Front Cover Comparison

Media Front Cover Analysis

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Front Cover Comparison

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Front Covers

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NME – Nov 2011 – Arctic Monkeys

Masthead: The Masthead used on the front cover of the magazine is the typical NME masthead that is usually used for NME magazine.

The design is done using a capitalised, bold, red sans serif typeface – This looks laid back but controlling and professional.

The masthead is found in the top left hand corner of the magazine which is the typical placement of the magazines masthead which can be seen in these examples:

NME stands for: New Musical Express NME

The NME has no visible strap line on this issue but different ones appear on “seasonal” issue and certain special issues that are produced.

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NME – Nov 2011 – Arctic Monkeys

Sell lines: The sell lines on this issue of the NME magazine come in three different types.

The first example is the most commonly used sell line and this is the main story sell line and the three minor sell lines that are underneath it.

The main story headline dominates the majority of the front page spread and has three parts to it. First there is a quote which is wrote in the same typeface as the masthead but in a smaller font and in white instead of red. Then there is a smaller italic red strap line in a smaller font followed by the main cover articles name which is “Arctic Monkeys” in a very large font size which is fully capitalised and is also a different style to the mastheads type face although it is similar due to its colour and capitalisation. This new type face is serif.

Below this is three minor articles named which can be also classed as headlines. Each one of these takes up a third of the front cover and has a dramatised heading which is in the same style as the text reading “Arctic Monkeys” and underneath this there is a short summary of the piece is the same style as the quote from the main cover story

At the bottom of the magazine there are also a plus section which names other artists featured in the magazine. This shows the magazine relies on quotes and name drops to use as sell lines

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The second type of sell line is a red box in the top right hand corner of the magazine labelled “the next big comebacks” in a small white typeface which has the first letter of each word capitalised. There is then two titles in this box which are in a black typeface which is identical to the mastheads. Below each title there is a quote which is in the serif typeface but in white. Finally there is a piece of text which is in yellow which does not fit into the magazines black, red and yellow house style which is also in the same style as the masthead

The final sell line of the magazine is a puffball advertising “the top 20 dance acts on the planet. This is done using a variety of the serif and sans serif typefaces which the “20” and “on the planet” being coloured white and using stand out typefaces to draw attention. The puffball is also filled in red keeping with the house style.

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Mode of Address

Informal Directly addresses the reader.

Strong use of dramatisation and exclamation marks!

Uses a lot of quotes and article overviews

Informal language


“Drama queen!”


“Potty Mouth!”

Shows a laidback and chilled out attitude although values look moral and secure

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Cover Image

Shot of the main sell line – The Arctic Monkeys

Models all wearing denim (most darker shades) or leather.

Only props used are a pair of sunglasses.

Main colours: White, Blue and Black

Speaks to audience because the band are instantly recognisable – face recognition

Mid close up shot used

Background incorporates colours of main photo subject.

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Puffs, Pugs and Kickers

Puff’s used in both circle and square forms to bring attention to features in the magazine varying from the main cover article.

Kickers used with variation of colour in text in-between articles and also within anchorage for articles.

Yellow used in one example to highlight competition.

Pugs are not used.

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Cover line

Anchorage directly underneath cover photo and is the largest typeface on the front cover meaning they are easily .

Use of quotes – entices reader

Brief overview – entices reader

Different colours used in text (see sell lines)

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House Style

Colours: Red, White, Black

Sans Serif and Serif text both used

House style is laid back aswell as at the same time being professional.

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Rhythm - Sep 2012 – Stewart Copeland

Connotation: Music related especially to drums.

The Masthead is bold, capitalised, sans serif and in a large font located all the way across the top of the magazine

White on a dark background so it stands out although this can change from month to month e.g

Masthead uniform and solid.

Examples of different coloured mastheads:

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Strap line – “UK’s best selling drum magazine”

Same typeface as masthead but in a smaller font and not bold. Still capitalised with a kicker used in yellow for “The UK’s” and “Drum Magazine”.

The strap line is placed across the top of the magazine.

Strap line indicates the magazine is the one to buy on its specialised music topic.

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Sell Lines

The magazine has numerous sell lines of the front cover. There is the main cover article, three puffballs and then an article advertised with a photo and one without.

The sell lines are done using the same font as the masthead but with variation in the font size and capitalisation. Also some words are used as kickers with the text varying between white and yellow

The puffballs on the magazine are all done in a different colour and style to make them stand out more and to punctuate their presence.

Secondary image added to the front cover to help sell an article on a topic which had been as past cover story.

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Mode of Address

The mode of address is this magazine is plain and simple but indirect which gives a formal and business like feel to the magazine.

There is less dramatisation than NME magazine but quotes are still used as anchorage and to draw attention to sell lines.

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Cover Image

The main cover image is a full body shot of the magazines main article Stewart Copeland.

The clothing of the model is bright and loud which draws attention to the model as there isn't much colour contrast.

Drumsticks are used as props but are positioned so the model is almost in a welcoming pose which will appeal directly to the reader.

The main colours are black and orange in the background of the image but in the foreground the bright colours of yellow, red and blue on the models shirt create contrast

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Anchorage of Cover Line

The main cover photo is anchored to text that is to the left of it in the dead centre of the magazine.

The main headline of the anchorage is the same typeface and style as the main cover article. The quote linked to it is a smaller and different typeface and all of it is capitalised. It is in yellow instead of .

There is also an article overview which is in the same style as the quote but with the very important sell lines of the article being kickers in yellow. There is also a yellow block line around two sides of this making it even more noticeable.

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Puffs, Pugs and Kickers

Kickers are used thought the front cover of this magazine in yellow to draw attention to the buzzwords of the articles which are being referred to.

Puffballs are used to advertise the review section of the magazine which will be a good source of revenue to the magazine so its essential its well advertised. Also competitions and the bonus CD that comes with every magazine is advertised.

These all work well to attract attention to buzzwords and to features of the magazine beside from the main cover story.

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House Style

The house style of the magazine is very formal and business like.

The main colours are usually black and white with a variation of other colours used in text to emphasise certain aspects. In the case of the cover of this edition it is the colour yellow.

The magazine is designed for drummers are this is evident due to the choice of language and the themes of the articles.