servicios · tratamientos · programas medical services

medical services - PILATES EXCELLENCE - HOME · tion for your health as well as an exhaustive medical history collecting health data and informa- tion from the guest, taking vitals

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Page 1: medical services - PILATES EXCELLENCE - HOME · tion for your health as well as an exhaustive medical history collecting health data and informa- tion from the guest, taking vitals

servicios · tratamientos · programas

medical services

Page 2: medical services - PILATES EXCELLENCE - HOME · tion for your health as well as an exhaustive medical history collecting health data and informa- tion from the guest, taking vitals


anti-aging medicineHEALTHY AGING

The purpose of the area of Anti-Aging Medicine is to slow down the process of cell degeneration and

revive the health potential of every person. Our goal is not only to prevent or reverse premature aging

after diagnosing their causes, but also to cause stimulation and natural reconstruction of the multiple

metabolic processes and systems needed in each particular case. The SHA anti-aging therapies are

directed towards allowing the enjoyment of life with health and vitality, preventing the diseases and

ailments with which aging is often associated.

TELOMERE LENGTH ANALYSIS ...........................................................................................................................................................................................1.000,00€

Biological age evaluation

Our medical services allow you to have a complete overview of your current state of health, focusing

on those specific conditions that require further investigation. This session allows you to share your

medical concerns, whether physical or psychological, with the best specialists. Such consultations

will enable us to guide you towards the specific medical treatments needed to improve your health.


This complete medical check-up consists of a series of tests and gathering relevant informa-tion for your health as well as an exhaustive medical history collecting health data and informa-tion from the guest, taking vitals (blood pressure, heart rate, temperature and oxygen saturation), determining the anthropometric measurements (weight, height, % body fat, % body water, muscle mass, body mass index, abdominal diameter and thorax diameter) and performing a forced spirometry.

SHA General Health Examination ....................................................................... 100,00€


The electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) graphically represents the electric activity of the heart for interpretation by your doctor. The ECG provides us with very useful information for interpreting chest pain or discomfort, gives indications for trying to find the cause of the symptoms of heart disease as well as increasing the general health of your heart.

Electrocardiogram .........................................................................................80,00€


Very complete biochemical study, where we measure the most important parameters for determining your current state of health.

SHA General Health Screening .......................................................... 230,00€


General Medical Consultation .................................................................................................. 30 min ............................................................................150,00€

Psychological Consultation ............................................................................................................ 60 min ............................................................................150,00€

Psychiatric Consultation ....................................................................................................................... 60 min ............................................................................300,00€

Osteopathy ......................................................................................................................................................................... 50 min ............................................................................150,00€

Consultation and sclerotherapy session.............................................................. 60 min ............................................................................500,00€


medical services

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HEALTHY AGING CONSULTATION .......................................................................................................................................................................................150,00€

Integrative consultation that values the health of the person from a multidisciplinary approach:

genetic, hormonal, nutritional or biochemical

MINERAL ELEMENTS IN HAIR PROFILE ..................................................................................................................................................................

Complete profile which detects the presence of minerals in the body elements (nutrients, essential

trace elements and toxic elements)

MELISA TEST - BASIC PROFILE ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

Blood test measuring the hypersensitivity to metals and other allergens

IMMUNE SENESCENCE PROFILE ........................................................................................................................................................................................

Aging study of the immune system

BRAINSCREEN PROFILE .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Study of the main biochemical elements for an optimal work of neurons and brain.

MELATONIN BIORHYTHM ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Study of melatonin biorhythm in saliva to assess sleep disorder

CORTISOL BIORHYTHM ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Study of the cortisol biorhythm in saliva in people with possible stress or depression

DAO ENZYME - MIGRAINE TEST .............................................................................................................................................................................................

Innovative diagnostic test to measure the level of DAO enzyme

WOMEN’S HORMONAL &PH ADVANCED PROFILE........................................................................................................................

Study on women hormones that play an important role in aging

Study on men hormones that play an important role in aging MEN’S HORMONAL &PH COMPLETE PROFILE .......................................................................................................................................

ANTIOXIDANTS .................................................................................................................................................................................................

Measurement of a battery of antioxidants that are important to health.

STUDY OF SENSITIVITY TO FOODS ................................................................................................................................................................

Determination of IgG antibodies in serum to 220 food proteins

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HEAVY METALS ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................840,00€

Heavy metals detoxification

ALOPECIAgen ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................540,00€

Genetic test to prevent androgenic alopecia

BRAINgen ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................630,00€

Genetic test for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease


Genetic test for the prevention of emotional inestability

NEUROgen ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1.140,00€

Preventive genetic test against neurodegenerative diseases

BASICgen ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................550,00€

Nutrigenetic test. A first overview of health genetic capabilities to prevent, mitigate or cure


CELIAC DIESEASE ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................300,00€

Genetic profile for gluten intolerance

CROHNgen ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................540,00€

Risk of developing Crohn's syndrome


Preventive genetic test for phases I & II of detoxification

DIABETOgen .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................840,00€

Genetic test for the prevention of type II diabetes

WEIGHTgen .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1.450,00€

Preventive genetic profile dedicated to weight control

GLAUCOMAgen .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................300,00€

Risk of developing glaucoma

MACULAgen ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................300,00€

Preventive genetic test of macular degeneration associated with age

COLOgen ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................840,00€

Genetic test for preventing sporadic colorectal carcinoma

FEMgen ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................840,00€

Preventive genetic test against breast cancer

NICOTINEgen ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................420,00€

Genetic test for preventing nicotine addiction

PROSTATEgen ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................840,00€

Preventive genetic test against prostate cancer

Preventive Medicine today is based on "predict to prevent" thanks to the ability to know and predict

the potential of a disease through various medical tests and genetic tests, ie, the study of the genetic

profile of an individual. Once we are aware of the risk involved in suffering any illnesses, we can

(under specialist supervision) take appropriate and necessary measures to avoid such a situation and

redirect the patient in a personalized way.

Early treatment and proper habits of life, allow the prevention before the onset of symptoms and side

effects. The analysis of the results of genetic tests allow us to properly implement preventive

medicine that will help you live longer and with a better quality of life.

GENETICS CONSULTATION .............................................................................................................................................................................................................150,00€

SHA VIP COMPLETE....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4.000,00€

Without a doubt, the most personalised genetic study in existence, which includes all existing markers, 70 polymorphisms, over 51 genes.


Preventive genetic test dedicated to physical activity

OSTEOgen .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................630,00€

Genetic screening for osteoporosis prevention

SKINgen ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1.060,00€

Preventive genetic test dedicated to skin aging

CARDIOgen .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1.450,00€

Genetic test to prevent for cardiovascular disease


Includes personal risk and prevention of periodontitis

genetic & preventivemedicine

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nutrition &natural therapies


traditional chinese medicineCONSULTATION + ACUPUNCTURE

This is one of the main tools of Traditional Chinese Medicine, currently recognised by the

WHO. The bio-energy movements (chi) through the body are altered via the gentle insertion

of small needles which balance, tone and sedate the functions of specific organs.

Consultation + Acupuncture 30 min ..............................150,00€


Acupuncture stimulates the body ability to preserve and recover health through the harmony

and balance of the different elements.

Acupuncture session 15 min ....................................................................................110,00€


This is performed using the therapist’s finger pressure on the back, arms, legs, hands and

feet, balancing the energy levels of the meridians. An enjoyable massage that also provides

great energy potential. All of the oriental knowledge, but without needles.

Digito-Acupuncture 50 min ........................................................................................125,00€


The purpose of this treatment is to strengthen the blood, stimulate “chi” energy and maintain

a general state of optimum health.

Acupuncture and Moxibustion 30 min............................................................................150,00€


The application of localised heat to different acupuncture points allows us to improve and

regulate the body's energy flow, eliminating internal cold and relieving common ailments of

the musculoskeletal system.

Moxibustion 25 min .........................................................................................100,00€


The skin and tissue stimulation by producing vacuum help us to remove toxins from specific

areas, to relax the muscles with analgesic and to eliminate external pathogenic factors such

as cold and moisture. Finally, it produces the nervous system activation and increases the


Cupping 50 min ......................................................................................................................................150,00€


Laser acupuncture is a novel technique, painless and effective for multi indicated

treatments. It is especially recommended for treating problems such as stress or anxiety. It

is an effective technique to quit smoking or lose weight.

Laser-Acupuncture 50 min .......................................................................................200,00€

Natural therapies work from the simplest understanding of how the human body works. The natural

approach to health is based on the belief that the body is an organism that can heal itself.

The role of natural therapies is to ease the self-healing process, providing specific physical or

bioenergetic factors rebalancing energy and helping the body remove accumulated toxins. The SHA

method combines the effectiveness of modern macrobiotic nutrition and the healing power of natural

therapies with a dynamic and practical educational program. All customized to meet the needs and

health goals of each of our guests.

HEALTHY NUTRITION Includes a review of the medical history, a personal interview and health assessment. During the session an oriental diagnosis will be performed, together with designing a personalised diet and a recommended lifestyle program for obtaining the desired objectives. Once the consultation is over, a personalised dossier will be provided containing the specific diet recommendations and suggestions on the lifestyle to follow.

Healthy Nutrition Consultation .................................................................................. 150,00€

BIOLOGICAL MEDICINE Antihomotoxic and Biological Medicine values the body as a whole, taking into account all the information obtained from conventional medicine and seeing relationships between organs, tissues and emotions. It is based on stimulating the self-healing powers of the body to prevent and treat disease, changing our lifestyles, diet etc. so that our defense system returns to its correct functioning.

Biological Medicine Consultation ...................................................................... 200,00€

HYDRO-COLON THERAPY SESSION This is a gentle and absolutely hygienic intestinal clean with warm, filtered water. Stress, lack of fibre in foods and eating habits alter the way the intestines work, provoking a series of illnesses such as cephalea, arthritis, flatulence, vitamin deficiency and osteoporosis.

Hydro-colon therapy session 50 mins ............................................................ 150,00€

PERSONALIZED HEALTH PLAN .................................................................................................................................................................................................150,00€

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dental treatmentsicSHA gives you the opportunity to take advantage of your stay so as to return home with a bright

smile and much whiter teeth. Our exclusive dental aesthetics unit focuses on improving the look of

your smile through the most advanced techniques in the world to offer excellent results in a single



Our team of professionals in various fields of odontology and cosmetic dentistry is ready to

address and resolve all cases in the shortest time possible, honoring all the principles and

SHA philosophy: comprehensive care of the person and minimally invasive, for best results.

In order to achieve this we have the latest technology in odontology and cosmetic dentistry,

and also the human and professional qualities needed to make your experience with the

dentist unprecedented. You can now completely change your mouth in days with the best

specialists, the best techniques and the most state-of-the-art materials that the market has to

offer. Don’t hesitate to discover our new odontology unit. We are what you have been looking



It includes a detailed consultation, a high-tech radiographic study, creating custom study

models and a diagnostic wax up, the presentation of the personalised diagnosis and the VIP

computerised treatment plan to be completed in just two weeks following the acceptance by

our guest.



In SHA it is possible to delay the signs of aging, giving a healthy, youthful and natural glow to our skin

and thus improving not only the physical, but the confidence in ourselves. The Aesthetic Area consists

of internationally recognized experts, speakers at major-aesthetic medical centers worldwide.

Following consultation with the specialist in cosmetic medicine, aesthetic facial and body diagnosis,

recommending treatments that best suit your needs is done. Our treatments in cosmetic medicine

are coherent with the SHA philosophy: minimally invasive and with excellent results, allowing

immediate addition to its usual activity. In the Aesthetic Area SHA manual techniques, cutting-edge

medical appliances of the highest level are also used to exceed your expectations.

SPECIALIST CONSULTATION ..................................................................................................................15 min .........................................................110,00€

Facial Treatments** Hand Treatments** Neck and Cleavage Treatments** Scalp Treatments** Body Treatments** Diamond Crystal Treatment* Firming Facial Treatment* Biomimetic Peptides Treatment* PhotoDynamic Skin Rejuvenation* Lip Refresh* Platelet growth factors linked with photostimulation* Lumenis One (IPL) Pulsating Light Treatment for facial blemishes and hair* Clear and Brilliant Laser Treatment for tone and texture of the skin* Thermage CPT Treatment for facial and corporal flaccidity* Liposonix* CO2 Fractional* Láser Fraxel Dual*Vasculight Elite* Ultrasound**

*Prices depend on treatment requirements**You have at your disposal a wide variety of treatments


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aesthetic treatments

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This consists in studying sleep characteristics through a polygraph which detects the different

variables that influence starting and maintaining sleep.

1 night ...................................................................................200,00€


A positive pressure chamber enables us to detect and, where applicable, rectify any

abnormality in the sleep architecture. Using this diagnosis, positive results are obtained over

a short period of time.

1 night ...................................................................................100,00€

ozone therapy & serotherapyThe area of ozone therapy and serotherapy combines two procedures whose main principle

is the integrity of the human biosystem and who look for feedback from our own healing



Brand new treatment through the application of ozone molecules in our blood giving us vitality,

energy and great sense of well being while rejuvenating our bodies, improving our immune

system and providing multiple health benefits.

Initial free informative consultation

Price per session ...............................................................................150,00€

Informative consultation + 10 sessions........................................................................1.350,00€

Combination of ozone and serotherapy session ..............................................................................250,00€


The serotherapy is a treatment which, via intravenous administration, promotes self-healing of

our body through a custom serum created from a selection of vitamins, trace elements and

natural biological agents according to our specific needs: slimming, beautifying our skin,

improving health our hair, etc.

Initial free informative consultation

Price per session ...............................................................................150,00€

Combination of ozone and serotherapy session ..............................................................................250,00€

Smoking is a certain cause of cancer, heart diseases, vascular and chronic lung diseases.

Many people wonder, aware of the risks involved, how to quit smoking. Getting smokers to

stop smoking is quite an important challenge. In our medical unit different treatments combine

to ensure not only that the guest exits SHA not smoking, but also knowing how to overcome

the situations that enable this bad habit again in the future.

SHA Consultation ................................................................................................................................................................................. ...............................................................................150,00€

Anti-tobacco Laser Session ................................................................................................................50 min ...............................................................................200,00€

sleep medicineSleeping is the main repair process of our body and one of the pillars to achieve a healthy life.

On the other hand, its absence represents one of the most common causes of premature

aging. Sleep disorders such as insomnia, frequent awakening, snoring or apneas, are one of

the most common causes of premature aging, chronic tiredness and exhaustion. In our unit

we diagnose the predominant sleep disorder and indicate appropriate solutions for treatment.

Initial Sleep Unit Consultation ..................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................150,00€

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anti-tobacco medicine

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servicios · tratamientos · programas

spa treatments

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Bioenergetic treatment focused on three objectives: detoxify, stimulate and regenerate.

The bioenergetic localized drainage is done through glass bells, with a work of release on the

combined energy meridians biaromas (blends of essential oils), redirecting the body to its

energy balance with consequent tissue toning. It is a treatment that brings renewal, activation,

stimulation and regeneration of body cells.

80 min .....................................................................................195,00€


Manual treatment aimed at freeing tension accumulated through head, neck and upper part

of the back, as well as the energy blockages and promote relaxation, producing simultaneous

reactions in the rest of the body which allow us to balance our nervous system.

50 min .....................................................................................130,00€


This massage acts on the lymphatic system, with very positive effects on the body as it

activates circulation and helps to eliminate toxins and reduce fluid retention. The good functio-

ning of the lymphatic system is crucial for an efficient immune system.

50 min .....................................................................................125,00€110 min .....................................................................................200,00€


Massage performed on the legs, with movements towards the heart, which provides fluidity

to the blood circuit and alleviates tired leg syndrome.

50 min .....................................................................................125,00€


Treatment aimed at improving the elimination of toxins, aiding venous return, providing higher

oxygen levels to our cells, producing a restoration of the tissues and improving the look of our


50 min .....................................................................................135,00€


This is a therapy passed on from master to disciple for over 2500 years, based on Ayurvedic

Medicine and Yoga. Through deep body work, it helps re-establish our life energy and

rebalance our physical, mental and emotional aspects.

50 min .....................................................................................130,00€


This Japanese treatment follows the same energetic points as acupuncture, using the

pressure of the fingers instead of needles. Shiatsu combines the gentle movement of chi

energy with the physical benefits of a deep tissue massage, stimulating the body’s natural

defenses and promoting self-healing. Its therapeutic effects show in an improvement of the

mental, physic, and energetic aspect.

50 min .....................................................................................130,00€


Based on an ancient technique, reflexology treats parts of the body through specific points

on the feet. It relieves chronic pain and considerably improves the general state of wellbeing

of the body.

50 min .....................................................................................145,00€

All our massages are created or selected with a clear preventive and curative vocation, besides the

pleasant time, the most important goal is to enhance the body's ability to improve its immune



Through relaxation a state of consciousness can be achieved, which allows the perception of

the highest levels of calm, peace, happiness and joy that a human being can attain.

Through gentle relaxation massage on specific points, the stabilization of cardiac and respira-

tory functions is obtained, deeper relaxation, greater resistance to disease, the level of energy

and vitality are increased, improved blood circulation and predominantly positive thoughts,

among other things.

50 min .................................................................................. 125,00€


Focused on working deep into the muscles, tendons and ligaments, improving chronic pain,

muscular tension and contractures. Focused on people with a high rhythm of life.

50 min .................................................................................. 135,00€


Focused on the painful area or muscle contractures, with the aim of relaxing, eliminating

contractures, removing muscular knots, reducing arterial pressure and oxygenating muscles.

This massage is particularly designed for the back, which, due to bad posture or emotional or

psychological tension, tends to suffer to excess.

50 min .................................................................................. 130,00€


Let our glass cups purify your organism using the alternating compression and depression

technique, stimulating cellular detoxification and oxygenation. The acceleration of organic

liquids will stimulate your metabolism increasing elimination and purification processes.

50 min .................................................................................. 150,00€

body massages

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Let our experts show you our signature SHA massage. Fruit of the fusion of different oriental

and western techniques with a selection of essential oils, like Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Frankin-

cense and Orange. Intended for people looking for a physical and mental improvement

through "Awakening of the Senses" in an atmosphere that invites tranquility and inner peace.

50 min .....................................................................................130,00€


Millennial therapy used to make a comprehensive and deep massage that helps release

tension, relax muscles and reduce stress through the perfect combination of hot stones and

essential alpinw oils. The massage produces a sedative response, bringing the recipient to a

state of deep relaxation.

80 min .....................................................................................180,00€


Discover the feeling of relaxation, lightness and new energy. Immerse yourself in the magic of

perfumes and mountain forest in a single treatment combination. Rhododendron stem cells

protect the skin and increase its strength, while the Cembra Pine, Mugo Pine, Arnica and

Hypericum give this energetic massage its alpine style. Breathe. Relax. Live.

50 min .....................................................................................135,00€


Enjoy a totally relaxing holistic therapy that will help you regain the perfect balance between

body and mind. A combination of techniques drenched with the most enriching smells. The

treatment begins with a foot ritual, followed by an aromatherapy massage and ends with a

facial treatment with a high content of minerals from the mountains of Tyrol.

110 min......................................................................................240,00€


Holistic treatment that reaches a perfect harmony between body and mind. This consists of

a bath in essential oils, a Macadamia nut peel and a volcanic earth body masque. The final

touch is a relaxing massage with wooden rollers.

110 min .....................................................................................200,00€

Known as those treatments from ancient Hindu tradition, characterized by warm essential oils,

sesame, sunflower and almonds, thus achieving revitalize, detoxify, hydrate and balance.

All Ayurvedic philosophy is focused on having a lifestyle completely synchronized with nature.


The perfect treatment for eliminating toxins from the arterial, venous and lymphatic system,

and reactivating the metabolism.

80 min .....................................................................................180,00€


A complete massage which activates the blood circulation, strengthening the brain’s functio-

ning and has a calming and relaxing effect on the body, mind and soul.

80 min .....................................................................................180,00€


Indian head massage which allows you to enjoy and feel its effect during and after the


50 min .....................................................................................130,00€


Indian foot massage. Highly relaxing massage, recommended for improving headaches,

nervousness and insomnia.

50 min .....................................................................................130,00€

ayurvedic massages

SHA rituals

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Stimulate blood circulation and blood flow to blocked areas as well as dissipating substances such as mucous and localised fat.

35 min ..........................................................................................90,00€

BACH FLOWERS CONSULTATION The Bach Flowers are 38 natural remedies containing floral essences for treating emotional situations such as fear, solitude, stress, depression and obsessions.

30 min ..........................................................................................75,00€


Enjoy the effects of pure oxygen, expulsing toxins from your organism, increasing the volume

of oxygen in the blood, promoting circulation and activating skin cells.

20 min ..........................................................................................35,00€

water treatmentsWATER CIRCUIT

Welcome to our hydrotherapy circuit, where the “salutem per aquam” (health through water) has become the greatest exponent. SHA has received many international awards, such as Best World Medical Spa (Spa Finder) or Best European Spa Destination (Condé Nast Johansens). We provide, for your enjoyment, a well kept circuit consisting of a hydrotherapy pool, sauna, roman thermal bath, Turkish bath, bithermal showers, pediluvies, jet speeds, etc.

120 min......................................................................................60,00€


An individual kind of relaxation based on rhythmic movements created in harmony with your breathing and which combines passive movement with the gentle stretching of our body. It gives complete physical and mental relaxation, it improves the body’s mobility, flexibility and the quality of sleep.

50 min .....................................................................................135,00€

AI-CHISimple yet effective movements that can be used for meditation when practiced repeatedly and coordinated with slow and deep breathing. The practice of Ai Chi is a gentle way of increasing energy levels and promoting flexibility and strength of muscles and joints. It is especially recommended in cases of high blood pressure and other conditions that limit movement, thereby improving both physical and mental health, as it significantly reduces the effects of stress, anxiety and depression.

50 min .....................................................................................135,00€

BAD RAGAZ RING METHOD Strengthening technique based on movement patterns. With the help of our physiotherapist and support materials you will achieve better flexibility and muscle resistance, as well as joint movement. It also improves the balance and body posture.

50 min .....................................................................................125,00€

SHATSUHolistic therapy performed individually in a horizontal position. Thanks to rhythmic movements combined in harmony with breathing, this therapy achieves a high level of relaxation. Pressure applied to the energy meridians combined with stretching improves mobility, neck posture, joints and the body´s flexibility.

50 min .....................................................................................135,00€

specialized treatmentsPHYSIA

Revolutionary system that emits physiological frequencies to achieve true facial and corporal rejuvenation in a non-invasive manner. It is therefore the first and only cell regenerator of its kind with evident improvements to skin tone, the reduction of cellulite, reduction of wrinkles and lymphatic drainage.

50 min .....................................................................................150,00€

ULTRASOUNDTechnique for applying to the conjunctive and adipose tissues, producing temperature changes which generate a lymphatic effect. It is applied with gel, achieving noticeable results on the appearance of orange peel and accumulated adiposities.

20 min ..........................................................................................70,00€

PRESOTHERAPYTreatment performed with specific apparatus, through pressure by 24 cells pants, fully overlapped from the feet to the abdomen, through which the body takes on a positive pressu-re alterning in an ascending sequence. The Presotherapy stimulates the circulatory system, generating a lymphatic drainage and thus contributing to the elimination of liquids, fats and toxins that produce cellulite, edema, lymphedema and venous disorders like varicose veins.

20 min ..........................................................................................70,00€


Lipomassage by Endermologie®, is a non-surgical technique based on the mechanisation of connective tissue. It uses a high-tech device that, using a suction system and two rollers, gives the skin and subcutaneous tissue a deep massage that reduces cellulite and localised fat problems in certain areas of the body.

50 min .....................................................................................150,00€

INDIBA New treatment that rebalances cell interaction. As oxygen flows better between cells and it restores the correct micro circulation and rejuvenates the skin in general. As a facial treatment it reduces wrinkles, improves dark circles and redefines a round face. When applied to the body, it shapes the silhouette, reduces cellulite, stretch marks and sagging, smooths the chest, clams pain and gives an overall feeling of well-being.

50 min .....................................................................................150,00€

BALLANCER®:Revolutionary technological system of therapeutic massage, designed to perform various treatments like eliminate cellulite, reduce edema and varices, shape your body, strengthen the tissues of our skin, etc.. by single cycles tailored to the individual needs of each person, under specialist prescription.

50 min .....................................................................................150,00€

influenced by natureREIKI

The term Reiki means “universal life energy”; this natural therapy consists in channelling the curing energy through placing the therapist’s hands on energy centres, or “chakras” with the aim of finding balance, energetic harmony and healing. All of this from a holistic point of view (physical, mental and spiritual plane).

50 min .....................................................................................135,00€

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Treatment containing active ingredients which make the skin glow and preserve the quality of the skin's collagen, bringing luminosity and clarity to the skin.

50 min .................................................................................. 150,00€


For the first time, a line of cosmetics inspired by the latest filling techniques which act simulta-neously against symptoms of loss of firmness, harmoniously reproducing the contours of a young and firm complexion.

80 min .................................................................................. 190,00€


Facial treatment that merges hydration and cell protection thanks to a combination of

exceptional active ingredients that achieve a denser skin structure and smoother skin.

80 min .................................................................................. 180,00€


Improving, refreshing, calming and hydrating the area around the eyes is essential for

improving our image. Active ingredients that are highly recommended for this delicate area

make this treatment a marvellous compliment to the rest of our facial services.

20 min .......................................................................................80,00€


Enjoy an exceptional, all natural skin treatment, based on the concept of the alpine rose stem cells. The binding characteristics of this flower with alpine herbs like St. John's wort, larch extract, calendula, mallow, chamomile, juniper or gentian, enable the vitality of the skin, promoting regeneration and improving the function of the protective barrier.

85 min .................................................................................. 180,00€


Facial treatment created to reduce the signs of ageing and increase skin firmness. We apply

totally natural products which stimulate the creation of collagen, and therefore firm the skin.

90 min .................................................................................. 180,00€


Revitalising treatment for men's skin, providing an authentic touch of freshness. It protects

skin from stress, and environmental damage, providing intense hydration and diffusing fine

lines. A facial cleanse, exfoliation, massage and masque all serve to make this treatment the

perfect moment for relaxation and wellbeing.

50 min .................................................................................. 140,00€

capillary treatmentsSHA CAPILLARY TREATMENT

This is especially recommended following the SHA Detox massage. The treatment begins

with a refreshing scalp exfoliation followed by a relaxing massage to increase blood flow. A

mask is then applied that repairs and hydrates your hair, ending with a therapeutic lotion that

favours the appearance of new hair. In addition to being excellent for your hair, this treatment

has an important anti-stress effect.40 min .......................................................................................90,00€


The objective of this treatment profoundly cleanse the dead cells, pimples and all sorts of impurities from the face. This consists of a cleansing and exfoliation procedure, followed by a massage and a face masque. An entire process which will allow our skin to breathe, keeping it healthy and radiant.

80 min .................................................................................. 180,00€


After performing an exhaustive skin diagnosis, we use the most recommended essential oil-based products for you, depending on the type of skin, through oil based products, and skin care lotions, applying a masque and a facial massage.

80 min .................................................................................. 180,00€


Bioenergetic facial treatment based on detoxifying, regenerating, tonifying and unblocking. It is one via crystal bells, and a facial drainage procedure, with the application of a seaweed lotion, followed by a facial massage with essential oil, a regenerating facial masque, ending with an electrostimulation of the points with lesser skin resistance, enabling also the energetic unblocking.

80 min .................................................................................. 180,00€


Draining and regenerating facial treatment through vacunotherapy techniques and electrosti-mulation. It improves the liquid circulation, helps with the elimination of residues, improves the eye contour, reduces the dark circles and swellings. Perfect to reduce the exhaustion of the face, achieving a fresh and renewed image, with a new luminosity of the skin.

80 min .................................................................................. 180,00€


A facial treatment with a hand ritual that actives the vitality of the mother cells of the skin, favors its regeneration and gives strength to the skin by stimulating the natural mechanisms of defense. It hydrates deeply thanks to the water rich in minerals from the Tirol Mountains.

50 min .................................................................................. 130,00€

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facial treatments

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Body exfoliation session, opening every pore, eliminating and removing impurities from the skin with all the benefits of aloe vera. Followed by a gratifying massage with a hydrating serum that eliminates accumulated stress. This skin exfoliation will make you look more radiant, smooth and attractive.

20 min ..........................................................................................60,00€


The result of this body scrub is a smooth and even skin. The exfoliating cream with revitalizing oils Rododrendo and Swiss stone Pine ( pinus cembra) brings a calming effect on the anti-aging and skin strengthening natural defenses of the skin. It is the innovative solution to keep the skin young and beautiful.

20 min ..........................................................................................70,00€

body bandagesThe use of body bandages dates back to the Egyptians. It is a highly specialized ancient technique

that involves wrapping the body areas for conservation and healing.

These treatments are a combination of the effects of Ballancer® device with the benefits of gels and

creams specific for each one of them, making the body react, burning fat and toxins, while promoting

circulation, muscle tonification, body volume and cellulite is reduced and the feeling of tired legs


Slimming effect ........................................................................................................................................................50 min..................................................................................130,00€

Anti-stretch marks effect .....................................................................................................................50 min ..................................................................................130,00€

Toning effect ..................................................................................................................................................................50 min ..................................................................................130,00€

Tired legs ..............................................................................................................................................................................50 min ..................................................................................130,00€


It is scientifically recognized that hydrotherapy is relaxing, invigorating and soothing, helping the body to maintain balance and relieve stress. Adding even more special essences potentiates these effects.

Detoxifying Bath.....................................................................................................................................................20 min.......................................................................................55,00€

Relaxing Bath ..............................................................................................................................................................20 min.......................................................................................55,00€

Energizing Bath .......................................................................................................................................................20 min.......................................................................................55,00€

Draining Bath ...............................................................................................................................................................20 min.......................................................................................55,00€


Powerful detoxifying, healing and hydroenergetic treatment consisting of three steps:

1. Hydroaromatherapy: technical tub with essential oils that penetrate the body through the heat of the water with soothing and purifying effects.2. Fitomudtherapy: pleasant seaweed wrap with draining, detoxifying and revitalizing effect.3. Hidrojet: restores energy, vitality and tonifìes the body.

50 min .....................................................................................160,00€


Body wrap that activates the cell metabolism, hydrates and nourishes the skin, helping to eliminate toxins and remould the silhouette. Seaweeds contain mineral substances, trace elements and vitamins for skin hydration, activation of the metabolism, body clearance and drainage.

50 min .....................................................................................130,00€


This seaweed wrap has a firming action, remineralizing, stimulating and nourishing the tissue, as it acts as protector of the good condition of the skin by getting a cold effect to reaffirm our bodies while activates our metabolism.

50 min .....................................................................................130,00€


Provides a reducing stimulant and revitalizing action to the skin, since it favors the elimination of toxins and activation of cell metabolism by a heat effect that molds the body.

50 min .....................................................................................130,00€


This wrap has an invigorating and rejuvenating effect on the skin as it is rich in sodium, magnesium and potassium. The specific composition of the clay restores the skin´s natural electrolyte balance. Specific toning for each muscle state and for each specific area.

50 min .....................................................................................130,00€


Known for its extraordinary healing properties the application of Dead Sea mud wrap makes this a therapeutic, natural and anti aging treatment. Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium and Potassium Silica, among many others, are assets that contribute to the removal of dead skin cells, improving the absorption of moisture from the skin, leaving it fresh and healthy. This wonder of nature reduces muscle tension, soothes rheumatism and softens the skin.

50 min .....................................................................................150,00€


Exclusive products make this ritual a perfect combination of aloe vera and mint. A fresh and melting wrap that nourishes and regenerates your skin, leaving it perfectly silky.

50 min .....................................................................................130,00€


Highly nutritious for the skin with a blend of exotic flowers and sensual fragrances. The jojoba oils and wild Mango enrich this treatment. Volcanic clay hydrates the skin in depth, softening and smoothing it.

50 min .....................................................................................150,00€


Ideal for nourishing and protecting the skin, blood activation, and anti-aging effect, with a calming and relaxing effect on the mind. This wrap is ideal for eliminating stress and activating the body. Stimulates the vitality of skin stem cells, encouraging skin regeneration and resistan-ce, which strengthens the skin's natural defenses.

50 min .....................................................................................150,00€

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exercises forbody and mind



Stretching on a daily basis can help us control the loss of muscle mass and greatly improve the strength and flexibility of the tendons. It also helps to lubricate the joints. A greater range of movement of our joints allows us to directly increase our quality of life, especially at certain ages in which the rapid loss of mobility reduces the number of activities you can do.

50 min .................................................................................100,00€


Prana means energy. Prana is universal and is the axis of life. Prana and consciousness are in constant contact with each other. Yoga texts state that when breathing is calm, prana is calm. Many people are breathing incorrectly without realising that the quality of breathing affects their quality of life.

50 min..................................................................................100,00€


An ideal way to retain the knowledge acquired during your stay at SHA in order to continue applying it on a day to day basis, helping to significantly improve your health and that of your loved ones.

120 min .................................................................................170,00€ 3 lessons of 120 min .................................................................................450,00€


Paddle tennis is very beneficial to health, because with the paddle not only do we increase our physical condition but also improve our movement coordination, agility and reflexes while invigorate the body. Also, being an essentially aerobic sport, helps improve our cardiovascu-lar system and prevents heart diseases and possible injuries are less common than in many other sports.

60 mins / 1 person..................................................................................100,00€ 60 mins / 2 people..................................................................................130,00€


Corporal and psychological discipline used as a way of contacting our own selves. Yoga trains our bodies and our minds. It provides the perfect balance, regulating energies and emotions through deep breathing.

60 min .....................................................................................100,00€


This is an ancient martial art which, through movements based on Traditional Chinese Medici-ne, channels life energy through meridians, making the energy, i.e. the Chi, circulate. It is the harmonious combination of three basics: movement of the body, concentration and conscious breathing. Its results are surprising, achieving a balanced state of wellbeing and allowing us to achieve longevity.

60 min .....................................................................................100,00€


Regularly practicing this technique can totally transform your quality of life. It is the subtle way of educating the body to stay calm, recharge energy and enhance the clarity and focused state of mind. This meditation technique, combined with yoga, can maintain a physical, emotional and mental well-being. Meditation allows the mind to calm down and relax in deep levels of relaxation.

50 min .....................................................................................100,00€

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private lessons

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Created with the collaboration of the medical community and sports professionals, this is a simple discipline which brings multiple health benefits. Noticeably improves our physical and psyche states in a controlled and effective manner.

50 min .................................................................................. 100,00€


Using a system of controlled movements, we balance the body and mind. Increases your body´s flexibility, strength and endurance. Harmoniously integrates Eastern and Western theories, combining physical exercise with breathing techniques, achieving a great balance between body and mind, strengthening bone density, muscle strength, flexibility and posture

50 min .................................................................................. 100,00€


Scientific literature has long shown that strength-resistance circuits are key to increasing muscle tone and therefore the energetic metabolism. This is something which is necessary for controlling and/or treating metabolic disease

50 mins ...................................................................................90,00€


Through Muscular Activation, muscles which have inadequate neurological connections are identified and activated, creating the ability for these to stabilise joints and reduce joint stress that leads to joint pain and degenerative conditions of the joints; it is then when the neuro-muscular system and the body become most efficient and painful conditions and wear and tear disappear or are considerably reduced.

50 min .......................................................................................90,00€


This consists of a training session with a personal trainer using the Kinesis machine. This machine enables the possibility of a vast array of movements to be able to work muscle groups, which makes it the ideal machine for beginners as well as regular gym users, or even elite sportsmen. Very useful for rehabilitation processes and as a compliment to physical training.

50 min .................................................................................. 100,00€


High-tech device for exercise by neuromuscular electrostimulation, allowing our muscles to work more directly and effectively. A 30-minute session of electromyostimulation training is equivalent to an hour and a half session of usual training.

30 mins .............................................................................. 120,00€



One of our training experts will assess your physical, metabolic, anatomic and structural state. After this first consultation, the trainer can prescribe exercises and programs which are best adapted to your needs.

30 min .......................................................................................50,00€


Our team of professionals of the physical exercise and personal training fields are experts in a vast array of techniques that we make available to you and which are particularly recommended after the physical assessment

50 min .......................................................................................90,00€


SHA’s Postural Re-education is an assessment method, a diagnosis and a treatment for disorders of the neuro-muscular skeletal system. Its goal is to go from the symptom shown by the patient to the cause of the problem, trying to eradicate the symptoms. The objectives are: to return muscular flexibility, recuperate a correct alignment of structures, eliminate pain and re-establish functions.

50 min .......................................................................................90,00€


The latest development for generating muscle tone throughout the body, increasing blood circulation and completely strengthening muscles. Our personal trainer will advise you on the specific training you need.

30 min .......................................................................................70,00€

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We offer a wide range of personalized styling treatments for eyebrows and eyelashes.


We have several different treatments. Please ask our Staff.




Wash and blow-dry short hair Women ...................................................................................................... .............................................................................60,00€

Wash and blow-dry long hair Women ......................................................................................................... .............................................................................75,00€

Cutting Ends - Women................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................35,00€

Normal Cut - Women .................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................50,00€

Wash, cut and comb – Men ............................................................................................................................................ .............................................................................70,00€

Beard trim – Men .................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................45,00€

Colour/tint ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................85,00€

Keratine Treatment, Men ...................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................150,00€

Keratine Treatment, Women - Short ................................................................................................................ ........................................................................180,00€

Keratine Treatment, Women - Medium...................................................................................................... ........................................................................200,00€

Keratine Treatment, Women - Long.................................................................................................................. ........................................................................250,00€

Shu Uemura......................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................150,00€

Inspired by the Japanese tea ceremony, the art of the Shu Uemura hair ceremony includes a hair shiatsu massage and treatment with very precious natural ingredients. Hair regains its state of maximum perfection. Our guest experiences an exceptional moment, returning the feeling of balance and calm

www.shawellnessclinic.com www.shawellnessclinic.com

Includes cutting, shaping and painting plus exfoliation, nourishing mask, cuticle treatment,

massage and paraffin bath.

Full French manicure ...................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................ 80,00€

Includes cutting, shaping and painting plus exfoliation, nourishing mask, cuticle and dry skin

treatment, ending with a massage.

Full French pedicure........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................ 95,00€

Pedicure for Men ... ..................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................160,00€

Full pedicure ............................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................ 90,00€

Gel Color Manicure ....................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................ 80,00€

Manicure for Men ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .....................................70,00€

Full manicure ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................... .75,00€

Gel Color pedicure ........................................................................................................................................... ................................................ ..................... 170,00€