Medieval Art Early, High Middle & Late Middle. Medieval Art- The Age of Faith Fig. 1.1 Duccio, Christ Entering Jerusalem, from the back of the Maesta

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Lion, from the Gospel Book of Durrow. 675 AD, Ink on Tempera on parchment, Board Of Trinity College, Dublin

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Medieval Art Early, High Middle & Late Middle Medieval Art- The Age of Faith Fig. 1.1 Duccio, Christ Entering Jerusalem, from the back of the Maesta Altarpiece, Tempera on panel, Siena Fig. 1.2 Duccio, Madonna and Child, , Tempera on panel, Florence Lion, from the Gospel Book of Durrow. 675 AD, Ink on Tempera on parchment, Board Of Trinity College, Dublin Medieval Art-The Age of Faith Christ in Majesty, wall painting from the apse of San Clemente of Tahull, Spain c AD Book of Kells in the early 9 th century BONAVENTURA BERLINGHIERI, panel from the Saint Francis Altarpiece, San Francesco, Pescia, Italy, Tempera on wood, approx. 5' x 3' x 6". ITALO-BYZANTINE STYLE-MANIERA GRECA Here we find the use of Tempera Medieval Art Fig. 1.3, Giotto, Christ Entering Jerusalem, 1305,Fresco, Scrovegni Chapel, Padua Giotto, Lamentation of Christ, 1305, Arena Chapel, Padua, Fresco Detail from Lamentation Medieval Art Fig. 1.4, Simone Martini, The Road to Calvary, 1340, Tempera, Louvre, Paris