ME 525 2013Lecture 1

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  • 8/10/2019 ME 525 2013Lecture 1


    ME 525: Combustion Session 1


    Course Administration

    Introduction: Applications andFundamentals


    Begin Review of Backgroundmaterial

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  • 8/10/2019 ME 525 2013Lecture 1


    Course Administration

    Instructor: Jay P. Gore [email protected] Assistants: Indraneel Sircar [email protected]

    Home Work: Ten Homework problems assigned with aone week to ten days gapanswers to be emailed tothe instructor with copies to TA

    Instructor Office Visits: For one hour after class or byappointment

    Encourage Study Groups: Will be formed after review ofstudent self-introductions. Submit names of up to 5classmates you would like in your study group.

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    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Student Self-Introductions

    Name and Email: .

    Degree Objective (Ph.D. or M. S.): .

    Advisor: .

    Research Topic: .

    Course Background: Circle the appropriate course numbers or theword equivalent and the word senior or the word grad

    ME500 or ME300 or equivalent senior or grad thermodynamics

    ME505 or ME315 or equivalent senior or grad heat transfer

    ME509 or ME309 or equivalent senior or grad fluid mechanics

    MA527 or MA 528 or equivalent senior or grad first year math

    ME581 or equivalent senior or grad numerical methods

    Names of five (or as many as you know) classmates who youwould like in your study group

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    Two Midterm Examinations: 30%

    Final Examination (Comprehensive): 30%

    Text Book Home Work Problems: 20%.

    Special Project(s): 20%.

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    Text Book

    An Introduction to Combustion: Concepts andApplications, Third Edition, McGraw Hill by Stephen R.


    Download Software at

    Other software may need to be used for Homework

    problems and special problems

    Study groups will have opportunity to share combustion

    related web links, combustion videos, interestingcombustion related news items with Professor Gore for his

    screening, sharing with the class

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    Applications of Combustion

    Power plants

    Coal, Diesel, Natural Gas


    Mining and ore melting, combustion synthesis, heattreatment, boiling and purification.

    Transportation: Air, Space, Land, Rivers, Sea, and Ocean

    Otto, Diesel, Rankine and Brayton cycles

    HVAC and other Appliances Fire Safety

    Forest, residential, automobile

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    Combustion Design Issues

    Fuel for a given power ratingefficiency, heat rejected, exhaust product composition

    Oxidizer or air needed for a given power rating

    Mining and ore melting, combustion synthesis, heat treatment,

    boiling and purification. Pollutants produced and their long term and short term impact

    Cost of pollutant and pollution control

    Pressure and temperature rise and control and containmentdesign

    Ignition, extinction, turndown, speed, pressure oscillation,noise, odor, and fire safety

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    Combustion Fundamentals- 1

    Combustion is an exothermic chemical reaction betweena fuel and an oxidizer in which chemical energy stored inmolecular bonds is released in the form of sensibleenergy.

    Most fuels currently in use are hydrocarbon fossil fuelswith coal being the most used and most criticized fuel.

    Most oxidizer currently in use is oxygen from air.

    Combustion products generally include CO2, H2O, CO, H2,N2, and excess O2.

    Soot, unburned HC and NOxpressure oscillation, noise,and odor.

    Combustion may involve material in solid, liquid, vaporand superheated gas state.

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    Stoichiometric Chemical Reaction

    Generic fuel: CxHyOz, Molecular weight = (12x+y+16z) g/mol or

    kg/kmol. eg. CH4and CH3OH Molecular weight of CH4= 12.011+4*(1.00794) =

    12.011+4.03176=16.04876 kg/kmol

    Saves a lot of time and effort to make engineering assumption

    like: MWCH4= 16 kg/kmol

    CxHyOz+ S (O2+ 3.76 N2) = xCO2 + y/2H2O + 3.76SN2

    S = moles of O2from air needed for complete combustion of


    S=x+y/4-z/2. So for CH4, S=2; for generic paraffin CnH2n+2,S=n+(n+1)/2=1.5n+0.5; and for a generic paraffin alcohol

    CnH2n+1OH, S=n+(n+1)/2-1/2=1.5n

    For Propane: S = 5; Propanol: C3H7OH, S = 4.5

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    Combustion Fundamentals - 2

    Fuel pyrolysis and vaporization must occur first for solid/liquid fuels.

    Mixing at various length scales of the combustor, flow and molecular

    scales occurs next prior to the molecular scale chemical reaction.

    If mixing promoted first and then ignition and flame stabilization is

    promoted, then a mode of combustion defined as premixedcombustion prevails.

    If mixing occurs simultaneously with ignition and reaction then a

    mode of combustion defined as non-premixed (diffusion) combustion


    Combination of premixed and diffusion combustion prevails in flame

    stabilization region.

    Flameless combustion may occur in certain devices.

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    Combustion Fundamentals - 3

    Combustion is an energy transfer process in which a portion of the storedmolecular bond energy of a working substance (reactants taken together) is

    transformed into sensible energy of the chemically transformed workingsubstance, transferred in the form of heat and/or work for useful purposesand/or transferred to another working substance as heat.

    The properties of the working substance that typically change as a result ofcombustion include: Internal energy: dus=cvdT,

    enthalpy: dhs= dus+ vdP+ Pdv=cpdT; enthalpy including enthalpy change of state: dhs= dus+ vdP+ Pdv+ hfg enthalpy including enthalpy change associated with chemical bonds

    Nomenclature and units


    = sensible internal energy kJ

    us= specific sensible internal energy kJ/kg

    Hs= sensible enthalpy kJ

    hs= specific sensible enthalpy kJ/kg

    T = temperature, K

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    Combustion Fundamentals - 4

    Nomenclature and units

    P= pressure or force per unit area kN or kN/m2

    = kPAUs= sensible internal energy kJ

    us= specific sensible internal energy kJ/kg

    Hs= sensible enthalpy kJ

    hs= specific sensible enthalpy kJ/kg

    Hfg= enthalpy change associated with phase change kJhfg= specific enthalpy change associated with phase change kJ/kg

    cv = constant volume specific heat, kJ/kg-K

    cP = constant pressure specific heat, kJ/kg-K

    HHV= Higher heating value of a fuel, kJ/kg. Energy removed after complete combustionof the fuel to products to bring the products to the same temperature as thereactants and associated condensation of the resulting water vapor.

    LHV= Lower heating value of a fuel , kJ/kg. Energy removed after complete combustionof the fuel to products to bring the products to the same temperature as thereactants but without condensation of the water vapor in the products.

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