Mercury Venealus Chew Traneeka Brooks

Mercury Venealus Chew Traneeka Brooks. Mercury Mercury is the closest to the sun and the eighth largest planet. Mercury is in many ways is similar to

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Page 1: Mercury Venealus Chew Traneeka Brooks. Mercury Mercury is the closest to the sun and the eighth largest planet. Mercury is in many ways is similar to


Venealus Chew

Traneeka Brooks

Page 2: Mercury Venealus Chew Traneeka Brooks. Mercury Mercury is the closest to the sun and the eighth largest planet. Mercury is in many ways is similar to


• Mercury is the closest to the sun and the eighth largest planet.

• Mercury is in many ways is similar to the moon.

• its surface is heavily cratered and very old

• But mercury is more dense than the moon

• Its iron core is larger then earth

Page 3: Mercury Venealus Chew Traneeka Brooks. Mercury Mercury is the closest to the sun and the eighth largest planet. Mercury is in many ways is similar to

Space crafts

• Mercury has been now visited by two space crafts Mariner 10 and the Messenger

• The Messenger was launched by NASA in 2004 and will orbit Mercury starting in 2011 after several flybyes

• Mariner 10 flew by 3 times in 1974 and 1975

• Only 45% of the surface was mapped

Page 5: Mercury Venealus Chew Traneeka Brooks. Mercury Mercury is the closest to the sun and the eighth largest planet. Mercury is in many ways is similar to


• Mercury actually has a very thin atmosphere consisting of atoms blasted off its surface by the solar wind

• Because Mercury is so hot, its atoms quickly escape into space.

• in contrast to the Earth and Venus whose atmospheres are very stable

• Mercury's atmosphere is constantly being replenished.

Page 6: Mercury Venealus Chew Traneeka Brooks. Mercury Mercury is the closest to the sun and the eighth largest planet. Mercury is in many ways is similar to

Magnetic Field, Satellites, visibility, Craters

• Mercury has a small magnetic field whose strength is about 1 percent of earths

• Mercury has no known satellites

• Is often visible with binoculars or even the naked eye but it is always very near the sun in difficult to see in the twilight sky.

• Some craters maybe ancient volcanic activity

Page 7: Mercury Venealus Chew Traneeka Brooks. Mercury Mercury is the closest to the sun and the eighth largest planet. Mercury is in many ways is similar to


Page 8: Mercury Venealus Chew Traneeka Brooks. Mercury Mercury is the closest to the sun and the eighth largest planet. Mercury is in many ways is similar to

Time on Mercury

• On day on Mercury is like 58.65 Earth days

• One year on Mercury is like 87.97 days on Earth

Page 9: Mercury Venealus Chew Traneeka Brooks. Mercury Mercury is the closest to the sun and the eighth largest planet. Mercury is in many ways is similar to

Size related to earth

• Mercury is on 1/5 the size of Earth

Page 10: Mercury Venealus Chew Traneeka Brooks. Mercury Mercury is the closest to the sun and the eighth largest planet. Mercury is in many ways is similar to

Who discovered Mercury

• People later discovered that the planet Mercury was discovered by Johann Hieronymus Schroeter

• he lived from 1745 to 1816.

• He did sketches on the planet Mercury and they weren't very accurate

Page 11: Mercury Venealus Chew Traneeka Brooks. Mercury Mercury is the closest to the sun and the eighth largest planet. Mercury is in many ways is similar to

More Useful Facts

• Mercury is the fastest moving planet in our solar system. • The length across Mercury is 4,878km. • Mercury is a bit bigger than the Earth's. • The gravity on Mercury is 38% of the gravity on the

Earth. • If you were on the surface of Mercury the sun would be

three times bigger than on the Earth. • Mercury is the second smallest planet in our solar

system. • Did you know that Titan Saturn's moon is bigger than

Mercury? Titan is also bigger than Pluto.

Page 12: Mercury Venealus Chew Traneeka Brooks. Mercury Mercury is the closest to the sun and the eighth largest planet. Mercury is in many ways is similar to


• Due to the small atmosphere Mercury really has no weather other than wild fluctuations in temperature. 

• in fact, Mercury has the largest diurnal temperature spread of any planet in our solar system. 

• This is explained by a few factors. • Mercury rotates on its axis every 59 days

relative to fixed stars such as our Sun. 

Page 13: Mercury Venealus Chew Traneeka Brooks. Mercury Mercury is the closest to the sun and the eighth largest planet. Mercury is in many ways is similar to


• Due to being so close to the sun mercury Is the hottest planet

Page 14: Mercury Venealus Chew Traneeka Brooks. Mercury Mercury is the closest to the sun and the eighth largest planet. Mercury is in many ways is similar to
Page 15: Mercury Venealus Chew Traneeka Brooks. Mercury Mercury is the closest to the sun and the eighth largest planet. Mercury is in many ways is similar to

Work citied

• Shockwaves- http://www.childrensuniversity.manchester.ac.uk/interactives/science/earthandbeyond/earthandbeyond_c.swf

• Facts- http://mars.sgi.com/worlds/cybmarz/mercury/html/index.html

• www.nineplanets.org/mercury/html

• http://www.ran.sd83.bc.ca/ranschool/mercurydt.htm

• http://www.crh.noaa.gov/fsd/astro/mercury.php