We thought it would be interesting to start off with a close up tracking shot which pans down the frame to show a hand holding a phone. The phone would be lighting up to indicate someone is trying to ring this character. We thought it would be a good idea to make the caller a boy called Toby with a heart next to his name, suggesting she his a boyfriend of the character suggesting it is a female character. We thought a tracking shot would be good as it creates suspense for the audience. Next we thought it would be interesting to show a close up of another hand but instead holding a note. The note reads: 'Heres the perfect place for a party' with an address. This suggests that the female character has been told to come here. Also, the fact it is a party venue she wants suggests she is young. We thought a close up would be good as it hides information about the location and the character. Next we thought we could use an extreme close up of a young girls face, she would be covered in blood and would look like she is dead. The use of an extreme close up enhances the mood as it clearly shows the blood, it also hides information like who killed her? and where is she? Then we thought it would be good to pan out from the previous extreme close up and then use an establishing shot showing her surroundings. It would show she is alone, making the audience empathize towards her and it would she is in a dark and abandoned setting.


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We thought it would be interesting to start off with a close up tracking shot which pans down the frame to show a hand holding a phone. The phone would be lighting up to indicate someone is trying to ring this character. We thought it would be a good idea to make the caller a boy called Toby with a heart next to his name, suggesting she his a boyfriend of the character suggesting it is a female character. We thought a tracking shot would be good as it creates suspense for the audience.  

Next we thought it would be interesting to show a close up of another hand but instead holding a note. The note reads: 'Heres the perfect place for a party' with an address. This suggests that the female character has been told to come here. Also, the fact it is a party venue she wants suggests she is young. We thought a close up would be good as it hides information about the location and the character.

Next we thought we could use an extreme close up of a young girls face, she would be covered in blood and would look like she is dead. The use of an extreme close up enhances the mood as it clearly shows the blood, it also hides information like who killed her? and where is she?

Then we thought it would be good to pan out from the previous extreme close up and then use an establishing shot showing her surroundings. It would show she is alone, making the audience empathize towards her and it would she is in a dark and abandoned setting.