THE MEM PHIS 3AILY ft tr . BY M'GLANAHAN, TROUSDALE & DIIZL. . .PUBLISHED DAILT, AND WKZXXT, BT 10. R. K'CLAXAUAK, LTOSTSAS TROCSDALE, ey - j tcuatyus r. nii"- - vsim m attzje ADXta cr 'tTLmilAs, TEOCSDALE & DILL, ii. To whom Au. Unm os Bcir-x- ii, oa orxra- - 'WllI, SHOULD SE AODBZnSB. PRICE OF SDBSCRlFTIOrt. DaSy,ta adranee,per ieewi-- . .........110 00 fri-- ei eekiy, " .................... toe Th. ii il it 2 M MX au irauy euoecirpaoris c josckb u a i gjf nhen A unhli r..lr.Mrtr tn tr-n"- I Yp3" wEa be stnat- - sad riavTy j Little Giant," would very op-b- lll work I dress; many city lady wonld like to to. DAILY KATES FOR XDTKRTISIJCa. A ifjpirA if Uu JfTctl ctX Ecjis and Er.fxlrtr, Tar see square of ten lines eritti, see la: Mtloa...tI GO fit eatBatMIHanal lnserttoaof lima SO gfr I.I sm 3. -- iJits S 09 IS 60 fn oq l , ' 4 OW 00) 9 t oat a oo1 8 aojio oo m so 7 ; Vr.lt 8S.IS 03 13 76) 8 COilO 00 IS GPjlt 09 20 0Oj2J 00 iz Mfii oojao celts iin 13 OOltS 0MI3 OOjM 00, 00t7 COiS jH.oojt?.Kja jajss.oojas4a aja tit O0j30 COjU 00)13 OO OOH 00 18 0C22 00MrW,U b) ocs oo'jo oo;jxoo'so " 69, 17 69 oo. to 00 oa to ts so 00, T5 00 ib ta, bt so 00 U 6S69UM00 635jS7 SO 113 50 K m'is mhts 3 One BTSire. resercUe tna3j, pr Ensao, $i0 00 twlee " to oo tj" Two asr, narri&t wUy. per anBi, CO 00 O Mi', ? " " " '. rlte-we- ; " 89 Oo - (3 AB KTertUmeGU reqalrea lo M aT( on man pe. cnAXOED At lrrw each dat, n on t&lrd tr, tj C? AiJratiirarat dlnsctM to t dijrltrM. ortln rlTeTli Serocrc- - F1S ipus orer oosava, uxi wsen jjibsz Trrr u re- - aoirvc lo Dtm, or we tarcruvemeiii Krpi as isnae of Itftt. Of- - Turtr adrrrtlsCTf wm be charted extra retsltr ale fer Waal. Beali, 'Beraortli, CoplrtamtSp Vo- - CTTaAsxiExrAorESTiKsa kuit be raro ran rATTAlCCE. U K Terraest ffl t th Wertjy piper 1 4 mm tj fprtUl tcatrtct. " to b-- lneerted tie Weetlrpiper KvcoKrsra X l perUT tot rmy zniuoxi. rp Asnocsclrxcndi4xte tor State. Conatr anl Vs. nlclptl Oflc, $5 rc, to ta ptM In adTcace la tjoj isasaac. y- - EFAHai!TerUescnta tit CaarUabie InaUtatlcu, . Coapaclea, "Waid, Towa, aad ether ?slBc JftoUati, ' ' cy MarrUro aad DeaUil are pcbtKaed aa u4 bst Obttaarlta, Trtbctta of Seapectaad Faaerai ISTltatlosa t eiter aaTenueaieau. All legal and Tracttect Attrertlseranti win be aartoa trj tae laaertlia. EF XUtorlaI Kotloaa tn Ixcal Calarcn wfil to ctrrI totaUperBno. CT "o adnrtlim or TarUUoa win b rwtamntt! ncotox ratet. JrOLUTAHAN. TEOOTDALE Bt DILI. professional Carts. DR. A. TF. WRIGHT. TTOHdOPAIHIO -- HTSIClAX-CWce la'Stewait A XL FroTtae'i BUMtez. Xaln itrert. bet -- r Unlia Ba- - aloesoa Xn, X. Sismi. Seooal below VadUoa atreet, DR. II. W. MITCHELL,. ,!Tncs corner Vain and Xaoiaaa treeta, mr the J XtTerBanx. ' JfE'ST LA1T PAHT.VEIISHIP. : TX7K. H. POLE, and Batth T. BanUiead. batlsz V ormd a partambip, -- na aerearter practice law MCTtner tn too ear or Jterapua. nori.ir C TXOUUTOV......... J. T. FAEAXIXT. ,V FLODR-tO- r & FARRCLLY, , A TTOKXATS AT LAW, ICempnU. TeaseaaDe. Office, J. Seeecd atreet, IBrtae PaiKlr.c. ertatait oeraer .. Court Sjsara. Jcs-dl- y . caASAtS f COTT. L. T. BIXOS. SCOTT & DIXON AT LAW AKD S0U01TORJ IS ATTOBK-rr- it Unspala. Tecn -- rBTpraciice tbetr profea ton lo aa the Oenrta feeM thecftrof Kempbia, aad tie (cp-e- aa and Wrderal Oonrta at ackog. Prompt attea tlon wm be to an dalma tar cotttctlea rstrrutod to tkerL. OBee ta XevBiak Bsinrac, toreerof Xataand Zntrac-eoaVadl- wtreet. Jan-- U '"AtfSUSTVS n. OABIAKTJ. WM. M BAKDOLTH. GARLAXD & RANDOLPH, a TT02XRTS AT LAW Llttt Boer. Atlanta. . Tbe .i. snrrttiad law bee ioeeo Pike, Pike & Com acini, Csarafeu ana Ccurrina St Garland, It in osr banda to be . attended ft. Jnrt-at- a Brs. Brock & Spiegel HATZ aaaodtted ibemeetTei for tbe pnrpcao of pra: medtctn aU CHBONIO diaeatea. We KSeald call the atteattea lnrattea to tbe acnercna " "rurti webara, acd are maxtsr In Xenpbla, vhkb wHl fanad Caaoera, pnraaaestlr wltbost the na of CAtrtTlc or ESirE. Ola Sorea, Scrorcla, White SweWac, SpaiUa,Dropae7. Orarel, Bbearaatlam, . f apepata, Lleer, Lnaga, Zyea, and ererr varletr ot tbe dtaeajeo of tbe Woaab radicaQ csred. DR. D. S. BROCE baa derated noen tine and erpenee tn conectlc sail tbi jTalGibte medical experlesco aad recetpta tbat ezlited wltb the Kortb aad Boat hAoerteaa Irulltnc, taclndtai tbePAKICAof tboTacaao, Xabne, and tbe Xaler wa-ni-- u. of tne Ooaaaraar, of saraaara, wlta tae practical nodical fcaowled-- e of orrr Sto tbenaand Botan ical naau, zartf, Beota aad Herbs. Tbo wublcs to arall tbemaelTre of tbe aTTlo" cf tr. Brock, are informed tbat bli eta la Xeopbli win Hmlted to tbla aaooer. Beta with all If odern osr laterpreter. E'Oace corner ot Xaln and Dnl.n atreeta. Jcnlaw-l- r XT. H. & H. Ii. BEDFORD, "Attornoys a.-- t ZiAWf XZXPEIS, TIXKESSEE. OmCXaoslb ride Conrt atrtet. first door weatct wiB pracH to aE tbe Courts of Xempbis, tba Xierentb Circalt aad tbe Eepr.me aad Federal Cenrta at Jaecaoa. Prespt a'tentkon siren ta tbe colfectlcn claims taWet Tennessee and North Mleflasippt. Jac3-daw- si i DR. H. J. HOLMES, SEN., FIB. VAULT Sprics Starr, and recentlrof Braadoa bas Heated ta Xempbis practice tbe r rttat bratuiiesef blserofejtl.a. Tor tbe last serenteea Ttarsbebasderoted bis atlestloa mora psxtieslarlr to uterine diseases and aeddeets dartac partcrttion. Ee lua a bUsoaDr. Hotaes.Jr. Brrrai to Hon. Bnrr S Foote.Cbarles Scott, L. T. Dtion, A. X. Poote, Arery aad Join Kabert- - ca.PretVlento Xempb'a and UHl Bock Bal'road. OfPlCTt 169 Xaln atreet Reallege Conrt atreet, below Tblrd. Office boara 8 to S A jc. and 4 to 6 P.AC ntrts-S-si DR. JAMES M. KELLER, RESPSOTTDLLT oSers bis praf esalocal serrloes to let and Its riant. Els resllence la on XcCaB atreet, next to tbat of A. . Dvoslais. OBoe tn OreenlaWs Fild Irs. Xaln street, Sontb J7ain, eecood fl wc. wbcre be roar be found at an boari, "aalfM -- rxered JcnlT-d- lr .DR. ORTXLLE R. EARLT (Let of Xlsslsarpra ) HAYIKO located prrasnenfix In Xempbis, offers bis terrlces to Its c'.ttxens and persons tn tM tarroaadla cosatrr. Special attention wfil be sirea to Obstetrical cases and aU diseases of acd chil- dren. Besldraco ea tbe corner of Eeraaado aad Brown's Areoae. Office, SS Xsdlson street nyi lr WAtXEB.... ........... V. M'COSmCO. WAIXZR X'OOKKICa.Lawre-- a, Xempbis. "Oaoe, lie. 47 iocth aKe Oonrt Bqnare. 3 apis . Traorn jko. c. rARAi-oTon..- .o. teases. Yer-re- r. Farrington & Terger, attoexets at law, xExrais, txnk. apIS-C- m XVTt, R. A RICK, PB.SXTIS.1, Bolirsr Oonatr, Xlssus!ppl,Genrs!Land Arksnsas arrl Xlsilsstppt. . iBtYzaxscES. 0t. n.-S- . Pou, Xempbit: Brooke fc BaMea. Tltktbara. apSJ-CS- m r. , LOTEJ0Tf......................R. ?. BASTES. LOYEJOY & HARPER, AnOBJCETS AT LAW, Cbarlistoa, Xlss.. win foRoolos oosnttes-o- f Xcrth Xlssltttppl ; TaHaaatcbie, Panoia. Talobsska. OarrolL Ssnflower; tbe Federal Conrt at Pontotoc, and tbe Eapreme Conrt at Jackson. Prompt attention wtB be paid tbe CoBec-Usn- oi Clalos placed In tbctr bands RUTSEXCES Watrra, Graft is Beatonj EoET Bpriniv, Xlsa.t W. P. StearnA Oxlord, Xlss.; E 8, PHber. Jackson, Xlu.j Watt, k Xoeier, Kw Or- leans, La aplS-S- ED1TARD PICKETT, Jr., ATTORXET AT LAW, Xempnls.Tena. OSss,Jefr ml( wsjr tbe Post Offloe Bcllilcx. lr JSO. D. TROTTER, ATTORVEr AT LAW, Anstia, Tnslca conatr, Xlss., to tba parment ot taxes, redemption ef land, etOejforf sited or sotd for taxes, and win promptly ttead to tbe examination of laad titles la tbe comities ef Tonic. Co "ions Bottrar and Weshlstcc JaacV4twSa THEODORE C COXE, AT LAW, Xeapbl. Teaa. Office oa ATTOSKEr OreenlaWs BnOdlar, between. and Oa-e- so streets norSllp M JOHV HAX.I.U3I, "a. TTOSKBT AT JAW, aad General Oofircter fet West Tennessee OiSce Jefferson street. Post OSlce BnBdtrx sej VFILLIA5I KEXSEDV, Jr., AT LAW Offica orer Garcaa Bank BnBd AROBVBT street, Merapbls, Teaa. oylt-l-r OIL. CHEIGHTON'S ornct eoubs Tor attending Diseases of ths JEYJS AND LUNGS! from toll a m aad 5 to i r. it, A The balaaos e." bja time win bo derated ist-ae- ru -- raetMC K. Bi Persona wlablax Dr. Creiib ton's serrtces meat consnlt this rraaemect. (eblS-- tl WILUAK x. roirox. 90 it 13 oo at in E. V of tn of in cf be of ef of to X ef L. to ta oa .....rmESAi t. icscsos. POSTOJf & SCRUGGS, Attoraoys a.t Xmck-w,- " XEXPHI3, 7ZXK. OmCE a CVcrt Bomb Side. TTTTLl. Eire tbelr Join atteatloa to pretetsloasl bcil-Y- Y neaa'la tbe sereral Ooorti of tbe city ot Memphis, tbe Elereatb Jadlclal Oircnu cf Tenseaaeo aad of V'oitb XUsUslppl. tOOi-l- W?.sni. V. E. ROGERS, , . mBa"tliproreiscal aerrlcea to tba cltlsens of VjjCearpbl'. OSss, Sottb. side of Oonrt Sqnsn. ce st Harrtf ' Jactt-- m UB.T.t'.PEVTO.. oq tbe comer of "effersoa and leeond streets, OPTICS BaUCln. imla-l- y SLEDSX baa retcraed fron New Tort, BlJ.tr absence ef nine man tba, aad has effected socae astoaadtnc enroa la tbat city Be baa taken aa case at'Xs. XT Moaroe street, between Xela and Second 'atreeta, aal wW reaaase tbe practles ef Keatdce; where tw brs for sals b is celeb rsted Coapoaads. AU calls to, day or zdrnt. As be lateada tocatlnf penu-seatl- y ta XeoipbK, sod tram tbe -- rest success he baa bad Is tba tree! meat of tbe rartoas dleeaaes, be thinks be sbytldbare allheralpstro-s- x. from tbe dtlaena of j Xenrpbla " tanS-dl- y Dii. THOS. TATEf" bis to tbe dtlxxasof Xempbis and 0PPXB5 OfSctta corner of Seocnd aadwasblas-to- a atreeta. mar"1-- lr ISAAC Sf STEELE. E T. KOBO AS..WK. D. STEELE, eorlnctoc, Teaa. Xempbis, Tesn. Xempbis, Teaa. STEELE. MORGAJff & STEELE, ATT13OtnrSEL0&S AT LAW, practice tn theOocrts of WeatTea-Bese- es OT.M cn Xaln- - St., in Trailer"! Block, Ko. 6, 24 Boor, "pedal aUectioa p14 to tie conecUon of wauaa. ocii-i- y M. X). WELCH, AT LAW, AO tttiierl ATTOUSKT ta ait cars rsa?Q7 Ittesdsl ts, csieTfiTU .a DAILY APPEAL. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 22, 1858. FA1LTTEE CF TES DOUGLAS DEFECTION. PR03PICTS ABROAD CHOATB'S GREAT SPEECH THE HARDIN WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, ie. Snail's White Sclpiitb Sr-m- oi, I Hardin jOcnnty, Trail., July IT, 1563. J To He Eiiien ttf fie ArsjMi Ajpeal: You will remember thit in one of my letter! from New Orleans I predicted that Mr. Doog!ig, sometimes called toe ! I dresa, io. inn here. hive Hunt faablon I n 1a tornosax Ursa have get this fOj77 FFr .Tin dTtn amoss cared women atreet Kobie Union JX. aK A.O. f IV Ull tt.o,M; v Wailj' IkU UI1U a UimjVl IkJUi . llVlt, IUU UCIIUiJ , HEM j (h in to ad- - I it if it pleases you your are free born f mission of Kansas under the Leeompton Con- - I I have children in stitution. I foretold that he would have quite j dresa many a time, and they aweeter as x road to be is it, j prettier any I ever in a hoop as did Messrs. Van (Buren and Benton when I r corset tresses lklJCbbJF they attempted the sams "near cat" to I Tbe Bloomer dress is preferable to (he one power, that like them he wonld realize I we wear; but it j masculine, and was In that" it is a fearful thing to fall into hands of the tiviog, wrathful Democracy." I allude to these predictions aor, so much to call attention to the fact that they have been already fulfilled, as ta deduce from their fulfillment almost nt proposition that the party will still be pow erful enough in 1SG0 to maintain tbe Union upon tbe be sis of Constitution, and that it la the only party li the country that ia likely to combine both the vill and poirrrtoeflVct that glorious object. Douglas baa not only failed to carry with him any Southern Democrats of much promi nence, always Gov. Wise, of Va., ayleVli in Ob y, eh and see if be Did an and draggled thelrrobes loose flowing, for vrnnXX Democratic opposition American. seen it persisted and saw too not the Democratic the tbe excepting Convection we ments opinions dress. draggled cities ginning long time one ministers he baa apparently little or no Im- - for it ia sinful for us to throw away (.reaaion on the Northern Democracy certain- - money and health, on these things. we ly none on that Spartan band the up-- K church do you think we are thinking of on whom we always relied assist us in the sacred place we in, or listening what protection of the Constitut'.onal rights saying? No, some thinking So'ith. to that " Little we eln kneel in We get down some Giant "himself exhibits symptoms of repea-bo- w do you think we pray? It is as much tance amendment, and is believed to de- - as we can do to use our fans breathe. alrous of renewing fealty to the National When they have class the y, we good be- - I dist Church and tbe leader goes and tbat the struggle in 1889 will restlt In ascs them all tbey feel, the ladles would complete triumph of the frtesde of the answer truly, if they were ts say, Very un- - atitution and tbe over Black Repub comfortable, indeed, I have broken my licans and aU irta may play ite ifitir hand. I hoop, and my corset laced so I cannot Have yoa seta, the great Fourth of July! sing or pray; would done better if of Choate, of Boston? Ton bad at home, for I draggled my ought to publish it. Coming as it does will have them an "Old-Lin- e Whig" ef tbe who is th to wash and greatest orator and most leading man of all I such a when she baa flounces to wash New Eagland, it ia the deadliest blow Every gentleman should advocate tbls that his ever yet dealt the anti-slave- reform, because the dress we now is very men or xsontj, or all shades opinion, expensive, adopt from H. Seward down Lloyd Garrison Oh I wish I Empress of United and Abby Tbe Tripsin-- , the 7tb. States a month or two; I make publishes it, and is speechless It rage. women comfortable ia another dress, and be As literary production, It has tbe highest contented to retire to private life. Oh, I characteristics of Choate'-peculi- ar geDlus,and j am an American, would cot wear must be admitted all to be Surpassincex- - aa American dress. As proof of this, did not cei'ence. the nSDers us last winter that a ladv in A very and pleasant visitors Washington, the wife of a Senator, made is now assembled here and many additions are her appearance on the street in a Bloomer expected ia the next two or three days. All I dress; a dress that is prettier, more convenient. amusements usually found at first data healthy and modest than the one we wear. Sid watering are In "foil blast" here. In I aayof us adoptlt. If worn several important respects I thlnkthese Springs it every woman in France have had I! surpass all othera anywhere easy accee I on in two days and every woman in in of Memphis. It is eeotut summer resort, months. We have no King or Emperor in y night, knew of; and tbe mere America, bat have a Queen her name Is creature especially those of tbe Fashion rules us with rod iron she table, seldom surpassed even at home. us do wrong us bring her to J. P. P. j trial; it is her sceptre and crown were broken and her throne overturned. Let wild wood. June 7 lass us con- - Te iln. L. firgkiU demn and exile her from our land, she D-- a Madam I saw an article of yeuh it. More than this, she not the Appeal, ia, which .ti.- - said ladles serve to live let her be bung and burned in devote of time and attention agri- - Then one will be free', and won't we culture. I agree with In tbls, and glorious time Can't we through be glad follow your advice. I like to woods and forest, gardens and orchards, walk round the farm papa, to aee bow apples flowers, h, feed tbe chick- - tbe cotton anj wheat are cm. I 3S, dance, and do great many other tilings lite to goto tbe cow pea to see the cows we caneet do bow in any comfort. Ob, wonld in tbe morning to the house to get I not be pleasant to get up the morning, put the freeh for mamma. I would to J on a neat, comfortable dress, and ram- - ather in tbe orchard, flowers in the ble about breakfast then sew, and garden for my hair and the vases. how can! and music until dinnertime; tben in I do tbls Io hoops, corsets acd long skirts ? Be fore you succeed In mikjag useful, healthy wo- men of us, you will have to divest us of this uncomfortable, inconvenient, unhealthy dress. While I am writing, I will open ray heart to you on this subject, I do detest hoops, corsets andlong, sweeping dresses; corsets, becanee they are so warm and uncomfortable. Even if you don't lace them tight, the wbalebon.es will break and stick you. Then tbey are ugly and unhealthy. Hoop skirts are ugly enough when are new, and stand out right all rouBd ; then yon bend them the first time yoa ait down if you should have to get up for anything, and a dozen gentlemen were present, you would have to straighten It out before you cenld cross tbo room then yoa would turn over every chair and stool you passed, if you were not very careful. we wear them two days, they are mashed and broken into all sorts ot shapes. I hate long skirts because tbey are dirty, warm aad heavy. They wHl draggle yoa cannot keep them dean. Then this is so trouble, so bard to keep In order. There is eo much on our long, full skirts. We always have hoops to mend and corsets to fix ; besides all this, thsy cost ao much. Don't you agreo with ae, and dont you think yoa could fashion a dress for farmer wires and daughters, would t; more comfortable, 'convenient acj pretty J than the one we wear? Odr city frlerds would put it on when they come to see us. Tben they could erjoy the country. We would ram- ble through tbe woods, and fish without fear of broken hoops and draggled skirts. I will tell you what I think would do, and to begin at the beginning, let us make a petti- coat body. Take a straight piece of do- mestic or linen, measure it the right length in the waist, cut oat the ana-bol-es like you would for an infant waist, hem it in the back, work button-hole- s; make the shirt ; put three widths domestic in it let it be short, let it be two or three inches above the ankle. .Next make the dress '.his should bs one width fuller than tbe petticoat Inthe skirt, Tbe body should be exactly like the "petticoat body, only high in the neck, and long sleeves for the moralBg. This dress would be convenient and comfortable; it should not be so full and long that one have to wear a keep It out of the mud and dirt, and keep ui from tripping up it woaVd be too. An apron would be a pretty addition in the moraine. A little lace made saque or basque fashion, wo aid be pretty; this dress could be made low in the neck with short aleeve ; for evening it could be cosmed about tbe waist with wide plaid scarf or blue ribbon. The skirt could be flounced. A white silk flounced with lace would be beautiful night, Tben we could make crowns of wire and ribon for our balr, or wire and beads white swan beads would tasks a beautiful crown, or for those who can afford them. The present style of dressing the hair is ngly and unnatur- al. Every day It Is twisted np in a hard foot at tbe back ef tbe bead; when we are in full dress (that is our biggest and tightest corset) it is concealed beneath four or five braids fals hair it makes no difference how much one may have, or how pretty It la, one must arrange It in this way because it is tbe I know It would be free and unconfined, and that Is the way ortr maker it' to be worn, for the Holy Bible tells us it was given tons as a vail, and it Is shame to woman if her hair ba shaven or shore. Some persons say it wonld be in the way; not more than corsets or hoops. Well, it could be part- ed the back ef tbe head and confined under each ear with a bow of ribbon with long floating ends. Next thing Is the bonnet, it ii ugly every one will acknowledge. Flats would be serviceable and pretty in their place; tbey could be made of any material and trimmed to suit the taste of the wearer. Don't you think this drees would do? if yoa do cot, plene think of one tbat will. Some persons might say this dress wonld be Immodest and ugly. Our mothers wore dresses as abort I neer heard that they were im- modest, and we all know every thing tbat is fashionable is As an Instance of this, did not all of us declare hoops were ugly, and vow we never would wear them. DId'nt we at last conclude we prefered them to whole bolts of domestic, (I cant see tbe necessity of wear- ing either,') and don't we think tbey are btaati fvX now? Then let ua make oanelves comfor table. The dress I speak would be convenient, eomforttMe,.healtby, and notaa expensive as! tbe one ws now wear; it wonld suit ail eyes and classes. The old ladies, who hate, to fol- low the I aahlons, would say we wear it be- cause It is convenient and comfortable. You, my dear Madam, write to L. A. Godey and zi him to bring Tt cut iq the'icJy'r Book. Tben the youur ladies would say, we. wear it cams oat tbe lait' LadyU Book. Tola Would be s good and reason. forget, thtr will it is not a French tbe French bare more tasta than we The French always lnitUx toted fashions ferns. upyourold Ladv't Book the plates are pretty. Thia drees would pretty. a poet or painter er picture ideal in a corset, hoop ahirt ? No ; are and their free and Do, ay dear Madam, use your.eloquent pen and Influent UK. Manv nt nm Msd TU a party the a such looked hard travel, than one and the troduced by the women of tbe Womans' Rights ; this Is the reason it was I not wore. The gentlemen opposed because they were afraid would their senti and with their The la dies were afraid it would be thought tbey did, 89 we continued to wear corsets and skirts. I have heard that children in are be to wear corsets and dresses. Well, it Is for reform, if your health ia to be ruined and your little bodies tortured in this dress. Doctors should advocate this reform, for they know better than any tbe evil re from corsets ; should advocate but made I time I When of North I to have to are to the of Soa are are how the Add this tbe hoops. and be I and his I meetings at and have reason to around Here tbe I how Con I Union tbe I sir; Is tight 1 have I speech Rufus I stayed have from I flounces cooing here- - Nanny North, ahe always makes fuss and probably iron." been to wear tne of Wm. to dear, was the Kelly. of would the over with I a all for get, 1 and by of I tell gay company of I bad I toe places I would within a America tbe two and that I we ; comforts," I ; she a cf ; are makes very ; let time rrnch: I her for : in deserves does de- - should ; more their to effigy. yoa would have a ! ramble to would with gather and coming would a milked ; chicken It ia eggs like pretty, applet until ; read But practice bend, in they ; ; Before ; drees much sewing that then of ; would hoop to ; pretty, jacket at pearls in hoops of ; fashion. prettier, in- tended a st pretty. of would suiting the evening pat on a pretty white dress, con- fined fbeut tbe waist with a scarf, and our flowing tresses crowaed with natural flowers, one coald take up a book and wait in the par lor for company or take another rtmole. I could siy much more on this subject, but leave it to you, dear Madam, and othera who can say it much better than I can. In con elusion, I will say, if you undertake this taek and succeed, you ought to-b- e considered a public benefactor asd a greater heroine than Joan of of Arc ; if yoa fail, you have done your duty, Let others do theirs. Tonre, trnjj, COONTRT OIRL. Union Eebool near Flewellln's h Beads, SeSoto county, miiiinppi. Par tbe Xempbis AppeaL The closing exercises ef this institution, for the first session of 1859, took place on tbe 14th nad 15tb Inst. The examination, which occu pied nearly two days, was conducted by the Principal, in the presence of a committee and a goodly number of visitors. It waa thorough beyond any we bad ever wit- nessed In a similar institution, and clearly evinced that thorough work bad been performed during the session, by both teachers and pu- pils. The latter acquitted themselves nobly, and did justice to the other scholars permit, we Muld specify instances of proficiency in the various branches, rarely net with, of which parents irxi friends may well be proud. Oa tbe evening cf the second day, a concert of Instrumental and vocal music was given by the scholars and others, to a large and appreciative audience, which conclu ed the exercises. The institution is ia a very flourishing condition, and is rapidly growing in reputation. Many of tbe scholars during the past session were from other counties of tbe State. Tbe people of this county and tbe neighbor ing counties should rejoice tbat such a school is located in their midst, furnishing, as it does, every facility fer acquiring a finished educa- tion. The advantages for moral and religious improvement are, we believe, unsurpassed any. where. The school is under the superinten dence of Mr. E. L. Pirkins and his accom- plished lady, a Alited in the various depart- ments by another competent teacher. We learn that the Increased patronage renders necessary an addition to the female house, which will be made before tbe openinz of tbe next session. Mr. Pirkin is singularly fitted for the position be occupies, being a finished scholar and a gentleraea of great worth. We heartily wlah him and his school a long career cf useful- ness. F. Leu ii by Banks. Tbe Memphis --f ralancAc appears to regard tbe Citiiens' Bank as broke, and asks " what Is to become of the Of course tbey are to be tbe losers they have received the notes as money, and can hoard it as long as they choose now without apprehensions as to depreciation. Br this time thev on-- ht to Vie sufficiently accustomed to being "done7' in this way, and atoica enaoch to bear tbe inflic- tion without a gToan. Have they not, within a few years past, been lefUvithtbe bag to hold by the central naix, cr itasnvwe, APTieultnral Bank, of Brownsville, Bank of East Tennessee, Exchange Bank. besldea being compelled to upon tbe depreciated paper "of the banka of Clai- borne, Jefferson, Dandridge, Trenton, &c Sore- ly this time r- ought to be able to stand almost any Infliction bank men may choose to visit upon them ! i) The losses which these repeated failures cause to tbe benest masses who receive bank notes, In payment ot debts, and in exchange for mercbandiss, produce, &c, and tbe evils arising from the peculiarities of banking in Tennessee, call loudly for relief. We agree with our Democratic contemporaries that something must be done, and that as speedily as possible. Whilst we cannot go wltb them for an exclusively metalie currency, we are ready for other reforms, which shall make banking more reputable and deprive it of Its power to injure the people. KmhtilU Patriot. ItuisiA. In Russia the Emnernr ing about him every man belonging to the pro- - grasaiTo paiiy. aub iiDinet is impressed with the necessity of approaching western civilization, and the next generation will not find tnvtraee.of serfdom in Russia. This Eollcy is opposed by the old Russian party, by Prince MenscbikofF. The old Ger- man party, beaded by Prince Neaselrode. has not much influence. Russia is on the very worst terms with Austria, and on the very best with France. England ia by nq means popular, and 'Russia Jhreatens toTrnake any alliance hostile to Great Britain. Russia Is very active in Turkey, not to create any revolt,bat to gain the feelings or tne unrlsuans. SiKGVLAx- - The Worchster (Mar-lan- d) Skidd says : .A correspondent at New Town writes bb follows: "We have living in bis place a negro woman, aged about fifty years, namtoTHannab Smith, who presents the rare phenomenon of a ntgro ttrping uhiU. This change haa been produced by the absorption of the -- itrom, or coloring matter of the skin. Her body, arms, legs and breast are entirely white, with tbe exception of some spots, varying in die from a dims to i.bilf-dis- s, disptrm overUtr body osd Lpbi. MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 185S. KEWS ITESI5. The PopePods Pious IX. entered on the thirteenth year of bis pontificate on the '7 or June. Mastadok. Tbt keleton of a laree mas tadon was discovered near New York last week. Ncoxoxa. The ouestlon Is mooted in Chi cago whether "negroes can ba taxed, as "they bavn't the rl-- ht to vote. Ixmotautt.-No- w is ths time for me- - GESERAu COjIMISSIOJ' aiEHCHA5T3 diuma and clairvoyants to achieve immortality. w cert's mat ocean leiegrapu? AbBested The Mavor. one of tbe council- - men and a numbe'ref the police ot Jersey City, im. j.,Davs neen arrested lor stopping stages tbat were driven recklessly through tbe city streets. ScraiMACT. The Canadian press express anurehension that the discovery of the metallic rtenness or tne r raetr river country win en linger Britisn supremacy in mat quarter. Abtesian Wells. There are about ooe,bcn ilred artetian wells in Iroquois county, Illinois. Their average depth Is about 125 feet, and their cost anout aw BEDrsixows. In Kansas, two weeks ago, Miss Irene Baker, a eirl of seventeen, married a man or seventy-eve- , from admiration or one of bis political speeches. Thus Is a comaon savins verified " politics mike strange bed- - Isecce rsmx.. tt. itrseshlt. fwa. & STDRESHLY. Vesuvius At last eruption of MERfiTTATTTR Mount Vesuvius, after a few hour.' apparent PweTnTs lull, continued with great activity. So far, however, not a ainsle life bad been lost. There were seventeen openings from which ths burn-- ltg lava nowea. Gov. Willaxd. Tbe Lafayette Journal saya that Governor Willard has ao farrecover- - ed from nia recent dangerous attacK or Illness an to be able to be out. He is unable to speak above his breatb, and fears are entertained that he will never recover the use of his voice. Hoos. returns from fifteen counties in Ken tucky mske the segregate number of hogs over six monies old iJ,3ii, against oza.iz in tne same counties last year, and iioio year be fore last. Comet. Tbe Nantucket Inouirtr savs a faint telescopic comet was discovered by Miss Maria Mitchell, of that town, on tbe evening or tne 1st inst., in tne constellation or Leo. it was seen on the 4th, 5th and 6th. Its is so low that she is enabled to obtain such measurment as will prove it to be a new one, or snow mat it is one neretorore seen Mukdek. At a nie-ni- c in Anderson countv. Kv., last week three brothers named Miller. excited by liquor, got Into a quarrel. Three or four men interfered to prevent violence and preserve peace, when the brothers turned on them and killed two. Tbe Millers ware ar- rested and confined In tbe Jail at Lawrence burg. Actor Rev. Mr- - Strickland and Rev. Cbas H. Weeks, both formerlv con nected with the theatrical prof eision, preached in New York last Sunday ; the former at the Harlem Baptist church, and the latter at the Fifth Avenue Baptist church. Tbe attendance at each place were' large, and the sermons quile able and Instructive. Muaoxx At Bertrand, Wisconsin, seve- ral days ago, Joseph Fuller was murdered by bis step-so- n, a lad about fourteen years old. Mr. F., though married, bad Dot lived with bla wife for tbe past two years. At the time "of the murder he was trying to get his wife to sign a deed. A disturbance occurred, during which the boy took up some apparatus belong- ing to the stove and struck Mr. F., upon ths temple, killing him almost instantly. k C. . T. i i n n - . euiu tug Brig ci lt York, has been as slaver Acting lannui oarage, at utvana. ine owners of the vessel, while Uie examination was going on, sent Mr. Savage an envelop covering $1 000 bill. Tbe bearer of the document could not be found. Tbe Ptrkim mysteriously sank in the harbor, and the money will be appropriated to tne expense or raising ner. We tare on band a latie si-p- ly of Z . ARD AND Two of the best brands of Hemp Bagging. Also, a lane stock of tbe best iti: a c ii i zv e hope. both of wbicb we offer rr low to tbe trids Country Xercbsnts and Planters rUltlcj tbe city for tbo parpesa of 1st let - tbeir srpp'y, woald do well ta call oa as, aa - c leu wuub hub 1 1 micresi io ao so. 8TRATT0K. XeDAVITT ft CO. Jjfztc Arrivals, THE Third Volmns of BandaU'a Lite ot Thomas wbicb completes tbe work ; now realy for dellTerr- - XeialticWealtb of tbe United States, br Wkltaey, lane 8 rt. Rural Poetry of tbe Zo-li- tb Laarasce (Ue--t ratio- - tbe seatoa sad month of tbe yesr, tbelr Chans, &e , S mo, Tbe Practical Xercaatlle Letter Writer, contain In- form far laroicea. Account Sales, BiHa Lad inc. aad Bills Excbsnae, bp W. Anlereoa ThiPiobels.cr Xormonira UnrrlleJ, !lh Illa.lrs-tle-as A Beriewof tbe Rer. L. A. fLowry'e Letters, and a of W It. aTRAKOE & CO. Jr trader OdJ Fellow's Hstl. A LADT. a resideat of tbe Sonta. who teaches Draw. XL Ur snd Palatini la Oil; Grrctsa and Oritat.I Palatini, Leather Wore, Ac Alw. Xntteontheftaao and Gn tar, anl French wishes a sltaitlon for a (hort time in Xempbis. Beat of references tiren. But s imail renomerauon rtqairra. snqaire st this osce. WithtlraicaU T HAVE tb s dsy withdrawn from tbe nnn of O00D- - AMitauu. w. W. X1LAX. Jaly 1, 1868. NOTICE. TBE tadenizned will oontlnas tbe COTTON and ba- - laesa nader tbe arm cf CO JDLErr St CO.. aad wonld rerpeettany ask a fnrtber absre of tbe pst- - OFP CE No S3 Pront Row, np stairs. R. D. GOODLETT, ra w. n. GOODLETT. Dissolution. rpnB Copsttaersblp beietoJore exlstlm etwtenC. C, JL aeares and n. L. Gclon, under tbe Bra came of CLEATES & OCION, la tbls day dlssolred by aratnal wia. u v. iearee taara see assets or the nna aod pays the debts, aal la hereby solely anttorlsed to alia tbe name of tbe firm la of Its afalrs, sad O. C. CLE17E3, H. L. GOION. Xem pal Teaa.. Jaty 1 , 1S38. fjt-l- m TRESH SPRING GOODS! AT B. WALKER & BROS., 79 Front Row, cor. of Adams Street, AND J WALKER & CO., 217 Main Street, opposite Odd Fellows' Hall, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers la ereryrarlety of Ucady-Mad- c Clothing. TT7Z bare reoeired and are still recelilni from onr V V maunfaotory la Philadelphia, ths larteat and best seieara sixx or ricn aaa faahlonaala Clsthlnr erer orooiasu&esieaipnissurxet. To tho Iiadics. We are Daw eaenlnc a saleadld assortment ef Paretm aad Doses' is Dry Goods, coaalstlaisf rich fsncy Dress uooui uouiewn a .aiiatrioo ana noaaced Robes la 80k Grecailae. Berete. Ortaadies and Lawa. Oreat barsalna la Black Silk SPRING XANTILLAS. Silk Laos aad Sue all Lace Kastirtae. which we larlta the atteatlim ot oar castomera. LINEN GOODS it all kinds Rlcbardsoa's Barkler's aad other breads. COTTON GOODS la XnaUas and Cambrics ot ererr trade and pries. WebiTSa tall stock ot Preach Em broider! srery cheap. uiorei. Hosiery, etc. caolce slyles Printed Jaosaets aad Ortaadlea; plain Xatlla do LslniJ a tall Has ef Bmssels aad S;rw Ooods. PAR A3 JLS A tall line ot rich Brocade and Plain roaltdo Sole and Sstta de Chine Para sols and Nudes. uuu-BAU- sxten&irc rarieues. Olnrbaos, Calicoes, etc. Wo hare In storo tbe larcrst aad ctost ccmrjleta atrk of ROOTS Slid SHOES. NEGRO BROGAN3, KERSET8. OSNABtTRG, LIN3BT8, TICXINas, TRTTNCS, CAR-PS- T BAGS, GBNI'S PCRNISHING GOODS, itc To Pltntoraand Country Merchants, WslaTttetheparUcalarattintloncf tbe Planter and Country Xsrcbaats and Riser Traders to onr Immense stoek before imrcbaslc-lrfwhsr- e, as we are maaatae-tnrlnio- ar Clslblni PIIR TniS XAREST. and are cnabbd ta sen onr roods at RASTBRN PR1CBS Oar stacker NEGRO OLOTBINQ Is Isrce aad of the moetdnrable-oallt- ,. B. WALKKR St BROS,, TS Pront Row. J. WALXBK&CO., 31T Xala atreet. 113 North Third street Pbbslelphla. tarlsdly Proclamation, TJT UnAX G. HARRIS, Gorcraor ot the. jj "la'e of Teaaessee: To tbs Sheriffs or tbe serersl ceocUes ef tbe Stste ot TeLmaMe Ton ate bereby command' el to ol as election, at all tbe places of hold-I- n elect jf i In year resprcttre csontlee, on HURS- - DAT. tjrsfcona osy of oept-m- er next, for tbe pnrpote Jt elect bI a Supreme Jadze la tbe Wettera Grand Dl- - rliloncf the Slate, to 611 tha racaacy created ay Ibe death ef Wiuiam R. Harris, aad das rrtara raake to law. ia teaumsay whereof, i hare heretmta set armr band, aad canied tbe Great Seal of tbe 1 Mat- - to bs aaxed at cfSa, la NaibrlHe, tbls '0'litdayef Jaly, ISS3 BaBbe Got rnor : ISHAX G HARRIS. J. X. R. RAT, Secretary of State. New Spring Goods! It Reduced Prices. JAMES I SIREfTT g CO. bow reneiriat; a fall sbKk ot SPRING AND ARB 1AKCI AND STAPLE DRT GOODS, eobraclacantce aoreMler st tbe seasoa. Tsney Silk D'ess Goods, eo per cent less tnaa former prices, soys and Xea'a CloUUn-- S Boots aad Shoes. Hats, Sic Onr Goods hsrici bent boasbt fer Oasb, wo are enabled to sen at macb lowvr jrLi tbaa formerly. Call aad see. JAJS.K3 A. BIUKEIX UU., aslS- -t f No. MS Xala street. THe'cITS- - DISPENSARY. P. OPEN BYE ST XORNIKO frcta 8 sntll .'clock, where the destitute sick may receire, iretaltonsly. amzicine aaa snrtKai assistance. Thote wiabiai them-- eirex or cnmreti Tacctaated caff car- - it doae by apply-t- ai Prqmptaeal reoalied. J A. LOVE, X. D. lcnl-t- f R. H. TAYLOR, X. D. fiEXERAL 8TEAMB0AT AGENT. Mo. Vi Madison Street, mylS-dl- m XEXPHIS. TENN John Brown, UitPBttTHB OOXXERCULnOTBL, Is rrepsred to itatleasea wltb bla 8)t Ran prepari. ttoas and otbr T.lc fnr the hr - reb3- T ANTIRN3 Alsrrslot, said tobaSacito ths tKrw- - xj oicti ? pn m seia rr te b. r. 7isxsrrctm k 00-- - -- rslC jei. justness. Cartrs . B. IHABPE x.y. ESTZS. J. B. SHARPE & m, WHOLESALES' TOBACCO FACTOR; No. 12 Front Row, MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE. duplicate ODrNorth-r- n or Xiiterotrl wltb W-w- ll tte same, cr braacs llr toed, from 1 box to 1.000 ljtia. m::gensburger, ; . , HAaurACTUUK Trunks, Valises & Carpet Bags, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 334 MAIS STREET aad Coanlrr Xcreaantr aal tba CITT reams, are iarltcd to ex am iss mr stock, waioa, la aaiitr and, cheapness, is eg-- a! to. aar manotactnre xtona or weix.t Work done to ofd-- r faQj tnsrantled. Ai; kinds of Re- - paltins done wltb neatnesa acd dltpatcb. oracra prompiir attended to. PBX5A3I BHU and dee rons accounts the position EXfRESSLT TT71LL par strict attention and forward with dls VV patch, all roods Intnuled to oar care. Rxves TO Xrssrs. Cotansa & Co.. Xesira. W CozfA Go.,Xessrs. W. A. Tlolett i Co.. Xetsrs. Pstton'A SinUh. BAM. PUTNAM Il tbe scent of tbe shore boose In tbls cltr. and prepared to make contracts forforoardlnx. and to at tend to all settlements aad other baslatss of tbe arm. mr.i-1- 7 Is. E. X0KBIS.. B. MEMPHIS FOUNDRY Machine Shop. B. E. NOBBIS & CO., MANUPACTTntBRS ot Biesm Zaxtoei, Saw XlOs, Henao Wotk asch as Pronti, WiadavCapj, fc:. Steamboat repaints sad Jobbinx wora e.ery aetenpuon auencea to promptly, persona sendlnt their work to rs can rely on xettlnx it at tbe time promtaed. We are prepared to execet- - orders fur oiesm KEimes ana saw Mills on rerr snort notice, and as low as tbt can bo broatbt fron St. Lonis or Ctnctn-- nsu or taeeaiaeqnauir of work JjJ dawlr J. & A. TTOODRUFF & CO., Carriage Manufacturers And Bcalcrs, Xos. 3, 4 & 5 Exclianee Uttlldlngs, MEMPHIS, TEA'N. TTAVs sow oa bond ons.of.tbe Urtrst and best select- - a. a. va i wu ox or Carriages and Buggies, It to. Brerclred!nthli9srkt. narlns bad a leo erpert- - enc lame oastaess we know tbe wants of the conrnmn- - attT. and feel warranted la sarlax. tbat ear faculties tor oataiaiac xooa work are sasnrpassed tj aar nocae In tbe Sontb. Carria-e- s of ererr desctlptloa bnUt to order sal work Eaaraatled. All klads ot repalrln cone wltb neatness ana ditpstek.' jbbtz sen j. a. wixj uBurr & co. o. seized a by a s. St r, oi a. a. A. J. WALT & CO., Wholesale Grocers, COHIBSIOIT MERCHANTS, A5T DEALEBS IB Bope and Twine, PLANTATION SUPPLIES, &c, KTo. W HOW apS-dt- XKXPHIS, TS.VN'., A. VACCABO & CO., sk DEALERS ljf jGllOCERIES, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, WINES, CIGABS, FliUITS &C, l?o. 208 Main Btreot, dedt-i- t XEXPHIS, TRKX. NEW PIANO STORE. THE 8TOD ART PIANOS. P. FLAVIO HAS tbt pleasnr to aaaonace to Als friends aad tbe pnbuc leneranr, thalhehaabeea sppolated br M fears. Stodart St- X orris, of 1'ew Tort, Ax cut for tbo sals ot 8TODART PIANOS. He ts bow opening at tbeir slcre en Xsdlsoa street, few doers treat tbe Union Bank, a lsrx stock wblcb will be sold st Asv 1'ort price,. mr&Vawlr J.C.GRIEEING&BRO., Commission Merchants, TENN. FOUD, Ulur.Wlli fc CO., OIGN of tbe BiaT Collar. UI O Xaln street, epposito Oeart ,frIi. Bfae'nrer. snd wbolesalo aad V.A4 retail dealers In 8add!erT and Harnees, snd General A ten' a for tbe aale ot Gin and XUI Bands ot ersry desaiptloa. Esep csBslantly aa ban4. for sale low for Ctsb or prompt rsr. a larte assortment of Saddles, S?Sr""'i( BrWes. and Xarttnials. Bnrrr. CarjU-- e Stase, Waioa, Dray aad Plow Harneas, BUad Bridles, CoKars, Hs-i- es, Whips, Saddle aod Carpet Bats, ic.. Ac. Saddle Trees, Saddlery aad naroe-- e tiaterlals, Paleat aad Esaneied Leather and Clotb. Sblrtlai Upper, Sole.Laelnc aad Whan-Leath- Deer Skins, fee, St.- -. Harlsi a practical knowled-a- et cBrbarlnes,wohopo to pease. Work made to ordered warranted. TORD, BBTJBTirft CO., man daw Saao-eto- rs to K. J. B. L. Winn. GOLD PEN MA1TUPACTOBY. T. EI. HOSK1NS, 8S Third-Stree- t, between aiark-- l aad Jeff sraea ? lodis7ILLe,i:t., OPPXas to the panic Grid Pens or bis own wblesale aad retail, warranted tonal to any made ta tbe coan'ry GOLD PENS REPAIRED AND REP0INTED. OM Pens sent by nst! .accompanied wltb 60 cento la taoaey or aUmps.wlu be repaired aad retnrned by aext E"a- - fehlS-daw- ty NBW MUSIC 8T0RB No. C Prorine & Stewart's Block. JAMES A. McCLURE, annoencea totbecitbeaaof Xempbis aadpabHoxeaeialiythathelaepeBloca Srst dss PIANO AND MUSIC STORE Ills stock of PIANOS. XELODEONS, VIOLINS, GUITARS, PLOTES, aad In fact erery Ihlnt beloaiint to the uB.uj-.- ., wi tarae ano or me neat qnatity. Hlastxkof SHKBTXDSIOand. XDSia boots win comprise all of tbo stsn!ard andpopnlarpieceaottbe oa,, aisiinxoi?o's, roix.s, w allies, schottlscbea. .iMusu., r.sunin,uBlur JKOMC. CSC, AC His Planes will ba from tbe celebrated mske.-s- , St sen wsy aad A. n Gale & Co , New Tork. Plaaos Tented aad rent arnlled oa sale. N S. All kinds of Xn'lcal Initrnmenta renalrnl In thm oess manner nemeaoer Prorine & Stewart's Block. O. X. B0B1-I- 05 r.s. TOCIS COTTON PACTORS, Ileal Estate and Produce Brokers. GENERAL AGENTS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AC, No. 26 Matllso'n Street TJp Stairs. 3 TVrovm toIjJjs, Toioiaa Notice. bare tbls day asteeUted wl.h ss la tbe Laad AteocyboslBess, W. JL AEICC rrenttss, BoHrsr cennty, XlsA.tobry and sell Xliftsslppl Bottom Lands. Tbe style of ibe firm will be ROBINSON A TOCNG, TT. R Aft! OX. empaii, xenn. preniiis, liississippl. IVotice. We bsre tbe f ollowlni. and a lares number ot scalier tracts of lands In tbo ssaereitraefccuatry, for sale. s: l.fOOacrrs. stxmllesfrom nsrixstlon. on tbe Talla. batcble riser, la SoaSower county, Xlselsslcpl. I 285 acres, 600 ot ehlcb Is deadened, IS miles from the Mississippi rtrer. In BoHrar county. Xlf sissippL 1,500 aces, 909 of wbicb Is ta cultlratlsa, Starlet from the Xbtlssippi. in BHIrar Xisttssippl. SO acres scmsSOOof wbicb Is cletrtd. s'mlles from tbeXisslislpplrlTer, In Bollrar county, Xlsslsslppl. z,CO0 seres, 300 of wbicb Is In eultlrstion, frontln t on tbo Xlsslsslppl in PbUHpa county, Arkansas. I 600 scree, 150 of which Is la eultlrstion and aOOmare deadeaed. frcntla-o- n the Xlisiaaipnl nrrr.rla, Chicot county, Arkansas. PBELOK. conaly, B.ooo acres, 1,000 or wnlcn it deadeaed, aloes on tbe bsjoa snd extending aetess tbe tract, 10 miles from tbo Mississippi rlrer, wh:cb will aesoM la sncb sl Irscts to suit parcbaeer- -. 109 acre., about 700 ot wbleh Is now In a blib ststo of col tlrallon some t weirs miles from tbs Xtailaalonl rlret, and contl-uou- s. to a railroad la Chicot county. Arkansas. apt-- tf ROBINSON', TOCNG It ARICE ZS Xadlson street. ClEAT IWDUCETttEttTS TUB I III III' I Willi 8,000 yards of DRESS SILKS, WI ejSCaJ , rnt pn(Tla 200 BERBGE ROBES. rery low prices. ItA'Wm'B, OHGATTDIES, BEHEGES, By tbs jard from 10 cents upwards. We coauaet to reduce tba prices ca tho abort Goada On the flrst of May, ladcoatlnaadutlnxtke season, aa we wish to redaeo oar. stock ot Goods. We would politely tbe Ladles 1 can tad bay btrtalas at E. BABINDS & CO., rarl-- tf gM MAIN STREET. C. K. & SON. rrm SBaassallBissaBi MEMPHIS, AT SBBTTA At Cabinet JflaJcers ABD ITiVIXEKTAKERS, Main-St- ., Old Stand, below Monroo. (Tbe clinl ptnunett tlaxi sjs lit effyj HAVE constantly oa hand air abes of Patent Metallic Canes, wbicb tbey line and put op alMixM la tba vest manner. Also, ail kinds of Wood and Cloth Oerered CofSnsywh leb thep sell at a fair price". OnKrs frcsi ttscoe-t- rj prsapr tiurdtd to, aad Per. &Usrt tsAds a&f rejilred, sad Upbc'.sterl- B- tic-t- 4. " " f'2Ir ii-A.03Cr-T HOLST P $orrip" fete.' PILOmOB IKON COMPANY. PILOT- - RXOn, BIO., EOT AsTD C01D BLAST JP IG I JR. O -- & Coasbnllr en baad and for Sale. OFFICE, 34 COMMERCIAL STREET, ST. LOUIS. jko. a. Jos. B. Pease. Secretarr. fU HASVET. Uccvm, PreslaeaL . febU-dl- r ...8, &CO., ooMinssioiy & forwaediko sieechakts, xo. its aaivnra sr., nbw obliass. E1TAIUIBED 1ST 1S13. . OBSBRS far Sootbera kBtaptes carefallr and BTtnsUr attended U. Xercbaadlia aad B, HABVXr. dace receiiod and forwarded acMrdla ta laatrnctloas with dijpatcb. Prrlibt by ssll onstean contracted far Beves to OookkCo..J 0 Oriai-- k Bro.. Speed & Btraaie. Ilannab & Sbanks. marl dlr CAPEBS & HEYWABD, AUCTIONEERS, ABD General Commission Agents, Tot tba ParcbM aad Sale or STOCKS, BOiVDS, Boal and Personal Estate, PnODUCE, &c. "' Office South Adger'a "Wharf, CHARLESTO.Y, S. C TROS. VAKX CArESI ,T. SATAOE BETWABH. l- Ner WIiarf-Boa- t, NAPOLEON, ARKANSAS. COMMISSION ASS FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Ana u. b. itlAlJi AUiiflT3. octSS-dsw- flEBBE A. BEBTBOLO. XACXLOTTBOMriOS. & to & IM AND It- - ST. c ProJ! Side JCLICItl. SMITH. ALTBED BXBSOtfDT. BEBTHOLD, SMITH 00., Siuceuort HOUSEMAN SMITH, Wliolesale Dealer sin Foreign and Domestic Liquors, and RECTIFIED WHISKY, NORTH SECOND STREET, Janls-i- y LOUIS. LOUISVILLE PAPER MILL I. & A. V. DuPONT, KAOTPACTT7REB OP SEWS ASD BOOK PRIXTISS PAPER, AD DEALERS IN PAPEB3 OP AlVT. KINDS, PRINTERS' IXlvS, &c- - 2Main"strcet- - toulsville, tty. decXMawly X. O. SitlTrt . . N. D. SMITH & CO.- - XANUPACTtTRXRS OP ALCOHOL, COLOGNE AND PORE BPIUITS, Not. IS and IS WaU aUe Second street, betwsea Xsla aaa water, Louisville, Kentucky. aaUO-l- y Dntt5trj. B. HOWCOTT, Aiiiiixiar, ircrrum w rmwm. ALL DENTAL OFERATIO.VS performed at ao abort notice, aad uraatled. Once oa Xala street, oppcslte tbo Worsbaa hoote tasll-dl-r TEETH! TEETH I TEETH ! n.u.uuiu3,r. Dental sa'ieon. has , u nmorea his oace te otark's Xeibte Block. Entraace Xaclaoa street. whentU all oseratieae la SaraKal sort Xmuiiui Ceatlatry la saeatlneally petf armed aad warraated. marii-a- m DRS. BRT.SON ft. CROITRM.. i li.iiign, ai7 Jinn iireet, opoetto Old reriowa- - uaii, Jteajpail, TeaaeMe- -. ap ly C m nn on Dentistry. Drs. Bryan & Cole, SURGEON DENTISTS, Main Stroot below Union, ta rrOTiae At Stewart's New Bnildini. Sontb WM. A Rs now rnny prepared to an aa. operauoaa appenatamc to tae profSA sioo i tozriaer wua au ue aew Qeprare DnU la ArtMcial wnrk Oneof Ibe&rmcaBbofeasdattbeoaveat all time. W u JIKX AA Pt-- T J. O OOLB. v DR. G. We ACREE, Dentist , COtntr STREET, CORNER BANE ALLET, uyeniwi ,ienomiea in the Ai.urwi nuaaer wltb tb Ifa.I.f poaslMo pala. Fall or partl.l aetts orll teetb laserted wltb raw latest inrBrcr-e- ments and Solreat Preo Baok nainey taken a oar when theeasb ts pain down ocOT-dl- y la taam donfertaSe ICE CREAM SALOON. P. 11. Hclnrleh te Bro., TXJILL open their eiecsnt Saleoas ii row ror the receptijoof-as- K, where mcH-iici- oa anx c otmi DeTerss-- s er tae ' can b. bad. Ice Cream. Pratta aad all kloda of conlectloaeries. We shall he lad to see aad entertalacnroklesatosera aad tb' pnsiietn ceneral. P. H. fe BRO., rd-- tf Ko 137 Xaln Street. ICE CREAM Ij. HOCCO. Iter- - HETNR1CB No. 220 1XMjo. Stroot. LROCCObeialeare to Inform the Ladles and Gen, and rtdnlty, tbat bis ICE CREAM SALOON Is now open for tbe reception ot Vl.ltors, and will be pleased to see bis old aad aew easterners. He bas ntt receirea a new Soda Water Apparatus and Foroe. lain Fountains. Aad Is prepsred to msaafaetnre a pare article sf 3 to X -- flu "W AT3 I ALSO XANCPACTCRXS OP "CONFECTIONER, A-- 4 dra'er la an kind, of Green and Dry Frnlts, PRESERVES, PICKLES, NUTS, OYSTERS, aalluiBbS, DUUlUli ALiE. AND LON- DON PORTER, WINES, COR- DIALS AND CIGARS, myU-d'- PAUIS HOUSE CONFECTIONEnr. Wholesale and Itctall CANDY MANUFACTOKY, Wo. 67 Front Bow. TITAN IT17L to bit f rteads aad tbs public for tbe rery pttronace exteaded to him for the last twetre years. X. LOOTS XONTEDONICO bees leire to torom thecttlxeas of Xempbla aad rletnlry. tbat be will con- stantly keep ea band a large assortment of tbe best Im- ported Wlaes Clarst, Port, Xsdetra, Wbite, &c; also, Scotch Ale and Loacoa Porter. Alto tbo beat Brandies. wanaated to be pare and -- eaalae. X. L. XOXTEOO-IC- O alwars teese an band a rr-- .t rarlety of Fancy Caadlea aad Tors, aa assortment of stick Candy, Prunes in ere aad box-- s. Ratlins, Grapes, CTerr kind of Pralts and Not.. v-- T.t... a,,. dla-- a, Olires, French and Enrltsb Xastard, Sntar, In If1' and boxes, Caracao. XarafcbUo, Old wines, Gtnier, Preserres, Sarannab, New Tork and Bistoa Preserres, Cats ap. Pepper Sauce, Chocolate, Cordials, Syrcps, Xae-earo- Venaacelll. the best Baraaa Clears, aad a -- real many other articles toonam-ro- as to mention, now if. fered for sale rery low, either by waolesSle or retail. no would be glad to wait oa bis oM csstomen wi aa many new ones as miy call upoa tint, protnlsln- - them cenalnt articles and xaod barnlaa mr-l- y MEMPUIS FOLMJIW Jflacliine 8hojp ADAX3 8TRSEr N EAR THE BATOU. B. PB2CI.ON, MA VHP A CTTTRER of euttoaary e, SawXUls, and Cotton Factory Machinery, Pgrce aad Lift Parana of an klads aad aires Circular Saw Mills, with one or two Saws- - Cast aad Wroccbl Iras Rallia- -, Sal-co- ay BjiUni, noase Proots, Window Csps aad Sills aad Door Sills of various patterns I Bank Vaults, Ax. Car Wheels for passraier, frail bt aad parel cars ; all ktads ot Railroad work done Steamboat repairing eadjobttel ot all kinds promptly attended to. Stationary Ecgmes aad a large amount cf other work kept constantly on bind, ty SOUTHERN LITERARY Organ and Review, PROF. B. H. CAPERS, EDITOR: ARRANGEMENTS bare enally been perfected for the cf thlsXagaxine.and we ire able to ainoanoe tbe Issue of tea first number in J one. Tbe copy Is already In tbs hands of tbe printer, and tbe work progreislax aa rapidly as tbe Issslcg of a flrst aamber win permit. The Editor deems himself itt la secartnz tbe Tinting st Ue extesilre Bt of tbs Morning Bunetia Company, wboM on. surpassed faculties aad well established reputaxtoa, gmaraales a atyls st typogrsphy wo thy tba liters rr char- acter o(ibe work. Oarftleods at bom and abroad wm please tcrtrard tbelr labscrlptions at as eir.y a day as practicable, that we may Sx upoa tbo stse ot our edition, as tbe work win not be strreeytrpee-- . sect will be at tbe CouaUag-Roo- m of the BaDetla Company, IS Xadlson street, tbe Editorial Boom orer tba Rlrer Baok. corner Xala aad Xadlson streets. Setters may be addressed to tbs Editor, otto tbo Banetta Oompany. Ths following are tbo Terms ot Sobscrlptloa, tsrarlabiy la adranca SlagiecoiTOt tbe Organ aad curlew, sod 6cpl " ,4M " " ' " " . S5 0S 50 " " " 0 00 J " ' " too so pstroclta Sonth-j-n lite- rature anil enter-ris- e, we win icbii.hMm.,.,. oa"-- iifj-c- nf s of oar rjclrerltles,Ccll-tesandSch- o U, iwu.raiiaiwiriHu; ui&suai-- a ana neatry pflcied on Sne celort d pjper. all ichtd to each aamber cf the Xag-aiia- e. Tiiofe wishing th'tr appear la tbs Bt tt -- saber, Till pisai fcrwsrl tbsirf arorg wtincat icrxm atui. . BTZMnriTt APPEAL.""" : Motion Baxters, X. A. PABXES, SEX -.- .X- A. rASKEll, JA B. A. PARKE It & SOIf, (sncesisors to Puker, Bldtr PvtJ JrJ-dl- a COTTOjy FACTC'BS, f&q FORWARDING MERCHANTS, No. G rotnt a. ashe... j0 dswtzt ... ' AMD IToward'o ....... . xsax, ASHE & CO.i COTTON FACTOR'S COMMISSION MERCHANT Ho. 47 Front Row. BABJA11 0XA1IAX Ron xexp-- oj .saErrABD ......WX. KEBAB ttCIX. GRAHAItI Sc. HIXIi, COTTON FACTORS, fH COMMISSION, gg AHD GROCERY MERCHANTS, No. 9 Front Row, , MEMPHIS, TITNN. Bafrgin?, Hope & Plantation Bopf-lica- - on Hand. Jy7.drw:twSi T TT ntfrmnnrrr j. no ' COTTON FACTORS, GROCERY AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CORNER MAIN &. MONROE STREETS' i, MempUIs, Tenn. Bsiclrt, Rope acd Plaatatlaa ea farabbed to order. JtlS-a- -j irjATEtbladayaasoclatedwiainela tbo COV X eesri B Bowllxi aad TT. TT XBara, late of tte firm of Ooedtt la Co. Tbo trasisess wtB be ctndaetMl raeVr tbe style and ana ot B. D NAB3&3 a CO.. and I wd reipeel folly solicit of toy friends a ooattaasaea ef Un- kind patrons,.. B. D. XAJI8R3. Xempbis, Jaly lit, ISS3. B. O. BASES. .....ST. W. UILAK.....B. BOwfJXSt. B. D. NABERS & CO jaCOTTOJff FACTOnSj, tssz pohwahdinq ABO General Commission Merchants CEAEE1S IJt Daggiu-- r, Rope and Twine. Jb 1 Ja 'XOJtJ No. 47 Proet Row (ap stiirl.) XEKPniS. TENN. J. B. obotei i. s. oaorxi j. t. iisum Jr. JR. Groves 5 Cotton Factors AND AND Commission Merchants, 44 Union stroot, jqnl-daw- 6a NEW ORLEANS. Memplils, 3nly stn, 1858. Jones, Brown & Co., Wu"i.v umm uuietrrneaos aaa ibo paoue, thac aeoa tbls. their MTrn btsikkiwi SBASON Is XemaUa, tby feel tt laenabeat apoa tb-s- s, to retarn tbelr aafettaed acxaowlsdAmects for tbo aa psrslIetedpatrenaieaoUadiy bestowed, and to proffir renewed as.araacea of tb.tr aawearled eadearors to de. serre a co&UBaaaee aid iBcrease of tbo same Onr stock of Bagxlnc Rene. Twine. Saxsr. Ce&. Uiv- - luses. Bacon. Candles, Sa t, T bacoo. Ploar Whtiky and Plantation reaerallT toxrther wltb ait artieb la oar ilae. ii fresh ad lantr, aid as low aa can bo bad la tbla market far Cain, cr apes the aaaal terms to psac- - lu'iucucn. We bay at headaBtrteri for CASH ALAVs. uri retire air stock: uuilw to. troas need not fear aa lafe-e-se artM.. Wa csatlaas to Slere aad Sell Cot1 on at ear aM KHera SOoeataper bale. Cotton ats-- ed ss aentefspa tn ow isrxo aaa oomeacciona Brick Wsre-boas- oa Ad street. Literal Ca--h Adrxaco msds aa Oaibn in .t- -r riu u wwijl m.iirm, .mm otserwisei ssracasd jMFxaxstiy, ac Altawlm JONES. BROWN A SO. Aralancbo aad Eazla k. Eenalrer copr. 1. L. WEBB. -- J 1 -- ..I.I-8l WEBB & MTVLlNGS Cotton Pactors 5 Commission Merchants, Co., One door from center of Main iml Uaioa eta. (Op Stairs ) MEMPins, IEX. Tl ARTICULAR aliensSMn t,.M tn .n.s o- -. X wardlnGooda,sHBar8rala, Baexa, aad all kinds of Prodsco aad Xaaataetand Goods. Wo also keep a. rood stock of BAGGING, BtfPK. TWINE, SAGOK, XESS POEX, Stc, which we will faralsb oar ceslom-r- s at tae saarr-iTai- Ail orders praapuy alteaded to. JaalS-daw- DIfsoIation of rpnE firm of 8. W VERNON A. Co.. Is tbls dar die X soiTodbymotca' eoaaent. 8 W. Vereoa easr ho- - Uc aateorlsod to as tbe narae of tbe arm la UqaMattss- - msugiiiiiNGa'nrug osis SI toe OK Ulld, No. I Pront Row, where 3. w Verswa wHl caattaao thsbasi nesa aad aittls all affairs pertaiclas to tbe firm ef 8. w v.rnon a. Co., ana toe oK era of Vmwi, Bryan Co. 8. W. VBRNOs . Xsmpbls, Jans it, IfS. D C. WILLIAXS. June IS-d-a win s. W. VERNON. ,r..w - j ts.a AuruK, C0M3IISSI0. A If D FORITARDISG MEttCllANT, No. 6 Front RoWjOverMeaehamAGalbralth's, Zticmpiiis, Tenn. JonlS-da- w COMMISSION MERCHANT OPPICZ, NO. 15 1I0SBT Si HUNT'S BLObX, Front Row, MEMPHIS, TENN. CONSIONXINT3 Cotton aad Wheat soU. Ter'i Bagging and Rope, aad all ScppUes, furnished lowest raica. Stranh's PlaataUaasXnis always ea baad. aagc-ai- y. , a a r : J a. (Lte JUA Brp ASI COMMISSION MERCHANT. Orsr Ooyer Neeley, NO. 34 FRONT ROW. MEMPHIS. WHERE will pleased to wslt upon aay aid pa. friends, and the public generaBy. Ha wlfl -- trepartlcalar atteatloa to tbo Storing sad S.ntng of Cotton aad Produce. AH Cottoa or Prodoee consigned to him win bctnsured, unless otherwise tastracted. Particular attention liren to ordera tor BaggUa aad opo, maa otoer sappuea. meres ana sens Gotten for 78 cent, per tale. SBIPSOI.,IIAIES&Co. COTTON FACTORS, RECEIVING, FORWARDING, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 194 MAIN STREET, SrEMTHIS. TETTCT. ty Orders for Biggin- -, Rope aad other ScppUes promptly attended to. . B &XtP, ot KetspbU. of H sa he be A1A tHElsTOS, BEU), SHELTO & CO. COTTON FACTORS ASP Commission Merchants, NO. 38 FRONT ROW, XEXPHIS. TEN!. tW all Cotton seat to oar address tasured, uolesa (jMltl Bstrnetloaa to tbe .contrary are recerred. Rs--a. 14 raltuaees promptly made ta order. Plasters' ordera fined with care, -- jji n- - iwi- -, at 59c eats per bale. Liberal adranos- - made oa conalga-aseo- ta' aaxsx-daw- lr UOTI'OH FACTOR, 6 MO C j&jK' ABD COMMISSION MERCHANT. PROMPT atteatloa Urea ta Storing and Selling Cotton, No. M Proat Row, Xempbis. aga-qaw- ir WARDLAW HOWABS.. ...... ...... Wat. T. HOWARD. W. HOWARD & CO., Cotton Factors, Corumission and t orwnrain' iJiercunnts, NO. 4 HOWARD'S ROW. MEMPHIS Dtn Rope, Twme.Su-s- r, Oafe, Mackerel, Salt. London Porter, Ale, Wine. Walaky, Tlaegar. Ltee' Laad-Plast- and Groceries ateek -- osrOTliaad,forialoalraaaocabtoprte.! ElrCash adraacea made m ftnim . ... ... iblpment. Our Open Policy of tasuraaca corer. .51 rL oaccacgaed w ui by witer; ao. the riik of lire wUe m store, unless otberwlso lastrnctod. nrtse. for starrns and sent CotUaj,la.V as w. sVr. charrM far rar. bTl. pt flft, rent, o--r ocM WHO is Yom Boot-Maker- ? E. TREGEftZA, PRACTICAL CUTTER AND BOOT-MAri-K, who wis all orders tt New Tsrk prices. Work warranted. Jrenei Calf Long Boots, lewsd to order, 17 OO Jreacb Calf Loag BooU, pegged, 8 00 long BooU, (footed) aewed, s 00 Lon? Boot- -, (looted) pegged, Go Lace Shoes, , qq Loag BooU, (half.joled aad bseled) 1 CO Lobs Boos. fhalf-an- -- . TBHK. 11aeii!iU " b,w"n Poplar and Exchange its. THE SPHEREOTYPE. TrjBUtMt andby firte most lia port sat Photography is tha recently patented plc-f-- re ss tbo BPHEREOTTFE, wbkb is not only EtwaadUBlixeaayef (U ptedeeeaaon, bat greatly su- perior to S3. Tbe BshereotTT is aroof atainat tutt. AIR aad water, aad for ricaneaa of tone, waratb cf expression asd distinctness bss io equal Br fact tbe C lesion ts saca tbat tbe picture, or image, seeml suspsad-e- d ta air, entirety independent of tbo back ground. For tbla ptctara we bare the exctuaira right fer Xem phis. SpecbDens'Caa be seen ta oar Gallery, when plo- ar to are also taken ta tbe rarioes styles by osr Artist, PBOF. KENSINGTON-- , who cembbestbe Chemist wIb the Artist, wbicb ea Uii its It aa Urcei U fzixxt scj4rir ytctu- -. cXS.a JTe. Csrt'lKaitle7oti 2 . tonsyortattgiiv 1islmJ?re' Washington, New Torls, Philadelphia, &c. Direct Through IVine for thoEast! Baltimore and Ohio K A I I . B fi A T) THa rata fron WbeaHar to Baltoure, m and b. V.ikMiyn inn nu . ta. ane. It rmu tfTrVh Jna.Zi V.f"' - -- lr , jj; Om imt MUHr coaiti-nct- cornpteUlT ltvpc tsd cvrfollT ran-Aw- i. U otvaef th xaot at trSCtlTfi sLSd Axft I. rr-- .i a..rTZl 0lrl Ohln Rllmll5 fmfVtHkeJ.s .e4 ... ?S5'r' vw4 with as TorUom ef ttoTTta OTiT THBOcrcn TinxTS rxoa KiarBii aad st. Lotns to tbo Xatiobtax, M by tWs roaAwbkbniasdlreet u wMboat tne deray ot passu- - tkroaxa 31 a-- WW. II II BvlsLfb tit nscxlw llru V. ew.s.B. . . a fd to TrTStSKrvfoSl TrTrr w .ntT-- ? tk MA,t boots frota Xeapats, taks tits null rnn-l- na duly for Lovlsrine, coaaecH- - then ifP l?Z ,rrtT M to oaasnct wltb the cah of wMh rJ?.1?"1-- 4 for Colmstbsa. coaaeotBr ObloRaBtead. thnazb Newara: -- .1? la ba, , " v """ oaneawre aaa so waacfiUXon 10? " earionlriaTroai BidBtT , carries frota Lasts. t3PiuM. w . AVn trwmn mm wrntt. Lo. ?J laf . . " " ' NORTHERN EASTERN MAIL. aaeValASSJ,S?-rI- S preosr-- d at or Waabm-to- n l. ..v.- - . ' - ... H aVU jyoue roawmayDoaad of at tbo fsuewta rate. Vnxast BaJtlmere 15r tn - 1 f . . A. nr in t. u n v - ""auon. uaio jaa-rs- wateb learo jiwM-nn- r, rbBaderpb Tork. ab ta or boars, Issradtn Per safety, speed, rerslarltr. beaotr e Uu r seaeral oanfort, tbls read la atcaad to aoso ba iunia. ran company poeeeeaea of aay RaBread ta the TJatted 8 "b uv. . " ttT Bt. HE a.r, FI fc be w tba vim ..v.. aao IS IT prepared to do aa Immense basmess ta trant ASTERN & ATLiANTIC CITIES, marl . . UxastTTKD Eats wi T7 i HI tbO ltiTtj Of B&ftlSm Vlih tlM Tim Urn A t i otx. aaa By new XerobaaU' aad Xlaera' Use stesaera to Norfolk; Charleston, Saraanab, Por'- - "T ITILLIAXS MOST R A T-- ? sO A li SecelTtaE aad PerwarHB-At-- at ,t WoeeltEi. -- - A i KJ JLJ. WM. S. irooDtmHB recent f tbe EsstTeaaeiseeaad Ttr- - . A DalaRsBroad on conaoUdAted, Street TuauvBH TICXETS. aTlowfnr ih ViaIaW. emtmnns. w.. nmb rm. w-- ' """"" eia ai pieasart psntuaad at tbe Cocjpany'a Oace. No. IS street, S doors East of tbo Conmarclal Hotel JSEelS-- lr WX. XORIN. fflississijpj'l Cent a- - .t! AND MUe siartr &aa as7 other Bouts, -- TM fH'TtW. HAia-fe- n in fata Uys md t--c All, e" 1 z aa-oa- s veaaeeuses eertam aad delays, --a. J f x. Jr. 1 X JkTtV K- - Tbo sdraau-e- s aad saperloe lly ot tatsarsr aB NOW ta Water Valley. mBei so-- tlT 6a sppre-Ute- d tbe with tho Xrmpbla aad Cbarlestoa POST OPPKHt DBPARTNENr-- , o tbe Northern Dtrleloa 23 miles less iuri.,nrfii.u. Grenada, Xias., tbaa by aay otbei u t.T-- n tf,'!iT T.iqGreat Southern United States A. sr., 4:40 p. at. R leares Jaactloa at arrlrt at Watir ' Ea,lr1 tbrea-- b sian territory. No aaaoTaaca er 11:10 tt, coaaeetlas with Sims II Co "saae ft 40 - socoscpaaled by serraaaa. Carrolitea 7,1 "" suni,r the Seottiw.it to the teasadnckeas' SUtlonoathe Ptrta J Awfla. 9FXU1VG0 M" Ol'-- - by tte Xempbis aad Cbarlestoa RsUessd. aadewir ' SV d'VfyU Ihr.sik a b..Mm aBd h.artbr country a--d moaatala aceaery, Bssarpaesed tbo warid. Pasasaxera (or ear nsi.t .v. iri..i.., tbeXesaphU and Caarteotoa RaUroad to . NE J,?RAVr PMetsaest, as tbat la tba wa Cew tram Memphis BALTIMORE, Paaseanra alBC to Xemsbls m m . r,.n.. oa tbo Xempbis aa Cturtestoa RaBroad ... , " aJUl WOJCk. WASHIVrTriv Pa'tert-r- s f.r potato Soath of VaBer. nu VrZHjtVi?':?m vi- n- ulr aocoiixo- - ea tbo XempbU aad Cbarlestoa RaB-roa- d, leartos Xempbis at 19.ro A. X. aapertatadent 1 QEQ GREAT SOUTHERN - ROUTE. VIA 1 ILUXOIS CESTRAL RAILROAD, ohio and Mississippi railroad lke op TO niCKMAN, MEMPHIS, TICKSBORG, ATCUEZ, SEW ORLEANS, MEW YORK, BOSTON AXDAU. EASTERN PORTS, From Illinois. T WALL. K ILLINOKI OK KIRA RAILROAD aad OHIO aad RAILROAD bare oamaieted ar- - raazeaeau wish the feUowtag iwtHasd slegaat Paesea-- tr aad Presabt Sieaasboata formtag a rega ar Has ere- ry aHeraate day between CAIRO AND IMPERIAL, - -- PEN.VSYLVANIA, J. C SWO.N, -- NEW FALLS CITY, T. E. WOODRUFF, -- ALEX. SCO IT. -- CITY OF MEMPHIS, A. T. LACY. WM. MORRISON, NEW UNCLE SAM, reiliae PACL. X. O. X. C. R. R. OCO .f NEW OBIiEAKS. aad Ha aad roate ta OBIOAGO, sr. GoaM, Capt. Kkisfelter, Cape. Joaes, Meatgssierv Capt, Roeers, Capt, Switzer, Capt. Koaatz, Capt. Redaey, Capt, BatSseer, Capt Van Dusen. Pormesxfrem ooaaadlaaL tttnaitti. pedlttecs ST. LOUIS, GALENA, DCsrQtfB, NIAGARA PALLS SARATOGA SPRINGS, NEW TORE. BOSTON. QUEBEC PHILADELPHIA. BALTIXORB WASHINGTON. MnVTKEa . PORTLAND, aad all Important potata, .3STXj BAST. At OUea-- a. oaaaecttar wtih Xlchliaa Central r.r. fariaz tbe asxie sent Sor Dttnvt. wi ..... v.n. Rocbester. Alba- -r New TtrkJBoatoa, and aB Eastern aad Atiaatlc OlUes. In ohaazea or an rrm Cairo to NIs ara. anl three from Ca-.r- to Albaar, and ireuMmuinc. sera lima rnjss vatro to Itew aorx, tx aears. uoaaecu at Baadoral wltb Ohio aad Ml tlatfaaa Railroad from St. Lssia aad Tlscenne. : .t Paaa. wHh train, of tb Terrs Haute. Alton and -- t Loots Railroad, fo IndianapolU LodsTttle aad Ctaela-a- ll ; at Peseta, with mala Hn. EnrM. r.r n.T.n. and Daaseith the latter eaaasmsg wttbLiragis to Spring" eel. Naples, Rock Island Bnrllaiton aaQSaey. AH tnins freea Cairo connect at Saador.t wits thm Ohio aad Xlssissippi trains fer St, Louis aal The IHlBOsa Cenlral RaBroad Cemnanr hare wiUnl o their Roma- - Stick twenty aaperb sttterooea sieeplaz ears, eaeb of which win coafenaMy berth flrtr otjaea- - ewi. TixrousU Erttrrpy Srra-tio- af rtaSf. LmtitanitUnc y Rt.it- - ana iJimcg aw tuzuToaa io aa Xonk. geodferoas year, aal allowtac boMsrs to atoo at anr poist, resume ihelr sesta at pleasure, aad all infor- mation respje lag tbe route may be procured oa applica- tion at tbe Company's oas, IS Jeff.Tson street, a doors east or the Commercial Botes, wiLTJ A it iinaiv A int. Per iniooH Ceitral aad 0a"o aad Xlsslsslppl Railroads, HWMiin-iucB- oi awamera. raaris-i- y MISSISSIPPI AND TENNESSEE 3 R A IL R O AD . CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON and after WEDNESDAY, Pebraary S, 18S7, tbe oa this road wHl run as foBews. fSondars excepted':) Tae Mill and Pa seeager Tram rfl learo Paaala daBy at T a. at., aad arrlro at Xempbis at 18 a. at. Returnmg, leares Xempbis at a r. sr., arrlres at Faasia at t r. it. Tba Prei-- ht aad Accommodation Train leares Xempbis anyatS:Z0 A. M.. aad arrlres at Faaoia at II a. bt. Reeuratar. leares Panobvat A. sr.. and arrlres at Memphis at r. K Capt, Xempbis. Prrsoaa trarettsg oa the XaH can spend Ire hoars la Xempbis aad return oa tbo same day. Passenger Train makes direct ceanectlea at Xempbis wltb tbe Memphis aad Oaarlestea Railroad going Bast, aao the Xempbis aad Ohio RaSroad North. The Prright sad Aceseaaodatsoa raas in connection with Stages to and from be fsilowlog plases: Oakland. Preston sad GrenaJa. there raekmc ceanectloa wltb Stages tbrougb Carmmoa aad LexiBZtoa t thence to tbe aorthern termini of tbe Xlralsaippi Central Railroad tor Caatea, Jackson aad New Orleans. Thnagb TKkata tor Grenada caa be obtobsed at the Xem; bis Depot. Thin Is macb the abortost route, aad passeagers lear-la-g Xeaphis by tbe morning trata at Grenada tte same vrealag, baring dayttgbt the whole way. X. "W. NEWELL, jaall-t- f Qeneral SapertateadeBl and Ohio WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Commencing FRIDAY, November 13, 1857. Two Daily Trains Each ffnr. ON lid after PBJDat, Noretaber 1J, Traiai wlH rrc XAQ Paaaenxer Train wta Ium Bw...ib..m. djri exited) t 8 o'clock a. a., and arrire at Xempbla RetBi-d- Bg . Xempbis at a o'clock r. x . aad arrtres at Brewasrttle at 1:05 p.m. Tta PTlxbt and Aecoxamodattoa Train lea-l- ag XempaU daay (3 radars except aj.) at7:15 o'clock A. it., and arrirt it BrowBsrBle 11:15 r. at., coasectlagatXasoa'swttb a line or Hacxa for Brownr-tl- le at 1:15 p. St., and at XempbU at S:1S r. at. ,ISSTifkets for Pisces caabeob-Utao- d M. Patterson & Bro., Comsercui Hotel, CHlStRTTILLB, TRENTON, - 0A0ET1LL1, XcLIXORE-TILL- X, JCINCT, SHADT GROVE, HtrNTTNGTON, Etc HENRT COPPIN. JSSIliH Strpertatendent. DIRECT ROUTE TO Texas, (STASIS lear Gaines Landlajr fXlsstsstsnl rtrer. kj Daily, at 1 A. at., nasslnc thronrh e..vi.. city of Casdea ta Waablngton, Arfc Tbrougb ia 6 boars. sepg-dU- y juiujukx K. BTONS, Azents, G aloes' Landing. AUmlnistrator's Notice. AT tbe Sooember Term. 1SS7, ot County ot Sh.lly Coutty, Teanessee. the took ooi tetters of administration apoa tbe of THOMAS XCLLdsceascd. AH persons indebted to said estab win corns forward aad settle tbe aams; and all prrsoaa taring ditcM agalast said estate will present them tt me, prspt rly probated, with la tbe time pre suited tr law, othcVtse tbey win be barred. lasrr-dlawC-a XRWTON POBO Anlnur- - Jotice, rdaerrber barinc purcaased tbe lot.reit of bis THE tbo UU Una of 1 Journor, Cooper & LeakewPl coatlnne tho WHOLESALE GROCERT COXXISilOX AND FORWARDING BUSINESS labu owacams ad tot bUowb account, and ita tbo old house cost-mer- aad bi fil-xiaVrS- j. JNO. O. PIOCRNOT, . apio 1S IM Xaln street; 3B of PL6URN0T, COOPER St. LHAXR, It ihUirdlKoiredbrmntaal coaent. tbo BAme-o-t tte flra w III be used to liquidation, only a PLOCSNOT, X. T. COOPSE, IS S, W. LXAXX. VOLUME IX. NUMBER LZZZ 185S. Great Eastern VIA MEMPHIS AKD ST. LOWS PACKETS j yen St. Louis, Alton and Chioago The Sbortsst aad most Direct Root To all the Bastera Cities an J Principal Or CANADA. Pawnters eaa procara Sara Paile. "Z'' - reassuae New .... -- T-l " sen toe Kortet tbo ce' tbo oael air H tbe Sroet Laaea-rt- atc the Larrfit Cl!t la ta. sr..i .1 v e V ew aad reOB tWir jMrney at 'J.t-r'M-- - Baasaa. Tssoa-- b. ram um Tim. as c(.lcx a, aT otker Eoste, J.'SIT 'S?4 aintt to an tbo 1 --Jtraor.pert, AXEBiaiiT ,,-A- " THOS. B as CO., Aseata, No. I Howard'aRaw. Xemsbla. Psr tbe St Loess, Artea sad Obteaie RaBread. Cheapest, AND EXPEDITIOUS BOUTS, TO ALL Tim AND CHARLESTON f. X"teror Traasportatloa, Bal fortes treat .and Ctfy I ao other epea TJ by i to r. sr.; r. Roate from la es,y train rr. Trata to AND M. Capt. Cairo Onir Fvwwne jxnrul aad aad 12 Train gMag arrtre at the Court estate jxo WASHINGTON CITY, UAiiilMUKE. PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, INTERMEDIATE CITIES. SgJKJS!SSmEkB3Ssoa Xempbis. Mall. poMeaaehesforaeaerule.Greaada Soothers PoMotetrdeS SSail?00- - nreaijsempawaiap.M- - Water Cairo, "Tiolt-otrsi- . JTIemjfhis RAILROAD. Northern anderslgaed Dissolution. fcttSforfafiiiiT. RICHMOATn 1858. Eoute, RAILROAD, T?Jj2,T.EJwl JstkoiaseodforsWteps. SSaVIrtSrGREAT Ijtforatloar.i-tb.R.Bt..e- -a SJiortest, TElTatdSMTlMP PHILADELPHIA, CHARLESTON, PETERSB8, SAa,A, maco AUGUSTA, NASHVIALE, KJtOxVlLLB, ATAtVaNOOa!"CH MONTGOMERY. COLUMBUS. a- -4 tax VIRGINIA SPRINGS. Ticket oSors hare NaMhea. VKksba, XempSeS Sr'tfi"1' refA aad ao eaer-- a ferbaadllnr t If m , rtoeajsjiE at afl Hattoas. inn, AkuuxtxoSATlOX TRAIN wfll leare phis DAI LT except Sesderaf sAlBtSB am for alx GREAT SOUTHERN XATL TRAIN eBkelOsespl Central Railroad to Belly -- prtaaa. Oli-r- d. CiT'? i b'toew hT.SfL" Grand JatKtbHi Botlrar, Jaakea, etc At Iota with a daily Irr, of Coaches .to tae aarthera of tb. Mobile aad t.hlo lUUreaa TarowjA tUktltjood vUU ttsef-wtr- btae -- toptBgt aay twist dratted. ScM at saToamio-ctlln- sadWor.kaa ficases, aad at the Xraspkia Bach sasseBier wU ha aoartteie win he loswbassarsd aeejadaef Tied aa aatcaae ta4 Is TrT P3n or the puswaer. ia ease of loss tbe Cempaay win boM toemsMrra reaaoasiblo lor as amouataotexeredsagsioo. Negroes, wbeatrarettaealoae, Bwat bare a small aamttg tbe point to wbicb tbey areWgw. aad penfftax that ttcr ire to t rare! lTT.Ilr..j tZL. V. '. ""i " "cl" wtn to sow tbearT nor wi'i tbey bo receiredoa tbe cars unless tfc.tr owaer or a seat be pre-e- at or kaowa to tbe Ticket Ageat, Coawactor, or utker persoa to roueb tar grBaiaeaeH ef perattt. B ATBJM. lonis 8,,tItot,dt"! 'rMra rirlsioB, Xeasphis cSnmmcr Seinats. Bailey Springs. SINCE the death of Mr.B.ttir, these ceiee riled Sprtaga beeaparebssedby a compaay, who bare tbe entire premises, balit a large namber of spa- cious rooms, beeWes many ether latprore-seB- ti aecea-sa-ry for the comfort ot risBora. Wltb regard to tbe caratlre proeertles ot Bv y Spriags, their rfScaey bare boea so fairly aad setlstocto-ri- ly tested la tboasaada of rastaaeesas Io reader if ibe proe-iet- on to say a word aa to tbelr rlrtaes. Saeace it to say, bowerer, tbat it ia generally If bos aaaretralre loacsded tbat for tbo care -- f the felowBg dteeases. Bailey Sprrags are aaear. passed by any tatao werM: Watte Swefttar. Tette Scrsffsla. Drsaser. Draoerit. r.r.u. ru... A AeaB Teaereal aad Oauae4M Kseases ef erery aeecrlp- - Wsrm sed CoM Batna wt h. e.uj . .... TbeScrlars ire ooeet Smntr .tuf Tnn,.. . . j ,k . 52" l,n1l.h,Ia " M --re1' tbit there an i. ?r.IU4.V,Tv ! Taop are located la ooaaty. Alabama, nine rastee from Plereaeo. aad ars .iw-misi-ii aeclssas, aa a regalar lias of stages aad hatha will ran Twwr i mr..r . - . . . . v., , ota to the sriexa. emiwf n- -i wuv u. . v Toscumbia eseb wsy. The lecaHtr ef tbe Spriags are aasarpassed. betag la a pies-a- it aad he liar caa try, wltb as SsbiK aad baastaggroaada. A large Llrery Stabla baa heea erected at tae Sprfasgs. aad erery desertptlen of erhletes caa always be bad. Teo-p- ta ABers. Binisrd TaM. .-- it , ofamasementmaybefooBdoatbepremiiies. tboVreeknatDneatr"rMW lTa tegalirir dartec A Band of Xaale h ss been engaged for tte sessoB. NotflertwIBbesnaredMa uim,( .k. ... to render riillora comfortaMe aad agietaMe sma, Conner a oo Beaver Dam Springs. HlcltMan Countyj Teim. FOBTT MILES "WEST OT COLTJJIBIA- - Ghivge of Prop letonhif and MaaageiBent-- Tni8 celtbrsted Watertag-PIao- e, bartog been by the baascrtber, baa beea tboroejhlyre-rbtto- rs oa tbe"1 WU' " otaM " ot Twozatiotla of XVTiXTr. Tte late prep'letor, har tog disposed ot tbeir eastre la the Spriags, the sabecrtprr, assisted b-- Keller, wm annate tbe eaUre maaagemeat of tae etab isbmeBt, and aetther pates ner expease wffl be spared to reader Bearer Dam oae of the mo,tpl.uaat aod ACCOXM0DATI0NS, AO.-- Tbs baJMags bare all area p.aced la lJ5;ltT0UR nSl)-- D rSton daIcco! fdtt5 -- fry cemfert aad CGBresteBes. Tae taafe THE WATBR3-Tb,wa- tera at Rearer Pas ornsut ot J?-0"- aed aad Blaek Salabar. Obalpbeate, (prorn J lrJli U th" "renxtitm U state,) aadtaehest PreestoceaadLimestoce XBDIJAI. ATTENDANCB-T- be fabscrtber. who has v'iv f? Te-- "used ia tbo practice ot medi-t- oe in Alabama and Memphis, caa be ceea- - 5?..rtJiJ'Lh?7 V.1"0" "h0 mT c2ce t. need XBAN3 .)P ACCESS TO 3 Th.ro are tbrea roate. to imprint,. . of wSeifS. InlM eb?ea. JC.f-S1C- b m fUm ColnaoU thr-- .P"rc,:r, b'ougb from tbat fnaSf ll. ajTT B of tbo aaest roads la .leV ArT"r'nIS bare been made at Britt's Lanitog. cn Tennessee nrr. by rtb?a,tt,lrtelte" readycSaS: F3"1,1?73' Sad at Bearer Ban, ?tiSSrnt?. n?; BBO troat place, and deer ta great abaadasao may be found ta tbe Immediate rlcraHy. Perweek...ATKS P ohaSG83. SrgaXsS Alfteral dedaetlon B h, ma4e to tbe abore raw. RETEXX3SE- - Gea. HtBtea, ?5. . Selma, Ala ; Dr. iltTT Lapslj.aetoa, Ala. ; Xe- -ia x io?rS Tuscaloosa Alaj Dra w. H. A 3 P. NewssnaTTa-A- I J ? Ur. O. P. Feat. Is- - , X D. SSS; Sbi""-1- "' Iena- - X' K wmm mm, Sear Bolivar, nardeman Conaty, Tpbh. T11' wlw these reiterated for tbe fee4 seaeoa, ea XONBAT. Uie 10th of Xay. barug pueed tbo BafMiaca aad Grounds la as Sue condition as aay Watering Place ia tbe Soatbweat. The Grooads hare been exteaded sad beautified with erer-ree- -a Shrubbery, tho fMeet eteaitd aad graded, tbe rooms palsied aad raratsbed with aew cotton mattreases, tbe Bin Room decorsted sad put lis One comHtioa, tbe three Tea Pta Alieys aad goings bare beea pet la goad order. Tbo Waters, (there nrieg 3 re Scrlngs.) eeasest ot Cbaljbrate, Solptar aad Free toae.ed Sow ta abaa-dae- ce, scfadeat for 2 00O prsas a dsy. and tbe cara- tlre prrpertlea of the waters for all who are sasctM with Bropsey, Dyrprpsla Baa tear Sore? aad for the Diseases of Pen.aJcs, aressSsaffaieat aidnaraasie' TheDunlap-prla- gs are ijiisaU-bf- cr tjbm Xlsslsslppl Cent nl and Teanessee RaieM belflt srl aat-- d only 3 a miles f'em Bollrsr, 20 frem SSSb'fJJaoctlon aad T9 frr m Xempbis by raB. Haeka are 'aas3g.iaeaaBe tisawih the ears from BoHrar, bCns eoly are hoara ran from Xempbis to the Jprttii Th. trsreir- - is gaaraa'ied agaiast exoTbltaot charge, ttr fare being 60 cents from tao railroad depo' to the d: iota aBd"er-t-s ror hai- - gage and serraata. mere Is also a fine rename trrao aad excellent ask-I- n- -- rounds, wii& nearriace road to the ener. oalr a quarter of am HefSfeu tho fp togj, aad asaadaaca ot wCd turkeys, daekKbd sdsA-- r is. . Prof HessugwiiHaiaaaeB-as- a aad SsXacBaad ia BOYD & MULE I s D , calty. engaged fir tbe seasoa aad will eellr-- a ibe goesta la tbo ia ta day wltb Braas music, aad at okt witb Seilac maair f da- - J. Cs AAD Blot AN, Mot tbt agTl-da- er . So 29, pages - . eo a crerfit H DAT OP AO- - tae city otXero- - serest ot the said scsia be at aowa aad ss lot Ka remorod from tbelr rtd stand, Mite stif Ptt4 Traet. HAVB storf recently occspted by S. O. Saint, ''o as tbo a Deed of Truat- - Ho. 31 Front Row, -- '.qbebseb. Xextltors toXr Cba PoUen, where they wi3 be - x- c - tly and isciar BrwcacissW.'Su rr . ajbaTi ........ i 7 ,r,f- - ra,iT Xamnai. Jaaa tl. tasA-S- T a CO.. wlit'

MEMPHIS 3AILY APPEAL. · F1S ipus orer oosava, uxi wsen jjibsz Trrr u re--aoirvc lo Dtm, or we tarcruvemeiii Krpi as isnae of Itftt. Of--Turtr adrrrtlsCTf wm be charted extra retsltr

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Page 1: MEMPHIS 3AILY APPEAL. · F1S ipus orer oosava, uxi wsen jjibsz Trrr u re--aoirvc lo Dtm, or we tarcruvemeiii Krpi as isnae of Itftt. Of--Turtr adrrrtlsCTf wm be charted extra retsltr





10. R. K'CLAXAUAK, LTOSTSAS TROCSDALE,ey - j tcuatyus r. nii"- -

vsim m attzje ADXta cr'tTLmilAs, TEOCSDALE & DILL,

ii. To whom Au. Unm os Bcir-x- ii, oa orxra- -'WllI, SHOULD SE AODBZnSB.

PRICE OF SDBSCRlFTIOrt.DaSy,ta adranee,per ieewi--. .........110 00fri-- ei eekiy, " .................... toeTh. ii il it 2 MMX au irauy euoecirpaoris c josckb u a i gjf nhen Aunhli r..lr.Mrtr tn tr-n"- I

Yp3" wEa be stnat- - sad riavTy j Little Giant," would very op-b- lll work I dress; many city lady wonld like toto.

DAILY KATES FOR XDTKRTISIJCa.A ifjpirA if Uu JfTctl ctX Ecjis and Er.fxlrtr,

Tar see square of ten lines eritti, see la: Mtloa...tI GO

fit eatBatMIHanal lnserttoaof lima SO


I.I s m3.

-- iJits

S 09

IS 60

fn oq



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jH.oojt?.Kja jajss.oojas4a ajatit O0j30 COjU 00)13 OO OOH 00

18 0C22 00MrW,Ub) ocs oo'jo oo;jxoo'so


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635jS7 SO 113 50

K m'is mhts

3 One BTSire. resercUe tna3j, pr Ensao, $i0 00twlee " to oo

tj" Two asr, narri&t wUy. per anBi, CO 00O Mi', ?

" " " '. rlte-we- ; " 89 Oo- (3 AB KTertUmeGU reqalrea lo M aT( on manpe. cnAXOED At lrrw each dat, n on t&lrd tr,tj C? AiJratiirarat dlnsctM to t dijrltrM. ortln

rlTeTli Serocrc- -F1S ipus orer oosava, uxi wsen jjibsz Trrr u re--aoirvc lo Dtm, or we tarcruvemeiii Krpi as isnae ofItftt.

Of- - Turtr adrrrtlsCTf wm be charted extra retsltrale fer Waal. Beali, 'Beraortli, CoplrtamtSp Vo--

CTTaAsxiExrAorESTiKsa kuit be raro ranrATTAlCCE.U K Terraest ffl t th Wertjy piper

1 4 mm tj fprtUl tcatrtct." to b-- lneerted tie Weetlrpiper

KvcoKrsra X l perUT tot rmy zniuoxi.rp Asnocsclrxcndi4xte tor State. Conatr anl Vs.nlclptl Oflc, $5 rc, to ta ptM In adTcace la tjojisasaac.

y-- EFAHai!TerUescnta tit CaarUabie InaUtatlcu,. Coapaclea, "Waid, Towa, aad ether ?slBc JftoUati,' ' cy MarrUro aad DeaUil are pcbtKaed aa u4 bst

Obttaarlta, Trtbctta of Seapectaad Faaerai ISTltatlosat eiter aaTenueaieau.

All legal and Tracttect Attrertlseranti win beaartoa trj tae laaertlia.EF XUtorlaI Kotloaa tn Ixcal Calarcn wfil to ctrrItotaUperBno.CT "o adnrtlim or TarUUoa win b rwtamntt!ncotox ratet.


professional Carts.DR. A. TF. WRIGHT.


XL FroTtae'i BUMtez. Xaln itrert. bet --r Unlia Ba--aloesoa Xn, X. Sismi. Seooal below VadUoa atreet,

DR. II. W. MITCHELL,.,!Tncs corner Vain and Xaoiaaa treeta, mr the

J XtTerBanx.



TX7K. H. POLE, and Batth T. BanUiead. batlszV ormd a partambip, --na aerearter practice law

MCTtner tn too ear or Jterapua. nori.irC TXOUUTOV......... J. T. FAEAXIXT.

,V FLODR-tO-r & FARRCLLY,, A TTOKXATS AT LAW, ICempnU. TeaseaaDe. Office,J. Seeecd atreet, IBrtae PaiKlr.c. ertatait oeraer

.. Court Sjsara. Jcs-dl- y

. caASAtS f COTT. L. T. BIXOS.


itUnspala. Tecn --rBTpraciice tbetr profea

ton lo aa the Oenrta feeM thecftrof Kempbia, aad tie(cp-e- aa and Wrderal Oonrta at ackog. Prompt atteatlon wm be to an dalma tar cotttctlea rstrrutod totkerL. OBee ta XevBiak Bsinrac, toreerof Xataand


wtreet. Jan-- U


GARLAXD & RANDOLPH,a TT02XRTS AT LAW Llttt Boer. Atlanta. . Tbe.i. snrrttiad law bee ioeeo Pike, Pike & Com acini,

Csarafeu ana Ccurrina St Garland, It in osr banda to be. attended ft. Jnrt-at- a

Brs. Brock & SpiegelHATZ aaaodtted ibemeetTei for tbe pnrpcao of pra:

medtctn aU CHBONIO diaeatea. WeKSeald call the atteattea lnrattea to tbe acnercna

""rurti webara, acd are maxtsr In Xenpbla,vhkb wHl fanad Caaoera, pnraaaestlr wltbostthe na of CAtrtTlc or ESirE. Ola Sorea, Scrorcla,White SweWac, SpaiUa,Dropae7. Orarel, Bbearaatlam,

. f apepata, Lleer, Lnaga, Zyea, and ererr varletr ot tbedtaeajeo of tbe Woaab radicaQ csred.

DR. D. S. BROCEbaa derated noen tine and erpenee tn conectlc sail tbi

jTalGibte medical experlesco aad recetpta tbat ezlitedwltb the Kortb aad Boat hAoerteaa Irulltnc, taclndtaitbePAKICAof tboTacaao, Xabne, and tbe Xalerwa-ni-- u. of tne Ooaaaraar, of saraaara, wlta taepractical nodical fcaowled-- e of orrr Sto tbenaand Botanical naau, zartf, Beota aad Herbs.

Tbo wublcs to arall tbemaelTre of tbe aTTlo" cftr. Brock, are informed tbat bli eta la Xeopbli win

Hmlted to tbla aaooer.Beta with all Ifodern osr

laterpreter.E'Oace corner ot Xaln and Dnl.n atreeta.Jcnlaw-l- r

XT. H. & H. Ii. BEDFORD,"Attornoys a.-- t ZiAWfXZXPEIS, TIXKESSEE.

OmCXaoslb ride Conrt atrtet. first door weatctwiB pracH to aE tbe Courts of

Xempbis, tba Xierentb Circalt aad tbe Eepr.me aadFederal Cenrta at Jaecaoa. Prespt a'tentkon siren tatbe colfectlcn claims taWet Tennessee and NorthMleflasippt. Jac3-daw- si

i DR. H. J. HOLMES, SEN.,FIB. VAULT Sprics Starr, and recentlrof Braadoa

bas Heated ta Xempbis practice tbe rrttat bratuiiesef blserofejtl.a. Tor tbe last serenteeaTtarsbebasderoted bis atlestloa mora psxtieslarlr touterine diseases and aeddeets dartac partcrttion. Eelua a bUsoaDr. Hotaes.Jr.

Brrrai to Hon. Bnrr S Foote.Cbarles Scott, L.T. Dtion, A. X. Poote, Arery aad Join Kabert- -ca.PretVlento Xempb'a and UHl Bock Bal'road.OfPlCTt 169 Xaln atreet Reallege Conrt atreet,

below Tblrd. Office boara 8 to S A jc. and 4 to 6 P.ACntrts-S-si

DR. JAMES M. KELLER,RESPSOTTDLLT oSers bis praf esalocal serrloes to let

and Its riant.Els resllence la on XcCaB atreet, next to tbat of A.. Dvoslais.OBoe tn OreenlaWs Fild Irs. Xaln street, Sontb

J7ain, eecood fl wc. wbcre be roar be found at an boari,"aalfM --rxered JcnlT-d- lr

.DR. ORTXLLE R. EARLT(Let of Xlsslsarpra )

HAYIKO located prrasnenfix In Xempbis, offers bisterrlces to Its c'.ttxens and persons tn

tM tarroaadla cosatrr. Special attention wfil be sireato Obstetrical cases and aU diseases of acd chil-dren.

Besldraco ea tbe corner of Eeraaado aadBrown's Areoae. Office, SS Xsdlson street nyi lr

WAtXEB.... ........... V. M'COSmCO.

WAIXZR X'OOKKICa.Lawre--a, Xempbis."Oaoe, lie. 47 iocth aKe Oonrt Bqnare.

3apis. Traorn jko. c. rARAi-oTon..- .o. teases.

Yer-re- r. Farrington & Terger,attoexets at law, xExrais, txnk.

apIS-C- m

XVTt, R. ARICK,PB.SXTIS.1, Bolirsr Oonatr, Xlssus!ppl,Genrs!Land

Arksnsas arrl Xlsilsstppt.. iBtYzaxscES. 0t. n.-S-

. Pou, Xempbit: Brookefc BaMea. Tltktbara. apSJ-CS- m

r. , LOTEJ0Tf......................R. ?. BASTES.LOYEJOY & HARPER,

AnOBJCETS AT LAW, Cbarlistoa, Xlss.. winfoRoolos oosnttes-o- f Xcrth Xlssltttppl ;

TaHaaatcbie, Panoia. Talobsska. OarrolL Ssnflower;tbe Federal Conrt at Pontotoc, and tbe Eapreme Conrtat Jackson. Prompt attention wtB be paid tbe CoBec-Usn- oi

Clalos placed In tbctr bandsRUTSEXCES Watrra, Graft is Beatonj EoET

Bpriniv, Xlsa.t W. P. StearnA Oxlord, Xlss.; E 8,PHber. Jackson, Xlu.j Watt, k Xoeier, Kw Or-leans, La aplS-S-


ml( wsjr tbe Post Offloe Bcllilcx.lr

JSO. D. TROTTER,ATTORVEr AT LAW, Anstia, Tnslca conatr, Xlss.,

to tba parment ot taxes, redemption efland, etOejforf sited or sotd for taxes, and win promptly

ttead to tbe examination of laad titles la tbe comitiesef Tonic. Co "ions Bottrar and Weshlstcc


THEODORE C COXE,AT LAW, Xeapbl. Teaa. Office oaATTOSKEr OreenlaWs BnOdlar, between.

and Oa-e- so streets norSllp

M JOHV HAX.I.U3I,"a. TTOSKBT AT JAW, aad General Oofircter fet

West Tennessee OiSce Jefferson street. PostOSlce BnBdtrx sej

VFILLIA5I KEXSEDV, Jr.,AT LAW Offica orer Garcaa Bank BnBdAROBVBT street, Merapbls, Teaa. oylt-l-r

OIL. CHEIGHTON'Sornct eoubs

Tor attending Diseases of thsJEYJS AND LUNGS!

from toll a m aad 5 to i r. it,A The balaaos e." bja time win bo deratedist-ae- ru --raetMC

K. Bi Persona wlablax Dr. Creiib ton'sserrtces meat consnlt this rraaemect. (eblS-- tl

WILUAK x. roirox.























.....rmESAi t. icscsos.POSTOJf & SCRUGGS,Attoraoys a.t Xmck-w,- "

XEXPHI3, 7ZXK.OmCE a CVcrt Bomb Side.

TTTTLl. Eire tbelr Join atteatloa to pretetsloasl bcil-Y- Y

neaa'la tbe sereral Ooorti of tbe city ot Memphis,tbe Elereatb Jadlclal Oircnu cf Tenseaaeo aad of V'oitbXUsUslppl. tOOi-l-

W?.sni. V. E. ROGERS,, . mBa"tliproreiscal aerrlcea to tba cltlsens ofVjjCearpbl'. OSss, Sottb. side of Oonrt Sqnsn. ce

st Harrtf ' Jactt-- m

UB.T.t'.PEVTO..oq tbe comer of "effersoa and leeond streets,OPTICS BaUCln. imla-l- y

SLEDSX baa retcraed fron New Tort,BlJ.tr absence ef nine man tba, aad has effectedsocae astoaadtnc enroa la tbat city Be baa taken aacase at'Xs. XT Moaroe street, between Xela and Second

'atreeta, aal wW reaaase tbe practles ef Keatdce; wheretw brs for sals b is celeb rsted Coapoaads. AU calls

to, day or zdrnt. As be lateada tocatlnf penu-seatl- y

ta XeoipbK, sod tram tbe --rest success he baabad Is tba tree! meat of tbe rartoas dleeaaes, be thinksbe sbytldbare allheralpstro-s- x. from tbe dtlaena of

j Xenrpbla"tanS-dl- y

Dii. THOS. TATEf"bis to tbe dtlxxasof Xempbis and

0PPXB5 OfSctta corner of Seocnd aadwasblas-to- a

atreeta. mar"1-- lr

ISAAC Sf STEELE. E T. KOBO AS..WK. D. STEELE,eorlnctoc, Teaa. Xempbis, Tesn. Xempbis, Teaa.


practice tn theOocrts of WeatTea-Bese- es

OT.M cn Xaln- - St., in Trailer"! Block, Ko. 6, 24Boor, "pedal aUectioa p14 to tie conecUon of wauaa.

ocii-i- y

M. X). WELCH,AT LAW, AO tttiierl

ATTOUSKT ta ait cars rsa?Q7 Ittesdsl ts,csieTfiTU




THE HARDIN WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, ie.Snail's White Sclpiitb Sr-m- oi, I

Hardin jOcnnty, Trail., July IT, 1563. JTo He Eiiien ttf fie ArsjMi Ajpeal:

You will remember thit in one of my letter!from New Orleans I predicted that Mr.

Doog!ig, sometimes called toe

! Idresa, io. inn

here. hiveHunt


I n 1a

tornosax Ursa have get this













f IV Ull tt.o,M; v Wailj' IkU UI1U a UimjVl IkJUi . llVlt, IUU UCIIUiJ , HEMj (h in to ad-- I it if it pleases you your are free bornf mission of Kansas under the Leeompton Con- - I I have children institution. I foretold that he would have quite j dresa many a time, and they aweeteras x road to be is it, j prettier any I ever in a hoopas did Messrs. Van (Buren and Benton when I r corset



they attempted the sams "near cat" to I Tbe Bloomer dress is preferable to (he onepower, that like them he wonld realize I we wear; but it j masculine, and was Inthat" it is a fearful thing to fall intohands of the tiviog, wrathful Democracy." Iallude to these predictions aor, so muchto call attention to the fact that they havebeen already fulfilled, as ta deduce from theirfulfillment almost nt propositionthat the party will still be powerful enough in 1SG0 to maintain tbe Unionupon tbe be sis of Constitution, and that itla the only party li the country that ia likelyto combine both the vill and poirrrtoeflVctthat glorious object.

Douglas baa not only failed to carry withhim any Southern Democrats of much prominence, always Gov. Wise, of Va.,

ayleVli in

Ob y,eh

and see ifbe Did

anand draggled thelrrobes loose


for vrnnXX

Democratic oppositionAmerican. seen

it persisted and saw








wements opinions dress.


citiesginning long



he baa apparently little or no Im- - for it ia sinful for us to throw away(.reaaion on the Northern Democracy certain- - money and health, on these things. wely none on that Spartan band the up-- K church do you think we are thinking ofon whom we always relied assist us in the sacred place we in, or listening what

protection of the Constitut'.onal rights saying? No, some thinkingSo'ith. to that " Little we eln kneel in We get down some

Giant "himself exhibits symptoms of repea-bo- w do you think we pray? It is as muchtance amendment, and is believed to de- - as we can do to use our fans breathe.alrous of renewing fealty to the National When they have class the y,

we good be- - I dist Church and tbe leader goes andtbat the struggle in 1889 will restlt In ascs them all tbey feel, the ladles would

complete triumph of the frtesde of the answer truly, if they were ts say, Very un--atitution and tbe over Black Repub comfortable, indeed, I have broken mylicans and aU irta may play ite ifitir hand. I hoop, and my corset laced so I cannot

Have yoa seta, the great Fourth of July! sing or pray; would done better ifof Choate, of Boston? Ton bad at home, for I draggled my

ought to publish it. Coming as it does will have theman "Old-Lin- e Whig" ef tbe who is th to wash andgreatest orator and most leading man of all I such a when she baa flounces to washNew Eagland, it ia the deadliest blow Every gentleman should advocate tblsthat his ever yet dealt the anti-slave- reform, because the dress we now is verymen or xsontj, or all shades opinion, expensive,


from H. Seward down Lloyd Garrison Oh I wish I Empress of Unitedand Abby Tbe Tripsin-- , the 7tb. States a month or two; I makepublishes it, and is speechless It rage. women comfortable ia another dress, and beAs literary production, It has tbe highest contented to retire to private life. Oh, Icharacteristics of Choate'-peculi- ar geDlus,and j am an American, would cot wearmust be admitted all to be Surpassincex- - aa American dress. As proof of this, did notcei'ence. the nSDers us last winter that a ladv in

A very and pleasant visitors Washington, the wife of a Senator, madeis now assembled here and many additions are her appearance on the street in a Bloomerexpected ia the next two or three days. All I dress; a dress that is prettier, more convenient.

amusements usually found at first data healthy and modest than the one we wear. Sidwatering are In "foil blast" here. In I aayof us adoptlt. If wornseveral important respects I thlnkthese Springs it every woman in France have had I!

surpass all othera anywhere easy accee I on in two days and every woman in inof Memphis. It is eeotut summer resort, months. We have no King or Emperor in

y night, knew of; and tbe mere America, bat have a Queen her name Iscreature especially those of tbe Fashion rules us with rod iron she

table, seldom surpassed even at home. us do wrong us bring her toJ. P. P. j trial; it is her sceptre and crown were

broken and her throne overturned. Letwild wood. June 7 lass us con- -Te iln. L. firgkiU demn and exile her from our land, she

D-- a Madam I saw an article of yeuh it. More than this, she notthe Appeal, ia, which .ti.-- said ladles serve to live let her be bung and burned indevote of time and attention agri- - Then one will be free', and won't weculture. I agree with In tbls, and glorious time Can't we throughbe glad follow your advice. I like to woods and forest, gardens and orchards,walk round the farm papa, to aee bow apples flowers, h, feed tbe chick- -tbe cotton anj wheat are cm. I 3S, dance, and do great many other tilingslite to goto tbe cow pea to see the cows we caneet do bow in any comfort. Ob, wonldin tbe morning to the house to get I not be pleasant to get up the morning, putthe freeh for mamma. I would to J on a neat, comfortable dress, and ram- -

ather in tbe orchard, flowers in the ble about breakfast then sew, andgarden for my hair and the vases. how can! and music until dinnertime; tben inI do tbls Io hoops, corsets acd long skirts ? Before you succeed In mikjag useful, healthy wo-

men of us, you will have to divest us of thisuncomfortable, inconvenient, unhealthy dress.

While I am writing, I will open ray heart toyou on this subject, I do detest hoops, corsetsandlong, sweeping dresses; corsets, becaneethey are so warm and uncomfortable. Even ifyou don't lace them tight, the wbalebon.es will

break and stick you. Then tbey areugly and unhealthy. Hoop skirts are uglyenough when are new, and stand out rightall rouBd ; then yon bend them the first timeyoa ait down if you should have to get up foranything, and a dozen gentlemen were present,you would have to straighten It out before youcenld cross tbo room then yoa would turnover every chair and stool you passed, if youwere not very careful. we wear themtwo days, they are mashed and broken into allsorts ot shapes. I hate long skirts becausetbey are dirty, warm aad heavy. They wHldraggle yoa cannot keep them dean. Thenthis is so trouble, so bard to keepIn order. There is eo much on ourlong, full skirts. We always have hoops tomend and corsets to fix ; besides all this, thsycost ao much. Don't you agreo with ae, anddont you think yoa could fashion a dress forfarmer wires and daughters, would t;more comfortable, 'convenient acj pretty Jthan the one we wear? Odr city frlerdswould put it on when they come to see us. Tbenthey could erjoy the country. We would ram-

ble through tbe woods, and fish without fearof broken hoops and draggled skirts.

I will tell you what I think would do, and tobegin at the beginning, let us make a petti-coat body. Take a straight piece of do-

mestic or linen, measure it the right lengthin the waist, cut oat the ana-bol-es likeyou would for an infant waist, hem it inthe back, work button-hole- s; makethe shirt ; put three widths domestic in itlet it be short, let it be two or three inchesabove the ankle. .Next make the dress '.hisshould bs one width fuller than tbe petticoatInthe skirt, Tbe body should be exactly likethe "petticoat body, only high in the neck, andlong sleeves for the moralBg. This dress wouldbe convenient and comfortable; it should not beso full and long that one have to wear a

keep It out of the mud and dirt, andkeep ui from tripping up it woaVd betoo. An apron would be a pretty addition inthe moraine. A little lace made saqueor basque fashion, wo aid be pretty; this dresscould be made low in the neck with shortaleeve ; for evening it could be cosmed abouttbe waist with wide plaid scarf or blue ribbon.The skirt could be flounced. A white silkflounced with lace would be beautiful night,Tben we could make crowns of wire and ribonfor our balr, or wire and beads white swanbeads would tasks a beautiful crown, orfor those who can afford them. The presentstyle of dressing the hair is ngly and unnatur-al. Every day It Is twisted np in a hard footat tbe back ef tbe bead; when we are in fulldress (that is our biggest and tightestcorset) it is concealed beneath four or fivebraids fals hair it makes no difference howmuch one may have, or how pretty It la, onemust arrange It in this way because it is tbe

I know It would be free andunconfined, and that Is the way ortr maker

it' to be worn, for the Holy Bible tells usit was given tons as a vail, and it Is shame towoman if her hair ba shaven or shore. Somepersons say it wonld be in the way; not morethan corsets or hoops. Well, it could be part-

ed the back ef tbe head and confined undereach ear with a bow of ribbon with long floatingends. Next thing Is the bonnet, it ii uglyevery one will acknowledge. Flats would beserviceable and pretty in their place; tbeycould be made of any material and trimmed to

suit the taste of the wearer. Don't you think

this drees would do? if yoa do cot, plene thinkof one tbat will.

Some persons might say this dress wonld be

Immodest and ugly. Our mothers wore dressesas abort I neer heard that they were im-

modest, and we all know every thing tbat isfashionable is As an Instance of this,did not all of us declare hoops were ugly, andvow we never would wear them. DId'nt we atlast conclude we prefered them to whole boltsof domestic, (I cant see tbe necessity of wear-ing either,') and don't we think tbey are btaatifvX now? Then let ua make oanelves comfortable.

The dress I speak would be convenient,eomforttMe,.healtby, and notaa expensive as!tbe one ws now wear; it wonld suit ail eyesand classes. The old ladies, who hate, to fol-

low the Iaahlons, would say we wear it be-

cause It is convenient and comfortable. You,my dear Madam, write to L. A. Godeyand zi him to bring Tt cut iq the'icJy'r Book.Tben the youur ladies would say, we. wear it

cams oat tbe lait' LadyU Book.Tola Would be s good and reason.

forget, thtr will it is not a Frenchtbe French bare more tasta

than we The French always lnitUxtoted fashions ferns. upyourold Ladv'tBook the plates are pretty.Thia drees would pretty. a poet orpainter er picture ideal in a corset, hoop

ahirt ? No ; areand their free andDo, ay dear Madam, use your.eloquent pen andInfluent UK. Manv nt nm Msd

TU a

party the asuch

lookedhard travel, than one

andthe troduced by the women of tbe Womans'

Rights ; this Is the reason it wasI not wore. The gentlemen opposed becausethey were afraid would their senti

and with their The ladies were afraid it would be thought tbey did,89 we continued to wear corsets andskirts.

I have heard that children in are beto wear corsets and dresses.

Well, it Is for reform, if your health ia tobe ruined and your little bodies tortured in thisdress. Doctors should advocate this reform,for they know better than any tbe evil re

from corsets ; should advocatebut made I time

I Whenof North I to

have to are tothe of Soa are are howthe Add this tbe hoops.

and be I andhis I meetings at

and have reason to aroundHere tbe I how

Con I

Union tbe I sir;Is tight

1 have Ispeech Rufus I stayed have

from I flounces cooing here- - NannyNorth, ahe always makes

fuss andprobably iron."

been to weartne of

Wm. to dear, was theKelly. of would the

over with I

a all forget, 1 and

by ofI tell

gay company of I badI


I wouldwithin a America

tbe twoand that I we ;

comforts," I ; she a cf ;are makes very ; let


rrnch: I her for: in deserves does de- -

should ;more their to effigy.

yoa would have a ! rambleto would

with gather andcoming would a

milked; chicken It ia

eggs like pretty,applet until ; read

But practice

bend, in





;drees much



thenof ;

wouldhoop to

; pretty,




in hoops

of ;

fashion. prettier,in-







the evening pat on a pretty white dress, con-

fined fbeut tbe waist with a scarf, and ourflowing tresses crowaed with natural flowers,one coald take up a book and wait in the parlor for company or take another rtmole.

I could siy much more on this subject, butleave it to you, dear Madam, and othera whocan say it much better than I can. In conelusion, I will say, if you undertake this taekand succeed, you ought to-b-e considered a publicbenefactor asd a greater heroine than Joan ofof Arc ; if yoa fail, you have done your duty,Let others do theirs.

Tonre, trnjj,COONTRT OIRL.

Union Eebool near Flewellln's h Beads, SeSotocounty, miiiinppi.

Par tbe Xempbis AppeaL

The closing exercises ef this institution, forthe first session of 1859, took place on tbe 14thnad 15tb Inst. The examination, which occupied nearly two days, was conducted by thePrincipal, in the presence of a committee and agoodly number of visitors.

It waa thorough beyond any we bad ever wit-nessed In a similar institution, and clearlyevinced that thorough work bad been performedduring the session, by both teachers and pu-

pils. The latter acquitted themselves nobly,and did justice to the other scholars permit,we Muld specify instances of proficiency inthe various branches, rarely net with, ofwhich parents irxi friends may well be proud.Oa tbe evening cf the second day, a concert ofInstrumental and vocal music was given by thescholars and others, to a large and appreciativeaudience, which conclu ed the exercises. Theinstitution is ia a very flourishing condition,and is rapidly growing in reputation. Manyof tbe scholars during the past session werefrom other counties of tbe State.

Tbe people of this county and tbe neighboring counties should rejoice tbat such a schoolis located in their midst, furnishing, as it does,every facility fer acquiring a finished educa-tion. The advantages for moral and religiousimprovement are, we believe, unsurpassed any.where. The school is under the superintendence of Mr. E. L. Pirkins and his accom-plished lady, aAlited in the various depart-ments by another competent teacher. We learnthat the Increased patronage renders necessaryan addition to the female house, which will bemade before tbe openinz of tbe next session.Mr. Pirkin is singularly fitted for the positionbe occupies, being a finished scholar and agentleraea of great worth. We heartily wlahhim and his school a long career cf useful-ness. F.

Leu ii by Banks.Tbe Memphis --f ralancAc appears to regard

tbe Citiiens' Bank as broke, and asks " whatIs to become of the Of coursetbey are to be tbe losers they have receivedthe notes as money, and can hoard it as longas they choose now without apprehensions asto depreciation. Br this time thev on-- ht to Vie

sufficiently accustomed to being "done7' inthis way, and atoica enaoch to bear tbe inflic-tion without a gToan. Have they not, withina few years past, been lefUvithtbe bag to holdby the

central naix, cr itasnvwe,APTieultnral Bank, of Brownsville,Bank of East Tennessee,Exchange Bank.

besldea being compelled to upontbe depreciated paper "of the banka of Clai-borne, Jefferson, Dandridge, Trenton, &c Sore-ly this time r- ought to be able tostand almost any Infliction bank men maychoose to visit upon them ! i)

The losses which these repeated failurescause to tbe benest masses who receive banknotes, In payment ot debts, and in exchangefor mercbandiss, produce, &c, and tbe evilsarising from the peculiarities of banking inTennessee, call loudly for relief. We agreewith our Democratic contemporaries thatsomething must be done, and that as speedilyas possible. Whilst we cannot go wltb themfor an exclusively metalie currency, we areready for other reforms, which shall makebanking more reputable and deprive it of Itspower to injure the people. KmhtilU Patriot.

ItuisiA. In Russia the Emnernring about him every man belonging to the pro- -grasaiTo paiiy. aub iiDinet is impressedwith the necessity of approaching westerncivilization, and the next generation will notfind tnvtraee.of serfdom in Russia. ThisEollcy is opposed by the old Russian party,

by Prince MenscbikofF. The old Ger-man party, beaded by Prince Neaselrode. hasnot much influence. Russia is on the veryworst terms with Austria, and on the very bestwith France. England ia by nq means popular,and 'Russia Jhreatens toTrnake any alliancehostile to Great Britain. Russia Is very activein Turkey, not to create any revolt,bat to gainthe feelings or tne unrlsuans.

SiKGVLAx- - The Worchster (Mar-lan- d)

Skidd says : .A correspondent at New Townwrites bb follows: "We have living in bisplace a negro woman, aged about fifty years,namtoTHannab Smith, who presents the rarephenomenon of a ntgro ttrping uhiU. Thischange haa been produced by the absorption ofthe --itrom, or coloring matter ofthe skin. Her body, arms, legs and breast areentirely white, with tbe exception of somespots, varying in die from a dims to i.bilf-dis- s,

disptrm overUtr body osd Lpbi.



The PopePods Pious IX. entered on thethirteenth year of bis pontificate on the '7or June.

Mastadok. Tbt keleton of a laree mastadon was discovered near New York lastweek.

Ncoxoxa. The ouestlon Is mooted in Chicago whether "negroes can ba taxed, as "theybavn't the rl-- ht to vote.

Ixmotautt.-No-w is ths time for me- - GESERAu COjIMISSIOJ' aiEHCHA5T3diuma and clairvoyants to achieve immortality.w cert's mat ocean leiegrapu?

AbBested The Mavor. one of tbe council- -men and a numbe'ref the police ot Jersey City,im. j.,Davs neen arrested lor stopping stagestbat were driven recklessly through tbe citystreets.

ScraiMACT. The Canadian press expressanurehension that the discovery of the metallicrtenness or tne r raetr river country win enlinger Britisn supremacy in mat quarter.

Abtesian Wells. There are about ooe,bcnilred artetian wells in Iroquois county, Illinois.Their average depth Is about 125 feet, and theircost anout aw

BEDrsixows. In Kansas, two weeks ago,Miss Irene Baker, a eirl of seventeen, marrieda man or seventy-eve- , from admiration or oneof bis political speeches. Thus Is a comaonsavins verified " politics mike strange bed- - Isecce rsmx.. tt. itrseshlt.fwa. & STDRESHLY.

Vesuvius At last eruption of MERfiTTATTTRMount Vesuvius, after a few hour.' apparent PweTnTslull, continued with great activity. So far,however, not a ainsle life bad been lost. Therewere seventeen openings from which ths burn--ltg lava nowea.

Gov. Willaxd. Tbe Lafayette Journalsaya that Governor Willard has ao farrecover- -ed from nia recent dangerous attacK or Illnessan to be able to be out. He is unable to speakabove his breatb, and fears are entertainedthat he will never recover the use of his voice.

Hoos. returns from fifteen counties in Kentucky mske the segregate number of hogs oversix monies old iJ,3ii, against oza.iz in tnesame counties last year, and iioio year before last.

Comet. Tbe Nantucket Inouirtr savs afaint telescopic comet was discovered by MissMaria Mitchell, of that town, on tbe eveningor tne 1st inst., in tne constellation or Leo. itwas seen on the 4th, 5th and 6th. Itsis so low that she is enabled to obtain suchmeasurment as will prove it to be a new one,or snow mat it is one neretorore seen

Mukdek. At a nie-ni- c in Anderson countv.Kv., last week three brothers named Miller.excited by liquor, got Into a quarrel. Three orfour men interfered to prevent violence andpreserve peace, when the brothers turned onthem and killed two. Tbe Millers ware ar-rested and confined In tbe Jail at Lawrenceburg.

Actor Rev. Mr- - Stricklandand Rev. Cbas H. Weeks, both formerlv connected with the theatrical prof eision, preachedin New York last Sunday ; the former at theHarlem Baptist church, and the latter at theFifth Avenue Baptist church. Tbe attendanceat each place were' large, and the sermonsquile able and Instructive.

Muaoxx At Bertrand, Wisconsin, seve-ral days ago, Joseph Fuller was murdered bybis step-so- n, a lad about fourteen years old.Mr. F., though married, bad Dot lived with blawife for tbe past two years. At the time "ofthe murder he was trying to get his wife tosign a deed. A disturbance occurred, duringwhich the boy took up some apparatus belong-ing to the stove and struck Mr. F., upon thstemple, killing him almost instantly.

k C. . T. i i n n - .euiu tug Brig ci ltYork, has been as slaver Actinglannui oarage, at utvana. ine owners ofthe vessel, while Uie examination was going on,sent Mr. Savage an envelop covering $1 000bill. Tbe bearer of the document could not befound. Tbe Ptrkim mysteriously sank in theharbor, and the money will be appropriated totne expense or raising ner.

We tare on band a latie si-p- ly of


Two of the best brands of Hemp Bagging.Also, a lane stock of tbe best

iti: a c ii i zv e hope.both of wbicb we offer rr low to tbe trids CountryXercbsnts and Planters rUltlcj tbe city for tbo parpesaof 1st let - tbeir srpp'y, woald do well ta call oa as, aa- c leu wuub hub 1 1 micresi io ao so.


Jjfztc Arrivals,THE Third Volmns of BandaU'a Lite ot Thomas

wbicb completes tbe work ; now realy fordellTerr- -

XeialticWealtb of tbe United States, br Wkltaey,lane 8 rt.

Rural Poetry of tbe Zo-li- tb Laarasce (Ue--t ratio- - tbeseatoa sad month of tbe yesr, tbelr Chans, &e , S mo,

Tbe Practical Xercaatlle Letter Writer, contain In-

form far laroicea. Account Sales, BiHa Lad inc. aadBills Excbsnae, bp W. Anlereoa

ThiPiobels.cr Xormonira UnrrlleJ, !lh Illa.lrs-tle-as

A Beriewof tbe Rer. L. A. fLowry'e Letters, and aof W It. aTRAKOE & CO.

Jr trader OdJ Fellow's Hstl.

A LADT. a resideat of tbe Sonta. who teaches Draw.XL Ur snd Palatini la Oil; Grrctsa and Oritat.IPalatini, Leather Wore, Ac Alw. Xntteontheftaaoand Gn tar, anl French wishes a sltaitlon for a (horttime in Xempbis. Beat of references tiren. But s imailrenomerauon rtqairra. snqaire st this osce.

WithtlraicaUT HAVE tb s dsy withdrawn from tbe nnn of O00D- -AMitauu. w. W. X1LAX.

Jaly 1, 1868.

NOTICE.TBE tadenizned will oontlnas tbe COTTON and

ba- - laesa nader tbe arm cf CO JDLErr St CO..aad wonld rerpeettany ask a fnrtber absre of tbe pst--

OFP CE No S3 Pront Row, np stairs.R. D. GOODLETT,

ra w. n. GOODLETT.

Dissolution.rpnB Copsttaersblp beietoJore exlstlm etwtenC. C,JL aeares and n. L. Gclon, under tbe Bra came

of CLEATES & OCION, la tbls day dlssolred by aratnalwia. u v. iearee taara see assets or the nna aod

pays the debts, aal la hereby solely anttorlsed to aliatbe name of tbe firm la of Its afalrs, sad

O. C. CLE17E3,H. L. GOION.

Xem pal Teaa.. Jaty 1 , 1S38. fjt-l- m


B. WALKER & BROS.,79 Front Row, cor. of Adams Street,


J WALKER & CO.,217 Main Street, opposite Odd Fellows' Hall,Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers

la ereryrarlety of

Ucady-Mad- c Clothing.TT7Z bare reoeired and are still recelilni from onrV V maunfaotory la Philadelphia, ths larteat and best

seieara sixx or ricn aaa faahlonaala Clsthlnr ererorooiasu&esieaipnissurxet.

To tho Iiadics.We are Daw eaenlnc a saleadld assortment ef Paretm

aad Doses' is Dry Goods, coaalstlaisf rich fsncy Dressuooui uouiewn a .aiiatrioo ana noaaced Robesla 80k Grecailae. Berete. Ortaadies and Lawa. Oreatbarsalna la Black Silk SPRING XANTILLAS. SilkLaos aad Sue all Lace Kastirtae.

which we larlta theatteatlim ot oar castomera.

LINEN GOODS it all kinds Rlcbardsoa's Barkler'saad other breads.

COTTON GOODS la XnaUas and Cambrics ot ererrtrade and pries. WebiTSa tall stock ot Preach Embroider! srery cheap.

uiorei. Hosiery, etc. caolce slyles Printed Jaosaetsaad Ortaadlea; plain Xatlla do LslniJ a tall Has efBmssels aad S;rw Ooods.

PAR A3 JLS A tall line ot rich Brocade and Plainroaltdo Sole and Sstta de Chine Para sols and Nudes.

uuu-BAU- sxten&irc rarieues.Olnrbaos, Calicoes, etc.Wo hare In storo tbe larcrst aad ctost ccmrjleta atrk



To Pltntoraand Country Merchants,WslaTttetheparUcalarattintloncf tbe Planter and

Country Xsrcbaats and Riser Traders to onr Immensestoek before imrcbaslc-lrfwhsr- e, as we are maaatae-tnrlnio- ar

Clslblni PIIR TniS XAREST.and are cnabbd ta sen onr roods at RASTBRN PR1CBSOar stacker NEGRO OLOTBINQ Is Isrce aad of themoetdnrable-oallt- ,. B. WALKKR St BROS,,

TS Pront Row.J. WALXBK&CO.,

31T Xala atreet.113 North Third street

Pbbslelphla. tarlsdly

Proclamation,TJT UnAX G. HARRIS, Gorcraor ot the.jj "la'e of Teaaessee:

To tbs Sheriffs or tbe serersl ceocUes ef tbeStste ot TeLmaMe Ton ate bereby command'el to ol as election, at all tbe places of hold-I- n

electjf i In year resprcttre csontlee, on HURS- -DAT. tjrsfcona osy of oept-m- er next, for tbe pnrpoteJt elect b I a Supreme Jadze la tbe Wettera Grand Dl- -rliloncf the Slate, to 611 tha racaacy created ay Ibedeath ef Wiuiam R. Harris, aad das rrtara raake

to law.ia teaumsay whereof, i hare heretmta set

armr band, aad canied tbe Great Seal of tbe1 Mat- - to bs aaxed at cfSa, la NaibrlHe, tbls'0'litdayef Jaly, ISS3

BaBbe Got rnor : ISHAX G HARRIS.J. X. R. RAT, Secretary of State.

New Spring Goods!

It Reduced Prices.JAMES I SIREfTT g CO.

bow reneiriat; a fall sbKk ot SPRING ANDARB 1AKCI AND STAPLE DRT GOODS,eobraclacantce aoreMler st tbe seasoa. Tsney SilkD'ess Goods, eo per cent less tnaa former prices, soysand Xea'a CloUUn-- S Boots aad Shoes. Hats, Sic OnrGoods hsrici bent boasbt fer Oasb, wo are enabled tosen at macb lowvrjrLi tbaa formerly. Call aad see.

JAJS.K3 A. BIUKEIX UU.,aslS- -t f No. MS Xala street.

THe'cITS-- DISPENSARY.P. OPEN BYE ST XORNIKO frcta 8 sntll .'clock,

where the destitute sick may receire, iretaltonsly.amzicine aaa snrtKai assistance. Thote wiabiai them--eirex or cnmreti Tacctaated caff car-- it doae by apply-t- ai

Prqmptaeal reoalied. J A. LOVE, X. D.lcnl-t- f R. H. TAYLOR, X. D.

fiEXERAL 8TEAMB0AT AGENT.Mo. Vi Madison Street,

mylS-dl- m XEXPHIS. TENN

John Brown,UitPBttTHB OOXXERCULnOTBL, Is rrepsred to

itatleasea wltb bla 8)t Ran prepari.ttoas and otbr T.lc fnr the hr - reb3-

T ANTIRN3 Alsrrslot, said tobaSacito ths tKrw--xj oicti? pn m seia rr

te b. r. 7isxsrrctm k 00--

--- rslC jei.

justness. Cartrs. B. IHABPE x.y. ESTZS.




duplicate ODrNorth-r- n or Xiiterotrl wltbW-w-lltte same, cr braacs llr toed, from 1 box to

1.000 ljtia.m::gensburger,


Trunks, Valises & Carpet Bags,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

334 MAIS STREETaad Coanlrr Xcreaantr aal tbaCITT reams, are iarltcd to ex am

iss mr stock, waioa, la aaiitr and,cheapness, is eg--a! to. aar manotactnrextona or weix.t

Work done to ofd-- r faQj tnsrantled. Ai; kinds of Re--paltins done wltb neatnesa acd dltpatcb.oracra prompiir attended to.


BHU anddee


accounts the



TT71LL par strict attention and forward with dlsVV patch, all roods Intnuled to oar care.Rxves TO Xrssrs. Cotansa & Co.. Xesira. W CozfA

Go.,Xessrs. W. A. Tlolett i Co.. Xetsrs. Pstton'ASinUh.

BAM. PUTNAMIl tbe scent of tbe shore boose In tbls cltr. andprepared to make contracts forforoardlnx. and to attend to all settlements aad other baslatss of tbe arm.

mr.i-1- 7

Is. E. X0KBIS.. B.


Machine Shop.B. E. NOBBIS & CO.,

MANUPACTTntBRS ot Biesm Zaxtoei, Saw XlOs,Henao Wotk asch as Pronti,

WiadavCapj, fc:. Steamboat repaints sad Jobbinxwora e.ery aetenpuon auencea to promptly, personasendlnt their work to rs can rely on xettlnx it at tbetime promtaed. We are prepared to execet- - orders furoiesm KEimes ana saw Mills on rerr snort notice, andas low as tbt can bo broatbt fron St. Lonis or Ctnctn--nsu or taeeaiaeqnauir of work JjJ dawlr


Carriage ManufacturersAnd Bcalcrs,

Xos. 3, 4 & 5 Exclianee Uttlldlngs,MEMPHIS, TEA'N.

TTAVs sow oa bond ons.of.tbe Urtrst and best select--a.a. va i wu ox


Carriages and Buggies,



Brerclred!nthli9srkt. narlns bad a leo erpert- -enc lame oastaess we know tbe wants of the conrnmn--attT. and feel warranted la sarlax. tbat ear facultiestor oataiaiac xooa work are sasnrpassed tj aar nocae Intbe Sontb. Carria-e- s of ererr desctlptloa bnUt to ordersal work Eaaraatled. All klads ot repalrln cone wltbneatness ana ditpstek.'

jbbtz sen j. a. wixj uBurr & co.

o.seized a by








A. J. WALT & CO.,






jGllOCERIES,Foreign and Domestic Liquors,

WINES, CIGABS, FliUITS &C,l?o. 208 Main Btreot,

dedt-i- t XEXPHIS, TRKX.


P. FLAVIOHAS tbt pleasnr to aaaonace to Als friends aad tbe

pnbuc leneranr, thalhehaabeea sppolated br M fears.Stodart St- X orris, of 1'ew Tort, Ax cut for tbo sals ot8TODART PIANOS.

He ts bow opening at tbeir slcre en Xsdlsoa street,few doers treat tbe Union Bank, a lsrx stock wblcb willbe sold st Asv 1'ort price,. mr&Vawlr

J.C.GRIEEING&BRO.,Commission Merchants,


FOUD, Ulur.Wlli fc CO.,OIGN of tbe BiaT Collar. UIO Xaln street, epposito Oeart ,frIi.Bfae'nrer. snd wbolesalo aad V.A4retail dealers In 8add!erT andHarnees, snd General A ten' afor tbe aale ot Gin and XUIBands ot ersry desaiptloa.Esep csBslantly aa ban4. forsale low for Ctsb or prompt rsr.a larte assortment of Saddles, S?Sr""'i(BrWes. and Xarttnials. Bnrrr.CarjU-- e Stase, Waioa, Dray aad Plow Harneas, BUadBridles, CoKars, Hs-i- es, Whips, Saddle aod Carpet Bats,ic.. Ac. Saddle Trees, Saddlery aad naroe-- e tiaterlals,Paleat aad Esaneied Leather and Clotb. SblrtlaiUpper, Sole.Laelnc aad Whan-Leath-

Deer Skins, fee, St.--.

Harlsi a practical knowled-a- et cBrbarlnes,wohopoto pease. Work made to ordered warranted.TORD, BBTJBTirft CO.,man daw Saao-eto- rs to K. J. B. L. Winn.


8S Third-Stree- t, between aiark-- l aad Jeffsraea? lodis7ILLe,i:t.,OPPXas to the panic Grid Pens or bis own

wblesale aad retail, warranted tonal to anymade ta tbe coan'ry

GOLD PENS REPAIRED AND REP0INTED.OM Pens sent by nst! .accompanied wltb 60 cento la

taoaey or aUmps.wlu be repaired aad retnrned by aextE"a- - fehlS-daw- ty

NBW MUSIC 8T0RBNo. C Prorine & Stewart's Block.

JAMES A. McCLURE,annoencea totbecitbeaaof Xempbis

aadpabHoxeaeialiythathelaepeBloca Srst dssPIANO AND MUSIC STORE Ills stock of PIANOS.XELODEONS, VIOLINS, GUITARS, PLOTES,

aad In fact erery Ihlnt beloaiint to theuB.uj-.- ., wi tarae ano or me neat qnatity.

Hlastxkof SHKBTXDSIOand. XDSia boots wincomprise all of tbo stsn!ard andpopnlarpieceaottbeoa,, aisiinxoi?o's, roix.s, w allies, schottlscbea.

.iMusu., r.sunin,uBlur JKOMC. CSC, ACHis Planes will ba from tbe celebrated mske.-s- , St senwsy aad A. n Gale & Co , New Tork.Plaaos Tented aad rent arnlled oa sale.N S. All kinds of Xn'lcal Initrnmenta renalrnl In thm

oess manner nemeaoer Prorine & Stewart's Block.

O. X. B0B1-I- 05 r.s. TOCIS

COTTON PACTORS,Ileal Estate and Produce Brokers.


3 TVrovm toIjJjs, Toioiaa

Notice.bare tbls day asteeUted wl.h ss la tbe Laad

AteocyboslBess, W. JL AEICC rrenttss, BoHrsrcennty, XlsA.tobry and sell Xliftsslppl Bottom Lands.Tbe style of ibe firm will beROBINSON A TOCNG, TT. R Aft! OX.

empaii, xenn. preniiis, liississippl.

IVotice.We bsre tbe followlni. and a lares number ot scalier

tracts of lands In tbo ssaereitraefccuatry, for sale.s:l.fOOacrrs. stxmllesfrom nsrixstlon. on tbe Talla.

batcble riser, la SoaSower county, Xlselsslcpl.I 285 acres, 600 ot ehlcb Is deadened, IS miles from

the Mississippi rtrer. In BoHrar county. Xlf sissippL1,500 aces, 909 of wbicb Is ta cultlratlsa, Starlet

from the Xbtlssippi. in BHIrar Xisttssippl.SO acres scmsSOOof wbicb Is cletrtd. s'mlles from

tbeXisslislpplrlTer, In Bollrar county, Xlsslsslppl.z,CO0 seres, 300 of wbicb Is In eultlrstion, frontln t on

tbo Xlsslsslppl in PbUHpa county, Arkansas.I 600 scree, 150 of which Is la eultlrstion and aOOmare

deadeaed. frcntla-o- n the Xlisiaaipnl nrrr.rla, Chicotcounty, Arkansas.



B.ooo acres, 1,000 or wnlcn it deadeaed, aloes on tbebsjoa snd extending aetess tbe tract, 10 miles from tboMississippi rlrer, wh:cb will aesoM la sncb sl Irsctsto suit parcbaeer- -.

109 acre., about 700 ot wbleh Is now In a blib ststoof col tlrallon some tweirs miles from tbs Xtailaalonlrlret, and contl-uou- s. to a railroad la Chicot county.Arkansas.

apt-- tf



I III III' I Willi

8,000 yards of DRESS SILKS,WI ejSCaJ , rnt pn(Tla

200 BERBGE ROBES.rery low prices.

ItA'Wm'B, OHGATTDIES, BEHEGES,By tbs jard from 10 cents upwards.

We coauaet to reduce tba prices ca tho abort Goada

On the flrst of May,ladcoatlnaadutlnxtke season, aa we wish to redaeo oar.stock ot Goods. We would politely tbe Ladles 1

can tad bay btrtalas atE. BABINDS & CO.,

rarl-- tf gM MAIN STREET.

C. K. & SON.







Cabinet JflaJcersABD

ITiVIXEKTAKERS,Main-St- ., Old Stand, below Monroo.

(Tbe clinl ptnunett tlaxi sjs lit effyj

HAVE constantly oa hand air abes of Patent MetallicCanes, wbicb tbey line and put op alMixM

la tba vest manner. Also, ail kinds of Wood and ClothOerered CofSnsywh leb thep sell at a fair price".

OnKrs frcsi ttscoe-t- rj prsapr tiurdtd to, aad Per.&Usrt tsAds a&f rejilred, sad Upbc'.sterl- B- tic-t-4.

" " f'2Ir




$orrip" fete.'PILOmOB IKON COMPANY.


JP IG I JR. O --&

Coasbnllr en baad and for Sale.OFFICE, 34 COMMERCIAL STREET,

ST. LOUIS.jko. a.

Jos. B. Pease. Secretarr.


Uccvm, PreslaeaL. febU-dl- r


ooMinssioiy & forwaediko sieechakts,xo. its aaivnra sr., nbw obliass.


OBSBRS far SootberakBtaptes carefallr and

BTtnsUr attended U.Xercbaadlia aad


dace receiiod and forwarded acMrdla ta laatrnctloaswith dijpatcb. Prrlibt by ssll onstean contracted far

Beves to OookkCo..J 0 Oriai-- k Bro.. Speed& Btraaie. Ilannab & Sbanks. marl dlr



General Commission Agents,Tot tba ParcbM aad Sale or

STOCKS, BOiVDS,Boal and Personal Estate,

PnODUCE, &c. "'Office South Adger'a "Wharf,



Ner WIiarf-Boa- t,













BEBTHOLD, SMITH 00.,Siuceuort

HOUSEMAN SMITH,Wliolesale Dealer sin

Foreign and Domestic Liquors, andRECTIFIED WHISKY,





PAPEB3 OP AlVT. KINDS,PRINTERS' IXlvS, &c--2Main"strcet- - toulsville, tty.decXMawly

X. O. SitlTrt .




Not. IS and IS WaU aUe Second street, betwsea Xslaaaa water,

Louisville, Kentucky.aaUO-l- y

Dntt5trj.B. HOWCOTT,

Aiiiiixiar,ircrrum w rmwm.

ALL DENTAL OFERATIO.VS performed at ao abortnotice, aad uraatled. Once oa Xala street,oppcslte tbo Worsbaa hoote tasll-dl-r

TEETH! TEETH I TEETH !n.u.uuiu3,r. Dental sa'ieon. has ,u nmorea his oace te otark's Xeibte

Block. Entraace Xaclaoa street. whentUall oseratieae la SaraKal sort XmuiiuiCeatlatry la saeatlneally petfarmed aad warraated.

marii-a- m

DRS. BRT.SON ft. CROITRM..i li.iiign, ai7 Jinn iireet, opoetto Old

reriowa- - uaii, Jteajpail, TeaaeMe- -.ap ly


m nn


Dentistry.Drs. Bryan & Cole,

SURGEON DENTISTS,Main Stroot below Union,

ta rrOTiae At Stewart's New Bnildini. Sontb WM.A Rs now rnny prepared to an

aa. operauoaa appenatamc to tae profSAsioo i tozriaer wua au ue aew QeprareDnU la ArtMcial wnrk

Oneof Ibe&rmcaBbofeasdattbeoaveat all time.W u JIKX AA

Pt-- T J. O OOLB.

v DR. G. We ACREE,Dentist ,

COtntr STREET, CORNER BANE ALLET,uyeniwi ,ienomiea in theAi.urwi nuaaer wltb tb Ifa.I.f

poaslMo pala. Fall or partl.l aetts orllteetb laserted wltb raw latest inrBrcr-e-ments and Solreat Preo Baok nainey takena oar when theeasb ts pain down ocOT-dl- y

la taam donfertaSe

ICE CREAM SALOON.P. 11. Hclnrleh te Bro.,

TXJILL open their eiecsnt Saleoasii row ror the receptijoof-as- K, where

mcH-iici- oa anx c otmi DeTerss-- s er tae' can b. bad. Ice Cream. Pratta aad

all kloda of conlectloaeries. We shall he lad to see aadentertalacnroklesatosera aad tb' pnsiietn ceneral.

P. H. fe BRO.,rd-- tf Ko 137 Xaln Street.



Iter- -


No. 220 1XMjo. Stroot.LROCCObeialeare to Inform the Ladles and Gen,

and rtdnlty, tbat bis

ICE CREAM SALOONIs now open for tbe reception ot Vl.ltors, and will bepleased to see bis old aad aew easterners. He bas nttreceirea a new

Soda Water Apparatus and Foroe.lain Fountains.

Aad Is prepsred to msaafaetnre a pare article sf3 to X --flu "W AT3 I


"CONFECTIONER,A-- 4 dra'er la an kind, of





Wholesale and ItctallCANDY MANUFACTOKY,

Wo. 67 Front Bow.TITAN IT17L to bit frteads aad tbs public for tbe rery

pttronace exteaded to him for the last twetreyears. X. LOOTS XONTEDONICO bees leire to toromthecttlxeas of Xempbla aad rletnlry. tbat be will con-stantly keep ea band a large assortment of tbe best Im-ported Wlaes Clarst, Port, Xsdetra, Wbite, &c; also,Scotch Ale and Loacoa Porter. Alto tbo beat Brandies.wanaated to be pare and --eaalae.

X. L. XOXTEOO-IC- O alwars teese an band a rr-- .trarlety of Fancy Caadlea aad Tors, aa assortment ofstick Candy, Prunes in ere aad box-- s. Ratlins, Grapes,CTerr kind of Pralts and Not.. v-- T.t... a,,.dla-- a, Olires, French and Enrltsb Xastard, Sntar, InIf1' and boxes, Caracao. XarafcbUo, Old wines, Gtnier,Preserres, Sarannab, New Tork and Bistoa Preserres,Cats ap. Pepper Sauce, Chocolate, Cordials, Syrcps, Xae-earo-

Venaacelll. the best Baraaa Clears, aad a --realmany other articles toonam-ro- as to mention, now if.fered for sale rery low, either by waolesSle or retail.no would be glad to wait oa bis oM csstomen wi aamany new ones as miy call upoa tint, protnlsln- - themcenalnt articles and xaod barnlaa mr-l- y

MEMPUIS FOLMJIWJflacliine 8hojp


B. PB2CI.ON,MA VHP A CTTTRER of euttoaary e, SawXUls,

and Cotton Factory Machinery, Pgrce aad LiftParana of an klads aad aires Circular Saw Mills, withone or two Saws- - Cast aad Wroccbl Iras Rallia- -, Sal-co- ay

BjiUni, noase Proots, Window Csps aad Sills aadDoor Sills of various patterns I Bank Vaults, Ax. CarWheels for passraier, frail bt aad parel cars ; all ktadsot Railroad work done Steamboat repairing eadjobttelot all kinds promptly attended to. Stationary Ecgmesaad a large amount cf other work kept constantly on bind,



PROF. B. H. CAPERS, EDITOR:ARRANGEMENTS bare enally been perfected for the

cf thlsXagaxine.and weire able to ainoanoe tbe Issue of tea first number inJone. Tbe copy Is already In tbs hands of tbe printer,and tbe work progreislax aa rapidly as tbe Issslcg of aflrst aamber win permit. The Editor deems himself itt

la secartnz tbe Tinting st Ue extesilre Bt

of tbs Morning Bunetia Company, wboM on.surpassed faculties aad well established reputaxtoa,gmaraales a atyls st typogrsphy wo thy tba liters rr char-acter o(ibe work.

Oarftleods at bom and abroad wm please tcrtrardtbelr labscrlptions at as eir.y a day as practicable, thatwe may Sx upoa tbo stse ot our edition, as tbe work winnot be strreeytrpee-- .

sect will be at tbe CouaUag-Roo- m ofthe BaDetla Company, IS Xadlson street, tbe EditorialBoom orer tba Rlrer Baok. corner Xala aad Xadlsonstreets. Setters may be addressed to tbs Editor, otto tboBanetta Oompany. Ths following are tbo

Terms ot Sobscrlptloa, tsrarlabiy la adrancaSlagiecoiTOt tbe Organ aad curlew, sod6cpl " ,4M" " ' " " . S5 0S

50 " " " 0 00

J " ' " too sopstroclta Sonth-j-n lite-

rature anil enter-ris- e, we win icbii.hMm.,.,.oa"-- iifj-c- nf s of oar rjclrerltles,Ccll-tesandSch- o U,iwu.raiiaiwiriHu; ui&suai-- a ana neatry pflcied onSne celort d pjper. all ichtd to each aamber cf the Xag-aiia- e.

Tiiofe wishing th'tr appear latbs Bttt -- saber, Till pisai fcrwsrl tbsirfarorg wtincaticrxm atui. . BTZMnriTt

APPEAL.""" :

Motion Baxters,X. A. PABXES, SEX -.- .X- A. rASKEll, JA

B. A. PARKE It & SOIf,(sncesisors to Puker, Bldtr PvtJ

JrJ-dl- a



rotnt a. ashe...

j0 dswtzt





....... . xsax,




Ronxexp-- oj


......WX. KEBAB ttCIX.




MEMPHIS, TITNN.Bafrgin?, Hope & Plantation Bopf-lica- - on Hand.


T TT ntfrmnnrrr j. no '




Bsiclrt, Rope acd Plaatatlaa ea farabbed toorder. JtlS-a- -j

irjATEtbladayaasoclatedwiainela tbo COVX eesri

B Bowllxi aad TT. TT XBara, late of tte firm ofOoedtt la Co. Tbo trasisess wtB be ctndaetMl raeVrtbe style and ana ot B. D NAB3&3 a CO.. and I wdreipeel folly solicit of toy friends a ooattaasaea ef Un-kind patrons,.. B. D. XAJI8R3.

Xempbis, Jaly lit, ISS3.

B. O. BASES. .....ST. W. UILAK.....B. BOwfJXSt.


jaCOTTOJff FACTOnSj,tssz pohwahdinq


General Commission MerchantsCEAEE1S IJt

Daggiu-- r, Rope and Twine.Jb 1Ja 'XOJtJ No. 47 Proet Row (ap stiirl.)

XEKPniS. TENN.J. B. obotei i. s. oaorxi j. t. iisumJr. JR. Groves 5

Cotton FactorsAND


Commission Merchants,44 Union stroot,

jqnl-daw- 6a NEW ORLEANS.

Memplils, 3nly stn, 1858.

Jones, Brown & Co.,Wu"i.v umm uuietrrneaos aaa ibo paoue, thac

aeoa tbls. their MTrn btsikkiwiSBASON Is XemaUa, tby feel tt laenabeat apoa tb-s- s,

to retarn tbelr aafettaed acxaowlsdAmects for tbo aapsrslIetedpatrenaieaoUadiy bestowed, and to proffirrenewed as.araacea of tb.tr aawearled eadearors to de.serre a co&UBaaaee aid iBcrease of tbo same

Onr stock of Bagxlnc Rene. Twine. Saxsr. Ce&. Uiv- -luses. Bacon. Candles, Sa t, T bacoo. Ploar Whtiky andPlantation reaerallT toxrther wltb ait artiebla oar ilae. ii fresh ad lantr, aid as low aa can bo badla tbla market far Cain, cr apes the aaaal terms to psac- -lu'iucucn.

We bay at headaBtrteri for CASH ALAVs. uriretire air stock: uuilw to.troas need not fear aa lafe-e-se artM..

Wa csatlaas to Slere aad Sell Cot1 on at ear aM KHeraSOoeataper bale. Cotton ats-- ed ss aentefspa tn owisrxo aaa oomeacciona Brick Wsre-boas- oa Adstreet.

Literal Ca--h Adrxaco msds aa Oaibn in .t- -r riuu wwijl m.iirm, .mm otserwisei ssracasdjMFxaxstiy, ac

Altawlm JONES. BROWN A SO.Aralancbo aad Eazla k. Eenalrer copr.

1. L. WEBB. -- J 1 --..I.I-8l

WEBB & MTVLlNGSCotton Pactors 5

Commission Merchants,


One door from center of Main iml Uaioa eta.(Op Stairs ) MEMPins, IEX.

Tl ARTICULAR aliensSMn t,.M tn .n.s o- -.

X wardlnGooda,sHBar8rala, Baexa, aad all kinds ofProdsco aad Xaaataetand Goods. Wo also keep a. roodstock of BAGGING, BtfPK. TWINE, SAGOK, XESSPOEX, Stc, which we will faralsb oar ceslom-r- s at taesaarr-iTai- Ail orders praapuy alteaded to.


DIfsoIation ofrpnE firm of 8. W VERNON A. Co.. Is tbls dar dieX soiTodbymotca' eoaaent. 8 W. Vereoa easr ho- -

Uc aateorlsod to as tbe narae of tbe arm la UqaMattss- -msugiiiiiNGa'nrug osis SI toe OK Ulld, No. IPront Row, where 3. w Verswa wHl caattaao thsbasinesa aad aittls all affairs pertaiclas to tbe firm ef 8.w v.rnon a. Co., ana toe oK era of Vmwi, BryanCo. 8. W. VBRNOs .

Xsmpbls, Jans it, IfS. D C. WILLIAXS.June IS-d-a win

s. W. VERNON.,r..w - jts.a AuruK,C0M3IISSI0. A If D FORITARDISG

MEttCllANT,No. 6 Front RoWjOverMeaehamAGalbralth's,

Zticmpiiis, Tenn.JonlS-da- w



CONSIONXINT3 Cotton aad Wheat soU.

Ter'i Bagging and Rope, aad all ScppUes, furnishedlowest raica.

Stranh's PlaataUaasXnis always ea baad.aagc-ai- y. ,

a a r



(Lte JUA Brp


Orsr Ooyer Neeley,

NO. 34 FRONT ROW. MEMPHIS.WHERE will pleased to wslt upon aay aid pa.

friends, and the public generaBy. Ha wlfl-- trepartlcalar atteatloa to tbo Storing sad S.ntng ofCotton aad Produce. AH Cottoa or Prodoee consigned tohim win bctnsured, unless otherwise tastracted.

Particular attention liren to ordera tor BaggUa aadopo, maa otoer sappuea. meres ana sens Gotten for 78cent, per tale.




SrEMTHIS. TETTCT.ty Orders for Biggin- -, Rope aad other ScppUespromptly attended to. .

B &XtP,ot KetspbU.

of H


he be




Commission Merchants,NO. 38 FRONT ROW,

XEXPHIS. TEN!.tW all Cotton seat to oar address tasured, uolesa(jMltl Bstrnetloaa to tbe .contrary are recerred. Rs--a.

14 raltuaees promptly made ta order. Plasters'ordera fined with care, --jji n- - iwi- -,

at 59c eats per bale. Liberal adranos- - made oa conalga-aseo- ta'

aaxsx-daw- lr


6 MO C j&jK'ABD

COMMISSION MERCHANT.PROMPT atteatloa Urea ta Storing and Selling Cotton,

No. M Proat Row, Xempbis.aga-qaw- ir

WARDLAW HOWABS.. ...... ......Wat. T. HOWARD.

W. HOWARD & CO.,Cotton Factors, Corumission andt orwnrain' iJiercunnts,

NO. 4 HOWARD'S ROW. MEMPHISDtn Rope, Twme.Su-s- r, Oafe,Mackerel, Salt.London Porter, Ale, Wine. Walaky, Tlaegar. Ltee'

Laad-Plast- and Groceries ateek--osrOTliaad,forialoalraaaocabtoprte.!ElrCash adraacea made m ftnim . ... ...

iblpment. Our Open Policy of tasuraaca corer. .51 rLoaccacgaed w ui by witer; ao. the riik of lirewUe m store, unless otberwlso lastrnctod. nrtse.for starrns and sent CotUaj,la.V as w. sVr.charrM far rar. bTl.pt flft, rent, o--r ocM

WHO is YomBoot-Maker- ?


all orders tt New Tsrk prices. Workwarranted.

Jrenei Calf Long Boots, lewsd to order, 17 OO

Jreacb Calf Loag BooU, pegged, 8 00long BooU, (footed) aewed, s 00Lon? Boot- -, (looted) pegged, GoLace Shoes, , qqLoag BooU, (half.joled aad bseled) 1 COLobs Boos. fhalf-an- -- .


11aeii!iU " b,w"n Poplar and Exchange its.

THE SPHEREOTYPE.TrjBUtMt andby firte most liaport sat

Photography is tha recently patented plc-f-- re

ss tbo BPHEREOTTFE, wbkb is not onlyEtwaadUBlixeaayef (U ptedeeeaaon, bat greatly su-perior to S3. Tbe BshereotTT is aroof atainat tutt.AIR aad water, aad for ricaneaa of tone, waratb cfexpression asd distinctness bss io equal Br fact tbe Clesion ts saca tbat tbe picture, or image, seeml suspsad-e- d

ta air, entirety independent of tbo back ground.For tbla ptctara we bare the exctuaira right fer Xem

phis. SpecbDens'Caa be seen ta oar Gallery, when plo-ar to are also taken ta tbe rarioes styles by osr Artist,


who cembbestbe Chemist wIb the Artist, wbicb eaUii its It aa Urcei U fzixxt scj4rir ytctu- -.

cXS.a JTe. Csrt'lKaitle7oti

2 .

tonsyortattgiiv1islmJ?re' Washington, NewTorls, Philadelphia, &c.Direct Through IVine for thoEast!

Baltimore and OhioK A I I . B fi A T)

THa rata fron WbeaHar to Baltoure, mand b. V.ikMiyn inn nu .ta.ane. It rmu tfTrVh Jna.Zi V.f"'- -- lr , jj; Omimt MUHr coaiti-nct- cornpteUlTltvpc tsd cvrfollT ran-Aw-i. U otvaef th xaot attrSCtlTfi sLSd Axft I. rr-- .i a..rTZl0lrl Ohln Rllmll5 fmfVtHkeJ.s .e4 ...

?S5'r' vw4 with as TorUom ef ttoTTtaOTiT THBOcrcn TinxTS rxoa KiarBiiaad st. Lotns to tbo Xatiobtax,

M by tWs roaAwbkbniasdlreet uwMboat tne deray ot passu-- tkroaxa 31 a--WW. II II BvlsLfb tit nscxlw llru V. ew.s.B. . . a

fd to TrTStSKrvfoSlTrTrr w.ntT--?

tk MA,t boots frota Xeapats, taks tits nullrnn-l- na duly for Lovlsrine, coaaecH-- then

ifP l?Z ,rrtT M to oaasnct wltb the cah ofwMh rJ?.1?"1-- 4 for Colmstbsa. coaaeotBr

ObloRaBtead. thnazb Newara: -- .1?la ba, , " v """ oaneawre aaa so waacfiUXon


" earionlriaTroaiBidBtT , carries frota Lasts.t3PiuM. w . AVn trwmn mm wrntt.Lo. ?J laf . . " " '

NORTHERN EASTERN MAIL.aaeValASSJ,S?-rI- S preosr-- d at

or Waabm-to- n l. ..v.- - . '- ... H aVUjyoue roawmayDoaad of

at tbo fsuewta rate. VnxastBaJtlmere 15r tn- 1f .. A. nr in t. u n v- ""auon. uaio jaa-rs- wateb learo

jiwM-nn- r, rbBaderpbTork. ab ta or boars, IssradtnPer safety, speed, rerslarltr. beaotr e Uu rseaeral oanfort, tbls read la atcaad to aoso ba

iunia. ran company poeeeeaeaof aay RaBread ta the TJatted 8





ttT Bt.HE

a.r, FI




vim ..v..aao


prepared to do aa Immense basmess ta trant ASTERN & ATLiANTIC CITIES,marl . .UxastTTKD Eats wi T7 iHI tbO ltiTtj Of B&ftlSm Vlih tlM Tim Urn A t

i otx. aaa By new XerobaaU' aad Xlaera' Usestesaera to Norfolk; Charleston, Saraanab,

Por'- -




R A T--? sO A liSecelTtaE aad PerwarHB-At-- at ,t WoeeltEi. -- - A i KJ JLJ.WM. S. irooDtmHB recent f tbe EsstTeaaeiseeaad Ttr--. A DalaRsBroad on conaoUdAted, StreetTuauvBH TICXETS. aTlowfnr ih ViaIaW. emtmnns. w.. nmb rm. w--

' """"" eia ai pieasartpsntuaad at tbe Cocjpany'a Oace. No. ISstreet, S doors East of tbo Conmarclal HotelJSEelS-- lr WX. XORIN.

fflississijpj'l Cent



ANDMUe siartr &aa as7 other Bouts,

-- TM fH'TtW. HAia-fe- n in fata Uys mdt--c All, e" 1 z aa-oa- s veaaeeuses eertam aad delays,

--a. J f x. Jr. 1 X JkTtV K-- Tbo sdraau-e- s aad saperloe lly ot tatsarsr aB

NOW ta Water Valley. mBei so-- tlT 6a sppre-Ute- d tbewith tho Xrmpbla aad Cbarlestoa POST OPPKHt DBPARTNENr-- ,

o tbe Northern Dtrleloa 23 miles less iuri.,nrfii.u.Grenada, Xias., tbaa by aay otbeiu t.T-- n tf,'!iT T.iqGreat Southern United StatesA. sr., 4:40 p. at. Rleares Jaactloa at arrlrt at Watir ' Ea,lr1 tbrea-- b sian territory. No aaaoTaaca er11:10 tt, coaaeetlas with Sims II Co "saae ft 40 - socoscpaaled by serraaaa.

Carrolitea 7,1 "" suni,r the Seottiw.it to theteasadnckeas' SUtlonoathe Ptrta J Awfla. 9FXU1VG0

M" Ol'-- - by tte Xempbis aad Cbarlestoa RsUessd.aadewir ' SV d'VfyU Ihr.sik a b..Mm aBd h.artbr country a--d

moaatala aceaery, Bssarpaesed tbo warid.Pasasaxera (or ear nsi.t .v. iri..i..,tbeXesaphU and Caarteotoa RaUroad to . NE J,?RAVrPMetsaest, as tbat la tba wa Cewtram Memphis BALTIMORE,

Paaseanra alBC to Xemsbls m m . r,.n..oa tbo Xempbis aa Cturtestoa RaBroad ... , " aJUl WOJCk.WASHIVrTrivPa'tert-r- s f.r potato Soath of VaBer. nuVrZHjtVi?':?m vi-n- ulr aocoiixo- -

ea tbo XempbU aad Cbarlestoa RaB-roa- d,leartos Xempbis at 19.ro A. X.







ohio and Mississippi railroad lke op






raazeaeau wish the feUowtag iwtHasd slegaat Paesea-- traad Presabt Sieaasboata formtag a rega ar Has ere-

ry aHeraate day between







X. O.X. C. R. R.




aad Haaad roate ta


GoaM,Capt. Kkisfelter,Cape. Joaes,

MeatgssiervCapt, Roeers,Capt, Switzer,Capt. Koaatz,Capt. Redaey,Capt, BatSseer,Capt Van Dusen.

Pormesxfrem ooaaadlaaL tttnaitti.pedlttecs




PORTLAND, aad all Important potata,.3STXj BAST.

At OUea-- a. oaaaecttar wtih Xlchliaa Central r.r.fariaz tbe asxie sent Sor Dttnvt. wi ..... v.n.Rocbester. Alba- -r New TtrkJBoatoa, and aB Easternaad Atiaatlc OlUes. In ohaazea or an rrmCairo to NIs ara. anl three from Ca-.r- to Albaar, and

ireuMmuinc. sera lima rnjss vatro to Itewaorx, tx aears. uoaaecu at Baadoral wltb Ohio aadMl tlatfaaa Railroad from St. Lssia aad Tlscenne. : .tPaaa. wHh train, of tb Terrs Haute. Alton and -- tLoots Railroad, fo IndianapolU LodsTttle aad Ctaela-a- ll; at Peseta, with mala Hn. EnrM. r.r n.T.n.and Daaseith the latter eaaasmsg wttbLiragis toSpring" eel. Naples, Rock Island Bnrllaiton aaQSaey.

AH tnins freea Cairo connect at Saador.t wits thmOhio aad Xlssissippi trains fer St, Louis aal

The IHlBOsa Cenlral RaBroad Cemnanr hare wiUnl otheir Roma- - Stick twenty aaperb sttterooea sieeplazears, eaeb of which win coafenaMy berth flrtr otjaea- -ewi.

TixrousUErttrrpy Srra-tio- af rtaSf. LmtitanitUnc y Rt.it--ana iJimcg aw tuzuToaa io aa

Xonk.geodferoas year, aal allowtac boMsrs to atoo at anrpoist, resume ihelr sesta at pleasure, aad all infor-mation respje lag tbe route may be procured oa applica-tion at tbe Company's oas, IS Jeff.Tson street, a doorseast or the Commercial Botes,

wiLTJ A it iinaiv A int.Per iniooH Ceitral aad 0a"o aad Xlsslsslppl Railroads,

HWMiin-iucB- oi awamera. raaris-i- y



ON and after WEDNESDAY, Pebraary S, 18S7, tbeoa this road wHl run as foBews. fSondars

excepted':)Tae Mill and Paseeager Tram rfl learo Paaala daBy at

T a. at., aad arrlro at Xempbis at 18 a. at.Returnmg, leares Xempbis at a r. sr., arrlres at

Faasia at t r. it.Tba Prei-- ht aad Accommodation Train leares Xempbis

anyatS:Z0 A. M.. aad arrlres at Faaoia at II a. bt.Reeuratar. leares Panobvat A. sr.. and arrlres at

Memphis at r. K



Prrsoaa trarettsg oa the XaH can spend Irehoars la Xempbis aad return oa tbo same day.

Passenger Train makes direct ceanectlea at Xempbiswltb tbe Memphis aad Oaarlestea Railroad going Bast,aao the Xempbis aad Ohio RaSroad North.

The Prright sad Aceseaaodatsoa raas in connectionwith Stages to and from be fsilowlog plases: Oakland.Preston sad GrenaJa. there raekmc ceanectloa wltbStages tbrougb Carmmoa aad LexiBZtoa t thence to tbeaorthern termini of tbe Xlralsaippi Central Railroad torCaatea, Jackson aad New Orleans.

Thnagb TKkata tor Grenada caa be obtobsed at theXem; bis Depot.

Thin Is macb the abortost route, aad passeagers lear-la-gXeaphis by tbe morning trata at Grenada tte

same vrealag, baring dayttgbt the whole way.X. "W. NEWELL,

jaall-t- f Qeneral SapertateadeBl

and Ohio

WINTER ARRANGEMENT.Commencing FRIDAY, November 13, 1857.

Two Daily Trains Each ffnr.ON lid after PBJDat, Noretaber 1J, Traiai wlH rrc

XAQ Paaaenxer Train wta Ium Bw...ib..m.djri exited) t 8 o'clock a. a., and arrire at Xempbla

RetBi-d- Bg . Xempbis at a o'clock r. x . aadarrtres at Brewasrttle at 1:05 p.m.Tta PTlxbt and Aecoxamodattoa Train lea-l- ag XempaUdaay (3 radars except aj.) at7:15 o'clock A. it., and arrirtit BrowBsrBle 11:15 r. at., coasectlagatXasoa'swttba line or Hacxa for

Brownr-tl- le at 1:15 p. St., andat XempbU at S:1S r. at.,ISSTifkets for Pisces caabeob-Utao- dM. Patterson & Bro., Comsercui Hotel,





JSSIliH Strpertatendent.


(STASIS lear Gaines Landlajr fXlsstsstsnl rtrer.kj Daily, at 1 A. at., nasslnc thronrh e..vi..city of Casdea ta Waablngton, Arfc Tbrougb ia 6boars.

sepg-dU- yjuiujukx K. BTONS, Azents,

G aloes' Landing.

AUmlnistrator's Notice.AT tbe Sooember Term. 1SS7, ot County ot

Sh.lly Coutty, Teanessee. the took ooitetters of administration apoa tbe of THOMASXCLLdsceascd. AH persons indebted to said estabwin corns forward aad settle tbe aams; and all prrsoaataring ditcM agalast said estate will present them ttme, prspt rly probated, with la tbe time pre suited trlaw, othcVtse tbey win be barred.

lasrr-dlawC-a XRWTON POBO Anlnur- -

Jotice,rdaerrber barinc purcaased tbe lot.reit of bis

THE tbo UU Una of 1 Journor, Cooper &

LeakewPl coatlnne tho WHOLESALE GROCERTCOXXISilOX AND FORWARDING BUSINESS labuowacams ad tot bUowb account, and ita

tbo old house cost-mer- aad bifil-xiaVrS- j. JNO. O. PIOCRNOT, .

apio 1S IM Xaln street;

3B of PL6URN0T, COOPER St. LHAXR, ItihUirdlKoiredbrmntaal coaent. tbo BAme-o-t

tte flra w III be used to liquidation, onlya PLOCSNOT,





Great EasternVIA


St. Louis, Alton and Chioago

The Sbortsst aad most Direct RootTo all the Bastera Cities an J Principal


Pawnters eaa procaraSara Paile. "Z'' - reassuae New

.... --T-l " sen toe Kortettbo ce' tbo oael air H tbe Sroet Laaea-rt- atcthe Larrfit Cl!t la ta. sr..i .1 v

e V ew aad reOB tWir jMrney at'J.t-r'M-- - Baasaa.Tssoa-- b. ram u m

Tim. as c(.lcx a, aT otker Eoste,J.'SIT 'S?4 aintt to an tbo 1



THOS. B as CO., Aseata,No. I Howard'aRaw. Xemsbla.

Psr tbe St Loess, Artea sad Obteaie RaBread.





f.X"teror Traasportatloa, Bal fortes treat


CtfyI ao

otherepea TJ by


r. sr.;r.

Roate from


es,y trainrr.








Fvwwne jxnrul








the Court








PoMotetrdeS SSail?00- -

nreaijsempawaiap.M- -



"Tiolt-otrsi- .












SSaVIrtSrGREATIjtforatloar.i-tb.R.Bt..e- -a








Ticket oSors hareNaMhea. VKksba, XempSeSSr'tfi"1' refA aad ao eaer--a ferbaadllnrtIf m , rtoeajsjiE at afl Hattoas.inn, AkuuxtxoSATlOX TRAIN wfll learephis DAI LT except Sesderaf sAlBtSB am for alx

GREAT SOUTHERN XATL TRAIN eBkelOsesplCentral Railroad to Belly -- prtaaa. Oli-r- d.CiT'? i b'toewhT.SfL" Grand JatKtbHiBotlrar, Jaakea, etcAt Iota with a daily Irr, of Coaches

.to tae aartheraof tb. Mobile aad t.hlo lUUreaaTarowjA tUktltjood vUU ttsef-wtr- btae

--toptBgt aay twist dratted. ScM at saToamio-ctlln-

sadWor.kaa ficases, aad at the XraspkiaBach sasseBier wU ha

aoartteie win heloswbassarsd aeejadaefTied aa aatcaae ta4 Is

TrT P3n or the puswaer. ia ease ofloss tbe Cempaay win boM toemsMrra reaaoasiblo lor asamouataotexeredsagsioo.Negroes, wbeatrarettaealoae, Bwat bare a smallaamttg tbe point to wbicb tbey areWgw. aad penfftax

that ttcr ire to t rare! lTT.Ilr..j tZL. V. '.""i " "cl" wtn to sow tbearT nor wi'i tbey boreceiredoa tbe cars unless tfc.tr owaer or a seat be pre-e- ator kaowa to tbe Ticket Ageat, Coawactor, or utkerpersoa to roueb tar grBaiaeaeH ef perattt.


lonis8,,tItot,dt"! 'rMra rirlsioB, Xeasphis

cSnmmcr Seinats.

Bailey Springs.SINCE the death of Mr.B.ttir, these ceiee riled Sprtaga

beeaparebssedby a compaay, who baretbe entire premises, balit a large namber of spa-

cious rooms, beeWes many ether latprore-seB- ti aecea-sa-ry

for the comfort ot risBora.Wltb regard to tbe caratlre proeertles ot Bv y

Spriags, their rfScaey bare boea so fairly aad setlstocto-ri- lytested la tboasaada of rastaaeesas Io reader if

ibe proe-iet- on to say a wordaa to tbelr rlrtaes. Saeace it to say, bowerer, tbat it iagenerally If bos aaaretralre loacsded tbat for tbo care--f the felowBg dteeases. Bailey Sprrags are aaear.passed by any tatao werM: Watte Swefttar. TetteScrsffsla. Drsaser. Draoerit. r.r.u. ru... AAeaB Teaereal aad Oauae4M Kseases ef erery aeecrlp- -

Wsrm sed CoM Batna wt h. e.uj . ....TbeScrlars ire ooeet Smntr .tuf Tnn,.. . .j ,k .52" l,n1l.h,Ia " M --re1' tbit there an

i. ?r.IU4.V,Tv ! Taop are located laooaaty. Alabama, nine rastee from Plereaeo. aad ars.iw-misi-ii aeclssas, aa a regalar lias ofstages aad hatha will ran Twwr i mr..r. - . . . . v., ,

ota to the sriexa. emiwf n- -i wuv u. . vToscumbia eseb wsy.

The lecaHtr ef tbe Spriags are aasarpassed. betag la apies-a- it aad he liar caa try, wltb as SsbiK aadbaastaggroaada.A large Llrery Stabla baa heea erected at tae Sprfasgs.aad erery desertptlen of erhletes caa always be bad.Teo-p- ta ABers. Binisrd TaM. .-- it ,

ofamasementmaybefooBdoatbepremiiies.tboVreeknatDneatr"rMW lTa tegalirir dartec

A Band of Xaale h ss been engaged for tte sessoB.NotflertwIBbesnaredMa uim,( .k. ...to render riillora comfortaMe aad agietaMesma, Conner a oo

Beaver Dam Springs.HlcltMan Countyj Teim.

FOBTT MILES "WEST OT COLTJJIBIA- -Ghivge of Prop letonhif and MaaageiBent--

Tni8 celtbrsted Watertag-PIao- e, bartog beenby the baascrtber, baa beea tboroejhlyre-rbtto- rs

oa tbe"1 WU' " otaM " ot

Twozatiotla of XVTiXTr.Tte late prep'letor, har tog disposed ot tbeir eastrela the Spriags, the sabecrtprr, assisted b--

Keller, wm annate tbe eaUre maaagemeat of tae etabisbmeBt, and aetther pates ner expease wffl be spared toreader Bearer Dam oae of the mo,tpl.uaat aodACCOXM0DATI0NS, AO.-- Tbs baJMags bare allarea p.aced la

lJ5;ltT0UR nSl)-- D rSton daIcco!fdtt5 --fry cemfert aad CGBresteBes. Tae taafe

THE WATBR3-Tb,wa- tera at Rearer Pas ornsut otJ?-0"- aed aad Blaek Salabar. Obalpbeate, (prornJ lrJli U th" "renxtitm U state,) aadtaehestPreestoceaadLimestoceXBDIJAI. ATTENDANCB-T- be fabscrtber. who has

v'iv f? Te-- "used ia tbo practice otmedi-t- oe in Alabama and Memphis, caa be ceea- -5?..rtJiJ'Lh?7 V.1"0" "h0 mT c2ce t. need

XBAN3 .)P ACCESS TO 3 Th.ro aretbrea roate. to imprint,. . of wSeifS. InlMeb?ea. JC.f-S1C-

b m fUm ColnaoU thr--.P"rc,:r, b'ougb from tbatfnaSf ll. ajTT B of tbo aaest roads la.leV ArT"r'nIS bare been made at Britt'sLanitog. cn Tennessee nrr. by

rtb?a,tt,lrtelte" readycSaS:F3"1,1?73' Sad at Bearer Ban,

?tiSSrnt?. n?; BBO troatplace, and deer ta great abaadasaomay be found ta tbe Immediate rlcraHy.

Perweek...ATKS P ohaSG83.SrgaXsS

Alfteral dedaetlon B h, ma4e to tbe abore raw.RETEXX3SE- - Gea. HtBtea,

?5. . Selma, Ala ; Dr. iltTTLapslj.aetoa, Ala. ; Xe--ia x io?rSTuscaloosa Alaj Dra w. H. A 3 P. NewssnaTTa-A- IJ ? Ur. O. P. Feat. Is-- , X D.

SSS; Sbi""-1- "' Iena- - X' K

wmm mm,Sear Bolivar, nardeman Conaty, Tpbh.T11' wlw these reiterated

for tbe fee4 seaeoa, ea XONBAT.Uie 10th of Xay. barug pueed tbo BafMiaca aadGrounds la as Sue condition as aay Watering Place iatbe Soatbweat. The Grooads hare been exteaded sadbeautified with erer-ree- -a Shrubbery, tho fMeet eteaitdaad graded, tbe rooms palsied aad raratsbed with aewcotton mattreases, tbe Bin Room decorsted sad put lisOne comHtioa, tbe three Tea Pta Alieys aad goings barebeea pet la goad order.

Tbo Waters, (there nrieg 3 re Scrlngs.) eeasest otCbaljbrate, Solptar aad Free toae.ed Sow ta abaa-dae- ce,

scfadeat for 2 00O prsas a dsy. and tbe cara-tlre prrpertlea of the waters for all who are sasctMwith Bropsey, Dyrprpsla Baa tear Sore? aad for theDiseases of Pen.aJcs, aressSsaffaieat aidnaraasie'

TheDunlap-prla-gs are ijiisaU-bf- cr tjbm Xlsslsslppl

Cent nl and Teanessee RaieM belflt srl aat-- d only 3 amiles f'em Bollrsr, 20 frem SSSb'fJJaoctlon aad T9 frr mXempbis by raB. Haeka are 'aas3g.iaeaaBe tisawihthe ears from BoHrar, bCns eoly are hoara ran fromXempbis to the Jprttii Th. trsreir- - is gaaraa'iedagaiast exoTbltaot charge, ttr fare being 60 cents fromtao railroad depo' to the d: iota aBd"er-t-s ror hai--gage and serraata.

mere Is also a fine rename trrao aad excellent ask-I- n---rounds, wii& nearriace road to the ener. oalr a

quarter of am HefSfeu tho fp togj, aad asaadaaca otwCd turkeys, daekKbd sdsA-- r is. .

Prof HessugwiiHaiaaaeB-as- a aad SsXacBaad ia




D ,


engaged fir tbe seasoa aad will eellr-- a ibe goesta la tbo ia taday wltb Braas music, aad at okt witb Seilac maair f da--J. Cs AADBlot AN, Mot tbt

agTl-da- er . So 29, pages- . eo a crerfit

H DAT OP AO- -tae city otXero- -

serest ot the saidscsia beat aowa aad

ss lot Karemorod from tbelr rtd stand, Mite stif Ptt4 Traet.HAVB storf recently occspted by S. O. Saint, ''o as tbo

a Deed of Truat- -Ho. 31 Front Row, -- '.qbebseb.Xextltors toXr Cba PoUen, where they wi3 be -

x- c -tly and isciar BrwcacissW.'Su rr . ajbaTi

........ i 7 ,r,f- - ra,iTXamnai. Jaaa tl. tasA-S-T a CO..
