Memorandum of Understanding Between Reed College and Portland Police Bureau

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  • 7/29/2019 Memorandum of Understanding Between Reed College and Portland Police Bureau



    This Partnership Agreement seeks to enhance public safety and the quality of life at ReedColleee by strengthening the working relationship between the college, its Community Safetystaff, the Portland Police Bureau, the Multromah County Neiehborhood Distict Attornev,sQffigg, and the Office ofNeighborhood Involvement Crime Prevention office for SoutheastPortland neighborhoods, While most issues of misconduct and other campus public safet;r issuesare handled by the College's Community Safety Deparhnent, Reed College acknowledges thatthere are occasionally issues in its community life that require the intervention and assistance ofthe Portland Police Bureau.This agreement is meant to:

    ' foster clearer communication between the College administation and the PortlandPolice Bureau.. anticipate and overcome potential barriers to cooperative action between theCollege and the Portland Police Bureau.' suggest effective problem solving strategies, which can be supported by ReedCollege, the Portland Police Bureau, the Southeast Crime Prevention Office andthe Multnomah County District Attorney's Office.

    Our hope is that a greater understanding of the perspectives held by each ofthe partners canilluminate opporhrnities for compromise and cooperation.Recognizing the benefits to be received by each and to promote a safe and secure living andleaming environment on and around the Reed College campus,

    the Portland Poiice Bureau,the Reed College, Community Safety Deparftnentthe Southeast Crime Prevention Program, andthe Multnomah County District Attomey's Office

    agree to form a working partnership agreement in order to provide better services and to fulfillthe purpose and goals of each organization.The Reed College Community Safety Deparhnent, though its Director, will be the contactperson and college agency for any and all issues related to this agreement. The Central PrecinctCommander will appoint the Cental Precinct Captain as the police contact person for thecollege. The intention ofthe agreement is to provide a seamless transition between the servicesand security responses provided by the Reed College Community Safety Deparnnent and theservices of the local criminal justice system.

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  • 7/29/2019 Memorandum of Understanding Between Reed College and Portland Police Bureau


    The Portland Police Bureau @PB) agrees to the following:1. When conducting a sensitive or confidential investigation, Portland Police Bureau

    personnel will not be required to contact the Reed College Community SafetyDeparfinent. On all other occasions, Officers are stongly encouraged to contactthe Reed College Community Safety Department as both a resource and acourtesy to the College.

    2. The Cental Precinct commander will place a "flag" on Reed College addresses(3) in the Computer Aided Dispatch system reflecting the direction noted above aswell as how to locate the Commrmity Safety office/personnel.3. PPB will provide technical assistance to Reed College Community Safety

    Departrnent when it is gathering evidence and investigating a felony propertycrime scene on the campus, such as but not limited to a burglary

    4. PPB will respond to and investigate all person-to-person felony crime scenes onthe Reed College campus.

    5. PPB will assist with dignitary protection operations when directed by the ChiefofPolice and based upon the existing policy of the Portland Police Bureau.

    6. PPB will support the Reed College Campus Safety Departrnent by responding tofelony drug crimes that occur on the campus.7. Unless it would compromise an ongoing investigation, PPB will provide the Reed

    College Community Safety Department upon request with information regardingany police action exercised by the Portland Police Bureau while on the Collegecampus.

    Reed College Community Safety agrees to the following:1. Escort and provide assistance to the Portland Police Bureau whenever there is aneed to have its personnel on the Reed College Campus in the performance oftheir duty as police offltcers.2. Be responsible for pafolling and providing basic security service to the Reed

    College campus.3. Interview crime victims and submit Portland Police Bureau incident reports for allproperty crimes and misdemeanor person-to-person crimes on campus that do not

    require immediate Portland Police Officer response to the telephone report unit(TRLD.4. Investigate all offenses that are simple [minor in possession ofalcohol andpossession ofless than an ounce of marijuana] violations ofOregon law and refer

    such cases to the Office ofDean of Students for appropriate action,5. When there is a "reason to believe" that violations ofthe college drug and alcoholpolicy are taking place in college residence halls, conduct room searches based on

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  • 7/29/2019 Memorandum of Understanding Between Reed College and Portland Police Bureau


    provisions outlined in the housing contract with students. If there is evidence of afelony drug crime, or weapons offense, the evidence will be turned over to thePortland Police Bureau for its disposition and possible arrest.

    6. Make information regarding the Southeast Crime Prevention Program servicesavailable to students, particularly those living offcampus.

    7, Provide property engraving to students living on campus.8, Tum over to the Portland Police Bureau any unlawfr:lly possessed firearms or

    other weapons seized from persons on campus'Office of Neighborhood krvolvement (ONI) Crime Prevention Program agrees to the following:

    1. Upon request, provide members of the Reed College community residing in theSoutheast Portland area a variety of crime prevention advice and information,including rental security inspections and information on a variety oftopicsranging ftom personal safety, to preventing auto theft, to setting up a CampusWatch program in their neighborhood'

    Multnomah County District Attomey's Office, tfuough the Southeast District NeighborhoodDeputy District Attomey, agrees to the following:1. At the request ofReed College, provide training and answer questions for the

    Reed College Campus Safety Offrcers relating to criminal laws and theirenforcement on the Reed College campus.

    2, At the request of Reed College, facilitate the review of and monitor the outcomeofany cases arising out ofthe arrests on t}te Reed College campus wherein ReedCollege is the victim or complainant,

    3. At the request of Ree

  • 7/29/2019 Memorandum of Understanding Between Reed College and Portland Police Bureau








    Mike ReeseCommander, Cental PrecinctPortland Police Bureau

    (TBD)Director of Community Safefy Departnent (ordesignee)Reed College

    Mike BrodyActing Vice-President / Dean of StudentsReed College

    Kelly BallCrime Prevention Program Assistant ManagerOffice of Neighborhood Involvement (ONI)City of Portland

    Jenna PlankDeputy Distict AttorneyMultnomah County District Attorney's OfficeSoutheast District


  • 7/29/2019 Memorandum of Understanding Between Reed College and Portland Police Bureau


    Contact InfornationCentral Precinct- Portland Police BureauMark Kruger, Captainlll1SW2ndAvenuePortland [email protected] Bacigalupi, Neighborhood Response Team and Detective Sergeantllil SW 2od AvenuePortland [email protected] College - Student ServicesMike Brody, Vice-President and Dean of Students3203 SE Woodstock BoulevardPortland, OR 97202503-777 -7270brodym@,

    Reed Colleee - Communitv Safe8 DepartmentRick Fagerstrom, Operations Manager3203 SE Woodstock BoulevardPortiand, OR 97202503-4s9-4608fagerst@,reed.eduMonica Lobeck, Administrative Manager3203 SE Woodstock BoulevardPortland, OR [email protected]

    District Attomev's Oftice- Multnomah CounfiJenna Plank, Deputy District Attomeyllll SW 2od AvenuePortland, [email protected]/10t09


  • 7/29/2019 Memorandum of Understanding Between Reed College and Portland Police Bureau


    Office of Neishborhood lnvolvement' Crime Prevention. SoutheastHavilah Ferschweiler, Crime Prevention Program Coordinator3534 SE Main StPortland [email protected]. or'us
