SOLUTION PAPER Meeting the Growing Demand for Bandwidth: Motorola Extends Its Broadband Leadership into the Licensed Microwave Sector

Meeting the Growing Demand for Bandwidth: Motorola …...Only Motorola offers the span of data rates—from 3 Mbps up to 300 Mbps—that ... Public Safety Reliable, high bandwidth

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Page 1: Meeting the Growing Demand for Bandwidth: Motorola …...Only Motorola offers the span of data rates—from 3 Mbps up to 300 Mbps—that ... Public Safety Reliable, high bandwidth


Meeting the Growing Demand for Bandwidth: Motorola Extends Its Broadband Leadership into the Licensed Microwave Sector

Page 2: Meeting the Growing Demand for Bandwidth: Motorola …...Only Motorola offers the span of data rates—from 3 Mbps up to 300 Mbps—that ... Public Safety Reliable, high bandwidth

The insatiable demand for licensed point-to-point wireless networks is a consequence of an

almost incalculable rise in bandwidth consumption. The appetite for online communications

is gathering momentum across all demographics and areas of human activity, business and

personal—texting, blogs, podcasts, instant messaging; and personal networking sites such

as Twitter. These, added to the downloading of content from the Internet across a dizzying

array of music and entertainment, legal, governmental, and scientific applications consume

spiraling volumes of bandwidth, sending networks racing to keep up. With 100 million

annual downloads on YouTube alone, whole scales of measurement must be recalibrated to

comprehend how great is the need for capacity, performance, and reliability.

According to Infonetics’ Mobile Backhaul Equipment, Installed Base, and Services Report,

numbers of mobile subscribers alone are projected to reach 4.4 billion worldwide in 2011,

driven by an explosion in mobile data and video use, particularly on iPhones and their

clones—requiring providers to significantly increase bandwidth offerings.

As these capacity demands soar and the numbers of devices and points on the network

climb apace, Motorola is responding with an expansion of its offering into licensed

microwave solutions; complementing its market leading unlicensed solutions, and

meeting the full spectrum of broadband needs.

Page 3: Meeting the Growing Demand for Bandwidth: Motorola …...Only Motorola offers the span of data rates—from 3 Mbps up to 300 Mbps—that ... Public Safety Reliable, high bandwidth

Licensed microwave is the direction adopted by many national and local government agencies, enterprises, utilities, network operators and wireless Internet Service Providers, as well as fourth-generation network operators, who prefer band exclusivity and lower levels of interference. Even though Motorola unlicensed band has long set the reliability standard across all environments, the demand for licensing is a reality. To best serve these operators, Motorola is building licensed technology solutions that allow them to deploy with the very lowest levels of potential interference.

Today, Motorola stands alone as the number one provider of unlicensed point-to-point solutions—from the most basic line-of-sight links to the most intensive non-line-of-sight implementations. Its licensed solutions now allow Motorola to offer enterprises, solution providers, and carriers a whole new horizon of revenue and growth options—a comprehensive licensed product line robust enough to enable the end-to-end wireless enterprise.

Motorola’s unrivaled breadth of solutions for business-critical applications spans major enterprises and public, governmental, and scientific organizations. With its entry into the licensed market, Motorola has point-to-point broadband operators covered, whatever approach they choose—whether high-performance unlicensed band, or the exclusivity and reduced interference of licensed communications with options for high capacity. In addition, a significant number of companies now use hybrid implementations composed of both licensed and unlicensed products. Motorola’s ability to supply both makes the company a “one stop” vendor while opening new opportunities for companies to address specific needs in a win-win scenario.

Motorola’s fixed Point-to-Point (PTP) solutions form the foundation of the broadband engines that bridge and extend today’s high-speed voice and data networks. As a global communications pioneer, Motorola is a leader in designing reliability and performance into broadband networks—most notably those tested by extreme conditions.

The name Motorola has become synonymous with secure and reliable connectivity, often across large bodies of water and the most daunting geographies on earth, urban and rural. Outdoors, Motorola products are vital to building cost-effective, high-speed wireless broadband for municipalities and enterprises; these organizations look to Motorola for enabling public access, government administration, and public works communications. Indoors, Motorola’s enterprise Wireless LAN (WLAN) solutions deliver the high-speed connectivity essential to business communications of all types.

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Breaking New Ground in PTP Reliability and Performance Whether in a dense metropolitan area with high RF interference or in rugged geographies under extreme weather conditions, Motorola’s unlicensed band equipment has demonstrated exceptional performance. Only Motorola offers the span of data rates—from 3 Mbps up to 300 Mbps—that are proven to minimize interference and maximize throughput.

It was Motorola’s unlicensed technology that originally enabled wireless providers to extend broadband services to remote areas and backhaul traffic with unprecedented efficiency. And Motorola solved the problems of connecting diverse networks across corporate enterprises and public organizations—government, education, healthcare, utilities and transportation. Motorola’s point-to-point wireless systems remain unrivaled in transmitting data reliably over obstructed paths, across open terrain or water, or in areas with significant interference.

Motorola equipment delivers faster data streams, more reliable connectivity, and higher availability than comparable systems. However, it was inevitable that the sheer volume of demand might lead to some overcrowding issues. The larger a network grows, the more potential interference it can anticipate running into from other users of unlicensed band—particularly at the outer edges of the system, where competing transmitters reside. Natural or man-made obstacles can reduce signal strength and clarity because signals must arrive by diffraction around an object or reflection off objects that surround the obstruction—or even by actually penetrating the obstruction, although Motorola’s advances in unlicensed band have largely overcome these challenges.

Handling Multiple Challenges with Best-In-Class RadiosBut whatever the challenges, no other vendor can approach Motorola in the non-line-of-sight environ-ment. The company’s dominance has been due to the combination and integration of three key tech-nologies: Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO), i-DFS and adaptive modulation. These breakthroughs allowed Motorola wireless broadband Ethernet bridg-es to overcome the obstacles most responsible for signal degradation—attenuation, fading, dispersion and de-polarization. By combining these technologies with highly reliable hardware and software, Motorola delivers high levels of capacity, signal quality, spec-tral efficiency, and performance.

• Multiple-InputMultiple-Output(MIMO)—Minimizes Interference. To handle non-line-of-sight (NLoS) signal issues such as fading connections, out-of-phase signals, and signals

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canceling each other out, Motorola MIMO allows transmission of numerous data streams between multiple transmitters and receivers. Streams are then compared and evaluated until the image is accurately restored and sequenced—reducing NLoS fading dramatically for reliable, high-quality signal in even the toughest environments.

• i-DFS(Intelligent Dynamic Frequency Selection)ManagesInterference. Motorola wireless bridges “sample” the band up to 400 times a second and dynamically select the best frequency for sustaining the highest data rate at the best quality. This allows bridges to easily find a clear channel (without operator intervention) even in a crowded space.

• AdaptiveModulationContinuallyOptimizesSignals. Sensitive to the conditions of the radio frequency (RF) path, adaptive modulation lets transmissions travel from one receiver to the next without signal loss. Radio power output is dynamically upshifted or downshifted to overcome fading, allowing the greatest possible data volume to be sent across the path while keeping link quality at the highest level.

Responding to the Urgency of Rising Global and Local Traffic Modern data networks now carry more and more latency-sensitive traffic, serving secure applications such as VPNs and thin clients, real-time applications such as voice-over IP and video conferencing, and government administration applications such as continuous security camera monitoring. All of these applications demand towering throughput and availability across all network segments.

Additionally, the need for high-bandwidth, high reliability data connections applies not only to building-to-building links between local area networks (LANs) but also to wide area networks (WANs), carrier services such as subscriber connections (local loop), and backhaul services.

DrivingChange:InsatiableHungerforBandwidthAs the momentum of Internet usage continues to rise, with no sign of cresting, wireless broadband is burgeoning in rural communities where access was previously unavailable. Bandwidth needs are also driven by businesses that wish to provide pervasive high-speed Internet access to customers and employees in restaurants, offices and hotel rooms, as well as in airports and other public

The trends are obvious: U.S. broadband penetration soared to 63%—and to 94.7% among active Internet users. Heavy traffic drives licensing decisions for those desiring legal exclusivity and flexibility to add capacity when needed.

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Enterprise Network Operators

Cost-effective, transparent, high-throughput point-to-point connections of branch offices and other facilities with easy installation and operation

Rural Carriers Service to distant locations through a wireless backhaul connection

Municipalities, Education, Healthcare

Cost-effective or extended network for aggregate voice, video and data from remote locations

Telco Carriers Provide reliable, high bandwidth connection for WiMAX/LTE network. Deployment for any Ring/Mesh/Star configurations to meet different customers’ network design requirement. Optimized hardware design to reduce operation and maintenance costs

Public Safety Reliable, high bandwidth voice, video and data communications for on-scene streaming video, internet and database access, and large file transfers (maps, blueprints, medical files, missing person images, etc.), plus backhaul for wireless networks

Urban Carriers Removal of network bottlenecks and reduced monthly leased wire/fiber connections through a reliable, high capacity wireless backhaul solution

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places. The promise of “anywhere, everywhere,” along with converged triple play services and mobile applications has accelerated the migration to IP-based networks and wireless connectivity technologies, with a concurrent need to “do more with less.”

The explosion in demand has the additional effect of transforming networks almost before they’re built—dramatically increasing demand for high-speed throughput and sending IT organizations scrambling to cost-efficiently upgrade or transform their networks in what the Gartner Group calls “IT Modernization.” Carriers gearing up for the next wave of fourth-generation applications and products are building ever-bigger pipes to support new applications down to the end user.

Wireless communications play a growing, integral role in both business and residential usage, creating a major demand for high-speed access outside the traditional office setting and spurring licensed microwave demand. This trend is fueled in part by new users employing popular handhelds. Cellular operators respond by building tomorrow’s 4G networks; companies such Sprint and Clearwire in the U.S. are implementing WiMAX to enable next-generation broadband services for smart cellular devices and demanding applications such as video surveillance.

Heightened concerns around terrorism and crime since 2001 have fueled the rise of video surveillance, which brings its own unique needs for ultra high-definition and resolution. Today, a major metropolis might use 5,000 cameras to monitor public places, consuming a tremendous amount of capacity. Such surveillance applications with their enhanced security needs form a growing market for licensed band that can meet those needs. Government agencies running high-bandwidth applications on the networks have always chosen Motorola.


Licensed microwave occupies the frequency spectrum reserved by the government for individual license holders. A licensee enjoys exclusive use of a certain part of the band within an assigned geographic area—an exclusivity that other operators are restricted from interfering with. Radios operating in this undisturbed domain enjoy the consistent delivery of maximum throughput with highly reliable link performance. With exclusive rights to a slice of spectrum, an enterprise benefits from virtually interference-free communications. Licenses may require a fee not charged for unlicensed band, but for some users, the need for business-critical availability and other features far outweigh costs. The appeal of licensed microwave to these exclusivity-demanding clients represents a significant business potential for VARs.

Motorola’s licensed microwave solutions are built to address customer preferences for exclusive use of the RF band; smooth migration to IP-based networks; and ongoing demand for bandwidth beyond the unlicensed sector. By extending its point-to-point portfolio into the 6-38 GHz licensed microwave bands, Motorola offers frequency availability that can be upgraded over time according to need. Bundling the new solution with other Motorola products offers a versatile turnkey system, while advanced design and management features distinguish the new licensed technology among a field of competitors.

Backhaul is critical for transferring communications traffic from base station to core network, making it a business-critical issue and the greatest single operating cost for mobile operators. As enterprises and resellers seek cost-effective ways to create a more powerful, secure, and reliable backhaul infrastructure, Motorola meets that challenge with a complete Ethernet backhaul portfolio that includes both unlicensed and licensed solutions. With licensed technology to round out its picture, Motorola becomes the premier provider of IP communications with the most comprehensive offering of unlicensed and licensed Ethernet backhaul solutions in the industry.

EnhancingOptionsinaDynamic,CompetitiveLandscapeThe preference of some providers for licensed band has created a lively new market for the technology—along with a spate of startups who claim to offer the latest and greatest solutions. As companies clamor to sell licensed microwave products, a number of heretofore “unknowns” have established themselves as players in the new marketplace, entering the scene with innovative technologies, while other companies hang onto market share with older but still relevant offerings.

Until now, authorized Motorola resellers and their customers might have been forced to turn to other vendors when seeking licensed microwave solutions. Now, they can turn to Motorola as their

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one-stop wireless partner to meet all their broadband requirements. Resellers can avail themselves of a full product suite, plus simplified management and deployment of these offerings.

BuildingIPNetworkstoSolveIssuesofTiming,Geography, and Economy Motorola’s licensed technology gives operators an unmatched ability to employ both licensed and unlicensed band in an implementation to drive a complete solution. For example, an operator might chose licensed technology at the core where heavy traffic is a fact of life, but they might have spurs with very little congestion that are ideal for unlicensed band—a highly cost-effective approach. Or an operator might choose unlicensed in locations that are not accessible via line-of-sight (a requirement of licensed solutions)—or utilize unlicensed where licensed links are no longer available.

The ability to rapidly deploy unlicensed technology while an operator is awaiting a licenses is another major advantage of having Motorola as a vendor—as is the flexibility of antenna solutions—since licensed links often dictate the size of antenna that must be used. Motorola solutions are uniquely complementary, and the ability to use licensed and/or unlicensed products in a single implementation is a powerful advantage in building a truly versatile, cost-effective, and high-return network. Only Motorola can put up a link in an unlicensed environment—with the unrivaled advantage of MIMO and other efficiency features—all without the need for line-of-sight.

Depending on the type of operator and how sophisticated the users and applications are, the ability to work with a vendor who can accommodate licensed or unlicensed—or both in one implementation—can make a huge difference in the success of an implementation. Among all competitors in the licensed sector, only Motorola can offer proven, easy-to-buy, complete technology, whether for VAR or end user, in the licensed or unlicensed band. By nature of its deep experience and global leadership, Motorola offers not only robust hardware, but highly reliable and proven software to ease implementation, management, and maintenance beyond what other companies provide.

In addition, only Motorola can offer a well-planned future path to help resellers and enterprise customers keep pace with rising demand and respond to market opportunities. The launch of a licensed microwave offering gives Motorola customers the ability to migrate to licensed solutions and run both licensed and unlicensed technology in a “pay as you grow” upgrade path. Motorola provisions an end-to-end network of complementary products, services and solutions that enable service providers, governments and enterprises to deploy the optimal approach to meet their coverage needs.

Gaining Best-of-Breed Solutions and Support Across Licensed and Unlicensed BandMotorola understands that uptime is a key determinant of success and therefore provides distributors, VARs and SPs with second- and third-tier support, along with on-site support for special projects. Motorola has also broken new ground in developing an industry-leading software planning tool—The PTP LINKPlanner, a major asset in deploying successful broadband communications. Motorola tools set the company apart and give its customers confidence that they can predict performance accurately and factor that into business planning before they even purchase the equipment.

The PTP LINKPlanner, part of Motorola’s One Point Wireless Suite, for example, lets customers simulate the performance they can expect before investing. The graphical display allows the user to make changes to the terrain and obstructions, in order to view the effect on performance and throughput. The PTP LINKPlanner has enabled operators to deploy thousands of point-to-point links across the globe in a timely manner. Users can plan multiple links and conduct “what if” scenarios based on geography, distance, antenna height, transmit power, and other factors, to optimize system performance.

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The PTP 800 Licensed Ethernet Microwave Solution has two primary components – the Outdoor Unit (ODU) and the Compact Modem Unit (CMU)

A licensed microwave path profile generated with Motorola’s PTP LINKPlanner tool

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Motorola, Inc. 1301 E. Algonquin Road, Schaumburg, Illinois 60196 U.S.A.


MOTOROLA and the stylized M Logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. All other products or service names are the property of their registered owners.

© Motorola, Inc. 2009


Motorola’s entry into licensed wireless communications offers wide-ranging business benefits to resellers and their enterprise and public agency customers. With a portfolio of world-class, proven equipment complemented by sophisticated, comprehensive software tools and dedicated service and support, Motorola is helping providers meet the exploding need for cost-efficient wireless communications worldwide. With Motorola licensed wireless technology, businesses can enjoy a healthy return on their investments thanks to reliable, high performance equipment, that can handle demanding IP voice, video and data communications and scale effortlessly in an intelligent, economical upgrade path.



Motorola’s Wireless Broadband and our WLAN solutions provide and extend coverage both indoors and outdoors. The Motorola Wireless Broadband portfolio offers high-speed Point-to-Point, Point-to-Multipoint, Mesh, WiFi and WiMAX networks that support data, voice and video communications, enabling fixed and mobile applications for public and private systems.