Mechanisms of Leptin Action and Leptin Resistance Martin G. Myers, 1 Michael A. Cowley, 2 and Heike M ¨ unzberg 1 1 Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Diabetes, Department of Medicine and Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109; email: [email protected], [email protected] 2 Division of Neuroscience, National Primate Research Center, Oregon Health and Sciences University, Beaverton, Oregon 97006; email: [email protected] Annu. Rev. Physiol. 2008. 70:537–56 First published online as a Review in Advance on October 15, 2007 The Annual Review of Physiology is online at http://physiol.annualreviews.org This article’s doi: 10.1146/annurev.physiol.70.113006.100707 Copyright c 2008 by Annual Reviews. All rights reserved 0066-4278/08/0315-0537$20.00 Key Words hypothalamus, VTA, obesity, diabetes Abstract The adipose tissue–derived hormone leptin acts via its receptor (LRb) in the brain to regulate energy balance and neuroendocrine function. LRb signaling via STAT3 and a number of other pathways is required for the totality of leptin action. The failure of elevated leptin levels to suppress feeding and mediate weight loss in common forms of obesity defines a state of so-called leptin resistance. A num- ber of mechanisms, including the leptin-stimulated phosphorylation of Tyr 985 on LRb and the suppressor of cytokine signaling 3, attenu- ate leptin signaling and promote a cellular leptin resistance in obesity. Several unique features of the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus may contribute to the severity of cellular leptin resistance in this region. Other mechanisms that govern feeding behavior and food reward may also underlie the inception of obesity. 537 Annu. Rev. Physiol. 2008.70:537-556. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org by Universita degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata on 10/14/10. For personal use only.

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Mechanisms of LeptinAction and LeptinResistanceMartin G. Myers,1 Michael A. Cowley,2

and Heike Munzberg1

1Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Diabetes, Department of Medicineand Department of Molecular and Integrative Physiology, University of MichiganMedical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109; email: [email protected],[email protected] of Neuroscience, National Primate Research Center, Oregon Health andSciences University, Beaverton, Oregon 97006; email: [email protected]

Annu. Rev. Physiol. 2008. 70:537–56

First published online as a Review in Advance onOctober 15, 2007

The Annual Review of Physiology is online athttp://physiol.annualreviews.org

This article’s doi:10.1146/annurev.physiol.70.113006.100707

Copyright c© 2008 by Annual Reviews.All rights reserved


Key Words

hypothalamus, VTA, obesity, diabetes

AbstractThe adipose tissue–derived hormone leptin acts via its receptor(LRb) in the brain to regulate energy balance and neuroendocrinefunction. LRb signaling via STAT3 and a number of other pathwaysis required for the totality of leptin action. The failure of elevatedleptin levels to suppress feeding and mediate weight loss in commonforms of obesity defines a state of so-called leptin resistance. A num-ber of mechanisms, including the leptin-stimulated phosphorylationof Tyr985 on LRb and the suppressor of cytokine signaling 3, attenu-ate leptin signaling and promote a cellular leptin resistance in obesity.Several unique features of the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamusmay contribute to the severity of cellular leptin resistance in thisregion. Other mechanisms that govern feeding behavior and foodreward may also underlie the inception of obesity.



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LEPTINThe adipose tissue–derived hormone leptin isproduced in proportion to fat stores. Circulat-ing leptin serves to communicate the state ofbody energy repletion to the central nervoussystem (CNS) in order to suppress food intakeand permit energy expenditure (1–3). Manyof the physiological adaptations triggered byprolonged fasting can be attenuated by exoge-nously administered leptin, which falsely sig-nals to the brain that energy stores are replete(3–5). Adequate leptin levels permit energyexpenditure on the processes of reproduc-tion, tissue remodeling, and growth and sim-ilarly regulate the autonomic nervous system,other elements of the endocrine system, andthe immune system (3–5). Conversely, lackof leptin signaling due to mutation of leptin(e.g., ob/ob mice) or the leptin receptor (LR)(e.g., db/db mice) in rodents and humans re-sults in increased food intake in combina-tion with reduced energy expenditure anda phenotype reminiscent of the neuroen-docrine starvation response (including hy-pothyroidism, decreased growth, infertility,and decreased immune function) in spite ofobesity (1, 2, 6, 7).


There are multiple LR isoforms, all of whichare products of a single Lepr gene (8, 9). TheLepr gene contains 17 common exons and sev-eral alternatively spliced 3′ exons. In mice, thesix distinct LR isoforms that have been iden-tified are designated LRa–LRf. In all species,LR isoforms are divisible into three classes:secreted, short, and long. The secreted formsare either products of alternatively splicedmRNA species (e.g., murine LRe, whichcontains only the first 14 exons of Lepr) orproteolytic cleavage products of membrane-bound forms of LR. These secreted formscontain only extracellular domains that bindcirculating leptin, perhaps regulating theconcentration of free leptin (10).

Short-form LRs (LRa, LRc, LRd, and LRfin mice) and the long-form LR (LRb in mice)contain exons 1–17 of Lepr and therefore haveidentical extracellular and transmembrane do-mains as well as the same first 29 intracel-lular amino acids but diverge in sequencethereafter owing to the alternative splicingof 3′ exons. Short-form LRs contain exons1–17 and terminate 3–11 amino acids afterthe splice junction for total intracellular do-main lengths of 32–40 amino acids. LRc-,LRd-, and LRf-specific sequences are not wellconserved among species. However, LRa (themost abundantly expressed isoform) is rea-sonably well conserved, as is LRb, which hasan intracellular domain of approximately 300residues (8, 9).

LRb is crucial for leptin action. Indeed, theoriginally described db/db mice lack LRb (butnot other LR forms) as a consequence of amutation that causes missplicing of the LRbmRNA; these mice closely resemble db3J/db3J

mice (which are deficient in all LR isoforms)and leptin-deficient ob/ob animals (3). Thefunction of short-form LRs is less clear, al-though proposed roles include the transportof leptin across the blood-brain barrier (BBB)and the production of circulating LR extracel-lular domain to complex with leptin (10, 11).

Many of the effects of leptin result fromactions in the CNS, particularly in the hy-pothalamus, a site of high LRb mRNA expres-sion (12–15). In the hypothalamus, leptin actson neurons that directly or indirectly regulatelevels of circulating hormones (e.g., thyroidhormone, sex steroids, and growth hormone)(12, 16, 17). Leptin action on these hypotha-lamic neurons also regulates the activity of theautonomic nervous system, although directeffects of leptin on LRb-containing neuronsin the brainstem and elsewhere probably alsohave an important role (18). The effects of lep-tin on the immune system and vasculature ap-pear to result from direct action on hematoge-nous cells that contain LRb (5, 19). Leptinmay also regulate glucose homeostasis inde-pendently of its effects on adiposity; leptinregulates glycemia at least partly via the CNS,

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but it may also directly regulate pancreatic β-cells and insulin-sensitive tissues (20–24).


LRb is present in several tissues; the highestlevels are in neurons of several nuclei of thehypothalamus, including the arcuate (ARC),dorsomedial (DMH), ventromedial (VMH),lateral hypothalamic area (LHA), and ven-tral premammillary (PMv) nuclei (12–14, 25).Other sites within the brain that have beenshown to express functional LRb include theventral tegmental area (VTA), brainstem [in-cluding the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS)and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus], andthe periaqueductal gray matter, among others.

LRb action on two populations of ARCneurons is particularly well characterized.One population synthesizes neuropeptide Y(NPY) and agouti-related peptide (AgRP),and the other synthesizes pro-opiomel-anocortin (POMC) (12, 15). POMC is pro-cessed to produce α-melanocyte-stimulatinghormone (αMSH) in LRb/POMC neurons;αMSH signals anorexia (decreased appetite)by activating the melanocortin-4 receptor(MC4R) and the melanocortin-3 receptor(MC3R) (26–31). LRb stimulates the syn-thesis of POMC, activates LRb/POMCneurons (15, 32), and stimulates αMSH se-cretion (33). NPY is an orexigenic (appetite-stimulating) hormone that also suppressesthe central LRb-mediated growth and re-productive axes (34–37). AgRP is an antag-onist of αMSH/MC4R signaling as well asan inhibitor (inverse agonist) of endogenousMC4R activity (36, 38). Leptin acts via LRb toinhibit NPY/AgRP neurons and suppress theexpression and secretion of NPY and AgRP(15, 32, 33). Thus, LRb signaling stimulatesthe production and secretion of anorectic neu-ropeptides and reciprocally suppresses levelsof orexigenic peptides. Conversely, a decreaseor deficiency in leptin action (e.g., during star-vation or in ob/ob and db/db mice) stimulates

appetite by the suppression of the synthesisof anorectic neuropeptides (e.g., POMC) andincreased expression of orexigenic peptides(e.g., NPY and AgRP).

Although we now know a great dealabout the mechanisms by which the ARCNPY/AgRP and POMC neurons function,numerous questions remain regarding thecontributions of each circuit to the regula-tion of feeding in general and in responseto leptin under physiological conditions. Al-though ablation of AgRP neurons results inhypophagia and ablation of POMC or centralmelanocortin receptors results in severe obe-sity (27, 39), deletion of LRb from POMCneurons or the restoration of LRb in theARC of db/db animals results in only mod-est alterations in body weight (although thesemanipulations robustly modulate glucosehomeostasis) (40, 41).

Furthermore, although interference withLRb → STAT3 (signal transducer and ac-tivator of transcription 3) signaling resultsin dramatic hyperphagia and obesity, dele-tion of STAT3 in ARC neurons only mod-estly impacts body energy homeostasis (42–44). Thus, although melanocortins and ARCneurons generally effect powerful appetitivesignals, they may not constitute the major-ity of the leptin-mediated anorectic signal;the aggregate leptin signal is likely mediatedin concert with many other populations ofLRb-expressing neurons that require furtheranalysis. Indeed, ARC LRb neurons compriseonly 15–20% of the total number of LRb-expressing neurons within the CNS (25), andother populations of LRb neurons, includ-ing those in the VMH and VTA, clearly me-diate important components of leptin action(45–47).


LRb belongs to the interleukin (IL)-6 recep-tor family of class 1 cytokine receptors, whichcontain an extracellular ligand-binding do-main, a single transmembrane domain, anda cytoplasmic signaling domain (8, 48). Like

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other cytokine receptors, LRb does not con-tain intrinsic enzymatic activity but insteadsignals via a noncovalently associated tyro-sine kinase of the Jak kinase family ( Jak2in the case of LRb) (49–51). Leptin bind-ing alters the conformation of the preformedLRb homodimer, enabling transphosphoryla-tion and activation of the intracellular LRb-associated Jak2 (8, 52, 53). The activated Jak2molecule then phosphorylates other tyrosineresidues within the LRb/Jak2 complex to me-diate downstream signaling (54, 55).

Signaling by cytokine receptors requiresa proline-rich Box 1 motif critical for Jakkinase interaction and activation; additional,less-conserved sequences COOH-terminal toBox 1 (sometimes referred to as Box 2) arealso important for Jak interactions and likelyfunction in Jak isoform selectivity (48, 49,51, 56). In the case of LRb, intracellularresidues 31–36 (i.e., those immediately down-stream of the alternative splice junction fol-lowing amino acid 29) compose Box 2 anddictate Jak2 selectivity (51, 56). This Box 2sequence is absent from all described shortLR isoforms—consistent with the inability ofthese molecules to mediate leptin action indb/db animals (8, 51, 54).

Tyrosine kinase–dependent signaling gen-erally proceeds via the phosphotyrosine-mediated recruitment of signaling proteinsthat contain specialized phosphotyrosine-binding domains (e.g., SH2 domains) (57).Each SH2 domain isoform recognizes phos-photyrosine in a specific amino acid con-text. Thus, although tyrosine phosphoryla-tion acts as a molecular switch to recruitSH2-containing proteins, each tyrosine phos-phorylation site recruits only specific SH2isoforms because each isoform recognizesspecific surrounding amino acids as well as thephosphotyrosine residue. For instance, theSH2 domain of the latent transcription fac-tor STAT3 binds to phosphotyrosine in thecontext of a Y(P)XXQ motif (58, 59).

Understanding signaling by the LRb/Jak2complex thus requires defining the tyrosinephosphorylation sites on LRb and Jak2 and

the SH2 proteins that they recruit. There arethree conserved residues on the intracellulardomain of LRb: Tyr985, Tyr1077, and Tyr1138.Data from our and other labs suggest that allthree of these sites are phosphorylated andcontribute to downstream leptin signaling (8,54, 55, 60, 60a).

There are thus four tyrosine phosphoryla-tion signaling pathways that can derive fromLRb (Figure 1): those originating directlyfrom Jak2 tyrosine phosphorylation sites andthose emanating from the phosphorylation ofTyr985, Tyr1077, and Tyr1138 of LRb. The phos-phorylation of Tyr985 creates a binding site forthe COOH-terminal SH2 domain of the ty-rosine phosphatase SHP-2, leading to the ac-tivation of the canonical p21ras → ERK sig-naling pathway in cultured cells (51, 55, 61).

Phosphorylation of Tyr1138 recruitsSTAT3 to the LRb/Jak2 complex, resultingin the tyrosine phosphorylation and subse-quent nuclear translocation of STAT3 tomediate transcriptional regulation (54, 55).Among the STAT3-regulated genes is theSH2 domain–containing feedback inhibitorSOCS3 (suppressor of cytokine signaling 3)(55, 62). Following its STAT3-dependentproduction during leptin stimulation, SOCS3binds to Tyr985 of LRb to mediate the in-hibition of LRb → STAT3 signaling (63);SOCS3 also binds to a separate site on Jak2(64, 65).

Tyr1077 mediates a crucial component ofSTAT5 (signal transducer and activator oftranscription 5) phosphorylation and tran-scriptional regulation by leptin, althoughTyr1138 also contributes to STAT5 activation(60, 60a). Tyr1077 does not regulate STAT3signaling, although it may promote the in-creased phosphorylation of LRb Tyr985.

Jak2 tyrosine phosphorylation during LRbstimulation may mediate some signals inde-pendently of tyrosine phosphorylation siteson LRb (55). The individual phosphorylationsites on Jak2 are beginning to be enumer-ated (66–73). Unfortunately, many more re-main to be identified, and the binding part-ners and signals mediated by many sites are

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Figure 1LRb signaling, feedback inhibition, and the regulation of physiology. Leptin binding to the extracellulardomain of LRb, the functional leptin receptor isoform, mediates the activation of the intracellular,LRb-associated Jak2 tyrosine kinase, resulting in Jak2 autophosphorylation on tyrosine residues (pY) aswell as the phosphorylation of three tyrosine residues on the intracellular tail of LRb: Y985, Y1077, andY1138. pY1138 recruits signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 3, which is activated tomediate transcriptional events, including the transcription of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) and theinhibitory suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) protein. pY1077 recruits and mediates thetranscriptional activation of STAT5. pY985 recruits the tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2 and also binds toSOCS3 and mediates feedback inhibition of LRb signaling (dotted lines). The tyrosine phosphatasePTP1B, although not regulated by leptin in this manner, also inhibits LRb/Jak2 signaling. The cellularmechanisms by which LRb couples to the regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K),mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathways remainunclear. Y1138-mediated STAT3 signaling by LRb (presumably via POMC and additional mechanisms) iscrucial to the regulation of anorexia and energy expenditure by leptin. Although Y985 clearly functions toattenuate LRb signaling in vivo, a role for Y985 and SHP-2 in promoting leptin action has not beendefined. Leptin mediates permissive effects upon reproduction, growth, hematopoietic effects (e.g.,immune and platelet function), and the inhibition of agouti-related protein (AgRP)/neuropeptide Y(NPY) neurons of Y1138 and Y985, perhaps via pY sites on Jak2 or via pY1077.

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not known, limiting our understanding of themechanisms by which Jak2-dependent sig-nals are mediated. LRb stimulation mediatesthe tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS proteinsand regulates the PI 3′-kinase pathway (74–76) as well as the AMP-activated protein ki-nase (AMPK) and mammalian target of ra-pamycin (mTOR) pathways (77, 78), althoughthe molecular mechanisms by which LRb reg-ulates these pathways remain unclear.

LRb SIGNALING VIA STAT3MEDIATES A SUBSET OFLEPTIN ACTIONSThus far, roles for two signals mediatedby LRb tyrosine phosphorylation sites—theTyr1138 → STAT3 pathway and the Tyr985 →SOCS3/SHP2 pathway—have been exam-ined in leptin action in vivo (Figure 2).We have directly addressed the contributionof the LRb-STAT3 pathway to physiology













Target areas to which LRb neurons project(contain few or no LRb neurons)

Areas where little is known about theprojections of the LRb-expressing neurons

Components and regulators of themesolimbic dopamine system

Figure 2A distributed network of LRb-expressing neurons in the CNS regulates multiple neural processes.Shown in blue, yellow, and brown bubbles are brain regions containing significant populations ofLRb-expressing neurons. Yellow bubbles indicate areas where little is known about the projections of theLRb-expressing neurons. Bubbles with arrows have LRb neurons with somewhat defined projectionpatterns. Target areas to which LRb neurons project but that contain few or no LRb neurons are denotedas light green bubbles. Components and regulators of the mesolimbic dopamine system are shown inbrown bubbles. ARC, arcuate nucleus; PVH, paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus; VMH, ventromedialhypothalamic nucleus; DMH, dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus; LHA, lateral hypothalamic area; PMv,ventral premammilary nucleus; POA, preoptic area; VTA, ventral tegmental area; PAG, periaqueductalgray; DR, dorsal raphe; PB, parabrachial nucleus; NTS, nucleus of the solitary tract.

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by studying homologously targeted knock-inmice in which LRb is replaced by a mutantmolecule (LRbS1138) that contains a substitu-tion mutation of Tyr1138 (the STAT3 bindingsite) (42). Although LRbS1138 fails to medi-ate STAT3 activation during leptin signaling,this mutant regulates all other known LRbsignaling pathways. The use of the knock-in approach ensures that the expression pat-tern and levels of LRbS1138 mirror those ofwild-type LRb.

Similar to db/db animals, mice homozygousfor LRbS1138 expression (s/s) display hyperpha-gia and decreased energy expenditure, result-ing in profound obesity in the face of dramat-ically increased serum leptin levels. The highcirculating leptin levels in s/s animals not onlycorrelate with increased adipose mass in thesemice but also indicate resistance to the en-ergy homeostatic effects of leptin (42). Feed-ing is similarly high in s/s and db/db mice, andthyroid function and energy expenditure aresimilarly decreased in these two mouse strains(79).

Important differences exist between thephenotypes of s/s mice (missing only the LRb-STAT3 signal) and db/db mice (devoid of allleptin signals), however (42). Whereas db/dbanimals are floridly diabetic and infertile anddemonstrate decreased linear growth, s/s micedemonstrate greatly improved glucose toler-ance compared with db/db mice. The s/s micealso retain fertility and demonstrate increasedlinear growth as well as immune and vascularreactivity to leptin compared with wild-typeanimals (42, 79–83).

Analysis of hypothalamic neuropeptide ex-pression reveals that, similar to db/db mice, s/smice have decreased POMC mRNA levels inthe hypothalamus (42). By contrast, whereasdb/db animals display dramatic induction ofhypothalamic NPY mRNA, levels of NPYmessage are near normal in s/s animals. Fur-thermore, the activity of these AgRP/NPYneurons is appropriately suppressed in s/s, butnot db/db, animals (84). These data suggestthat LRb-STAT3 signaling is a crucial reg-ulator of hypothalamic melanocortin action

and that dysregulated melanocortin signal-ing (as opposed to alterations in NPY) maycontribute to the obesity of s/s animals, al-though STAT3 presumably mediates otherleptin effects in other LRb-expressing neu-rons. Hence, non-STAT3 LRb signals arecritical regulators of neural activity and NPYexpression in the LRb/NPY neuron.

Clearly, pathways independent of LRb →STAT3 regulate glycemic control, the func-tion of hematopoietic and vascular cells, re-production, growth, and NPY/AgRP neuronsin response to leptin. The phenotype of thes/s animals does not suggest the irrelevance ofnon-STAT3 pathways in other aspects of en-ergy balance, however, and reveals only thatSTAT3 signaling is important for the regu-lation of energy homeostasis. Thus, signalsindependent of Tyr1138 → STAT3 may con-tribute to energy balance as well as to themyriad leptin effects that are preserved ins/s mice.


To understand the contribution of LRb Tyr985

to leptin action and inhibition in vivo, we gen-erated mice in which LRb was homologouslyreplaced by a mutant containing a substitu-tion of Tyr985 that abrogates phosphorylationof the site and blocks SHP-2/SOCS3 recruit-ment (55, 61, 63, 85). Mutation of Tyr985 invivo results in reduced feeding and adiposity,decreased orexigenic ARC neuropeptide ex-pression, and increased baseline STAT3 acti-vation in female l/l mice—all in the face of lowleptin levels. Coupled with the increased sen-sitivity of l/l animals to exogenous leptin, theseobservations suggest that mutation of Tyr985

blocks the activation of an inhibitory Tyr985-dependent LRb signal, ultimately leading toincreased leptin sensitivity in vivo. These re-sults suggest an important role for Tyr985 inthe attenuation of leptin action in vivo, con-sistent with results from cultured cells sug-gesting an important role for Tyr985 in the in-hibition of LRb signaling (63, 86, 87).

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Leptin resistance:the failure of highlevels of leptin inobese individuals tosuppress feeding andprevent or mitigateobesity

Because Tyr985 of LRb recruits bothSHP-2 and SOCS3 (63, 87, 88), the failureof LRbL985 to recruit either of these proteinsmay theoretically underlie the lean, leptin-sensitive phenotype of l/l mice. Many datafrom cultured cells and animals support aprimary role for SOCS3 in the inhibitionof LRb signaling, however, suggesting thatSOCS3 (rather than SHP-2) mediates Tyr985-dependent inhibition of LRb (61–63, 83,89–91).

The phenotype of l/l mice also suggeststhat SHP-2 may not be required for the reg-ulation of growth or reproduction by leptinand does not mediate essential anorectic sig-nals. This finding contrasts with the obesityand impaired neuroendocrine function in an-imals with deletion of SHP-2 in the forebrain(91), consistent with the notion that disrup-tion of SHP-2 alters signaling by numerousfactors other than leptin and in a wide va-riety of neuronal populations (92, 93). Theloss of SHP-2 recruitment by leptin in l/l an-imals may result in a diminution of anorec-tic function that is obscured by the enhance-ment of overall LRb signaling owing to theconcomitant loss of inhibitory signals, how-ever. Collectively, these findings suggest thatLRb Tyr1138- and Tyr985-independent signalslikely contribute to the regulation of growth,reproduction, and glucose homeostasis by lep-tin (42). These signals may include the LRbTyr1077/STAT5 pathway or signals mediatedby the LRb-associated Jak2 independently ofLRb tyrosine phosphorylation (3, 60, 74). Ad-ditionally, some possible downstream path-ways include the PI 3′-kinase, mTOR, andAMPK pathways, although we cannot rule outthe possibility that other uncharacterized sig-nals may also participate.


An absolute deficit of leptin does not under-lie most cases of obesity: Indeed, most obeseindividuals exhibit elevated circulating leptinlevels commensurate with their adipose mass

(94–96). The apparent conundrum that thisobservation implies (why do elevated leptinlevels not act to decrease feeding and thusprevent obesity?) has given rise to the no-tion of the existence of physiological leptinresistance. Simply put, the failure of high lev-els of leptin to suppress feeding and decreasebody weight/adiposity to prevent or mitigateobesity suggests a relative resistance to thecatabolic effects of leptin action in obesity.

A number of mechanisms have been pro-posed to explain leptin resistance; these in-clude alterations in the transport of leptinacross the BBB, alterations in cellular LRb sig-naling, perturbations in developmental pro-gramming, and others (97–99; 101). Indeed,each of these mechanisms may contribute tothe totality of leptin resistance. Although theabsolute lack or genetic alteration of LRbdoes not underlie most leptin resistance (95,100), the preponderance of data confirm thatalterations in cellular LRb signaling, espe-cially in the ARC, play a crucial role in leptinresistance (98, 101, 102).


The concept of leptin resistance is analogousto the syndrome of insulin resistance, in whichelevated levels of insulin are required to me-diate adequate glucose disposal and metaboliccontrol. In the case of insulin resistance, anumber of intracellular pathways contributeto the attenuation of insulin signaling ininsulin-responsive tissues such as muscle andliver (103). Indeed, diet-induced obese (DIO)animals (in which consumption of a palatable,calorically dense diet promotes obesity) areleptin resistant, displaying decreased anorec-tic response and decreased amplitude of max-imal LRb signaling in the hypothalamus inresponse to high-dose leptin treatment, as evi-denced by decreased STAT3 phosphorylationand neuropeptide release compared with con-trols (33, 98, 101, 102). Furthermore, maximal

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leptin-stimulated neuropeptide release is im-paired in explanted tissues from DIO mice,demonstrating the preservation of impairedleptin signaling outside of the physiologicalmilieu of DIO mice (33).

Others and we have therefore undertakento define the cellular mechanisms that con-tribute to the attenuation of LRb signaling,with the idea that these mechanisms may con-tribute to a cellular leptin resistance similarto the insulin signaling defects in insulin re-sistance (98). As noted above, SOCS3 bindsto LRb Tyr985 and Jak2 to impair LRb sig-naling in cultured cells (63). Additionally, inmice, decreasing SOCS3 expression in thewhole body or deleting SOCS3 in neuronsincreases the amplitude of LRb signaling, re-sulting in animals that are leaner than wildtypes at baseline and that are resistant to DIO(90, 104). As detailed above, LRb Tyr985 alsomediates the attenuation of LRb signaling incultured cells, and mutation of this residuein l/l mice results in augmented leptin sen-sitivity, leanness, and resistance to DIO (63,85, 87, 88). Thus, Tyr985 and SOCS3 atten-uate LRb signaling and contribute to leptinresistance.

The tyrosine phosphatase PTP1B dephos-phorylates Jak2 to diminish LRb signaling incultured cells, and whole-body or neuron-specific deletion of PTP1B increases lean-ness and leptin sensitivity (105–107). NeuralPTP1B expression or activity is not alteredby leptin or adiposity, however, suggestingthat, although PTP1B physiologically atten-uates leptin action and thus may represent animportant therapeutic target, it may not un-derlie altered leptin signaling in obesity. In-deed, although neuronal deletion of PTP1Brenders animals lean and leptin sensitive, theeffect of PTP1B on adiposity is independentof DIO (that is, the increased leanness of neu-ronal PTP1B knockout mice relative to con-trols does not differ by diet) (105).

Leptin (which is increased in obesity) itselfstimulates the phosphorylation of LRb Tyr985

to limit LRb signaling (63, 85, 87, 88), andSOCS3 expression increases in response to

leptin and is elevated in the hypothalami ofobese animals (62, 102, 108, 109). In additionto leptin, other cytokines promote SOCS3 ac-cumulation. Thus, increased activity in any ofthese metabolic and inflammatory pathwayshas the potential to impair LRb signaling, andthe convergence of all these signaling systemsupon SOCS3 mirrors some of the phenotypesthat comprise the metabolic syndrome. Thus,Tyr985 and SOCS3 contribute to cellular lep-tin resistance, specifically in states of obesity,and leptin/obesity activate these feedback sig-nals to attenuate LRb signaling at high lep-tin levels, as found in obesity. This is notto say that increased leptin and/or obesityblock LRb signaling to such an extent thatLRb activity at these elevated circulating lev-els falls below that observed in lean controlswith lower leptin levels, however. Rather, eachincrease in circulating leptin levels yields asmaller and smaller increase in LRb signalingover the baseline observed at low leptin levels(Figure 3). Indeed, DIO mice with several-fold increases in circulating leptin levelsdemonstrate only slightly increased baselineLRb signaling compared with normal, chow-fed mice (but this would presumably supportsome continued increase in Tyr985 phospho-rylation and SOCS3 expression) (85). Thus,baseline LRb signaling in DIO mice, althoughmodestly increased, is not proportional totheir degree of hyperleptinemia. This LRbsignal attenuation is also evident by the sub-stantially reduced response to acute high-doseleptin administration (33, 85, 101).


The cellular leptin resistance phenotype ofDIO animals is most prominently detectedin the ARC relative to other hypothalamicsites (33, 102). Furthermore, the increasedexpression of SOCS3 in seasonally obese ro-dents is localized to the ARC (108, 109). ThisARC specificity of cellular leptin resistanceand increased SOCS3 expression raises the

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question of how the ARC differs from otherhypothalamic sites. Potentially increased ac-cess of leptin and other factors from thecirculation into the ARC relative to otherhypothalamic sites (where leptin access is lim-ited by transport mechanisms across the BBB)may represent one such mechanism. Indeed,this notion finds support in our recent datademonstrating that endogenous circulatingleptin (in untreated, ad libitum–fed mice) pro-motes increased LRb signaling in ARC neu-rons compared with LRb neurons in othersites (109a). Indeed, the time course of LRbsignaling is delayed in non-ARC neurons rela-







No F-Inh



Adequate: normalneuroendocrinefunction

Inadequate: reduced neuroendocrine function

MaxUnderweight Obese








b Hypothetical AgRP neuron


Normal Obese

AP threshold



No F-Inh

Loss of ghrelin’sability to initiate AP


tive to ARC neurons in response to peripheralleptin administration but is similar betweenhypothalamic sites after central leptin admin-istration (which circumvents the BBB) (109a).This result is consistent with differential ac-cess of the ARC LRb neurons to circulatingleptin (as opposed to intrinsic differences inthe leptin responsiveness of the LRb neuronsamong sites).

←−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−Figure 3Theoretical functional consequences of theattenuation of leptin action in obesity. (a) Shown isa theoretical graph of how leptin action on bodyweight (e.g., via STAT3 phosphorylation) and onthe reproductive axis (via an unknown signalingpathway) varies with leptin concentration in thepresence or absence of feedback inhibition (F-Inh)mechanisms that attenuate leptin action inproportion to leptin levels and/or adiposity. At lowleptin levels, at which the effect of F-Inh isminimal, the curves for F-Inh and no F-Inhoverlie. The lines diverge as leptin and F-Inhincrease. With increasing concentrations ofendogenous circulating leptin in the case of F-Inh,leptin action increases modestly. The amplitude ofthe leptin signal in response to a single large doseof leptin (seen at max) is attenuated in animals withincreased baseline leptin levels (at which F-Inhlevels are high before the leptin dose is given)compared with animals with low baseline levels ofleptin and low F-Inh; the latter group of animalsshould demonstrate a response analogous to themaximum of the no F-Inh line. (b) Mechanism bywhich the presence of F-Inh enables the detectionof energy flux via hormones such as ghrelin in theface of high leptin levels. Taken is the hypotheticalcase for a leptin-inhibited, ghrelin-activatedagouti-related protein (AgRP) neuron. Curves forthe effect of leptin on the membrane potential areshown for various leptin levels for the cases of noF-Inh (dark blue) and F-Inh (blue). Also shown isthe effect for this theoretical neuron of a highphysiological dose of ghrelin, which relativelydepolarizes the neuron ( gray arrow) and shifts theleptin curves (red ) as shown. When there is noF-Inh, ghrelin is incapable of depolarizing thetheoretical neuron to the point of action potential(AP) generation (AP threshold) at high levels ofleptin, whereas the attenuation of leptin action byF-Inh mechanisms at chronically high leptin levelspermits the detection of ghrelin/energy flux evenin the face of high leptin levels.

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Furthermore, peripheral application of theBBB-impermeant retrograde neuronal tracerfluorogold reveals a substantial population ofhighly leptin-sensitive LRb neurons that di-rectly contact the circulation in the ARC, butnot elsewhere in the hypothalamus (109a).Hence, a population of ARC LRb neuronsis directly exposed to circulating leptin levelsand poised to respond more sensitively to cir-culating leptin (and other factors) comparedwith LRb neurons at other sites. These ARCLRb neurons may be more prone to the devel-opment of cellular leptin resistance than otherLRb neurons owing to their increased expo-sure to high leptin levels or to other potentialcirculating mediators of cellular leptin resis-tance in obesity.


We are faced with the challenge of ex-plaining the need for and the physiologicalconsequences of feedback mechanisms thatlimit LRb signaling in hyperleptinemic/obesestates. For some organisms, such as seasonalmammals, there is a periodic need to increaseenergy stores, and thus these feedback mech-anisms may work in concert with other pro-cesses that increase energy intake to promoteseasonal energy storage. For nonseasonal ani-mals, such as humans, another potential expla-nation for feedback inhibition of LRb signal-ing arises from the need to sense not only thecontent of body energy stores but also the fluxof energy, as detailed for the case of reproduc-tion in On Fertile Ground: A Natural History ofReproduction (109b). Even when energy storesare relatively high (resulting in high circulat-ing leptin levels), it is important to evaluatethe rate of energy expenditure (energy flux)to determine if the organism is in a positive ora negative energy balance and thus enable theorganism to further increase or maintain foodconsumption despite already elevated energystores. Specific instances in which expendi-ture may be high and caloric intake must beincreased (even in the face of normal energy

stores) include pregnancy, lactation, and in-tensive exercise. Indicators of high energy fluxthat must be sensed even if circulating levelsindicate significant energy stores include fallsin leptin levels (even within the high end ofthe normal physiological range) as well as op-posing and short-term acting factors like thegut hormone ghrelin. However, in a system inwhich increases in circulating leptin levels lin-early amplify LRb signaling (leptin rises andfalls in direct proportion to energy stores atall levels of adiposity), it is difficult to detectalterations in energy flux at high leptin lev-els because very elevated LRb signaling couldoverwhelm opposing signals like ghrelin(Figure 3). In contrast, the presence of aleptin-stimulated feedback mechanism pre-vents unlimited leptin action during hyper-leptinemia. Thus, this system protects theability to detect alterations in energy flux byensuring that signals like ghrelin are not over-whelmed at relatively high leptin levels if neg-ative energy balance exists.

In addition to mediators of cellular leptinresistance, such as Tyr985 and SOCS3, othermechanisms of cellular leptin resistance andany mechanism of leptin resistance that is in-creased by adiposity or leptin levels (includingalterations in BBB leptin transport) should actin this manner.


Although cellular leptin resistance is physio-logically relevant and even desirable to permitthe detection of energy flux in states in whichincreased adipose stores exist, such mecha-nisms that require leptin or increased adipos-ity to initiate leptin resistance cannot underliethe inception of obesity but can only con-tribute to its stability. For example, mice thatare put on a high-fat diet to induce DIO be-gin with a perfectly acting LRb signaling sys-tem. The diet, rather than alteration of theLRb system itself, must trigger the increasedenergy intake, although the developing

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feedback inhibition/cellular leptin resistanceexacerbate and stabilize the ensuing increasein body weight. Although genetic variabil-ity in factors that attenuate LRb signaling(e.g., PTP1B, SOCS3) may underlie a cellu-lar leptin resistance that causes obesity, thereis clearly a strong environmental componentto obesity, as evidenced by the rapidly increas-ing rates of obesity in industrialized countriestoday. Some evidence exists for developmen-tal alterations in neural and other systems thatmay underlie some propensity to obesity, butthe ready availability of palatable, caloricallydense food (the basis for DIO in experimen-tal animals) clearly plays a dominant role. In-deed, the obesity and cellular leptin resistanceof DIO animals are reversed by replacing thepalatable calorie-dense chow used to promoteobesity with standard chow (33).

Although some of the obesogenic effectsof tasty foods may be due to their nutrientcontent, the hedonic or rewarding proper-ties of these foods also contribute (110, 111).Leptin regulates the perception of the reward-ing value of palatable food (as well as that ofother addictive substances, such as drugs ofabuse) (112–115).

Leptin regulates a broadly distributed net-work of LRb-expressing neurons in the brainto orchestrate an array of neural processes(Figure 2). Some of the neural mechanisms bywhich leptin may control food reward are be-ginning to be elucidated via the investigationof the interaction of leptin with the mesolim-bic dopamine (DA) system. The core of themesolimbic DA system lies in a set of DA neu-rons in the ventral tegmental area that projectforward to innervate the striatum (nucleus ac-cumbens, caudate/putamen), amygdala, andprefrontal cortex (111). It is by acting uponthis system that drugs of abuse generally ex-ert their reinforcing effects, and the activityof this system is clearly important to medi-ate the incentive salience of food and othernatural rewards. Although ARC LRb neuronsdo not project to the VTA and there is littleevidence for the modulation of the mesolim-bic circuitry by NPY or melanocortin action,

a number of research groups have demon-strated the presence of LRb-expressing VTADA neurons and proven the ability of lep-tin to alter the physiology of this system (45,47, 116, 117). Additionally, feeding and leptinmodulate the reward associated with intracra-nial self-stimulation specifically in the LHA,which is mediated by the mesolimbic rewardcircuitry (116, 118). Indeed, we have iden-tified a novel population of LRb-expressingneurons in the LHA that project to the VTAto regulate the mesolimbic DA system. Thus,leptin acts via multiple ARC-independent sys-tems to control the VTA and the mesolimbicDA system at its inception in the VTA, andthese sites of leptin action likely regulate theincentive salience of food.

How then is the action of leptin to regulatethe perception of food reward overwhelmedto promote obesity in the face of plentifultasty food? Leptin is only one of many in-puts into the mesolimbic DA system and otherneural pathways that regulate the perceptionof food reward, and physiological leptin lev-els may not be able to suppress the myriadother signals that compel us to consume tastyfood. Although leptin may reasonably inhibitthe drive to overeat foods with only modestlyrewarding properties, leptin may be insuffi-cient to effectively compete with the reward-ing properties of more palatable treats becausethese more-rewarding foods engage powerfulneural responses that oppose leptin within themesolimbic DA system and elsewhere.

Indeed, endogenous (and exogenous)cannabinoids modulate the mesolimbic DAsystem and exert powerful anorectic signals.The finding that inhibitors of endocannabi-noid action promote weight loss speaks to theimportance of this system in energy balance(119). Furthermore, although leptin regulatesthe production of endogenous cannabinoidsto some extent, many other factors, includingstress, also contribute to their regulation.

Where does this leave us in terms of lep-tin resistance, cellular leptin resistance, theproblem of plentiful calorie-dense foods, andtherapeutic alternatives? First, many lines of

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evidence suggest that, even if cellular leptinresistance or other obesity-induced mecha-nisms of leptin resistance may not be the ini-tiating insult in obesity, it clearly contributesto the ability to become and remain obese,and the blockade of processes that mediateleptin signal attenuation remains an attractivepotential therapeutic modality. Furthermore,the investigation of the leptin signaling sys-tem has led us to a more detailed and generalunderstanding of the regulatory mechanismsof food intake, including the melanocortin

or the mesolimbic VTA/DA system, that canbe considered general tools in the regula-tion of feeding that are employed by severalpeptides (e.g., leptin, ghrelin, serotonin, neu-rotensin, etc.). A more detailed understand-ing of the widely distributed network of LRbneurons in several poorly investigated CNSsites and the neural mechanisms by whichleptin and other cues (nutritional, taste, etc.)regulate the perception of food reward willlikely reveal additional potential therapeutictargets.


M.G.M. and H.M. are not aware of any biases that might be perceived as affecting the objectivityof this review.

M.A.C. is Chief Scientific Officer of, and owns stock in, Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc.,a company that is developing pharmaceutical approaches to treat obesity and is developingcombination therapies that attempt to bypass leptin resistance. The work described in thismanuscript was not supported by Orexigen Therapeutics. Oregon Health and Sciences Uni-versity (OHSU) and M.A.C. have a significant financial interest in Orexigen Therapeutics,which may have a commercial interest in the results of this research and technology; this po-tential conflict has been reviewed and managed by the OHSU Conflict of Interest in ResearchCommittee and the Integrity Program Oversight Council.

In the past M.A.C. has received grant support from the NIH (RR 0163, DK 62202), OregonNational Primate Research Center, and Orexigen Therapeutics. In the past M.A.C. has re-ceived compensation from Orexigen Therapeutics, Novo Nordisk, Merck & Co., SemaphorePharmaceuticals, Konovo Inc., 7TM Pharma, Ipsen, and Amylin Pharmaceuticals.


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Annual Review ofPhysiology

Volume 70, 2008Contents

FrontispieceJoseph F. Hoffman � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �xvi

PERSPECTIVES, David Julius, Editor

My Passion and Passages with Red Blood CellsJoseph F. Hoffman � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �1

CARDIOVASCULAR PHYSIOLOGY, Jeffrey Robbins, Section Editor

Calcium Cycling and Signaling in Cardiac MyocytesDonald M. Bers � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 23

Hypoxia-Induced Signaling in the Cardiovascular SystemM. Celeste Simon, Liping Liu, Bryan C. Barnhart, and Regina M. Young � � � � � � � � � � � 51

CELL PHYSIOLOGY, David E. Clapham, Associate and Section Editor

Bcl-2 Protein Family Members: Versatile Regulators of CalciumSignaling in Cell Survival and ApoptosisYiping Rong and Clark W. Distelhorst � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 73

Mechanisms of Sperm ChemotaxisU. Benjamin Kaupp, Nachiket D. Kashikar, and Ingo Weyand � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 93


Advances in Biological Structure, Function, and Physiology UsingSynchrotron X-Ray ImagingMark W. Westneat, John J. Socha, and Wah-Keat Lee � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �119

Advances in Comparative Physiology from High-Speed Imagingof Animal and Fluid MotionGeorge V. Lauder and Peter G.A. Madden � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �143



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ENDOCRINOLOGY, Holly A. Ingraham, Section Editor

Estrogen Signaling through the Transmembrane G Protein–CoupledReceptor GPR30Eric R. Prossnitz, Jeffrey B. Arterburn, Harriet O. Smith, Tudor I. Oprea,

Larry A. Sklar, and Helen J. Hathaway � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �165

Insulin-Like Signaling, Nutrient Homeostasis, and Life SpanAkiko Taguchi and Morris F. White � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �191

The Role of Kisspeptins and GPR54 in the NeuroendocrineRegulation of ReproductionSimina M. Popa, Donald K. Clifton, and Robert A. Steiner � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �213

GASTROINTESTINAL PHYSIOLOGY, James M. Anderson, Section Editor

Gastrointestinal Satiety SignalsOwais B. Chaudhri, Victoria Salem, Kevin G. Murphy, and Stephen R. Bloom � � � � �239

Mechanisms and Regulation of Epithelial Ca2+ Absorption in Healthand DiseaseYoshiro Suzuki, Christopher P. Landowski, and Matthias A. Hediger � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �257

Polarized Calcium Signaling in Exocrine Gland CellsOle H. Petersen and Alexei V. Tepikin � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �273

RENAL AND ELECTROLYTE PHYSIOLOGY, Gerhard H. Giebisch,Section Editor

A Current View of the Mammalian AquaglyceroporinsAleksandra Rojek, Jeppe Praetorius, Jørgen Frøkiaer, Søren Nielsen,

and Robert A. Fenton � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �301

Molecular Physiology of the WNK KinasesKristopher T. Kahle, Aaron M. Ring, and Richard P. Lifton � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �329

Physiological Regulation of Prostaglandins in the KidneyChuan-Ming Hao and Matthew D. Breyer � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �357

Regulation of Renal Function by the Gastrointestinal Tract: PotentialRole of Gut-Derived Peptides and HormonesA.R. Michell, E.S. Debnam, and R.J. Unwin � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �379

RESPIRATORY PHYSIOLOGY, Richard C. Boucher, Jr., Section Editor

Regulation of Airway Mucin Gene ExpressionPhilip Thai, Artem Loukoianov, Shinichiro Wachi, and Reen Wu � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �405

Structure and Function of the Cell Surface (Tethered) MucinsChristine L. Hattrup and Sandra J. Gendler � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �431

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Structure and Function of the Polymeric Mucins in Airways MucusDavid J. Thornton, Karine Rousseau, and Michael A. McGuckin � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �459

Regulated Airway Goblet Cell Mucin SecretionC. William Davis and Burton F. Dickey � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �487

SPECIAL TOPIC, OBESITY, Joel Elmquist and Jeffrey Flier, Special Topic Editors

The Integrative Role of CNS Fuel-Sensing Mechanisms in EnergyBalance and Glucose RegulationDarleen Sandoval, Daniela Cota, and Randy J. Seeley � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �513

Mechanisms of Leptin Action and Leptin ResistanceMartin G. Myers, Michael A. Cowley, and Heike Münzberg � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �537


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 66–70 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �557

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 66–70 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �560


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