Meetings of March/Apri1, 1 979 - USP Thesesdigilib.library.usp.ac.fj/gsdl/collect/govtdocu/... · Meetings of March/Apri1, 1 979 PARLIAMENT OF FIJI THE GOVERNOR-GENERA L His Excellency

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Page 1: Meetings of March/Apri1, 1 979 - USP Thesesdigilib.library.usp.ac.fj/gsdl/collect/govtdocu/... · Meetings of March/Apri1, 1 979 PARLIAMENT OF FIJI THE GOVERNOR-GENERA L His Excellency
Page 2: Meetings of March/Apri1, 1 979 - USP Thesesdigilib.library.usp.ac.fj/gsdl/collect/govtdocu/... · Meetings of March/Apri1, 1 979 PARLIAMENT OF FIJI THE GOVERNOR-GENERA L His Excellency

M e e t i n g s of M a r c h / A p r i 1 , 1 979


THE GOVERNOR-GENERA LHis E x c e l l e n c y Katu S i r George Kadavulevu Oakobau, G.C.M.G, K.C.V.O.


Prime Minister Rt, Hon. Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara,K.B.E.

Deputy Prime 'Minister Ratu S i r Penaia Oanilau, K.B.E,,C.M.G., C.V.O., D.S.O. , B.D.

Attorney-General and Ministerfor Economic Planning Hon. Senator Sir Vijay R. Singh,

K.B.E.Minister of Finance Hon. Charles WaLkerMini ster for Urban Deve Lopment;

and Housing Hon. M. V. LeweniqilaMinister for Works and

Communicat ions Hon. 1,. L . fJasi li vat aMinister for Commerce and

Industry, Hon. M. Ramzan, M.B.E.Minister for Labour, Industrial

Relat ions and Irnmigra tion., Hon. Ratu David ToganivaluMinister for Health Hon. E. J. BeddoesMini ster for Agricultare andFisheries Hon. jonati Mavoa

Mini ster for Education Hon. S. K. Sikivou, C.R.E.Minister for Tourism, Transport

and Civil Aviation Hon. T. "R. VakatoraMinister of Grate for

Information Hon. Ratu W. B. ToganivaluMinister of State for Lands andMineral. Resources Hon. W. j . Clark

Minister of State forCo— operat ives Hon. S . N. Waqanivavalagi

Minister of State forHome Affair'"; Hon. S. S. Momoivalu

Minister of State for Forests Hon. Ratu J. Tavaiqia, O.B.B.,J.P.

Minister of State for Youthand Sport Hon, Vivekanand Sharma

Minister of State for SocialWelfare Hon, I, P. Bajpai

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Page 4: Meetings of March/Apri1, 1 979 - USP Thesesdigilib.library.usp.ac.fj/gsdl/collect/govtdocu/... · Meetings of March/Apri1, 1 979 PARLIAMENT OF FIJI THE GOVERNOR-GENERA L His Excellency


^ . Committee of S e l e c t i o n — r e - a p p o i n t e d 3 .4 .78

Mr, P r e s i d e n tHem. Senator E. 1. KapadiaHon. Senator Ratu I,. VolavolaHon. Senator Ratu G. W. LalabalavuHon. Senator C. P. BidesiHon. Senator Kaur Bat tan Singh

2 . Business Commi t tee — appointed. 10.12,75

Hon. Leader of Government BusinessHon. Senator E. I, KapadiaHon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Ratu Kavaia Tagivetaua, M.C.Hon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E., j.P.

3. Services Committee - appointed 10.12.75

President of the Senate (Chairman)Hon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaHon.Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E., J.P.Hon. Senator Kaur Batten SinghHon. Senator S, S. Madhavan

4. Committee of Privileges — appointed 10.12.75

President of the Senate (Chairman)Hon. Senator Sir John Falvey, K.B.E, Q.C.Hon. Senator R. I. KapadiaHon. Senator Ratu Livai Volavola

5. Standing Orders Select Committee ~ appointed 10.12.75

President of the Senate (Chairman)Hon. Senator Sir John Falvey, K.B.E, Q.C.Hon. Senator R. I. KapadiaHon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Ratu jone Kikau, M.B.E., J.P.

6. Standing Committee on Population Trends - appointed 26.9.78

Hon. Senator, R. I. Kapadia (Chairman)Hon. Senator Dr. TabuaHon. Senator Ratu Livai Volavo1aHon. Senator Ratu Kavaia Tagivetaua, M.C.Hon. Senator Ratu Jone MataitiniHon. Senator S. S. MadhavanHon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E., J.P.

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Select Committee on Food Production - appointed ?6.9.78

Hon. SenatoHon. SenatoHon. SenatoHon, Senato1

Hon. Senate;1

Hon. SenatoHon. Senate

E. I. Kapadia (Chairman)Ra t u Li vai Vo 1. avo 1 aRatu G. W. LalabalavuEatu Jone MataitiniC. P, BidesiK. B, S. Mai, M.E.E,Wilson inia, M.B.E., j.P,

Editor of Official Reports

Miss M. Biggs

Hansard Reporters:

Mrs. M. NabaiaruaMrs. S. K. PrasadMiss J . N. MolitiminedMrs. A. H. RhaiMrs. E. RaikadrokaMrs. K. Lai

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Meet ings of May/June, 1979


THE GOVERNOR-GENERALHis Exce l l ency Ratu S i r George Kadavulevu Cakobau, G.C.M.G., K.C.V.O,


Prime M i n i s t e r R t . Hon. Ratu S i r Kamisese Mara,K.B.E,

Deputy Prime Minister Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau, K.B.E.,C.M.G., C.V.O., D.S.O., E.D.

~ I erHon. Senator Sir Vijay E. Singh,

K.B.E.i Hon. Charles Walker

lentHon. M. V. Leweniqila

Hon. L. L. Nasilivata

Hon. M. Ramzan, M.B.E.' , rial

Hon. Ratu David ToganivaluHon. E. J. neddoes


i Hon. Jonati Mavoai i Hon. S. K. Sikivou, C.B.E.

i , portHon. T. R. vakatora

'mation, Hon. Ratu W. B. Toyanivalui and

i Hon. W. J. Clark

i Hon. S. N. Waqanivavalagi

Hon, S. S. Momoivaiuts Hon. Ratu "J . Tavaiqia, 0. B.E.,


Hon. Vivekanand Sharma1

1 ,.... Hon. I.P. Bajpai

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President., , Hon. Senator Sir Sober Mimro, C.B.E.Vice-President Hon. Senator Eatu Livai VolavolaClerk to Parliament Mrs. L. B. Ah Koy, O.B.E.Clerk to the Senate Mr. V. V. C. SinghLeader of Government Business, Hon. Senator Sir John Falvey, K.B.E,

O.B.E., Q.C.


Prime M i n i s t e r ' s Nominees:

Hon, Senator S i r Vijay R. Singh, K, B.E. , Attorney—GeneralHon.Hon.Hon.Hon.Hon. Senator Sevanaia B. Tabua - appointed on 25.9.78

Council of Chiefs' Nominees

Senator Sir John Falvey, K.B.E., Q.C.Senator Ramanlal I. KapadiaSenator Akanisi DreunimisimisiSenator Ben Ranibisheswar

Hon. Senator Ratu Livai Volavola (Vice-President)Hon, Senator Ratu Kavaia Tagivetaua, M.C.Hon. Senator Inoke TabuaHon. Senator Ratu Jone Kikau, M.B.E., J.P.Hon, Senator Eatu Glanville W, LalabalavuHon. Senator Ratu Emosi Levula, J.P.Hon. Senator Ratu Jone MataitiniHon. Senator Ratu Tevita Vakalalabure

Deader of the Opposition's Nominees:

Hon. Senator Kaur Battan SinghHon. Senator Suman Shiromaniam Madhavanlion. Senator Chandra Prakash BidesiHon. Senator Bakshi Balwant Singh Mai, M.B.E.Hon. Senator Ratilal A. PatelHon. Senator Colin Stan1ey Weaver

Council of Rotuma's Nominee:

Hon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E., J.P.


Consists of fifty-two Members:Th irty-six Alii ance (Government) Members,Fifteen National Federation (Opposition) Members, andCne Independent Member

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Committee of Selection ~ re-appointed 1.6.79

Mr. PresidentHon. Senator R. I. KapadiaHon. Senator Dr. S. TabuaHon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Ratu G. W. LalabalavuHon. Senator Kaur Battan SinghHon. Sena Lor C. P. Bidesi

Business Committee - appointed 10.12.7b

Hon. Leader of Government BusinessHon. Senator R. I. KapadiaHon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Ratu Kavaia Tagivetaua, M.C.Hon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E., J.P.

Services Committee - appointed 10.12.73

President of the Senate (Chairman)Hon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E., J.P.Hon. Senator Kaur Battan SinghHon. Senator S, S. Madhavan

C_omm.i ttee of Privileges - appointed 10.12.75

Pr e si den t: of the S ena t e (Ch a i rman)Hon. Senator Sir John Falvey, K.B.E., Q.C.Hon. Senator R, I. KapadiaHon. Senator Ratu Livai Volavola

Standing Orders Select Commit tee - appointed 10.12.75

President of the Senate (Chairman)Hon. Senator Sir John Falvey, K.B.E., Q.C.Hon. Senator R. I. KapadiaHon. Senator Ratu Li vai VolavolaHon. Senator Ratu Jone Kikau, M.B.E., J.P.

Standing Committee on Population Trends - appointed 26.9.78

Hon. Senator R. I. Kapadia (Chairman)Hon. Senator Dr. TabuaHon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Ratu Kavaia Tagivetaua, M.C.Hon. Senator Ratu Jone MataitiniHon. Senator S. S. MadhavanHon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E., J.P.

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Select Committee on Food Production - appointed 26.9.78

Hon. Senator E. I. Kapadia (Chairman)Hon. Senator Eatu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Eatu G, W. LalabalavuHon. Senator Eatu Jone MataitiniHon. Senator C. P. BidesiHon. Senator B. B. S. Mai, M.B.E.Hon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E., j.p.

Select Committee of Freedom of Information — appointed 1.6.79

Hon. Senator WeaverHon, Senator Akanisi DreunimisimisiHo.11. Senator Ben RambisheswarHon. Senator Eatu Livai Vo1avo1aHon. Senator Ratu jone MataitiniHon. Senator C. P. BidesiHon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E., J.P.

Select Commi11ee on We 1 ghts and Measures Bill, 1979 - appoint ed

Hon. Senator Sir John Falvey, K.B.E., Q.C. 1.C-./Hon. Senator R. I. KapadiaHon. Senator Dr. S. FJ. TabuaHon. Senator Eatu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator C- P. BidesiHon. Sena Lor Weaverlion. Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E, J.P.

Editor of Official Reports:

Miss M. Biggs

Hansard Reporters:

Mrs. M. NabalaruaMrs, S. K. PrasadMiss J. N. MohammedMrs. A. H. BhaiMrs, E. Eai kadrokaMrs. K. La.l

Page 10: Meetings of March/Apri1, 1 979 - USP Thesesdigilib.library.usp.ac.fj/gsdl/collect/govtdocu/... · Meetings of March/Apri1, 1 979 PARLIAMENT OF FIJI THE GOVERNOR-GENERA L His Excellency
Page 11: Meetings of March/Apri1, 1 979 - USP Thesesdigilib.library.usp.ac.fj/gsdl/collect/govtdocu/... · Meetings of March/Apri1, 1 979 PARLIAMENT OF FIJI THE GOVERNOR-GENERA L His Excellency


President. , Hon. Senator Sir Robert Munro,C.B.E.

Vice-President Eon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaClerk to Parliament Mrs. L. B. Ah Koy, O.B.E,Clerk to the Senate , Mr. V. V. C. SinghLeader of Government Business.... Hon. Senator Sir John Falvey,

K.B.E., O.B.E., Q.C.


Prime Minisirer'S| Nominees:

Hon. Senator Sir John Falvey, K.B.E., Q.C., Attorney-GeneralHon, Senator Ramanlal I. KapadiaHon. Senator Akanisi DreunimisimisiHon. Senator Ben RambisheswarHon. Senator Sevanaia B. Tabua - appointed 2D.9.78

Hon. Senator Ratu Livai Volavola (Vice-President)Hon. Senator Eatu. Kavaia Tag! vet ana, M. C.Hon. Senator Inoke TabuaHon. Senator Ratu Jone Kifcau, M.B.E., J.P.Hon. Senator Ratu Glanville W. LalabalavuHon. Senator Ratu J'one MataitiniHon. Sena tor Ratu Tevi ta Vakala]abure

Leader of the Opposition's Nominees:

Hon. Senator Kaur Battan SinghHon. Senator Suman Shiromaniam MadhavanHon. Senator Chandra Frakasii BidesiHon. Senator Bakshi Balwant Singh Mai, M.B.E.Hon. Senator Katilai A. PatelHon. Senator Colin Stanley Weaver

Council of Rotuma's Nominee:

Hon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E., J.P.


Consists of fifty-two Members:Thirty-six Alliance (Government) Members,Fifteen National Federation (Opposition) Members, andOne Independent Member.

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Committee of Selection ~ re-appointed 1.6.79

Mr. PresidentHon. Senator R. I. KapadiaHon. Senator Dr. S. TabuaHon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Ratu G. W. LalabalavuHon. Senator Kaur Battan SinghHon. Senator C. P. Bidesi

Business Committee - appointed 10.12,75

Hon. Leader of Government. BusinessHon. Senator R. I. KapadiaHon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Ratu Kavaia Tagivetaua, M.C.Hon. Sena Lor Wilson Inia, M.B.E., J.P.

Services Committee - appointed 10.12.75

President of the Senate (Chairman)Hon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E., j.P.Hon. Senator Kaur Battan SinghHon. Senator 5. S. Madhavan

Committee of Privileges - appointed 1O.12.7!>

President of the Senate (Chairman)Hon. Senator Sir John Falvey, K.B.B., O.C.Hon. Senator R. I. KapadiaHon. Senator Ratu Livai Volavola

Standing Orders Select Committee - appointed 10.12.7';

President of the Senate (Chairman)Hon. Senator Sir John Falvey, K.B.E., Q.C.Hon. Senator R. I. KapadiaHon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Ratu Jone Kikau, M.B.E., J.P.

Standing Committee on, Population Trends - appointed 26.9.78






R. IDr.RatuRatuRatu

wi is

. Kapadia (Chairman)Tabu aLivai VolavolaKavaia Tagivetaua, M.jone Mataitini. Madhavanon Inia

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Page 14: Meetings of March/Apri1, 1 979 - USP Thesesdigilib.library.usp.ac.fj/gsdl/collect/govtdocu/... · Meetings of March/Apri1, 1 979 PARLIAMENT OF FIJI THE GOVERNOR-GENERA L His Excellency

Meetings of October, 1973


THE GOVERNOR-GENERALHis Excel lency Ratu S i r George Kadavulevu Cakobau, G.C.M.G., K.C.V.O.


Prime M i n i s t e r Rt . Hon. Ratu S i r Kamisese Mara,K.B.E.

Deputy Prime Minister Ratu Sir Penaia Gani.lau, K.B.E.,C.M.G., C.V.O., D.5.O., E.D.

Attorney-General Hon. Senator A. I. N. Deoki, O.B.E.Minister of Finance Hon. Charles WalkerMinister for Urban Development

ind Housing.,. Hon. M. V. LeweniqilaMinister for Works and

Communications Hon. I.. L. NasilivataMinister for Commerce and

Industry. Hon. M. Ramzan, M.B.rc,Minister for Labour, Industrial

Relations and Immigration...... Hon. Ratu David ToganivaluMinister for Health Hon. E. J. Beddoes"Minister for Agriculture

dnd Fisheries Hon. Jonati MavoaMinister for' Education Hon. S. K. Sikivou, C.B.E.Minister for Tourism, Transport

and Civil Aviation , Hon. T. R. VakatoraMinister of State for

Information Hon. Ratu W. B. ToganivaluMinister of State for Lands

and Mineral Resources Hon. W. j , ClarkMinister of State for

Co—operatives Hon. S . I\[. WaqanivavalagiMinister of State for

Home Affairs Hon. S. 8. MomoivaluMinister of State for Forests.... Hon. Ratu j. Tavaiqia, O.B.E.,

J.P.Minister of State for Youth

and Sport Hon. Vivekanand SharmaMinister of State for Social

Welfare Hon. I. P. Bajpai

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President Hon. Senator Sir Robert Munvo,C.I3.E.

Vice-President Hon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaClerk to Parliament Mrs. L. B. Ah Koy, O.B.E.Clerk to the Senate Mr. V. V. C. SinghLeader of Government Business.... Hon. Senator R. I. Kapadia


Prime Minister's Nominees:

Hon, Senator A. I, N. Peolci , 0.0.E., Attorney-GeneralHon. Senator Ramanlal I. KapadiaHon. Senator Akanisi DreuniniisimisiHon. Senator Dr. Sevanaia B. TabuaHon, Senator W. M. Barrett, J.P.Hon. Senator F. M. K, Sherani

Great Counci 1 of Clii ef s ' Nominees:

Hon. Senator Ratu Livai Volavola, O.B.E. (Vice-president)Hon. Senator Incite TabuaHon. Senator Ratu Glanville W. LalabalavuHon. Senator Ratu jone MataitiniHon. Senator Ratu Tevita VakalalabureHon. Senator Eatu Marika T.atianaraHon. Senator Ratu Meli LokiHon. Sena tor Joeii Sereki

Leader of the Opposition' s Nominees:

Hon, Senator Kaur Bat tan SinghHon. Senator Suman Shiromaniam MadhavanHon. Senator Chandra Prakash BidesiHon. Senator Dakshi Baiwant Singh Mai, M.B.E.Hon. Senator Colin Stanley WeaverHon. Senator S. Basawaiya

Council of Potuma's Nominee:

Hon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.R.E., J.P.


Consists of fifty-two Members:Thirty-six Alliance (Government) Members,Fifteen National Federation (Opposition) Members, andOne Independent Member.

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Committee of Selection - re-appointed 1.6.79

Mr. PresidentHon, Senator E. I. KapadiaHon. Senator Dr. S. TabuaHon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Ratu G. ¥. LalabalavuHon. Senator Kaur Battan SinghHon. Senator C. P. Bidesi

Business Committee — appointed 10.12.73

Hon, Leader of Government BusinessHon• S enato r R. I. Kap ad i aHon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.R.E., J.P.

Services Committee - appointed 10.12.7!?

President of the Senate (Chairman)Hon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E.r J.P.Hon, Senator Kaur Battan SinghHon. Senator S. S. Madhavan

Committee of Privileges - appointed 10.12.7b

President of the Senate (Chairman)Hon. Senator R. I, KapadiaHon. Senator Ratu Livai Volavola

Standing Orders Select Committee - appointed 10.12.7^

President of the Senate (Chairman)Hon. Senator R. I. KapadiaHon. Senator Ratu Livai Volavola

Standing Committee on Population Trends - appointed 26.9.78

Hon. Senator R. I. Kapadia (Chairman)Hon. Senator Dr. TabuaHon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Ratu Jone MataitiniHon. Senator S. S. Madhavan 'Hon. Senator Wilson Inia

Select Committee on _Food Production - appointed 26.9.78

Hon. Senator R. I. Kapadia (Chairman)Hon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Ratu G. W. LalabalavuHon. Senator Ratu Jone MataitiniHon. Senator C. P. BidesiHon. Senator B. B. S. Mai, M.B.E.Hon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E., J.P.

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Select Committee on Freedom of Information — appointed 1 .6.79

Hon. Senator Weaver1

Hon. Senator Akanisi DreunimisimisiHon.Hon.Hon.Hon.




ienator Ratu Livai Volavolaenator Ratu Jone Mataitinienator C, P, Bidesi•enator Wilson Inia, M.B.E., J.P.

Committee on Weights and Measures Bill, 1979appointed 1 .6.79

enator R. I. Kapadiaenator Dr. S. B. Tabuaenator Ratu Livai Volavolaenator C. P. Bidesienator Weaverenator Wilson Inia, M.B.E., J.P,

Co mm it tee on the Civil Aviation Authority of Fiji Bill, 1979, — , , — appointed 15.8.79enator R. I. Kapadiaenator Dr. Tabuaenator Ratu Livai Volavolaenator Ratu jone Mataitinienator Wilson Iniaenator Colin Weaverenator Shiromaniam Madliavan

Editor of the Official Reports:

Miss M. Biggs

Hansard Reporters:

Mrs. M. NabalaruaMrs. 8,Miss J,Mrs. A,

K. PrasadN. MohammedH. Bhai

Mrs. R. Rai.kadrokaMrs. K. Lai

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Meeting of December, 1979


THE GOVEENOR-GENEEALHis Excel lency Ratu S i r George Kadavulevu Cakobau, G.C.M.G., K.C.V.O,


Prime M i n i s t e r Rt . Hon, Ratu S i r Kamisese Mara,K.R.8 .

DepuLy Prime Minister,.„.„< Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau, K.B.E.,C.M.G., C.V.O., D.S.O., E.D.

Attorney-General Hon. Senator A. I . N. Deoki,O.B.E.

Minister of Finance Hon. Charles WalkerMinister for Urban Development

and Housing Hon. M. V. LeweniqilaMinister for Works and

Communications Hon. L. L. KasilivataMinister for Commerce and

Industry.... Hon. M. Ramzan, M.B.E.Minister for Labour, Industrial

Relations and immigration Hon. Ratu David ToganlvaluMinister for Health Hon. E. J. BetfdoesMinister for Agriculture and

Fisheries Hon. Jonati MavoaMinister for Education Hon. S. K. sikivou, C.B.E.Minister for Tourism, Transport

and Civil Aviation. Hon. T. R. VakatoraMinister of State for

Information Hon. R a m W. B. ToganivaluMinister of State for Lands andMineral Resources Hon. W. J. Clark

Minister of State forCo-operatives • Hon. S. N. Waqanivavalagi

Minister of State forHome Affairs Hon. S. s. Mornoivalu

Minister of State for Forests Hon. Ratu J. Tavaiqia, O.B.E.,J.P.

Minister of State for Youth •and Sport. Hon. ivekanand Sharma

Minister of State for SocialWelfare., , Hon. I. PL Bajpai

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President Hon. Senator Sir Kobert Mimro,C.B.E.

Vice—President Hon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaClerk to Parliament Mrs. L. B. Ah Koy, O.B.E.Cleric to the Senate Mr. V. V. C. SinghLeader of Government Business Hon. Senator R. I . Kapadia


Prime Minister's Nominees:


Hon. S ena tor A. I . Deoki, 0. B. E», At torney-GeneraldiHon. Senator Ramanlal I . Kapadia

Hon. Senator Alcanisi DreunimisimisiHon. Senator Dr. Sevanaia B. TabuaHon. Senator W. M. Barrett , J .P .Hon. Senator P. M. K. Sherani

Great^Council of Chiefs' Nominees:

Hon. Senator Ratu Livai Volavola, O.B.E, (Vice-president)Hon. Senator Inoke TabuaHon. Senator Ratu Glanville W. LalabalavuHon. Senator Ratu Jone MataitiniHon. Senator Ratu Tevita VakalalabureHon. Senator Ratu Marika LatianaraHon. Senator Ratu Meli LolciHon. Senator Joeli Sereki

Leader o£ the Opposition's Nominees:

Hon. Senator Kaur Battan SinghHon. Senator Suman Shiromaniam MadhavanHon. Senator Chandra Prakash BidesiHon. Senator Bakshi Balwant Singh Mai, M.B.E.Hon. Senator Colin Stanley WeaverHon. S enator S. Basawaiya

Council of Eotwna's Nominee:

Hon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E., J .P .

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Standing Committee on Population Trends - appointed 26.9.78

Hon. Senator R. I. Kapadia (Chairman)Hon. Senator Dr. s. TabuaHon. Senator Eatu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Ratu Jone MataitiniHon. Senator S. s. MadhavanHon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E., J.P.Hon. Senator J. Serelci - appointed 12.12,79

Select Committee on Food Production - appointed 26.9.78

Hon. Senator E, I. Kapadia (Chairman)Hon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Eatu G. W. LalabalavuHon. Senator Ratu Jone MataitiniHon. Senator C, P. BidesiHon. Senator B. B. S. Mai, M.B.B.Hon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E., J.P.

Select Committee on Freedom o£ Information - appointed 1.6.79

Hon. Senator Colin WeaverHon. Senator Akanisi DreunimisimisiHon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Ratu Jone MataitiniHon. Senator C. P. BidesiHon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E,, J.P.Hon. Senator F. M. K. Sherani - appointed 12.12.79

Select Committee on Weights and Measures Billr 1979 - appointed 1.6.79

Hon. Senator R. I. KapadiaHon. Senator Dr. S. B. TabuaHon. Senator Ratu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator C. P. BidesiHon. Senator Colin WeaverHon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E., J.P.

Select Committee on the Civil Aviation Authority of F.ij.i Bill, 1979'-' 'appointed 1 5«B -79

Hon. Senator E. I. KapadiaHon. Senator Dr. s. TabuaHon. Senator Eatu Livai VolavolaHon. Senator Eatu jone Mataitini'Hon. Senator Wilson Inia, M.B.E., J.P.Hon. Senator Colin WeaverHon* Senator Shiromaniam Madhavan

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C O N T E N T S Page

Absence of Fijian Business Enterprise in Urban Centres 491-519Address by His Excellency the Governor-General - Debate

o n t e 243,245-71,272-300Adjournment 145-49,573-76,587,709-12,715,779, 786Administration of Oath c.c ...,. „ .577-79,588ADpreciation of Wnrk. Done by N.LtT.B Regarding Native Landt.... 639-651980 Appropriation Bill, 1979.cc omoo 716-79Bills - First Reading e . . . o . . . . „ .10 , 243 , 457 , 586 , 715Civil Aviation Authority of Fiji Bill, 1979.. 6.c....469-85,490,531-40Communication from the Chair 12-13,53,373,400,490,781Condolence - Hon. Senator Ratu Levula c . c c . . . . * . . < , .453-55Customs Tariff Bills, 1979 .e..ec 0 .19-30 , 782-83Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Bill, 1 9 7 9 . . . . . . c . c c c .......108-13Education of Public on Use and Abuse of Alcohol and Tobacco....178-98Elimination of Discrimination Against Women............519-28,541-52English Language as the Medium of Instruction at all

Schools < t ...c c 401-33, 434-37Estate and Gift Duties (Amendment) Bill, 1979 o....,..o614-19Exchange Control {Amendment) Bill, 1979 636Exercise of Powers - Statutory Bodies e ,.198-201,202-18Fiji Law Reform Commission Bill, 1979. 100-108Financial Affairs of the Rabi Island Council of Leaders........665-76Government Scholarships Offered to Students to attend

University of the South Pacific .....156-72Income Tax (Amendment) Bill, 1979.... 122-27Income Tax (Amandfient) (No.2) Bill, 1979 620-27,628-35Independent Inquiry into the Housing Authority. 218-40International Finance Corporation Bill, 1979 114-19,120-22Judges' Remuneration anct Emoluments (Amendment) Bill, 1979.........98Land Transfer (Amendment) Bill, 1979 14-19Legislation Concerning Freedom of Information..................173-77Marketing (Amendment) Bill, 1979. ...... 375-99Minutes 1,12,53,69,120,150,202,241,245,272,317,371,401,434,455,

453,486,530,579,588,628,681,713,716,780Papers Laid on the Table .....1-2,241-42,456,458,580,713-14,7161980 Parliamentary Calendar ct..e 783-86Penal Code (Amendment) Bill, 1979..c.,c...c 30-52,55-68,69-77Pensions Bill, 1979 c t . . .. t c 600-13Pensions (1938) (Amendment) Bill, 19 78 c 598-600Pensions (1958) (Amendment) Bill, 19 78 593-98Petroleum (Exoloration and Exploitation)(Amendment) Bill,

1979 _...,., e t 3 73-74Ports Authority of Fiji (Amendment) Bill, 1979........ 77-98Prescription of Salaries (Amendment} Bill, 1978. ........ o . <, 99Private Hospitals Bill, 19 79 t , „ c... .321-58Questions and Replies. 2-10,54,242-43,317-21,3 71-72,456,486-89

530,540,580-86,588-93,628,681-33,714-15,780-81Rural Housing for Low Income Earners..... 552-72Sale of Goods Bill, 1979 t 300-15Salvage of "Syria" in Commemoration of Indenture Era....127-44,150-56Stamp Duties (Amendment) Bill, 1979 t t .636-38Suspension of Standing Orders... c t. c t68,145, 201, 519 , 765Term of Service of Soldiers Serving in Lebanon o....694-709Traffic (Amendment) Bill, 1979 „ 458-68Tribute to Locally Trained Nurses „ 676-80,683-94Weights and Measures Bill, 1979 , 358-69,437-51

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MONDAY, 26 MARCH8 3.979

The Senate met at: iO«OO a.m. pursuant to notice.

MR, PRESIDENT tack the Chair and read the Prayer.

The Hon. Senator Sir Vijay R. Singh, K.B.E.The Hon. Senator Sir John Falvey, K.B.E., Q.C.The Hon. Senator Ramanl&l I. KapadiaThe Hon. Senator Akanisi DreunimisimisiThe Hon. Senator Ben RambisheswarThe Han* Senator Dr, Sevanaia B« TabuaThe Hon. Senator Ratu Livai Volavola, O.B.E.The Hon. Senator Ratu Kavaia Tagivetaua, M«C.The Hon., Senator Inoke TabuaThe Hona Senator Ratu Jone Kikau, M.B,£., Jal*.The HonK Senator Ratu Glanville W. Laiataalavu.The Hon. Senator Ratu Emoai Iievula, J.P»The Hons Senator Ratu Jone MataitiniThe Hon. Senator Ratu Tevita VakalalabureThe Hon. Senator Kaur Battan SinghThe HonB Senator Shiromaniam MadhavanThe "Bon. Senator Chandra J?rakash BidesiThe Hon. Senator Bakshi Balwant Singh Mal# M.B.E.The Hon. Senator Ratilal A* PatelThe Hon. Senator Colin Stanley WeaverThe Hon. Senator Wilson inia, M.B«E», J,P.


HON. LEADER OF GOVERislMENT BUSINESS-- Mr. President, Sir, Ibeg to moves

That the minutes of the sitting of the Senate heldon Wednesday 13 December 1978, as previously circulated,be taken as read and bs confirmed.

HOS. SENATOR KAUR BATTAN SIHGH.- MrB President, Sir, I beg tosecond the motion.

Question put.Motion agreed to.


Sixth Annual Report of the Ombudsman - March 1977-February,1978 (21/78)Personal Accident Compensation Scheme for Members ofParliament - Memorandum of Understanding (3/79)(In typescript^

Report on Compulsory Third Party Insurance (4/79)Native Land Trust Board - Annual Report and Accounts for theyear ended December 1977

The Fiji Meat Industry Board - Report for the period ending31st December 1977 (22/78)

Civil Aviation - Annual Report for the year.1976 (39/78)Public Works Department - Annual Report for the year 1975 (34/77J

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26 (lunch, 1979

Fiji Servicemen's After Care Fond - Annual Report for the year1977 (31/78)

Write-off Reports under Standing Order 60 - October, November,December, 1978 (In typescript)

Department of Government Supplies - Annual Report for the year1974 (35/77)

Ministry of Health - Annual Report for the year 1975 (40/78)


Audits of Statutory Bodies(Question No. 16/78)

HON. SENATOR KADR BATTAN SINGH asked the Government, upon notice:

(a) Will the Government inform this House as to the names ofthe accountancy firms which have been doing the auditsof the following statutory bodies for the years 1977 and1978 and also how much auditing fees paid to each firm:-

(i) Board of Fire Commissioners of Suvai(ii) Central Monetary Authority of Fiji;

(iii) Fiji Development Bank;(iv) Fiji Electricity Authority!(v) Fiji Pine Commission:

(vi) Fiji Sugar Corporation Limited;(vii) Fiji visitors Bureau;

(viii) Land Development Authority and corporations establishedby the Authority;

(ix) Fijian Development Fund Board;(x) Native Land Trust Board;

(xi) Rabi Island Fund;(xii) Sugar Board?

(b) will the Government inform this House why there has been adelay in publishing the financial reports and statementsof nine of these authorities as mentioned on Page 22 ofthe Auditor General • s report for the year 1977?

HON. SENATORas follows:

KAPADIA.- Mr. President, Sir, the answers are

Board of FireCommissioners ofSuva

Central MonetaryAuthority

Fiji DevelopmentBank

Fiji ElectricityAuthority

Peat Marwick,Mitchell & Co.

Audit Fees


Coopers & Lybrand 4,500






Peat Marwick,Mitchell & Co.

Peat Marwick,Mitchell Si Co.



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i'laru-k, 1979

What accounting fees have been paid for the years 197? and 1978by the undermentioned Statutory bodies and to whom:

(a) Board of Fire Commissioners of Suva?(b) Central Mometary Authority of Fiji;{c) Fi ji Development Bank;(d) Fiji Electricity Authority;(e) Fiji Pine Commission:(f) Fiji Sugar Corporation Limited?(g) Fiji Visitors Bureau;(h) Land Development Authority and Corporation established

by the Authority;(i) Fijian Development Fund Board;(j) Native Land Trust Board;(k) Rafoi Island Fund;(1) Sugar Board?

HON« SENATOR KAPADIA.- Mr. President, Sir, the answer is asfollows:

(a) Board of Fire commissioners - Accounting Fees, not available.Audit Feess 1977 - $1,761; 1978 - $2,788, Paid to paat,Marwick & Mitchell.

(b) Central Monetary Authority - Accounting Fees, not available*Audit Feesj 1977 - $4,5pO; 1978 - $4,500. Paid to Coopers &.Lybrand.

(c) Fiji Development Bank — Accounting Pees, not available,,Audit Fees: 1977 - $5,534; 1978 - $6,286. Paid to PeatsMarwick & Mitchell.

(d) Fiji Electricity Authority - Accounting Fees: 1977 - $1,206;1978 - $9,339. Audit Fees: 1977 - $13,000; 1978 - $15,812.Paid to Peat, Marwick & Mitchell.

(e) Fiji Pine Commission - Accounting Fees: 1977 - $2,250.Audit Fees: 1977 - $5,000; 1978 - $6,500. Paid to Price*Waterhouse & Co.

(f) Fiji Sugar Corporation Limited ~ Accounting Fees; 1977 ~$15,500; 1978 - $15,500. Audit Fees: 1977 - $14,500;

1978 - $19,500- Paid to Peat, Marwick & Mitchell.(g) Fiji Visitors Bureau — Accounting Fees, not available*

Audit Fees: 1977 - $2,580; 1978 - Not yet fixedo Paid toAuditor General.

(h) Land Development Authorities -(i) Uluisaivou Corporation - Accounting Fees, not available.

Audit Fees: 1977 - $750; 1978 - Not yet fixed. Paid toG. Lai & Co.

(ii) IKA Corporation - Accounting Fees, not available.Audit Fees: 1977- $1,000; 1978 - $875. Paid to G. Lai &Co.

(iii) Yalavou Rural Development Board (established 26,1.78) -Accounting Fees, not available. Audit Fees; 1977~ notavailable; 1978 - not yet fixed. Paid to Kapadia,Singh & Co.

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MR. PRESIDENT.- Order! Will you just ask your supplementaryquestion?

HON. SENATOR KAOR BATTAN SINGH.- What was the nature of businessof the Minister? Was it opening any schools or Ramayan Mandilis? Orwas it for personal use?

HON. SENATOR SIR JOHN FALVEY.-This auestion is obviously.inspirediysomebody in another House, Sir, and might have been addressed to theMinister concerned. All I can say is that as the question reads, itdoes not ask for specific details of the purpose of every visit madeby the Minister of State to the other side of the island. But thereply does indicate that they were for attendance at officialministerial functions.

Composition of Statutory Bodies(Question No.3/79)

HON. SENATOR KAUR BATTAN SINGH asked the Government, upon notice:Would the Government inform the House who are the Chairman andmembers of the following bodies:-(a) Board of Fire Commissioners of Suva;(b) Central Monetary Authority of Fiji;(c} Fi j i Development Bank;

(d) Fiji Electricity Authority;(e) Fi j i Pine Commi ss ion;(f) Fiji Sugar Corporation Limited;(g) Fiji Visitors Bureau;(h) Land Development Authority and Corporation established by

the Authority;

(i) Fijian Development Fund Board;(j) Native Land Trust Board;(k) Rabi Island Fund;(1) Sugar Board?


The answers are as

(a) Board of Fire Commissioners of Suva -The Chairman is normally the Mayor of Suva; the presentChairman is the chief Administrator of the Suva City Council,other Members are -A nominee of the insurance companies operating in Fiji,andthe present nominee is Mr. L.G. Liddel and the third memberis the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of UrbanDevelopment and Housing.

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(b) Central Monetary Authority -Mr. J.D. Barnes (Chairman)Mr. H.J. Tomkina (General Manager)Mr. N.Y. Fong (Member)Mr. Rasheed All (Member)Mr. T. Vuetilovoni (Member)Permanent Secretary for Finance.

(c) Fiji Development Bank ~Mr. L.G. Usher (chairman)Mr, L*F. Guthery (Managing Director)Mr. J.M. Ah Koy (Member)Mr. Kalyan Hari (Member)Mr. J.Y. Kubuabola (Member)Mr. L.Q. Bulamaibau (Member)Mr. S,P. Nandan (Member)Permanent Secretary for Finance.

(d) Fiji Electricity Authority -

Mr. Lionel Yee (Deputy Chairman)Hon. U.A. Thaggard (Member)Mr. M.M. Patel (Member)Dr. S. Tabua (Member)The Permament Secretary for Finance(or Deputy Secretary for Finance)The Permanent Secretary for Worlcs

The appointment of a chairman has yet to be made tosucceed Hon. C. Walker who has resigned.

(e) Fiji Pine Commission -Mr. Winston Thompson (Permanent Secretary for Finance)

(Chairman)Mr. Josua Doviverata Vuetiviti Cavalevu (PermanentSecretary for Fijian Affairs & Rural Development) (DeputyChairman)

Mr. Ewen William Gregor (General Manager)Ratu Jone Nadakaibitu (Member)Ratu Osea Turaga Gavidi (Member)Mr, G.H.D. Williams, Conservator of .Forests (Member)Mr. Josefata Nakausabaria Kamikamica (Member)Ratu Jone LalaMr. Thomas Ford (Member)Ratu Apimeleki Varakuka

^f) Fiji Sugar Corporation -Mr. A.D. Leys (Chairman)Mr. Chimanlal Narsey (vice Chairman)Mr. M. Ali (Member)Mr. L.w. Cupit (Member)Mr. G.S. Mataika (Member)cfiief Executive, Fiji Sugar CorporationPermanent Secretary for Finance

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(g) Fiji Visitors Bureau -

Mr- Mahendra Motibhai Patel, representing the NationalDuty Free Dealers Association (Chairman)

Mr. Richard Porter, representing the Board of Airlinerepresentatives

Mrs. Lorraine Evans, representing the Society of TravelAgents

Mr, Andrew Thomson, representing the Fiji Hotel Association.Mr, Rajendra Singh, representing the Fiji Taxi UnionMr, J. St. Julian, representing the Shipping CompaniesMr, Akuila Savu, representing the Minister of FinanceDr» Isireli Lasaqa, representing the Minister for Urbandevelopment and Housing.Mr. Raj Singh, representing the Minister for Tourism,Transport and Civil Aviation

Mr. Don Diment, Director of Information.

(h) Land Development Authority and Corporation establishedby the Authority —

Land Development Authority —

Hon. Ratu J, Tavaiqia (Chairman)Mr. Lloyd Guthery, Managing Director, FDB, (Deputy Chairman)Hon. I. Nadalo (Member)T. VuetilovortiMr, F.M.K. SheraniPermanent Secretary for Fijian Affairs and Rural DevelopmentPermanent Secretary for Agriculture and FisheriesPermanent Secreatry for Finance

Affairs (Deputy Chairman)

Uluiaaivou Corporation ~-Mr. Tomasi Vuetilovoni (Chairman)Ratu Jone Vata, Ministry of FijiaRatu Ropate RatadraMr. Vuniaa TalaeuRatu Isikeli Tabuadua (Alternate Jone Raicetae)Mr. Josefa MaveleMr. Epeli RaganivatuRatu U. Tuidomo (Alternate J, Nakavica)

Official Representatives;Fijian Affairs - Roko Tui RaAgriculture and Fisheries - JB TeawaiNative Land Trust Board - P. WaqaFiji Development Bank - G. ReadeCo-operations - G* Bukarau

Yalavou Rural Development Board -Mr. D.W. Brown (Chairman)Mr. J. Teawai, Ministry of Agriculture and FisheriesMr. D. Pickering Ministry for Works.Mr. S. Waibuta, Ministry of Fijian Affairs.Mr, W. Savou, Native Land Trust BoardMr. G. Reade, Fiji Development BankMr. F. Taito, Ministry of Finance.Mr. F. Gibson, Commissioner western DivisionRatu Kinijioji, Roko Tui, Nadroga*

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C D Sugar Board -

Mr. J.S. Thomson (Chairman)Mr. F.M.K. SheraniMr. John Warwick KingMr. Sanat Kumar (Miller's Representative)Mr. C.K. Nandha (Growers' Representatives)

HON. SENATOR SIR JOHN PALVEY.- To remove doubt and to avoid,possibly, awkward publicity, would the honourable Senator pleaseconfirm that Sir John Falvey is legal adviser to the Native LandTrust Board, but is not a member.

HON* SENATOR SIR VIJAY R- SINGH.- I do that. In the text ofthe details given to me I do not know why the Ministry officials haveincluded my colleague's name. I mentioned his name when I noticed thathe was a legal adviser. He is not a member of the Board.

Fi j i Sugar Corporation

(Question No»4/79)


HON. SENATOR KAUR BATTAN SINGH asked the Government, upon notices

Would the Government please inform this Bouse the dates fromwhich Fiji Sugar Corporation Shares will be available forpurchase by *the cane fanners and mill workers?

HOB. SENATOR SIR JOHN FALVEY.-M r. p r e s i d e n t^sir, thetiming of the offer of shares presently held by Government in FijiSugar Corporation Limited to cane farmers, mill workers and thegeneral public will be made known after consideration has been givento possible ways and means of assisting individuals to fund thesepurchases. Time will also be required to prepare the prospectus forthe share offer*


A Bill to amend the Land Transfer Act, 1971 (3/78)A Bill to repeal and replace the Customs Tariff Act (22/78)A Bill to amend the Penal Code (29/78)A Bill to amend the Ports Authority of Fiji Act, 1975 (30/78)A Bill to amend the Judges* Remuneration and Emoluments Act,1974 (1/79)

A Bill to amend the Prescription of Salaries Act, 1974 (2/79)A Bill to establish the Fiji Law Reform Commission and forpurposes incidental thereto (5/79)

A Bill to amend the Dangerous Drugs Act (6/79)A Bill to enable Fiji to become a member of the InternationalFinance Corporation (7/79)

A Bill to amend the Income Tax Act, 1974 (8/79)

HON. SENATOR SIR JOIffif FALVEY.- Mr. President, Sir, I begto move that the House do now adjourn till 9.30 tomorrow morning.

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I also understand that there is an informal meeting at 11.15 a.m..

if that is acceptable to all.

HON. SENATOR KAUR BATTAN SINGH.- Mr. President, Sir, I beg to

second the motion.

Question put.

Motion agreed to.

The House adjourned at 10.35 a.m.

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TUESDAY,. 27 MARCH, 1979

The Senate met at 9.30 a.m. pursuant to adjournment,

MR. PRESIDENT took the Chair and read the Prayer.


All Senators were present.


HON. SENATOR SIR JOHN FALVEY.- Mr. President, Sir, I beg tomove:

That the minutes of the sitting of the Senate held onMonday, 26 March, 1979,as previously circulated toe taken asread and be confirmed,

HON. SENATOR KAUR BATTAN SINGH.- Mr. President, Sir, I beg tosecond the motion.

Question put.

Motion agreed to.



MR. PRESIDENT.- I am sure the House would wish us all t» jointogether and express our considerable pleasure in conveying ourcongratulations to our Senator Vice-president who* as you will recallin the New Year's Honours was made an officer of theMiost Excellent Order of the British Empire. So honourable Senators,I am sure with your approval, I extend to our Senator Ratu LivaiVolavola the sincere congratulations and good wishes of the Bouse onhis acceptance of this preferment from Her Majesty the Queen.


HON. SENATOR BIDESI.- Mr. President, Sir, I wish to endorse theremarks made by your good self. I have been associated with SenatorRatu Livai Volavola for many years, Sir, and during our term ascouncillors, I found him very sincere, a very hard-working man, aman who stands up not only for his own race. Sir, but for all theraces in Fiji and I take this opportunity of congratulating hiirf inaccepting the citation from Her Majesty the Queen.

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HON. SENATOR SIR JOHN FALVEY.- We on this side of the Housewould also like to associate ourselves with your remarks. Sir. Formyself X have known Ratu Livai since his early days on the FijianDevelopment Fund Board, that was more years ago than I can remember,and if I could remember I would not disclose it.

In the Senate, Sir, he has been a Member since the Senate wasestablished so much so that he has now become almost institutionalised.Be has given very valuable service to the Senate, a fact that we haverecognised by electing him as Vice-president.

Sir, I repeat* we endorse everything that you have said.

BKSR. SENATOR RATU MATAITINI.- Mr. President, Sir, Ratu Volavolais a nominee of the Great Council of Chiefs, and for one from thisside of the House to pay congratulations to him as has been donethis morning is like patting our own son. But having heard what hasbeen said about him, I would like to say that he has been a foundationMember of the Senate of Fiji since 1970 when it was established andas such, he has also since 1970 never forgotten that he is a repre-sentative of the Great Council of Chiefs. And although he may haveat times said things that seemed quite heated in his reply to otherMembers of this House, I am sure that he has always tried to be fair.Whatever criticisms may have been levied by him at other Membersin this House, I can vouch for it that it was never meant as apersonal criticism toanySne Member. So on behalf of the GreatCouncil of Chiefs we do fully endorse your remarks. Sir, and at thesame time thank you for raising the matter.

HON. SENATOR J>N1A.~ \ also rise, Mr. President, to add theCouncil of Rotuma'a congratulation to the honourable Senator. I amvery proud that Her Majesty has found it expedient to grant such ahigh honour more so as I was one of his old teachers, and it givesme great pleasure in that I may have contributed to his success.With these remarks, Mr. President, I congratulate him sincerely.

HON. SEHATOR RATU VOLAVOLA.- I thank you, Mr. President, Sir,for your words of congratulations and I would also like to thankthe honourable Senators Bidesi, Sir John Falvey, Ratu Jone Mataitiniand Wilson Inia for the words of congratulations which have reallymade me feel very very humble in front of these honourable gentlemen,,

I would also like to take this opportunity of placing on record,Sir, my thanks to the many friends who had written and telephonedtheir congratulations, aid also those who had come to my house tocongratulate me personally.

Of the letters which I received congratulating me, one waafrom a friend in Auckland, Mr. Max Bay, formerly of the EducationDepartment of Fiji and another from the Saunders family now inCanberra.

With this brief remark, I thank you very much, Mr. President,Sir.

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HON. SENATOR SIR VIJAY R. SINGH.- Mr. President. Sir, I begto move:

That a Bill to amend the Land Transfer Act, 1971 be reada second time.

HON. SENATOR KAPADIA.- Sir, I second the motion.

HON. SENATOR SIR VIJAY R. SINGH.- Mr. President, Sir( the Billmakes two amendments to the Land Transfer Act, amendments of '&technical nature. At present Section 159 sub-section (2) does notallow a joining or any other areas of land to be included in "thecertificate of easement which in terms of the sub-section as it iapresently worded is restricted to the subdivisional lots ahown inthe plan referred to in the certificate. This restriction, Sir#presents particular difficulties when the subdivision of a largearea of land is progressively carried out and is consequently thesubject of several deposited plans. The insertion of the proposedadditional phrase in the sub-section will obviate this difficulty«,

In terms of sub-section (3) pf Section 159, it is required thata certificate of easement shall be lodged at the same time as therelevant plan is deposited. However, Sir, those who practiseconveyancing will lenow that these plans have to be approved by thecomputing section of the Lands Department and considerable delaysare encountered.

Additionally, the sub-section deals only with plans now beingregistered and does not extend to include old subdivisional planspreviously deposited. In these cases easements can only be createdby resorting to the cumbersome procedure which formerly governedthe creation of simple easement. Both these problems can be overcomeby allowing the Registrar of Titles* discretion to accept certifi-cates of easements for registration at a time other than that at whichthe plan is deposited. The amendment to sub-section (3) proposesaccordingly.

I commend the Bill to the House.

HON. SENATOR KAPADIA.- Mr. President, Sir, the Land TransferAct was enacted by the Parliament of Fiji in 1971. It is a fairlycomprehensive document dealing with the transfer of land, theregistration of transfer, mortgagees, leases and all other matterspertaining to land. All those who deal with the matters of regis-tration in respect of dealings in land consider that the existinglegislation is a good piece of legislation and covers a large varietyof matters which are faced by solicitors and others.

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The Sill before the House deals with two matterss namelyf thecertificates of easement and t,tm deposit of platiu

Mr* President, Sirs I tfolrtk it would be relevant to mentionhere that the time has B O W come when we should examine whether theAct coold be further improved upon, to meet the changed conditionsin vhxefa we now livs. If we .look around urban and aemi^urban areaeswe will immediately notice that there is a considerable shortage of.freehold land available for the construction of homos and commercialpremises. Because of a combination of factors influencing the market,the prices of vacant blocks of land haves gone up very hlgha Thiscalls for a maximum use of the available land, There? are variousmethods by which we could do thate Firstly,, of coarse, is permittinghigh-rise buildings, Tb/are are some restrictions in this regardfrom the Town Planning Department,,

The other suggestion is for introducing the system of issuingstrata titles, I think it is necessary to explain what that termMeats© aa all the honourable Senators may not be atolls to appreciate•the phrase 8strata titles61 a When a person holds a blocX of freeholdland h.m ia issued with a CfiE't,if ieate of Title by the Registrar ofTitles showing thst he owns that lande The lav/ as it stands nofe" Isthat anything that is built on that blocfe of land becomes part ofthat land and the ownership of that is wasted in the person Whoholds that block of land, Xa several countries, tb.e system has beenintroduced whereby in cases of buildings on a block of land havingmore than one storey., it Is possible for the Registrar of Titles toiesme m separate title in respect, of the various storeys in thebuilding. 'Let us take an illustration,. Let us say Mr. Ram Frasadowiia a five—storey buildings. As raat-ters stand now, "he is the ownerof tine entire Ixiilding,, But if the system of strata title is per*-twitted is then each of trie- five-storeys could foe owned by fivedifferent, persons* It seems to mef Sir, that this system has workedwell in softie countries and there is rso reason why it cannot work inFiji as well* This matter has been talked about for quite some time,but nothing constructive sterns to have been done in this regard. Onegets the iiapression that the matter has not. been given the seriousconm ider at ion that. It deserves, There are two reasons for coming tothat conclusiona Qnes if the system of introducing strata titlesia desirable, why lias the legislation not besn brought forwardto implement, it? Secondly s if the system has nn surmount able problemsand is MiliJgely to 'worlc in Fiji, wby has the Ministry responsiblenot outlined those problems so that the people may know what thoseproblems a:ce and may try to find solutions to iron them out? 1would urge tlie <3overrMn©nt $ Sir „ to give serious consideration tothis stiatter and investigate thoroughly whether we cosild xntrodtscethat in Fiji with advantageP

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HON. SENATOR SIR JOHN FALVE*,- Mr, President, Sir, the Ministerresponsible is the honourable Attorney-General, and in case the lastspeaker is suggesting that the present incumbent has been guilty ofneglect, I would like him and this Mouse to know that the question ofstrata titles has been under consideration for nine years. Thereare difficulties, not insurmountable difficulties. Sir, but the CrownLaw Office has been at pains to ensure that any legislation that isbrought down removes to the greatest extent possible, the difficul-ties which have been experienced in places like Australia, New Zealandand the United States.

Sir, with regard to the substantive Bill X may say that I amvery glad that it is at last seeing the light of day. 'i'his also wasa Bill which was drafted during my incumbency- i may say. Sir, thatthe initiative was taken by a member of the legal profession andwas seized upon by the Crown Law Office with the result that wesee today.

it may sc<yn to honourable Senators who are not closely cojinec-^ted with conveyancing matters that this is a highly academic point.You, Sir, as a practising solicitor will be able to assure theHouse, if you were allowed to, that it will be a trtauundous conve-nience not only to practitioners but also to the public who areconcerned with land transactions. I strongly support the Bill, Sir.

HON. SENATOR WEAVER,- Mr. President, I rise to support theBill before this House and also to commend the previous two speakerson their words of advice to us. Any legislation that facilitatesthe use of land anywhere is to be welcomed, and when we turn ourminds to Senator Kapadia's remarks on steps that should be takentowards strata titles to encourage the use of the limited land thatis available, he brings to my mind some of the problems that willarise by encouraging urban drift.

Now, while I would never speak against any move that facilita-tes the accessibility of living space, I would also like the Govern-ment to have a look at steps that would ease urban drift by bringingabout any form of legislation be it by way of finance or otherwise,that encourages the people of Fiji to occupy and use the land awayfrom the towns. If the land away from the towns is more intensivelyused, the urban drift would not be as strong as it is, the producti-vity of this country would increase and I think the standard ofliving and the happiness of everyone here would certainly rise. Sowhile we recognise the advisability of these measures taken byGovernment, measures that we all welcome, indeed, I would like tosay a word in favour of anything that can be done to facilitatebetter and more use of the land away from the urban areas.

HON. SENATOR RATU LBVULA.- Mr. President, Sir, I would alsolike to participate on this Bill. When we are talking about transfersI do understand that about 83 per cent of the land in the countrybelongs to the Fijians. I would like to ask the Government to ensurethat the land-owning units concerned are consulted before anythingis done because once a land is transferred it is completely out ofthe hand of the owner. In the colonial days. Sir, I understand that

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decision-making power for roading, drainage or any other develop-ment was in the hands of the Governor, but now i ask the Governmentto look into the matter concerning Fijian land.

With that short statement, Sir, I strongly support the motion.

HON. SENATOR RATU MATAITINI.- Mr. President, Sir, part of theamendment says that the words "and any other areas of land" be in-serted in the substantive clause. Reading those words alone makesme feel a little apprehensive because if the subdivision of a freeholdland is near a native land then the amendment can allow the easementcertificate to include that native land also. But, reading the sub-stantive clause 159, it does not bring that about, and I now wouldlike to read sub-section (1) of that substantive clause!

"A proprietor of any land subject to the provisions of this Actmay when depositing a map or plan of such land under theprovisions of section 158..."

How,may I read the first two lines of section 158, Sir:

"After the subdivision of land and deposit of a map or planunder the provisions of the last preceding section,..."

The last preceding section, which is section 157, Sir, mentionsthere that!

"Any proprietor subdividing any land subject to the provisionsof this Act..."

So I take it. Sir, that if there are two different owners havingtheir land adjacent to each other it the easement certificate isgiven to cover one area of land owned by one person that certificateof easement, as the wording of the amendment says. Sir, will notautomatically include the land owned by the second person. And, ifI am right in saying that, Sir,then I agree with the amendment,but it the first proprietor applies for a certificate of easementand without the knowledge of the second proprietor that his land isbeing included in the certificate of easement, then I would notagree with the amendetent. But having read clauses, 157,158 and159 I feel sure, Sir, that my apprehension is not correct because aproprietor can only apply for easement over the land whether sub-divided or not that he owns* X hope,Sir, that I am correct insaying that, otherwise I will go against the amendment.

HON. SENATOR SIR VIJAY R. SINGH.- Perhaps, I may begin withSenator Ratu Mataitini's comments and assure him that his under-standing of the position is quite correct. No owner of a parcel oflands can adversely affect the rights and interest of an adjoiningowner or any other area without the concurrence and approval of thatother owner. The proposal of the Bill really emanates from thesituation where one owner of a large track of land wishes to sub-divide his land in stages. Two that come readily to mind are theHousing Authority and the other, the Pacific Harbour developmentat Deuba. But the easements that are created in such a situationfor instance, let us take Housing Authority, must be created by the

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Boasing Authority over land of which it is the proprietors If thesituation should arise where the adjoining interest has to beaffected, say in the cage of a right of way or a drainage easement,then that owner's consent must be obtained.

I also refer to the question of leases. A lessee has a limitedinterest in a piece of land - limited by, a time. Xf the easement isto run beyond the term of the lease, then obviously unless theconsent of the lessor or the owner who had leased the land Siad foeentaken, the easement may run out with the lease. So whenever a leaseis concerned, I should imagine that it would be prudent if theeasement is to subsist for all time that the consent both of thelessee as well as the lessor be obtained.

I refer to the comments of Senator Kapadia in relation tostrata title. The matter as my colleague has explained, haa beenunder consideration for quite some time. At one time while Sir JohnFalvey was the Attorney-General, a decision was made to seek anappropriate qualified and experienced person from overseas to draftthe necessary legislation. Subsequently, Sir, it was discovered thatit is at present possible to grant title in respect of a flat or aunit of building in a multi-storey building and register that by wayof a lease, not by way of a freehold title which strata title permits*And, while we are subject to persuasion, we believe that it would beadvisable to operate under the existing legislation and gain am: ownexperience under local conditions.

Vou will find, Sir, that in the case of strata title, law andsocial conditions become intertwined. The greatest proponents ofstrata title are developers. As far aa developers are concerned,they can put up a block of flats with 20, 30 or 40 individual flats,sell them to 20 or 30 individual owners and walk awaye But. it isthese 20 or 30 people, who are more often than not strangers to 0&c:hother who have to live together. They have to maintain the grounds,they have to maintain the stairs or lifts, they have fco enforce ssort of discipline in the corridors ana common-user facilities.

HON. SENATOR KAUR BATTAN SINGH.- Like the Housing Authority.

HON. SENATOR SIR VIJAY R. SINGH.- Now the experience of somecountries, in particular as mentioned by my learned colleague,Australia has shown that in the wake of this development, there havebeen problems and the problems are less as you go up the ladder ofaffluence because the wealthy cannot be bothered too much aboutworrying about the cost of repairs to the lift or to the staircaseor the cost of keeping the yard clean, but as you come down theeconomic ladder where people watch their dollars and cents morecarefully, then the group that has to manage the common facilitiescreates tensions.

Also, Sir, when you have older people without children andusually in these apartments without pets, they levy no problem!,, butwhen you come down the age ladder, young families with children!running up and down the corridors creating disturbance for others,here, too, social tensions arise. And then* also as part of ageconnotation to some extent, you can have very noisy parties in oneapartment which completely disturbs the quiet enjoyment of those whooccupy nearby flats. Who is going to be the policeman? Who is going

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to be the arbitrator in thia? I am not giving fancy concoctedproblems - these are real problems that nave arisen.

Now, a developer is not really concerned about what happensafter he has developed, sold and hopefully made a profit and goneaway. But these are the problems that those who purchase have tolive with, and I believe tftat it is fair and proper that inconsidering this legislation, we consider not only the benefitseconomically to the country as a whole by a greater and a moreintense civilisation of land and the benefits to the developers,but also the social costs which are part and parcel of suchdevelopment and are likely to be more so in our community where thereare a number of affluent people who will buy such apartments is solimited. It is for that reason that we prefer to see the long-termlease system operate under the existing legislation and see what theproblems come up for which we may have to make appropriate provisionin any strata title legislation that we devise.

That is all I have to say on what the observation makes. Sir,but I ought to confirm what my learned colleague on my left has said,that this Bill was really drafted and published in his time. Myfellow Senators may wonder why this rather enormous delay inbringing it forward, and perhaps I should explain that. Sir.

Because a very senior and respected member of tne legalfraternity thought that there ought to be a few other amendments tothe Land Transfer Act, and rather than have a number o£ Billsamending the same Act, I withdrew the Bill when it first came upbefore the House of Representatives to be able to incorporate thoseother amendments. Unfortunately, sir, while this was what wasintended by the amendment that tnis learned Member had in mind, itbecame very difficult to put it in words, and if you want to know moreabout it# I suggest you call on the gentleman I am referring to — hemay only be a partition away from you, sir.

Question put.

Motion agreed to.

Bill read a second time.

In Committee!

Clauses 1, 2, title and enacting clause agreed to.

The House resumed;

Bill reported without amendment, read a third time and passed.{Act No. 2 of 1979).


HON. SENATOR KAPADIA.- Mr President, Sir, I beg to move:

That a Bill to repeal and replace the Customs Tariff Act beread a second time,

HON. SENATOR RAMB1SHESWAR.- Mr President, Sir, I beg to secondthe motion.

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MR PRESIDENT.- Order' Honourable Senators, before I call on themover, I wish to convey the usual message from the House ofRepresentatives and with your permission, I will also add the otherMoney Bill mentioned relative to the other Bills which are on theOrder Paper. The message reads:

"This is to certify that pursuant to Section 63 of theConstitution, a Bill to repeal and replace the CustomsTariff Act, a Bill to amend the Ports Authority of FijiAct, 1975, a Bill to enable Fiji to become a Member ofthe International Finance Corporation, a Bill to amendthe Income Tax Act. 1974, a Bill to amend the JudgesRemuneration and Emoluments Act, 1974, and a Bill toamend the prescription of Salaries Act, 1974, areMoney Bills."

Now I call on the mover. Honourable Senator Kapadia,

HON. SENATOR KAPADIA.- Mr President, Sir, the present CustomsTariff Act came into force in September, 1968. Since then, it hasbeen amended on a number of occasions. In 1974, the legislation onthe subject was very heavily amended by adopting the internationalsystem of classification of imported and exported goods known asthe Brussels Nomenclature.

The Bill before the House is in effect the consolidation of anumber of amendments that have been made to the legislation over theyears. The proposed Bill, in other words. Sir, brings together theentire legislation on the subject in one piece so that the present lawof the Customs Tariff Act can be readily ascertained. The honourableSenators will notice that whereas the clauses in the Bill are coveredby only three pages, the Schedule of the Bill has several chaptersand nearly 280 pages.

Mr President, Sir, one of the most important amendments to theexisting legislation is the proposed change in the manner in which theamendment to the present law could be affected. i'he situation^ now isthat the tariff rates should be changed by a resolution of the Houseof Representatives or by an order of a Minister responsible forfinance which is ratified subsequently by the House of Representatives,,The honourable Senators will remember that whereas the resolutionsaffecting the customs tariffs were debated in the House of Represen-tatives, they n0ver came before this House. The change proposed bythis Bill would mean that the Government would not be able to changethe tariffs by merely obtaining the approval ot the House ofRepresentatives. It will have to come not only before the House butalso before the Senate before it becomes law. Mr president. Sir, 1consider that as a major milestone in the history ol the Senate, andI vculd like to congratulate the Government for giving due importanceto this House.

Mr President, Sir, the Bill proposes that tne moment an amendmentis published, the Comptroller of Customs would be entitled to collectrevenue on that basis. This is a practical measure. If it is notdone that way, people could take advantage of the proposed changes.However, Sir, if the proposal is not accepted by the House of

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Representatives, or the proposed amendment is further amended orvaried,, then the difference in duty would be refunded to the peoplewho have paid. Therefore, there would be no injustice to those whoare required to pay the duty at the new rate upon the publicationof the amendment.

The final clause in the Bill validates. Sir, all the dutieslevied, collected and paid in terms of the Customs Tariff Act(Amendment) Order, 1974 and subsequent Orders amending the FirstSchedule to the repealed Customs Tariff prior to the commencement ofthis Act. This is done in order to remove any doubt about thevalidity of amending the Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act by merelyadopting a resolution of the House of Representatives or by an Orderof the Minister subsequently approved by the House.

With these words. Sir, i commend the Bill to the House.

HON. SENATOR WEAVER.- Mr President, Sir, firstly as I am a payerof import duties, I must declare my interest in the Bill.

I would also like to endorse the remarks of the previous speakerin welcoming Government's change of attitude in presenting moneymatters to both Houses of Parliament and taking a more logical and amore cautious approach to the collection and spending of thiscountry's money.

The Bill in question, Mr President, does do some damage toFiji's image as a place where visitors from other countries can comeand do some shopping under terms which are far more favourable thanin their own countries. Over the last 10 to 15 years, there has beena development of the tourist industry that has had, as it is vivid,the image of duty-free shopping in Fiji. I use the word "image"because we have never had duty-free shopping in Fiji in its fullestmeaning. But of late and even with this Bill here, that image hasbeen tarnished and unfortunately it is tarnished at our level. Bythat I mean by Parliament enacting legislation which leads towards atarnishing of that image, that no matter how hard we try, Fiji hasearned a reputation as a place for duty-free shopping. It is too latenow to try and erase that image in the minds of many hundreds ofthousands of visitors overseas who still look towards this countryas not only a place to enjoy the surf, the sea, the sand and the sky,but also a place where they can make these attractive purchases.

Mr President, this country some time ago embarked on thedevelopment of expanding the tourist industry as a means to an end,that end being the dqvelopment of this country and the betterdistribution of the wealth and opportunities that are available tothe citizens. That tourist industry has in early days beenthoroughXy successful and this shopping aspect has had a greateconomic impact on the entire society, without the duty-froe trade,tourism's growth would have been a lot slower. The related economicbenefits to the nation must diminish and the pace of national develop-ment retarded. Now tnen if we want to go ahead and have the develop-ment at the pace that we have been used to, if we want to acceleratethat or even just maintain it, we must look after this particular

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facet of the tourist industry that plays such vitaX role. This partof the industry provides employment to the job-*«tarved economy at anumber between 1,200 and 1,500 jobs, These are jobs that arepermanent in the society. It is a field that can be developed but itcannot be developed it we keep on passing legislation that entrenchesan imposition ot a tax or duty on a would—be or so—called duty-freetrading area. It has always been argued that it is only a littleamount, and certainly in the early days when this type of taxation wasintroduced, we called it the Port and Customs Service Tax and itstarted off at 2h per cent, and we were told by Government and assuredmost strongly that the 2*5 per cent was only a little bit and no onewould notice the difference. Then the 2h p©r cent rose to 3 per cent.But the arguments presented were unchanged, it was only a little bit.The 3 per cent then went to 5 per cent and from 5 per cent to 10 percent. Coupled with these increases, we see all around us ourneighbouring territories developing a tourist trade of their own, andquite sensibly they looked towards Fiji for some measure of guidanceand they realised that a large measure of our success was due to theattraction of duty-free shopping. At the same time our two majorsource countries of visitors, Australia and New Zealand, took stepsto reduce the flow of their money into Fiji's coffers by not onlyrestricting the amount of merchandise that & tourist was allowed tobring home with him, but those countries also developed a duty-freeindustry of their own. These exercises have all had a cumulativeeroding effect on the duty—free industry in the country. It isunfortunate that our Constitution precludes us from amending thislegislation, otherwise we would be very happy to go ahead and chopsome of those 10 per cents out.

The Government has been very conscious that at our present ratesof trade, we are looking at revenue of about $1.8 million, therebeing about $18 million worth of imports according to the latestfigures available and 10 per cent on the $1.8 million. It has beensaid, can it be shown where Government can recoup that money? well.Sir, we can use exactly the same arguments as were used by Governmentwhen it first introduced duty-free legislation a number of years agowhen they abolished the duty and just left the tax behind. Thearguments are exactly the same. If you remove a cost at source thenthe retail price must go down. In a proportion greater than thepercentage of that reduction because it is a habit of any commercialexercise to apply write-ups, profits and costs as a percentage toyour basic costs, therefore if you reduce your basic cost, that isthe best way of reducing the price. When we reduce the price, weattracted as many hundreds of thousands of visitors to this shore andwe developed accordingly. And without that attraction of thosehundreds of thousands of tourists who spent millions of dollars, thiscountry could never have made the progress that it has done.

If we are trying to recoup our $1,8 million, we will needapproximately $5 million worth of profit in the industry alone becausefrom that $5 million you are going to get back $1.8 million. Pleaseforgive me, Mr president, for dealing in all round figures, it ispurely a debating point, not an accounting one.

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Just from the increased profits amongst the traders themselves.Government will recoup the 31*8 million or any equivalant loss ofrevenue. This is a hypothetical exercise and it can never be provedunless you do it. The industry and the people of Fiji can onlyimplore the Government to take the necessary and bold steps as ittook in the past - abolish the duty, develop the trade and reap thebenefits of the increased money from taxes as a result of the higherprofits. You would find that a turnover approximating $15 millionwould give you the kind of profits that we are looking at. That$15 million, Mr President, would be in foreign exchange. So, not onlydo we recoup our $1.8 million of revenue that might have been lost,but we get about $15 million in foreign exchange extra.

It can be argued, how can we guarantee that this will happen?We cannot. But what, we could do is have a look around at a city likeSuva. We all know that if any merchant wants to increase his profitor his turnover, the first thing he does is have a lutusobu or asale where he reduces his prices. And there, Mr President, is thevery evidence that we are looking for. you always increase yourturnover and your trade if you are able to reduce your prices. Ithas been said, c&n Government be assured that the prices will bereduced? Let me assure you, Mr President, that trading in Fijiis a highly competitive exercise — very very much indeed. And if yougive any traders the opportunity to get ahead of their competitors,they will. Not only are they looking at tneir competitors withinthis country^ but they are also looking at their competitors in theneighbouring countries. So let me assure you. Sir, that this effectwill be very positive and very immediate.

Another concern of Government in this particular item is whatthey call leakage and while I asked a question in this House lastyear, I must confess that I was a little bit disappointed becauseit did not answer tne question. On the question ot leakage. Govern-ment has boldly come out and accused the entire duty—free tradingcommunity that there was an amount in 1976 of $7 million leaked fromthis dountry. We are only importing $18 million and in those yearswe were only importing $16 million, and if you put a write-up to bringit up to $28 million, where on earth are you going to get the $7nUllion to siphon off overseas? It just does not add up. At the timeI asked my question, I took the opportunity to avail myself of theinvitation to visit the Central Planning office. I was told that the$7 million related to the entire country, and under no circumstancescould it ever be related to one particular industry within our entireeconomy. But the idea still remains in the minds of Government, thatthe duty-free industry is siphoning-off millions of dollars, and letme hasten to point out tnat I will be the last one to say that leakagedoes not occur. I am sure it does, but certainly not to the extentof $7 million in any one year. And it can never be leaked by theshopkeepers, because any merchant in Fiji will tell you and anyminimal enquiry will show tuat the retailers wno receive foreign©^change over their counters are now no longer the importers of thegoods. Therefore, they must pay for those goods in Fiji currency andthe only way to pay for those goods in Fijian currency is to bank theforeign exchange to get the Fiji currency to pay the wholesaler in

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Suva or what other centres they reside in. Therefore it is animpossibility for leakage to occur to that extent at those locations,,

The other amazing thing that I was told in the Central PlanningOffice was that the $7 million was as a result of doing two projec-tions, and there was a difference between the two of $7 million. Iwas told that it could have been the way that the statistics werecollected; one can easily be out by, say, 10 per cent, but you cannotguarantee all of the figures for statistical purposes. Some of thefigures could be guaranteed, but not all. And the tourist industryas a whole in that year 1976, was stated to be, and they could get afairly firm figure from the bank of $70 million. It was agreedthat a 10 per cent margin of error was very likely. So while therewas a difference at the bottom of the page of $7 million, it cannever be attributed to leakage. It is just an error or an outagein the compilation of figures, all of which can never be guaranteed.

MR PRESIDENT.- Would it be convenient Senator Weaver, for you tofinish or may I interrupt you to take the adjournment?

HON. SENATOR WEAVER.- Mr President, I would prefer the adjourn-ment.

MR PRESIDENT,- orderj The House is adjourned for 20 minutes.

The House adjourned at 10.40 a.m.

The House resumed at 11.00 a.m.

HOJI. SENATOR WEAVER.- Mr President, Sir, the tea break has notgiven me more steam so I want to assure the Members that they are notin for a lengthy session on this particular speech.

Sir, I was on the point of leakage and the proportions thatare attributed to the industry. I also mentioned that I cannot denythat leakage does not take place, but it is almost infinitesimal fromthat section of the industry because they do not have access to thatamount of foreign exchange. Other sections of the industry certainlydo have access to amounts very much in excess of that figure. Customstariff is a vital instrument in the attraction of foreign exchangeand protecting it to keep in this community, and to use it in theway it was intended to be used. That leakage exists, in effect, is aform of complaint by the population at large, because X look on at tnedeparture from this country of money as a prelude to the departureof the person, because no one will send his hard-earned money out ofthis country unless he wishes to follow it himself. So, we look atthe more serious sign of the leakage problem and keep in our mindsthat it is the prelude to the departure of son© of our most ablepeople. Those who have the ways and means o£ doing it legitimately,unfortunately, are some of our most able people.

The other part of the Bill, Sir, is the high duty on spare partsof every nature. We have watches with only 10 per cent tariff on them,but the parts are heavily taxed, with the subsequent result that inFiji today we only have two or three watch repairers, 'i'here was aday when we had quite a team of these skilled tradesmen in thiscommunity, that not only fixed watches but they fixed all other kinds

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HONO SENATOR K&PADIA* - Mr* President, Sir,there are a fewpoints raised in the debate which I would 3 ike to answer,. The speechfey the honourable Senator Weaver seems to have created an impressionthat this Bill brings about same changes in the rate of fiscal andcustoms duty* Let me point out, Sir, that it does not do so. Allthat it does is to consolidate the existing rates of duties in onevolume ao that those who wish to refer to them have an easy access.

This is therefore a Bill, not so much regarding the variafcionin the rate of duties as the consolidation of the existing legislationIn respect of tariffs of the various items* Senator Weaver seems tothink that this legislation is going to tarnish the* image of Fi ji asa duty free centre, Mr= President, Sir, with respect to the honour-able Senator I disagree with him,, Fiji st.il I enjoys considerablereputation for its attractions of duty-free shopping wnich wasverified by a Captain of a cruise ship which recently visited Suva,

However, Sir, 1 do agree with Senator Weaver that the attractionsof duty-free shopping are no longer the same as it used to be in thepasfc« 'i'he figures spealc for themselves. Where we used to import, dutyfree goods to the value of over $50 million,, we now import duty freegoods of less than half that amount„ That certainly shows that theextent of duty-free sales have considerably gone down in this country,and I agre@ with Senator Weaver that the duty-free dealers are veryworried about the trend„

However, Sir, I do not think that the* reason or the pri no I palreasons for the decline in sales are the requirements to pay atpresent the fiscal duty of 10 per cent on Items such as pocket watches,pearls8 electronic equipment and so on. Let me expla in,S Ir „ how tbr-structure of the imposition of customs duty is made up. I £ thehonourable Senators look at Chapter 91 of the Schedule on Page 225they will notice the first item of pocket watches, wrist watches andother watches including stop watches* The Import duty consists oftwo heads? Fiscal Duty and Customs Duty, The fiscal duty is at therat© of 10 per cent and there is no customs duty whatsoever,, There isanother column attached to it and that is Export Duty. .Tn respect ^fthese particular items there is no export duty at al1. Thehonourable Senators would therefore appreciate that, our import, dutyconsists of fiscal duty and customs duty. In so fat as the»re i..a nocustoms duty payable to the Government by tht? importers, the itemsare still duty-free although the importers have to pay fiscal dutyat the rate of 10 per cent,,

I do not think th-s I ) n i ti h i \ 1 i i jh* ia tremendous decline in rb ii i u j i i l lhave got to look in oth t q i vI r i idropped so much. To me it 1 j. u if il t i i npolicy adopted by our n gh n f i , *i il 1in the matter of xraposiiJ n * \ \ 1 1watches, cameras, trans nt 1 j d i ithe past the rate of duiv ^ in, Iwe get the largest perc M !