Message from the Principal Dear Parents, Thank you for reading this Newsletter. International Mindedness Thank you Year 2 for a wonderfully, colourful assembly with some quite amazing little cameo performances by six year olds. A United World at Peace - Through Education. SST Secondary Camps Form 1 - 5 Well done pupils for participating and thank you staff for arranging and supervising the educational Camp trips this week. There is so much happening at Tenby – both in and out of the classroom. Senior pupils Driving into, around, and out of School : Thank you to those parents (the vast majority), who exercise due care and attention when coming to School. Thank you to those parents of senior pupils who arrange ‘pick up’ from the exterior car park, thus reducing traffic flow around the School. Please can all drivers exercise extreme caution at the pedestrian crossing at the swimming pool. Academic Focus The careful, studious, perhaps slightly anxious, atmosphere amongst senior TIS students as they face the imminent IGCSE and A’Level challenges is very evident. Good luck for the final preparations, as study leave is about to begin. Congratulations to Rachel Ng (Year 12) Announcement of recipient of Promising Advocate Award (Bond University, High School Mooting Competition 2016, Kuala Lumpur) Congratulations Racheal Ng on winning the promising advocate Award for the Bond University Australia High School Mooting Competition 2016. We are happy that someone from Tenby International Schools has won this award in their very first time of participation.

Message from the Principal - Tenby Schools Malaysia · face the imminent IGCSE and A’Level challenges is very evident. Good luck for the final preparations, as study leave is about

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Page 1: Message from the Principal - Tenby Schools Malaysia · face the imminent IGCSE and A’Level challenges is very evident. Good luck for the final preparations, as study leave is about

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents, Thank you for reading this Newsletter.

International Mindedness

Thank you Year 2 for a wonderfully, colourful assembly with some quite amazing little cameo performances by six year olds. A United World at Peace - Through Education.

SST Secondary Camps Form 1 - 5

Well done pupils for participating and thank you staff for arranging and supervising the educational Camp trips this week. There is so much happening at Tenby – both in and out of the classroom.

Senior pupils Driving into, around, and out of School : Thank you to those parents (the vast majority), who exercise due care and attention when coming to School. Thank you to those parents of senior pupils who arrange ‘pick up’ from the exterior car park, thus reducing traffic flow around the School. Please can all drivers exercise extreme caution at the pedestrian crossing at the swimming pool. Academic Focus The careful, studious, perhaps slightly anxious, atmosphere amongst senior TIS students as they face the imminent IGCSE and A’Level challenges is very evident. Good luck for the final preparations, as study leave is about to begin. Congratulations to Rachel Ng (Year 12) Announcement of recipient of Promising Advocate Award (Bond University, High School Mooting Competition 2016, Kuala Lumpur) Congratulations Racheal Ng on winning the promising advocate Award for the Bond University Australia High School Mooting Competition 2016. We are happy that someone from Tenby International Schools has won this award in their very first time of participation.

Page 2: Message from the Principal - Tenby Schools Malaysia · face the imminent IGCSE and A’Level challenges is very evident. Good luck for the final preparations, as study leave is about

The award appropriately reflects the endless hours Ra-chel has spent studying the given case, and working and practising with team members, and putting to practice the advice of your team coach and student mentor from Bond University. The School Gardens

The School site has been transformed with grass where before there was a ‘desert’, and more planting of hedges, trees, bushes, plants. Special thanks to our hard-working Gardening Team who literally ‘brave the elements’, the hot weather and relentless sun, to do a wonderful job, enhancing the appearance of the School. Carmina Burana in the Dewan Filharmonik Petronas, KLCC on Sunday 8th May 2016, 18:00hrs.

There are just over two weeks before 240 voices, and full symphony orchestra perform Carmina Burana. Miss Mandy reports over 800 tickets now sold; 102 tickets left. Thank you to those who have bought tickets to help celebrate Tenby Schools through music. Please help the School to be able to proclaim that the concert is a ‘sell out’. Here is a link to 89.9 The Business Station FrontRow interview yesterday at 14:00hrs, CARMINA BURANA thank you Mr Shen and Yi-Xhuan (Year 10) for representing the School in the talk show.

Transporter Guidelines There has been a new Transporter Guidelines circulated last week, if you have not received it please log onto our Website for more details. Sporting activities at Tenby SEP (KL) The School and Director of Sports are exploring ways of increasing sports provision at the School from next September 2016, and are in discussion with both EPS Sports Academy, and Manchester City Football Academy Malaysia. More details to follow. (Up the Villa !) Monday 2

nd May 2016: Public Holiday

The School will acknowledge the Public Holiday and will be closed on Monday 2nd May 2016. Kind regards, Andrew Auster Campus Principal

Page 3: Message from the Principal - Tenby Schools Malaysia · face the imminent IGCSE and A’Level challenges is very evident. Good luck for the final preparations, as study leave is about

Sekolah Sri Tenby

This ECO Fair on a larger scale, our Second one is on Thursday and Friday 19th & 20th

May 2016. The opening hour is from 10:00 – 16:00hrs on both days.

Our students participate in this learning experience as a group or as a class. Some of

the students may have experimented on environmental solutions and this is a good

platform for them to showcase their work to Tenby, Setia Alam & Shah Alam


Our Eco School Committee comprising of students, teachers and parents will be

organising the Fair.

The theme of the Fair: “Understanding our environment to provide solutions to

save Mother Earth”.

Objectives of the Fair:

o To give awareness to students and communities regarding environmental status

and the essential need for everyone to care for our environment to save Mother


o To share Eco initiatives with both Tenby and the outside communities

o To encourage everyone to know how to plant and ways to nurture them with care

o To exhibit some environmental solutions to save Mother Earth

o To provide actual plants to illustrate the richness and beauty of Bio diversities of

plant species

There are two types of booths for this Fair:-

1. External providers – Proposed external booths (Open Space at Tenby Square till Eco

Hub in front of Auditorium) include composting, green landscape, aquaponics, chemical

free pond, plants, pots, gardening tools & soil sales etc.

2.Students’ participation- internal booths ( under the cover of Cafeteria) showcasing

interesting info about Nature, Eco-friendly practices and environment or exhibiting

prototype models for environmental solutions

How to participate?

Interested group/individual students/groups of students are to complete the proposal on

the Registration form obtainable from SST School Office from week beginning Monday

25th April.

If you have any enquiry, please contact Puan Lee Mei Leng at 03-33421535 ext.3003 or

email to [email protected]

Page 4: Message from the Principal - Tenby Schools Malaysia · face the imminent IGCSE and A’Level challenges is very evident. Good luck for the final preparations, as study leave is about

Track and Field MSSS (100m and 4x100m) Congratulations to Renee Lee (F5S) & family for another victory in winning her Silver medal in 100m, and Gold medal in 4x100m running events at Selangor State level, Malaysian Schools Sports, MSSS, which was held at SMK Shah Alam from Monday to Friday 11th – 15th April 2016. We wish her all the best for the MSSM tournament (National level)!

1st Parents Teachers’ Day (PTD) 2016

Thanks to all parents who were present at this meeting. The attendance of parents at the above event was encouraging for Primary parents but not so for Secondary parents. It is very essential for all parents to attend this meeting with their Homeroom Teachers. Parents who did not attend are required to make an appointment to see Homeroom Teachers for the Week beginning 25th April 2016 by noting it in the diary to the attention of Homeroom Teachers It is equally important for all parents to understand the attitude of their children towards learning from your children’s Homeroom Teachers. Parents’ invitation or letter for any school matter will be sent home through your children usually on a Tuesday.

Page 5: Message from the Principal - Tenby Schools Malaysia · face the imminent IGCSE and A’Level challenges is very evident. Good luck for the final preparations, as study leave is about

Upcoming School Activities /Events

Date/Time School Event/Activity Remark Every Wednesday afternoon from 14:40-15:40hrs

Close to nature days (Whole School)

Planting and caring of plants are some of the activities to inculcate the love for nature among growing children. Parents, staff and teachers are invited to join in. This is a great bonding time for Tenby Community! All participants must be appropriately dressed for doing gardening in the afternoon. Please remember to bring your water bottle and cap along.

Wednesday 20th April 2016 07:50- 16:00hrs

Tenby Leadership Series Workshop for Std 1-3 in school

The attire is full PE attire

Thursday 21st April 07:50-16:00hrs

Tenby Leadership Series Workshop for Std 4 - 6 in school

Tuesday 26th April 14:40hrs

ICAS Science in MPH Registered students must be in MPH by 14:30hrs

Saturday 8th May 18:00hrs

Carmina Burana in Petronas Twin Towers, home of the MPO (Whole School)

Tickets are still available It is a celebration of all five Tenby Schools

Thursday 11th May 08:00-09:30hrs

Term 2 Information Morning for Parents in DG01

Updates about teaching & learning and participation in CCAs

Thursday 11th May 09:30hrs

3rd SST PA Meeting In SST Meeting Room

Discussion centered around matters reported by all the subcommittees

Thursday – Friday 19th - 20th May 10:00 – 16:00hrs

Tenby’s Second Eco Fair (Whole School)

Indoor Booths in Cafeteria Area Outdoor Booths in Tenby Square and Eco Interactive Hub Open to all Tenby, Setia Alam & Shah Alam Communities

Monday – Friday 25th - 29th April

Sciencematics Week A number of activities for year groups will be carried out during Science and Mathematics periods

Monday – Friday 13th - 17th June

TechVoc Week Activities for ICT, KH,RBT , Music and Art will be carried during these subjects periods

Page 6: Message from the Principal - Tenby Schools Malaysia · face the imminent IGCSE and A’Level challenges is very evident. Good luck for the final preparations, as study leave is about

Reception IPC Entry Point – Going Places Reception had an amazing time jet-setting around the world as part of their IPC Entry Point last week. The children were flown to famous tourist destinations namely Bangkok, Hong Kong, New Delhi and Jakarta for a short and fun-filled vacation.

The Reception team and children would like to thank all parent helpers who took time out to help them make this a successful and memorable Entry Point for all.

At the airport check-in counter

Getting our passports stamped at the immigration counter

The metal detector!

Stringent baggage check for prohibited items

Waiting for the boarding announcement

Onboard the aircraft

Page 7: Message from the Principal - Tenby Schools Malaysia · face the imminent IGCSE and A’Level challenges is very evident. Good luck for the final preparations, as study leave is about

International Mindedness

Year 2 Learning Assembly After weeks of hard work and planning, Year 2 held a superb Learning Assembly for their

parents and carers. The assembly themed was ‘International Mindedness’, in-line with Tenby

Schools’ core values.

The children learnt their dance moves and script, with the help of their dedicated teachers,

delivering a flawless performance which impressed the audience tremendously.

Well done, Year 2!

Page 8: Message from the Principal - Tenby Schools Malaysia · face the imminent IGCSE and A’Level challenges is very evident. Good luck for the final preparations, as study leave is about

A-level Bio Fieldwork on 24th - 25th March 2016 On the last day of Term 2, we departed at approximately 8.30am from school on a van to the next destination, University Malaya Field Research Centre in Ulu Gombak. Two biology teachers and twelve-sixth formers set foot on the journey to do some fun-filled activities for this long awaited trip with excitement.

After an hour, we have finally reached the destination!

The surrounding is secluded and quiet. The field research looked rather historic in the middle of the protected forest, and it was very environmentally friendly, as the centre was running by generators and solar panels. The first half of the session, our guide, Mr. Gary talked to us about an A2 topic, ecology, and biodiversity. All of us has defined the term biodiversity collectively as a whole group as: “The studies of a variety of species and environment in an area and the interaction between them.” He taught us the first part of the ecology and how to carry out samples for our research.

There were a few methods to collect the samples in the forest. The first one would be the quadrats, which is a square frame that is used to mark out an area for sampling organisms. We have carried out an investigation of the plant coverage on the earth in the unmanaged area and managed area in two groups, Team Bat, and Team Cicak. I was grouped in team Cicak, and we did unmanaged area, stated that we would expect more plant coverage in the unmanaged

ground as our hypothesis. We just put the quadrant on the random ground there and took the average plots that were covered in plants, calculated the average percentage covered.

However, we have proved that our hypothesis was false as there weren’t a lot of plants covered in the unmanaged area. To reach our site, we hiked our journey there to the unmanaged area in the forest and learned about the floras around us.

The second method would be a pitfall, whereby holes were dug, and a bucket was put into the hole to trap land insects. The holes were then camouflaged to prevent anyone from noticing the presence and markers are put up for us to remember our pitfalls. We hypothesised that there were much more creatures trapped in the unmanaged area. However, this proved that we were wrong as well as we did not collect any insect. Shmita, Year 13, has gotten a red bug in her

pitfall! We also learned a new method to trap bats in a mist net. The name, mist net came about because when it was put up, the net became invisible due to the fine threads weaved carefully through the net. Putting it up was a major challenge as we couldn’t let it touch the ground as we could have trapped unwanted dirt that would be difficult to get it. It required our team effort to put the mist net up near the research centre. The result? We caught a fruit bat next morning! After a delicious dinner and iced air bandung served, we had a session with Mr. Gary on the effects of industrialisation on the environment. It made me open my eyes to what us, as human beings, wanting to develop and improve, yet did not bother about what we have done to our

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Mother Earth. The species of the flora and faunas are decreasing in numbers rapidly. There were also a lot of species were endangering, thinking about that, it made me sad as we could not provide an opportunity for future generations to see beautiful species such as tigers and rhinoceros, however, we are trying to protect our forests now to reduce the effect. After an impactful talk, we went for a night walk that required us to get wet walking in the river.

Nonetheless, we had an enjoyable night walk in the forest.

The next day, our day started with a briefing, then we went on to the rivers to collect samples. There were more species at the upstream compared to the downstream. After trapping them in vaults, we classified them accordingly using a dichotomous key. Most of us got water skaters in this investigation. When our trapping session ended, we went to collect our pitfalls in the forest. Knowing the approach of this course, it was time to say goodbye to the trip after cleaning up and

had an evaluation or presentation session. Overall, the trip was full of laughter and educational.

On this journey, I have certainly learned a lot of new sampling skills, learned a lot about my peers, biodiversity, and the environment, not to mention the harmful effects on the nature. This is a very new experience for me, yet I wanted to try another research experience as it is very much related to my future career path. This trip has been one of the most exciting, educational trips that I have ever attended. I also learned a new perspective of Biology and that has made me love the subject even more. If there is another research trip like this, I will not hesitate to go for it again. Plus, it is a good way to connect with your friends and nature as well, taking a break from busy city lives.

Written by: Ruo Xie, Y12

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Within a set budget, teams will have to compete to build a functioning vehicle made out of only fruits, vegetables and wooden sticks in the time given. A store will be set up where teams will have to pick and choose what type of fruits and vegetables they will use and purchase them according to the price and whether it fits their budget. This competition will test your team’s engineering skills, Physics application, financial management, time management and working under stress as the clock counts down. Winners will be rewarded with prizes. Are you up for the challenge?







- YEAR 9, 10 AND 11 ONLY




TIME // 28th and 29th APRIL LUNCH




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Page 13: Message from the Principal - Tenby Schools Malaysia · face the imminent IGCSE and A’Level challenges is very evident. Good luck for the final preparations, as study leave is about

Synchronized Swimming

Further to last week’s news, congratulations to Amy Kimberly’s (Y5N) achievement for the Malaysia Age Group Synchronized Swimming Competition held in Seremban, Negeri Sembilan from 15th-17th April 2016.

Her team routine has won a Silver Medal for Under 12 category. Next Fixtures: Saturday 23rd April U15 Boys & Girls Badminton ISAC League @ ISKL Sunday 24th April Secondary Swimming Gala KLISS League @ KTJ Wednesday 27th April Tee Ball U9 & U10 @ ISP Wednesday 27th April Tee Ball U11 @ Taylors Thursday 28th April U15 Boys volleyball KLISS League @ Tenby Thursday 28th April U15 Girls volleyball KLISS League @ Taylors

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SHORTLISTED Photographs for


Winner to be announced next Friday...

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Useful Contacts

For more information about the school email [email protected] or for CCAs [email protected] [Please remember to include your son/daughter’s name and class in all correspondence].

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Follow us on Twitter

TIS Primary School @TenbySEP_TISpri

TIS Secondary School @TenbySEPTISsec


Sport and PE @Tenby_Sport


Read the PA blog


Tenby Setia Eco Park No. 1, Jalan Setia Tropika, U13/18T, Seksyen U13, 40170 Shah Alam Selangor, Malaysia
