ANNOUNCEMENTS. MAGISTRATE 5th CIVIL DISTRICT MAU1BTKATK FIFTH CIVIL HITKHT. iVl W are aulborircd to mikhiow r m. u' I STRUM candidate lor the office ot Maaaatrate of the rifth Civil Mmiiet. YtM CONSTARLF. ( civil u . . mm c i rrv 1. lire aolhorised to anununce i'. '. M'A HAN st n candidate nrr me omo- v- - Civil DtstrlcL Hth TOK CHAWCELLOR 10th DISTRICT, H AWCKLIiOK OF 'THS MM afKjtt We are authorized to rcvTuisK of Bolivar, as a candidate for nmneellor of the Tenth District, mm posed .... of Bkultson. Havwnod. Lau derdale Tipmu. Ksyette audjaardernanJ10 FOR JUSTICE OF THE PE ACE. , T., f of THK PK II J J KfTt.KRf .1 candidate for Justice el UM Ptfm lu the 1. rid civil DtstrlcL Kleetlon first Thursday lu November. 'J , v ,;KS 14th JI DUTAL ( iK"T, . miRm-v.ijKNFRA- OF A TEEMTH I lflTf.-- W 1.1.HX11N 3m of l.anderdnle eol candidate tor AkterTioy-U- i FOR JUDGE OF FROBATB COf .VIMK PHOBATK iXWKT.-- to thnl'fird l4,tflhtvC am .ran. .dal FbKIBATK fXHJRT.-- We are ,ie.l annoance KA". rami -- da.eT.r Jodgeo! Probate Con rtol Sl.elhy county. FOR COUNTY REGISTER. nty KWIIMTKR candidate Rceialer. Klectlnu first Ti.urs lay In August. IJeli JlirxiK SUPREME OOUKt Mil'. iso-- : siiPRt J 8ion. We ar TlfKNKV asaca preine 'ourt froi THK FVl'K- - al 1ST ttie are w lx a tb.- of ad l .'ia- - I i to K. R. ns a I m . .iii -- 1 sni a for I i vmi n t t i W IH e JUDHE SUPREME COURT EAST. DIV. HOUR BOPBEMK WWKT KAWTKKII HI; .1 vitn-I- n the published ' , Hie Itar m couid; sl anil nnmerona solid ations of friends, 1 hereby annonnce myself an a candidate lor we Ranch ot tue Supreme "gy" ta t.MUW K. TlinOB KUPKKMK lUICT KA.r-R- 1K-.- 1 ami reu.ne.te.1 vmw.s -- Weareanilrlr.ed annoanee Hm. T. A. N M.s.i.N for Supreme Court In.tge from the Kssicrn Division. The election - to Is held first Thursday in iuile fr of ll.e llirwanei""""' ti,e ssate be electwK V in he lo 0( K. t" i i: I m I K 8 U P RE M E 4 O I W EST. D I V . lUIKiK K1PKICMK i ll RT WaXTKKN l'l-,- 1 vimow. We are authorlsl lo announce 1HIKJ. FKKKHAN aa a caiolhl lor Ji-- Io of tbe Knpreme 4'onrt for the Weeru I M vi- sion. Kleetiou Angnat 4. 170 myM UIK4R xl'PKI I TtaioM. Hie RNfcF.I'. of Faye t" preeeut Teuneaaee aa a Monretne IVmrt t ..n AurH. i"7" next. ISO. BROWN. M Mill1 response rennessee, efteh J RT lilm 4XJI RT WKXTKRS a ol Hon. JOHN U T ou v. are anttiortaMl by name to the people of lldate lor Jadve the the Mi Weatern ll.vnoo:) A TTY-GEi- 14TH JUDICI AL CIRCT O' THK ATTORMKY-tiKNRRA- I. tart it.- - In reapon-- e t., ll.e fiattertne aanrance of anpport which have been tendered tome, I herelvy nnimonir luraelf a candidate lor to the oftJce of Attorney -- 4eneral of the Fourteenth Jndinal fireolt. Election Hint Tiiooulay in Annst next. WAI.KI.R Wiani FOR JUDGE Ml JUDICIAL fjMPffl. I IK.V IITH JIlLlll M. I llil I I - Al I HO ,1 request of s respectable portion of t he bar and of the people ol the Kourteentt .Indi- cia) Circuit, 1 announce ntvaeif a caultd.ile for Jmltr ol that t i rem l. l ne eie m nn 1 held on the first Thursday, htanit day of August 1 ics 4tb IRA AC M. WTff.t.K. WANTS. I tCWnMlTH- - A r.tt-rlt- s Uacknmitb Ui to FUbi rvillf.Ti.nn. umwiisiu, For couples and single gents, with ROOMR also, s received at IK) at ad laon street. ?S To sell tbe Home nrm.t Ai.tSTH- - iiisr. Pilce.rS. It uiskesrii.-Iic- stitch" (allkeon both tide, and Is the only licensed under-fee- d shuttle Machine sold for less than (Ot by Wlieeier A Wllou. Urover Bxker, and Sjnei-r"'.- All other under-fee- d Shaitle Machines sold for leas than atii are Infrlngemeoia, 'ml the seller and user liable to proeTition. Aihlr.-s- s Jussmis, cuakk Co.. bVsitnn, Mas.,Pllt-l.u- i. !... h ic.n o. ill., or Ht, Lnnla, Mo. ja To i tin- - . ru.os snriwi Aul.NT It Is 14. ensrj. makes the Uastic and Is warranted for 6 years. Price.il Ail other machines iih au uuder-fee- sold for i. leas are Intrlnse-l.- :,; Addres- - " wi okWIlKl M U Hl.st o, St. Louts, Mo.. i..o ;i,o, 111., PittrlMiu, Pa., or Boston, ) WANTED-i;- tl rkk nv) -- b Hie AUKNTS K n ITTl mi Machikb caw, Hoa-to- u. Maes., or St. lul. Mo. )e'--i FOR RENT. 1 1 ii si No. K4 court stre. t. next lo the res- - J 1 ldcucs of L HI.. various .augon. Maaa. Mill A i to Ic ni he go . or . aOiW. - HA Ml. IN. Second street. IKK That new aud conTeuient HUt dwelling house, No. Mi, corner ol PouUdiK and St. Marti u e'reeU. with all ne-- ioM.m j out buii. tius. Apply to II No. M. M. FOR SALE. l.lJi U. J. .Ti I M .in street. P.KKK MAM'FAITiiKV.- - Sails A SPKt'CP Hear Manufactory, corner Third aud Mill streets (entire business and s .ou will): i stablished in this city May, W I sui JHXC W. AL.I. Proj.rietor. M ASOMC DUtW TOUT FOE ixitsisa. Bopth Mfrwm, No. M Friday of eas-- montli Hall cor. Madison and W. -. Matthews. W. M. , Po. K. 1'alteii. Hec. Anoskoa. Nn. 1st Monday In ev- ery ujonth, at s' Hall, corner I ourt aud Main. C. M. Carroll, W. M. ; Jubu Beam ish , Heeretnry. l.r la Non. No. meets 1st PrliLiy of each month Hall comer Madison and Second. 1L W. MiK-hell- . W. M ; K Sturm. . DeXoto. No. me. is id Friday of each 11. i li ail. J. 1. HeairU. W M.; K. W. shellon.See. Kilwinning, No. 141 meets 4th Friday ol each mouth at South Memphis Hall, cor- ner ot Madison and Sec. mi w. A. W. M. ; Louis Cxapskl, Hec BOTAL SR. II J'rjm C ii Arm, No. 2.' meets 24 Monday of each month tKM- Feilons' Hall. It. I . Tra- der. M. K. U. P.: 4 . O. 1ocke. Hec. M k.a fins I Hinu No.M V. !. ineeis at Oild Fellows Hall. Henry J. Lynn. M.E.U.P.; 11 . C. Bteevar. SecretarT. B. AT S. M. 1 m i s. No. a s 3d Monday of . ... r, mouth 4dU F'sllow-.- ' Hall. li. Fork-loi.T- h. 111.; N.J. Wlcxla.Koc. TIHI'UIH Cv h irk OoMVAwrsnr, No. 4- - dni of month, tioo inii my MeliuisM, Com. ; J. Barchus, itec .. . tHAl'IKK III fUSlKCuOIY Islli No. 1. t.'bailes W. Adaius.xcd, M. W.; 11. T. Tumliusoii, iOd, See.'. O. O. F. WlUCtTOKY. li. I. T. Oho Fellows' Hall, corner o( Mail, sod North CourL-Ku- th IsIkc. No 1. Uaubli Rebekah meets ou the Srwt aud third Friday ol each month, at s o'elis k J. W. WavikSslMU'C, N. U ; Mrs. I. W. is syuesbunt, V. 41.; IViiJ luuKtiaui, Sor'y. UsToao Ksi am I'M Ear, No. u -- meets on the Bnl and thlid Thursday nii'liU ol each montli, at s o'clock. Alex, liunn. c. P.; J. K. Russell. H. P. Thomas Kais.u, ScrilK-- . Mtsi-Hi- IitMiE. No. t. meets every 1 uatsy uiEht, at s o'Hoek. H. M. Norwood, N U. A. W. Jonea. V.4s.; J. W. Waynosbur, tu-- . aud Flu. Sec'y. Ihiik-i- i No s meets every Mon day ulebl. al o'eJock. J. M. Haaiple, N. U., la-o- u L.M.V.U ; Thus. H. Kluhaiu, Kec Hoc. Hcmillem Uhe, No. HO sorts every u, eduesdsi msht at so clock. U. Harder, li . I i.O Klopp of Bill for Oworct, l. Ll. Meets iiIkIiU l.is.r lu the second Circuit Court ol Shelby county. Wiu. H.Uevllvs. Maiy 1.. Hi a 1L BILL lor divorce havius been Bled In A this case, and it m , hross ,m i that the defeudant Is a oi the state ol Tennessee: It Is therefore ordered, Thst she make her appearance herein, at Use courthouse lu the city ol Memphis. Teuo .oii uibefuie tlie third Monday luHeplembei , IsTli, and plead, answer or demur to ooiuplaiuaut bill, or the same will be taken lor coulcsaed as to ass and set lor bearing exparte; and that aco( ol this order be published once a week, lot leur suooeesive weeks. Id the Memphis Apiieai. Uoue at oOtce, iLls Uth ds of Jul) , l.s.u. P. U. HoVLjf, Clerk. By W. Lewis Whaktui, Deputy Cleik. Warrlner, Lee Thuiiuoud, Hols, lor Jy2J NOTICE. 1KTTKRS testameutaj-- having been J J. Ban. aud N. W. Smith on the swlate ol lir. A. Itowutt, deoeas, d alt person knowing IheiuseivsM inoeiil.sl to the estate are iniussted to mast: f.aywent to me at one. and all persons against the estate ate lo I i them. prosrly anlheutuaied, to me within the time pioacribed by law. or they will N.W. RlilTH July Ih. IK7U. Jyl7 (' dllervllie. Teun. Lumber, Laths and Shingles. I HAVE now on band a fall stork of cypress popiar and walnut lumber, laths aud mwbJ shingles. 1 have also a larte stock of n.c- - an. .nii.1.1, i, cviii,. audampiepaied toUl! orders for lumber, ol suy dimeusious ou short uullee. saVMills aud Lumiier Yard on Won river Immediately north ul Bayeu Uayoso. jya? vWlW U. al. s'ivN AjJUi. LOCAL NEWS. Arrival m Departure Matl. M km nil- - PosTOrnrB. OlBoa lvorjra from S a.m. U)6 p.m. Sundays from 9 to 10 a.m. C LOM. a m. f M. Memiihla l...nivtiie R. iM.inf S.irth li: Wl": Hi Ka-- t. TkricodallT a is f lxni-vil- l- BR matin emnhla Uli All R vl m M A- - R y R. 4 Ltleaoati. iun.1 Meuphui UUle Hock K 12:00 R dally except rtnndays hot sal.' iilu- - 'nil Itles and WaataatMl to oh and Friar'a Point .dally 10 rOW iMtaH. river to Icasi nrg: L. iijryTi.indaya and Matar.l .ysl "for river ,Mi river to r. mh. . on 9:001 While Tue.lay and MatnrdayH.; Hli.l Fr:i'i Ark:uiMh river. ly, Mondays. Wedneaduyl unti riasya Mt'innhlH to Marlon, Ark., on M.nduja,i Wcinesoayi and Mutaya ..I,.- - t.. Tcoii. ttiwe.-klr- . Friday M i' lo llyhaloi and; idivo tr01We.-kly- , Tni- -. A F:otay " J. at p THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-THURSD- AY, AUGhlTST 1870. iAkhivx 4:1W!S:I 4:1H ThurndHya. MlaB..Heinl- - 0BIAIAU1 M m meets Mitolsasraaehool, WMThlnl Watch Arkansas neirro voters y. Mondara Mvar.aem rlrtini'h, Tesrtenlsy everiinfr Inteneolyclofwi Look SallH'jitdvertiaenient Look nosrro Radical peaters" y. Iwrirainsi piano will at Main street. New Jmitilinga coitatantly Iwinjr nmMr contract, erected around IOWU. Itecnrilor drspoad twenty-frva- r casas; aunrsiiiiuJ finos . llect,l Ttio hermomoter stood o'clock p.m. yesterday, barona 2!.So very little sickness snsson city, epidemic character e 3:90 M IS: f.rO P. M. I. O. B. B. 7.. St the was ami at Joo W. ont for ami re the ills The Isvst in he ..hp. 2tS Pall and seo are pot and The of $I J4 were in and .S0 at WW at two and the eter in. We hear of the in the and no of any ists. A larire sioo.k of aoconii haml tave pianos for rent or sale, at H. O. Hollen- - berg's, Clay I'.uildiiif;. 4, rhe son of Dr. Alnion P. Brooks, lone and well known m this city, died yenter day Hot Spring, Ark. ot every Democrat ami lionest man rail" to the tsilis to-d- and vote the atra rht rt. ticket. Iia lys ko reoniv-A- the New York dailies on the second day after thoir ap .car in. or within lorly eight hours. t.us. sirnaii;o, of the lirenaria Srnli nrl. is in tbe city, and tkinel Freeman one of tbe candidatee for Supreme Court ..'i.. i. !, .. . . . . i I i . .i ( - t I i r i i, I a - . , Tne sale of lots at Brink ley, on tbe Memphis ami Little Rock Railroad, is ed until Thursday, the lMth day or AUk-U.s- l, is.u. -- H. G. Ilollenberg baa a fine aasort-met- tt of ('tuckering Piaaoa, tbe host ami clieapesl lir-- i clasx piano in the world. Sold r.n ea terms. Argument in tbe case was con cluded VHsUo ilay in the Second ( liaiusrv Court, and LI. a case waa sul'initlesl, when 4 ourt adjourned till Friday. Tbe wholesale dealers in champagnes, fine winea and imported cigars are, many of them, refusing to sell until Homelhiug iletiiiitu is known about the war in Europe. 'Siiuire Kiernan is, thanks to Raleigh water, again laiginning to look like bis old self. We congratulate the veteran, and hope that be will soon be aa hearty an of old. We are indebted to Wiil Manaford, Eei., for tbe latent Seienlifie Amerteim and ApfJeton't JunrniU. Mis counters are always supplied with the very latest aerial reading matter. The correspondence pnblisbad in yes- terday's A reitAi. between the Freeiiuwa, reaultwl in a bkKsly affray at Browns- ville, as will Is3 seen by reference lo our telegraphic olumn. Tbe coriat of a negro aaan was fished out of the n er at the navy yard rosier tty looming. An imiuent was held by c l .ner Walton, and a verdict rendered ol " lound drowned." Fr m appearances the ly bad been in the water aotne .lays. C. W. i : r, elected Councilman yes- terday to represent the Eighth ward, la one of the bent merchants and uiomI aemii-Lm- o buaixsasM men of the city. Tbe Eighth ward could hot have done fsslter for itself than baa been done tor it by tbe Council in this selection of Mr. (lover to fill the place treated by Mr. Hallutn. There was a vast quantity of moisture held in ausM3nsiou yeHterday, by tbe warm atmosphere. We inhaled water, those of on who breathed, by the quart . and spent the day within doors or on the street in a hot vapor bath. Of course tin. re is much consequent debility ; but the process we undergo la mnch tbe same with that lo which one is subjected in a Turkish bath. The election to-d- ay iamlyaa interesta of such magnitude that every business house and every citizen interested in the well-bein- g of society should make it tbe sole occupation of tbe day Vo see that every accessible voter deposits bis bal- lot. All must die, and Um i tear eat secu- lar interesta of every citizen of the coun- ty mnt be affected by the choice raatlo-to-d-ay between tho candidates for the Pro- bate Judgeship. Shut your shop and go lo the - .iis at nine o'clock. Dogs were slaughtered by tbe score yesterday morning in the vicinity of the Gat io liouse. Tbe victims of the ter-rifB- e dog ordinance bowled piteonaiy, aud doc; owners swore vigorously, but all in vain. Almost a cart load ot curs and fancy animals of doggisj dasignalku.s and cUaractertstlcs bit the dust. Tbe ttcrk of destruction will be oonllnoved to- day and indefinitely, we hope, nnlil a mighty m uluiude of bowling brutes, that render night hideous eyery where in this are exterminated. The saloon of the Wo rah am Hons has Issen under the auspice of those excellent gentlemen, Messrs. Lou. U kcrson and Jim Strickler. Both tho managers of this famous resort of wine-bibbe- rs are thoroughly skilled in all the arts of the trade, and will never vend any leverage which connoisseur will nut approve. Spend an evening and redeem hours ol delight from lite woes of earth within walla which, aoatata all that is ex- cellent anionjj wluea and stronger liquors that are mixed with wondrous ak ill by WUkanou dt Strickler. A Fraot street merchant, who. in- vented heavily in a Radical, ytwf islr some time ago, thiukinjj tka ike RsaIhsvI would be elocte usk wtUl iaal office might be se.uxssA B hiuasaU, has aban- doned tkQ HUla of his fathers and gone over, aaiil and body, to tbe Radicals. We ii c ud the local fact of the moat extraor- dinary case of com;, tie mliet, of hydropho- bia, of delirious triangles, and "iusu with a poker," that ever bapsMied ia thta city. " Last it be record i, vital hsss veritable while maj sat ykl cltisu, and alwavs deeiuud geutletaart, has tss-oui- a Radi- cal, and, as we are advised, has absolutely made a speech to a negro mob, announcing his adhesion to the horrible party. The impression still prevaila among many voters that it will be absolute! y uecessary for them to show IhftL, La re- ceipt before they can yuq, Tlis. is all a iiilslake. The la Jvw, hot require of any voter u shjuyt a ess teeelfst or any other q u all heal imai to yole, if be be tweuty-on- e o- - i ao ii. .1 citiai-- of ILo State m.lie mouths and of tbe county six months prior to offering his rote. Tbe Sheriff will hold tbe election ta the "good way," aud no poll-t- a re ceipt, Registrar s osrtlL,oaa, or any oilier wiu ta required voter, t.rovsvji in regard to ro-.- i 1, 16.7 A nba. W. for tbe gas all I ay the tx: 11 tax The does uot lake effect until January Au Inquest was held yesterday morn- ing over the body of Archie Craig, a genial, generous and skillful telegraph operator, Who was well at elevea o'cVs k night belore last, and waa lound dead-st-ark, still and cold ta bad yesterday morning. 'I he Coroner's Investigation revealed the taut that Mr. Craig dtad ol i uiaeaitou of the braiu. He waa a native ol New York Stale, born in Auburn, and about thirty years of age, a gen- tleman of high standing in bis prulession, and beloved by his asso- ciates. He baa been employed here about six months. He waa one of tbe veteran telegraphers that served through the war, and frequently iu Memphis, aud generally known an Toppy Craig. His remains will be conveyed to tbe depot from Hoist', at 12 ni., and sent to his relations, accom- panied by Mi J. J. Fowler. Rev. Dr. Oaraoicbael uttered m elo- quent and touching piayer and woids well calculated to soothe the grief-Hlucke- when be prououutd, yesterday afternoon, the last wordaof consolation to those who have lost half their own exist- ence iu losing the life of their child. Ten derl v, earaeatly and in terms t .f simple touching eloquence waa the story told of tbe ev aneaeenoe of huaaao joys and gnefc, and the utterly empty vanity of all tbe delights of baaaMt life were hardly more forcibly defined by the little ooffin and the story It told of a desolate fireside, than by clear simple portrayal of the empti- ness ol man's uopea and aspirations, which this distinguiabed minister hi accustomed to illustrate. A large number of ladba and gentlemen attended tbe celebration of tbe funeral services of Colonel Hunt's child, Minnie May. For many weeks past the precarious health of the little girl baa uvouopolizasl every thought and tbe ceaseless care oi its parent ; but Uavei and medical skill and tirehx watching I were in vain. A little martle momtmeu I in Kliiiwoisl must tell again and perpetu I ate ulio story of unutterable irriel v ritten every dsy on tbe tatdota of nientory and nrnsd into tne nonius oi a win' stricken mother's heart. Mr. Henry Apple will serve a lun cheou at tbe (Caledonia saloon, corner of Msdison and Main streets, immediately after Ibe erection All are invited lo oarliolpale tbe victorious aud the de foaled. An enticing spread Of good things may be looked for. Yesterday when the contest was pend Ing lor t' iuunilmau in substitute lor John Hamuli, Messrs. Humeri auu uoyei wei "tied." each receiving eight yotea. K nally a Councilman, an adherent of i.o er worn out with ceaseless voting and mol ten with fervent beat, left the Council Chamber. One of Hulbert'a friends, al .hough an adiouruuieut bad boen carried moved a reconsldoration andtiinnght thus to steal a marok on Hover's supporters The reconsideration was carried and the vote waa again taken between (lover sud II ui iso i. what wist the amsxeinent of everybiKiy when it apistsred that Mover. in tlie sbitenee of his friend, was elected ! Several eyes aa big as smicer were turn ed iiwiuirlnply ami stared in amarement into the depths of one another. At last -- ot ne asked Councilman John Sicnai lu. (Jus' Issnther. how St hapissnod. "1 did it" said John. "I've voted all this day for litilbert and am tbe beat and truest friend he has. and I'll ittst-l- d d if I intend to sutler him to triumph in .ontast ofibisKort by any petty d d she-- nan ogan. It is estimated that tho Dickons- - BoHon Imbroglio has cost this county fioin ihroe-lourth- a or a million to a mil lkui dollars, in time lost by jurymen, wit nesses, courts and lawyers, in Iruilless eflorta to adjust dillerencoa and suits pendinir between the parties to multiplied contrYiversioa. How mauy people have been mnrdereil, and how many murders have been attempted, as results of this feud, it is nnpossiblo to say. Ills Iioimmi, at length, that no more 'blisxl will be spille.1 by lln'se terrible people. Surely their wrongs have Imen fearfully avnngeil, and it only remains for nit outraged pule lie. an insulted cisle of laws, and for sheriffs, judges and jurymen In discharge is imposiMI by ll ignuui events ni tne tu'iilvenr lifloen years. It is a foul shame thai an old man, known to every old citiaon of Iho county, should Ite shot down in the face of day, on a public highway, ami ainiosi in the presence of witnesses, and that the assassiu, concealed by the roaeside, should rsi-ap- Such facta would inevitably fasten suspicion upon snerius ami consta- bles, and upon tbe people of tbe vicinagn. We card nothing nsare, personally, for one than l he other party to this terrible von dotta; but we do care for the outraged insinsty of the law; for Ihe Isiasleil impii nity with which red handed crime stalka over Shelby county; tor that exemption from punishment which murderers may claim when con over tne inumpuea recitals of multiplied crimes which make the history ot ins county ior niieen years past a disgusting calendar of horrible murders aud gliasllv assassinations I., t sheriffs and jurymen now die charge their proper tasks. Each member of tho two families and their adherent may have conceived himself justified ill what lie lias done, and to till individuals wliai nas Happened may nave leen almost iinavonlHOie: nut tearful crimes have tieeu commitied, and the very safety of sis'iety demands sure and ill punishment. While men are unit dered like dogs in tho broad highways. and n oiissi wsr ravages a broad district of the county, there is no proper govern ment laws are mere tallies; aud rihl and i. -- i.ee ei.ipi v traditions. TO THE PEOPLE. li you do not elect a ljrnocratic Supreme (Tonrt to-da- y you may look fur the nullification of all the work done by your Democratic LislaUire aad your Demrs ratio county and city onViaLi. Iook to your tickets. Hee that none hut Jiemccrats are on it To-da- y a fiord you the last opportu nity of contending for JLkamocratic A noon turn is done our readers when we commend to tbdm tbe American House, KomUiu. The same judicious man agement is c.iulinue.: which has rendered t so popular in the past. Ik. when yon ask your grocer for Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, he has not it. ask some other grocer until yon lo get it. L aed ours in vour family, your women folks will have uo other. Ajti.ksi. Highest price paid for rami bai rein choice apples. Kl.i-.l- ' .V HI CKUAB, 31 front street. Aiitorv Appeal; There will Is" an elec tion for Constable August 4th, in tho Fourteenth civil district; and to the voter i of tbe district we earnestly suggest the necessity of going lo the polls and see- ing that a gssj and true man is elected to tile import act . in. not Constable for the Fourteenth district. T. s. Mallory is a cars! elate for this office, ami no mau is mure euiiueully qualified to hll the office than our old friend "Soph" Mallory. An ex " nonce of years, both buainesa and social, justifies us in stating that no mau ever paid a dollar in Constable Mallory a bamts but what ho had just and prompt returns, and no in an ranks him iu the auieuiliea of life. Let T. s. Matiory be elected aud we will have an upright oQi car ami a true man. THK PEOPLE. TO THE PEOPLE. II yoa do not elect a Democratic Supreme Court to-da- y you may look tt.r the nullification of all tho work done br your Democratic Legislature and your Democratic county and city oliiciiua. Look to your tickets. Hee that none but Democrats are on it. To-da-y aUords you tho last opportu- nity of corrtendin for Democratic supi-Dmac- Tbb Barrrm'Rooks Yikld Rread! Yea, tbe rugged , litis of tbe ocean strand produce something that, if not bread, is more nourishing and fattening than the atad of life itself. Tbe Hes Moss whii-- h isaruete tbe rts-k- on the shores of Ireland, Iceland and the coasts of Northern Europe, Is as truly a food sta- ple, when properly prepared, as wheat, rye, or Indian corn. The Irish variety, locally known as Carrageen, is now aiaauisoiured under a patent, into one Cut MM meet nutritious, palatable, and delicious elements of susten- ance the world has ever seen. The arlsvle has been patented uuder tho name oi Saa Moss Kakinic, and the exlenaive mills of I be Sea Moms Ferine Company, New York, are now turning out Immense quantities of tbiaessiiM'xwM- lu ury, which has already taken a prominent place axuong thecoiu-tuaditie- a of the Aiaerioan produce mar- ket. Its price ia almost nominal ; and tbe puddings, custards, jellies, creams, blanc mango, aud other light table luxuries prepared from It are superior in flavor .as well aa in cheapness) to those uxade arum corn starch, maiseua, ravel ant a, e any of the other gelatinous e tract. of grain. This ladhai are ia raptures at the intro-ductiu- u ml Pbaloa's Vital ia, or Salvation (ji tho Hair. This grand diseoverv en ables tbeui lo shake their ringlets at the frosting hand of time iu defiance. Free from auy sediment, il rapidly ibukeau tbe grayest heads. Hold by all druggists a4 rancv goods dealers. TO THJ VOTERS OF SHELBY COUNTY I hereby vlthdraw my name from tbe eauvaasia a candsiate for Register of IKs-d- s tor Shelby county, in favor of U. M. Greeley, Esq. J. A. GRONAl i K. iNKOitMAiaOK Waxtkii. FYank Mullen loll Lroiia.bi. Miss., about two or three weeks ago. Had mi a ii). hi bat and trou- sers and dark coat, and was qui ol bis mind. Would sometrme start ami say the Ku-Kla- were after him. He is light complected aud about tweedy-thre- e or tweuty-feu- r years old. Any infurmalion concerning him, at this office, will be liberally rewarded. A. A. MKLLKN. Bom.ki. WAaauot'ea. In reply to mauy questions, and for tho information of merchants generally, I would say that the store-i- s use, known as Mo. 'Z1U Fus-on- street, Adams Bkxk, baa beea bonded for the purpose of storing Imported e. Iaporters can store goods at customary rate of storage, and insured at the very lowemt rate of insurance, where gisxis can remain from one day to three years bolore It is necessary to pay duties there- on, era ctJOPKR, Harvey or of Customs. AMERICAN DRIVEN WELL. The pumps, pipes and point furntsbed for tbe same are of the most approved nailer as. For sale at Thomas Elauuery's, ha Jelteraoa street. Orders from the country will receive prompt attention. All of the latest woekllaasaat lies, just received at Joe Locke's, 236 'A Main atreai - San advertisement of Dr. Butts' TJhv penairy, beaded. Book for tbe million MAKKIAMK UUIDhV-- in another ool-um- it should be road by alt, Job Locks I has tbe largest aasortuien of daileaou hi count! at zju)., Mait 1mm OUR COUNTY TICKET. - Every voter in Shelby county Is directly intetvstttl in the election of the 1 Himocmts whose names appear on tlie fid low imr ticket: HuH st'PRKMTS OOCRT J V l" i s Eastern Division: T. A. R. NELSON. J A MRS W. DEADKICK. Middle Division: A. O. P. NICHOLSON. PRTKTCRNRY. Western Division: JOHN L. T. SNEKI i. THOMAS J. PREEMAN. POR it'IloB OP KhRLBT COUNT V PROBATB OOt'KT, J. K. K. RAY. FOR ATTORWBV OKNKRAI. or- BARTI. VTT CIRCI'lT COURT. ALBERT M. STEPHENS. KOK OOttHTY UKiUSTKR. JOHN RROWN. llon't vote any other ticket, and don't scratch a name. Think lor a moment ol the ("onsequonces, should Uie Radicals fill these ottlccH, and we are sure yon will uot. HORRID MURDER. Heavy Reward far the Murderer Fall De orlptioa of His Parson, Etc. Mr. (ieorge W. Rolsjrtson, of ton, Ky., has been in our city Livinrs- - two or three daya past, on the frank of the mur- - lerer or ins broiner, ll. c notsirison, who was killed at bis residence, in Liv- ingston, on Monday ok (24tl of July), under the most atns-ion- circumstances. Eioiu what wo could lrleau of tho ailair in a cursory conversation, the following are the dbtailh of TIIR JltlRnBR. On the :JAl of July, as Mrs. Rolwirtson, wife of Hie munlered man, was ruling along a lonely road near hor husband's farm, a man named Win. Travis roue along side of her and threw his arm .iron ml her. She screamed, aud Travis put spurs to his horse aud galloped oU. When Mrs. Rolssrtsou reached homo she narrated the affair to. her husband, and he immediately went to Travis' place ot business aud demanded satisfaction for the insult. Tho matter waa, after some talk between the parties, referred to mu- tual friends, who settled it to the satisfac- tion of all concerned. Mr. Robertson went homo to his farm to attend to his usual routine of business, ami in the course of a lew hours Travis mounted a mule and followed htm. On arriving at Robertson'! place, Travis rode out lo the Hold where lie was at work, aud without saying a word, or glviug uia victim me slightest warning, shot him mad. The niuriluror Ihen lumen ins mines neau away from tho scene of the tragedy and made Ins escape, cue louowing is A DBSCR1VTION of the murderer, as taken from a printed ard circulated by Mr. Robertson, who offers J JK) for his arrest: Win. Travis 18 .15 to 40 years old, feel 11 inches high, spare made, florid complexion, long lace, lugn heek bones, large moulU, uiue eyes, Willi a irenoral restless expression ol ouuui-e- nauce; walks erect and steps quick ; talks loud and fast: voice coarse and harsh: hair slightly inclined to curl; face close shaved. lie had on, when last seeu, a brown linen ooat, coarse domestic shut, .lark panta loons aud biack hat. It is probable that a I.AItUKlt REM AUU will be ottered for the arrest of this man. tho murder waa one of tlie coldest blooded deeds on record. A Hum ia being raised by the immediate fsiuily of the de ceased, and the (iovernor of Keutucky has been applied to to take some actum in the premises, which it is probable he wiil do. Mr. (i. W. Robertson gives every as suramin that heavy rewards will i.o paid. It behooves Hie police anil iMHBMHva lores, and indeed all gusod citiv-eus- , to look out tor tho murderer. TO THE PEOPLE. If you do not .Meet a Democratic Supreme Court to-da- you may look for the nullification of all the work lone by your Democratic LejriHlature and your Democratic county and city officials. Look to your ticket). Sea that none but Democrats are on it. To-da- y affords you the last opportu nity ot conU'ndino; fiir I emocratic The property to la sold this evening at five .'dock ou Nncoud street, by W. H. fassinore, tho auctioneer, will no doubt. aa it should, altiacl the serious attention of parties desirous of making a gisui and safe investment iu a superior piece of real estate. The sule wiil take place ou the premises, No. 130 Secoud street. LAW REPORTS. Criminal Court Flippin. Jadge. This court waa occupied tbe entire day with Ibe esse of the Stale vs. Mheltoii, iu- - dicled lOr Ihe murder of Hughes at Big reek. The case was given to the jury al 'dock. No verdict louderuu. up lo writiug. PERSONAL. Don't forget to vote for John Hrown to day. Mr. Thos. II. Cocko. of Loninviile and Memphis, is in Memphis, warmly greeted by many friends. L. W. Miller, Esq., of Ksles, Miller .v Co., left for the north yesterday and will be abseul a couple of months. He will visit all the principal cities east. Colonel Wardlow Howard, who has been confined to his homo many weeks by dangerous illness, was visible yesler- - lay on v rent street, lie is emaciated and ry leeble. THE RADICAL TICKET. Democrats I This is the Ticket You Musi Work Defeat The following ia tho ticket, printed upon yellow paper, which the Radicals will vole y. Democrats! We must defeat it. It is yonr duty to see that not one of those whose names appear below gets a Demo- cratic ticket. He ou tbe alert. Vote against this ticket and work against it. RKPVBLICAN TICK ST. Far Jmlgen Supreme Oourt Samuel Mil-Liga- ii, .eiiopbou Wheeler, John Trimble, W. 11. W owner, Alvin Hawkins, Harbour Lewis. For fhnnccUor First Chancery Court T. S. Ay res. Jbr ( 'hancellor Hccond Chancery (.Xmrt J. K. Bigeiow. 'or Judge IfSrst Circuit Court Channiug Richards. Jbr Judge Second Circuit Court T. A. Ryan. For Judge Oiwaaal Conrf-- U. K. Hud- son. For A ttorney General Criminal Gtwrt P. J. M UK Hull. For Pre Attic Judge Shelby Cbunty Harry S. Lee. Fur Attorney Heneral lartlelt Circuit (rsrf William Craig. For County Jieginler bleorge M. Gree- ley. F&r Maiji.it-- a t,i Fletentk Civil Ditrict-Rohe- rt Weir, R. T. Anderson. For OjtutaOU Klevenih Civil 1 Uriel Pon derail c. in tint of the Liver, lor Dys- pepsia, DiarrbeM, Piles, etc , Dr. Kiiu-iiion- s' Liver Regulator certaiuly has uo superior. It acts like a charm, without debilitating tbe systoin. 1 have trsisi it thoroughly, and sneak what I know. REV. S. (JARDNKK, Alapuls'us, Ga, Habpkr'b Mom ii:. v. improved with leaves neatly cut, for sale i Locke a, 2Jb)i Main street. AT J. ta tyle, W Jo LADIES' 1ET JEWELRY LATBSCr HTYLBH, BOESCHKR'8 JET PALACE, 328 Main Strsj. All Jet Good bought in my adahllah-oxe- ai will be repaired without charge. J. ROESCTIEK, Jo voter. TO THE PEOPLE. if you do not elect a Demr ratic Supremo Court to-da- y you utaA i look for tho nullification of all the work done by your Democratic Legit nature and your Democratic county at ui city officials. Look to your ticket t. See that none but Detuocnitu are on it. To-da-y affords you the last Major tuuity of contending for Dem acrittic supreniacy. natal done by Kfil.nl eMW AiUju, No. 6 West Court stuff. SHOOTING AFFRAY. A Mas Badly Woaadad ia a Variety Sasw. About quarter past ten o'clock last night, a dltlicully occurred at the entrance of the Parlor MUric-Ha- ll on Second street, near Jelferson, between a young inmi named I .mi Mel by aud M r. Hick Pniryer, in whhai the former was shot through the iefl tldgb, the ;ball going in In .Iront and eoiaing oat behind, making a severe but uot dangerous wound. From what we could learn of tbe sllalr, Mr. Proryer acted purely on the defett sive. He was standing in tlie fr mt part of the saloon, when Selby, who waa very much under tbe influence of liquor, came up, and without a word struck him quite a heavy blow. Pruryer remarked to Sol by that be bad probably made a mlatake, wiien the latter repeated tbe blow. They then clinched and a ere hustld out of doors by the door-keepe- r of the saloon. As soon as tbey struck (be sidewalk Pruryer drew a pistol ami tiredlwo shots, one of which ttaik eH'(s?t a deeexilaxd. Tbe wounded man was taken to the Adams street station, when hut wound was by Dr. Dromgooto. Hewaeafter-war- cony." to the rnaidoiioe of his father. Judge Selby. Pruryer waa and will have au examination this morning. Tbe door keeper at Thouipsou's made quite a narrow escape a ball ing and " barking " hi leg. IteyoiMl the loss 1. a mile piece of skin, however, he suffered ne material injury. TO VOTERS. Head, and be Guided To day try tbe Fol- - Be sard Your Ticket Is All Right In Every Respect. KltPBBMB J on lis. Ever)' voter iu voting for tbe candidates lor Supreme Judge should have upon bis Uukel the division of the Slate in which tbe candidates for whom he v oles i. -- nle. in tbe manner designated iu the ticket which stands at tbe head of the editorial columns of the J'he perstm who hotit rleetionx are reintirctl by taw U .iisrciy ia their return which dinutiont of the State the retjtective eemtlidale for Su- preme ( Isirl are voted for. IMPORTANT TO VOTKUS SOMT RTUINO TO UK BBMKMliBHBli. We copy the following from the Nash- ville f.'um A meriean, as pertinent to our judicial elect ions: By a recent act of the Legislature, passed to carry into effect the pmviaioiia of the new Constitution relative to the elective franchise, every male person, twenty-on- e years ot age, a citizen of the I'tiited Slates, a resident of tbe State for twelvo mouths, and of tbe count)' wherein be otfers his vote six months precedine the day of election, shall be entitled to vote at the mix. elect um. All voters are required to vote In tbe civil district or ward where tbey may reside, except sberitta, or other ouicers holding elections, judges, jurors, wit- nesses, aud lititrauts attending Court, all of whom may vole iu the list net or ward in which they are perloriiiiiig their iluties Should there be a failure to bold an elec tion in their owu district or ward, they may vole in any other district or ward in the county. The law requiring the ol the poll tax doea uot go into effect until the 1st of Jauuary, 1K72. Tbe acts ot June .., Im.o, adapter in; of May ::, lsflti. chapter ". !. and ol February i i, 1NU7, chapter JB, all relative to tbe elective ftaMhise, are repealed. Title IT, chapter 2, articles .., 4, u, o, and S, of the Code, are and revived, except as altered or repealed by Ibis act ol tne last Legislature. TO THE PEOPLE. If you do not eject a Democratic Supreme Court to-da- y you may look for the nullification of all tho work done by your Democratic Legislature and your Democratic county aud city officials. I..M.K to your tickets. See that none but Democrats are on it. To-da- y affords you the last opportu- nity of ciin tending for Democrat.c su premacy. Look to voitr Ciiildubn. Diarrhea Dysentery and summer complaint, are cured by Mrs. Whitcomb'sSyrnp.which ia sold for 'lit cent a bottle. See adver- tise uieut. Hits A Conwutu, proprietors of tbe Job Printing establishment iu the Ar- - pk al Hull. line, 14 Union street are now prepared U execute orders o iJob I'niitiug on the shortest notice. The pa trons ol the Appkai. will bear this in mind and act accordingly. BOARD OF MAYOR ANO MEN. cm Hall, Mk o 'ins, ( August 3, 187(1. At a royaler meeting of the Hoard of Mayor and Common I'ouueil ol tlie oily of Memphis, ou Auuust 11, lhTO, preMeiil : Hon. John Jobnson, Mayor; Messrs. President, Kelly, 11 raxes, O. F. Prescott, Smith, Cohen, Jauius, Sitruaigo, Twohig, HnwiU, Cumuiiugs, Ricliardet, Dixon and Boon, Counciliueu. A quorum being announced, the Chair- man took his seat, aud called the mem Pei s preeeut to order, and hail the roil of (aiiinciimen called. When tbe minutes ol the of tbe Council were read, and ou motion adopted. Monthly hki'oktjs o city offi- ce KS. CfTY COMPTROLLBR. Com ituoi.i. Kit's Opfick, Mkmpiiis, August 3, 1K7U. ) To tbe General Council of tbe City of Memphis : (JenttevMsn The following ia my refsjrt lor tbe mo ei ii of July, 1870: Taxes lHiid in Ctty Jndeitednoss. Forty-secon- d corporate year 9 SSI 7S Forty-t- i rat " " hm4 al Fortieth " " iW 17 Kxissnses costs on coileotiMia. 77 08 Caeh Receipt, Privileges Wharlsge . Market stalls, North . " " South Fines and forfeitures, Recorder's 4'ourt .' Fines and Msuallies, Police H'rd. Rills payable, proceeds of. Fire rent of engine liouse Cash Payments. Police Fire " Streets and alleys. City Hospital .salaries. . ... Lights aud lamps Wharf and lnndaag Right of way Court Square Market " Hills payable. Paupers E X pel sc- .- Market Ho Stationery Nuisance Sanitary Oommiaslou. Priuting Engineering... OFFICIAL., COUNCIL- - Weiluesilay, proceedings Department, Department ... ....... 928,27b Respectfully submitted, SHEPHKRD, Comptroller. Received and published. crry trbasurbb. Mkmpuin, August Hon. Board of Aldermen: Gentlemen My receipts for corporate year to uate were as Mlaaellaaequs receipts Property tax Privilege. . ... Wharfage. - Recorder's Court. North Market South Market f 2,722 9 0,495 87 ..o'.'i. (HI 481 7.i DUil 00 3.008 00 00 14,310 07 150 00 90,267 (M 911, oil M . 4,742 93 . 2,344 33 . 1,793 42 .. 3,205 S4 323 SO 124 50 600 00 114 97 'j 547 tU 55 SO 280 Ml 210 04 Mi-- oo 107 00 235 05 7 08 301 U0 689 60 D. A. City ordered 3, 1870. the current follows: ..9 54,970 SI .. 141,729 18 .. 71,949 3b ,., 31,744 50 .. 22,110 00 ... 25 ... 2,908 90 Total 9388,030 59 Or. By Mayor's warrants paid and "canoeied 322,237 40 Cash on hand 95, 7f 1 Respeutfully submitted. WILLIAM H. BRIDGES, CUy Treaaurer. Received and ordered printed. tax i .li. m i ou. Mbmphis, August 1, 1870. Honorable Uenerai Council : Utmtlemen My oollecUon during tbe mouth of July vaeru aa follows: On real estate, etc 92,722 15 On privileges, etc 6,945 87 On duga. 861 00 Total. 910,529 32 Respecsfully, ayELIX W. ROBERTSON, City 'flit Collect, r. Received aad ordered priiited. bobbju mabkbt at aster. Mbmphih, August 1, 1870. Hon. Mafor and Board of Councilman: GentsI have tbe honor to report my collections for the month of Jury, 1870, from the North Market to amount to four hundred aud eigbty-on- e dollars and seventy l m MSI 761 Res!ieelully. JOHN A. DRKftiElt, North Market Master. Received aud ordered printed. whakihastbr. Msatrnis, A. .gust 3, 1870. To the General Council : (Jentlrmen My collection lor the month of July atnoaat to 321:; uft ltearsw-tiully- , RtiBERT OOOD, Wbarfmaster. Received and ordered priuted. SODTII MARKhT MASTBR. M KM PUIS. August 1, 1870. Hon. Board of X idem. en Gentlemen My .collections for tbe month of July, 1870, amount to five hun- dred and nine dollars and alxly cents Ils5u9 00). Kospis-tlul- l v submitted. C 1M1 rid r. n, Month Market Master. Received and ordered published. OITV HOePITAI. PBTSieXAXf. Cit Hospital, I Mkmpiiis, August 1, 1870. j Hon. Mayor and (simimai tVMindl : Gentlemen I have tbe Imvimw to snbmtt the following report for the month ending July 31 : No. ot lutliAiils remaining at last report 07 " u admitted during July. 142 " " treated " " ....20 1 " dlHcharged " .... 93 " " died " " .... iO " " remaining July 31 a Received from pay ward and turned over to City Treasurer alnce last re'pt 30 The marine account for tho month amounts to 9356, a statement of which has .mi furnished tbe Surveyor of Customs for .settlemeut with the CUy Treaaurer. Respectfully. (i. B. THORNTON, Physician in charge. Received and ordered published. BARIKR ilOsriTAI.. Statement of the Memphis General Hospital, as Marine Hospital of the third class, for the month of July, ls70: No. of patients remaining in hospital on the 1st day ol July 10 No. ot patients admitted il'iriiiK July 27 No. of patients discharged during July IS No. of patients deisaased duriug Juiy 4 No. of rlatienls remaining ou tbe last day of July U Aggregate number of days relief during July 325 F penditurcs lurinq July, 1870. Board, medicines, and utirsiug -- ' 00 Burials, four - 30 00 Total Respectfully, U. B THORNTON, I". Pbysiciau charge. Received and ordered printed. CITV niSI'KNSAHY. Memphis City Dispensary iu account with City of Memphis. Dr. July 30. To amount hand July 2d, last account 9i 5 July HI. To amount received from City Treasurer, July 3d 175 00 July .ii To aiueuut by order on City Comptroller 40 70 July 13. By amount for two months' servant hire ...... July 3u. Bv amount for i. W. Jonea ot Co., drugs - - 2i 00 40 70 V,t n Balance on baud IJ ALEXANDER EKSklNE. M. !., I lean b acilli v Medical College. Revised and ordered printed. HFI'OROKR. Monthly report oi the Recorder ol the City of Memphis, for the mouth of July, 1870: Mo. prisoners arraigned - Mo. oaaca lloui last nioiiiAi stale esses No. tried mid nil. u t-- ' No. eaaeses coutluued No. cases releaiiisl No. tried and aischareed.... 00 iu on 56 3 S! IS .57 No. cai.es appealed um 9 Aiilouul ol tlnis4 si ' Total in ill musses Issued '.'.i' "S Amount flues collected. I1.SM sn eolleiinsl on .. ...... 1,'JCi lo Amount uf Hues remitted " 9236 912 1 Tolal Ci.ilUS l Ainollnt collected allU palU over Ul CUy Creaaurur S,U to I," J. W. Scales, Recorder of the City of Memphis, do solemnly swear that tbe above report is true ami correct. Received aud ordered published. cniKP op policr. Datvaoa up cuikk op Poi.icb, 1 Memphis, August 3, 1870. To tho Mayor aud Members of tbe Com mon Council : Gentlemen I have tho honor to submit for your consideration my report of the business of the Police Department, lor tbe mouUi of July, 1870. The whole uumberof men constituting the 1'olico Department, is as follows; (Japtaius, 2; Sergeants, 4; Day Police, 27; Nighi Police, 34; Station-hous- e Keepers, 3; Sss'ial Force, I; Clerks, 2; lotai. 70. .Irrrstt. Nuiulier of persons arraigned, 8MJ; cases continued brum last month, 3; total, M. Males, 710: females, 172. Night arrests, 131; day arrests, 438. A i ill titties. United Stales ( white), 215; L nited Stales t isiloretl i, 399; England, 1 . Ireland, 181: Slot land, 4; Herman c Italy, If; Frauisa, 7; total, 882. White males, 422; atdotaal males, 288; white fe- males, 0i); colored females, 112. Ageanf Cnaonvrn. of the entire num- ber ol arrests, (ii were under 20 yeitra of age; 640 between 20 and 30; 210 between 30 and 10; 58 between 40 and 60; ami 0 over 60 years of age. Mature of Crimes. Misdemeanor, 362; drunk, 201 ; disorderly isiudiict, 8.- - as- sault aud ualUary, 4; UMxault, (0; robbery, 5; beating wife, 7; gambling, it; keeping gambling house, 2; concealed woapous, 30; keeping a bawdy-hous- 5; inmates of bawdy-lious- 26; larceny, 13; danger- ous and suspicious, 17; vagrancy, 11; lewdness, 21 ; miisauco, 17; iiiurder, 1; ombt ..lenient, 1; obtaining money uuder false pretenses, 1; pasHiiig oounterfeit money, 1; total, 862. state cases, 33; number tried and lined, 686; number ou' prisoners released, IS; number of prison- ers discharged, 237; cases continued, 1; total 884. Amount of lines assessed, 94283 95; amount of suit i muses issued, i''17s 00: amount collected on mittiiuusee, flbOt 95; amount paid by prisoners, $1243 10; amount remitted, 940; amount turned over to City Treasurer, $3008 05. Amount of property recovered and re- turned to owners, 91 179 00. A n t nulls found astray and returned to owners, 7. Feed of Prisoners. Tim nunilssr of pris- oners led were: Chain gang, 457 at 50c, 92 8 si oummon, 909 at 35c, fefJt total, 957 05. Respect, ul v submitted, T. W. O'DON N ELL, Chief Police. Received and ordered printed. CTTT Bit llINJERR. ClTY EMONKKB's ' 'I t'll p. f Mkmi-his- , Aug. 2, 1870. Statement of work done by tbe Street Force duriug tbu month of July, 1870: Firtt Ward. Cleaning si re, is i u adi ii,. Third a nk house force., j as luche-te- r ,1b st Second Wat ,L Cleaning streets hy workhouse force.. 82 Kepairlug culverts on Second n . . t at Poplar uud WashliiKtou Ui Ul 7Vii;(f Hunt Cleaning streets h woikhuuse forcn.. au I covenui' cuiveri ai corner oi necouil and Jell'ersou streets 25 00 MmrIA Ward. C'leftaing nt reels hy workhouse force.. 52 ft4 Hunt Cleaning streets bv workhouse lorse- - 09 W Kepairlug culvert at Main aud L'umju; slreula 19 lai A. ". HM. Cleaning streets by workhouse force a wi Kepairlug dulliiu street i. . 44 v ul veils on Mam street 50 Ot Seventh Want. C'eanlng streets hy workhouse force.. 7S OS Culvert and Mauiiigou Elliott street near Causey lot) 03 Repairing railroad bridge on Madi son sUeel UJ Repairing Csu-c- street heL I and Linden 37 on Kepairlug hrltlge ou uin-- st. near M vi.. railroad 2 50 HHyhtU Ward. i 'lean us; si reels by workhouse force. 12 00 Repaii tug Hamllu street. 17 LO 44 Yates avenue 7 at 44 Ihorutou avuuue 5 60 Calvert, Johnson and Murphy 'aall'y. 'M 26 Ninth Ward. Cross gs at Ureealaw and Kourtb st.. 17 Oalvert and zradlng al Pifta and Loonuy streets 31 01 BenairluK culvert corner koorui Auction streets t Ot liulldiug oulvert on Poplar street batk Cr. --MS 15; Mauasaas uid Dunlap 119 0U (it a. uk ou Poular. same olaee Tea Kepuiring Uunliip street. .. a M iiradlug sixth aud Mill streets :I8 OU Culvert, aaiue plaoe........ 20 s Tenth WardP m Oi adlng on Main sueet between Oal noun ami South 48 OU Wharf and IxmiMno. Work done hy workLousa foroe bet. Ussisand Uniou, 2Ui ou tsHseeUaneous Beau. Repalr.ng 0115 stable J3 Ot Hauiiag gas posts 0 Total..... J . ...w,ox aa Respectfully submitted. J. H. HUMPHREYS, City Engineer,' Reoeiyad and ordered publtahad. Crrr ENotwEra'sOioricTt, I Mbmpiim, Tbbn., August 2, 170. j To tbe (leneral Conncil: GesUlemen The following la a correct statement of the expenditures in tbl de partment during the month ol July: Salariea 9 oal 00 Ofilec and Incidental Ksptnsts. ("ni bins, liunn dcCisrvor ... Streets and Alleys. Win. Devldeen J. Eunis W. J. Ohase liii t boli. n. em A Allen W. L.O rilling .V(a D. McCleary Street roll. Whsrrf and Landmnf. Amount expended in boring Wells and Cisterns. Job. limit Randle A Heath Lights ami Lamps. Cole A Co Randle .V Heath 124 109 420 law Total 93, W HosisX'lfiilly submitted, I. 11. UlJMPHREYsi City Engl ueer. Received and ordered printed. LAMP l.'LKAKIUL Mi. mi ni-- . August 1, 1870. (ieneral Council, City of Memphis: Gentlemen I report that 1 have cleaned, rcoairod and kept in appropriate burning order duriug Hie past mouth, July, 1870, nr.: Public gas lamps 341 Publlcoil lamsi 27 Total public auu.-- . I have repaired as follows, iu Jul', 1870, vtai 1 have put imw cleeta, etc., on public gas lamp 17 1 have repaired with stsider, etc., lamps o Total lamps repaired in July, 1870.. .;.: I have put up and appropriately adjusted new gas laiupa 44 I have put, public gaa lamps, paues glass US I have put, iu public oil lamps, new panes of glasis TiUal new July, 1870. of gl useil iu I have i. Piling July, 1S70, gas ami oil lamps 4 boxes lamp glass. Respectfully, JOSKfU lt.liOKl INSPKCTOR. MEMpnLs, Tknn., August L 1870. Hon. Hoard of Mayor and (ieiieral Coun- cil: tfentlsuien Tlie City Inspector respect- fully submits Ui your honorable bisly a report ol the work done by him for the montli of July, aa follows: Miscellaneous .voiglnng and gaug 9 1 Tesliug weights ami measures 20u (V Weighing coal (it Wetgbiag grain aud hay 50 Total 9K Yours, W. H. HORTON. Received and ordered printed. REPORTS OK STANDINH COMMIT TEES. COXfMITTKi: O.N ACCOtlrTTS. The Committee on .tcounts report fa- vorably upou, aud recommend the allow- ance ami payment ol the lollowiug ac- counts against the city Memphis, viz: .S!aijy',.lccxiiiBf. John Johnsou, salary as Msyor 9 D. A. Sbepberd, Comptrollei L. R. Richards, Register. W. 11. Bndgea, Treasurer W. 11. Stephens, Attorney Jss A. Newsow, Serg't-al-Axius- .. Pay Roll Uenerai Council ' '.wiini.iM 'in. F. W. Robertson, Tax Collector 9 Robert (ioode. Wharfage Engiueer's Department. J. Humphreys, Engineer.. 9 A. J. Murray, Assistant Engineer L. (i. Witliaina, Rodman C. P. Marshal, Driver Cubbins, (iuun A Coover 76 graile slakes Lights and Lamps. Memphis (las Light Company... Kamlle it Meatu, 3 lamp poais ... J. Slatly, lighting 27 oil lamps ( ubbina, iiunn A Coover, 1 sUq- - ladder - Cole at Co., lamp glass James Raburi, cleaning lamps, utc Samtary Department. City Dispensary, donation 8 176 Fire Department. Kehoe, Chief, pay roll em- ployees - H.029 57 W. J. Chase A Co., proveuder bie teams I 'ark A (oildsiullb, painting M .Cbiaiv, tilackamithiug J. Kujiul blacksmilbiug J. mi. Kelly, Uaeksinilliiug J: w. Cowau, veterinary surgeon .. ii ic I aaasrtl It aaiitlBaT I n illia Co., dust if uu Streets and Alleys. ( n liis. foreman, pay roll eriuplovee 91,5-- ' W, J. Urilhug A Co., lumber. D. MeClear.V, 007 white oak I umbel J. Enuia. blacksiiiilliitig W. J. Chase A lav, provouiier street teams V. Davidson, 1 svagou t.artholouiow A Allen, Nicholson pavement M.C. Isaacs A Bro., wheelbarrows Jo. Seligman, 1 mare (leo. D. Css-hrat- 1 gunwale Robert Hritton, City Hospital. Dr. (J. B. Thornton, physician. nav roll Hnoulovoea. I J. E. Frank, hospital supplies J. Laoroix, 1000 lbs. beef .. J. Lacroix, 2H0 ll. lieef. (. V. PreaeoiA Co., sundries.. .. Ohuo. 11 ii 1.0. breed. ."lllO,, .'. Appeal 1'iililinhiiig Company, city irinting in May Appeal PuMiahing Company, city in June and July K. Wbitiuore, oUy printing Staturnery. Cow pertii wait, Chapman eX Co., stationery ur Recorder Cowi ssrthwait. Chapman iV Co., stat ooery for Ctaatf of Police.... Boyle tfc Chapuiau, alaliouery lor Chiel of Boylo .fc Chapman, stationery lor Comptroller Boyle A Chapman, staliouery lor Mayor " Boyle A Chapinau, atathmeo' 'r Treasurer Boyle it Chapman, stationery hr Recorder Nuisance A osount. J no. Harvey, keeping u'redao- - boat W. Hulbert, removing nui- - ssnoes. Robert Maiklin, removing nui- sances. Lunn A Mai Ion, repairing di'edge- - boat :m up Wells and 'uterus. Jos. Haines, balance on cistern Randle A Heath, cistern oapa Pauper Account. C. Hoist A Co., burial isxapers Whorl and Landuw. Drury Dempsey, 26 days' labor Pat. Mauiiiug, sundry labor R. J. Hollihan, rive boxes Randle ifc Heath, sundries Mastmsse Account. A. B. Moore, ser voces as janitor Luuu .t Mai Ion, services M.J. Wright, court cost Joel T. Scott, election service dbsrl Stjuare. Ed. Keating, Superintendent. Market Square. Martin Shea, Superintendent Market Uuuse. J. A. I'eniger, N. Market Master 1. .is. Horner, Market Master Police Deportment. fSPay roll day police Pay roll utght police Sanitary police Miscellaneoua employees. M. Noalie, boarding prisoner- - J. W. Scaiea, salary as RaconlMr Jones, Brown A Co., ottioe rent (1. D. Croohett, otic 0 rent W. C. aUli, badges, etc Luuu A Mailoti, sundriea. Mitchell, Hotlinaa k Co., T. W. O'Douaell. hi T. W. O'Douuell, In is,. k.-- ping H. 8. Moddox, horsekoupiag M. Clean . blacksinilhinir m oo 44 75 46 72 95 UM 36 71 1537 47 00 00 6 080 45 70 437 SO ill new uf Of ing 40 90 124 SO of ft. 410 Is3 .7 i i xi 308 99 ino m 333 33 125 00 021 90 105 29 221 91 2o0 00 160 UO 8 00 70 00 51,7ni 44 425 90 94 50 s mi 45 73 85 00 00 W. lie, s.; u oo 7 50 31 50 28 95 125 00 8 00 W 'tw saw K. 124 79 oil H. O. ar 19 71 44 76 45 72 80 00 124 95 49 00 260 is 7 50 10 UO ; ii6 :io9 i4 80 00 194 40 41 10 75 38 16 109 l 50 78 Ul 8 2b 8 7h 4 00 1 75 35 29 960 00 30 00 47 50 5 00 00 5 Ot J. 18 V26 00 S. ( 67 00 7 60 68 975 00 13 30 38 oU 6 (JO 33 983 33 98S 33 8S 33 92,883 60 3,641 321 00 5h7 06 100 0b 47 00 106 00 6 75 2-- 65 39 250 uo 26 00 26 00 12 60 The following accounts wore referred the Committee ou Claiina. t- - .1 it Southern Advertiser, priuting 242 50 1MPHOV KM K r OOMMITTBUB. Be it or domed, etc. That -- be proiile of Second street, from bayou (jsyoao to tne corporation aa spociUed by the City Knirmeer. be hereby aoproved, and pub lished for thirty daya in the Acpkal, SB a notice to property uoniers aiimg street to examine the same. Paaaed Aral reading; 260 9208 27C 00 9100 S52 983 80 270 00 Ou to dity tine, rubs and ordinance paaaed second and tinal reading by Board of Aldermen. Referrtd to Improvement Commute-- ) by Council, June 20, 1870. Upon Uie above and foregoing ordi- nance, your committee report favorable. Report 1 ami ib IB BBIBllJ. Ordi nance pic si .1 rst reading. Miles suspend- ed and ordinance pissed aacond read lug. (J AS OOMMITTKK. By Alderman Roach: Upon the petition ol sundry citizens, aekhag that a lamp post be placed in trout ol (J race Cbareb, on Hernando street. Prayer i anted by Board of Aldermen. Referred to Uas Committee by Council, Jnlv 20. 1870. Your Committee report as follows, to-w- That tbe prayer be granted. Adopted by Council, August 3, 1870, To be wnoluated - LETTER LIST. 1 l i. il. A Hat of letters MHIlin lun in Uie Mem pm Poawnice aad no I deliv er ,si iiy carriers nunui - Allletlcm dire, ted to street and numbers WIU la delivered promptly by carriers LADIES' LIST. Acre mrs I. r Creed atra at A l iavton tuus N liavu iaia KH Isnyle inrs A Klelda miss 11 l oxslletl inrs V A llasUry leiaa at Hall H UuliU Hall Hint M M inrs W rors TioulausHi mil mis W OKNTLKMEN'S ajaaa OC VIMclwr W J R Brown Koaxlor M Itohen Ii (liirtulev A carpanter nowaid i laiaaa r Cook in r I'mfliiu J Cowan ( Ihwa liuun IKxIy-- r OavoMou J I tones E Lyase, atlas C Lincoln White Wurveu laiasC LINT, U Porter C T h AB I: tl It i. 'lansen (I .v N 1" U Nixon V A W H I v i n,n eK fell it HoyJM Philips C al llcuilervon W Ft IveyKB SskteJ ... i. ...i W H .i.o iasj W J I. It siiiydero W U .nut I HiaaxaoBSai L, U Meeiiaa Swears C tiissiy Al Snilrtrng lco aaaaa Wasa v lUf.ha JJ M ll beau K VV i nslOM C W M.sare N 1' Weeks i; J Aco Klowera T Z Utey at If TO THE PEOPtC. If yott do not etevt a Democratic Suprcuio Court to-da-y you may took lor the nullification of aril the work done hy your lieinocratk' lrislature and your iMiica ratic county and city officials. I. .ok to your ticket.-- . Hee that hi die ui! lViiiiM'nttH are ou il. Ttvday atronls you iIn- - last opportu- nity of contending for lieinocratic RIVER NEWS. BOATS LEA VINO THIS DAY. SL Louis It ELI. b St. Lopis , pm ARRIVALS. Marble Cltr Vlisxahuni tleneral Aaelerso.i. Krlari Point DEPARTURE. Mai hie City . ML Lu,oU tieneral AuJersoii .Knar'a Poiul IN PORT. Pat Cleburne. Ht. Krancls. HIVKRS, WEATllKR AMD lU'SIHMaS. Has Works, August Tbe vi r l n il. Below high water mark of 1807, feet 10 inch. CHARLES GOODWIN, Supei inti ndeut (is Work. Tho weather .s variable. Rain fell yes- terday morning", and was threatened at s times .hiring the day. The Ar- kansas has alsiul three leel of water to the Rock, ami is on a stand. White rivei is low and iu bail order. BV TBT.KORAPBT. I't iTsKttuu. A 11 rust ;. -- W eat ber cloudy. Mouougaueia, 1 leet . lucliea aud lallmg. Roth rivers falling above. Cairo, August 3 Cp: City of Cairo, Vicksburg to St. Louis, II p.m.; Ureal Republic, New Orleaua to St. Lunia, 11 a.m. : Cii v ot Alton. Memphis to St. Louia, 1 a. in. Down: Belle St. Louis, St. Louia to Memphis, 7 .1.111.: Sam, J. Hale, Cin- cinnati to Memphis, s a.ut. River sta- tionary, it rained all last night. The weather is cloudy. Mercury st". Loins villi:, August 3. The river haa risen liiree inches duriug tbe Last twelve hours, with lour feet three inches in the chute, and eight feet 011 the Portland bar. Weather cloudy aad warm. Mercury av- al 2 p.m. Cincinnati, August 3. -- River eighteen feet and rising slowly. Weather clear. Then 1101 mi or 86 al nooa. Departed : Wauauila, Memphis. Sr. Lor is, August 3. Arrived: Henry Ames, New Orleans. Departed: Bis- marck, New Orleans; ( rand Tower, Mem- phis. River failing: upper Mississippi rising at Dubuque. A heavy shower this ailerniHiu. 8 vsii vn.i.B, Angnkt 3. River rising, willi six foot on Harpeth Shoals. Weather warm : rains lasl uigiit and Una uiui mug Departed: LIU Uiiguas, Cauo. HlM'KLLAXKOliH. Captain W. H. Brown, the Pittsburg king of biack diamonds, is in our city, on a hriet business 1 isn. Ca4in Browuaiul fan ilv returned recently from a trip to the Pacific meat. The transition from snow-da- d peaks of the mountains of Col orado to the neat ol our Mississippi valley is rather severe on the Captain. Captain McINeeley's wrecking boat is now anchored oU' the loot of Monroe street, and diveis are mini 11 g for the sunken Nettie .loues. Bottom is louud al the depth of sixty feet, aud several pieces of .steamers have been seen, but so far the Nettie is undiscovered. The river beil ia hard and smooth aa a door, aud when fouud the Nellie can be ea&ily raised. Sleauieis are respectfully re-- pio-i- e I to knepa watch out for the wreck lag Isiat as tbey laud at our levee. Ihe channel is Hard lo find between Cairn and St. louis. ft diaugee position uearly as often as the Louisville (Amnn - JuurnaCs river column. Dkvii.'s llJOW, Angitst 3, 1870. Dear AjtpetU: There is but little to add to what you have already published the late disaster lo tbe d Silver Spray. One body haa been found lloat111g.11 the river al Sloe k ley s l.aud- - ug, which, il is thought, is that ot Cap tain .Ionian or tbe mate. The night ot Ihe .'list waa calm ami beautiful, and tbe concussion occasioned by the explosaou fairly made tbe earth tremble. There was nothing left ol her staudiug alsjvo tbe uiaiu dock to dehne her lormer outline. Her crew worked gallantly lu save the lives of those left ou tbe wreck. There was no cry of distress. No help was near except their on 11 brave hearts and strong arms. 1 lie lifeboat carried some to the shore, while 01 hers took the " leap for Uie aud sank to rise no more, a bile those who could swiui gained the bank scorched by lire ami steam. A cabin oc- cupied by three wood choppers was Hie only lianiianie place near, where tho poor creature made tho land, but here Ihey foiiuil hospitality, which otnild not lie excelled in a palace for tie warmth aud welcome. J. M. Tliroop, P. M. Wood, W. J. Cole, lianry li stead ami Richard L ike, of Ibe Mem- phis and St. Louis Railroad Engineer cor 1 ., were conspicuous in aiding ha Bat- terers, its were also R. J. oliualead, Johu Kink, Majur Johu McCarriu aud James Turner, n Risen. Of tho gallantry ami hospitality of Captain Luker. of tbe City ot Cairo, i have before spoken, but the name of the " City of t 'aire, ' of the Mem- phis, St. Louis ami Vicksburg line. Cap- tain J as. P. Luker, Shtyerly and Hail, should bo known in every bat and buine along our great river. Such acts 01 mercy aud brotherly love are Worthy of all praise, and will live in memory and be whispered in prayers as long as one of tbe crew survives of the d "Spray '' that perished iu the Elbow ou the night of the 3rt ult. Your, near t he wreck. F. Brown A Jones lost a coal boat between this point anal Cairo a day or two ago. it contained 22,000 bushels. A large amount of is lying above tbe falls at Louise. lb. awaiting shipment south. It can't get ihrongh until the ca- nal is completed. An eUoi I is being made by coal men to havu tbe water turned ou so as to let the fleet through, but it is leared bat the authorities may not grant Ihe request. Should they not do so, ooal will he scarce along the lower river this season. Tbe Belle St. Lonis, Captain Alexander Ziegler, wiil get away to-d- for Cairo ami St. Louis. She connects with tbe train North aud East. Mr. Baaketle has charge of the olBee. Tbe Little Alp came off the docks yes- terday and is in excellent trim. The ll. MrShreve is past due from 1 al- low, she is coming on one wheel. t'apiain Krauk links left yesterday for St. Lv'tiis. The ornamnutiU tops ol" the Pat Cle- burne's union-.- . are be lug painted white. The W. R. Arthnr had not arrived at a late lmur last night. iixe Susie Silver and the I'.isiuarck are Uie next IiohI due tioiu above. The sam J. Hale is about due from the Ohio. 't he Mnry Boyd leaves on Friday for the Arkansas. novel craft, aptly named the New ally, has lieen constructed to run upon the North river. Her length is 224 feet over all, aad, 216 ftt keol. she is blind with two locomotive engines, and is furnished with. Bap rate waler-ligi- it isimpartinents. The easdneaaiid boilers are erected on tbe uiaiaiievk. The inuiu cabin occupies nearly the whole length of the hurricane deck, and is furnished in tho same manner as the ladies' cabin. The vessel, on her trial trip, attained an average speed of twenty miles an hoar. NOTICE. raemnera of the " sociela dl Unlone e T'HK Italians ' will meet al Uielr new hall, No. 17 South lasart street, uaat TliiirsJuy, ibe lib, at o'clock, being the reg- ular monthly meeUng. All are requested to of the President. Lis&imsW VALLAJtU. aaary. w. ctarr. r- - CLAPP & MEUX, TORN BTS, . - UNION STKRKT, Memphis, Tenn. J. 1 J W. Claup will continue to practice In Desoto and Panola counties. Mlas. lertt TRI WEEKLY MAIL & PASSENGER Ooaohes Oalaes Landing mCaindea, Arkan FKOM Departures Mondays, Wednaaday and'riday, at ? tm. jgjfcimm t

MEMPHIS DAILY AUGhlTST 4, · ANNOUNCEMENTS. MAGISTRATE 5th CIVIL DISTRICT MAU1BTKATK FIFTH CIVIL HITKHT. iVl W are aulborircd to mikhiow r m. u'I STRUM candidate lor the office ot

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Page 1: MEMPHIS DAILY AUGhlTST 4, · ANNOUNCEMENTS. MAGISTRATE 5th CIVIL DISTRICT MAU1BTKATK FIFTH CIVIL HITKHT. iVl W are aulborircd to mikhiow r m. u'I STRUM candidate lor the office ot



MAU1BTKATK FIFTH CIVIL HITKHT.iVl W are aulborircd to mikhiow r m.

u' I STRUM candidate lor the office otMaaaatrate of the rifth Civil Mmiiet. YtM



civil u. . mm c i rrv 1.

lire aolhorised to anununce i'. '. M'A H A N

st n candidate nrr me omo- v- -Civil DtstrlcL



H AWCKLIiOK OF 'THS MM afKjttWe are authorized to

rcvTuisK of Bolivar, as a candidate fornmneellor of the Tenth District, mm posed.... of Bkultson. Havwnod. Lauderdale Tipmu. Ksyette audjaardernanJ10


.1 candidate for Justice el UM Ptfm lu the1. rid civil DtstrlcL Kleetlon first Thursdaylu November. 'J

, v ,;KS 14th JI DUTAL ( iK"T,. miRm-v.ijKNFRA- OFA TEEMTH I lflTf.-- W

1.1.HX11N 3m of l.anderdnle eolcandidate tor AkterTioy-U- i


l4,tflhtvC am .ran. .dal

FbKIBATK fXHJRT.-- We are,ie.l annoance KA". rami --

da.eT.r Jodgeo! Probate Con rtol Sl.elhycounty.


nty KWIIMTKR candidateRceialer. Klectlnu first Ti.urs

lay In August. IJeli

JlirxiK SUPREME OOUKt Mil'.iso-- : siiPRtJ 8ion. We ar

TlfKNKV asacapreine 'ourt froi

THK FVl'K- -





wlx a


ad l .'ia- -



to K. R. ns a I


. .iii -- 1 sni a forI i vmi n t t

i W



HOUR BOPBEMK WWKT KAWTKKII HI;.1 vitn-I- n the published

', Hie Itar m couid;sl anil nnmerona solid ations

of friends, 1 hereby annonnce myself an acandidate lor we Ranch ot tue Supreme"gy" ta t.MUW K.

TlinOB KUPKKMK lUICT KA.r-R- 1K-.- 1

ami reu.ne.te.1vmw.s -- Weareanilrlr.edannoanee Hm. T. A. N M.s.i.N

for Supreme Court In.tge from theKssicrn Division. The election - to Is held

first Thursday iniuile fr of ll.e llirwanei""""'ti,e ssate be electwK






t" i

i: I m I K 8 U P R E M E 4 O I W EST. D I V .

lUIKiK K1PKICMK i ll RT WaXTKKN l'l-,- 1

vimow. We are authorlsl lo announce1HIKJ. FKKKHAN aa a caiolhl lor Ji-- Io

of tbe Knpreme 4'onrt for the Weeru I M vi-

sion. Kleetiou Angnat 4. 170 myM

UIK4R xl'PKII TtaioM. Hie

RNfcF.I'. of Fayet" preeeut

Teuneaaee aa aMonretne IVmrtt ..n AurH. i"7"



M Mill1







ol Hon. JOHN U Tou v. are anttiortaMl byname to the people oflldate lor Jadve thethe


Weatern ll.vnoo:)



tart it.-- In reapon-- e

t., ll.e fiattertne aanrance of anpport whichhave been tendered tome, I herelvy nnimonirluraelf a candidate lor to theoftJce of Attorney -- 4eneral of the FourteenthJndinal fireolt. Election Hint Tiiooulay inAnnst next. WAI.KI.R Wiani


,1 request of s respectable portion of t hebar and of the people ol the Kourteentt .Indi-cia) Circuit, 1 announce ntvaeif a caultd.ilefor Jmltr ol that t i rem l. l ne eie m n n1 held on the first Thursday, htanitday of August




IRA AC M. WTff.t.K.


I tCWnMlTH- - A r.tt-rlt- s Uacknmitb Ui

to FUbi rvillf.Ti.nn. umwiisiu,For couples and single gents, withROOMR also, s received at IK)

at ad laon street. ?S

To sell tbe Home nrm.tAi.tSTH- -

iiisr. Pilce.rS. It uiskesrii.-Iic-stitch" (allkeon both tide, and Is the

only licensed under-fee- d shuttle Machinesold for less than (Ot by WlieeierA Wllou. Urover Bxker, and Sjnei-r"'.-

All other under-fee- d Shaitle Machines soldfor leas than atii are Infrlngemeoia, 'ml theseller and user liable to proeTition. Aihlr.-s- s

Jussmis, cuakk Co.. bVsitnn, Mas.,Pllt-l.u- i.

!... h ic.n o. ill., or Ht, Lnnla, Mo. jaTo i tin- - . ru.os snriwiAul.NT It Is 14. ensrj. makes the

Uastic and Is warranted for6 years. Price.il Ail other machines iihau uuder-fee- sold for i . leas are Intrlnse-l.-

:,; Addres- - " wi okWIlKl M U Hl.sto, St. Louts, Mo.. i..o ;i,o, 111., PittrlMiu,

Pa., or Boston, )

WANTED-i;- tl rkk nv) -- b HieAUKNTS K n ITTl mi Machikb caw, Hoa-to- u.

Maes., or St. lul. Mo. )e'--i


1 1 ii si No. K4 court stre. t. next lo the res--J 1 ldcucs of L





Mill A i to








aOiW. - HA Ml. IN.Second street.

IKK That new aud conTeuientHUt dwelling house, No. Mi, corner olPouUdiK and St. Marti u e'reeU. with all ne--ioM.m j out buii. tius. Apply to

II No.M. M.






I M .in street.

P.KKK MAM'FAITiiKV.- - Sails ASPKt'CP Hear Manufactory, cornerThird aud Mill streets (entire business ands .ou will): i stablished in this city May, W I

sui JHXC W. AL.I. Proj.rietor.


ixitsisa.Bopth Mfrwm, No. M Friday of

eas-- montli Hall cor. Madison andW. -. Matthews. W. M. , Po. K. 1'alteii.Hec.

Anoskoa. Nn. 1st Monday In ev-ery ujonth, at s' Hall, cornerI ourt aud Main. C. M. Carroll, W. M. ; JubuBeam ish , Heeretnry.

l.r la Non. No. meets 1st PrliLiy of eachmonth Hall comer Madison and Second.1L W. MiK-hell- . W. M ; K Sturm. .

DeXoto. No. me. is id Friday of each11. i li ail. J. 1. HeairU.

W M.; K. W. shellon.See.Kilwinning, No. 141 meets 4th Friday ol

each mouth at South Memphis Hall, cor-ner ot Madison and Sec. mi w. A.

W. M. ; Louis Cxapskl, Hec


J'rjm C ii Arm, No. 2.' meets 24 Monday ofeach month tKM- Feilons' Hall. It. I . Tra-der. M. K. U. P.: 4 . O. 1ocke. Hec.

M k.a fins I Hinu No.M V. !. ineeis at OildFellows Hall. Henry J. Lynn. M.E.U.P.;11 . C. Bteevar. SecretarT.

B. AT S. M.1 m i s. No. a s 3d Monday of

. ... r, mouth 4dU F'sllow-.- ' Hall. li. Fork-loi.T- h.

111.; N.J. Wlcxla.Koc.TIHI'UIH

Cv h irk OoMVAwrsnr, No. 4- -

dni of month, tioo



MeliuisM, Com. ;

J. Barchus, itec.. . tHAl'IKK III fUSlKCuOIY Islli No.1. t.'bailes W. Adaius.xcd, M. W.; 11. T.Tumliusoii, iOd, See.'.





Oho Fellows' Hall, corner o( Mail, sodNorth CourL-Ku- th IsIkc. No 1. Uaubli

Rebekah meets ou the Srwt aud thirdFriday ol each month, at s o'elis kJ. W. WavikSslMU'C, N. U ; Mrs. I. W.is syuesbunt, V. 41.; IViiJ luuKtiaui, Sor'y.

UsToao Ksi am I'M Ear, No. u -- meets on theBnl and thlid Thursday nii'liU ol eachmontli, at s o'clock. Alex, liunn. c. P.; J.K. Russell. H. P. Thomas Kais.u, ScrilK-- .

Mtsi-Hi- IitMiE. No. t. meets every 1 uatsyuiEht, at s o'Hoek. H. M. Norwood, N U.A. W. Jonea. V.4s.; J. W. Waynosbur, tu--.

aud Flu. Sec'y.Ihiik-i- i No s meets every Mon

day ulebl. al o'eJock. J. M. Haaiple, N.U., la-o- u L.M.V.U ; Thus. H. Kluhaiu,Kec Hoc.

Hcmillem Uhe, No. HO sorts everyu, eduesdsi msht at s o clock. U. Harder,

li . I i.O Klopp


Bill for Oworct,






lu the second Circuit Court ol Shelby county.Wiu. H.Uevllvs. Maiy 1.. Hi a 1L

BILL lor divorce havius been Bled InA this case, and it m , hross ,m ithat the defeudant Is a oi thestate ol Tennessee:

It Is therefore ordered, Thst she make herappearance herein, at Use courthouse lu thecity ol Memphis. Teuo .oii uibefuie tlie thirdMonday luHeplembei , IsTli, and plead, answeror demur to ooiuplaiuaut bill, or the samewill be taken lor coulcsaed as to ass andset lor bearing exparte; and that aco( olthis order be published once a week, lot leursuooeesive weeks. Id the Memphis Apiieai.

Uoue at oOtce, iLls Uth ds of Jul) , l.s.u.P. U. HoVLjf, Clerk.

By W. Lewis Whaktui, Deputy Cleik.Warrlner, Lee Thuiiuoud, Hols, lor


NOTICE.1KTTKRS testameutaj-- having been

J J. Ban. aud N. W. Smith onthe swlate ol lir. A. Itowutt, deoeas, d altperson knowing IheiuseivsM inoeiil.slto the estate are iniussted to mast:f.aywent to me at one. and all persons

against the estate ate loI i them. prosrly anlheutuaied, to mewithin the time pioacribed by law. or theywill N.W. RlilTH

July Ih. IK7U. Jyl7 (' dllervllie. Teun.

Lumber, Laths and Shingles.

I HAVE now on band a fall stork of cypresspopiar and walnut lumber, laths audmwbJ shingles. 1 have also a larte stock ofn.c- - an. .nii.1.1, i, cviii,. audampiepaiedtoUl! orders for lumber, ol suy dimeusiousou short uullee.

saVMills aud Lumiier Yard on Won riverImmediately north ul Bayeu Uayoso.jya? vWlW U. al. s'ivN AjJUi.


Arrival m Departure Matl.M km nil- - PosTOrnrB. OlBoa lvorjra

from S a.m. U)6 p.m. Sundays from 9 to10 a.m.C LOM.a m. f M. Memiihla l...nivtiie

R. iM.inf S.irthli: Wl": Hi Ka-- t. TkricodallT

a is


lxni-vil- l-

BR matinemnhla Uli



M A-- Ry


Ltleaoati. iun.1Meuphui UUle Hock K

12:00 R dally except rtnndays



iilu- -



WaataatMl tooh and Friar'a Point .dally 10 rOW

iMtaH. river to Icasi nrg:L.

iijryTi.indaya and Matar.l .ysl



,Mi river to r. mh.. on


WhileTue.lay and MatnrdayH.;

Hli.l Fr:i'iArk:uiMh river.ly, Mondays. Wedneaduylunti riasyaMt'innhlH to Marlon, Ark.,

on M.nduja,iWcinesoayi and Mutaya

..I,.- - t.. Tcoii.ttiwe.-klr- . Friday

M i' lo llyhaloi and;idivo

tr01We.-kly- , Tni- -. A F:otay" J.

at p






MlaB..Heinl- -




meetsMitolsasraaehool, WMThlnl

Watch Arkansas neirro votersy.




Tesrtenlsy everiinfr Inteneolyclofwi

Look SallH'jitdvertiaenient

Look nosrro Radicalpeaters" y.

Iwrirainsi piano willat Main street.

New Jmitilinga coitatantly IwinjrnmMr contract, erected around


Itecnrilor drspoad twenty-frva- r

casas; aunrsiiiiuJ finos. llect,l

Ttio hermomoter stoodo'clock p.m. yesterday, barona

2!.Sovery little sickness

snsson city, epidemiccharacter e





P. M.

I. O. B. B.7.. St



at Joo W.

ont for ami rethe ills

The Isvst in he..hp. 2tS Pall and seo

arepot and

The of$I J4 were in and .S0

at WW at twoand the

eter in.We hear of the

in the and no of anyists.

A larire sioo.k of aoconii haml tavepianos for rent or sale, at H. O. Hollen- -

berg's, Clay I'.uildiiif;.


rhe son of Dr. Alnion P. Brooks, loneand well known m this city, died yenterday Hot Spring, Ark.

ot every Democrat ami lionest manrail" to the tsilis to-d- and vote theatra rht rt. ticket.

Iia lys ko reoniv-A- the New Yorkdailies on the second day after thoir ap.car in. or within lorly eight hours.

t.us. sirnaii;o, of the lirenaria Srnlinrl. is in tbe city, and tkinel Freemanone of tbe candidatee for SupremeCourt ..'i.. i.


.. . . . . i




.i (









-. ,

Tne sale of lots at Brink ley, on tbeMemphis ami Little Rock Railroad, is

ed until Thursday, the lMth dayor AUk-U.s- l, is.u.

-- H. G. Ilollenberg baa a fine aasort-met- tt

of ('tuckering Piaaoa, tbe host amiclieapesl lir-- i clasx piano in the world.Sold r.n ea terms.

Argument in tbe case was concluded VHsUo ilay in the Second ( liaiusrvCourt, and LI. a case waa sul'initlesl, when4 ourt adjourned till Friday.

Tbe wholesale dealers in champagnes,fine winea and imported cigars are, manyof them, refusing to sell until Homelhiugiletiiiitu is known about the war inEurope.

'Siiuire Kiernan is, thanks to Raleighwater, again laiginning to look like bisold self. We congratulate the veteran,and hope that be will soon be aa hearty anof old.

We are indebted to Wiil Manaford,Eei., for tbe latent Seienlifie Amerteim andApfJeton't JunrniU. Mis counters arealways supplied with the very latest aerialreading matter.

The correspondence pnblisbad in yes-terday's A reitAi. between the Freeiiuwa,reaultwl in a bkKsly affray at Browns-ville, as will Is3 seen by reference lo ourtelegraphic olumn.

Tbe coriat of a negro aaan was fishedout of the n er at the navy yard rosiertty looming. An imiuent was held byc l .ner Walton, and a verdict renderedol " lound drowned." Fr m appearancesthe ly bad been in the water aotne .lays.

C. W. i : r, elected Councilman yes-terday to represent the Eighth ward, laone of the bent merchants and uiomI aemii-Lm- o

buaixsasM men of the city. Tbe Eighthward could hot have done fsslter for itselfthan baa been done tor it by tbe Councilin this selection of Mr. (lover to fill theplace treated by Mr. Hallutn.

There was a vast quantity of moistureheld in ausM3nsiou yeHterday, by tbewarm atmosphere. We inhaled water,those of on who breathed, by the quart .

and spent the day within doors or on thestreet in a hot vapor bath. Of coursetin. re is much consequent debility ; butthe process we undergo la mnch tbe samewith that lo which one is subjected in aTurkish bath.

The election to-d- ay iamlyaa interestaof such magnitude that every businesshouse and every citizen interested in thewell-bein- g of society should make it tbesole occupation of tbe day Vo see thatevery accessible voter deposits bis bal-lot. All must die, and Um iteareat secu-lar interesta of every citizen of the coun-ty mnt be affected by the choice raatlo-to-d-ay

between tho candidates for the Pro-bate Judgeship. Shut your shop and golo the - .iis at nine o'clock.

Dogs were slaughtered by tbe scoreyesterday morning in the vicinity of theGat io liouse. Tbe victims of the ter-rifB-e

dog ordinance bowled piteonaiy,aud doc; owners swore vigorously, but allin vain. Almost a cart load ot curs andfancy animals of doggisj dasignalku.sand cUaractertstlcs bit the dust. Tbettcrk of destruction will be oonllnoved to-day and indefinitely, we hope, nnlil amighty m uluiude of bowling brutes, thatrender night hideous eyery where in this

are exterminated.The saloon of the Wo rah am Hons has

Issen under the auspice ofthose excellent gentlemen, Messrs. Lou.U kcrson and Jim Strickler. Both thomanagers of this famous resort of wine-bibbe- rs

are thoroughly skilled in all thearts of the trade, and will never vendany leverage which connoisseur will nutapprove. Spend an evening and redeemhours ol delight from lite woes of earthwithin walla which, aoatata all that is ex-cellent anionjj wluea and stronger liquorsthat are mixed with wondrous ak ill byWUkanou dt Strickler.

A Fraot street merchant, who. in-vented heavily in a Radical, ytwf islrsome time ago, thiukinjj tka ike RsaIhsvIwould be elocte usk wtUl iaal officemight be se.uxssA B hiuasaU, has aban-doned tkQ HUla of his fathers and goneover, aaiil and body, to tbe Radicals. Weii c ud the local fact of the moat extraor-dinary case of com;, tie mliet, of hydropho-bia, of delirious triangles, and "iusu witha poker," that ever bapsMied ia thta city." Last it be record i, vital hsss veritablewhile maj sat ykl cltisu, and alwavsdeeiuud geutletaart, has tss-oui- a Radi-cal, and, as we are advised, has absolutelymade a speech to a negro mob, announcinghis adhesion to the horrible party.

The impression still prevaila amongmany voters that it will be absolute! yuecessary for them to show IhftL, La re-ceipt before they can yuq, Tlis. is all aiiilslake. The la Jvw, hot require of anyvoter u shjuyt a ess teeelfst or any otherq u all heal imai to yole, if be be tweuty-on- e

o- - i ao ii. .1 citiai-- of ILo Statem.lie mouths and of tbe county sixmonths prior to offering his rote. TbeSheriff will hold tbe election ta the "good

way," aud no poll-t- a receipt, Registrar s osrtlL,oaa, or any oilier

wiu ta required voter,t.rovsvji in regard to

ro-.- i

1, 16.7 A







I aythe tx: 11 taxThe

does uot lake effect until January

Au Inquest was held yesterday morn-ing over the body of Archie Craig, agenial, generous and skillful telegraphoperator, Who was well at elevea o'cVs knight belore last, and waa lound dead-st-ark,

still and cold ta bad yesterdaymorning. 'I he Coroner's Investigationrevealed the taut that Mr. Craig dtad ol

i uiaeaitou of the braiu. He waa a nativeol New York Stale, born in Auburn, andabout thirty years of age, a gen-tleman of high standing in bisprulession, and beloved by his asso-ciates. He baa been employed here aboutsix months. He waa one of tbe veterantelegraphers that served through the war,and frequently iu Memphis, aud generallyknown an Toppy Craig. His remains willbe conveyed to tbe depot from Hoist', at12 ni., and sent to his relations, accom-panied by Mi J. J. Fowler.

Rev. Dr. Oaraoicbael uttered m elo-quent and touching piayer and woidswell calculated to soothe the grief-Hlucke-

when be prououutd, yesterdayafternoon, the last wordaof consolation tothose who have lost half their own exist-ence iu losing the life of their child. Tenderl v, earaeatly and in terms t .f simpletouching eloquence waa the story told oftbe ev aneaeenoe of huaaao joys and gnefc,and the utterly empty vanity of all tbedelights of baaaMt life were hardly moreforcibly defined by the little ooffin andthe story It told of a desolate fireside, thanby clear simple portrayal of the empti-ness ol man's uopea and aspirations, whichthis distinguiabed minister hi accustomedto illustrate. A large number of ladbaand gentlemen attended tbe celebration oftbe funeral services of Colonel Hunt'schild, Minnie May. For many weekspast the precarious health of the littlegirl baa uvouopolizasl every thought andtbe ceaseless care oi its parent ; but Uavei

and medical skill and tirehx watchingI were in vain. A little martle momtmeuI in Kliiiwoisl must tell again and perpetuI ate ulio story of unutterable irriel v ritten

every dsy on tbe tatdota of nientory andnrnsd into tne nonius oi a win'

stricken mother's heart.Mr. Henry Apple will serve a lun

cheou at tbe (Caledonia saloon, corner ofMsdison and Main streets, immediatelyafter Ibe erection All are invitedlo oarliolpale tbe victorious aud the defoaled. An enticing spread Of goodthings may be looked for.

Yesterday when the contest was pendIng lor t' iuunilmau in substitute lor JohnHamuli, Messrs. Humeri auu uoyei wei"tied." each receiving eight yotea. K

nally a Councilman, an adherent of i.o erworn out with ceaseless voting and molten with fervent beat, left the CouncilChamber. One of Hulbert'a friends, al.hough an adiouruuieut bad boen carriedmoved a reconsldoration andtiinnght thusto steal a marok on Hover's supportersThe reconsideration was carried and thevote waa again taken between (lover sudII ui iso i. what wist the amsxeinent ofeverybiKiy when it apistsred that Mover.in tlie sbitenee of his friend, was elected !

Several eyes aa big as smicer were turned iiwiuirlnply ami stared in amarementinto the depths of one another. At last-- ot ne asked Councilman John Sicnailu. (Jus' Issnther. how St hapissnod. "1did it" said John. "I've voted all thisday for litilbert and am tbe beat andtruest friend he has. and I'll ittst-l- d dif I intend to sutler him to triumph in.ontast ofibisKort by any petty d d she--nan ogan.

It is estimated that tho Dickons- -

BoHon Imbroglio has cost this countyfioin ihroe-lourth- a or a million to a millkui dollars, in time lost by jurymen, witnesses, courts and lawyers, in Iruillesseflorta to adjust dillerencoa and suitspendinir between the parties to multipliedcontrYiversioa. How mauy people havebeen mnrdereil, and how many murdershave been attempted, as results of thisfeud, it is nnpossiblo to say. Ills Iioimmi,at length, that no more 'blisxl will bespille.1 by lln'se terrible people. Surelytheir wrongs have Imen fearfully avnngeil,and it only remains for nit outraged pulelie. an insulted cisle of laws, and forsheriffs, judges and jurymen In discharge

is imposiMI by ll ignuui events ni tnetu'iilvenr lifloen years. It is a foul

shame thai an old man, known to everyold citiaon of Iho county, shouldIte shot down in the face of day,on a public highway, ami ainiosiin the presence of witnesses, and that theassassiu, concealed by the roaeside, shouldrsi-ap- Such facta would inevitablyfasten suspicion upon snerius ami consta-bles, and upon tbe people of tbe vicinagn.We card nothing nsare, personally, for onethan l he other party to this terrible vondotta; but we do care for the outragedinsinsty of the law; for Ihe Isiasleil impiinity with which red handed crime stalkaover Shelby county; tor that exemptionfrom punishment which murderers mayclaim when con over tne inumpuearecitals of multiplied crimes which makethe history ot ins county ior niieen yearspast a disgusting calendar of horriblemurders aud gliasllv assassinationsI., t sheriffs and jurymen now diecharge their proper tasks. Eachmember of tho two families and theiradherent may have conceived himselfjustified ill what lie lias done, and to tillindividuals wliai nas Happened may naveleen almost iinavonlHOie: nut tearful

crimes have tieeu commitied, and thevery safety of sis'iety demands sure and

ill punishment. While men are unitdered like dogs in tho broad highways.and n oiissi wsr ravages a broad districtof the county, there is no proper government laws are mere tallies; aud rihland i. -- i.ee ei.ipi v traditions.


li you do not elect a ljrnocraticSupreme (Tonrt to-da-y you may lookfur the nullification of all the workdone by your Democratic LislaUireaad your Demrs ratio county and cityonViaLi. Iook to your tickets. Heethat none hut Jiemccrats are on itTo-da- y a fiord you the last opportunity of contending for JLkamocratic

A noon turn is done our readers whenwe commend to tbdm tbe AmericanHouse, KomUiu. The same judicious management is c.iulinue.: which has renderedt so popular in the past.

Ik. when yon ask your grocer for Dr.Price's Cream Baking Powder, he has not

it. ask some other grocer until yon loget it. L aed ours in vour family, yourwomen folks will have uo other.

Ajti.ksi. Highest price paid for rami

bai rein choice apples.Kl.i-.l- ' .V HI CKUAB,

31 front street.

Aiitorv Appeal; There will Is" an election for Constable August 4th, intho Fourteenth civil district; and to thevoter i of tbe district we earnestly suggestthe necessity of going lo the polls and see-ing that a gssj and true man is elected totile import act . in. not Constable for theFourteenth district. T. s. Mallory isa cars! elate for this office, ami no mau ismure euiiueully qualified to hll the officethan our old friend "Soph" Mallory. Anex " nonce of years, both buainesa andsocial, justifies us in stating that no mauever paid a dollar in Constable Mallory abamts but what ho had just and promptreturns, and no in an ranks him iu theauieuiliea of life. Let T. s. Matiory beelected aud we will have an upright oQicar ami a true man. THK PEOPLE.


II yoa do not elect a DemocraticSupreme Court to-da-y you may looktt.r the nullification of all tho workdone br your Democratic Legislatureand your Democratic county and cityoliiciiua. Look to your tickets. Heethat none but Democrats are on it.To-da-y aUords you tho last opportu-nity of corrtendin for Democraticsupi-Dmac-

Tbb Barrrm'Rooks Yikld Rread!Yea, tbe rugged , litis of tbe ocean strandproduce something that, if not bread, ismore nourishing and fattening than theatad of life itself. Tbe Hes Moss whii-- h

isaruete tbe rts-k- on the shores of Ireland,Iceland and the coasts of NorthernEurope, Is as truly a food sta-ple, when properly prepared, aswheat, rye, or Indian corn. The Irishvariety, locally known as Carrageen, isnow aiaauisoiured under a patent, intoone Cut MM meet nutritious, palatable,

and delicious elements of susten-ance the world has ever seen. The arlsvlehas been patented uuder tho name oi SaaMoss Kakinic, and the exlenaive mills ofIbe Sea Moms Ferine Company, New York,are now turning out Immense quantitiesof tbiaessiiM'xwM- lu ury, which has alreadytaken a prominent place axuong thecoiu-tuaditie- a

of the Aiaerioan produce mar-ket. Its price ia almost nominal ; and tbepuddings, custards, jellies, creams, blancmango, aud other light table luxuriesprepared from It are superior in flavor .aswell aa in cheapness) to those uxade arumcorn starch, maiseua, ravelant a, e any ofthe other gelatinous e tract. of grain.

This ladhai are ia raptures at the intro-ductiu- u

ml Pbaloa's Vital ia, or Salvation(ji tho Hair. This grand diseoverv enables tbeui lo shake their ringlets at thefrosting hand of time iu defiance. Freefrom auy sediment, il rapidly ibukeau tbegrayest heads.

Hold by all druggists a4 rancv goodsdealers.


I hereby vlthdraw my name from tbeeauvaasia a candsiate for Register ofIKs-d- s tor Shelby county, in favor of U.M. Greeley, Esq.

J. A. GRONAl i K.

iNKOitMAiaOK Waxtkii. FYank Mullenloll Lroiia.bi. Miss., about two or threeweeks ago. Had mi a ii). hi bat and trou-sers and dark coat, and was qui ol bismind. Would sometrme start ami saythe Ku-Kla- were after him. He is lightcomplected aud about tweedy-thre- e ortweuty-feu- r years old. Any infurmalionconcerning him, at this office, will beliberally rewarded. A. A. MKLLKN.

Bom.ki. WAaauot'ea. In reply tomauy questions, and for tho informationof merchants generally, I would say thatthe store-i- s use, known as Mo. 'Z1U Fus-on-

street, Adams Bkxk, baa beea bondedfor the purpose of storing Imported e.

Iaporters can store goods at customaryrate of storage, and insured at the verylowemt rate of insurance, where gisxiscan remain from one day to three yearsbolore It is necessary to pay duties there-on, era ctJOPKR,

Harvey or of Customs.


The pumps, pipes and point furntsbedfor tbe same are of the most approvednailer as. For sale at Thomas Elauuery's,ha Jelteraoa street. Orders from thecountry will receive prompt attention.

All of the latest woekllaasaatlies, just received at Joe Locke's, 236 'AMain atreai -

San advertisement of Dr. Butts' TJhvpenairy, beaded. Book for tbe millionMAKKIAMK UUIDhV-- in another ool-um-

it should be road by alt,

Job Locks Ihas tbe largest aasortuienof daileaou hi count! at zju)., Mait1mm


Every voter in Shelby county Is

directly intetvstttl in the election ofthe 1 Himocmts whose names appearon tlie fid low imr ticket:

HuH st'PRKMTS OOCRT J V l" i s

Eastern Division:T. A. R. NELSON.J A MRS W. DEADKICK.

Middle Division:A. O. P. NICHOLSON.

PRTKTCRNRY.Western Division:



OOt'KT,J. K. K. RAY.




JOHN RROWN.llon't vote any other ticket, and

don't scratch a name. Think lor amoment ol the ("onsequonces, shouldUie Radicals fill these ottlccH, and weare sure yon will uot.


Heavy Reward far the Murderer FallDe orlptioa of His Parson, Etc.

Mr. (ieorge W. Rolsjrtson, ofton, Ky., has been in our city

Livinrs- -

two orthree daya past, on the frank of the mur- -

lerer or ins broiner, ll. c notsirison,who was killed at bis residence, in Liv-ingston, on Monday ok (24tl of July),under the most atns-ion- circumstances.Eioiu what wo could lrleau of tho ailair ina cursory conversation, the following arethe

dbtailh of TIIR JltlRnBR.On the :JAl of July, as Mrs. Rolwirtson,

wife of Hie munlered man, was rulingalong a lonely road near hor husband'sfarm, a man named Win. Travis rouealong side of her and threw his arm.iron ml her. She screamed, aud Travisput spurs to his horse aud galloped oU.When Mrs. Rolssrtsou reached homo shenarrated the affair to. her husband, andhe immediately went to Travis' place otbusiness aud demanded satisfaction forthe insult. Tho matter waa, after sometalk between the parties, referred to mu-

tual friends, who settled it to the satisfac-tion of all concerned. Mr. Robertsonwent homo to his farm to attend to hisusual routine of business, ami in thecourse of a lew hours Travis mounted amule and followed htm. On arriving atRobertson'! place, Travis rode out lo theHold where lie was at work, aud withoutsaying a word, or glviug uia victim meslightest warning, shot him mad. Theniuriluror Ihen lumen ins mines neauaway from tho scene of the tragedy andmade Ins escape, cue louowing is


of the murderer, as taken from a printedard circulated by Mr. Robertson, who

offers J JK) for his arrest: Win. Travis 18 .15

to 40 years old, feel 11 inches high, sparemade, florid complexion, long lace, lugnheek bones, large moulU, uiue eyes, Willi

a irenoral restless expression ol ouuui-e-

nauce; walks erect and steps quick ; talksloud and fast: voice coarse and harsh: hairslightly inclined to curl; face close shaved.lie had on, when last seeu, a brown linenooat, coarse domestic shut, .lark pantaloons aud biack hat. It is probable that a


will be ottered for the arrest of this man.tho murder waa one of tlie coldest

blooded deeds on record. A Hum ia beingraised by the immediate fsiuily of the deceased, and the (iovernor of Keutuckyhas been applied to to take some actum inthe premises, which it is probable he wiildo. Mr. (i. W. Robertson gives every assuramin that heavy rewards will i.o paid.It behooves Hie police anil iMHBMHva lores,and indeed all gusod citiv-eus- , to look outtor tho murderer.


If you do not .Meet a DemocraticSupreme Court to-da- you may lookfor the nullification of all the worklone by your Democratic LejriHlature

and your Democratic county and cityofficials. Look to your ticket). Seathat none but Democrats are on it.To-da- y affords you the last opportunity ot conU'ndino; fiir I emocratic

The property to la sold this evening atfive .'dock ou Nncoud street, by W. H.fassinore, tho auctioneer, will no doubt.aa it should, altiacl the serious attentionof parties desirous of making a gisui andsafe investment iu a superior piece of realestate. The sule wiil take place ou thepremises, No. 130 Secoud street.


Criminal Court Flippin. Jadge.This court waa occupied tbe entire day

with Ibe esse of the Stale vs. Mheltoii, iu- -

dicled lOr Ihe murder of Hughes at Bigreek. The case was given to the jury al

'dock. No verdict louderuu. up lowritiug.


Don't forget to vote for John Hrown today.

Mr. Thos. II. Cocko. of Loninviile andMemphis, is in Memphis, warmly greetedby many friends.

L. W. Miller, Esq., of Ksles, Miller .v

Co., left for the north yesterday and willbe abseul a couple of months. He willvisit all the principal cities east.

Colonel Wardlow Howard, who hasbeen confined to his homo many weeksby dangerous illness, was visible yesler- -

lay on v rent street, lie is emaciated andry leeble.


Democrats I This is the Ticket You MusiWork Defeat

The following ia tho ticket, printed uponyellow paper, which the Radicals will vole

y. Democrats! We must defeat it.It is yonr duty to see that not one of thosewhose names appear below gets a Demo-cratic ticket. He ou tbe alert. Voteagainst this ticket and work against it.

RKPVBLICAN TICK ST.Far Jmlgen Supreme Oourt Samuel Mil-Liga- ii,

.eiiopbou Wheeler, John Trimble,W. 11. W owner, Alvin Hawkins, HarbourLewis.

For fhnnccUor First Chancery CourtT. S. Ay res.

Jbr ( 'hancellor Hccond Chancery (.XmrtJ. K. Bigeiow.

'or Judge IfSrst Circuit Court ChanniugRichards.

Jbr Judge Second Circuit Court T. A.Ryan.

For Judge Oiwaaal Conrf-- U. K. Hud-son.

For A ttorney General Criminal GtwrtP. J. M UK Hull.

For Pre Attic Judge Shelby Cbunty HarryS. Lee.

Fur Attorney Heneral lartlelt Circuit(rsrf William Craig.

For County Jieginler bleorge M. Gree-ley.

F&r Maiji.it-- a t,i Fletentk Civil Ditrict-Rohe- rt

Weir, R. T. Anderson.For OjtutaOU Klevenih Civil 1 Uriel

Pon derail c. in tint of the Liver, lor Dys-

pepsia, DiarrbeM, Piles, etc , Dr. Kiiu-iiion- s'

Liver Regulator certaiuly has uosuperior. It acts like a charm, withoutdebilitating tbe systoin. 1 have trsisi itthoroughly, and sneak what I know.

REV. S. (JARDNKK,Alapuls'us, Ga,

Habpkr'b Mom ii:. v. improvedwith leaves neatly cut, for sale i

Locke a, 2Jb)i Main street.



tyle,W Jo




All Jet Good bought in my adahllah-oxe- ai

will be repaired without charge.J. ROESCTIEK, Jo voter.


if you do not elect a Demr raticSupremo Court to-da-y you utaA i lookfor tho nullification of all the workdone by your Democratic Legit natureand your Democratic county at ui cityofficials. Look to your ticket t. Seethat none but Detuocnitu are on it.To-da-y affords you the last Majortuuity of contending for Dem acritticsupreniacy.

natal done by Kfil.nleMW AiUju, No. 6 West Court stuff.


A Mas Badly Woaadad ia a Variety Sasw.

About quarter past ten o'clock lastnight, a dltlicully occurred at the entranceof the Parlor M Uric-Ha-ll on Second street,near Jelferson, between a young inminamed I .mi Mel by aud M r. Hick Pniryer,in whhai the former was shot through theiefl tldgb, the ;ball going in In .Irontand eoiaing oat behind, makinga severe but uot dangerous wound.

From what we could learn of tbe sllalr,Mr. Proryer acted purely on the defettsive. He was standing in tlie fr mt partof the saloon, when Selby, who waa verymuch under tbe influence of liquor, cameup, and without a word struck him quitea heavy blow. Pruryer remarked to Sol bythat be bad probably made a mlatake,wiien the latter repeated tbe blow. Theythen clinched and a ere hustld out ofdoors by the door-keepe- r of the saloon.As soon as tbey struck (be sidewalkPruryer drew a pistol ami tiredlwo shots,one of which ttaik eH'(s?t a deeexilaxd. Tbewounded man was taken to the Adamsstreet station, when hut wound was

by Dr. Dromgooto. Hewaeafter-war-cony." to the rnaidoiioe of his

father. Judge Selby. Pruryer waaand will have au examination this

morning. Tbe door keeper at Thouipsou'smade quite a narrow escape a ball

ing and " barking " hi leg. IteyoiMlthe loss 1. a mile piece of skin, however,he suffered ne material injury.


Head, and be Guided To day try tbe Fol- -

Be sard Your Ticket Is All Right In EveryRespect.

KltPBBMB J on lis.Ever)' voter iu voting for tbe candidates

lor Supreme Judge should have upon bisUukel the division of the Slate in whichtbe candidates for whom he v oles i. -- nle.in tbe manner designated iu the ticketwhich stands at tbe head of the editorialcolumns of the J'he perstmwho hotit rleetionx are reintirctl by taw U

.iisrciy ia their return which dinutiont ofthe State the retjtective eemtlidale for Su-preme ( Isirl are voted for.IMPORTANT TO VOTKUS SOMT RTUINO TO UK

BBMKMliBHBli.We copy the following from the Nash-

ville f.'um A meriean, as pertinent toour judicial elect ions:

By a recent act of the Legislature, passedto carry into effect the pmviaioiia of thenew Constitution relative to the electivefranchise, every male person, twenty-on- e

years ot age, a citizen of the I'tiitedSlates, a resident of tbe State for twelvomouths, and of tbe count)' wherein beotfers his vote six months precedine theday of election, shall be entitled to voteat the mix. elect um.

All voters are required to vote In tbecivil district or ward where tbey mayreside, except sberitta, or other ouicersholding elections, judges, jurors, wit-nesses, aud lititrauts attending Court, allof whom may vole iu the list net or wardin which they are perloriiiiiig their ilutiesShould there be a failure to bold an election in their owu district or ward, theymay vole in any other district or ward inthe county.

The law requiring the olthe poll tax doea uot go into effect untilthe 1st of Jauuary, 1K72.

Tbe acts ot June .., Im.o, adapter in; ofMay ::, lsflti. chapter ". !. and ol Februaryi i, 1NU7, chapter JB, all relative to tbeelective ftaMhise, are repealed.

Title IT, chapter 2, articles .., 4, u, o, andS, of the Code, are and revived,except as altered or repealed by Ibis act oltne last Legislature.


If you do not eject a DemocraticSupreme Court to-da-y you may lookfor the nullification of all tho workdone by your Democratic Legislatureand your Democratic county aud cityofficials. I..M.K to your tickets. Seethat none but Democrats are on it.To-da- y affords you the last opportu-nity of ciin tending for Democrat.c supremacy.

Look to voitr Ciiildubn. DiarrheaDysentery and summer complaint, arecured by Mrs. Whitcomb'sSyrnp.whichia sold for 'lit cent a bottle. See adver-tiseuieut.

Hits A Conwutu, proprietors of tbeJob Printing establishment iu the Ar- -pk al Hull. line, 14 Union street arenow prepared U execute orders o iJobI'niitiug on the shortest notice. The patrons ol the Appkai. will bear this inmind and act accordingly.



cm Hall, M k o 'ins, (

August 3, 187(1.

At a royaler meeting of the Hoard ofMayor and Common I'ouueil ol tlie oilyof Memphis, ou Auuust 11,

lhTO, preMeiil : Hon. John Jobnson,Mayor; Messrs. President, Kelly, 11 raxes,O. F. Prescott, Smith, Cohen, Jauius,Sitruaigo, Twohig, HnwiU, Cumuiiugs,Ricliardet, Dixon and Boon, Counciliueu.

A quorum being announced, the Chair-man took his seat, aud called the memPei s preeeut to order, and hail the roil of(aiiinciimen called. When tbe minutesol the of tbe Council wereread, and ou motion adopted.Monthly hki'oktjs o city offi-ce KS.

CfTY COMPTROLLBR.Com ituoi.i. Kit's Opfick,

Mkmpiiis, August 3, 1K7U. )

To tbe General Council of tbe City ofMemphis :

(JenttevMsn The following ia my refsjrtlor tbe mo ei ii of July, 1870:

Taxes lHiid in Ctty Jndeitednoss.Forty-secon- d corporate year 9 SSI 7SForty-t- i rat " " hm4 alFortieth " " iW 17

Kxissnses costs on coileotiMia. 77 08

Caeh Receipt,PrivilegesWharlsge .

Market stalls, North ." " South

Fines and forfeitures, Recorder's4'ourt .'

Fines and Msuallies, Police H'rd.Rills payable, proceeds of.Fire rent of engine


Cash Payments.PoliceFire "Streets and alleys.City Hospital.salaries. . ...Lights aud lampsWharf and lnndaagRight of wayCourt SquareMarket "Hills payable.PaupersE X pel sc- .-

Market HoStationeryNuisanceSanitaryOommiaslou.PriutingEngineering...






... .......

928,27bRespectfully submitted,


Received and published.

crry trbasurbb.Mkmpuin, August

Hon. Board of Aldermen:Gentlemen My receipts for

corporate year to uate were asMlaaellaaequs receiptsProperty taxPrivilege. . ...Wharfage. -Recorder's Court.North MarketSouth Market

f 2,722

9 0,495 87..o'.'i. (HI

481 7.iDUil 00

3.008 0000

14,310 07

150 00

90,267 (M

911, oil M. 4,742 93. 2,344 33. 1,793 42

.. 3,205 S4323 SO

124 50600 00114 97

'j547 tU

55 SO

280 Ml

210 04Mi-- oo107 00235 057 08301 U0

689 60

D. A.City


3, 1870.

the currentfollows:..9 54,970 SI.. 141,729 18.. 71,949 3b,., 31,744 50.. 22,110 00... 25... 2,908 90

Total 9388,030 59

Or.By Mayor's warrants paid and

"canoeied 322,237 40

Cash on hand 95,7f 1

Respeutfully submitted.WILLIAM H. BRIDGES,

CUy Treaaurer.Received and ordered printed.

tax i .li. m i ou.Mbmphis, August 1, 1870.

Honorable Uenerai Council :

Utmtlemen My oollecUon during tbemouth of July vaeru aa follows:On real estate, etc 92,722 15

On privileges, etc 6,945 87

On duga. 861 00

Total. 910,529 32Respecsfully,

ayELIX W. ROBERTSON,City 'flit Collect, r.

Received aad ordered priiited.

bobbju mabkbt at aster.Mbmphih, August 1, 1870.

Hon. Mafor and Board of Councilman:GentsI have tbe honor to report my

collections for the month of Jury, 1870,from the North Market to amount tofour hundred aud eigbty-on- e dollars andseventy l m MSI 761

Res!ieelully. JOHN A. DRKftiElt,North Market Master.

Received aud ordered printed.

whakihastbr.Msatrnis, A. .gust 3, 1870.

To the General Council :

(Jentlrmen My collection lor themonth of July atnoaat to 321:; uft

ltearsw-tiully- , RtiBERT OOOD,Wbarfmaster.

Received and ordered priuted.


M KM PUIS. August 1, 1870.

Hon. Board of X idem. enGentlemen My .collections for tbe

month of July, 1870, amount to five hun-dred and nine dollars and alxly centsIls5u9 00). Kospis-tlul- l v submitted.

C 1M1 rid r. n,Month Market Master.

Received and ordered published.


Cit Hospital, I

Mkmpiiis, August 1, 1870. j

Hon. Mayor and (simimai tVMindl :

Gentlemen I have tbe Imvimw to snbmttthe following report for the month endingJuly 31 :

No. ot lutliAiils remaining at last report 07" u admitted during July. 142" " treated " " ....201 " dlHcharged " .... 93" " died " " .... iO" " remaining July 31 a

Received from pay ward and turnedover to City Treasurer alnce last re'pt 30The marine account for tho month

amounts to 9356, a statement of which has.mi furnished tbe Surveyor of Customs

for .settlemeut with the CUy Treaaurer.Respectfully.

(i. B. THORNTON,Physician in charge.

Received and ordered published.

BARIKR ilOsriTAI..Statement of the Memphis General

Hospital, as Marine Hospital of the thirdclass, for the month of July, ls70:No. of patients remaining in hospital

on the 1st day ol July 10

No. ot patients admitted il'iriiiK July 27No. of patients discharged during

July ISNo. of patients deisaased duriug Juiy 4No. of rlatienls remaining ou tbe last

day of July U

Aggregate number of days reliefduring July 325

F penditurcs lurinq July, 1870.

Board, medicines, and utirsiug -- ' 00Burials, four - 30 00




Pbysiciau charge.Received and ordered printed.

CITV niSI'KNSAHY.Memphis City Dispensary iu account with

City of Memphis. Dr.July 30. To amount hand July

2d, last account 9i 5

July HI. To amount received fromCity Treasurer, July 3d 175 00

July .ii To aiueuut by order onCity Comptroller 40 70

July 13. By amount for two months'servant hire ......

July 3u. Bv amount for i. W. Joneaot Co., drugs - -



40 70

V,t nBalance on baud IJ

ALEXANDER EKSklNE. M. !.,I lean b acilli v Medical College.

Revised and ordered printed.

HFI'OROKR.Monthly report oi the Recorder ol the

City of Memphis, for the mouth of July,1870:Mo. prisoners arraigned -Mo. oaaca lloui last nioiiiAi

stale essesNo. tried mid nil. u t-- '

No. eaaeses coutluuedNo. cases releaiiislNo. tried and aischareed....








No. cai.es appealed um 9

Aiilouul ol tlnis4 si '


in ill musses Issued '.'.i' "S

Amount flues collected. I1.SM sneolleiinsl on ..

...... 1,'JCi lo

Amount uf Hues remitted "




Tolal Ci.ilUS lAinollnt collected allU palU over Ul

CUy Creaaurur S,U to

I," J. W. Scales, Recorder of the City ofMemphis, do solemnly swear that tbeabove report is true ami correct.

Received aud ordered published.

cniKP op policr.Datvaoa up cuikk op Poi.icb, 1

Memphis, August 3, 1870.

To tho Mayor aud Members of tbe Common Council :

Gentlemen I have tho honor to submitfor your consideration my report of thebusiness of the Police Department, lor tbemouUi of July, 1870.

The whole uumberof men constitutingthe 1'olico Department, is as follows;(Japtaius, 2; Sergeants, 4; Day Police, 27;Nighi Police, 34; Station-hous- e Keepers,3; Sss'ial Force, I; Clerks, 2; lotai. 70.

.Irrrstt. Nuiulier of persons arraigned,8MJ; cases continued brum last month, 3;total, M. Males, 710: females, 172. Nightarrests, 131; day arrests, 438.

A i ill titties. United Stales ( white), 215;L nited Stales t isiloretl i, 399; England, 1 .

Ireland, 181: Slot land, 4; Herman cItaly, If; Frauisa, 7; total, 882. Whitemales, 422; atdotaal males, 288; white fe-

males, 0i); colored females, 112.Ageanf Cnaonvrn. of the entire num-

ber ol arrests, (ii were under 20 yeitra ofage; 640 between 20 and 30; 210 between30 and 10; 58 between 40 and 60; ami 0over 60 years of age.

Mature of Crimes. Misdemeanor, 362;drunk, 201 ; disorderly isiudiict, 8.- - as-sault aud ualUary, 4; UMxault, (0; robbery,5; beating wife, 7; gambling, it; keepinggambling house, 2; concealed woapous,30; keeping a bawdy-hous- 5; inmatesof bawdy-lious- 26; larceny, 13; danger-ous and suspicious, 17; vagrancy, 11;lewdness, 21 ; miisauco, 17; iiiurder, 1;ombt ..lenient, 1; obtaining money uuderfalse pretenses, 1 ; pasHiiig oounterfeitmoney, 1; total, 862. state cases, 33;number tried and lined, 686; number ou'prisoners released, IS; number of prison-ers discharged, 237; cases continued, 1;total 884.

Amount of lines assessed, 94283 95;amount of suit i muses issued, i''17s 00:amount collected on mittiiuusee, flbOt 95;amount paid by prisoners, $1243 10;amount remitted, 940; amount turnedover to City Treasurer, $3008 05.

Amount of property recovered and re-turned to owners, 91 179 00.

A n t nulls found astray and returned toowners, 7.

Feed of Prisoners. Tim nunilssr of pris-oners led were: Chain gang, 457 at 50c,92 8 si oummon, 909 at 35c, fefJt total,957 05.

Respect, ul v submitted,T. W. O'DON N ELL, Chief Police.

Received and ordered printed.

CTTT Bit llINJERR.ClTY EMONKKB's ' 'I t'll p. f

Mkmi-his- , Aug. 2, 1870.

Statement of work done by tbe StreetForce duriug tbu month of July, 1870:

Firtt Ward.Cleaning si re, isi u adi ii,. Third a nk house force., j as

luche-te-r ,1b


Second Wat ,LCleaning streets hy workhouse force.. 82Kepairlug culverts on Second n . . t

at Poplar uud WashliiKtou Ui Ul7Vii;(f Hunt

Cleaning streets h woikhuuse forcn.. au I

covenui' cuiveri ai corner oi necouiland Jell'ersou streets 25 00

MmrIA Ward.C'leftaing nt reels hy workhouse force.. 52 ft4

HuntCleaning streets bv workhouse lorse-- 09 WKepairlug culvert at Main aud L'umju;

slreula 19 laiA. ". HM.

Cleaning streets by workhouse force a wiKepairlug dulliiu street i. .

44 v ul veils on Mam street 50 OtSeventh Want.

C'eanlng streets hy workhouse force.. 7S OS

Culvert and Mauiiigou Elliott streetnear Causey lot) 03

Repairing railroad bridge on Madison sUeel UJ

Repairing Csu-c- street heL Iand Linden 37 on

Kepairlug hrltlge ou uin-- st. nearM vi.. railroad 2 50

HHyhtU Ward.i 'lean us; si reels by workhouse force. 12 00Repaii tug Hamllu street. 17 LO

44 Yates avenue 7 at44 Ihorutou avuuue 5 60

Calvert, Johnson and Murphy 'aall'y. 'M 26

Ninth Ward.Cross gs at Ureealaw and Kourtb st.. 17Oalvert and zradlng al Pifta and

Loonuy streets 31 01BenairluK culvert corner koorui

Auction streets t Otliulldiug oulvert on Poplar street batk




Mauasaas uid Dunlap 119 0U

(it a. uk ou Poular. same olaee TeaKepuiring Uunliip street. .. a Miiradlug sixth aud Mill streets :I8 OU

Culvert, aaiue plaoe........ 20 sTenth WardP m

Oi adlng on Main sueet between Oalnoun ami South 48 OU

Wharf and IxmiMno.Work done hy workLousa foroe bet.

Ussisand Uniou, 2Ui ou

tsHseeUaneous Beau.Repalr.ng 0115 stable J3 OtHauiiag gas posts 0

Total..... J . ...w,ox aaRespectfully submitted.

J. H. HUMPHREYS,City Engineer,'

Reoeiyad and ordered publtahad.

Crrr ENotwEra'sOioricTt, I

Mbmpiim, Tbbn., August 2, 170. j

To tbe (leneral Conncil:GesUlemen The following la a correct

statement of the expenditures in tbl department during the month ol July:Salariea 9 oal 00

Ofilec and Incidental Ksptnsts.("ni bins, liunn dcCisrvor ...

Streets and Alleys.Win. DevldeenJ. EunisW. J. Ohaseliii t boli. n. em A AllenW. L.O rilling .V(aD. McClearyStreet roll.

Whsrrf and Landmnf.Amount expended in boring

Wells and Cisterns.Job. limitRandle A Heath

Lights ami Lamps.Cole A CoRandle .V Heath





Total 93, W

HosisX'lfiilly submitted,I. 11. UlJMPHREYsi

City Engl ueer.Received and ordered printed.


Mi. mi ni-- . August 1, 1870.(ieneral Council, City of Memphis:

Gentlemen I report that 1 have cleaned,rcoairod and kept in appropriate burningorder duriug Hie past mouth, July, 1870,nr.:Public gas lamps 341

Publlcoil lamsi 27

Total public auu.-- .I have repaired as follows, iu Jul', 1870,

vtai1 have put imw cleeta, etc., on public gas

lamp 171 have repaired with stsider, etc.,

lamps o

Total lamps repaired in July, 1870.. .;.:I have put up and appropriately adjusted

new gas laiupa 44I have put, public gaa lamps,

paues glass USI have put, iu public oil lamps, new

panes of glasis

TiUal newJuly, 1870.

of gl useil iu

I have i. Piling July, 1S70,gas ami oil lamps 4 boxes lamp glass.

Respectfully, JOSKfU lt.liOKlINSPKCTOR.

MEMpnLs, Tknn., August L 1870.Hon. Hoard of Mayor and (ieiieral Coun-

cil:tfentlsuien Tlie City Inspector respect-

fully submits Ui your honorable bisly areport ol the work done by him for themontli of July, aa follows:Miscellaneous .voiglnng and gaug

9 1

Tesliug weights ami measures 20u (V

Weighing coal (itWetgbiag grain aud hay 50

Total 9KYours, W. H. HORTON.Received and ordered printed.



The Committee on .tcounts report fa-

vorably upou, aud recommend the allow-ance ami payment ol the lollowiug ac-

counts against the city Memphis, viz:.S!aijy',.lccxiiiBf.

John Johnsou, salary as Msyor 9D. A. Sbepberd, ComptrolleiL. R. Richards, Register.W. 11. Bndgea, TreasurerW. 11. Stephens, AttorneyJss A. Newsow, Serg't-al-Axius- ..

Pay Roll Uenerai Council' '.wiini.iM 'in.

F. W. Robertson, Tax Collector 9Robert (ioode. Wharfage

Engiueer's Department.J. Humphreys, Engineer.. 9A. J. Murray, Assistant EngineerL. (i. Witliaina, RodmanC. P. Marshal, DriverCubbins, (iuun A Coover 76 graile

slakesLights and Lamps.

Memphis (las Light Company...Kamlle it Meatu, 3 lamp poais ...

J. Slatly, lighting 27 oil lamps( ubbina, iiunn A Coover, 1 sUq- -

ladder -Cole at Co., lamp glassJames Raburi, cleaning lamps, utc

Samtary Department.City Dispensary, donation 8 176

Fire Department.Kehoe, Chief, pay roll em-

ployees - H.029 57

W. J. Chase A Co., proveuder bieteams

I 'ark A (oildsiullb, paintingM .Cbiaiv, tilackamithiugJ. Kujiul blacksmilbiugJ. mi. Kelly, UaeksinilliiugJ: w. Cowau, veterinary surgeon ..

ii ic I aaasrtl It aaiitlBaT I n

illia Co., dust if uu

Streets and Alleys.( n liis. foreman, pay roll

eriuplovee 91,5-- 'W, J. Urilhug A Co., lumber.D. MeClear.V, 007 white oak

I umbelJ. Enuia. blacksiiiilliitigW. J. Chase A lav, provouiier

street teamsV. Davidson, 1 svagout.artholouiow A Allen,

Nicholson pavementM.C. Isaacs A Bro., wheelbarrowsJo. Seligman, 1 mare(leo. D. Css-hrat- 1 gunwaleRobert Hritton,

City Hospital.Dr. (J. B. Thornton, physician.

nav roll Hnoulovoea. I

J. E. Frank, hospital suppliesJ. Laoroix, 1000 lbs. beef ..

J. Lacroix, 2H0 ll. lieef.(. V. PreaeoiA Co., sundries.. ..

Ohuo. 11 ii 1.0. breed.."lllO,, .'.

Appeal 1'iililinhiiig Company, cityirinting in May

Appeal PuMiahing Company, cityin June and July

K. Wbitiuore, oUy printingStaturnery.

Cow pertii wait, Chapman eX Co.,stationery ur Recorder

Cowi ssrthwait. Chapman iV Co.,stat ooery for Ctaatf of Police....

Boyle tfc Chapuiau, alaliouery lorChiel of

Boylo .fc Chapman, stationery lorComptroller

Boyle A Chapman, staliouery lorMayor "

Boyle A Chapinau, atathmeo' 'rTreasurer

Boyle it Chapman, stationery hrRecorder

Nuisance A osount.Jno. Harvey, keeping u'redao- - boat

W. Hulbert, removing nui- -

ssnoes.Robert Maiklin, removing nui-

sances.Lunn A Mai Ion, repairing di'edge- -

boat :m upWells and 'uterus.

Jos. Haines, balance on cisternRandle A Heath, cistern oapa

Pauper Account.C. Hoist A Co., burial isxapers

Whorl and Landuw.Drury Dempsey, 26 days' laborPat. Mauiiiug, sundry laborR. J. Hollihan, rive boxesRandle ifc Heath, sundries

Mastmsse Account.A. B. Moore, ser voces as janitorLuuu .t Mai Ion, servicesM.J. Wright, court costJoel T. Scott, election service

dbsrl Stjuare.Ed. Keating, Superintendent.

Market Square.Martin Shea, Superintendent

Market Uuuse.J. A. I'eniger, N. Market Master

1. .is. Horner, Market MasterPolice Deportment.

fSPay roll day policePay roll utght policeSanitary policeMiscellaneoua employees.M. Noalie, boarding prisoner- -J. W. Scaiea, salary as RaconlMrJones, Brown A Co., ottioe rent(1. D. Croohett, otic 0 rentW. C. aUli, badges, etcLuuu A Mailoti, sundriea.Mitchell, Hotlinaa k Co.,T. W. O'Douaell. hiT. W. O'Douuell, In is,. k.-- pingH. 8. Moddox, horsekoupiagM. Clean . blacksinilhinir

m oo44 7546 72

95UM 36


1537 47


006 080

45 70437 SO

ill newuf


ing 40





410 Is3

.7 i i xi308 99ino m333 33125 00021 90

105 29221 91

2o0 00160 UO

8 0070 00

51,7ni 44425 90

94 50

s mi45 7385 00



lie, s.;

u oo7 50

31 5028 95

125 008 00

W 'tw saw








19 7144 76

45 7280 00

124 9549 00

260 is7 50

10 UO

; ii6:io9 i4

80 00194 4041 10




l 50

78 Ul

8 2b

8 7h

4 00

1 75

35 29

960 00

30 00

47 50

5 00

005 Ot

J. 18 V26 00



67 007 606 8

975 0013 3038 oU6 (JO


983 33

98S 338S 33

92,883 603,641

321 005h7 06100 0b

47 00106 00

6 752-- 6539

250 uo26 0026 0012 60

The following accounts wore referredthe Committee ou Claiina. t- - .1 itSouthern Advertiser, priuting 242 50


Be it ordomed, etc. That --be proiile ofSecond street, from bayou (jsyoao to tnecorporation aa spociUed by the CityKnirmeer. be hereby aoproved, and published for thirty daya in the Acpkal, SB anotice to property uoniers aiimgstreet to examine the same.

Paaaed Aral reading;







80270 00





rubsand ordinance paaaed second and tinalreading by Board of Aldermen. Referrtdto Improvement Commute-- ) by Council,June 20, 1870.

Upon Uie above and foregoing ordi-nance, your committee report favorable.

Report 1 ami ib IB BBIBllJ. Ordinance pic si .1 rst reading. Miles suspend-ed and ordinance pissed aacond read lug.


By Alderman Roach:Upon the petition ol sundry citizens,

aekhag that a lamp post be placed in troutol (J race Cbareb, on Hernando street.

Prayer i anted by Board of Aldermen.Referred to Uas Committee by Council,Jnlv 20. 1870.

Your Committee report as follows, to-w-

That tbe prayer be granted.Adopted by Council, August 3, 1870,

To be wnoluated


LETTER LIST.1l i. il. A Hat of letters MHIlin

lun in Uie Mem pm Poawnice aad no I deliver ,si iiy carriers nunui -

Allletlcm dire, ted to street and numbersWIU la delivered promptly by carriers

LADIES' LIST.Acre mrs I. rCreed atra at Al iavton tuus N

liavu iaia K HIsnyle inrs AKlelda miss 11

l oxslletl inrs V AllasUry leiaa atHall H



Hint MM

inrs Wrors

TioulausHi milmis W

OKNTLKMEN'Sajaaa OC VIMclwr W J RBrown Koaxlor MItohen Ii (liirtulev Acarpanter nowaidi laiaaa rCook in rI'mfliiu JCowan


IhwaliuunIKxIy-- r

OavoMou J


tones ELyase, atlas



Wurveu laiasC

LINT,U Porter


T h A B

I: tlIt i.

'lansen (I.v N1"




I v i n,n e Kfell it

HoyJM Philips C alllcuilervon W Ft

IveyKB SskteJ... i. ...i W H .i.o iasj W JI. It siiiydero WU .nut I HiaaxaoBSai L, UMeeiiaa Swears Ctiissiy Al Snilrtrng lcoaaaaa Wasa v lUf.ha J JM ll beau K VV i nslOM C

W M.sare N 1' Weeks i; J AcoKlowera T Z Utey at If


If yott do not etevt a DemocraticSuprcuio Court to-da-y you may tooklor the nullification of aril the workdone hy your lieinocratk' lrislatureand your iMiica ratic county and cityofficials. I. .ok to your ticket.--. Hee

that hi die ui! lViiiiM'nttH are ou il.Ttvday atronls you iIn- - last opportu-nity of contending for lieinocratic


SL Louis It ELI. b St. Lopis , pmARRIVALS.

Marble Cltr Vlisxahunitleneral Aaelerso.i. Krlari Point

DEPARTURE.Mai hie City . ML Lu,oUtieneral AuJersoii .Knar'a Poiul

IN PORT.Pat Cleburne. Ht. Krancls.


Has Works, AugustTbe vi r l n il. Below high water

mark of 1807, feet 10 inch.CHARLES GOODWIN,

Supei inti ndeut (is Work.Tho weather .s variable. Rain fell yes-

terday morning", and was threatened ats times .hiring the day. The Ar-

kansas has alsiul three leel of water tothe Rock, ami is on a stand. White riveiis low and iu bail order.


I't iTsKttuu. A 11 rust ;. -- W eat ber cloudy.Mouougaueia, 1 leet . lucliea aud lallmg.Roth rivers falling above.

Cairo, August 3 Cp: City of Cairo,Vicksburg to St. Louis, II p.m.; UrealRepublic, New Orleaua to St. Lunia, 11a.m. : Cii v ot Alton. Memphis to St. Louia,1 a. in. Down: Belle St. Louis, St. Louiato Memphis, 7 .1.111.: Sam, J. Hale, Cin-

cinnati to Memphis, s a.ut. River sta-tionary, it rained all last night. Theweather is cloudy. Mercury st".

Loinsvilli:, August 3. The river haarisen liiree inches duriug tbe Last twelvehours, with lour feet three inches in thechute, and eight feet 011 the Portland bar.Weather cloudy aad warm. Mercury av-

al 2 p.m.Cincinnati, August 3. --River eighteen

feet and rising slowly. Weather clear.Then 1101 mi or 86 al nooa. Departed :

Wauauila, Memphis.Sr. Lor is, August 3. Arrived: Henry

Ames, New Orleans. Departed: Bis-

marck, New Orleans; ( rand Tower, Mem-phis. River failing: upper Mississippirising at Dubuque. A heavy shower thisailerniHiu.

8 vsii vn.i.B, Angnkt 3. River rising,willi six foot on Harpeth Shoals. Weatherwarm : rains lasl uigiit and Una uiui mugDeparted: LIU Uiiguas, Cauo.

HlM'KLLAXKOliH.Captain W. H. Brown, the Pittsburg

king of biack diamonds, is in our city, ona hriet business 1 isn. Ca4in Browuaiulfan ilv returned recently from a trip tothe Pacific meat. The transition fromsnow-da- d peaks of the mountains of Colorado to the neat ol our Mississippi valleyis rather severe on the Captain.

Captain McINeeley's wrecking boat isnow anchored oU' the loot of Monroestreet, and diveis are mini 11 g for thesunken Nettie .loues. Bottom is louudal the depth of sixty feet, aud severalpieces of .steamers have been seen, but sofar the Nettie is undiscovered. The riverbeil ia hard and smooth aa a door, audwhen fouud the Nellie can be ea&ilyraised. Sleauieis are respectfully re--pio-i- e I to knepa watch out for the wrecklag Isiat as tbey laud at our levee.

Ihe channel is Hard lo find betweenCairn and St. louis. ft diaugee positionuearly as often as the Louisville (Amnn -

JuurnaCs river column.Dkvii.'s llJOW, Angitst 3, 1870.

Dear AjtpetU: There is but little to addto what you have already published

the late disaster lo tbe d

Silver Spray. One body haa been foundlloat111g.11 the river al Sloe k ley s l.aud- -

ug, which, il is thought, is that ot Captain .Ionian or tbe mate. The night otIhe .'list waa calm ami beautiful, and tbeconcussion occasioned by the explosaoufairly made tbe earth tremble. There wasnothing left ol her staudiug alsjvo tbeuiaiu dock to dehne her lormer outline.Her crew worked gallantly lu save thelives of those left ou tbe wreck. Therewas no cry of distress. No help was nearexcept their on 11 brave hearts and strongarms. 1 lie lifeboat carried some to theshore, while 01 hers took the " leap forUie aud sank to rise no more, a bilethose who could swiui gained the bankscorched by lire ami steam. A cabin oc-cupied by three wood chopperswas Hie only lianiianie place near,where tho poor creature madetho land, but here Ihey foiiuil hospitality,which otnild not lie excelled in a palacefor tie warmth aud welcome. J. M.Tliroop, P. M. Wood, W. J. Cole, lianryli stead ami Richard L ike, of Ibe Mem-phis and St. Louis Railroad Engineercor 1 ., were conspicuous in aiding ha Bat-terers, its were also R. J. oliualead, JohuKink, Majur Johu McCarriu aud JamesTurner, nRisen. Of tho gallantry amihospitality of Captain Luker. of tbe Cityot Cairo, i have before spoken, but thename of the " City of t 'aire, ' of the Mem-phis, St. Louis ami Vicksburg line. Cap-tain Jas. P. Luker, Shtyerly and Hail,should bo known in every bat and buinealong our great river. Such acts 01 mercyaud brotherly love are Worthy of allpraise, and will live in memory and bewhispered in prayers as long as one of tbecrew survives of the d "Spray ''that perished iu the Elbow ou the nightof the 3rt ult.

Your, near t he wreck. F.Brown A Jones lost a coal boat between

this point anal Cairo a day or two ago. itcontained 22,000 bushels.

A large amount of is lying abovetbe falls at Louise. lb. awaiting shipmentsouth. It can't get ihrongh until the ca-

nal is completed. An eUoi I is being madeby coal men to havu tbe water turned ouso as to let the fleet through, but it isleared bat the authorities may not grantIhe request. Should they not do so, ooalwill he scarce along the lower river thisseason.

Tbe Belle St. Lonis, Captain AlexanderZiegler, wiil get away to-d- for Cairoami St. Louis. She connects with tbetrain North aud East. Mr. Baaketle hascharge of the olBee.

Tbe Little Alp came off the docks yes-terday and is in excellent trim.

The ll. MrShreve is past due from 1 al-

low, she is coming on one wheel.t'apiain Krauk links left yesterday for

St. Lv'tiis.The ornamnutiU tops ol" the Pat Cle-

burne's union-.- . are be lug paintedwhite.

The W. R. Arthnr had not arrived at alate lmur last night.

iixe Susie Silver and the I'.isiuarck areUie next IiohI due tioiu above.

The sam J. Hale is about due from theOhio.

't he Mnry Boyd leaves on Friday for theArkansas.

novel craft, aptly named the Newally,has lieen constructed to run upon theNorth river. Her length is 224 feet overall, aad, 216 ftt keol. she is blind withtwo locomotive engines, and is furnishedwith. Bap rate waler-ligi- it isimpartinents.The easdneaaiid boilers are erected on tbeuiaiaiievk. The inuiu cabin occupies nearlythe whole length of the hurricane deck,and is furnished in tho same manner asthe ladies' cabin. The vessel, on her trialtrip, attained an average speed of twentymiles an hoar.

NOTICE.raemnera of the " sociela dl Unlone e

T'HK Italians ' will meet al Uielrnew hall, No. 17 South lasart street, uaatTliiirsJuy, ibe lib, at o'clock, being the reg-

ular monthly meeUng. All are requested toof the President.

Lis&imsW VALLAJtU. aaary.

w. ctarr. r- -


TORN BTS,. - UNION STKRKT, Memphis, Tenn. J.1 J W. Claup will continue to practice InDesoto and Panola counties. Mlas. lertt


OoaohesOalaes Landing mCaindea, Arkan

FKOM Departures Mondays, Wednaadayand'riday, at ? tm. jgjfcimm t