M.comiS Full Syllabi 2007

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  • 7/31/2019 M.comiS Full Syllabi 2007


    (Revised Syllabus 2007 effective fromAcademic year 2007)




    HYDERABAD - 500 007, A.P

    Ph. 91 40 27097979, 91 40 27097693


    JUNE 2007

  • 7/31/2019 M.comiS Full Syllabi 2007



    The Indian economy has entered the global domain, the knowledge economy is

    well on its way to transition, we need human capital that can man and managethis scenario. The universities are the place where this capital has to be

    created. The Department of Commerce, Osmania University being the oldest

    and the most visible place of learning in Hyderabad is in its 60th year of

    continuous contribution towards this cause. However, as the times have

    changed and in tune with the demand of the industry, the department has

    introduced innovative self-financing courses such as the prestigious Master of

    Commerce in Information Systems (M.Com - IS), which is a one-of-its kind

    Techno-Functional course.

    The course is a right mix of functional areas of Finance, Accounting and

    Marketing along with Information Technology knowledge and requisite soft


    The students of the course have not only been successfully recruited by major

    software and finance companies in India and abroad, but also their contribution

    has been well appreciated.

    The syllabus of the course has been revised keeping in view the changes inFinance and Information Technology scenario in the economy. The revised

    syllabus is more industry oriented.

    For details reach at www.ouc.ac.in

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    IS 502 MCIS-101 Business Information 30(P) 70 100 1Systems

    IS 510 MCIS-102 Object Oriented 30(P) 70 100 2


    IS 520 MCIS-103 Computer Architecture 30(P) 70 100 3& System Software

    MGMT 605 MCIS-104 Operating Systems 30(P) 70 100 5

    FIN 502 MCIS-105 Accounting Principles 20 80 100 8

    MCIS-106 Business & Professional 20 80 100 10Communication

    IS 606 MCIS 201 Organisation Theory 20 80 100 12& Behaviour

    IS 614 MCIS 202 Systems Analysis 30(P) 70 100 14& Design

    IS 620 MCIS 203 Data Communications 20 80 100 15& Networks

    IS 645 MCIS 204 Database Management 30(P) 70 100 17Systems

    MCIS 205 Marketing Management 20 80 100 18

    ACC 501 MCIS 206 Financial Principles 20 80 100 20

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    OU Code Title Internals Theory Total Page


    MCIS 301 Enterprise Resource 30(P) 70 100 23


    MCIS 302 Data Structures Using C++ 30(P) 70 100 25

    MCIS 303 Information systems and 30(P) 70 100 26

    Project Management

    MCIS 304 ASP.Net 30(P) 70 100 29

    MCIS 305 Securities Analysis and 20 80 100 30

    Portfolio Management

    MCIS 306 Supply Chain Management 20 80 100 32


    OU Code Title Internals Theory Total Page


    MCIS 401 Information Systems for 30(P) 70 100 34

    Business Organisations

    MCIS 402 E-Business 30(P) 70 100 36

    MCIS 403 Customer Relationship 20 80 100 38


    MCIS 404 Risk Management and 20 80 100 39


    MCIS 405 Project Work Grades: Excellent/Good/


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    Guidelines for Project Work

    1. Title project work is a part of the prescribed curriculum to M. COM IS (semester system) students.

    2. During the IV semester of M.Com IS, students are expected to undergo internship at a Business firm Government

    Department/software organization/.a voluntary organization as per the guidance of teacher concerned.

    3. Students should get a certificate from the organization.

    4. Students should complete the project Report and submit it at the end of IV semester.

    5. The project reports would be examined by the External Examiner and based on the project Report & Viva Voce

    Examination conducted at the end of the IV semester, a student will be awarded grade. Unless the Grade reports

    reach the Controller of Examinations, a student will not get his M.Com IS degree.

    6. The External examiners will examine the following in the project report: (a) Survey/Analysis on the topic chosen

    (b) Method of data collection

    (c) Presentation-Style, Comprehensiveness, graphs, charts etc.

    (d) Analysis and inference and implications of the study.

    (e) Bibliography

    7. Examiners will not be awarding any marks to the candidate but will be awarding the following

    (a) Grade A - Excellent

    (b) Grade B - Good

    (c) Grade C - Satisfactory

    (d) Grade D - unsatisfactory

    D means fail.

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    Course Objectives: To understand systems components ,system concepts, use of information and IS, the strategic,

    tactical, and operational role of IS in organizations. Understand the elements and functional relationships of major

    hardware, software, and communications elements of an information system.

    Unit-I Introduction to Information Systems

    Overview of Information Systems -Managers View of Information Systems - Introduction to Systems and Organizations- Strategic Uses of Information Technology - Business Process Reengineering and Information Technology.

    Unit-II: Computer System Resources

    Introduction - Computer Hardware- Computer Software- File and Database Management Systems-Basics of

    Communication Systems- Distributed Systems, Internet and Office Communications.

    Unit-III: Applications of Information Systems

    Applications of Operational Information Systems: Accounting and Financial Information Systems- Marketing

    Information Systems- Operational Production Information Systems- Human Resource Information Systems-Applications

    of Tactical and Strategic Information Systems.

    Unit-IV : Decision Support Systems (DSS) and Expert Systems

    Introduction - Characteristics of Decision-Making Process- Important Features of Decision Support Systems -

    Components of a DSS-Tools of DSS-DSS Lifecycle- Group Decision Support System(GDSS)-Benefits of DSS- Case


    Characteristics- Applications of Expert Systems in Business- Advantages - Tools in Expert Systems.

    Unit-V: Management of Information Systems

    Organization of Information and End User Computing - Organization of Data Processing- Future of Information Systems

    in Organizations.

    Security and Ethical issues of Information Systems:

    Information Systems- Security, Risks, Common Controls, Common Threats, Protection of Information Systems, Ethical


    Suggested Readings:

    Management Information Systems- The Managers View- Robert Schultheis, Mary Sumner, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition.

    OZ : Management Information Systems, 4/e Thomson Learning.

    Stair : Principles of Information Systmes - Thomson Learning.


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    Course Objectives: The course emphasizes a strategic problem solving approach to programming. The fundamental

    constructs of the paradigm - identification, creation and use of high level classes are explained. Algorithmic constructs are

    introduced as means to support class implementation.


    Introduction to computers and programming languages - Algorithms - Top down design - Stepwise Refinement. Flow

    Charts - Data types - Variables - Operators - Expressions - Evaluation of Expressions. Introduction to Objects and

    Classes - Simple Programs.

    Structural Constructs - Grouping - Selection - Repetition - Programs using control structures, Arrays and Pointers.


    Functions, Parameter passing. Storage classes, References, Macros and Preprocessor, Classes, Attributes, Member

    Functions, Object Instantiation, Constructors, Scope Resolution.


    Overloading - Inheritance. Visibility Modifiers. Abstract Classes and Methods - Run-time Polymorphism.


    Exception Handling, Templates, Standard Library, File I/O Operations.

    Suggested Readings:

    1. Dietel & Dietel, C++ How to Program".

    2. The complete Reference C++, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

    3. Bronson : A First Book on C++ - Thomson

    4. Malik: C++ Programming from Program Analysis to Program Design - Thomson

    5. Forarzan : Computer Science : A Structured Approach C++ - Thomson



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    Course Objectives: To provide fundamental knowledge of computer concepts, IT Applications, network technologies

    and Database Management Systems.

    Logical organization of computer - Primary memory - Organization, Addressing, Data representation - Integer, Floating

    point. Characters. Central processing unit - Arithmetic and Logical Unit, Registers, Control Unit, Data and Control paths

    between memory and CPU, Instruction set. Instruction Format, Instruction Execution, RISC vs CISC Memory

    Technologies, Memory Access Time, Cache Memory Input Output Devices, Secondary Storage Media and Devices

    Communication Ports. Types of computers - PCs, Main Frames, Parallel Hardware standards, Standard Busses, their

    bandwidths and comparison.

    Unit-II : Software Concepts

    Programming Languages - Evolution, Features and Applications, Language Processors Operating Systems - Users view -

    Evolution, Services, Operating Systems Interfaces, Command Line, GUI, Windowing, OS as Resource Manager - Process

    or Task, File Management, Security and Protection OS Utilities - Features of popular OS such as Windows, Unix, OS/2

    General Software Features and Trends - GUI, Object Linking and Embedding, Portability Network Capabilities,

    Compatibility with other Software, Compatibility with Peripherals, Wizard and Agents, Hardware requirements.

    Application Program Libraries.

    Unit-III : Communication and Network Technologies

    Communications - Data Communications - Methods of Data Communications - Digital vs Analog, Synchronous vs

    Asynchronous, Simplex, Half-Duplex, Full-Duplex, Circuit Switching, Packet Switching. Communication media - Speed

    and Capacity, Twisted Pair, Coaxial, Fiber Optics, Wireless. Common network components. Hosts and Servers, Work

    Stations, Protocol Converters, Modems, Terminal Controllers, Routers. Network Topologies - LAN, WAN, Enterprise.

    Communication standards. Distributed Systems, Processing, Databases, Client-Server, EDI

    IT Applications-Business and Industry, Home, Education and Training, Entertainment, Science and Engineering,

    Medicine. Multimedia - Introduction, Applications, Tools, Data Presentation Virtual Reality: Introduction and

    Applications. Internet: World Wide Web, Addressing Domain Names, Services, W3C. Intranet: Office Communications,

    Electronic Mail, Tele Conferencing, Group Ware, work Flow. Specialized Databases : Hyper Media, Data Warehousing,

    Data Mining, Data Marts, Online Analytical Processing, GIS.

    Unit-V : Office Applications

    Applications of MS-Word, MS- Excel, MS- Access, MS- Powerpoint in Business.

    Suggested Readings:

    1. Fundamentals of Information Technology - Jaiswal S, Galgotia Publications, New Delhi.

    2. ABCs of MS-Office 2000 - Guy Hart, Davis, 2000 BPB Publications, New Delhi.

    3. Wilson: Information Technology: The Basics - Thomson Learning.Semester-I OPERATING SYSTEMS MCIS-104

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    Course Objectives : An operating system (OS) is a set of computer programs that manage the hardware and software

    resources of a computer. An operating system rationally processes electronic devices in response to approved commands.

    At the foundation of all system software, an operating system performs basic tasks such as controlling and allocating

    memory, prioritizing system requests, controlling input and output devices, facilitating networking, and managing file

    systems. Most operating systems have a command line interpreter as a basic user interface, but they may also provide a

    graphical user interface (GUI) for ease of operation. The operating system forms a platform for other system software and

    for application software. This paper intends to impart the basic knowledge and skills required to use an OS withLinux/Unix/Windows as the OS for use.

    Overview of OS. Services offered. System calls. Process management. Scheduling and Threads. Memory management.

    Swapping. File System. Directory Structure, Unix Architecture: Multi-user and multitasking. Kernel and shell. The file

    system. Relation between process and file. The building block approach. The command line. Command syntax. Internal

    and external commands. The two schools (AT&T and Berkeley). The graphical user interface (GUI). Seeking help (man),

    Open source software and Linux.

    Types of files in Unix. Structure of the file system. File System types. Parent -child relationship. Directory handling and

    navigation (mkdir, rmdir, pwd and cd). The Path variable. Absolute and relative pathnames. The . and .. directories.

    Creating, Viewing (cat), copying (cp), renaming (mv) and deleting (rm) files. Listing files(ls), Viewing through pg, tailand head command.

    File Attributes: Structure of the inode. Brief discussion on partitions and file systems. Analyzing the ls-l output. File

    type and permissions (chmod). Significance of directory permissions. Hard and soft Links (ln and ln -s). Concept of

    ownership. The/etc/passwd and /etc/group files. Changing ownership (chown and chgrp). Modification and access times.

    Default file and directory permissions (umask).

    The three modes. Basic navigation (h, j, k, l). Moving to a specific line number(G) The repeat factor. The Input mode

    commands (i, a, r, s and o). Saving and quitting (:w, :x and :q). Text deletion (x and X). Using operators in deleting and

    copying text (d, y and p). Undoing and repeating commands (u and .). Pattern search (/ and n) and substitution (:s).

    Moving text from one file to the other. Customization features: abbreviation(:abb), key mapping (:map) and setting vi

    parameters (:set).The file .exrc.

    Unit-IV : The Shell as Interpreter

    The major shells: Bourne Shell, C shell, Korn and Bash. The shells interpretive cycle.

    Wild-cards. Escaping and quoting. Difference between single and double quotes. The

    three standard files and redirection (>,>). Connecting commands with pipes(I). Command substitution. Shell

    variables and how they determine system behavior.

    Aliases and Command history, Environment variables, setting terminal (Sty).

    Unit-V : Administering File Systems

    Device files. Block and character devices. Partitions and file systems (in detail). Types of file systems. Mounting local

    and networked file systems (mount, umount and /etc/fstab). File system checking (fsck). Compressing files (compress,gzip and zip). Checking free space and disk usage (df and du). Finding files (find). Backing up files (tar,dump,cpio,dd),

    creation of user, deletion of user.


    1. Maurice J. Bach, Design of the Unix Operating System Third Edition,2000 PHI.

    2. Sumitabha Das, Unix: Concepts and Applications, Third Edition,1998, Tata McGraw Hill

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    3. The guides and handbooks available at www.tldp.org

    4. Flynn : Understanding Operating Systems - Thomson.

    5. Foronzan : Unix & Shell Programming - Thomson.


    1. A User guide to unix system, Thomas Rebecca yate, Second Edition,2002,. Tata McGraw Hill.2. Stephen Prata Advanced Unix -A programmers Guide

    3. Palmer : Guide to Operating System - Thomson.

    Suggested Readings

    1. Stephen P.Robbins, Organisation Behaviour,

    2. Fred Luthans, Organisational Behaviour

    3. John B. Miner, Organisational Behaviour,

    4. Keith Davis, Human Behaviour At Work,

    5. Rao V.S.P. & Narayana P.S: Organisation Theory and Behaviour, Konark Publishers Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi.

    6. Herbert G.Hicks & Ray Gullet, Organisations; Theory and Behaviour, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing co.. New

    Delhi.7. Hersey Paul & Blanchard Ken Herbert: Management of Organisational Behaviour Utilising Human Resources

    Prentice Hall of India Ltd., New Delhi.

    8. Prasad L.M. Organisational Theory and Behaviour, Sultan chand & sons. New Delhi.

    9. Sharma RA. Organisation theory and Behaviour, Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing company.


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    Course Objectives : The course provides an understanding of information needs in the area of Accounting and finance

    for the purposes of Managerial decision making

    Unit-I : Accounting Basics and Accounting Standards

    Introduction to Accounting - Accounting Concepts and Conventions - Concept of Accounting Theory - Classifications of

    Accounting Theory - Need for Accounting Standards - Standards Setting Bodies - International Accounting Standards -Accounting Standards in India.

    Unit-II : Techniques of Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements

    Financial Statements - Meaning - Types - Uses and Limitations - Methods/Techniques of analysis of Financial

    Statements - Comparative statements - Common Size statements - Trend Analysis - Ratio Analysis (Theory only)

    Funds Flow analysis - Meaning- Managerial Uses - Preparation of Funds Flow Statement - Cash Flow analysis - Meaning

    - Preparation of Cash Flow Statement.

    (Including Problems)

    Unit-III : Responsibility Accounting and Accounting for Price Level Changes

    Responsibility Accounting - Meaning and significance - Organization Structure- Responsibility Centers - Cost Center -

    Revenue Center- Investment Center - Preparation of responsibility Accounting Reports (Including Problems).Accounting for Price level Changes - Nature of Price Changes - Methods of Inflation Accounting: Current Purchasing

    Power Method- Current Cost Accounting Method. (Including Problems).

    Unit-IV : Managerial Decision-Making

    Marginal and relevant costs for decision making - Cost Volume and Profit Analysis, - Break Even Analysis - Contribution


    Managerial Decision Making - Pricing Decisions - Product Decisions: Profit Planning, Level of activity, Dropping a

    product line, Introducing a new product line, Domestic or Export sales, Product/Sales mix decisions and Make or Buy

    decisions - Key/Limiting Factor (including problems).

    Unit-V : Reporting of Financial Data

    Concept of Financial Reporting - Objectives of financial reporting - True Blood Report - The Corporate Report (UK) -

    Stamp Report - General purpose of Financial Reporting - Specific purpose of Financial Reporting - Benefits of Financial

    Reporting - Specific issues in corporate reporting: Social Reporting & Accounting, Segment Reporting and Interim

    Reporting. Human Resource Accounting: Approaches- Recent trends in Corporate Reporting in India - Harmonization in

    Financial Reporting - Obstacles in Harmonization. (Theory Only)

    Suggested Readings:

    1. R.K.Sharma & Sashi K.Gupta : Management Accountancy, kalyani Publishers, Delhi.

    2. S.P.Gupta : Management Accounting , Sahitya Bhavan Publications, Agra.

    3. B.K.Lele & Jawaharlal, Accounting Theory, Himalaya Publications, Delhi.

    4. L.S.Porwal, Accouning Theory, Tata McGraw Hill Publications. Delhi.

    5. Khan & Jain, Management Accounting , Tata Mc Graw Hill, Delhi.

    6. N.K.Kulshrestha, Management Accouning , Concepts and cases , Tata Mc Graw Hill , Delhi.

    7. V.K.Saxena & C.D.Vasisht, Cost and Management (Methods , Techniques, Applications) , Sultan Chand and Sons,

    New Delhi.,

    8. S.N.Maheswari, Management Accounting and Financial Control, Sultan Chand, New Delhi.

    9. Manmohan & Goyal, Priniciples of Management Accounting, Sahitya Bhavan publishing Co, Agra.

    10. Richard M.Lynch, Robert W.Williamson, Accounting for Management, (Planning and Control) , Tata Mc Graw

    Hill, New Delhi.

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    11. Jawahar Lal , Managerial Accouning , Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.

    12. R.L.Gupta & Radha Swamy, Advanced Accountancy, Sultan Chand &Sons, New Delhi.

    13. Mowen & Hansen : Cost Management - Thomson.

    14. Drury : Cost & Management Accounting - Thomson.

    15. Louderback : Managerial Accounting - Thomson.



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    The objective of this paper is to equip the students with Professional and BusinessCommunication Skills to enable them to effectively communicate and present the technicalreport/presentations. The course covers various forms of communications and process, art of listening,interpersonal networks, and group and team communications, interview and presentation skills.

    Communication- Goals of Communication- Effective Communication- Communication Competence-Forms of Technical


    Technical Reports-Forms, Memos- Letters- and e-mail-Graphics- Reports-Managing Techno-Life-Changing Role of

    communication Technology in the workplace- Communication Competence and Life-Long Learning- Communication

    Technology today- Human Technology and Virtual Office- Techno-Life in the next decade.

    Oral Communication Techniques- Public speaking skills- Negotiating skills- Facilitator and participant skills in meetings-

    written communication techniques and principles- Reading and comprehension skills- Interpersonal Network- defining

    Interpersonal Communication- the impact of Conversations on Relationships- Formal and Informal Communication-

    Vertical versus Horizontal Organizations- Communication Styles- Communication Climate-Job Productivity and

    Satisfaction at work place-building Interpersonal Skills in the workplace-Communication in Groups and Teams -

    Elements of Successful Group Communication-Types of Small Groups Operating in an Organization- Demographic

    Variables that affect group life- the Group Decision-Making Process- Tools for Effective Problem Solving- Performing

    Effectively in Teams-Managing Meeting Mania- How to Stand Out at Someone elses Meeting.


    The Art of Listening- Benefits of Effective Listening-Hearing versus Listening- A Model of Listening. Gender

    Differences and Listening- Assessing Listening Skills-How to Talk so that Others Listen.

    UNIT-IV : Resumes and Interviews

    Introduction to Resumes-Cover Letters- the Employment Interview- Surviving the Group Employment Interview-The

    Informational Interview- the Performance Appraisal Interview.

    Facets of Professional Presentations- Understanding Audience and the Speaking Occasion- Establishing Presentation

    Goals-Selecting the Best Format for Presentation-

    Brain Storming- Developing Logical Sequences for Messages- Supporting Ideas-Generating Appeals and Gathering

    Evidence-Setting and Achieving Image Goals- Optimizing PERC-Quotient.

    Susan Stevenson et al, Strategies for Engineering Communications, Wiley Pubs

    Andrea Rutheford Basic Communication Skills for Technology, Pearson Edu.

    Deborah Roach & Elieen Perrigo Business and Professional Communication for the 21st Century Allen &


    J.Penrose et al Advanced Business Communicator Thomson Asia Ltd.

    Guffey : Business Communication - Thomson.

    Penrose : Business Communication for Managers - Thomson.



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    Course Objectives : The objective is to apply social science concepts to organisational structure and design. Case

    studies are used to relate theory and behaviour.

    Unit-I : Introduction

    a. Organization - Properties -. Goals - Goal Setting Process - Traditional method - Management by Objectives - Goal


    b. Organization Theories: Classical theory - features - limitations. Neoclassical theory - features -limitations. Modern

    Organization theory - Features- Systems Approach - Contingency Approach.c. Organizational behavior (OB) - Features - Scope - Fundamental Concepts of OB - Challenges and Opportunities for

    OB- Contributing disciplines to the OB.

    Unit-II : The Individual

    a. Individual Behavior: Personality - Determinants - Major Personality attributes; Learning - Learning theories.

    Perception Process - Factors Influencing perception Attitudes -Functions - Components - Attitudes formation -

    Attitude Change.

    b. Group Behavior: Group - Concept - Features - Stages - Types - Group cohesiveness - Factors influencing group

    cohesiveness - Group norms- Group decision-making.

    c. Teams - Concept - Group and Team-Team Effectiveness

    Unit-III : Motivation, Morale and Culture

    a. Motivation - Types- Theories of Motivation - Content Theories (Maslow, Herzberg, Me Clelland, Alderfer) -

    Process Theories (Adam, Victor Vroom and Lawler and Porter) -Reinforcement theory.

    b. Morale - Factors influencing Morale - Concept of Quality of Work life.

    c. Organizational culture -Concept of Organizational Climate - Emergence of Culture-Sustaining Culture-Changing


    Unit-IV: Organizational Power and Politics, and Conflict and Negotiations

    a. Power - Bases- Dependency- Power tactics- Power in Groups- Politics in the context of organization - Political

    behavior in organization-Factors contributing- Techniques of organizational politics- managing political behavior.

    b. Conflict- Transition in conflict thought - functional and dysfunctional conflict - Process of conflict - managing


    c. Negotiations- Process - Approaches -Issues in negotiation.

    Unit-V : Leadership and Change

    a. Leadership - leader and manager - Leadership styles.

    b. Theories of Leadership - Trait - Behavioural (managerial grid) - Contingency (Fielder Path goal, Tri-dimensional,

    Life-Cycle) - Inspirational approaches.

    c. Change - Factors contributing to change - Approaches -Contemporary Issues in change

    Basic Text:

    Robins P.Stephen and Judge: Organizational Behavior, 12th Edition PHI, / Pearson New Delhi.

    1. Nelson : Organisational Behaviour - Thomson Learning

    2. Hellriegel : Organisational Behaviour Role - Thomson.

    3. Piesce : Management & Organisational Behaviour - Thomson.


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    Course Objectives : This course offers an insight into systems understanding with an emphasis on analysis and design


    Unit-I : Introduction to Systems Development Environment

    System Development Environment, Modern Approach to System Analysis and Design, Responsibilities in System

    Development, Types of Information Systems and Systems Development, Software Development Life Cycle, Other

    Approaches to Systems Development.

    Unit-II : System Analyst and System Planning

    System Analyst -Skills of System Analyst- System Analysis as a Profession.

    Identifying and Selecting Projects, Corporate and Information Systems Planning. Initiating and Planning projects.

    Determining System Requirements- Traditional Methods- Modern Methods.

    Structuring System Requirements Using Process Modeling, Logic Modeling and Conceptual Data Modeling Techniques.

    Unit-III : Work Study And Productivity

    Work study, the approach, the human factor in the application of work study, method study-method study in the office,

    work measurement, general remarks on work measurement, work sampling and structured estimating, time study- the

    equipment, selecting and timing the job, rating, from study to standard time, combining methods and tasks-new forms of


    Unit-IV : Blending Systems Analysis and Design

    Selecting the Best Alternative Design Strategy- Object- Oriented Development Life Cycle.

    Rapid Application Development: Approaches, Advantages and Disadvantages.

    Unit-V : Logical and Physical Design

    Designing Forms and Reports, Designing Databases,

    Designing Internals: Programs and Process Design.

    Suggested Readings:

    1. Modern System Analysis and Design - Hoffer.

    2. Shelly : System Analysis & Design - Thomson.3. Satzinger : System Analysis & Design - Thomson.



    Introduction to Computer Networks and Data Communications:

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    Introduction, Taxonomy, Computer Networks -Basic Configurations, Network Architecture Model, Internet Model.

    Fundamentals of Data and Signals: Data and Signals, Converting Data into Signals, Spread Spectrum Technology,

    Data Codes, Data and Signal Conversions in Action.

    Media: Conducted and Wireless: Twisted Pair, Coaxial Cable, Fiber Optic Cable, Wireless Transmissions, Media

    Selection criteria.

    Unit-II:Making Connections: Modems, Breaking bandwidth limitations, Modem Pools, Data Link Connections.

    Multiplexing Frequency Division and Time Division Multiplexing, Business Multiplexing in action.

    Errors, Error Detection and Error Control: Errors, Error Prevention, Error Control, Error Detection Techniques.


    Local Area Networks(LAN): Introduction, Functions of LAN, Advantages and Disadvantages, Basic Topologies,

    Medium Access Control Protocol, IEEE802 formats, LAN Systems.

    Internetworking: Bridges, Hubs, Switches, Network Servers, Routers.

    LAN Software and Support Systems: Introduction to Network Operating Systems, Current Networking Operating

    Systems -Novell Netware, WindowsNT, UNIX, LINUX. Utilities, Internet Server Software, Programming tools.


    Wide Area Networks(WAN): Introduction, Types of Network Subnets, Connection Oriented Applications vs.Connectionless Applications.

    Routing: Routing Algorithms, Routing Examples.

    Network Congestion: Preventing and Handling Network Congestion.

    Internet: Internet Services, WWW, Intranets and Extranets, Internet Protocols.


    Telecommunication Systems:

    Basic Telephone Systems, Leased Lines Services, ISDN, Frame Relay, ATM, DSN, Computer Telephone Integration.

    Network Security: Basic Security Measures, Encryption and Decryption Techniques, FireWalls, Security Policy Design


    Network Design and Management: System Development Life Cycle, Network Modeling, Feasibility Studies, Capacity

    Planning, Creating a Base Line, Network Manager, Network Diagnostic Tools.

    Suggested Readings:

    1. Data Communications and Computer Networks -A Business Users Approach, Curt M White, Thomson Learning.


    Course Objectives :

    1. To learn about different data storage and organization techniques

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    2. To learn database design techniques and processes

    3. To learn about database organizations, Relational, Hierarchical, and network.

    4. To learn about different database models such as Entity-Relationship and Object Oriented models

    5. To learn about different database processing methods, such as centralized processing and distributed processing.

    6. To implement a database application using a commercial package (Oracle).


    Introduction to DBMS - Advantages - Data Abstraction - Data models - ER models- Special Features - Converting ERmodels to relations-Database Manager - DBA - Database users.

    Relational Model: query languages, Keys, Query by Example (QBE). SQL - Introduction, DDL, DML, DCL, Integrity

    constraints in SQL.

    Normalization & De-Normalization concepts. Joins and Sub Queries in SQL. Creating Indexes, Views, Sequences and


    Storage types, Failure types, Centralized and Distributed database Processing methods

    PL-SQL: Control Structures, Cursors, Functions, Procedures, and Triggers.

    Security & Integrity, Advanced Database systems.

    Concepts of Front End Applications-D2k as Front End Tool-Forms Designer-Forms, Menus, Toolbars- D2K Reports.

    Case Studies

    Suggested Readings:

    1. Rob : Database Systems, 5/e - Thomson.

    1. Henry F. Korth IV Edition

    2. Deshpande. SQL / PL SQL, Dreamtech Publishers.

    3. Fundamentals of Database Systems. Elmasri/ Navathe Second edition.

    4. Database Managemnt Systems. Raghurama Krishnan, Johannes Gehrke. Second Edition

    5. Ivon Byross - Developing commercial Applications using Developer 2000 version 2. (Forms 5 and Reports 3)

    6. Pratt : Concepts in Database Management - Thomson.

    Course Objectives : The course aims to develop skills in the analysis and resolution of management problems related to

    the marketing process; economic, psychological and sociological characteristics of demand for various products;

    marketing research; channels of distribution; personal selling, pricing policies and regulation of marketing.

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    Unit-I : Marketing Basics (Only Concepts)

    An Overview of Marketing - Production concept - Product concept - Marketing myopia - Selling concept - Marketing

    Concept - Societal dimension of marketing - Importance and scope of marketing. The Role of Marketing in Economic

    Development - Rural Marketing , Rural Markets VS Urban Markets - Marketing Management tasks - Types of demand -

    Marketing mix - marketing Objectives - Marketing Planning and Strategy - Mega Marketing (Power and Public

    relations) - Service Marketing

    Unit-II : Target Marketing and Market Segmentation and Consumer Behavior

    Concept of Target market-Market segmentation: Concept - Types - Patterns - Benefits - Requirements for effective

    segmentation - Basis for market segmentation - market segmentation analysis for given products - Product positioning.

    Concept of consumer behavior - Nature - Scope - Importance - Major factors influencing consumer behavior: Cultural -

    Social - Economic - Psychological & Personal- Consumer decision process - Post purchase feelings - Brand loyalty -

    Cognitive Dissonance -Industrial buyer behavior - Marketing Research - Steps.

    Unit-III : Product & Price Management

    Concept of product - Classification of products - levels of product classification - Product mix and product line decisions

    - new Product Development Process - Product Life Cycle Stages and implication for marketers - Branding - Packagingand labeling strategies.

    Role of price in marketing mix- Pricing concept - Objectives of pricing - Factors influencing price determination - New

    product Pricing - Market Skimming pricing - Market penetration pricing - Pricing of products and services - Pricing


    Unit-IV : Channel & Promotion Management

    Nature of marketing channels - Channel Structure and participants - Types of marketing intermediaries - Importance of

    Channel management - Channel Design Decisions Channel conflict and resolutions - Contemporary marketing channels

    in India - A global perspective.

    Promotion Management

    Role of promotion in marketing - Promotion mix - A view of the Communication Process - Advertising - Need -Objectives - Types of advertising - Major decisions in advertising - Objectives - Budget - Strategy - Evaluation -

    Advertising and Social Marketing - Sales Promotion - Objectives & Tools - Personal Selling - Nature, Role of Sales

    force - Publicity - Public Relations.

    Unit-V : E-Marketing

    E-Marketing - promises and challenges - Benefits of E-Marketing - Customers Database- kiosk marketing - building E-

    mail addresses database - Internet related Marketing mix - Internet Related marketing techniques - Online advertising

    mechanisms - Issues in Web site design - Attracting customers to the Web site - Choosing the ISP - Customer

    Relationship Management

    1. Philip Kotler: Marketing Management Analysis, Planning & Control ,9th edn.

    2. Philip Kotler : Principles of Marketing.

    3. Joel R.Evans Barry Berman: Marketing

    4. E.Jerome McCarthy William D.P:arreault : Basic Marketing

    5. W.J.Stanton : Fundamentals of Marketing.

    6. J.C.Gandhi : Marketing Management.

    7. Lovdon & Della Bitta: Consumer Behaviour Concepts and Applications.

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    8. Schiff Man. Consumer Behavior, Prentice hall.

    9. Lovelock: Managing Services, marketing Operations and Human Resources.

    10. Electronic Commerce- Schneider - Thomson.

    11. Electronic Commerce, Managerial perspective, Efraim Turban, Jae Lee, David King, Micheal chang, Addison

    wesley, New Delhi.

    12. Electronic Commerce, Greenstein and Feinman, Tata McGrawhill, New Delhi, 2000.

    13. Czinkota : Marketing Management 2/e - Thomson.

    14. Lamb: Intro to Marketing - Thomson.

    15. Jain : Marketing, Planning & Strategy - Thomson.

    16. Assael : Consumer Behaviour - Thomson.


    Course Objectives : The course provides an introduction to finance. Non finance majors will gain an appreciation of the

    role of financial markets and institutions in our economy, and the responsibilities, concerns and methods of analysis

    employed by corporate financial managers. Students pursuing a concentration in the finance area should view these as a

    first course in corporate finance and an introduction into investments, financial markets and institutions.

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    Unit-I: Introduction to Financial Management

    An overview - Finance Function - Scope of Finance function - Financial Management - Meaning - Goals & Objectives of

    Financial Management - Time value of money - Present value - Compound value.

    Unit-II: Investment Decisions

    (A) Nature of Investment decision - Capital budgeting - Meaning and Importance, Types of Capital budgeting decisions- Capital budgeting process -Investment criterion methods of appraisal - Payback Period - Accounting Rate of

    Return - Discounted Cash Flows methods - Net Present value method - Interpretation of NPV-Evaluation of NPV

    method - Internal Rate of Return method - Interpretation of IRR - Payback Period - Reciprocal Rate of return -

    Profitability Index - Evaluation of Profitability Index - Net Present Value vs Profitability Index - NPV vs IRR.

    (including problems)

    (B) Risk Analysis in Capital Budgeting And Cost of Capital Risk meaning - Nature - payback period - Risk adjusted

    discount rate - Certainty Equivalent - Statistical Technique to handle risk - probability assignments - Standard

    deviation and coefficient of variation - probability distribution approaches.

    (C) Cost of Capital: Concepts - Importance - Specific cost of capital for various sources of finance - cost of debt - cost

    of preference capital - cost of equity capital - cost of external equity - cost of retained earnings - Weighted average

    cost of capital - Book value and market value weights and marginal cost of capital (including problems.)

    Unit-III : (A) Financing Decisions

    Leverage - concept of Leverage - Operating Leverage - Meaning - measurement -Financial leverage - meaning

    -measurement - EBIT -EPS analysis - Degree of financial and operating leverages- combined leverage - Meaning and

    measurement - importance (including problems).

    Capital structure - meaning - determinants of Capital structure - optimum capital structure - Capital structure theories -

    Net income approach - Net operating Income approach - Traditional view - M.M. - Hypothesis (theory only)

    (B) : Working Capital Management

    An over view - concepts of working capital - determinants of working capital - Optimum level of current assets -

    Liquidity vs. Profitability - risk return trade off -Estimating working capital needs (including problems). Objectives and

    importance of Cash Management - Receivables Management and Inventory Management.

    (C) Dividend Decisions

    Unit-IV : An Overview of Indian Capital Market

    a) Money market instruments: Treasury Bills, Commercial Bills, Certificate of Deposit, Commercial Paper, Call money

    - Discount and Finance House of India Limited.

    b) Instruments of Capital market: Equity, Preference and Debentures - Secured and Unsecured, Fully convertible, partly

    convertible, bearer, naked. Mortgage, Zero Coupon, Deep Discount, Option at Debentures with equity and tradable


    c) Primary Market: Meaning - Intermediaries - Recent developments.

    d) Secondary Market

    Meaning - Intermediaries - Recent developments - Insider trading and market makers - Mutual Funds factoring

    services. Functions of SEBI and Important guidelines relating to primary and secondary market - Indian Stock

    Market- National Stock Exchange.

    Unit-V :

    (A) Portfolio Diversification : Markowitz diversification - Effect on risk. Quantification of Risk and Return; Perfectly

    positive and negative correlation - Moderate Correlation - Effect on risk. (Including Simple Problems)

    (B) Capital Market Theory Capital Market Theory ; Assumptions - Capital Market line and portfolio selection - Capital

    Asset Pricing Model - Quantification of Risk and Return- ex-antes export (including problems).

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    (C) Evaluation of Portfolio Performance

    Evaluation of Portfolio performance: Measures ofSharpe, Treynor, Jenson (including simple problems.)

    Suggested Readings

    1. Van Horn, James C: Financial Management, Prentice Hall India (p)Ltd. New Delhi.

    2. Hampton John.J. Financial decision Making, Prentice Hall India (P) Ltd. New Delhi.

    3. Solemen Ezra & Pringle John. J: An Introduction to Financial Management, Prentice Hall India (P)Ltd. NewDelhi

    4. Khan M.Y. & Jain P.K.: Financial management, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Co.Ltd., New Delhi.

    5. Pandey I.M.: Financial Management ,Vikas Publishing House (P) Ltd.

    6. Brigham : Fund of Financial Management - Thomson.

    7. Brigham : Financial Management - Thomson.

    Course Objectives :

    Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP as it is more commonly referred to is business management system that integrates

    all facets of business, including planning, manufacturing, sales, finance marketing. As this approach has grown in

    popularity, software applications have emerged to enable business to implement the ERP methodology. The software

    applications are tools that are available to business for use to drive out costs and improve efficiency. They automate

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    repetitive tasks and integrate business activities such as inventory management and control, order tracking, customer

    service, finance and human resources. Companies are spending fortunes on ERP software and implementation only to

    find that the business performance has not improved at all. This course aims to provide the participants with guidelines

    and frameworks that they can apply in order to increase the probability of the ERP (or any Information Systems)

    implementation achieving both the project and business objectives.

    Unit-I : Introduction

    Definition of enterprise, enterprise resource planning, evolution of ERP systems; material requirement planning,

    manufacturing requirement planning, Trends, Systems and technology background; ERP systems background; Objectives,

    Benefits and challenges in ERP, ERP data input; ERP output capabilities; Technology-enables vs. clean sheet re-

    engineering, Specialties in ERP systems, Tangible and intangible benefits. Major ERP vendors.

    Business processes, ERP software changes, Designing ERP systems - choosing standard models, artifacts and processes

    for ERP systems; client-server architecture for ERP, Application architectures, cross functionalities, application


    Introduction to BPR, definition and principles BPR, role of IT in BPR, IT support for BPR, strategic alignment of IT and

    BPR, Process engineering, enterprise business processes, BPR and organisational restructuring, organisational systems,

    business process integration.

    Unit-IV : Implementation on ERP

    Choosing an ERP system implementing- big bang vs phased-identification of modules-developing guiding principles and

    detailed project plan-legacy system analysis-as is picture-mapping into ERP, Project team training, To Be design, user

    acceptance, detailed design, customization, construction and testing, production system development.

    going live, parallel-run phase, User Training, Post implementation issues and development, SCM, CRM, SRM,SEM

    integration, Electronic commerce, Risks in implementing ERP Systems.

    Suggested Readings :


    1. Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, Life Cycle, Electronic commerce, and Risk Daniel E. OLeary, Universityof Southern California

    2. ERP - Text and Case studies by CVS Murthy, Himalaya Publications.

    3. Process Innovation - reengineering work through information technology by Davenport Thomas H, Harvard

    Business School Press, Boston, MA 1993

    4. Reengineering the corporation; A manifesto for business revolution by Micheql Hammer and Champy James,

    Harper Business NY.

    5. Monk : Enterprise Resource Planning 2/e - Thomson.

    Course Objectives :

    1. To learn five fundamental data structures-lists, stacks, queues, trees, and graphs

    2. To learn the basics of the development of reusable software components.

    3. Improve programming skills.

    4. Apply programming skills, object-oriented techniques and data structures theory to the solution of practical business

    programming problems.

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    Data structures - Introduction - Lists- stacks- Linear Queues and Circular Queues, Double Ended Queues - Operations

    using Arrays & Pointers.

    Linked Lists - Introduction & Implementation, Linked Lists using Stacks and Queues, Circular Linked Lists, Doubly

    Linked Lists.

    Searching Techniques: Sequential search & Binary search

    Sorting Techniques: Insertion Sort, Shell Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Tree Sort and Heap Sort.

    Trees, Operations on binary trees, Traversals, Binary Search Trees - Graphs - Graph searching.

    Hashing and the table ADT - Introduction to Hashing by simple examples - Hash function methods - comparison of

    searching methods using the table ADT.

    Suggested Readings :

    1) Data Structures using C++ Malik - Thomson.

    2) Data Structures using C and C++ Second Edition, Tenenbaum.

    3) Data Structures & Algorithm in C++ - Thomson.



    Course objectives:The course objective is to provide an overall picture of the role and activities of Information Systems

    Project Management and Software Quality Assurance. The course also intends to throw light on some of the leading

    Functionality and Performance Testing Tools available in the market today.

    Unit-I: Introduction to Information Systems Project Management

    Introduction to Software Engineering - The Evolving role of software - Software Evolution - Types of Information

    systems - Introduction to Software Project Management - Software Development Techniques - System Development Life

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    Cycle - Prototyping Model - Spiral Model - RAD Model - Joint Application Development and Extreme Programming

    -Aspect Oriented Software Development.

    Software productivity - Role of Information Systems in Software Productivity - Brief history of the Unified process

    -Phases of the Unified process - Unified Process Work Products.

    Unit-II : Software Engineering

    Software Engineering as a Layered Technology - Software Process Frame work - The Capability Maturity Model

    Integration (CMMI) - Process Patterns - Process Assessment - Personal and Team Process Models - Process Technology -

    Requirements Engineering - Initiating the Requirement Engineering Process - Developing Use Cases - Building the

    Analysis Model - Understanding how Software is Designed

    Negotiating and Validating Requirement - Technical and Economic Feasibility Studies - Object Oriented Analysis and

    Design. Creating an Architectural Design - Modeling Component Level Design - Performing User Interface Design

    -Software Deployment and Maintenance.

    Unit-III : Project Management

    Conventional Software Management - Evolution of Software Economics - Improving Software Economics - Artifacts of

    the Software Project Management Process - Model based Software Architectures - Software Process Work Flows

    -Iterative Process Planning - Project Organizations and Responsibilities - Process Automation - Project Control andProcess Instrumentation

    Modem Software Project Profiles - Next-Generation Software Economics - Modern Process Transitions - The COCOMO

    Cost Estimation Model - Configuration Management methods and tools

    Unit-IV : Software Testing Process

    Software Quality Assurance - Importance of Software Testing - Life Cycle Testing Models - Fish Model - V-Model

    -Process Experts & Tools Model - CT Model - Calculating the Efficiency of the Testing Team - Life Cycle Testing Team

    Roles and Responsibilities-Change Control Board and Change Management.

    Usability, Functionality, Performance and Security Testing - Test Policy and Test Methodology - Designing Test Cases

    based on Input domain, functionality and business logic. Test Plan contents and drafting. Preparation of Traceability

    Matrix - Advantages of Test Automation

    Unit-V : Software Quality Engineering & Management

    Software Quality Control - Introduction to Software Quality Assurance - SQA Activities - Software Reviews - Defect

    amplification and removal - Formal Technical Reviews - ISO 9001:2000 for Software Project Management - Statistical

    Software Quality Assurance - Six Sigma for Software Engineering and Project Management - BS 7799 Information

    Security Standards - Software Auditing and Reporting.

    Software Process Reengineering - Software Reengineering process model - Forward Engineering and Reverse

    Engineering - The Economics of Reengineering - Understanding and Implementing CMM.


    1. WinRunner 7.0 : WinRunner Architecture - Recording Modes - Analog and Context Sensitive - Conducting Pre-

    Learning and Auto-Leaming in WinRunner - Introducing Check Points in the script - GUI Check Points - BITMAP

    Check Points -Database Check Point - Text Check Point - Synchronization Points in WinRunner - Data Driven Testing in

    WinRunner - Testing Web Applications with WinRunner

    2. Silk Testing Tool 7.5: Creating Silk Test Projects - Silk Test Runtime - Silk Test Workflows - Creating Test Plan

    in Silk - Writing Silk Scripts in 4TL (For Test Language) - Enabling Extensions for Application under test - Recording

    and Editing Test Frames - Designing and Recording Test cases - Running Tests and Interpreting results - Understanding

    the Silk Recovery System - Debugging Silk Test Scripts - Creating Data Driven Test Scripts in Silk

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    3. Load Runner, OpenSTA Load Testing Tool and Test Director: Launching Port Mapper - Creating Virtual

    Users - Inserting Rendezvous Points in the Load Runner Script -Testing Web Applications by using Open System Testing

    Architecture - Performing Stress and Load Testing on OSTA. Writing Test cases in Test Director - Administering Test

    Director and Integrating WinRunner with Test Director

    Suggested Readings:

    1. Software Project Management - A Unified frame work by Walker Royce - Pearson Education2. Software Quality Engineering and Management - ENN Publications - First Edition

    3. Software Engineering - A Practitioners Approach - Roger S Pressman - McGraw Hill Publications

    4. Effective Methods of Software Testing - William E Perry - John Wiley and Sons Publications

    5. Schwalbe : Information Technology Project Management - Thomson Learning.

    Semester III ASP.NET MCIS:304

    Course Objectives : The objective of this course is to enable the students to learn to create fully functional web store

    with the knowledge of ASP.Net


    Introduction to .NET-.NET Framework-Components of Framework (CLR - CLS -CTS) VB.Net, Variables and Data

    Types, Object Variables & their Binding, Control Structures, Arrays, Functions, Parameters and Arguments, Window


    Introduction to Web Applications- Static Web Pages, Limitations of Static Web Pages, Web Server, Dynamic Web Pages,

    Client-Side Dynamic Web Pages, Server-Side Dynamic Web Pages, ASP.Net, ASP.Net Namespace.

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    Datatypes - Variable Scope - Constants - Operator - Control Structures - Defining and Using Functions - Conversion

    Functions - Arrays,Data Collections - ArrayList -Hashtables.

    ASP.NET Server Controls - ASP.NET Web Controls - HTML Server Controls - HTML Server Controls versus Web

    Controls - Web Controls, Rich Object Model - Events - Page Lifecycle - Data Rendering Controls -Rich Controls -

    Validation Controls


    Introducing HTML Forms and Web Forms - Working with Server Controls -Implementing ASP.Net Server Controls -

    Validating Forms with Validation Controls

    Event-Driven Programming and Postback - Event - Event-Driven Programming -HTML Events - ASP.NET Page Events -

    ASP.NET Web Control Events - The IsPostBack Test.


    ADO .NET - Connection Classes - Command Data Components - DataAdapter Components - DataSet Data Component -

    DataView Data Component - DataGrid Component


    Users and Applications-Cookies - Sessions - Applications - Global.asax - Caching.Web Services - Web Service - HTTP - XML - and Web Services,HTTP GET - HTTP POST - Simple Object Access

    Protocol (SOAP) - Building an ASP.NET Web Service-Web Methods - Web Service Discovery - Securing a Web


    Suggested Readings :

    1. Beginning ASP.Net 1.1 - Wrox - Chris Ullman - John Kauffman.

    2. Professional ADO.NET Programming - Wrox - Bipin Joshi - Paul Dickinson.

    3. The Complete Reference - McGraw Hill MacDonald, Mathew.

    4. Francis : Rescued by Active Server Pages & ASP.Net - Thomson Learning.

    Course Objectives : To familiarize the students with analysis of securities market, valuation of different securities for

    the purpose of building optimal portfolio and to acquaint the students with latest concepts and trends in the securities


    Unit-I : Fundamental & Technical Analysis & Efficient Market Hypothesis

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    Need for Fundamental analysis - Economic analysis - Tools of Economic analysis - Industry analysis Tools of Industry

    analysis - Company analysis - Tools of Company analysis - Technical analysis - Technical Tools of Analysis (Including

    problems related to technical analysis)

    Efficient Market Hypothesis - Meaning and Implications - Random Walk Theory - Strong and Semi-strong and weak

    forms of efficiency - Martingale models (Theory only)

    Unit-II : Valuation of Equity Shares and Analysis of Debt Securities

    Equity risk and return - Capitalization of dividend earnings and cash flows - Profit earnings (PE) approach Valuation ofdebt securities - Types of bonds - Interest rate risk and purchasing power risk - Market interest rates and term structures of

    interest rates - Yield curves - Limitations of Yield curves - Risk premium bonds-Maculays Duration (MD)-Advantages

    of MD (including problems)


    Assumptions - Capital market line - Portfolio selection - Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) - Assumptions - Security

    Market line - Testing the CAPM - Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) - Assumptions - One-factor and Two-factor Arbitrage

    Pricing - Multi-factor Arbitrage Pricing (Including Problems)

    Unit-IV : Evaluation of Portfolio Performance

    Measures of portfolio performance - Rewards to variability and rewards to volatility - Sharpes performance index -

    Trenors performance index - Jensons performance index (Including problems). Security Market Indexes - Averages -

    Indexes - Construction of Indexes - Stock market Index Revision (including simple problems)

    Unit-V : Introduction to Treasury Management and Treasury Controls

    Treasury Management - Meaning - Need - Role of the Treasury - Its Relationship with Risk Organization - Identifying

    and Quantifying Risk - Relationship between Risk and Return - Sources of Financial Risk - Interest Rate Risk - Currency

    Risk - Financial Risk - Economic Exposure - Managing Uncertainty - Risk and the Treasury Operation - Understanding

    the Business Trading Strategy - The Role of Accounting

    Suggested Readings :

    1. Fisher, Donald E. and Ronald J. Jordan : Security analysis and portfolio management, PHI or Pearson Education.

    2. Francis Jack Clark and Richard W.Taylor (1996) : Theory and Problems of Investments, Mc Graw Hill International

    Editions, New Delhi.

    3. Punithavathy Pandian (2002): Security analysis and portfolio management, Vikas Publishing house pvt. Ltd. New


    4. Sulochana,M.(2003): Investment management, Kalyani Publishing House, Bombay.

    5. Avadhani,V.A. (2003) : Investments and Security management in India, Himalaya Publishing house.

    6. Gangadhar,V :Investment management.

    7. Bharati,V. Pathak (2003) : Indian Financial System, Pearson Educational publications.

    8. Mayo : Investments, - Thomson Learning.

    Course Objectives : The Supply Chain Management deals with planning, control and execution of Primary activites inthe chain from the suppliers to the customers with the objective to move the right products in the right quantities and

    quality at the right time according to the needs of the customers as efficiently as possible. The course enable the students

    to learn

    1. Intergrated planning coordination and control of all logistical business processes

    2. The activities required to deliver superior consumer value at less cost through supply chain.

    4.3. To satisfy the requirements of the other stake holders in the supply chain

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    Introduction, Meaning - Need - Origin - Elements of S.C.M. - Future trends in SCM - Purchasing issues in SCM -The role

    of purchasing in an organization - The purchasing process - Sourcing decisions - Roles of supply base - Supplier selection

    - Purchasing organization - Centralized Vs Decentralized - International purchasing/global sourcing

    Introduction - Developing successful Partnership - Supplier evaluation and certification - Supplier - Development -

    Supplier Relationship management

    Introduction - Sourcing strategies - Evaluating and selecting key suppliers - strategic alliance and supplier certification

    programming outsourcing program - supplier management and Alliance Development - Use of E-Procurement system -

    Rewarding supplier performance - Bench marking sourcing practices - Third party SCM services Assuming and

    improving the firm purchasing function

    Demand forecasting & Collaborative planning, forecasting & replenishment - Matching supply & demand forecasting

    techniques - Qualitative and Quantitative methods - software solutions

    Domestic and International Transportation - Impact of Transportation on SCM - Fundamentals of Transportation -

    Warehousing - Transportation Management - E-Commerce and Transportation

    Suggested Readings :

    1) Principles of SCM - Wisner - Thomson.

    2) Introduction to SCM - Bozarth Y Handfield.

    3) Rahul V Altekar Supply Chain Management PHI publications

    4) Modelling the Supply Chain Jeremy F Shapiro Thomson Publication

    5) Supply Chain Management Theory and Practices, BizTantra Publications

    6) Coyle : The Management of Business Logistics - Thomson.

    Course Objectives : Modern Day Organizations widely use I.T. to perform management functions. Hence, organizations

    need efficient information systems and management decision support systems. In order to develop such system it requires

    a good understanding of the techno- functional requirements of a management area. This course prepares the students to

    appreciate the necessary dimensions of developing such systems and enables them to become effective management

    professionals in finance and accounting.

    Emergence of digital form in the existing era of I.T.

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    Information needs of management at various levels of organization - flow of information in the organizations - Top down

    - Bottom up - Integration Information Systems - meaning - nature - Role

    Approaches to information systems - Technical - Behavioural - Socio-technical approaches - Types of Information

    Systems in business organizations - Decision Support System - MIS - Expert System - Knowledge Management System -

    Transaction Processing System - Importance of information systems in supporting various levels of business strategy

    formulation and decision makings - software nd hardware requirements for developing efficient information system.

    Appreciation of information requirements of a finance manager for various financial decisions in an organization.

    Designing suitable information system to meet such requirements Integration of financial information system with that of

    enterprise information system - functional requirements of finance and accounting system.

    Introduction - Accounting structure - setting up of accounts and grouping - Narrations - Items - Charges - Documents in

    accounting packages - Receipts and payments - purchase and sales -customer and supplier accounts - Journal documents -

    credit and debit notes - Rectification of errors (Trial Balance) - Preparing final accounts.

    Note: The above maybe implemented suitably using an available package. Suggested Tally or Oracle financials.

    Role of Intranet and Internet in the development of financial information system for a business organization - E-

    commerce - Enterprise Resource Planning - SCM - CRM Integration planning of the above with financial system.

    1) James A.O Brien - Introduction to Information systems - Tata McGraw Hill -4th ed -New Delhi.

    2) Turban -Rainer and Potter Introduction to Information Technology.

    3) W.S.Jawadekar -Management Information Systems - Tata McGraw Hill -1st ed -New Delhi.

    4) Dennis Curtain, Kunal Sen , Kina foley, Cathy Morm - Information Technology - McGraw Hill Book Company.

    5) Cyzanshy - I.T - Inside and Outside - Pearson Education.

    6) Handbooks and documentation of the relevant package for Unit IV.

    7) OZ : Management Information Systems - Thomson.

    8) Stair : Principles of Information Systems - Thomson.

    Course Objectives:

    To provide an understanding in developing an effective e-business solution architecture.

    To provide an understanding of the technology of electronic commerce such as web architecture, interoperable and secure

    information systems.

    To gain an understanding of how Internet and Inter-organisation Information Systems are applied to create innovative

    business models among corporates and consumers

    Business- to- Business Models, Business to Consumer Models, Collaborative Business Models, E-Business Architecture:

    Web Architecture & CGI, Applet/Servlet. Client Server Architecture, Component based Architecture.

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    E-Auctions E-Tender, Reverse Auctions. E-Customer Relationship Management: Call Centre, Partner Relationship

    Management, E-Service Management, E-Marketing, Business Intelligence Systems, Data Mining Models.

    Data Encryption Standards, RSA, Public and Private keys, Digital Signature, Digital Certification, MIME.

    Internet Security and Firewall Systems

    IPSec Protocol, S-HTTP, Secure Socket Layer (SSL), IP Spoofing, Firewall Systems, Packet Filtering Firewall,

    Application Level Firewall, Circuit level Firewall.

    SET Protocols, E-Check, E-Cash, Micro payment Systems, Smart Card, Electronic Fund Transfer. E-Markets: Web

    Advertising, Online Market Research, Market Making. Cyber Law: IT Act of India.

    Origins and Evolution of HTML, Basic Syntax, Standard HTML Document Structure, Basic Text Formatting, Images,

    Hypertext Links, Lists, Tables, Frames, Forms.

    Overview of JavaScript, Object Orientation and JavaScript, General Syntactic Characteristics, Primitives, Operations and

    Expressions, Screen Output, Control Statements, Object Creation and Modification, Array, Functions.

    The JavaScript Execution Environment, The Document Object Model, Element Access in JavaScript, Introduction to

    Events and Event Handling, Attributes and Tags, Validating Form Inputs.

    Recommended Books:

    Main Reading:

    1) Napier : Creating a Winning E-Business - Thomson.

    2) Henry Chan, Raymond Lee, Tharam Dillon and E Chang, E-Commerce : Fundamentals and Applications, John

    Wiley & Sons.

    3) Kalakota and M Robinson, E-Business Roadmap for Success, 2000, Addison - Wesley Publications.

    Supplementary Reading:

    1) R.Kalakota and BAB Whinston, Frontiers of E-Commerce, Addision Wesley

    2) M Reynolds, Beginning E-Commerce with Visual Basic, ASP, SQL Server and MTS Wrox Press Ltd.


    Course Objectives: The idea of CRM is that it helps businesses use technology and HR to gain insights into the

    behaviour of customers and the value of those customers. An effective CRM strategy helps the business increase its

    revenue. The course contents enable the students to learn the following aspects of CRM

    1. Providing services and products that are exactly what the customers want

    2. Offering better customer services

    3. Cross selling products more effectively

    4. Help the sales staff to close deals faster

    5. Retaining existing customers and discovering new ones

    Unit-I :Introduction to CRM

    Marketing/Commerce in the 21st century - Changing marketing environment - The value Discipline Model - The new (e)

    marketplace - Its impact customer loyalty - The case for CRM - CRM definition - Components of CRM - CRM concepts -

    Goals of CRM - CRM functions - Customer Experience Management - Back office and front office functions.

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    CRM marketing initiation - cross-selling and upselling - Behaviour prediction - customer life time value - The call centre

    and customer care measurement - Analytical CRM - The Concepts of Data Warehouse - Data mining - clickstream

    analysis - personalization - operational CRM

    CRM Planning - CRM business plan - The CRM program life cycle - Developing CRM strategy - Building CRM

    infrastructure - Analyzing and segmenting customers - Delivering the offer to the customer - creating a CRM culture -The role of marketing and sales departments in CRM

    Understanding the technology component - CRM technology definition - Business function - I.T. functions - Making

    technology decisions

    The four Ps - Process - Perception - Privacy - Politics - Other CRM - Lack of CRM integration - Poor organizational

    planning - Demanding customers - future of CRM.

    References :

    1. CRM Hand Book, Jylldyche, Pearson Education.

    2. CRM, Judith W Kincaid, Pearson Education.

    3. Wagner : Customer Relationship Management - Thomson.

    Course Objectives : To make the students aware about the Risk Management and Insurance so that the students can

    undertake projects in the field of Insurance after the course is completed

    Unit-I : Basic Concepts in Risk Management and Insurance

    Meaning of Risk - Chance of Loss - Peril and Hazard - Types of Pure Risk - Burden of Risk on Society - Methods of

    handling Risk - Definition of Insurance - Types of Insurance - Costs of Insurance to Society - Meaning of Risk

    Management - Objectives of Risk Management- Personal Risk Management - The Changing scope of Risk Management -

    Insurance Market Dynamics - Financial Analysis in Risk Management Decisions - Use of Technology in Risk

    Management Programs

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    Principles of Indemnity, Insurable Interest, Subrogation, utmost good faith Requirement of an Insurance Contract -The

    Liability Risk - Law of Negligence - Imputed Negligence - Specific applications of the law of Negligence - Home Owners

    Insurance - Coverage, Perils insured against, Exclusions, Conditions - Personal liability Insurance -Endorsements to a

    home owners Policy - Automobile Insurance - Liability Coverage, Medical Payments coverage

    Uninsured Motorists Coverage, Duties after an accident or loss and general provisions Other Property and liability

    Insurance Coverage.

    Unit-lll : Commercial Property and Liability Risks

    Overview of Commercial Package Policy - Building and Personal property coverage form - Loss Reporting forms,

    Business Income Insurance, Other Commercial coverage, Transportation Insurance - Commercial Liability Insurance -

    General Liability Loss Exposures - Commercial General Liability Policy - Employment Practices Liability Insurance,

    Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance - Commercial Auto Insurance - Aviation Insurance - Bailees

    Customer insurance - Liability Insurance Businesses owners Policy - Professional liability Insurance

    Unit-IV : Life and Health Risks

    Fundamentals of Life Insurance financial Impact of Premature Death on Different types of Families -life Insurance Types,

    Variations of Whole life insurance and other types; Buying Life Insurance - Determining the cost of Life Insurance, Rate

    of Return 01 Saving Component, Taxation of Life Insurance, Shopping of Life Insurance- Annuities and Individual

    Retirement Accounts - Taxation of Individual Annuities, Individual Retirement Accounts - Individual Health and

    Disabilitv - Income Insurance - Health Care problems, Types of Individual Health Insurance Coverage, Hospital-Surgical

    Insurance, Major Medical Insurance - Long term Care Insurance - Group Insurance

    Unit-V : The Insurance Industry

    Types of Insurers and Marketing Systems - Types of Private Insurers, Agents and Brokers, Types of Marketing Systems,

    Mass Merchandizing - Insurance Company Operations - Rate making, Underwriting, Production, Claim Settlement,

    Reinsurance, Investments, other Insurance Company functions - Insurance Pricing - Government Regulation of Insurance

    - Reasons for Insurance Regulation - Historical Development of Insurance Regulation over the world and in India.

    Suggested Readings:

    1. George E. Rejda Education: Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, Pearson Education.

    2. Arthur Schleifer & David E.Bell : Risk Management, Thomson Learning.

    3. Treischmann : Risk Management & Insurance - Thomson.

    M.Com (IS) Practicals



    Business Data Flow Diagrams (Algorithms) for Applications like Accounts, Finance,Human Resource, Marketing Information Systems.

  • 7/31/2019 M.comiS Full Syllabi 2007



    Algorithms- Top down design Stepwise Refinement. Flow Charts Data Types

    Variables Operators Expressions. Introduction to Objects and Classes Simple


    Programs using Control structures, Arrays and Pointers.

    Functions, Parameter passing. Classes, Attributes, Member functions, Object Instantiation,

    Constructors, Scope Resolution.

    Exception Handling, Templates, Standard Library, File I/O Operations.


    Applications of MS-Office: MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-Access, MS-PowerPoint inBusiness


    The File System:

    Directory Handling and navigation (mkdir, rmdir, pwd and cd). Creating, Viewing ,

    Copying, renaming and deleting files. Listing files, Viewing through pg, tail and head


    File Attributes:

    Analysing the ls-1 output. File type and permissions (chmod). The /etc/passwd and/etc/group files. Changing ownership.

    The vi Editor:

    The three modes. Basic navigation (h, j, k, l). Moving to a specific line number(G) The

    repeat factor. The Input mode commands (i, a, r, s and o). Saving and quitting (:w, :x and

    :q). Text deletion (x and X). Using operators in deleting and copying text (d, y and p).

    Undoing and repeating commands (u and .). Pattern search (/ and n) and substitution (:s).Moving text from one file to the other. Customization features: abbreviation(:abb), key

    mapping (:map) and setting vi parameters (:set).The file .exrc.

    Wild-cards. Escaping and quoting. Difference between single and double quotes. The three

    standard files and redirection (>,>). Connecting commands with pipes(I). Command

    substitution. Shell variables and how they determine system behavior.Aliases andCommand history, Environment variables, setting terminal (Sty).

  • 7/31/2019 M.comiS Full Syllabi 2007




    Determining System Requirements Traditional Methods- Modern Methods. StructuralSystem Requirements using process modeling, logic modeling and conceptual data

    modeling techniques.

    Work Study and Productivity: work measurement, work sampling and structuredestimating

    Logical and Physical Design:

    Designing Forms and Reports, Designing Databases, Designing Internals: Programs andProcess Design.


    Converting ER model to relations- Database Manager

    SQL DDL, DML, DCL, Integrity constraints in SQL.

    Creating Indexes, Views, Sequence and Synonyms.

    PL-SQL: Control Structures, Cursors, Functions, Procedures and Triggers.



    Business Process Designs (Document & Process Flows) for a generic finance, accounting

    or marketing.

    Suggesting to-be designs for the generic as-is Business Scenarios.

  • 7/31/2019 M.comiS Full Syllabi 2007



    Operations using Arrays and Pointers.


    Linked lists using Stacks and Queues, Circular Linked Lists, Double Linked Lists.Unit III: Searching & Sorting Techniques:

    Searching Techniques: Sequential search & Binary search

    Sorting Techniques: Insertion sort, Shell sort, Selection sort, Merge sort, Quick sort, Tree

    sort, Tree sort and Heap sort.

    Non Linear Data Structures

    Trees, Operations on binary trees, Traversals, Binary Search Trees Graphs Graphs



    1. WinRunner 7.0: winRunner Architecture- Recording Modes- Analog and ContextSensitive - Conducting Pre-Learning and Auto Learning in WinRunner

    Introducing Check Points in the script GUI Check Points BITMAP Check

    Points- Database Check Point Text Check Point Synchronization Points in

    WinRunner Data Driven Testing in WinRunner Testing Web Applications withWinRunner.

    2. Silk Testing Tool 7.5: Creating Silk Test Projects Silk Test Runtime Silk Test

    workflows creating Test Plan in Silk Writing Silk Scripts in 4TL (For TestLanguage) Enabling Extensions for Application under test Recording and

    Editing Test Frames Designing and Recording Test cases Running Tests and

    Interpreting results Understanding the Silk Recovery System Debugging SilkTest Scripts Creating Data Driven Test Scripts in Silk.

    3. Load Runner, OPENSTA Load Testing Tool and Test Director:

    Launching Port Mapper- Creating Virtual Users - Inserting Rendezvous Points in

    the Load Runner Script Testing Web Applications by using Open System TestingArchitecture - Performing Stress and Load Testing on OSTA. Writing Test Cases

    in Test Director Administering Test Director and Integrating WinRunner with

    Test Director.

    ASP.NET MCIS 304

    ASP.Net Server Controls ASP.Net Web Controls, Html Server Controls

  • 7/31/2019 M.comiS Full Syllabi 2007


    Introduction Html Forms and Web Forms. Event-Driven Programming, Html Events,

    ASP.Net page events, ASP.Net Web control events.


    Implementing an Accounting or Financial package (Tally)Accounting structure setting up of accounts and grouping Narrations

    Items Charges Documents in accounting packages Receipts and payments purchase

    and sales customer and supplier accounts journal documents credit and debit notes Rectification of Errors (Trial Balance) Preparing final accounts.


    Introduction to Html:

    Basic Syntax, Standard Html Document Structure, Basic Text Formatting, Images,

    Hypertext links, Lists, Tables, Frames, Forms.

    The Basics of JavaScript

    General Syntactic Characteristics, Primitives, Operations and Expressions, Screen Output,

    Control Statements, Object Creation and Modification, Array, Functions.

    JavaScript and Html Documents

    The JavaScript Execution Environments, Element Access in JavaScript,

    Events and Event Handling, Attributes and Tags. Validating Form Inputs.