MEAT AND FISH i MARKETS % INSURANCE 1 EJO’OiQlMllflOiB, No* 11 Ridge S t, (Jlett’s I&Ufi# 1141 tHlt SPSS' Of > FRKSH A SALT MEATS, h a m > l a r d * BUTTER and BOOB! FRE8I and SALT HSH* OYSTERS and CUMS, FIT IT IS 81AS0S, F#»ltry df I f f # BetortftlsB. E tisiissS iisr”. Y im FI8H, 8HAD, TBOFT, 8AMON, ^ttmrotoaraer toy, toih*n*tew» torott cm* »- twwawta i w jo *«■***-«•* fa . INRri VBMmJNnfiriJ • troantatogte* to taatetoteri ******* BARBER BROTHERS' OFSIOE 33ST OPEBA BOUSE BLOCK, Oloa’a Falla, Dr. V, w m im ttnin, •*Sfe w **•=*> ;'**♦ t’L 'l1 •' ■ 5 s A-♦ ft•* V .* at tttrtfc-rd, C-ciOD... Siagaia. Lycoming M t*v 'sr? ** Y irm en VFvait of Calit-i-rfci*,,,.. >»., l 4*.} Load)* Awunuic* of EjagtasA.1/J30 (-.-♦rt*::*-** ISO# CAffa. * #**»- XOuVSeS ®- CAto/ecte*sa>-.,... j#;0 «s*' ( A 8 B E C I A X T Y ! ■T lrtlw l prt fate taw** »v Uu teari, "•* to ' r e n t* it. **10X8. s x ic m L * 48*g», l i t mas abb m u tt. 1 t&SBMEUSBa! ♦to# a — n W ■ V ia B M I EXTERNAL ***EEHEL_ 2 M rot~* llltlAfXSI, lEMULM/ MAWS, ISttP^AiiiSt SuxuStSfi RrojudSalds,] I IMfeHAib . ^NL m Sa JI VLa S ^iwwClXNb JSar*, am* « 0 < JPdfeg wwt .dritea, it |» a mpA%m*rs» m il Why Mfatt, hMhl >MNylty«* HORIKI. Oat tm wm rmm Ml »MritEa HtsSEclEspsJsj nrnE'Serer IIMTANTANBtMt NiNtNlHMiSEsSN nh NE s, 1 H otr D C lU M r ^ 000^ WTMERMflUl 5 §a£ chiu EI DIET H f i l IBKVU NSUft 81X88 m! LOOK! A YEAR'S READING For $ 1 . 00. jsn& tfh t jp o p KiTCUi cmv jumpy Timis. ess^tM ssK ^ uw * WBOUteUt OtaLXtt: ♦ . IkCUM 1 CO. A lte r .!•-X- iaai. >w»cwrtrt» #» Pyay-ylfi. Qte£p*»®tt Cs-tete Jiliammmftt, .Immrnti:, 8W .tew , ffa» ilwri»a. t t lM r tK X9- ./-ttwfrts, Qa«rmt titOWt. 3ro>fa. t i . » fc tew- Jbeta.Cteefa.Bte- tt* tmrwm . C*<*#*4 rifat- Art* -rtfa*. ttirttoK aM .iaw M i jaa W; tevbtw..* I» aHifafrm M , ***** T .« it444rtM*rM4*c*F*«. WxiMMN#Mfa» - •T^’- 5i w RMISlfTEFMHiY HW SNKI to Trte*™#yewmfroa «» *•»*<* lit wsrtl. to At* tttartria to T te. te (traawx, to l iit t tea)fan “ P w te rt JewYer*,” t e itM rt. mmmi. Know Tii*t PRowii'kliMvB rm :f.i - will cure the w ist « « < .<1iJyj|topi*ito \ViU ift*«retoh<*ity *{>p<tit?, . and increased 4igestioo. Cutc» gencn»l-akbil!tyi anJ gives a oewktose of life Di:»j>rts i m w depresxawo and low spirits. Restore* xnesluuitedBurs-' tngmothertoftdlitterigtb and give* abundtnt sai« tenancc fo rb o r child, Streiigthcftstbemmclttoand nene*.eimche*1hcbtood CKercofDc*weakneM^waltc- folne**,«»d lack ofencrgy Keep* o f alt chilli, fcver*. and other .nMferwlpoi^cn. W ill infuse will* new life the weakest imalid. lua tM tk^d -r , - — - ... Wa^M*— ty u,f ^ j wMirtMiafKn) -^.tS^w/aa l> * 4 mim* rtMMrtUd. >ata»«rt» •erruS*, B rown' s T ron Brrra*a vill have a better tonic e&ct upon nay oae .ho need* any metliciae gaje. up/* Ikuk sE SSSE w ^- rtkartf .■ Jlat Still IVW -rvficM -il fl# StMrrrf attoLJAV AtoUW, r«rt M w to fto ▼ , «ou a mmtmarnm r*m ♦ llX SUto f>3» TB* NEXT THIRTY DAYS rtveSr lot at liR T tfi M m K it! m Hactna X*at rt*w» i* Mi rid*R»- jit Bess than Importer*’ Price* TOR. O A8H . T k fn c n d in n a il* uprujMr Mr a*v a ■--attyBMatoa qty Brnirtlr * ^ o t« w t« a mrrfci— .'itaUttoliH*. .. ........ ________ SlTEnfO IB BKLirVTlfa Krai »i» a aiiit. esR Toa, i t to i a , to pw R . T a B A X T E R . 19 Wotr« Dajae tto tOtoa’# Wallto W ▼ HAYE YOU GOT 70 UR INSURANCE PLACID IN tlidlabie ( ompanie* ? IF YOU HAVE NOT -CALL OS - D. B. KBTOHtJlKK, Crmtr 9lf* anil Part ilimli (jKIexi.^? Fo-lla. N '. PLANING MILL, ; «todMe*1c>l# ©tto-rtrtto, ^ OHohb * Mtrrr’A'ov'M- T' RB sRIRS RR |jlJX m IR bs |S^^RR to to (Vaa.waai to Ita <i l li f l.. MM V mHBBM i tto tr*»i»# aiiaia, tto u . ntTionrxmimnikuK, mptcStr M to MrtftUy titttR MStr> ItrfaMg asR^pRUt liaiyi|iL , 8AJCPJLE COPIER S IN T FREE. isAhcau Mr #oo,, ewwa*w» Tier O b 07«M WtAlvTfeMA «*«• n o r , »., t . EABS « » « • 10 LIIOS. ft# riot't M ist, tf Sliri’i RI *>>_£»§a tmrwiti fma '•*•** ■<*« of - : ia art t*5T* Ayer’s H air Vigor, tm iCITMM li « U V SAM TI (T» MATTMAL WTAUTY A|N « U 1 tr i* • atort tgetttHa imtbs*, vhkfe fa fa tec*. kattofaO* rtwt faKetiifa, Lifffa tcrrits Uw Mir. I* mure*. «JL IM gkat <fa fnatettofaieofa, irtttR cegwy, Kiki»aaAraR Mir. fa t« k k Wtrra, <*drey ^T iT E i^a LiKria- Uko««Raatahr>i»eai«to IttktcfalfaUj* id ikakfarUaoaliktny,cmtparmr grtath la tk faMt a k m tM gUMt art art AopOt aSik fa kruky, twk, er •UmrwiM l itifatA Mir, fato|Mfatt ntahijr SRA SlfERfiR. :IHM fNNNIWf^ i N a I rk "'' * i TM VMM* dtsMfa H » Rrip* esifa aaS pr«t«au tM I w i i l n <4 MatraR; mmI, ky ifa Mtkag, Whfaletieg,'as* wrtkisg |» # w M , it Mai* aartt il afa- toil it iM' ka»an a&3 4faaae» paosLtr to ifa Kti?, tetfiag It tort, (U a , rtnl tot\ «a«kr akidt eaalitkaa faytaiaart (faicfatfa RjV (R^NM^NRa . As to Driaring for. Tiadfam*’Heir Tk» Vta«t t« tsee«p*raM<. Il..ts «*:•*- lot, eaaUias artOrt* ail ifa Sjra, ad afli eqt «a. akifa cuafaie. It (aiivfa as ayraaalfa a*S taatiag ptsrltmi,. at* at ta artkklor Uba failct it fa kfawaakal aaS ofatopaaMg fa ha facetteatto Prapared by O r,l. C. Ayfar I Ce., to HreslijtcrtMVltideed). Vati.i.,uUi, JfevsJiciiits* tifaawMty *»R witexwaltft FmbylsriM fafar ef an«w,'.*4 favM k itttterifilcni*, f a t e sti* ttedRh Ki*rfaii«nt sdrmw*r ef lbton Wr#t* mludic e :niV#4:*rT toillouc*d«*»l»f*fs4. CC ' slVCS 5 iiM8 « t e an,} tefit rb- imsSs' Vr»e-.'.f socfil rrllgtoas (atereosisfei fatfafei tn©TOfa:tijDRt Of hit Mvib«li«teftrtlitrfiu A t» ttotorttt pfayer-jflfad.Bg ,>r t t e Jfafa* -body of ehriiidMS Ibfa, wm hrid so pwr. .■[fawtcfy to to f»sKte«ld«Nrrffto It om> ajeworntlffa at t te phTgwhmoeX^dwdMw in N,:>v* fa.HRito th e pnwiMlag faWrttor -d**li stoRMtodf xto wt-totetftjl Rr«todk *8d vr*:«irtt»ty td iM M«tel*fa iM tih., Stol iitofOMK foafate, !».*» WtoB- fay.' tie Mao Ktpmmd, ifaMlfaltofa* te s t today iMito tr«ft totoskttfttlToA swsi *itoa if5U»-:d;.*t mWste** i s N&t* te - tk , Them#faitogikifav««yiwlBi*i>y nowitotol. to <ter,->«il*attiiml rtinftor, *«4 *M fain* faieraektdtour .«c*:4 Vmkf&iim. Wfafaer to ktoi Jw ftoajcttotito ctort. -Tifart4»* uvfaylkd* «i»4 Alfa* Rkutkitgite te<4 *'or tM caaay ip,»4 (Wa#t fc»M4 ftofa Mto»4 ’-•aixjus I t k b r u f a r t Ztoa.* la# aMart wilt* ntscfe depth -of laaiiiMI, « b L«4, fa* (M,ak(heei0 * 4*k» Waafay, M t to******* toltp ilUtok the* tor if*** A'atorr w« (Mfak tih 1:#Yl'Y Rn;|(j y|^| mA sIlNI oafsbiers i» oiureoMiiiy tmt m rtpri*II» thaak *Rm tm. Ufa tmmtnd and th.ie- Xefa/vvfa>fRerto*faltoi«faOTwM>ifa*iMfaato- ItogUfa Word MUitotkrougMtiwrlaiiML . 4 .macm Prfabffarkutiaaa toili iiokioaatoayitailit % ikat tokpfaat alter, «*•* into Xfakteifrt dinmn, Rtotott tfakaj. tha facie* in M*«togn toMmtoM trntey fa. to ttuS it tfafatofely* to' Mato ft oftnt tooi to cook h tout fafawgk, A « turkey a a e v c n orrigid ponfal* ateofakk t e toamUtetektethiteMatrttol; tefa A rery Mrga tarkry atedkl M d^krtl -toto ttoir kfager. Afifatte ttorteyfalraamd •eaactoit ret), anrMkteg naitaate p*W * oe tte iaaite; rtaf tt a«A Ut Ik araU ia «Mn aitteMM te*tew by aUowof Meet om it; w t IMtkii,ami aprisW* fa rag arhlt gtyptr, tail toa 4 Afar, ifa te w(U to. alter -s' ttorktf to fafatota fa*** tiiM acariaA tetaa* totekteg. fMwrahctlt IxAHrrp ntrIsY JrIO IlfcR InWNsri Nt ill# 4(fi(p ftq fa i. JjteM*fatoitegft«<itnfSl* c-t?9 f t i . oa .(ten sfcMsl. teaUw anfa- afrUkie, oner ffiara gjtos tte* faiii «*k* IM ikito .aaorto crfap apg Mow*. 'VMM tte farhay fa cooking toft tteftette mtt) chop tMfa ritt ami man tM tetr, Wlaaa Ufa. 'faorkfy fa daafa p s tfa o i afaotpfalgcr. I*«t Use bakiag-pa* oa Aka* lit* gttegm.ha • litUn gmir, « a i wte* Otokml, afartei a lilifa totting wfktor to Matk; awaia fa •Urn eritotor |*MUte.«f faAasalttenM «|jfgjto. miarikte^ Mmm. >It IU ■-.T tt ♦ 8m rigfari - - « ,.rtoW '•;tori‘,‘-^-a'Jfa-fa!!M | r i ' i t iU*-rf» Cti-rw rteto /-**• 'J r*vr % . W tori. Arifff •'•"•■ * - ' »jh | t'pril ^ri'etoU . tngaaaecjawi tar r y Wiraaji'w. Kmyrndmr n i*aiato*.fa*r»fa I ® »**«♦*«*.»* ©r termg me mwwrt to * fatoatM mm' n i> t*J» Unjmmnm maya erriii ~ .fa J t a. l «ahr. aainifalafa, to r Ufa J MMaM >n a»Iiiii< weTte rrntm iw«ritegto».v.tete?toimtoam famfa- ifiptoj' w faMT HesTITkst the S elf $«j. II *•• »i< (raw *• minti» m ttrvmma it w iw ir ■* ifai m rr im m iiM r f . fa** * naaaan t tor a w t WlK Tirt; Ifcllalfa ft.JM* f;rt »St i*«»fa t f m a^m ^etat viS itoto r»i:tor6u, aartatoy etofaHi. *koaa cirat|*« tttrtu •*) m peaiiiit V«*. vut w r*«r« *o,«~ UCMfaan Saacamu tumrr far” To «*nfcl toa fa faa- - aamfalfaa tnta , ,» Msivyrij rtfM H f m if’ oafalrponm X mtoVLrtCfl fa sntorvR PARKER S GiNfaER TOKI , within -twtto, *c*4rX**< muuh :*im MWy»ftfaUa♦5jk- JOr.L.*w» a.» 8 »es*. U-«J te<»yi« >>»•< ♦.*! -*;-'.7tr»artf' .-.-»* ftorr*. ai» ^3* '~m Kffat tv, 0© S u* •artSarti* uas*-t at^.^C«rfc»t. Jttcsnrt-ftoe-fa t to-- faon *S.'.rtm*«u*e»i.vf. I.<* .••% *im;(Ufa fc**?7j7, roa *3* fe.Lorwirli.ca. . tf*--« w r i i T j e«>v w.:.:, tfajiSgitj * He V> l t»v,i icT-V fae* 1 j^rufi 11 vfa s-tatiTfa, . . 9efasf W;-r *> ^ .V ** a < U*. 3s »*»SeirtWa»assr«l{Lrt'?5ari ♦%•*}.* •Des«&a.;*-a»ti7 - » r «* — ^ »;vfa fcyaaOKrtl.* t-s.fti-.tt 4cav'*.tla Ltaa.%»rfaaac«% * r.r» sa-vfeLto: TtoTStoKSSv^i.' .’tel MOULDING MACHINE ^nSS^teirOMIntiTorJ*------------ with -fvrnub^ fnnnft*, — rt/,’<f*>rylh;r.g torrla - Wm.LYNOHi ISAAC SMITH ttaafaa )wrt«»a • faryi lafator rt •4DEC0KATED • WARES* To* S it,, Fincy Pitchers, *«. ton ietlilji. ktifa Birthday drWedding Presents. * wtu. tin t *—-- GRANITE-— -CLASS WANE ! EtTihtiib AedSs OWbSSWlNc«i Jb£i 4xS£k EmiOri Am ttetears miss . MR® Carfama, tfaa afaftoRfa Nan M R viifate gcivtentif*. tea fata tema« ■>■ ter to Ufa toaapsSy aiippanisq tekta A gtef faaa te- “ t e tensA flktvn.” Is -Sk E i AN#^S E^#S 1#^^ il#i^ EN^pRMMN###ligEpHN 1 <«n®a . tt- tote— m ttofaSAkm fa *rSMBStefa w^MB WnSM^S^B- m*^M fa^S» fSB^g SRIIS 3M*Otep*#*n TN^mNw 'wwt U neae I n *S6A i^HRIiRs NSA^ESSSESRT AC t^SSfciM^A sliY* M-Vte* aMu§ mmm A n A nnum A . t*9Nri, gpfaajr t ‘fa wm, rttt®fa »wfa|i 9 a*PWt ttfatoa toaws alw*y* aaato Ufa *ffamry V,* k it e mid fa wm i e tti s i ly amjfaaaafaRM t e ^waa^mefater a jnfatewl t » wfaUto, mat* SRYR##""*” ^ERNTEP#SW IIggnptem to*aa"toaii|qNS*^ARLjyRAj^B« .too, a a t ate thawght Uatetraa ttaafa tte adtofa nwkwttonam **tkfa A t e / fate A^lW^^F^ iAERRsjjRSAsiRmES^iRSg A# ate tofaUafa'>EMHPMEdtf sss# is~ #H#s ficyF s f gafaNVfa^p ▼ 9 Ok l^w I tto faij.Mrt jam totfc tea tearit mac ter J#9 ifcsi shs R nr PS## #RSSi ^R#ERs^ H rn #sidMs* ^3TH ms i##i f#EM b E se isNSi AdKs #As#EidKsF sin E A^## s## F JLRNri* L a UiMd am (I mh wayaun' Y a L i ^^ xs -rt^nsr ^wn^y <** -ktestott MkSl^MP^MSkM aR M^MB^^OMBsri ^^^faMSA i *^A hU^gri te y Y te M ^ y teto^N^NNk^ oH I kN^^tete lr %is#sE nr ^L r ssn E s#A os ih#E(FH^ isW N* rtso tRSFEoNSsAt Es #I hs en H nr ss# EM^iHSli#^H- f# sb HM r S^H nr #S ahne AisAEAHHM^ i m I I goa©»~wan*«a « mwfaagaa tetkMai 1*4* B^h iJ^A ^MHM'te^Uod^^^M1 w^^M# fal^te TO^ggM l^y UAiSlYtete. Tk An fa^^MhNW Iku -^ a geeUeewi tepatd Mtanltoy aaa UfaUga, **rt » ws^^La mr.' t^ rrtei WSY Ilite^W SBM IW SFYSw W— A 4 >_ gi SSS STff SONNE* teiy (H Cmdtot Item Her. Cfan to tte d amghfaa* to Jamatsaa afa* ♦aria, Ufa eakteatrtl itec4:«<ut tel Nfat jfatatean* of kMnsasan sslitg9y h*I amgw rptot to tetnwayato alga a yrip at to •aantaga.- TteycaiS wm itoarato fa'tee fatter* “Kiv* *tel tte tema twlifaigwl, rtypa caa ttera aay n q tiB." mRm* t hi»a im -ate ate fawfa am,' pteaM tea yeMg maa* ’<Caw*t t e m t e r / ' s t e « t e fatter- M tam. a t e . fa.ifa> a a* aa,* jfaypt e terT etcfaifato tte tfftfteat* 11Ctea't tetoM T g yeaifaag ,tte to l faaat, M May I • t e / am kty ttopahte Ufaaaianr* “ tt graa M«-e anytklag Agtettr mf efawtetewf 4 *N-:'."'tei ik«W 9ai»paiat,,*llitw>w. baarl aaythiag aqatefa j o i 1 1 Shtak )ro« sr* a prowSata* yoaag aaaa, fate iteu’a ■why-yon can’t hrre ter, Steh got a *mtj M teatpae ate jm wowMa’t te kappy Write ter,” «fa lam. tato; “Why* Mr. Rgvatetf t tteaghS iatOy tern * i^hrirtlaa, te a t M at “-Catoaialy «M ia ,” atto i n * aw potofatoUgfai a«to«l, ,rW t, ygoag fata,- fate* r<fa p w etrtfa rnfal W SOW MOSISSMBI IMS IStVVI USH fotka tte t tte graot to Qott «a* lira With atet yew tarn f _________ Haxaroa Voortea teoagM M tofa atenW * pom tp a faetel-apwach tetmlteaa wfaew t e in<pjir«dij “ My farmoa friaaada, vlaat fa fas teoofaa ot fowr gawst ter* nap fa Uitaccfaiatry U pmthiMtlm la itoopawtX ■Tterd Wat a brief pnaae, a te Ufa* ta o i l DnwocnUc/arafarapokawntayiwg: D e l MBlr rataad, Mr.- V ot t e aa, Mm jroa natHy Waist aaaimwartwtlMt^WMtitoil1* “Tto, any &t«ad.i” «todUMataator,Hr»lgktm{ag hlrotdf to bit foil bright* “1 Hfa aeeUWg for Information.4 “ Well, Itert ” rrpUed Ufa faetotoi '“ I toll tatl yo* Wtet »t fatlf do toth oar crop. W* will raiee faon pork a t e leaalxIL’' Tteamator tiad afaced ■tte qortoio* ait toraral aaeotiaflp bttor*. but he hat oraitted it aiaoW. sot Wiring to tirten agatwlo Um kogklar ttet grrrifad hit dlritonffture 4 ritiiMp ffawaiwrfa Mt, Ifwwy i-/Wfag*~U w-*yViiitetMi»*g tte MifatofllwlMlt Mwwewant *y«tm, 11 awiH* tlto fafatot Mttefaa'a «g®*w tew- gatifa.) viith* oima t» f.w#to ItetoMUtWtot- «r«ftinnUtofto pdititwl »<>rif.. ynwMog; M m % CvSBir# tel* «©«lb ttoftirwnsKxf, f t e «»*»* 'wmaytymkd pofaBMitofr, wad tto Hitt tswaihtohl fu«r stoUa worth to ptotofa* towk-a* ptoteg© kternp ««4 n iwrtto m i* If# «toritog MwnlL tewwto, with' tte thMvgh* *»fat tte te> i^wiitei him wtfaM. t#y Urn ptoity wrid ted *j$t# fa i^a# akfpwaiaiatei aiwiteg ttestrriMtof ih««toonk-*u»d .*#» i*tortin« IhttUrt auiHdibt whtoU t e t o w*Kfaj*tv<*.«. to reply ate Uapastteatoi wttoa that, it k*fa#- tfathbag nUfa* ate fU , and that In wwtttte kfapil'toito ate mfeof tfitJMpftw# whhbteiwr « w t wm alfawtd, la* fawgaya te«fato*#d «ma to Hubtoli# firinktw, mtwW te:*" t** oaafato fafalMSoaaw fornwriifaiga fwrpfamto atefafawai fjaStMy fwlfaw*Ahys»«fr«n Mfahvto rrifUins* heft par eawi, to ate ? . Tte wutp tots# Imate, wfacfafam (tetAtopri ofiitf*r«»l.«f«iiiy par ceai to fvur oesia aotodn't ariordhlw nlirtog, **»* «t>ate .pfatfagkoa a*hl wMl te w«tk tm th* teaMterite, Ttn ptupdriOT* to Wy'ftttesfa t e te to taaacUtat htote * fawMttl, tea m mate imaatoy teecaiaosrik, ft^ga In ateteaNlnsd tey fever, I*ifa* te oeaua. rippiy fste iteMAriilasilk tiilj* S im s a^M^VWrr^M SFn^ri W*W ^fa^^qpFW* w ifatte*8,wJtoSnTtesWte ri TfaMt, 4hng|i«t«, flteea, 31. Y, Ymr fhaaywMal shMtik risnist fssASsss fioos saSsniL Mv matqp• jgatMgpw a^MkgriPriw nwg^^tt AI h # iNSt'Mi 4jfj|ssL ArfI'itSSE sR Y nm I RI# as L atekfato wantrinan. atete aggte1 asasUg. teripy-fateaUta. kfmtiyfacwwytkiaii wiiiMfat aainh kamrila.I waaitoneml te saaaBy*# Cftta Xfaiaa. Ywday 1 am a Uvfag ET jiAfcSRIE iiA aUleaey, Jitiisn .PSKOkitoawrv litete, It, Y; Mf ten, > tg«A atafa yaaug, wa* aNfeted arfahftainirii; U n w r tB i’fOsan Mate MBartte nnmpfateeitfa, W, EH*nMii«, $ramilA9^RssiRiL^L M t RAJHASM^A E#ilv# INrNNN MNh n eARRR Ar *. fawn apla Hatew a fawteytage.Md Wate ter iteftvtefafar Xte% EiN#N^it pist n# ean K r ANNpS# tern tte sUuriKT.ial sltoss t'ssafcLoiSMitSDSSel iA AusE HrunAs aRnsss^a^hMarhiHRassnrahsEr ta tk* fntkafri 19 “Tea aaa’aaL” “ Can y-faerptetafachaawWie, rtrF “ Xakink 1 ana,” te ytechliy frplteh «Wtea wrighrtl yen? ♦h?ktpfa*4# to totter, Ufa RUNS'4e )% t AuRNM i• HfN jMto4 E lAMS# liR iteaewdc, ate wten I w«%teiy®ar ««aw' tNR R tettrife AASUR M ltRR^fRhNl(Rid tWSCSiiS. Warn hath ttww-iiag «M, B n f oaaa, -ami L arrnasrr r s f a^ani^a^A )m#sNirrass asrsr 2m^^ufag% ttttite^to^Afa k*^*- •L .a.T 4 * ttttmfa 8^M ^g^gaNi^^^p. Nri rRs RnA AJmss ^RvSrnr ya^rs 'AAbrA .aAr#enhSNrI Er EnaLrnrieTre #drsr AkrsAc# ss^i syRRsen i esR iA#A lR %S |iANN* CONDUCTOR FROST «w»«e*ass sstan bbs * ntfatifa Wfa.far I W tett ifaUfa If- '*.«,«WK *rtt' raas, m t e Sm» wwte » w*MWrt Nmw ^ji^tepiwtotevfariitteNrt# s4rt« fatew* MLMsUifatrtHiinto’ _ Iate*fairtri fawtteter- rtfar«#'*tf-m*-»te r»*rtt State M rifctotag aa^Trt* iMtifa »*. teri«stef fawatta waa • a*irfte«»e. ftetefrtfttei wtmrirta Wgte-rt. wtea#s>rtMi»wteWte to te g atertsnfm# aterttatete.»afart*astem»to-te sm m thm to »te tertte*, tete to tete team ytemtottettefa Stertriaa, nteftoMYte’- WES HE# SBRR SsAR iYR tH *'■•' teM tea a tefa to ^fa#'#CWs*w Wete, fa# hiat JUaawfaat mat ftf.to.r fa*»a saan. Urtritetfa*terfte. tea* tartruwrt m m mm, I S?tt riteJS? Mfattfafa*. t V tt— T nrawana wte*.tea. « ^ .Mte wg*,- ^St tea- nft^J^wm^lga^JSfWte* t .aanrww* INNS SSR E d SR fPSARN llN f A r :-*i^sR rA^ eArsr ssaer A##Aiil(^3hsAH iaEnreAaAaIrAs ANsA^E iNE#EfW AAeEI srAaAaAgaha^^^a^A^Aa^r i# annEAe^^ JiARER 1s t EfANS^R RNSA^TAEAPEL EAR# 7 M y te v » awriy fattnaitasM aad Siaanaaa, aatfa to t t e Mte teaansan towhiteiiiteari aseAAnrb# A ieae-isRis d & aabrr As aSr- ab^asebA* ngaMl t o r y Iktriaja tote Xtiar, tteMa wm b y -drfirteftg a w a y o«t.ona»s. iauwahmcutw . y Ifa R lAkS EN nr SftvSS i ■bM^BaL#ssss> ' m i ii* I ni l ttite* ms^a’a wr i't *r If ISMS If THM WMMT-IMi-YOHNkYli, Rheumatism gsMMTMg YrertoMn Owfptty mmtmnnmumm* F*N#ir ^Nlm^SpgSS^^^p sR wnA/m -gl^^mEN^fa *** rimtodr* risfm if m m m *** rimnfteh’* IPMLm ■j* M iy 1MWM Y reMw MNWw THE SIR WILLIAM Parlor Stove xunsa laaaa* ♦- ^ - ^ f a -ri^te tohmeE^e, MY MM PPMYNpgm BIST MADI, TECE R E S E K T O I R wBnat a*H» fa titaaaataT' 'mnneten •wdteaaawa^*^ ** * !«tew3n WHITE *3N^Mw eYkVWNgSPM^^Y MW ^N^INI a A r A r A nc isls IN#feMys we A srs C S ea E e A s If4tt' IpYMNM^p gMMRM R^SI^w -DR ■ANNArss InrW s C asrrrwsRAft % antse ^ "sFSE^Sk Em tey llpawntttto Mttia, lateW it ^hEEHs sb A ar SF^A s fksjjFEEs# A brrr A aa A sR am*. Inifai cm iaatwto.agp symld 4a te«m ite|- to Ifte It taqstteal te tertbte toharteytehayfafayatotohteto- YtelS^SSttttl^^mSMrthriftmtelfamMfateSS w^N^^Yr YSi W^S ^MMSRPHS wN SMnS^jT m PMPBSI g^fa|ktt temufa w* tenkJ af^T NJk amw^kk vm . » n w i «Y ^PfYMSWP S^r^BnS SS naten la l<g» rtaahkih ii to wkaat wa aM lagy slytete to a M«4ar wrtlal* tellten tab to aroate Uaahesa rite a* msaeit aa n narw, to ISM ta* r a te to a«nw wawM tey *• teto to teaUwas awfteM In nmy way/ grny safctetevmri Jf* tnasn aw wteaan oan Wtok wtea (tehnJa 1* 4«U, tte m m anrteady* Ufa lyrte* rrteto ate Uwy W gmmPy xaicte. Why abmM anybody d t e kkmagh ttett wnrktsaiMa wnditkfa, whasa n htoUa to Carter'* O te UtoTtefc wttl waaodeeateecfatgirn tteaa (te atrrtagth nag wiii 99 pettem (Mr risrito aathfacMrUy K fSd. - ■ AOCoaDUUf a t e Marl itilrlm-JTrynm Mr*, toagtry'* apfrtamUK* aa iRoteite dteteea tk* ItaUmiag tori UmI Ite % tea “ torn ankte «*4 teapy tern ,4and (M i aoerowlag paper to te that “ thia coming right o« top c-t lataewfa toart# ritoio fa*>sriUri -wiM cate* gteaa efa to* wtlrw ooanlry.’1 'Am . ______ Th* ( r i t e , feerWaiy a t e teatag fra, i»*»ot to flritete Ctefn* expiate why it i* mchmramit* wish ton t e te ASMno*fate tear t e m pwarilMlty to toutoacing tterien of etewiaggm tea Ragkto, (aodditkm fa otoar hardwaa to a Hiw t e a t t * . whieb tew* basin, «a iapbahri broad tteatideea. OnaAawriaan portUstpaM,4W pteeato ayaeegafa sack week, and otter ocwaUet .aUH. to .Mar u : 'ii1. Mia; ’Yfa:iriut Oftasawcjo, i t o t e r , taayti. “ BroWi*’*b oa Iiittriea aaUrriy n* Uiavedte of wcateeatiatoaaaoawonaad tick kmdacha.” Tut otefal royorta of too caawaHlaa ta to* o k a anaMa fete, to* eoaaoaeooo- meat-of tlit rebrittfta ia lS tl fa it* doan io l p t « * i i foifawt. Total aambec to tnea lO te , SO,PCI; 4M to wemadn, S4.987: 'ditd <Sf dimaae. IWAai 'tote; weeo dte chargrd for disability, 9S(,Md. A Crent tain of all kinds of ar choictr murrs 'h'touw w rt BAAC s*rfi ]-8 px.vcr ta mock t Oss of Ufa girl* at Ufa OtrVM ftlr at Wanhtakfao had ffarii beooght from * <ti*- tane* oft aooqast to her reoiarknble beian- ty but Ut* WeotUte p r te d unprbfltabiri to the m*.t,»getr,tr,t aud uople**.nt to heiteff. Crowd* gatoerto nbovt her btaStli, aitii in- suiting remjtrlrs became ao frequent tbit ; abe’ wata coropelied to wfthdrow 'iA.ro you the American Liljr r* one mnis labrl '•'Ho.u ah« replied, '• but'-Ttt a Ugee lily.” ' Pt‘»0« out t e ateekid kaaura to te - bfato hy * ( « t or two of Ayec't PiU*. and you will haro dearer teadaa* wail aa healthier M ite . Wsoot a womua rahes oat iato t e yard, Mf eyea flublttg with execotlTe dw farmlfiaUoa, tnd ptriuu^apSec* of board to throw .rta two, it ta Intereatlag to aaa how quickly tU the cbiktrea ffaytag ia [Ufa rtcinltj will run ia frdbt to bee to prirent getUng hit. -4-TXE 8IR V flli UM-z OMiqUMAJL YSriTtnUM tte to cfate *<*'■ tiaani a., Pie*** fill and mw fnr yanrsplf ^ ----- AT— ^ H.THOMASASON S7 QLEN ETSBET. JUIIVAIE. ‘MfCffKB rt» « Itfci U , jt# - y r m — --ft twassrdef** a. j «,? -♦ *. /r —* m*Mtor'Hntrom nh s Mtaufafa<far,tata mmBimKjigr*" -tote.te# * i n. j J / *? !, fm* 04 |*Wwto #U- * * i- . *» Utwwto^tL. t ifa¥*»».***>* -i t~*a*S t -r (u,1 . *• w, #, a(* ,f •sitettdA8BiiJffg»,AtttoHlt.w ? k wcwwtoSwSwii'h mwk a ftoLOK a io m mow m o arasL. at* n xnaa. TIN AND SHEET IRON WWHMQTAOSUL Ac. risRadfag tad Quttariag ' 'O nw Aw tat Owdar. H ^-te thte •#*** .at fAid «»cg|*t 9*Lono a aow a, sum « ..< u n * rAUi.M. r JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, .tl»> SILVER WAKE -AT- G. H. BASSINGER’S BUBUUBISmA, Rockwell House Block (IXJDPri PiT.TJ J|, t . l l —j f bn aal atfantiaa ia sT«to- U^-ET i ^ n U ttte^fA tklwRM faAlsrift^^^to. RSEB^h IRSH^^w Kwe dsiRs3hrssAhsriss4StfEstistlwR fated -Ibr tha 'BndtCici Walcli Cte srbeI a J ba # shJepIhhrAeA ' ^AAscsA ss#( A*5osnr* vssiisr Ahriss Wsldkp 3 aaa nl*d a|*nt Ibr tha M aril an SHHsbdls ,C asapaay’a anJ M rti d B n lii4a Site* rlatel Warn, Ttens Slfate^Ia^^n^S Eteitartkm «f » w Piafad TaUa Ktofftfa tefaateeitteaat asutoiafly ■r*te tte war •fraatokfata* tee* •••*•*- U M l KOTItH, CL-nuwi. rot KT O.tttfa*#. _ „ .... J dteteteSMka Sai* m «.££/ w tm aarowtfai m t e toy to wrott, »m • te ui© i’n z ftemte.fatete itote* ttey jm SSR mpj-.1* TKIUtV. frttto e .tfafaM* «wi «5fa?SI5fa*fate ririi. fafaafa”- mtoprtwatef twd fateMl 0t(ESS. SBIMERdImR HY teSMRE S/tem S9>8,t.CA**, Ttourtli J m AM a I Dixtrfak. Ctori toto'. ________ ,________ *•akriamifa fa ’mO jkaa^^m a^mm rn tm tm t '^L ’kam ifT ' wmmm :* wml/nm waasuor. EwssEICJEEiS^MiiaiM^Mv^ -*.<-1, m-rr,- - ^ ^ - -- teY: t e ’fate ^m a ti. ari^j faW'tes h HEB^4^Sw^RMSBUR# 1b5t^MRNFRrftv RmSNR mmm w tottaaaatafa rite T e rtite to tea t e t e f a t e a t r riJ B * ■ n hi, ** w.Ct »T to t e awrx. te to . Itag~rto, j/Fw*w |iPPMM>M*^lMLY |MM iiMI^HMy^mYfa^*m^^M j^ttwln ■*^^*^^Ssfi53£iii^M#' SSRR^I^MIilEjTr rJS 5 r?2 * 1tete ta^fa^teaimA^^ »ate a«*W ' < tom * tt^*fa dam -kfam atomda ■ smbby ^ r£55n^N rR p ^^snnR msE Tlie Argui For 1883 . fatetokfay TM E SUN. M*qr YOBX, DMML [f FsuM M Inllil, T b SsREoalk F«|« of ih« SUts l sflltJ? 5 S 5 SSSSi 55 ' gShESh^YRMFSRlSS RMIB^^^ 2 E^^^^ijfe55 SSSloiRH SSiF RMQ^MMMiWBSNSBMEISBaSB^S ES r S burb I^ sS b BkaBMStotetefa ■tad 7 iU M B R M te N T r R S liM . “^ s r s r taatM kiteaaaaaiiM torHtaar ~- * ""’’ """ ’ ' 'fnT amWILLA ALLEN, UlttfUti, XT, ttm tenrirtew iptM BntiVthuhrtbt Msmy tto TO Tte BIO STOEE on UwOOEHEE teR^Nifa- DEYaoODSittEEOWOHSi A. YHCNMAN, • Qtefarit. The Best 6 c Cigar in the city .»* ' Vlhy b * yrotog man like a kernel to, ceres4 tsb'-l ayotiftg. I*».ly. t’fiecaafae/ mid tncAbir, 41* tuns* wblta when b* rpopx*' 4^mrofa-wa««fafafa iililS iii J LM II !S’TT N O ■ /*\F EVyRT iln^rr'j-tior -catJv tbciply Agfato rt^fate^tanr •xaeutri tt tbw Rireaui't* | !' :T M kipy ot ISeOTrrorb t# trol'y * (****■ , «*1 ■ro-?narob. Ft»dl«g that doring the ' favw a’rirtbet Abe *t»yal foot troaris wrfS euffctiBg greaily te ® anl CK-tigbs, thia -g^cd, ©id KsaUlfaUfa ' ofdered. .* toppiy uf Dr, tttift Cofagh •feyrpp ,fdt Ufeotj And. now the aenSrita fan- huppy. ' | — —...... - • (, -■"' ■ ■■ .-■V iiiii.MiiiM iw- -( aC cikti - a .’TOman whoread t l the end A.'iQnfat-ombio outkXik. : From behind , of A friend *raiirr'iAjpo notice. ' 'No card*’’ tb* prtooft fan , Mfsssa- .ifefcn ri Gum m t ■ te-tawih* *iro bt, y-,. akf ” SrCfWb't tffOft fiiittfa 'tot >«*».&»•' giving eonre mtltfactiPn to ouir. Cutto- asere.' . -. ... - ... NEUTRALIIIED. - fcfiBSifltllSriS/?>• attarta wB fa te wmtw H*wr «taa*N*-aH ^ U A f a wm m^NMYTYYY IP j qBM W r i t r t Mrritafa frtwaaaateta rtfa Mfaasro ^ f a ^ f a t e t e t a f t e fajrifa. (tetptaritea '<*»• itatetftfat toje jBm ^aaptax tfffm teetttfafatutelirow ■"* ' • * «a«ri.wi*ti#lft**ero _______ i»mfS 8 BtefygS ^ ftr i_ fSSRERlRpRSRfSi.^ 'jrBBSr*YmRRsEh- m£imSimS3^$r^RrtSSisSSs s^HRewSiSSi^' attvn* townT3R5*5t a*tm «m* qfa^MHds te^n^^A'MtoB^fart wq^^^^^de M ISm ^qMM i M ^NP. BN SB BY sRMY pBBSe #^0 BBHRu H ftN RBR iB ' ^^^EwJsNi^EH^SRBSBBSiBR R^^SSm r ^ SSBRB iftliBS' ta pbSHrr S Sea smsIs Es t o RaasE IWNWLNSiEmbUb—mnRrSnbrmEy^brdmmnnEbbnr ttri-^Mgte j^m* S^^n - maS m ' -** - - ONE DOLLAR PER V . WOtfAOB TKXM. A CLUB SiSAKIZ&X W aiitod AT BACK YOtTOXnOK, T a s t e s G m * CpawnkrtiMH I# p ^ i, K i t extra espy vIR M t far Clibd to Tea, a rnpf if Uto Hetti-Wtedly far Cltte^ Twedty. utod cafJ rf'Ds BS JbrClnlM toflfty. CHI b SSS iiaAafa»w.iaaa» tfaTaFtejwnSi s M sgk YabacripfioBt. riavaaux pemcTLT ct .AnriiCfa DAILY, par ymr. . WJ w ttt e af t e al ay BCrto*. *1 . t . . . !• AtMeaaa ab urten to THE AriOCa. COMR.t.VS, 41w( jaJBAXJi SLY. MrHSBBE S ^ T- 2H SSaro J^gw SS" 12 fc 2 ML MMBw ^MW IYY i M l > lte Baprnt— to aw»»fa fate v w tmaaaTta mafiia mamwSwSm tfsageaa^a law* ______________ IM- 1 wSSew 'C ifa itea fa te ffTiBtetaiwBtfitat . afaYAjteari.|XHtyaarr fari, Y^M^^VB^dapqln a^Y-^p*te*UM»a»Wx , 1 aant b l» ’• • vchro d*ck hy th* Artt mail. NCR , BMRR SrN J ^ g^^ii&gea: JOB PRINTINO. l«HY. "Oltt AMP Ghltom.M WmJL&m NNBBAmr, temw y*Ma,v.T, ** 4 !*nSSlft 5 S^"mt, •»,»-«l<fa*l>S9 'IM faw itfaifa^* B-BS JBgitSiaSrSar **w*“ te*rto»•»*•#•**.b*. Vab^iaA.w.aad* BXW* bfataOrtat Aafaa»,...t. . . ^ . . <.ygtm >p ( a i tOMafaatr WtouafaaM . jft*wjg*jtehrel^'Ltw , STS?tetefaw iRBBBfm F E bn. _ (ta.M * tetata* | 0 £ RicieRt,~XoV IriSttN u N l)elk*U Pecfnmei jn RoMMYQ't. g»!d by tU J mt SFBfgiits in qupntltlH n tattdt yarefeMen. ___ J. LeROY PINC, inaaiiMIf fa p a n a wSkKV*. •mmrnmrnat i u TMRCI ia a t 5 x MMLTIXCI. ^#KM b tRB iB r^H HH eE Ib i #b ibb^ 3 Eb#ej^ AtiBBaxk oooon jttttff: FRPjRwaankitPMtewnp* BSSHBriS- jgMatSSg* tetee i -tasa aa tetejyorjECa'si ^^■TXg*CL? ?3*s£J. _____ _ « S 2 K g fait fail •aotfSw^^A*. ; ar * mktolfifa'aSttt!l? 4 S"*Y ‘^wafiwBm ■“J ta w s rf S 1%1 nsnpssftPafttMito., vray.s. w t» *pw»'rir!?»rS tay,mww«^*J« JtoP teS tep^aM rtfadB R faMM fafaA 4 mM ft »j 2 S . iSlU la g a ^ ^ jK g famri i k a n - - n w^> - - - w.^t«w», jT?- viaimt turowr *> fP t*W ,MU»HM tkii *«A ‘ ':r i— , ,a'lfayrotant«w» *»■»*»* '?ui-^y^iycc GEORGE E. LEMON, Aftwwr at - tmaumWt faitabrt. *f .*■•***• f a f a t e t e i *«iiiw » 1 » ’h

MEAT AND FISH Know - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031145/1882-12-19/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · MEAT AND FISH i MARKETS % INSURANCE 1 EJO’OiQlMllflOiB, No* 11

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IN S U R A N C E 1

EJO ’OiQlMllflOiB,No* 11 Ridge St, (Jlett’s I&Ufi#

1141 tHlt SPSS' Of >

FRKSH A SALT MEATS,h a m > l a r d *


OYSTERS and CUMS,F IT IT I S 8 1 A S 0 S ,

F #» ltry d f I f f # B eto rtftlsB .

E t i s i i s s S i i s r ” .Y i m F I8H , 8HAD,

TBOFT, 8A M O N ,^ttmrotoaraer toy, toih*n*tew» torott cm*

»- twwawta i w j o *«■***-«•* fa. INRri VBMm JNnfiriJ

• troantatogte* to taatetoteri *******



O lo a ’a F a lla , Dr. V,

w m i m t t n i n ,

•* S few **•=*>

; '**♦ t’L 'l1 •' ■ 5 s A- ♦ ft •* V .*

at tttrtfc-rd, C-ciOD...

Siagaia.Lycoming M t*v 'sr? **Y irm en VFvait of Calit-i-rfci*,,,.. >»., l 4*.} Load)* Awunuic* of Ejag tasA.1/J30

(-.-♦rt*::*-** ISO#CAffa. *#**»- XOuVSeS ®-CAto/ecte*sa>-.,. . . j#;0 «s*'

( A 8 B E C IA X T Y !

■ T lr t lw l prt fate taw** »v Uu teari,"•* to'

ren t* it. **10X8. sx icm L *48*g»,

l i t m as abb m u tt. 1 t& S B M E U S B a !♦to# a — n W■ V i a B M I


* * * E E H E L _2 M r o t ~ *

llltlA fX SI, lEMULM/ MAWS,

I SttP AiiiSt SuxuStSf iR r o j u d S a l d s , ]

I IMfeHAib. ^NLm SaJI VLaS^ iw w C lX N b JSar*, am* « 0 <

JPdfeg wwt .dritea, it |» a mpA% m*rs» m il

Why Mfatt, hMhl>MNylty«*

H O R I K I .Oat tm wm rmm Ml

»MritEa HtsSEclEspsJsj nrnE'Serer


NiNtNlHMi S EsS NnhNEs, 1

H o t rD C l U M r

^ 0 0 0 ^WTMERMflUl

5 § a £c h iu E I


H f i lI B K V UNSUft 81X88

m !


F o r $ 1. 00.j s n & t f h t j p o p





■ e s s ^ t M s s K ^ u w *WBOUteUt OtaLXtt:

♦ . IkCUM 1 CO. A lter.!•-X-iaai.

>w»cwrtrt»#» Pyay-ylfi. Qte£p*»®tt C s -te teJiliammmftt, .Immrnti:, 8 W . t e w , ffa» ilwri»a.t t lM rtK X9- ./-ttwfrts, Qa«rmt titOWt.3ro>fa. t i . » f c tew- Jbeta.Cteefa.Bte-

tt* tmrwm. C*<*#*4 rifat- Art* -rtfa*. t t i r t t o K a M . i a w M i j a a W ; tevbtw..* I» aHifafrm M, *****

T . « i t 444rtM *rM 4*c*F *« .

WxiMMN#Mfa» -

• T ^ ’ - 5 i wR M I S lfT E F M H iY H W S N K Ito Trte*™#yewmfroa «» *•»*<* lit wsrtl. to At* tttartria to Tte. te (traawx,to l iit t tea)fan “Pwte rt JewYer*,” t eitMrt.


KnowTii*t PRowii'kliMvB rm :f.i

- w i l l c u r e t h e w i s t « «

<.<1 iJyj|topi*ito

\ViU ift*«retoh<*ity *{>p<tit?,. and increased 4igestioo.

Cutc» gencn»l-akbil!tyi anJ gives a oewktose of life

Di:»j>rts i m w depresxawo and low spirits.

Restore* xnesluuitedB urs-' tngmothertoftdlitterigtb and give* abundtnt sai« tenancc fo rb o r child,


CKercofDc* weakneM^waltc- folne**,«»d lack ofencrgy

Keep* o f alt chilli, fcver*. and other .nMferwl poi cn.

W ill infuse will* new life the w eakest imalid.

lua tMtkd -r , - — - ... W a ^ M * —ty u,f j ♦ w M ir tM ia fK n ) -^.tS^w/aa l> * 4 mim* r t M M r t U d .>ata»«rt»• e r r u S * ,

B rown's Tron Brrra*avill have a better tonic e& ct upon nay oae .h oneed*any metliciae gaje.

up/* Ikuk

s E S S S E w ^ -rtkartf .■ Jlat St ill IVW

-rvficM -il fl# StMrrrfattoLJAV AtoUW, r«rt M wto fto ▼,«ou a mmtmarnm r*m

♦ l l X S U to f>3» T B *

N E X T T H I R T Y D A Y St » rtveSr lo t at

liR T tfi M m K it! m H a c t n aX*at rt*w» i* Mi rid*R»-

j i t Bess th an Im p o rte r* ’ Price*

T O R . O A 8 H .Tkfncndinn ail* uprujMr Mr a*v a

■--attyBMatoa qt y Brnirtlr * ^ ot«w t«a mrrfci— .'itaUttoliH*. .. ........________ —

S lT E n fO IB B K L ir V T lfaKrai »i» a aiiit. esR Toa, i t to ia , to pw

R . T a B A X T E R .19 Wotr« Dajae tto tOtoa’# Wallto W ▼



tlidlabie ( ompanie* ?



Crmtr 9lf* anil Part ilimli

(jKIexi. ? Fo-lla. N'.

PLANING MILL,; «todMe*1c>l# ©tto-rtrtto, ^OHohb * Mtrrr’A'ov'M-

T' RBsRIRS RR|jl JXmIRbs |S RRto to (Vaa.waaito Ita <il li f l . .

MM VmHBBMitto tr*»i»# a iia ia,tto u .

n t T i o n r x m i m n i k u K , mptcStr M to MrtftUy t it t tR MStr> ItrfaMg asR^pRUt l i a i y i | i L ,8AJCPJLE COPIER S IN T FREE.

i » isAhcau Mr #oo,,ewwa*w» Tier Ob07«M WtAlvTfeMA

«*«• n o r , » .,t .

EABS « » « • 10L IIO S.ft# riot't M ist, t f Sliri’i RI

*>>_£»§ a tmrwiti fma '•*•** ■<*« of - : ia art t*5T*

Ayer’s H air Vigor,t m iCITMM li «U V SAM TI (T»

MATTMAL WTAUTY A|N « U 1tr i* • atort tgetttHa imtbs*, vhkfe

fa fa tec*. kattofaO* rtwt faKetiifa, Lifffa tcrrits Uw Mir. I* mure*. «JL IM gkat <fa fnatettofaieofa, irtttR cegwy, Kiki» aaAraR Mir. fa t«kk Wtrra, <* drey^ T i T E i ^ a L iK r ia -Uko««Raatahr>i»eai«to IttktcfalfaUj* id ikakfarUaoaliktny, c m t p a r m r grtath la tk faMt a k m tM gUMt art art AopOt aSik fa kruky, twk, er •UmrwiM l itifatA Mir, fato|Mfatt ntahijrSRA SlfERfiR. :IHMf NNNIWf i NaIrk "''*i TM VMM* dtsMfa H » Rrip* esifa aaS

pr«t«au tM I w i i l n <4 MatraR; mmI, ky ifa Mtkag, Whfaletieg,'as* wrtkisg |» # w M , it Mai* aartt il afa- toil it iM' ka»an a&3 4faaae» paosLtr to ifa Kti?, tetfiag It tort, (U a , rtnl tot\ «a«kr akidt eaalitkaa faytaiaa rt (faicfatfa

RjV (R NMNRa. As to Driaring for. Tiadfam*’Heir Tk» Vta«t t« tsee«p*raM<. Il..ts «*:•*- lot, eaaUias artOrt* ail ifa Sjra, ad afli eqt «a. akifa cuafaie. It (aiivfa as ayraaalfa a*S taatiag ptsrltmi,. at* at ta artkk lor Uba failct i t fa kfawaakal aaS ofatopaaMg fa ha facetteattoPrapared by O r ,l . C. Ayfar I C e.,

■ to H reslijtcrtM Vltideed). Vati.i.,uUi, JfevsJiciiits* tifaawMty *»R

witexwaltft FmbylsriM fafar ef an«w, ' . * 4 favM k itttterifilcni*, fa te sti* ttedRh Ki*rfaii«nt sdrmw*r ef lbton Wr#t* mludic e :niV#4:*rT toillouc*d«*»l»f*fs4. CC' slVCS 5 iiM8 « t e an,} tefit rb- imsSs' Vr»e-.'.f socfil rrllgtoas (atereosisfei fatfafeitn©TOfa:tijDRt Of hit Mvib«li«teftrtlitrfiu

At» ttotorttt pfayer-jflfad.Bg ,>r t te Jfafa*-body of ehriiidMS Ibfa, wm hrid so pwr. .■[fawtcfy to to f»sKte«ld«Nrrffto It om > ajeworntlffa at tte phTgwhmoeX^dwdMw in N,:>v* fa.HRito the pnwiMlag faWrttor -d**li stoRMtodf xto wt-totetftjl Rr«todk *8d vr*:«irtt»ty td iM M«tel*fa iMtih., Stol iitofOMK foafate, !».*» WtoB- fay.' tie Mao Ktpmmd, ifaMlfaltofa* test today iMito tr«ft totos kttfttlToA swsi *itoa if5U»-:d;.*t mWste** is N&t* te-tk ,

Them#faitogikifav««yiwlBi*i>y nowitotol. to <ter,->«il*attiiml r tin fto r , *«4 *M fain* faieraektdtour .«c*:4 Vmkf&iim. Wfafaer to ktoi Jw ftoajcttotito ctort. -Tifart4»* uvfaylkd* «i»4 Alfa* Rkutkitgite te<4 *'or tM caaay ip,»4 (Wa#t fc»M4 ftofa Mto»4 ’-•aixjus I tk b r u f a r t Ztoa.* la# aMart wilt* ntscfe depth -of laaiiiMI, « b L«4, fa* (M,ak(heei0 * 4*k» Waafay, M t to******* toltp ilUtok the* tor if*** A'atorr w« (Mfaktih 1:# Yl'Y Rn ;|(j y|^| mA sIlNIoaf sbiers i» oiureoMiiiy tmt m rtpri*II» thaak *Rm tm. Ufa tmmtnd and th.ie- Xefa/vvfa>fRerto*faltoi«faOTwM>ifa*iMfaato-ItogUfa Word MUitotkrougMtiwrlaiiML.4.macm

Prfabffarkutiaaa toili iiokioaatoayitailit % ikat tokpfaat alter, «*•* into Xfakteifrt

d in m n ,Rtotott tfakaj.

tha facie* in M*«tog n toMmtoM trntey fa. to ttuS it tfafatofely* to' Mato ft oftnt tooi to cook h tout fafawgk, A « turkey aaevcn orrigid ponfal* ateofakk te toamUtetektethiteMatrttol; tefa A rery Mrga tarkry atedkl M d^krtl -toto ttoir kfager. Afifatte ttorteyfalraamd •eaactoit ret), anrMkteg naitaate p*W * oe tte iaaite; r ta f t t a«A Ut Ik araU ia « M n aitteMM te * te w b y aUowof Meet o m it ; w t IM tkii,am i aprisW* fa rag arhlt gtyptr, tail toa4 Afar, ifa te w(U to. alter -s' ttorktf to fafatota fa*** tiiM acariaA tetaa* totekteg. fMwrahctlt IxAHrrp ntrIsY JrIO IlfcR InWNsri Nt ill# 4(fi(p f t q f a i . JjteM *fatoitegft«<itnfSl* c-t?9 f ti . oa .(ten sfcMsl. teaUw anfa- afrUkie, oner ffiara gjtos tte* faiii «*k* IM ikito .aaorto crfap apg Mow*. 'VMM tte farhay fa cooking toft ttefte tte mtt) chop tMfa r it t ami man tM tetr, Wlaaa Ufa. 'faorkfy fa daafa pstfaoi afaotpfalgcr. I*«t Use bakiag-pa* oa Aka* lit* gttegm.ha • litUn gmir, «ai wte* Otokml, afartei a lilifa totting wfktor to Matk; awaia fa •Urn eritotor |*MUte.«f faAasalttenM

«| jfgjto. mia rikte Mmm.

> I t I U

■-.Ttt♦ 8m.»rigfari- - « ,.rtoW '•;tori‘,‘- -a'Jfa-fa!!M|r i ' i t iU*-rf» Cti-rwrteto /-**• ' J r*vr %. W tori.Arifff •'•"•■ * - '»jh| t'pril ri'etoU.

tngaaaecjawi tar r y Wiraaji'w. Kmyrndmr n i*aiato*.fa*r»fa I ® »**«♦*«*.»* ©r ter mg m e m w w rt to * fatoatM mm' n i> t*J» Unjmmnm m ayaerriii ~ .fa J t a. l «ahr. aainifalafa, to r Ufa J MMaM >n a»Iiiii< weTte rrntm iw«riteg to » .v .te te? to im to am

famfa-ifiptoj' w faMT

H esTITkst the S e lf $« j.II *•• »i< (raw *• minti» m ttrvmma

— i t w i w i r ■ * i f a i m r r i m m i i M

♦ r f .fa** * naaaan t tor a w tWlK Tirt; Ifcllalfa ft.JM* f;rt »St i*«»fa t f m a ^ m ^ e t a t viS itoto r » i: to r 6 u , aartatoy etofaHi. *koaa cirat|*« tttrtu •*) m p e a i i i i t V«*. vut w r*«r« *o,«~UCMfaan Saacamu tum rr

far” To «*nfcl toa fa faa-- aamfalfaa tnta , ,»M sivyrij r t f M H f m i f ’

oafalrponm X mtoVLrtCfl fa sntorvR

PARKER S GiNfaER TOKI, within -twtto, *c*4rX**< m u u h :* imMWy »f tfaUa♦5jk- JOr. L.*w» a.» 8 »es*. U-«J te<»yi« >>»•< ♦.*! -*;-'.7tr»artf' .-.-»* ftorr*. ai» 3* •'~m Kffat tv, 0© S u*•artSarti* uas*-t at^.^C «rfc»t.Jttcsnrt-ftoe-fa t to-- faon*S.'.rtm*«u*e»i.vf. I.<*.••% *im;(Ufa fc**?7j7, roa *3 * fe.Lorwirli.ca. . tf*--« w r i i T j e«>v w.:.:, tfajiSgitj * He V> l t» v,i icT-V

fae* 1 j^ ru fi 11 vfa s-tatiTfa,. . 9efasf W;-r *> ^ .V **a < U*. 3s»*»SeirtWa»assr«l{Lrt'?5ari ♦%•*}.* •Des«&a.;*-a»ti7 - » r «* — »;vfa fcyaaOKrtl.* t-s.fti-.tt 4cav'*.tlaLtaa.%»rfaaac«% * r.r» sa-vfeLto:

TtoTStoKSSv i.'.’tel


^nSS^teirOMIntiTorJ*------------with-fvrnub fnnnft*, —rt/,’ <f*>rylh;r.g torrla- W m .L Y N O H i

ISAAC SMITHttaafaa )wrt«»a • faryi lafator rt

•4DEC0KATED • WARES*To* S it ,, F in cy P itch ers, * « .

t o n i e t l i l j i . k t i f a

Birthday dr Wedding Presents.* wtu. tin t*—--G R A N I T E - —

— - C L A S S W A N E !EtTihtiib AedSs OWbSSWlNc«i Jb£i 4xS£kEmiOri

Am ttetears m iss.MR® Carfama, tfaa afaftoRfa Nan M R

viifate gcivtentif*. tea fata tema« ■>■te r to Ufa toaapsSy aiippanisq tekta A gtef faaa te- “ t e tensA flktvn.” Is -SkEiAN# S E #S 1# il#i ENpRMMN###lig EpHN 1<«n® a.tt- tote— mttofaS Akm fa*rSMB Stefa wMB WnSMSB- m*MfaS» fSBg SRI IS3M*Otep*#*n TN mNw 'wwt Unea eIn *S6A i HRI iRs NSA E SSSESRT AC t SSfciM AsliY* M-Vte* aMu§ mmmAnAnnumA. t*9Nri,gpfaajr t ‘fa wm, rttt®fa »w fa|i9 a*PW t ttfatoa

to a w s alw*y* aaato Ufa *ffamry V,* k ite mid fa wm ie tti s i ly amjfaaaafaRM te

^waa^mefater a jnfatewl t » wfaUto, mat* SRYR##""*” ERNTEP#SWIIggnptemto*aa"toaii|qNS*ARLjyRAj B« .too, a a t ate thawght Uatetraa ttaafa tte adtofa nwkwttonam **tkfa A te / fate AlW F iAE RRsjjRS AsiRmES iRSg A# ate tofaUafa' >EMHPMEdtf sss# is~ #H#s ficyF sf

gafaNVfa p ▼ 9 Ok l w Itto faij.M rt jam totfc tea tearit mac te r

J#9 ifcsi shs RnrPS## #RSSi R#E Rs Hrn# sidMs* 3THms i##i f#EMb Ese isNSi

AdKs #As#EidKsF sinE A##s## F

JLRNri* La UiMd a m (Imh way aun' Y aLi x s -rtnsr wny <**-ktestott MkSlMPMSkMaR MMB OMBsri ^faMSAi *A hUgri t e y Y t e M ^ y tetoNNNk oHI kN tetelr %is#sE nr Lr ssnE s#A o s ih#E(FHisW N* rtso tRSFEoNSsAt Es #Ihs enHnr

ss# EMiHSli # H-f#sbHMrS Hnr# S ahne Ais AEAHHMi m I I goa©»~wan*«a «mwfaagaa tetkMai1*4* Bh iJ A MHM 'teUod^M1w M# fal te TOggMl yUAiSlYtete. Tk An fa MhNW Iku - ageeUeewi tepatd Mtanltoy aaa UfaUga,**rt» ws Lamr.' t^rrtei WSY Ilite^W SBM IW SFYSwW— A 4 >_ giS S S STff SONNE*

t e i y (H C m d to t I te m Her.Cfan to tte damghfaa* to Jamatsaa afa*

♦aria, Ufa eakteatrtl itec4:«<ut tel Nfat jfatatean* of kMnsasan sslitg9y h*I amgw rptot to tetnwayato alga a y r ip a t to •aantaga.- TteycaiS w m itoarato fa'tee fatter* “Kiv* *tel tte tema twlifaigwl, rtypa caa tte r a aay n q tiB." mRm* t hi»a im -ate ate fawfa am,' pteaM tea yeMg maa* ’<Caw*t te m te r /' ste « te fatter- M tam. a te .fa.ifa> aa* aa,* jfaypt e terT etcfaifato tte tfftfteat* 11 Ctea't t e t o M T g yeaifaag ,ttetol faaat, M May I • t e / amkty ttopahte Ufaaaianr* “ tt graa M«-e anytklag Agtettr m f efawtetewf 4*N-:'."'tei ik « W 9 a i» p a ia t,, *llitw>w. baarl aaythiag aqatefa j o i 1 1 Shtak )ro« sr* a prowSata* yoaag aaaa, fate iteu’a ■why-yon can’t hrre ter, Steh got a *mtj M teatpae ate j m wowMa’t te kappy Write ter,” « fa lam . tato; “Why* Mr. R gvatetf t tteaghS iatOy tern * i^hrirtlaa, teat M at “-Catoaialy «M ia,”atto i n * aw potofatoUgfai a«to«l, ,rW t, ygoag fata,- fate* r<fa p w etrtfa rnfalW SOW MO SISSM BI IMS IStVVI USHfotka tte t tte graot to Qott «a* lira With atet yew tarn f _________ •

Haxaroa Voortea teoagM M tofa atenW* pom tp a faetel-apwach tetmlteaa wfaew te in<pjir«dij “ My farmoa friaaada, vlaat fa fas teoofaa ot fowr gawst ter* nap fa Uitaccfaiatry U pmthiMtlm la itoopawtX ■Tterd Wat a brief pnaae, ate Ufa* ta o i l DnwocnUc/arafarapokawntayiwg: D e l MBlrrataad, Mr.- Votteaa, Mm jroa natHy Waist aaaimwartwtlMt^WMtitoil1* “Tto, any &t«ad.i”«todUMataator,Hr»lgktm{ag hlrotdf to bit foil bright* “1 Hfa aeeUWg for Information.4 “ Well, Itert ” rrpUed Ufa faetotoi '“ I toll tatl yo* Wtet »t fatlf do toth oar crop. W* will raiee faon pork ate leaalxIL’' Tteamator tiad afaced ■tte qortoio* ait toraral aaeotiaflp bttor*. but he hat oraitted it aiaoW. sot Wiring to tirten agatwlo Um kogklar tte t grrrifad hit dlritonffture

4 ritiiMp ffawaiwrfa Mt, Ifwwy i-/Wfag*~U w-*yViiitetMi»*g

t te MifatofllwlMlt Mwwewant *y«tm,11 awiH* tlto fafatot Mttefaa'a «g®*w tew- gatifa.) viith* oima t» f.w#to ItetoMUtWtot- «r«ftinnUtofto pdititwl »<>rif.. ynw M og ; M m % CvSBir# te l* «©«lbttoftirwnsKxf, f te «»*»* 'wmaytymkd pofaBMitofr, wad tto Hitt tswaihtohl fu«r stoUa worth to ptotofa* towk-a* ptoteg© kternp ««4 n iwrtto m i* If# «toritog MwnlL tewwto, with' tte thMvgh* *»fat tte te> i^wiitei him wtfaM. t#y Urn ptoity wrid ted *j$t# fa i a# akfpwaiaiatei aiwiteg ttestrriMtof ih««toonk-*u»d .*#» i*tortin« IhttUrt auiHdibt whtoU t e t o w*Kfaj*tv<*.«. to reply ate Uapastteatoi wttoa that, it k*fa#- tfathbag nUfa* ate fU, and that In wwtttte kfapil'toito atemfe of tfitJMpftw# whhbteiwr «wt wm alfawtd, la * fawgaya te«fato*#d «ma to Hubtoli# firinktw, m twW te:*" t** oaafato fafalMSoaaw fornwriifaiga fwrpfamto atefafawai fjaStMy fwlfaw*Ahys»«fr«n Mfahvto rrifUins* heft par eawi, to ate

?. Tte wutp tots# Im ate, wfacfafam (tetAtopri o f i i t f * r « » l .« f « i i iy par ceai to fvur oesia aotodn't ariordhlw nlirtog, **»* «t> ate .pfatfagkoa a*hl wMl te w«tk tm th* teaMterite,

Ttn ptupdriOT* to Wy'ftttesfa t e t e to taaa cUtat htote * fawMttl, tea m mateimaatoy teecaiaosrik, ft ga In ateteaNlnsd tey fever, I*ifa* te oeaua. rippiy fsteiteMAriila silk tiilj* Sim sa MVWrr M SFnri W*W fa qpFW* w

ifatte*8,wJtoSnTtesWte r i TfaMt, 4hng|i«t«, flteea, 31. Y, Ymr fhaaywMalshMtik risnist fssASsss fioos saSsniL Mvmatqp • jgatMgpw aMkgriPriw nwg tt

AIh# iNSt'Mi 4jf j|ssL Arf I'itSSE sR YnmI RI#asLatekfato wantri nan. atete aggte 1 asasUg. teripy-fateaUta. kfm tiyfacw w ytkiaii wiiiMfat aainh kamrila.I waaitoneml te saaaBy*# Cftta Xfaiaa. Ywday 1 am a Uvfag ETjiAfcSRIE iiA aUleaey, Jitiisn.PSKOk itoawrv litete, It, Y;

Mf ten,> tg«A atafa yaaug, wa* aNfeted arfahftainirii; U n w rtB i’fOsan Mate MBartte nnmpfateeitfa, W, EH*nMii«, $ramilA9 RssiRiL L

Mt RAJHASMA E#ilv# INrNNN MNh n eARRR Ar *. fawn apla Hatew a fawteytage.MdWate ter iteftvtefafar Xte%E iN#N it pist n#eanKr ANNpS# tern tte sU uriK T.ial sltoss t'ssafcLoiSMitSDSSel iA AusE HrunA s aRnsss a hMarhiHRassnrahsErta tk* fntkafri19 “Tea aaa’aaL” “ Can y-faerptetafachaawWie, rtrF “ Xakink 1 ana,” te ytechliy frplteh «Wteawrighrtl yen? ♦h?ktpfa*4# to totter, Ufa RUNS' 4e)% t AuRNMi • HfN jMto4 ElAMS# liR iteaewdc, ate wten I w«%teiy®ar ««aw' tNR Rtettrife AASUR MltRR fRhNl (Rid tW SCSiiS. Warn hath ttww-iiag «M, B n f oaaa, -ami L arrnasrr r s f a ani a A )m#s Nirrass asrsr2m ufag%ttttite to A fa k**- •L.a.T 4* ttttmfa8 M g gaNi ^ p. Nri

rRs RnA AJmss RvSrnr ya rs 'AAbrA. aAr# enhSNrI Er EnaLrnrie Tre #drsr AkrsAc# ss^i syRR sen i esR iA#AlR %S|iANN*

CONDUCTOR FROST«w»«e*ass sstan bbs*ntfatifa

Wfa.far I Wtett ifaUfa If- '*.«,«WK *rtt'raas, m t e Sm» wwte » w*MWrt Nmw ^ji^tepiwtotevfariitteNrt# s4rt« fatew *

MLMsUifatrtHiinto’_ I a t e * f a i r t r i fawtteter- rtfar«#'*tf-m*-»te r»*rtt State M rifcto tag aa^Trt* iMtifa »*. teri«stef fawatta waa • a*irfte«»e. fte tefrtfttei wtmrirta Wgte-rt. wtea#s>rtMi»wteWte to t e g atertsnfm # aterttatete.»afart*astem »to-te s m m t h m to »te tertte*, te te to te te te a m ytem tottettefa Stertriaa, n te fto M Y te’-WES HE# SBRR SsARiYRtH *'■•'

t e M t e a a t e f a t o ^fa#'#CWs*w Wete, fa# hiat JUaaw faat mat ftf.to.r fa*» a saan. Urtritetfa* terfte. tea* tartruwrt

m m mm, I S?tt riteJS?Mfattfafa*. t V tt— T nrawana wte*.tea. « . « ^ .M te wg*,-

^St tea-n ft^J^w m ^lga^JSfWte*—

t .aanrww*INNS SSR EdSR fPSARNllNf A

r:-*i sR rA eArsr ssaer A##Aiil( 3hsAHi aEnreAaAaIr As

ANsAEiNE#Ef W AAeEI srAaAaAg aha^aAAar i# annEAe JiARER 1st EfANSR RNSA TAEAPEL EAR#7M ytev» awriy fattnaitasM aad Siaanaaa, aatfa to t t e M te teaansan towhiteiiiteari aseAAnrb# Aieae -isRis d&aabrr As aSr- ab asebA* ngaMl t o r y Iktriaja tote Xtiar, tteMa

w m b y -drfirteftg a w a y

o « t .o n a »s .




RlAkS ENnrS ftvSS i

■ b M ^ B a L # s s s s >' m i ii* Ini lttite* m s^a’a wr i't *r

I f ISM S If

THM WMMT-IMi-YOHNkYli,Rheumatism

gsMMTMg YrertoMn Owfpttymmtmnnmumm*

F*N#irNlmSp gSS ^ p sR wnA/m -gl mENfa ***

• rimtodr*

r i s f m i f m m m * * *

r i m n f t e h ’* IPMLm ■j* M iy 1MWM Y reMw MNWw


Parlor Stovexunsa laaaa*

♦- ^ - ^ f a -ri te tohmeEe,MY MM PPMYNpgm


TECE R E S E K T O IRwBnat a*H » fa

titaaaataT' 'mnneten

•wdteaaawa^*^ ** * !«tew3n


*3NMw eYkVWNgSPM Y MW NINIaArArAnc i s l s IN# feM y s weAs r s C SeaEeAs

If 4tt'IpYMNMp gMMRM RSIw -DR■ANNA rss InrW s C asrrr wsRAft %ant se

"sFSE^Sk Emte y llpawntttto Mttia, la teW it

hEEHs sbA arSF As fksjjF EEs# AbrrrAaaA sR am*. In ifa i cm iaatwto.agp symld 4a t e « m i t e | - to Ifte It taqstteal te t e rtbt e toharteytehayfafayatotohteto-

YtelS SSttttl ^mSMrthriftmtelfamMfateSS wN Yr YSi W S MMSRPHS wN SMnS jT mPMPBSIg fa|ktt temufa w*tenkJ afT NJk amwkkvm. » nw i «Y PfYMSWP S^r^BnS SSnaten la l<g» rtaahkih ii to wkaat waaMlagy slytete to a M«4ar wrtlal* t e l l t e n tab to aroate Uaahesa rite a* msaeit aa n narw, to ISM ta* r a te to a«nw wawMtey *• te to to teaUwas awfteM In nm y w a y /

grny s a fc te te v m r i Jf* tnasn aw w teaan oan

Wtok w tea (tehnJa 1* 4«U, tte m m anrteady* Ufa lyrte* r r t e t o a te Uwy W gm m Py x a i c t e . Why abmManybody d t e kkmagh ttett wnrktsaiMa wnditkfa, whasa n htoUa to Carter'* Ote UtoTtefc wttl waaodeeateecfatgirn tteaa ( t e atrrtagth nag wiii 99 pettem (M rrisrito aathfacMrUy K fS d .

- ■ AOCoaDUU f a t e Marl itilrlm-JTrynm Mr*, toagtry'* apfrtamUK* aa iRoteite dteteea tk* ItaUmiag tori UmI Ite % te a “ torn ankte «*4 te a p y t e r n ,4 and (Mi aoerowlag paper to te that “ thia coming right o« top c-t lataewfa toart# ritoio fa*>sriUri -wiM cate* gteaa e fa to* wtlrw ooanlry.’1

'A m . ______Th* ( r i t e , feerWaiy a te teatag fra,

i»*»ot to f l r i t e t e C te fn * e x p ia te why it i* mchm ramit* wish ton t e t e

ASMno*fate tear t e m pwarilMlty to toutoacing tterien of e tew ia g g m t e a Ragkto, (aodditkm fa otoar hard waa to a Hiw t e a t t * . whieb tew* basin, «a iapbahri broad tteatideea. OnaAawriaan portUstpaM,4W pteeato ayaeegafa sack week, and otter ocwaUet .aUH. to .Mar

u: 'ii1.Mia; ’Yfa:iriut Oftasawcjo, i t o t e r ,

taayti. “ BroWi*’* boa Iiittriea aaUrriy n* Uiavedte of wcateeatiatoaaaoawonaad tick kmdacha.”

Tut otefal royorta of too caawaHlaa tato* o k a anaMa fete, to* eoaaoaeooo- meat-of tlit rebrittfta ia lS t l fa it* doan io l p t « * i i foifawt. Total aambec to tnea lO te, SO,PCI; 4M to wemadn, S4.987: 'ditd <Sf dimaae. IWAai 'tote; weeo d te chargrd for disability, 9S(,Md.

A Crent tain o f all kinds ofa r choictr m u r r s

'h'touw w rt BAAC s*rfi]-8 px.vcr tamock t

Oss of Ufa girl* at Ufa OtrVM ftlr at Wanhtakfao had ffarii beooght from * <ti*- tane* oft aooqast to her reoiarknble beian- ty but Ut* WeotUte prted unprbfltabiri tothe m*.t,»getr,tr,t aud uople**.nt to heiteff. Crowd* gatoerto nbovt her btaStli, aitii in- suiting remjtrlrs became ao frequent tb it

; abe’ wata corope lied to wfthdrow 'iA.ro you the American Liljr r* one mnis labrl '•'Ho.u ah« replied, '• but'-Ttt a Ugee lily.”

' Pt‘»0« out t e ateekid kaaura to t e - bfato hy * ( « t or two of Ayec't PiU*. and you will haro dearer teadaa* wail aa healthier M ite .

Wsoot a womua rahes oat iato t e yard, Mf eyea flublttg with execotlTe dw farmlfiaUoa, tnd ptriuu^apSec* of board to throw .rta two, it ta Intereatlag to aaa how quickly tU the cbiktrea ffaytag ia

[ Ufa rtcinltj will run ia frdbt to bee toprirent getUng hit.

-4-TXE 8IR V flliUM-z

O M iq U M A J L Y S r iT t n U M

t t e to cfate *<*'■ tiaani a.,

P ie*** f i l l and mw fnr y a n rsp lf

-----AT— ^


JUIIVAIE.‘MfCffKB rt» « Itfci U, jt# -yrm — --ft twassrdef** a. j «,? -♦ *. /r —* m*Mtor'Hntrom n h sMtaufafa<far,tata m m B im K jig r * " - t o t e . t e # * i n . j J / * ?!, f m* 04 |*Wwto #U- * * i- . *»Utwwto^tL. tifa¥*»».***>* -i t~*a*S t -r ( u ,1. *•

w, #, a(*, f •sitettdA8BiiJffg»,AtttoHlt.w

?k wcwwtoSwSwii'h

mwk a fto LO K a i o m mow m o a r a s L .

a t * n x n a a .


risRadfag tad Quttariag' 'OnwAw tat Owdar.

H ^ - te t h te •#*** .at f Aid « » c g |* t

9 * L o n o a a o w a ,sum « ..< u n * rAUi.M. r


. t l » >



Rockwell House Block(IX JD Pri P i T .T J J | , t .

l l —j f bn aal atfantiaa i a s T « t o -U-ETi nU ttte f AtklwRMfa Alsrift ^ to.RSEBh IRSHw

Kw e dsiRs3hrssAhsriss4StfEstistlwR fated -Ibr tha 'BndtCici Walcli Cte srbeI aJba# shJepIhhrAeA' AAscsA ss#( A*5osnr* vssiisr Ahriss Wsldkp

3 aaa nl*d a|*nt Ibr tha M aril an SHHsbdls , C asapaay’a anJ M rti d B n l i i 4a S ite * r la te l Warn, T tens

S l f a t e ^ I a ^ ^ n ^ SEteitartkm « f » w Piafad TaUa Ktofftfa te fa a te e itte a a t as u to iafly

■r*te tte war •fraatokfata* tee* •••* •* -


CL-nuwi. r o t KTO.tttfa*#.

_ „ . . . . J dteteteSMka Sai* m « .£ £ /

w tm aarowtfai m t e toy to wrott, »m • t e

ui© i ’n zftem te .fa te te itote* ttey jm SSR

mpj-.1* TKIUtV. frttto e .tfafaM*«wi

«5fa?SI5fa*fate ririi. fafaafa”-m toprtw atef twd fateMl0t( ESS. SBIMERdImR HYteSMRE


Ttourtli JmAMaI Dixtrfak.Ctori

to to'. ________ ,________ *•a k ria m ifafa ’mOjkaam ammrntm tmt 'L’kamifT'wmmm:* wml/nmwaasuor.EwssEICJEEiS MiiaiMMv -*.<-1, m-rr,-

- ^ ^ - - - te Y :t e ’ fate ^m a ti. ari^j faW 'tes h

HEB^4^Sw^RMSBUR# 1b5t^MRNFRrftv RmSNR mmm w tottaaaatafar i t e T e r t i t e to te a

te te fa te a tr riJ B * ■ n hi, ** w .C t»T to t e awrx. te to . Itag~rto, j/Fw*w|iPPMM>M* lMLY|MMiiMI HMy mYfa *m Mj^ttwln



ta^fa^teaimA^^ »ate a«*W' <to m * tt *fa dam-kfam atomda ■

smbby r£55n NrRp snnRmsE

Tlie ArguiF o r 1 8 8 3 .




F s u M M I n l l i l ,

T b SsR E oalk F « |« of ih« SUts l

sflltJ?5 S 5S S S S i 55 'gShESh YRMF SRlSS RMIB ^ 2E^^^^ijfe55SSSloiRH SSiF


ESrSburbI sSb

B k a B M S to te te f a ■ ta d 7

i U M B R M t e N T

r R S l i M .

“ ^ s r s r

ta a tM k ite a a a a a iiMtorHtaar ~- * ""’’ """ ■’ ' ' fnT “

amWILLA ALLEN, UlttfUti, XT,

t t m t e n r i r t e w i p t M

B n tiV th u h r tb t Msmytto TO T te


DEYaoODSittEEOWOHSiA. YHCNMAN, • • Qtefarit.

The Best 6c Cigar in the city

. »*' Vlhy b * yrotog man like a kernel to, ceres4 tsb'-l ayotiftg. I*».ly. t’fiecaafae/ mid tncAbir, 41* tuns* wblta when b*

rpopx*' 4^mrofa-wa««fafafa

i i l i l S i i iJ O® LM II !S’ TT N O ■

/*\F EVyRT iln^rr'j-tior -catJv tbciply Agfato rt fate tanr •xaeutri tt tbw Rireaui't* |

! ' :T M k ip y ot ISeOTrrorb t# trol'y * (****■ ,«*1 ■ro-?narob. Ft»dl«g that doring the '

favw a’rirtbet Abe *t»yal foottroaris wrfS euffctiBg greaily te® anl CK-tigbs, thia -g cd, ©id KsaUlfaUfa

' ofdered. .* to p p iy uf D r , tttift Cofagh

•feyrpp ,fdt Ufeotj And. now the aenSrita fan-huppy. ' | — —...... - •

(, -■"' ■ ■ ■ .- ■Viiiii.MiiiiMiw- - ( a Ccikti-a.’TO man who read t l the endA.'i Qnfat-om bio outkXik. : F rom behind , o f A friend * raiirr'iAjpo notice. ' 'No card*’’

tb* prtooft fan ,

Mfsssa- .ifefcn ri G u m m t ■ te-tawih* *irobt, y-,. akf ” SrCfWb't tffOft fiiittfa 'tot >«*».&»•' giving eonre mtltfactiPn to ouir. Cutto- asere.' . -. ... - . . .

NEUTRALIIIED.- fcfiBSifltllSriS/? >•

attarta wB fate w m tw H*wr «taa*N*-aH^ U A f a wm mNMY TYYYIPj qBMW r i t r t Mrritafa frtwaaaateta rtfa Mfaasro ^ f a ^ f a t e t e t a f t e fajrifa. (tetptaritea'<*»• itatetftfat toje jBm^aaptax tfffmteetttfafatutelirow ■"* ' • *«a«ri.wi*ti#lft**ero

_______i»mfS8B tefy g S ^ ftri_ fSSRERlRpRSRfSi. 'jrBB Sr*YmRRsEh-

m£imSimS3 $r RrtSSisSSs s HRewSiSSi ' attvn* tow nT3R5*5t a* tm «m*qfaMHds te n ^A'MtoB fartwq^^de MISm qMMi M NP .BN SB BY sRMY pBBSe # 0 BBHRu HftN RBRiB'

^ EwJsNi EH SRBSBBSiBR R SSmr ^ SSBRB■ iftliBS' ta pbSHrr S Sea smsIs Est o RaasE IWNWLNSiEmbUb—mnRrSnbrmEy brdmmnnEbbnr

tt ri -Mgte jm* S n -maS m '

-** - -


A CLUB SiSAKIZ&X W aiito d

A T B A C K YOtTOXnOK, T a s t e s G m * CpawnkrtiMH I # p ^ i , K i t e x tra espy vIR M t fa r C libd to Tea, a rnpf if Uto Hetti-W tedly far C ltte^ Twedty. utod cafJ rf'Ds BS Jb rC ln lM toflfty .

CHI— b S S SiiaAafa»w.iaaa» tfaTaFtejwnSi


M sg k Ya bacripfioBt. riavaaux pemcTLT ct .AnriiCfa

DAILY, par ymr. . W Jwttte af t e a lay BCrto*. *1

I«. t . . . !•

AtMeaaa ab urten toTHE AriOCa. COMR.t.VS,

41w( jaJBAXJi SLY.


S ^ T-

2HSSaroJ ^ g w


>lte Baprnt— to aw»»fa fate v wtmaaaTta mafiia mamwSwSmt f s a g e a a ^ a

law* ______________ IM -1 wSSew'C

i f a i t e a f a t e ffT iB tetaiw B tfitat . afaYAjteari.|XHtyaarr fari,

Y^M^^VB^dapqlna^ Y -^ p * te * U M » a » W x ,

1 aant bl» ’• • vchro d*ck hy th* Artt mail.


J ^ g ^ ^ i i & g e a :


l«HY. " O ltt AMPG h lto m .M W m JL& m

NNBBAmr,temw y*Ma,v.T,

* * 4!*n S S lft5S ^ " m t ,•»,»-«l<fa*l>S9 'IMfawitfaifa* B-BSJBgitSiaSrSar **w*“

te*rto»•»*•#•**.b*. Vab iaA.w.aad* BXW*bfataOrtat Aafaa»,...t. . .^ . .<.ygtm >p (a i

tOMafaatr WtouafaaM .jft*wjg*jtehrel^' Ltw, STS? tetefaw“ iRBBBfm F E bn. _

“ ( ta .M *te ta ta*

| 0 £ RicieRt,~XoV IriSttN

u N l)e lk * U Pecfnm ei jn

RoMMYQ't. g»!d by tU J

mt SFBfgiits in qupntltlHn

ta ttdt yarefeMen. ___J. LeROY PINC,

inaaiiM If fa p a n a wSkKV*. •mmrnmrnat

iu TMRCIi a a t 5 x MMLTIXCI.#KMbtRBiB rH HHeEIbi #bibb3Eb#ej

A t iB B a x k o o o o n


BSSHBriS- jgMatSSg*tetee i-tasa aa


? 3 * s£ J ._____ _

« S 2 a ® K gfait fail •aotfSw ^A*.

; a r* mktolfifa'aSttt!l?4S"*Y‘ ^ w a f i w B m■“J t a w s r f S 1%1

nsnpssftPafttM ito., vray.s.

wt» *pw»'rir!?»rStay,mww«^*J«

JtoPteStepaMrtfadB RfaMM fafaA 4mM ft »j2S.iSlUla g a ^^ jK g famri i k a n -- n w > - - -

w.^t«w», jT?- viaimt turowr *> f Pt*W,MU»HM tkii *«A ‘ ':ri —,,a'lfayrotant«w» *»■»*»*'?ui- y iycc

GEORGE E. LEMON,Aftwwr at - tmaumWt faitabrt. *f .*■•***• f a f a t e t e i * « iiiw » 1 » ’h