McNamee Statement of Defence

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  • 8/7/2019 McNamee Statement of Defence


    No, 3 6 13 p , 14 IPACE :3 / 6

    A c tio n N o. 0 2 0114409


    JUDIC IA L D IS TR IC T O F CALGARY""'~=""""":"':"'~"~" "'==BE~WEEN:"""'!".''' '':''''''''':;:':" ':":'=:: --:-:"7.:~''''''~''',~=""c:,,~.".':;'C=:_'-.7:::: :'''".==-

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    lj R.. C lA AA N J. M c N A 1 1:E e a naC lARAN1 .McNAMEEP RO F E S S I ONALCOlQORATION I




    1. as hereine xp t e 831ya dm i tU l d.. th e De fendan t& UALve rs ity o fAlbet taliospital , Cap ita ] H eallh A utlw rity ,Dr. lLlber t Bear an d J:> r. T im Winton(/(Ih~cD efe nd an ts" d en yoac l lofthe aUQstlionsc o 21wnM in th e S ta l=C Il tQ fClaiDl.

    2. 1 'bG.& 6Defendcts8 dm i c p a n lg ra pM3. 6 and 12 o f th eS t at arJ 1 8t 1t o fC uw ubut.d o no tconcu r w ith the p roposa l ~nJ ~ site o fth e tria l o f th isactioncon d ill

    paragraph 48 of the S ta tt;mon1 o fClaim. TheallDdondantspropose that th e trial of this

    aetionb t h eld at th eL awCOW1 5in Edmol l lOn, Alberta

    J. In respon$e to theSt4tetnertlof C laimin its ontim y, thesel)"fe:ndsnts

    speci:fi ~ deny thatthCIYwere ntg l broacl1of COI1 t r a.e t O foon t r ac t s .the C 'X i s t.e n c eof< -- -wlIich is denied. that theyrol'k fAlso,l1\-;iic!o\lSor dcf.unaroryleprHentatiQDSor stale~nts.

    or acted in ahish~handed. ve)(ltiousand opprcuiv6manne r, a sallegedo r at all.

    4. In response U 'J~8taPh 4 of the St&totllell1of C}jjm. the lktend .w Capitnl

    Hea lth A u th orityspecific:aU y deo i e.s ~ !t 'WM or is r eq ' JOns ib l efo r th eliabilities.andobljg atio~ of~byziciUlSwith hospi ta l admi~ privileges. as al legedQf a! aU.

    5. In response to parag raphs 7 and9 l h r o ugh11 o f th e: S t atement o fC l a im .theseDcfon~ s ta te t ha ta l lY OJ l tr l l( .tof employment. Ih eolds~w:e ofwhith is ~nied. re la te d toa to ae hin gI I.p p o i n tmo a tby th e Un iW 1 ' 8 it yof Albuta aw l th at th es eI>ciendanuw ere not

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    PAGE 4/a

    No , 3 6 1 3 p , 15

    parties to the allegedo r anycont$t o f c r np l o ym t : n l. Funher,these D ef~!S stale that thePlaintiffOr. C iatM J.McNamu(the (~lain1ifi") wss an i n d ep e t l dCD tmedica l p rac ti ti o~ t.w llo wasgrantedptivU~St8b y t he DefendanTCapitalHCi i l t hAu thor it y t oa dm it A Dd ~hi:I

    ........ ..-.- ....:.:"pati6ntS 'jPr.ceJill ,h~" ~~~ bYJ!!.eDefendant Cap it alHinlthAuthorityand that th e

    Plaint lff w asf1e"~ a n emp[o y e~~~~i~~ ~ tCti . t'o t'th e' D e f e n d a n t 'Capl i i lRea1 t J iAuU16 i i t yo r th eDefendan tUni 'Vers i ryg fA J bo rtA H;( l s p lmJ . I

    6. In respon se toparal;r~hB 27 .3 0 tb ro us h33, 35. 46 and 47 of the StatementofC l a im ,tbeseDc f e l l-d a n t$ 5 p c c ii io a I ly d en y h av il l8 m adBan y f a l s a .mallciousO Tdefamatoryrepresr;)nra lions or s ta tements .

    7, Ittth o IIlremalivc,and int\ l.r r h e rrespo~ tQ p arag rap hs 27 . 30through33, lS ,4S and 47 ofth e S tatement o f C la im , th eso: O c f'e n d a nt s s tn tothat:

    a. Any c.onunlU1fcauQIJ,5 COn c e r nU 1 gUu:}llajmifi'were n o t published,bu e

    were cOmmunicat io I1$am o n s s ta nd b etw ee n im liv id ua lsw ith in th eDcfmdal l t C3J) i t l l lHealth Authori ty and with other healthC~

    p ro fe ss io na ls w h owere specificallyreqWredto know of andreceive

    such communicationspun\Wltto their re$peo'tivepositiw;

    b. Alternatively, if any of thec:ommunica110M complain"dof wtJrCpublishedby tbe&eDefendants .whichUich ln i eK i. sUch eommunication

    was only donep~'t to the dutiea an4 respo nsib ilities of th e

    Derendan ts Dr. R.ob e r tBearan dD r. T imWUlronon behalf of theDe fe nd an t C a pita l H ea lthAu t h oX i t d sucll c ommun ic atio ns were

    onlymadeTOindividwdswhohad & correspon~ ing du tyto reedve th ei n fonna r i01 l. If $Uch c omm l L r U cm o n sC()nn ltut e publ ica tion . whichi$d enie4, all ~~ COJnmllr1ica.llonWBJ nude on ano"M ion ofqualiiie4

    privi lege; and

    c. Anyr ommu.n i ca t i on&concaming thePWntiffw~ ~ in g oo dfaithm. an dfort to assist the PJ aUu l t f~th. y and l'enOllally.andat no timedid theseDe t e n d 4 l.o lS a ct w ilhmalice,iI l";r.tent or an y

    o th er impr op e rmotlve,

    8 . In responseYOptaagRVM 18Woud130.33 throu~ 35.36 and 42 of~~StaTI:tQ~t ofClAim. th e~ D ~ fc nd an tsspecificallydmy t h a ttheyfo rc ed th ePla in ti ff to wi thd rawf romhiscl inicalptact potiuOJiand his adn!inistratlved\1ti~8 an 4&t f a t oth at t heP l~too~ 0.voluntary sed l . ' l e , eo t i a lBdleaveCfabSeMll, h AtJllM in PB l ' l l g r 3ph. 26 of th e StJlte:malt

  • 8/7/2019 McNamee Statement of Defence


    No, 3 613 p , 1 6

    of Cla im. (b e PlaWtiif's privileges had b eeD r es ewedin AugU9t,2000 and ~ PlaillU ff'!

    })rivi1e~eswere n ev ersu spen ded or revo ked . P urth er,Ih e Plaintiffhelli no tmploymentpos itio n With these Defe!ld.ant9, PU l ' S \ l a h tto c om rac t o r o th erw ise ,f r om w hich heWAS or

    .. .. _-, --- ..::7."::::7,. ...,..coula7"6lH~oved~or'C()t1litn1otively;-di-smi.&s~_;!.S.. .~Uft8~aIL..Atall..rim.~ t h e s eD~fendan t& ac tedfa irly a nd ingood f~th. ,.. .. . ..... .... .. :-:- ;---...,~..-:~;7:7-

    I9. In response to pA tSg r c 1 p b 836 t h r ough38 I> f tbeStatcm~t ofCtaim,1h~~ DefendaIlts

    ap ecific aUy d en y~eaebin8 my ~ LlblieqFt agr6emenrwith l.hePlaintiffI'C3_g his ICl lveo f ab senc e, asalleg ed orat all. . I

    10. In response to pat~apb . 38 of the Statementof C1a4n.these befend.1nts den)' thatthoyacted in a h igh-lw1ded . vexat iouso r opp re ss iv e mannera nd s la tethat at all times theseDefcn&ntsa c t e dfa i r ly.r e a sQ ! l.a h l y a n din g o o dfaith.

    11 . l: f tb.e Plaint iffs sU1 l ' e t e dthe (njuri~ anddama;tcsas alleged,wblch i3 do~ then

    some or all or 611Chi n j u r i e swere nO l causedby negligence.breilCh at cent reee , f al st :,ma lic io us o rdefamatory r6preseatatiollto r s ta tem e n ts ,o t any g1h~imp rope r coJ lL1uctoft hese Defendmt tBbut are the result, elmer par tia ll y o rtollllly.of problems :p re.-e x1is t ing01

    un r ela te d to th e ~ ~ a l le g ed inau :Statero~o f C Ja jm ,

    12. Tho Plainum have Ca.iledto m itig ato p ro pe rly. o ra t all. a ny10 s11or dam age suff"ere4,

    none beingadmitted.

    DArED ilt th e C ily o f E ~ nto n, in the P.rov inceofAlbe r 1'a, th is 21st d ay of

    Januuy,A ,D . 2004; AND D~L IVEREDb y P IP.L DLJ...P . 2000 Ox f or dTowCTJ 10235 - 1 0 1

    Street,Edntonton. Alberta. 151301. SolicitMsfa r th eDefendanti .whose addressfo r serviceis i1 1eare o f s aidSvlieiton.

    l"OI7I S0?.DoC;1 i

  • 8/7/2019 McNamee Statement of Defence


    No.3 6 1 3 P . 1 7

    PAGE ' . E? /6..

    ACf lONNO .020114409 .A .D .2~::= 0 ... ; ~ ~ 1 ~ = = ._.=:e=t =;: I


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    rm sSTATEM ENT OFDEFENCE i.s filed on behal fof thepefendantl: by: ' DIt CtA!tAN J. NkNAME:e an d CWlAN 1


    FfELDLLP2 000 O x i< lrdl 'Qwer10235- 1 0 1StnIetEdmonton. Alberta

    T 5J 301


    So!ic i tontOl the Defendanii lUN IVE RS IT Y O FALBERTAHOSPITAL. CAPITALJ iBALT! lAumORl1 'Y. PR .. ROBtR! DEAl t and D R.T lMWlNTON

    Th~D~endr .nts pl lCeso fbu si ne s; a ndresidencesarc: Defendant!

    Th o :Defendants 'addreSS for \':crviceis in ca r e of s a i dSQlicitoIS :I t which a.d~~ service of S U bR eq uentp toceed ing s m ay b e served aseffectively &5 if servedupon the D c{end.cuns personal l )' ,


    .. '

    FIELDLLP,Solleito~ th t the DefendAnrs.

    F IELD loL l2000 ~ford Tower10215 -101 S ttte tEdmonton,,Albert9.


    Tc l~ (780 ) 423-3003F e L l ' :(1801) 425,906a

    JIl)' M. Gu th rieFileN o .20-13n