Menla Long Namcho Final 8x11c

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Page 2: Menla Long Namcho Final 8x11c

Nam Cho Medicine Buddha 1 Rev. 1/2007

Page 3: Menla Long Namcho Final 8x11c

Nam Cho Medicine Buddha 2 Rev. 1/2007

 ,?%?- o?- (/- ], 


!,  ,.$R%?- $+J<- ,$?- GA- [R%- $?=- IA- 9<- o/- $/3- (R?- *A.- /?-

9<- .- YA$?- 0- (/- ]:A- (R$- 2N- D- #:A- (- o/- 28$?- ?R,, The River of Lapis Lazuli,

Ritual of Menla, taken from the Sky of Dharmata,

Jewel excerpt from the revealed treasure Clear Expanse of the Mind.

Page 4: Menla Long Namcho Final 8x11c

Nam Cho Medicine Buddha 3 Rev. 1/2007

?5B$- 2./- $?R=- :.J2?- .8$?- ?R,  ,


!,,  >,  AR- o/- ;=- IA- /2- L%- 353?;

HUNG ORGYEN YÜL GYI NUB JANG TSHAM Hung On the Northwest border of the country of Urgyen

0E- $J- ?<- #R%- 0R- =;

PEMA GESAR DONG PO LA In the pollen heart of a lotus,

;- 35/- 3(R$- $A- .%R?- P2- fJ?;

YA TSHEN CHOG GI NGÖ DRUB NYE Marvelous in the perfection of your attainment,

0E- :L%- $/?- 8J?- ?- P$?;

PEMA JUNG NE ZHE SU DRAG You are known as the Lotus Born

:#R<- .- 3#:- :PR- 3%- 0R?- 2{R<;

KHOR DU KHANDRO MANG PÖ KOR And are surrounded by your circle of many Dakinis.

HJ.- GA- eJ?- ?- 2.$- 212- GA;

KHYED KYI JE SU DAG DRUB KYI Following you, I will practice.

LA/- IA- 2_R2- KA<- $>J$?- ?- $?R=;

JYIN GYI LOB CHIR SHEG SU SÖL I pray that you will come to confer your blessings.

$-<-0E- ?A:A- >;


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Nam Cho Medicine Buddha 4 Rev. 1/2007

!,  /- 3R- 3- @- SN- F- !K- ;, NAMO MAHA BENKADZE YA :. A-=- :6S3- /- (/- ]:A- 8=- ,%- 3./- .- 8A- 2:A- 3(R.- 0- 30=- ?R$?- & A- <A$?- 2>3?- 0?-

5S$?- mR$?,  ,3J.- /- 3./- 2*J.- .J<- .3A$?,  ,3(R.- 0- ;A.- GA- 3=- (R$- 0?- &A- ;%- 3A-

.$R?- ?R,  ,:.A<- ]- 3J.- =$?- ;A/- 0?- :.R/- 3#/- >- (%- %%- 2- .%- ,  ,O?- .%- (2- ?R$?-

$4%- 1- 3A- .$R?,  :R/- G%- :.A:A- .2%- =%- / A- %J?- 0<- ,R2- .$R?- +J,  ]- 3J.- $?%- }$?-

=$?- ;A/- 0:A- KA<- <R,  ,2.$- 3./- .?- $&A$- =- 2*J.- 0- fA%- 3: A- =$?- ;A/- 0?- ?R- ?R<- 3A-

.$R?- ?R,  ,*A%- 3- IJ<- |R3- ;A/- 0?- 5A$- .R/- ;A.- GA?- 2|R3- 8 A%- ,  , If possible, set up a mandala and whatever other peaceful offerings you have in front of an image of Menla, thus perfecting the accumulations. If not, then visualizing the deity in front of you, you may just imagine the offering, and there is no need of anything more. Since this rite is in the tradition of the Supreme Tantra, the person performing it need not abstain from meat and alcohol, nor perform the purifications such as washing and rinsing the mouth. However, since it is the Supreme Secret Mantra tradition, it is necessary to authentically obtain the initiation and oral transmission. The practice of simultaneously forming the visualizations of both the self and the deity in front of oneself is the tradition of the Ancients, so it is not necessary to do it separately. Being a meditation of the Ancients, it is important to contemplate the meaning of the words.

/- 3R,   .!R/- 3(R$- $?3- .%- l- 2- $?3;

NAMO KONCHOG SUM DANG TSA WA SUM NAMO I take refuge in the Three Jewels and the Three Roots

*2?- $/?- i3?- =- *2?- ?- 3(A; KYAB NE NAM LA KYAB SU CHI And all sources of refuge.

:PR- !/- ?%?- o?- =- :$R.- KA<; DRO KÜN SANGYE LA GÖD CHIR I awaken the sublime thought of enlightenment,

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Nam Cho Medicine Buddha 5 Rev. 1/2007

L%- (2- 3(R$- +- ?J3?- 2*J.- .R; CHANG CHUB CHOG TU SEM KYED DO To bring all beings to Buddhahood.

!- .$- [R%- /?- 3=- 0- ;A; KA DAG LONG NE TRÜL PA YI Emanating from intrinsically pure infinity,

$/3- ?- $%- 2:A- 3(R.- 0:A- 3A/; NAM SA GANG WA'I CHÖD PA'I TRIN A cloud of offerings fills the sky,

30=- o=- YA.- z- 3R<- 2&?; MANDAL GYAL SID LHA MOR CHE Replete with mandalas, royal emblems and goddesses.

9.- 3J.- I<- &A$- 0- 6- @R; ZED MED GYUR CHIG PUDZA HO May it be inexhaustible.

:PR- !/- 2.J- w/- #$- 2}=- V=; DRO KÜN DE DEN DUG NGAL DREL May all beings be free of suffering,

2.J- =?- *3?- 3J.- 2+%- ~R3 ?- >R$; DE LE NYAM MED TANG NYOM SHOG May their happiness not deteriorate, and may they attain equanimity. =/- $?3,  , Repeat three times


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Nam Cho Medicine Buddha 6 Rev. 1/2007

!R%- 0- *A.- .- I<; TONG PA NYID DU GYUR All becomes emptiness.

!R%- 0:A- %%- =?- !R%- $?3- :.A- v- /- #$- $A- 1R- V%- .- I<- 0:A- /%- .; TONG PA’I NGANG LE TONG SUM DI TA NA DUG GI PHO DRANG DU GYUR PA’I NANG DU From the domain of emptiness this universe becomes a beautiful palace.

?J%- $J:A- OA- 0.- ^- ?R- ?R:C- !J%- .; SENGE’I THRI PED DA SO SO’I TENG DU Upon a lion throne, sun and moon seat,

<%- *A.- .%- 3./- 2*J.- GA- $4S- 2R:C- ?- 2R/- >- 3,A%- $- =?-

RANG NYID DANG DÜN KYED KYI TSO WO’I SA BÖN HUNG THING GA LE The blue seed syllable HUNG (>) of myself and the one in front each becomes


(/- ]- {- 3.R$- 2ND#- 2- :R.- 9J<- :UR- 2:A- {- &/; MENLA KU DOG BENDURYA BU ÖDZER THRO WA’I KU CHEN Blue like lapis lazuli, radiating light.

(R?- $R?- $?3- IA?- 2[2?- 0; CHÖ GÖ SUM GYI LAB PA Wearing the three robes of Dharma,

K$- $;?- 3(R$- .A/- A- <- G- .%; CHAG YE CHOG CHIN ARURA DANG The right hand in the mudra of giving holds the Arura.

$;R/- 3*3- 28$- z%- 29J.- :6B/- 0; YÖN NYAM ZHAG LHUNG ZED DZIN PA Seated in the vajra position,

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Nam Cho Medicine Buddha 7 Rev. 1/2007

35/- .0J- mR$?- >A%- hR- eJ:A- *A=- N%- $A?- 28$?- 0; TSHEN PE DZOG SHING DORJE’I KYIL TRUNG GI ZHUG PA He is complete with all the characteristics and signs of a Buddha.

H.- 0<- .- 3./- 2*J.- GA- :.2- 3- i3?- =; KHYED PAR DU DÜN KYED KYI DEB MA NAM LA On the petals of the lotus of the one in front

,2- .2%- =- ?R$?- 0:A- ?%?- o?- 2./- .%- (R?- 0- !A; THUB WANG LA SOG PA’I SANGYE DÜN DANG CHÖ PU TI Is Shakyamuni and the rest of the seven Buddhas and the volumes of Dharma.

.J- o2- ?J3?- .0:- 2&- S$; DE GYAB SEM PA CHU DRUG Behind are the sixteen Bodhisattvas,

.J- o2- :)A$- gJ/- *R%- 2- 2&- .%- #J- .0R/- 2&- $*A?- ?R- ?R:C- :#R<- .%- 2&?- 0; DE GYAB JIG TEN KYONG WA CHU DANG DE PÖN CHU NYI SO SO’I KHOR DANG CHE PA And behind them are the ten protectors of the world and the twelve chiefs, each with his retinue.

|R- 28A- =- o=- 0R- (J/- 0R- 28A- .%- 2&?- 0:A- $/?- $?3- ;A- $J- $?3- .%-

GO ZHI LA GYAL PO CHEN PO ZHI DANG CHE PA’I NE SUM YI GE SUM DANG At the four gates are the four great kings. All have the three letters in the three places.

,$?- !:A- >- =?- :R.- :UR?- 0?; THUG KA’I HUNG LE ÖD THRÖ PE Light radiates from the HUNG in their hearts

><- KR$?- GA- ?%?- o?- ?R- ?R:C- 8A%- #3?- /?; SHAR CHOG KYI SANGYE SO SO’I ZHING KHAM NE Invoking innumerable wisdom deities from the Eastern Buddha fields

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Nam Cho Medicine Buddha 8 Rev. 1/2007

;J- >J?- 0- .0$- +- 3J.- 0- ,/- S%?- /?- 2.$- 3./- i3?- =- ,A3- 0<- I<; YESHE PA PAG TU MED PA CHEN DRANG NE DAG DÜN NAM LA THIM PAR GYUR Which are absorbed into the self and the one in front.

>;   (/- ]- 3(J.- 2o.- z- 5S$?- 3- =?- 0; HUNG MENLA CHED GYED LHA TSHOG MA LÜ PA HUNG Menla and entourage, the assembly of all eight gods

$/?- :.A<- ,/- :SJ/- LA/- (J/- .22- +- $?R=; NE DIR CHEN DREN CHIN CHEN BAB TU SÖL Who have been summoned to this place, bestow your great blessing.

{=-w/- ..- w/- 2.$- =- .2%- 3(R$- 2{<; KAL DEN DED DEN DAG LA WANG CHOG KUR Confer the sublime initiation on the fortunate and faithful.

=R$- :SJ/- 5K- ;A- 2<- (.- 2?=- .- $?R=; LOG DREN TSHE YI BAR CHED SAL DU SÖL Pray clear away the obstacles which curtail life.

/- 3R-3- @-SN-F- !K-?- 0- <A-7-<- 2#- ?- 3- ;- 6;6; NAMO MAHA BHEKADZE SAPARIWARA BENZAR SAMAYA DZA DZA

2#- ?- 3- ;- +AN- z/;                  <->-Q&-Z&; =



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Nam Cho Medicine Buddha 9 Rev. 1/2007

>;   3J-+R$- 2.$- %R?- 3<- 3J- SA; HUNG METOG DUG PÖ MAR ME DRI HUNG I offer to the deity flowers, incense, lights and perfume,

$9$?- 1- SA- <R- <J$- L- (R?; ZUG DRA DRI RO REG JA CHÖ Forms, sounds, smells, tastes,

2.$- $A?- z- =- 3(R.- 0- :2=; DAG GI LHA LA CHÖD PA BÜL Sensations and all dharmas.

2.$- &$- 5S$?- $*A?- mR$?- 0<- >R$; DAG CHAG TSHOG NYI DZOG PAR SHOG May we perfect the two accumulations.

< - 2#- A ;)-0-H)- 0PJ-K- 0J-A- =R-!J-$kJ-/N-7A-H- >K- <-0- >K- $kJ-<- ?-%&J-T-


>;   2N- >A?- $4S- 2R- m?- 2o.- .J; HUNG TASHI TSO WO DZE GYED DE HUNG I offer to the deity

$4S- 3(R$- o=- 0R- ;%?- .!<- ?R$?; TSO CHOG GYAL PO YUNG KAR SOG the eight foremost auspicious offerings,

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Nam Cho Medicine Buddha 10 Rev. 1/2007

2.$- $A?- z- =- 3(R.- 0- :2=; DAG GI LHA LA CHÖD PA BÜL Such as the best royal white mustard, and so forth.

5S$?- $*A?- ;R%?- ?- mR$?- 0<- >R$; TSHOG NYI YONG SU DZOG PAR SHOG May the two accumulations be perfected.

3; =)-AF- ?A:A->: MANGALAM ARTA SIDDHI HUNG  >;   2N- >A?- $4S- 2R- g$?- 2o.- .J; HUNG TASHI TSO WO TAG GYED DE HUNG I offer to the deity

24S- 3(R$- o=- 0R- 23- 0- ?R$?; TSO CHOG GYAL PO BUM PA SOG The eight foremost auspicious signs,

2.$- $A?- z- =- 3(R.- 0- :2=; DAG GI LHA LA CHÖD PA BÜL Such as the excellent royal vase and so forth.

?J3?- &/- 5S$?- $*A?- mR$?- 0<- >R$; SEM CHEN TSHOG NYI DZOG PAR SHOG May sentient beings perfect the two accumulations.


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Nam Cho Medicine Buddha 11 Rev. 1/2007

>;   :.R.- ;R/- l- 2- <A/- (J/- 2./; HUNG DÖD YÖN TSA WA RINCHEN DÜN HUNG I offer to the deity

$4S- 3(R$- o=- 0R- /R<- 2- ?R$?; TSO CHOG GYAL PO NORBU SOG The seven precious royal articles, sources of pleasure,

2.$- $A?- z- =- 3(R.- 0- :2=; DAG GI LHA LA CHÖD PA BÜL Such as the excellent royal gem, and so forth.

2.$- /A- 5S$?- $*A?- mR$?- 0<- >R$; DAG NI TSHOG NYI DZOG PAR SHOG May I perfect the two accumulations.


>;   !/- IA?- $4S- 2R- <A- <2- \A%; HUNG KÜN GYI TSO WO RI RAB LING HUNG I offer to the deity

<A- <2- \A%- 28A- \A%- U/- 2&?; RI RAB LING ZHI LING THREN CHE The grand central mountain, foremost of all,

2.$- $A?- z- =- 3(R.- 0- :2=; DAG GI LHA LA CHÖD PA BÜL Along with the four continents and their islands.

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Nam Cho Medicine Buddha 12 Rev. 1/2007

5S$?- $*A?- ;R%?- ?- mR$?- 0<- >R$; TSHOG NYI YONG SU DZOG PAR SHOG May the two accumulations be completely perfected.

<-<_- 30 =- >; OM RATNA MANDALA HUNG

>;   2.$- $A- SA- w/- SA- (2?- GA?; HUNG DAG GI DRI DEN DRI CHAB KYI HUNG With this perfumed water

2.J- $>J$?- {- =- {- O?- $?R=; DE SHEG KU LA KU THRÜ SÖL I bathe the Sugata’s body.

z- =- SA- 3- 3A- 3%:- ;%; LHA LA DRI MA MI NGA YANG Though the deity has no blemish,

#A$- 1A2- .$- 0:A- gJ/- :VJ=- 2IA; DIG DRIB DAG PA’I TEN DREL GYI It will make a connection to purify sins and obscurations.


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Nam Cho Medicine Buddha 13 Rev. 1/2007

>;   <?- .!<- :)3- SA- w/- 0- ;A?; HUNG RE KAR JAM DRI DEN PA YI HUNG With this soft white scented towel

o=- 2:A- {- *A.- KA- 2<- 2IA; GYAL WA’I KU NYID CHI WAR GYI I dry the Victor’s body.

z- =- SA- 3- 3A- 3%:- ;%; LHA LA DRI MA MI NGA YANG Though the deity has no blemish,

#$- 2}=- P=- 2:A- gJ/- :VJ=- 2IA; DUG NGAL DREL WA’I TEN DREL GYI It will make a connection to eliminate suffering.


>;   /- 29:- 36K?- w/- %<- (A$- :.A; HUNG NA ZA DZE DEN NGUR MIG DI HUNG With these beautiful saffron clothes

o=- 2:A- {- =- $?R=- 2<- 2IA; GYAL WA’I KU LA SÖL WAR GYI I dress the Victor’s body.

{- =- 2?A=- 2- 3A- 3%:- ;%; KU LA SIL WA MI NGA YANG Though it is never cold,

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Nam Cho Medicine Buddha 14 Rev. 1/2007

2N$?- 3.%?- :1J=- 2:A- gJ/- :VJ=- 2IA; TRAG DANG PHEL WA’I TEN DREL GYI It will make a connection to enhance vitality.


>;   {- .R$- 2ND#- ;A- <A- 2R- :S;

HUNG KU DOG BENDURYA YI RIWO DRA HUNG I bow to and praise the holder of precious remedies,

:PR- 2- ?J3?- &/- /.- GA- #$- 2}=- ?J=; DRO WA SEM CHEN NED KYI DUG NGAL SEL Colored like a mountain of lapis lazuli,

(2- ?J3?- .0:- 2o.- GA- :#R<- IA?- 2{R<; CHUG SEM PA GYED KYI KHOR GYI KOR Dissipating the suffering of sentient beings’ sickness,

<A/- (J/- (/- :6B/- z- =- K$- :5=- 2!R.; RINCHEN MEN DZIN LHA LA CHAG TSHAL TÖD Surrounded by the eight Bodhisattvas,

35/- =J$?- <A/- ^- $?J<- 29%- M- %/- 3J.; TSHEN LEG RIN DA SER ZANG NYA NGEN MED I bow to and praise the precious Three Jewels:

(R?- 21$?- o- 35S- (R?- ]R- >G- ,2; CHÖDRAG GYATSHO CHÖLO SHAKYA THUB Tsenleg, Rinda, Serzang, Nyangenme,

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Nam Cho Medicine Buddha 15 Rev. 1/2007

.3- 0:A- (R?- .%- ?J3?- .0:- 2&- S$- ?R$?; DAM PA’I CHÖ DANG SEM PA CHU DRUG SOG Chödrak Gyatso, Chölo and Shakya Tup,

.!R/- 3(R$- <A/- (J/- $?3- =- K$- :5=- 2!R.; KÖNCHOG RINCHEN SUM LA CHAG TSHAL TÖD The holy Dharma, the sixteen Bodhisattvas, and so on. 5%?- .%- 2o- LA/- o=- (J/- KR$?- *R%- 2&; TSHANG DANG GYA CHIN GYAL CHEN CHOG KYONG CHU I bow to and praise the gods of nectar medicine,

$/R.- .A/- #J- .0R/- 2&- $*A?- $;R$?- .%- 2&?; NÖD CHIN DE PÖN CHU NYI YOG DANG CHE Brahma, Indra, the great kings and the protectors of the ten directions,

z- 3A/- (/- IA- <A$- :6A/- S%- YR%- 2&?; LHA MIN MEN GYI RIGDZIN DRANG SONG CHE The twelve Nödchin chiefs and their aides, and the sages,

2..- lA- (/- IA- z- =- K$- :5=- 2!R.; DÜDTSI MEN GYI LHA LA CHAG TSHAL TÖD Both divine and human, who possess the knowledge of medicine,

2.$- 3./- ,$?- !<- >- =- }$?- UJ%- $A?- 2{R<- 2<- I<; DAG DÜN THUG KAR HUNG LA NGAG THRENG GI KOR WAR GYUR The garland of letters of the mantra circle round the HUNG in the heart of myself and the one in front.

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Nam Cho Medicine Buddha 16 Rev. 1/2007

:R.- 9J<- #- .R$- $- (R$?- :UR?- 0?- ><- KR$?- 2ND#- $%- 2:A- 8A%- #3?- /?- (/- ]- 3(R.- 0?- ,$?- o.-

2{=- /?,  ,.J- =?- (/- ]- {- (J- (%- $?%- }$?- :UJ%- ,$?- K$- 35/- A- <- <- v%- 29J.- 2..- lA-

2!%- 2- (<- v<- 22?- /?- <%- .%- 3./- *J.- =- ,A3- 0<- I<,  , By radiating light rays of many colors to the Eastern Pure Land of Lapis-Lazuli Appearance, offerings are made to Medicine Buddha, invoking his Mindstream. From this, large and small forms of Medicine Buddha, mantra garlands for Speech, and implements of Arura and begging bowls filled with amrita for Mind all fall like rain and dissolve into myself and the front visualization.

.3A$?- =, visualize while reciting:


8J?- &A- /?- 2^?- /?- :)$- +, after reciting as much as possible, then pray:

#A$- v%- !/- 2>$?- .$J- 2- L%- (2- 2}R; DIG TUNG KÜN SHAG GE WA CHANG CHUB NGO I confess all sins and failings. I dedicate the merit towards enlightenment.

/.- $.R/- #$- 2}=- V=- 2:A- 2N- >A?- >R$; NED DÖN DUG NGAL DREL WA’I TASHI SHOG May there be deliverance from the suffering of sickness and negative forces.

$>J$?- $?R=- /A, the prayer for departure:

:)A$- gJ/- 0- i3?- <%- $/?- 2#- 3; JIG TEN PA NAM RANG NE BENZAR MU The worldly beings return to their places, BENZAR MU!

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Nam Cho Medicine Buddha 17 Rev. 1/2007

;J- >J?- .3- 5B$- z- i3?- 2.$- =- ,A3; YESHE DAMTSHIG LHA NAM DAG LA THIM The deities of wisdom and samaya absorb into me.

!- .$- !/- 29%- [R%- .- AJ- 3- @R; KA DAG KÜN ZANG LONG DU E MA HO In the primordial pure domain – how wonderful! 8J?- 0- .$R%?- $+J<- IA- 9<- o/- .- $/3- (R?- *A.- /?- 2#?- +J- <- $- A- fN?- 21A$?- 0- =- :$=- 2- 3(A?- /- z-

=- 2>$?- >A%- ;   Gathered and arranged by Raga Asye [Karma Chagmed] from the Nam Chö Nyi, part of the spiritually revealed treasures. If there are faults, I repent of them before the deity.  .$J- 2?- ?J3?- &/- ,3?- &.- /.- =?- ,<- /?- M<- .- (/- ]:A- $R- :1%- ,R2- 0<- I<- &A$;  3.R- (R$- =- O?-

$?R=- !R.- /- ;R.- G%-;   .J- =?-3,R- 2:A- i=- :LR<-o.- =- 3)$-+- ;R.- 0?- 3A- :$=- =R;  .J-=- (R- $- :.A-=-

,$?- .3- L?- /- 1/- ;R/- /A;   By this merit, may all sentient beings be free of sickness and quickly attain the state of Menla. In the Sutric ritual there was the washing practice, and though this text now pertains to the higher practices of the Supreme Yoga (Anuttara) Tantra, there is nothing contradictory. The benefits of this ritual, if done regularly, are:  

24/- 0- ;A/- /- 5=- OA3?- 3A- *3?- >A%-;  $=- +J- *3?- 0-8A$- ;A/- G%-;   .J:A- 1A2- 0- L%- /?- %/- ?R%- .-

3A- w%- 2- .%- ;  .M=- 2- .%-;A- ?$?- .%-..- :PR<- *J- 2:A- =?- %/-,3?- &.- .$- /?- .J<- 3A- *J;  $=- +J-

*J?- G%- .J- 3- ,$- +- ,<- /?- 2.J- :PR- 3,R-<A?- GA-3(R$- +- *J- 8A%- <A3- IA?- ?%?- o?- ,R2- 0- .%-;  5K- :.A<-

;%- 9?- $R?- 5S$?- 3J.- 0<- :LR<- 2- .%- ;  /.- .%- $.R/- .%- L.- !- .%-o=- 0R:A- (.- 0- =- ?R$?- 0:C-

$/R.- 0?-3A- 5$?- 0- .%-;  K$- /- hR- eJ- .%- 5%?- 0- .%- 2o- LA/- .%- o=- 0R- (J/- 0R- 28A- .%- ;  $/R.- .A/-

IA- #J- .0R/- (J/- 0R- 2&- $*A?- $;R$- 2./- :23- .%- 2&?- 0?- Y%- 8A%- *R2-!J;  .?- 3- ;A/- 0:A- :(A-2- 2&R-

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Nam Cho Medicine Buddha 18 Rev. 1/2007

2o.- .%- ;  .P- .%- $&/- $9/- =- ?R$?- 0:A- $/R.- 0- ,3?- &.- =?- ,<- 8A%- ;  $?3- 0- ,3?- &.-

;R%?- ?- mR$?- 0<- LJ.- 0<- :I<- 2- ?R$?;   If you are ordained, the precepts will not be transgressed, but if they are, the faults will be purified and you will not fall into lower realms. All the bad karma which is the cause of birth as a hell being, yidak or animal will be purified, and you will not take such a birth. But in case you do, you will be quickly liberated and achieve a good birth in a higher realm where you can gradually attain Buddhahood. During this life you will obtain food and clothing without difficulty. The harm done by sickness, negative forces, sorcery, tyranny, etc., will be pacified. You will be protected and guarded by Chana Dorje, Brahma, Indra, the four great kings and the twelve great chiefs of the Nödchin, each with their seven hundred thousand aides. You will be liberated from the eighteen causes of untimely death, from enemies, wild beasts, etc., and all kinds of harm. All your wishes will be realized completely, and so on.  

o?- 0- (/- ]:A- 3.R- $*A?- /?- 1/- ;R/- 2?3- IA- 3A- H2- 0<- $?%?- >A%- ;  (R?- 1=- (J<- =- *R/- 3.R$?-

>A%- 3$- .!:- 2- 3#?- 0:A-9- ?- (J/- 0R- L%-%3- <A%- .0=- (R?- :#R<- #J-=- ?R$?- 35/- *A.- GA- 9- ?- ,3?-

&.- /?- $?R/- 0R:C- {- <A3-

.%- ;  $>A/- 0R:A- 1A2- .R%- =- (/- ]- 3- $+R$?- $8/- (R- $- 3A- .<- 8A%-;  2R.- ;=- hR- eJ- $./- z- ?- )R- 2R:C-

3./- .%- ;  2?3- ;?- L%- (2- (J/- 0R:C- 3./- .- 2+%- o:A- (R-$-;%- (/- ]:A- (R- $- ;A/;  .J- v<- 2!:-

$?<- fA%- 3.R- }$?- $%- =- ;%-(/- ]- 2?- 1/- ;R/- (J- 2- 3J.- 0?- ;A.- (J?- 0<- IA?; The inconceivable merits are explained more fully in the two Sutras of Menla. In the great monastic colleges of Tibet where the scholars find fault with most of the practices and are difficult to please, Menla is the only ritual for prolonging life and purifying the obscurations of death which flourishes. It is the ritual which is celebrated before the statue of Jowo Je in Lhasa, the Bodhgaya of Tibet, and before the statue of the Great Bodhisattva in Samye. Thus be assured that in all the Buddhist canon of both old and new schools, Sutra and Tantra, there is nothing more beneficial than Menla.

.J- =- o?- 2#?- 3%- ;%- :.A- 5B$- *%- =- .R/- :,?- 0- .%- ;  ]- 3J.- =$?- ;A/- 0?- $4%- 4- 3A- .$R?;  :.A-

;A.- 3=- ;A/- 0?- $+R<- 3(R.- 3J.- G%- (R$- 0- !/- IA?- *3?- ?- =R%?- >A$;

There are many extensive and concise versions; this one has few words but contains the essential meaning. Since it is in the Supreme Tantra tradition, the purifications rites are not necessary, and since the offerings are mental, it is all right not to have a torma. Practice it!

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Translated by Sarah Harding, Kagyü Shenpen Kunchab, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1982.

Dedication Prayers

!, ,.$J- 2- :.A- ;?- M<- .- 2.$ GE WA DI YE NYUR DU DAG By this merit may I swiftly

     ,2.J- $>J$?- (/- ]- :P2- I<- /?, DE SHEG MENLA DRUB GYUR NE Attain the state of Medicine Buddhahood.

,:PR- 2- $&A$- G%- 3- =?- 0, DRO WA CHIG KYANG MA LÜ PA May all sentient beings without exception

,.J- ;A- ?- =- :$R.- 0<- >R$

DE YI SA LA GÖD PAR SHOG Be placed in that very same state.

,,$?- eJ?- !/- =- ~R3?- 0:A- 2&R3- w/- :.?, THUG JE KÜN LA NYOM PA’I CHOM DEN DE The Blessed One whose compassion is equal to all beings,

,35/- 43- ,R?- 0:A- %/- :PR:A- #$- 2}=- ?J=, TSHEN TSAM THÖ PA’I NGEN DRO’I DUG NGAL SEL Even by hearing your name, the suffering of lower realms is dispelled.

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,.$- $?3- /.- ?J=- ?%?- o?- (/- IA- ], DUG SUM NED SEL SANGYE MEN GYI LA Medicine Buddha who clears the ailment of the three poisons,

,2N D#- ;A- :R.- GA- 2N- >A?- >R$

BENDURYA YI ÖD KYI TASHI SHOG May your light of lapis lazuli bring auspiciousness.  

?2?R.- /3?- :.A- ;A?- ,3?- &.- $9A$?- 0- *A.,  , SONAM DI YI THAM CHED ZIG PA NYID By this merit, may I become omniscient!

,R2- /?- *J?- 0:A- .P- i3?- 13- L?- /?,  , THOB NE NYE PA’I DRA NAM PHAM JE NE Having attained it, conquering the demons of my shortcomings,

*J- c?- /- :(A- j- _2?- :O$?- 0- ;A?,  ,

KYE GE NA CHI BA LAB THRUG PA YI May I liberate all beings from the ocean of existence,

YA.- 0:A- 35S- =?- :PR- 2- 1R=- 2<- >R$  , SID PA’I TSHO LE DRO WA DRÖL WAR SHOG Tossed y the stormy waves of birth, old age, sickness and death.

?<A/- (J/- .$J- 5S$?- :.A- ;A?- :PR- 2- !/,  , RINCHEN GE TSHOG DI YI DRO WA KÜN By the gathering of these precious virtues, may all beings

g$- 0<- .3- 0:A- (R?- .%- 3A- :V=- 8A%- ,  , TAG PAR DAM PA’I CHÖ DANG MI DREL ZHING Always remain inseparable from the Holy Dharma,

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<%- $8/- .R/- $*A?- mR$?- 0<- 3,<- KA/- /?,  , RANG ZHEN DÖN NYI DZOG PAR THAR CHIN NE And ultimately perfecting the two benefits of self and others,

(R?- d- 1R$?- 0?- :)A$- gJ/- 36K?- 0<- >R$  , CHÖ NGA DROG PE JIG TEN DZE PAR SHOG Beautify this perishable world by sounding the drum of Dharma!

??%?- o?- 2!/- 0- .<- 8A%- o?- 0<- >R$  , SANGYE TEN PA DAR ZHING GYE PAR SHOG May the Teaching of Buddha flourish and increase!

?J3?- &/- ,3?- &.- 2.J- 8A%- *A.- 0<- >R$  , SEM CHEN THAM CHED DE ZHING KYID PAR SHOG May all sentient beings have blissful happiness!

*A/- .%- 35/- +- (R?- =- ,R.- 0<- >R$  , NYIN DANG TSHEN TU CHÖ LA CHÖD PAR SHOG May Dharma be practiced both day and night!

<%- $8/- .R/- $*A?- z/- GA?- :P2- 0<- >R$  , RANG ZHEN DÖN NYI LHÜN KYI DRUB PAR SHOG May the Two Benefits of self and others be effortlessly accomplished!

?!/- 29%- hR- eJ- :(%- (J/- 3/- (.- /?,  , KÜNZANG DORJE CHANG CHEN MEN CHED NE From Samantabhadra and Vajradhara

SA/- (J/- l- 2:A- ]- 3- ;/- (.- GA?,  ,

DRIN CHEN TSA WA’I LAMA YEN CHED KYI Through my gracious Root Guru,

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:PR- 2:A- .R/- .- (R/- =3- .%- 2+2?- 0,  , DRO WA’I DÖN DU MON LAM DANG TAB PA Whatever aspirations for the benefit of beings that have been made,

.J- .$- ,3?- &.- 2.$- $A?- :P2- 0<- >R$  , DE DAG THAM CHED DAG GI DRUB PAR SHOG May I accomplish all of them!

?1/- 2.J- :L%- 2:A- $/?- $&A$- 0,  , PHEN DE JUNG WA’I NE CHIG PU May the only source of happiness and benefit,

2!/- 0- ;/- <A%- $/?- 0- .%- ,  , TEN PA YÜN RING NE PA DANG The Dharma, remain for a long time, and

2!/- 0- :6B/- 0:A- *J- 2- i3?,  , TEN PA DZIN PA’I KYE WU NAM May all those Doctrine-holders’

{- 5K:A- o=- 35/- 2gJ/- I<- &A$  , KU TSHE’I GYAL TSHEN TEN GYUR CHIG Lives remain stable like Victory Banners!

?:)3- .0=- .0:- 2R:C- )A- !<- 3HJ/- 0- .%- ,  , JAMPAL PA WO’I JI TAR KHYEN PA DANG Just like the omniscient heroic Mañjushri and

!/- +- 29%- 0R- .J- ;%- .J- 28A/- +J,  , KÜNTUZANGPO DE YANG DE ZHING TE Samantabhadra and others, in that way,

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.J- .$- !/- IA- eJ?- ?- 2.$- aR2- &A%- ,  , DE DAG KÜN GYI JE SU DAG LOB CHING Learning by following all their example,

.$J- 2- :.A- .$- ,3?- &.- <2- +- 2}R,  , GE WA DI DAG THAM CHED RAB TU NGO I supremely dedicate all this virtue.

?2.J- $>J$?- Y?- 2&?- !/- IA- ,$?- 2*J.- .%- ,  , DE SHEG SE CHE KÜN GYI THUG KYED DANG Just like the compassion of all the Sugatas and their Children,

36.- 0- (R/- =3- 3HJ/- 2lJ- /?- 0:A- 5=,  , DZED PA MÖN LAM KHYEN TSE NÜ PA’I TSHÜL Their deeds, aspirations, omniscience, limitless love and power,

]- 3J.- ;J- >J?- +- :U=- &A- :S- 2,  , LA MED YESHE GYU THRÜL CHI DRA WA And whatever illusory manifestations of unsurpassable Pristine Awareness there may be,

.J- S- #R- /<- :PR- !/- :I<- 2<- >R$  , DE DRA KHO NAR DRO KÜN GYUR WAR SHOG May all beings become just like that!

?/3- 3#:A- 3,<- ,$- 3,:- ;?- ?J3?- &/- i3?,  , NAM KHA’I THAR THUG THA YE SEM CHEN NAM May all beings as innumerable as limitless space

3- :2.- 28A/- .- {- $?3- 3%R/- I<- +J,  , MA BED ZHIN DU KU SUM NGÖN GYUR TE Effortlessly completely realize the Three Kayas!

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1- 3- :PR- S$- ?J3?- &/- 3- =?- 0,  , PHA MA DRO DRUG SEM CHEN MA LÜ PA May my parents, all animate beings of the six realms, without exceptions,

K3- $&A$- $.R.- 3:A- ?- =- KA/- 0<- >R$,  , CHAM CHIG DÖD MA’I SA LA CHING PAR SHOG Attain the Original State together.

?!R/- 0- :)A$- gJ/- #3?- ?- LR/- 0- .%- ,  , TÖN PA JIG TEN KHAM SUM JÖN PA DANG By the Guide who came into this world,

2!/- 0- *A- :R.- 28A/- .- $?=- 2- .%- ,  , TEN PA NYI ÖD ZHIN DU SAL WA DANG By the Doctrine that illumines like the light of the sun,

2!/- :6B/- 1- /- 28A/- .- 3,/- 0- ;A?,  , TEN DZIN PHU NU ZHIN DU THÜN PA YI And by the Holders of the Doctrine being as close as brothers,

2!/- 0- ;/- <A%- $/?- 0:A- 2N- >A?- >R$  , TEN PA YÜN RING NE PA’I TASHI SHOG May there be the auspiciousness of the Doctrine remaining for a long time!

?o=- 2- !/- IA- *J- =3- $&A$- 0- <,  , GYAL WA KÜN GYI NYE LAM CHIG PU RU May the only swift path of all the Victorious Ones,

o=- 2?- ;R%?- 2}$?- ,J$- 3(R$- mR$?- 0- (J,  , GYAL WE YONG NGAG THEG CHOG DZOG PA CHE The Great Perfection, the Supreme Vehicle praised by all the Victors,

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o=- .2%- 0E:A- <A%- =$?- }- :I<- 2:A,  , GYAL WANG PEMA’I RING LUG NGA GYUR WA’I The Early Translation “Long Tradition” of the Victorious Powerful Padmasambhava,

o=- 2!/- KR$?- 3,<- H2- 0:A- 2N- >A?- >R$  , GYAL TEN CHOG THAR KHYAB PA’I TASHI SHOG The Victor’s Doctrine, auspiciously pervade the limits of all directions!

?:63- \A%- ,A- .%- ;=- #3?- :.A- .$- +,  , DZAM LING CHI DANG YÜL KHAM DI DAG TU Throughout the world generally and in this nation,

/.- 3$- 35S/- ?R$?- #$- 2}=- 3A%- 3A- P$?,  , NED MUG TSHÖN SOG DUG NGAL MING MI DRAG May not even the names of the sufferings of disease, famine, war and so on be heard.

(R?- w/- 2?R.- /3?- .0=- :LR<- $R%- .- :1J=,  , CHÖ DEN SÖNAM PAL JOR GONG DU PHEL May merit, glory and prosperity endowed with Dharma continually increase,

g$- +- 2N- >A?- 2.J- =J$?- 1/- 5S$?- >R$  , TAG TU TASHI DE LEG PHÜN TSHOG SHOG And may there be continuous bright auspicious excellent bliss and abundance!

?3#/- aR2- (R?- $?3- <A%- =$?- (J,  , KHEN LOB CHÖ SUM RING LUG CHE May the Great “Long Tradition” of the Abbot [Shantarakshita], Acharya [Padmasambhava], and Dharma King [Trisong Deutsen] increase and

:63- \A%- ?- $?3- H2- 0<- :1J=,  , DZAM LING SA SUM KHYAB PAR PHEL Pervade the three levels of the world!

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:PR- o.- 3(R$- $?3- $%- 2- .%- ,  , DRO GYÜD CHOG SUM NANG WA DANG May the appearance of the Three Supreme Ones and the mindstreams of beings remain inseparable

3A- :V=- .?- $?3- .$J- =J$?- >R$  , MI DREL DÜ SUM GE LEG SHOG And bring excellent virtue in the three times! Short homage to Buddha Menla:

!,  ,2&R3- w/- :.?- .J- 28A/- $>J$?- 0- .P- 2&R3- 0<- ;%- .$- 0<-

mR$?- 0:A- ?%?- o?- (/- IA- ]- 2ND#- :R.- GA- o=- 0R- =- K$- :5=- =R,, CHOM DEN DE DE ZHIN SHEG PA DRA CHOM PAR YANG DAG PAR DZOG PA'I SANGYE MEN GYI LA BENDURYA ÖD KYI GYAL PO LA CHAG TSHAL LO I bow before the Vanquisher, Tathagata, Conqueror of enemies, completely pure and perfect Buddha Menla, King of Lapis Lazuli Radiance.

!,  3A- :I<- z/- 0R- {- ;A- 2N- >A?- >R$ 


,;/- =$- S$- 2&- $?%- $A- 2N- >A?- >R$


,3,:- :.?- :V=- 3J.- ,$?- GA- 2N- >A?- >R$


,o=- 2:A- {- $?%- ,$?- GA- 2N- >A?- >R$


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,$/?- :.A<- *A/- 3R- 2.J- =J$?- 35/- 2.J- =J$?, NE DIR NYIN MO DE LEG TSHEN DE LEG

,*A/- 3R:C- .$%- ;%- 2.J- =J$?- >A%- , NYIN MO’I GUNG YANG DE LEG SHING

,*A/- 35/- g$- +- 2.J- =J$?- 0, NYIN TSHEN TAG TU DE LEG PA

,.!R/- 3(R$- $?3- IA- 2N- >A?- >R$


,!R/- 0- :)A$- gJ/- #3?- ?- LR/- 0- .%- , TÖN PA JIG TEN KHUM SU JÖN PA DANG

,2!R/- 0- *A- :R.- 28A/- .- $?=- 2- .%- , TÖN PA NYI ÖD ZHIN DU SAL WA DANG

,2!/- :6B/- 2- aR2- .$J- :./- 3,/- 0- ;A?, TENDZIN BU LOB GENDÜN THÜN PA YI

,2!/- 0- ;/- <A%- $/?- 0:A- 2N- >A?- >R$, TEN PA YÜN RING NE PA’I TASHI SHOG