MQF Level 4 BC4-05-14 MCAST Advanced Diploma in Marketing Course Specification

MCAST Advanced Diploma in Marketing Course Specification Outlines/Technical... · The MCAST Advanced Diploma in Marketing is a two-year programme designed to provide participants

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Page 1: MCAST Advanced Diploma in Marketing Course Specification Outlines/Technical... · The MCAST Advanced Diploma in Marketing is a two-year programme designed to provide participants

MQF Level 4


MCAST Advanced Diploma in Marketing

Course Specification

Page 2: MCAST Advanced Diploma in Marketing Course Specification Outlines/Technical... · The MCAST Advanced Diploma in Marketing is a two-year programme designed to provide participants

BC4-05-14 Course Specification


Course Description

The MCAST Advanced Diploma in Marketing is a two-year programme designed to

provide participants with the knowledge and understanding of the fundamental

principles, theories and concepts of marketing and the role of marketing in an

organisation. It also aims to ensure that participants acquire knowledge about reliable

customer service and public relations. In addition, the aim of the course is to ensure

that the practice of advertising, selling and sales management within the marketing

concept is well understood. Current trends in local and international Marketing,

including digital aspects, are placed under focus. On completion of the two-year

course of studies, successful candidates should be able to take up employment in

marketing, PR, media administration support, and related sectors. The programme

content reflects the dynamic nature of the area being explored by the variety of

subject content which is delivered with a constant application to real life practice in

the area.

Programme Learning Outcomes

At the end of the programme the learner will be able to:

1. Understand the marketing concept

2. Explain the full range of marketing activities including advertising, public

relations, sales promotion and market research

3. Describe the fundamental techniques applied to the marketing of products and


4. Apply marketing concepts to real life marketing scenarios.

Entry Requirements

MCAST Diploma in Business


4 SEC/O-Level passes/SSC&P (Level 3) passes

Compulsory: English Language

Preferred: Maltese

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BC4-05-14 Course Specification


Current Approved Programme Structure

Unit Code Unit Title ECVET BCMRK-406-1506 Principles of Marketing 6

BCMRK-406-1507 Public Relations 6

BCSLN-406-1501 Principles and Practices of Selling 6

BCSLN-406-1502 Sales Management 6

BCCMR-406-1504 Customer Service in Marketing 6

BCADV-406-1501 Advertising: an Introduction 6

BCCMN-406-1502 Communicating Effectively in the Marketing Environment


BCMRK-406-1508 Consumer Behaviour and the Marketing Process 6

BCMRK-406-1509 International Marketing 6

BCMRK-406-1510 Digital Marketing Communications : An Introduction 6

BCICT-406-1504 Advanced Administrative IT Applications (Databases & Word Processing)


BCICT-406-1505 Advanced Administrative IT Applications (Spreadsheets & Presentations)


BCICT-412-1509 Marketing IT Applications (Desktop Publishing and Web Design)


BCMRK-412-1511 Applied Marketing Research 12

CDKSK-406-1520 Malti 6

CDKSK-406-1412 Soft Skills Training within Marketing (KS) 6

CDKSK-406-1603 Entrepreneurship 6

BCCPY-406-1603 Contemporary Issues in Marketing 6

Total ECVET 120

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BC4-05-14 Course Specification


Unit: BCMRK-406-1506 Principles of Marketing

Unit level (MQF): 4 Credits : 6

Unit description Marketing involves informing people about a particular product or service, in order to encourage them to buy more, thus increasing sales, the purpose of which is to encourage people to purchase or use the product or service. In environments where profitability is paramount it is accepted that customers’ needs must be identified and satisfied. The Marketing concept is about creating satisfied customers. This can be done through coordinating the development, pricing, promotion and distribution of products, services and ideas.

Individuals studying this unit will learn about the development and role of marketing, how it interacts with other functions and the importance of the marketing planning process. Marketing information and its use in the development of marketing plans is a key area of study in this unit. Individuals should also gain a good understanding of segmentation and targeting. Segmentation theory and methods available to organisations in different industry sectors should be covered in detail. The individuals should then understand the development of successful marketing mixes. This focuses on the traditional ‘4ps’ (product, price, place and promotion) and also the extended marketing mix (people, process and physical evidence).

This unit provides a solid foundation for individuals wishing to learn the basic concepts of Marketing, its role within an organisation and the importance of the Marketing Planning Process. The unit is designed to help learners develop and learn how to search for information, identify and analyse relevant information to aid decision making. This allows learners to apply knowledge within a marketing context.

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Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit learners should be able to:

1. Explain the concept, development and role of marketing in an organisation.

2. Understand the marketing planning process and the interaction of marketing

with other organisational functions.

3. Explain the importance and role of marketing information within the marketing

planning process.

4. Identify and explain factors affecting marketing decisions.

5. Analyse both internal and external marketing information and use it

appropriately to inform marketing decisions.

6. Select and justify appropriate segmentation and targeting methods within

different industry sectors.

7. Analyse and propose appropriate marketing and extended marketing mixes

across different industry sectors.

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Unit: BCMRK-406-1507 Public Relations

Unit level (MQF): 4 Credits : 6

Unit description There is a clear difference between Public Relations, Advertising and Marketing and all elements should be integrated to achieve a successful business. Public Relations is a key aspect for industry and when used correctly can help create a positive image for the mindset of the consumer. The company or product can become attractive and raise public attention through various public relation techniques. However it can be difficult to relate and achieve understanding of all main publics but having favorable relations with press can aid this. Corporate image and identity also assists with the reputation of the product or organisation. This unit will allow the individual student to understand the crucial strategic role of public relations within an organisation which will include understanding key techniques involved. Media consumption and the way in which information is conveyed have changed dramatically over time and this unit will consider this. Learners will be given the opportunity to expand their understanding of the fundamental aspects of Public Relations. This will be done through Public Relations media techniques and the theory, plan and function which are the key elements the individual will distinguish between.

Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit learners should be able to:

1. Describe the functions of Public Relations and differentiate its position in the

marketing communication mix.

2. Understand public relations structure, communication and relationship

internally and externally within the industry

3. Research a recent damage limitation campaign with evidence of resources and

considering professional Public Relations aims and objectives.

4. Create Public Relations communication materials and a press pack

5. Evaluate a group’s press conference.

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Unit: BCSLN-406-1501 Principles and Practices of Selling

Unit level (MQF): 4 Credits : 6

Unit description It has been argued that there should be 5p’s of marketing, being product, price, promotion and place, the fifth element being people. Much of what occurs in marketing has a people element. People sell goods and services and as such play a critical role in marketing. The extended marketing mix also includes physical environment and process. This unit is designed to allow the candidate to identify how selling is used in a variety of contexts and its role in the overall marketing effort. A sales person must be able to apply the marketing concept in order to develop a relationship with the customer, aiming to increase the level and frequency of sales. Students will consider and examine the two main issues arising throughout the Unit which are that Principles are the underlying structure on which all sales success are built and practices are the methods of applying basic principles in day-to-day sales efforts. A student will understand through this Unit that if your practices don’t align with your principles there could be a negative effect on overall business performance and a failure in sales. At the end of this unit, the learner will understand the role of selling and its importance in achieving the organisation’s objectives.

Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit learners should be able to:

1. Identify the key role of selling in retail, business and service markets.

2. Understand the importance of keeping accurate and updated records, and the

analyses of sales records and information to an organisation making the sales.

3. Identify and use the stages of the selling process to prepare and present a sales


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Unit: BCSLN-406-1502 Sales Management

Unit level (MQF): 4 Credits : 6

Unit description In marketing, one of the most expensive resources that an organisation has is its sales force. The role and scope of selling in any organisation is critical, therefore it is essentials that it is organised and controlled effectively. The Sales Management unit is designed to give the student an understanding of the strategic planning process and the role and significance of sales management within the process. Planning is just one aspect of sales management. The right correct staff must be recruited, trained, motivated and evaluated. The role of the sales manager is critical to the success of an organisation and it the achievement of its goals. It is stated that sales management which is properly applied is the least expensive, most effective, way to increase sales revenue and profit margins, market share, cash flow, return on investment, and net present value, as well as an effective measure to compete effectively within the market and to maintain an effective advantage over that of an organisations competitors. Students will be introduced to core principles of Effective sales management and will become familiar with some essential effective reasons to undertake an effective sales management programme. Students will become appreciative of the effect of sales management in that using some illustrated and explained theories within this Unit that it costs no more to properly hire, train, compensate, motivate, and evaluate salespeople. Students will become familiar with effective time and territory management, forecasting, planning, budgeting, and good communication and control.

Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit learners should be able to:

1. Explain the role of the sales manager in the strategic planning process.

2. Identify and be able to apply the stages of the recruitment and selection

process for recruiting a new member of the sales team.

3. Outline the key factors in training new and existing staff.

4. Explain the key motivational theories and how they might be used to

motivate a sales force.

5. Explain the key techniques for performance appraisal used by a sales

manager when evaluating sales staff.

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Unit: BCCMR-406-1504 Customer Service in Marketing

Unit level (MQF): 4 Credits : 6

Unit description It is important to learn the importance of customers and the impact they can have on a business. The unit will begin with a focus on customers which will then widen out to explore different customer types. The unit will then examine various techniques and approaches to adopt in order to deal with them.

Moving on to look at customer service from a management point of view allows the student to see customer service from both points of view. From looking at the impact management decisions can have can help align staff and ensure a level of customer service is maintained throughout.

By then looking at strategies companies currently have allows students to examine effective customer service techniques and improvements a company could implement. These improvements can then be channeled into creating a new strategy.

The student should feel confident in customer types, customer service terminology, and what entails good customer service.

The unit allows students to look at customer care from an organisational point of view. Beginning from the point of view of the customer and following this through the point of view of staff (internal customers) and finally the organisation.

The unit will enable students to understand terminology surrounding customer care to ultimately identifying areas of weakness in a company and developing a customer care strategy based on this.

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Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit learners should be able to:

1. Understand the importance of customer service and identify different customer

types and different customer expectations

2. Choose appropriate measures to manage customer sales and complaints.

3. Analyse a company’s customer service strategy

4. Show how the customer service function influences continuous improvement

and innovation

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Unit: BCADV-406-1501 Advertising: an Introduction

Unit level (MQF): 4 Credits : 6

Unit description Advertising is a feature of the marketing communications mix alongside public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing and personal selling. The marketing communications mix is also known as the promotional mix, and the promotional mix forms a part of the marketing mix (alongside product, price and place for the product marketing mix, with people, process and physical environment added for the services marketing mix). In short therefore, advertising is part of marketing, and marketing is a function of any business. Advertising has a part to play in any business. Described by some as a science and others as an art, advertising is viewed as having a strong theory or weak theory. Jones’ strong theory of advertising views consumers as passive and maintains that advertising can persuade and generate repeat purchase behaviour, while Ehrenberg’s weak theory of advertising views consumers as active problem solvers, driven by habit to make a purchase. Advertising has a process to go from effectively an idea through to a full and comprehensive advertising campaign. There are three key players within advertising, a client, an advertising campaign and media, each having a role to perform individually, and collectively. An individual studying this unit will learn the basic theory of advertising and its place within marketing and business, and the advertising process. The unit is designed so that an individual / group can engage with an advertising campaign and understand each stage of that campaign.

Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit learners should be able to:

1. Identify the role that advertising plays within marketing and within


2. Explain the stages of the advertising process.

3. Describe roles of each of client, advertising agency and media, and their


4. Identify the roles of regulation and self-regulation within advertising.

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Unit: BCCMN-406-1502 Communicating Effectively in the

Marketing Environment

Unit level (MQF): 4 Credits : 6

Unit description This Unit will provide learners with the opportunity to further develop and expand their linguistic knowledge and application of effective language skills in English, primarily orientated towards using these skills effectively in a business environment. Learners will be encouraged to read and appreciate a variety of texts to allow them to be effective and confident communicators in any given business environment, which could be but is not limited to business meetings with multiple parties, one-to-one meetings or conference calls and modes of communication akin to these.

The skills which learners will become adept in, although meant for a business environment, are not restricted to personal contact, but rather, also takes cognisance of communication formats including e-mails, business letters, internal company reports in addition to areas such as, but not limited to, participation in conversations and discussions. The knowledge and understanding of the English communication skills should be able to be applied for initial contact with other parties as well as continued dialogue and communication.

An appreciation of and ability to effectively use the Language Lab will help learners develop an appreciation of the necessary skills which would be advantageous to them in any manner of business related situations in which English is the language adopted. Learners will become adept in conveying clarity in communication, using the appropriate style, tone and format in a given business environment, whether in a verbal or written context. Communication in fluent written and spoken English is advantageous for learners and can enhance employability, which learners should be made aware of within the Unit.

The assessment of this Unit will encourage and promote important skills in written and oral/verbal communication as well as comprehensive analytical skills.

Finally, the range of skills learned will allow students to become confident and efficient communicators across a variety of business environments, with the Unit recognising that effectively communicating English in any business environment is not confined to a select number of formats.

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Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit learners should be able to:

1. Communicate (e.g. conversation, discussion, presentation both oral and

written) using appropriate style and means of communication

2. Communicate the appropriate style, tone and format in a business environment

in both verbal and written contexts (including but not limited to e-mails,

business letters and internal company reports)

3. Understand spoken Business English at the appropriate level

4. Participate in conversations and discussions in English within a given business


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Unit: BCMRK-406-1508 Consumer Behaviour and the

Marketing Process

Unit level (MQF): 4 Credits : 6

Unit description Consumer Behaviour is the foundation to all advertising and marketing campaigns. Until you understand what motivates a consumer, it is not possible to target them. It is this understanding that sets companies apart from their competitor. Looking at the influences placed on consumers from friends, family, society and culture. To understand the influences means we can then tap into this and target consumers better. The unit looks at both psychological and sociological reasoning for motivation and decision making. From a psychological point of view, the unit begins by looking at learning, perception and motivation – these are the key fundamentals to understand when looking at behavioural traits, moving into the unconscious and the impact this has on us.

From the Sociological point of view, the key topics include reference groups and the external factors that influence consumers in order to understand how to then use this as a campaign. It allows the student to comprehend the influences on them and, subsequently, the consumer.

Understanding consumer behaviour is the key point when starting any marketing campaign. One needs to know consumers to know how to talk to them. Students will learn research and analytical evaluation skills to delve deeper into consumers’ buyer behaviour. The application of the unit in real scenarios (e.g. advertising, product development, etc.) will let the student see the importance and the need for learning.

Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit learners should be able to:

1. Explain key psychological terminology and apply it to a marketing setting.

2. Explain key sociological terminology and apply it to a marketing setting.

3. Research buying behaviour around a chosen marketing campaign.

4. Evaluate a current marketing activity through identifying the key concept and

explaining how it is utilised.

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Unit: BCMRK-406-1509 International Marketing

Unit level (MQF): 4 Credits : 6

Unit description This unit is designed to allow students to develop the understanding and skills needed by organisations for the selection and entry of international markets. It encompasses the relevant aspects of the global environment as it relates to international business, focusing on political, economic, socio-cultural and technological factors. Students will gain insights into current opportunities and threats and will learn and practice the skills needed to evaluate potential international markets on this basis. Students will learn about globalization and key concepts such as ‘think global, act local’ and should develop the ability to evaluate the implications of the current environment for international business, both in the short and the longer term.

The unit will also cover the relevant international institutions which impact on international trade and the sources of information and advice which aid the research process and decision making. It will also look at the role of trading blocs and the implications of EU membership.

Students will research and identify Malta’s key trading partners and trade agreements relevant to international marketing.

In addition, students will gain understanding of the main methods of accessing international markets and how to evaluate these options according to factors both internal and external to the organization.

This unit is designed to give students an understanding of the dynamic and challenging nature of international business and also to provide the opportunity to become familiar with the prospective international markets available to domestic organisations.

This unit develops analytical and problem-solving skills incorporating practical research and decision making based on this research. Students will also develop the communication skills necessary to present results and justify conclusions.

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Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit learners should be able to:

1. Understand the concept of ‘globalization’ and identify the incentives and risks

present when entering international markets.

2. Understand and evaluate international trade agreements with particular

reference to Malta and its trading partners.

3. Evaluate and select international markets within the context of the provided


4. Identify and evaluate the options for accessing international markets.

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Unit: BCMRK-406-1510 Digital Marketing Communications :

An Introduction

Unit level (MQF): 4 Credits : 6

Unit description Over the past decade Digital Marketing has become a key element of a marketing strategy. Digital Marketing is the use of technology to satisfy and engage with intended target markets. Some of these technologies include mobile phones, computers and the web. The internet has evolved from a read only, one-sided communication tool to an interactive, user-generated playground and is becoming more sophisticated and social and so have the consumers who use it. Naturally, organisations have had to react to these changes by investing in this new platform of business.

Most organisations have some sort of digital footprint as the marketing and communication tools they use have become more and more technology-based, from email to mobile, from social media to search engine optimization. These tools have become more sophisticated, engaging and measurable to meet the demand of the changing market.

An individual studying this unit will become familiar with the modern digital environment and learn about the different techniques and trends involved with the industry. There will be opportunities to learn about the basic theory of digital marketing and how traditional marketing has become more digital. It will also look at the importance of technology in the measurement and analysis of online consumer behavior. The unit is designed so that individuals can use the web as a learning resource by examining the digital marketing of businesses and participate in their own digital marketing in the form of social networking.

Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit learners should be able to:

1. 1. Identify key factors in today’s digital marketing environment

2. 2. Identify the importance of web analytics

3. 3. Participate in at least one digital/social networking platform

4. 4 Examine the digital marketing communications of a chosen organisation

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Unit: BCICT-406-1504 Advanced Administrative IT

Applications (Databases & Word Processing)

Unit level (MQF): 4 Credits : 6

Unit description The storage, management and reliability of information are increasingly important in business today. They are indispensible in the management of customer relations, resource planning and website content. In this Unit learners will develop an in-depth understanding of relational database design to improve the performance and integrity of a database management system. Learners will also develop knowledge, understanding of, and skill in, the use of database advanced features, tables, queries, forms, reports and macros to better manage and organise structured information relevant to modern business needs. Word processing knowledge, understanding and skills enable learners to use word processing tools more effectively, thus achieving work goals more efficiently, and in doing so will save time, and increase productivity in the work place. Learners will be given the opportunity to develop and apply advanced word processing skills to assist in the production, management and processing of business related documents. The use of a consistent house style has a large part to play in developing a corporate image. Learners will be shown how this can be done through the design of templates, the application of styles, the use of advanced header and footer, document setup and formatting options. Information must be easily accessible for it to be useful. Learners will develop skills which will facilitate the navigation of large documents through tools such as tables of contents/figures, indexes, captions, footnotes/endnotes, bookmarks and cross referencing. Working collaboratively is also an essential skill in business today. Learners will develop knowledge and skill in reviewing documents, working with master documents and security features.They will also learn how to use word processing advanced features to enhance their work, increase efficiency and save time.

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Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit learners should be able to:

1. Design a relational database to meet given specifications

2. Create a relational database for the storage, management and retrieval of

reliable data for a specific remit

3. Manipulate the data through the use of complex queries, forms and reports and

apply advanced features to improve functionality to meet given specifications

4. Demonstrate advanced word processing skills to create accessible documents

which reflect the company’s house style

5. Collaborate securely on and review documents

6. Use advanced word processing tools to work efficiently and effectively

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Unit: BCICT-406-1505 Advanced Administrative IT

Applications (Spreadsheets & Presentations)

Unit level (MQF): 4 Credits : 6

Unit description The effective use of spreadsheets in business can lead to increased productivity and competitiveness by helping to achieve an organisation’s objectives more efficiently. This Unit aims to give learners the opportunity to gain the crucial skills and knowledge to use the full potential of spreadsheets in a business context to produce high quality management information and to develop critical and evaluative thinking skills.

Learners are presented with advanced spreadsheet techniques to allow them to work efficiently with advanced editing, data handling functions and analysis features to support the management, analysis and forecasting of data in real life situations.

Learners will also use collaborative and security features to ensure that data can be shared efficiently and securely.

The spreadsheet part of this Unit also aims to develop critical and evaluative thinking, to find efficient and effective solutions to solve real life business problems.

Equally the knowledge, understanding and skills required for the delivery of successful presentations are vital in business today. This Unit aims to give learners the opportunity to gain knowledge, understanding and practical skills necessary to plan, prepare and deliver successful presentations. There are many important factors that must be considered to ensure the successful delivery of a presentation such as the target audience and the type of venue. This Unit seeks to increase the learners’ understanding of these dynamics to enable them to plan presentations which will be effective in different contexts. An in-depth knowledge of the software is also essential to ensure a professional, controlled delivery of a presentation. Learners will use customised layouts and shows to present their company image to specific target audiences, use graphics and multimedia to give clarity and impact to their message, and integrate data by using links to other applications.

Finally, learners will develop the knowledge and understanding of the presentation tools available to enable them to evaluate the most appropriate tools and combine their application to support the effective communication of a presentation to meet specific business needs.

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Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit learners should be able to:

1. Apply a wide range of spreadsheet functions and features to provide accurate

information to aid the decision making process to given specifications

2. Work with tables, lists and charts to provide specific data analysis

3. Use spreadsheet software tools to improve efficiency and security to meet

given specifications

4. Plan an appropriate presentation with consideration of target audience, venue,

design, content and layout for a specific remit

5. Prepare a presentation using a wide range of presentation software tools

effectively and efficiently for a specific remit

6. Demonstrate appropriate technical control of presentation software for a

specific remit

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Unit: BCICT-412-1509 Marketing IT Applications (Desktop

Publishing and Web Design)

Unit level (MQF): 4 Credits : 12

Unit description At the heart of all successful businesses is an appealing range of marketing materials: from leaflets, business cards, posters and brochures to well design websites that attract and convert users into customers or partners. This unit introduces learners to design principles that enable them to work effectively in a desktop publishing (DTP) and web design environment.

First part of the unit will focus on learners developing skills and knowledge required to produce desktop published documents of the standards required in the workplace. Learners will develop design skills and learn to use a range of software features that will enable them to produce well-designed publications to a professional standard.

The second part of the unit will introduce learners to the main aesthetic principles of web design and current methodologies used in building websites. learners are asked to appraise a range of website designs from the point of view of website layout, visual content which could include use of typography and/or graphics on the websites and the suitability of the navigation used. Finally, learners will construct a simple website incorporating a variety of elements and using correct file management. Learners will also be able to preview their finished website through a web browser.

Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit learners should be able to:

1. Evaluate a range of design features.

2. Plan and produce a detailed publication to a given specification

3. Demonstrate the ability to Create, edit and Optimise images for use in the Web and Publications

4. Create a website to a given brief

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Unit: BCMRK-412-1511 Applied Marketing Research

Unit level (MQF): 4 Credits : 12

Unit description Marketing research is a fundamental aspect of any business .Without the correct information organisations cannot meet the needs and wants of existing and future customers. Market research will help students appreciate that you understand your customers, familiarise yourself with the competition and get to know what people are prepared to pay for your product or service. The boom in information technology has made access to information much easier. Quality not volume of information is the key. The use of secondary data allows for general trends and patterns to be identified, but many organisations need specific information on their customers and markets, which requires primary data. The use of primary data allows a company to identify the need s and wants of its market and then make informed decisions about how to best use those resources to maximise customer satisfaction. An individual studying this unit will learn the basic theory of market research techniques and then be able to apply them to a given context. The unit is designed so that an individual / group can engage with an external organisation and assist their marketing efforts in a meaningful way.

Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit learners should be able to:

1. Understand the importance of marketing research to an organization

2. Identify and apply the key stages of a marketing research to a given context

3. Identify and use sources of secondary research to assist an external


4. Describe and be able to apply the key methods of carrying out primary market


5. Identify methods of sampling for the primary research to be carried out.

6. Interpret findings and assess the key methods of presentation of market

research findings.

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Unit: BCCPY-406-1603 Contemporary Issues in Marketing

Unit level (MQF): 4 Credits : 6

Unit description This unit aims to provide the learner with a practical and contemporary perspective of the different areas the programme of studies focusses upon. It is one way how to keep the programme of studies dynamically at par with the ongoing changes which are synonymous with such a programme of studies. The unit aims at continuing to bridge the gap between theory and practice as well as provide the student with the access to the latest developments as they occur within the industry one is nurturing a career in…. and this is done through the direct involvement of key players in industry.

The approach adopted for this unit will be different to the usual lecture approach. Instead it will comprise of a number of guest speakers from different areas of industry who will tackle different aspects of the focus area of studies. Attendance to these talks and seminars will be of paramount importance for this unit. The speaker will provide their own and their organisation’s experience in relation to particular management areas and issue.

The unit is spread throughout the programme of study, in a manner as to include all the different events (seminars, thematic talks, conferences, on site vests etc) hence integrating them into one module for which students will have the opportunity to submit two distinct take home assignments.

Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit learners should be able to:

1. Prepare oneself to the importance of Continuous Professional Development.

2. Garner Knowledge, Understanding and Analysis of different contemporary

issues in the specific area of studies.

3. Reflect upon the information obtained from the different events (seminars /

talks / on-site visits) and relate it to the respective theories and models.

4. Nurture a disposition towards identifying a specialist area which one may opt to

focus on, when embarking on a career in this area of studies.