MCV CapState Web

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  • 7/30/2019 MCV CapState Web


    Our purpose is to improve the quality o peoples lives by

    adding value to the built environment by designing and

    delivering quality building and inrastructure projects. We

    achieve this by creating a valuesdriven corporate culture

    which emphasises proessionalism, client ocus, unity, and

    above all, enjoyment.

    We work with good clients on great projects, creating value

    or all involved. We measure our perormance based on

    client outcomes, continually striving to add the maximum

    value at every stage o the project.

    Since 1988, McVeigh Consultants has been providing value-

    adding services to the development industry throughout

    Queensland, NSW and Northern Territory. Our team o over

    30 includes civil engineers, structural engineers, architects,

    development managers, project managers, technical and

    support sta.

  • 7/30/2019 MCV CapState Web



    McVeigh Consultants provides integrated civil, structural,

    architectural, development and project management


    Our integrated approach means that we are able to deliver a

    higher quality o proessional services in a shorter time and

    or lower cost, whatever the nature or size o the project.

    Whether working with an integrated McVeigh team, or with

    an external team o consultants, we have the exibility to

    ensure that the right people are involved at the right time

    resulting in the delivery o aster, cheaper and better quality

    engineering and architectural outcomes or our clients.

    Better Quality civil, structural, architectural and project

    management experts work together or a robust solution.

    Faster working together reduces overall timeline and

    eliminates inefciencies between disciplines.

  • 7/30/2019 MCV CapState Web


    What ourclients sayabout us


    McVeigh provided multidisciplined design services to

    John Holland Queensland on its Building the Education

    Revolution Program (BER 2) project.

    These services included the architectural, structural,

    mechanical, hydraulics and electrical design associated

    with nineteen (19) buildings across ourteen (14)

    Morton West schools.

    John Holland Queensland believes McVeigh has

    understood, embraced and integrated eectively

    with school stakeholders. Based on this briefngprocess McVeigh produced aesthetic, unctional and

    cost eective school design solutions satisying the

    demands o this inormed client.

    In summary, McVeighs proactive approach has resulted

    in design deliverables provided within tight budgets and

    tight time rames. The McVeigh designs have been well

    received by the schools resulting in positive eedback

    rom school Principals.

    Paul Laird, Design Manager, John Holland Queensland

    Baulderstone engaged McVeigh as designers and engineers

    or a number o schools we had been awarded as part o

    the Federal Governments BER programme. McVeigh were

    selected ater an extensive process o prequalifcation

    involving assessment o technical capacity and value or the

    State Government.

    The schools were located in some o the least accessible

    areas o the Wide Bay Burnett region north o Brisbane.

    In total, Baulderstone engaged fve architectural frms to

    provide design services or these school projects.

    In the design stage o the projects, McVeigh have provided

    exceptional services in terms o quality and coordination o

    the documentation and have satisfed all the programming

    targets we established at their engagement to meet relevant

    school approvals and to allow Baulderstone to proceed to

    tender or the work. In this regard, McVeigh have proven

    equal to the best o our selected architectural teams.

    Baulderstone would be pleased to work with McVeigh in

    uture project opportunities.

    Tony Gillette, Branch Design Manager, BaulderstoneQueensland

  • 7/30/2019 MCV CapState Web


    We fnd Michael and his team to be very innovative,

    cost conscious, and perorm within the requested time


    John Bailey Bailey Civil Contracting Pty Ltd

    McVeigh added value to the warehouse and bottling

    hall buildings by understanding the brie thoroughly and

    ensuring that their design resulted in a simple structure

    that accurately met the requirements o our storage


    Mark Mercer Project Team Leader/Civil and Structural Carlton and United Breweries

    From day one, we were always confdent that our

    project was going to be a complete success with

    McVeighs on the job and they didnt disappoint.

    Shum Rane Rane Brothers Poultry

    We have always ound Michael and his team

    members to display an extremely high level o

    proessionalism in their approach to the work asked o

    them and have a strong client philosophy.

    Michael Cahill Cahill Transport

    I have ound McVeighs diligent addressing design

    issues and producing an efcient, cost eective

    design. The McVeigh team have met tight deadlines

    and worked seamlessly with coordinating their designs

    with the project architect. I would have no hesitation in

    recommending McVeighs or uture proejcts rom this


    Paul Nicholls, Design Manager, FKP Constructions


    The whole team at McVeigh is extremely cooperative and

    a pleasure to work with and importantly, they all seem to

    share in Michaels service-ocused philosophy. We have won

    several industry Awards or excellence which are largely

    a reection o the dedication and support o the sta at


    Dan Williams, Managing Director o Applewood Pty Ltd

    Michael brings to projects a quiet but frm hand o control

    and a surprising degree o design innovation.

    Kevin Miller, Property Solutions Group Australia

    Their approach to design has been very innovative,

    incorporating good and economical design as well as

    buildability, resulting in cost savings that make our Company

    more competitive in the marketplace. Whilst Michael is

    always extremely busy, he has always been personally

    accessible to us, which is an essential part.

    Walter H. Sommer, Executive Chairman o Sommer and Sta

    Constructions Pty Ltd

    Michael brought to the project a level o technical innovation

    that saved construction costs and satisfed the objectives

    o the developer or the project. At all times Michaels frm

    acted with the clients best interest at the oreront o their

    thoughts at all times. Michael and his sta also acted with

    complete honesty and integrity throughout the design and

    construction o the project.

    John Dugan, John Dugan & Associates Pty Ltd

    Your team have proved very astute in your negotiations

    with the local authorities to render us a better than expected

    result.Chris Cutmore, Managing Director o Pacifc Properties

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    Over the years we have done many projects with McVeigh

    Consulting, but two stand out. These were Nundah Village

    Shopping Centre and Calamvale Central Shopping Centre.

    On both projects, McVeighs demonstrated a willingness to

    not only provide good economical designs, but also to work

    with a team o consultants to provide the best possible

    outcome. This included many rounds o value engineering, as

    well as alternative designs that matched the changing nature

    o retail design to suit market conditions. I can recommendMcVeighs as a high quality engineering consultant who are

    well matched to the property development industry.

    Peter Anderson, Property Solutions

    Katherine and Claire were a pleasure to work with. They

    were proessional and quick to respond to design queries in

    the early stages o the project. The ast-tracked nature o the

    BER projects meant that all consultants had a very limited

    timerame in which to turn out contruction issue drawings,

    but they delivered their designs in time or us to maintain our

    program.Mark Stanley, Hutchinson Builders

    McVeigh Consultants are a dynamic and innovative

    company that have proven their technical abilities time and

    time again.

    Michael McNab, Managing Director McNab Constructions

    We have no hesitation in providing this recommendation

    to Michael McVeigh and his team as we believe in both his

    personal and proessional integrity and we are assured that

    he will investigate every aspect o his work so that the endproduct is one we can trust.

    David Blanck Property Solutions Group Australia

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    Management Team

    NICK MUSLIN/ Senior Associate ArchitectNick brings twenty years o architectural and building

    experience to McVeigh. Nick has led multi-residential,

    commercial, retail, education and industrial development

    projects. This variety o experience has given Nick a thorough

    understanding o the procurement o architectural and

    building projects.

    MICHAEL McVEIGH / Managing DirectorMichael has over 25 years experience as the owner o an

    integrated design frm. An Engineer by proession, Michaelhas a wealth o civil and structural engineering, building

    design, project and development management expertise.

    Client ocus and a truly integrated design approach are the

    cornerstones o the success o his projects.

    GREG HOGG/ Senior Structural EngineerGreg has nearly 10 years experience working as a structural

    engineer in the construction industry in Australia and the

    UK. Gregs project experience ranges rom award winning

    residential projects to multi-million dollar commercial,

    industrial, residential, education and cultural projects. Greg

    has a broad knowledge and common sense approach to

    engineering and construction, which adds value to any

    project team.

    STEVE MASTRO/ Associate ArchitectSteve has worked on more than 25 retail projects o values

    above $7million in South East Queensland, providing well

    coordinated detailed design solutions to minimise site

    variations. He has extensive experience working with D&C

    Contractors on ast track complex projects within budgetary

    guidelines. Steve is skilled at programming contract

    documentation ow to suit construction program and budget

    and providing value adding design solutions though the

    development process.

    BEN KEITH/ Senior Civil EngineerBen Keith has experience on a wide range o civil

    engineering projects rom multi-billion dollar road projects to

    water reticulation design or entire townships and subdivision

    design. His major strength is water engineering, and water

    quality design and documentation. Bens practical and

    pragmatic approach to his work ensures that value is added

    to each and every project he is involved with.

    VINCE WILLIAMS/ Senior Structural EngineerVince is both a Registered (RPEQ) and a Chartered (CPEng)

    Structural Engineer who has polished his technical abilities on

    the international stage. With experience both in Australia and

    the UK, his practical approach to problem solving ensures

    the client is at the oreront o his decision making at all

    times. Vinces project design experience ranges rom a $2Mshed in the outskirts o Brisbane to a $500M commercial

    development in the centre o London.

    Our Team /

    Alan Kenyon

    Allison Hume

    Anthony Cheng

    Anthony Quick

    Ben Keith

    Bianca Smith

    Claire HickeyDarrin Veness

    Dean Walkley

    Elizabeth Fechner

    George Kouparitsas

    Greg Hogg

    James Foley

    Jessica Ellis

    John Currie

    Kate Perry

    Kristian Smith

    Mark Taylor

    Matthew Tomkins

    Michael McVeigh

    Nick Muslin

    Rick Banaszczyk

    Steve Mastro

    Tim OBrien

    Tracey Borg

    Trent Fisher

    Tu Nghi

    Valerie Cole

    Vince Williams

  • 7/30/2019 MCV CapState Web


    Careers /Work @ McVeigh

    At McVeigh, we pride ourselves on living our shared values,

    which provide the oundation or our corporate culture.

    We enjoy the work we do.

    We work together as a team.

    We work with good clients on great projects.

    We strive to create value or all - ourselves, our businessand our clients.

    We want to work with people who share these values and

    thereore take selecting new team members very seriously.

    We look or skills and experience, but above all shared

    values. We invest heavily in training and developing ourpeople in technical as well as personal and leadership


    Further inormation about opportunities to work @ McVeigh is

    available on our website, or by emailing

    [email protected]

    Our values

  • 7/30/2019 MCV CapState Web


    Project Architect



    Structural & Civil





    A EE

    Integrated Project Leader



    FRAGMENTED DESIGN - Strucural Engineer excluded rom schematic design

    meetings. Project Architect must be experienced enough to anticipate engineering

    issues on the project.

    INEFFICIENCIES - Fast-tracking projects using this traditional method oten

    produces ineciencies, with a greater level o coordination required to manage

    inormation fow. As a result, drawings usually out o sync at any point in time.

    This can lead to conusion and inconsistencies or all suppliers along the chain

    (builders, cost estimators, subcontractors, etc.), which can lead to pricing issues

    and on-site coordination problems rom construction drawings.

    MEETINGS - More meetings are required to ensure fow o inormation between

    consultants is maintained.

    LACK OF TEAMWORK - A culture o blame and lack o accountability about the fow

    o inormation between consult ants can arise... we cant do anything because the

    architect / engineer has not issued their drawings




    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Potential Time





    - Structural and Civil Engineers involved in design romthe outset o the project resulting in the identication and resolution o critical

    issues as early as possible.

    REDUCED PROGRAM - The integrated design model is based on the ast-track

    design team onsite method which creates time and cost savings and quality

    improvements. The design program is reduced due to greater eciencies and

    better communication between all project team members.

    FEWER MEETINGS - The need or ormal and costly design team meetings is

    reduced. Dialogue and project reporting is simple to manage and access.

    ONE POINT OF CONTACT - Streamlined and ecient management, including

    one point o contact. Less time and management required rom Client / Project

    Manager or Managing Contractor.

    TRUE TEAMWORK - The Integrated Project Leader is responsible or overall

    design delivery - no culture o blame or nger-pointing at other disciplines.




    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Architect oten

    begins design in


    Structural Engineer

    requests base

    drawings rom


    Architect requests

    base structural


    / column locations

    Multiple rounds o

    coordination meetings

    required beore design is



    Down time while awaiting

    inputs rom other consultants

    Client /

    Project Manager /

    Managing Contractor



    Single point o

    contact responsible

    or coordination o

    architectural and

    engineering disciplines

    Eective and ecient


    between team

    members acilitates

    collaboration and

    problem solving

    Architects and Engineers

    meet as an integrated

    team rom the start

    Number o coordination

    meetings needed reduced

    Architectural and Engineering drawing sets are coordinated at all times

    Client /

    Project Manager /

    Managing Contractor

    Project Architect

    AA A

    Structural & Civil


    EE E

    AA A EE E


    Client / PM / MC is

    required to maintain

    multiple consultants


    limited to

    project leader

    level at



    Minimal communicationbetween design team


    Project Leaders

    unable to brie

    or collaborate

    with other

    project teams

  • 7/30/2019 MCV CapState Web



    Below is an outline o some o the benefts we have seen

    rom BIM-driven projects:

    Project visualisation The use o the 3D model gives a

    clear representation o the building. As a Client you can

    see what you are purchasing and as a Contractor you can

    see what youre constructing.

    Certainty o budget costing All materials weights and

    measures can be taken directly rom the model.

    Certainty o tender costs The building o the 3D model

    means that coordinated tender documentation has been


    Minimised variations and RFI delays A coordinated

    model minimizes RFIs during the production process or

    steel and concrete tilt panels and eectively eliminates

    problems o clashes on-site that can cause expensive


    Speed o tender can be increased Contractor

    confdence in the inormation which is coordinated and

    provided in a ormat that weights and measures are

    certain mean a quicker turnaround o tenders and a more

    confdent start on site.

    Successul implementation o BIM or designing anddocumenting projects has been shown to produce costsavings on projects o 3 to 4%.

    Project Architect



    Structural & Civil





    A EE

    Integrated Project Leader

    Client /

    Project Manager /Managing Contractor

    REVIT Architecture & Structures

    To complement McVeigh Consultants integrated

    design approach, we utilise Building Inormation

    Modelling (BIM) sotware throughout the practice.

    REVIT Architecture & Structure allows our integrated

    teams to create a 3D model o a building linked to a

    database o project inormation.

    Using BIM to drive the design process means

    that the building is designed in an holistic manner

    resulting in a great reduction in errors between

    disciplines and an overall decrease in the total time

    needed or design.

    Building Inormation Modelling


  • 7/30/2019 MCV CapState Web


    Projects /Commercial

    Walton Construction Ofces / Montpelier RoadClient /Walker Douglas Investments Location /Bowen Hills

    Value /$1.5 million Services /Structural Engineering

    A run-down oce / warehouse building on a sloping site wastransormed into a slick head oce or a construction company.

    One end o the building had subsided adjacent to a railway line

    and an existing rock-anchored retaining wall which presented a

    challenge to our engineers. Working closely with the architects,

    our engineers designed a lightweight end wall and oundations torectiy the problem. A new lightweight foor was installed in one

    o the hal-storey height warehouse areas and the existing roo

    was raised to provide a semi-basement carpark with an open plan,

    column ree oce above. Cantilevered shading structures ormed a

    part o the new lazed entrance which is now a prominent eature on

    Montpelier Road.

    73 Amelia StreetClient /Flaskas Bickle Location /Fortitude Valley

    Value /$2.5 million Services /Structural Engineering

    A dark, run-down oce / warehouse building previously used as

    a television studio has been converted into a light-lled open planoce in Brisbanes inner city. Working closely with the architect

    and contractor, McVeighs engineers undertook the structural

    design or this building as construction was underway within a

    very tight deadline. A new concrete foor was constructed in the

    existing double-height warehouse, making use o the existing walls,

    columns and oundations wherever possible. Structural stabilitywalls were removed and replace with steel raming and ull-height

    glazing to let light food into the newly created oce. The existingrabbit warren o ront oces was opened up and load-bearing

    walls were replaced with minimal columns and transer beams.

    Petrie TerraceClient /Gasson Developments Location /Paddington

    Value /$600,000 Services /Structural Engineering

    This project involved the reurbishment o a ten-story oce building

    in a prominent location just outside Brisbanes CBD. New plant

    platorms were added to the roo and a number o in situ concreteupstand beams were removed rom the back o the building

    to allow or the installation o foor to ceiling glazing. A new

    building entrance was created consisting o a crisply detailed steel

    cantilevered awning, an artwork display area and a new exposed in

    situ concrete and glass coee bar.

    Janda FurnitureClient /Herbi Location /Newstead Value /$2 million

    Services /Structural Engineering

    An existing riverside warehouse was converted into a unky head

    oce and showroom or Janda Furniture. Existing structural walls

    were removed to provide loading bay access doors and large areaso glazing to let light into the showroom. A foating glass box

    boardroom was hung rom the existing roo structure over part o

    the showroom. A substantial glazed roo pop-up was created in the

    centre o the existing roo to bring light into the rst foor, open plan

    oce and a cantilevered recreation balcony was hung o the rear o

    the building, overlooking Breakast Creek.

  • 7/30/2019 MCV CapState Web


    Projects /Residential

    25 Musk AvenueClient /Brisbane Housing Company Location /Kelvin Grove

    Value /$8.4 million Services /Structural & Civil Engineering

    Located at the heart o the Kelvin Grove Urban Village, 25 Musk Aveis a mixed unit development or the Brisbane Housing Company, an

    organisation that provides low-cost housing. The 50 unit building has

    a concrete rame and blockwork construction with an internal atrium

    and courtyard connected by balconies. The site is cut into a hill and

    incorporates two levels o semi-basement carparking and commercialoce space. Two levels o complicated transer structures were

    required to achieve the best parking, oce and residential spaces

    within the building. McVeigh Consultants provided structural and

    civil engineering services to help achieve a robust, but cost eective

    building that complemented the neighbourhood within the clients

    tight budget.

    Patane ResidenceClient /Private Client Location /Newmarket Value /$2 million

    Services /Structural Engineering

    This unique residence is located on a steep sloping site in the

    Brisbane suburb o Newmarket. The clients brie was to create amodern, open-plan residence that would capture views o Brisbane

    rom its hillside perch. Minimal structure was the brie rom the

    architect, and in response we created slim foating foor slabs,

    cantilevered balconies and foor to ceiling rameless glass walls. The

    house is constructed rom exposed concrete, careully detailed in-

    situ. McVeigh engineers worked closely with the architects to ensurethat the detailing o the concrete was both buildable and in line with

    the architectural intent or the building.

    Elysium Lots 158, 163 & 172Client /Fairweather Proberts Location /Noosa Value /$4 million

    Services /Structural Engineering

    Each o these houses within the Elysium development in Noosa

    eature careully detailed exposed steel, timber, concrete and glass

    structures. Swimming pools and water tanks that are integrated into

    the oundations and superstructure were designed by our engineers.

    The houses also eature cantilevered balconies and stairs, double

    height glazed walls and high specication exposed concrete walls.

    17 Masters Street, Newstead

    Client /McNab Construction Location /NewsteadValue /$18 million Services /Structural and Civil Engineering

    This six storey, 5800sqm, residential development plus one level

    o basement car parking is located at the Northern end o MastersStreet, just 100m rom Newstead River Park. The residential unit

    development is a project or the Brisbane Housing Commission.

    The 95 unit complex is o concrete and block construction. All units

    have balconies and there are common areas available to all tenants.

    McVeigh Consultants worked closely with the architects to achieve a

    cost eective design to provide maximum foor area within tight siteconstraints.


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    Projects /Retail

    Calamvale Shopping CentreClient /Property Solutions Group Location /Calamvale

    Value /$47 million Services /Structural Engineering

    This shopping centre comprises 26,000 sq m o retail space and26,000 sq m o under cover carparking. The project program required

    a ast start on site while detail design was still progressing. Our

    engineers worked closely with the architect and contractor to ensure

    that the pace o construction on site could be maintained.

    The main shopping mall comprises driven precast concrete piles anda suspended post-tensioned concrete deck supporting the steel-

    ramed and concrete tilt panel shop structures.

    Our approach to retail projects is to provide fexible raming solutions

    that allowed last-minute changes to retail tenancies to be carried out

    while still providing a cost-eective design.

    Nundah VillageClient /Property Solutions Group Location /Nundah

    Value /$13 million Services /Structural and Civil Engineering

    A ormer carpark on the corner o Sandgate and Buckland Roads and

    bounded by a railway line has been redeveloped into a new shopping

    centre with a Woolworths, ten specialty shops and basement carparking. The building comprises a reinorced blockwork semi-

    basement with an insitu suspended concrete deck supporting the

    steel ramed and concrete tilt panel shops.

    The specialty shop raming was designed to be virtually column-

    ree to maintain fexibility or uture tenancy layouts and changes.

    The main eature o the development was the steel rame and glasscanopy which orms the entrance to the courtyard at the heart o the

    village. During construction, the basement plan area was increasedby 15%. McVeigh engineers worked closely with the contractor to

    provide a design as we build service to ensure the project program

    was not compromised by this signicant project variation.

    Eli Waters Shopping CentreClient /Kamah Developments Location /Maryborough

    Value /$20 million Services /Structural and Civil Engineering

    This project involved the major redevelopment o an existing shopping

    centre into a much larger centre with a Woolworths and associated

    specialty shops. Approximately 25% o the original shopping centrehad to remain open during construction due to existing tenancy

    obligations. These obligations posed signicant challenges or our

    engineers in staging the structural work or the redevelopment.This challenge was successully met by working closely with the

    contractors and architect throughout the process. Existing tilt

    panel walls and large scale timber roo trusses were adapted andincorporated into the new building allowing remaining tenants to

    continue operations.

    Cantilevered entrance awnings and cae canopies provided a visual

    ocus to the acades and draw shoppers into the new light airy mall


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    Projects /Retail

    Woodord Shopping CentreClient /Ray White Construction Location /Woodord

    Value /$16 million Services /Structural Engineering

    This project involved construction o a new Woolworths shoppingcentre with additional 20 specialty stores. Particular challenges

    involved with this development included McVeigh developing an

    innovative stormwater management system or the site which

    gained approval with council. Without this value adding approach

    the development may never have proceeded. Throughout thedesign stage o this project various value management initiatives

    were adopted to assist in minimising the construction costs. These

    included using timber roo raming or the specialty shops and

    adopting a partially suspended slab to minimise extent o retaining

    walls around the perimeter o the site.

    Murrumba Downs Shopping CentreClient /ML Design Location /Murrumba Downs

    Value /$37 million Services /Structural and Civil Engineering

    This retail centre is on the corner o a new large residential development

    at Murrumba Downs. The development consists o a new 3,000m2

    Coles and associated attached specialty shops, together with threeother separate retail buildings, including a medical centre.

    The site has been built up above the surrounding levels with ll

    rom the construction o the adjacent Bruce Highway. A signicant

    amount o ground improvement works was carried out to reduce the

    costs o the new building oundations, resulting in all the buildings

    being on high level ootings rather than piles. McVeigh Consultantsprovided the civil and structural engineering services or the project,

    including advice on the ground improvement works, selection andvalue engineering o retaining wall types, design o new and modied

    main road works, resolution and design o signicant stormwater /

    overland fow rom the adjacent residential development together

    with the ecient design o all the retail structures.

    Village Square Browns PlainsClient /FKP Location /Browns Plains Value /$65 million

    Services /Structural Engineering

    This shopping centre, Town square and commercial precinct

    comprised 13 separated one and two storey buildings with a totalfoor area in excess o 36,000m2. Our engineers worked closely

    throughout the project with the consulting team and FKP to deliver

    timely documentation to meet the tight construction timerames.Our extensive retail experience with projects o this nature proved

    invaluable to the client throughout the project and assisted in

    providing the most economic and practical designs solutions at alltimes.

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    Projects /Industrial

    McVeigh Consultants approaches the design o industrial buildingswith the whole project in mind. Our team o architects, engineers

    and draters prepares the ull range o drawings required or thesuccessul completion o any project, rom simple domestic sheds

    to 32,500m2 warehouse buildings.

    In short, by providing all the necessary drawings and documentationin-house, we cut down on valuable consulting and coordination

    time, ensuring time delays are kept to a minimum. McVeigh

    Consultants-designed buildings are economical yet serviceable, and

    strictly comply with strength and unctional requirements. With

    over twenty years experience, we know the planning and buildingregulations inside out, but more importantly, we keep abreast o

    changes so that the most up-to date inormation is used when

    interpreting the regulations relevant to each specic project.

    Our team works closely with clients, contractors, abricators andsuppliers to ensure each step o the process is completed to thesatisaction o both owners and occupiers. Cutting costs does not

    mean cutting quality!

    We have a proven track record o producing alternative cost-saving

    designs, including a ten percent saving on a $2,000,000 project or

    the Cannington Mine. Our steel designs are consistently below$55.00 per square metre or warehouse buildings. Our steel

    design or the 32,500m2 CUB Distribution Centre at Yatala was over

    $200,000 cheaper than other designs.

    Simon National Carriers Warehouse

    Client /Banoon No. 2 Pty Ltd (Simon National Carriers)Location /Carole Park Value /$17 million Services /Architectural,Structural, Civil, Design Management, Project Management,

    Electrical, Mechanical, Fire Approvals Management (Including:

    Development Approval, Re-Fuelling Facility Approvals, Operational

    Works, QFRS Approval and Building Approval)

    Another shining example o the ull integrated McVeigh approachto industrial building design. Simon National Carriers consists o

    a single 29,000m warehouse and 1,300m oce to house their

    Brisbane transport acility. This specialised acility incorporates

    six loading docks, wash bay, truck re-uelling acility, servicing pits,

    internal weighbridge and driver bunk acilities to provide a complete

    operational solution or Simon National Carriers.

    The acility also includes a post tension slab to the internal

    warehouse, or improved orklit perormance. This was part o a

    structural design solution provided by McVeigh Consultants which

    also included a $350,000 saving through delivering an ecient steel

    design or the warehouse and awnings.

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    Projects /Industrial

    MetroplexClient /McNab Constructions Location /Murrarie

    Value /$4 million Services /Structural, Civil, Hydraulic Engineeringand Architecture

    Part o the Metroplex on Gateway development, Lot 20 Archimedes

    Road is a 4,000m2 warehouse and oce complex split into our

    tenancies, each with approximately 2,500m2 o oce space. This

    architecturally designed development was designed to provide

    easy, quick and ecient access to the units that would appeal to

    tenants and end users. The unctionality and aesthetically pleasingappearance o the building is palpable due to the act that all the units

    were leased very quickly.

    Portlink Lots 2, 8 & 11Client /Pradella Constructions & Barnsdel Investments

    Location /Woodord Value /$7.5 million Services /Structural andCivil Engineering

    The Portlink development is located on engineered ll overlying sel

    manne clays prone to large amounts o settlement.

    Typically, buildings in this area are piled, at great expense to the client.

    McVeigh Consultants saved its client $100,000 through sophisticated

    analysis to predict building movements under real loads and careul

    detailing - eliminating the need or piling in the oundations.

    Acanthus StreetClient /Mosaic Developments Location /Darra

    Value /$6 million Services /Structural and Civil Engineering,

    Architectural preliminary design and documentation.

    An example o our integrated design approach, McVeigh Consultantsprovided a ull design service or this project. Fourteen medium-

    sized light industrial units were incorporated onto the original steeply

    sloping site with a 53% site coverage. The site was levelled by

    stepping it in two stages. 3m and 4m high retaining walls were

    required at the site boundaries to maximise the unctionality o thesite. All the units have double-height warehouse spaces and neatly

    detailed mezzanine spaces. The site also incorporates a basement

    car park under part o the site.

  • 7/30/2019 MCV CapState Web


    Projects /Industrial

    Whyte Island Warehouses 1, 2 & 3Client /ICPS Group Location /Lytton Value /$17 million

    Services /Integrated Structural, Civil and Architecture

    These warehouses are part o an expanding development at thePort o Brisbane, providing container storage areas and 23,000m2 o

    high specication warehouse space. McVeigh Consultants provided

    an integrated, one-stop-shop design service or our client which

    resulted in a high quality oce space attached to a cost-eective

    design warehouse structure. Ten metre wide external awning protect

    the loading bays rom coastal weather conditions. The 320mm post-tensioned external pavements were designed or highly loaded

    container storage and 100 tonne orklit loads built upon a reclaimed


    Insight Logistics Warehouse

    Client /McNab Constructions Location /StapyltonValue /$15 million Services /Integrated Structural, Civil Engineering,

    Architecture and Project Management

    Insight Logistics Park consists o two 20,000m2 column-ree

    volumetric warehouses. The large span portal rame columns are

    located outside the exterior walls creating an additional 14% o

    available foor space plus increased eciencies rom the fushinternal walls. The interior clear height o more than 10m runs across

    the entire 68m x 300m column-ree interior. Materials handling i

    urther acilitated by extensive concrete hard stand areas which are

    in turn covered by 7m wide all-weather awnings.

    MDI Warehouse

    Client /MDI Australia Location /Richlands Value /$6 millionServices /Integrated Structural and Civil Engineering and


    McVeigh Consultants provided integrated services or this 11,250m2

    warehouse, rom site selection through to project management.

    The main warehouse is 75m wide and 150m long with only eightinternal columns ensuring maximum fexibility or the storage racking

    layouts. A balanced cut to ll design or the site resulted in a 2-3m

    high retaining wall on each boundary, maximising the usable site area

    and providing truck access around the whole building - an important

    requirement or a client who has a rapid turnover o stock moving

    through the warehouse..

  • 7/30/2019 MCV CapState Web


    Projects /Industrial

    Falcon PropertyClient /Lago Coldstores Pty Ltd Location /Lytton

    Value /$6 million Services /Structural and Civil Engineering

    The development includes three 3000sqm warehouses, 750sqmo associated two store oces (total building area o 11,600sqm),

    parking or 146 cars together with approximately 7500sqm o external

    hardstand and access pavements.

    Warehouse one was developed and modied to suit Kitchen

    Connection as the main tenant with warehouses 2 & 3 being builtspeculatively.

    The warehouse construction is predominantly concrete tilt panel

    with a braced steel roo to remove the need or internal perimeter

    columns to the warehouses thereore maximize usable space along

    the perimeter walls o the warehouse.

    The oce elevations ace Lytton road and consist o a mix o concrete

    ns and curtain wall glazing presenting a bold entrance to the Axis

    Industrial Estate on the main approach rom Brisbane.

    The oces structure consists o a steel ramed foor and roo

    structure with a composite concrete and metal deck rst foor. This

    orm o construction was used to minimize the overall weight o the

    building (compared to a more standard insitu concrete rame) and

    allowed us to change the oundation system rom a piled solution to

    a high level ooting system resulting in a saving in overall structuralbuilding costs.

  • 7/30/2019 MCV CapState Web


    Projects /Education

    BER Round 1 SchoolsClient /St Hilliers Location /Maryborough and Cleveland

    ALBERT SS Resource Centre and Multi-purpose HallCHATSWORTH SS Resource CentreDUNWICH SS Resource Centre and Reurb

    VICTORIA POINT SS Multi-purpose Hall

    BER Round 1 SchoolsClient /FKP Location /Maryborough and Brisbane

    CAMP HILL SS Multi-purpose Hall and Reurb

    GRANVILLE SS Resource Centre and Multi-purpose HallMARYBOROUGH SS Multi-purpose Hall

    MAYFIELD SS Multi-purpose Hall

    MORNINGSIDE SS Resource Centre and Multi-purpose Hall

    BER Round 1 SchoolsClient /McNab Construction Location /Caboolture

    CABOOLTURE SS Resource Centre and Multi-purpose HallBER Round 1 SchoolsClient /Hutchinson Builders Location /Delaneys Creek

    DELANEYS CREEK SS Resource Centre

    BER Round 2 SchoolsClient /Baulderstone Location /Bundaberg and Kingaroy

    BULLYARD SS Resource Centre

    CORDALBA SS Resource Centre

    GOODWOOD SS Resource Centre

    KOLAN SOUTH SS Resource CentreWALLAVILLE SS Resource Centre

    CHERBOURG SS Resource Centre

    GIN GIN SS Resource Centre and Multi-purpose Hall

    CLOYNA SS Multi-purpose Hall and Small Resource Learning

    BuildingGOOMERI SS Resource Centre

    WHEATLANDS SS Resource Centre

    COOLABUNIA SS Resource Centre

    YARRAMAN SS Multi-purpose Hall

    PROSTON SS Resource Centre

    KILKIVAN SS Resource Centre and Covered Learning Area

    MARYBOROUGH WEST Multi-purpose Hall

    BER Round 2 SchoolsClient /John Holland Group Location /Moreton West

    KARALEE SS Resource Centre and Theatre

    TIVOLI SS Resource Centre

    IPSWICH CENTRAL SS Multi-purpose HallLEICHARDT SS Resource Centre and Multi-purpose hall

    ESK SS Resource Centre and Multi-purpose hall

    COOMINYA SS Resource Centre

    MOUNT TARAMPA SS Resource Centre and Multi-purpose hall

    TARAMPA SS Resource CentreLAKE CLARENDON SS Resource Centre

    HATTON VALE SS Resource Centre and Multi-purpose hall

    FOREST HILL SS Resource Centre

    MINDEN SS Resource Centre and Multi-purpose hallCLAREMONT SS Resource Centre

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    Projects /Education

    BER Round 2 SchoolsClient /John Holland Group Location /Moreton West

    KARALEE SS Resource Centre and TheatreTIVOLI SS Resource CentreIPSWICH CENTRAL SS Multi-purpose Hall

    LEICHARDT SS Resource Centre and Multi-purpose hall

    ESK SS Resource Centre and Multi-purpose hall

    COOMINYA SS Resource Centre

    MOUNT TARAMPA SS Resource Centre and Multi-purpose hall

    TARAMPA SS Resource CentreLAKE CLARENDON SS Resource Centre

    HATTON VALE SS Resource Centre and Multi-purpose hall

    FOREST HILL SS Resource Centre

    MINDEN SS Resource Centre and Multi-purpose hall

    CLAREMONT SS Resource Centre

    BER Round 2 SchoolsClient /Broad Construction Location /Brisbane

    COOPERS PLAINS SS Resource Centre and Multi-purpose hall

    SALISBURY SS Resource Centre and Multi-purpose hall

    BRACKEN RIDGE SS Multi-purpose hall and Reurb

    BRIGHTON SS Resource Centre and Multi-purpose hallBER Round 3 SchoolsClient /St Hilliers Location /Moreton WestBRASSALL SS Multi-purpose hall

    RACEVIEW SS Resource Centre and Multi-purpose hall

    BER Round 3 SchoolsClient /John Holland Group Location /Moreton East

    FOREST LAKE SS Reurbishment to existing acilities

    JAMBOREE HEIGHTS SS Multi-purpose hall and Reurb

    WOODCREST SS Multi-purpose hall

    Rockhampton Diocese BER Projects

    Client /Brisbane Catholic Education Location /Rockhampton

    ST KIERANS, MT ISA Resource Centre and Multi-purpose hall

    OUR LADYS, LONGREACH Multi-purpose Hall

    ST JOSEPHS, MT ISA Multi-purpose Hall

    ST MARYS, NORTH ROCKHAMPTON Resource Centre, GeneralLearning Area, Prep Building and Multi-purpose Hall

    ST PETERS, ROCKHAMPTON Resource Centre, General LearningArea and Multi-purpose Hall

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    Proessional Indemnity GIO General Limited

    Limit: $10 million

    Policy Number: AP0059545

    Expiry Date: 12 May 2011

    Public Liability Insurer: AMP Insurance

    Limit: $20 million

    Policy Number: AS00070423

    Expiry Date: 2 April 2011

    Workers Compensation Insurer: WorkCover Queensland

    Policy Number: WAA010632728

    Queensland State Government Pre-qualifed Consultant

    PQC Level 4- Leading edge practice in a multisectoral global


    Quality Management System

    Certifed to ISO9001:2008 by Compliance Australia

    Certifcation Services. Registration Number 1129

    Company Inormation

    McVeigh Consultants Pty Ltd

    65 Doggett Street

    Newstead QLD 4006

    PO Box 2401

    Fortitude Valley QLD 4006

    Telephone: 07 3252 0688

    Fax: 07 3252 0711

    Email: [email protected]

    ACN 125 378 207

    ABN 36 125 378 207

  • 7/30/2019 MCV CapState Web


    Snapshot /Recent Projects

    PROJECT /Portlink Warehouse Development

    CLIENT /Pradella Developments

    Longreach Water Reticulation Longreach Shire Council

    Transpacifc Aircrat Hanger Transpacifc Industries

    Elysium Houses Pearson Property Group

    BER R2 Schools Moreton West Cluster (13 schools) John Holland Group

    Metroplex Warehouse Pearson Property Group

    Calamvale Shopping Centre Property Solutions Group Australia

    Nundah Shopping Centre Property Solutions Group Australia

    Whyte Island Warehouses (27,500m2) Walker Group

    BER R2 Schools - N3 & C3 Clusters (11 schools) Baulderstone

    Energex Warehouses (various) Energex LimitedAccess Business Park Warehouse Projects (No 5) Property Solutions Group

    Cleveland Shopping Centre Applewood Pty Ltd

    Yatala Distribution Centre (32,500m2) Carlton & United Brewers

    Gateway South Industrial Park (7,500m2) FKP Properties

    Oakey Abattoir Expansion (6,000m2) Nippon Meat Packers

    Cahill Transport Development (7,560m2) Cahill Transport, Melbourne

    Colmslie Corporate Park (8,700m2) GJJ Developments, Melbourne

    Bunnings Distribution Centre (20,000m2) Sommer & Sta Constructions

    Visypak Factory (9,000m2) Sommer & Sta Constructions

    Centro On James Stage lll Property Solutions Australia

    Audi Showroom, Brisbane Property Solutions Australia

    Space Furniture Store, Fortitude Valley Property Solutions Australia

    Kessels Road Retail Warehouses (10,000m2) Property Solutions Australia

    140 Wecker Road Development (11,000m2) Pacifc Properties Pty Ltd

    Brisbane Steel Fabrications Factory Brisbane Steel Fabrications

    Priestleys Gourmet Delights Factory (4,500m2) Priestleys Gourmet Delights

    Goonoo Feedlot, Central Queensland Australian Agricultural Company Ltd

    Powerlink Warehouse Powerlink Queensland

    Warana Glen Prestige Subdivision Warana Glen Group

    Consuelo Irrigation Swan Hill Cattle Company

    Oakey Hanger Extension Department o Deence

    Weir River Weir Reardon Farms

    Cattle Processing Building and Sta Amenities Oakey Abattoir

    DC9 Hanger Darwin Airport Allbuilt Constructions Pty Ltd

    Shanghai Factory Buildings M & S Steel Buildings Pty Ltd

    Woodord Shopping Village Karmah Developments

    Eli Waters Shopping Centre Karmah Developments

    Insight Burnside Road Insight Group

    Grace, Lot 43 Freight St ICPS GroupNeilson Home Project Partnership Pty Ltd

    Gympie Shopping Centre AHC Limited