Medifast Guide Quick Start Quick Start The 5 & 2 & 2 Plan TM

Medifast tt · 1 Congratulations! You’ve taken an important first step in controlling your weight and improving your health, and Medifast is ready to help you, starting right now!

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GuideQuick StartQuick Start

The 5 & 2 & 2 PlanTM

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You’ve taken an important first step in controlling your weight and improving your health, and Medifast is ready to help you, starting right now!

How Medifast WorksMedifast Meals are individually portioned, calorie and carbohydrate controlled, and low in fat. Every meal provides protein and is fortified with vitamins and minerals. The Medifast 5 & 2 & 2 PlanTM is intended for overweight and obese adults aged 18 – 65 years who want to lose weight and be healthy.

With Medifast●● You eat six times a day, so you won’t feel

hungry.●● You follow the 5 & 2 & 2 PlanTM, designed to

help you lose weight gradually and steadily.●● You can take your Medifast Meals anywhere,

accommodating even the busiest lifestyles.

to MedifastThe Medifast 5 & 2 & 2 PlanTM 2

Lean & GreenTM Meal: The “Lean” 3

Lean & GreenTM Meal: The “Green” 5

Healthy Snacks 6Sample Meal Plans 8Tips for Success 11Seeing Results 11Exercise 12Maintenance 13Questions and Answers 14

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2 Medifast Quick Start Guide

Consult with your health care providerWe recommend that you contact your health care provider before starting Medifast, and stay in regular touch throughout your weight-loss progress. Discuss any medical conditions, medications (including vitamin and/or mineral supplements), and weight-loss plans with your health care provider before starting the Medifast Program.

This program and its materials do not in any way constitute medical advice or substitute for medical treatment.

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Green = non-starchy vegetables

Lean = lean protein


The Components of the Medifast 5 & 2 & 2 PlanTM

On the 5 & 2 & 2 PlanTM, you’ll eat six times each day. Yes, we said six—and it’s not because we’re terrible at math! While 5 & 2 & 2 do, indeed, add up to nine, we’re asking you to mix and match the components of our program—and eat six times a day. This will require some fun combinations and ensure that you’re getting all the nutrition you need for healthy, lasting weight loss.

Now check out the three components below—5 Medifast Meals, 2 Lean & Green™ Meals (with Healthy Fats), and 2 Healthy Snacks. On the pages that follow, we’ll give you more details about each.

5 Medifast Meals

Each day, you’ll choose a variety of five of our delicious, nutritious meal replacements.

2 Lean & Green™ Meals

Each day, you’ll choose two meals of your own, each with a serving of lean protein, three servings of non-starchy vegetables, and up to two servings of healthy fat (depending on which lean protein you select).

2 Healthy Snacks

Each day, you’ll choose two snacks to eat with your other meals (not on their own). Make sure you choose a variety.

*Consume a maximum of one serving daily of each of the following foods: Beef Vegetable Soup Mix, Maryland Style Crab Flavoured Soup Mix, or Vegetable Chili Mix with Natural Beef Flavour.

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Lean & Green™ Meal: The “Lean”

Lean Tips:

●● Choose meats that are grilled, baked, broiled, or poached—not fried.

●● Choose the appropriate serving size of any protein from the list. We’ve made it easier by labeling them Leanest, Leaner, and Lean; all options are appropriate for the Medifast 5 & 2 & 2 PlanTM.

*Note: portion sizes are for cooked weight.

●● Each week, strive to eat at least two servings of fish rich in omega-3 (such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, trout, or herring).

●● Limit red meat (beef, pork, lamb) to 17 ounces (480 g) per week.

●● Select a variety of protein sources each week.

Choose a 7-oz (200 g) portion (cooked weight) plus 2 Healthy Fat servings

FiSH—————————cod, flounder, haddock, orange roughy, grouper, mahi mahi, wild catfish, tuna (yellowfin steak or canned in water)

SHELLFiSH*—————————crab, scallop, shrimp, lobster

GAME MEAT—————————deer, buffalo, elk

GRound TuRkEy (or other meat)—————————98% lean

MEATLESS oPTionS**—————————14 egg whites, 2 cups (500 mL) of liquid egg substitute

Choose a 6-oz (170 g) portion (cooked weight) plus 1 Healthy Fat serving

FiSH—————————swordfish, trout, halibut

CHiCkEn—————————breast or white meat, without skin

GRound TuRkEy (or other meat)—————————95-97% lean

TuRkEy —————————light meat

MEATLESS oPTionS**—————————2 whole eggs plus 4 egg whites

Choose a 5-oz (140 g) portion (cooked weight) — no Healthy Fat servings needed

FiSH—————————salmon, farmed catfish, mackerel, herring

LEAn bEEF—————————steak, roast, ground


PoRk CHoP (or pork tenderloin)

CHiCkEn oR TuRkEy—————————dark meat

MEATLESS oPTionS**—————————3 whole eggs


*Limit shellfish to two times per week.**Intake of eggs should not exceed twice weekly.For those requiring additional meatless

choices, contact Medifast Customer Support at (800) 760-3536.

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Healthy Fat Servings

Add 0-2 Healthy Fat servings with each Lean & Green™ Meal, as indicated on the Leanest, Leaner, Lean chart on page 3.

Every day, you’ll incorporate up to two servings of Healthy Fats into your Lean & Green Meals. These fats are necessary for the body to absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K, so it’s important that you get as many servings as you are allowed with your Lean & Green™ Meals.

●● 1 teaspoon (5 mL) of canola, flaxseed, walnut, or olive oil

●● Up to 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of reduced calorie salad dressing—we recommend low-sodium options that provide approximately 5 g of fat

●● 8-10 black or green olives

●● 1 teaspoon (5 mL) of trans-fat-free margarine

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6 Medifast Quick Start Guide


1 cup (250 mL)collards (fresh/raw), endive, lettuce (green leaf, butterhead, iceberg, romaine), mustard greens, spinach (fresh/raw), spring mix, watercress, bok choy (raw)

½ cup (125 mL)celery, cucumbers, white mushrooms, radishes, sprouts (alfalfa, mung bean), turnip greens, arugula, nopales, escarole, jalapeño (raw), Swiss chard (raw), bok choy (cooked)


½ cup (125 mL)asparagus, cabbage, cauliflower, eggplant, fennel bulb, kale, portobello mushrooms, cooked spinach, summer squash (scallop or zucchini)


½ cup (125 mL)broccoli, red cabbage, collard or mustard greens (cooked), green or wax beans, kohlrabi, okra, peppers (any color), scallions (raw), summer squash (crookneck or straightneck), tomatoes (red, ripe), turnips, spaghetti squash, jicama (cooked), Swiss chard (cooked)

Lean & Green Meal™: The “Green”

Choose three servings from our Green Options list for each of your Lean & GreenTM Meals.

Note: All vegetables promote healthful eating; however, during the weight-loss phase of your plan, high-calorie and high-carbohydrate vegetables (such as Brussel sprouts, carrots, corn, edamame, peas, potatoes, and onions) are limited to the Healthy Snack category in order to enhance your weight-loss results.

All options are appropriate on the

Medifast 5 & 2 & 2 Plan. use this list to make well-informed

food choices.

Choose 3 servings from the Green options List1 SERvinG = 1⁄2 CuP (125 ML) vEGETAbLES

(unless otherwise specified)

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Healthy SnacksChoose two Healthy Snacks per day from among those that provide 60-100 calories and no more than 15 g carbohydrates. Remember to combine them with your other meals.

STARCH: whole grain bread, cereal, pasta, crackers, or starchy vegetables.


●● 1⁄4 large (1 oz/30 g) bagel

●● 1 slice whole grain bread

●● 1⁄3 cup (75 mL) of whole grain cereal or pasta

●● 1⁄3 cup (75 mL) brown or wild rice

●● 3 cups (750 mL) air-popped popcorn

●● ½ cup (125 mL) peas or corn

●● 3 oz (85 g) baked potato

●● 1 oz (30 g) ready-to-eat, unsweetened cereal

FRUIT: fresh, frozen, canned, or dried. Avoid sweetened fruits and fruit juices.


●● 1 small apple or pear

●● 3⁄4 cup (175 mL) blueberries

●● 3 medium prunes

●● ½ cup (125 mL) canned fruit cocktail in water or natural juices

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8 Medifast Quick Start Guide

●● 2 tablespoons (30 mL) raisins

●● 1 small banana

●● ½ large or 3⁄4 cup (175 mL) grapefruit

●● 20 fresh grapes

DAIRY: 1 cup (250 mL) fat-free or low-fat milk (including cow, soy, almond, or buttermilk) or ½-1 cup (125-250 mL) nonfat or low-fat yogurt.

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Planning what you’ll eat each day—and when—is an important key to success with the Medifast 5 & 2 & 2 PlanTM. Below are two sample meal plans to give you an idea of how the plan can work for you. We recommend eating every two to three hours. Meal plans can be modified according to your own food preferences and schedule.

●■ Medifast Macaroni & Cheese●■ 5 oz (140 g) grilled salmon●■ 1-½ cups (375 mL) cooked asparagus


y 1


●■ Medifast Shake





●■ Medifast Soft Bake●■ 1 cup (250 mL) skim milk


●■ 2 cups (500 mL) liquid egg substitute●■ 1-½ cups (375 mL) mixed sautéed mushrooms, green peppers, and tomatoes●■ 2 tsp (10 mL) margarine

●■ Medifast Soup●■ 3⁄4 cup (175 mL) blueberries

●■ Medifast Shake

Sample Meal Plans

Sample Meal Plan:



Healthy Fats

Medifast Meals


Healthy Snacks

Every day: 5 Medifast Meals 2 Lean & GreenTM Meals 2 Healthy Snacks

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10 Medifast Quick Start Guide


y 2


●■ Medifast Oatmeal





●■ Medifast Pudding made with●■ 8 oz (1 cup/250 mL) skim milk instead of water


●■ Medifast Pancakes●■ ½ cup (125 mL) peaches in 100% fruit juice

●■ 6 oz (170 g) grilled chicken breast●■ 2 cups (500 mL) romaine lettuce, ½ cup (125 mL) total diced tomatoes, cucumbers, and celery●■ 2 Tbsp (30 mL) reduced-calorie dressing

●■ Medifast Macaroni & Cheese

●■ Medifast Soup●■ 5 oz (140 g) roasted pork loin●■ 11⁄2 cups (375 mL) cooked cauliflower

Enjoy your Lean & Green™ Meals any time of day—breakfast, lunch, dinner, or in between—whatever works best with your schedule. Divide the meal in half and eat it as two portions, if you wish, but be sure to eat only the specified amounts of protein and vegetables each day. And be sure to get in all five Medifast Meals!

you’ll find lots of recipes and

meal-planning tools on


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The first few daysAny departure from a usual routine can signal a few physical changes; this is normal. Rest assured that your body will soon adjust to your new healthy nutrition plan.

You can make this adjustment period easier:

●● Pick a good day to start, when you don’t expect any special events centered on food.

●● Stay busy.

●● Remind yourself that you are on a journey to improve your health. Take it one day—or one hour—at a time.

●● Avoid the sights and smells of food, and stay focused on your health goals.

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12 Medifast Quick Start Guide

Tips for successMake your Medifast Program easy and effective with these tips from our nutrition experts.

Space your meals carefully. Eating every two to three hours helps to control hunger and make weight loss steady.

Eat every meal. Skipping meals can affect your nutrient balance and slow your metabolism—and your weight-loss results.

Track your food. Track what, when, and how much you are eating or drinking in the Medifast Food Journal. Also record successes, challenges, feelings, and observations.

Eat slowly and mindfully. Spend at least 15 minutes eating each meal. Cut your food into small pieces, and eat one little bite at a time.

Drink plenty of fluids. Make sure you get at least 64 oz (2 liters) of water each day. You can also have calorie-free beverages, like unsweetened tea or coffee, sparkling water, or diet soda.

Limit caffeine to 300 mg a day.

Avoid alcohol. Even light versions of alcoholic beverages add non-nutritious calories, stimulate your appetite, and deplete your body of water. Drinking slows your weight loss, so steer clear for the greatest success.

Take pictures of yourself before you start and throughout your weight-loss journey. These pictures will motivate you and remind you of your success.

Seeing resultsSome people lose weight quickly in the first few weeks, and then experience slightly slower (yet steady) results as they go along. It’s important to weigh yourself regularly (same scale, same time of day, same clothes each time).

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Sometimes your weight will change, even in the same day, due to differences in fluids, hormones, and other factors.

Beyond pounds, notice how your clothes fit as you lose body fat and inches. Most importantly, check in with how you feel, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Hitting a plateau

At some point, you may find that your weight loss slows down or seems to stop.

If you notice you haven’t lost any additional weight within a two-week period:

●● Make sure you’re following your plan exactly, not skipping meals, and sticking to your Lean & Green™ Meal guidelines, weighing and measuring your portions carefully.

●● Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water—at least 8 glasses (64 oz/2 L) a day.

●● Pick the lowest calorie and carbohydrate vegetables from your Green Options list (refer to page 5).

●● Try a new form of exercise, or add extra time or intensity to your current routine.

●● Track your food and beverages with the Medifast Food Journal—it’s a great way to keep track of your calories and eating patterns.

ExerciseExercise is a necessary part of losing weight and maintaining the weight you lose. Start an exercise program slowly, and gradually increase the time and intensity as your body allows.

Choose an activity you enjoy so you’ll stick with it. Most of our Clients find walking to be the easiest exercise to incorporate daily. Start with 10 minutes.

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14 Medifast Quick Start Guide

You can also dance, swim, walk the stairs, go to the gym—whatever you find enjoyable that you are able to do.

Listen to your body, and do only what it allows. If you feel lightheaded or faint, stop your exercise, and take a rest before you resume. You may need extra water on days you exercise, especially in warmer weather.

Warm up before you exercise. Every exercise benefits from a low-intensity warm up followed by about 10 minutes of stretching. Repeat these steps after your routine to cool down.

Talk to your health care provider or a certified personal trainer to find the right program for you.

MaintenanceOnce you’ve lost weight, you’re ready to sustain your weight loss and improved health for good. Monitoring your weight, balancing your calories, making healthy food choices, and staying active can help you keep what you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

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The Medifast 5 & 2 & 2 PlanTM is designed for overweight and obese adults ages 18-65. We recommend you discuss any medical conditions, medications (including vitamin and/or mineral supplements), and weight-loss plans with your health care provider before staring the Medifast Program.

● Do not use the Medifast Program if you are pregnant or breastfeeding/nursing.

● If you currently have or have had cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, liver disease, or a condition that requires you to follow a modified diet plan, consult your health care provider before use.

● Do not use if you currently have an eating disorder (e.g. anorexia, bulimia), gout, or kidney disease or have been medically advised to follow a low-protein diet.

● If you are taking diabetes medication or blood thinners (e.g. Coumadin), consult with your health care provider before use.


Are there any medical conditions or medications that would prohibit me from using

the Medifast 5 & 2 & 2 Plan® to lose weight?


The maintenance phase isn’t one-size-fits-all. Your gender, age, and activity level will determine your energy requirements. Follow Canada’s Food Guide after transitioning from the Medifast program.

Questions and Answers

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16 Medifast Quick Start Guide

● If you have had bariatric surgery, consult with your health care provider before use.

● If you are taking a thyroid medication, consult with your health care provider before use since soy may reduce the medication’s efficacy.

Information for specific needs

For more information about successfully using Medifast based on your specific needs, call us at (800) 760-3536.

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