculling and lap swimming.

Yogic Practices

The yogic poses stretch and strengthen while promoting balance, coordination, the

ability to concentrate and an increase in vitality through energetic practice. The axial

movements (moves with the body in place) include forward bending, backward bending,

twisting and sitting erect, all of which were done gently without straining.

All poses and meditations were done on carpet. Asanas were performed before

eating to yield better results. Subjects breathed in to begin the pose, and breathed out to

finish the pose and in between, breathed evenly. Children remained quiet during practice

to maintain personal concentration.

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1. The Leaf: Beginning position with straight spine and then with gently rounded spine.

Procedure: The children were asked to do the following steps in the posture leaf.

a) Sit with spine straight.

b) Soles of feet together.

c) Hands on ankles.

d) Spine was gently rounded and then returned to sitting straight.

e) Subjects repeated for several times.

2. The Flower: The subjects were asked to make little bounces with knees toward floor.

Procedure: The children were asked to do the following steps in the posture flower.

a) Sit with spine straight position.

b) Soles of feet together.

c) Hands on ankles.

d) Knees were gently bounced towards floor for 10 to 20 times.

3. The Cricket: The subjects do the exercise head leaning in sitting position.

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Procedure: The children were asked to do the following steps in the posture Cricket.

a) Sit with spine straight, soles of feet together.

b) Head and eyes forward, and then up, then forward.

c) Next, right ear was leaned to right shoulder.

d) Straightened head and leaned left ear to left shoulder, and then straightened head.

e) Subjects repeated for several times.

4. The Owl: The subjects do the exercise head turning in sitting position.

Procedure: The children were asked to do the following steps in the posture Owl.

a) Sit cross-legged, hands at sides, palms on floor.

b) Head was turned to look to one side over shoulder, then over the other shoulder.

c) Body was spin around once using hands to help proper spin.

d) Subjects repeated for several times.

5. The Bird: Hands clasped behind back, looking up, shoulder blades pulled together.

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Procedure: The children were asked to do the following steps in the posture bird.

a) Sit with spine straight, soles of feet together.

b) Hands were clasped behind lower back and pulled shoulder blades together slowly,

head tilted back, eyes looking up.

c) Held, then released, relaxing shoulders, back.

d) Bent head forward.

e) Subjects repeated for several times. 6. The Squirrel: Alternately stretch arms to ceiling to one side and then the other.

Procedure: The children were asked to do the following steps in the posture squirrel.

a) Sit cross-legged, spine erect.

b) Both arms were raised overhead and one stretched at a time slowly towards the

ceiling, looking up.

c) Then arms were stretched to side, making forward and backward arm circles, large

and small, looking forward.

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7. The Chipmunk: Keep twisting mostly above waist, shoulders should remain relaxed.

Procedure: The children were asked to do the following steps in the posture

chipmunk. a) Sit cross-legged with arms stitched out on both sides.

b) Upper body was gently and slowly twisted from side to side.

c) Head looked at back arm.

d) Came back to centre position.

e) Arms were stretched overhead.

f) Subjects bent to side one way, then to the other.

g) Front of body and eyes remained looking forward.

h) Subjects repeated for several times.

8. The Rocker: Rock gently side to side, but not so far as to fall over.

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Procedure: The children were asked to do the following steps in the posture rocker.

a) Sit cross-legged with hands placed on floor at sides of body.

b) Later hands were placed on top of shoulders.

c) Subjects proceeded to rock so that balance transferred side to side or forward and


d) Back remained relaxed.

e) Child rocked so far as to fall over.

9. The Seal: Gentle stretch with body turned toward one leg, then the other, then

forward; alternate pointing and flexing feet as in illustration.

Procedure: The children were asked to do the following steps in the posture Seal.

a) Sit with legs stretched wide apart and spine straight.

b) Body was turned to face one leg.

c) Reached down to hold on to leg with both hands and gently leaned towards the


d) Held for four slow counts.

e) Subjects repeated to the other leg.

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f) Next, the Subjects sat up facing forward, held on to both legs, rounded back, and

gently leaned forward between legs, while looking toward the floor.

g) Next, the subjects sat straight and placed palms of hands on floor alongside body

for support.

h) Flexed feet and ankles in unison, then tried to point one foot while flexing the

other foot.

i) Subjects repeated rhythmically.

10. Salutation Pose: Join palms together and press and back straight.

Procedure: The children were asked to do the following steps in the posture salutation.

a) Sit with legs apart, spine straight.

b) Legs were stretched but not tightened, toes pointed.

c) Press both palms together in salutation fashion.

d) Lower arms should be parallel to the floor.

e) Release tension joins palms together and press.

f) Hands extend and arms upward then outward to the side.

g) Arms stretched up again.

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h) Bring hands back to prayer position.

i) Relax and repeat several times.

11. Snake Pose: Supine lying, knees bend.

Procedure: The children were asked to do the following steps in the posture snake.

a) Lay on back, legs touching, knees bent, bottom of feet on floor, arms along side of

body on floor.

b) Spine was lowered below waist pressed to floor, upper back was relaxed.

c) Subjects breathed in lung area.

d) Abdominal muscles were contracted, held for three counts.

e) Relaxed and repeated.

12. The Turtle position: Legs half lowered, arms overhead.

Procedure: The children were asked to do the following steps in the posture turtle


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a) Lie on their back, legs touching, knees flexed up toward the chest, arms resting on

floor above head.

b) Lower back was kept pressed to floor throughout extended legs towards sky while

pointing toes, knees stretched.

c) Legs were lowered as far as possible without releasing back from floor.

d) Legs were raised, flexed in and repeated.

13. The Starfish: Lift alternate arm and leg.

Procedure: The children were asked to do the following steps in the posture starfish.

a) Lie on their back, arms and legs comfortably stretched.

b) One arm was raised at a time toward ceiling and lowered.

c) One leg was lifted at a time toward ceiling.

d) Later, one arm was lifted and the opposite leg at the same time.

14. Cat Stretch: Kneeling with rounded spine.

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Procedure: The children were asked to do the following steps in the posture cat stretch


a) On hands and knees, let back slope toward floor.

b) Eyes looked forward and slightly up.

c) Position was changed by rounding spine, contracting abdominal and stomach

muscles and looked down to front of thighs.

d) Subjects repeated for several times.

15. The Swing: Upper body and arms stretch gently side to side while standing


Procedure: The children were asked to do the following steps in the posture swing.

Part I. For flexibility:

a) Subjects stood with legs slightly apart.

b) Arms were stretched overhead; body and arms bent forward, knees slightly bent,

and then came back upright.

c) With arms stretched overhead bent to one side, straightened up, then bent to the

other side and came back up, lowered arms to sides.

Part II. For energizing the body:

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a) Stood up straight and arms were stretched to side making a fist with each hand.

b) Held arms and hands tight, counted 1, 2, and released fists and relaxed.

c) Subjects repeated once.

d) Arms were relaxed and brought down to sides.

Tai-Chi Training

Exercise 1 - Turn the head 1. A Natural Standing Position was assumed.

2. Inhaled and slowly turned the head toward the left to look to the rear.

3. Exhaled and slowly turned the head to the original front position.

4. Inhaled and slowly turned the head toward the right to look to the rear.

5. Exhaled and slowly turned the head to the original front position.

Exercise 2 - Raise both hands to the sky 1. A Natural Standing Position was assumed.

2. Inhaled and raised both arms until the hands were in front of the body at abdomen

height - palms facing inward to hold an invisible balloon in front.

3. Exhaled and interlocked the fingers (palms upward).

4. Rotated the palms over (palms downward). Inhaled and raised both arms in an arc to

position the hands (palms upward) one inch above the head. Exhaled and pressed both

hands (palms upward) vertically, straightening the arms as fully as possible.

Simultaneously, Subjects raised the heels so that they were on the balls of the feet.

This enabled to stretch the entire body. The vision followed the hand movements, i.e.

the head was tilted backward to keep the eyes looking at the back of the hands. They

remained in this posture.

5. Inhaled and rotated the hands so that the palms faced the head, then lowered the hands

to a position one inch above the head. Exhaled and lowered the arms in an arc to the

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original position in front of the abdomen. Simultaneously, Subjects lowered the heel

to the ground. Exercise 3 - Raise one hand to the sky 1. A Natural Standing Position was assumed.

2. Inhaled and raised both arms until the hands were in front of the body at abdomen

height - palms facing inward to hold an invisible balloon in front.

3. Turned both palms over to face downward. Inhaled and raised the left arm vertically

until it was fully stretched above the shoulder. The left palm to face upward and the

fingers pointed to the right. The vision followed the movement of the left hand.

4. Simultaneously, pushed downward with the right palm to the outside of the right thigh.

The palm faced the floor and the fingers pointed to the front. Arm fully stretched.

5. Raised up on to the balls of both feet and fully stretched the entire body. Subjects

remained in this posture for few seconds.

6. Exhaled and by reverse movements withdrew both hands to the starting position (ball

holding position in front of chest), and lowered the heels to the floor. This completed

the first half of the exercise.

7. The exercise was continued by substituting right for left and repeated the sequence,

always returning to the start position.

Exercise 4 - Draw a bow to shoot an arrow 1. A Horse Riding Stance was assumed.

2. Subjects raised the hands to chest height - palms facing inward toward the body and

fingers pointing to each other (imagine holding a large ball on your chest).

3. Subjects crossed both arms in front of the chest with the right arm on the outside of the

left arm.

4. The middle, ring and little finger were curled of the left hand, but the forefinger was

kept extended forward and the thumb pointed upward.

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5. Inhaled as to open the left arm horizontally at shoulder height to the left. Pushed and

stretched away the hand palm and index finger (at right-angles to the arm). The vision

of the eyes was kept on the left hand throughout the movement.

6. Simultaneously, and corresponding to the movement of the left hand, clenched the

right hand into a loose fist and pulled it horizontally at shoulder height to the right.

The position was held for one second.

7. Subjects exhaled, released both fists and returned the arms to a crossed position in

front of the chest (left arm on the outside of the right arm).

8. Repeated the exercise to the right side of the body.

Exercise 5 - Lean body sideways 1. A Horse Riding Stance was assumed.

2. Both hands were placed on upper legs slightly above the knees; with the thumb of each

hand on the outside of the leg facing backward, and the other four fingers on the

inside of the leg.

3. The upper part of the body, including the head, was kept vertical and the two arms

were slightly bent.

4. Exhaled and leaned the upper body to the left as far as possible. This was performed

without moving the feet and legs, or removing the hands from the knees.

5. Inhaled and returned the body to the starting posture.

6. Exhaled and leaned the upper body to the right as far as possible. This was performed

without moving the feet and legs, or removing the hands from the knees.

7. Inhaled and returned the body to the starting posture.

Exercise 6 - Row the boat 1. A Natural Standing Position was assumed.

2. The hands were raised to chest height - palms facing inward toward the body and

fingers pointing to each other (imagine holding a large ball on your chest).

3. Both palms were turned downward, with both legs and ankles fully stretched, exhaled

and the upper body was bent forward to press the hands vertically downward as far as

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possible to touch the back of the ankles. The head and back of the body was

maintained in a straight line.

4. Inhaled, and with the palms upward, the arms were swung outward and upward as to

straighten the body. The palms were turned forward as to bring the hands to the

starting position.

Exercise 7 - Punching 1. A horse Riding Stance was assumed.

2. The thumbs were folded inside the palm of each hand, and then two fists were formed.

Inhaled and the knees were slightly bent. Simultaneously the fists were placed on the

hips (knuckles downward).

3. Exhaled through the nose and left arm extend slowly forward at chest height toward

the centre of the body. The arm was corkscrewed inward so as to turn the fist over to

finish with the knuckles facing upward. This was performed slowly and calmly with

great concentration. Each movement began gently. By squeezing the fist the full

power came in only at the end of the extension. Teeth were clenched tightly. Eyes

were bulged wider and stared intently at the left fist. This position was held for one


4. The tension was released in the left fist. Inhaled and gradually the fist was brought

back to hip, returning along the same path.

5. The exercise was repeated with the right fist.

Exercise 8 - Bounce on the heels 1. A natural standing position was assumed.

2. Ankles and legs fully stretched, inhaled and the heels of both feet were raised as high

as possible.

3. Exhaled and the heels were lowered to the floor in a sharp jerky action, allowing the

body to shake.

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Equated group design was adopted in this study, as the investigator was particular

to make a thorough analysis to find out whether there is any significant difference in level

of performance. The subjects were divided into four equal groups as one control group

and three experimental groups with ten in each group. Based on the pre test scores they

were equally grouped to undergo the treatment. All experimental groups were practicing

the given training for a period of twelve weeks and the control group did not participate

in any of the training.

Test Administration and Scoring Procedures Time Requirements

During the collection of norms, approximately 15 minutes was required to assess

one child. Testing time varied with the age of the child.

Testing Conditions The testing environment was arranged to minimize distractions and according to

specific directions for each item. The equipment specified in each item was commonly

found in motor skill programs and was listed in the directions for each item. Testing

conditions were arranged prior to beginning the test to help minimize administration


General Guidelines for Test Administration

The examiner assured a reliable administration of the test by following several general guidelines.

Reading the entire test to acquaint with items, equipment, directions, and performance criteria.

Practicing administering the test several times.

Establishing rapport with the child. Initiated a friendly conversation emphasizing

how much fun he will have performing the skills. Encouraged the student to give

maximum effort. Using terms such as “jump far” promoted the best efforts.

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Provided positive reinforcement for effort in attempting to perform skills that are

beyond their ability.

Although the test administrator observed one student performing at a time, it was

more economical in terms of time to test two or three students together. As each

child was assessed on an item, the other students were encouraged to watch and

rest. The sequence of individuals was altered so that one student does not always

go first or last.

Standard Procedures Standardized procedures were followed when the child’s scores were to be

compared with available norms. The performance criteria were made to meet the unique

needs of the examiner. Instructional decisions were made without reference to test norms.

The following requirements are standard for administering each test item in an

attempt to minimize any discriminatory practices:

1. The appropriate information was filled in on the cover sheet of the Student Record


2. Assessment was preceded with an accurate demonstration and verbal request.

3. A practice trial was preceded to assure that the student understands what to do.

4. One additional demonstration was preceded when the student does not appear to

understand the task.

Standard Scoring Criteria Each gross motor skill includes three of four behavioural components that are

presented as performance criteria. In general, these behaviours represent a mature pattern

of the skills. The specific steps in scoring all items are listed below.

The subjects were required to perform three trials of each gross motor skill.

The students observed performing the skill and concentrated on the performance


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Where the student performed a behavioural component two out of three trials

correctly, a “1” was marked in the appropriate box in the correct assessment

column. Where the student did not perform a behavioural component two out of

three trials correctly, “0” was marked. There were two separate columns provided

for each of the assessment occasions. The student’s initial assessment data

appeared in the first column.

Subtest 1. Loco motor Skills SKILL: Run


A minimum of 50 feet of clear space and masking tape, chalk, or other marking device.

DIRECTIONS Two lines 50 feet apart were marked. Student was instructed to “run fast” from one line to the other.

PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Brief period where both feet are off the ground. Arms in opposition to legs, elbows bent. Foot placement near or on line (not flat footed). Non-support leg bent approximately 90 degrees (close to buttocks).

SKILL: Gallop

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EQUIPMENT/CONDITIONS A minimum of 30 feet of clear space. DIRECTIONS

Two lines 30 feet apart were marked. Students were asked to gallop from one line to the other three times. Students were asked to gallop leading with one foot and then the other.

PERFORMANCE CRITERIA A step forward with the lead foot followed by a step with the trailing foot to a position adjacent to or behind the led foot. Brief period where both feet are off the ground. Arms bent and lifted to waist level. Able to lead with right and left foot.


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A minimum of 15 feet of clear space. DIRECTIONS

The students were asked to hop three times, first on one foot and then on the other. PERFORMANCE CRITERIA

Foot of non-support leg is bent and carried in back of the body. Non-support leg swings in pendular fashion to produce force. Arms bent at elbows and swing forward on take off

Able to hop on the right and left foot. SKILL: Leap

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EQUIPMENT/CONDITIONS A minimum of 30 feet of clear space. DIRECTIONS

The students were asked to leap. The students were asked to take large steps by leaping from one foot to the other.

PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Take off on one foot and land on the opposite foot. A period where both feet are off the ground (longer than running). Forward reach with arm opposite the lead foot.

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SKILL: Horizontal Jump


A minimum of 10 feet of clear space and marking tape, or other marking device. DIRECTIONS

A starting line was marked on the floor. The students had the start behind the line. The students were asked to “jump far.”

PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Preparatory movement included flexion of both knees with arms extended behind the body. Arms extend forcefully forward and upward, reaching full extension above head. Take off and land on both feet simultaneously. Arms brought downward during landing. SKILL: Skip

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EQUIPMENT/CONDITIONS A minimum of 30 feet of clear space and marking tape, or other marking device. DIRECTIONS

Two lines 30 feet apart were marked. The students were asked to skip from one line to the other three times.

PERFORMANCE CRITERIA A rhythmical repetition of the step-hop on alternate feet. Foot of non-support leg carried near surface during hop phase. Arms alternately moving in opposition to legs at about waist level.

Page 26: METHODOLOGY Selection of subjects - Shodhgangashodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/5601/12/12_chapter 3.pdf · 1 Standing in Shallow water:- The subjects were made to stand

SKILL: Slide


A minimum of 30 feet of clear space and masking tape, or other marking device. DIRECTIONS

Two lines were marked 30 feet apart. The students were asked to slide from one line to the other line three times facing the same direction.

PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Body turned sideways to desired direction of travel.

A step sideways followed by a slide of the trailing foot to a point next to the lead foot.

A short period where both feet are off the floor. Able to slide to the right and to the left side. Collection of Data Pre test and post test scores were collected from the subjects on the Test of Gross

motor development at an interval of twelve weeks training. The tests were administered

only on the loco motor skills such as run, gallop, hop, leap, horizontal jump, skip and

slide of the individuals.

Page 27: METHODOLOGY Selection of subjects - Shodhgangashodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/5601/12/12_chapter 3.pdf · 1 Standing in Shallow water:- The subjects were made to stand

Statistical Procedure

To find out the significant effect of the treatment groups among the variables

Kruskal Wallis ANOVA by Ranks was used as recommended by Jerry R Thomas and

Jack K Nelson (1990). When there are significant differences among the groups, the

follow up test was used.

The follow up test was used as recommended by Anne L.Rothstein (1985) to

ascertain more precisely the source of the observed significance among the multi groups.