MBES 3_14_2015_0001_NEW_NEW

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  • 8/12/2019 MBES 3_14_2015_0001_NEW_NEW


    m c'Together, We M{rke a Difference "THE, IUAI\ATEE ME SSEI\GERMcM u lle n-Booth E lem entary N ews letter-727-669-1 800March 14, 2014Jacqueline Poole, AssistanArea ll Superintendent 7 27 -588-5020Sherry Aemisegger, PrincipalMr" Robert Poth, P rin cipa

    Principal'sCornerDear McMullen-Booth Family,Spring Break is just around the cornei1 As we all look forward tothis bleak, please remind your child to stay focused and do theirbest as we complete this last week, both academically andbehaviorally. ln the countdown to a vacation, it can be morechallenging to meet our C2C expectations. Responsibility,Respect, Self-Motivation and Honesty must be at the center ofeverything that we do, even in the excitement of a break time sonear. Thanks for your help in supporting your student in stayingfocused on positive efforts and actions at school during the nextweek.Field Days are coming up the week after Spring Break, and I knowthe entire school is looking forurard to the community and classspirit of these days. These fun-in-the-sun activity days will takeplace during the morning hours and wrap up by 11:30 each ciay,Classes will resume their normal schedules for lunch and theafternoon. lf your schedule allows, please consider joining us forthis fun filled morning of outdoor activity.Last week we had the opportunity to experience a bad weather drillfor real. As with any of our safety drills, we practice so that we canprepare for anything that might occur during a real emergencyevent. Although this was not a practice, the staff and students dida great job Thankfully there was no haimful weather to deal with;everyone jumped right in, helping and assisting with the delivery ofIunches in the safety of our classrooms, and students were patientand cooperative in this unusual circumstance. Thank you to staffand students for a successful implementation of our safetyprocessesThis week we seni home invitations with siudents who qualify forSurnmer Bridge. Both English and Spanish versions were senthome for those who needed them. lf you have questions related tothis registration process, do not hesitate to call the school or cometo the office and we will assist you. We will hold special helpsessions for anyone with questions or needing assistance incompleting the Summer Bridge computer based registrationprocess on Friday, March 21ut from 8 AM - 9 AM and from 1:30PM - 2:30 PM. Please let us help you in completing registration forthis important learning opportunity for your studentslI hope you and your family will have a happy and safe spring break(March 24 - 28), filled wiih family fun and memory makingactivities. See you all back at school on Monday, March 31st- Sherry,Aemisegger, Principal

    Mar. '18Mar. 20

    Dates To RememberMarket Day, 2:30-3:30 pmsih Grade Parent Meeting2:30 pm, Media CenterSpring Break - No SchoolField Day Kdg/1"tField Day zndl3tdField Day +th/SthMcDonalds Night, 5:00-7:00 pmMarket Day Pickup, 2:30-3:30 pmAstro Skate, 3:00-6:00 pmFCAT Test Reading, Grades 3'd-5thPro Ed Day, No School for StudentsFCAT Test Math, Grades 3'd & 4thFCAT Test Scierae, Grade 5thFCAT Test Math, Grade SthEarth Day CelebrationMemorial Day, No SchooiLast Day of Schoolsth Grade Award Ceremony, 9:00 am*Rescheduled Dates

    Mar.24-28r\Pr . r*Apr.2

    "Apr.3Apr. 8Apr. 9Apr. 14-17Apr. 18Apr.22-25Apr. 2B-N4ayMay 16May 26June 4

    Sth Grade Parent Meetinq5th Gi'ade Parent Meeting will be held on ThursdMarch 20th at 2:30 p.m. in the Media Centediscuss plans for sth Grade Graduation/Ceremony.Please plan to join us-the end of Sth grade is a vexciting time, and we want to plan sowonderful stuff for our kids, and really would love ysuggestions and input.

  • 8/12/2019 MBES 3_14_2015_0001_NEW_NEW


    Gsm m ellei{g llaprenlussThe foilowing flyers are located in the school office, and you are welcome to stopby and pick up any papers that interest you..Volleybali Soriirg Break Camp, March 24-26,Ages 7-14, Countryside Rec Ceniei'; For more information call669-1914.*Camp Cubber Summer Camp, Palm Harbor United Methodist Church;Weekly sessions June 9-August 14 with many activities and fieid trips;Open registratron begins March 19th; Call 781-6343 or visit vvl'.nry campcubber.com for more information."Safety HarborRec, Spring BreakArtCamp, Basketball Clinics, Dance, Bricks 4Kidz, Rokkball, ArcheryClasses; SummeCamp Registration begins March 17th',For more information caii 724-153O orvisit w+,.ui.safeUHarborRecreation.ccm

    The school is neither endorsing nor sponsoring the events nor approving or endorsingthe views of the organization sponsoring the activity.

    Familv & Cornmunitv RelaiionsPlease enjoy the follovrring.,.

    Being a Volunteer - A Noble ProfessionBy Erma BombeckI was a "thousbnd points of Iight" Iong before volunieerism lighted up the sky and had an offname. I had my lights short-circuiied, burned at boih ends and occasionally punched out. I hbecause generally volunteerism is a dazzling galaxy of gems that streak across the sky and iiiuminate the world wheand cannot find iis way.

    the other day that Americans are intrigued by royalty. A.mericans have ne,"rer feit the need for hierarchy whocastles and get paid for waving and going to funerals, but I wouid like to propose a royal family for this country who wono poliiicai powbr but would symbolize what vye are ail abcut and set the tone for our nation...the Royal Famil

    be born to this royal family. You must earn your way through the ranks. Congress will not appropriate a salaryeffods. You won't even have your own principaiity.perks of royalty, which usually add up to yachts, box seats, parades and siate dinners, may iranslate to long hours, tcosts, rejection, cold coffee, and screaming kids. Royalty as a rule is recognizable. The Royal Familis often nameless, faceless and forgotien. They are often taken for granted, and only a fraction of themfor their talents.how do you know you're royalty? Ah... it's the crown jewels that give you away --- thai sparkling tiara of smiles you hand tears you have shared, and the rich legacy of caring.

    ...Thank you to all of our MBES "Royalty" - we truly appreciaie youllajko, Famity & Community Liaison

    NEEDED .." Parents to serve on our MBES 2014-2015 PTA Boardyears of dedicated service to oui school, many of our current PTA Board membei's will be moving on to other actrvitiefor next year. lf you have an interest and desire to serve your child's school in a fun and valuable way, we need yois surely an area of opportunity to meet your talents and schedule. Attendance at ail evening meetings is nyou would llke mor:e information about the PTA and its role at MBES piease contact: Tanya Hilkeri, PTat [email protected] or call Barbara Hajko, Family & Communiiy Liaison ai 669-'1800.

  • 8/12/2019 MBES 3_14_2015_0001_NEW_NEW


    Student Planner Adve* sing AvaiiableD.earf agents,We have ordered our studeni planners for the upcoming school year, and thanks to the contributions of many busino\/ners, our school will save thousands of dollarsl lf you are a business owner who would like to participate, or you wIike to nominate your favorite business, medical office or service, please coniact our business partner: American FundraiS ervices at (B 1 3) BBB -9824, (800)226-9824 or email J acob.W. Rol I @gmail. com.This is a wonderfui opportuniiy to place a business advertisement or personal message that will be seen daily by sevthousand customers for 10 monihs at one lciv pricel Please contact American Fundraising for more information.

    Conqratulations to Our Talented ArtistsWe have been very busy creating in our art rooms The following students have had wseiected for exhibit out in the community:

    *At the Clearwater Arts Alliance "March ls Youth Art Month" exhibit held at the Clearwater Main Library, students fromMrs. Grewe and Mrs. Crawley's ciasses were selected:Congrats tc: Angeia Jordahl, Bella Miller, Nadra DuBois, Jenna.. ordahl and Danica Castle*For the K - 12 Clay and Sculpture Show at the Gibbs High School Gallery., some of Mrs. Crawley's talented 41h andgraders had work selected: ..Congrats to: Angelina Woodring, Christian Devoe, lsabella Santos, Kassidy Negron, Lizzie GorgolaRyleigh PowersAdditi.onally, a.gUCf congratulations to Adriana Tigner. Her cityscape painting was selected as one of ihree pieces fall of Pinellas Couniy to hang permanenily at the US Department of Education in Washington, DCllll

    Great NewsAdriana Tigner and Tatiana Simmons have been selecied as our recipients of the Carwise Minority Achieverneni Award

    .n? t,,- {g xf,uiqrre*J I#*o " j-+ '

  • 8/12/2019 MBES 3_14_2015_0001_NEW_NEW


    GOODMORNINGMon #13t17 #2#3ti##5Tue #13118 #2


    Wed #13/19 #24afJ4tffi#6Thur #13120 #24r)fJ


    Fri #13121 #24a#J#44EfU

    Week of 3117-3121Pizza CalzonertesPhilly CheesesteakTurkey & Cheese SandwichChef SaladPeanut Butter & Jelly SandwichGrilled CheeseTyson Breaded Chicken DrumstickBoiogna & Cheese SandwichChicken Caesar SaladPeanut Butter & Jelly SandwichMexican RavioliChicken NuggetsEgg Salad SandwichFruit & Yogurt PlatePeanut Butter & Jelly SandwichCheesebLii"ger SiidersPepperoni StrombollTurkey Ham & Cheese SandwichFarmer's SaladPeanut Butter & Jeily SandwichPizzaFish Hoagie SubNoneChicken Dipper SaladPeanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich

    l\6+\->cMullen's CafeWeek of 3117-3121Sausage Biscuii SliderCereal or Breakfast BarBreakfast BurritoCereal or Breakfast BarChicken BiscuitCereal or Breakfast BarDunkin StickCereal or Breakfast BarBreakfast FlatbreadCereal or Breakfast Bar

    Week3t24-3128SPRING BREAK-NO SCHOOLWeek of 3/314/4

    Apple Cinnamon Texas ToastCereal or Breakfast BarSausage BiscuitCereal or Breakfast BarEggo Pancake MinisCereal or Breakfast BarEgg, Ham & Cheese Crcissant.Cereal or Breakfast BarCinnamon RollCereal or Breakfast Bar

    Cafete.ria Newshave sent out new Free/Reduced Meal Application forms for theSchool year. We have also sent out flyers about thefor Lunch system. Check out the website:

    app l)rforl u nch. comalso have sent out flyers about the New Payment SystemSchool Payment Solutions the websiteSchool Pa)rmentSoi uti on s. co m.

    Mon #13/31 #2+afJ4A#


    Tues #1411 #2+tJ#44EfJ

    Wed #1412 #24CfJ#44ETJThur #14t3 #2



    Week of 3/31-4l4Popcorn Chicken Bowl wMax Stick wi MarinaraTurkey & Cheese SandwiChef SaladPeanut Butter & Jelly SanRib-B-Que SandwichCherry Blossom ChickenBologna & Cheese SandwFarmers SaladPeanut Butter & Jelly SanDog in DoughMacaroni & CheeseTuna Salad SandwichYogurt ParfaitJamwichChili Cheese & ChipsCorn Dog NuggetsHam & Cheese SandwichVeggie Double Dipper SaPeanut Butter & Jelly San_'PZzaCheesy Fish Filet SandwicNoneChicken Caesar SaladPeanut Butter & Jelly San


