1 Dear Meadowbrook Families, Winter has arrived and we are counting down the days until spring! As you know, the recent snow/ cold days deeply affected schools across Wisconsin in meeting yearly instructional minutes. Although three days for inclement weather are built into each yearly calendar in our district, January found us to have four days where it was unsafe for the students to attend. Thus, the School District of Waukesha has extended the 2018-2019 school year and the last day for students will now be Monday, June 10th. Please make note of this change on your calendars. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the PTA and all of the volunteers who organized and supported the following events: Matt Wilhelm- X Game Champion, Americas Got Talent Participant, BMX Extraordinaire, and Motivational Speaker engaged our students in an action-packed assembly on Thursday, January 24th! Hopefully, your child came home talking about it! Our first-ever Dinner and a Showevent on Friday, February 1st! It was super fun! In a couple of weeks, Meadowbrook students will participate in our annual Showcases of Learning”. 4K: Open House Format on Thursday, February 28th, from 4:30pm-7:15pm Kindergarten through Grade 5: Wednesday, February 20th, and Thursday, February 28th, from 4:30pm-7:15pm. The Showcase format is different from that of a traditional parent/teacher conference. In fact, your child will drive this conference. This time will provide your child an interactive opportunity to engage with you in critical thinking, application, and problem-solving. This format will empower your child to report on his/her progress, as well as reflect on growth. Based on the history of this event, the students are highly motivated to present to you and we ask that you support your child by actively listening, asking questions, and acknowledging their efforts. Classroom teachers will be present for the Showcases in their classrooms, while the Specialists have the following schedule: Mr. Falk: Thursday, February 28th from 4:30pm-7:15pm in the library Ms. Sapa: Thursday, February 28th from 4:30pm-7:15pm in the library Ms. Stencel: Wednesday, February 20th, and Thursday, February 28th from 4:30pm- 7:15pm in the library For more specific details about the Showcases, please see the information that was sent to you on Monday, February 4th. Next week, students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 will be bringing home their designated Showcaseconfirmation sheets. As always, thank you for your ongoing support. Meadowbrook is an extraordinary learning environment and hey are able to learn and grow because of the partnership we have with you! With warm regards, Jessica N. Barry Principal Inside this Issue: Notes From Ms. Wagner 1-3 Roarin’ Reminders 4 Special Events 5 Meadowbrook Blood Drive 6 Surviving The Deep Freeze 7 Box Tops For Education 8-9 Six Flags Reading Program 10-11 Book It Reading Program 12 Jr. Chef Club 13-14 Healing Hearts 15-17 Waukesha Public Library Programs 18 February Birthdays 19 February Calendar 20 March Calendar 21 Fun Kid’s Pages 22-24 Meadowbrook Pride Press February 2019 Notes From Mrs. Barry Growing Learners & Inspiring Possibilities

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Dear Meadowbrook Families,

Winter has arrived and we are counting down the days until spring! As you know, the recent snow/cold days deeply affected schools across Wisconsin in meeting yearly instructional minutes. Although three days for inclement weather are built into each yearly calendar in our district, January found us to have four days where it was unsafe for the students to attend. Thus, the School District of Waukesha has extended the 2018-2019 school year and the last day for students will now be Monday, June 10th. Please make note of this change on your calendars. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the PTA and all of the volunteers who organized and supported the following events:

Matt Wilhelm- X Game Champion, America’s Got Talent Participant, BMX Extraordinaire, and Motivational Speaker engaged our students in an action-packed assembly on Thursday, January 24th! Hopefully, your child came home talking about it!

Our first-ever “Dinner and a Show” event on Friday, February 1st! It was super fun! In a couple of weeks, Meadowbrook students will participate in our annual “Showcases of Learning”.

4K: Open House Format on Thursday, February 28th, from 4:30pm -7:15pm

Kindergarten through Grade 5: Wednesday, February 20th, and Thursday, February 28th, from 4:30pm-7:15pm.

The Showcase format is different from that of a traditional parent/teacher conference. In fact, your child will drive this conference. This time will provide your child an interactive opportunity to engage with you in critical thinking, application, and problem-solving. This format will empower your child to report on his/her progress, as well as reflect on growth. Based on the history of this event, the students are highly motivated to present to you and we ask that you support your child by actively listening, asking questions, and acknowledging their efforts. Classroom teachers will be present for the Showcases in their classrooms, while the Specialists have the following schedule:

Mr. Falk: Thursday, February 28th from 4:30pm-7:15pm in the library

Ms. Sapa: Thursday, February 28th from 4:30pm-7:15pm in the library

Ms. Stencel: Wednesday, February 20th, and Thursday, February 28th from 4:30pm - 7:15pm in the library

For more specific details about the Showcases, please see the information that was sent to you on Monday, February 4th. Next week, students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 will be bringing home their designated “Showcase” confirmation sheets.

As always, thank you for your ongoing support. Meadowbrook is an extraordinary learning environment and hey are able to learn and grow because of the partnership we have with you!

With warm regards, Jessica N. Barry Principal

Inside this Issue:

Notes From Ms. Wagner 1-3

Roarin’ Reminders 4

Special Events 5

Meadowbrook Blood Drive 6

Surviving The Deep Freeze 7

Box Tops For Education 8-9

Six Flags Reading Program 10-11

Book It Reading Program 12

Jr. Chef Club 13-14

Healing Hearts 15-17

Waukesha Public Library

Programs 18

February Birthdays 19

February Calendar 20

March Calendar 21

Fun Kid’s Pages 22-24

M e a d o w b r o o k P r i d e P r e s s

February 2019 N ot e s From M rs . B arr y Growing Learners &

Inspiring Possibilities


Mission and Vision The Meadowbrook community is invested in growing learners and inspiring possibilities.

We foster a safe community where students feel nurtured and show empathy for others.

We create authentic and rigorous learning experiences for all students.

We empower students to take ownership of their learning and reflect on their progress.

We partner with families and organizations to develop students who positively contribute to their home, community, and world.

Adult Learning Opportunities On the Showcase nights of February 20th and February 28th, we will be offering adult-only sesions on Social/Emotional Care and Bullying Prevention.

Adult Sessions are at 4:30pm, 5:30pm, and 6:30pm.

Please see the information sent to you on February 4th about this opportunity. Adults will be meet-ing on the east side of the gym and childcare will be provided in the Art Room.

Attendance Letters We are now underway with the second half of the school year. It is important to remember that your child’s attendance is important to his/her development and success. The School District of Waukesha requires each school within our system to send letters of concern to parents/guardians once a child misses five days of school, ten days of school, and/or has accrued multiple tardies. Understand that these letters are generated within Infinite Campus using a district template. If you are the recipient of one of these letters and have questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Barry. Remember that it is best practice to obtain medical excuses for your child each time they have to attend an appointment during school hours.

Last Day of School There are always three days built into each school year calendar in case of inclement weather. Following those three days, the fourth day is a Make-Up Day. Due to recent four days of school closure (1/23, 1/28, 1/30, and 1/31), the last day of the 2018-2019 school year is now Monday, June 10th.

February Guidance Lessons This month’s focus for classroom guidance lessons is Diversity Appreciation. Please engage in a conversation with your child about what diversity means and why it is important to recognize it.


Digital Citizenship Our students can find millions of bits of information on the Internet and it seems so easy for them to copy, paste, and take what they need for a project, report or presentation. If our students copy someone else’s work and present it in a report or project as their own – that’s wrong. It’s called plagiarism. Plagiarism is cheating; it’s against the school rules and it’s against the law. Students need to respect the work of others and give credit to the person or group who posted the image, information, or ideas. As parents/guardians, you teach your children not to take away someone else’s things; that’s called stealing. Students know that they can’t copy someone else’s homework and turn it in as their own; that’s cheating. We also need to teach our children not to take someone else’s ideas, images or information (intellectual property) from the Internet without getting permis-sion or giving credit to the person or organization.

Our students are learning the proper way to “cite/give credit to” the person(s) or organization(s) that are providing the information or ideas. Please look for ways to reinforce the fact that online resources are the intellectual property of a creator or author. If your child would like to use this information, they need to properly give credit to the author or creator. Older students may be downloading music; make sure they understand what is legal and what isn’t.

Sometimes, it is okay for students and teachers to use information, ideas, or parts of work found online without permission of the owning author or organization. This is called “Fair Use”. As students use more and more online resources to access ideas, images, and information, they need to understand and make correct decisions about Intellectual Property and Fair Use. Is it “OK” or “No Way”?


Roarin’ Reminders YEAR BOOKS

Yearbooks are only $15.00 this year! To order

your 2018-2019 Meadowbrook yearbook, return

your child’s order form no later than Thursday,

February 21st.


♪ Wednesday, February 13th, 2019

1st and 2nd Grade Classes

Dress Rehearsal – 2:30 p.m.

Concert – 6:30 p.m.

♪ Wednesday, May 1st, 2019

Kindergarten Classes

Concert – 2:45 p.m.

♪ Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Fifth Grade Concert & Celebration



If your child is in fourth or fifth grade, please be

advised that Human Growth and Development

units will be starting in March. Parent Previews will

be offered and information will come home with

your child.


During the winter and spring months, it is a good

idea to send extra gloves and socks with your

child. Please put an extra pair in your child’s back-

pack to replace wet ones after recess. Remember,

students are required to wear boots and snow

pants if they want to play in the snow.


Due to the snow and cold days that we had, the

new last day of school will be on June 10th.


Help us “warm up” and bring in the Box Tops

you’ve been collecting the past few months! Box

tops are due February 8th.

As always, there are two ways to win!

The top collecting primary and intermediate

classes will win a special treat.

One student’s collection sheet will be drawn at

random for a chance to win a $10 Target gift


Just by you clipping/collecting the Box Tops from

the products you’re already using, we can earn

money for our school!


Special Events




On the afternoon of Friday, May 3rd, Meadow-

brook will be participating in our annual High

Interest Day sponsored by the PTA.

This day is set aside to provide an opportunity for

all students to explore different careers, hobbies

and activities, in a hands-on environment

(Examples of sessions include: archery, basket

weaving, cake decoration, fleece pillow madding,

geo-caching, ultimate Frisbee, etc.

High Interest Day has always been one of the

highlights of the school year for students. The

planning committee is currently working on secur-

ing presenters and volunteers to lead sessions

during the afternoon. Kids love this day and they

really love seeing their parents help out at this


Parent-Led classes are a huge hit! Are you an

Engineer? Artist? Scientist? Doctor? Lawyer? Have

a profession that would capture a young mind?

Perhaps you have an interesting hobby, culture or

talent to share? Some ideas are: Yoga, Henna,

Cake Decorating, Beading, Construction, Cultural

Cooking, Origami, Woodworking or Photography.

We need your ideas and talents. Meadowbrook

will support your creative class effort and provide

assistants to help you. Supply costs are also spon-

sored by the PTA.

Please contact us to sign up to lead a session or if

you have any questions about he event: Meadow-

[email protected]



Thank you everyone for coming out to the PTA

Dinner and a Show. What an amazing turn out.

Thank you to Culver’s for donating food vouchers

and custard for this event! Thank you also to Mrs.

Kitchener and all of the volunteers—we couldn’t

have done it without you!


You will also received a voucher for a pint of Culver’s custard, as part of their “Give a Pint-Get a Pint” program.


Surviving the Deep Freeze:

5 Ways to Keep Kids Safe this Winter

1 The key to protecting against freezing temps is lay-

ering. Wool, silk or fleece layers are preferable.

Avoid cotton because it doesn’t hold body heat

well and doesn’t dry quickly once it’s wet. The

outer layer of your clothing should be tightly wo-

ven and wind resistant. Layers include; a hat, scarf

or knit mask to cover face and mouth; sleeves that

are snug at the wrist; waterproof mittens (warmer

than gloves); water-resistant coat and boots; wool

socks and several layers of loose-fitting clothing.

2 Sunscreen and water are two items it’s easy to

overlook when it’s cold outside. But, it is just as

important to protect skin when glare from the

snow makes sun damage more likely. Apply a high

SPF sunscreen and lip balm with sun block before

heading outside. Children dehydrate easily even in

cold temperatures, so load kids up with water

often when they are playing outside.

3 Check kids often to make sure they are warm and

dry. Kids younger than 8 years old should not be

outside without adult supervision. Have them take

frequent breaks to come inside to warm up and

hydrate. Never send children outside in extreme

weather conditions like snow and ice storms.

Layer Up


Load Up

4 It’s much easier to prevent frostbite and hypother-

mia than to treat them. Frostbite happens when

the skin and outer tissues become frozen. This

condition tends to happen on fingers, toes, ears

and nose. If you think your child has frostbite,

bring them indoors and put the affected area in

warm (not hot) water, and do not rub the skin. If

the condition persists, call your pediatrician imme-

diately. Hypothermia happens when the body tem-

perature falls below normal due to exposure to

cold temperatures. Signs of hypothermia are

shivering, slurred speech and unusual behavior. If

you think your child has hypothermia, call 9-1-1


5 Winter weather conditions can change rapidly.

Keep extra, dry clothing and warm blankets on

hand at home and when traveling. Watch the

weather, and plan to head inside if conditions do

become hazardous. Children should stay indoors

when the temperature or wind chill dips into the

teens or below.

For more winter and seasonal

safety tips, visit


Know the Signs

Watch Weather













February Birthdays! Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Jacob Kopec


3 4 5 6 7

8 Audrina Elsesser Greyson Elsesser

9 Ethan Kaczor

10 11 12 Grace Tutkowki



15 Ashton Pierner

16 Brice Koerner

17 18 19 Lily Newton

20 Ashtin Dietrich





Mallory Haas


Karleigh Braatz


Lucas Piacsek

27 28


February 2019 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 5:30-7:30pm PTA Dinner and a Show

2 Groundhog Day

3 4 5 6 Space Alien Day

7 8 Meadowbrook Spirit Day



11 4:00pm PTA Meeting Child Care Available

12 Kindergarten To See “Your Alien”

13 2:30pm 1st/2nd Gr. Dress Rehearsal 6:30pm 1st/2nd Gr. Concert

14 Valentine’s Day & 100th Day of School Wear Pink or Red

15 Meadowbrook Spirit Day


17 18 1D To E.B. Shurts 5:00-8:00pm Culver’s Delicious Dining 2:30-6:30pm Blood Drive Meadowbrook Gym


20 4:30-7:15pm K-5th Grade Showcase of Learning

21 5th Gr. To Planetarium



24 25 1B To E.B. Shurts


27 28 4:30-7:15pm K-5th Grade Showcase of Learning


March 2019 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 Meadowbrook Spirit Day 1:40pm Early Release


3 4 Safari Spirit Day

5 6 End of 2nd Trimester


8 Meadowbrook Spirit Day



11 6:00 PTA Meeting



14 15 Irish Spirit Day Wear Green For St. Patty’s Day

16 St. Patrick’s Day

17 18 5:00-8:00pm Culver’s Delicious Dining

19 20 Hawaiian Spirit Day


22 Meadowbrook Spirit Day


24 25 No School

26 Spring Break No School

27 Spring Break No School

28 Spring Break No School

29 Spring Break No School