Mercy Care 2014 Annual Community Report

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“When you give alms, do you touch the person’s hand or do you throw the coin?If you do not touch him, you do not meet him.”Pope Francis


Certified Medical Assistants Lenin Wilson and Maria Gladys Torres together tend to patient at Mercy Care’s North clinic.(Photo courtesy of JD Scott © 2014)

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Looking back over this past year, most of us at Mercy Care would agree that it’s been a colorful, fast-paced

year, full of questions and exciting changes. 2014 began with an official name change to Mercy Care. To

select and implement a new brand mark and community engagement strategy, we needed to look closely

at ourselves, our purpose and our community. It was good preparation for focusing with new eyes on our

patient population. Poverty, population health and access to care were front and center in the minds of

the community and media; from radio and television interviews, Atlanta Journal Constitution articles,

legislative meetings and our own Healthcare for the Poor panels, Mercy Care staff, boards, volunteers,

donors and our clients furthered the discussions about how to bring about desperately needed access to

care. All shared their experiences and their expertise with widely diverse audiences.

Our 30-year anniversary is upon us. It makes us recall with gratitude the invaluable trusted relationships

with many community partners and the richness of our shared efforts and accomplishments over time.

The Atlanta Safety Net Collaborative, comprised of area Federally Qualified Health Centers and Grady,

was one of five cities chosen to participate in a national pilot program to improve best practices. What an

honor. And Mercy Care worked with The Imperial to form a health-home continuum of care model. These

and other innovative initiatives you’ll read about in this report describe a growing culture of engagement

wherein vulnerable persons are brought from the margins to the center and, as Pope Francis calls us to do,

“place them high on our agendas, not as an afterthought or an add-on.”

Inside Mercy Care collaborative efforts took place too. Staff rolled up their sleeves and got fully behind

projects that will have longstanding impact. Together we achieved Patient Centered Medical Home

recognition in our clinics and we received $2 million in Federal grant funding to help many more persons

by integrating behavioral health and HIV testing into our clinical services. And our ACA navigators helped

more than 5,000 people and enrolled more than

1,000 in new healthcare plans.

As we live through all this activity and progress

we are reminded every day of those who are

close at hand, in need of healing, and we want

to heed the parable of the Good Samaritan, to

answer the call to go and do likewise. Sometimes

it simply means just crossing the street and

reaching out.


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Our organization’s presence is not boxed inwithin four walls of an institution.

I am reminded we are all part of the community of humankind.Kim Marchner, Esq.Chair, Mercy CareBoard of Directors

Maria Gatto

Tom Andrews President, Mercy CareCEO, Saint Joseph’s Health System



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Street Medicine psychiatrist, Dr. Liz Frye and Liz Willett, intern and HealthSTAT volunteer listen to client during evening rounds.

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GRANT SUPPORTMercy Care ClinicsAtlanta FoundationCommunity Foundation of Greater AtlantaGeorgia Health FoundationU.S. Department of Health & Human Services/

HRSA/Bureau of Primary Health Care Ida Ryan Charitable TrustJesse Parker Williams FoundationKaiser Permanente FoundationMercy Care FoundationMetro PowerSaint Joseph’s Health SystemUnited Way of Greater Atlanta

Mercy Care Mobile Coach CHE Trinity Call to Care FundGeorgia Health Foundation Mary E. Haverty Foundation U.S. Department of Health & Human Services/

HRSA/Bureau of Primary Health CareMercy Care Foundation Saint Joseph’s Health System United Way of Greater Atlanta


11,965 7,459





homelessat or below

poverty female

93% 85% 65% 47%


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11,965 7,459





homelessat or below

poverty female

93% 85% 65% 47%


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11,965 7,459





homelessat or below

poverty female

93% 85% 65% 47%


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11,965 7,459





homelessat or below

poverty female

93% 85% 65% 47%


clinics 14






11,965 7,459





homelessat or below

poverty female

93% 85% 65% 47%


clinics 14















LEGENDClinicsMedical Coach Sites

Our mission is to honor the heritage and advance the ministry of

the Sisters of Mercyby providing excellent healthcare to poor and marginalized persons.

of adult patients with hypertension worked with their treatment team to achieve optimal blood pressure.

of lab results for adult diabetic patients indicated control of their condition.

of tobacco users were counseled and provided with aids for smoking cessation.

of children turning three were fully vaccinated for DTaP, IPV, MMR, HiB, Hepatitis B, Varicella, and Pneumococcal conjugate. This is high considering the national average for transient groups.

of persistent asthmatics received evidenced based treatment allowing them to function more fully with minimal symptoms.

of our adult patients age 65 or older had received vaccination against pneumonia by the end of 2013, up 130% after focused quality improvement activities.








696 Patients were treated on the mobile coach1,829 patient encounters

“There is a large population in Atlanta that desperately needs access to healthcare services.

Without the safety net provided by Mercy Care many of those most in need would not have

access to the vital services that many of us take for granted.”

Mark Tucker, CornerCap Portfolio Manager




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Primary Health Care Medical Services• Chronic Disease Management• Radiology – X-rays and ultrasounds• Electrocardiogram• Preventive Care

Pediatrics• Immunizations• Primary medical care• Sports, camp, school physicals• Well baby and child checks

Health Screening• Asthma• Breast Cancer• Cervical Cancer• Cholesterol• Diabetes• HIV• Hypertension• Tuberculosis

Dental• Evaluation and X-rays• Fillings• Routine Cleanings• Tooth Extractions

Vision• Eye Infections• Eye Exams• Prescription Eyewear


PROGRAMSDentalPeople without dental coveragehave few options for dental care.Oral health needs of homelesspersons are significant, nothaving a place to brush theirteeth or even being able to carry atoothbrush. Volunteer dentist Dr. Luis Limeres has been with Mercy Care since they began offering dental services in 1997. Since then thousands have received care. Three dentists provide preventive and restorative care at Mercy Care’s Decatur Street, North, and City of Refuge sites.Grant Support• Coventry Health Care of Georgia• Mercy Care Foundation• United Way of Greater Atlanta• U.S. Department of Health & Human

Services, HRSA/Bureau of Primary Health Care

• U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, HRSA, HIV/AIDS Bureau, Ryan White CARE Act Part C (HIV homeless dental services)

• WINGS for Mercy Care

“Toothache is what initially brings most of our dental patients in. We focus on restoring function

as quickly as possible.”

Dr. Rochelle Butler, MC Dentist

311vision care visits

1,030patients received restorative services

96%of homeless children in America have never been seen by a dentist

VisionAmong homeless and other underserved populations, shelter, food and emergency health care take precedence over routine care. Without access to affordable, quality vision care, these individuals are at greater risk for debilitating, life-altering conditions.

Mercy Care’s Vision Program is staffed by a part-time optometrist and a part-time ophthalmic tech. The team conducts vision screenings, glaucoma screenings, and eye exams. Patients are referred for low-cost prescription eyeglasses. Patients with diabetes, or at risk for diabetes, receive education on proper eye care and the importance of annual follow-up.

Monthly outreach vision clinics target hard-to-reach homeless and underserved clients. Grant Support• Mary E. Haverty Foundation• Ida A. Ryan Charitable Trust

328clients received prescription eyewear

Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition

People come to Mercy Care initially because of what we do. They return because they are touched by how we do it. As a Patient-Centered Medical Home (designation by the National Committee for Quality Assurance), Mercy Care is maximizing resources to focus on treating the whole person: body, mind and spirit. Using the “medical home” model, clinicians ease patients’ worry over access to care, chronic disease management and behavioral health concerns. Caring for the whole person is always at the heart of our mission.

Mercy Care was ranked in the highest adjusted quartile for clinical performance of health centers nationwide for outcomes related to:

Choose Health ProgramA voluntary year-long program which connects patients with a Community Health Worker who helps them identify barriers to good health and works with them to break through the barriers one at a time.

Tobacco cessation counseling

Management of diabetes

The use of aspirin to prevent vascular events in clients with Ischemic Vascular Disease



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“Poverty often complicates a healthy

lifestyle. Homeless patients hardly have

a chance. Our doctors have to adapt to the reality of their lives.

Like, we advise patients with high blood pressure

and living in a shelter to rinse their beans so

there is less salt.”

Dr. Mary Moorequoted in an interview with

German NPR reporter,Katja Ridderbusch.

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Tender Linkage & Care Initiative (TLC) TLC is a staff support assistance program for newly diagnosed HIV+ patients.Linkage to Care Navigators help to build patient relationships with their medical team, educate clients and loved ones so they can be their own advocate and practice self love and care.

HIV/AIDS Clinic Programs

A national data bank ranks Metropolitan Atlanta 3rd highest among the country’s HIV/AIDS diagnoses.

Early Intervention ClinicEIC is a comprehensive program that includes primary care, oralhealth, nutrition therapy, healtheducation/risk reduction,assistance with pharmaceuticalprograms, case management, andbehavioral health support. Adedicated staff with 20+ years ofexperience in HIV/AIDS serviceshas managed major growth in theprogram.

The EIC maintains strong linkage to care with other HIV programs in the area. These relationships facilitate a seamless continuum of care and support services. Partners include Grady’s Infectious Disease Program, Positive Impact, AID Atlanta, Open Hand, the CDC, and local health departments. EIC staff members also participate in the Ryan White Part A Planning Council, the HIV Community Planning Group, LaHOP (AID Atlanta Hispanic Outreach) and the Hispanic Health Coalition.Grant Support• U.S. Department of Health & Human

Services/HRSA/Bureau of Primary Health Care Ryan White Care Act Part A (through Fulton County)

• U.S. Department of Health & Human Services/HRSA/Bureau of Primary Health Care Ryan White Care Act Part C

FOCUS Grant for integrated HIV testing

In 2013, Mercy Care integrated HIV testing into routine primary care. With funding from the Gilead HIV-FOCUS program, Mercy Care’s integrated HIV program has tested 4,553 individuals as of December 2014.Grant Support• Gilead Sciences

785HIV + clients were served by the EIC

2,807patient visits to the HIV+ Early Intervention Clinic

4,642HIV tests

HIV+ Residential Supportive Services at The Edgewood

The Edgewood residence offers subsidized housing and support services to low income people living with AIDS or symptomatic HIV disease. Support services for residents are coordinated by Mercy Care social workers who build a caring community at The Edgewood.Grant Support• City of Atlanta/Housing

Opportunities for People with AIDS

68residents served at the Edgewood

Health Promotion and Education

The Perinatal Education Program provides prenatal health education and resources for Latina women ages 17-35. Offered at no charge and in Spanish, the educational units include general care during pregnancy, nutrition, fetal development, newborn care and safety, stress, lactation, labor and delivery (including ESL preparation), postpartum care, and high-risk pregnancy.

Group Health Education classes engage clients in lively discussions on life-impacting topics, such as responsible decision-making regarding medical care, healthy lifestyle choices, and disease prevention skills.

One-on-one Health Education sessions are offered to patients upon referral by a Mercy Care provider. Funding Sources• Aetna Foundation • Mary E. Haverty Foundation • Institute for Mexicans Abroad • March of Dimes, Georgia Chapter• Mercy Care Foundation• TJX Foundation• U.S. Department of Health & Human

Services, HRSA/Office of Women’s Health

• WINGS for Mercy Care

918attended health education classes

11,130calls answered in the Spanish language information and referral line

184 admissions served by Recuperative Care

74% discharged to housing or family unification

Recuperative Care Program

Medically fragile homeless men, ages 18-65, have an alternative to “returning home to the streets” following discharge from Grady Memorial or other area hospitals. The hospital can refer them to Mercy Care’s 19-bed recuperative care unit at The Gateway Center. In addition to receiving tender care and assistance with daily recovery in this temporary home, residents will work with social workers to find housing prior to leaving. Staff and volunteer Emory nursing students conduct health education classes. Mercy Care’s Recuperative Care Program is the only one of its kind in metro Atlanta . Fundraising is underway for a greatly-needed program for women.Grant Support• Catholic Health East/Daniel F.

Russell Innovative Service to Those Who are Poor Award

• Francis Hollis Brain Foundation• Kaiser Permanente Foundation• Mercy Care Foundation • Piedmont Hospital• United Way of Greater Atlanta • Wells Fargo Foundation

1,745health education encounters

1,542clinical breast exams with 267 abnormal results

1,253PAP screenings

8clients diagnosed with breast cancer and linked to care

Breast and Cervical Cancer Program

Operating for nearly two decades, Mercy Care’s BCCP program serves low-income women, ages 18 to 64. Educational sessions, clinical breast exams, pelvic exams, PAP tests, mammography, diagnostic services, patient navigation, and ongoing follow-up and support complement one another. BCCP successfully overcomes the barriers to access, such as poverty, limited English proficiency, limited education and lack of insurance. Grant Support• American Cancer Society • Frances Wood Wilson Foundation • Francis Hollis Brain Foundation• Georgia Association of Primary

Health Care • Georgia CORE• Georgia Department of Human

Resources• It’s the Journey, Inc.• The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer




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Through direct service and through

our influence, we seek to relieve

misery, to address its causes and to

support all persons who struggle for

full dignity.Constitutions of the

Sisters of Mercy

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6,993behavioral health patient visits

33%increase in behavioral health visits since 2012

764patients diagnosed with anxiety disorders including PTSD

As Georgia makes gains and moves from a system rated among the worst in the nation toward community-based care, the increasing demand for services continues, with appointment wait times in excess of three months. For homeless and uninsured persons, the system is especially difficult to navigate.

Mercy Care’s behavioral health team has fully integrated behavioral health into the clinical practice. The process begins with a screening tool to assess patients’ behavioral health concerns. If potential issues are identified, patients are at once referred to a Behavioral Health Specialist for further assessment and development of a treatment plan. Regular follow-ups facilitate overall progress toward goals.

Case managers are available to address homeless patients’ needs for housing, job referrals and benefits assistance.

Mercy Care received CARF accreditation for Mental Health Outpatient Treatment in February of 2013, and its

Drug Abuse Treatment and Education Program license from the Department of Community Health.Grant Support:• Allegany Franciscan Ministries• Besse Johnson & George Blanton

Allen Memorial Foundation• Francis Hollis Brain Foundation• Georgia Department of Human

Resources, Metro Division of Mental Health Developmental Disabilities & Addictive Diseases

• Georgia Department of Community Health, Office of Rural Services

• John H & Wilhelmina D. Harland Charitable Foundation

• Lockheed Martin AERO Club• Morehouse School of Medicine• Ray M. & Mary Elizabeth Lee

Foundation• Supportive Services for Veterans

Families (SSVF)• U.S. Department of Housing and

Urban Development • Waterfall Foundation• Jessica Parker Williams Foundation• WINGS for Mercy Care

Services Include:

• Community Resource Linkage and Referrals

• Family Therapy • Individual and Group

Counseling • Medication Management • Psychosocial Rehabilitation

Day Services (Intensive classes five days-a-week )

• Nursing Assessments • Substance Abuse


“They organized my life. They made my life better. I’ll

never forget Mercy Care.”



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14Mercy Care Client

88%of clients connected to community mental health services

205PATH enrollments

806Outreach encounters

Supportive Services for Veterans and their Families (SSVF)

More than 190 homeless veterans were reached through special early morning outreach efforts in collaboration with the VA.

Case Management and PATH Services

Any homeless individual (or persons at immediate risk of homelessness) who has a suspected mental illness is considered for enrollment into Case Management. A Mental Health Specialist conducts an eligibility screening and needs assessment interview. An Individualized Recovery Plan (IRP )is developed, with objectives built on the client’s strengths and abilities, in an effort to promote success. Clients are contacted weekly to ensure progress.

Case Management services take place at community-based sites easily accessible to homeless persons: Atlanta Enterprise Center, St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, The Gateway Center, City of Refuge and Intown Ministries.

Mercy Care case managers and substance abuse counselors work closely, referring individuals for counseling and/or treatment. Mercy Care currently has agreements with ten local substance abuse providers to provide residential treatment services. Some grants fund up to two months of treatment. A Substance Abuse Specialist follows up regularly with the referral agency.

Quest35 and United Methodist Children’s Home assist Mercy Care with clients’ housing needs. Each sets aside beds for Mercy Care clients, while Mercy Care provides the clients’ case management services.

Kenya Arnold, Case Manager Coordinator, holds a Proclamation from the Atlanta City Council recognizing the efforts of Mercy Care’s Case Managers (shown standing) during National Case Management Week.

Affordable Care Act, Outreach and Enrollment Services

Funded with a HRSA Outreach and Enrollment grant in 2013, the funding allowed the agency to hire three full time certified application counselors to help individuals enroll in the Health Insurance Exchange marketplace. The program flourished in 2014, with navigators assisting over 6,418 people and enrolling 1,146 in Medicaid or other healthcare plans.


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155,950Outreach encounters through Get Hip, Get Connected.

252HIV tests provided through GHGC, which found 9 positives

COLLABORATIVE Community Health Outreach Program (CHOP)

Every day, the CHOP team seeks out chronically homeless persons on the streets, in parks and shelters– building trust and giving out hygiene kits, then offering referrals for medical, dental and behavioral health needs. To maximize efforts, CHOP works closely with numerous local organizations including the Georgia DOT, the Atlanta Police Department, Fulton County Police and Fire Departments, Atlanta’s Ambassador Force, and the City of Atlanta Community Court.

Grant Support• Mary E. Haverty Foundation• Saint Joseph’s Health System• Supportive Services for Veterans

Family• U.S. Department of Health & Human

Services, HRSA/Bureau of Primary Health Care

Street Medicine

The Street Medicine Program is a natural extension of Mercy Care’s daytime outreach and clinical efforts. This medical outreach patrol meets need where it lives, making weekly nighttime rounds of “tent cities” or encampments, under bridges, parks, or abandoned lots. Medical and behavioral health care is welcomed and delivered on the spot by a volunteer MD a psychiatrist, a registered nurse, and a peer specialist, along with HealthSTAT student volunteers. Early statistics show a positive trend of patients coming into our clinics for a full range of care. The next enhancement for this program is telemedicine. A great opportunity for volunteeer dermatologists, psychologists and podiatrists, for starters.

Grant Support• CHE Call to Care







HIV Prevention

Community High Impact Prevention (CHIP)

CHIP is a combination of scientifically proven, cost-effective strategies that maximize reductions in HIV infection and reduce disparities. CHIP has three core components: Counseling & Targeted Testing, Linkage to Care for newly diagnosed and re-engaged individuals and navigation for positives and very high risk negatives. 1,156 HIV tests have been provided through CHIP which found 25 positives.

Get Hip. Get Connected. Project (July-Dec 2013)

This social networks strategy aims to motivate high risk individuals to get tested for HIV. Four volunteers recruited from the targeted population assist with testing, community events , and linkage to care. This project has reached 11,822 individuals.Grant Support• Atlanta AIDS Fund/Community

Foundation of Greater Atlanta• Divine Nino Jesus Catholic Church• U.S. Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention• U.S. Department of Health & Human

Services, HRSA/Bureau of Primary Health Care (HIV counseling & testing at mobile clinics)

• U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (through Fulton County Health & Wellness)

4thGeorgia’s national ranking for the greatest number of uninsured children

40thGeorgia’s national ranking for per capita healthcare spending


Mercy Care strives to witness to the truth that “Catholic health care should distinguish itself by service to and advocacy for those people whose social condition puts them at the margins of our society and makes them particularly vulnerable to discrimination.” We believe that health care is a human right and each person should have a voice in matters affecting their lives and care.

Mercy Care’s 2014 advocacy efforts included: hosting and participating in public policy panels, working with the Cover Georgia Coalition and Georgians for a Healthy Future on coverage and access issues, petitioning State and Federal representatives and adding to the public record at the Georgia State Capital.

Client Advisory CommitteeMercy Care’s Client Advisory Committee gathers and assesses information and reports its recommendations at Mercy Care Board meetings. In turn, management uses this input to improve upon and/or implement needed services.



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COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS7 Bridges to RecoveryAID AtlantaAMN Healthcare, Inc.Aniz, Inc.Another Chance of Atlanta, Inc.Atlanta AIDS FundAtlanta Community Food BankAtlanta Detention CenterAtlanta Harm Reduction CoalitionAtlanta Regional CommissionAtlanta Tech/Women’s New ConnectionsBen Massell Dental ClinicBreakThru HouseBrookhaven Chamber of CommerceCaringWorksCentral Presbyterian ChurchCity of Atlanta Detention CenterCity of RefugeClifton Sanctuary MinistriesCobb & Douglass Public HealthCobb County Board of HealthCommunity Concerns, Inc.Community High Impact Prevention ProgramCrossroads Community MinistriesDeKalb Community Service BoardDeKalb County Board of HealthEmory School of Public HealthEssence of Hope, LLCFamilies First, Inc.Furniture BankGeorgia Lions Lighthouse FoundationThe Gateway CenterGeorgia COREGeorgia Dept. of CorrectionsGeorgia Law Center on HomelessnessGilgal, Inc.Grady Health SystemHealth Choice NetworkHispanic Health CoalitionHIV/AIDS Empowerment Resource CenterHOPE Atlanta Programs of Traveler’s Aid, Inc.Hope Building - Live Oak Property AdvisorsHosea Feed The HungryHumanity United w/ God for Society (HUGS)Latin American AssociationLiving Room, Inc.Mary Hall Freedom HouseMetro Atlanta Recovery ResidenceMorehouse School of MedicineNational Church ResidencesNew Hope EnterprisesOakhurst Recovery ProgramsOpen Door Community Presbyterian ChurchPeople Accepting Challenges EverydayPositive ImpactPrevent Blindness GeorgiaProgressive Hope HouseProject Open HandQuest 35, Inc.Recovery ConsultantsSerenity Personal Care ResidenceSocialSolutionsSomeone CaresSouthern Women’s Housing Alliance, Inc.St. Jude’sStand, Inc.Stinson & Associates, Inc.Trinity Community MinistriesUniHealth Solutions of N. GAUnited Way of Greater AtlantaView Point HealthWestCare GeorgiaUniversity of Massachusetts Worcester

Partnering with others and reaching out to accomplish

a greater good.

Cathryn Marchman, LCSW, JD atop the speaker’s corner box in Woodruff Park at Mercy Care’s Access for All flashmob event.

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Mercy Moves Through Me Award

The Mercy Moves Through Me award recognizes individuals and community volunteers who inspire us by their commitment to those who are most in need and challenge us by their effectiveness as servant leaders. Inaugurated in 2005, the annual luncheon event continues to be a living legacy, honoring those who serve with determination and grace.2014 Award Sponsors• Grady Memorial Hospital• Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital• Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta• The Shepherd Center• Mercy Housing• Mercer University, Georgia Baptist

College of Nursing• Cherry Bekaert, LLP• Mercy Care Foundation• Eula Aiken, R.N., Ph.D.• Ed and Nancy Lee• Patrick and Barbara McGahan

Recipients Katie and Mark Bashor, Director and Director Emeritus, Central Night Shelter have volunteered tirelessly at

Robert L. Mason Jr. Candlelight Memorial

Each December, as winter sets in, Mercy Care remembers in prayer those who died while experiencing homelessness. A spirit of care and solidarity unites the gathering of staff, boards, patients, clients, partners and neighbors.Shown below, Sonja Mason lights a candle, accompanied by the Atlanta Homeward Choir led by Donal Patrick Noonan.

the shelter since 1982. They have demonstrated “model volunteerism” and endless sacrifice. With numerous supporters and other dedicated volunteers, they provide direction and hope to the neediest among us.

Daily Point of Light Award

WINGS of Mercy Care received President George Bush’s award which celebrates volunteers who dare to spark a change in the world.

11 Alive’s CommunityService Award

Alice Butgereit, long-time volunteer and member of the mobile medical coach team at the Atlanta Mission, was recognized as one of the 11 Who Care during the event on April 26, 2014.

“She has a smile and commitment that helps break down barriers of mistrust and despair, replacing it with dignity and self-esteem.”Brenda Wood, 11 Alive News Anchoron 11 Alive’s Community Service Award Winner Alice Butgereit


Healthcare for the Poor: The Georgia Dilemma

Mercy Care’s Community Council hosted an evening event featuring keynote speaker Tim Sweeney of the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute and panelists Jason Bearden, CEO, Highland Rivers Health, Dr. Patrice Harris, Director, Fulton Co. Dept. of Health, Stanley Jones Jr., of Nelson Mullins and Shannon Sale, of Grady Healthcare.Shown above: Tim Sweeney of the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute and Beth Stephens of The Georgia Watch.

2014 McAuley Award

Ricks Anderson, a 19-year employee, received a standing ovation from his fellow staff members as he was honored with the 2nd annual McAuley Award. The award is given to those who embody founder Catherine McAuley’s ideals of respect for the dignity of all persons, compassion, service and leadership. Ricks accepted, saying “I want to thank Jesus... I want to thank my coworkers for honoring me and also for this precious award. It really means a lot to me.”

Community Relations

Mercy Care works to make a positive difference not only in the lives of each client but also in the well-being of our city. By sharing our unique expertise and collaborating with other service-driven organizations we can contribute to a true transformation.

Mercy Care is a member of the Atlanta Safety Net Collaborative, a group of providers committed to coordination of care for indigent patients. We also participate in the Atlanta Regional Collaborative for Health Improvement, the Georgia Prisoner Re-entry Initiative, the Mayor’s Unsheltered No More Initiative, and the Atlanta Regional Commission on Homelessness.

Cooperating with other Atlanta agencies keeps the saftey net strongHomeless Provider NetworkThe HPN Committee is a tightly knit group meeting monthly to discuss ongoing service challenges, establish reciprocal relationships and brief each other on new initiatives. As the only Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) in Atlanta with a Healthcare for the Homeless designation, Mercy Care has accrued a great deal of information on population health and community engagement. Agencies use a community assessment tool to identify critical needs and help them allocate resources across the counties that make up Metro Atlanta.

Prison Reentry InitiativeThe GA-PRI is a state wide program coordinated through the Governor’s Office of Transition, Support and Reentry modeled after programs in other states. Mercy Care is the healthcare representative, educating the committee on understanding the healthcare assets needed to support this population. Mercy Care along with Grady Memorial Hospital and other Federally Qualified Health Centers make up the medical safety-net for the metro region.

“I know this approach will make adifference. It’s the first time that abroad group of community basedorganizations are collaborating toprovide critical resources to returningcitizens from prison,” states Ken Prince, Mercy Care’s Community Relations and Program Development Director. “The program will empower individuals to be productive citizens in Georgia and drastically reduce therecidivism rate.”


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Adult Day Health

“Come in, and welcome!” Words can touch as tenderly as caring hands. The staff at Mercy Care’s Adult Day Health (ADH) center employ both. Participants in this safe, attractive, and comfortable environment need the support Mercy Care offers during the day to allow them to remain living at home. Directed by registered nurses, the staff provide essential services including transportation, nutritious meals, vital health monitoring and education, engaging social and recreational activities, and transportation to medical appointments. An additional benefit is that it offers respite and security to the caregivers who are part of the “care team” for these treasured seniors.

There’s a place in Rome, Georgia where age is honored and support is delivered with loving kindness. It is in this place that Mercy Care staff come daily, ready to enrich and engage clients in compassionate ways, with educational and supportive service that help generations to connect and strengthen individuals, families and community.

Mercy Care’s four programs celebrate and serve older adults as they strive to remain independent, resume the role of parenting for their grandchildren, become caregivers to aging parents, or prepare to enter or re-enter the workforce.


“They were patient with me and they taught me to have

patience with myself.” Mercy Care Client


Grands Who Care

2.4 million grandparents are raising grandchildren in America today.* The responsibility may come suddenly or arrive gradually, but for any grandparent taking up parenting again it can be confusing and overwhelming. Mercy Care is privileged to have an outstanding program to support this growing population. Services available to this group of caregivers, including those raising a disabled child, include informal counseling, referrals to essential services, mentoring, support groups, recreational activities, and health management. The program helps grandparents gain comfort through knowledgeable support as they gain their footing in this unanticipated role.

*AGA-American Grandparents Association

Caregiver Support

More stressful than child rearing or our own aging process is prolonged caregiving for an aging or ailing loved one. Our informal lunch seminars offer companionable support, friendly encouragement, and useful connections to community resources for families filling this invaluable role. Monthly gatherings include peer support to bolster resiliency, education to empower, and social connection to nurture well-being.

Senior Employment

It’s more of a challenge to find meaningful work when you’re “of a certain age” than it is when you’re younger. Our clients often feel lucky to have found us. We have a program that provides comprehensive assistance to older adults entering or re-entering the workforce. Services to low-income persons age 55+ include work readiness, skills development, supportive job placement and assistance transitioning to competitive employment.

20,495Adult Day Health service hours

99grandparents served 55,000

training hours worked

31%of clients are experiencing Alzheimer’s disease

37%of clients are diabetic

7,096meals served

129children served

2,819volunteer hours

16,312miles of client transportation assistance


30Senior Employment Program partners

73%of clients are at nutritional risk

29educational meetings



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Grant SupportAdult Day Health• Allegany Franciscan Ministries• Catholic Foundation of North

Georgia• Medicaid CCST• Northwest Georgia Regional

Commission Area Agency on Aging

• United Way of Rome and Floyd County

Grands Who Care• Junior Service League of Rome• Noon Optimist Club• Northwest Georgia Regional

Commission Area Agency on Aging – Family Caregiver Support

• Rome Floyd County Commission on Children & Youth

• Tillotson Menlo Charitable Foundation

• United Way of Rome and Floyd County

Caregiver Support• United Way of Rome and Floyd


Senior Employment• State of Georgia – Senior

Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

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1 Kaiser Media Fellowship Program visits Mercy Care (L to R) Chris Lee-Comm. Officer of the Kaiser Family Foundation, Pat Duboise-Mercy Care Director of Grants and Program Development, Tom Andrews-Mercy Care President, Penny Duckham-Exec. Director of the Kaiser Media Fellowship Program, Noam Levey-Los Angeles Times Washington Bureau reporter and Gisele Grayson- senior producer at NPR, Washington DC. 2 The White House Office of National AIDS Policy, Atlanta regional meeting ( L to R) Rameses Frederick-Mercy Care HIV Peer Support Specialist, Douglas M. Brooks, MSW -Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy and Pat Parsons-Mercy Care HIV/AIDS Coordinator. 3 Enroll America phone bank event at the Helene S. Mills Senior Center with Fulton County Commissioner Joan Garner and Monique Winters, Mercy Care Outreach and Enrollment coordinator. 4 Sister Angela Ebberwein, VP of Mission with Stan Sullivan-Resource Specialist in a surprise moment celebrating Stan’s retirement after 24 years with the outreach and case management team. 5 Pinked out staff members pose on Pink Out Day at Mercy Care to celebrate National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 6 Elizabeth Molina, Director of Mercy Care Rome, addresses crowd at Mercy Care Rome’s brand rollout picnic. 7 Alan Bradford, Mercy Care VP of Operations, along with Tom Andrews, Mercy Care President, say goodbye to Dr. Peeples as he retires after 11 years of dentistry at Mercy Care.A Member of Saint Joseph’s Health System and Trinity Health








Mercy Care 2014 Statement of Financial PositionFor the 18 month period of January 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014Audited.

ASSETS Mercy Care Mercy CareCurrent assets: Rome

Cash and cash equivalents $2,175,721 $163,861Patient accounts receivable, net 55,551 20,708Grants receivable 260,443 126,770Other receivables 201,068 29,865Due to affiliates 273,950 837Other assets 163,835 3,814Total current assets 3,130,568 345,855Property and equipment, net 3,500,403 1,048,641 Interest in net assets of Mercy Care Foundation 9,862,870 -TOTAL ASSETS 16,493,841 1,394,496

LIABILITIES & NET ASSETSCurrent liabilities:

Accounts payable 573,781 15,775Salaries and benefits payable 884,584 109,425Due to affiliates 1,222,173 397,432Other current liabilities 791,188 11,335Total current liabilities 3,471,726 533,967

TOTAL LIABILITIES 3,471,726 533,967

Net assets:Unrestricted 3,064,621 860,529Temporarily restricted 9,957,494 -

Total Net Assets (Deficit) 13,022,115 860,529

Total Liabilities and Net Assets (Deficit) $16,493,841 $1,394,496

Mercy Care 2014 Statement of Unrestricted Revenues, Expenses and Other Changes in Unrestricted Net Assets For the 18 month period of January 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014Audited.

CHANGES IN UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS Mercy Care Mercy Care RomeRevenues, gains, and other support: Grant income $10,464,731 $1,365,785Contributions 1,186,752 177,834Contributed goods and services 320,061 -Investment income 1,228,573 -Net patient service revenue 1,310,342 157,583Loss on sale of assets (4,956) 5,831Other income 102,661 9,195TOTAL 14,608,164 1,716,228

Net assets released from restrictions 158,123 -Total revenues, gains, and other support 14,766,287 1,716,228

EXPENSESSalaries and wages 12,946,200 1,329,854Employee benefits and payroll taxes 2,900,541 169,499Medical supplies 326,542 9,150Drugs 482,156 -Professional fees and purchased services 1,873,789 57,086Depreciation 310,967 73,832Taxes and insurance 233,451 17,647Rent expense 174,478 -Other supplies and expenses 3,896,944 346,727Provision for bad debts 93,203 -TOTAL EXPENSES 23,238,271 2,003,795

Deficit of revenues over expenses (8,471,984) (287,567)Transfer of net assets to affiliated organization (3,198,516) -Support received from Saint Joseph’s Health System, Inc. 9,031,368 48,660 Equity transfer to Mercy Care from Mercy Services Downtown 720,000

Change in unrestricted net assets (1,919,132) (238,907)

CHANGES IN TEMPORARILY RESTRICTEDNET ASSETSContributions 158,506 -Net assets in related affiliates 3,329,122 -Net assets released from restrictions (158,123) -Change in temporarily restricted net assets 3,329,505 -

CHANGES IN PERMANENTLY RESTRICTED NET ASSETSTransfer of net assets to affiliated organization (3,368,680) -Change in permanently restricted net assets (3,368,680) -Change in net assets (1,958,307) (238,907)Net assets, beginning of period 14,980,422 1,099,436

Net assets, end of period 13,022,115 860,529


n Grant Income* ................... 71%n Contributions ....................10%n Net Patient Revenue .........9%n Investment Income............9%n Other Income .......................1%




Grant Income


Other Income

Net PatientRevenue


*GrantsIn accordance with grant guidelines for full disclosure, specific dollar amounts are listed for the following grants: U.S. Centers for Disease and Prevention .......................................$478,947U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services Ryan White Title III ....................................................................... $1,056,632McKinney Region IV ............................................................................$5,173,693U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development Mental Health .......................................................................................$53,263City of Atlanta/HOPWA .......................................................................$352,314

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“Weave our lives together in love.Make us a patchwork of kindred souls.

Let the patterns of our livescome together as one.

Stitch together the brokenness and remnants of our past

to create a new design for living.”

T. Todd Masman



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2013 FUNDING SOURCES (January – June 2013, 6 month bridge to new 2014 FY)

Federal and State Grants $364,391.80Individuals $413,831.31Foundations & Organizations $496,917.91Corporations $329,416.92

Total $1,604,577.94

2013 AllocationsEducation $86,612.54Hospital $125.00Mercy Care $1,385,237.01Mercy Care Rome $46,819.04Other $100.00Unrestricted $85,664.35

Total $1,604.557.94

2014 FUNDING SOURCES(June 30, 2013-July 31, 2014)

Federal and State Grants $7,173,582.74Individuals $2,120,152.26Foundations & Organizations $993,993.57Corporations $594,450.47

Total $10,882,179.04

2014 ALLOCATIONSMercy Care $9,470,607.38Mercy Care Rome $212,056.35Endowment $948,557.21Spiritual Fellowships $132,806.28Other $21,998.62Unrestricted $96,153.20

Total $10,882,179.04


With a renewed focus in raising awareness and financial support for Mercy Care, the Mercy Care Foundation and WINGS for Mercy Care raised $1,604,558 in Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2013 and $10,882,179 in Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2014. These generous contributions directly impacted the many programs in the Saint Joseph’s Health System which advance the ministry of the Sisters of Mercy by providing excellent healthcare to poor and marginalized persons. Donor contributions were essential in filling the fiscal gap in this care and extended a lifeline to many in desperate need of dignity, independence and hope. We are truly grateful to our donors, volunteers and staff for partnering with Mercy Care to provide “Hope in Healing.”


ABOVE: Dr. and Mrs. John Thomas attending the 24th Annual Wings of Mercy Ball; Golfers checking in at 22nd Annual Mercy Care Golf Classic; Mike Anderson with golfers from Georgia Power’s team preparing to take to the course; Barry Segars (MCF Board Member, President, Segars Group, LLC), Mickey Pitts (Vice President Business Development, McKenney’s), Tim Schutt (Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLC), Dr. Byron Rosenstein (Physician, Resurgens Orthopedics, PC)

ABOVE: Volunteers from Morris Manning and Martin, LLP at Breakfast with Santa event at Mercy Care at City of Refuge; Dancing to the music of the Del Baroni Orchestra; The Alterman Family at the 25th Annual Wings of Mercy Ball.

I have never seen an organization like Mercy Care that ‘lives its mission’ every day. Whether it is through clinics,

behavioral health, vouchers, case management, other agency alliances, mobile coaches, etc. These folks are giving back every single day to those who need it the

most. Mercy Care’s work over the last 30 years qualifies it for our generous, continuing support.

Frank Craft, SJHS Board Member

Note: Mercy Care Foundation staff positions are fully funded by an endowment. 100% of contributions are directed toward supporting Mercy Care.

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2013 WINGS OFMERCY BALLThe 24th Annual Wings of Mercy Ball: Compassion and Commitment with a Purpose chaired by Caroline Jeffords and Teri Xerogeanes was an amazing success that raised $145,439 for Mercy Care thanksto the wonderful support of all of our sponsors and attendees.

Catherine McAuley Presenting Sponsor ($50,000)Georgia Power Company

Diamond Sponsor ($15,000)Emory Saint Joseph’s HospitalPhysician Specialists in Anesthesia,


Platinum Sponsor ($10,000)The Mary E. Haverty FoundationHagedorn Family FoundationThe Quikrete Companies

Gold Sponsor ($7,500)Dr. and Mrs. John XerogeanesAtlanta Radiology ConsultantsDr. and Mrs. Thomas McGahan

Silver Sponsor ($5,000)Hennessy Automobile CompaniesMr. and Mrs. J. Stephen EatonLillibridge Healthcare ServicesBryan Cave LLPHaverty Furniture Companies, Inc.

Wings of Mercy ($3,000)Catholic Charities AtlantaDrs. Plas and Judith JamesDavid and Caroline CrawfordEmergency Care of Atlanta, Inc.St. Vincent de Paul GeorgiaSunTrust BankCKC Foundation

Friends of WINGS ($1,500)Ricks AndersonGeorgia Infectious Diseases, P. C.Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic

ChurchDr. and Mrs. Magdi HanafiJames and Diana McKeeStanley & Randy MogelnickiDr. & Mrs. Eugene DavidsonDr. Sapna BamrahAtlantic Trust Private Wealth

ManagementDr. Gabriel Onofre

2014 WINGS OFMERCY BALLThe 25th Annual Wings of Mercy Ball, which celebrated the event’s Silver Anniversary, was chaired by Kristina Blass, who was assisted by Chair-elect Carmen Titelman. The evening raised more than $162,000 in support of Mercy Care and featured moving testimonials to the wonderful work that they accomplish by Dave Fitzgerald, member of Saint Joseph’s Health System’s Board of Trustees, Rikki Anderson, Mercy Care Outreach Specialist and former client, and Dr. Gabriel Onofre, physician at Mercy Care North’s Clinic. Delores Lazare White from Georgia Power, the evening’s Presenting Sponsor, also spoke about the impact that Mercy Care has on the lives of so many in Atlanta.

Catherine McAuley Presenting Sponsor ($50,000)Georgia Power

Platinum Sponsor ($10,000)Mercy Care FoundationMary E. Haverty FoundationEmory Saint Joseph’s HospitalHennessey Automobile GroupQuikreteHomestead Hospice

Gold Sponsor ($7,500)Physician Specialists in AnesthesiaPhysician Pain Specialists, PC

Silver Sponsor ($5,000)PrimericaGeorgia Infectious Diseases and

World Travel CareAtlanta Spine InstituteLillibridge Healthcare ServicesHaverty’s Furniture

Wings of Mercy ($3,000)Saint Vincent de PaulEmergency Care of Atlanta, Inc.Suzy and Paul ScheinbergSunTrustMr. and Mrs. Michael CoteDr. and Mrs. Thomas McGahan

Friends of WINGS ($1,500)Dr. Gina LundbergDr. and Mrs. Magdi HanafiSusan and Mike PetrickBonnie and Ryan HardageCatholic CharitiesMontag & Caldwell, LLCTom AndrewsDr. and Mrs. Robert M. FryerMr. and Mrs. Richard Alterman

2013 GOLF SPONSORSThe 22nd Annual Mercy Care Golf Classic was held on Monday, October 14, 2013 at Capital City Club Brookhaven. Under the guidance of Golf Classic Co-Chairs, Caroline Jeffords and Teri Xerogeanes, this event raised more than $55,000 in support of Mercy Care. Eighty golfers went to the links on a beautiful day to raise awareness and funds to provide healthcare for metro Atlanta’s uninsured and working poor. In addition to the wonderful game enjoyed by the day’s patrons, the golfers participated in an auction to play in the coveted Lexus Champions for Charity Golf Tournament at three of the scenic Pebble Beach Golf Links.

Title SponsorGeorgia Power

Gold Sponsor - $6,500Mercy Care FoundationSegars GroupHennessy Lexus

Silver Sponsor - $4,000Milner DocumentsLAZ ParkingMcKenney’sLillibridge Healthcare ServicesHewatt Electrical ContractorsTim Kehoe Perkins + WillCummins Power South

Michael Anderson, President and CEO Georgia Power Foundation, and SJHS Board Member, Teri Xerogeanes, Golf Co-Chair, Caroline Jeffords, Golf Co-Chair, and Javier Lopez, former Atlanta Brave.

Let us have the courage to believe in the bright futureand in a God who wills it for us -

not a perfect world, but a better one.Human hands and hearts and minds can create

this better world.”The Challenge of Peace

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops


ra S



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Mercy Care Foundation extends sincere gratitude to its contributors for their generous support which advances the ministry of the Sisters of Mercy by providing excellent healthcare to poor and marginalized persons. This donor report includes gifts between January 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014.

FOUNDERS’ SOCIETYINDIVIDUALSHonors the four Sisters of Mercy who founded Saint Joseph’s Hospital in 1880 and recognizes individuals whose total giving since 1983 reaches $25,000 or more.

$1,000,000 and aboveAnonymousThe Honorable Anne Cox ChambersMr. and Mrs. Donald R. KeoughMr. and Mrs. John C. Portman, Jr.

$500,000 to $999,999Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cambias, Sr.Mr. William B. Erb

$250,000 to $499,999Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephen EatonMr. and Mrs. Anthony H. HarwoodMr. and Mrs. L. Phillip HumannMr. and Mrs. Bruce W. SimmonsMr. Ira E. TaylorMrs. Margaretta J. TaylorMr. L. Barry TeagueMr. and Mrs. Robert J. ThiebautMr. and Mrs. James E. Winchester, Jr.

$100,000 to $249,999AnonymousMr. and Mrs. Donald B. BrooksEstate of Anna Mae BuskeeEstate of Mr. James C. ConradsMr. and Mrs. Harold L. CorleyMr. and Mrs. Charles L. DavidsonEstate of Mr. James J. DaviesMr. Thomas A. Davis and Ms. Maureen K. ZentMr. and Mrs. Pablo DiegoMr. and Mrs. Ronald M. DykesMr. and Mrs. Ralph A. EatzMr. and Mrs. James R. Echols, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert FitzgeraldDr. and Mrs. John C. GarrettMr. and Mrs. Ralph D. GriffinMr. and Mrs. Ronald P. HoganDr. and Mrs. Joseph R. HutchinsonMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McGahanMr. and Mrs. Edward C. MitchellMr. and Mrs. Henry J. MoldtMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. NanceMr. and Mrs. Dan O’DwyerMr. Clarence D. PairMr. and Mrs. Angelos PervanasMr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Rivelli, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. J. Mack RobinsonDr. and Mrs. Ernst M. RuderEstate of Meno SchoenbachMr. Samuel ShapiroMs. Kim E. SharkeyDr. and Mrs. L. D. Stacy

Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. StargelEstate of Barbara P. TerrellMs. Sara S. Thomas and Mr. James K.

CandlerEstate of Mr. and Mrs. C. Edwin Voyles

$50,000 - $99,999Mr. Tom AndrewsMr. and Mrs. R. Steven BosticMr. and Mrs. Mark ChristopherMr. and Mrs. Robert J. ClaninMr. and Mrs. John A. ConantDr. and Mrs. George W. CoxDr. and Mrs. Eugene D. DavidsonEstate of James L. DickeyMs. Lauren Wendell FaasMrs. Carol FarbolinMr. and Mrs. William J. GarrettMr. and Mrs. Wilbur GlennMrs. Olga C. GoizuetaMr. and Mrs. Joe GormanDrs. Ralph and Patricia HaynesDr. and Mrs. Peter B. H’DoublerDr. and Mrs. Donald E. JansenMr. and Mrs. Edward J. KennedyMr. and Mrs. Michael L. KeoughDr. and Mrs. William S. KnappMr. and Mrs. David E. LeonardMs. Monika LevinsonMr. and Mrs. George A. MacConnellDr. and Mrs. Thomas P. McGahanDr. and Mrs. Stanley R. MogelnickiMrs. Marguerite ObergGuy R. Orangio, M.D.Mr. and Mrs. Jerry R. SatrumMr. and Mrs. B. Michael SchlenkeMr. and Mrs. Barry D. SegarsMr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Stewart $25,000-49,999Mr. and Mrs. H. Inman AllenMr. and Mrs. Harold M. AndersonMr. and Mrs. Salvador AriasMr. and Mrs. William T. BarbourMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. BaxterMs. Ann Russell BellmanMs. Jan Bell, CLU,CHFCDr. George Cierny and Dr. G. Kristine

BennettEstate of Mr. Harold BradyMr. and Mrs. Richard G. BrianDrs. Mary and Reay BrownMr. and Mrs. Jack D. BrownMr. and Mrs. James W. CallisonMr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. CampbellMr. and Mrs. David E. CheekDr. and Mrs. Henry D. ClineMr. William FoleyMr. and Mrs. Stanley K. FriedmanMr. and Mrs. Scott B. GarrettDr. and Mrs. Rhodes HavertyMr. and Mrs. Mark W. HennessyMr. and Mrs. Peter R. HennessyDr. and Mrs. John T. HorneyDrs. Judith and Plas JamesDr. and Mrs. Leslie KelmanMrs. Anne C. Kenan

Dr. and Mrs. Gregory B. KnowltonMr. and Mrs. James E. KyleDr. and Mrs. William M. LieppeMr. Thomas M. Longino, Jr.Estate of Ms. Ann Bernard MartinMr. and Mrs. John McMahanDr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. MillerMr. Arthur L. MontgomeryMr. and Mrs. Clyde BurnetteDr. and Mrs. Douglas A. MurphyMr. and Mrs. Thomas M. NanceMr. and Mrs. Kent C. NelsonEstate of Mr. Donald NeustadtDr. and Mrs. John O’ConnellEstate of Msgr. Daniel J. O’ConnorMr. and Mrs. David A. O’KeefeMr. and Mrs. Sanford H. OrkinMr. and Mrs. Charles PhippsMs. Connie PorterMr. and Mrs. Stephen M. RaeberMr. Ronald L. RaiderMr. and Mrs. Jim RauschMr. and Mrs. Glen A. ReedMr. and Mrs. Maury RiffMs. Mary Lou SayeMr. and Mrs. Shoury ShaheenMr. and Mrs. John C. Staton, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. J. Richard SteeleDr. and Mrs. Richard StilesDr. and Mrs. Steven L. SweenMr. and Mrs. James E. TerrellMr. and Mrs. Richard J. Weiskittel, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Jerry WilkinsonMr. and Mrs. John WillisMr. and Mrs. Kirk WilsonMs. Jeannie B. Wright


$1,000,000 and aboveAnonymousJames B. and Alice S. Baird FoundationLettie Pate Evans FoundationSusan G. Komen Greater AtlantaThe Carlos and Marguerite Mason TrustThe Rich FoundationSaint Joseph’s Health SystemSaint Joseph’s Hospital AuxiliaryMercy Care FoundationUnited Way of Greater AtlantaJoseph B. Whitehead FoundationLettie Pate Whitehead FoundationWINGS for Mercy CareRobert W. Woodruff Foundation $500,000 to $999,999Gilead SciencesMary Ryan & Henry G. Kuhrt FoundationSisters of Mercy of the AmericasMark & Evelyn Trammell Foundation

$250,000 to $499,999Brasfield & Gorrie L.L.C.Central Atlanta ProgressThe Community Foundation for Greater

Atlanta, Inc.

Emory Saint Joseph’s HospitalEthicon Endo-Surgery, Inc.FashionCaresGeorgia Cancer CoalitionMary E. Haverty FoundationIt’s The Journey, Inc./The Atlanta 2-Day

WalkMarch of Dimes Birth Defects FoundationStavros S. Niarchos FoundationPhysician Specialists in Anesthesia, P.C.The Ida Alice Ryan Charitable TrustAlbert Steiner Charitable FundTull Charitable Foundation

$100,000 to $249,999AnonymousAlston & Bird LLPAmerican Cancer SocietyAtlanta Cardiology Group, P.C.Atlanta Radiology Consultants, P.C.The Atlanta FoundationKatharine and Russell Bellman FoundationBiosense Webster Inc.Boston Scientific CorporationBristol-Myers Squibb CompanyCatholic Health EastCentral Presbyterian Church Outreach

CenterCitigroup FoundationThe Coca-Cola CompanyCoventry Healthcare of Georgia, Inc.Cox Enterprises, Inc.The James M. Cox Foundation of GeorgiaCV PartnersR. Howard Dobbs, Jr. FoundationNell Warren & William Simpson Elkin

FoundationThe Florence C. & Harry L. English

Memorial FundErnst & Young, LLPJohn and Mary Franklin FoundationGeorgia Cancer InstituteGeorgia Health FoundationGeorgia Power FoundationGeorgia-Pacific CorporationGreater Atlanta Billy Graham CrusadeJohn H. and Wilhelmina D. Harland

Charitable FoundationHaverty Furniture Companies, Inc.Healthcare Georgia FoundationThe William Randolph Hearst FoundationIntuitive Surgical, Inc.Johnson & Johnson Family of CompaniesThe Robert Wood Johnson FoundationKaiser Permanente of GeorgiaKendeda FoundationDonald and Marilyn Keough FoundationKimberly-Clark CorporationHarriet McDaniel Marshall Trust FundMcKenney’s, Inc. Mechanical Contractors

and EngineersTom and Wilma Panos FoundationPeachtree Cardiovascular & Thoracic

SurgeonsPerkins & WillPfizer, Inc.Price Family Foundation

There are rare instances in life where we encounter a stranger and change their life. It may last

only five minutes or a lifetime, but our personal expression of caring

and compassion changed the course of that person’s life for the better. This is the work of Mercy Care. Each day, each encounter, removes vulnerability and illness

and provides empowerment, gratitude and healing that is


Dave Fitzgerald, SJHS Board Member


Listen to Roy’s (shown above) powerful story.

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FOUNDERS’ SOCIETY (CONT.) Segars Group, LLCSiemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.SunTrust BankUPS FoundationThe Waterfall FoundationJesse Parker Williams FoundationFrances Wood Wilson FoundationThe David, Helen and Marian Woodward


$50,000 to $99,999Abbott LaboratoriesThe AEC TrustArt Plumbing CompanyAvon FoundationBeers Construction CompanyThe Benefit Planning GroupMary Allen Lindsey Branan FoundationCardiovascular Specialists, P.C.Carter & Associates LLCRobert & Polly Dunn FoundationEdwards LifesciencesEli Lilly and CompanyEmory HealthcareFannie Mae FoundationFitzgerald & CompanyThe Friedman Supporting FoundationThe Garrett Family FoundationGeorge F. Richardson, Inc.Georgia Colon & Rectal Surgical Assoc. P.C.Georgia Power Company HeadquartersGeorgia-Pacific FoundationPrice Gilbert Jr. Charitable FundGuidant CorporationHewlett PackardThe Imlay FoundationJuvenile Diabetes Research FoundationLillibridge Healthcare Real Estate TrustLillibridge Healthcare ServicesThe Livingston FoundationMedlogics Device CorporationMedtronic USA, Inc.Merck & Co., Inc.Pollard Fund (Central Presbyterian Church)The QUIKRETE CompaniesRaskob Foundation for Catholic ActivitiesH. Louise Ruddell Charitable TrustSatrum FoundationAlex and Betty Smith FoundationTerumo Medical CorporationUnited Parcel ServicesThe Vasser Woolley FoundationGertrude & William C. Wardlaw Fund $25,000 to $49,999ActiveNetworkAetna FoundationArchdiocese of AtlantaAT&TAtlanta Cancer CareAtlanta Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery

AssociatesThe Atlanta Journal-ConstitutionAtlanta Pulmonary GroupAventis Pharmaceuticals Inc.BellSouth Corporation

Big Brothers Big SistersBikers Battling Breast Cancer, Inc.Frances Hollis Brain FoundationBrookdale Realty Services, LLCBT FoundationCardioMind, Inc.Catholic Charities AtlantaCiticorpCoca-Cola Enterprises Inc.Collins Project Management, Inc.Coopers & LybrandCordis CorporationThe Courts FoundationCox Communications, Inc.CV TherapeuticsEmergency Care of Atlanta, Inc.The Farbolin Family Charitable TrustGeorgia Power CompanyGlaxoSmithKlineThe Jack and Anne Glenn Charitable

FoundationHewatt Electrical Contractors, Inc.Hines Interests Limited PartnershipHuisking FoundationIBM CorporationInglett & StubbsKilpatrick Stockton LLPKing & SpaldingLanier Brothers FoundationDorothy Weiner Lavine Memorial FundLexus Champions for CharityLockheed Martin Aeronautics Employees

Reaching Out ClubMajestic Realty FoundationWilliam McDaniel Charitable Foundation Inc.Medtronic Inc.Milner Voice & DataMorgan Keegan & Company, Inc./Atlanta

Consulting GroupKatherine John Murphy FoundationNetBankOlympus Surgical & Industrial America Inc.Order of MaltaThe Original Honey Baked Ham Co. of

Georgia, Inc.Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc.Perimeter Center for Outpatient SurgeryPhysicians’ Professional Laboratory, PCPiedmont Clinic, Inc.Warren P. Powers Charitable FoundationPremierRenaissance Charitable FoundationResurgens Orthopaedics, PCWalter & Marjory Rich Memorial FundRosing Painting & Wallcovering

Contractors, Inc.William F. Shallenberger Trust FundSmith, Gambrell & RussellSurgical Services Education FundTerumo Cardiovascular SystemsThomas Group Inc.Trammell Crow CompanyWells Fargo FounationWheatridge FoundationWilson Family FoundationWXIA-TV

LULA COX MCWHORTER SOCIETYRecognizes individuals who have included Mercy Care Foundation, formerly known as Saint Joseph’s Mercy Foundation, in their estate plans in order to preserve the legacy of the Sisters of Mercy. Named for Saint Joseph’s Hospital’s first benefactor.

Anonymous (2)Eula H. Aiken, Ph.D.James F. Alexander*Ruby L. Allen*Tom AndrewsJo and James F. ApplebyAlice S. and James B. Baird*Jan BellKatharine and Russell Bellman*Jack Berman*Margaret and J. Stephen Bethea IIIHarold J. Brady*Mary K. and William M. Brooks*Elaine Buice-McMenamin and Francis P.

McMenaminAnna Mae Buskee*Polly and James W. CallisonThe Cambias FamilyPeggy and Harry L. Cashin, Jr.The Honorable Anne C. ChambersPat and Robert R. Clarke*Shirley B. ConroyAllene & Harold “Leo” CorleyBarbara and Paul E. Crafton*Helen Bivings Crawford*Mary Ann CroweBlaise J. Dantone*James J. Davies*Katherine and James L. Dickey*Margaret DomineyR. E. Dorough*Polly and Robert Dunn*Ethel and James R. Echols, Sr.Merlon A. Ellis*Lillian and Melvin Feintuch Kim N. FitchhornCatherine Fitzgerald*Richard L. Fortune*Joyce and Ernest W. Franklin IIIElizabeth deLorimier Gage*Mary Ellen and Scott GarrettSusan and William J. GarrettGerda and Reiner J. GerdesKathleen and Dayle GeroskiMargaret A. Giustetti*Mary and Wallace R. Gould* and FamilyAllison Tyler HagerCatherine M. Hagerty*Dorothy and P. Frank* HagertyAllen R. Hall*Rosemary and Charles HallBonnie S. HardagePatricia Hartridge*Anthony H. Harwood Elizabeth Rawson Haverty*Jane M. Haverty Minnie Roberson Henry*Paul O. Herbert*

Helen B. Hinchliffe*Lenora Balsley Hopkins*Dorothy M. George Hudspeth*Willie H. Huguley*Walter G. Jung II*Rita and Peter P.* KehoeDr. Susan J. Kelley and Ronald F. VerniWillie P. King, Jr.*Betty and Alexander J. KulikowskiDorothy Weiner Lavine*Jane and Doug LybrookMary Lenice and John J. Mahoney, Jr.*Juanita and Jack Markwalter and FamilyAnn Bernard Martin*Elon C. Mays*Barbara and Patrick J. McGahanSarah A. MillerTed and Virginia MyersJames C. Neal*Elizabeth and Donald L.* NeustadtJane and Walter S. Nied, Jr.Marilyn M. Obenshain*Marguerite ObergWendy and Richard T. O’TooleNancy M. ParisGeorge W. Pigman, Jr.*J. Marshall Powell*Manuel Pressman*Carol and Stephen M. RaeberClarence H. Ridley*Barbara Weinberg RiffSusan and Ernest M. Ruder, MDJean A. SamuelsonCarol and B. Michael SchlenkeMeno Schoenbach*Harry S. SchwartzBarbara and John ShannonSheila and Lee ShawFrank R. Shoemaker, Sr.Betty and Alex W. Smith*Barbara M. and Richard K.* SnellingBeverly and L. David Stacy, Jr., MDAlbert Steiner*Barbara P. Terrell*Anneli and Robert J. ThiebautSara S. ThomasUberto Visconti*Dora and C. Edwin Voyles*Margaret and John W. WakefieldAnn-Marie and Frank Ogden Walsh, IIIJanet and Thomas D. WalshSybil and James O. Wells, MDZane WhelchelMary Hurt Witt

*Indicates Deceased

ONE IN THE SPIRITEmployee Giving Campaign

Once a year, the employees of Saint Joseph’s Health System (Mercy Care) come together to support essential pro-grams and services through the One In The Spirit Employee Giving Campaign.

In 2013 79% (130) of employees gave $33,633 and in 2014, 87% (151) of em-ployees gave $40,281 to the following areas:

• Mercy Care General Support

• Mercy Care Capital Campaign

• Mercy Care Rome General Support-Mercy Care Rome Building Campaign

• Employee Emergency Loan

• United Way of Greater Atlanta

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ANNUAL GIVING SOCIETIES Gifts given between January 1, 2013 andJune 30, 2014

SISTER JANE GERETY SOCIETY Honors this Sister of Mercy for her continuing leadership and dedication to Saint Joseph’s Health System. Recognizes individuals, foundations, corporations and organization who give $25,000 or more in one year.

AnonymousAetna FoundationAmerican Cancer SocietyJames B. and Alice S. Baird FoundationCenters for Disease Control and PreventionThe Honorable Anne Cox ChambersThe City of AtlantaCHE-Trinity HealthEstate of Mr. Robert ClarkeThe Community Foundation for Greater

Atlanta, Inc.Coventry Healthcare of Georgia, Inc.Coventry of GeorgiaGeorgia Department of Behavioral Health

and Development DisabilitiesMr. and Mrs. Ralph A. EatzEmory Saint Joseph’s HospitalFulton County Board of CommissionersGeorgia Power FoundationGilead SciencesJohn H. and Wilhelmina D. Harland

Charitable FoundationMr. and Mrs. Anthony H. HarwoodHealth Resources & Services

AdministrationIt’s The Journey, Inc./The Atlanta 2-Day

WalkSusan G. Komen Greater AtlantaMr. and Mrs. Angelos PervanasThe Ida Alice Ryan Charitable TrustSaint Joseph’s Health SystemUnited Way of Greater AtlantaThe Waterfall FoundationU.S. Department of Housing and Urban

DevelopmentJesse Parker Williams Foundation

SISTER STELLA MARIS SOCIETY Honors a Sister of Mercy who faithfully upheld the mission during nearly 12 years of service at Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital and recognizes donors who generously give between $10,000 and $24,999 in one year.

AnonymousFrances Hollis Brain FoundationMr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cambias, Sr.Mr. Thomas A. Davis and Ms. Maureen K.

Zent Emory Healthcare The Friedman Supporting FoundationThe Garrett Family FoundationHagedorn Family FoundationMary E. Haverty FoundationHennessy Automobile CompaniesHomestead Hospice

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. HutchinsonMarch of Dimes Birth Defects FoundationPeachtree Presbyterian ChurchPhysician Specialists in Anesthesia, P.C.Piedmont HealthcareThe QUIKRETE CompaniesMr. and Mrs. Jim RauschMr. and Mrs. Robert J. ThiebautThe TJX FoundationFrances Wood Wilson FoundationWilson Family Foundation

THE 1880 CIRCLEThe 1880 Circle is named for the year the Sisters of Mercy began their healing ministry in Atlanta with the establishment of Saint Joseph’s Infirmary. Recognizes donors who generously give between $2,500 and $9,999 in one year.

AnonymousMr. Tom AndrewsAtlanta Radiology Consultants, P.C.Atlanta Spine InstituteJames B. and Alice S. Baird FoundationBank of America Charitable FoundationKatharine and Russell Bellman FoundationDrs. Mary and Reay BrownBryan Cave LLPMr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. CampbellThe Cassill Foundation Inc.Catholic Charities AtlantaThe Catholic Foundation of North Georgia,Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. ChapmanMr. and Mrs. Mark ChristopherCKC FoundationMr. and Mrs. Harold L. CorleyMr. and Mrs. Michael R. CoteMr. and Mrs. David B. CrawfordCummins Power South, LLCDivino Nino Jesus Catholic MissionMr. and Mrs. J. Stephen EatonEmergency Care of Atlanta, Inc.Emory HealthcareFraternal Order of Eagles Atlanta Auxiliary

No.714Ms. Regina W. GandaGeorgia Infectious Diseases, P.C.Grady Health SystemMr. and Mrs. C. Ryan HardageHaverty Furniture Companies, Inc.Hennessy Automobile CompaniesMr. and Mrs. Mark W. HennessyMr. and Mrs. Peter R. HennessyHewatt Electrical Contractors, Inc.Holy Spirit Preparatory School, Inc.Huisking FoundationDrs. Plas and Judith JamesDr. and Mrs. Paul R. JeffordsMr. Tim KehoeLaz ParkingThe Ray M. & Mary Elizabeth Lee

FoundationMr. and Mrs. David E. LeonardLillibridge Healthcare ServicesLockheed Martin Aeronautics Employees

Reaching Out ClubMr. Thomas M. Longino, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McGahanDr. and Mrs. Thomas P. McGahanMr. and Mrs. David J. McGillMcKenney’s, Inc. Mechanical Contractors

and EngineersMr. and Mrs. John McMahanMilner Document Products, Inc.Morehouse School of Medicine Morris, Manning & Martin, LLPPrimericaMr. and Mrs. Stephen M. RaeberDr. and Mrs. Ernst M. RuderDr. and Mrs. Paul J. ScheinbergMr. and Mrs. Barry D. SegarsSegars Group, LLCSisters of Mercy of the AmericasMs. Susan E. SpezioSt. Vincent de Paul Society Inc.SunTrust BankTactix CorporationThomas Group Inc.Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. TitlemanDr. and Mrs. Tedman L. VanceW.L. Gore & AssociatesWells Fargo FoundationDr. Barbara Williams and Mr. Lawrence I.

ThorpeDr. and Mrs. John Xerogeanes THE MCAULEY SOCIETY The McAuley Society is named for Sister Catherine McAuley, who founded the Sisters of Mercy in 1831 in Dublin, Ireland. Recognizes donors who generously give between $500 and $2,499 in one year.

Access Innovators LLCMr. and Mrs. Andy AdamsMr. and Mrs. Bo A. AhrelEula H. Aiken, Ph.D.Mr. and Mrs. Blanton E. AlexanderMr. and Mrs. Richard AltermanAltus Healthcare & HospiceMr. Ricks C. AndersonMs. Nakita AnthonyMr. and Mrs. Salvador AriasAtlantic Trust Private Wealth ManagementAVNETMr. and Mrs. James L. BakerDr. and Mrs. Michael A. BalkBank of America Matching Gifts ProgramMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. BaxterBesse Johnson & George Blanton Allen

Memorial FoundationDr. and Mrs. Mitchell A. BlassMr. Harry L. BonnerMr. Darrell E. BorneDr. and Mrs. Joseph F. BoveriDr. and Mrs. Philip S. BrachmanMs. Jackie BrackinMr. and Mrs. Alan BradfordBrasfield & Gorrie L.L.C.Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. BrooksMs. Leslie S. BrothersMr. and Mrs. Donald T. BrowneDrs. Reay and Mary BrownMr. Todd BuchananMr. and Mrs. C. L. Bullard

Dr. and Mrs. John J. ByrneMr. and Mrs. James W. CallisonMr. and Mrs. Dale W. CarlsonMr. and Mrs. Harry L. Cashin, Jr.Catholic Charities AtlantaCatholic Health EastMr. and Mrs. John M. ChambersMr. and Mrs. Dinesh ChathothCherry, Bekaert, and Holland LLPChildren’s Healthcare of AtlantaMr. L. E. ClineMr. Scott ClineMr. Timothy P CondreyMs. Dixie D. CookMs. Carol R. CourtlandMr. and Mrs. Frank M. CraftMr. and Mrs. Cameron CrowleyMr. and Mrs. Ralph CunninghamDr. and Mrs. Eugene D. DavidsonMr. Thomas A. Davis and Ms. Maureen K.

ZentMs. Cyndi DeanDrs. Alice and Armando DijamcoMr. and Mrs. Lewis DiprimaMs. Darcy DuvallMrs. Margaret R. DyerMr. and Mrs. Hal EckardMr. and Mrs. Louis ErbsMr. Albert D. ErtelMrs. Rosi FiedotinMr. and Mrs. David P. FitzgeraldMr. and Mrs. J. Robert FitzgeraldFord, Gittings and Kane, Inc. Carlos M. Franco, M.D.Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. FranzoniDr. and Mrs. Robert M. FryerMr. Leroy Fuss, IIIGannett National Shared Service CenterDr. Iqbal Garcha and Dr. Stephanie GarchaMs. Denise GarlowMr. and Mrs. Scott B. GarrettMr. and Mrs. William P. GarriganDr. and Mrs. David CallahanGeorgia Baptist College of Nursing of

Mercer UniversityMs. Pamela S. GivensMr. and Mrs. Morris GodfreyDr. and Mrs. Andrew R. GoldeMr. and Mrs. Hugh A. GowerHenry W. Grady FoundationGrantmakers In HealthLeonard and Jerry Greenbaum Family

FoundationMr. Robert GrizzardMr. and Mrs. Stuart C. GuentherGYN & Fertility SpecialistsMr. and Mrs. Charles W. HallDr. and Mrs. Magdi M. HanafiMark Hanna, M.D.Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. HansenMr. and Mrs. Edward J. HardinMr. Roderick E. HennekHenry Schein DentalDr. Emily Jean Herndon and Mr. Bob

HerndonThe Northwest GA Power Employees

Charities, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. David HugginsMs. Sue Hughes and Reverend Noel C.

BurtenshawMr. and Mrs. L. Phillip HumannJ. McLaughlinMr. and Mrs. Robert JacksonMr. and Mrs. Jack E. JamesonJohn Snow, Inc.Dr. Alice O. Johnson and Dr. David A.

KrendelJohnson & Johnson Family of CompaniesMr. and Mrs. Steve KappelDr. Susan J. Kelley and Mr. Ronald F. VerniPatricia Kelly, M.D.Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. KennedyDr. and Mrs. Spencer King, IIIMr. and Mrs. Charles K. KrausMr. and Mrs. C. F. LaneMr. and Mrs. Chris LarkinsDorothy Weiner Lavine Memorial FundMrs. Lois LazaroMr. and Mrs. Edward R. LeeMr. Colvin T. Leonard IIIMr. Eric LevyLexus Champions for CharityDr. Gina P. Lundberg and Mr. Ian LundbergMs. Gina LopezMrs. Joanne P. LoveDr. and Mrs. Gary A. LudiDr. and Mrs. Steven K. MacheersMr. Gary L. MadarisDr. and Mrs. John M. Maloney, IIIMARTA Employee’s Charity ClubMr. and Mrs. Robert J. MasonMr. Thomas MaxwellMr. and Mrs. James E. MayMr. and Mrs. James J. McAlpinDr. Deborah McFarlandMr. and Mrs. Timothy McFarlaneMs. Whitney McGinissMr. and Mrs. John McMahanMercy Housing SoutheastMETROPOWER/PPC FoundationMr. David MetzloffMr. and Mrs. Joseph B. MillerMr. and Mrs. Edward C. MitchellDr. and Mrs. Stanley MogelnickiMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Mohan, Esq.Ms. Elizabeth A. MolinaMontag & Caldwell, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. MonteDr. Mary C. Moore and Mr. Winston MooreMae T. Morgan, M.D.Sapna Bamrah Morris, M.D.Ms. Bridget Y. MullenMr. and Mrs. Dean R. NelsonNetwork for GoodMr. Michael NilanNoon Optimist Club of Rome GANorthside Cabinet Inc.Mrs. Marguerite ObergOffice on Women’s HealthThe Osborn Family FoundationOur Lady of Lourdes Catholic ChurchMr. and Mrs. Nick PappasMs. Nancy M. Paris and Mr. Paul Pebble

“It’s hard to find a place

like this. They made me laugh

and lifted my spirits.”Mercy Care Client

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ANNUAL GIVING SOCIETIES (CONT.) Mr. Joseph ParkerHenry Perez, M.D.Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. PetrikMr. J. Dubac PreeceMr. Kenneth PrincePro Systems Clean CareMr. and Mrs. Maury RiffMs. Lisa A. Roachford-WallaceMr. and Mrs. Paul C. RobertsMr. Rick RodriqueRoedel and AsociatesMr. and Mrs. Robert RogersDr. and Mrs. Byron D. RosensteinMs. JoAnn RussoScana Services Inc.Mr. and Mrs. B. Michael SchlenkeMr. Kurt SchwanMr. Frank SelfSG Contracting, Inc.Shannon Specialty Floors Inc.Dr. and Mrs. Christopher T. ShawShepherd Center, Inc.Signature FDMr. and Mrs. Stephen J. SimkoMr. and Mrs. Bruce W. SimmonsMr. and Mrs. Gary V. SledgeMr. Wayne SmithMs. Cindy SmithMs. Judith S. SmithSoutheastern Mills, Inc.Mr. Bill SpaldingMs. Pamela J. SpearmanDr. and Mrs. Michael D. StargelDr. and Mrs. J. Richard SteeleMs. Erica StokesSunTrust United Way CampaignMr. and Mrs. James E. TerrellDr. and Mrs. John W. ThomasMr. David K. ThomasDr. and Mrs. John W. ThomasMs. Sara S. Thomas and Mr. James K.

CandlerMr. and Mrs. Clarence L. ThompsonTPJS, LLCTransend Services, Inc.Trish McEvoy, LTDTruistTull Charitable FoundationUnited Way of Central MarylandMs. Cindy D. UnongoUPS FoundationMr. and Mrs. Donald E. Van VolkenburgMr. and Mrs. Roger A. VernierMr. and Mrs. Albert W. Vor KellerMr. and Mrs. David F. WalbertMr. and Mrs. J. P. WalrathMr. and Mrs. Jim WardDr. and Mrs. Steven WertheimMr. and Mrs. Richard J. Weiskittel, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. James O. WellsMr. Jobe WestMr. Zane WhelchelMs. Mary Jean Keller and Mr. Richard S.

WhiteMrs. Molly WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Robert S. Winborne

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher K. WithersMr. and Mrs. John B. WithersMrs. Yvonne WrightMs. Jeannie B. WrightMs. Harriette E. YanceyFather Steven L. YanderMr. and Mrs. E. Howard Young

SISTERS OF MERCY CIRCLERecognizes individuals who consecutively give any gift amount for 10 years or more.

29 YearsThe Honorable Anne Cox ChambersDr. and Mrs. L. D. StacyDr. and Mrs. Michael StargelMr. and Mrs. Richard J. Weiskittel, Jr.

28 YearsMr. and Mrs. Ulrich BrinkmannMr. and Mrs. James W. CallisonMr. and Mrs. Bruce W. SimmonsMs. Sara S. Thomas and Mr. James K.


27 YearsMr. and Mrs. Hugh A. GowerMrs. Marie H. Starks

25 YearsMr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Raeber

24 YearsMr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Cambias, Sr.Ms. Dixie D. CookDr. and Mrs. John GarrettMs. Kristine C. Gregg

22 YearsMs. Marilyn M. Brown-StoneMs. Erica StokesMr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McGahan

21 YearsMr. and Mrs. George A. MacConnell

20 YearsMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. BaxterMr. and Mrs. Donald T. BrowneSr. Angela M. Ebberwein, RSMMrs. Rita Lawler

19 YearsMs. Tracy BookerMr. Clayton CroomMr. and Mrs. Anthony H. HarwoodMrs. Janice L. PayneMrs. Ingeborg SeebohmMr. Stan K. Sullivan

18 YearsMr. Ricks C. AndersonMr. and Mrs. J. Robert FitzgeraldMr. and Mrs. James E. Winchester, Jr.

17 YearsMrs. Doris MoseleyMr. and Mrs. Anthony ParkMr. and Mrs. Paul C. RobertsMr. and Mrs. George T. SpellissyMr. Roderick Stuldivant

16 YearsMr. and Mrs. Wallace A. Dietrich

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Erbs Mr. Paul FambroMr. and Mrs. Robert W. HendricksonMr. and Mrs. Gene L. JamesMr. and Mrs. Thomas R. McNeill Mr. and Mrs. Sigfrido Raimundo

15 YearsMs. Patricia A. BernittMr. and Mrs. Charles A. GoldgeierMr. and Mrs. Robert J. MasonMr. and Mrs. Charles E. MillerMr. and Mrs. Benjamin G. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Vor KellerMr. and Mrs. Robert L. Weathers

14 YearsEula H. Aiken, Ph.D.Dr. Marylena Anderegg and Mr. David L.

AndereggMr. Andrew Anderson, Jr.Mr. Martin HochdorfMr. and Mrs. Paul KodrowskiMr. and Mrs. David E. LeonardMr. Thomas M. Longino, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. McGahanMr. J. Alan NewtonMrs. Marguerite ObergMr. and Mrs. Richard Osen, Jr.Ms. Susan E. SpezioMr. and Mrs. Daniel J. StiersMr. and Mrs. Clyne C. VealMr. and Mrs. Joseph B. VivonaMr. and Mrs. Donald W. Weber

13 YearsMr. and Mrs. James E. BrooksMs. Carol R. CourtlandMs. Karen J. CyresMs. Tonya L. GraneyDr. and Mrs. Michael B. HageartyMr. and Mrs. David HugginsMs. Sue Hughes and Reverend Noel C.

BurtenshawMr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shillington Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Thiebaut Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. ThompsonDr. Margaret L. Weber-Levine and Mr.

Stephen M. LevineMr. and Mrs. Roger B. White

12 YearsMr. and Mrs. David L. BodenhamerMr. and Mrs. Melvin G. BrowningDrs. Armando and Alice DijamcoMr. and Mrs. John F. Euart, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Reiner J. GerdesMrs. Ella M. JacksonMrs. Edna C. JonesMs. Elizabeth A. MolinaMr. Winston F. Moo-PennMs. Jean H. O’HaraMr. and Mrs. George C. PanosMs. Paula S. PowellMs. Barbara R. SchneiderMr. and Mrs. Frank R. Shoemaker, Sr.Ms. Judith S. SmithMs. Lovella Varnon

Mr. Jack V. WalzMrs. Jimmie K. WatsonMr. and Mrs. Christopher K. Withers

11 YearsMr. Tom AndrewsDr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Bethea IIIMr. and Mrs. Eugene BrisbaneMr. and Mrs. Frank M. CraftMs. Deborah CrockettMr. Alan T. DavidsonMr. and Mrs. William P. GarriganMr. and Mrs. Joseph Kanaday, Jr.Mr. Frank A. LangstonMs. Dora LlontopMr. and Mrs. Dean R. NelsonMr. and Mrs. B. Michael SchlenkeMr. and Mrs. Joseph L. SessumMr. and Mrs. Chet C. ThwaitesMr. and Mrs. Donald E. Williams

10 YearsMs. Janet M. AnsorgeMr. and Mrs. James L. BakerMr. Arthur F. CabralMs. Patricia L. DuboiseMr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Gifford, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Haas, Jr.Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. HansenMs. Cheryl A. HardtDr. Susan J. Kelley and Mr. Ronald F. VerniMr. and Mrs. Edward R. KonopkaMr. and Mrs. James M. KuceraMr. J. Steve TaskerMs. Betty R. ThomasMr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Turrie



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TRIBUTE GIFTTribute gifts were made in honor of individuals listed first followed by the name of the donor(s). This list reflects gifts made to Mercy Care Foundation January 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.

Paul Andrew James W. BullardTom Andrews Rita LawlerDavid M. Armitage Thomas R. McNeillMary F. Barragan Cecilia B. HadleyGaylen K. Baxter Barbara G. Kemp and Stewart KempJan Bell Carolyn D. GriggsMarie C. Bond Sherry B. LundeenLiz H. Bousson Betty H. SmithDiane Brin Barbara BerryDonald B. Brooks W. J. ClarkeDorothea G. Bruni Kathryn S. SeaboltCarl Cannon Thomas R. McNeillJames P. Capo, MD Gloria C. DennyFanta & Aaron Darbo Haruna DarboJeanne Dennis Arlene N. WalrathPaul Donnellan Judith L. KannePauline Dorman

Arlene N. WalrathPatricia L. Duboise

Rita LawlerSister Angela M. Ebberwein, RSM

Rita LawlerTeri Emond

Henry PannellRobert Glover

Betty H. SmithCharles W. Hall

Thomas HallBonnie S. Hardage

Mr. and Mrs. Bob CunninghamBen Haverty

Betty H. SmithJane M. Haverty

Betty H. SmithRawson Haverty, Jr.

Betty H. SmithRobert D. Hoff

William Nearpass

Tribute(s) for Eleanor F. Holman William T. Holman

Paul R. Jeffords, MD Kenneth T. Ransby

Frank Kaulakis Thomas R. McNeill

James M. Kucera James M. Kucera

Rita Lawler Brian Land

Colvin T. Leonard Tom Andrews

Lillibridge Healthcare Services Prive’ Valet

Gary A. Ludi, MD Patrick Smith

Gina P. Lundberg, MD Gloria S. Stadler

James McNeill Thomas R. McNeill

Jeffrey Miller, MD William Nearpass

Denis Marie Murphy, RSM Julie Spencer and Marianne Williams

Dale & Miriam Newfield Julia Vermillion

Marguerite Oberg Father Steven L. Yander

Mario J. Ravry, Sr., MD Robert M. Anservitz

Nancy Reed James W. Bullard

William T. Reed William Nearpass

Susan S. SaidArlene N. WalrathMichael Seyfried, MDG. Thomas GrafSister Valentina Sheridan, RSMLeslie DeesW. Robert McGoldrickMarianne WilliamsBruce W. SimmonsFidelity Charitable Gift FundBrad SimmonsRobert H. Spector, MDJoanne RozearDebra & Chet C. ThwaitesRita LawlerFather Steven L. YanderMargaret M. Guenther

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Angela Andrew Salome Shillington

John Awalt Jane K. Awalt R. D. Awalt Alice W. Brown Kirsten A. Cardegna J. B. Chesin Michael Coppolino Paul A. Duffy Albert S. Duncan Angela M. Ebberwein, RSM James F. Gilroy C. E. Glausier Gregory P. Scott & Associates, Inc. Madison Hudson Greg Jordan Marc A. Seltman Doyle Shugart Mary Sommerfeldt William J. Tuminella Father Steven L. Yander William B. Zoghby-Haffner

Helen Balcom Ann R. Stout

James A. Waters

Jennifer L. Bleisch Kenneth R. Clonts

Oscar Blevit Gisela M. Blevit

Thomas V. Bockman Douglas P. Lybrook

Madeleine J. Brown Paul J. Monardo

Father Steven L. Yander

A.E. Brunson Donald E. Williams

Martha W. Buttorff H. D. Buttorff

Marvin Caine Mary Anne Caine

Walker Campbell Rosalie Campbell

Ann Caneer Jack B. Hood

Mary Caneer Jack B. Hood

John J. Canterella Theresa Canterella

Jane W. Cantrell Miriam Allen

Danielle Clarke H. L. Dennard Sheryl Fishman Barbara Gentzkow Joan K. Goldman John P. Green

Bill G. Huff Susan Kennicott Crafton Langley Lanier Golf Club Christine M. Ley John P. McGruder Frank Slover Tailfin Marketing, LLC

Robert Capparell, MD Buckhead Republican Women David F. Haddow Deborah F. Moscato Bonnie Phipps Preston Ridge Pediatrics Assoc. PC L. D. Stacy, MD Thomas H. Williams George B. Williamson

Claude Carpentier Adela Carpentier

Beth Chertoff Joel M. Feldman

James R. Cleveland Jane W. Agati

Norma Cunningham John J. Curley

Peggy D. Cusimano Jack B. Hood

Jo Davis Juanita A. Buren

Doris M. Demicco John M. Demicco

Jules L. DeVigne Ellen Cooke

James Duffy George Husted

Margaret Duffy George Husted

Patricia J. Husted

John Dyer Father Steven L. Yander

Marie Echemendi Mariano M. Echemendia

Rose Ellis Caroline G. Monte

Violet Falcone Marilynn D. Castana

Alejandro Franco Carlos M. Franco

Elizabeth Gibbons David Ford

Elizabeth Givens Barbara G. Ford

Kenneth Goodwin Linda Keleher

Joseph Green Ruth Talbot

Mary Guise Dot Reeves

Mary Haas Paul R. Haas, Jr.

Paul Haas, Sr. Paul R. Haas, Jr.

Glenn Haltom Kay Kirkpatrick, MD

Jimmie Harmon Jayne Harmon

Albert Hart Father Steven L. Yander

C. W. Hart Calvis Bowling

Rawson Haverty, Sr. Mary E. Haverty Foundation Clarence H. Smith Alex and Betty Smith Foundation

Pearline Hayes Cheryl L. Hayes

Owen Hazelief Barry Dawson

Peter B. H’Doubler, Sr. Curt B. Jamison

W. H. Reeves

John J. Hopkins Kathleen Woerner

Robert Hutton Linda B. Nunn

James Ibarguen Ivor Sargon

George Ippolito Larry Eichler

Elsie Isham Barry Dawson

William H. Izlar, Jr. John G. Alston

Bonneau Ansley John L. Appleby Catholic Health East Frank M. Craft Angela M. Ebberwein, RSM Emory Saint Joseph’s Hospital Richard Felker William C. Hatcher Francis J. Hauck Kathryn H. Hutchison Margaret C. Johnson William Maner Curtis Meltzer Mary B. O’Connor Nancy M. Paris Brooks Patterson J. F. Reeves SunTrust Bank, Atlanta James M. Wells Lloyd T. Whitaker

MEMORIALSMemorial gifts were made in memory of individuals listed first followed by the name of the donor(s). This list reflects gifts made to Mercy Care Foundation January 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.

Mildred S. Jacobus Margaret E. Skinner

Arthur Keleher Bernard Keleher

Paul Keleman Carol Ann Kilburn

Richard Kinney Michael Lanier

Pen Lybrook Douglas P. Lybrook

Lawrence Mandyck Lillian M. Mandyck

Greta Martin Robert M. Martin

Frank E. Mason Janean C. Baker

John M. Chambers James E. Davis Family Charities Elizabeth R. Terrell Richard Yow

Robert L. Mason, Jr. Audubon Forrest Neighborhood Association Debra Bloom Sydney R. Butler Lynette S. Chisolm Erica Stokes Patricia L. Duboise Angela M. Ebberwein, RSM Bonnie S. Hardage Patricia A. Johnson Ann C. Keeley Patricia Kelly Rita Lawler Carolyn M. Mays Charles W. Moore Father Jeffery Ott Nancy M. Paris Wanda R. Patterson Stanley Pritchett Molly Riccardi Charles Robinson Wonza S. Russell Pamela Sapp Wynelle W. Scott Second Baptist Church of Dublin, Inc. Dorothy W. Williams Teresa G. Williams Mary H. Yoder

Irene C. Mayer Jacqueline McDowell

James R. McFadden Ivor Sargon

Linus D. Miller RSUI Group Inc.

Donna Mittenthal Richard D. Franco

Debbie Moore Ivor Sargon

Jed Morris Juanita A. Buren


Jo Nash Nancy Welborn

Gregory Oliver Jean Oliver

Matthew Olsen Jane W. Agati

Robert Papineau Thomas H. Cooper

Anonymous Barney R. Milner

Roberta Papineau Ann S. Cooper

Ramzy ElGomayel Huff Furniture Joan M. Kiernan Irma Olwell Kathryn L. Whiten

Jane F. Pendergast Douglas M. Jones

Stacy Korosec Fotos Ryan W. Holloway Linda B. Nunn John Pendergast Nancy Pendergast James R. Rowley

Lyle Pohly Robert Nolte

Andy Purcell David P. Fitzgerald

Jennifer Raimundo Sigfrido Raimundo

William D. Raley Ivor Sargon

Mollie Ravich Lorraine Studin-Lutz

Nathan Ravich Lorraine Studin-Lutz

Kevin Rickey Charles J. Rickey

William Roop Charles W. Hall

Betty Rose Carolyn Avramovich

Elizabeth Rose Stephen Gutmann

Maria Roxo J. Bradford Chesin

Steven L. Sanders, MD Delores & Glen Short

Melva Santee Lucy & Ike Sargon

Margaret Saunders Edward J. Saunders

Jerry Seiling Jane and Nicholas Agati

Patsy Self Frank Self

Bernie Senick Bernie S. Locklear

James Shanni Mary T. Cummings Michael Cummings Jim Day William Fivaz Kirkwood Printing Norman R. Roy Elsie Shanni

Jo Shoemaker Frank R. Shoemaker, Sr.

Mathew Sikorski Robert R. Elliott, Sr. Brookes E. Horton

Janet Silva Walter B. Mackenzie

Irene Smith Ella M. Jackson

Jude Smith Caroline G. Monte

Parry Soder Joseph R. Hutchinson,

Jr., MD

Elizabeth Sonn-Rose Teresa Stivers

Marion South Helen South-Byrd

Mary Stevens Carolyn M. Hambrick

Michael Tardugo Juanita A. Buren

Anthony S. Testa, Sr. May L. Testa

Lawrence I. Thorpe Barbara Williams, MD

Robert Timmerman Bettie A. Timmerman

Hien Tran Trang P. Tran

Barbara Turner James A. Waters

Michael Upchurch Mary B. Upchurch

Ida Vitolo Joanne Vitolo

James Waldron Geraldine Waldron

Dave Woodward Molly Williams Father Steven L. Yander

Villa D. Wright Calvis Bowling

William B. Wright Yvonne Wright

212 volunteers donated more than 4,273 hours of service.$162,544 of in-kind services were donated.

Dr. Emily Herndon, physician volunteer and Mercy Care Community Council member

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ANNUAL GIVING SOCIETIES Gifts given between January 1, 2013 andJune 30, 2014

SISTER JANE GERETY SOCIETY Honors this Sister of Mercy for her continuing leadership and dedication to Saint Joseph’s Health System. Recognizes individuals, foundations, corporations and organization who give $25,000 or more in one year.

United Way of Rome and Floyd County

SISTER STELLA MARIS SOCIETY Honors a Sister of Mercy who faithfully upheld the mission during nearly 12 years of service at Saint Joseph’s Hospital and recognizes donors who generously give between $10,000 and $24,999 in one year.

Anonymous Harbin Clinic, L.L.C.

THE 1880 CIRCLEThe 1880 Circle is named for the year the Sisters of Mercy began their healing ministry in Atlanta with the establishment of Saint Joseph’s Infirmary. Recognizes donors who generously give between $2,500 and $9,999 in one year.

Big Time Products, LLCBrasfield & Gorrie, LLCDr. and Mrs. Steve BriggsThe Catholic Foundation of North GeorgiaDiabetes Council of Northwest GeorgiaEmory Saint Joseph’s HospitalFloyd Medical CenterGarner & Glover CompanyGeorgia Power CompanyBenjamin W. Knaak, D.M.D, P.C.Mercy Care FoundationMr. and Mrs. Jim OwensThe Pinson FamilyRedmond Regional Medical CenterRiverside Baptist ChurchThe Safigan Family FundSchuff Steel CompanySisters of Mercy of the AmericasSt. Mary’s Catholic ChurchMr. and Mrs. Chet C. ThwaitesTillotson Menlo Charitable FoundationWillis North America Inc.

THE MCAULEY The McAuley Society is named for Catherine McAuley, who founded the Sisters of Mercy in 1831 in Dublin, Ireland. Recognizes donors who generously give between $500 and $2,499 in one year.

ADAMS Management Services Corp.AetnaMr. Tom AndrewsAnonymousArt PlumbingMs. Mary Sib BanksCamco Services, LLC

Cherry, Bekaert, and Holland, LLPChick-Fil-ACitizens First BankDr. and Mrs. William H. ConnerMs. Dixie D. CookCoventry Healthcare of Georgia, Inc.F & P Manufacturing, Inc.Floyd Medical CenterMs. Regina W. GandaGeorgia Power FoundationHarbin Clinic, L.L.C.Henry ScheinHuff, Powell & Bailey, LLCJunior Service League of Rome Inc.Knights of Columbus Assembly 4410Mrs. Rita LawlerMr. Gary L. MadarisMcRae, Stegall, Peek, Harman, Smith and

ManningMs. Elizabeth A. MolinaMutual of OmahaNoon Optimist Club of Rome GAThe Northwest Georgia Power

Employees Charities, Inc.Older Women’s Health NetworkMr. and Mrs. Daniel ParackaMr. and Mrs. Willis PottsPro Systems Clean CareRiver City BankMr. and Mrs. Robert RogersRome Braves Professional Baseball ClubRome Family & Cosmetic DentistryRome Gastroenterology Associates, LLCRome/Floyd County Commission on

Children & YouthRuby Collins, Inc.Scana Services Inc.Second Avenue Baptist Church of RomeSegars Group, LLCSG Contracting, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett E. ShaddayMr. and Mrs. Scott M. SmithSoutheastern Mills, Inc.Mr. Bill SpaldingSt. Mary’s Catholic ChurchSt. Peters Episcopal ChurchTaylor’s IronworksTPJS, LLCTrinity United Methodist ChurchTruistMr. Charles B. Watterson and Dr. Renva H.

WattersonWhittington, Jones & Rudert CPAs



Gold Sponsor - $2,500Big Time ProductsMercy Care FoundationSteve and Brenda BriggsWillis Insurance Services of Georgia

Silver Sponsor - $1,250Adams Project ManagementBrasfield & GorrieCamco ServicesCherry, Bekaert & Holland LLPDr. Ben KnaakF &P Manufacturing, Inc.Floyd Medical CenterGarner & GloverHarbin ClinicMcRae, Stegall, Peek, Harman, Smith

& ManningEmory Saint Joseph’s HospitalSoutheastern Mills, Inc.The Pinson FamilyThwaites Insurance Inc.Tom AndrewsWhittington, Jones, & Rudert CPA’s,


Bronze Sponsor - $500Art Plumbing CompanyBarry SegarsBob and Beth RogersChuck ShawCoventry Healthcare of Georgia, Inc.Dr. Jason OylerGary MadarisHuff, Powell & Bailey, LLCKnights of ColumbusMutual of OmahaRedmond Regional Medical CenterRome Braves Baseball ClubRome GastroenterologyRuby Collins, Inc.Scana EnergySt. Mary’s Catholic ChurchTPJS, LLC

Sponsor - $250Chick-Fil-ACoosa Valley Credit UnionDan and Helen ParackaDr. Bill ConnerDr. Ryan CoxDr. Ryan WeldonDr. Tim PhillipsFrank BrownFrank and Marianne CraftGeorgia Northwestern Technical

CollegeHolly OverdykeKeith BeauchampLee HamptonMumpower & Smith, PCPhil Burkhalter Builders, LLCPro Systems Clean CareSwann InteriorsTPJS, LLCWilliam D. Sparks


Gold Sponsor - $2,500Garner & GloverGeorgia PowerMercy Care FoundationWillis Insurance Services of


Silver Sponsor - $1,250Adams Project ManagementAetnaBig Time ProductsBrasfield & GorrieDr. Ben KnaakDr. Bill ConnerEmory Saint Joseph’s HospitalFloyd Medical CenterGary Madaris Scott Smith and Jarrett ShaddayTaylor’s Iron WorksThe Pinson FamilyThwaites Insurance Inc.

Other - $1,000 TPJS, Inc.

Bronze Sponsor - $500Barry SegarsCitizens First BankChad SnidowDr. Jason OylerHenry ScheinHuff, Powell & Bailey, LLCRome Braves Baseball ClubRome GastroenterologyScana EnergySG ContractingSt. Mary’s Catholic ChurchTom AndrewsUnited Way of Rome and Floyd


Sponsor - $250Chick-Fil-ACoosa Valley Credit UnionDan Sweitzer and Denise PowersDavid HunterDr. Bob HuntDr. and Mrs. James SantoroDr. Ryan CoxDr. Ryan WeldonElizabeth MolinaFrank and Marianne Craft







Georgia Northwestern Technical College

Harbin ClinicJim HollowayJohn SwedeKeith BeauchampKelly ServicesMercy Housing SoutheastMumpower & Smith, PCParkinson’s AssociationPhil Burkhalter Builders, LLCPro Systems Clean CareRita LawlerRiver City BankRoger PowellUnited Community BankUnumWilliam D. Sparks

Special Friends - $200David HarveyDon and Suzanne BlackDr. Robert FrankHeritage RomePaul FambroDan and Helen ParackaLuke Lester

Special Friends - $200Bubba DunsonDavid HarveyDon and Suzanne BlackDr. Robert FrankKay GardnerLavonne K. Fore, DMDPaul FambroRiver City Bank

The 2013 Mercy Care Rome Golf Challenge raised over $32,000. More than $27,000 was raised in 2014.

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2014 Saint Joseph’sHealth System Board

Michael AndersonTom Andrews, ex-officoGaylen Kemp Baxter, Esq. Sister Marjorie Bosse, RSMDonald Brooks, ChairPhilip Coletti Frank CraftJ. Stephen EatonSister Angela Ebberwein, RSMDavid Fitzgerald Sister Jane Gerety, RSMRichard Hansen, MD Anthony H. HarwoodNancy ParisRobert S. WinborneEvonne YanceyEugenia Pascual, 2013

Honorary Life TrusteesSister Helen Amos, RSMTimothy J. CambiasSister Michelle CarrollEugene Davidson, MDJ. Robert FitzgeraldL. Phillip HumannRonald P. HoganSister Elizabeth Linehan, RSMBruce SimmonsSister M. Eileen Wilhelm, RSM

2014 Mercy Care Board

Tom Andrews, ex-officioSalvador L. AriasSapna Bamrah-Morris, MDThomas DavisSister Angela Ebberwein, RSMMichele GandyBonnie HardageJane M. HavertyTina HayesSusan J. Kelley, PhDLuis Limeres, DDSSister Elizabeth Linehan, RSMSandra MackeyKim Marchner, Esq, ChairThomas McGahan, MDHogai Nassery Wood, MDFr. Jeffery Ott, OPEugenia PascualChioke PerryChiara Visconti di Modrone-PervanasRuth Shim, MD, MPHJoan WilsonEvonne YanceyArlene Lester, DDS, 2013

Honorary Life Director Eula Aiken

2014 Mercy CareFoundation Board

Tom Andrews, ex-officoTimothy J. CambiasMark J. ChristopherMichael R. CoteGeorge W. Cox, MDDavid CrawfordRich D’AmaroMary Ellen GarrettBonnie HardageAnthony H.HarwoodJane M. HavertyPeter H’Doubler, MDPeter R. Hennessy, ChairRonald P. HoganPlas James, MDDonald Jansen, MDA. J. JohnsonEdward KennedyJohn (Jack) Markwalter, Jr.Patrick J. McGahanEd MitchellDaniel J. MohanMichael NilanMike PetrikDiane ScottBarry SegarsSister Valentina Sheridan, RSMLizanne StephensonRonald StewartRobert J. ThiebautJames E. Winchester, Jr.Jeannie WrightE. Howard YoungJeff Haidet, 2013 James McAlpin, 2013Patti Thomas, 2013

Director EmeritusGaylen Baxter, Esq.Charles (Chip) DavidsonDavid FitzgeraldDonald KeoughBruce Simmons

2014 Mercy Care Rome Board

Tom Andrews, ex-officoMary Sib Banks Brenda Briggs Faith Collins William (Bill) Conner, MD, ChairSister Angela Ebberwein, RSM Ben Knaak, DMD Holly Miles Rhonda Padgett Frank PinsonWillis Potts Beth Rogers Scott Smith. Esq.Bruce Watterson Alexander “Whit” Whitaker

Honorary Life DirectorBelen Dizon Nora


Mercy Care Community Council Ricks Anderson • Kristina Blass • Kevin Brenan • Farah Chapes • Bill Crane • Ron Frieson, 2014 Chair, Wings of Mercy Ball • Allison Hager • Redge Hanna • Dave Heffner • Emily Jean Herndon • Dr. Jim Hutchinson • Caroline Jeffords, Membership Co-Chair, WINGS for Mercy Care • Charles B. Jones • Jeanne Landry • Holly Lang • Ed Lee • Jim McAlpin • Barbara Rogers • Joyce Soule • Bo Spalding • Patti Thomas, Past President, WINGS for Mercy Care • Carmen Titelman • Stacy Vaughn • Teri Xerogeanes, Vice President, WINGS for Mercy Care

S. Harker’s mural is shown above. He is part of the Cabbagetown Wallkeepers group of artists; Molly Rose Freeman’s mural art “A Soul’s Bright Anchor,” pictured throughout the report, was photographed near Mercy Care’s downtown clinic. Freeman is a studio resident at Creative Project, a 2014 Walthall Fellow, and collaborator with Living Walls: The City Speaks. Also featured is the Boulevard Tunnel Initiative mural by Momo, a 2014 Living Walls artist.

1 Steve and Adam Collins of Sig Samuels and Co. with Mercy Care employees Gerard Reid and Mary Watson at their dry cleaning store after donating dry cleaning services for the winter coat drive. 2 Fall Festival volunteers from Atlanta Children’s Charities at Walton High school pose with Kiara Young, Miss Tennessee USA and Sabrina Pinion, Miss Universe 2014. 3 Carmen Graciaa of Immaculate Heart of Mary and Girl Scout Troop leader Sharon Gavron, stop by with donations for Mercy Care’s winter coat closet. 4 Holy Spirit Preparatory School’s girls varsity soccer team donate proceeds from the Pink Game. 5 Girls on the Run students came with a parent Rachelle Kuramoto and brought a carload of socks to donate to Mercy Care’s CHOP team outreach program. 6 Ocee Elementary School, of Johns Creek, parent volunteers Deepthi Sams and Anna Needle drop off a mountain of donations to Nicole Smith, Mercy Care Volunteer Coordinator.







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Mercy Care believes in beingCollaborative Partnering with others to accomplish a greater good.

Purposeful Advancing the mission of The Sisters of Mercy.Compassionate Showing genuine care and concern for every individual.

Exceptional Providing a wide variety of high quality services.Restorative Offering physical, emotional and spiritual healing.

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424 Decatur StreetAtlanta, Georgia 30312678-843-8500mercyatlanta.org

A Legacy of CareThe Sisters of Mercy have a long history of healing ministry in the South. In 1880 they opened thefirst hospital in Atlanta, Atlanta Hospital, later named Saint Joseph’s. Founded in 1985, MercyCare is a legacy of Saint Joseph’s Hospital and provides for the needs of the homeless and workingpoor in Atlanta. Since its founding, Mercy Care has become the only Federally QualifiedHealthcare Center for the Homeless in Atlanta. Five Mercy Care clinics have achieved PatientCentered Medical Home recognition by the National Committee for Quality Assurance.

Mercy Care is a nonprofit organization that relies on contributions to continue delivering its services.

Donations may be sent to:Mercy Care Foundation1100 Johnson Ferry Road, NEBldg 2, Suite LL80Atlanta, GA 30342678-843-8510

Founded by The Sisters of Mercy

Community Service

Presidential Award