The Three Faces of Labor Discovering mental models towards the “inner experience” of employment Research Conducted for SEI Center for Advanced Study by Stephen D. Rappaport and Howard R. Moskowitz Questioning Institute with assistance from Ellen Fu, UPenn October 25, 2012

Mental Models of Employment

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How do people view employment? Does it differ for those who have jobs, want jobs or are discouraged? We identified 3 mental models that transcend age, gender, income, region and employment status. The findings challenge conventional notions of unemployment and point towards new directions for creating employment, policy and services. Study funded by SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management at the Wharton School.

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Page 1: Mental Models of Employment

The Three Faces of LaborDiscovering mental models towards the “inner experience” of


Research Conducted for SEI Center for Advanced Studyby

Stephen D. Rappaport and Howard R. MoskowitzQuestioning Institute

with assistance from Ellen Fu, UPenn

October 25, 2012

Page 2: Mental Models of Employment





Total Sample

Seg 1 Self Driven Online

Banking Seekers

Seg 2 Technology/

High Security Seekers

Seg 3 Collaborative

Online Seekers

Seg 4 Personal Touch with Technology

Base Size: (267) (105) (50) (59) (53) Constant: 31 34 28 31 26

OC1 Connect online in 'real time' with a customer rep via instant messaging, voice over IP or video conferencing via your computer 0 2 2 5 -13

OC3 Faster loan application process…work in real time online with a loan officer 0 0 -8 12 -8

OC4 Our bank's customer service reps will help you browse and use our online banking services -1 0 -6 10 -10

OC2 Use our online tool to find and schedule at your convenience an online working session with an expert such as investment broker, insurance agent, and/or loan officer -3 1 -11 6 -12

ON3 We will answer all your requests in 'real time' by email, instant or text messaging 1 7 -11 3 -1

ON4 We offer 'On demand' status reports for services requests (e.g., loan application) delivered to you via e-mail, text or instant messaging

1 6 -4 -3 0ON2 No more paper mail... We will send you statements and images of

transactions securely by email -2 5 -17 -5 2ON1 We allow you to pay bills securely using your mobile devices (cell

phone, PDA, Blackberry, etc.) -4 2 -13 -9 -2

BR3 We offer a bank-issued smart card so we can recognize you entering the branch and process your needs faster 4 2 6 -3 13

BR4 Choose a secure eye or finger security scan to identify you immediately in-branch and at ATM 4 3 10 -1 3

BR2 We have the most secure biometric system that identifies you as you enter the branch so we can process your needs faster 2 -1 8 -5 6

BR1 We will recognize our customer's mobile phone signal when entering a branch so we can recommend appropriate bank products, promotions and special services -4 -3 -6 -11 2

Online Collaborative

Online Other

In-Branch Recognition

No more paper mail – we will send you copies of statements by secure e-mail

Securely manage your account by PDA, Internet of automated telephone

Our banks customer services reps will help browse & use our on-line services

Manage all your banking needs with a state of the art kiosk and be confident that live help is available if you need it

No more paper mail – we will send you copies of statements by secure e-mail

Securely manage your account by PDA, Internet of automated telephone

Our banks customer services reps will help browse & use our on-line services

Manage all your banking needs with a state of the art kiosk and be confident that live help is available if you need it


Recruited through online panel

16-64 Gen Pop

507 completes

Online Panelists Read and Rate


Page 3: Mental Models of Employment

Respondents Rate Vignettes Two Times:1) How well it describes me, 2) Select an Emotion

Page 4: Mental Models of Employment

©2012. Questioning Institute. Presented to SEI Center for Advanced Study 5

What We Uncovered: 3 Mindsets

Total Sample: “Status Quo”• Worry about future, have support from friends/family, look for

any job.

Segment 1: “I’m Out of Date” (27%)Need to update skills, including social networking;, looking for any job but would like to have one like they had; have support from friends/family,

Segment 2: “I Still Have It” (49%)See themselves as capable and confident, but concerned about future at same time.

Segment 3: “I Can Adapt” (24%) confident in oneself, has social support, willing to change, critical of employer practices.

October 25, 2012

Page 5: Mental Models of Employment

Mental Models are Within People:They are Not Related to Employment Status

And also not related to demographics

Page 6: Mental Models of Employment

Example: Government Job and Career Service Sites

Career Services•Career counseling•Skills assessment•Resume development•Career workshops (such as job

search strategies, networking, interview skills, etc)•Career resource library• Job search resources and job

placement assistance•Referrals to other educational,

training and social servicesSource: http://www.labor.ny.gov/dews-index.shtm

• “Laundry List” of services•One size fits all assumption

What if it were possible to tailor services to mental


Page 7: Mental Models of Employment

With a Few Questions, You can Assign Individuals to Segments

Segment 2: Still got itYou See Yourself As ...

Worried about your futureMore capable than your resume showsWill do everything to get through thisOpen to any job you might be qualified for

You Do Not See Yourself as ...Having the skills employers wantNeeding to update your skillsChanging careers Needing to be retrained for today's jobs

What would be the strategy for a person

with this mental model?

How would it differ from the others?

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©2012. Questioning Institute. Presented to SEI Center for Advanced Study 9

Conclusions, Implications and Next Steps

We made a big step in identifying mental models and creating a micro-science of the inner experience of employment

Mental models can be used to guide policies, and develop and programs and practices that fit people

Improving chances for people to gain, retain or change employment may require keeping, changing or replacing mental models held by people, and the private and public sectors

Next steps: identify the mental models of employers and policy makers; then make recommendations based on the three studies

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©2012. Questioning Institute. Presented to SEI Center for Advanced Study 10


October 25, 2012

Page 10: Mental Models of Employment

Elements Used in the RDE Research Protocol360 View of the Inner Experience of Employment

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Total Sample“Status Quo”

Total Sample: No strong elements that sample agrees "describes them today." Middling support for elements implying a consensus around employment today: that people are worried, have family/friends support, and willing to look for anything. They don't feel that social networks are particularly valuable.

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Segment 1:“I’m out of date”

"I'm out of date" - see themselves as needing to update skills and modernize, draw on personal support, looking for anything. Don't "blame" employers; see little value in social networks.

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Segment 2:“I still have it”

 "I still have it" - unwilling or doesn't see the need to change, confident that the skills they have are enough, yet concerned about the future.

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Segment 3:“I need to adapt”

"I need to adapt" - confident in oneself, has social support, willing to change, critical of employer practices. This is the "attitude" the employment community promotes, but it's only 1/4 of the sample.

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Segments by Age and Gender

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Segments by Education and Region

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Segments by Income

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Segments by Ethnicity/Race and Marital Status

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Sample Demographics: Age, Gender, Education, Combined HHI, Marital Status

Age n %16-17 35 7%

18-24 137 27%

25-34 139 27%

35-44 92 18%

45-54 73 14%

55-64 27 5%

65 and over 4 1%

Female 276 54%

Male 231 46%

Gender n %

Still in High School

36 7%

Some High School, no Diploma or GED

14 3%

High School diploma/GED

106 21%

Some college/No degree

116 23%

Certification from a Community College o training program

17 3%

Associate degree 58 11%

Bachelor degree 117 23%

Master degree 26 5%

Doctoral or Professional degree

17 3%

Education n %Less than $25,000

80 16%


153 30%


96 19%


68 13%


44 9%

$150,000 - $199,000

17 3%

$200,000 or more

7 1%

Prefer not to answer

42 8%

HHI n %

Single, never married

233 46%

Married 189 37%Divorced or separated

36 7%

Committed relationship

41 8%

Widowed 8 2%

MaritalStatus n %

Page 20: Mental Models of Employment

Sample Demographics:Ethnicity, Marital Status, Kids Under 18, Living Arrangements, Own or Rent Home

White 328 65%Black or African-American

44 9%

Hispanic or Latino

40 8%

Asian 55 11%

American Indian/Alaska Native/Hawaiian Native/Pacific Islander

6 1%

Some other race

3 1%

2 or more races

21 4%

Prefer not to answer

10 2%

Ethnicity n %Single, never married

233 46%

Married 189 37%Divorced or separated

36 7%

Committed relationship

41 8%

Widowed 8 2%

MaritalStatus n %

Yes 224 44%No 283 56%

Kids U18 n %

Own 275 54%Rent 176 35%

Own/Rent n %

Live alone 88 17%Live with spouse or partner

245 48%

Live with friends or roommates

40 8%

Live in parent's home

118 23%

Parents live in my home

16 3%

Living n %