Coming Events 1 Oth Convention September, 1959 Detroit, Michigan me Jpa n i c ft r Official Organ Croatian Fraternal Union of America Established 1929 ENGLISH SECTION SEVEN PAGES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 195 » PAGE SCC FOUNDATION FETE NETS S3,500 PLUS Zlatko Balokovic Contributes *i,oooSan Francisco Scene Feb. 21-22 Foundation Hakes Ringing Public Social Debut As Members, Friends Endorse Educational Drive By Stephen F. Brkich, Assistant Secretary Scholarship Foundation, Inc. PITTSBURGH The Croatian Fraternal Union Schol- arship Foundation, Inc., Fund Raising Dinner held Sunday, Feb. 1, 1959, in the Etna, Pa., "Guardian Angel" Lodge 4 Croatian Home was an unconditional success. Around 300 members and friends of the Society turned out that evening for a delicious home-cooked meal and a superb program of entertainment to stamp the word "Ap- proved!" on the first such? public function held under the | Scholarship Foundation, Inc., aegis of the Board of Direc- J opened the program with ap- tors of the Scholarship Foun- dation, Inc. As with aH "firsts,** there was some doubt that the Feb. 1 Dinner would at- tract oar people, especial- ly in view of the fact that it was to be a money raising affair. propriate remarks. ChaYlene Vukela followed with the rendition of the American and Croatian Nat'l Of First Coast Training School Turn to page 8 for editorial, "Good Relations." Anthems and Rev. Charles Georgevich, St. Mary's R. C. But respond they did to the j Church, Rankin, gave the In- point that by 6 p.m.. Sunday, vocation. Music during the dinner hour was provided by the Charles Cubelic Duquesne Univer s i t y Tamburitzans Alumni Combo, following which English Editor of the Zajedničar Stephen F. Br- kich took over as the Toast- master. The first speaker of the evening was John P. Ladesic, at present President of the Borough Council of Etna and Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds and former high of- ficial of the Croatian Frater- nal Union. Next followed the introduc- ROBERT MATESIC He Kept His Promise Feb. 1, the dining quarters of the Etna Lodge 4 Home were crowded and those pres- ent ready and willing to sup- port the aims of the Foun- dation to the very limit of their abilities. Many Introductions Mark Vinski, President of the host Lodge 4 member- ship and a Director of the (Scholarship P. 8) Euclid 337 Meeting Slated For Feb. 13th EUCLID, Ohio "Jutar- nja Zora" CFU Lodge 337 will hold its regular monthly meet- ing on Friday, February 13. All member« are urged to attend as important matters are to be discussed. Ann Korošec, Rec. United Mahoning Valley Lodges Will Hold Important Meeting February 12th Salute To Society's 65th Anniversary Among Many Plans of Committee Members YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio The United CFU Lodges of Mahoning Valley held their yearly meeting in January at which time the following officers were elected for 1959: President, I gnats Sinko- vich, Lodge 66; Vice Presi- dent, Louis Horvatine, Lodge 593; Secretary, Mil- ler Zaluski, Lodge 504; and Treasurer, John Bistrica, Lodge 109. The Trustees elected are as follows: Lodge 66, Frank Turkovich; Lodge 435, Jack Jackovac; Lodge 109, Stan- ley Rosko; Lodge 185, Steve Kuklisa; Lodge 504, Vincent Radilovic; Lodge 593, {Cathe- rine Grdinich; Lodge 898, John Lilak; and Lodge 149, Julia Svetetich. Our Banquet, commemorat- ing the 65th Anniversary of the CFU, will be held on Sun- day, Apr! 12, at the "«t George" Hall on West Federal St., in Youngstown. Guest speakers will be sis. Sylvia Niksic, Secretary of the CFU Supreme Board of Trustees; bro. Stephen F. Brkich, English Editor of the Zajedničar; and the Hon. Mayor Frank X. Kryzan of Youngstown. Dancing to the Posega Tam buritza Orchestra will follow the banquet. Tickets may be bought from any one of the participating lodges. Hie next regular meeting of the United Lodges will be held on Thursday, February 12, at 7:30 p.m., at the Lodge 66 Croatian Hall on West Federal Street in Youngs- town. AH lodge delegate« are urged to attend this meeting, j Kay Cee Lodges Boost Foundation Next Group Meet On February 18th KANSAS CITY. Kans. During the Meeting of the Central Educational Commit- tee which was held on Janu- ary 19, 1959, it was decided that future meetings be held on the third Wednesday of each month, at 8:00 p.m., in the Croatian Hall, 5th and Elizabeth. The next session therefore will take place on Wednes- day. February 18. Everyone is asked to be in attendance, as an elec- tion for Recording Secre- tary will be held. No one should be reluctant about accepting this position, for the minutes may be kept in either Croatian or English. A very important topic of discussion at our next meet- ing will be the Croatian Fra- ternal Union Scholarship Foundation, Inc. Let us actually do some- thing educational through this foundation, to help those who are talented and willing to go to school. John P. Ribic, Pres. Peter Crnkovic, Vice Pres. Honorary Director Appeals To Keglers Society's Network of Bowling Loops Urged To Set Aside Scholarship Foundation Kitty Night By Joseph B. Rady, Honorary Director Scholarship Foundation, Inc. HAMMOND, Ind. Those of us interested in the Cro- atian Fraternal Union as a whole know that a large number of American and Canadian members participate in the So- ciety's Tenpin, Duckpin, Five Pin, and other types of bowl- ing leagues. In my courtroom of opinion, I am firmly convinced that our bowling fraternity, together with other sports enthusi- asts, would rally to the sup-f New Conway Manager Will be Elected On Thursday, Feb. 12th CONWAY, Pa. CFU Lodge 540 will elect a new Nest Manager at their monthly meeting on February 12. Mrs. Anne Žeravica, who has been manager of Nest 103 for the past few years has resigned from her posi- tion due to the death of her husband. The members of Lodge 540 deeply regret the pass- ing of Mrs. Zeravica's hus- band, George, who was an active member for the past 43 years. Due to this unforeseen cir- cumstance Mrs. Žeravica finds it impossible to continue her duties as Nest Manager, which she has so ably done. We also wish to remind our members and friends that dances are held every Satur- day evening in our Trophy Romu with musk from 10:00 p. m. until?? ftpdy L. Havranek, Sec'y. port of the Croatian Frater- nal Union Scholarship Foun- dation, Inc., if we could come up with a "painless way" for them to do so. In the realm of bowling, I would suggest that this be done through their bow I- ing scores, their strikes, their spares, and their splits. ery CFU Bowling League, through the cooperation of its officers and team cap- tains, will set aside any par- ticular circuit session as "Scholar ship Foundation Kitty Night." The Home Office would in advance correspond with each American and C a n a di a n League Secretary and explain Interest in bowling at the j the nat ure of this very worth- present Ume is at fever pitch, | while venture, which is de- with every CFU League in Turn to page 8 for'editorial, "Real Pin Money." signed to raise money for the Scholarship Foundation through bowling. I am sincerely convinced that no league would turn down this appeal. The Idea In Nutshell And how do we go about raising this money? In the following manner, which, of (Honorary - P. 12) a *ri*ri^viWiAriAnAfij\ the midst of battle for cham- pionship trophies and many of the bowlers looking forward to the Society's Annual Spring Tourneys. Now Is The Phi Hour So, now is the time for our bowling fraternity to rally to the support of the Croatian Fraternal Union Scholarship Foundation, Inc. This can be done if ev- Masontown 566 Meet To Be Held Feb. 15th MASONTOWN, Pa. This is to notify the members of CFU Lodge 566 that the next Regular Meeting will be held Sunday, February 15, at the Slovak Hall, beginning at 2 p.m. It is the duty of every mem- ber to attend. Michael Valentic, Rec. Canton Lodge 514 Members Supporting Society's Scholarship Foundation, Inc New Officers Promise Fellow Members Year of Action As 1959 Enters Picture CANTON, Ohio C.F.U. Lodge 514 held its regular and annual meetings on De- cember 10, 1958. Rules and regulations were voted on and remain the same. An extra special event dur- ing the meeting was the pre- sentation of two 50-Year CFU Membership pins by our Pres- ident, Joseph Bozu rich. One was awarded to his father, bro. Stephen Bozurich, and the other to sis. Ljuba Levin- sky. We are proud to have both of them as our members. Our membership atten- dance at meetings has hit a 1em ao w voted to try a shot in the arm for improve- ment. We will be giving a $5.00 door prize at each meeting, patting in only the names of members who attend. If this does not improve the attendance within six months we will cancel same. We also decided to place a donation box on our Secreta- ry's table during meetings, and in a prominent place dur- ing social affairs, to receive any contributions a person might give towards the CFU Scholarship Fund. feaniet East Chi Singers Select Officials John Brozovic In Thanks To Friends EAST CHICAGO, Ind. On Sunday, January 11, the members of the Croatian Singing Society "Sloga" held their annual meeting and elec- tion of officers. Matt Rivich was re-elected President and serving with him are Alex Sikich, Vice President; Mrs. Nicholas Ža- fran, Corres. Secretary; Miss Kathy Kovan, Recording Sec- retary; and Miss Violet Kve- nich, Treasurer. Board of Trustees, Matt Mudrovich, Pres., and Frank Marich, John Illijanich, Louis Rozmanich, and Zvonka Ju- govich; Social Committee, Alex Sikich, Pres., and Jack Smokvina, Mary K v e n i c h, Mary Cogan, and Mrs. Frank Marich; Librarians: Rose Anne Rivich, Jim Cogan, and Steve Kovan; and publicity, Mrs. Nicholas Zafran, Chair- man. "Sloga" was honored, by the presence of John Bro- zovic, Honorary President and founder of the group. John, newly inaugurated North Township Trustee, thanked all the members for their help in the past primary and election. "Sloga" is extremely proud of our founder and wish him and his the best of success, prosperity, and health. After the business meeting and election a delicious buf- fet, prepared and served by Mrs. Steve Kovan, mother of our newly elected Recording Secretary, was enjoyed. Danc- ing followed and a good time was had by all. Mrs. Nicholas Zafran Three Classes On Northern Agendum Supreme Treasurer, Junior Order Director Are Set For Feb. 21-22 Meetings In Olympic Hotel SAN FRANCISCO The Northern California Central Committee of the Croatian Fraternal Union will sponsor a two-day Training School here for Lodge and Nest Of- ficials on Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 21-22, 1959, The Olympic Hotel, Eddie at Taylor Sts. San Francis- co, is to be the scene of these educational gatherings, the first such undertaking on the West Coast and the 9th in a series of Training Schools?' East Pitt Members To Discuss Kolo Question Sunday, February 15th EAST PITTSBURGH, Pa. This is to urge all mem- bers of CFU Lodge 141 to attend, without fail, the regu- lar meeting which will be held on Sunday, February 15, at 1:30 p.m., in the Workers Home. During our last meeting the question of a donation from our treasury to our local kolo group was brought up for discussion and it was decided that the members be notified, via the Zajedničar, that this question will be up for discussion at the next session. In addition to this point of business there will be other important matters to be transacted for the welfare of our lodge. It is the duty of every mem- ber to attend. MM—rWi, Sac'y. which had their inception in Chicago in April of 1958. The Feb. 21-22 School Instructors are to be Su- preme Treasurer Martin Krasich and Junior Order Director Michael Grasha, both of Pittsburgh. Their last joint such ap- pearance was in Detroit last October, when they handled Turn to page 8 for editorial, "Coast Schools." registration of all Lodge and Nest Delegates at 9 a.m. The first Class is to start at 10 a.m. and contin- ue through noon, following which the Delegates will en- joy a repast with the com- pliments of the Home Of- fice of the Croatian Frater- nal Union. The day's second and final Class is to start at 1 p.m. and end at 5 p.m. Because of the "time table* a two-day School held under j na ture of these gatherings, it the auspices of the Society's Central Educational Commit- tee of Greater Detroit Lodges. Two Classes Feb* 21 The first order of business Saturday, Feb. 21, will be the Johnstown Vets Will Be Cited February 22 JOHNSTOWN, Pa. The next regular meeting of CFU Lodge 5 will take place Sun- day afternoon, February 22, at the Croatian Hall. In addition to the regular order of business, 50 Year Membership Pins will be pre- sented to the 50-year mem- bers in attendance. All members are urged to attend and to bring their dues payments up to date. Michael Baich, Secy. is very important that all Lodge and Nest Delegates ad- here to these hours on Satur- day, Feb. 21. * Schedule For Feb. 2t But one Class is scheduled (Sup. Treasurer - P. 10) On To Los Angeles! School Host: Southern California Central Committee, Croatian Fraternal Union of America. Dates: Saturday and Sun- day, Feb. 28 and March 1, 1959. Place: American Croatian Hall, 330 So. Ford Blvd., Los Angeles. 1st Day: Registration a. m. Feb. 28; first class 10 a. m. to 12 noon; noon to 1 p .m. luncheon compliments Croatian Fraternal Union; second elass 1 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. 2nd Day: March 1 one class only, 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. Wilmerding Lodge 42 Membership To Hold Open House Saturday, Feb. 14th Celebration To Mark 62nd Anniversary Of One of Society's Most Active Units WILMERDING, Pa. "St. Valentine" CFU Lodge 42 will celebrate their 62nd Anniversary on Saturday, February 14, at the Lodge Home, 101 Middle Ave. The celebration will open with a High Mass at St. Aloy- sius Church in Wilmerding, at 8:00 a.m., for all the de- ceased members. Mass will be celebrated by Father M. A. McGarvey, who has been a- mong our people here for al- most fifty years. If possible, attend this Mass and pray for the souls of our dear departed members. The afternoon and eve- ning uuliihfiHmi wil he hi the form of an Open House with activities beginning at 4:00 p.m. Mid continuing until 1:00 a.m. The well known Sloboda Tamburitzans will provide the accompaniment for your singing and dancing pleasure« and beer, pop, and solid re- freshments will be served from 4:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. The refreshments, of course, will be free to all members. \ Our committee will be well prepared to take care of on* and all during the entire eve- ning, so let's all turn out for this anniversary event. P. G. Fnaotfak, »#•.'

me n i c ft r - Chronicling America€¦ · Coming Events 1 Oth Convention September, 1959 Detroit, Michigan me Jpa n i c ft r Official Organ Croatian Fraternal Union of America Established

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Page 1: me n i c ft r - Chronicling America€¦ · Coming Events 1 Oth Convention September, 1959 Detroit, Michigan me Jpa n i c ft r Official Organ Croatian Fraternal Union of America Established

Coming Events 1 Oth Convention September, 1959 Detroit, Michigan

me Jpa n i c ft r

Official Organ Croatian Fraternal Union of America

Established 1929 E N G L I S H S E C T I O N


FOUNDATION FETE NETS S3,500 PLUS Zlatko Balokovic Contributes *i,oooSan Francisco Scene Feb. 21-22 Foundation Hakes Ringing Public Social Debut As Members, Friends Endorse Educational Drive

By Stephen F. Brkich, Assistant Secretary — Scholarship Foundation, Inc. —

PITTSBURGH — The Croatian Fraternal Union Schol­arship Foundation, Inc., Fund Raising Dinner held Sunday, Feb. 1, 1959, in the Etna, Pa., "Guardian Angel" Lodge 4 Croatian Home was an unconditional success.

Around 300 members and friends of the Society turned out that evening for a delicious home-cooked meal and a superb program of entertainment to stamp the word "Ap­proved!" on the first such? public function held under the | Scholarship Foundation, Inc., aegis of the Board of Direc- J opened the program with ap-tors of the Scholarship Foun­dation, Inc.

As with aH "firsts,** there was some doubt that the Feb. 1 Dinner would at­tract oar people, especial­ly in view of the fact that it was to be a money raising affair.

propriate remarks. ChaYlene Vukela followed

with the rendition of the American and Croatian Nat'l

Of First Coast Training School

Turn to page 8 for editorial, "Good Relations."

Anthems and Rev. Charles Georgevich, St. Mary's R. C.

But respond they did to the j Church, Rankin, gave the In-point that by 6 p.m.. Sunday, vocation.

Music during the dinner hour was provided by the Charles Cubelic Duquesne Univer s i t y Tamburitzans Alumni Combo, following which English Editor of the Zajedničar Stephen F. Br­kich took over as the Toast-master. The first speaker of the

evening was John P. Ladesic, at present President of the Borough Council of Etna and Allegheny County Recorder of Deeds and former high of­ficial of the Croatian Frater­nal Union.

Next followed the introduc-ROBERT MATESIC

He Kept His Promise

Feb. 1, the dining quarters of the Etna Lodge 4 Home were crowded and those pres­ent ready and willing to sup­port the aims of the Foun­dation to the very limit of their abilities.

Many Introductions Mark Vinski, President of

the host Lodge 4 member­ship and a Director of the

(Scholarship — P. 8)

Euclid 337 Meeting Slated For Feb. 13th

EUCLID, Ohio — "Jutar­nja Zora" CFU Lodge 337 will hold its regular monthly meet­ing on Friday, February 13.

All member« are urged to attend as important matters are to be discussed.

Ann Korošec, Rec.

United Mahoning Valley Lodges Will Hold Important Meeting February 12th

Salute To Society's 65th Anniversary Among Many Plans of Committee Members YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio

The United CFU Lodges of Mahoning Valley held their yearly meeting in January at which time the following officers were elected for 1959:

President, I gnats Sinko-vich, Lodge 66; Vice Presi­d e n t , L o u i s H o r v a t i n e , Lodge 593; Secretary, Mil­ler Zaluski, Lodge 504; and Treasurer, John Bistrica, Lodge 109. The Trustees elected are as

follows: Lodge 66, Frank Turkovich; Lodge 435, Jack Jackovac; Lodge 109, Stan­ley Rosko; Lodge 185, Steve Kuklisa; Lodge 504, Vincent Radilovic; Lodge 593, {Cathe­rine Grdinich; Lodge 898, John Lilak; and Lodge 149, Julia Svetetich.

Our Banquet, commemorat­ing the 65th Anniversary of the CFU, will be held on Sun­day, Apr! 12, at the "«t

George" Hall on West Federal St., in Youngstown.

Guest speakers will be sis. Sylvia Niksic, Secretary of the CFU Supreme Board of Trustees; bro. Stephen F. Brkich, English Editor of the Zajedničar; and the Hon. Mayor Frank X. Kryzan of Youngstown.

Dancing to the Posega Tam buritza Orchestra will follow the banquet. Tickets may be bought from any one of the participating lodges. Hie next regular meeting

of the United Lodges will be held on Thursday, February 12, at 7:30 p.m., at the Lodge 66 Croatian Hall on West Federal Street in Youngs­town.

AH lodge delegate« are urged to attend this meeting, j

Kay Cee Lodges Boost Foundation

Next Group Meet On February 18th

KANSAS CITY. Kans. — During the Meeting of the Central Educational Commit­tee which was held on Janu­ary 19, 1959, it was decided that future meetings be held on the third Wednesday of each month, at 8:00 p.m., in the Croatian Hall, 5th and Elizabeth.

The next session therefore will take place on Wednes­day. February 18.

Everyone is asked to be in attendance, as an elec­tion for Recording Secre­tary will be held. No one should be reluctant

about accepting this position, for the minutes may be kept in either Croatian or English.

A very important topic of discussion at our next meet­ing will be the Croatian Fra­ternal Union Scholarship Foundation, Inc.

Let us actually do some­thing educational through this foundation, to help those who are talented and willing to go to school.

John P. Ribic, Pres. Peter Crnkovic, Vice Pres.

Honorary Director Appeals To Keglers Society's Network of Bowling Loops Urged To Set Aside Scholarship Foundation Kitty Night

By Joseph B. Rady, Honorary Director — Scholarship Foundation, Inc. —

HAMMOND, Ind. — Those of us interested in the Cro­atian Fraternal Union as a whole know that a large number of American and Canadian members participate in the So­ciety's Tenpin, Duckpin, Five Pin, and other types of bowl­ing leagues.

In my courtroom of opinion, I am firmly convinced that our bowling fraternity, together with other sports enthusi­asts, would rally to the sup-f

New Conway Manager Will be Elected On Thursday, Feb. 12th

CONWAY, Pa. — CFU Lodge 540 will elect a new N e s t M a n a g e r a t t h e i r monthly meeting on February 12.

Mrs. Anne Žeravica, who has been manager of Nest 103 for the past few years has resigned from her posi­tion due to the death of her husband.

The members of Lodge 540 deeply regret the pass­ing of Mrs. Zeravica's hus­band, George, who was an active member for the past 43 years. Due to this unforeseen cir­

cumstance Mrs. Žeravica finds it impossible to continue her duties as Nest Manager, which she has so ably done.

We also wish to remind our members and friends that dances are held every Satur­day evening in our Trophy Romu with musk from 10:00 p. m. until??

ftpdy L. Havranek, Sec'y.

port of the Croatian Frater­nal Union Scholarship Foun­dation, Inc., if we could come up with a "painless way" for them to do so.

In the realm of bowling, I would suggest that this be done through their bow I-ing scores, their strikes, their spares, and their splits.

ery CFU Bowling League, through the cooperation of its officers and team cap­tains, will set aside any par­ticular circuit session as "Scholar ship Foundation Kitty Night."

The Home Office would in advance correspond with each American and C a n a di a n League Secretary and explain

Interest in bowling at the j the nat ure of this very worth-present Ume is at fever pitch, | while venture, which is de-with every CFU League in

Turn to page 8 for'editorial, "Real Pin Money."

signed to raise money for the S c h o l a r s h i p F o u n d a t i o n through bowling.

I am sincerely convinced that no league would turn down this appeal.

The Idea In Nutshell And how do we go about

raising this money? In the following manner, which, of

(Honorary - P. 12)

• a • *ri*ri^viWiAriAnAfij\ the midst of battle for cham­pionship trophies and many of the bowlers looking forward to the Society's Annual Spring Tourneys.

Now Is The Phi Hour So, now is the time for our

bowling fraternity to rally to the support of the Croatian Fraternal Union Scholarship Foundation, Inc.

This can be done if ev-

Masontown 566 Meet To Be Held Feb. 15th

MASONTOWN, Pa. — This is to notify the members of CFU Lodge 566 that the next Regular Meeting will be held Sunday, February 15, at the Slovak Hall, beginning at 2 p.m.

It is the duty of every mem­ber to attend.

Michael Valentic, Rec.

Canton Lodge 514 Members Supporting Society's Scholarship Foundation, Inc

New Officers Promise Fellow Members Year of Action As 1959 Enters Picture CANTON, Ohio — C.F.U.

Lodge 514 held its regular and annual meetings on De­cember 10, 1958. Rules and regulations were voted on and remain the same.

An extra special event dur­ing the meeting was the pre­sentation of two 50-Year CFU Membership pins by our Pres­ident, Joseph Bozu rich. One was awarded to his father, bro. Stephen Bozurich, and the other to sis. Ljuba Levin-sky. We are proud to have both of them as our members.

O u r m e m b e r s h i p a t t e n ­dance at meetings has hit a

1em ao w voted to try a

shot in the arm for improve-ment.

We will be giving a $5.00 door prize at each meeting, patting in only the names of members who attend. If this does not improve the attendance within six months we will cancel same. We also decided to place a

donation box on our Secreta­ry's table during meetings, and in a prominent place dur­ing social affairs, to receive any contributions a person might give towards the CFU Scholarship Fund.


East Chi Singers Select Officials

John Brozovic In Thanks To Friends EAST CHICAGO, Ind. —

On Sunday, January 11, the members of the Croatian Singing Society "Sloga" held their annual meeting and elec­tion of officers.

Matt Rivich was re-elected President and serving with him are Alex Sikich, Vice President; Mrs. Nicholas Ža­fran, Corres. Secretary; Miss Kathy Kovan, Recording Sec­retary; and Miss Violet Kve-nich, Treasurer.

Board of Trustees, Matt Mudrovich, Pres., and Frank Marich, John Illijanich, Louis Rozmanich, and Zvonka Ju-govich; Social Committee, Alex Sikich, Pres., and Jack Smokvina, Mary K v e n i c h, Mary Cogan, and Mrs. Frank M a r i c h ; L i b r a r i a n s : R o s e Anne Rivich, Jim Cogan, and Steve Kovan; and publicity, Mrs. Nicholas Zafran, Chair­man.

"Sloga" was honored, by the presence of John Bro­zovic, Honorary President and founder of the group. John, newly inaugurated North Township Trustee, thanked all the members for their help in the past primary and election. "Sloga" is extremely proud

of our founder and wish him and his the best of success, prosperity, and health.

After the business meeting and election a delicious buf­fet, prepared and served by Mrs. Steve Kovan, mother of our newly elected Recording Secretary, was enjoyed. Danc­ing followed and a good time was had by all.

Mrs. Nicholas Zafran

Three Classes On Northern Agendum

Supreme Treasurer, Junior Order Director Are Set For Feb. 21-22 Meetings In Olympic Hotel

SAN FRANCISCO — The Northern California Central Committee of the Croatian Fraternal Union will sponsor a two-day Training School here for Lodge and Nest Of­ficials on Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 21-22, 1959,

The Olympic Hotel, Eddie at Taylor Sts. San Francis­co, is to be the scene of these educational gatherings, the first such undertaking on the West Coast and the 9th in a series of Training Schools?'

East Pitt Members To Discuss Kolo Question Sunday, February 15th

EAST PITTSBURGH, Pa. — This is to urge all mem­bers of CFU Lodge 141 to attend, without fail, the regu­lar meeting which will be held on Sunday, February 15, at 1:30 p.m., in the Workers Home.

During our last meeting the question of a donation from our treasury to our local kolo group was brought up for discussion and it was decided that the members be notified, via the Zajedničar, that this question will be up for discussion at the next session.

In addition to this point of business there will be other important matters to be transacted for the welfare of our lodge.

It is the duty of every mem­ber to attend.

MM—rWi, Sac'y.

which had their inception in Chicago in April of 1958.

The Feb. 21-22 School Instructors are to be Su­preme Treasurer Martin Krasich and Junior Order Director Michael Grasha, both of Pittsburgh. Their last joint such ap­

pearance was in Detroit last October, when they handled

Turn to page 8 for editorial, "Coast Schools."

registration of all Lodge and Nest Delegates at 9 a.m.

The first Class is to start at 10 a.m. and contin­ue through noon, following which the Delegates will en­joy a repast with the com­pliments of the Home Of­fice of the Croatian Frater­nal Union. The day's second and final

Class is to start at 1 p.m. and end at 5 p.m.

Because of the "time table* a two-day School held under j nature of these gatherings, it the auspices of the Society's Central Educational Commit­tee of Greater Detroit Lodges.

Two Classes Feb* 21 The first order of business

Saturday, Feb. 21, will be the

Johnstown Vets Will Be Cited February 22

JOHNSTOWN, Pa. — The next regular meeting of CFU Lodge 5 will take place Sun­day afternoon, February 22, at the Croatian Hall.

In addition to the regular order of business, 50 Year Membership Pins will be pre­sented to the 50-year mem­bers in attendance.

All members are urged to attend and to bring their dues payments up to date.

Michael Baich, Secy.

is very important that all Lodge and Nest Delegates ad­here to these hours on Satur­day, Feb. 21.


Schedule For Feb. 2t But one Class is scheduled (Sup. Treasurer - P. 10)

On To Los Angeles! School Host: — Southern

California Central Committee, Croatian Fraternal Union of America.

Dates: — Saturday and Sun­day, Feb. 28 and March 1, 1959.

Place: — American Croatian Hall, 330 So. Ford Blvd., Los Angeles.

1st Day: — Registration • a. m. Feb. 28; first class 10 a. m. t o 1 2 n o o n ; n o o n t o 1 p . m . luncheon compliments Croatian Fraternal Union; second elass 1 p. m. to 4:30 p. m.

2nd Day: — March 1 one class only, 1 p. m. to 5 p. m.

Wilmerding Lodge 42 Membership To Hold Open House Saturday, Feb. 14th

Celebration To Mark 62nd Anniversary Of One of Society's Most Active Units WILMERDING, Pa. —

"St. Valentine" CFU Lodge 42 will celebrate their 62nd A n n i v e r s a r y o n S a t u r d a y , February 14, at the Lodge Home, 101 Middle Ave.

The celebration will open with a High Mass at St. Aloy-sius Church in Wilmerding, at 8:00 a.m., for all the de­ceased members. Mass will be celebrated by Father M. A. McGarvey, who has been a-mong our people here for al­most fifty years.

If possible, attend this Mass and pray for the souls of our dear departed members.

The afternoon and eve­ning uuliihfiHmi wil he hi

the form of an Open House with activities beginning at 4:00 p.m. Mid continuing until 1:00 a.m. The well known Sloboda

Tamburitzans will provide the accompaniment for your singing and dancing pleasure« and beer, pop, and solid re­freshments will be served from 4:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.

The refreshments, of course, will be free to all members. \

Our committee will be well prepared to take care of on* and all during the entire eve­ning, so let's all turn out for this anniversary event.

P. G. Fnaotfak, »#•.'