Me and My Partner

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  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Hungary andHungary and PortugalPortugalstudentstudent exchangeexchange


  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    The first daysThe first days

    InIn thethe firstfirst daysdays meme andand EniEni,, wewe didndidn`t`t speakspeakmuchmuch,, partlypartly thatthat waswas mymy faultfault becausebecause II waswas aalittlelittle embarassedembarassedandand becausebecause I`m aI`m a littlelittle shyshy,,

    ..WeWe camecame closercloser whenwhen wewe wentwent outout toto a restauranta restaurantwherewhere wewe talkedtalked aboutabout severalseveral thingsthings..

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    The next daysThe next days

    InIn thethe nextnext daysdays wewe becamebecame closeclose friendsfriends,,sheshe toldtold meme severalseveral secretssecrets ofof hershers and Iand Ididdid thethe samesame....

    II t int in wewe ecameecame rot ersrot ers t ist is weewee ..InIn generalgeneral sheshe is ais a veryvery coolcool personperson,, sheshe hashas

    gotgot excellentexcellent parentsparents andand nicenice sistersister. I. I

    lovedloved toto bebe here and Ihere and I hopehope II willwill comecomebackback soonsoon..

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Me and my exchange partner

    Petra V.S Mafalda

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    My big sister,

    My lovely exchange partner,


    My good friend :D

    This week was the best foreign

    week ever :DThe nights going out :P

    All the things that I did with you

    I love you (L)

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Me and my exchange partnerMe and my exchange partnerPortugalPortugal--HungaryHungary

    Joo PiresJoo Pires

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Me and my exchange partnerMe and my exchange partner

    MyMy exchangeexchange partner is Kirly Kitti.partner is Kirly Kitti. SheShe liveslives inin HatrHatr tt,, withwith herher parentsparents andand herher 22catscats, Baba and, Baba and MnhamiMnhami..

    ee ss rea yrea y coocoo oo meme.. SheShe wantswants meme toto eateat allall thethe HungarianHungarian traditionaltraditionalfoodfood,, soso II cancan knowknow HungaryHungary betterbetter..

    II reallyreally feelfeel confortableconfortable and happy,and happy, becausebecause II feelfeelpart ofpart of herher familyfamily.. InIn mymy opinionopinion,, wewe areare goodgood friendsfriends..

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    The experienceThe experience

    ThisThis timetime inin Budapest hasBudapest has beenbeen veryvery enrichingenriching,,becausebecause II havehave a partnera partner likelike Kitti,Kitti, thatthat triestries toto givegivememe thethe most ofmost of thethe HungarianHungarian spiritspirit, and, and triestries toto


    herehere inin Budapest.Budapest. HerHer familyfamily hashas beenbeen veryvery coolcool withwith meme,, theythey areare

    reallyreally premisepremise, and, and theythey areare reallyreally greatgreat!!

    SheShe reallyreally goesgoes withwith meme everywhereeverywhere andand sheshe goesgoesoutout withwith meme, and, and wewe jokejoke andand talktalk aa lotlot..

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Thank you for the experience!Thank you for the experience!

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Portugal HungaryExchange 2010


    Joo Fustiga

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    PortugalPortugal Hungary ExchangeHungary Exchange

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    MyMy exchange partnerexchange partner My exchange partner is Szab Tmea.

    She LOVES cats and she wakes up veryearly in the morning.

    wondering about my comfort. Although she wakes up really early, I like

    her because I can feel that she is trying to

    make me feel good at her home. I also LOVE her sandwiches.

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Her familyHer familyHer family is a normal family:

    Her father, trying to make me feel at home! Her mother, an excellent cook (I love her chicken

    with cheese and potato).

    er o er s ster, an exce ent spea er an a waysjoking with me!

    Another thing that I really enjoy in her family its

    Tmea and her sister are always speaking in Englishfor doesnt make me feel uncomfortable.

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner



  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Me and my partnerMe and my partner

    XanaXana and Martiiiiand Martiiii

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    You are the best partnerYou are the best partner

    This week was amazingThis week was amazing

    During to this week we shared experiences

    I was laughing with youI was laughing with you

    Your family are very friendly

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Thanks for this week, me and my familyThanks for this week, me and my familywill be waiting for you in Portugal.will be waiting for you in Portugal.


  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Me and my exchange partner

    @Szofia & Joao Cristo@

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    I am going to talkabout my

    exchange partner.

    I really enjoyed

    my stay in her

    house, was pretty

    awesome because

    every one treatme very well, just

    like has I was a

    member of the

    family . Szofia was

    a very good mate

    thank you

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Peter is very cool person and his family too.

    He is like an older brother for me. He is a very

    attentive person because if i need some help with

    some problem he is always there.He has a very cool family, although I dont realize

    they try learn a little of Portuguese.

    Until now the days pass really fast

    Rafael Alves

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Me and My Exchange PartnerMe and My Exchange Partner

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Fbio and KingaFbio and Kinga

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner



    MyMy partner ispartner is soso coolcool andand II likelike herher veryverymuchmuch..

    SheShe isis veryvery friendlyfriendly andand takestakes meme outout everyeverynightnight whichwhich isis veryvery coolcool..

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Nuno and EditNuno and EditEditEditSheShe isis awsomeawsome, I, I dontdont havehave enoughenough wordswords forfor

    describingdescribing mymy partnerpartner becausebecause everyoneeveryone knowsknows howhow

    brilliantbrilliant personperson sheshe

    neenee toto tete aa secretsecret, ove, ove youryour sm esm e ==

    Edit,Edit, it'sit's soso deardear,, itit bringsbrings meme breakfastbreakfast inin thethe roomroom..

    I loveI love mymy exchangeexchange partnerpartner

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    (cont)(cont)AllAll daysdays andand nightsnights areare spectacularspectacular withwith Edit.Edit.

    I loveI love toto laughlaugh withwith herher whenwhen wewe gogo homehome :p:p

    EverythingEverything isis veryvery goodgood =D=D

    I loveI love youryour grandmothergrandmother andand herher choclateschoclates: p: p

    ThanksThanks forfor everythingeverything,, bestbest partner.partner.

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    MeMe andand BalzsBalzs

    MyMy namename is Miguel andis Miguel and mymy exchangeexchangepartnerspartners namename isis BalazsBalazs.. ThisThis waswas ananamazingamazing andand rewardingrewarding experienceexperience,, whichwhich II

    wantwant toto repeatrepeat.. ee aveave oneone manymany coocoothingsthings,, likelike goinggoing toto thethe aquaparkaquapark,, smokingsmokingwaterwater--pipepipe andand sledgesledge inin BudaBuda mountainsmountains..

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Me and my lovely partner

    Sara and Dori2010

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    running on the street

    translate everything and getcrazy

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    You are the best, only 8 days it seems

    that we know for donkeys yearsI love your family, they are smiling

    everyt me

    The language of (uhmuhmuhm)

    you are a really funny girl

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Me and my family will be waiting for



  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Gui and GGGui and GG

    Exchange HungaryExchange Hungary -- PortugalPortugal20102010

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    ThisThis weekweek waswas

    reallyreally amazingamazing,,wakingwaking upup atat 66

    oclockoclock andand

    takingtaking aa traintrain totoschoolschool..

    I had aI had a reallreall oodood

    timetime and feltand feltveryvery welcomedwelcomed

    atat youryour homehome..

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    ThanksThanks forfortranslatingtranslating whatwhatthethe drunkendrunkenguysguys atat thethe

    stationstation saidsaid..II cantcant waitwait forfor

    stillstill oweowe youyou aacouplecouple ofof drinksdrinks..

    ThanksThanks for beingfor being

    aa goodgood friendfriend..

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner



  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Me and my Exchange Partner

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Keln Vivien

    When I arrived at the airport,I recognized

    her immediately. She is just like I everimagined. Her parents are always fantastic with


    that I need. I will never forget this exchange. Viviis the best exchange partner that I can have!

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner




    ee anan mymy exc angeexc angepartnerpartner

    Diogo CardosoDiogo Cardoso

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Me and my exchange partnerMe and my exchange partner Well Im going to talk about my

    experience in Hungary with my

    exchange partner MezeiTmea or just Timi aseverybody calls her.

    to explain the amazingexperience that my partner hasprovided me here, I couldreally feel a part of the familyand the better thing its that Imamazed and have not evenreached the end of theexchange.

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Me and my exchange partnerMe and my exchange partner In all of these days that weve been together I spent a lot

    of good times always laughing about everything.

    Although of my casual indecisions because at thebegining I was not very at ease But overall the familywas very kind and nice to me, and now Im not so shy aswas n t e eg nn ng, ecause a most can ee part o

    the family. I also really appreciate the effort of all of thepeople from the Hungarian group to keep us busy andthe awsome times that they provided us. After this littletime in Hungary I can just say that Ive made a lot of

    friends in these group and one of that person I can saythat its Timi.

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Me and my exchange partnerMe and my exchange partner

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Me and my exchange partnerHeni

    By: Carola

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    My partner and her family are very nice and received mevery well.

    I felt like at home and like a family member.

    Heni is a little bit shy but that is not a problem becausewe have a lot of things in common and to talk about.

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Thank you for everything.

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Me and my exchange partnerIstvn

    By: Joao Veloso

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Istvns family since the beginning of this

    exchange program tries to talk with me whichis really cool because they dont speak Englishand they end up speaking with some gestures.

    Istvn and his family are very nice and theyreceived me very well.

    Istvns mum cooks very well.

    Istvns brothers are very funny we pass all theafternoons playing UNO, POKER and NFS2.

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    Thank you for everything!

  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


  • 8/14/2019 Me and My Partner


    I really liked to meet you