OverstockedonHolidaylioods CHRISTMAS CARDS, Photograph Albums, Writing Desks, SCRAP BOOKS, TOILET CASES, PICTURE BOOKS, Dolls, Toys, and Many Other FANCY GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS! Having an Iruiiit-ns- e Stock of t he above item, and not wishing to carry them over until next season, we will positively CLOSK THEM OUT AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. Chas. Herzog- - fe Bro., 806 Main Streets opp. Peabody Hotel. r M F MURRAY TAILORS, DRAPERS AND IMPORTERS, No. 38 MADISON &T MEMPHIS, in lm reelat of o Frrah sued rnrlralrd Stock of HPOBTKU CLOTHS. CANHIMEKES no St7ITIKC19, for (be Fall ami Winter Nraaooa, comprising all tne oaw ud I'kXM asaeiaosj In tsrntleaaen'a Www. o oliday Wedding Presents! Aaalm In I be Lead, and tbla Tlmti Wllb Ibr .Mont 1'omBlrla Mwk tr Solid Mirer and Silver Plated Ware, And FKESHLY IMPORTED NOVELTIES, t'lorksi, Hrnuaea, Ntaluair, Kpna dlann, and alniosteverytbins io our line that Is beautiful and rare. Our stork is now Terr brie, and we are daily in receipt of treh goods, and invi'e al.er.tiun to the t'lsioat a.xhll.ll of the kind "r"f iiBE JEl1 PALACE, 2S-- )Iain St., Cor. Madison. XEW (JOOlsK FOR THEflOLIDAYS Maple Syrui.. Comb and Eitraeted Honey. inldf,n mop, Now Louisnua Molasses. Creamery Butter, and I'lain Buokwheat Flour. Kurina. Tatio-a- . Oat Moal, Arena, Farin. a, t'urn March, ltarlcy. Dried Sweet C.irn, :ra-- d Wheat, .Solil IVas, Loi.-tl'- e. ilrecn Koru. nil kind" Flavorlr.il ('ox, to"ior & Seiaoli'a CMatlnes. CANDIES ! A NUe Assortment ..f BLANK BROS.' HANI). MADE CAM'IES. ttalains. Citron, Currants, Candled Leuion and Oranae 1'eel, Hate. Kiss, Filled Cherrirs, Pr.pch and Turti.h Bvapnrat- -l Pooled Pea.-he- , and Apples, Peeld Apilesand Peachse, Canton Ginger. Preeerv.-.- i PBfiNKVE-J-therrlBH.Straw- rri--i- . Pea.-hi- , Pear,. Ouiness, lMnion liuu.s. KRILLEH'S 1)1 .NO tit JAMS, ion. Gooseberry, Ked Currants, Ra cherry, Aurl cot, Ureen Uniin, Marmalade. ATMORK'S MIN' E MEAT and Plnro Pudding All kinds Preserve, and Jellies by the pounl. J.F.BUCKHAril&CO. ( irn'r ItP:ili ami Sir. E. Slier, Tailor, H'nuld call attention to Ma I'AM. Arl Wl. i Etc HrtH K, comprising the I holfl I alnl linlgaael t'or. lKn ed ' 11-- r Harkrl. Having tkon aieoial care in th-- ir se'ection, I am pleased to y to myoustomrra and publio who far.-- ine with a nail, to tnem Line ol ln,,U only found In Leadli-- I I oQaes . Corner Second &. Jefferson Sts FRANK SCHUMANN, Importer anJi Jciicr in buna. Inrstlr a-- ;' HKrHmn-- ' aupiill.4 mm- - .Special aftti';'n..a vcn MAM r'Al 11 lilN.. and KKHAiV IV ii i at Mrn l. Iuiilit. W8flMor! n HJSA& XcCAKTHV, Propr's 40. 42, 144 Front St., Memphis OP TflK taHTSTI IHULKR SHOPS IN ONE Suuth. And the cnif comlt Builrr .?ot-I- n W.rkf ip ih oity. SHHnfiu iurn . i iftwy plat lr.M.Morw. of r t on wcrk It. KUPFERSCHMIDT, IMPORTER AND DEALER IS vtiim, Amtuuiiilti.ii. Kihiue' '. '' 1 S)lit tlt1( U Suillit'tt, WHOLESALE AM RETAIL. 4 MnIii Mtrrrt. 1Iruiplil,'lran. Manufacturing and Repairing nf linn a Spec'al- - tv. gar N YOUNG & BROTHER, Saoksellers and stationers, -- 4H .Sain Street, Memphis Tenn. SCHOOL BOOKS. AH ltir riOlMMll IUM.I4M III l f Uj tln l5 J. G. SCHMIDT & SON t. Ammnnlllen Ta lahlnir arklr, r' at Ar.lt arv, liilal Anuniirlalera lor Hti and VeK'nces, Jlaln slrml, i,. l'exin. K.lce-tri- c supplies always on hr.d. I.s- - palf, n c am r v aa 1. H. (4aoava...a GVERTON & &H0SVENQR, ileal Estate Dealerii --kl-L'SXr-J AI HROREKS. OFFICE, 4 SECOND ST.. . K. C'ssr. Hono.el aHsd nirt. KaT ATK J?rVRT AtD SOLD. TAX S8 RL 4. Pen;- - C'llete.l. f .. on tommlsslrn. ar GCLF VIEW-B- oy a Homei smi (lis Krlart nrmtcats lIl'LF COAfT. where vl won't freeie in winter. Thermometer rar.. i.ow 4.1 degrees, forty-nv- e miles ee-- t tl V.w Orleans, on the Lcaisville and r.tv- - Kajlroad: tour dally ; Toulmj deiet ' tv place I nsurrs.pa a uuuie oru,.,. K,iSl1t New Orleans, lwt wmter. One n ils xmersraasink-ber-tci- tassiindVoalU ,u" "w- - t,r'". lVhell v. v,ond i ,. . rra-o- ana suviuips a. . hronohl. is. an 1 all thro ,'n ' '"Ifii" J by a rwsidenc. on this coa.t- -J r",,h,J '"'V - i . . j - a .ml v .11. wvuu return mail for a b uildins lot 5"S "hieh will b. wurtn ten t.mes this amount in iess w,n 6 years. Address Loi.ax n a: s.ai, Itoilr bi !!.. Mias.. or K. J. Btaca A Co.. Menu hif. Tenn. Jacishs. f:fia., riept. SI, 1W. I tak rreat pleasur- - in etatiug that Siuif View adjoins the celebrated J. F. 11. Claiborne idaes, and is deeid.-il- one of tiie most desirable on tbs 4ulteast. 1 sartnis. having oflea bMn nn and tferthe hace. t'ery respotlwlly, F.. u. WALL. CointnlSMoner ,f IscmlcTation .d lf.,,1,..,. f)... vlal.i,.T,i MOLO. jJXXK-Fro- Bi arplsn, Saturday. or. T. 1J xvL en, bar horM nrnl,. about nine year, old bmadM wiu i. an l.tt shoalder. Liberal reward Jet tCi rctura K M. (.. Lrwjj. Innic, Station s. a. Joni k co.. m,kpi & RIDGELY, r1 1885! Gifts! DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, FOR EXCHANHE. FARM Will exchange 1032-ao- stock STOCK 45 miles from St. Louis, for a rood plan UtloD. or other food property, South Address H. J. m'lNL.1 Urocar. Lnms, Mo. FOR SALE OR REXT. H ill! HE A good y bouse, seven rooms, good rich garden and twelve of around, situated Just outside of the cor- poration of C'.lllerville. raeli,y county. Tenn. For terms apply 1 11 R. M. A. M AYO, V llston.Favette ominty, 'lenn. 12 rooms: lot 4(1 feet front on HOI'SK-Wi- th and runs through to St. Martin street. Apply to DR. h. A. POOL, No. l Miitn.rrv rpM. nsar rt a'c. liOOwM AMI KOAKK ROOM One handsome furnished room, with at M MADISON 8T. ROOMS Nicely furnished rooms with board for at reasonable rales- -- 3 Filth street, Chelsea. J00M3-Wi- th board. 123 Court street. f! SICE Rooms. furnthed or unfuroUhed, wlh O or without buard, at 137 Madison street. large unfurnished rooms, with or without TWO atjy Maditon street, corner Third. I."00Mtv-Frn- nl and back rooms, en anlta or LV single, with board, l7i Madison street. ii'l. J AMEN llol'F Oor. .Seoond and Adair s sis I'EUM..VAI roiITJ E. PI'RDOS. M.D.. University of Du,- - 0 lin. Physician and Surgeon. Olfioe tiayo Hotel. Main st rect entrance- r AJIIEjI Enlarge the bu?t and develop thi ainM'laaeU-ireatiuent- : noQuaoks'uff. phyaicians Ljlurlel indvie It. particulars and nrolr mailed Ire. Ea" Mfco. Co., Buffalo, N. H. M. WARING has removed her Dree MRrl. Establishment to 143 Vance street yi a"M WOLF Whooameto Memphis two months ago. can Bnd nls utner ar f: DTCTbBINS I'ractioil Iioner and t Metal Worker. Rooting, buttering and Pip ing. and piintingof old roois a special ty phone W. ( 1lblfcll. rlhiit and repaired; and war rantc ; alio, bri. lyil;g. Office45 Madison 't. . or ttcnoTie rilOr.. Cl'RHTSS. " i;j . l '! HEM. CI'Vr RAI. NEAT lMTA'.E$-- A. ArriT to (MIlt'ES, aJbMst. t r,r itnforni'hoJ. tv 117 ST. I ti! -- t f.a.:'. nio.ly lurniflic I, r litftit RKM Niuly furnihMl front room. Scrj enoc. U2 Maditon a tree;. IWO NICE GOirAtiKs Onithtwoftndore thro rJiiii QO hlmwoud Ftrjt-- M r iiu. Apt ly at & FSIOaN J to J. H. McyAVITI. m. V"IC COTTAGE Newly repainvl; fire rounn, .N teiilM kiUhfn and uervaDt'n rimio : N. 113 W richtURtO frtftet. Apply to C. W. MET CALK, IVtu-- li. s Chun eBuitlUlDs. HALL At 'aV "ond fttroet, rpposit Court This Hall in nioely fa mid bed wirh Bruwfli csrrti tv Apply to J D. 27otierond n. KCKJMS Furniehed rnomi at M Mooro street, ROOMS AdJoiniDB the Appeal editorial office, fr cotton bunnes. at 2M, on Second J L. viO'DLOK, iH Madlcon st. OOOMS Double and Rinirle. tur-- I Tithed, nt MN RitE ST Ty ADVANCE MONEY On household - X erty without removal Addicss P. O. Buxl. SOLICITORS-First-cla- as lady and gent'emon O solicitors to ropresent an association necentl 'rganised In the iuterest of education. Will pi salary and commission. Address or call on h KIT ART, Clarendon Hotel. Mrs. J. C. Fir.pr gOARDKRS-- At ION ST OOD COOK At Wett Memphis Hu'.l We G1 Memphis, l ross the river. a.: To soil the fniversal Button Fa-- t ner. lor sint'le and pneos. ii. BLRtiETf, Bui H7, Columbus, 0. O A LOON Parties desirlnc to dlsprseof saloon J ylss'i, !n lavoradle locality on one ol prtnri pal s?rev1', nnd a cash purchaser by addrers ing A. K. ii.. care Appeal ofhee. nriE LAUIrW To bring the Dime Museun, a ALL their Craiy Quilts and Fancy tt ork a! "nee. Ihe Craiy Uuilt txpontlon ofens nexi Monday, December 14th, CROsH h Man.molh Dime Museum, '4 Main street. AN AND WIFE Man to work in garden; NT. ttoiuen to cook. wah andiron. A' pi vat ;iS FRONT ST OOMllION-- In ion.i cotton houe by one whu I. hashed fifteen years' experience at the porls nd Interior towns. Muarantces atii,iaation, and ts reliable lor any posit-on- . Rest of rettrence. Address Si., this offi'c; SITUATION By a good barber, city oreounlry. O Address HAKRSK, this otBce. K One s eook and 1 chambermaid Lite preferred Also dit ing room boy ool red ddnisw, with references .L.T. Aptsl 1 IRL A wh'te girl In a family of l Jt 4'4 Shelby stn i RENT A house suitakl lor a boarding- - I bouse. Addrees, with particui&Ts, M., Appeal office. 2!!TV ATION A clerk or book-keep- by v thoroushly onitMt nt tufriij well aoauainted m eitv ana ei'i.nirr. Adtiree B.J., ito office lMTI ATION-- A sir! lourteen ear of aae df- fireo a permanent situation in nrme aocd t uiily to do general bi'Uneitork. l. e t reter roc) ciren and rjuired Addret-- VR. MARTHA H.. Appeal office. I ADlTl5 and (tentlemen, in city or t Li take light work at then own home; M to $4 a 1a ratilr made .work tent br mail ; no cativatr tag. S e have a t cmm! demand for oar work, and tuininh steady emi'l.yment. Addreu, with stamp ('eowk M'r'o Co-- 4 Vinegt., Cincmnnti, O. A PUSHING. ENERGETIC MA ST -- With lone JL 0pt;ij to introauce ana me agency lor ihit city and r!.MnitT cf a tupenorand iMt l! ia-- r loilet Aniole. Address J1" M.ULASS .VI HE. l N. Front St .FalUda AGENI9-H- h wUh U oanTi for a LADV of Ladlpe at.d Children' Furnishing oodit tht Mlt ;n fory nuue at liw per oect rre.nl -- lrtr1M mA,rM With ItlHir. E. H. CAMP 1'ELL A CO ,4.". Ra.i'-tp- h tt.. Chicago, 111. OKNIj! Liberal term; for fiil! rarticuiam 223 Olive meet. &t. Loui. U: AN To 'aie an oSs and rerresent a man M : fzuaii rsr-na- i re d. Ad-ir- . s. withstauii. JJOX .0, West Acton, Maas. CCVPA'TS For nice frost room, with board: also, other rooms, at It I nurt street. AUB.M tor a new ana vaiuaoie LlLNbrtAL t Icnue.-se.ao- d Kasiern Arkan- - .dress at cnoe - IHE RIVERSIDE Pl'B- - CO., tijjvc street, tit. Louis, Mo 'r " a watt a giri. tHA5tBERMAlD-Mu.- v. . VA. " . tallatT5AU 1 I , ' ( ) ( ;V,i!1?"n ! bring tne.. J Vv-- ' Clothes to Kosenstein A Bro. and hr,SJlJC5?T'li Jl5innd2flJeffersi,n. y l n eity or country to work A lr us at their homes: fascinating .rar-lo- i tncnlt no instructions to boy; work ria b, sent ey mail tdistancso obiatios); (KtolVner week can b, mie. So eanTjftinf . Paruoolars free or aamtu. of for fanr eente Plea., address Iiofis MaNCaCIC KIxT?8' IHTrVHi aw M OTTS- -T bus Aii n,.. T . and paygoprtjer.fcnd for elreular and' pries pyi. 3. W . Ji , Tf Vane t. JsNTa-beb- lnt Mo. Suam fr esbw AG J Wirth, Sol, Mfx., Bu IJiL, Jv. THREE LtMin The Blonde, the Brunette and the Girl with Auburn Locks Xake Mutual Contessions. How to Reach the Female Heart- - Ad miration Begets Reiapect and Respect Begets Love. Thrse of Memphis's fairest maiden ware sitting before cbeerfql fire in the parlor of a pretty cottage. "Girls," eaiil the blonde, with a merry twinkle in her eye, "(iris, I have apian to propone. Now pleane don't laugh at mo." "What is your plan ?" asked the other two with considerable animation. Well, we are all engaged, and will soon be staid and Bteady wives. Now, let ns make mutual confessions. Let us tell eax h other what particular charm each too nd in our respective husbands that ma ke us love them." "All right; you commence," said the brunette and also the maid with the sun- set locks. "Now, promise that if I commence both of you will also make confessions. Will you promise? ' "Yes," laughed both, "we promise." "Well," Bftid the blonde, "when I first met Chai!ey, I positively disliked him. He was so frank nnd open in his ways that I considered him what these people who use siaDg call 'too (resli. Hilt there was something I couldn't help admiring. He was always neatly dreseeJ and his clothing fitted as if it had been moulded upon him. That made toe respect him, and it wasn't long before I learned to love him. "Now for oonfession No. 2, ..aughed the brunette; "I positively detested Tom when I first met him. Instead ot uttering flattering speeches like the rest of tiie chaps, he had the audacity to tell that he understood ttiat black-eye- d girls nad quicE tempers. My! but how I hated him at first for that remark. I lock occasion to let him know I "ras angry, and he made me furious by telling me that my conduct proved toe truth ol tils assertion, find- ing that tny ani.f r didn't worry him, I de- termined io mate him like me so that I could have Ihe pleasure of snubbing him, but he dreeaed so neat and nioe that it wasn't long before I learned to apprectale biin ahovn nil other men." "Gills," said the strawberry blonde, "I don't think confession No. 3 will be inter-entin- g. I learned to love Will because, although he dressed magnificently, he wss ftcuRible enoug'; to buy all his clothing at the Misfit Parlors. 262 Second Rtreet, oppo- - Court rimre." "And my Uliavley buys all Lis clotnin; at the Mislit Pailors," chirruped the blonde. "And sh does my Will," chimed in the brunette. "He told me that since he hee been getting his clothing there he bos a'aved enough to nearly furnish the house." "And (..'bailie tells me," said the blonde, "that the Misfit Parlors, L'62 Hecond st reet, ellf-1- tailor-mad- e suits and overooaU for fi"; HO mlts and overcoats. $.2; $."& stills and overcoats, il8 and $'J0; J30 suils, kif end f 16. I told my father about ii, and he went to the Slitfit Parlors and found that Charley's words wore true. He says that the Mii-n- t Parlors havo the finest Bt;k o( Pants in Memphis, and that it in really wonderful Low cheep they do Bell clothing." MISFIT Clothing Parlors, . 262 Second St., Memphis, Opposite Court Square. Light for sight buyers; courteous treatment for all. aarAlterations cheerfully made, to .fleet a per- fect fit, by a flrst-olas- a merchant tailor. trUpin Kteultisra sialll oVIooli, Wainrdajsi till II. IKVRKIK'N TIIKATr.K. P03ITIVE bl'CCESS Of the popular young actor. Mr. JAMES O'NEILL, Jn the Grand Romantio Drama, HOarTJH WIHTO. Brilliant Can! New inery! arand ECatal E' ery evening during the week, ana Saturday Mftt'nee. T.... MAUIC QUEEX Mammoth Dime Museum 224 MainJStreet. For Week Commencing siooslar. Ie. Tils. HERR HAAG, ...J CVI. ..I.T-i-a-l Th.f;rMu'.. The calebi.. . f Curiosity World. eat Uarn ... J.AJ4SK ATOM. 4nnia(i. nasa st ... The Fairy-hk- e Arlie " OA.PT. TJHEOH., The Oiant 8 feet 2 inches tall. FIVE HALLS Or WO.MiErltj. On the Staee. Mack & Coulter's Megatherlan Comedy Co Ail new faees and acta. Every seat in the the- ater raised all can see plainly. Oar I'raay tlnlll Sbt.w brains Monday next, Leo. 14?h. We are NOW RRCEIVINO Y 01 K Ul'ILTs. Bring them in. 1 nree costly priios 1ftf.4irl.tr TIIF.ATI'.K. week, eonimrnclng Dec. 7th. N4DINOX SQl'ARE fOJIPART, In Joaquin Miller's Hreat Comedy Drama. '49! With a Powerful Cast and New Scenery. C'taanice uf fro a rwm ise Tknnalay NJabl. Mrs. FLORENCE FINLEY MOORE or igoriMViLLK HASupeneda Dancing Academy in thin eity Hall on beeond utreet. Mr?. Mooro eoines to ut highly recom mended, and will introduce all the late ft society dance. Tuition day: t'vr children, Tueiday and Saturday at 3 o'clock i.m. For .articulari, aee Mn. Moore at Gayo Hotels FOK SXhY. OK EXCHANGE TTOIT C IT Proterty, 5 r armn, 5 luilea from X1 city. Old KAleigh road ..II nw. Inn. lini. AddroHt P. K. , 2 Madison Btreet. FO UXD. I'NCH OF KEYS- - Afldy at APPKT, ilFFIfE BRACTIFl'L PLACH Well improTed,3 acres, terms liberal. M L. BACON. rHK OLD HEN ISLAND In sight of lsOU acres, ot which about 300 cleared and Tery rich land. A bargain oan be secured by llcatton to u. 15. nm am & m. OT8 Two desirable lots, 37 and 3S Peyton's I subdivision, north side Greenlaw street. Appiy to T. H. MICtlU. 310 recond street. VIOKKE-- A large gentle rookaway or buwey X 1 borae; may be driven by lauy or oatld. Terms very reasonable. Must be sold. Aoltlv at itu: OVHCE. 10W Two-thir- Jersey, without eslf. Good C J conditiun. Will soli to butcher, or to him who desires a milch cow. Apply to JOHN R. A IltY, 71 Mianatsas street. ,4 i 1 ACRES VERY FINK LAND Twenty jiJJ aii.es east of Memihis, at Bailey rota tion, on Memphis ai.d t.narleeton raiiroaa: v eres In cultivation, 160 good t.mber; nice n of six rooas, eeven tanant-house- s, cis- tern and well and plenty of etock water. In ex- cellent neighborhord. Price vry low and easy terms. Apply to MINIER P ARKER or. A. . oiAr.il., lew jiain st. ' O LACE PLACE" The place known as the X "Talaoe Place." containing about acres, seven miles abov Memphis an Mississippi liver. Very cheap for ,r cash, balance In l. 2 and 3 years at 6 per cent, interest. Tois land must be sold. Address for 1A days. E. T. HALfcEY. ' HO Fifth Street, Lonisville, Ky. URNITURE Hoosehold and kitchen farni- - tore, ehap. SJ8 Union ttr,et, OTEL Located at a railroad crossing in a thriving town. Has for years don.apros-perou- s business. Address HOTEL, this cftic 4rTi ( KES5 AILS All sises. Also a'l JLUv.'V. kinds Stores. Oram FronU and Fend ers a! HA pa i p. BtAUTIFvL HOME In Holly tjprings, Miss. about IS acres, on the St.. near the schools and depot; many small lot can b, sold off. This property will b, iisposedof at, tieat sacrifice, on liberal teems. R. J. BLACK A CO. FROF. WJi. M. WILLIAMS'S celebrated known as the " Golden Prise," obtained at HOLLENBERO'6. Music Hoose. TOOD comfortableTountri HOME VJT On. hundred and fltty acres, eighty under cultivation, is first.-clas-s neighborhood; good dwelling, cribs, barn, stable; fin. water; thir- teen miles troni .Vemohis and tour mile from depot on Louisville and Nashville road; will s.11 at bargain for cash. Aaaress HOME, 2M Main at. JEBSKY BULL Fog on, thoroughbred Jersey Bnll-S- 5" cash and $75 on - - AaOJ.ss w ovlsft a bALfi, Mt. aicj, Tenn.. Atoka P. O. heiriM ud Counters. Front st. OOD s.t of Grocer. P. .: 1 Of i ACRES 1V miles nurthaaai of Iw. tiY.y"1 T"V: Bewdw.lilng-hou- s, m,Z,ooa. birI" Ba all und fine.. LS&VITS":.' No.l .toek farm, er A MABTIS.sSSMai, at. JacIa iir-is- u old Jsek, 'liKiOitStTiE SlAlK C fcli csaivahl. snraav and all dues le the tat OVEKIOii A tsBoevtsok. THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL-THURSDA- Y, DECEMBER IO, 1885. AUCTION SALES. CHOICE STOCK OF HKOCrRIES AT AUCTION. Canned Goods, rliiaar, Mulasses, Fish, Meat, Ete. Also, one FINK 7S, OCTAVE PIANO. Tbitrwdar, Isrrr-nebe- r lOib, at lo a'elocli, At 31 Union street. A. M. STODDARD. Auctioneer, Auction Sale of Hack & Horses ntfDER the authority re ted in me by eon re frnm Put Rupiin. rttvr.iAii in thACnnn. tv Regit tar'i office, id Chattel Mortnare BookiMo. 31, pp. Wt and M, I will, on Saturday, Deoeu,br IV. at 11 o'cl(K-- a tn., in front of F. A. Jonee'a ftable. No. 61 JJdoriroe it., tell at public outnry, to the h'uheit bidder, lor oanh, one leather-to- p oarriftve known and run aa public eonveyanoe No. 17. and alo the two bay norsea heretofore driren thereto BARNKY FAHRELL. LOST. DOG Tuesday, small tan bitch; 95 reward. t- - 19 HERNANDO ST. T3UKCH OF KEYS Five atee and two hraas. J--r it round, pi. mv, at Appeal offioe and reeelvel II . THE WEATHER. sKlioalinii,. For Tmmutee and ins Ohio YalUy, fair weather, north to west winds, higlter ntarly ttaiionary temperature, except in extreme eaUern portion tlightly colder. ntMroloarleal Kepert. MaurHiB, Tains.. December 9, IMS. Tim.. Bar. Ther. Wind. Weather. 7:00a.m.. 29.087 36.0 N.W. Cloudy. 11 :OJ a.m.. I 29.04 S5.0 N.W. Cloudy. 3:00 p.m.. I 29. WW 33.0 W. Clear. 7:00 p.m.. 2S.K6 34.0 W. Clear. 10:00 p.m.. 30 QUO 33.0 W. Fair. Maximum temperature, 60.0, Minimum temperature, S3.0. Rain tail. 0.03. All observations are taken on 75 meridian Urn,, rhieh is on, hour faster than loeal time. Rnlnfnll. SiGiraL Orricx, Deoember 9, 1M6. Average reinfall at ootton region stations, aa eompiled from weekly statement, from the office of the Chief Signal Offioe: Wetk Endina Dec. 5. '84. cc.4, '86 South Atlantio atates 0.22 inch. 0.78 incn. East Ouif States 0.V7 0.A9 West Gulf States 0.21 0.04 Ohio Valley and Tennessee-- 0.20 0.26 Average 0.12 0.42 For Tennessee, separately, the weekly amount is : Chattanooga 0.25 0.S6 Knoxvilla 0.02 0.63 Memphis 0.55 0.09 Nashville 0.27 0.70 Average 0.27 0.50 LOCAL. PARAGKAPIIS. Munte Cri$lo at the theater again to- night. The streets look clean after the rain Tuesday nigbt. But very little outside of the regular routine doing at the Court-Uotis-e. Lozo, the Mfltic Queen, commences an engagement at the theater Monday night. Mr. Josiah Patterson has been made administrator of the late H. 8. Gantt, de- ceased. The indictments against the gamblers will be tried in the Criminsl Court on Sat- urday next. The wind at 2 o'clock this morning was blowing from the northwest, and it was rapidly growing colder. The suits of Kiggins vs. the Cheea-peak- e and Ohio railroad and Morrow vs. the Gayoso Hotel Company ate still on trial. Merchants report a gradual but steady Increase in the volume of business. The Christmas boom has not yet arrived in full force. The cases against the officeis of the City Railway Company for obstructing the streets will be tried in the Criminal Court on December 15th. Tracy received an order from Atlanta, a few days since, for one of the most novel aud finely finished wedding invita- tions ever selected in the South. Billy Ryan, who kee; a a saloon at the corner of Poplar and Front streets, was assaulted and bitdly wounded by a couple of men named W. L. Gamble and R. P. Kueker last night about 10 o'clock. He was cut iu five or six places. Tha men were arrested. Marriage licng weie yesterday to Henry riwanev and Mrs. joeie RouVers, V. H. Miller and Mips Lizz'e H TJrquhart, Rufe Baas and Mrs. Violet Brooks, John Redmond and Miss Maltio Woodbarry, Sim Rutland aud Miss Mollie fcaunders and W. H. Dalton and Mifs Sallie Hunt. Ine women a tscaange will give a reception on Friday, December 11th, in the evening. There have been no carda of invitation issued, but a iare attendance iB expected, and the management hone that all the friends of the Exchange and thoso who may be Interested will lend their presence. A case appealing to humanity at 47 Poplar street: A consumptive mother, a n latner and three heluleca chil dren. Appeal has been made to the charity associatiou, and ?) in cash and $3 in groceries is all the help in lour weeks. If this ia all the Christians can do, what will the inndels bestow ' Mr. Walshe, the representative of the Treasury Imparl merit, who ws from Washington to inopett the n6w fmniirjrn for the Custom House, yes'erdav examim d and received the farniture. Kverythiug in now itadr, and the I'ostofnce, reaeral Court, customs officers Bud other Federrl officials will move into their new quartets in a few davs. It is possible that Some wil move Euiliiina peiaiits were issued late Tuesday evening and yesterday morning as follows. F. M. Coygswel). 65 Adams street, coal-houe- $15; P. Fransioli, 227 Court street, new floor to porch, $10 ; Geo. Barner. 17 Iladdcn avenue, repair roof, $50; Frank I. Oubhins, 1J12 Aiabnma street, tin roof, $21; (r. is. Grant, 301 "mend street, repair chimney, fla; a ... Georgia tt reet, one-stor- v nicae 7101,, -- frame, $25. A countryman on his way from e,, point in Kentucky to Texas was robbed of $100 Tuesday night on the passenger train on the Louisville and Nashville railroad, which arrived yesterday morning, lie re ported his loss to the conductor, who tele- graphed the police here. This morning Sergt. Kuhnholz aud several officers boarded the train at the shops and searched several parties who were snspicioned of having robbed the man. They were un able to find the guilty party, but learned af:erward that the man who stole the money jumped the train at Bell's Depot, some miles on the road. The casa of Warren, Love A Co. of Si. Lonis sgaim-- t H. Furstenheim, which has been on trial in the United states Court for the past six days, was tiven to the jury yesterday niorning.but up to hour of adjournment they had not returned a verdict, borne J300U or $1000 are involved. The facts ol the case are, in brief, as fol lows: borne time ego a htm at Osceola, Ark., applied to War en, Love &. Co. for oredtt, and, on the recommendation or in- dorsement of Mr. Furstenheim, who, it is aileged, said the Osceola firm was colvent and reliable, VVairen, Love & Co. sold them a bill of goods amounting to $3000 or $4000. In a short time after the goods were received the Osceola firm failed, the St. Louis firm losing the amount of their bill. Hence the suit aginBt Mr. Fursten- heim to recover. V. 1". Rsmpey, of Bolivar. Tenn., came down on the steamer Coahoma Tuesday ninht, and reports that he was attacked while on the dvt-- of the boat by some unknown man aud badly cut with t rmot, and $220 i,i money taken from him. The mate dew-Mi- the robber as a man weighing 165 pcuadp, thirty-fiv- e years ohl, red complected, snndy moustache, had 011 sloanh soft black iist, and red hankerchief around his neck. There was one $5 bill with mark in red pencil, 65. Mr. Ramsey travels for Hoops Bro. & Thomas, Chester, Pa. Mr. Ramsey is at H. M. Woodson's residence, lives next door to Mr. R. A. Shields, who has a telephone. The money was wrapped up in an express receipt iu Mr. Ramsey's name. Mtliy,iirrolloa lo W. B. Oalbraalk at Co Diamonds I P. W. Hughes, jeweler, SM Main street, hs on exhibition a large stock of fine diamonds. Among theso is a beautiful pair of ear-rin- rorfect mutch, without a blemish, 14$ carats, price $500o; a solitaire diamond ring, 11 carats; n diamond bracelet, carats, together with fine matched pairs of s, all sizes; a splendid assortment of lace-pin- s of the latest designs; solitaire and cluster rings, studs, collar-bntton- scarf-pin- etc. La- dle and gentlemen are especiaUy injitd to viev this, the finest stock ever offered for sale in thin city. Great inducements will be given to ictending purchasers. P. W. 0UGHE3. Jew.l.r. 293 Main trM. Solid MlTei at MulfwrtT. F,rmLDA Wmi received fresh weekly direct bulls Waukeeha. J. t. BOSZSMK. Aawtfcar. A BIG DEAL. The Two City Railroad Companies Bourht Oat bj a Strong' Jtash-vlll- e SyndlMte. Oae ol the I.artrrst Trade Ever iu the Sooth Par tieiiluts of the Sale. For several dnys past there have been smothered rumors ( f transactions involv- ing the old and the new City Railway companies. One rumor was to the effect that the old company had sold out to Nashville parties, who had given 1) for all the stock owned by Barrett aud the Frost brothers; and that the new company bad turned over their line?, franchisee. etc., for a bonus of $82,000, the purchaser assuming all liabilities. An Appial re- porter took these rumors in hand and pur- sued them to the following result: It was learned that the rumors were sabstan-titdl- y correct and that both trades have been made, and that only few unimportant details . remain to be set- tled to complete the biggest deal ever made in Memphis. The pur- chasing parties' are J. C. Warner, Nat. Baxter, J. P. White and . M. Shook, all Nashville capitalists. These gentlemen have formed a syndicate, and are purchas- ing the city railway franchises in all the PROMINENT WIATSBH CITIES. They are already owners of the line in Kansas City, Birmingham, Chattanooga, nd all the Nashville lines. Late last evening Mr. Barrett of the Memphis City Railway (the old company) was seen, who Btated that no trade had been accom- plished, but that he was only awaiting the response of the syndicate. Mr. Barrett would not "give up" the terms, nor would he deny those mentioned above, which were suggested by the reporter. He was of opinion, however, that the trade would be concluded later in the day, and if bo the newspapers would be notified. IF TBI TRADE WAS klDI the new company would take charge in ten days or a month. In discussing the matter with prominent citizenB the re- porter was impressed with a general re- gret that a trade brought the two compan- ies under one management, as it was argue d there ought to be competition enough to compel one or the other of the companies to extend their lines into the suburbs, where repeated demands upon the old company have been treated with contempt. The nr.w line had already impressed the public with the hope of these extensions, and it is a matter of regret that they have sold out to a combination that puts both linos nuder one management. The character of the gentlemen composing the syndi- cate, however, is assurance of fair dealing with the Memphis public in the future. HOW THK NEW COMPANY WAS BROTJGnT ' ABOUND. An Appbal reporter last night called on a gentleman to whom he had been referred f' r information, and upon telling what he knew the party referred to made the fol- lowing statement: "Of course, now that the whole thing is a fettled fact, I don't mind telling yon all there is in it The scheme waa worked np by Jere Baxter, who came here some time ago for that purpose, as the representative of the syn- dicate formed at Nashville, composed of Messrs. Baxter, Warner, Shook and White. It was easy enough to get at a basis with the ol 1 company. An ofier was made, which was accepted, with condi- tions. With the new company, how- ever, it was not so easy. The company was not running, and was cot thoroughly organized. In fact, there was nd head nor tail to their affairs, and nothing like a satisfactory basis for a trade could ba arrived at. Mr. Baxter, being a straDger, could not go about among the stockholders, so he stayed in his room at the hotel and engineered the scheme, while a friend of his, Mr. A. K. Ward of this city, worked on the outside. It was necessary to enlist the services of a Mem- phis man in whom all parties had confi- dence through whom the negotia- tions could be carried on, and Mr. John S. Toof was selected, atd undertook the task of bringing the two parties together, which, after several weeks, he succeeded in doing. The figures you mentioned (1 for old stock and $82,-00- 0 bonus for the new company) are sub- stantially correct. This is the whole thing in a nut-shel- l. It is the biggest trade ever msde in Mem- phis, and is good thing for all par- lies concerned. The syndicate get a prop- erty that is worth every cent it cost thorn, and which will prove a paying invest- ment. The city will gee the best street railroad system in the South, aa theJ men behind the scheme have unlimited capital and are ready to spend it. The whole thing was well planned aud well worked up, and to Jere Baxter, John S. Toof and A. K. Ward belongs the credit for engineering the thing through." A BAILBOAD MAN INTERVIEWED. Late last night an Appeal repotter in- terviewed a street railroad man well-know- n to the public and asked hi'u if the trade had been consummated. "Yes," he said. "It has been consum- mated and the new company will take bold in from ten days to a month." "What are the terms of gale?" "That I must decline to tell. They are only known to four men, and must re- main a secret. But you can eey to the public that the transaction was the most costly ever accomplished in Memphis or any city in the South." "More thin a half million of dolhrs?" asked the reporter. "I can"t tell you. The terms must re- main a secret. But I am well satisfied." "Will the new company carry out the contracts of tbjo Citizens' 'and the City companies?" "Yes, and will no doubt have cars run- ning on most of the lines within a riioJ:."- - "Will tne.-- ; I any change of gauge necessary?" -- "O, yes. The Citizens' and the City rai ways will be made to conform to the standard." "This will occasion some extra ex- pense ?" "Yes, a trifle of $10,000 or $15,000." "Are there any street left on which a competing company might commence business l "Not one. Indeed, some of the lines projected by the Citizens' Company will not pay in years. Two of the lints of the City Com parry barely pay now and were run at a dead loss for many years." "Then the new company has a complete monopoly ?" "It has ; and a monopoly that cannot be interfered with by the State government. It is biss of the situation." "How would a line on Front street pay?" "It wouldn't pay for the mule feed. Third street, if it was paved, would form a good basis for a paying line, but it won't be paved, within the next five years, as the District hasn't got the means. " Wouldn't it pay you to try your band at another company on Third and Front and other streets?" "No. All the other desirable streets are taken up, particularly those running east and west. No, sir, the street-railroa- d busi- ness is overdone in Memphis, and there Ln't the ghost of a chance for a competing company." A CITfzEN INTERVIEWED. A well-know- n citizen shook his head in a very sorry sort of way when his opinion was askrd about the purchase of the city railways by the Nashville syndi- cate. He said he was conscious of the value of the trade to the city in releasing borne capital and the ir-- t rod action of foreign, but this will not compensate for. the establishment of so gigantic a monopoly. It has, he said, complete possession of the city to the ex- clusion of any competing lines, and is, even so far as the Taxing Dis- trict is concerned, master of the situation. The City Railway Company wa9 strong enough for twenty years to monopolize the business. With the Citi- zens' Company added it is a hundred fold stronger, especially in the hands of so Etrong a syndicate. I don't like it. It wears, tor the people and their interests ia view, a very ugly look. ; ON AND OFF 'CHANGE. Dull on 'Change.. Cotton lower in Liverpool, Cotton receipts 5500 bales. St. Loris reports flour quiet. Cottok market almcst lifeless. Provisions closed lower in Chicago. Corn meal qniet in Su Louis, at $1.70. Cotton closed weak in New Orleans. Kansas Citv reported wheat a fraction lower. Tpr Chicago grain market closed off ;!! ronna. fc'iDDEN change from tines, duster to overcoat. Tsb cotton market closed steady and unchanged. ' ' Decesibeb cotton closed 6 points lower-,gpo- t cotton otT. - aAi iiora In dry gooes complain of WaU llM ' " dailnes. Cobs closed unsettled at u,H asked in Sanaa City. Iwax K,w rlaan pt4 Mtton. aaaikct went off during the day, but recov- ered, with a weak tone at the close. ' ' Poet receipt 0 cotton are showing in- creases over the same days last year. St. Lout quoted "provisions steady, and cora and wheat off. Oats closed higher. Cottok receipts continue heavy yes- terday's receipts, showing an excess' of 48,461 bales. Onb of the oases io the desert of a al reporter's life is to meet a female charmer on 'Change. The Grain Elevator reported, in store yesterday 7106 bushels and 1925 sacks cf corn, 39,443 bushels and 14 952 sacks tf oats and 27,573 bushels i f wheat. The O. and O. C. reporter met Mr. Na- poleon Hid on the street yesterday and was told by him that he would ftUDd by the record of the cotton crop estimate is- sued by Hill, Fontaine k C i , and a gen- tleman standing by Btated taat he won d back up the estimate with a waser of $500. VisiTora on 'Change: A. H. Joblin, Batesville, Ark. ; J. H. Alexander, Chula-hom- a. Miss.; A. J. Gravsn Springs. Miss. ; L. D. Cocke.Jackson, Mits. ; Mrs S. J. Friedenheimer. Louisville; Mrs. F. D. Barnum, city; W. S. Heatheriogton, Bellaire, Ohio; Dr. M. Bell, Covington; A. Freeman, New York ; G. W.- - Saopington, Little Rock ; George B. and C. P. Wilson, Troy, Tenn. ; Mis M. S. Stitts, Miss Noha Stith, Holly Springs; W. M. McCarthy, Richmond. THREE GRE4VT BARGAINS TO-DA- Y CLOAK DEPARTMENT. BARGAIN SO. 1. 150 Ladies' Short Wraps (just received) made of elegant soft Lyonaise, ol cloth, trimmed all round with black fox and finished with f ox tails, AT $13 50 EACH. Real value $25. BABGAIS KO. C. 500 Children's Ail-Wo- Cloaks AT $3 60 EACH. Fully worth $7. BAB61IX KO. S. 1250 Ladies' elegant London Newmarkets, ol cloth, newest shapes, AT $8 75 EACH. A bargain for $13 50. MEXKEX'S. N.B. The Grand Bargain Sale in the SILK DEPARTMENT, inaugurated yesterday, will be contin- ued $3 Black Silks at $1 48; $5 Silk Velvets at $2 18, and $1 Vel- veteens at 35c COME TO-DA- Mulforil, Jeweler, 394 Main, Fills orders the country promptly, and satisfaction tsnarantm"'- - I HOTEL ARRIVALS. Gaston' Motel. W. H. BINGHAM MaXAaia. Burepean plan. Enlarged and returnished. Prioesaooordtngtosiae and location of rooms. Wm Eldridge, Tenn J C Dale, Tenn Misa Dale, Tenn J A Jucker, Ala Joe Caldwell, Ala Jim Glenn, Ala J 8 Elder, Ark H tirasse. NY J W Jordan. Miss Jno tiradley. Miss C 0 Rice, Ohio CL Poner. Md W F Hancock, Tenn Master Hancock, Tenn AB Gatther, Tenn vt m 0 Day, Tenn W 11 Turnaga, Tenn J B Witheringion, Tenn H M lurnage, Tenn WB Burton, Tenn WS Swipston, Ark W A Faires, Tenn Peter Wirta. Ma it S Jackson. Tenn R M Hill, Tex J R Collins, Tex J M rinl, Tex J B Rorter, city WR Manees, Ark Mrs F O'Neill. Tenn Wm MoCarty. Va GW P.'son, Misa Q Marshall, Tenn J A Holmes, Tenn R W McLemoie, Miss J E Meek, Ark J A Ware, Tenn Niles Meriwether, Tenn John A rieott. Tenn W F Rainev. V.iaa T J Bla'kwell, Tenn R V Harvey. Miss Mrs A L Farthing. Misa WT MrOracken, Misa J T Barbae, Ohio 8 J McPeak. Misa d .11 ere ik, Miss Mies CV McPeak, Mica TH Pair e Aw, Tenn J W Eldrioge. Diss T J McGowan, Tenn G W ciappington. Ark V H MoG' wan, Tenn A C Carter, Ark B McEwen, Tenn C Sisseth, Mo G H Becker. Ill lirAS Hicks, Tenn U ai Baxter, Tenn .1 J Price. Mifs AB Carrutccrs, Miss Dr MA Bland, Mess WG Boyd, Miss J FMmitn, ark J F Crane, K V W J Watson, Tenn J F Bowers, Tenn MW Morrison. Colo EM Jonrs. Tenn WC 6wooi., Miss TW Conover, Tenn a Aisup, lean TW Brown Aw, Tenn Peabody Hotel. C. B. GALLOWAY A CO PcnrBitroia Rates $2 50 and $3 per day, according to si,, aud location of room Special rates made. II M Pitmon, Tenn D G Pepper, Miss Theo Freeman, Misa W S Garrett. Miss R 0 Kyle, Miss John Waddeil, Miss B TSmith, Miss AB Corruthers, Miss Dr MA Bland, Miss Dr J J Price, Miss W DB .yd, Misa EL Trigg, Misa John tnith, Tex T U James, Pa rs Sherman, Pa' B M Sherrill, Ky v F W Clarse. Ky AS Liulefleld, Jld Geo Bent, Chio.go Alex Miss A B Simmons, Miss J A Pearson, Ala A R Long, Mo SE Mitchell Y TE McConneJI, NX E KinUy. Boston .ui. . iv ronnell, Tenn Miss L Garrison, Tenn F T Seymour, Tenn N l Les er, Ga AD Uaneoek Aw, dm G Van Home, Mass AO Ryley. Tenn N J Bus ey, Ga T irri, Ohio Mirs A Wilson, Miss G W Matthew., Misa fti ill v WK Wheeler, 111 AC r.nguiyu. .o " D' Neil, Mo B C Watoiford Aw, Ma-.- 9 F J lleanell, Ala B F Duke, Tenn H Silrestone, NY K J Wiley. Ey CC Estill. Tenn J H Clark, Miss J L Aleorn Aw, Miss M Burk, eity R 11 French, ir. T.nn W iwink, Jr, Tenn G Therrell, Misa WJ Kyle. Miss w o itooly, anas J P Wallace, MiBl F A Montgomery, Mies E'llirer, Tenn J Landan. Tenn L Friedman. Tenn HL Gavin, Tenn WL Clapp. Tenn w l. niana, lenn TB Treserant, Tenn II L Lanier. Tenn J M Warren, Tenn 0 J Sherrman, Miss D II Smith, Tenn LH Lanier, jr, lenn U Meyers, 111 F Hanssll, Mo J W Milam, Misa F T beymour. ir. Tenn RG Morrow. Ky 8 A Holcoiin. Tex V H Crebs, Ark W Murray, La B R Nelson, Ohio AB Larkin. Mo M A Clarke, N Y H A Gardner, Misa J U Warner, Ark 1 t,ow.nnaupt, lenn W H Hudson. Tenn H H Matlack. Ky P R Bailey, Ten" F A Moore, Tenn J C Pannell At, Ark EC Field, Misa LH Buck, Miss. The Blew Vayoso. EI.TAfi HOTCHKISS. Million. Ratea, $2 50 to H per day. according to location of rooma. WL Raboook.Mo 1. v Clark, jr. N 1 W C Stapnenson, Tenn M F Maddox. N V R K Waters. Md w a Brown, ill Mrs ED Vernon. Pa R I Peyton, N Y J M Vick, Ky W J Sykea. Tenn W K Jenkins. M 1 C L Vigo, N O W O. Jones, Miss CC Foote, Miss F Cook, Misa M Scbwarta, Tenn W Sloan, fi Y AGodbold, Ark WH lUgland, Ark B A Lindsay. Tenn H Heimann, Ohio Mrs R 9 Lindsay, Tenn S Cohen. N 0 M E Weil, N Y GC Rixberger, Miss ZT White. Miss L Liebes, Cai AB Caruthete, Miss P S Gray. Tenn Miss B Clark, Miss M;bs tiailie Scott, Ky R K L Wilson, Ark D H Beall, Ark M Allen, Ara LV Barnea, Mo J J Baxter, N O L W Dcsprei, Ala CA Washburn, Mo E Stuart, Miss T B Kinar, Tenn Mrs Jaa O'Neill. N Y ' K D McManus. Misa W 8 Hoed. Miaa L Anderson, N 0 E E Hall. N O SC Shelton.Ky T J Blaekwell, Tenn J S Hdmear Tenn G Nixon, Tenn J F Shepherd, Tenn Richard Bowler, Mo GW Nixon A wife. Mo. Clareaalon Hotel. Ratea, IS per day. Centrally located, opposite dos to the.. A. PATTISON A Co .Piomiiitor. Misa E Brown, Tenn M E Jones. Tenn D r Harmon, ill GH Lester, Tenn T A Jones, kr DH Bailey, jr, Tenn AD McDsniel, Ark J M Caldwell. Ark P H Rioe Aw, Ark MH McDowell, Tenn HU Jaoobi, lenn WN Willtfnrd, Miss J P Woutsr, Ark F W Snell. Ohio K ! Woodruff, 111 H J McKeever, Tenn A J Denniaon, Ga ME Marks, Miss t: Niohoia, Tenn Mrs DC Carroll. NY J A Winterton, Miss W D Lester, Misa Fry, Oity L hucseil. City H G Donelson. Kaa E 'osell. Miss J G Conroy, Atlanta Barry Collier. Tenn Thoa J Preeeott. Cal William Odell. Can GA Livingstone, Can J E Cummins, Tenn C K Steele, Tenn J C Mahonoy, Tenn H H Oglesby.w A e, Ark R C Friedlander, Mo .1 H Manor. Tenn L Ackerman, Mo Mrs Staples, Tenn T Kelsey, Mo f Steter, Ark Frank B Meyers, Ohio L K Cooney. Tenn Xa Robinson, Ark WA Broml-- y, Ark Ronneelle, Ark H1 Barry. Tenn HC Smith. Ark J C Cason. Ill H A Maeon, Tenn liC Clark, Mo WG Smith, Miss J A Anderson, Tenn HGRingwald. Ark A Camp, Tenn J C Carson, Miss H A Miller, Tenn DC Davidson, Fla W Henderson, Tenn GT Wesson. Ala OaOr'a Earopraa Hotel. Corner of Adams and Main streeti. Rooma 50c, 75c and II per day ; American Plan tl per day. First-clas- s Restaurant in the hotel. . M- - :bs'I UO jr with Peabody Hot.!) Prof's 6H.Vri;.T.nn MaUfcgV.Tj-- B T W Hendran. Mies 3 M Graay. a.. LH Carr. Tenn w r. r.a warn , bbibs J P Wooster, Ark A K 1111. Tenn M J Roberts. Ala W N Rhodea, Ten, L Powers, Tesn S Smith, Tens G Fitsg.rald. T.an H Chatam. lean 0 McNeill, T.an J Cony, 111 JH Cefin, Til J A Ceaoh, Ji I &rarlaa,.M ita emit a. m W J WlUisas, Tex J M Aihforw .Te II at TUner. H tJarro.lL Tssi Lewis, Ten, rs, M if' Ward. Tea a UBft C9 MILLINGT0N, TENN. A Thriving .Station on (he ChtMptake and Ohio Railroad, I he Center of a Rich Conntry. The Lumber Intercut a Growing- On- e- Shipments ftr France 920 Bale of Cotton Shipped. lacacMiL ooKKKroifDE!ica or TBS ArrKAt.,1 Millinoton. Tenst.. Decern brr 0. Leav ing Memphis on the 11 :3'J o'clock train on the Obesspeake, O:iio aud bouthwestern railroad, I reached my first stopping place, Millington, sixteen mile away, al 12:20 o'clock, the road for some distance after leaving thn city running through a low count-y- , subject at times to oveiflow. The day is not very far back when water fliwed over the track, but it d.i t,:nce been raised above such possibility. Steel rails ha'i been put down, new croeatiea laid and the road made practically new. Every few miles workmen could be seen busy with pick, shovel and sledge. Long lines of wire fencing on either side of the road attracted attention, and I was in- formed by one of the employes of the company that it is their intention to build them the entire distance from Memphis to Louisville, with the object of keeping cattls offthe track. The company furnishes the wire, the owners cf the land providing posts and labor. The railroad, in order to have the fenses built at once, would cheerfully have the entire work done at it own expense, exoept for the fear, often well founded, that it would he recklessly destroyed. By having the land owners bnild the fences, the company furnishing the wire, they are regarded as the prop- erty of individuals, and not of the "grind- ing monopoly," the inference being that a man who would destroy the property of the railroad company, "and think it no sin; would hesitate before doln his neigh- bor a damage. The gain to the farmers is considerable. They are enabled to fence their lands at a trifling expense, the wire amounting to much more in value than pof ts and labor. At seveial of the stations between Memphis Millington lumber was piled near the side tracks, and when I sprang from the. train at this point I found myself hemmed in on one side by a big stuck of planks, cn another by a pile of heavy square timber, and in the rear by long rows of lops, some of them nearly five feet in diameter, which were selected for shipment to Paris, France. They tire of poplar, and singularly free from imperfection'. An immense quantity of poplar lumber is piled on both sides the track, most of it ready for shipment direct to Kansas City. It was sawed by mills located in the woods on the west side of the station. The ship- ments of lumber from Millington, as I was informed by the station agent, aver- age fifty car-ioa- a month. Parties now running a pump factory at Union City have just bought a piec e of ground at tho depot and have arrapged to receive Ibelr machinery here at once, where the lumber can be obtained, rough, from the forest direct, sawed into proper sizss and manu- factured. The fattoiy already has orders for of these pumps from a firm in Cleveland, O. A steam cotton gin is puff- ing away at its work within filty feet of me ss I write. It is owned and run by L. C. McCaughan, who has ginned so far this season 920 bale1;, and will run considerably over 1000 before the season clo3c8. There are two stores here. W. C. Ewlpy has a storehouse on the west side of the track, and does an excellent business. His cottage, fifty yardsaway, is one of the neat- est and most attractive along the line of the road. W. E. Polk & Co., on the other side of the track, do a good business and have steadily improved their hade during the ten months since it waa established. As I sit here listening for the tinkle of the supper bell, with the cheerful light from the big back log in Mrs. Macoa s parlor upon my paper, I have around me six or eight of Millington's men, who have about them an air of business not usual to find in a couDtry town. Among them I may mention Mr. 1. H. Nelson, who recently sold his store here to 1'olfe & Co. and now devotes hia ectiie attention to his large farming interests. Altogether there is a great, deal more push in Millington than one would expect to find at a wayside sta- tion only sixteen miles from the city. A. B. P. ADDITIONAL KITES NEWS. Tbe Helena'. Trouble. Natchez, Miss.. Dfcember 9 The Hel- ena passed down at 1 o'clock a.m. Tuesday, and when at Natch-- a Island bar the wind blew the steainor on it, where she remained all day yester- day and until this evening, when the Jay'Gould pulled her olf. After 1 ghtering, her barge, on which 4 0 bales of bor cargo had been plaoei, sunk, bntthe cotton was saved, somewhat dam- aged. The boat will get away Navigation Naapeaded. St. Louis, December 9. Heavy ice is running, and navigation south ia practically silver Telegrams, St. Louis, December 9. Night River fallen , inehes. and stands 7 feet 8 inches by the gauge. Weather clear and oold. Departed: Da- kota, Vicksburg. lId KistI silver taken fc ai MT.fsrri. a4 Slain. Bpakbxino Bbthesda stands at the head of all ellerveecing waters. Sold by tho bottle or dozen. 'J.S.ROBINSON. Agent. Order Wedalaat W ut ford's. Howard Watches at Jin lford'H. Rags Irou, Feathers aud Hides. Highest cash price paid for hides, furs feathers, rags and bones, loose and baled cotton. Sand tor price liet. 8. Gabay, agent end coram'ssion merchant, 409 to 413 Shelby street, Memphis. Wedding Presenile, at Mnlford's. Die Hughes, Indianapolis: "I consider Bethe&da superior to Apollinaris either as a luxury or a remedy." J. S. ROBINSON. Sol, Agent. Hninrr.m tanrl at Hff iilford DR. D. S, JOHNSON'S CELTS' ATFe Medical Dispensary, N?. 17 JeSeraon St--, Betweca Hala as Front. Hemp ESTABLISHED IN 1660.1 J0HN30N if acknowledged by ail parties DR. interested u by lax the mostsuocessful tfaatment of private or secret dis- eases. Qniok, permanent cures guaranteed fa every case, male or female. Recent cases ol Gonorrhea and Syphiila oared in , few days, with- out th, us, of mercury, change of diet or hin- drance from business. Secondary Syphilis, tbs ut vestige eradicated wit'acot tb, ua, ol mer dry. Involuntary les of semen stouped ia a short time. Sufferers from impoteooj or lossoj sexual powers restored to rre, vi or ln a lew wceka. Victims of aelf-abn- nd excessive venery, entering from spermatorrhea and losaol physical or mental power, speedily and pern cared. Particular attention paid to tb. Diseases ol Women, and oares guaranteed. PLes and old sores oured without the use of eaustic or the knife. All oortnltAtiotiBstriotivootindenfal. Mevlioines sent by express to all part, of the oountry. o Worklngtuea cure! at half the Basal rates. oSo, houra from 8 o'olook a.m. to il p.m. D. S. JOHNSC, M. D. PATENTS. Trad, Ma-k- a and Copy Rights CAVEATS, every country in tbe world. The un- dersigned, who will be in Memphis for four niontos, iseditor of the American Inventor, and Manager of the American Patent Agency of Cin- cinnati, Ohio, haa had seventeen years experience aa a Patent Solicitor. He also gives special atten- tion to the prosecution of Patent Cases in the U. S. Courts, and to preparing rtsports, showing scope and validity of claims. a. tt. aEKSsV, Attorney and Counselor in Patent Cafes, 12 W . Court street, Memphis, Tenn. VO HSVC HEALTH THE LIVEW HUSTJSE IMOslOEW. IsaKeliabl. Renwdr lor Lirsrc'uoiii .aialsaod liiscatwed by aderanxed or tarpal ootalltioa of the Luver, as Iva-p- . tana, Coast I patina. Biliousness. Jauo,lM-e- ( Headache, Malaria. Kheamatisra. elc. It rfarnlatw tn bowels, pnn-a- The hl.si, atreiwrt the s,.m, as,'s AN INVALCABLB FAMILY MBDICINB. Thousandsof testimonials prove It, merit. . AJfl imOOOlBT WILL TSUJ. T, C ITS PfcrVTAXIUil. CHANCERY SALE BEAL "ESTATE. No. 3299 No. 6 -- Chan oe ry Court of Shelby county - Stat, of Tennataee for use, etc.. vs. Wm. E. Butler etal.i and No. U R. City of Mem- phis va. F. A. Meriwether et al. BK virtu, of an interlocutory decree for wale ntered in th, abov, cause on the 5th day oi November, 1885. M. B. 50, pare 71, 1 will sal t publio auction, to th, highest bidder, in front of th. Clerk and Master's office, oourthous, oi Shelby county, Memphis. Tenn. .on aualnrdajr, UeceiulM-- r s), 1SS3, within legal houra, th, following described prop-art- y, situated in Memphis, Shelby county, Tenn , hot No. 7, in block 12, fronting 35 feet on north Calhoun, or Sonth street, running back SO k.,ininC6B Calhoun street, north side, 4 Sf Wsoto .troet. th.no. w.th. Calhoun lire." west Ski fort, sad Ihsne, running back i J fMm .la Irons mi twMB parallel lines V ft. fcoidaa U frory of loon , L. Wiadem, I. A. Meriwetner gna ,ters. two." of Sale-- On a re4n ef ai month, i isur-sa- 5f ,t with wcurttj. kearmg ia-I- frenTtVatot 1 en re rate-i- to. twdwpHoa Sarra. IniiDWttW B. I. JleTO lark and Master. By J. M Bradley, sr. (Jerk and Master. J. W.Hasupsea J.(C,W, JsadakeJl, SssliaiaNPS. HfiuliilSi! A Golden Opportunity for the Afflicted to Be Healed, No Matter oi How Loug Standing their Diseases. A Sost Wonderful Revelation iu tho Healing Art, Tbe Most Obstinate and I.onir. & funding Diseases Speedily Clit e Place lo Good Health Under the magic Touch of Sci-entlf- ic Genius. Prof. T. G. BRACKING, M. D., Alumni of th. University of Pennsylvania, founder of his Female and Cancer Infirmary, who'e name and lame haa become NATIONAL and PROVERBIAL in the speedr and marvelous cure of All lis. l'Menaesi lo Arrvona Ulaeaaea, A sc.. MAY BE CONSULTED AT 306 Second St., Memphisjenn., where he will remain for a short time only, for the purpose of domonstra-in- tn, MARVELOUS WO vDEtlS to be arhievel in the cure of diseire. And ii SIIOI'LD LOSE TU1S GULDEN CPPtiRi i;MTV 'only one eurVi in a lifetime) OF BEING HEALED OF TULIH Diseases. U, oan tell your diseaaea e rrect?y In a few mo,, eots. and can cure them witta a SPtED and Ci'RTAINTi" which is surprise alike to ail. Every invalid Hnd sufferer no matter how long diseased, nor who hate tail-- d to afford relief should be certain to avail theme Ives (and that speedily) of this extraordinary chance of being so certainly and speedily nealeJ. Scores and hundreds of female s mictions of all f.rms and standing, such as Displacement of all kinds. Flexures, Tumors. Pulynai. Painful and Irregular Penods, Fistulas, Ulcerations, Lacerations, Bladder and Kidney Affections, Ovarian Diseases, Indigestion, Heart Disease, Constipation, Nervousness, etc., are speedily and success, ully cure.t. Patients are brought to him lerue, docrepit. emaciated and helpless in bed .om, of them irom fivo to ten and evon 6ft-c- n years or more and soon they go away SOI'MiLY CI KEO, WITH UIS PRAISES ON THEIR TONGUES. (See hia "Messenger of Health." f r a large list of the most extraordinary cures ever ui upon record many of them in Tennes?ee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Araansas, Texas, Alabama, Louisi- ana. Florida, etc., and certified to by the best poi-l- of the nation. It may be bad at his ctbe and will be circulated in tho city, and contains much valuable information, especially to the afflicted ) His matchless cures afford occasion for speculation and comment, while tbe hundreds aud thousands who are being bapp.ly cured all over this land atte- - other ab e skill has b.eu ex- hausted and failed, aud the tens of thousands who gladly testily to his malchleas success, practi- cally ueiuoDetru.es tbe freouine reality of the la-- ts too plainly to be gainsaid. Physicians employ h.ui in thoir families and send their trieuds to him for treatment. Nearly thirty years of strict devotion to his proteseion with results tho most distinguished and satisfactory, suih as are by no L.enns com- mon to this cuuutry, inspire? hm to offer his ser- vices to the public: everywhere wiih full that tbe- most satisfactory results will be achieved aod his patrons tichly rewarded, "", marvelous changes uften wrought in. many of Dr ?.r;.ki;i" '"V'"?'- - aro n and extraordi-- " Rwlin V1-1"- a such as these: ! not wonderful? Isn't it marvel- - oua. ete. loss prisoners are enabled to gel up and walk. Crutches, and canes are laid aside, and the leaps for joy wnon ao happily relieved of dueise and piin. Many persons alter being treated in iew York, New O. leans and other large cities without relief come to Dr. Braceing and receive the ni"tbapi y and speedy cures. "Mcaaenacr of lloalth" for testimonials, etc.) Dr. Bracking is also prepared to all nia- - or she e, t nm sail brunt. Kir., with great skill and success Ho performs a'l operations on the eves with great dexterity, such as the Removal of Cataract, Straightening Cioss hyea and in correcting all other .bnorinal or morbid conditions of tho eyes. Hopelessly dis- eased eyes removed in ono minute and Beautiful Artificial Eyes (true to nature', hav.ng all the movements of real life, iusor.ed in their stead. 4lranalatrcl or hronlc Mt.re yea Cured With Iniireteileeteil Nlieress. Those suffering with any ailment of the eyes, cross .yes, laeirymal stricture or absesses, tumors, invert-- eye lids, etc., should ni t tail to consult Dr. Bracking at once and secure his skillful services. Partial Deafness, Throat and Bronchial Affections, treated with great succesa and satisfaction. CANCEROUS DISEASES Are actually and speedily cured, when taken in dne time, never to return again. Many of hia cured patients can be referred to a I over this country, who are sonnd and well So let all who have cancer take advantage of this extra rare opportut i.y to get a timely cure. Strictures, Fistulas, Hem, rrhoids, eu., speed- ily cured. Bting your doctor with you If yen like. No objection Ui it, whatever. Dr. B. oarrios with him a stock of VEUY FIXE Spectacles and Eye-GIavse- s! And guarantee, a perfect fit fnr all condition- - of eyea. Lr. Brckins: baa treated a number ot Memph'a and eurrounding- country, to whom be srladly refers, and has many bieb tes- timonials well-kno- to cttixens of Memphis, and is endorsed by a hot of the brt people ot i hi nation, medioul and otherwiso. and will not fat to make hinit-el-f felt wbile he is in MeupUis. See bis papers circulated in tbe oity and call on him promptly. Read letter from Kobt. Bncliniinan. Dr. Bracking Dear Doctor: I wih to state that y u have eutirt-l- relt. vod my wife of dis- ease with w hie ft she bad nuflerrd tor many years, atid which would not yield to ordinary treat- ment. lanjfreetoconfei-atb.i- t I am not only highly gratified, but surprised as well, at tbe rapid and happy results of your treatment in this cbsp. Respectfully, KOBT. JUL CUAaNjNAN, M. D,, Nashyille, Tenn. Read letter from Mrs. ev. J. B MoFerrin, D. !., Nusbville, Xenn., November 15, lSb3: T. G. BgACKiNO, M. D Dear Sir: I will state that had been seriously atUieted tor several year. My disease being in nio-- t part peculiar to females, but by your skillful Tbreutiuent 1 h-- been restored and am now eblVtfled to enjoy Iilb, which had been ainiot a burden to me- Thank- ing you iurakiil and courteny, 1 am. very rettpect-tull- y, MKri. J. B. McFKKKllV. A letter from the wife of the lion. H. M. 8pof-tor- h. L. D.. of New Orle ns, La. : "I cordially Dr. T. G. Bracking to the afflicted, and earnestly advice an early con- sultation with him. Dr. Bracking practiced in our family to our treat comfort and entire satis- faction, after seventl eminent physioinns bad not only tailed to give tbe patient relief, but had sev- erally mistaken the caiiee of illness, in three days after the oase had been entrusted to Dr. Bracking'! tbe more violent symptoms were at an end. Within a fortnight tbe patient was enjoylBf the blessings of rapidly returning health, and this happy state waa strengthened and tally perfected during the ensuing month. MRS. O. M, fePOJj'ir'OKD, Columbia, Tesii., May 20, 1672. As a testimonial of our high regard, we, tbe undersigned, ciLiiena ot Columbia, Xenn.. do most heartily reeommend to the public Dr. T. O. Bracking of Nashvi.le as a skillful and efficient pbyaicia-i- a thorough and accomplished gentle-nia- We earnestly entreat tbi.t the intelligent of every community give feim the welcome be really deservrs. lie has been a blessing to ua and our tamilies, and our wish is that success and happine attend him wherever he may go. To ladies suffering with female diseases, we would e.tpeciimiiy recommend him, for an such eases we nave never seen hin equal. JK-SI- 5 ft. HARRIS, TUUMAS h SORTER, WILLIAM R. liODOK, M. KLX1LK, RBV. A.J. B. FOSTER., W. B. CANNON. J. B. WOoDStDEff, MRd. N. L. iOTLR. HliUtn Ta.ra In Bed, tba Cared. Mrs. W. T. White, near Okolona, Mies., after being oon fined to her ed for sixteen years, en- tirely nelpleea, all medical skill availing nothing for her relief, consulted me in Noteniber, 1968. I found her with chronic eadometritie, retrover- sion and spinal irritation, and as helpless as a child six months old. ln four weoka 1 had her walking about the place wth eat-- and great pleasure, expressing herself aa if she had iut emerged into a new world. ' Am Invalid Fer Twenty Years, Thn Cured. Mrs. Fannie L. H of Columbia, Tenn., vi, bfought to me in 1871 for consul ttion. She stated tbat she bad been an inval it for twenty years, had bee a tuated in tot. Loni, New ork. Phila- delphia and elsewhere, but without relief, tihe statsa. that she tad bedtt unable to walk or sit up but little for thirteen yearn. 1 oan fray that the had been greatly damaged by very nnckilltul treat vent by some of her ibysicinns. But 1 took her ease in band and in a short time discharged her happily restored, Aaotker CieuBewSIx Tears llelpleaa In Bed. Mrs. Caroline Ford , aged 4, Beauregard, Miss., was btoutbt t me on her b d, not having bad a hoe on her feet for six years. I f und her suffer- ing with prolapsus and retroveri-ioo- , and endo metritis. 8id the had consulted a number of physicians, but they bad failed to relieve ber condition. 1 put her on treatment and in a short time the was aole to walk whe.e r he pleased with great oemfort, and was discharged thoroughly eored and retnraedhome well- A Great Snflrrer for Twenty-fea- r Yea re. Mrs. D. 0. White, Livingston, Ala., waa brought to tee for eonselta.iun ia 1IT0, on her bed, entirely helpless, the said she had suffered tor twenty-soa- r years the most intolerable pain ana hemorrhages at frenent taWrreie. ne waa aimeit enMBfulaatad, eompieU roaUrati ia and frmtt vmrmatianasd kaeKtvi. i ioead a Bbronl IMryvu id 4 tumor la te itam. &,th of wkuih I re acred ana new her rer aaluma. at la Ave wk tlUwat teat ! uAie. weli eJLO;if wenan. Xre. W. kaa iSaee unse-e- te jWina. CHRISTMAS GOODS RODGERS'S AND WOSTENHOLtvi S FINE POCKET CUTLERY, Razois, Scissors, A SPIsElVDID ASSORTMENT of SCISSORS IN CASES. Fine Carvers. Nut Crackers, Nut Picks, Triple Plated Knives, Fork and Spoons. Boys Tool Cnests, Roller and Ice Skates, BREECH-LOADIN- G SHOTGUNS. WM. M. ROOTES. R. DBS JARDlKS, is jural, mum & m WHOLESALE HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, 2Vo. 394 Main Street, : : Hem phis, Tenn. -- Country and City Merchants, Railroad and Levee Contract rs would tnd it to their advaatavaa A FINE OPP IS SOW OFFERED TO AVE HOMEY! Oar atock Is iuiuicuNe, HHH?queiit y we niu.t make n. SHESiLIS: I3T ! Ever; t UluK Markel Doirn Ext reiuely Low, Look at our Imtb Atiiiortmcut of CLOTHING I Iu all grade. Special Bai-gaiii- iu Ercry Depart uieiit at the BLUFF CITY CLOTHING U0CSE, 259 MAIN" STRfKT. S. VENDIO. .VHOI,ES4I.i: AND KLTtIL, AT SPECTIT & "WALTER'S, 37 MADLSOX ST. W. W. SCHOOLFIELD. LjMS SCHOOLPIED, Mil & CO. GROCERS COTTON FACTORS 2s56 and 258 Front St.. MoinphK Tenn . BBri'E AAU TAikDCl E. RUTLEDGE & UG01RSIND, FRAOTIOAlj CLUMBERS & GAS FITTERS, tio. littO Neeoiul Mrect. Tenn. fw 1 li. W- anrt lii alw.. In lbs I'llv for Plaiablni .,rt 4is. rilllnr J. Ii. COCKS & CO., Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants, 318 FRONT STREET, MEMPHIS. REFERENCE "felata National Bank. (stall Advanrr. Maala esa I'allna, wills lrovs,f.s .!- -. . last. JOHN Of, IsarsssnO lawav awaawa n. 393 ii Nireet. 305 AND 307 MAIN STREET- - taS-Sri- TK IS II IU I N M tsar Wllb a stork SEW we ortl.ra lo ot will lo coonlrr . harp on liaad I il 1.11 I'L.I. III . LUJHl SCH0RB, leiiinbis. fresiuent ; TUB FOR S. aav Orciorsa - - M. 0. PEARCB. fJorsoo aa. . o, Voloo i ... . l II air.Ted from Eaat: CH41H. All styles of ns, only flrst-rla- work turned C11A&. from Koyal Academies ot Munich 3tO Mala, and leort atreee. n.n ta- - 4' ' f ' st . tkmei wToabitw tm ' act. llnHne ersaeel, ore mm n 1st loitsa- - ".iMiiti. Ttaa. t by aawat till mt era MAtUUi. OO. TS tn.wn.i,. i on, ..a y in one Jilu i weeks ; oooii) 1,1 two AtHL-w- U W. MILLER, JOIW S. ORTUNITY II. Q. MILLKH. MEMPHIS, TENN mflV. TO nitlFH.j C. KOEHLF.K, Spc' j anil rcii. Co. - Aftvi- - L. MoCLELLAN. s rl(inpbU. TTeur, lIt. It. MEAlVftr, PIIY!SICIA. KlRGEO.t. strwat. Tela. RESIDENCE, 277. ho. Main atrsMt. boa to lo a r.. ..... S to aa. m atpuMsk we ArWl Ci'Kk CM o.r ol Mwa- .- switAaawl Dot aisii.issaai ttyA aXE annvia ,dos. fi, anal .w olomm a et. iwswaaa. 4Jwoaw by aaau or " "T,rr,ljaro.atv. WOTICK. ALL ayrsans ar, warned w eak. f.r the Main-.i- e Tea ji . lTJ, Vos. Cto ua U, lost r a.uiaia. aaa a aav. KELLY, ROPER & REILLY, WHOLESALE irocers and Cotton Factors, IU in (Viifwo Itlix-k- . JOmSTQfJ & MCE J. T. LaFRADE & Co MANlFAirCaiEKN Saddles, Harness and Collars Xos. 301 and 303 Main Street, Memphis, Tenn. mil of TEEAH, 600HN, are prritareel lo All lor cvrrxlhlay our line rls that compnro lavvrablr with aajr uarh.l the We conataniljr o FULL LIXE CITY DRAY irAUNIH. I' J. W. P. tUl'KSENTHALER. i Tennessee Brewing HAKITFACTCKKRN OF Celebrated Pilsener Beer in Kegs & Bottles ONLY PURE URYSTAL WATER USED BREW13S PURPOtS. We Comer Butler and TemiesHee Nlreets, MEMI'IHIS, lEW. Me C, Fearce & Co Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants! No. 378 FRONT STREET, MEMPHIS. TENN. WaraKonaa If anil ailr-l- . mmm .WTWml n TtnriniiiirM o 14.0. fyiAUl HIL &u Cotton Factors, Wholesale Grocers, No. Union Ntreet. AKT STUDIO. the NIRrK, JUST trials Faleter. paint and out. MERCK, and Antwerp, Iresseeen t- tl ueaioAv, 'Wart' Vre, WANTED igFmM&vmk iBtroAaetloa TinMot, has .old towa TM: aa.nl lodarsi successive dVlM lt5SHE sary. W. SPEED. IIANAI'KK. 1 1. AXP No. TT7A'abama Offir. TOUCAN iHaaaul aamicufij Jof l.iar Asaoeiatiori. Oct. as OF WELL - V.

Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tennessee) 1885-12-10 [p ]. · OverstockedonHolidaylioods CHRISTMAS CARDS, Photograph Albums, Writing Desks, SCRAP BOOKS, TOILET CASES, PICTURE BOOKS,

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Page 1: Memphis daily appeal. (Memphis, Tennessee) 1885-12-10 [p ]. · OverstockedonHolidaylioods CHRISTMAS CARDS, Photograph Albums, Writing Desks, SCRAP BOOKS, TOILET CASES, PICTURE BOOKS,


CHRISTMAS CARDS,Photograph Albums, Writing Desks,


FANCY GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS!Having an Iruiiit-ns- e Stock of t he above item, and not wishing to

carry them over until next season, we will positivelyCLOSK THEM OUT AT A GREAT SACRIFICE.

Chas. Herzog- - fe Bro.,806 Main Streets opp. Peabody Hotel.





No. 38 MADISON &T MEMPHIS,in lm reelat of o Frrah sued rnrlralrd Stock ofHPOBTKU CLOTHS. CANHIMEKES no St7ITIKC19,

for (be Fall ami Winter Nraaooa, comprising all tneoaw ud I'kXM asaeiaosj In tsrntleaaen'a Www.


oliday Wedding Presents!

Aaalm In I be Lead, and tbla Tlmti Wllb Ibr .Mont 1'omBlrla Mwk tr

Solid Mirer and Silver Plated Ware,And FKESHLY IMPORTED NOVELTIES, t'lorksi, Hrnuaea, Ntaluair, Kpnadlann, and alniosteverytbins io our line that Is beautiful and rare. Our stork is now Terr brie,and we are daily in receipt of treh goods, and invi'e al.er.tiun to the t'lsioat a.xhll.ll of the kind

"r"f iiBE JEl1 PALACE, 2S-- )Iain St., Cor. Madison.


FOR THEflOLIDAYSMaple Syrui.. Comb and Eitraeted Honey. inldf,n

mop, Now Louisnua Molasses. CreameryButter, and I'lain BuokwheatFlour. Kurina. Tatio-a- . Oat Moal,Arena, Farin. a, t'urn March, ltarlcy. DriedSweet C.irn, :ra-- d Wheat, .Solil IVas, Loi.-tl'- e.

ilrecn Koru. nil kind" Flavorlr.il('ox, to"ior & Seiaoli'a CMatlnes.



ttalains. Citron, Currants, Candled Leuion andOranae 1'eel, Hate. Kiss, Filled Cherrirs,Pr.pch and Turti.h Bvapnrat- -lPooled Pea.-he- , and Apples, PeeldApilesand Peachse, Canton Ginger. Preeerv.-.- i

PBfiNKVE-J-therrlBH.Straw- rri--i- .

Pea.-hi- , Pear,. Ouiness, lMnion liuu.s.KRILLEH'S 1)1 .NO tit JAMS, ion.

Gooseberry, Ked Currants, Ra cherry, Aurlcot, Ureen Uniin, Marmalade.

ATMORK'S MIN' E MEAT and Plnro PuddingAll kinds Preserve, and Jellies by the pounl.

J.F.BUCKHAril&CO.( irn'r ItP:ili ami Sir.

E. Slier, Tailor,H'nuld call attention to Ma I'AM. Arl Wl.i Etc HrtH K, comprising the I holflI alnl linlgaael t'or. lKn ed ' 11-- r

Harkrl. Having tkon aieoial care in th-- ir

se'ection, I am pleased to y to myoustomrraand publio who far.-- ine with a nail, totnem Line ol ln,,U only found In Leadli--

I I oQaes .

Corner Second &. Jefferson Sts


Importer anJi Jciicr in

buna. Inrstlr a-- ;' HKrHmn-- 'aupiill.4 mm- - .Special aftti';'n..a vcnMAM r'Al 11 lilN.. and KKHAiV

IV ii i at Mrn l. Iuiilit.

W8flMor! n


40. 42, 144 Front St., MemphisOP TflK taHTSTI IHULKR SHOPS INONE Suuth. And the cnif comlt Builrr

.?ot-I- n W.rkf ip ih oity. SHHnfiu iurn .i iftwy plat lr.M.Morw. of r

t on wcrk


vtiim, Amtuuiiilti.ii. Kihiue' '. '' 1

S)lit tlt1( U Suillit'tt,WHOLESALE AM RETAIL.

4 MnIii Mtrrrt. 1Iruiplil,'lran.Manufacturing and Repairing nf linn a Spec'al- -

tv. gar N

YOUNG & BROTHER,Saoksellers and stationers,

-- 4H .Sain Street, Memphis Tenn.

SCHOOL BOOKS.AH ltir riOlMMll IUM.I4M III l f Uj tln l5



AmmnnlllenTa lahlnir arklr, r' at Ar.lt arv,

liilal Anuniirlalera lor Htiand VeK'nces, Jlaln slrml, i,.l'exin. K.lce-tri- c supplies always on hr.d. I.s- -

palf, n c am r v

aa 1. H. (4aoava...a


ileal Estate Dealerii--kl-L'SXr-J AI HROREKS.

OFFICE, 4 SECOND ST... K. C'ssr. Hono.el aHsd nirt.

KaT ATK J?rVRT AtD SOLD. TAX S8RL 4. Pen;- - C'llete.l. f .. on tommlsslrn.

ar GCLF VIEW-B- oy a Homei smi (lisKrlart nrmtcats lIl'LF COAfT. where vlwon't freeie in winter. Thermometer rar..i.ow 4.1 degrees, forty-nv- e miles ee-- t tlV.w Orleans, on the Lcaisville andr.tv-- Kajlroad: tour dally ; Toulmj deiet

' tv place I nsurrs.pa a uuuie oru,.,.

K,iSl1t New Orleans, lwt wmter. One n ilsxmersraasink-ber-tci-

tassiindVoalU ,u" "w- - t,r'". lVhellv. v,ond i ,.

.rra-o- ana suviuips a. .hronohl. is. an 1 all thro ,'n ''"Ifii" Jby a rwsidenc. on this coa.t- -J r",,h,J '"'V- i . . j - a.ml v .11. wvuureturn mail for a b uildins lot 5"S "hieh willb. wurtn ten t.mes this amount in iess w,n 6years. Address Loi.ax n a: s.ai, Itoilr bi !!..Mias.. or K. J. Btaca A Co.. Menu hif. Tenn.

Jacishs. f:fia., riept. SI, 1W.I tak rreat pleasur- - in etatiug that Siuif View

adjoins the celebrated J. F. 11. Claiborne idaes,and is deeid.-il- one of tiie most desirable on tbs4ulteast. 1 sartnis. having oflea bMn nn andtferthe hace. t'ery respotlwlly,

F.. u. WALL. CointnlSMoner ,f IscmlcTation.d lf.,,1,..,. f)... vlal.i,.T,i

MOLO.jJXXK-Fro- Bi arplsn, Saturday. or. T. 1JxvL en, bar horM nrnl,. about nine year, old

bmadM wiu i. an l.tt shoalder. Liberal rewardJet tCi rctura K M. (.. Lrwjj. Innic, Stations. a. Joni k co.. m,kpi





FOR EXCHANHE.FARM Will exchange 1032-ao- stockSTOCK 45 miles from St. Louis, for a rood plan

UtloD. or other food property, South AddressH. J. m'lNL.1 Urocar. Lnms, Mo.


H ill! HE A good y bouse, seven rooms,good rich garden and twelveof around, situated Just outside of the cor-

poration of C'.lllerville. raeli,y county. Tenn.For terms apply 1 11 R. M. A. M AYO,

V llston.Favette ominty, 'lenn.12 rooms: lot 4(1 feet front onHOI'SK-Wi- th

and runs through to St. Martinstreet. Apply to DR. h. A. POOL,

No. l Miitn.rrv rpM. nsar rt a'c.


ROOM One handsome furnished room, withat M MADISON 8T.

ROOMS Nicely furnished rooms with board forat reasonable rales-

-- 3 Filth street, Chelsea.

J00M3-Wi- th board.123 Court street.

f! SICE Rooms. furnthed or unfuroUhed, wlhO or without buard, at 137 Madison street.

large unfurnished rooms, with or withoutTWO atjy Maditon street, corner Third.I."00Mtv-Frn- nl and back rooms, en anlta orLV single, with board, l7i Madison street.ii'l. J AMEN llol'F Oor. .Seoond and Adair s sis

I'EUM..VAIroiITJ E. PI'RDOS. M.D.. University of Du,- -

0 lin. Physician and Surgeon. Olfioe tiayoHotel. Main st rect entrance-

r AJIIEjI Enlarge the bu?t and develop thiainM'laaeU-ireatiuent- : noQuaoks'uff.


indvie It. particulars andnrolr mailed Ire. Ea" Mfco. Co., Buffalo, N.

H. M. WARING has removed her DreeMRrl. Establishment to 143 Vance street

yi a"M WOLF Whooameto Memphis two monthsago. can Bnd nls utner ar

f: DTCTbBINS I'ractioil Iioner and t

Metal Worker. Rooting, buttering and Piping. and piintingof old roois a specialty phone W.( 1lblfcll. rlhiit and repaired; and war

rantc ; alio, bri. lyil;g. Office45 Madison't. . or ttcnoTie rilOr.. Cl'RHTSS." i;j . l '!

HEM.CI'Vr RAI. NEAT lMTA'.E$-- A. ArriT to

(MIlt'ES, aJbMst.t r,r itnforni'hoJ.

tv 117 ST.I ti! -- t f.a.:'. nio.ly lurniflic I,

r litftit

RKM Niuly furnihMl front room. Scrjenoc. U2 Maditon a tree;.

IWO NICE GOirAtiKs Onithtwoftndorethro rJiiii QO hlmwoud Ftrjt--M r

iiu. Apt ly at & FSIOaN

J to J. H. McyAVITI. m.

V"IC COTTAGE Newly repainvl; fire rounn,.N teiilM kiUhfn and uervaDt'n rimio : N.

113 W richtURtO frtftet. Apply to C. W. METCALK, IVtu-- li. s Chun eBuitlUlDs.

HALL At 'aV "ond fttroet, rpposit CourtThis Hall in nioely fa mid bed wirh

Bruwfli csrrtitv Apply to J D. 27otierond n.KCKJMS Furniehed rnomi at M Mooro street,

ROOMS AdJoiniDB the Appeal editorial office,fr cotton bunnes. at 2M, on Second

J L. viO'DLOK, iH Madlcon st.OOOMS Double and Rinirle. tur--I Tithed, nt MN RitE ST

Ty ADVANCE MONEY On household -

X erty without removal Addicss P. O. Buxl.SOLICITORS-First-cla- as lady and gent'emonO solicitors to ropresent an association necentl'rganised In the iuterest of education. Will pisalary and commission. Address or call on

h KIT ART, Clarendon Hotel.Mrs. J. C. Fir.prgOARDKRS-- At


OOD COOK At Wett Memphis Hu'.l WeG1 Memphis, l ross the river.

a.: To soil the fniversal Button Fa-- tner. lor sint'le and pneos.

ii. BLRtiETf, Bui H7, Columbus, 0.

O A LOON Parties desirlnc to dlsprseof saloonJ ylss'i, !n lavoradle locality on one ol prtnri

pal s?rev1', nnd a cash purchaser by addrersing A. K. ii..

care Appeal ofhee.

nriE LAUIrW To bring the Dime Museun,a ALL their Craiy Quilts and Fancy tt ork a!

"nee. Ihe Craiy Uuilt txpontlon ofens nexiMonday, December 14th, CROsH h

Man.molh Dime Museum, '4 Main street.

AN AND WIFE Man to work in garden;NT. ttoiuen to cook. wah andiron. A' pi vat


OOMllION-- In ion.i cotton houe by one whuI. hashed fifteen years' experience at the porlsnd Interior towns. Muarantces atii,iaation, and

ts reliable lor any posit-on- . Rest of rettrence.Address Si., this offi'c;SITUATION By a good barber, city oreounlry.O Address HAKRSK, this otBce.

K One s eook and 1 chambermaidLite preferred Also dit ing room boy ool

red ddnisw, with references .L.T. Aptsl1 IRL A wh'te girl In a family of l

Jt 4'4 Shelby stni RENT A house suitakl lor a boarding- -

I bouse. Addrees, with particui&Ts,M., Appeal office.

2!!TV ATION A clerk or book-keep- byv thoroushly onitMt nt tufriij well aoauainted

m eitv ana ei'i.nirr. Adtiree B.J., ito office

lMTI ATION-- A sir! lourteen ear of aae df-fireo a permanent situation in nrme aocd

t uiily to do general bi'Uneitork. l. e t reterroc) ciren and rjuired Addret--

VR. MARTHA H.. Appeal office.

I ADlTl5 and (tentlemen, in city or tLi take light work at then own home; M to $4 a1a ratilr made .work tent br mail ; no cativatrtag. S e have a t cmm! demand for oar work, andtuininh steady emi'l.yment. Addreu, with stamp('eowk M'r'o Co-- 4 Vinegt., Cincmnnti, O.

A PUSHING. ENERGETIC MA ST --With loneJL 0pt;ij to introauce ana me agency lor

ihit city and r!.MnitT cf a tupenorand iMt l!ia-- r loilet Aniole. Address

J1" M.ULASS .VI HE. l N. Front St .FalUdaAGENI9-H- h wUh U oanTi for aLADV of Ladlpe at.d Children' Furnishing

oodit tht Mlt ;n fory nuue at liw per oectrre.nl -- lrtr1M mA,rM With ItlHir. E. H. CAMP1'ELL A CO ,4.". Ra.i'-tp- h tt.. Chicago, 111.

OKNIj! Liberal term; for fiil! rarticuiam223 Olive meet. &t. Loui. U:

AN To 'aie an oSs and rerresent a manM : fzuaii rsr-na- i red. Ad-ir- . s. withstauii. JJOX .0,

West Acton, Maas.

CCVPA'TS For nice frost room, with board:also, other rooms, at It I nurt street.

AUB.M tor a new ana vaiuaoieLlLNbrtAL t Icnue.-se.ao- d Kasiern Arkan- -.dress at cnoe

- IHE RIVERSIDE Pl'B- - CO.,tijjvc street, tit. Louis, Mo

'r " a watt a giri.tHA5tBERMAlD-Mu.- v. . VA.". tallatT5AU1I , ' ( ) ( ;V,i!1?"n ! bring tne..J Vv-- ' Clothes to Kosenstein A Bro. andhr,SJlJC5?T'li Jl5innd2flJeffersi,n.y l n eity or country to workA lr us at their homes: fascinating .rar-lo- itncnlt no instructions to boy; work ria b, sentey mail tdistancso obiatios); (KtolVner weekcan b, mie. So eanTjftinf . Paruoolars freeor aamtu. of for fanr eentePlea., address Iiofis MaNCaCIC KIxT?8'IHTrVHi aw

M OTTS- -T bus Aii n,.. T .and paygoprtjer.fcnd for elreular and'pries pyi. 3. W . Ji , Tf Vane t.JsNTa-beb- lnt Mo. Suam fr esbwAG J Wirth, Sol, Mfx., Bu IJiL, Jv.


LtMinThe Blonde, the Brunette and the

Girl with Auburn Locks XakeMutual Contessions.

How to Reach the Female Heart- -Ad miration Begets Reiapect

and Respect Begets Love.

Thrse of Memphis's fairest maidenware sitting before cbeerfql fire in theparlor of a pretty cottage.

"Girls," eaiil the blonde, with a merrytwinkle in her eye, "(iris, I have apianto propone. Now pleane don't laugh atmo."

"What is your plan ?" asked the othertwo with considerable animation.

Well, we are all engaged, and will soonbe staid and Bteady wives. Now, let nsmake mutual confessions. Let us telleax h other what particular charm eachtoo nd in our respective husbands thatma ke us love them."

"All right; you commence," said thebrunette and also the maid with the sun-

set locks."Now, promise that if I commence both

of you will also make confessions. Willyou promise? '

"Yes," laughed both, "we promise.""Well," Bftid the blonde, "when I first

met Chai!ey, I positively disliked him.He was so frank nnd open in his waysthat I considered him what these peoplewho use siaDg call 'too (resli. Hilt therewas something I couldn't help admiring.He was always neatly dreseeJ and hisclothing fitted as if it had been mouldedupon him. That made toe respect him,and it wasn't long before I learned to lovehim.

"Now for oonfession No. 2, ..aughedthe brunette; "I positively detested Tomwhen I first met him. Instead ot utteringflattering speeches like the rest of tiiechaps, he had the audacity to tell that heunderstood ttiat black-eye- d girls nad quicEtempers. My! but how I hated him atfirst for that remark. I lock occasion tolet him know I "ras angry, and he mademe furious by telling me that my conductproved toe truth ol tils assertion, find-ing that tny ani.f r didn't worry him, I de-

termined io mate him like me so that Icould have Ihe pleasure of snubbing him,but he dreeaed so neat and nioe that itwasn't long before I learned to apprectalebiin ahovn nil other men."

"Gills," said the strawberry blonde, "Idon't think confession No. 3 will be inter-entin- g.

I learned to love Will because,although he dressed magnificently, he wssftcuRible enoug'; to buy all his clothing atthe Misfit Parlors. 262 Second Rtreet, oppo- -

Court rimre.""And my Uliavley buys all Lis clotnin;

at the Mislit Pailors," chirruped theblonde.

"And sh does my Will," chimed in thebrunette. "He told me that since he heebeen getting his clothing there he bosa'aved enough to nearly furnish the house."

"And (..'bailie tells me," said the blonde,"that the Misfit Parlors, L'62 Hecond st reet,

ellf-1- tailor-mad- e suits and overooaU forfi"; HO mlts and overcoats. $.2; $."&

stills and overcoats, il8 and $'J0; J30 suils,kif end f 16. I told my father about ii,and he went to the Slitfit Parlors andfound that Charley's words wore true. Hesays that the Mii-n- t Parlors havo the finestBt;k o( Pants in Memphis, and that it inreally wonderful Low cheep they do Bellclothing."

MISFITClothing Parlors,

. 262 Second St., Memphis,

Opposite Court Square.

Light for sight buyers; courteoustreatment for all.

aarAlterations cheerfully made, to .fleet a per-

fect fit, by a flrst-olas- a merchant tailor.trUpin Kteultisra sialll oVIooli,

Wainrdajsi till II.


P03ITIVE bl'CCESSOf the popular young actor. Mr.

JAMES O'NEILL,Jn the Grand Romantio Drama,

HOarTJH WIHTO.Brilliant Can! New inery! arand ECatal

E' ery evening during the week, anaSaturday Mftt'nee.


Mammoth Dime Museum224 MainJStreet.

For Week Commencing siooslar. Ie. Tils.

HERR HAAG,...J CVI. ..I.T-i-a-l Th.f;rMu'..

The calebi.. . f Curiosity World.eat Uarn ... J.AJ4SK ATOM.4nnia(i. nasa st ...

The Fairy-hk- e Arlie" OA.PT. TJHEOH.,

The Oiant 8 feet 2 inches tall.FIVE HALLS Or WO.MiErltj.

On the Staee.Mack & Coulter's Megatherlan Comedy CoAil new faees and acta. Every seat in the the-

ater raised all can see plainly.Oar I'raay tlnlll Sbt.w brains Monday next,

Leo. 14?h. We are NOW RRCEIVINO Y 01 KUl'ILTs. Bring them in. 1 nree

costly priios

1ftf.4irl.tr TIIF.ATI'.K.week, eonimrnclng Dec. 7th.

N4DINOX SQl'ARE fOJIPART,In Joaquin Miller's Hreat Comedy Drama.

'49!With a Powerful Cast and New Scenery.

C'taanice uf fro a rwm ise Tknnalay NJabl.Mrs. FLORENCE FINLEY MOORE

or igoriMViLLKHASupeneda Dancing Academy in thin eity

Hall on beeond utreet. Mr?.Mooro eoines to ut highly recom mended, and willintroduce all the late ft society dance. Tuitionday: t'vr children, Tueiday and Saturday at 3o'clock i.m. For .articulari, aee Mn. Moore atGayo Hotels

FOK SXhY. OK EXCHANGETTOIT C IT Proterty, 5 r armn, 5 luilea fromX1 city. Old KAleigh road ..II nw. Inn. lini.AddroHt P. K. , 2 Madison Btreet.

FO UXD.I'NCH OF KEYS- - Afldy at


BRACTIFl'L PLACH Well improTed,3 acres,terms liberal. M L. BACON.

rHK OLD HEN ISLAND In sight oflsOU acres, ot which about 300 cleared

and Tery rich land. A bargain oan be secured byllcatton to u. 15. nm am & m.OT8 Two desirable lots, 37 and 3S Peyton's

I subdivision, north side Greenlaw street.Appiy to T. H. MICtlU. 310 recond street.

VIOKKE-- A large gentle rookaway or buweyX 1 borae; may be driven by lauy or oatld.Terms very reasonable. Must be sold. Aoltlv at

itu: OVHCE.10W Two-thir- Jersey, without eslf. GoodCJ conditiun. Will soli to butcher, or to him

who desires a milch cow. Apply toJOHN R. A IltY, 71 Mianatsas street.

,4 i 1 ACRES VERY FINK LAND TwentyjiJJ aii.es east of Memihis, at Bailey rotation, on Memphis ai.d t.narleeton raiiroaa: v

eres In cultivation, 160 good t.mber; nice n

of six rooas, eeven tanant-house- s, cis-tern and well and plenty of etock water. In ex-cellent neighborhord. Price vry low and easyterms. Apply to MINIER P ARKER or.

A. . oiAr.il., lew jiain st.' O LACE PLACE" The place known as the

X "Talaoe Place." containing aboutacres, seven miles abov Memphis an Mississippiliver. Very cheap for ,r cash, balanceIn l. 2 and 3 years at 6 per cent, interest. Toisland must be sold. Address for 1A days.

E. T. HALfcEY.' HO Fifth Street, Lonisville, Ky.

URNITURE Hoosehold and kitchen farni- -tore, ehap. SJ8 Union ttr,et,OTEL Located at a railroad crossing in a

thriving town. Has for years don.apros-perou- sbusiness. Address HOTEL, this cftic

4rTi ( KES5 AILS All sises. Also a'lJLUv.'V. kinds Stores. Oram FronU and Fenders a! HA pa i p.

BtAUTIFvL HOME In Holly tjprings, Miss.about IS acres, on the

St.. near the schools and depot; manysmall lot can b, sold off. This property will b,iisposedof at, tieat sacrifice, on liberal teems.


FROF. WJi. M. WILLIAMS'S celebratedknown as the " Golden Prise,"

obtained at HOLLENBERO'6. Music Hoose.TOOD comfortableTountri HOME

VJT On. hundred and fltty acres, eighty undercultivation, is first.-clas-s neighborhood; gooddwelling, cribs, barn, stable; fin. water; thir-teen miles troni .Vemohis and tour mile fromdepot on Louisville and Nashville road; will s.11at bargain for cash. Aaaress

HOME, 2M Main at.

JEBSKY BULL Fog on, thoroughbredJersey Bnll-S- 5" cash and $75 on- - AaOJ.ss w ovlsft a bALfi,

Mt. aicj, Tenn.. Atoka P. O.

heiriM ud Counters.Front st.

OOD s.t of Grocer.P. .:

1 Of i ACRES 1V miles nurthaaai of Iw.tiY.y"1 T"V: Bewdw.lilng-hou- s,

m,Z,ooa. birI" Ba allund fine.. LS&VITS":.' No.l .toek farm,er A MABTIS.sSSMai, at.

JacIa iir-is- u old Jsek,

'liKiOitStTiE SlAlK C fclicsaivahl. snraav and all dues le the tat

OVEKIOii A tsBoevtsok.



Canned Goods, rliiaar, Mulasses, Fish, Meat, Ete.Also, one FINK 7S, OCTAVE PIANO.

Tbitrwdar, Isrrr-nebe- r lOib, at lo a'elocli,At 31 Union street.A. M. STODDARD. Auctioneer,

Auction Sale of Hack & Horses

ntfDER the authority re ted in me by eon refrnm Put Rupiin. rttvr.iAii in thACnnn.

tv Regit tar'i office, id Chattel Mortnare BookiMo.31, pp. Wt and M, I will, on Saturday, Deoeu,brIV. at 11 o'cl(K-- a tn., in front of F. A.Jonee'a ftable. No. 61 JJdoriroe it., tell at publicoutnry, to the h'uheit bidder, lor oanh, oneleather-to- p oarriftve known and run aa publiceonveyanoe No. 17. and alo the two bay norseaheretofore driren thereto



DOG Tuesday, small tan bitch; 95 reward.t- - 19 HERNANDO ST.

T3UKCH OF KEYS Five atee and two hraas.J--r it round, pi. mv, at Appeal offioe andreeelvel II .

THE WEATHER.sKlioalinii,.

For Tmmutee and ins Ohio YalUy,

fair weather, north to west winds, higlterntarly ttaiionary temperature, except

in extreme eaUern portion tlightly colder.

ntMroloarleal Kepert.MaurHiB, Tains.. December 9, IMS.

Tim.. Bar. Ther. Wind. Weather.

7:00a.m.. 29.087 36.0 N.W. Cloudy.11 :OJ a.m.. I 29.04 S5.0 N.W. Cloudy.3:00 p.m.. I 29. WW 33.0 W. Clear.7:00 p.m.. 2S.K6 34.0 W. Clear.

10:00 p.m.. 30 QUO 33.0 W. Fair.Maximum temperature, 60.0,Minimum temperature, S3.0.Rain tail. 0.03.All observations are taken on 75 meridian Urn,,

rhieh is on, hour faster than loeal time.

Rnlnfnll.SiGiraL Orricx, Deoember 9, 1M6.

Average reinfall at ootton region stations, aaeompiled from weekly statement, from the officeof the Chief Signal Offioe:

Wetk EndinaDec. 5. '84. cc.4, '86

South Atlantio atates 0.22 inch. 0.78 incn.East Ouif States 0.V7 0.A9West Gulf States 0.21 0.04Ohio Valley and Tennessee-- 0.20 0.26

Average 0.12 0.42For Tennessee, separately, the weekly amount is :

Chattanooga 0.25 0.S6Knoxvilla 0.02 0.63Memphis 0.55 0.09Nashville 0.27 0.70

Average 0.27 0.50

LOCAL. PARAGKAPIIS.Munte Cri$lo at the theater again to-

night.The streets look clean after the rain

Tuesday nigbt.But very little outside of the regular

routine doing at the Court-Uotis-e.

Lozo, the Mfltic Queen, commencesan engagement at the theater Mondaynight.

Mr. Josiah Patterson has been madeadministrator of the late H. 8. Gantt, de-ceased.

The indictments against the gamblerswill be tried in the Criminsl Court on Sat-urday next.

The wind at 2 o'clock this morningwas blowing from the northwest, and itwas rapidly growing colder.

The suits of Kiggins vs. the Cheea-peak- e

and Ohio railroad and Morrow vs.the Gayoso Hotel Company ate still ontrial.

Merchants report a gradual but steadyIncrease in the volume of business. TheChristmas boom has not yet arrived in fullforce.

The cases against the officeis of theCity Railway Company for obstructing thestreets will be tried in the Criminal Courton December 15th.

Tracy received an order from Atlanta,a few days since, for one of the most

novel aud finely finished wedding invita-tions ever selected in the South.

Billy Ryan, who kee; a a saloon at thecorner of Poplar and Front streets, wasassaulted and bitdly wounded by a coupleof men named W. L. Gamble and R. P.Kueker last night about 10 o'clock. Hewas cut iu five or six places. Tha menwere arrested.

Marriage licng weie yesterdayto Henry riwanev and Mrs. joeie

RouVers, V. H. Miller and Mips Lizz'e HTJrquhart, Rufe Baas and Mrs. VioletBrooks, John Redmond and Miss MaltioWoodbarry, Sim Rutland aud Miss Molliefcaunders and W. H. Dalton and MifsSallie Hunt.

Ine women a tscaange will give areception on Friday, December 11th, inthe evening. There have been no cardaof invitation issued, but a iare attendanceiB expected, and the management honethat all the friends of the Exchange andthoso who may be Interested will lendtheir presence.

A case appealing to humanity at 47Poplar street: A consumptive mother, a

n latner and three heluleca children. Appeal has been made to thecharity associatiou, and ?) in cash and $3in groceries is all the help in lour weeks.If this ia all the Christians can do, whatwill the inndels bestow '

Mr. Walshe, the representative of theTreasury Imparl merit, who ws fromWashington to inopett the n6w fmniirjrnfor the Custom House, yes'erdav examim dand received the farniture. Kverythiugin now itadr, and the I'ostofnce, reaeralCourt, customs officers Bud other Federrlofficials will move into their new quartetsin a few davs. It is possible that Somewil move

Euiliiina peiaiits were issued lateTuesday evening and yesterday morningas follows. F. M. Coygswel). 65 Adamsstreet, coal-houe- $15; P. Fransioli, 227Court street, new floor to porch, $10 ; Geo.Barner. 17 Iladdcn avenue, repair roof,$50; Frank I. Oubhins, 1J12 Aiabnmastreet, tin roof, $21; (r. is. Grant, 301"mend street, repair chimney, fla; a... Georgia tt reet, one-stor- v

nicae 7101,, --

frame, $25.A countryman on his way from e,,

point in Kentucky to Texas was robbed of$100 Tuesday night on the passenger trainon the Louisville and Nashville railroad,which arrived yesterday morning, lie reported his loss to the conductor, who tele-graphed the police here. This morningSergt. Kuhnholz aud several officersboarded the train at the shops and searchedseveral parties who were snspicioned ofhaving robbed the man. They were unable to find the guilty party, but learnedaf:erward that the man who stole themoney jumped the train at Bell's Depot,some miles on the road.

The casa of Warren, Love A Co. ofSi. Lonis sgaim-- t H. Furstenheim, whichhas been on trial in the United statesCourt for the past six days, was tiven tothe jury yesterday niorning.but up to hourof adjournment they had not returned averdict, borne J300U or $1000 are involved.The facts ol the case are, in brief, as follows: borne time ego a htm at Osceola,Ark., applied to War en, Love &. Co. fororedtt, and, on the recommendation or in-dorsement of Mr. Furstenheim, who, it isaileged, said the Osceola firm was colventand reliable, VVairen, Love & Co. soldthem a bill of goods amounting to $3000or $4000. In a short time after the goodswere received the Osceola firm failed, theSt. Louis firm losing the amount of theirbill. Hence the suit aginBt Mr. Fursten-heim to recover.

V. 1". Rsmpey, of Bolivar. Tenn.,came down on the steamer CoahomaTuesday ninht, and reports that he wasattacked while on the dvt-- of the boat bysome unknown man aud badly cut with trmot, and $220 i,i money taken from him.The mate dew-Mi- the robber as a manweighing 165 pcuadp, thirty-fiv- e years ohl,red complected, snndy moustache, had 011

sloanh soft black iist, and red hankerchiefaround his neck. There was one $5 billwith mark in red pencil, 65. Mr. Ramseytravels for Hoops Bro. & Thomas, Chester,Pa. Mr. Ramsey is at H. M. Woodson'sresidence, lives next door to Mr. R. A.Shields, who has a telephone. The moneywas wrapped up in an express receipt iuMr. Ramsey's name.

Mtliy,iirrolloa lo W. B. Oalbraalk at Co

Diamonds I

P. W. Hughes, jeweler, SM Main street,

hs on exhibition a large stock of fine

diamonds. Among theso is a beautiful

pair of ear-rin- rorfect mutch, without a

blemish, 14$ carats, price $500o; a solitaire

diamond ring, 11 carats; n diamond

bracelet, carats, together with finematched pairs of s, all sizes; asplendid assortment of lace-pin- s of thelatest designs; solitaire and cluster rings,studs, collar-bntton- scarf-pin- etc. La-

dle and gentlemen are especiaUy injitdto viev this, the finest stock ever offeredfor sale in thin city. Great inducementswill be given to ictending purchasers.

P. W. 0UGHE3. Jew.l.r. 293 Main trM.

Solid MlTei at MulfwrtT.F,rmLDA Wmi received fresh weekly

direct bulls Waukeeha.J. t. BOSZSMK. Aawtfcar.


The Two City Railroad Companies

Bourht Oat bj a Strong' Jtash-vlll- e


Oae ol the I.artrrst Trade Everiu the Sooth Par

tieiiluts of the Sale.

For several dnys past there have beensmothered rumors ( f transactions involv-ing the old and the new City Railwaycompanies. One rumor was to the effectthat the old company had sold out toNashville parties, who had given 1) forall the stock owned by Barrett aud theFrost brothers; and that the new companybad turned over their line?, franchisee.etc., for a bonus of $82,000, the purchaserassuming all liabilities. An Appial re-porter took these rumors in hand and pur-sued them to the following result: Itwas learned that the rumors were sabstan-titdl- y

correct and that both trades havebeen made, and that only fewunimportant details . remain to be set-tled to complete the biggest dealever made in Memphis. The pur-chasing parties' are J. C. Warner, Nat.Baxter, J. P. White and . M. Shook, allNashville capitalists. These gentlemenhave formed a syndicate, and are purchas-ing the city railway franchises in all the


They are already owners of the line inKansas City, Birmingham, Chattanooga,

nd all the Nashville lines. Late lastevening Mr. Barrett of the Memphis CityRailway (the old company) was seen, whoBtated that no trade had been accom-plished, but that he was only awaiting theresponse of the syndicate. Mr. Barrettwould not "give up" the terms, nor wouldhe deny those mentioned above, whichwere suggested by the reporter. He wasof opinion, however, that the trade wouldbe concluded later in the day, and if bothe newspapers would be notified.

IF TBI TRADE WAS klDIthe new company would take charge inten days or a month. In discussing thematter with prominent citizenB the re-porter was impressed with a general re-gret that a trade brought the two compan-ies under one management, as it was argue dthere ought to be competition enough tocompel one or the other of the companies toextend their lines into the suburbs, whererepeated demands upon the old companyhave been treated with contempt. Thenr.w line had already impressed the publicwith the hope of these extensions, and itis a matter of regret that they have sold outto a combination that puts both linosnuder one management. The characterof the gentlemen composing the syndi-cate, however, is assurance of fair dealingwith the Memphis public in the future.HOW THK NEW COMPANY WAS BROTJGnT


An Appbal reporter last night called ona gentleman to whom he had been referredf' r information, and upon telling what heknew the party referred to made the fol-

lowing statement: "Of course, now thatthe whole thing is a fettled fact, I don'tmind telling yon all there is in it Thescheme waa worked np by Jere Baxter,who came here some time ago for thatpurpose, as the representative of the syn-dicate formed at Nashville, composed ofMessrs. Baxter, Warner, Shook and White.It was easy enough to get at a basis withthe ol 1 company. An ofier was made,which was accepted, with condi-tions. With the new company, how-ever, it was not so easy. The companywas not running, and was cot thoroughlyorganized. In fact, there was nd headnor tail to their affairs, and nothinglike a satisfactory basis for a trade couldba arrived at. Mr. Baxter, being astraDger, could not go about amongthe stockholders, so he stayed in his roomat the hotel and engineered the scheme,while a friend of his, Mr. A. K. Ward ofthis city, worked on the outside. It wasnecessary to enlist the services of a Mem-phis man in whom all parties had confi-dence through whom the negotia-tions could be carried on, andMr. John S. Toof was selected, atdundertook the task of bringing the twoparties together, which, after severalweeks, he succeeded in doing. The figuresyou mentioned (1 for old stock and $82,-00- 0

bonus for the new company) are sub-stantially correct. This is the wholething in a nut-shel- l. It is thebiggest trade ever msde in Mem-phis, and is good thing for all par-lies concerned. The syndicate get a prop-erty that is worth every cent it cost thorn,and which will prove a paying invest-ment. The city will gee the best streetrailroad system in the South, aa theJmen behind the scheme have unlimitedcapital and are ready to spend it. Thewhole thing was well planned aud wellworked up, and to Jere Baxter, John S.Toof and A. K. Ward belongs the creditfor engineering the thing through."


Late last night an Appeal repotter in-terviewed a street railroad man well-know- n

to the public and asked hi'u if the tradehad been consummated.

"Yes," he said. "It has been consum-mated and the new company will take boldin from ten days to a month."

"What are the terms of gale?""That I must decline to tell. They are

only known to four men, and must re-main a secret. But you can eey to thepublic that the transaction was the mostcostly ever accomplished in Memphis orany city in the South."

"More thin a half million of dolhrs?"asked the reporter.

"I can"t tell you. The terms must re-main a secret. But I am well satisfied."

"Will the new company carry out thecontracts of tbjo Citizens' 'and the Citycompanies?"

"Yes, and will no doubt have cars run-ning on most of the lines within ariioJ:."- -

"Will tne.--; I any change of gauge

necessary?" --

"O, yes. The Citizens' and the City raiways will be made to conform to thestandard."

"This will occasion some extra ex-pense ?"

"Yes, a trifle of $10,000 or $15,000.""Are there any street left on which a

competing company might commencebusiness l

"Not one. Indeed, some of the linesprojected by the Citizens' Company willnot pay in years. Two of the lintsof the City Com parry barely pay nowand were run at a dead loss for manyyears."

"Then the new company has a completemonopoly ?"

"It has ; and a monopoly that cannot beinterfered with by the State government.It is biss of the situation."

"How would a line on Front streetpay?"

"It wouldn't pay for the mule feed.Third street, if it was paved, would form agood basis for a paying line, but it won'tbe paved, within the next five years, as theDistrict hasn't got the means.

" Wouldn't it pay you to try your bandat another company on Third and Frontand other streets?"

"No. All the other desirable streets aretaken up, particularly those running eastand west. No, sir, the street-railroa- d busi-ness is overdone in Memphis, and thereLn't the ghost of a chance for a competingcompany."

A CITfzEN INTERVIEWED.A well-know- n citizen shook his head in

a very sorry sort of way when his opinionwas askrd about the purchase of the cityrailways by the Nashville syndi-cate. He said he was consciousof the value of the trade to thecity in releasing borne capital and the ir--trod action of foreign, but this will not

compensate for. the establishment of sogigantic a monopoly. It has, he said,complete possession of the city to the ex-

clusion of any competing lines, and is,even so far as the Taxing Dis-

trict is concerned, master of thesituation. The City Railway Companywa9 strong enough for twenty years tomonopolize the business. With the Citi-zens' Company added it is a hundred foldstronger, especially in the hands of soEtrong a syndicate. I don't like it. Itwears, tor the people and their interestsia view, a very ugly look. ;

ON AND OFF 'CHANGE.Dull on 'Change..Cotton lower in Liverpool,Cotton receipts 5500 bales.St. Loris reports flour quiet.Cottok market almcst lifeless.Provisions closed lower in Chicago.Cornmeal qniet in Su Louis, at $1.70.Cotton closed weak in New Orleans.Kansas Citv reported wheat a fraction

lower.Tpr Chicago grain market closed off ;!!

ronna.fc'iDDEN change from tines, duster to

overcoat.Tsb cotton market closed steady and

unchanged. ' 'Decesibeb cotton closed 6 points lower-,gpo- t

cotton otT. -

aAi iiora In dry gooes complain ofWaU llM '

"dailnes.Cobs closed unsettled at u,H

asked in Sanaa City.Iwax K,w rlaan pt4 Mtton. aaaikct

went off during the day, but recov-ered, with a weak tone at the close. '' Poet receipt 0 cotton are showing in-creases over the same days last year.

St. Lout quoted "provisions steady, andcora and wheat off. Oats closed higher.

Cottok receipts continue heavy yes-terday's receipts, showing an excess' of48,461 bales.

Onb of the oases io the desert of a al

reporter's life is to meet a femalecharmer on 'Change.

The Grain Elevator reported, in storeyesterday 7106 bushels and 1925 sacks cfcorn, 39,443 bushels and 14 952 sacks t foats and 27,573 bushels i f wheat.

The O. and O. C. reporter met Mr. Na-poleon Hid on the street yesterday andwas told by him that he would ftUDd bythe record of the cotton crop estimate is-

sued by Hill, Fontaine k C i , and a gen-tleman standing by Btated taat he won dback up the estimate with a waser of $500.

VisiTora on 'Change: A. H. Joblin,Batesville, Ark. ; J. H. Alexander, Chula-hom- a.

Miss.; A. J. GravsnSprings. Miss. ; L. D. Cocke.Jackson, Mits. ;Mrs S. J. Friedenheimer. Louisville; Mrs.F. D. Barnum, city; W. S. Heatheriogton,Bellaire, Ohio; Dr. M. Bell, Covington; A.Freeman, New York ; G. W.- - Saopington,Little Rock ; George B. and C. P. Wilson,Troy, Tenn. ; Mis M. S. Stitts, Miss NohaStith, Holly Springs; W. M. McCarthy,Richmond.





150 Ladies' Short Wraps (just received)made of elegant soft Lyonaise, ol

cloth, trimmed all round withblack fox and finished with f ox tails,

AT $13 50 EACH.Real value $25.


500 Children's Ail-Wo- CloaksAT $3 60 EACH.Fully worth $7.


1250 Ladies' elegant London Newmarkets,ol cloth, newest shapes,

AT $8 75 EACH.A bargain for $13 50.


N.B. The Grand Bargain Sale in theSILK DEPARTMENT,

inaugurated yesterday, will be contin-ued $3 Black Silks at $1 48;$5 Silk Velvets at $2 18, and $1 Vel-veteens at 35c


Mulforil, Jeweler, 394 Main,Fills orders the country promptly,and satisfaction tsnarantm"'- - I


W. H. BINGHAM MaXAaia.Burepean plan. Enlarged and returnished.

Prioesaooordtngtosiae and location of rooms.Wm Eldridge, Tenn J C Dale, TennMisa Dale, Tenn J A Jucker, AlaJoe Caldwell, Ala Jim Glenn, AlaJ 8 Elder, Ark H tirasse. NYJ W Jordan. Miss Jno tiradley. MissC 0 Rice, Ohio C L Poner. MdW F Hancock, Tenn Master Hancock, TennA B Gatther, Tenn vt m 0 Day, TennW 11 Turnaga, Tenn J B Witheringion, TennH M lurnage, Tenn W B Burton, TennW S Swipston, Ark W A Faires, TennPeter Wirta. Ma it S Jackson. TennR M Hill, Tex J R Collins, TexJ M rinl, Tex J B Rorter, cityW R Manees, Ark Mrs F O'Neill. TennWm MoCarty. Va G W P.'son, MisaQ Marshall, Tenn J A Holmes, TennR W McLemoie, Miss J E Meek, ArkJ A Ware, Tenn Niles Meriwether, TennJohn A rieott. Tenn W F Rainev. V.iaaT J Bla'kwell, Tenn R V Harvey. MissMrs A L Farthing. Misa W T MrOracken, MisaJ T Barbae, Ohio 8 J McPeak. Misad .11 ere ik, Miss Mies C V McPeak, MicaT H Pair e Aw, Tenn J W Eldrioge. DissT J McGowan, Tenn G W ciappington. ArkV H MoG' wan, Tenn A C Carter, ArkB McEwen, Tenn C Sisseth, MoG H Becker. Ill lirAS Hicks, TennU ai Baxter, Tenn .1 J Price. MifsA B Carrutccrs, Miss Dr M A Bland, MessW G Boyd, Miss J FMmitn, arkJ F Crane, K V W J Watson, TennJ F Bowers, Tenn M W Morrison. ColoE M Jonrs. Tenn W C 6wooi., MissT W Conover, Tenn a Aisup, leanT W Brown Aw, Tenn

Peabody Hotel.C. B. GALLOWAY A CO PcnrBitroia

Rates $2 50 and $3 per day, according to si,,aud location of room Special rates made.

II M Pitmon, Tenn D G Pepper, MissTheo Freeman, Misa W S Garrett. MissR 0 Kyle, Miss John Waddeil, MissB TSmith, Miss A B Corruthers, MissDr M A Bland, Miss Dr J J Price, MissW D B .yd, Misa E L Trigg, MisaJohn tnith, Tex T U James, Pa

rs Sherman, Pa' B M Sherrill, Ky vF W Clarse. Ky A S Liulefleld, JldGeo Bent, Chio.go Alex MissA B Simmons, Miss J A Pearson, AlaA R Long, Mo S E Mitchell YT E McConneJI, NX E KinUy. Boston.ui. . iv ronnell, Tenn Miss L Garrison, TennF T Seymour, Tenn N l Les er, GaA D Uaneoek Aw, dm G Van Home, MassA O Ryley. Tenn N J Bus ey, GaT irri, Ohio Mirs A Wilson, Miss

G W Matthew., Misafti ill vW K Wheeler, 111 A C r.nguiyu. .o "

D' Neil, Mo B C Watoiford Aw, Ma-.- 9

F J lleanell, Ala B F Duke, TennH Silrestone, N Y K J Wiley. EyC C Estill. Tenn J H Clark, MissJ L Aleorn Aw, Miss M Burk, eityR 11 French, ir. T.nn W iwink, Jr, TennG Therrell, Misa WJ Kyle. Missw o itooly, anas J P Wallace, MiBlF A Montgomery, Mies E'llirer, TennJ Landan. Tenn L Friedman. TennH L Gavin, Tenn W L Clapp. Tennw l. niana, lenn T B Treserant, TennII L Lanier. Tenn J M Warren, Tenn0 J Sherrman, Miss D II Smith, TennL H Lanier, jr, lenn U Meyers, 111

F Hanssll, Mo J W Milam, MisaF T beymour. ir. Tenn R G Morrow. Ky8 A Holcoiin. Tex V H Crebs, ArkW Murray, La B R Nelson, OhioA B Larkin. Mo M A Clarke, N YH A Gardner, Misa J U Warner, Ark1 t,ow.nnaupt, lenn W H Hudson. TennH H Matlack. Ky P R Bailey, Ten"F A Moore, Tenn J C Pannell At, ArkEC Field, Misa L H Buck, Miss.

The Blew Vayoso.EI.TAfi HOTCHKISS. Million.

Ratea, $2 50 to H per day. according to location ofrooma.

W L Raboook.Mo 1. v Clark, jr. N 1

W C Stapnenson, Tenn M F Maddox. N VR K Waters. Md w a Brown, illMrs E D Vernon. Pa R I Peyton, N Y

J M Vick, Ky W J Sykea. TennW K Jenkins. M 1 C L Vigo, N OW O. Jones, Miss C C Foote, MissF Cook, Misa M Scbwarta, TennW Sloan, fi Y AGodbold, ArkW H lUgland, Ark B A Lindsay. TennH Heimann, Ohio Mrs R 9 Lindsay, TennS Cohen. N 0 M E Weil, N YG C Rixberger, Miss ZT White. MissL Liebes, Cai A B Caruthete, MissP S Gray. Tenn Miss B Clark, MissM;bs tiailie Scott, Ky R K L Wilson, ArkD H Beall, Ark M Allen, AraL V Barnea, Mo J J Baxter, N OL W Dcsprei, Ala C A Washburn, MoE Stuart, Miss T B Kinar, TennMrs Jaa O'Neill. N Y ' K D McManus. MisaW 8 Hoed. Miaa L Anderson, N 0E E Hall. N O SC Shelton.KyT J Blaekwell, Tenn J S Hdmear TennG Nixon, Tenn J F Shepherd, TennRichard Bowler, Mo G W Nixon A wife. Mo.

Clareaalon Hotel.Ratea, IS per day. Centrally located, opposite

dos to the..A. PATTISON A Co .Piomiiitor.

Misa E Brown, Tenn M E Jones. TennD r Harmon, ill G H Lester, TennT A Jones, kr D H Bailey, jr, TennA D McDsniel, Ark J M Caldwell. ArkP H Rioe Aw, Ark M H McDowell, TennH U Jaoobi, lenn W N Willtfnrd, MissJ P Woutsr, Ark F W Snell. OhioK ! Woodruff, 111 H J McKeever, TennA J Denniaon, Ga M E Marks, Misst: Niohoia, Tenn Mrs DC Carroll. NYJ A Winterton, Miss W D Lester, Misa

Fry, Oity L hucseil. CityH G Donelson. Kaa E 'osell. MissJ G Conroy, Atlanta Barry Collier. TennThoa J Preeeott. Cal William Odell. CanG A Livingstone, Can J E Cummins, TennC K Steele, Tenn J C Mahonoy, TennH H Oglesby.w A e, Ark R C Friedlander, Mo.1 H Manor. Tenn L Ackerman, MoMrs Staples, Tenn T Kelsey, Mo

f Steter, Ark Frank B Meyers, OhioL K Cooney. Tenn Xa Robinson, ArkW A Broml-- y, Ark Ronneelle, ArkH 1 Barry. Tenn HC Smith. ArkJ C Cason. Ill H A Maeon, TennliC Clark, Mo W G Smith, MissJ A Anderson, Tenn HGRingwald. ArkA Camp, Tenn J C Carson, MissH A Miller, Tenn D C Davidson, FlaW Henderson, Tenn G T Wesson. Ala

OaOr'a Earopraa Hotel.Corner of Adams and Main streeti. Rooma 50c,

75c and II per day ; American Plan tl per day.First-clas- s Restaurant in the hotel.. M-

- :bs'I UO jr with Peabody Hot.!) Prof's6H.Vri;.T.nn MaUfcgV.Tj-- B

T W Hendran. Mies 3 M Graay. a..L H Carr. Tenn w r. r.a warn , bbibsJ P Wooster, Ark A K 1111. TennM J Roberts. Ala W N Rhodea, Ten,L Powers, Tesn S Smith, Tens

G Fitsg.rald. T.an H Chatam. lean0 McNeill, T.an J Cony, 111

JH Cefin, Til J A Ceaoh, Ji I&rarlaa,.M ita emit a. mW J WlUisas, Tex J M Aihforw .Te

II at TUner.H tJarro.lL Tssi Lewis, Ten,rs, M if'Ward. Tea a

UBft C9


A Thriving .Station on (he ChtMptakeand Ohio Railroad, I he Center of

a Rich Conntry.

The Lumber Intercut a Growing- On- e-Shipments ftr France 920 Bale

of Cotton Shipped.

lacacMiL ooKKKroifDE!ica or TBS ArrKAt.,1Millinoton. Tenst.. Decern brr 0. Leav

ing Memphis on the 11 :3'J o'clock train onthe Obesspeake, O:iio aud bouthwesternrailroad, I reached my first stopping place,Millington, sixteen mile away, al 12:20o'clock, the road for some distance afterleaving thn city running through a lowcount-y- , subject at times to oveiflow. Theday is not very far back when waterfliwed over the track, but it d.i t,:ncebeen raised above such possibility. Steelrails ha'i been put down, new croeatiealaid and the road made practically new.Every few miles workmen could be seenbusy with pick, shovel and sledge. Longlines of wire fencing on either side of theroad attracted attention, and I was in-formed by one of the employes of thecompany that it is their intention to buildthem the entire distance from Memphis toLouisville, with the object of keeping cattlsoffthe track. The company furnishes thewire, the owners cf the land providingposts and labor. The railroad, in order tohave the fenses built at once, wouldcheerfully have the entire work done atit own expense, exoept for the fear, oftenwell founded, that it would he recklesslydestroyed. By having the land ownersbnild the fences, the company furnishingthe wire, they are regarded as the prop-erty of individuals, and not of the "grind-ing monopoly," the inference being that aman who would destroy the property ofthe railroad company, "and think it nosin; would hesitate before doln his neigh-bor a damage. The gain to the farmers isconsiderable. They are enabled to fencetheir lands at a trifling expense, the wireamounting to much more in value thanpof ts and labor. At seveial of the stationsbetween Memphis Millington lumber waspiled near the side tracks, and when Isprang from the. train at this point I foundmyself hemmed in on one side by a bigstuck of planks, cn another bya pile of heavy square timber, andin the rear by long rows of lops,some of them nearly five feet in diameter,which were selected for shipment toParis, France. They tire of poplar, andsingularly free from imperfection'. Animmense quantity of poplar lumber ispiled on both sides the track, most of itready for shipment direct to Kansas City.It was sawed by mills located in the woodson the west side of the station. The ship-ments of lumber from Millington, as Iwas informed by the station agent, aver-age fifty car-ioa- a month. Parties nowrunning a pump factory at Union Cityhave just bought a piec e of ground at thodepot and have arrapged to receive Ibelrmachinery here at once, where the lumbercan be obtained, rough, from the forestdirect, sawed into proper sizss and manu-factured. The fattoiy already has ordersfor of these pumps from a firm inCleveland, O. A steam cotton gin is puff-ing away at its work within filty feet ofme ss I write. It is owned and run by L.C. McCaughan, who has ginned so far thisseason 920 bale1;, and will run considerablyover 1000 before the season clo3c8. Thereare two stores here. W. C. Ewlpyhas a storehouse on the west side of thetrack, and does an excellent business. Hiscottage, fifty yardsaway, is one of the neat-est and most attractive along the line ofthe road. W. E. Polk & Co., on the otherside of the track, do a good business andhave steadily improved their hade duringthe ten months since it waa established.As I sit here listening for the tinkle of thesupper bell, with the cheerful light fromthe big back log in Mrs. Macoa s parlorupon my paper, I have around me six oreight of Millington's men, who have aboutthem an air of business not usual to findin a couDtry town. Among them I maymention Mr. 1. H. Nelson, who recentlysold his store here to 1'olfe & Co. and nowdevotes hia ectiie attention to his largefarming interests. Altogether there is agreat, deal more push in Millington thanone would expect to find at a wayside sta-tion only sixteen miles from the city.

A. B. P.


Natchez, Miss.. Dfcember 9 The Hel-ena passed down at 1 o'clock a.m. Tuesday, andwhen at Natch-- a Island bar the wind blew thesteainor on it, where she remained all day yester-day and until this evening, when the Jay'Gouldpulled her olf. After 1 ghtering, her barge, onwhich 4 0 bales of bor cargo had been plaoei,sunk, bntthe cotton was saved, somewhat dam-aged. The boat will get away

Navigation Naapeaded.St. Louis, December 9. Heavy ice is

running, and navigation south ia practically

silver Telegrams,St. Louis, December 9. Night River

fallen , inehes. and stands 7 feet 8 inches by thegauge. Weather clear and oold. Departed: Da-kota, Vicksburg.

lId KistI silver taken fc

ai MT.fsrri. a4 Slain.Bpakbxino Bbthesda stands at the head

of all ellerveecing waters. Sold by thobottle or dozen.


Order Wedalaat W ut ford's.Howard Watches at Jin lford'H.

Rags Irou, Feathers aud Hides.Highest cash price paid for hides, furs

feathers, rags and bones, loose and baledcotton. Sand tor price liet. 8. Gabay,agent end coram'ssion merchant, 409 to413 Shelby street, Memphis.

Wedding Presenile, at Mnlford's.Die Hughes, Indianapolis: "I consider

Bethe&da superior to Apollinaris either asa luxury or a remedy."

J. S. ROBINSON. Sol, Agent.

Hninrr.m tanrl at Hff iilford


Medical Dispensary,N?. 17 JeSeraon St--,

Betweca Hala as Front. HempESTABLISHED IN 1660.1

J0HN30N if acknowledged by ail partiesDR.interested u by lax the mostsuocessfultfaatment of private or secret dis-

eases. Qniok, permanent cures guaranteed faevery case, male or female. Recent cases olGonorrhea and Syphiila oared in , few days, with-out th, us, of mercury, change of diet or hin-drance from business. Secondary Syphilis, tbsut vestige eradicated wit'acot tb, ua, ol merdry. Involuntary les of semen stouped ia ashort time. Sufferers from impoteooj or lossojsexual powers restored to rre, vi or ln a lewwceka. Victims of aelf-abn- nd excessivevenery, entering from spermatorrhea and losaolphysical or mental power, speedily and pern

cared. Particular attention paid to tb.Diseases ol Women, and oares guaranteed. PLesand old sores oured without the use of eaustic orthe knife. All oortnltAtiotiBstriotivootindenfal.Mevlioines sent by express to all part, of theoountry.

o Worklngtuea cure! at half the Basal rates.oSo, houra from 8 o'olook a.m. to il p.m.


PATENTS.Trad, Ma-k- a and Copy RightsCAVEATS,every country in tbe world. The un-

dersigned, who will be in Memphis for fourniontos, iseditor of the American Inventor, andManager of the American Patent Agency of Cin-

cinnati, Ohio, haa had seventeen years experienceaa a Patent Solicitor. He also gives special atten-tion to the prosecution of Patent Cases in the U.S. Courts, and to preparing rtsports, showingscope and validity of claims.

a. tt. aEKSsV,Attorney and Counselor in Patent Cafes,

12 W . Court street, Memphis, Tenn.VO HSVC HEALTH THE LIVEW HUSTJSE IMOslOEW.

IsaKeliabl. Renwdr lor Lirsrc'uoiii .aialsaod liiscatwedby aderanxed or tarpal ootalltioa of the Luver, as Iva-p- .

tana, Coast I patina. Biliousness. Jauo,lM-e- ( Headache,Malaria. Kheamatisra. elc. It rfarnlatw tn bowels, pnn-a-

The hl.si, atreiwrt the s,.m, as,'sAN INVALCABLB FAMILY MBDICINB.

Thousandsof testimonials prove It, merit.. AJfl imOOOlBT WILL TSUJ. T, C ITS PfcrVTAXIUil.

CHANCERY SALEBEAL "ESTATE.No. 3299 No. 6 --Chan oe ry Court of Shelby county- Stat, of Tennataee for use, etc.. vs. Wm. E.Butler etal.i and No. U R. City of Mem-phis va. F. A. Meriwether et al.

BK virtu, of an interlocutory decree for walentered in th, abov, cause on the 5th day

oi November, 1885. M. B. 50, pare 71, 1 will salt publio auction, to th, highest bidder, in front

of th. Clerk and Master's office, oourthous, oiShelby county, Memphis. Tenn. .on

aualnrdajr, UeceiulM-- r s), 1SS3,within legal houra, th, following described prop-art- y,

situated in Memphis, Shelby county, Tenn ,

hot No. 7, in block 12, fronting 35 feet on northCalhoun, or Sonth street, running back SO

k.,ininC6B Calhoun street, north side, 4Sf Wsoto .troet. th.no. w.th. Calhoun

lire." west Ski fort, sad Ihsne, running backi J fMm .la Irons mitwMB parallel lines

V ft. fcoidaa U frory of loon ,L. Wiadem,I. A. Meriwetner gna ,ters.

two." of Sale-- On a re4n ef ai month, i isur-sa- 5f

,t with wcurttj. kearmg ia-I-

frenTtVatot 1 en re rate-i- to. twdwpHoaSarra. IniiDWttW

B. I. JleTO lark and Master.By J. M Bradley, sr. (Jerk and Master.J. W.Hasupsea J.(C,W, JsadakeJl,



A Golden Opportunity for theAfflicted to Be Healed,

No Matter oi How Loug Standingtheir Diseases.

A Sost Wonderful Revelation iutho Healing Art,

Tbe Most Obstinate and I.onir.& funding Diseases Speedily

Clit e Place lo Good Health

Under the magic Touch of Sci-entlf- ic


Prof. T. G. BRACKING, M. D.,

Alumni of th. University of Pennsylvania,founder of his Female and Cancer Infirmary,who'e name and lame haa become NATIONALand PROVERBIAL in the speedr and marvelouscure of All lis. l'Menaesi loArrvona Ulaeaaea, A sc..


306 Second St., Memphisjenn.,where he will remain for a short time only, forthe purpose of domonstra-in- tn, MARVELOUSWO vDEtlS to be arhievel in the cure of diseire.And ii SIIOI'LD LOSE TU1SGULDEN CPPtiRi i;MTV 'only one eurVi in alifetime) OF BEING HEALED OF TULIHDiseases.U, oan tell your diseaaea e rrect?y In a fewmo,, eots. and can cure them witta a SPtED andCi'RTAINTi" which is surprise alike to ail.Every invalid Hnd sufferer no matter how longdiseased, nor who hate tail-- d to afford reliefshould be certain to avail theme Ives (and thatspeedily) of this extraordinary chance of beingso certainly and speedily nealeJ.

Scores and hundreds of female s mictions ofall f.rms and standing, such as Displacement ofall kinds. Flexures, Tumors. Pulynai. Painfuland Irregular Penods, Fistulas, Ulcerations,Lacerations, Bladder and Kidney Affections,Ovarian Diseases, Indigestion, Heart Disease,Constipation, Nervousness, etc., are speedily andsuccess, ully cure.t.

Patients are brought to him lerue, docrepit.emaciated and helpless in bed .om, of themirom fivo to ten and evon 6ft-c- n years or moreand soon they go away SOI'MiLY CI KEO,WITH UIS PRAISES ON THEIR TONGUES.(See hia "Messenger of Health." f r a large listof the most extraordinary cures ever ui uponrecord many of them in Tennes?ee, Kentucky,Mississippi, Araansas, Texas, Alabama, Louisi-ana. Florida, etc., and certified to by the bestpoi-l- of the nation. It may be bad at his ctbeand will be circulated in tho city, and containsmuch valuable information, especially to theafflicted )

His matchless cures afford occasion forspeculation and comment, while tbe hundredsaud thousands who are being bapp.ly cured allover this land atte- - other ab e skill has b.eu ex-hausted and failed, aud the tens of thousandswho gladly testily to his malchleas success, practi-cally ueiuoDetru.es tbe freouine reality of thela-- ts too plainly to be gainsaid.

Physicians employ h.ui in thoir families andsend their trieuds to him for treatment.Nearly thirty years of strict devotion to hisproteseion with results tho most distinguishedand satisfactory, suih as are by no L.enns com-mon to this cuuutry, inspire? h m to offer his ser-vices to the public: everywhere wiih full

that tbe- most satisfactory results will beachieved aod his patrons tichly rewarded, "",marvelous changes uften wrought in. many of Dr?.r;.ki;i" '"V'"?'- - aro n and extraordi-- "

Rwlin V1-1"- a such as these:! not wonderful? Isn't it marvel- -oua. ete. loss prisoners areenabled to gel up and walk. Crutches, and canesare laid aside, and the leaps forjoy wnon ao happily relieved of dueise and piin.Many persons alter being treated in iew York,New O. leans and other large cities without reliefcome to Dr. Braceing and receive the ni"tbapi yand speedy cures. "Mcaaenacr of lloalth"for testimonials, etc.)

Dr. Bracking is also prepared to all nia- -or she e, t nm sail brunt. Kir.,with great skill and success Ho performs a'loperations on the eves with great dexterity, suchas the Removal of Cataract, Straightening Ciosshyea and in correcting all other .bnorinal ormorbid conditions of tho eyes. Hopelessly dis-eased eyes removed in ono minute and BeautifulArtificial Eyes (true to nature', hav.ng all themovements of real life, iusor.ed in their stead.4lranalatrcl or hronlc Mt.re yea

Cured With Iniireteileeteil Nlieress.Those suffering with any ailment of the eyes,

cross .yes, laeirymal stricture or absesses,tumors, invert-- eye lids, etc., should ni t tail toconsult Dr. Bracking at once and secure hisskillful services. Partial Deafness, Throat andBronchial Affections, treated with great succesaand satisfaction.

CANCEROUS DISEASESAre actually and speedily cured, when taken indne time, never to return again. Many of hiacured patients can be referred to a I over thiscountry, who are sonnd and well So letall who have cancer take advantage of this extrarare opportut i.y to get a timely cure.

Strictures, Fistulas, Hem, rrhoids, eu., speed-ily cured. Bting your doctor with you If yenlike. No objection Ui it, whatever.

Dr. B. oarrios with him a stock of

VEUY FIXESpectacles and Eye-GIavse- s!

And guarantee, a perfect fit fnr all condition- - ofeyea. Lr. Brckins: baa treated a number otMemph'a and eurrounding- country,

to whom be srladly refers, and has many bieb tes-timonials well-kno- to cttixens of Memphis,and is endorsed by a hot of the brt people ot i hination, medioul and otherwiso. and will not fatto make hinit-el-f felt wbile he is in MeupUis.See bis papers circulated in tbe oity and call onhim promptly.

Read letter from Kobt. Bncliniinan.Dr. Bracking Dear Doctor: I wih to state

that y u have eutirt-l- relt. vod my wife of dis-ease with w hie ft she bad nuflerrd tor many years,atid which would not yield to ordinary treat-ment. lanjfreetoconfei-atb.i- t I am not onlyhighly gratified, but surprised as well, at tberapid and happy results of your treatment in thiscbsp. Respectfully,KOBT. JUL CUAaNjNAN, M. D,, Nashyille, Tenn.

Read letter from Mrs. ev. J. B MoFerrin,D. !., Nusbville, Xenn., November 15, lSb3:

T. G. BgACKiNO, M. D Dear Sir: I will statethat had been seriously atUieted tor severalyear. My disease being in nio-- t part peculiar tofemales, but by your skillful Tbreutiuent 1 h--

been restored and am now eblVtfled to enjoy Iilb,which had been ainiot a burden to me- Thank-ing you iurakiil and courteny, 1 am. very rettpect-tull- y,

MKri. J. B. McFKKKllV.

A letter from the wife of the lion. H. M. 8pof-tor-

h. L. D.. of New Orle ns, La. :

"I cordially Dr. T. G. Bracking tothe afflicted, and earnestly advice an early con-sultation with him. Dr. Bracking practiced inour family to our treat comfort and entire satis-faction, after seventl eminent physioinns bad notonly tailed to give tbe patient relief, but had sev-erally mistaken the caiiee of illness, in threedays after the oase had been entrusted to Dr.Bracking'! tbe more violent symptoms wereat an end. Within a fortnight tbe patient wasenjoylBf the blessings of rapidly returninghealth, and this happy state waa strengthenedand tally perfected during the ensuing month.

MRS. O. M, fePOJj'ir'OKD,

Columbia, Tesii., May 20, 1672.As a testimonial of our high regard, we, tbe

undersigned, ciLiiena ot Columbia, Xenn.. domost heartily reeommend to the public Dr. T. O.Bracking of Nashvi.le as a skillful and efficientpbyaicia-i- a thorough and accomplished gentle-nia-

We earnestly entreat tbi.t the intelligentof every community give feim the welcome bereally deservrs. lie has been a blessing to uaand our tamilies, and our wish is that successand happine attend him wherever he may go.To ladies suffering with female diseases, wewould e.tpeciimiiy recommend him, for an sucheases we nave never seen hin equal.


HliUtn Ta.ra In Bed, tba Cared.Mrs. W. T. White, near Okolona, Mies., after

being oon fined to her ed for sixteen years, en-tirely nelpleea, all medical skill availing nothingfor her relief, consulted me in Noteniber, 1968.I found her with chronic eadometritie, retrover-sion and spinal irritation, and as helpless as achild six months old. ln four weoka 1 had herwalking about the place wth eat-- and greatpleasure, expressing herself aa if she had iutemerged into a new world. '

Am Invalid Fer Twenty Years, ThnCured.Mrs. Fannie L. H of Columbia, Tenn., vi,

bfought to me in 1871 for consul ttion. She statedtbat she bad been an inval it for twenty years,had bee a tuated in tot. Loni, New ork. Phila-delphia and elsewhere, but without relief, tihestatsa. that she tad bedtt unable to walk or sit upbut little for thirteen yearn. 1 oan fray that thehad been greatly damaged by very nnckilltultreatvent by some of her ibysicinns. But 1 tookher ease in band and in a short time dischargedher happily restored,

Aaotker CieuBewSIx Tears llelpleaa InBed.

Mrs. Caroline Ford , aged 4, Beauregard, Miss.,was btoutbt t me on her b d, not having bad ahoe on her feet for six years. I f und her suffer-

ing with prolapsus and retroveri-ioo- , and endometritis. 8id the had consulted a number ofphysicians, but they bad failed to relieve bercondition. 1 put her on treatment and in a shorttime the was aole to walk whe.e r he pleased withgreat oemfort, and was discharged thoroughlyeored and retnraedhome well-

A Great Snflrrer for Twenty-fea- r Yea re.Mrs. D. 0. White, Livingston, Ala., waa

brought to tee for eonselta.iun ia 1IT0, on herbed, entirely helpless, the said she had sufferedtor twenty-soa- r years the most intolerable painana hemorrhages at frenent taWrreie. ne waaaimeit enMBfulaatad, eompieU roaUrati ia andfrmtt vmrmatianasd kaeKtvi. i ioead a BbronlIMryvu id 4 tumor la teitam. &,th of wkuih I re acred ana new herrer aaluma. at la Ave wk tlUwat teat !

uAie. weli eJLO;if wenan. Xre. W. kaaiSaee unse-e- te jWina.



Fine Carvers. Nut Crackers, Nut Picks,Triple Plated Knives, Fork and Spoons.

Boys Tool Cnests, Roller and Ice Skates,BREECH-LOADIN- G SHOTGUNS.


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2Vo. 394 Main Street, : : Hem phis, Tenn.--Country and City Merchants, Railroad and Levee Contract rs would tnd it to their advaatavaa


AVE HOMEY!Oar atock Is iuiuicuNe, HHH?queiit y we niu.t make n.

SHESiLIS: I3T !Ever; t UluK Markel Doirn Ext reiuely Low, Look at our ImtbAtiiiortmcut of

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fw 1 li. W- anrt lii alw.. In lbs I'llv for Plaiablni .,rt 4is. rilllnr

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318 FRONT STREET, MEMPHIS.REFERENCE "felata National Bank. (stall Advanrr. Maala esa

I'allna, wills lrovs,f.s .!- -. .






n. 393 ii Nireet.

305 AND 307 MAIN STREET- -taS-Sri- TK IS II I U I N



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mm n 1st loitsa- - ".iMiiti. Ttaa. t

byaawat till mt era MAtUUi. OO. TS

tn.wn.i,. i on, ..a y inone Jilu i weeks ; oooii) 1,1twoAtHL-w- U





C. KOEHLF.K,Spc' j anil rcii.


- Aftvi--


s rl(inpbU. TTeur,


strwat. Tela.RESIDENCE, 277. ho. Main atrsMt.boa to lo a r.. ..... S to aa.

m atpuMsk weArWl

Ci'KkCM o.rol Mwa- .- switAaawlDot aisii.issaai ttyA aXEannvia ,dos. fi, anal .wolomm a et. iwswaaa. 4Jwoaw

by aaau or" "T,rr,ljaro.atv.

WOTICK.ALL ayrsans ar, warned w

eak. f.rthe Main-.i- e Tea ji

. lTJ, Vos. Cto ua U,lost r a.uiaia. aaa a aav.


irocers and Cotton Factors,IU in (Viifwo Itlix-k- .



Saddles, Harness and CollarsXos. 301 and 303 Main Street, Memphis, Tenn.mil of TEEAH, 600HN, are prritareel lo All lor

cvrrxlhlay our line rls that compnro lavvrablr with aajr uarh.lthe We conataniljr o




Celebrated Pilsener Beer in Kegs & BottlesONLY PURE URYSTAL WATER USED BREW13S PURPOtS.We Comer Butler and TemiesHee Nlreets,


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No. 378 FRONT STREET, MEMPHIS. TENN.WaraKonaa If anil ailr-l- .

mmm .WTWmln TtnriniiiirM o14.0. fyiAUl HIL &u

Cotton Factors, Wholesale Grocers,No. Union Ntreet.

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tl ueaioAv,

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WANTED igFmM&vmkiBtroAaetloa TinMot,

has .old towaTM: aa.nl lodarsi

successive dVlM

lt5SHE sary.





No. TT7A'abama


TOUCAN iHaaaul


Jof l.iarAsaoeiatiori.

Oct. as



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