HWH RENIASSANCE/ REFORMATION/ SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION McCook Essentional HWH 12.2.3 The Renaissance and Reformation 1300–1650 Chapter Preview 1 The Renaissance in Italy 2 The Renaissance Moves North 3 The Protestant Reformation 4 Reformation Ideas Spread 5 The Scientific Revolution Section 5 The Scientific Revolution Reading Focus -How did astronomers change the way people viewed the universe? -What was the new scientific method? -What advances did Newton and other scientists make? Vocabulary heliocentric hypothesis scientific method gravity Main Idea A new way of thinking, based on experimentation and observation, changed the way Europeans looked at the world. Setting the Scene In 1609, Galileo Galilei trained his new telescope on the night sky. Its specially ground lens allowed him to view amazing sights. He saw mountains on the moon, fiery spots on the sun, and four moons circling the planet Jupiter. “I did discover many particulars in Heaven that had been unseen and unheard of until this our age,” he later wrote. Galileo's observations supported a new view of the universe.

May/CR/WH/Chp…  · Web viewTwo giants of this revolution were the Englishman Francis Bacon and the Frenchman René Descartes ... that sought to make the physical world fit in with

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The Renaissance and Reformation 1300–1650

Chapter Preview1 The Renaissance in Italy2 The Renaissance Moves North3 The Protestant Reformation4 Reformation Ideas Spread5 The Scientific Revolution

Section 5 The Scientific Revolution

Reading Focus-How did astronomers change the way people viewed the universe?-What was the new scientific method?-What advances did Newton and other scientists make?

Vocabularyheliocentrichypothesisscientific methodgravity

Main Idea A new way of thinking, based on experimentation and observation, changed the way Europeans looked at the world.

Setting the Scene In 1609, Galileo Galilei trained his new telescope on the night sky. Its specially ground lens allowed him to view amazing sights. He saw mountains on the moon, fiery spots on the sun, and four moons circling the planet Jupiter. “I did discover many particulars in Heaven that had been unseen and unheard of until this our age,” he later wrote. Galileo's observations supported a new view of the universe.

Leaders of the Renaissance and the Reformation looked to the past for models. Humanists turned to ancient classical ideas. Religious reformers were inspired by the Bible and early Christian times. By contrast, the profound change that took place in science in the mid-1500s pointed ahead, toward a future shaped by a new way of thinking about the physical universe. We call that historical change the Scientific Revolution.

Changing Views of the Universe

Until the mid-1500s, European scholars accepted the theory of the ancient Greek astronomer Ptolemy. Ptolemy taught that the Earth was the center of the universe. Not only did this view seem to agree with common sense, it also matched the teachings of the Church. In the 1500s and 1600s, some startling discoveries radically changed the way Europeans viewed the physical world.

A Revolutionary Theory

In 1543, Polish scholar Nicolaus Copernicus (koh per nuh kuhs) published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres. In it, he proposed a heliocentric, or sun-centered, model of the universe. The sun, he said, stood at the center of the universe. The Earth was just one of several planets that revolved around the sun.

Most experts rejected this revolutionary theory. In Europe at the time, all scientific knowledge and many religious teachings were based on the arguments developed by classical thinkers. If Ptolemy's reasoning about the planets was wrong, they believed, then the whole system of human knowledge might be called into question. But in the late 1500s, the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe (tee koh brah uh) provided evidence that supported Copernicus's theory. Brahe set up an astronomical observatory. Every night for years, he carefully observed the sky, accumulating data about the movement of the heavenly bodies.

After Brahe's death, his assistant, the brilliant German astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler, used Brahe's data to calculate the orbits of the planets revolving around the sun. His calculations supported Copernicus's heliocentric view. At the same time, however, they showed that each planet did not move in a perfect circle, as both Ptolemy and Copernicus believed, but in an oval-shaped orbit called an ellipse.

Galileo Scientists of many lands built on the foundations laid by Copernicus and Kepler. In Italy, Galileo Galilei assembled an astronomical telescope. As you have read, he observed

the four moons of Jupiter moving slowly around that planet—exactly, he realized, the way Copernicus said that the Earth moved around the sun.

Galileo's discoveries caused an uproar. Other scholars attacked him because his observations contradicted ancient views about the world. The Church condemned him because his ideas challenged the Christian teaching that the heavens were fixed, unmoving, and perfect.

In 1633, Galileo was tried before the Inquisition. Threatened with death unless he withdrew his “heresies,” Galileo agreed to state publicly that the Earth stood motionless at the center of the universe. “Nevertheless,” he is said to have muttered as he left the court, “it does move.”A New Scientific Method

Despite the opposition of religious authorities, by the early 1600s a new approach to science had emerged. Unlike most earlier approaches, it did not rely on authorities like Aristotle or Ptolemy or even the Bible. It depended instead upon observation and experimentation.

A Step-by-Step Process The new approach to science required scientists to collect and accurately measure data. To explain the data, scientists used reasoning to propose a logical hypothesis, or possible explanation. They then tested the hypothesis with further observation or experimentation. Complex mathematical calculations were used to convert the observations and experiments into scientific laws. After reaching a conclusion, scientists repeated their work at least once—and usually many times—to confirm their findings. This step-by-step process of discovery became known as the scientific method.

Bacon and Descartes The new scientific method was really a revolution in thought. Two giants of this revolution were the Englishman Francis Bacon and the Frenchman René Descartes (ruh nay day kahrt). Each devoted himself to the problem of knowledge.

Both Bacon and Descartes rejected Aristotle's scientific assumptions. They also challenged the scholarly traditions of the medieval universities that sought to make the physical world fit in with the teachings of the Church. Both argued that truth is not known at the beginning of inquiry but at the end, after a long process of investigation.

Bacon and Descartes differed in their methods, however. Bacon stressed experimentation and observation. He wanted science to make life better for people by leading to practical technologies. Descartes emphasized human reasoning as the best road to understanding. In his Discourse on Method, he explains how he decided to discard all traditional authorities and search for provable knowledge. Left only with doubt, he concluded that the doubter had to exist and made his famous statement, “I think, therefore I am.”

Newton Ties It All Together

As a student in England, Isaac Newton devoured the works of the leading scientists of his day. By age 24, he had formed a brilliant theory to explain why the planets moved as they did. According to one story, Newton saw an apple fall from a tree. He wondered whether the force that pulled that apple to the Earth might not also control the movements of the planets.

In the next 20 years, Newton perfected his theory. Using mathematics, he showed that a single force keeps the planets in their orbits around the sun. He called this force gravity.In 1687, Newton published Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, explaining the law of gravity and other workings of the universe. Nature, argued Newton, follows uniform laws. All motion in the universe can be measured and described mathematically.

To many, Newton's work seemed to link physics and astronomy, to bind the new science as gravity itself held the universe together. An English poet caught the spirit of what would later be called the Newtonian revolution:

“Nature and Nature's Laws lay hid in night,God said, Let Newton be! and all was light.”~Alexander Pope, Epitaphs

For over 200 years, Newton's laws held fast. In the early 1900s, startling new theories of the universe called some of Newton's ideas into question. Yet Newton's laws of motion and mechanics continue to have many practical uses. Newton also helped develop an important new branch of mathematics—calculus.

Other Scientific Advances

The 1500s and 1600s saw breakthroughs in many branches of science. Some of the most significant advances occurred in chemistry and medicine.

Chemistry slowly freed itself from the magical notions of medieval alchemists, who had believed it was possible to transform ordinary metals into gold. In the 1600s, Robert Boyle distinguished between individual elements and chemical compounds. He also explained the effect of temperature and pressure on gases. Boyle's work opened the way to modern chemical analysis of the composition of matter.

Medicine- Medieval physicians relied on the ancient works of Galen. Galen, however, had made many errors, in part because he had limited knowledge of human anatomy. During the Renaissance, artists and physicians made new efforts to study the human body. In 1543, Andreas Vesalius published On the Structure of the Human Body, the first accurate and detailed study of human anatomy. A French physician, Ambroise Paré, developed a new and more effective ointment for preventing infection. He also developed a technique for closing wounds with stitches.

In the early 1600s, William Harvey, an English scholar, described the circulation of the blood for the first time. He showed how the heart serves as a pump to force blood through veins and arteries. Later in the century, the Dutch inventor Anthony van Leeuwenhoek perfected the microscope and became the first human to see cells and microorganisms. These pioneering scientists opened the way for further advances.

A Renaissance Body Snatcher

Gaining firsthand knowledge of anatomy could be a gruesome process. Andreas Vesalius stole

bones from a cemetery. Once, he even sneaked out into the countryside at night to steal the

almost complete skeleton of an executed criminal.

As his research became more respected, Vesalius gained official permission to examine bodies of executed convicts. At times, executions were

even delayed until Vesalius was ready to perform his next autopsy.

octors today have to go to the same lengths as Vesalius? Why or why not?

SECTION 5 Assessment Chapter 1

Identify:Nicolaus Copernicus

Johannes Kepler

Galileo Galilei

Francis Bacon

René Descartes

Isaac Newton

Robert Boyle

Define: heliocentric


scientific method


ComprehensionWhy did some people oppose the heliocentric theory of the universe? Click for hint

How did the scientific method differ from earlier approaches? Click for hint

How did Newton try to explain the workings of the universe? Click for hint

Making Inferences Newton wrote, “If I have seen further [than others] it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

What do you think he meant?

Who might be some of the “giants” to whom Newton was referring?

Applying Information Identify three ways in which your life today might have been different if the Scientific Revolution had never occurred.