Postgrad. med. J. (February 1967) 43, 103-113. CURRENT SURVEYS Metabolic myopathy P. K. THOMAS M.D., B.Sc., M.R.C.P. Royal Free and Royal National Orthopaedic Hospitals, and Institute of Neurology, London RECENT years have witnessed a considerably in- creased interest in disorders of muscle, resulting in large measure from the advent of new investigative techniques. This has led both to the clarification of the nature of known disorders and to the definition of new syndromes. In this review, a brief survey is given of current knowledge concerning myopathic disorders arising from metabolic disturbances. Since the basis of many muscle diseases is not yet understood, the inclusion of certain conditions and the omission of others is to some extent arbitrary. Disorders of potassium metabolism Hypokalaemic and hyperkalaemic paralysis Disturbances of potassium may have a pro- found effect on muscular excitability by influenc- ing the membrane potential. The membrane is normally electrically polarized, the interior being negative with respect to the exterior, this potential difference depending upon an unequal distribu- tion of potassium ions across the membrane. There is a high intracellular and a low extracellular con- centration of potassium ions, the reverse being true of sodium. A propagated action potential involves a transient depolarization of the mem- brane associated with a sudden influx of sodium ions. Alteration in the extracellular concentration of potassium ions will influence the height of the resting potential of the membrane, hyperkalaemia having a depolarizing and hypokalaemia a hyper- polarizing effect. If of sufficient magnitude, both will lead to flaccid paralysis. With partial depolar- ization, hyperexcitability of the membrane with spontaneous or repetitive discharges may occur. Attacks of hypokalaemic weakness are a feature of Conn's syndrome, due to excessive urinary excretion of potassium because of an aldosterone secreting adrenal tumour. Loss from renal tubular lesions or as a result of treatment by hydrochloro- thiazide or other diuretics may be responsible, as may disorders of the alimentary tract in which loss of large amounts of gastro-intestinal fluids occurs. It may complicate the use of ion-exchange resins and sometimes occurs in the recovery phase of diabetic ketosis. Hyperkalaemic weakness may be encountered in renal failure where there is potassium retention or during severe diabetic ketosis. Familial periodic paralysis Families in which affected members suffer from recurrent episodes of muscular paralysis have been recognized for nearly a century and the fact that the weakness may be relieved by potassium has been known for almost as long. A reduction in the serum potassium level during attacks was first documented by Biemond & Daniels in 1934. This disorder displays an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance and usually begins in early adult life, attacks tending to become less frequent in later life and sometimes ceasing altogether. They often occur during rest after vigorous exertion or on awakening after sleep, and may be provoked by a large carbohydrate meal. Their severity is variable, ranging from mild localized weakness to a severe flaccid tetraplegia, the proximal muscles and the muscles innervated by the cranial nerves usually being spared. The episodes generally last for 6-12 hr, but after a severe attack, some weak- ness may persist for 1-2 days. The paralysed muscles are inexcitable to direct electrical stimula- tion and electrocardiographic abnormalities may be present during an attack. In some individuals, permanent myopathic weakness and wasting grad- ually appear, predominantly affecting the pelvic girdle and lower limb muscles. The mechanism of the attacks is not yet under- stood. The plasma potassium level is usually re- duced in the attacks, but weakness may occur at levels within the normal range and the reduction is not generally as great as that necessary to pro- duce weakness in normal subjects. The paralysis is not therefore solely the result of the hypo- kalaemia. It is not due to hyperpolarization of the muscle membrane, as this has been observed to be normal in attacks (Shy et al., 1961; Creutzfeldt et al., 1963). During the episodes of weakness, the urinary excretion of potassium is reduced, potas- sium migrating into the muscle cells (Grob, Liljestrand & Johns, 1957; Zierler & Andres, copyright. on August 1, 2021 by guest. Protected by http://pmj.bmj.com/ Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.43.496.103 on 1 February 1967. Downloaded from

Metabolic myopathy - Postgraduate Medical Journal · Postgrad. med. J. (February 1967)43, 103-113. CURRENTSURVEYS Metabolic myopathy P. K. THOMAS M.D., B.Sc., M.R.C.P. RoyalFree andRoyalNationalOrthopaedicHospitals

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Page 1: Metabolic myopathy - Postgraduate Medical Journal · Postgrad. med. J. (February 1967)43, 103-113. CURRENTSURVEYS Metabolic myopathy P. K. THOMAS M.D., B.Sc., M.R.C.P. RoyalFree andRoyalNationalOrthopaedicHospitals

Postgrad. med. J. (February 1967) 43, 103-113.


Metabolic myopathy

P. K. THOMASM.D., B.Sc., M.R.C.P.

Royal Free and Royal National Orthopaedic Hospitals, and Institute of Neurology, London

RECENT years have witnessed a considerably in-creased interest in disorders of muscle, resulting inlarge measure from the advent of new investigativetechniques. This has led both to the clarification ofthe nature of known disorders and to the definitionof new syndromes. In this review, a brief survey isgiven of current knowledge concerning myopathicdisorders arising from metabolic disturbances.Since the basis of many muscle diseases is not yetunderstood, the inclusion of certain conditions andthe omission of others is to some extent arbitrary.

Disorders of potassium metabolismHypokalaemic and hyperkalaemic paralysis

Disturbances of potassium may have a pro-found effect on muscular excitability by influenc-ing the membrane potential. The membrane isnormally electrically polarized, the interior beingnegative with respect to the exterior, this potentialdifference depending upon an unequal distribu-tion of potassium ions across the membrane. Thereis a high intracellular and a low extracellular con-centration of potassium ions, the reverse beingtrue of sodium. A propagated action potentialinvolves a transient depolarization of the mem-brane associated with a sudden influx of sodiumions. Alteration in the extracellular concentrationof potassium ions will influence the height of theresting potential of the membrane, hyperkalaemiahaving a depolarizing and hypokalaemia a hyper-polarizing effect. If of sufficient magnitude, bothwill lead to flaccid paralysis. With partial depolar-ization, hyperexcitability of the membrane withspontaneous or repetitive discharges may occur.

Attacks of hypokalaemic weakness are a featureof Conn's syndrome, due to excessive urinaryexcretion of potassium because of an aldosteronesecreting adrenal tumour. Loss from renal tubularlesions or as a result of treatment by hydrochloro-thiazide or other diuretics may be responsible, asmay disorders of the alimentary tract in whichloss of large amounts of gastro-intestinal fluidsoccurs. It may complicate the use of ion-exchangeresins and sometimes occurs in the recovery phaseof diabetic ketosis. Hyperkalaemic weakness may

be encountered in renal failure where there ispotassium retention or during severe diabeticketosis.

Familial periodic paralysisFamilies in which affected members suffer from

recurrent episodes of muscular paralysis have beenrecognized for nearly a century and the fact thatthe weakness may be relieved by potassium hasbeen known for almost as long. A reduction in theserum potassium level during attacks was firstdocumented by Biemond & Daniels in 1934. Thisdisorder displays an autosomal dominant patternof inheritance and usually begins in early adultlife, attacks tending to become less frequent inlater life and sometimes ceasing altogether. Theyoften occur during rest after vigorous exertion oron awakening after sleep, and may be provokedby a large carbohydrate meal. Their severity isvariable, ranging from mild localized weakness toa severe flaccid tetraplegia, the proximal musclesand the muscles innervated by the cranial nervesusually being spared. The episodes generally lastfor 6-12 hr, but after a severe attack, some weak-ness may persist for 1-2 days. The paralysedmuscles are inexcitable to direct electrical stimula-tion and electrocardiographic abnormalities maybe present during an attack. In some individuals,permanent myopathic weakness and wasting grad-ually appear, predominantly affecting the pelvicgirdle and lower limb muscles.The mechanism of the attacks is not yet under-

stood. The plasma potassium level is usually re-duced in the attacks, but weakness may occur atlevels within the normal range and the reductionis not generally as great as that necessary to pro-duce weakness in normal subjects. The paralysis isnot therefore solely the result of the hypo-kalaemia. It is not due to hyperpolarization of themuscle membrane, as this has been observed to benormal in attacks (Shy et al., 1961; Creutzfeldtet al., 1963). During the episodes of weakness, theurinary excretion of potassium is reduced, potas-sium migrating into the muscle cells (Grob,Liljestrand & Johns, 1957; Zierler & Andres,

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Current surveys

1957). There is some evidence (McArdle, 1956) tosuggest that a partial block in carbohydrate break-down or synthesis exists, which results in theaccumulation of indiffusible intermediary meta-bolites. This might then lead to a shift of waterand potassium into the cells. From electron micro-scope studies (Shy et al., 1961), it has been shownthat the muscle fibres in this condition may displaya greatly dilated sarcoplasmic reticulum, lendingsome support to this suggestion. Conn & Streeten(1960) claimed that disturbances of sodium meta-bolism are involved, sodium being retained duringattacks, this being associated with an increasedurinary excretion of aldosterone. Others have beenunable to confirm this finding (Shy et al., 1961).

If the diagnosis is not made by the finding of areduced plasma potassium level in a spontaneousattack, weakness may be provoked by the admin-istration of a carbohydrate load, if necessarycombined with insulin. Attacks are treated withthe oral administration of potassium and may bereduced in frequency and severity by a low carbo-hydrate, high potassium diet. In those individualswhere weakness occurs after sleep, a prophylacticdose of potassium at night may be effective.Poskanzer & Kerr (1961a) have recommended theprophylactic administration of spironolactone.

Periodic paralysis in hyperthyroidismPeriodic paralysis is a rare accompaniment to

thyrotoxicosis and is most often seen in youngadult males. The majority of the reports of thisassociation have been made from Japan (e.g.Okinaka et al., 1957). The attacks normally begincontemporaneously with the onset of the hyper-thyroidism or shortly after, and signs of hyper-thyroidism are not always obtrusive. The attacksare associated with hypokalaemia and tend to beprovoked in the same way, although Engel (1961)believed that the underlying metabolic disturbancediffered from that of familial periodic paralysis.There is usually no family history of periodicparalysis and the attacks cease with correction ofthe thyrotoxicosis.

Adynamia episodica hereditaria (hyperkalaemnicperiodic paralysis)

Tyler et al. (1951) described a family, theaffected members of which were subject toepisodes of muscular weakness in which the serumpotassium level was normal, the weakness beingaggravated rather than relieved by the administra-tion of potassium. These cases were probablyexamples of the condition subsequently termedadynamia episodica hereditaria by Gamstorp(1956). The attacks of paralysis in this disorder,which displays an autosomal dominant patternof inheritance, often begin during childhood and

tend to subside during adult life. They are oftenmore frequent and of shorter duration than in thehypokalaemic variety of periodic paralysis. Theyare precipitated by rest after exercise and exercisein the initial stage of an attack may prevent weak-ness developing. Attacks are not provoked bycarbohydrate meals. Affected individuals mayshow mild persisting myotonic phenomena, with.percussion myotonia of the tongue and thenarmuscles and myotonic lig-lag on looking downafter sustained upward gaze. Permanent myopathicweakness sometimes develops (McArdle, 1962).The plasma potassium level is commonly raised

in a severe attack, but may be normal. The urinaryloss of potassium is increased, potassium probablyleaking out from the muscle fibres (McArdle,1962). Electromyography demonstrates that somemuscle fibres cease to function, whereas othersexhibit increased mechanical excitability andmyotonic activity (Buchthal, Engbaek & Gam-storp, 1958). The muscle membrane potential hasbeen found to be reduced and this depolarizationmay account for the weakness and also the in-creased excitability of the muscle fibres encoun-tered electromyographically (Creutzfeldt et al.,1963). The depolarization cannot be explainedsolely in terms of the hyperkalaemia since, asalready mentioned, weakness occurs with plasmapotassium levels within the normal range or withelevations insufficient to cause paralysis in nor-mal subjects.

Diagnosis is achieved by the finding of anelevated plasma potassium level in a spontaneousattack or one precipitated by rest after exertion.Otherwise, potassium administration may be em-ployed to provoke an attack. In treating this dis-order, the frequency of attacks may be reducedby diuretics such as hydrochlorothiazide to pro-mote potassium loss. McArdle (1962) hasadvocated the use of the carbonic anhydrase in-hibitor dichlorphenamide. The administration ofrepeated oral doses of glucose also may help toprevent paralysis (Herman & McDowell, 1963).

Paramyotonia congenitaIn 1886, von Eulenberg described a condition

in which myotonia produced by exposure to coldwas associated with attacks of flaccid muscularparalysis. Magee (1963) drew attention to worsen-ing of the myotonia on repeated muscular con-traction (myotonia paradoxa) in such cases, andHudson (1963) has commented on persisting mus-cular weakness and wasting in the legs. Whetherthis is a separate disease entity is at present uncer-tain, but this view has been advocated by Baxter& Dyck (1961) and Magee (1963). On the otherhand, Drager, Hammill & Shy (1958) argued that


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Current surveys

the condition was inseparable from adynamiaepisodica hereditaria. Samaha (1965) recently con-cluded that although at present a separation intomore than one clinical entity may be possible, theunderlying biochemical defect in all the reportedfamilies probably only differs in degree.

Normokalaemic periodic paralysisPoskanzer & Kerr (1961b) reported a third type

of periodic paralysis in which the attacks tendedto be prolonged and severe and to occur mostoften at night. The plasma potassium level wasnormal during the attacks, but weakness could beprovoked or worsened by potassium administra-tion. They were relieved by sodium chloride and acombination of acetazolamide and 9-a-fluoro-hydrocortisone was found to be effective in theirprophylaxis. This form is possibly a variant of thehyperkalaemic type of periodic paralysis (Herman& McDowell, 1963).

Disorders of sodium metabolismThe role of sodium ions in disorders of muscle

is as yet poorly understood. Their possible im-plication in attacks of hypokalaemic familialperiodic paralysis has already been mentioned.Sodium may also modify the effects of potassiumin the hyperkalaemic form (Herman & McDowell,1963). The explanation of the weakness andfatiguability in Addison's disease is not certain,but these symptoms are relieved by correcting theelectrolyte and water disturbances.

Disorders of calcium metabolismCalcium ions, and to a lesser extent magnesium,

are involved in stabilizing the electrical potentialacross the membrane of the muscle fibre, pro-bably by influencing the rate of transfer ofmonovalent ions through the membrane. A re-duced extracellular concentration of calciumincreases the rate of transfer, thus increasing theexcitability of the membrane. An increased extra-cellular concentration has the opposite effect. Themembrane of the axons of peripheral nerve fibresis similarly affected and the carpo-pedal spasm oftetany resulting from a reduced concentration ofcalcium ions in the extracellular fluid is in fact dueto spontaneous activity of peripheral nerve fibres.

Calcium ions enter the muscle fibres during con-traction and the strength of contraction is propor-tional to the quantity of calcium entering percontraction (Bianchi & Shanes, 1959). Vitamin Dmay play a role in its transfer across the mem-brane (Kodicek, 1963). It is thought that calciumions are probably involved in the coupling processbetween the membrane action potential and theactivation of the contractile mechanism.

A myopathic syndrome with limb girdle weak-ness, wasting and fatiguability seen in associationwith osteomalacia has now been reported on anumber of occasions (e.g. Vicale, 1949; Shy, 1960;Prineas, Mason & Henson, 1965). Although thenature of the underlying disturbances of musclefunction is as yet uncertain, the weakness corre-lates poorly with the serum calcium level but isimproved by the administration of vitamin D. It istherefore possibly related to an alteration in themetabolism of this vitamin. Electromyographymay show myopathic changes and muscle biopsyreveal scattered atrophic fibres.

Disorders of carbohydrate metabolismGlycogen storage diseaseCarbohydrate is stored in muscle as glycogen,

being synthesized from glucose. Glycogen yieldsenergy by anaerobic breakdown to lactate andpyruvate via hexose and triose phosphates, pyru-vate then entering the tricarboxylic acid cycle foroxidative breakdown. A number of disorders havenow been described in which there is defectiveglycogen breakdown. Skeletal muscle is involvedin a-glucosidase deficiency (Pompe's disease, Coritype II) and in amylo- 1 ,6-glucosidase deficiency(Forbes' disease, Cori type III), but muscularsymptoms are not severe. They may give rise tohypotonic weakness and represent one cause ofthe 'floppy infant' syndrome.

Hereditary deficiency of myophosphorylase(McArdle's disease). McArdle (1951) drew atten-tion to a rare disorder usually with an onset inchildhood characterized by attacks of painfulmuscle cramp produced by exercise. Electro-myographic examination showed that shortening ina muscle affected by a cramp is not associated withpropagated action potentials and is therefore aphysiological contracture. Subsequently cases werereported in which the attacks were accompaniedby myoglobinuria (Schmid & Mahler, 1959;Pearson, Rimer & Mommaerts, 1961) and inwhom persistent myopathic weakness and wastingdeveloped (Schmid & Mahler, 1959; Mellick,Mahler & Hughes, 1962). The disease is due to asingle completely recessive autosomal gene(Schmid & Hammaker, 1961). Cases of late onsethave also been described (Engel, Eyerman &Williams, 1963).McArdle observed that exercise, particularly

ischaemic exercise, failed to give rise to the nor-mal elevation of blood lactate and pyruvate, whichpointed to a defect in glycogenolysis. It was sub-sequently shown that myophosphorylase, which isinvolved in the initial stage of glycogen break-down, is absent (Mommaerts et al., 1959; Schmid& Mahler, 1959). Hepatic glycogenolysis is un-


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Current surveys

affected. There are excessive quantities of glycogenin the muscle fibres, mainly in the intermyofibrillarspace of the I band and beneath the sarcolemma(Schotland et al., 1965).Treatment involves restricting activity within the

limits of tolerance imposed by the developmentof muscle pain, although exercise tolerance can beimproved by the administration of glucose orfructose before activity.Reviews of this condition have recently been

made by McArdle (1964) and Rowland et al.(1966).

Hereditary deficiency of phosphofructokinase.Tarui et al. (1965) have recently reported a dis-order, probably due to an autosomal recessivegene, in which affected individuals have a life-longlimitation of exercise tolerance, exercise givingrise to weakness and muscle pain. The bloodlactate level fails to rise on ischaemic exercise andthere is an accumulation of hexose monophos-phates and to a lesser extent of glycogen in themuscles. There is an almost complete absence ofmuscle phosphofructokinase.

Hereditary metabolic myopathy due to abnormalglycolysis

Larsson et al. (1964) described an interestingdisorder beginning in childhood characterized by avariably reduced ability for physical performance.At times when exercise tolerance is low, physicalexertion gives rise to painful firm muscles, mus-cular paralysis and sometimes myoglobinuria. Anautosomal recessive gene appears to be respon-sible. Oxygen utilization during exercise was foundto be reduced and the elevation of blood lactateand pyruvate increased, suggesting abnormalglycolysis. It was postulated that excessiveamounts of acid metabolites accumulated duringexercise, causing damage and breakdown of themuscle fibres and consequent release of myo-globin.

Diabetes mellitusThe occasional occurrence of hyperkalaemic

weakness in diabetic coma and of hypokalaemicweakness during the recovery phase has alreadyreceived mention. Hyperkalaemia results from themovement of intracellular potassium into theextracellular compartment consequent upon tissuebreakdown for energy production and excessiveaccumulation may occur if urinary loss is in-adequate because of severe dehydration. Duringinsulin treatment, potassium moves back into thecells and this, together with restoration of bloodvolume and pre-existing potassium depletion, maylead to hypokalaemia.Wasting and weakness, often asymmetrical, in-

volving mainly the proximal muscles in the lower

limbs and accompanied by pain, occurs as a com-plication of diabetes. This syndrome may beunassociated with evidence of a sensory neuro-pathy and has been termed diabetic amyotrophy(Garland, 1955). It seems likely, however, that itis a form of diabetic neuropathy (Gilliatt &Willison, 1962), although earlier a myopathic basishad been questioned. In a biopsy study, Locke,Lawrence & Legg (1963) found atrophy of musclefibres, but these were scattered and not groupedas in typical denervation atrophy. Nevertheless,the changes were not considered to indicate aprimary myopathy, but were thought to be theresult of degenerative changes in the nerve ter-minals.HyperinsulinismA rare complication of insulin - secreting

adenomas or carcinomas of the pancreatic isletcells and related to recurrent episodes of hypo-glycaemia is a syndrome consisting of distal, oroccasionally proximal, weakness and wasting inthe limbs associated with fasciculation. This wasstudied by Mulder, Bastron & Lambert (1956) andwas considered probably to be the result ofdamage to the anterior horn cells and possiblyalso of the peripheral nerves. On the other hand,in the case studied by Levrat & Brette (1948), thehistological changes in the muscles suggested aprimary myopathy with scattered fibre degenera-tion and in a biopsy from one of the cases reportedby Mulder et al. (1956) the changes were not thoseof denervation atrophy. It is possible, therefore,that a direct effect on the muscles fibres may alsotake place.

Disorders of protein metabolismAmyloidosis

Although involvement of the peripheral nervesin primary amyloidosis is well documented (e.g.Chambers, Medd & Spencer, 1958), apart frominfiltration of the tongue and myocardium, in-volvement of muscle is less clearly recognized.However, proximal muscular weakness and wast-ing in the limbs may occur (Shy, 1960), histo-logical examination showing infiltration of theconnective tissue of the muscles with amyloid,especially around blood vessels. The muscles mayexhibit pseudo-myotonia and sluggish relaxationof tendon reflexes similar to that seen inmyxoedema. One case seen personally was accom-panied by severe muscle pain.

Miscellaneous disordersMyoglobinuria

Extensive acute destruction of muscle fibresfrom a variety of causes may lead to release ofmyoglobin and consequent myoglobinuria. This


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Current surveys

can follow crush injuries or infarction, or acutepolymyositis. In Haff disease, muscle damageprobably results from a toxic substance in con-taminated fish and myoglobinuria may be causedby the venom of a sea-snake (Reid, 1961), thisprobably damaging the muscle fibre membrane(Meldrum & Thompson, 1962). Other intracellularsubstances are also released, so that the serumcreatine and muscle enzyme levels are increasedAs previously mentioned, myoglobinuria mayoccur in McArdle's syndrome.

Idiopathic paroxysmal myoglobinuria is an un-common disorder, manifested by repeated episodesof muscle pain and weakness which may beassociated with myoglobinuria. There is sometimesa family history of the same condition. Musclebiopsies in the acute stage show swelling andfragmentation of the fibres (Pearson. Beck &Blahd, 1957). Prompt regeneration usually occurs,but in some patients, persisting myopathic weak-ness and wasting develop as a sequel to recurrentattacks. The disease has been separated into twotypes (Korein, Coddon & Mowrey, 1959). The firstis commoner in males and usually begins duringadolescence or early adult life, the attacks beingprovoked by exercise. The second type occursmost frequently in children, the episodes tendingto follow infections. Severe myoglobinuria maylead to renal damage. The cause of the conditionis uncertain. Abnormal myoglobins have beenpostulated, but have not been demonstrated. Thedisorder of muscle glycolysis described by Larssonet al. (1964), which has already been discussedand which may give rise to myoglobinuria, hasmany features that resemble the first type ofidiopathic paroxysmal myoglobinuria as definedby Korein et al. (1959).

Myopathy in thyroid disordersThyrotoxic myopathy. Chronic thyrotoxic

myopathy was formerly considered to be a rarecomplication of hyperthyroidism, but studies inrecent years have shown that the majority ofpatients with thyrotoxicosis have some degree ofmuscle disorder. Havard et al. (1963) found thatmuscle weakness was present in 80% of an un-selected series, and in 8 % it was the chief com-plaint. The weakness and wasting is usuallyproximal in distribution and particularly involvesthe shoulder girdle musculature. At times, thebulbar muscles are also involved, and Ramsay(1966) has suggested that the development ofbulbar weakness gives rise to the cases that werein the past termed 'acute thyrotoxic myopathy'.In electromyographic studies, Havard et al. (1963)found myopathic abnormalities in 88% and theywere found in 92% by Ramsay (1965). Muscle

biopsies show lymphorrhages and a reduction inthe diameter of the fibres, but otherwise thechanges are inconspicuous. The cause of thyro-toxic myopathy is not known. An effect onoxidative phosphorylation has been postulated(Ramsay, 1966). Recovery occurs with treatmentof the thyrotoxicosis.Muscle abnormalities in myxoedema. Sluggish

tendon reflexes are a frequent accompaniment ofmyxoedema, this being particularly evident for theankle jerks. This is not the result of any alterationin the neural components of the reflex (Lambertet al., 1951), but appears to be due to a disturb-ance of the contractile mechanism (Lawson, 1958).Its explanation is unknown. At times, there is ageneralized increase in muscle bulk, the musclesbeing abnormally firm in consistency. Movementstend to be sluggish and muscle pain may occurafter use. The condition has been termed Hoff-man's syndrome in the adult and Debre-Semelaigne syndrome in cretinous children. Themuscular abnormality resembles myotonia butelectromyography fails to reveal myotonic dis-charges. These changes are corrected by treatmentwith thyroxine (Wilson & Walton, 1959). A limbgirdle myopathy was found in a series of patientswith myxoedema reported by Astrom, Kugelberg& Muller (1961). '[hey displayed mild proximalweakness and wasting, myopathic electromyo-graphic abnormalities and rather indefinite histo-logical changes in muscle biopsies. Most of thecases responded to treatment of the myxoedema.

Corticosteroid myopathyA limb girdle myopathy resulting from the

administration of cortiscosteroids, usually mostsevere for the muscles of the pelvic girdle, wasoriginally reported by Perkoff et al. (1959). Thedisorder appears to be related to the dosage andduration of treatment and it has been suggestedthat steroids possessing a fluorine atom in the9a position are particularly prone to give rise tothis complication (Golding et al., 1961). Electro-myography reveals myopathic changes. Musclebiopsies show scattered atrophic or necroticmuscle fibres (Adams, 1964). The serum creatinekinase level has been reported to be normal(Pearce, Pennington & Walton, 1964). Recoveryoccurs on withdrawing the steroid treatment.Corticosteroid myopathy has been investigated inanimals and a reversible segmental degenerationof muscle fibres reported (Ellis, 1956; Glaser &Stark, 1958), with a predominant effect on 'white'muscle fibres (Smith, 1964). Its cause has not beenestablished, but an effect on muscle phosphorylasehas been suggested (Smith, 1964). Corticosteroidmyopathy is presumably analogous to the limb


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108 Current surveys

girdle myopathy that may occur in Cushing'ssyndrome (Muller & Kugelberg, 1959).Contractures in Addison's disease

Patients with Addison's disease occasionallydevelop contractures of the legs, apparently theresult of fascial and tendinous contracture ratherthan any myopathic abnormality (Thorn, 1949;Adams, Denny-Brown & Pearson, 1962). Theexplanation is uncertain.

Chloroquine myopathyIn recent years, a reversible myopathy has been

described in patients receiving chloroquine over aprolonged period (Whisnant et al., 1963). This hasshown a proximal distribution, the lower limbsusually being more severely affected. Histologic-ally, the muscles display a vacuolar change, similarto that reported in systemic lupus erythematosusby Pearson & Yamazaki (1958). The vacuolarchanges are associated with the accumulation ofglycogen and it has therefore been suggested thatchloroquine damages muscle by affecting enzymesinvolved in glycogen metabolism (Eadie & Ferrier,1966). Chloroquine myopathy has been studiedexperimentally by Smith & O'Grady (1966). 'Red'muscle fibres are selectively affected and it is pos-sible that chloroquine is bound by myohaemo-globin.

Alcoholic myopathyAn acute reversible myopathic syndrome occur-

ring in chronic alcoholic subjects following aperiod of particularly high alcohol intake was des-cribed by Hed et al. (1962). The patients com-plained of severe muscular aching and tenderness.Oedema of the muscles and subcutaneous tissueswas noted on examination. Slight myoglobinuriasometimes occurred. Biopsies showed degenerationand necrosis of muscle fibres and serum enzymeestimations suggested necrosis both of muscle andliver cells. Subsequently, a further syndrome wasdescribed (Ekbom et al., 1964) in which proximalweakness insidiously developed in chronic alco-holic subjects. Electromyography revealed myo-pathic abnormalities and muscle biopsy showedevidence of recent or previous destruction ofmuscle fibres. The weakness recovered on cessa-tion of alcohol consumption.The acute syndrome has recently been further

studied by Perkoff, Hardy & Velez-Garcia (1966)who found that the blood lactic acid failed to riseor showed a reduced elevation after ischaemicexercise. It was therefore suggested that muscleglycogenolysis is impaired. Although some of thepatients with alcoholic myopathy have shownsigns of neuropathy, thiamine deficiency does notappear to be responsible for the muscle damage.

Myopathy with mitochondrial abnormalitiesShy, Gonates & Perez (1966) reported two

genetically-determined childhood myopathies withabnormal mitochondria. In the first, which theytermed megaconial myopathy, slowly progressiveproximal weakness was present, muscle biopsiesshowing, on electron microscopy, giant mitochon-dria with several types of inclusion. This appearedto be accompanied by difficulty in handling intra-cellular lipid. In the second type, termed pleoconialmyopathy, in addition to proximal weakness, pro-longed attacks of flaccid weakness and salt crav-ing occurred. Electron microscopy demonstratedgreatly increased numbers of mitochondria onlymoderately increased in size. It was consideredthat there was some difficulty in handling intra-cellular cations.

ReferencesADAMS, R.D. (1964) In: Disorder of VoluntaryMuscle (Ed. by J. N. Walton). Churchill, London.

ADAMS, R.D., DENNY-BROWN, D. & PEARSON, C.M.(1962) Diseases of Muscle, 2nd ed. Harper, NewYork.

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Herpes simplex virus infections


Consultant Physician in Infectious Diseases, Royal Free Hospital;Consultant in Infectious Diseases, North West Metropolitan Hospital Board;

Lecturer in Infectious Diseases, University of London;Lecturer and Official Examiner in Infectious Diseases, London School of Hygiene and

Tropical Medicine;Consultant in Smallpox, Ministry of Health

INFECTION with herpes simplex virus is probablythe commonest of all virus infections. The firstattack occurs generally between the age of I and5 years but may be deferred until adult life; it isusually sub-clinical or so trivial as not to justifymedical attention but in 10% of cases it takes theform of acute gingivo-stomatitis. It is not suffi-ciently realized, however, that the virus may alsobe responsible for primary infection of the centralnervous system, eye, skin and genital tract andthat the eczematous skin is extremely vulnerable.Recurrent attacks of herpes simplex, usually tak-ing the form of an eruption around the lips(herpes labialis) are common. These are due toreactivation of virus remaining latent in the cellsof the buccal mucosa and around the muco-cutaneous junction following the primary attack.A wide variety of factors predispose to reactiva-tion including infections with organisms such asthe pneumococcus or meningococcus, or by thecommon cold or influenza viruses, exposure to sunor cold, emotional upsets or hormonal disturb-ances such as menstruation.

The aetiological agentHerpes simplex virus was successfully transmitted

to the scarified cornea of the rabbit as long ago as1912. It is also notable in that it was the first virusto be grown on the chorio-allantoic membrane ofthe chick embryo. It is a DNA virus with a dia-meter of 100-200 m,u and is readily transmittedto a variety of animals including rabbit, mouse,guinea-pig and hamster. In addition to chorio-allantoic membrane and rabbit cornea, the viruscan be grown on HeLa cells and human amnion.

PathologyThe histological picture of an herpetic vesicle

shows: (a) eosinophilic intranuclear inclusionbodies, (b) multinucleated giant cells, and (c)ballooning degeneration of the epithelial cells.Athough the changes are similar, the lesions onthe mucous membranes present as shallow ulcersand rarely as vesicles.

In the central nervous system, herpes simplexvirus infection may produce extensive cerebraloedema and necrosis of brain tissue with cavita-

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