MCN Project Outline-V3

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  • 7/31/2019 MCN Project Outline-V3


    Project outline


    The following is an attempt to capture the true essence of a Group Discussion as it evolves in its role

    from being a traditional mode of gauging candidates communication and argumentative skills to thepresent role as a universal facilitator of assessing overall personality. Various aspects pertaining to the

    art and science of group discussion have been looked into in the subsequent pages.

    1. IntroductionA group discussion, colloquially known as a GD, is a methodology to gauge specific traits among

    candidates with regard to their personality, behavioral disposition and skills. Inferences drawn

    from it go far beyond the insights gained through conventional documents like curriculum vitae

    and resumes. As a result, the technique is gaining noteworthy popularity among educational

    institutions, public and private bodies, and sundry associations in their pursuit of evaluating

    candidates for recruitment or selection. Many self-help books offer inputs on tackling a group

    discussion effectively. This paper delves into some practical strategies in this regard.

    2. Importance of a GDThis section focuses on the growing importance of a Group Discussion in todays competitive era

    focusing on mainly the skills both verbal and non-verbal, that recruiters look for in a potential

    candidate and the time saving in case of a large pool of candidates. For e.g. a Group Discussion

    can help a recruiter identify skills like communication, interpersonal, leadership, tolerance, etc.

    which an interview cannot possibly do.

    3. Classification of Group DiscussionsThis section aims to describe the various types of group discussions that may take place in

    diverse environments, based on different classifications. For example, if one classifies

    discussions based on the topic, group discussions can be divided into 4 types factual speech,

    controversial and argumentative, abstract and case study based. At least 3 classifications aim to

    be covered in the chapter.

    Videos demonstrating the features of each different group discussion shall also be included in

    the chapter, along with a detailed description. Practical examples of these group discussions

    being used in the industry shall also be included in the chapter.

    4. Effective Group Participation SkillsIn this section we will be discussing skills needed to excel in a GD. We will be focusing on verbal

    communication, listening skills and most important non verbal cues like body language, proper

    eye contact etc which are more desirable than the verbal communication. Tips and exercises

    needed to improve GD skills shall also be covered along with videos highlighting the same.

  • 7/31/2019 MCN Project Outline-V3


    5. Group Discussion as a businessWith the growing demand of GDs as a selection criterion of various institutes and companies,

    imparting GD skills is being seen as a prospective business plan by many. There are institutes

    which conduct mock GD sessions and charge heavy amounts from the candidates. There are also

    online tutorials bundled with books which are sold worldwide. This section will present the

    business perspective of Group Discussion skills.

    6. Tips to contribute effectively towards a GDThis section focuses on various strategies which could be practiced for Effective Group

    Discussion. Effective facilitation tools like promoting interest, reaching consensus, deriving

    conclusions, group leadership and conflict management are discussed.

    Strategy for Effective Participation

    a. Promoting interest in GD topic

    b. Consensus & conclusion

    c. Group Leadership

    d. Conflict Management

    7. Learning ActivitiesThis section throws light on various learning activities such as Mock Group discussion, peer

    assessment and feedback and guidance from experts. It also throws light on how Small group

    activities are performed for adapting and applying group discussion techniques learnt and

    feedback is given for further improvement.

    Learning Activities

    a. Mock Group Discussions

    b. Peer Assessment & Feedback

    c. Expert Guidance

    8. Referencesa. Effective Group Discussion: Theory and Practice; Gloria Galanes and Katherine Adams

    b. Facilitators Guide to Participatory Decision Making; Sam Kaner

    c. The Trainers Guide to Running Effective Team Meetings: 72 Techniques for Improving

    Meeting Productivity; Ava. S. Butler

    d. In At The Deep End(Speaking Activities for Professional People); Roger Carter and Vicki
