MC Finance_Wall Street Crime and Financial Regulation Market Research_Crosstabs_7!28!14

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  • 8/12/2019 MC Finance_Wall Street Crime and Financial Regulation Market Research_Crosstabs_7!28!14


    Morning ConsultNational Tracking Poll #140705:

    July 2014

    Crosstabulation Results

    Methodology:This poll was conducted from July 25-27, 2014, among a national sample of 1752 likely 2014 voters. Theinterviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of likelyvoters based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, region, annual household income,home ownership status and marital status. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plusor minus 2 percentage points.


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    1: Which comes closer to your view, even if neither is exactly right?

    The government hasgone too far

    regulating nancialinstitutions and

    markets, making itharder for the

    economy to grow

    The government hasnot gone far enough

    in regulating nancialinstitutions and

    markets, leaving thecountry at risk of another nancial



    Likely Voters 47 53 1752Male 48 52 817Female 46 54 935Age: 18-29 54 46 299Age: 30-44 45 55 418Age: 45-64 46 54 661Age: 65+ 46 54 374Ethnicity - White 49 51 1427Ethnicity - Hispanic 43 57 156Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 38 62 225Ethnicity - Other 39 61 78

    Democrats (no lean) 31 69 672Independents (no lean) 50 50 573Republicans (no lean) 66 34 507Liberal (1-3) 31 69 480Moderate (4) 41 59 502Conservative (5-7) 64 36 684Northeast 47 53 320Midwest 48 52 413South 47 53 651West 48 52 368New England 45 55 91Mid-Atlantic 48 52 228East North Central 48 52 283

    West North Central 50 50 131South Atlantic 46 54 350East South Central 45 55 113West South Central 49 51 188Mountain 59 41 118Pacic 42 58 250


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    1: Which comes closer to your view, even if neither is exactly right?

    The government hasgone too far

    regulating nancialinstitutions and

    markets, making itharder for the

    economy to grow

    The government hasnot gone far enough

    in regulating nancialinstitutions and

    markets, leaving thecountry at risk of another nancial



    Likely Voters 47 53 1752Protestant 53 47 488Roman Catholic 47 53 388Ath./Agn./None 42 58 400Something Else 46 54 472Religiosity: Monthly+ 53 47 649Religiosity: LT Monthly 44 56 1103Income: Under 50k 47 53 760Income: 50k-100k 49 51 576Income: 100k+ 45 55 416Educ: < College 50 50 1152

    Educ: Bachelors degree 45 55 389Educ: Post-grad 40 60 211Military HH 54 46 354Not Military HH 46 54 1398Urban 44 56 440Suburban 48 52 870Rural 49 51 442Tea Party - Supporter 66 34 493Tea Party - Not Supporter 40 60 1256Q1: FinRegs Too Far 100 0 830Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 0 100 922Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 46 54 1086Q2: Fines for WS Execs 50 50 666

    Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 37 63 854Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 57 43 898


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    2: Which comes closer to your view, even if neither is exactly right?

    U.S. prosecutorsshould seek jail time

    for Wall Streetexecutives whose

    rms are accused of committing nancial


    U.S. prosecutorsshould seek large

    settlements and nesfor Wall Street

    executives whoserms are accused of committing nancial



    Likely Voters 62 38 1752Male 60 40 817Female 63 37 935Age: 18-29 61 39 299Age: 30-44 58 42 418Age: 45-64 63 37 661Age: 65+ 65 35 374Ethnicity - White 63 37 1427Ethnicity - Hispanic 69 31 156Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 61 39 225Ethnicity - Other 45 55 78

    Democrats (no lean) 58 42 672Independents (no lean) 66 34 573Republicans (no lean) 63 37 507Liberal (1-3) 63 37 480Moderate (4) 60 40 502Conservative (5-7) 62 38 684Northeast 63 37 320Midwest 61 39 413South 61 39 651West 63 37 368New England 71 29 91Mid-Atlantic 60 40 228East North Central 62 38 283

    West North Central 58 42 131South Atlantic 62 38 350East South Central 54 46 113West South Central 64 36 188Mountain 69 31 118Pacic 61 39 250


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    2: Which comes closer to your view, even if neither is exactly right?

    U.S. prosecutorsshould seek jail time

    for Wall Streetexecutives whose

    rms are accused of committing nancial


    U.S. prosecutorsshould seek large

    settlements and nesfor Wall Street

    executives whoserms are accused of committing nancial



    Likely Voters 62 38 1752Protestant 62 38 488Roman Catholic 59 41 388Ath./Agn./None 65 35 400Something Else 63 37 472Religiosity: Monthly+ 60 40 649Religiosity: LT Monthly 63 37 1103Income: Under 50k 63 37 760Income: 50k-100k 61 39 576Income: 100k+ 62 38 416Educ: < College 62 38 1152

    Educ: Bachelors degree 64 36 389Educ: Post-grad 61 39 211Military HH 68 32 354Not Military HH 61 39 1398Urban 64 36 440Suburban 59 41 870Rural 65 35 442Tea Party - Supporter 62 38 493Tea Party - Not Supporter 62 38 1256Q1: FinRegs Too Far 60 40 830Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 64 36 922Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 100 0 1086Q2: Fines for WS Execs 0 100 666

    Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 66 34 854Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 58 42 898


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    3: Which comes closer to your view, even if neither is exactly right?

    Banks in Europe aresubject to stricter

    nancial regulationsthan banks in the


    Banks in the U.S. aresubject to stricter

    nancial regulationsthan banks in Europe


    Likely Voters 49 51 1752

    Male 46 54 817Female 51 49 935Age: 18-29 48 52 299Age: 30-44 52 48 418Age: 45-64 48 52 661Age: 65+ 46 54 374Ethnicity - White 49 51 1427Ethnicity - Hispanic 53 47 156Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 48 52 225Ethnicity - Other 50 50 78Democrats (no lean) 52 48 672Independents (no lean) 50 50 573Republicans (no lean) 43 57 507

    Liberal (1-3) 55 45 480Moderate (4) 52 48 502Conservative (5-7) 41 59 684Northeast 45 55 320Midwest 50 50 413South 49 51 651West 50 50 368New England 44 56 91Mid-Atlantic 46 54 228East North Central 50 50 283West North Central 48 52 131South Atlantic 48 52 350East South Central 53 47 113

    West South Central 49 51 188Mountain 48 52 118Pacic 51 49 250


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    3: Which comes closer to your view, even if neither is exactly right?

    Banks in Europe aresubject to stricter

    nancial regulationsthan banks in the


    Banks in the U.S. aresubject to stricter

    nancial regulationsthan banks in Europe


    Likely Voters 49 51 1752

    Protestant 54 46 488Roman Catholic 42 58 388Ath./Agn./None 55 45 400Something Else 44 56 472Religiosity: Monthly+ 44 56 649Religiosity: LT Monthly 51 49 1103Income: Under 50k 53 47 760Income: 50k-100k 48 52 576Income: 100k+ 43 57 416Educ: < College 49 51 1152Educ: Bachelors degree 49 51 389Educ: Post-grad 49 51 211Military HH 47 53 354

    Not Military HH 49 51 1398Urban 49 51 440Suburban 48 52 870Rural 50 50 442Tea Party - Supporter 45 55 493Tea Party - Not Supporter 50 50 1256Q1: FinRegs Too Far 38 62 830Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 58 42 922Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 52 48 1086Q2: Fines for WS Execs 44 56 666Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 100 0 854Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 0 100 898


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    4: What is your age?

    Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ NLikely Voters 17 24 38 21 1752Male 15 24 36 26 817Female 19 24 39 18 935Age: 18-29 100 0 0 0 299Age: 30-44 0 100 0 0 418

    Age: 45-64 0 0 100 0 661Age: 65+ 0 0 0 100 374Ethnicity - White 13 21 41 25 1427Ethnicity - Hispanic 35 34 26 4 156Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 33 36 25 6 225Ethnicity - Other 39 32 18 10 78Democrats (no lean) 17 27 38 17 672Independents (no lean) 18 24 36 23 573Republicans (no lean) 16 20 39 25 507Liberal (1-3) 26 27 30 17 480Moderate (4) 16 22 45 17 502Conservative (5-7) 13 22 37 28 684Northeast 13 26 38 22 320

    Midwest 18 21 39 22 413South 18 24 40 18 651West 18 25 32 25 368New England 13 18 46 24 91Mid-Atlantic 14 30 35 22 228East North Central 18 21 42 20 283West North Central 19 21 33 26 131South Atlantic 16 25 38 21 350East South Central 21 25 46 8 113West South Central 20 21 39 20 188Mountain 15 25 32 28 118Pacic 19 25 32 24 250


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    4: What is your age?

    Age: 18-29 Age: 30-44 Age: 45-64 Age: 65+ NLikely Voters 17 24 38 21 1752Protestant 8 19 40 32 488Roman Catholic 15 21 39 25 388Ath./Agn./None 24 29 36 11 400Something Else 22 26 35 16 472

    Religiosity: Monthly+ 19 23 32 26 649Religiosity: LT Monthly 16 24 41 19 1103Income: Under 50k 20 21 36 22 760Income: 50k-100k 17 28 35 20 576Income: 100k+ 11 23 44 22 416Educ: < College 20 22 40 19 1152Educ: Bachelors degree 14 33 33 20 389Educ: Post-grad 8 19 35 37 211Military HH 14 15 37 34 354Not Military HH 18 26 38 18 1398Urban 20 30 30 20 440Suburban 17 21 37 24 870Rural 14 23 47 17 442

    Tea Party - Supporter 21 24 34 21 493Tea Party - Not Supporter 16 24 39 21 1256Q1: FinRegs Too Far 19 23 37 21 830Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 15 25 39 22 922Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 17 22 38 22 1086Q2: Fines for WS Execs 18 26 37 20 666Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 17 26 37 20 854Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 17 22 38 23 898


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    5: What is your gender?

    Male Female NLikely Voters 47 53 1752Protestant 50 50 488Roman Catholic 49 51 388Ath./Agn./None 48 52 400Something Else 40 60 472

    Religiosity: Monthly+ 47 53 649Religiosity: LT Monthly 46 54 1103Income: Under 50k 42 58 760Income: 50k-100k 47 53 576Income: 100k+ 54 46 416Educ: < College 41 59 1152Educ: Bachelors degree 51 49 389Educ: Post-grad 71 29 211Military HH 58 42 354Not Military HH 44 56 1398Urban 48 52 440Suburban 48 52 870Rural 43 57 442

    Tea Party - Supporter 49 51 493Tea Party - Not Supporter 46 54 1256Q1: FinRegs Too Far 48 52 830Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 46 54 922Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 45 55 1086Q2: Fines for WS Execs 49 51 666Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 44 56 854Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 49 51 898


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    6: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?




























    Likely Voters 1 6 27 4 19 8 22 2 10 1752Male 2 7 24 3 16 6 25 3 15 817Female 0 6 30 5 22 9 20 1 5 935Age: 18-29 0 7 34 1 27 6 19 2 4 299Age: 30-44 0 5 21 6 16 11 30 3 7 418Age: 45-64 0 9 30 5 18 8 20 2 10 661Age: 65+ 3 3 23 4 19 6 20 3 19 374Ethnicity - White 1 6 28 4 17 7 22 2 11 1427

    Ethnicity - Hispanic 0 10 25 4 23 10 21 3 4 156Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 8 26 5 29 12 18 1 1 225Ethnicity - Other 1 0 13 0 21 9 41 1 13 78Democrats (no lean) 2 6 27 5 20 9 20 2 10 672Independents (no lean) 0 8 25 4 19 8 26 2 8 573Republicans (no lean) 0 5 31 5 18 6 21 2 11 507Liberal (1-3) 0 5 26 3 20 8 23 2 13 480Moderate (4) 0 6 27 4 21 9 21 2 9 502Conservative (5-7) 2 7 26 5 18 7 24 2 9 684Northeast 0 5 30 4 16 7 23 2 13 320Midwest 3 9 27 3 17 8 22 2 9 413South 0 8 26 5 22 9 21 3 6 651West 0 2 27 5 19 7 24 2 15 368

    New England 0 3 34 4 17 7 21 2 13 91Mid-Atlantic 1 5 29 4 15 7 23 3 13 228East North Central 0 11 29 4 16 7 21 2 10 283West North Central 9 4 24 2 18 10 24 1 8 131South Atlantic 0 7 23 5 22 10 24 3 6 350East South Central 0 17 33 4 23 4 13 2 4 113West South Central 0 6 26 6 22 10 21 3 7 188Mountain 0 0 38 5 15 9 20 2 13 118Pacic 0 2 22 5 22 6 26 2 16 250


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    6: What is the last grade or class you completed in school?




























    Likely Voters 1 6 27 4 19 8 22 2 10 1752Protestant 2 8 21 5 19 8 26 2 8 488Roman Catholic 0 3 33 3 18 9 22 2 10 388Ath./Agn./None 0 5 29 4 20 8 21 3 11 400Something Else 0 8 27 5 20 7 20 2 10 472Religiosity: Monthly+ 2 7 24 4 18 8 25 2 10 649Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 6 29 5 20 8 21 2 10 1103Income: Under 50k 2 13 36 6 20 8 10 1 3 760

    Income: 50k-100k 0 2 24 2 20 10 29 3 9 576Income: 100k+ 0 0 15 4 17 4 34 3 24 416Educ: < College 1 10 41 7 29 12 0 0 0 1152Educ: Bachelors degree 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 389Educ: Post-grad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 82 211Military HH 0 5 24 6 22 8 20 3 12 354Not Military HH 1 7 28 4 18 8 23 2 9 1398Urban 0 8 29 4 16 9 20 3 11 440Suburban 1 3 23 4 22 6 26 2 11 870Rural 0 10 33 5 17 10 17 2 7 442Tea Party - Supporter 0 11 27 6 17 7 22 2 8 493Tea Party - Not Supporter 1 5 27 4 20 8 22 2 10 1256Q1: FinRegs Too Far 0 7 30 4 20 8 21 2 8 830

    Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 1 6 24 5 19 8 23 2 12 922Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 0 7 26 4 20 8 23 2 10 1086Q2: Fines for WS Execs 2 5 29 5 18 8 21 2 10 666Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 1 9 23 5 19 8 22 2 10 854Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 0 4 31 4 19 8 22 2 10 898


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    7: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as..

    Republican Democrat Independent Somethingelse


    Likely Voters 29 38 29 3 1752Male 30 34 33 3 817Female 28 43 26 4 935Age: 18-29 27 38 31 4 299

    Age: 30-44 24 44 28 5 418Age: 45-64 30 39 28 3 661Age: 65+ 34 31 34 1 374Ethnicity - White 33 32 32 3 1427Ethnicity - Hispanic 29 40 24 7 156Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 8 75 16 2 225Ethnicity - Other 19 42 27 13 78Democrats (no lean) 0 100 0 0 672Independents (no lean) 0 0 90 10 573Republicans (no lean) 100 0 0 0 507Liberal (1-3) 9 66 23 2 480Moderate (4) 16 43 37 3 502Conservative (5-7) 54 16 28 2 684

    Northeast 30 40 29 2 320Midwest 24 39 32 4 413South 30 39 28 4 651West 32 36 29 3 368New England 21 37 39 3 91Mid-Atlantic 33 41 25 1 228East North Central 21 41 34 4 283West North Central 32 36 28 4 131South Atlantic 29 38 30 3 350East South Central 29 39 26 7 113West South Central 32 39 26 3 188Mountain 41 25 33 2 118Pacic 28 41 27 4 250


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    7: Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as..

    Republican Democrat Independent Somethingelse


    Likely Voters 29 38 29 3 1752Protestant 36 31 31 3 488Roman Catholic 32 39 26 3 388Ath./Agn./None 16 45 35 3 400

    Something Else 29 40 26 4 472Religiosity: Monthly+ 36 34 28 2 649Religiosity: LT Monthly 25 41 30 4 1103Income: Under 50k 26 42 29 3 760Income: 50k-100k 28 39 29 4 576Income: 100k+ 36 31 31 2 416Educ: < College 29 40 28 3 1152Educ: Bachelors degree 27 34 33 5 389Educ: Post-grad 32 39 28 1 211Military HH 36 33 30 1 354Not Military HH 27 40 29 4 1398Urban 21 48 29 2 440Suburban 30 37 30 3 870

    Rural 35 30 30 5 442Tea Party - Supporter 50 19 29 2 493Tea Party - Not Supporter 21 46 29 4 1256Q1: FinRegs Too Far 40 25 31 3 830Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 19 50 28 3 922Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 30 36 31 3 1086Q2: Fines for WS Execs 28 43 26 3 666Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 25 41 30 3 854Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 32 36 29 3 898


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    8: Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party Movement, or are you not a supporter of the Tea PartyMovement?

    Supporter Not a supporter NLikely Voters 28 72 1749Male 29 71 814Female 27 73 934Age: 18-29 34 66 299

    Age: 30-44 28 72 418Age: 45-64 26 74 660Age: 65+ 28 72 372Ethnicity - White 29 71 1423Ethnicity - Hispanic 33 67 156Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 23 77 225Ethnicity - Other 26 74 78Democrats (no lean) 14 86 672Independents (no lean) 27 73 570Republicans (no lean) 48 52 507Liberal (1-3) 15 85 479Moderate (4) 17 83 501Conservative (5-7) 48 52 682

    Northeast 27 73 318Midwest 28 72 413South 28 72 650West 29 71 367New England 25 75 91Mid-Atlantic 27 73 227East North Central 28 72 283West North Central 29 71 131South Atlantic 27 73 349East South Central 26 74 113West South Central 32 68 188Mountain 36 64 118Pacic 26 74 249


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    8: Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party Movement, or are you not a supporter of the Tea PartyMovement?

    Supporter Not a supporter NLikely Voters 28 72 1749Protestant 38 62 487Roman Catholic 27 73 388Ath./Agn./None 17 83 399

    Something Else 29 71 470Religiosity: Monthly+ 38 62 648Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 78 1101Income: Under 50k 32 68 759Income: 50k-100k 27 73 573Income: 100k+ 24 76 416Educ: < College 29 71 1152Educ: Bachelors degree 29 71 386Educ: Post-grad 23 77 211Military HH 36 64 352Not Military HH 26 74 1397Urban 26 74 440Suburban 28 72 867

    Rural 31 69 442Tea Party - Supporter 100 0 493Tea Party - Not Supporter 0 100 1256Q1: FinRegs Too Far 39 61 830Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 18 82 919Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 28 72 1083Q2: Fines for WS Execs 28 72 665Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 26 74 853Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 30 70 896


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    9: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?


    Liberal Slightlyliberal

    Moderate Slightlyconser-vative




    Likely Voters 6 12 9 29 12 15 11 5 1752Male 5 10 10 26 14 19 12 3 817Female 7 14 8 31 11 12 10 7 935

    Age: 18-29 10 16 15 26 12 10 7 2 299Age: 30-44 6 15 10 26 14 12 11 7 418Age: 45-64 5 9 8 34 10 16 13 5 661Age: 65+ 5 11 6 23 16 23 13 4 374Ethnicity - White 6 11 8 28 13 17 13 5 1427Ethnicity - Hispanic 7 13 12 27 17 9 9 6 156Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 7 17 15 30 11 7 7 6 225Ethnicity - Other 9 22 10 31 6 9 5 7 78Democrats (no lean) 11 22 14 32 9 4 2 5 672Independents (no lean) 3 8 10 36 14 15 7 8 573Republicans (no lean) 3 3 3 16 15 30 28 2 507Liberal (1-3) 22 44 34 0 0 0 0 0 480Moderate (4) 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 502

    Conservative (5-7) 0 0 0 0 32 39 29 0 684Northeast 8 11 10 28 12 17 8 8 320Midwest 4 12 11 30 17 15 8 3 413South 5 10 9 29 9 16 15 6 651West 8 16 7 27 13 13 12 4 368New England 6 11 12 25 9 22 5 10 91Mid-Atlantic 8 11 9 29 13 15 8 7 228East North Central 4 14 13 35 13 12 6 3 283West North Central 7 7 8 18 26 22 11 2 131South Atlantic 7 9 9 31 13 14 12 5 350East South Central 7 9 7 30 7 21 11 7 113West South Central 2 13 9 26 5 15 24 5 188Mountain 5 9 7 20 12 20 21 6 118

    Pacic 9 20 7 30 13 10 7 3 250


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    9: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?


    Liberal Slightlyliberal

    Moderate Slightlyconser-vative




    Likely Voters 6 12 9 29 12 15 11 5 1752Protestant 3 6 4 28 12 24 18 4 488Roman Catholic 3 9 12 30 14 16 10 6 388

    Ath./Agn./None 12 21 12 30 10 7 4 4 400Something Else 6 14 9 27 13 13 12 6 472Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 8 7 25 13 20 18 3 649Religiosity: LT Monthly 7 14 10 31 12 13 7 6 1103Income: Under 50k 6 11 11 28 11 15 11 7 760Income: 50k-100k 6 12 9 31 15 12 11 5 576Income: 100k+ 7 14 7 27 12 21 12 1 416Educ: < College 5 11 10 29 12 14 12 6 1152Educ: Bachelors degree 6 15 7 27 14 16 12 2 389Educ: Post-grad 11 15 8 28 11 18 9 1 211Military HH 5 12 8 21 13 21 15 5 354Not Military HH 6 12 9 30 12 14 10 5 1398Urban 8 16 8 31 12 14 6 4 440

    Suburban 5 13 11 28 13 15 13 4 870Rural 5 7 8 28 11 18 14 8 442Tea Party - Supporter 5 5 4 17 11 25 31 2 493Tea Party - Not Supporter 6 15 11 33 13 12 4 6 1256Q1: FinRegs Too Far 4 6 8 25 12 22 18 4 830Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 8 18 10 32 12 9 5 6 922Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 7 12 9 28 11 15 13 5 1086Q2: Fines for WS Execs 5 12 10 30 14 16 9 5 666Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 8 14 9 31 10 13 10 6 854Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 5 10 9 27 15 17 13 4 898


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    10: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?

    Liberal (1-3) Moderate (4) Conservative(5-7)


    Likely Voters 29 30 41 1665Male 27 27 47 796Female 31 33 36 869Age: 18-29 43 27 30 292

    Age: 30-44 33 28 39 388Age: 45-64 23 36 40 626Age: 65+ 22 24 54 360Ethnicity - White 26 30 45 1360Ethnicity - Hispanic 34 29 37 147Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 41 32 27 212Ethnicity - Other 44 34 22 72Democrats (no lean) 49 34 17 641Independents (no lean) 23 39 39 529Republicans (no lean) 9 16 75 495Liberal (1-3) 100 0 0 480Moderate (4) 0 100 0 502Conservative (5-7) 0 0 100 684

    Northeast 31 30 39 295Midwest 28 30 41 402South 26 31 43 615West 33 28 39 353New England 32 28 40 82Mid-Atlantic 30 31 39 213East North Central 32 36 32 274West North Central 22 19 60 128South Atlantic 26 32 41 332East South Central 25 33 43 105West South Central 25 28 47 178Mountain 23 21 56 111Pacic 37 31 31 242


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    10: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?

    Liberal (1-3) Moderate (4) Conservative(5-7)


    Likely Voters 29 30 41 1665Protestant 15 29 56 471Roman Catholic 26 32 43 363Ath./Agn./None 47 31 22 385

    Something Else 31 28 41 443Religiosity: Monthly+ 21 26 53 626Religiosity: LT Monthly 33 33 34 1039Income: Under 50k 30 30 40 706Income: 50k-100k 28 33 40 548Income: 100k+ 29 27 45 411Educ: < College 28 31 41 1077Educ: Bachelors degree 29 28 44 379Educ: Post-grad 33 29 38 209Military HH 27 22 50 338Not Military HH 29 32 39 1328Urban 33 33 34 421Suburban 30 29 42 837

    Rural 22 31 47 407Tea Party - Supporter 15 18 68 484Tea Party - Not Supporter 35 35 30 1178Q1: FinRegs Too Far 19 26 55 794Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 38 34 28 871Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 29 29 41 1030Q2: Fines for WS Execs 28 31 41 635Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 33 32 35 805Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 25 28 47 860


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    11: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?

    Liberal (1-2) Moderate (3-5) Conservative(6-7)


    Likely Voters 19 53 28 1665Male 16 52 32 796Female 22 53 25 869Age: 18-29 27 54 18 292

    Age: 30-44 23 53 24 388Age: 45-64 15 55 30 626Age: 65+ 16 47 37 360Ethnicity - White 17 52 31 1360Ethnicity - Hispanic 21 60 19 147Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 26 60 15 212Ethnicity - Other 34 51 15 72Democrats (no lean) 35 58 7 641Independents (no lean) 12 64 24 529Republicans (no lean) 6 34 60 495Liberal (1-3) 66 34 0 480Moderate (4) 0 100 0 502Conservative (5-7) 0 32 68 684

    Northeast 20 54 26 295Midwest 17 59 24 402South 17 50 33 615West 25 49 26 353New England 18 51 30 82Mid-Atlantic 21 55 25 213East North Central 18 63 19 274West North Central 14 53 34 128South Atlantic 17 55 28 332East South Central 17 47 35 105West South Central 16 43 41 178Mountain 15 42 44 111Pacic 30 52 18 242


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    11: Thinking about politics these days, how would you describe your political viewpoint?

    Liberal (1-2) Moderate (3-5) Conservative(6-7)


    Likely Voters 19 53 28 1665Protestant 10 47 43 471Roman Catholic 13 60 27 363Ath./Agn./None 34 54 11 385

    Something Else 21 52 27 443Religiosity: Monthly+ 14 47 40 626Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 56 21 1039Income: Under 50k 18 53 28 706Income: 50k-100k 19 57 24 548Income: 100k+ 21 46 33 411Educ: < College 17 55 28 1077Educ: Bachelors degree 22 49 29 379Educ: Post-grad 26 47 27 209Military HH 18 45 37 338Not Military HH 19 55 26 1328Urban 25 54 21 421Suburban 19 53 28 837

    Rural 14 51 35 407Tea Party - Supporter 11 32 57 484Tea Party - Not Supporter 23 61 16 1178Q1: FinRegs Too Far 11 47 42 794Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 27 58 15 871Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 20 51 29 1030Q2: Fines for WS Execs 17 57 26 635Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 23 53 25 805Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 16 53 31 860


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    12: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish back-ground?

    Yes No NLikely Voters 9 91 1752Male 8 92 817Female 10 90 935Age: 18-29 18 82 299

    Age: 30-44 13 87 418Age: 45-64 6 94 661Age: 65+ 2 98 374Ethnicity - White 8 92 1427Ethnicity - Hispanic 100 0 156Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 9 91 225Ethnicity - Other 0 100 78Democrats (no lean) 9 91 672Independents (no lean) 8 92 573Republicans (no lean) 9 91 507Liberal (1-3) 10 90 480Moderate (4) 9 91 502Conservative (5-7) 8 92 684

    Northeast 6 94 320Midwest 5 95 413South 9 91 651West 16 84 368New England 5 95 91Mid-Atlantic 6 94 228East North Central 6 94 283West North Central 4 96 131South Atlantic 7 93 350East South Central 14 86 113West South Central 8 92 188Mountain 11 89 118Pacic 19 81 250


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    12: Are you, yourself, of Hispanic origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or some other Spanish back-ground?

    Yes No NLikely Voters 9 91 1752Protestant 3 97 488Roman Catholic 15 85 388Ath./Agn./None 10 90 400

    Something Else 9 91 472Religiosity: Monthly+ 10 90 649Religiosity: LT Monthly 8 92 1103Income: Under 50k 8 92 760Income: 50k-100k 11 89 576Income: 100k+ 7 93 416Educ: < College 10 90 1152Educ: Bachelors degree 9 91 389Educ: Post-grad 5 95 211Military HH 6 94 354Not Military HH 10 90 1398Urban 11 89 440Suburban 9 91 870

    Rural 7 93 442Tea Party - Supporter 11 89 493Tea Party - Not Supporter 8 92 1256Q1: FinRegs Too Far 8 92 830Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 10 90 922Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 10 90 1086Q2: Fines for WS Execs 7 93 666Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 10 90 854Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 8 92 898


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    13: Which term below best describes your race or background?



    Black White Other N

    Likely Voters 1 3 13 81 2 1752Male 1 3 11 83 2 817Female 1 4 14 80 1 935Age: 18-29 1 9 25 62 3 299

    Age: 30-44 2 4 19 72 3 418Age: 45-64 1 1 8 89 1 661Age: 65+ 0 1 4 94 0 374Ethnicity - White 0 0 0 100 0 1427Ethnicity - Hispanic 2 2 13 72 11 156Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 0 0 100 0 0 225Ethnicity - Other 15 71 0 0 14 78Democrats (no lean) 1 4 25 68 2 672Independents (no lean) 1 4 7 87 2 573Republicans (no lean) 1 2 3 93 1 507Liberal (1-3) 1 5 18 73 2 480Moderate (4) 1 4 14 80 1 502Conservative (5-7) 1 1 8 89 1 684

    Northeast 1 1 8 88 2 320Midwest 1 2 11 85 1 413South 1 2 21 76 1 651West 2 9 5 82 3 368New England 1 0 3 94 2 91Mid-Atlantic 1 2 10 86 2 228East North Central 1 4 14 80 2 283West North Central 1 0 4 95 0 131South Atlantic 1 3 20 75 1 350East South Central 0 0 26 72 2 113West South Central 0 1 20 78 1 188Mountain 0 0 6 92 2 118Pacic 2 12 5 77 3 250


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    13: Which term below best describes your race or background?



    Black White Other N

    Likely Voters 1 3 13 81 2 1752Protestant 1 3 10 86 1 488Roman Catholic 1 2 6 89 2 388Ath./Agn./None 1 5 12 81 1 400

    Something Else 1 3 23 71 2 472Religiosity: Monthly+ 1 3 18 76 2 649Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 3 10 85 1 1103Income: Under 50k 1 2 18 77 2 760Income: 50k-100k 1 5 10 83 1 576Income: 100k+ 0 3 7 88 2 416Educ: < College 1 2 16 80 1 1152Educ: Bachelors degree 1 7 11 80 2 389Educ: Post-grad 1 4 2 92 1 211Military HH 1 1 11 86 1 354Not Military HH 1 4 13 80 2 1398Urban 1 4 22 71 2 440Suburban 0 4 12 82 2 870

    Rural 2 1 6 90 1 442Tea Party - Supporter 1 3 10 84 2 493Tea Party - Not Supporter 1 3 14 80 1 1256Q1: FinRegs Too Far 1 3 10 85 1 830Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 1 3 15 78 2 922Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 1 2 13 83 1 1086Q2: Fines for WS Execs 1 5 13 79 2 666Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 1 3 13 82 1 854Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 1 3 13 81 2 898


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    14: Are you a member of a labor union?

    Public SectorUnion

    Private SectorUnion

    Not in LaborUnion


    Likely Voters 6 3 90 1751Male 8 6 86 817Female 4 1 94 934Age: 18-29 4 3 92 298

    Age: 30-44 4 4 91 418Age: 45-64 7 3 90 661Age: 65+ 8 3 89 374Ethnicity - White 6 3 90 1427Ethnicity - Hispanic 6 4 90 155Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 5 5 90 225Ethnicity - Other 3 4 93 78Democrats (no lean) 7 5 88 671Independents (no lean) 5 2 93 573Republicans (no lean) 6 3 91 507Liberal (1-3) 7 4 89 480Moderate (4) 7 3 90 501Conservative (5-7) 5 4 91 684

    Northeast 12 5 83 320Midwest 8 4 87 413South 2 3 95 650West 5 3 92 368New England 7 3 90 91Mid-Atlantic 14 5 80 228East North Central 10 6 84 283West North Central 5 1 94 131South Atlantic 2 1 97 350East South Central 2 3 95 113West South Central 2 5 93 187Mountain 0 0 99 118Pacic 7 4 89 250


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    14: Are you a member of a labor union?

    Public SectorUnion

    Private SectorUnion

    Not in LaborUnion


    Likely Voters 6 3 90 1751Protestant 5 3 92 488Roman Catholic 11 7 82 388Ath./Agn./None 4 2 94 400

    Something Else 5 2 93 471Religiosity: Monthly+ 8 5 87 648Religiosity: LT Monthly 5 3 92 1103Income: Under 50k 6 4 90 760Income: 50k-100k 5 3 92 575Income: 100k+ 8 3 89 416Educ: < College 6 4 90 1152Educ: Bachelors degree 3 3 94 389Educ: Post-grad 11 2 87 211Military HH 11 6 83 354Not Military HH 5 3 92 1397Urban 8 3 89 440Suburban 6 4 91 870

    Rural 5 3 92 442Tea Party - Supporter 6 5 89 492Tea Party - Not Supporter 6 3 91 1256Q1: FinRegs Too Far 6 3 91 830Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 6 4 90 921Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 5 3 92 1085Q2: Fines for WS Execs 8 4 88 666Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 6 4 90 853Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 6 3 91 898


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    15: What is your current marital status?



    Married Separated Divorced Widowed Livingwith apartner


    Likely Voters 19 58 2 11 7 4 1752Male 20 60 2 9 5 4 817Female 18 55 2 12 8 5 935

    Age: 18-29 61 30 3 0 0 6 299Age: 30-44 20 65 2 7 0 6 418Age: 45-64 8 64 1 16 5 5 661Age: 65+ 2 61 2 14 21 1 374Ethnicity - White 15 61 2 11 7 4 1427Ethnicity - Hispanic 26 52 3 7 5 7 156Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 35 41 3 10 4 6 225Ethnicity - Other 32 56 1 6 1 4 78Democrats (no lean) 22 52 2 11 7 6 672Independents (no lean) 18 58 1 11 8 3 573Republicans (no lean) 15 65 2 9 5 4 507Liberal (1-3) 28 46 2 11 6 7 480Moderate (4) 20 56 2 12 6 4 502

    Conservative (5-7) 11 69 2 9 6 3 684Northeast 20 58 1 8 6 6 320Midwest 19 58 2 10 8 3 413South 20 58 1 11 6 4 651West 15 56 5 14 6 4 368New England 21 65 1 7 4 3 91Mid-Atlantic 19 56 2 9 7 7 228East North Central 19 58 2 10 7 4 283West North Central 20 57 2 9 10 3 131South Atlantic 16 66 1 10 3 3 350East South Central 31 39 0 14 10 5 113West South Central 21 54 0 10 9 6 188Mountain 7 53 11 18 8 4 118

    Pacic 19 58 2 12 6 4 250


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    15: What is your current marital status?



    Married Separated Divorced Widowed Livingwith apartner


    Likely Voters 19 58 2 11 7 4 1752Protestant 10 69 0 10 9 2 488Roman Catholic 18 57 1 11 9 4 388

    Ath./Agn./None 28 51 2 12 1 6 400Something Else 21 53 4 10 7 6 472Religiosity: Monthly+ 17 62 2 9 8 2 649Religiosity: LT Monthly 20 55 2 12 6 5 1103Income: Under 50k 23 40 4 17 12 5 760Income: 50k-100k 17 69 1 7 3 4 576Income: 100k+ 14 76 0 5 2 3 416Educ: < College 21 52 3 12 8 5 1152Educ: Bachelors degree 17 70 1 7 3 3 389Educ: Post-grad 11 68 1 8 7 5 211Military HH 11 69 1 10 6 4 354Not Military HH 21 55 2 11 7 5 1398Urban 22 51 5 10 7 5 440

    Suburban 19 59 1 10 7 5 870Rural 16 61 2 14 5 3 442Tea Party - Supporter 16 64 1 8 7 3 493Tea Party - Not Supporter 20 55 2 12 6 5 1256Q1: FinRegs Too Far 18 59 3 12 5 4 830Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 20 56 1 10 8 5 922Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 18 57 2 11 6 5 1086Q2: Fines for WS Execs 20 59 1 10 7 4 666Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 19 55 2 12 9 4 854Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 19 60 2 10 4 5 898


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    16: Thinking about your religion, are you ..

    Protestant RomanCatholic

    Ath./Agn./None SomethingElse


    Likely Voters 28 22 23 27 1748Male 30 23 24 23 817Female 26 21 22 30 931Age: 18-29 14 19 32 35 299

    Age: 30-44 23 20 28 30 418Age: 45-64 30 23 22 25 657Age: 65+ 42 26 12 20 374Ethnicity - White 30 24 23 23 1423Ethnicity - Hispanic 10 37 26 27 156Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 21 10 21 48 225Ethnicity - Other 23 14 33 31 78Democrats (no lean) 22 23 27 28 672Independents (no lean) 29 19 27 25 572Republicans (no lean) 35 25 13 27 504Liberal (1-3) 14 19 38 29 479Moderate (4) 28 23 24 25 498Conservative (5-7) 39 23 12 26 684

    Northeast 21 34 19 26 320Midwest 32 23 22 23 413South 33 18 20 29 647West 21 19 31 29 368New England 27 33 23 16 91Mid-Atlantic 18 35 18 29 228East North Central 23 26 23 28 283West North Central 50 18 20 12 131South Atlantic 32 17 18 33 350East South Central 35 11 26 28 113West South Central 33 24 19 24 185Mountain 34 20 16 31 118Pacic 15 18 39 28 250


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    16: Thinking about your religion, are you ..

    Protestant RomanCatholic

    Ath./Agn./None SomethingElse


    Likely Voters 28 22 23 27 1748Protestant 100 0 0 0 488Roman Catholic 0 100 0 0 388Ath./Agn./None 0 0 100 0 400

    Something Else 0 0 0 100 472Religiosity: Monthly+ 38 25 4 33 648Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 20 34 24 1100Income: Under 50k 27 22 19 31 760Income: 50k-100k 27 22 27 23 576Income: 100k+ 30 23 23 24 412Educ: < College 27 22 23 28 1148Educ: Bachelors degree 33 22 21 24 389Educ: Post-grad 23 22 26 29 211Military HH 36 19 22 23 354Not Military HH 26 23 23 28 1394Urban 25 17 29 30 440Suburban 27 28 21 24 869

    Rural 33 17 21 30 438Tea Party - Supporter 37 21 14 27 493Tea Party - Not Supporter 24 23 26 27 1251Q1: FinRegs Too Far 31 22 21 26 827Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 25 22 25 28 921Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 28 21 24 27 1086Q2: Fines for WS Execs 28 24 21 27 662Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 31 19 26 25 853Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 25 25 20 29 895


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    17: Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not? (Among Protestants)

    Yes No NLikely Voters 34 66 869Male 36 64 431Female 31 69 438Age: 18-29 40 60 96Age: 30-44 34 66 176

    Age: 45-64 36 64 340Age: 65+ 30 70 256Ethnicity - White 32 68 757Ethnicity - Hispanic 30 70 72Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 58 42 70Ethnicity - Other 33 67 28Democrats (no lean) 34 66 298Independents (no lean) 28 72 272Republicans (no lean) 39 61 299Liberal (1-3) 19 81 162Moderate (4) 26 74 249Conservative (5-7) 45 55 418Northeast 13 87 174

    Midwest 37 63 226South 46 54 324West 28 72 145New England 12 88 54Mid-Atlantic 13 87 120East North Central 25 75 138West North Central 57 43 89South Atlantic 40 60 169East South Central 70 30 52West South Central 42 58 103Mountain 30 70 62Pacic 27 73 82


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    17: Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical Christian, or not? (Among Protestants)

    Yes No NLikely Voters 34 66 869Protestant 53 47 485Roman Catholic 10 90 384Religiosity: Monthly+ 49 51 408Religiosity: LT Monthly 21 79 461

    Income: Under 50k 43 57 372Income: 50k-100k 26 74 280Income: 100k+ 28 72 216Educ: < College 39 61 564Educ: Bachelors degree 28 72 210Educ: Post-grad 16 84 94Military HH 37 63 195Not Military HH 33 67 673Urban 34 66 182Suburban 28 72 473Rural 47 53 214Tea Party - Supporter 46 54 288Tea Party - Not Supporter 28 72 580

    Q1: FinRegs Too Far 35 65 437Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 33 67 431Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 32 68 527Q2: Fines for WS Execs 37 63 342Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 37 63 420Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 31 69 449


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    18: Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious servicesmore than once a week, once a week, onceor twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never?


    once aweek

    Once aweek

    Once ortwice amonth

    A fewtimes a


    Seldom Never N

    Likely Voters 7 22 9 16 27 20 1752

    Male 7 22 9 16 27 20 817Female 6 21 9 17 26 20 935Age: 18-29 7 23 10 20 21 19 299Age: 30-44 6 19 11 14 27 22 418Age: 45-64 5 19 7 18 28 22 661Age: 65+ 8 29 8 13 28 15 374Ethnicity - White 6 21 8 16 28 22 1427Ethnicity - Hispanic 11 18 14 11 22 23 156Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 13 28 11 17 21 9 225Ethnicity - Other 6 17 10 15 28 25 78Democrats (no lean) 6 17 9 18 27 22 672Independents (no lean) 4 22 7 14 28 24 573Republicans (no lean) 10 27 10 17 24 13 507

    Liberal (1-3) 5 13 9 13 28 31 480Moderate (4) 7 17 8 20 27 20 502Conservative (5-7) 8 31 9 16 24 12 684Northeast 4 17 7 18 28 26 320Midwest 9 26 8 16 20 21 413South 9 24 11 15 25 16 651West 2 18 7 17 36 21 368New England 2 13 8 15 35 27 91Mid-Atlantic 5 19 7 20 25 25 228East North Central 10 23 7 16 18 26 283West North Central 5 31 10 15 26 12 131South Atlantic 11 20 13 15 23 18 350East South Central 4 27 8 16 27 18 113

    West South Central 8 28 9 14 28 13 188Mountain 2 21 5 19 34 18 118Pacic 2 16 8 16 36 22 250


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    18: Aside from weddings and funerals, how often do you attend religious servicesmore than once a week, once a week, onceor twice a month, a few times a year, seldom, or never?


    once aweek

    Once aweek

    Once ortwice amonth

    A fewtimes a


    Seldom Never N

    Likely Voters 7 22 9 16 27 20 1752

    Protestant 8 31 11 16 25 8 488Roman Catholic 3 29 10 22 27 9 388Ath./Agn./None 1 2 3 8 28 58 400Something Else 12 22 11 19 26 10 472Religiosity: Monthly+ 18 58 24 0 0 0 649Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 0 0 26 42 32 1103Income: Under 50k 7 25 8 16 26 19 760Income: 50k-100k 7 19 9 16 26 22 576Income: 100k+ 6 19 10 18 28 19 416Educ: < College 6 22 8 16 27 21 1152Educ: Bachelors degree 7 23 11 16 25 17 389Educ: Post-grad 8 20 9 18 27 19 211Military HH 10 25 7 13 27 18 354

    Not Military HH 6 21 9 17 26 21 1398Urban 7 19 8 16 28 23 440Suburban 6 25 9 16 24 19 870Rural 7 17 10 16 30 19 442Tea Party - Supporter 11 30 9 14 25 11 493Tea Party - Not Supporter 5 18 9 17 27 24 1256Q1: FinRegs Too Far 8 27 7 14 26 18 830Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 6 17 10 18 27 22 922Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 7 20 9 15 28 21 1086Q2: Fines for WS Execs 6 24 9 18 24 18 666Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 6 19 9 15 28 23 854Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 7 24 9 18 25 18 898


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    19: Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household?

    Yes No NLikely Voters 29 71 1752Protestant 26 74 488Roman Catholic 25 75 388Ath./Agn./None 30 70 400Something Else 34 66 472

    Religiosity: Monthly+ 31 69 649Religiosity: LT Monthly 28 72 1103Income: Under 50k 28 72 760Income: 50k-100k 32 68 576Income: 100k+ 25 75 416Educ: < College 29 71 1152Educ: Bachelors degree 34 66 389Educ: Post-grad 19 81 211Military HH 26 74 354Not Military HH 30 70 1398Urban 32 68 440Suburban 26 74 870Rural 31 69 442

    Tea Party - Supporter 34 66 493Tea Party - Not Supporter 27 73 1256Q1: FinRegs Too Far 31 69 830Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 27 73 922Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 28 72 1086Q2: Fines for WS Execs 30 70 666Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 28 72 854Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 29 71 898


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    20: Would you consider where you live

    an urban area a suburban area a rural area NLikely Voters 25 50 25 1752Male 26 51 23 817Female 25 48 27 935Age: 18-29 30 50 20 299Age: 30-44 32 44 24 418

    Age: 45-64 20 49 31 661Age: 65+ 24 57 20 374Ethnicity - White 22 50 28 1427Ethnicity - Hispanic 31 49 20 156Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 42 45 12 225Ethnicity - Other 23 59 18 78Democrats (no lean) 32 48 20 672Independents (no lean) 23 50 27 573Republicans (no lean) 18 51 30 507Liberal (1-3) 29 52 19 480Moderate (4) 27 48 25 502Conservative (5-7) 21 51 28 684Northeast 21 53 26 320

    Midwest 25 50 25 413South 21 50 29 651West 35 46 18 368New England 19 45 37 91Mid-Atlantic 22 56 22 228East North Central 26 51 23 283West North Central 24 47 29 131South Atlantic 21 53 26 350East South Central 16 34 50 113West South Central 25 53 22 188Mountain 43 35 22 118Pacic 32 52 17 250


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    20: Would you consider where you live

    an urban area a suburban area a rural area NLikely Voters 25 50 25 1752Protestant 22 48 29 488Roman Catholic 19 62 19 388Ath./Agn./None 32 45 23 400Something Else 28 45 28 472

    Religiosity: Monthly+ 23 54 24 649Religiosity: LT Monthly 26 47 26 1103Income: Under 50k 28 42 29 760Income: 50k-100k 23 50 26 576Income: 100k+ 22 62 16 416Educ: < College 25 46 29 1152Educ: Bachelors degree 23 59 19 389Educ: Post-grad 29 54 17 211Military HH 19 53 28 354Not Military HH 27 49 25 1398Urban 100 0 0 440Suburban 0 100 0 870Rural 0 0 100 442

    Tea Party - Supporter 23 49 28 493Tea Party - Not Supporter 26 50 24 1256Q1: FinRegs Too Far 23 50 26 830Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 27 49 24 922Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 26 47 26 1086Q2: Fines for WS Execs 24 53 23 666Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 25 49 26 854Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 25 50 25 898


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    21: How would you describe your present employment situation?

    Job inthe


    Job ingovern-




    Student Retired Un -employed

    Other N

    Likely Voters 32 6 9 9 6 23 8 7 1752Male 37 6 11 3 4 26 8 5 817

    Female 28 5 7 15 8 20 9 8 935Age: 18-29 30 6 6 7 34 0 10 7 299Age: 30-44 53 8 10 10 2 1 9 8 418Age: 45-64 33 7 11 13 0 17 11 8 661Age: 65+ 9 1 7 5 0 75 2 1 374Ethnicity - White 32 5 9 10 4 26 8 6 1427Ethnicity - Hispanic 38 6 14 5 12 4 11 10 156Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 34 12 5 6 14 10 11 9 225Ethnicity - Other 34 7 9 8 20 11 6 5 78Democrats (no lean) 35 6 6 11 7 19 9 7 672Independents (no lean) 30 6 8 8 7 26 8 7 573Republicans (no lean) 30 5 14 10 4 24 8 5 507Liberal (1-3) 38 4 8 7 11 19 8 4 480

    Moderate (4) 32 7 9 8 6 21 10 9 502Conservative (5-7) 31 6 11 11 4 26 8 4 684Northeast 37 4 11 10 5 23 7 5 320Midwest 32 5 8 10 7 21 8 8 413South 28 9 6 10 7 23 8 8 651West 34 4 13 7 6 23 9 3 368New England 41 2 11 8 3 23 7 4 91Mid-Atlantic 35 4 10 10 5 23 7 6 228East North Central 33 5 8 9 6 22 9 8 283West North Central 32 3 7 12 9 21 8 9 131South Atlantic 28 9 7 11 4 28 8 6 350East South Central 26 4 4 7 9 13 17 20 113West South Central 31 10 7 12 10 20 3 6 188

    Mountain 37 2 12 8 4 28 9 0 118Pacic 33 4 14 6 7 21 9 5 250


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    21: How would you describe your present employment situation?

    Job inthe


    Job ingovern-ment



    Student Retired Un -employed

    Other N

    Likely Voters 32 6 9 9 6 23 8 7 1752Protestant 26 7 7 13 3 33 7 6 488

    Roman Catholic 34 7 9 6 5 29 6 4 388Ath./Agn./None 44 3 7 10 9 13 8 6 400Something Else 25 6 13 9 8 16 12 10 472Religiosity: Monthly+ 28 9 9 9 6 25 9 6 649Religiosity: LT Monthly 34 4 9 10 6 21 8 7 1103Income: Under 50k 23 5 6 12 6 26 13 10 760Income: 50k-100k 36 6 9 9 6 21 6 7 576Income: 100k+ 43 7 15 6 6 20 3 1 416Educ: < College 27 5 7 13 8 21 11 8 1152Educ: Bachelors degree 46 6 11 5 3 21 3 5 389Educ: Post-grad 36 10 14 1 1 33 2 4 211Military HH 27 8 6 8 5 38 4 3 354Not Military HH 33 5 10 10 7 19 9 8 1398

    Urban 36 6 9 6 6 19 12 6 440Suburban 33 6 8 8 8 26 7 5 870Rural 27 5 11 15 4 21 8 10 442Tea Party - Supporter 32 6 9 11 6 22 8 6 493Tea Party - Not Supporter 32 6 9 9 7 23 8 7 1256Q1: FinRegs Too Far 32 6 9 9 7 22 9 6 830Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 32 6 9 10 6 23 7 7 922Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 32 6 10 10 5 23 7 6 1086Q2: Fines for WS Execs 32 5 8 8 8 23 10 7 666Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 32 7 7 12 7 21 9 6 854Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 32 5 11 7 6 24 8 7 898


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    22: Many people werent able to vote in the election for President and other offices in 2012. How about you? Were you ableto vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?

    Yes, voted in 2012 No, did not vote in2012


    Likely Voters 89 11 1752Male 89 11 817Female 88 12 935

    Age: 18-29 74 26 299Age: 30-44 89 11 418Age: 45-64 92 8 661Age: 65+ 95 5 374Ethnicity - White 89 11 1427Ethnicity - Hispanic 83 17 156Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 89 11 225Ethnicity - Other 89 11 78Democrats (no lean) 89 11 672Independents (no lean) 86 14 573Republicans (no lean) 92 8 507Liberal (1-3) 88 12 480Moderate (4) 87 13 502

    Conservative (5-7) 92 8 684Northeast 90 10 320Midwest 87 13 413South 88 12 651West 91 9 368New England 89 11 91Mid-Atlantic 90 10 228East North Central 91 9 283West North Central 80 20 131South Atlantic 90 10 350East South Central 79 21 113West South Central 90 10 188Mountain 92 8 118

    Pacic 91 9 250


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    23: In the 2012 election for President, did you vote for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney?

    DemocratBarack Obama

    Republican MittRomney

    Someone else N

    Likely Voters 53 42 5 1553Male 51 44 5 729Female 56 39 5 824Age: 18-29 63 31 6 221

    Age: 30-44 63 32 5 371Age: 45-64 50 44 6 607Age: 65+ 43 55 2 354Ethnicity - White 47 48 5 1266Ethnicity - Hispanic 59 36 4 129Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 89 6 5 200Ethnicity - Other 63 27 11 69Democrats (no lean) 92 6 2 595Independents (no lean) 47 42 11 490Republicans (no lean) 11 87 2 468Liberal (1-3) 85 11 4 423Moderate (4) 68 25 7 435Conservative (5-7) 20 76 4 628

    Northeast 55 41 4 287Midwest 57 38 4 360South 49 45 6 570West 55 40 5 336New England 50 46 5 80Mid-Atlantic 57 39 4 206East North Central 62 34 4 256West North Central 46 50 4 104South Atlantic 53 40 7 314East South Central 46 50 3 89West South Central 43 52 5 167Mountain 37 57 6 109Pacic 64 31 5 227


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    23: In the 2012 election for President, did you vote for Democrat Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney?

    DemocratBarack Obama

    Republican MittRomney

    Someone else N

    Likely Voters 53 42 5 1553Protestant 40 56 4 439Roman Catholic 54 42 4 353Ath./Agn./None 71 22 6 348

    Something Else 53 41 6 407Religiosity: Monthly+ 43 53 5 581Religiosity: LT Monthly 60 35 5 972Income: Under 50k 53 41 6 635Income: 50k-100k 53 41 6 532Income: 100k+ 54 43 2 386Educ: < College 53 43 5 974Educ: Bachelors degree 53 42 6 373Educ: Post-grad 59 37 4 206Military HH 48 49 3 323Not Military HH 55 40 6 1229Urban 66 29 4 390Suburban 53 43 4 775

    Rural 41 51 7 388Tea Party - Supporter 22 74 4 442Tea Party - Not Supporter 66 29 5 1108Q1: FinRegs Too Far 37 57 6 742Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 68 27 4 811Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 52 42 6 986Q2: Fines for WS Execs 56 40 4 566Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 58 37 5 751Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 49 46 5 802


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    24: Many people werent able to vote in the election for Congress and other offices in 2010. How about you? Were you ableto vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?

    Yes, voted in 2010 No, did not vote in2010


    Likely Voters 77 23 1752Male 79 21 817Female 75 25 935

    Age: 18-29 48 52 299Age: 30-44 75 25 418Age: 45-64 82 18 661Age: 65+ 92 8 374Ethnicity - White 78 22 1427Ethnicity - Hispanic 63 37 156Ethnicity - Afr. Am. 71 29 225Ethnicity - Other 69 31 78Democrats (no lean) 75 25 672Independents (no lean) 70 30 573Republicans (no lean) 86 14 507Liberal (1-3) 74 26 480Moderate (4) 72 28 502

    Conservative (5-7) 84 16 684Northeast 79 21 320Midwest 78 22 413South 73 27 651West 80 20 368New England 82 18 91Mid-Atlantic 78 22 228East North Central 80 20 283West North Central 72 28 131South Atlantic 76 24 350East South Central 60 40 113West South Central 77 23 188Mountain 75 25 118

    Pacic 82 18 250


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    24: Many people werent able to vote in the election for Congress and other offices in 2010. How about you? Were you ableto vote, or for some reason were you unable to vote?

    Yes, voted in 2010 No, did not vote in2010


    Likely Voters 77 23 1752Protestant 82 18 488Roman Catholic 80 20 388

    Ath./Agn./None 72 28 400Something Else 72 28 472Religiosity: Monthly+ 81 19 649Religiosity: LT Monthly 74 26 1103Income: Under 50k 70 30 760Income: 50k-100k 81 19 576Income: 100k+ 83 17 416Educ: < College 71 29 1152Educ: Bachelors degree 84 16 389Educ: Post-grad 93 7 211Military HH 84 16 354Not Military HH 75 25 1398Urban 77 23 440

    Suburban 78 22 870Rural 74 26 442Tea Party - Supporter 83 17 493Tea Party - Not Supporter 74 26 1256Q1: FinRegs Too Far 76 24 830Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 77 23 922Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 80 20 1086Q2: Fines for WS Execs 72 28 666Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 75 25 854Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 78 22 898


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    25: In the 2010 election for U.S. House, did you vote for the Democratic U.S. House candidate, the Republican U.S. Housecandidate or someone else?

    Democratic U.S.House candidate

    Republican U.S.House candidate

    Someone else N

    Likely Voters 50 44 6 1343Protestant 35 58 7 402Roman Catholic 50 45 4 311

    Ath./Agn./None 68 25 7 288Something Else 51 43 6 338Religiosity: Monthly+ 40 55 5 523Religiosity: LT Monthly 55 38 7 820Income: Under 50k 49 43 8 535Income: 50k-100k 50 44 6 464Income: 100k+ 50 47 3 344Educ: < College 49 45 7 820Educ: Bachelors degree 49 45 5 325Educ: Post-grad 54 43 3 197Military HH 42 52 5 297Not Military HH 52 42 6 1046Urban 60 32 8 339

    Suburban 49 46 5 679Rural 39 55 6 325Tea Party - Supporter 23 73 4 411Tea Party - Not Supporter 62 32 7 930Q1: FinRegs Too Far 33 60 8 635Q2: FinReg Not Far Enough 65 31 4 708Q2: Jail Time for WS Execs 47 46 6 867Q2: Fines for WS Execs 54 41 5 476Q3: FinRegs Europe > US 56 38 6 639Q3: FinRegs US > Europe 44 50 6 703