McDonnell Douglas DC 10 40 Flight Controls

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McDonnell Douglas DC 10 40 Flight Controls

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    TABLE OF CONTENTS 09-00-01


    General . 09-10-01

    Description 09-10-01

    Controls and Indicators 09-10-05/06


    Major Components 09-20-01/02


    Longitudinal Trim 09-30-01

    Spoilers 09-30-02

    Flap/Slat Systems 09-30-03

    Flap Limit and Stall Test 09-30-04A/04B

    Trim Systems and Rudder Pedal Adjustment 09-30-05

    Flap/Slat Indicator 09-30-06

    Surface Position Indicator and Alternate Gear Extension Lever . . . 09-30-07


    JLMay 1/79 09-00-01

  • Page


    Yaw Damp and Rudder Standby Power 09-30-08

    Elevator Feel 09-30-09

    Elevator Control Column Neutral Position 09-30-10


    Flight Controls 09-40-01/02


    Nov 1/81



    All primary and secondary flight controls arefully hydraulic powered systems. There is nofeedback of control surface forces to the pilots;therefore, all control system feel is artificiallyinduced. The primary flight controls consist ofinboard and outboard ailerons, upper andlower two-segment rudders, and inboard andoutboard pairs of elevators. The secondaryflight controls consist of inboard and outboardleading edge slats, inboard and outboard trail-ing edge flaps, wing spoilers, and an adjust-able horizontal stabilizer.

    A hydraulic enhancement system ensuresenough fluid in system 3 always remains forpitch and roll through use of horizontal stabi-lizer trim and lateral controls powered by sys-tem 3. Refer to the Hydraulics chapter for afurther description.



    Lateral Control System

    The lateral control system is comprised ofinboard and outboard ailerons, with each sur-face powered by two of the three hydraulicsystems. Aileron lateral control is augmentedon the down-going wing by wing spoilersoperating in proportion to control wheel dis-placement and/or speed brake input. Withboth the flaps and slats retracted and thealternate gear extension lever stowed, a lock-out mechanism fairs and locks the outboardailerons in the neutral position. In this config-uration, lateral control is provided by theinboard ailerons and the lateral control func-tion of the wing spoilers. When the flaps areextended more than 15 degrees or the slatsare extended, or the alternate gear extension

    lever is raised, the outboard ailerons becomeoperable to assist in low speed lateral control.A lateral trim system is provided.

    Longitudinal Control System

    The longitudinal control system is comprisedof inboard and outboard pairs of elevators,with each surface powered by two of the threehydraulic systems. The elevators incorporatean automatic load feel system which varieselevator feel as a function of airspeed andhorizontal stabilizer position. The load feelsystem has backup manual control in the eventof malfunction of the automatic system. Thelongitudinal control system is provided with anadjustable horizontal stabilizer for maintaininglongitudinal trim.

    Directional Control System

    The directional control system is comprised ofan upper and lower rudder, each having twosegments. Each forward segment of the rud-ders is powered by one of the three hydraulicsystems. The aft segment of each rudder ishinged to the forward segment and is mechan-ically bused in such a manner that it willdeflect in the same direction as the forwardsegment to provide a more effective airfoil.Non-reversible motor-pumps are providedin the flight controls system which will auto-matically provide a standby source ofhydraulic pressure to the upper or lowerrudder or stabilizer trim should the normalpressure source become inoperative. Acompensator with a low fluid level switchautomatically shuts off hydraulic flow tothe non-reversible motor-pump in a hydrau-lic system with low fluid, to preclude damageto the hydraulic system. A RUDDER STBYPWR switch provides manual override

    JLSep 1/91 09-10-01





  • control to shut off hydraulic flow to bothnon-reversible motor-pumps, and a RUDSTBY PWR OFF light to indicate wheneither or both non-reversible motor-pumps are inoperative. When both non-reversible motor-pumps are inoperativerudder standby power is not available. Arudder trim system in provided.

    Dual yaw damper systems for eachrudder provide directional stability aug-mentation. The system operates therudder hydraulic control valves directlyand there is no feedback to the pilots1rudder pedals during normal manualflight or single autopilot cruise opera-tion. During autoland operation therewill be feedback to the rudder pedals.


    Spoilers System

    The wing spoilers provide five majoroperational modes:

    1. Lateral control augmentation inall modes of operation.

    2. Automatic ground spoiler extensionupon touchdown main wheel spinupto spoil lift, thereby increasingbraking efficiency.

    3. Automatic ground spoiler extensionupon application of reverse thrustlever during rejected takeoff,which increases braking efficiency.

    4. Manual extension of the groundspoilers during landing or rejectedtakeoff.

    5. Selectable extension of allspoilers inflight to serve asspeedbrakes.

    Extension of the spoilers beyond thespeedbrake range to the ground spoilerlimit or full extension is inhibited inflight. Extension of the spoilers as aspeed brake is completely inhibited in

    flight when the flaps are extended 5or more.

    The lateral control function of the wingspoilers is active in all modes of opera-tion. The spoilers augment lateral con-trol by extending on the down-going wingin proportion to control wheel displace-ment. If the spoilers are extended onboth wings in the speedbrakes mode,lateral control inputs will extend thespoilers panels on the down-going winguntil fully extended. If additional lateralcontrol is required, the spoilers on theup-going wing will retract as required.If all spoiler panels are fully extended inthe ground spoiler mode, lateral controlinputs will retract the spoilers on thewing opposite to the desired direction ofroll to permit cross-wind control. Auto-matic extension of the ground spoilerswhen main gear spin up during landingis limited to midrange, with proportionalmovement of the ground spoiler handle,until nose gear strut compression. Afternose gear strut compression full groundspoiler deployment occurs. In the eventa go-around is necessary after groundspoiler extension, advancing throttlenumber two will automatically unlatchthe spoiler handle, allowing it to go fullforward to the retract detent, disarm,and retract the spoilers. In the eventof a rejected takeoff, the ground spoilersextend fully when: throttle number oneand three, or throttle number two thrustreverser lever is placed to the reversethrust position and spoiler handle is inarmed (up) position, provided the nosegear strut is compressed.

    Flap System

    The trailing edge flap system consists ofinboard and outboard flap segments oneach wing. Each segment is powered bytwo of the three hydraulic systems. Theinboard flap control valve is connected tothe cockpit flap handle. The inboardflaps are interconnected by a cable bus


    Aug 1/75


  • system to ensure symmetrical motion. Theoutboard flap control valves are cable control-led by inboard flap position feedback, thusslaving outboard flap position to inboard flapposition. In addition to the normal flap controlfixed flap position detents, the system incor-porates a flap takeoff selector wheel whichprovides a preselectable detent in unlimitedincrements from 1 through 25 degrees. Alsoincorporated is an automatic flap limit system.When the flaps are extended between 20 and50 degrees, the system provides automaticretraction (or prevents extension), to protectstructural integrity in the event that selectedflap position airspeed limitations areexceeded. An airspeed is reduced, the flapsautomatically return to their original selectedposition. The system has a manual overridecapability in the event of malfunction.

    Slat System

    The leading edge slat system provides lift aug-mentation. The slats are divided into eightsegments on each wing and are hydraulicallypowered by two of the three hydraulic sys-tems, each capable of operating the slats fulltravel. The outboard slats have four positions:retract, auto extend, takeoff and land. Theinboard slats have three positions: retract,takeoff, and land. The inboard slat controlvalve is connected to the cockpit slat handle.The outboard slat control valves are controlledby inboard slat position feedback, thus slavingoutboard slat position to inboard slat position.When the flaps and slats are retracted the autoslat extend system controlled by the stall warn-ing system will partially extend the outboardslats at the onset of stall warning. The sixoutboard slat segments are anti-iced. Slatposition indicating lights are provided on theinstrument panel.

    Trim System

    Lateral Trim. Lateral trim control is providedby using the aileron trim knob to repositionthe neutral point of the ailerons. If a largeamount of trim is required, the lateral controlspoilers will begin to deflect upward asrequired. Aileron trim is indicated on theaileron trim indicator, on the surface posi-tion indicator and by physical displacementof the control wheel.

    Directional Trim. Directional trim control isprovided by the rudder trim knob whichrepositions the neutral point of the rudders.Rudder trim is indicated on the rudder trimindicator, on the surface position indicator,and by physical displacement of the rudderpedals.

    Longitudinal Trim. Longitudinal trim isprovided by a two-speed, hydraulicallypowered, adjustable stabilizer. The stabilizeris powered by two hydraulic motors drivenindependently hydraulic systems 1 and 3.Additionally, if pressure in hydraulic system 1fails it automatically obtains pressure fromhydraulic system 2 through the 2-1 non-reversible motor-pump if the RUDDER STBYPWR switch is in ARM position. A compen-sator with a low fluid level switch will automat-ically shut off hydraulic flow to the 2-1non-reversible motor-pump if low fluid levelexists in hydraulic system 1, to precludedamage to the hydraulic system. The RUD-DER STBY PWR switch provides manualoverride control to shut off hydraulic flow toboth non-reversible motor-pumps. The stabi-lizer automatically operates at two differenttrim rates as a function of airspeed to provideoptimum performance. Above 33,000 feet withthe stabilizer operating automatically, a switchcloses the system 2 shutoff valve and trim isalways at the reduced rate. Rate is also de-pendent upon which stabilizer control input is

    JLJim 1/96 09-10-03






  • in use. The longitudinal trim system uses four inputsto command horizontal stabilizer adjustment:1. Control wheel longitudinal trim control

    switches. These are the primary electri-cal fast rate stabilizer controls.

    NOTE: If SB 27-150 is installed or produc-tion equivalent, a horizontal drivechain failure detection system willrender the control wheel lon-gitudinal trim switches inoperativein the nose up direction.

    2. Alternate longitudinal trim switches.These provide an alternate means ofelectrical half fast rate stabilizer control.

    3. Longitudinal trim control handles.These are mechanically connected tothe stabilizer control valves and haveoverride authority over all other stabi-lizer controls. The handles follow-upthe motion of the stabilizer controlvalves regardless of which control is inuse. When the control wheel trimswitches or the alternate trim switchesare used, the handles move one halftheir full travel in the direction of trim-ming.

    4 The autopilot, when engaged in com-mand or CWS, will operate the stabilizerthrough the control valves and will notcause the longitudinal trim handles tomove. When the autopilot is engaged

    in the command mode, operating thecontrol wheel trim switches, alternatetrim switches, or longitudinal trim hand-les will cause the autopilot to disengage.When the autopilot is engaged in theCWS mode, the autopilot will not dis-engage when trimming the stabilizer ex-cept when autopilot is operating in theturbulence (TURB) mode.

    A stabilizer position indicator and scale areprovided. A green band is superimposed onthe position indicating scale to indicate thenormal range for takeoff.


    Takeoff Warning System

    The takeoff warning aural signal (intermittentcar horn sound, identical to cabin altitudewarning) warns the flight crew of unsafe flightcontrol configuration for takeoff. The warningsounds when either throttle 1 or 2 is advancedfor takeoff with the ground shift mechanism inthe ground mode and any one of the followingconditions exist:

    1. Slats not in takeoff-extend range.

    2. Flaps out of takeoff range.

    3. Spoiler handle not fully forward.

    4. Stabilizer setting not in green band.

    5. Parking brake not released.


    Jun 1/97



  • Slat Handle Extend Warning

    If the flap/slat handle has been moved fromthe UP/RET position, an aural signal (same asoverspeed and slat extend warnings) alerts theflight crew to move the flap/slat handle toUP/RET until airspeed is reduced belowplacarded slat extend speed.

    Stall Warning System

    A tactile stall warning informs the flight crewof an approaching stall condition for the exist-ing flap/slat configuration. Either part of adual system will actuate stick shakers whichwill vibrate both control columns. Stick shakeris inhibited until five seconds after nose gearstrut extension to prevent false stall warningsduring takeoff. When the flaps and slats areretracted, at the onset of stall warning, theoutboard slats will partially extend and theSLAT RESET switch/light will come on.

    Stabilizer In-Motion Warning System

    An aural signal (continuous deep pitched airhorn sound) informs the flight crew that thehorizontal stabilizer is in motion.

    The aural signal sounds after continuousmovement of more than one-degree stabilizertravel at a rate greater than 0.08 degrees persecond for manual trim and after continuousmovement of more than one-degree stabilizerwhen in the automatic pitch trim mode ofoperation.


    The controls, indicators, and annunciatorlights are on the Pedestal, Center InstrumentPanel, Pilot's Overhead Panel, and FlightEngineer's Upper Panel No. 2 and No. 3.Illustrations of these major panels are in Chap-ter 1. The individual controls and indicatorsare illustrated and described in another sec-tion of this chapter.

    JLJim 1/97 09-10-05/06





  • FLIGHT CONTROLS - Major Components










    JLFeb 1/75 09-20-01/02

  • FLIGHT CONTROLS - Controls and IndicatorsLongitudinal Trim

    LONG TRIM HandlesThe handles provide direct mechan-ical control of the horizontal stabilizercontrol valves. The trim handles havethe same function as the electric con-trol wheel trim switches, and alter-nate trim switches except that theyoverride authority over both. Movingthe handles to full travel moves thestabilizer at the fast rate. Moving thehandles to half their full travel movesthe stabilizer at one half the fast rate.

    NOTEBoth longitudinal trim handles mustbe operated together to move the hor-izontal stabilizer

    Control Wheel Trim Switch (2)(Capt & F/0)Stabilizer motion is electrically con-trolled by dual trim switches located oneach control wheel. Actuation of theswitches in the desired direction willcause the stabilizer to be powered bytwo hydraulic motors simultaneously, atthe fast rate.

    NOTEBoth switches on the respective controlwheel must be operated simultaneous-ly. When the switches are operated, thelongitudinal trim handles will move one-half their travel.If SB27-150 is installed, or productionequivalent, a horizontal drive chainfailure detection system will render thecontrol wheel trim switches inoperativein the nose up direction. Longitudinaltrim handles may be used to overridethe trim switches in this case.

    LONG TRIM IndicatorThe longitudinal trim indicator is me-chanically connected to the horizontalstabilizer and indicates position andmovement of the horizontal stabilizer.

    LONG TRIM Green BandIndicates allowable trim range for take-off.

    LONG TRIM Position Indicator ScaleShows the position of the stabilizer indegrees of airplane nose up or downwhen read opposite the longitudinaltrim indicator.ALTN LONG TRIM Switch

    Provides an alternate electrical meansfor control of horizontal stabilizer po-sition Trim rate will be one-half thefast rate

    NOTEBoth switches must be operatedsimultaneously to effect stabilizer mo-tion. When the switches are operated,the longitudinal trim handles will alsomove one-half their full travel.


    JLNov 1/77 09-30-01







  • FLIGHT CONTROLS - Controls and IndicatorsSpoilers

    AUTO SPOILER DO NOT USE LightComes on when some portion of theautomatic spoiler system has malfunc-tioned indicating that spoilers shouldnot be armed Does not precludemanual operation of spoilers


    SPOILER HandleUsed to select the automatic operatingmodes or control the manual modes ofthe spoiler system.Automatic - When armed for takeoff(flaps less than 30), the

    spoiler handle will moveto GROUND SPOILERposition and groundspoilers automatically ex-tend ful ly when thenumber one and threereverser levers, or thenumber two reverserlever is used for a re-jected takeoff if the nosegear strut is compressed.When armed prior to lan-ding (flaps 30 or more),the spoiler handle willmove to approximately2/3 position with propor-tional ground spoilers ex-tension upon mam wheelsspinup at touchdown, andwhen the nose gear getson the ground, the spoilerh a n d l e m o v e s t oGROUND SPOILER posi-tion and ground spoilersextend fully

    NOTEThe handle is spring loaded to the RETposition, and must be at RET before itcan be pulled up and remain in thearmed position. When armed (up), ared placard labeled ARM in whiteletters can be seen on both sides ofthe spoiler handle.Manual - In flight, with flaps at less

    than 5, the handle is usedto control the speedbrakemode by squeezing the "T"handle release, then pullinghandle aft to the 1/3, 2/3, orFULL positions. The handlewill stop at the FULL posi-tion.On the ground with the nosegear strut compressed, thehandle may be used to con-trol the ground spoiler modeby pulling the handle up anda f t t o t he G R O U N DSPOILER position. In the aftposition, pulling the handleup will lock the handle aft.



    May 1/76



  • FLIGHT CONTROLS - Controls and IndicatorsFlap/Slat Systems

    Slat Retract GatePrevents retraction of the slats with the flap handleat 0 degreesThe flap handle must be pushed down with the slathandle raised to pass through the gate into theUP/RET position

    FLAP/SLAT HandlesThe flap and slat handles are mechanically coupledto each other When the flap handle is positionedto a setting from 0 through 25 degrees the slathandle moves into the TO EXT range When theflap handle is at 35 or 50 degrees the slat handlemoves into the LAND EXT range The flap handlecan be split from the slat handle only in theUP/RET position Both the flap and slat handlesmust be raised together at UP/RET position beforethey can be physically split The slat handle cannever be moved independent of the flap handle

    NOTEA detent bypass prevents the slat handle from engag-ing the preselectable FLAP TO SELector detent during flap retraction However, if the flap setting is lessthan 20 beyond the preselectable FLAP TO SELector detent setting the bypass will not arm, and theslat handle will engage in the detent preventingfurther handle movement Slat handle must be liftedto disengage it from the detent to continue flapretraction

    FLAP TO SEL WindowIndicates in degrees the preselectable detent thathas been selected

    PEDESTALFLAP TO SELectorProvides a preselectable detent for any flap settingbetween 1 and 25 degrees in addition to the normal0, 15, and 22 degrees detents

    NOTEIf a flap setting of 0, 15, or 22 is selected, the flaphandle will drop into the fixed detent Any other flapselection will result in only the slat handle droppinginto the preselected FLAP TO SELector detent Bothhandles must be lifted to manually reposition theflaps Attempting to reposition the flaps with theFLAP TO SELector may cause the handles to bind inthe detents and prevent lifting of the handles out ofthe detents until pressure resulting from wheel move-ment is relieved

    Go Around GatePrevents retraction of the flaps less than 22 untillifting pressure is released to allow the handle todrop into the 22 detent, and then re applied tocause the handle to pass through the gate

    SLAT RESET Switch-LightComes on to indicate the outboard slats have beenextended by the stall warning system to the auto slatextend position Automatic slat extension occurs inflight simultaneously with stick shaker actuation Inflight pushing the switch-light will retract the slats,turn off the light, and rearm the automatic slat ex-tend system On the ground the outboard slats areretracted and the SLAT RESET switch-light is turnedoff by holding the AUTO SLAT EXTEND test switch onthe flight engineer's equipment panel in the TEST posi-tion and then pushing the SLAT RESET switch-light


    Effective for early airplanes without the mechanicalflap/slat handle interlock.JL

    Aug 1/76 09-30-03







  • FLIGHT CONTROLS - Controls and IndicatorsFlap/Slat Systems

    Slat Retract GatePrevents retraction of the slats with the flap handleat 0 degrees.The flap handle must be pushed down with the slathandle raised to pass through the gate into theUP/RET position.

    FLAP/SLAT HandlesThe flap and slat handles are mechanically coupledto each other. When the flap handle is positioned toa setting from 0 through 25 degrees, the slat han-dle moves into the T.O. EXT range. When the flaphandle is at 35, or 50 degrees the slat handlemoves into the LAND EXT range. The flap handlecannot be moved independently of the slat handleunless the mechanical interlock is intentionally un-coupled. The flap handle can be split from the slathandle only in the UP/RET position. Both the flapand slat handles must be raised together atUP/RET position before they can be physically split.The slat handle can never be moved independent ofthe flap handle.

    NOTEA detent bypass prevents the slat handle from engag-ing the preselectable FLAP T.O. SELector detent dur-ing flap retraction. However, if the flap setting is lessthan 20 beyond the preselectable FLAP T.O. SELec-tor detent setting the bypass will not arm, and theslat handle will engage in the detent, preventingfurther handle movement. Slat handle must be liftedto disengage it from the detent to continue flapretraction.

    FLAP T.O.SEL WindowIndicates in degrees the preselectable detent thathas been selected.


    FLAP T.O. SELectorProvides a preselectable detent for any flap settingbetween 1 and 25 degrees in addition to the normal0, 15, and 22 degrees detents.

    NOTEIf a flap setting of 0, 15, or 22 is selected, the flaphandle will drop into the fixed detent. Any other flapselection will result in only the slat handle droppinginto the preselected FLAP T.O. SELector detent. Bothhandles must be lifted to manually reposition theflaps. Attempting to reposition the flaps with theFLAP T.O. SELector may cause the handles to bind inthe detents and prevent lifting of the handles out ofthe detents until pressure resulting from wheel move-ment is relieved.

    Go-Around GatePrevents retraction of the flaps less than 22 untillifting pressure is released to allow the handle todrop into the 22 detent, and then re-applied tocause the handle to pass through the gate.

    SLAT RESET Switch-LightComes on to indicate the outboard slats have beenextended by the stall warning system to the auto slatextend position. Automatic slat extension occurs inflight simultaneously with stick shaker actuation. Inflight pushing the switch-light will retract the slats,turn off the light, and rearm the automatic slat ex-tend system. On the ground the outboard slats areretracted and the SLAT RESET switch-light is turnedoff by holding the AUTO SLAT EXTEND test switchon the flight engineer's equipment panel in the TESTposition and then pushing the SLAT RESET switch-light.


    Effective for late production or Service Bulletin (27-144)modified airplanes with the mechanical flap/slat handleinterlock.


    Aus 1/76







  • FLIGHT CONTROLS - Controls and IndicatorsTrim Systems and Rudder Pedal Adjustment

    AIL Trim IndicatorLWD - Indicates left wing down as

    shown on scale in unitsRWD- Indicates right wing down as

    shown on scale in units

    AIL Trim KnobManually repositions the aileron loadfeel and override mechanism whichrepositions the ailerons and pilotscontrol wheels to effect lateral trim

    NOTEIf more than 5 units aileron trim isselected spoilers will start to extend

    Rudder Trim KnobProvides manual adjustment to thelower and upper rudder trim and loadfeel mechanism which repositions thelower and upper rudders


    Rudder Trim IndicatorThe pointer indicates in which direction the rudder is displaced fromneutralNOSE L-Indicates nose left trim as

    shown on scale in unitsNOSE R Indicates nose right trim as

    shown on scale in units


    Rudder Pedal Adjust TabPermits simultaneous manual adjustment of each set of rudder pedalsPressing the tab unlocks the pedalswhich are spring loaded aft When thetab is released the pedals lock in theselected position

    CAUTIONActuate adjust tab only when feet areon pedals to prevent pedal spring fromsuddenly driving pedals all the way aftand possible resultant jamming

    JLFeb 1/75 09-30-05






  • FLIGHT CONTROLS - Controls and IndicatorsFlap/Slat Indicator

    Test Displacement MarkTest displacement mark for outboard flaps tapes FLAP POSITION TAPES

    Indicate position of left outboardand right outboard flaps If thelower edges of flap tapes are out ofview behind flap handle position indicators, the flaps are extendedwithin tolerance limits

    SLAT TAKEOFF LightBlue SLAT TAKEOFF light indicatesslat handle and slats are in takeoffrange

    FLAP Handle Position IndicatorChevron points to limiting airspeedfor flap setting selected on left sideand amount of flaps selected onright side

    SLAT DISAGREE LightAmber SLAT DISAGREE light in-dicates slat handle and slats posi-tion disagree, or slats are in transit,or the slats have been extendedautomatically

    FLAP LIM SPD PlacardLimiting speed for flap extension in-dicated by flap handle position in-dicator

    SLAT LAND LightBlue SLAT LAND light indicates slathandle and slats are in landingrange

    FLAP DISAGREE FlagWhen inboard flaps position disagree with each other more than 5degrees this flag will appear

    TEST ButtonWhen pushed, the SLAT TAKEOFF,DISAGREE, and LAND lights willcome on steady The flaps verticaltapes go to the 10 degrees test displacement mark and the flap handleposition indicators move to the 30degree test displacement markFLAP DISAGREE flag comes intoview


    POWERFLAP LIM SPD FlagIs displayed at all times

    SPEEDBRAKE LightAmber SPEED BRAKE light willflash when spoiler handle is movedfrom retract position and the flaphandle is in 3 degree extend position or more Light is inhibited whenthe aircraft is on the ground,however, light will come on flashingwhen the pilot's annunciator lightsare tested

    Test Displacement MarkTest displacement mark for flaphandle position indicators



    Nov 1/79














  • FLIGHT CONTROLS - Controls and IndicatorsSurface Position Indicator and Alternate Gear Extension Lever

    Alternate Gear Extension LeverLifting The Lever:

    Mechanically releases all up-latches except center gear.

    Mechanically positions landinggear control valve to bypassand shuts off hydraul icsystem 3 pressure to nosegear steering.

    Limits nose gear steering inthis case to 25 degrees to theright (pressure from hydraulicsystem 1) when using nosegear steering wheel.

    Unlocks outboard ailerons ifthey are locked.

    Stowing The Lever: If hydraulicsystem 3 is operative.

    Retracts gear if gear handle isat GEAR UP

    Returns nose gear steering tonormal (hydraulic system 3 isrestored).

    CAUTIONLever is preloaded when in the upposition when flaps are not extend-ed. Restrain lever when stowing.

    Placarding on outside of door

    Lever Release Pushrod KnobTo unlock alternate gear exten-sion lever to return to the stowedposition, lift lever to relieve ten-sion on link in detent, then pressdown on the pushrod knob on theoutboard side of lever and allowlever to return to stowed position.

    Spoiler Tape Reference MarksSpoilers fully extendedSpeedbrake upper limit.Not usedOne-third speed brakesSpoilers retracted

    NOTESpoiler tapes will move fromreference marks with pilots' controlwheel inputs.


    WING Deflection Pointer (L, R)Indicates wing deflection direc-t i on and is d r i v e n by thesummed displacement of theinboard and outboard ailerons.When the flaps and slats are re-tracted and alternate gear ex-tension lever is stowed, theSURF POS indicator will show 1/2deflection for ailerons, indicat-ing outboard aileron lockout

    SPOIL IndicatorTwo vertically moving tapes proportionately display the amountof spoiler movement for speed-brake, l a t e r a l con t ro l , andground spoiler modes of opera-tion Pilots' control wheel mustbe neutral for both tapes to in-dicate DN

    TEST ButtonDrives all surface position indi-cat ing pointers to a pre programmed test position (indicated by blue reference marks)to veri fy indicator operation.(Indicator is shown in the testposition )

    ELEV IndicatorDisplays the summed displacement of the inboard and outboard elevator segments

    RUD IndicatorVisually displays the upper analower rudder deflection


    JLMay 1/76 09-30-07









  • FLIGHT CONTROLS - Controls and IndicatorsYaw Damp and Rudder Standby Power

    RUD STBY PWR OFF LightComes on to indicate that either or bothnon-reversible motor-pumps are in-operative, or that the RUDDER STBYPWR switch is in OFF position which willclose two motor operated shut-off valvespreventing operation of either the 2-1 or3-2 non-reversible motor-pumps.

    RUDDER STBY PWR SwitchARM - In the ARM normal position

    both non-reversible motor-pumps function automaticallyin a demand situation to pro-vide a standby source of hy-draulic pressure to the upperrudder, lower rudder, or thehorizontal stabilizer, shouldthe normal pressure becomeinoperative.

    OFF - Closes both motor operatedshut-off valves which deacti-vates both non- revers ib lemotor -pumps to iso la te afailed hydraulic system andpreclude damage to the oper-ative hydraulic systems.


    YAW DAMP Switch (4)Turns on the associated upper or loweryaw damp channel. A yaw damp switch inOFF position will inhibit its respectiveYAW DAMP INOP annunciator light. YAW DAMP TEST FAIL Light (2)

    Comes on during test cycle. If lightremains on, indicates that the asso-ciated yaw damp test has failed.

    Yaw Damp TEST Switch-LightA switch which permits testing of the up-per and/or lower rudder yaw dampsystem. When light is on, signifies that atest is in progress. Upper and lowerhalves of light are independent (Thisswitch is inhibited in flight.)

    NOTEDuring test cycle, the rudder indicators(Surface Position Indicator) should defleet to the left, slowly return toneutral, deflect to the right, and thenreturn to neutral

    UPPER/LOWER YAW DAMPINOP LightComes on to indicate upper/loweryaw damp system failure, and duringyaw damp test cycle.



    May 1/76







  • FLIGHT CONTROLS - Controls and IndicatorsElevator Feel

    ELEV FEEL CHANNEL INOP LightIndicates malfunction of one channelof the dual system No adverse effectsin the ELEV FEEL AUTO mode withone channel inoperative should beexperienced

    ELEV FEEL SelectorAUTO - Provides automatic elevator

    load feel as a function of indicated airspeed

    MAN Variable load feel mechaGSM will operate with MAN

    SLEW input only Turns onthe SELECT ELEV FEELMAN light

    SELECT ELEV FEEL MAN LightComes on whenever both channels ofthe automatic mode of the elevatorload feel are inoperative or ELEV FEELselector is not in AUTO



    ELEV FEEL IndicatorIndicator pointer follows up indicatedairspeed within 15 Knots when thesystem is operating in the automaticmode Used as an aid for providingproper maneuvering control forcegradient throughout the flight envelopewhen operating in the manual mode

    MAN SLEW SelectorProvides manual control when elevatorfeel selector is at MAN and changesthe Q variable load feel input of theelevator controls Elevator feel must bemanually changed by use of the MANSLEW selector to maintain ELEVFEEL/REF IAS in agreement with airplane IASDECR Holding the selector at the

    first dot provides manualelectrical control of one oftwo electrical motors todecrease the reference airspeed ind ica t ion andelevator load feel Holdingthe selector at the seconddot performs the samefunction if the first motorhas malfunctioned

    INCR Functions identical to theDECR position except in theINCR direction

    JLNov 1/81 09-30-09










    Nov 1/81



    JLJun 1/99 09-40-01/02