Subsidence Mapping in Harris County, Texas Water Levels 1973 Prepared by: Taryn Tigges CE 394K – GIS in Water Resources Fall 2012

Mean Water Levels 1973 - University of Texas at Austin · Add the Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolbox by right-clicking anywhere in the ArcToolbox window and selecting the Add Toolbox command

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Page 1: Mean Water Levels 1973 - University of Texas at Austin · Add the Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolbox by right-clicking anywhere in the ArcToolbox window and selecting the Add Toolbox command

Subsidence Mapping in Harris County, Texas

Water Levels 1973

Prepared by: Taryn Tigges CE 394K – GIS in Water Resources

Fall 2012

Copyright:© 2012 Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom

Mean Water Levels 1973

Legend (feet)


.5 -



.9 -



.9 -



.9 -



.9 -



.9 -



.9 -



.9 -



.9 -



99 -



99 -



99 -



01 -



1 - 6



1 - 9



1 - 1



1 - 1


0 7.5 15 22.5 303.75Miles O

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Table of Contents Project Background ...................................................................................................................................... 2

Subsidence and Compaction ..................................................................................................................... 3

Borehole Extensometers ........................................................................................................................... 4

Data Sources ................................................................................................................................................. 6

Base Maps ................................................................................................................................................. 6

Water Levels.............................................................................................................................................. 6

Clay Compaction Measurements .............................................................................................................. 6

Methods ........................................................................................................................................................ 7

Using Arc Hydro Groundwater .................................................................................................................. 7

Mapping Water Levels .............................................................................................................................. 7

Mapping Clay Compaction ...................................................................................................................... 14

Results......................................................................................................................................................... 18

Mapping Water Levels ............................................................................................................................ 18

Mapping Clay Compaction ...................................................................................................................... 23

Comparison of Clay Compaction Measurements and Water Levels ...................................................... 29

Summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 29

References .................................................................................................................................................. 30

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Project Background

The Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District was created in 1975 to control subsidence in the eastern coastal part of Texas that includes the greater Houston area and Galveston. This area has seen extensive subsidence mainly from groundwater pumping. Subsidence has increased the frequency and severity of flooding, damaged infrastructure, and caused substantial loss of wetland habitat. A visual example of the subsidence in the area is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: This pump in Baytown, Texas, was level with the surface of the ground when first installed. Image provided

by John M Sharp, PhD., at the University of Texas at Austin. The primary municipal groundwater sources in the Houston-Galveston region in the past century have been from the Chicot, Evangeline, and Jasper aquifers, which is a part of the Gulf Coast Aquifer system shown in Figure 2. Since 1973, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) have monitored water levels in the region along with clay compaction in Harris and Galveston Counties.

Figure 2: The Major Aquifers of Texas are shown above. Harris County is shown in orange overlying the

Gulf Coast Aquifer System.

Major Aquifers of Texas


Legend (feet)

0 100 200 300 40050Miles

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As shown in the cross section in Figure 3, several minor aquifers lie below Harris County and adjacent counties as part of the Gulf Coast Aquifer System. The Chicot aquifer is the topmost aquifer. All the aquifers in this region thicken and dip towards the coast.

Figure 3: The hydrogeologic cross secion A – A’ cuts through the Houston-Galveston region. Harris

County lies above the Jasper, Chicot, and Evangeline aquifers, which are a part of the Gulf Coast Aquifer.

Subsidence and Compaction Subsidence occurs when groundwater levels decrease in unconsolidated confined aquifers. When the potentiometric-surface declines, hydraulic pressure decreases, which creates a vertical load on the skeletal matrix of the sediments in the aquifer and adjacent confining units. Most aquifers are heterogeneous and contain an assortment of clay layers and sand layers. Clay layers are usually more affected by decreasing water levels than sand layers. Sand layers are more transmissive and allow water to pass through more easily. Clay layers have a low permeability and dewater more slowly than the sand layers. When a load is applied, the individual grains of the clay layers realign themselves to be perpendicular to the vertical force. This causes the clay layers to decrease in porosity, decrease in groundwater storage capacity, and compact. The amount of vertical stress, the hydraulic conductivity of the layers, and the thickness of the layers determine how much the layers compress. Approximately 90 percent of this compaction is permanent. Therefore, if the clay layers are repressurized, only a small amount of rebound occurs. Consequently, subsidence is measured by the compaction of the clay layers.

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Figure 4: The compaction process is shown in a sand, gravel, clay, and silt aquifer. The low permeability

units show greater compaction than the low permeability layers.

Borehole Extensometers Compaction is measured using borehole extensometers. The extensometers are installed by drilling a borehole to a specific depth, generally the depth of the expected water-level decline. A steel outer casing added to the borehole. The extensometer pipe is then inserted into the outer casing. Next, a concrete slab is poured at the surface. A steel table is attached to the slab and an analog recorder is mounted to the table and connected to the top of the inner pipe. Borehole extensometers are designed to help eliminate the continuous shrinking and swelling of the clayey surficial sediments associated with soil-moisture changes. Changes in land-surface altitude are recorded to measure cumulative compaction.

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Figure 5: The cross-section of the borehole extensometer in Pasadena, Texas [LJ-65-322] is shown. All

depths are referenced to land surface.

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Data Sources

Base Maps The shapefile for the counties of Texas was obtained from Geospatial Data Gateway, which contains county shapefiles under NRCS Counties by State. The counties for Texas were downloaded and then Harris County was isolated in a separate layer in ArcMap. Harris County lies above the Jasper, Chicot, and Evangeline aquifers, which are a part of the Gulf Coast Aquifer. Shapefiles of the major aquifers of Texas, including the Gulf Coast Aquifer, can be found at the TWDB website.

Water Levels Groundwater Database Reports were obtained from the TWDB website. For Harris County, the “Well Data Table” and “Water Level Table” were downloaded as comma-delimited text files. These tables contain data on the GIS coordinates of the wells and the water levels recorded in each well as far back as 1921. Water levels from the TWDB have more monitoring points compared to water levels from the USGS. However, the TWDB does not provide clay compaction measurements.

Clay Compaction Measurements The USGS and Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District have been tracking subsidence at 13 different borehole extensometers at 11 sites. Values are given in terms of cumulative clay compaction, which corresponds to subsidence. Out of the 13 extensometers, 12 are located in Harris County. Extensometer Number and Site Name were obtained from the report “Water-Level Altitudes 2012 and Water-Level Changes in the Chicot, Evangeline, and Jasper Aquifers and Compaction 1973–2011 in the Chicot and Evangeline Aquifers, Houston–Galveston Region, Texas.” The companion files for the report (specifically, Tables 4A – 4L of the USGS report) contain the USGS site number and compaction numbers since installation for each extensometer. The extensometers are listed in Table 6 in the Methods section of this report. No data is given for extensometer LJ–65–32–424, which is the second site at Clear Lake. Therefore, 11 extensometers are used for this study. According to the USGS report, this site is not included because measurements at both Clear Lake sites are similar. The latitude and longitude (NAD27), associated aquifers, and other useful information about each site, can be found at on the USGS website by going to the Groundwater Watch page for Harris County, Texas, and clicking on the site number. The extensometers that measure compaction of the Chicot aquifer are East End [LJ–65–22–622], Johnson Space Center [LJ–65–32–401], Baytown C–1 [LJ–65–16–930], and Seabrook [LJ–65–32–625]. The extensometers that measure compaction of the Chicot and Evangeline aquifers are Lake Houston [LJ–65–07–909], Northeast [LJ–65–14–746], Southwest [LJ–65–21–226], Addicks [LJ–65–12–726], Baytown C–2 [LJ–65–16–931], Clear Lake [LJ–65–32–428], and Pasadena [LJ–65–23–322].

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Methods The section provides, in detail, the steps taken to create rasters of groundwater levels and clay compaction in Harris County, Texas, using ArcGIS.

Using Arc Hydro Groundwater For this project, Groundwater Analyst in Arc Hydro Groundwater is required. The steps to configure Arc Hydro Groundwater Tools are given below.

1. Add the Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolbox by right-clicking anywhere in the ArcToolbox window and selecting the Add Toolbox command. In the Catalog browse to System Toolboxes and open Arc Hydro Groundwater Tools.

2. Load the Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolbar by right clicking on any visible toolbar and selecting the toolbar.

Since geoprocessing tools are being used, set the tools to overwrite outputs by default, and automatically add results to the map.

1. Select Geoprocessing Geoprocessing Options Geoprocessing tab. 2. Activate Overwrite the outputs of geoprocessing operations. 3. Activate Add results of geoprocessing operations to the display.

Mapping Water Levels

Figure 6: An overview of the steps to create water level maps is shown in a diagram.

Create the GeoDatabase

1. Create a GeoDatabase called “Harris_Wells” and a feature dataset class called “Data” with the Geographic Coordinate System “GCS_North_American_1983” and the Datum “D_North_American_1983.”

2. Create “Wells” point feature class within “Data.”

Obtain and format data

Create geodatabase

Import wells and water level


Distinguish well types

Assign HydroIDs Create transient data feature set

Create Graphs of Transient Clay Compaction


Create Time Series Statistics

for Specific Time Intervals

Interpolate water levels to create


Create animation of water level


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3. Add fields to “Wells”: “HydroID” as type Long, “AquiferID” as type Long, “HydroCode” as type String, “AquiferCode” as type String, “LandElev” as type Double, “WellDepth” as type Double, “HGUID” as type Long, and “FType” as type String.

4. Create a “TimeSeries” table within the geodatabase. 5. Add fields to “TimeSeries”: “FeatureID” as type Long, “VarID” as type Long, “TsTime” as type

Date, “UTCOffset” as type Long, “TsValue” as type Double, “Elevation” as type Double, and “TsValue_Normalized” as type Double.

Import County Data 1. Add the shapefile “county_nrcs_a_tx” to the map. This is the name given to the file from

Geospatial Data Gateway. 2. In the Attribute Table of “county_nrcs_a_tx” use Select by Attributes to choose “COUNTYNAME”

= “Harris”. 3. With Harris county selected, right click on “county_nrcs_a_tx” and go to “Selection” then

“Create Layer From Selected Features”.

Import Well Data 1. Use the Text Import command on the Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolbar. 2. In the Harris County folder, select and open the “HarrisCo_Well_Data.txt” file (downloaded from

the TWDB). At the top of the File Import Wizard, turn on the Comma toggle and turn off the Space toggle in the column delimiters section. Turn off the Treat consecutive delimiters as one toggle. Turn on the Heading row toggle. This indicates that the first row contains headers for the data. The columns for the table (directly from the USGS) include “state_well_number”, “lat_dec”, “long_dec”, “aquifer_id1”, “elev_of_lsd”, “well_type”, “well_depth”, and other data.

Figure 7: Data is imported using the Text Import command in the Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolbox. The

first step of the import wizard is shown.

3. Select the Next button to go to the next step of the wizard. 4. Select “Wells” in the Create Features/Rows in: combo box. 5. In the first column with a Header value = “state_well_number”, double-click on the <not

mapped> item in the Type row, and select “HydroCode”. 6. Repeat the previous step to create the following relationships:

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Table 1: Text import relationships

Header Type

state_well_number HydroCode lat_dec Y long_dec X aquifer_id1 AquiferCode elev_of_lsd LandElev well_type FType well_depth WellDepth

7. Select the Finish button to complete the import process and see wells on the map.

Distinguish Well types

1. In the Table of Contents, right-click on the Well layer and select the Properties command. 2. Select Symbology Categories Unique Values. 3. Choose “FType” as the value field and click the Add All Values button.

Assign HydroIDs HydroIDs are used as unique identifier across the entire geodatabase.

1. Right-click on the “Wells” layer in the ArcMap Table of Contents window and select Open Attribute Table.

2. Right-click on the “HydroID” field and select the Field Calculator command. 3. Set “HydroID” equal to “HydroCode”.

Add Time Series Data

1. Reformat the “HarrisCo_Water_Levels.txt” file (downloaded from the TWDB) by copying and pasting the file into Excel as a comma delimited text file. When importing the file activate the Comma toggle, the Tab toggle, and the Skip Leading Delimiters toggle. Turn off any other toggles.

2. Create another column in Excel called “Date”. 3. In the first row under the header in the “Date” column, use the Excel command

DATE(year,month,day) to turn the 3 separate year, month, and day columns into one date column.

4. Save the Excel file as “HarrisCOWL” and paste the file into Notepad to create another text file. Save the text file as “HarrisCOWL.txt”. The table should now contain columns of “state_well_number”, “depth_from_lsd”, “Date”, and other data.

5. Back in ArcMap, open the Text Import Wizard. 6. Open “HarrisCOWL.txt”. 7. Turn on the Tab toggle and the Heading row toggle. Turn off any other toggles. 8. Select the Next button. 9. Make sure that the “TimeSeries” option is selected. 10. Double-click on the <not mapped> items in the Type row and create the following relationships

as shown in Table 2.

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Table 2: Text import relationships

Header Type

state_well_number FeatureID depth_from_lsd TsValue Date TsTime

11. Click Finish to exit the wizard. 12. Next, open the “TimeSeries” table. 13. Right-click on the “VarID” field in “TimeSeries” table and select the Field Calculator command. 14. Click Yes at the warning. 15. Enter “1” in the bottom part of the Field Calculator to have all “VarID” values equal to 1. 16. Close the “TimeSeries” table then right-click on the table and select Joins and Relates Join. 17. Select “FeatureID” for 1, “Wells” for 2, and “HydroID” for 3. 18. Click on the OK button to complete the join. 19. Next, right-click on the “TimeSeries” table and select the Open command. 20. Right-click on the “TsValue_normalized” field and select the Field Calculator command. 21. Enter the expression “[Well.LandElev] + [TimeSeries.TsValue]”. 22. Click OK to complete the operation. 23. Remove the join.

Create a Transient Data Feature Set

1. Open the Make Time Series Statistics tool in Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolbox Groundwater Analyst.

2. Enter the inputs as shown in Figure 8. For the Output Feature Class option, save the new feature class as “water_level_all” in the “Harris_wells” geodatabase.

Figure 8: Make Time Series Statistics Tool

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3. Click OK to execute the tool to see a new set of wells displayed on the map. 4. Right-click on the “water_level_all” layer and select Properties. 5. Select Symbology Quantities Graduated Colors. 6. Change Value to FREQUENCY and change the Classes setting to 4. Change Symbol sizes to 4.0,

6.0, 8.0, and 10.0. Create Time Series Statistics for a Specific Time Interval The next steps include creating mean water levels measured over specific time intervals.

1. Open the Make Time Series Statistics tool 2. Enter the inputs as shown in Figure 9. Save the Output Feature Class in the geodatabase. 3. Click OK to execute the tool. The steps in Time Series Statistics for a Specific Time Interval can be

repeated for multiple time intervals.

Figure 9: Make Time Series Statistics Tool

Interpolate Water Levels Next, the values for each time interval are interpolated to a raster generate a map of water levels of Harris County.

1. Open ArcToolbox Spatial Analyst Tools Interpolation IDW. 2. Enter the inputs shown in Figure 19. Set the location of the raster such that it is one level above

the geodatabase so that the next step will not result in an error.

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Figure 10: IDW interpolation input parameters

3. Click on Environments. 4. Under Processing Extent change the Extent option to Same as layer county_nrcs_a_tx selection.

This will cause the interpolation to extend out the limits of a rectangle including all of Harris County.

5. Scroll down and expand the Raster Analysis Settings section and change the Mask option to layer county_nrcs_a_tx selection. This will clip the raster to the actual boundary of Harris County.

6. Select the OK button to exit the Environment Settings dialog and then to execute the IDW tool. 7. For raster symbology, use “Classified. If rasters are going to be compared change the number

and value of intervals manually. Set display to “Bilinear Interpolation (for continuous data).” Create a Model Since multiple rasters are being created, create a model to automate the process.

1. The first step in creating a model is to add a new toolbox in Arc Toolbox. Right clicking anywhere in the window and select Add Toolbox and open New Toolbox.

2. After the new toolbox is added, right click and select New Model. 3. Add Make Time Series Statistics to the model by dragging the tool for Arc Toolbox or from the

Results tab. The model in the Results tab will have already defined parameters. 4. In the model right click on Make Time Series Statistics and select Make Variable From

Parameter Start Date. 5. Repeat step 4 for End Date and then Output. 6. Select Auto Layout to display the parameters in an orderly way. 7. Right click on Start Date and select Model Parameter. A “P” will appear. 8. Repeat step 7 for End Date and then Output.

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Figure 11: Using model building in ArcMap to automate a process

9. Double click on the Make Time Series Statistics tool in the model specify the other parameters. 10. Save the model and next time it is reopened the Start Date, End Date, and Output Feature Class

parameters exposed as input parameters. 11. To create transient feature sets of multiple time periods, create a Batch. Right click on the

model and select Batch. Input the desired time periods and click OK. Create an Animation

1. Add the Animation Toolbar. 2. Under Animation select Create Group Animation. 3. Leave the defaults and select OK. 4. Open Animation Controls. 5. Under Play Options activate By Number of Frames. Also check the “Play only from” box to select

the specific frames to include in the video. The frames for the animation of water levels are the 6 water level layers with data from 1980 to 2011. These dates are shown in Table 3.

6. Under Animation select Export Animation and export as a “.avi” file. Although the animation cannot be included in this report, the frames of the resulting animation are displayed in the Results section.

Table 3: Time intervals used to create rasters used in animation

Interval Dates

1 1/1/1980 – 12/31/1984 2 1/1/1985 – 12/31/1989 3 1/1/1990 – 12/31/1994 4 1/1/1995 – 12/31/1999 5 1/1/2000 – 12/31/2004 6 1/1/2005 – 12/31/2011

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Mapping Clay Compaction The second half of this study is to map subsidence across Harris County. The data for clay compaction comes from a different source than data for water levels. Therefore, the first part of the process of formatting and importing clay compaction measurements differs from formatting and importing water level measurements. The remaining steps of creating rasters are similar.

Figure 12: An overview of the steps to create subsidence maps is shown in a diagram.

Create and Project a Feature Class of Borehole Extensometer locations

1. Using the data obtained from the USGS, compile a spreadsheet in Excel of borehole extensometer locations. This spreadsheet is shown in Table 4.

Table 4: Borehole Extensometer Data

USGS Site Number Extensometer Number

Site Name Latitude (NAD27)

Longitude (NAD27)

Latitude DD

Longitude DD

Local Aquifer

294527095014911 LJ-65-16-931 Baytown C-2 29⁰ 45' 27.3" 95⁰ 01' 49.9" 29.7576 -95.0305 Evangaline

294206095162601 LJ-65-22-622 East End 29° 42' 06.2" 95° 16' 26.6" 29.7851 -95.2741 Evangaline

294527095014910 LJ-65-16-930 Baytown C-1 29° 45' 27.5" 95° 01' 49.0" 29.7576 -95.0303 Chicot

293352095011601 LJ-65-32-625 Seabrook 29° 33' 52.2" 95° 01' 16.6" 29.5645 -95.0213 Evangaline

293306095054101 LJ-65-32-401 Johnson Space Center

29° 33' 06.7" 95° 05' 45.7" 29.5519 -95.0960 Evangaline

294726095351102 LJ-65-12-726 Addicks 29° 47' 26.5" 95° 35' 10.1" 29.7907 -95.5861 Evangaline

294237095093204 LJ-65-23-322 Pasadena 29° 42' 35.5" 95° 09' 32.7" 29.7099 -95.1591 Evangaline

293348095070604 LJ-65-32-428 Clear Lake (Deep)

29° 33' 48.3" 95° 07' 08.2" 29.5634 -95.1189 Evangaline

295449095084105 LJ-65-07-909 Lake Houston 29° 54' 47.6" 95° 08' 43.9" 29.9132 -95.1455 Evangaline

294728095200106 LJ-65-14-746 Northeast 29° 47' 27.2" 95° 20' 02.3" 29.7909 -95.3340 Evangaline

294338095270402 LJ-65-21-226 Southwest 29° 43' 37.2" 95° 27' 02.8" 29.7270 -95.4508 Evangaline

Obtain and format data

Create geodatabase

Import monitoring points and clay

compaction measurements

Create transient data feature set

Create Graphs of Transient Clay Compaction


Create Time Series Statistics for Specific

Time Intervals

Interpolate Clay Compaction

Measurements to create rasters

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2. Add the Excel table to ArcMap by using the Add Data button. When adding the Excel spreadsheet, select the individual worksheet within the spreadsheet.

3. Right click on the new table “Sheet1$”, and select Display XY Data. Set the X Field to Longitude (in decimal degrees) and the Y Field to Latitude (in decimal degrees). Click Edit to change the spatial coordinate system. Since the coordinates are given in NAD27, select GCS_North_American_1927.

4. Click Ok and the borehole extensometer locations show up on the map. Create the GeoDatabase

1. Create a GeoDatabase called “Harris_Compaction” and a feature dataset class called “Data” with the Geographic Coordinate System “GCS_North_American_1983” and the Datum “D_North_American_1983.”

2. Create a feature class out of the points. Right click on the “Sheet1$ Events” layer and export the data into the “Data” feature dataset as the feature class “CompactionPts”. Add the points to your map. ArcGIS does the map projection automatically as part of the data export process.

3. Create a table for all points that will include normalized compaction values. Call the table “timecompall” and create the table within the geodatabase. Add the following fields:

Table 5: Fields needed for table of transient compaction values

Field Type

Ex_Number Text VarID Long MDate Date USGS_Number Double Compaction1973 Double Compaction1974 Double Compaction1975 Double Compaction1976 Double Compaction1980 Double

Normalize data for each year a new extensometer was added

1. Create a table of extensometer compaction recordings by combing the 11 tables from the supplemental data for the USGS report into one Excel spreadsheet. Name the Excel table “Clay Compaction Normalized.” This Excel table has 5310 measurements total from all extensometers.

2. The compaction measurements will not have to be normalized using land elevation as for the water level measurements. However, the data will need to be normalized using the date of activation. Each compaction measurement starts at 0 at the time the extensometer was activated. The first step in creating the normalized values is to find the difference between each consecutive extensometer measurement.

3. Extensometers were installed and activated in 5 different years between 1973 and 1980. Therefore, the next step is to create 5 columns of clay compaction measurements. If the extensometer was not installed at a specific year, the values for that extensometer are marked as null. However, for each year a new extensometer was activated, all values of active extensometers were set to zero. Cumulative values were then calculated until the end of 2011 using the difference column. The extensometer and activation year are shown in Table 6.

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Table 6: Borehole extensometers in Harris County

Borehole Extensometer Year of


LJ–65–22–622 (East End) LJ–65–16–930 (Baytown C–1) LJ–65–16–931 (Baytown C–2)

LJ–65–32–625 (Seabrook) LJ–65–32–401 (Johnson Space Center)


LJ–65–12–726 (Addicks) 1974 LJ–65–23–322 (Pasadena) 1975 LJ–65–32–428 (Clear Lake) 1976

LJ–65–07–909 (Lake Houston) LJ–65–14–746 (Northeast) LJ–65–21–226 (Southwest


The columns for the Excel table are “USGS_Site_Number”, “Ex_Number”, “Measurement Date”, “Compaction (feet)”, “Compaction Diff”, “1974 Normalized Compaction”, “1975 Normalized Compaction”, “1976 Normalized Compaction”, and “1980 Normalized Compaction”.

4. Turn the “Clay Compaction Normalized” Excel table into text file by copying and pasting into Notepad and saving as “.txt”.

Import Clay Compaction Measurements Now that we have imported the monitoring features, we are ready to import transient clay compaction measurements into a table. Each record in the table will represent a clay compaction measurement at a particular monitoring point at a particular time. The records in the table will be related to the wells using the “USGS_Site_Number” field.

1. In the AHGW Toolbar, select the Arc Hydro GW Text Import command. Select and open the text file. Turn on the tab toggle and turn off the other delimiter types. Turn off the Treat consecutive delimiters as one toggle, and turn on the Heading row toggle. Select the Next button. Make sure that “timecompall” is selected. Double-click on the <not mapped> items in the Type row and create the following relationships:

Table 7: Text Import specifications

Header Type Ex_Number Ex_Number MeasurementDate MDate USGS_Site_Number USGS_Number Compaction (feet) Compaction1973 1974 Normalized Compaction Compaction1974 1975 Normalized Compaction Compaction1975 1976 Normalized Compaction Compaction1976 1980 Normalized Compaction Compaction1980

2. Click Finish to exit the wizard. 3. Next, open the “timecompall” table. 4. Right-click on the “VarID” field and select the Field Calculator command. 5. Click Yes at the warning.

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6. Enter “1” in the bottom part of the Field Calculator to have all “VarID” values equal to 1.

Create a Transient Data Feature Set 1. Double-click on the Make Time Series Statistics tool in the AHGW Toolbox Groundwater

Analyst toolset. 2. Enter the inputs as shown in the Figure below. Be sure to specify the value field using data from

the appropriate set of extensometers. Save the output in the “Harris_Compaction” geodatabase. Type TimePts”Years” (“Years” is 1973, 1974, 1980 – 1984 etc.) as the name of the new feature class.

Figure 13: Make Time Series Statistics Tool

3. Click OK to execute the tool. 4. Create a map of the frequency of measurements in a similar manner as a map of the frequency

of measurements was created for water levels. Interpolate Clay Compaction Measurements Use the IDW tool to interpolate clay compaction measurements in a similar manner as was used to interpolate water levels. The IDW tool is found in ArcToolbox Spatial Analyst Tools Interpolation. For the “Z-value field” use “MEAN_Compaction.” Create an Animation An animation can be created for clay compaction rasters with the animation tools used previously for water level rasters.

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Results Mapping Water Levels Well Types in Harris County The TWDB Board uses single character codes to identify well types. The codes used in the wells in Harris County are M, O, P, R, S, T, and W and represent the well types given in Table 8.

Table 8: Types of monitoring wells in Harris County

Code Well Type

M Mine O Observation P Oil or Gas R Recharge S Spring T Test hole W Withdrawal

In Harris County, there are 15 mine wells, 13 observation wells, 16 oil and gas wells, 1 recharge well, 1 spring well, 26 test hole wells, and 3275 withdrawal wells. Although well fluxes are not given, the map shown in Figure 14 supports the theory that groundwater pumping is a leading case of subsidence in Harris County. Notice that most of the wells are withdrawal (W) wells.

Figure 14: Distinguishing monitoring wells

Well Types in Harris County



0 7.5 15 22.5 303.75Miles


Page 20: Mean Water Levels 1973 - University of Texas at Austin · Add the Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolbox by right-clicking anywhere in the ArcToolbox window and selecting the Add Toolbox command


Frequency of Measurements Figure 15 demonstrates that some monitoring points measured water levels more frequently than others. All points are used in this study. Later, this map is compared to the frequency of clay compaction measurements. Although there are less monitoring points for subsidence measurements, subsidence measurements are more frequent than water level measurements.

Figure 15: Number of transient water level values per well

Frequency of Water Level Measurements



1 - 3


31 -



- 317


- 769

0 7.5 15 22.5 303.75Miles


Page 21: Mean Water Levels 1973 - University of Texas at Austin · Add the Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolbox by right-clicking anywhere in the ArcToolbox window and selecting the Add Toolbox command


Water Level Rasters Figure 16 shows a map of the water levels in 1973. Notice how the lowest water levels are near Houston and are between elevations of -350 ft to -300 ft.

Figure 16: Water levels in Harris County in 1973

Copyright:© 2012 Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom

Mean Water Levels 1973

Legend (feet)


.5 -



.9 -



.9 -



.9 -



.9 -



.9 -



.9 -



.9 -



.9 -



99 -



99 -



99 -



01 -



1 - 6



1 - 9



1 - 1



1 - 1


0 7.5 15 22.5 303.75Miles O

Page 22: Mean Water Levels 1973 - University of Texas at Austin · Add the Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolbox by right-clicking anywhere in the ArcToolbox window and selecting the Add Toolbox command


Figure 17 shows a map of the water levels in Harris County in 2011. One of the possible explanations for the shift in low water level areas is that Houston used to be highly pumped for groundwater and now the rural areas are starting to see an increase in pumping as well. Also, the lowest water levels are now at elevations between -240 and -274 ft. There has been an improvement in water levels since the implementation of the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District.

Figure 17: Water levels in Harris County in 2011

Copyright:© 2012 Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom

Mean Water Levels 2011

Legend (feet)


- -2



.9 -



.9 -



.9 -



.9 -



.9 -



.9 -



99 -



99 -



99 -



01 -



1 - 6



1 - 9



1 - 1



1 - 1


0 7.5 15 22.5 303.75Miles O

Page 23: Mean Water Levels 1973 - University of Texas at Austin · Add the Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolbox by right-clicking anywhere in the ArcToolbox window and selecting the Add Toolbox command


Figure 18 displays maps of water levels starting at 1980 and ending at 2011. This time period was chosen because not all monitoring points were installed or activated until 1980. There is a slight shift in the center of the light blue areas to the northeast. Also, the center of the map is more accurate than the outer edges because the monitoring points are located within Harris County.

Figure 18: Time series of rasters of water levels in Harris County from 1980 to 2011

1980 - 1984 1985 - 1989 1990 - 1994

1995 - 1999 2000 - 2004 2005 - 2011

Mean Water Levels 1980 - 1984

Legend (feet)


.0 -




.5 -




.0 -




.5 -




.0 -




.5 -




0 - -



- 49



- 99



- 15


O0 7.5 15 22.5 303.75Miles

Page 24: Mean Water Levels 1973 - University of Texas at Austin · Add the Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolbox by right-clicking anywhere in the ArcToolbox window and selecting the Add Toolbox command


Mapping Clay Compaction Frequency of Measurements One large difference in data between water levels and clay compaction is both the number and frequency of monitoring points. There are less monitoring points for clay compaction but the measurements are generally more frequent.

Figure 19: Number of transient clay compaction values per borehole extensometer

Frequency of Clay Compaction Measurements


Legend (feet)

0 7 14 21 283.5Miles




- 412


- 488


- 513


- 572

Page 25: Mean Water Levels 1973 - University of Texas at Austin · Add the Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolbox by right-clicking anywhere in the ArcToolbox window and selecting the Add Toolbox command


Clay Compaction Rasters Table 7 shows the years each borehole extensometer was activated. Figure 20 displays the location of each borehole extensometer.

Figure 20: Over an 8 year period in 5 different years, 11 borehole extensometer were installed and

activated in Harris County The first borehole extensometers were activated in 1973. A mean of a set of cumulative values of Clay Compaction for 1973 is shown in Figure 21(a). A raster of mean compaction values for each year a borehole extensometer was activated is shown in Figure 21(a – e). These years are 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, and 1980. The values shown in the rasters become progressively more accurate as borehole extensometers are added. For Figure 21(a – e), the mean compaction for each year is from cumulative data points over the entire year. However, the mean compaction between years is not cumulative. Out of these 5 years the most compaction occurs in 1973 followed by 1980, 1976, 1974, and 1975.













East End



Baytown C-1Baytown C-2

Lake Houston

Clear Lake (Deep)

Johnson Space Center

Borehole Extensometers in Harris County

O0 7 14 21 283.5Miles

Page 26: Mean Water Levels 1973 - University of Texas at Austin · Add the Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolbox by right-clicking anywhere in the ArcToolbox window and selecting the Add Toolbox command


(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Mean Clay Compaction 1973

OLegend (feet)

0.025383428 - 0.163710846

0.163710846 - 0.302038264

0.302038264 - 0.440365682

0.440365682 - 0.5786931

0.5786931 - 0.717020518

0.717020518 - 0.855347936

0.855347936 - 0.993675355

0.993675355 - 1.132002773

1.132002774 - 1.270330191

0 7 14 21 283.5Miles

Mean Clay Compaction 1974

OLegend (feet)

0.011565998 - 0.018222781

0.018222781 - 0.024879563

0.024879563 - 0.031536346

0.031536346 - 0.038193128

0.038193128 - 0.044849911

0.044849911 - 0.051506693

0.051506693 - 0.058163476

0.058163476 - 0.064820258

0.064820258 - 0.071477041

0 7 14 21 283.5Miles

Mean Clay Compaction 1975

OLegend (feet)

0.016741902 - 0.020781622

0.020781622 - 0.024821343

0.024821343 - 0.028861063

0.028861063 - 0.032900784

0.032900784 - 0.036940505

0.036940505 - 0.040980225

0.040980225 - 0.045019946

0.045019946 - 0.049059667

0.049059667 - 0.053099387

0 7 14 21 283.5Miles

Mean Clay Compaction 1976

O0 7 14 21 283.5

Miles Legend (feet)

0.027477875 - 0.033068534

0.033068534 - 0.038659192

0.038659192 - 0.04424985

0.04424985 - 0.049840508

0.049840508 - 0.055431166

0.055431166 - 0.061021825

0.061021825 - 0.066612483

0.066612483 - 0.072203141

0.072203141 - 0.077793799

Page 27: Mean Water Levels 1973 - University of Texas at Austin · Add the Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolbox by right-clicking anywhere in the ArcToolbox window and selecting the Add Toolbox command



Figure 21 (a – e): Mean compaction values for each year a borehole extensometer was activated

Mean Clay Compaction 1980

O0 7 14 21 283.5

Miles Legend (feet)

0.013484065 - 0.022029669

0.022029669 - 0.030575272

0.030575272 - 0.039120876

0.039120876 - 0.047666479

0.047666479 - 0.056212083

0.056212083 - 0.064757686

0.064757686 - 0.07330329

0.07330329 - 0.081848893

0.081848893 - 0.090394497

Page 28: Mean Water Levels 1973 - University of Texas at Austin · Add the Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolbox by right-clicking anywhere in the ArcToolbox window and selecting the Add Toolbox command


Figure 22 shows the mean compaction for the year 2011, cumulative since 1973. Although water levels are better managed, there is still and increase in clay compaction since 1973. The increase in water levels only slowed the rate of compaction. Additionally, the area of lowest water levels in Harris County has shifted to be northwest of Houston and this area is experiencing a relatively large amount of compaction. As mentioned previously, approximately 90 percent of compaction is permanent.

Figure 22: Mean compaction for the year 2011, cumulative since 1973

Copyright:© 2012 Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom

Mean Clay Compaction 2011

OLegend (feet)


2 - 0



6 - 0



9 - 1



- 1.



- 1.



- 1.



- 1.



- 2.



- 2.



- 2.



- 2.



- 2.



- 3.



- 3.



- 3.


0 7 14 21 283.5Miles

Page 29: Mean Water Levels 1973 - University of Texas at Austin · Add the Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolbox by right-clicking anywhere in the ArcToolbox window and selecting the Add Toolbox command


Below, the cumulative mean compaction measurements since 1980 are compared in five year intervals. The last borehole extensometer was activated in 1980, therefore the following maps display data interpolated from the 11 borehole extensometers used in this project. The compaction recorded by each extensometer has been normalized to start at zero in 1980.

Figure 23: Time series of subsidence in Harris County from 1980 to 2011, cumulative since 1980

As shown in the above maps, subsidence has increased since 1973 up to approximately 3.5 feet. According to Kasmarkek et al. (2010), 77 – 97 percent of the subsidence in the Houston-Galveston region occurred before the installation and activation of the extensometers in 1973. The rate and amount of subsurface sediment compaction varied from site to site because the groundwater withdrawal rates varied from site to site. Additionally, the ratio of clay to sand in the underlying sediments varies from site to site.

1980 - 1984 1985 - 1989 1990 - 1994

1995 - 1999 2000 - 2004 2005 - 2011

Mean Clay Compaction 2005 - 2011

O0 7 14 21 283.5


Legend (feet)


- 0.2


- 0.4


- 0.6


- 0.8


- 1


- 1.2


- 1.4


- 1.6


- 1.8


- 2


- 2.2


- 2.4


- 2.6


- 2.8


- 3

Page 30: Mean Water Levels 1973 - University of Texas at Austin · Add the Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolbox by right-clicking anywhere in the ArcToolbox window and selecting the Add Toolbox command


Comparison of Clay Compaction Measurements and Water Levels

Figure 24: Water levels and subsidence in Harris County in 1973 and 2011

Visually, there is some correlation between water levels and subsidence. This correlation is especially noticeable in the lighter, lower level, areas in 2011. As the water levels rise from 1973 to 2011 and the hydrostatic pressure increases, the rates of compaction decrease. Additionally, the area to the northwest of Houston shows a considerable amount of compaction and this correlates with the observation that the lowest water levels are in the area to the northwest of Houston. In 1973, although Houston is the area with the lowest water levels, the area to the southeast of Houston has the most compaction. This may be because the ratio of clay to sand in the underlying aquifer systems is greater to the southeast of Houston. However, calculating this ratio is not covered in this study and this statement can only be hypothesized.

Summary This study found that water management, including the creation of the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District, has helped Harris County increase groundwater levels since 1973. Houston has especially seen a large increase in water levels since 1973. However, this increase in groundwater levels only slowed the rate of compaction. Additionally, the area of lowest water levels in Harris County has shifted to be northwest of Houston and this area is experiencing a relatively large amount of compaction. The maps created for 2011 show subsidence has increased across Harris County since 1973. Additionally, in gathering data for this study, it was found that more data exists for water level measurements than for subsidence measurements. This study shows that groundwater levels and subsidence are related and this can be visualized using ArcGIS.

1973 & 2011

Page 31: Mean Water Levels 1973 - University of Texas at Austin · Add the Arc Hydro Groundwater Toolbox by right-clicking anywhere in the ArcToolbox window and selecting the Add Toolbox command



Aquaveo. 2012. “Arc Hydro Groundwater Tutorials: Wells and Time Series.” Accessed at http://ahgw.aquaveo.com/Wells_and_Time_Series.pdf “Groundwater Database Reports.” 2012. Texas Water Development Board. Accessed at http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/groundwater/data/gwdbrpt.asp#H “Groundwater Watch Monitoring Sites” .2012. Accessed at http://groundwaterwatch.usgs.gov/countymaps/TX_201.html Kasmarek, M.C., Johnson, M.R., and J.K. Ramage. 2012. Water-level altitudes 2012 and water-level changes in the Chicot, Evangeline, and Jasper aquifers and compaction 1973–2011 in the Chicot and Evangeline aquifers, Houston–Galveston region, Texas: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3230, 18 p., 16 sheets. Kasmarek, M.C., Gabrysch, R.K., and M.R. Johnson. 2010. Estimated land-surface subsidence in Harris, Texas, 1915–17 to 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3097, 2 sheets. Major Aquifers [shapefile]. 2012. Texas Water Development Board. Available: http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/mapping/gisdata.asp NRCS Counties by State [shapefile]. 2012. United States Department of Agriculture Geospatial Data Gateway. Available: http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov