MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All

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Page 1: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Page 2: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by:


A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All of the above.

Page 3: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Severe acute lower GI bleed occurs in all except:

   A.Angiodysplasia. B.Mesenteric vascular

occlusion. C.IBD D.Diverticular disease. 

Page 4: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


If a patient of constipation,does not improve with one month trial of dietary fiber and laxative next stage be:

A.Barium enema. B.Colonoscopy. C.Bowel transit time study. D.Defecating proctography. 

Page 5: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Drugs causing constipation include all except:  A.Opiates. B.Anticholinergics. C.Calcium channel blockers. D.Digoxin. E.Auminium antacids. 

Page 6: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Staging of oesophageal cancer is best done by:

  A.Barium study. B.Endoscopic ultrasound. C.Upper GI endoscopy. D.CT scan. 

Page 7: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Which form of gliadin is most toxic to intestine?

  A.Alpha. B.Beta. C.Gamma. D.Delta. 

Page 8: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Complications of Crohn's disease are all except:

  A.Carcinoma. B.Fistula formation. C.Intestinal obstruction. D.Sclerosing cholangitis. E.Intestinal polyposis. 

Page 9: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


The initial investigation of choice to diagnose ulcerative colitis is:

  A.Sigmoidoscopy. B.Colonoscopy. C.barium enema. D.Barium Follow


Page 10: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Abdominal angina refers to :  A.Acute intestinal ischemia. B.Chronic intestinal ischemia. C.Sudden intestinal obstruction. D.Gradual intestinal obstruction. E.None of the above. 

Page 11: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Which of the following is secreted through GI tract:

  A.Secretin. B.Gastrin. C.Somatostatin. D.Motilin. 

Page 12: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Chronic hepatitis B infection is diagnosed from

 A.positive HBsAgB.Anti HBcAgC.Anti HBeAgD.All of the above

Page 13: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


12. The prothrombin time depends upon all except:

 A.Factor IB.Factor IIC.Factor VD.Factor VIIE.Factor IX

Page 14: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


13. Ultrasound can diagnose, focal hepatic lesion when more than :

 A.0.5 cmB.1 cmC.2 cmD.4 cm

Page 15: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Which of the following autoantibodies is not important in liver disease?

A.Antinuclear antibodiesB.Anti smooth muscle antibodiesC.Anti sarcolemmal antibodiesD.Anti mitochondrial antibodies

Page 16: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Which of the following is not conjugated hyperbilirubinemia?

A.Rotor syndromeB.Dubin-johnson syndromeC.Criggler-najjar syndrome types 1 & 2D.None of the above

Page 17: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


In a patient of cirrhosis with good liver function and minimal portal hypertension, ascites implies

A.Hepatocellular carcinomaB.Potal vein thrombosisC.None of the aboveD.All of the above

Page 18: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Exudative ascites occurs in:

A. TuberculosisB. MalignancyC. HypothyroidismD. Hepatic venous obstructionE. All of the above

Page 19: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


In ascites of cirrhosis serum-ascitic fluid albumin gradient is usually:

A.Less than 0.5B.Less than 1C.Greater than 1.5D.Greater than 2.5

Page 20: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


EEG findings of hepatic encephalopathy is

A.Fast alpha wavesB.Slow alpha wavesC.Fast delta wavesD.Short spikes and slow waves

Page 21: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Chronic hepatic encephalopathy manifests with

◦Cerebellar dysfunction◦Parkinsonian syndrome◦Spastic paraplegia◦Dementia◦All of the above

Page 22: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Features of hepatopulmonary syndrome are all except:

A.Resistant hypoxemiaB.Reduction in PaO2 on standing

C.Clubbing and cyanosisD.Pulmonary vasoconstriction

Page 23: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


In Reye syndrome which of the following are absent

A.Hepatic encephalopathyB.JaundiceC.Renal failureD.None of the above

Page 24: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


The commonest cause of fulminant hepatic failure is a

◦Viral hepatitis◦Paracetamol overdose◦Carbon tetrachloride◦Fatty liver of pregnancy

Page 25: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Cirrhosis is not a complication of a

A.Hepatitis AB.Hepatitis BC.Hepatitis CD.Hepatitis D

Page 26: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Which of the following is specific to alcoholic cirrhosis

A.Spider angiomaB.Gynecomastia C.Parotid enlargementD.All of the above

Page 27: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Which of the following hepatitis viruses does not spread by blood?

A.Hepatitis BB.Hepatitis CC.Hepatitis DD.Hepatitis E

Page 28: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Which of the following cirrhotic features has no diagnostic value?

A. HepatomegalyB. JaundiceC. AscitesD. Palmar erythema

Page 29: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Chronic infection is common with

A.Hepatitis AB.Hepatitis BC.Hepatitis CD.Hepatitis D

Page 30: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


The total body iron store in adult is


Page 31: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


In Wilson’s disease copper accumulation is maximum in all the following organs except

A.LiverB.EyeC.HeartD.Basal ganglia

Page 32: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Laboratory diagnosis of Wilson’s disease includes all except

A.Low serum cerulosplasminB.High serum copperC.High urinary copper secretionD.High hepatic copper content

Page 33: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


The non hemoglobin source of bilirubin are:

A.cytochrome B.myoglobinC.free haem in liverD.ineffective erythropoiesisE.all of the above

Page 34: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


the endocrine changes in cirrhosis are all except:

A.loss of libidoB.gynocomastiaC.testicular atrophyD.menorrhagia

Page 35: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


In hepatitis B the antigen indicating active viral replication is:

A.HBsAgB.HBcAgC.HBeAgD.All of the above

Page 36: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


In haemachromatosis the important organs involved are all except:

A.liverB.heartC.kidneyD.pancreatic glands

Page 37: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


In dysphagia the investigation of choice is

A.barium swallowB.barium mealC.CT scanD.Endoscopy

Page 38: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Gastroesophageal reflux is certainly made worse with all except:

A.ObesityB.CoffeeC.SmokingD.AlcoholE.Fatty food

Page 39: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Dysphagia worst for solids indicate: A.Motility disordersB.Stricture esophagusC.Both of the above

Page 40: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


The most dependable test for diagnosis of GE reflux is:

 A.EndoscopyB.pH probeC.barium swallowD.symptoms complex

Page 41: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


The causes of achalasia cardia is  A.lack of adrenergic innervationB.lack of cholinergic innervationC.abnormal nitric oxide synthesisD.all of the above

Page 42: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


staging of esophageal cancer is best done by :

 A.barium studyB.Endoscopic ultrasoundC.Upper GI EndoscopyD.CT scan

Page 43: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Management of achalasia is by A.pneumatic dilatationsB.botulinum toxin injectionsC.myotomyD.any of the above

Page 44: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


H pylori associations is strongest with: A.Gastric ulcerB.Gastric lymphomaC.Duodenal ulcerD.Gastric cancer

Page 45: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Best way of diagnosis for h pylori infection is:

 A.Urea breath testB.H pylori antibodyC.Antral biopsyD.All are equally sensitive and specific

Page 46: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Which of the drug is most rapid in healing peptic ulcer disease?

 A.OmeprazoleB.CimitidineC.FamotidineD.All are effective if prescribed in

recommended doses

Page 47: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Which of the following is used in treatment of nonulcer dyspepsia

 A.MetoclopramideB.DomperidoneC.CisaprideD.All of the above

Page 48: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Association of celiac disease are all except: A.Thyroid diseaseB.IDDMC.IBDD.Chronic pancreatitis

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Complications of celiac disease include: A.Intestinal lymphomaB.Intestinal malignancyC.Ulcerative colitisD.All of the above

Page 50: MCQS FINAL YEAR. QUESTIONS Water and electrolytes in intestine are absorbed by: A.Osmotic gradient. B.Electrical gradient. C.Hydrostatic gradient. D.All


Laboratory investigations in inflammatory bowel disease show all except :

 A.AnemiaB.Raised ESRC.LeucocytosisD.Raised amylase

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Acquired megacolon may be due to all except:

 A.HypothyroidismB.SclerodermaC.Laxative abuseD.Graves diseaseE.Spinal cord injury