( MEMORANDUM The Corpora ti on of Delta flN TADL e Community Planning & Developme nt \!!I C!j. To: Mayor & Council From: Jeff Day, P. Eng . Director of Community Planning & Development Date: December 17,2013 Subject: On-Table Item for Public Hearing Project No. 2 Petition Summary for Official Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning, Development Variance Permit and Subdivision Application at 9267 119A Street (Kahlon) File No.: LU006894 CC : George V. Harvie, Chief Administrative Officer A petition by area residents representing 30 properties in opposition to the proposal was submitted to Mayor and Council on December 17 , 2013 (Attachment A). A location map summariz in g the petition results is ;-1 included in Attachment B. I The preamble of the petition <t ontains information that staff wish to clarify: 1. The petition refers to the development of "carriage house to be built in the backyard of an existing house". The proposal is , in fact, to subdivide the existing single family lot into two separate parcels in order to develop a sin gle family dwelling with an in -ground basement and a secondary suite on Lot A and to retain the existing dwelling on Lot B. Both lots would fr0nt on to 92A Avenue. The rear yards would be located at the north portion of each lot. 2. The proposed lot size of 335 m 2 (3 ,606 fe) for Lot A and 432 m 2 (4 ,650 fe) for Lot B meet the minimum lot si ze of the proposed RS7 Single Family (335 m 2 ) Residential zone. 3. . The petition refers to a parking variance request to add a driveway on 92A Avenue in addition to the existing driveway on 119A Street. The variance request as it relates to parking is, in fact, to reduce the minimum number of off-street parking spaces required within a private garage or principal buildi ng from one parking space to none for the existing dwelling on Lot B. The required number of parking spaces is not being varied.


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Page 1: MEMORANDUM - CivicWeb

( MEMORANDUM The Corporation of Delta flN TADL e Community Planning & Development \!!I C!j.

To: Mayor & Council

From: Jeff Day, P.Eng. Director of Community Planning & Development

Date: December 17,2013

Subject: On-Table Item for Public Hearing Project No. 2 Petition Summary for Official Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning , Development Variance Permit and Subdivision Application at 9267 119A Street (Kahlon)

File No.: LU006894

CC: George V. Harvie, Chief Administrative Officer

A petition by area residents representing 30 properties in opposition to the proposal was submitted to Mayor and Council on December 17, 2013 (Attachment A). A location map summarizing the petition results is

;-1 included in Attachment B.

I The preamble of the petition <tontains information that staff wish to clarify:

1. The petition refers to the development of "carriage house to be built in the backyard of an existing house". The proposal is, in fact, to subdivide the existing single family lot into two separate parcels in order to develop a single family dwelling with an in-ground basement and a secondary suite on Lot A and to retain the existing dwelling on Lot B. Both lots would fr0nt on to 92A Avenue. The rear yards would be located at the north portion of each lot.

2. The proposed lot size of 335 m2 (3 ,606 fe) for Lot A and 432 m2

(4,650 fe) for Lot B meet the minimum lot size of the proposed RS7 Single Family (335 m2

) Residentia l zone.

3 . . The petition refers to a parking variance request to add a driveway on 92A Avenue in addition to the existing driveway on 119A Street. The variance request as it relates to parking is, in fact, to reduce the minimum number of off-street parking spaces required within a private garage or principal build ing from one parking space to none for the existing dwelling on Lot B. The required number of parking spaces is not being varied.

Page 2: MEMORANDUM - CivicWeb

, .

The Corporation of Delta Community Planning & Development Subject: 9267 119A Street (Kahlon) File No: LU006894

Page 2 of 2

Regarding the reference to the second driveway, two parking stalls are required to accommodate the single family dwelling to be retained . The first parking stall is provided within the existing carport accessed from the driveway on 119A Street. The second required parking stall would be located at the southwest comer of Lot B and be accessed by a second driveway access from 92A Avenue. Corner lots may be permitted to have two driveways, subject to approval by the Engineering Department. In this case, the Engineering Department has no objection to the second driveway, provided the owners enter into a covenant specifying the existing driveway access on 119A Street would be removed at such time that a new single family dwelling is constructed on Lot B.

Jeff Day, P.Eng. Director of Community Planning & Development

Alex Cauduro Planner AC/wl


A. Residents' Petition in/Opposition B. Location Map Summarizing Residents' Petition Received in


G:\Current Development\LU FILES\LU006\LU006894\Counci1\Memo LU006894 Petition Summary.docx

Page 3: MEMORANDUM - CivicWeb


Attachment A Page 1 of 10

Peti titJn of Re?on ing & De\elopment of 9267 1 i 9A Street" Delta Be Do you want t( > see a Carr:'!!;" Home (a house built in the b,!ck ) ;trd e>[ ,!n exisrjng hou,c ) in

your neighbourhood? New Pmpcrry 3606 sgft - 1-i00be jus: uuder 180(J sgft. The ~xi5 t i n~ hnu,,'

i, to stay. Existing Pro perry -1650 sq[t House is 1783 sqft. This new ill! is 100 small al 3_'5 m' ~

Parking variance - addjl1g dri\ cway to 92A Avenue stre.t.~1 (2 D" i ',\~wa ys )

The Rear SClb'lCK also has a Va riiance it needs 10 be 9 m~ t':l '. i l s I)nl ~' 7. 9 meters

,A ) cl re \ \ Ii' ') iY1 (j / /'" rJ W i It-, 7- r;. r ( In 'rV,'f ) J

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Page 4: MEMORANDUM - CivicWeb



Attachment A Pe titi oll o l-Rezoning:& Devclopll!Cll t ui'9267 11'-)'\ \, r,-l'[ Page2of10

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Page 5: MEMORANDUM - CivicWeb

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Attachment A Page 3 of 10

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Page 6: MEMORANDUM - CivicWeb



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Page 7: MEMORANDUM - CivicWeb

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Page 8: MEMORANDUM - CivicWeb



Attachment A Page 6 of 10

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Page 9: MEMORANDUM - CivicWeb

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Page 10: MEMORANDUM - CivicWeb

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Attachment A Page 8 of 10

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Page 11: MEMORANDUM - CivicWeb

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Page 12: MEMORANDUM - CivicWeb

Petit ion of Rezoning & Deve lopme n! ()f 9:267 I! 9,1\ ~; \ I\;I ' l Attachment A Page 10 of 10

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Page 13: MEMORANDUM - CivicWeb




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Attachment B Page 1 of 1

Location Map Summarizing Residents' Petition Received in Opposition

94 AVE

9386 9343

9376 9333

9348 9323







9270 9272

92581 ~ ~














(f) 9302 en ~


9369 ~ ~937~J -g ~ ~U



CD <') en , ~

I ~ Subject en

Property 9305


9269-9281 I­


o N ~

• Residents' Petition Received in Opposition

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-- :-~..:­SCALE

Page 14: MEMORANDUM - CivicWeb



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