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Message to the Gullible but Yet Ignorant Malcolmites

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build on Malcolm X and those who blame NOI

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*sigh*...I see.....They're STILL blaming the Hon Minister Louis Farrakhan for the murder of Malcolm X. I want ALL of you Malcolmites to read this and read this CAREFULLY.....There are rumors and talk going on that you all think that the Nation of Islam was working hand to hand with the FBI, CIA and the United States Government(COINTELPRO) along with J Edgar Hoover. That's the talk huh? Ok, Well let's look at it like this. First of all, the media is controlled by the so-called Jews or those in HIGH POWER. In FACT it was NOT Dr. Betty Shabazz who was the FIRST to accuse The Nation of Islam of murdering Bro Malcolm X! YOU, Black People who are being SUCKED DRY by the MEDIA-OLOGY OF the so-called Jews AGREE with the same ENEMY that you all CLAIM to hate! YOU all CONTINUE to blame the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan for the death of Malcolm X! However....None of you, myself included were alive during the time that Bro Malcolm was assassinated and if you WERE alive then you know that the United States Government had agents running amongst the Black Panther Party, the SNICK Movement And the Nation of

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Islam! And also not to mention the fact, that you all today,  9 X's out of 10 CLAIM to either be Afrocentric, Pan-Africanist, MOORS, 5 Percenters, Followers and Worshipers of Ma'at and the Ancient Gods and Goddess of Kemet, Black Power Cartel under Sarasutenseti OR simple followers and believers of the philosophies of Malcolm X and the Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey....which makes this situation even MORE sad. Since you are the decedents of Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad, Nobel Drew Ali, Clearance 13X, Huey Newton, Khallid Abdul Muhammad(so most of you claim) and if you are REALLY studying, then you KNOW what this enemy is capable of doing.

You all want to blame the murder of Malcolm X on the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam for either 3 reasons.

1) You saw the SO-CALLED JEW SPONSORED movie Malcolm X, directed by Spike Lee, you lack study and you've been manipulated and believe everything Hollywood has to throw at you

2) You are really hurt over the death of Malcolm X. You are really sincere and you just want to know what happened because you love Malcolm X

3) You are an agent

You Malcolmites are not only ignorant of the history of Malcolm X but you're also you are also gullible. You read the Autobiography of Malcolm X and watch the Spike Lee movie and automatically assume that you all of a sudden know the history. That all of a sudden you've become the Intellectual God Scholar of Malcolm X. But you denouce the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan's works and words in regards to the relationship between him, Malcolm X and the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Here is a man who made Salaat with Malcolm. Ate with Malcolm. Talked with Malcolm.

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Drank with Malcolm. Sat in meetings with Malcolm. But you want to take the word of the Media and the so-called Jews over a man(the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan) who spent more then 15 years with Malcolm?? BUT in the same breath you CLAIM Black Power? You claim Afrocentricity? You claim Black Nationalism? But you're accusing a man who was taught by the FATHER of Black Power(The Most Hon Elijah Muhammad? Muhammad Ali said it best" You all want to shout Black Power, it started right here(points at the Most Hon Elijah Muhammad).

A lot of you want to say THESE words right here PROVE that The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan killed Malcolm X...

"I love The Hon Elijah Muhammad enough that if you attack him i'll kill you. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. And i'm NOT a killer. But neither are you. But if somebody attack what you love, each one of you in here will become a killer INSTANTANEOUSLY. Am I lying?! Mother let somebody looks like they're attacking you child, here's a woman who fought a BEAR cause the bear snatched her baby! And she ran the bear down screaming until the bear dropped her baby! LOVE CAST OUT FEAR! We don't give a damn about no white man law when you attack what we love! And frankly, it ain't none of your business. What do you got to say about it? Did you teach Malcolm? Did you make Malcolm? Did you clean up Malcolm? Did you put Malcolm out before the world? Was Malcolm your traitor or ours? And if we dealt with him like a nation deals with a traitor, what the hell business is it of yours? You just shut your mouth, and stay out of it. Because in the future, we gonna become a nation. And a nation gotta be able to deal with traitors and cutthroats and turncoats."

Now let's deal with this statement made by the Hon Minister Louis Farrakhanhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYH0B5dhiVc""I love The Hon Elijah Muhammad enough that if you attack him i'll kill you. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. And i'm NOT a killer. But neither are you. But if somebody attack what

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you love, each one of you in here will become a killer INSTANTANEOUSLY. Am I lying?! Mother let somebody looks like they're attacking you child, here's a woman who fought a BEAR cause the bear snatched her baby! And she ran the bear down screaming until the bear dropped her baby! LOVE CAST OUT FEAR! We don't give a damn about no white man law when you attack what we love! "

No.1 Is this statement true or false? In my humble opinion it was 100% Truth! How many of you have sons? Daughters? Mothers? Cousins? Aunts? Uncles? Husbands? Wives?  Would you not fight and kill for them or die for them? If someone was to attack your loved ones either VERBALLY or PHYSICALLY how many of you will stand up and defend your loved one ESPECIALLY if it's lies? The Most Hon Elijah Muhammad was a father figure to the Black Community at that time. He told truth! He lectured and disciplined us. He instructed us. He lifted us up when we were down and when we got too arrogant, he knocked us back to reality like how a father should. But when Malcolm X SLANDERED The Most Hon Elijah Muhammad....The Hon Minister Louis Farrakhan re-acted like how any of us would. We made and taught Malcolm. We trained Malcolm. He was one of our own but now he's slandering the Most Hon Elijah Muhammad, the man who brought him out of jail??? That's not only hypocritical but that'd down right ungreatful and disrespectful. Let us continue....

(The Hon Minister Louis Farrakhan continues)..........."And frankly, it ain't none of your business. What do you got to say about it? Did you teach Malcolm? Did you make Malcolm? Did you clean up Malcolm? Did you put Malcolm out before the world? Was Malcolm your traitor or ours? And if we dealt with him like a nation deals with a traitor, what the hell business is it of yours? You just shut your mouth, and stay out of it. Because in the future, we gonna become a nation. And a nation gotta be able to deal with traitors and cutthroats and turncoats. The white man deals with his. The Jews deal with theirs"

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Now let's deal with this......A lot of you gullible Intellectual God-Scholars of Malcolm X don't' want to DO what Malcolm X himself did....which was ANALYZE. You know why Malcolm beat the hell out of the scholars and debaters of that day? Because he broke down their words and used it against his opponents. Your ignorance is astounding but your arrogance is just off the charts. Do you actually think that Malcolm X was acting on his own? Did you actually think that the knowledge, wisdom and understanding the Malcolm X had was of himself? Or was there a higher power BACKING him? Did Malcolm obtained ALL he learned from reading in prison?  Or was he TAUGHT HOW to debate, HOW to teach, HOW to speak in front of the camera? Did Malcolm get himself out of jail? Did Malcolm clean himself up when he was coked up on drugs? When he was a pimp? No sir....ALL PRAISE AND CREDIT IS DUE TO THE MOST HONORABLE ELIJAH MUHAMMAD. For it was THAT man that cleaned up Malcolm. It was THAT man that put Malcolm out before the world...NOBODY else. So in this sense, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was RIGHT and exact yet again. Let us continue........

Now here's where you want to point your fingers like 3rd graders and say "Oooohhhhhh He killed Malcolm". The Hon Minister Louis Farrakhan makes this statement "And if we dealt with him like a nation deals with a traitor, what the hell business is it of yours? You just shut your mouth, and stay out of it. Because in the future, we gonna become a nation. And a nation gotta be able to deal with traitors and cutthroats and turncoats. The white man deals with his. The Jews deal with theirs"

No.1 He said "And IF we dealt with him like a nation deals with a traitor, what the hell business is it of yours"


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business. This is OUR issue. This is our internal issue as a Nation. When France deals with her traitors, what business of it of England? The United States deals with traitors, so what business of it of France? China deals with her traitors, so what business is of Japan? So if WE the Nation of Islam have a traitor amongst us.....and IF we decide to deal with him, then it's nobody else business. Because WE made him. WE cleaned him up. Nobody else did. But in THIS instance we DECIDED not to. And there's a cause for that.

See you accusers of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan do EXACTLY what your so-called enemies(Fox News, Bill O'reily, Sean Hannity) do when they want to assassinate the character of a Black Leader. You go by sound bites. That video of the Minister "confessing" his involvement of the murder of Malcolm X is just a sound bite. He LATER said in that same lecture....That The Most Hon Elijah Muhammad instructed the F.O.I(Fruit of Islam...which includes HIMSELF) to LEAVE BROTHER MALCOLM ALONE. That we did. We left Malcolm X alone. We didn't touch Malcolm at all. Now some of you accusers will argue "Well you fire bombed his house"

The Most Hon Elijah Muhammad taught us not to carry weapons. We don't carry so much as a pen-knife. We weren't trained to use weapons, let alone bombs. Again you're accusing the wrong people. But you let the FBI and the CIA and the police department slide. You're allowing your MASSA off the hook just like a house negro...but you're claiming Black Power all in the name of Malcolm X. Now, let's deal with this subject........

Was the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad RIGHT in calling Malcolm X a traitor and was Malcolm X a traitor and was Malcolm X worthy of death?

Yes.......Yes......and Yes. Let's take into accord what Bro Malcolm said that MADE him worthy of death. Mind you, If it wasn't for the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad's

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commandment in telling the F.O.I to stay away from Malcolm...Malcolm would've still ended up killed. Why? Well let's put this in the proper perspective. How did we look at the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. We looked at the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad the same way Peter looked at Jesus. We were willing to kill ANYBODY that either VERBALLY or PHYSICALLY slandered the name of the Messenger of Allah. We saw The Most Hon Elijah Muhammad as not just a Black Leader. But as The Messenger of God Himself. That's a heavy title. And when Malcolm X slandered the Most Hon Elijah Muhammad's name, he not only went against protocol....he not only went against the proper procedures of reporting what he knew and how he felt to the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad....He told other ministers about the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad's wives. But he didn't use the term "wives". He said "teenage secretaries". That's strike 1. Strike occurred when he slandered the Messenger's name AMONGST us in the Nation of Islam. So let's put this in the proper chronological order of why we saw Malcolm X as a traitor

1) He slandered the Most Hon Elijah Muhammad amongst OTHERS in the Nation of Islam. That's wrong....If you have a problem with anybody including the Messenger of Allah himself, you take it to the person you have a problem with. You don't spread not only slander but false accusations around and expect for us to accept you as if nothing is wrong. Malcolm was wrong for that.

2) He goes on the camera of the white man, BOTH of our enemy and repeats the same slander he said to the other ministers and he slander the Most Hon Elijah Muhammad. The man who taught him, nurtured him and cared for him as if he was his own son....He goes on the camera and tells the world "Elijah Mohammed slept with teenage secretaries"

3) THESE WORDS ARE WHAT MADE THE NATION OF ISLAM DESPISE MALCOLM X AT THAT TIME,"Yes, he's an immoral. You can't take 9 teenage women and seduced them and give

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them babies, you tell me you're moral....? You could do it if you'd admitted it, I could shake your hand and call you a man. A good one too. But anytime you seduce teenage girls and make them be tried with adultery and make them hide your crimes, well you're not even a man, more less, much divine man. " AS IF THIS WASN'T ENOUGH, HE COMES BACK AGAIN AND SAYS THESE WORDS "I'm not speculating, he told me this himself. Yes, this is why he wanted me dead, because he knew as soon as I woke up, I would tell it. The only thing I regret in all of this is 2 Black groups have to fight and kill each other off Elijah Muhammad could stop the whole thing tomorrow if he wanted to...by raising his hands, really he could.....but he won't. He doesn't love Black People. He doesn't even love his own followers, proof of which they are killing each other....the man has gone insane, absolutely out of his mind. Besides, you can't be 70 years old and surround yourself around a handful of 15, 16 17 and 18 year old girls and keep your right mind....you can't do it"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRC5jN5I-wU  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-czFsBIci4

See, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Not only is he in front of the world slandering the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, he said he was insane, out of his mind and he couldn't resist temptation of "teenage girls". Now he's made it not a personal issue, but a moral issue. And he made the statement "Elijah Muhammad could stop the whole thing tomorrow if he wanted to...by raising his hands, really he could.....but he won't" -_-

But those words made Malcolm X an candidate for death. The ONLY thing that saved Malcolm from the wrath of the F.O.I was actually the man he slandered, the Most Hon Elijah Muhammad for he told everybody to leave him alone. When the Messenger of God gives us orders....we OBEY. There is no excuses. Every organization has zealots, so i'm not saying some F.O.I didn't WANT to kill Malcolm, but the fact is we didn't because TRUE F.O.I didn't carry weapons. It was indeed an AGENT who told Malcolm X NOT to do the search

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procedure the day he was murdered. Why would Malcolm abandon the procedure that ultimately protected his life? Who told him not to do it? Why didn't Malcolm see the Gene Roberts was an informant? How many informants were there? How can you accusers blame the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan when he wasn't even at the scene of the crime?THESE ARE THE QUESTIONS YOU NEED TO ASK.....There's a deeper agenda hidden in this which is why WE the Nation of Islam have nothing to hide and we're COMMANDING the FBI, CIA and the President to release the files on this case. If we had something to hide, why would we ask for the files to be released? We don't have anything to hide, but THEY(the government) do. You Malcolmites should stop being so gullible and ignorant and do the research for yourself. For, when you do, you will find that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is INNOCENT of these false accusations.....You should all be ashamed of yourselves CLAIMING to be Black Nationalists, Revolutionaries, Soldiers and Warriors, but you would rather side with the MEDIA and your ENEMY against your own brother...

Now some of you may say "Well how come the so-called Jews and the enemy haven't arrested or made an attempt to assassinate or capture the Hon Minister Louis Farrakhan like they did Huey Newton, Malcolm X and Khallid Abdul Muhammad if he(the Minister) is in fact AGAINST the enemy?

ANSWER: The so-jews aren't stupid...They're not going to attack the Minister because they know He's backed by the TRUE GOD OF ABRAHAM...The Prophet of whom they falsely claim, but claim HIS(ABRAHAM) God....But just as Isa(Jesus) told the so-called Jews in the Bible "I know you, you are of your father the devil, he was a liar and a murderer from the beginning" and Just as the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has been doing, he's been exposing the so-called Jews and told them to their teeth that they are LIARS and that they are of their forefathers who were murderers in the beginning and sold us into slavery but try to shield their

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identity behind Judaism....The Hon Minister Louis Farrakhan IS the Jesus amongst us and he is indeed exposing the Jews and they know more so then anybody that The God we serve, MASTER Fard Muhammad is as real as it gets and if they challenge the Hon Minister Louis Farrakhan and try to come at him like they did Bro Malcolm, We as the Black Community will erupt and we The Mighty F.O.I and Mighty MGT will put boots to asses....NOT toe mention the fact that the Most Hon Elijah Muhammad told the Hon Minister Louis Farrakhan to his face "They killed their LAST Prophet when they killed Prophet Jesus, They will set many traps for you, you will trip some, but you will escape ALL of them." And they have tried to kill the Hon Minister Louis Farrakhan before. 3 times when he was out of the country. So the Minister HAS BEEN attacked by the so-called Jews, but as the Exalted Christ, the Most Hon Elijah Muhammad predicted...They will NOT trap him at all. But they have tried and will CONTINUE to try. They're working on it NOW by blaming the death of Bro Malcolm on him but we stupid and gullible and will believe ANYTHING the white man says. You know what Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad said? He said SUPPORT what the enemy oppose and OPPOSE what the enemy supports...It was NOT Dr. Betty Shabazz that blamed Farrakhan first for the death of the Malcolm X, it was the MEDIA and the JEWS who MANIPULATED(not yelling just making points) the zeal and love and passion of the Hon Minister Louis Farrakhan and put the Minister against Malcolm X and his family.....It was the so-called Jews and the media that took MALCOLM'S WORDS and brought tension between him and the Most Hon Elijah Muhammad! Malcolm ran to the same so-called Jews and DEVIL that we claimed to hate and SLANDERED the name of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad......And it was those SAME so-called Jews that manipulated and controlled The Black Panthers and SNICK......SO yes sir, the Hon Minister Louis Farrakhan HAS BEEN an victim of attacks by the United States government, the FBI and CIA......

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