Md. Mizanur Rahman MEng(Sweden), PhD (Finland), CEng Chartered Energy Engineer (EI, UK) Certified Energy Manager School of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Email: [email protected]

Md. Mizanur Rahman

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Md. Mizanur Rahman MEng(Sweden), PhD (Finland), CEng Chartered Energy Engineer (EI, UK) Certified Energy Manager School of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Email: [email protected]

Week Topic / Content

1 a) Sustainable Energy Technology: Introduction, background and motivation

b) Greenhouse gas effects and climate change -an overview

2 Global Energy Systems and Scenarios: Depletion of fossil fuel researves and environmental consequences

3 Non-renewable Energy Resources: Environmental consequences

4 Renewable energy resource- Wind: potentials, applications, advances, challenges, and prospects

5 Renewable energy resource- Solar: potentials, applications, advances, challenges, and prospects

6 Renewable energy resources- Biomass and Hydro: Potentials, applications, advances, challenges, and


7 Renewable energy resources- Geothermal, Ocean, Hydrogen fuel cells: Potentials, applications, advances,

challenges, and prospects


9 Energy efficiency and systems: poly generation, combined heat and power, smart power system, energy

flexibility strategy, integration, demand side management

10 Energy storage technologies and policy drives for expediting renewable resource penetration [Example from

Danish (global leader in Wind power) and German (global leader in PV) energy systems ]

11 Life Cylce Analysis (LCA): Study and demonstration by SimaPro


Energy economics: Investment analysis, Financial matrices and tools, Economic evaluation of power

generation system for conventional and renewable resources ,Cost of energy (COE), Cost elements of energy


13 Energy system’s analysis, feasibility, optimization, and evaluation: Modeling tools- RETScreen and HOMER

• Energy technology is a multidisciplinary branch of engineering connected with several other disciplines (e.g. electrical, chemical, economics, and social science etc.)

• Deals with efficient and safe

– Extraction

– Conversion and

– Use of energy


Energy: Priority area for every country in the 21st century

• Main ingredient for economic and human development

• Lighting a room, keeping a hospital open, running a factory, driving a car – energy is at the heart of every day life.

• A crucial factor for growth, economic competitiveness and employment.


Serving of energy (either as a product or service) is complex, because it- • Involves several types of output such as thermal, mechanical,

electrical, chemical energy

• Interacts with input from human operators and with other systems (e.g. networks, fuels, markets)

• These inputs are distributed over a wide geographic expanse

• Widespread infrastructures and equipment

• Connected with several physical and non-physical entities

Energy as a commodity


• Energy domain faces several major challenges globally and nationally-

Depletion of reserves

Environmental impacts

Increasing demand

Lack of access to modern form of energy


Contemporary Challenges

Reserves running out..

Fossil fuel

resources Reserves

(2013) Annual

consumption rate Years to be fully

exhausted (y)

Natural Gas 209 trillion cubic

meter 3.5 trillion cubic

meter/y <56

Oil 204 billion tonne 3.9 billion tonne/y <55

Coal 891 billion tonne 7.5 billion tonne/y >118


Reference: http://www.worldenergy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/WEC_Resources_summary-final_180314_TT.pdf

Coal, oil and natural gas account for over 80% of global TPES.

Fossil fuel reserve will be exhausted (oil 55, gas 56, coal 118 years).

Environmental degradation and climate change.

Growing demand


2010: Equivalent to 1.5 earth planet

2030: Equivalent to 2.0 earth planets

2050: >2.5 equivalent earth planets

This means, in 2010 the earth needs 1.5 yr. to regenarate the resources what we used in a year.

Source: http://www.footprintnetwork.org

Resource footprints


Fossil fuel-related CO2


Non-fossil-related CO2


CO2 76%

CH4 16%

N2O 6%

CFC 2%

Contribution of CO2 of total GHG emissions (38 Gt/y out of total 49 Gt/y).

Contribution of fossil fuel-related CO2 of total CO2 emissions (32 Gt/y out of 38 Gt/y)

Energy sector (exploration,

transformation and use)

CO2 emissions

Global warming

Climate change

Drought, cyclone, tropical storms, biodiversity loss, sea level rise, Landscape changing, sudden floods




Water pollution Air pollution Soil pollution Acid rain

Noise pollution

Sight pollution Land degradation

Ocean system collapse-oil spills,

Run off chemicals, acid rain

Flora and fauna loss

Nuclear radioactive pollution


Agriculture Deforestation, Land use change, Rice cultivation, Livestock farming Chemical fertilizers Industry Chemical and process industry Residential sector Energy use Commerce Energy use

CO2, CH4, N2O, O3, CFC emissions (35%)



World energy use is constantly growing


Population without electricity millions

Traditional use of biomass for cooking Share of population %

Africa 600 67 Sub-Saharan Africa 599 79

Developing Asia 615 51 India 306 66 Rest of developing Asia 309

Latin America 24 15 Middle East 19 4 OECD 1 World 1 258 38

As soon as these challenges are recognized at the end of the last

century, a new concept ‘sustainability’ has emerged into the scene.

What is sustainability?

Development that meets the needs of the present without

compromising the ability of future generations to meet their

own needs (Bruntland’s report to UN 1987).

In line with this above definition, Sustainable Energy Technology (SET)

deals with efficient and safe

• Extraction

• Conversion and

• Use

of energy while taking into account environment, economics, and

societal issues



Sustainable Energy Technology (SET)

Energy efficiency and system

Renewable and new energy technologies

Energy efficiency in technology

Energy system modeling Energy economics

LCA Energy audit

EIA Energy management Smart power system

Project evaluation Carbon capture and

storage (CCS)

Renewable energy sources

Renewable energy economics

Energy storage Micro power system

Microturbine Waste to energy

Biochar Distributed generation

Technology diffusion Progress ratio/learning rate CHP Poly/tri generation Fuel cell /H2

Electric vehicle Energy system integration District energy system

• Energy efficiency

– Efficiency in technologies, economics, policy, management, planning etc.

• Utilization of alternative resources.

– Technology, modeling, policy, economics, and systems


Major Drivers

Challenges and their complexity require multidisciplinary approach by inter-linking

Cross disciplinary knowledge

Socioeconomic aspects and

Environmental limits

Multiple goals Economically feasible

Environmentally bearable

Socially acceptable



Exploration and production (O&G), mining etc.

Processing/transportation (LNG, GTL, CTL)

Transformation Power generation, refinery

Transmission and distribution

Final use Industry, building,


Overall efficiency: 1-20%


Power plant

• Global average efficiency of coal fired plant is approximately 34%.

• Whereas state-of the art efficiencies for coal power plant is above 46%


• About 50% of global electricity consumption comes from electric motors

• Potential by increasing efficiency: 20-30%

• Where do the efficiency come

– High efficient motors, variable speed drives, application part


• Pumping accounts for about 15 % of global industrial electricity use .

• 10-50% improvement of energy efficiency possible through:

reducing flows through VSDs (variable speed drives)

reducing flows through effective time control

improving gears and transmission


• Globally, around 20% of the total electricity is consumed by the lighting sector.

• Lighting has 70% energy saving potentials


Example 1: Poly generation concept • Conventional thermal power generation is extremely wasteful


• Efficiencies in the range 30–47%

• Over 50% of fuel value is wasted

• Heat rejected to surrounding.

• Liberates huge CO2


The Carnot principle shows the theoretical maximum thermal efficiency of any heat engine cycle For example, if the maximum reachable temperature in a cycle is 1450 K and the cooling water minimum temperature is 285 K

Theoretical maximum efficiency limit of a heat engine (e.g. turbine)

Poly generation concept


• In fact the maximum Carnot efficiency cannot be achieved -irreversibility in the process.

• Energy being lost in the form of waste heat.

• Waste heat is recovered and make use of it in poly generation process.

Poly generation concept



Integrated cogeneration and district Energy Network

Poly generation concept



• Small ‘micro’ installations serve the needs of a single building (electricity and heat)

• Large systems to serve electricity and heat to even whole towns.

• Micro-CHP systems utilizing internal combustion engines, micro turbine etc.

• Gas turbines for larger installations

• Major fuel and cost savings (15-50%)

• Lower carbon emissions • Fuel flexibility • Utilization of local bioenergy

sources • Diverse applications • Flexible technology options • Power system flexibility &

stability • In municipalities often

coupled to district heating (DH)




Example 2: Energy management

• Effective energy management in industry will

increase energy efficiency significantly.

• Efficient building design can reduce

heating/cooling loss by 25 to 50% by- Passive design


building materials

Utilizing thermal



Flexibility appears as an essential element for sustainable energy

Energy variability challenges


• Demands are variable, f(x,y,t)

• Energy sources are transient, f(x,y,t)

• Energy demand and supply matching requirement

• On spatial and time (x, y, t) variations

• Critical for the electric system

• New energy technologies and renewable resources integration




• Flexible demand • Electric Vehicle EV, ICT • Storage • Smart Grids • Super Grids

• Co-generation (CHP) • Electricity-to-Thermal

E2T • Electricity-to-Gas E2Gas • Vehicles-to-Grid ,V2G,



• Integrate intermittent

renewable resources

• Storage options

• Smart meters

• EV2G

• Plug-in EV

• Bidirectional power and

information flow

• Real time coordinating


• Supergrids serve as large transmission networks between wide geographical areas.

• Use of high-voltage direct current (HVDC) due to their very low losses specially across oceans.

• Example: ongoing supergrid linking renewable resources from North Africa and Europe


CCS involves: • Capture the emitted CO2 from power and industrial plants • Transportation • Injection in underground reservoirs for storage. Four main technologies for CC: • Post-combustion capture • Pre-combustion capture • Oxy-fuelling • Chemical looping A significant energy penalty to the base plant. • After CO2 is captured, it should be compressed for transportation through

high-pressure pipelines or ships, and finally stored into geological formations such as depleted gas reservoirs, saline formations and deep unmineable coal seams.

The 30-MW power plant was commissioned in Schwarze Pumpe in September 2008 by the company Vattenfall and is intended to serve as a test to be applied in commercial-size CCS power plants (250–350 MW).

Scheme of a BIGCC plant to produce heat and electricity from the biomass used in an ethanol production plant

IGCC is a technology that uses a gasifier to turn coal or biomass into gas and to electricity • Produce syngas (CO+H2)+

impurities (SO2, PM, NOX etc.. • Remove impurities before


• Biomass contains alkali materials k, Na

• Form KCl, KSO4 • Deposition and

corrosion • Heat xchanger


Electricity storage technology emerges as a response to synchronize supply and demand mismatching.

Without such storage it would have to be produced and consumed instantaneously.

For non-manageable renewable resources this instantaneous constraint cannot be fulfilled.

• Compressed air • Flywheels • Superconductors • Supercapacitors • Pumping hydropower systems







Inefficiency High operational

costs High losses (10-40%) Lack of quality Lack to freedom of


• State monopoly • Highly subsidize prices • Distortion of demands • Private generation to a small

extent • Government control


Electricity market reforms

Indirect benefits

Emissions and emission trading

Green certificates

Environmental Impact assessment


Nordic example of competitive electricity market


Producers (private or government,

national or international, large

or small)

Whole sale market End-users (large or

small industries, services,

agriculture, transports, households

Retail market

Brings competitiveness

Direct purchase

Competitive selling and buying

Transmission/distribution service is regulated as these are natural monopoly

Distribution is separate activity from electricity trade

3. Emission trading ($$$) A. Emission cap

B. Taxation

C. Renewable energy (green) certificates


Realizing emission saving benefits

Country Year of


Tax rate or carbon price

Chile 2014 USD 5 per tCO2e (2018)

Denmark 1992 USD 31 per tCO2e (2014)

Finland 1990 Euro 35 per tCO2e (2013)

France 2014 Euro 7 per tCO2e (2014)

Iceland 2010 USD 10 per tCO2e (2014)

Ireland 2010 Euro 20 per tCO2e(2013)

Japan 2012 USD 2 per tCO2e (2014)

Norway 1991 USD 4-69 per tCO2e (2014)

Sweden 1991 USD 168 per tCO2e (2014)

Switzerland 2008 USD 68 per tCO2e (2014)

UK 2013 USD 15.75 per tCO2e (2014)


Examples of emission pricing

Life cycle analysis for 1 kWh of electricity generation from natural gas

Four (4) m3 NG burnt in power plant

Refinery, processing

Extraction mining, drilling

1 kWh electricity

Dismantling and disposal

Power plant: materials and transport



Power plant construction

Materials and transport

Electricity T&D

Electricity use

Four (4) m3 NG storage and supply to the power plant

System boundary ฿ 1D: production and transport ฿ 2D: production transport and all

processes during LC ฿ 3D: production, transport, all

processes and capital goods during LC

Direct emission

Natural gas (NG) well


• Designing a energy system involves high variations in resources

availability, uncertainty in cost parameters, and transient

nature in supply and demands.

• Requires optimal system-

Simulation: Determine all feasible configurations.

Optimization: Configurations at lowest life-cycle cost, less GHGs etc.

Sensitivity analysis: Effects of uncertainty of sensitivity variables.


• Enormous potential

• Policy barriers

• Indirect benefits

• High startup cost

• Low demonstrations

• Market barriers


Implicit and explicit subsidies for fossil fuels and nuclear power

Distort level playing field

Fuel price risk ignored

Unfavorable power pricing rules (feed-in-tariffs)

Environmental externalities


• Determining the economic value of

renewable energy by accounting its all the

environmental, energy security, price

stability, climate saving etc. benefits.


Benefits: Emission savings

Energy sources Emissions (gCO2e/kWh)

Max Min Average

Coal 960 888 950

Oil 778 733 775

Natural gas 499 433 450

Nuclear 66 24.2 40

Wind 124 9 50

Solar PV 9-300 10 150


The learning rate for PV modules in the period 1976-1992 was 18% (100-82), meaning that price is reduced by 18% of its previous level after a doubling of cumulative sales

Learning rate (%) = 100-progress ratio


• Price-setting policies

Electricity Feed-in Laws

Renewable Energy

Portfolio Standards (RPS)

Renewable energy (green)



Emission reduction


Emissions cap

Greenhouse gas


Enabling elements

Smart grid

Net metering

Real time pricing


1. The 1st law of thermodynamics: energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

– Why worry about the depletion of fossil fuel reserves?


2. Less than 0.1% of solar energy is enough for the world’s total demand

– What are the barriers?

3. Germany achieved 74% peak generation (electricity) from renewable sources (wind and solar)

20th century:

◘ Scientists discovered

◘ Engineers created

◘ Society inhales

21st Century: Technology, Society, and environment

are the:

◘ Integral part of the


◘ Totally interdependent

◘ Blending together in new


Engineering approaches to tackle 21st Century challenges

