Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert

Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert

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Key Definitions for Benchmarking Improving ourselves by learning from others Admit that someone is better Measuring performance and processes against the best in class Comparing with others and learning lessons Others………

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Page 1: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert

Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective

Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve

Performance Mihail DimovskiSenior Expert

Page 2: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert


Aiming at Institutional Capacity and Performance

• Environmental authorities need to move from opportunistic evolution to strategic development with clear and reachable targets, beyond a single government life time

• The notion of “institution” is often associated with structures and organisation charts, while improved performance requires, first of all, reform of working methods and strategies

Page 3: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert


Key Definitions for Benchmarking

•Improving ourselves by learning from others•Admit that someone is better•Measuring performance and processes against the best in class•Comparing with others and learning lessons


Page 4: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert


Key Deffinitions for Benchmarking(2)• "Benchmarking is a tool to help you improve your

processes. Any process can be benchmarked.“

• "Benchmarking is the process of identifying, understanding, and adapting outstanding practices from organizations anywhere in the world to help your organization improve its performance."

• "Benchmarking is a highly respected practice in the business world. It is an activity that looks outward to find best practice and high performance and then measures actual operations against those goals."

Page 5: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert


Paradigm Blindness

Mode of thinking: The way we do things is the best because this is the way we have always done it!

Benchmarking overcomes PB – opens the organisation to new methods and ideas to improve effectiveness!

Question: Have you ever experienced PB

Page 6: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert


Learning from the Better• Identify examples of best practices nationally

and internationally• Learn from those who have achieved excellence• Acquire greater confidence• Improve quality and productivity

• Would you do that or you think you do things in the best possible way

Page 7: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert


Check How Far You Got• Improvement in measuring performance• Develop realistic targets for improvement• Monitor progress against cutting edge

organisations• Understand the big picture better and the

factors that make a best practices

Page 8: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert


Stimulate Staff to Keep Learning

• Encourage individual and organisational learning;

• Develop a culture of continuous improvement and willingness to learn;

• Introduce innovative solutions;

• Q: Is it important to involve staff in organisational learning/improvement?

Page 9: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert



To be able to benchmark and compare performances we need a set of clear, simple, reliable, measurable indicators!


• Mission• Vision• Ways of

preparing strategies

• Prioritization• Plans • What else?

Page 10: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert


Types of benchmarking

Page 11: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert


•Strategic – replacing old strategies, adapting to new situations;•Competitive – more valid for businesses;•Functional -

Other types of benchmarking….

Page 12: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert



When to use a certain type of benchmarking?

Page 13: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert


Steps in Benchmarking (1)Steps in benchmarking

Choose process

Form team Establish performance


Select partner Compare processes/performances

Plan for change Manage change

Collect data


Page 14: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert


•Choose process/function/performance•Form team•Establish performance measures•Select partner•Collect data•Compare processes/performances•Plan for change•Manage change•Repeat

Steps in Benchmarking (2)

Page 15: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert


•Suitable form of benchmarking•Clear focus•Management will•Relevant partner•Relevant team and resources (human, financial)•Suitable indicators/measurement•Precise conclusions•Realistic change plan•Management support to implement change

Critical Factors

Page 16: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert


• Lack of focus•Lack of management support•Wrong benchmarking partner from irrelevant context•Overambitious plan for change•Lack of clear responsibilities and support to implement change


Page 17: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert


Examples of Benchmarking in ECENAIndicators used for

BenchmarkingAction Improvement

Routine / non-routine inspection

1.Corection of The Plan of inspection.2.Frequency of inspection.3.Corection of permit conditions

1.Planning of inspection2.Efficiency of inspection3.Planning of budget for inspection

Planed / not-completed inspection

1.Assessment of time spent for inspection2.Technical recourse available3.Budget of inspectorate

1.Planning of inspection2.Technical equipment (vehicles, PS-s etc.)

Compliance / enforcement action / installations / sectors

1.Revision of frequency of inspection in “risk” sectors.2.Revision of permits

1.Better compliance2.Permiting system

Page 18: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert


Examples of Benchmarking in ECENAIndicators used for

BenchmarkingAction Improvement

Assessment of theefficiency of the AnnualPlan implementation

1.Efficiency assessment of inspectors body2.Personal assessment of each inspector

Institutional and personal improvement

Enforcing actions,Offence and Criminal charges

1.Assessment of Environmental Judicial System

Environmental Judicial System

Permitting system / quality of ambient air

1.ELV in permits Quality of ambient air

Page 19: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert


What can you benchmark? Ideas?

• 1)• 2)• 3)• 4)• 5)

• Please judge from your personal organisational point of view?

Page 20: Measuring Institutional Capacity for Effective Enforcement Experience from ECENA on Becnhamrking Tools to Improve Performance Mihail Dimovski Senior Expert


Among all technicalities we need Vision

If you want to build a shipdo not drum up people to gather timber.Do not divide the work or give orders.Instead, evoke their longing for the blue and endless sea

Antoine-Marie-Roger de Saint-Exupery

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