MAY RQS CORRECTED 1. All of the following are considered for a demineralized lesion except: Texture color age loca1on 2. Associated with rheumatoid heart heart murmurs Joint effusion 3. Most important detail that would most affect the outcome of a fracture tooth 48 hr delay of txt Fracture being far away from apical Larger than normal pocket InfecFon 4. Non odontogenic max sinus what anFbioFc? Amox with clavu 5. #1 chemical or ingredient in weed: 2 opFons endig in anabol (THC) tetrahidrocannabinol 6. Mumps eFology : Paramyxovirus 7. All are bilateral except: sialolithiasis 8. Max molar with divergent roots close to the max sinus what is a method of precauFon you should take for extracFon? odontosec1on Not use elevator Use a small elevator that is not curved Open the sinus more 9. Max pm infecFon goes where? Buccal space 10. Atenolol! selec1ve beta blocker 11. Anthistamine MOA: blocks histamine at receptor physiologic antagonism at histamine receptor Prevents histamine to develop (literally exactly same words) 12. What is false for EPT: Best test to determine if tooth is necroFc or not Helps determine pulp health 13. What is not a compeFFve antagonist? Epi ( Physyiological antagonits ) ( never bind to receptor ) Propranolol Scopalmine Forgot the last opFon 14. Quest of propranolol: Propranolol is a beta-blocker. Beta-blockers affect the heart and circulation (blood flow through arteries and veins).Propranolol is used to treat tremors, angina (chest pain), hypertension (high blood pressure), heart rhythm disorders, and other heart or circulatory condi1ons. It is also used to treat or prevent heart aOack, and to reduce the severity and frequency of migraine headaches.

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MAY RQS CORRECTED 1. All of the following are considered for a demineralized lesion except:

• Texture • color • age • loca1on

2. Associated with rheumatoid heart • heart murmurs • Joint effusion

3. Most important detail that would most affect the outcome of a fracture tooth • 48 hr delay of txt • Fracture being far away from apical • Larger than normal pocket • InfecFon

4. Non odontogenic max sinus what anFbioFc? • Amox with clavu 5. #1 chemical or ingredient in weed: 2 opFons endig in anabol (THC) tetrahidrocannabinol 6. Mumps eFology : Paramyxovirus

7. All are bilateral except: sialolithiasis 8. Max molar with divergent roots close to the max sinus what is a method of precauFon you

should take for extracFon? • odontosec1on • Not use elevator • Use a small elevator that is not curved • Open the sinus more

9. Max pm infecFon goes where? Buccal space 10. Atenolol! selec1ve beta blocker 11. Anthistamine MOA:

• blocks histamine at receptor • physiologic antagonism at histamine receptor • Prevents histamine to develop (literally exactly same words)

12. What is false for EPT: • Best test to determine if tooth is necroFc or not • Helps determine pulp health

13. What is not a compeFFve antagonist? • Epi ( Physyiological antagonits ) ( never bind to receptor ) • Propranolol • Scopalmine • Forgot the last opFon

14. Quest of propranolol: Propranolol is a beta-blocker. Beta-blockers affect the heart and circulation (blood flow through arteries and veins).Propranolol is used to treat tremors, angina (chest pain), hypertension (high blood pressure), heart rhythm disorders, and other heart or circulatory condi1ons. It is also used to treat or prevent heart aOack, and to reduce the severity and frequency of migraine headaches.

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15. Nonselec+ve b blocker and selec+ve b blocker..why do we select selec+ve rather than non selec+ve?

16. Epi+ propranolol= Inc BP and bradycardia

17. According to ADA What is percent of base metal ( Greater or equal to 25% ) 40% 60% 80%

18. Sickle anemia mutaFon: Missense ( single point muta1on)

19. Down syndrome: D. Syndrome is caused by an error in cell division called ( Non disjunc1on ) ORAL MANIFESTATIONS

Delayed eruption of both primary and permanent dentitions. Microdontia or enamel hypocalcification/hypoplasia may also be present. Patients are also more likely to have congenitally missing teeth. Characteristically, patients with Down's syndrome have increased resistance to caries, although they are more prone to gingivitis and periodontitis. V shaped palate, incomplete development of mid-face and soft palate insufficiency may also be noticed. Lips are broad, irregular, fissured and dry. An open mouth with a protruding tongue is observed. The tongue appears relatively large because of the small oral cavity. Occasionally, true macroglossia may be present. Cleft of lip/palate may be present.

20. HepaFFs A route of infecFon: Food and drink

21. What does have a denFst have to have in order to not get sued is: competence

22. Nitrous oxide venFlaFon: niosh

23. Amalgam what do we not do • Recycle amalgam • Put it in hazards • Something about trap

24. In charge of office materials: 1.something agriculture 2.FDA 3. Osha

25. Why does the body produce ketone bodies? 1. Something alcohol was in opFons 2. Related to gluconeogenesis 3. Related to glucose I forgot 4. Don’t remember last opFon

Ketone bodies are the water-soluble molecules (acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and the spontaneous breakdown product of acetoacetate, acetone) containing the ketone group that are produced by the liver from fatty acids during periods of low food intake (fasting), carbohydrate restrictive diets, starvation. DIABETES TYPE 1

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ALCOHOLIC KETOACIDOSIS is the buildup of ketones in the blood due to alcohol use. Ketones are a type of acid that form when the body breaks down fat for energy. The condition is an acute form of metabolic acidosis, a condition in which there is too much acid in body fluids. Causes Alcoholic ketoacidosis is caused by very heavy alcohol use. It most often occurs in a malnourished person who drinks large amounts of alcohol every day.

26. Primary support for max and mand • Max palatal rugae and mand retromolar pad • Max Palatal rugae and mand residual ridge • Max Alveolar ridge and mand retromolar pad • Alveolar ridges



27. What is the distal border of the denture? (didn’t specify sup or mand) • Mylohyoid • Fovea palaFni • Hamular notches • Something else which was wrong about mand

Not sure about this Q. We thin for MAX: Hamular notch and for MND is retro molar PAD

28. Picture of a tooth that was displaced lingually. QuesFon: Tooth is lingually displaced and present with alveolar fracture. The treatment is to reposiFon and splint. How long do you splint it for? 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks and 5 weeks (5 weeks bc you treat alveolar fracture for longer since its of most importance)

29. Tension side for ortho! osteoblast

30. 4 year old first APPT. great oral hygiene what X-Rays? • Bitewings based on findings • two Bitewings • Pano and bitewings • Pano only

31. Fremitus is checked in which occlusion • Laterally displaced • Mesially displaced • Centric occlusion • Centric relaFon

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32. Cardiopulmonary resuscitaFon most common reason why the paFent is not geing oxygen to lungs!

• mask isn’t sealed Fghtly (this) • Obstruc1on

33. Gastric distenFon why!Too much air causing infla1on to stomach // A distended stomach is a term usually used to refer to distention or swelling of the abdomen and not of the stomach itself. When the term is used in this manner, a number of different diseases and conditions can cause abdominal distention. These conditions can be related to digestion, such as malabsorption or lactose intolerance, or to disturbances in bowel function, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or constipation. Bloating is another term that is sometimes used to refer to a swollen belly. Consumption of high-fiber foods can lead to intestinal gas and bloating. Less commonly, ovarian cysts or other types of tumors can cause the appearance of a distended abdomen. The accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, known as ascites, can cause the appearance of distention. Ascites has a number of causes, including cirrhosis of the liver.

34. InfecFon of max 1st pm where too ! Buccal space

35. Chronic Perio: More to …. black male

36. Trismus what space!sublingual, submental, masseteric, temporal (no submand or pterygomand in opFons )

37. PaFent felt Fngle in his hands (was having MI) what do you do first? • Establish responsiveness and call emergency • Call emergency and chest compressions


38. Advantage of indirect over amalgam: 1. beOer facial contour 2. Beker occlusal wear

39. Calculate the amount of epinephrine in 2% lidocaine 1:50,000 Explana1on: 1:50000 ( 1g in 50.000 mL) 1/50 mg 0,02mg/mL ——— 0.0 x1.8 = 0.036

A. 34 mg B. 17mg C. 0.17 D.34mcg

40. Calculate negaFve predicFve value (with no calculator so much fun ☺)

41. Calculate sensiFvity

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42. What is the most important thing to establish so the paFent stops smoking? • Why the pa1ent wants to stop • Talk about health benefits of stoping • Tell paFent he is going to die if he doesn’t stop • Talk about what happened last Fme he tried to stop what triggered

“ Depends on the stage of behavioral change that he is in, to make him stop smoking he need to be in contempla1on stage”

43. What is correct about abuse in elderly • PaFents do not report abuser because they have a sense of loyalty to them • Most abuse is at healthcare centers • Oral hygiene in elderly is not good overall

44. Pt had syncope whats the first thing you do: • Wait and observe • 100% oxygen • Inject something saline • Call 911

45. Doesn’t cause loss of furcaFon: • enamel pearls • Developmental groove • Endo infecFon • Something periodontal related

46. Sealants shouldn’t be placed where: high risk paFents, low risk pa1ents

47. Topical AnFbioFc supragingivally placed to reduce bleeding and plaque (true or false) part 2 of same quesFon: topical supragingival is use as an adjuncFve therapy at home with treatment for periodonFFs cases. (true or false)

First part FALSE / Second part TRUE( Not sure about this Q)

48. All are signs of corFcosteroids use except: Mental psychosis, increase resistance to infec1on

49. You need to know the exact correlaFon of nutriFon and perio. There was 2 true of false quesFon on this.

It is correlated to nutriFonal deficiencies

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Pictures from day 1:


51. Same exact pic. Hemangioma


53. CharacterisFc amoxicillin which one: Low toxicity or broad spectrum ( Low toxicity is more appropiate)

54. Know your cidal and static antibiotic. Easy questions about except that if you know them youll get them right. Super easy. CAMP FV ( CIDAL)

Ameloblastoma ( honey comb)


Nutritional canal

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55. Best test for sympt apical perio! percussion

56. Taking impression inflammation! angioedema

57. Hypochlorite accident all except 1. Pain 2. paresthesia

58. Patient management question of what is a cultural advisor • Help people feel at home from different cultures • Advise patients about different cultures • Establish different txts according to culture • Don’t remember

59. EPT ( electric pulp test)! a delta

60. What can help you see significance of patient bleeding? • Pt • Inr • Bleeding time • History •

61. Least inflammation associated with? • Chronic inflammation • Atrophic gingiva • Aggressive periodontitis • Desquamative periodontitis

62. A question on independent variable and dependent variable

63. Reason why implanted teeth fail? • Replacement resorption • Inflammatory resorption

64. Most common reason for early exfoliation of primary canine • Trauma • Caries • Root resorption (In asda its arch length discrepancy so I think its this) • Anterior cross bite

65. 2 questions on calcific metamorphisis

66. Febrile most common in kids (TRUE)

67. 22 years old with fever , malaise, lymphadenopathy, mulFple ulcers on tongue, palate with swollen gingiva 1 anug 2 Acute herpe1c gingivostoma11s 3 marginal gingiviFs 4 herpangina

68. Not in bone! nasolabial

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69. Most associated with retention of crown • Axial Taper • Surface area

70. Retention of class 3 comp (Axiogingival and occlusogingival)

71. Retention of class 5 composite ( Axiogingival and axioincisal)

72. What do inlay and amalgam prep have in common? Mesial and distal walls are divergent

73. Sjorgen all except: Bilateral parotid enlargement

74. 3 years old comes to have what do you see:

• Plaque and pellicle • Nothing • Bacteria • Nasthmiyh (idk how to spell it)

75. Serotonin syndrome= ssri+ opiod

76. same question like ASDA

77. Weird question and options were lichen planus, goid, gus. Didn’t mention acantholysis, basement membrane of anything like that in decks. No clue (read about it)

78. Best to compare internal and root resorpFon! pink color, rx in different angles

79. All of these reasons are why you keep mand 2molar in mouth that’s ankylosed as long as possible except:

• Mesialization of per 1m • Distalization of 1pm • Supraeruption of opposing tooth • Maintain bone width

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80. Pt tmj pain when opens and moves to right the jaw what do u do: • Occlusal equilibriam • Ortho • Occlusal splint • Resposition splint • Inject botu

81. What resembles epiphyseal plate? Synchondrosis

82. PaFent has came with red erosive like gingiva what do you NOT do as iniFal txt: • Biopsy • Cor1costeroids • OH • Prophy

83. Secondary hyperparathyroidism: renal failure

84. 80 yr old you inject 6 carpules of anesthesia (didn’t say if with epi or not). She starts talking a lot, figity and Fngiling of fingers. What is it? (ALL THE INFO THEY GAVE)

• Hyper (don’t remember if it was tension or venFlaFon) • Lido toxicity • Lido allergy • Anxious

85. Enamel pearls what stage: Apposi1onal stage (NBDE I) book page 217

86. Cracked tooth most common sign • Cold • Pain on bimng and release

87. You did exfoliaFve biopsy and came posiFve with dysplasic cells what do you do next: • Confirm with another exfoliaFve biopsy • Incisional biopsy • Excisional biopsy • Wait

88. most important in denture: • support and rigidity • retenFon and rigidity • rest were wrong

89. Least one that makes you drowsy out of all of these: the answer was a 2nd generaFon anFhistamine: Loratadine

90. QuesFons of anFbioFcs all are true EXCEPT. I did not know which one is true but I knew my staFc and cidal and that was enough to know the excepFon

91. Xylitol best in! gum

92. Internal void and surface defects

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• 1) leads to stress relaxaFon • 2) decreases elas1c modulus • 3) increases translucency

93. Teeth respond to thermal test are normal. You see mix RL and RO lesions in anterior! Cemento dysplasia

94. Which disease is recently seen most with periodonFFs in the past years • Hyperthyroidism • Cardiovascular disease

95. Recent tests have shown that out of the following one is the most effecFve: • Apf 1.23% for 25 secs (25 secs is wrong)( at least 2 min) • Fluoride mouthwash • Sodium fluoride gel tray for 1 min (I put this) • Fluoride varnish

( Not sure about this q btw gel and varnish)

96. PaFent has asymptomaFc white lesion on cervical, not cavitated what do you do? • Periodic evaluaFon • Fluoride placement • Remove and gic • Remove and amalgam

97. Nsaid decrease the effect of thiazide, know this fact for a quesFon The risk is greatest in the elderly, blacks, and patients with low-renin hypertension. NSAIDs may block the antihypertensive effects of thiazide and loop diuretics, beta-adrenergic blockers, alpha-adrenergic blockers, and angiotensin-converting enzyme

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inhibitors. No interactions have been reported with centrally acting alpha agonists or the calcium channel blockers. The mechanism of the hypertensive effects of NSAIDs seem primarily related to their ability to block the cyclo-oxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism, with a resultant decrease in prostaglandin formation. The prostaglandins are important in normal modulation of renal and systemic vascular dilatation, glomerular filtration, tubular secretion of salt and water, adrenergic neurotransmission, and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Blockade of salutary effects of prostaglandins by NSAIDs results in a complex series of events culminating in attenuation of the effects of many antihypertensive agents. High-risk patients treated with NSAIDs should be identified and have blood pressure, renal function, and serum potassium frequently monitored.

98. Most radio resistant • Striated muscle • Nerve

99. The following when checked orally has one tooth less present in mouth: • GerminaFon • Fusion

100.Same exact quesFon

101.PaFent is anxious coming to appointment what is the least invasive treatment that you can do? • Sit the paFent next to a window with a nice painFng • Prescribe meds • Nitrous oxide • Let the pa1ent talk

102.What type of xray is most effecFve! short wavelength and energy

103.Mandibular denture paFent complains of pain by ridge: • Trauma1c neuroma

104.All of the following are advantages of ¾ crown over full crown except: • Reten1on

105.Modified ¾ crown can be used for! • Lingually 1pped mandibular molars

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106.To make sure casFng seats, do the following EXCEPT: • Increase thermal expansion of investment • Mix cement thin • Remove internal nodule with occlude

107.Best area for successful placement of implant: ANT MAND

108.Implant implant distance: 3mm

109. Ace inhibitors cause HYPERkalemia, thiazide cause HYPOkalemia

110. Atb+ surgery= LAP (Localized aggressive PERIOD) (Tetracyclines)

111.Drug conjugaFon what happens: More water soluble, more polar, less lipid soluble. It was choice of 3’s

112.Pregnat needs to go to the bathroom a lot!Fetus pressure

113.Pt has hba1c 6.3% and taking Lasix why does the paFent go to the bathroom a lot • DiabeFc • Medica1on (this, less than 6.5 to 6.0 is prediabe1c, Lasix makes you pee)

114.Advantages of screw vs cemented

115.Bacteria 3 days: gram +

116.PsychoFcs stay how long in body! 5-6 days

Screw retained Cement retained• Retrievability allows for crown removal, facilitating

maintenance (e.g., soft tissue evaluation, calculus removal).

• Future modification capability.

• Access hole is through the occlusal table of posterior teeth or lingual of anterior.

• Main disadvantage is that the screw

• may loosen during function because of excessive lateral forces, excessive cantilever force, or improperly screwed crowns.

• Screw retained can be shorter and take up less space

• Takes up more space

• More economical

• Allows minor angle corrections to compensate for discrepancies between the implant inclination and the facial crown contour.

• Easier to use in small teeth than screw-retained implant crown.

• Requires more chair time and has the same propensity to loosen.

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117.Sign of successful Endo! no den1n regenera1on

118.First thing you do when you reline a denture! try on framework 119.Parkinson! Have mask facies

120.Gracey has one cumng edge, it is NOT triangular

121.InserFon of gracey angle ! 0 / During work 45-90 degree

122.Amalgam pin all except • The bigger the pin the beker the retenFon • The bigger the pin the more strength of amalgam • 0.5 axial wall • 1 pin per missing line angle

123.They asked me like 3 quesFons of hybrid, micro-hybrid, and micro-fill • Basically know that hybrid not good with esthe1cs and that microfill not good with

occlusal wear and strength.

124.Another ques+on of par+cles and what does it mean in terms of strength, the more = what, or the lest =what

125.What is the most common eFology of periodonFFs • Plaque • Calculus • Systemic diseases

126.True or false ques+on. Went something like this: Nutrional and systemic diseases have been seen to be associated with periodon++s because of these local factors …idk I forgot the rest.

127.Bisphosphonates affect! osteoclast

128.Addison! hypotension Addison's disease, also known as primary adrenal insufficiency and hypocortisolism, is a long-term endocrine disorder in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough steroid hormones.[1] Symptoms generally come on slowly and may include abdominal pain, weakness, and weight loss.[1] Darkening of the skin in certain areas may also occur. Under certain circumstances, an adrenal crisis may occur with low blood pressure, vomiting, lower back pain, and loss of consciousness. An adrenal crisis can be triggered by stress, such as from an injury, surgery, or infection.

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129.PaFent opens his mouth all the way and it deviates to the ler side what is the problem and what movement:

• Ler side: rotaFon • Lep side transla1on • Right side: rotaFon • Right side: translaFon

130.Early sign of syncope: pallor

131.All are true of efficacy except: • Refers to the aOrac1veness of the drug to its receptor

Efficacy describes the maximum response that can be achieved with a drug. The effect of the drug is plotted against dose in a graph, to give the dose–response curve. The increasing doses used are displayed by the X axis and the half maximal and maximal responses are displayed by the Y axis. The highest point on the curve shows the maximum response (efficacy) and is referred to as the Emax.

132.Sickel cell anemia comes in for extracFon of 3rd molar that is indicated for extracFon (has pain). All are indicaFon for this paFent except?

• Nitrous • Local anesthesia • Systemic an1bio1cs (why give systemic anFbioFcs to a regular extracFon? PaFent

doesn’t need it, abx prophy isn’t indicated here and quesFon didn’t state there was any infecFon associated with it)

•**** ExtracFon and in histo was neutrophils! abscess

133.DefiniFon of nonmalefecience: do no harm

134.DenFnogenesis which stage: bell

135.Best for molding masseter: tell pt to bite down

136.Old paFent comes to your office for maintenance what is something to keep on eye on to catch one Fme

• Cervical caries

137.Primer all except: I don’t remember op+ons but it was something along these lines • It said hydrophobic/hydrophilic don’t remember which • Something about including the smear layer or not (I think I picked this one) • Rest I don’t remember

Primer: is designed to penetrate through the remnant smear layer and into the intertubular dentin to fill the spaces left by dissolved hydroxyapatite crystals. This allows the primer to form an interpenetrating network around dentin collagen. Note: The bonding primer is based on hydrophilic monomers, such as hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA). •

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138.What is important in single implant tooth replacement: smooth interface, connecFng the implant to neighbouring teeth, broad contact with neighbouring teeth, an1-rota1onal

139.MOA of ibuprofen • Extrinsic pathway • Intrinsic pathway • Irrversible on platelet • Reversible on platelet

140.Arcon vs non arcon= mand movement Explana1on: Arcon Condylar elements on the lower member, Non Arcon condylar elements are on the upper member) Upper and lower memo are rigidly aOached.

141.Eldery man losing it but someFmes mentally stable, son takes care of him. He can decide for him

when he has power of aOorney

142.Drug with good first pass effect: Low bioavailability

143.All are an9cholinergics except (TUFTS)

144.All are immunosuppressive drugs except(TUFTS)

145.What causes the least buccal-lingual resistance to lateral forces? A- Two 5mm diameter splinted implants

B- Two 4mm diameter splinted implants C- One 5mm diameter implant D- One 4mm diameter implant

146. Levodopa mode of acFon: • Blocks dopamine • Replenish dopa

** More INFO:

**Levodopa is the precursor to dopamine. Most commonly, clinicians use levodopa as a dopamine replacement agent for the treatment of Parkinson disease. It is most effectively used to control bradykinetic symptoms that are apparent in Parkinson disease. Levodopa is typically prescribed to a patient with Parkinson disease once symptoms become more difficult to control with other antiparkinsonian drugs. The drug is also useful for postencephalitic

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parkinsonism and symptomatic parkinsonism due to carbon monoxide intoxication. Degeneration of the substantia nigra occurs in patients with Parkinson disease. This condition results in the disruption of the nigrostriatal pathway and thus, decreasing the striatal dopamine levels. Unlike dopamine, levodopa can cross the blood-brain-barrier (BBB). Levodopa converts to dopamine in both the CNS and periphery. Levodopa is commonly administered with carbidopa, a dopamine decarboxylase inhibitor, to decrease the amount of levodopa that converts to dopamine in the periphery, allowing for more levodopa to cross the BBB. Once converted to dopamine, it activates postsynaptic dopaminergic receptors and compensates for the decrease in endogenous dopamine.**

147.Endo was easy, don’t waste 9me studying it

148.Doing endo txt guka-percha extruded what do you do! Observe

149.Dry socket all except! ATB

150.1st, 2nd and 3rd • 1st is fl ( Facio-lingual movement) • 2nd is md ( Mesio-distal Movement) • 3rd is torque

151.Which is a true cyst: dermoid

152.why is important to rule out OKC (Odontogenic Keratocyst) a) due to potenFal for malignancy b) Assoc with nevoid basal cell carcinoma ( More common males, usually compared with ameloblastoma, highest recurrence rate, palisaded nuclei) c) recurrence rate d) infecFon

153.Green and oral stains: poor oral hygiene

154.Does not affect denture ! buccinator

155.A quesFon of ending of calcificaFon of 1st molar ( 2´5 to 3 y)

156.Most associated with candidiasis: • Insufficient radiaFon • Chemotherapy

157.I got ZERO ques+ons on flaps. S+ll surprised.

158.Most common tooth to get blocked of out Mand arch!Max: 1RST Molars / Canines /// Mand: Canines/ 2PM/Max lat incisors **DD ORTHO** In other DD card says MAND. incisors

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159.You do a flap on complete mandible, what nerve is most likely to get damaged! mental

160.BSSO! inf alveolar nerve (IAN) most common to get damaged

161.Caries in radiotherapy paFents MOSTLY in • 1 cervical • 2 occlusal • 3 proximal • 4 All

162.Hardest to maintain (SPACE): • Mand 2m in 7 year old • Mand 2m in 5

163.All are part of infraorbital except: it’s a rq look for it same one Infraorbital nerve, emerges from the infraorbital foramen, and gives 4 branches: Inferior palpebral, external nasal, internal nasal and sup labial branches, which are sensory to the lower eyelid, cheek and upper lip.

164.I got a quesFon of stages of gingiviFs and the cells of each

165.Amalgam breaks! not deep enough

166.Erythroplakia! dysplasia

167.IniFaFon of caries! strep mutans

168.Not iniFaFon but development! Lacto

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169.Hairy tongue! filiform

170.What age is commonly affected with Primary herpeFc gingivostomaFFs? A- 1 B- 2 C- 6 D- 9

171.Osteoporosis seen! Thin trabeculae ( osteop not indicated por1cos and normal under biphosphonates Ox)

172.Delay txt of temporal ArteriFs ! vision loss

173.Verrucous carcinoma! Warty HPC 8-11

174.CombinaFon syndrome all except! Inc vdo (Ver1cal dimension occlusion)

175.Screened annually for! TB (Tuberculosis)

176.Injected didn’t work went to ! mylohyoid

177.2 ques+ons on SLOB (Same lingual Opposite Buccal)

178.Gingivectomy mostly for! suprabony pockets

179.Minimally akached gingiva! No gingivectomy

180.Mean boys and girls! T test A t-test is a type of inferential statistic used to determine if there is a significant difference between the means of two groups, which may be related in certain features.

181.Wax try in all except! obtain facebow

182.Chronic pericoroniFs seen in X-RAY:flame shape distal to third molar

183.Biological width: 2mm junctional and ct

184.IniFator of acrylic: Benz by tertiary amine

185.TrephinaFon: Penetration of bone

186.Levo: alpha 1

187.Rest of pharm was more towards what the medication causes so know the side effects

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Day 2: More challenging. You cant see pictures at all.

Case 1: Patient diabetic, hypertensive, case said he wasn’t controlled since he hadn’t gone to the doctor in several years. He had a removable partial denture in superior from lateral to lateral. He came with chief complaint that food was going between his denture and he had bad breath. He had so many cervical caries…I would say about 10 cervical caries…especially in superior. NOTE: missing anterior teeth (lateral to lateral) had significant bone loss and great depression.

** Pic that they presented was something like this only on anterior though since he was missing anterior teeth…it was a class kennedy 3 division 1. It had some red in the space of the endetulous portions of the missing teeth. The red outline was less intense than this picture and had the same outline as the partial.

Question #1: What is the reason why patient presents this? 1. Candida (Denture stomatitis) 2. Food impaction 3. Allergy to material 4. Some other crazy answer not applicable

Question #2: What is NOT of importance when placing implants in anterior missing teeth: 1. Bone loss 2. Systemic condition 3. Caries hygiene 4. Palatal gingiva

Question #3: They asked me what classification the patient was: Class 3 modification 1

Question #4: They asked me what was the RL inside the canal of superior canine. They said: look at both radiographic images taken from 2 different angles.

1. Internal resorption 2. Occlusal caries 3. Smooth surface caries 4. Amalgam

When you see it initially it looked like an internal resorption but when you see the other xray the RL moved places. Internal resorption does NOT move with xray it stays in place. Patient did not present with caries in occlusal on clinical picture nor on dentigram…but did have a huge cervical caries which was seen on dentigram and clinically so I picked that.

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Case 3: I don’t remember this one just remember the patient was a COPD patient. What ASA classification is he? 3

Asthma medications reduce the quantity and quality of saliva and increase the risk of mouth breathing, dental caries, dental erosion, periodontal disease and oral candidiasis.43 Gastroesophageal acid reflex is more common in patients diagnosed with asthma. This can result in enamel erosion. In patients that are chronic smokers, dental providers may observe leukoplakia, erythroplakia or frank carcinoma.42 COPD has been known to increase the risk of arthritis and depression.38 The oral conditions associated with these diseases could also affect people diagnosed with COPD.

Case 4: Ortho case a girl 10 years old. Her canines were impacted.

Q#1 : All will be included in the ortho informed consent except A. Ortho treatment can bend roots of the teeth B. Caries and gums disease can happen during ortho treatment

Q#2 : Why is her maxillary deviated to the right? 1. Not enough space in anterior Explanation: (Midline deviation, Anterior crowding)

Q#3: What Is the RO line that crosses her max incisors in cephalo? Palatine process

Q#4: Ruler? Magnification

Q# 5: They asked me which of these has the highest certainty: 2. Randomized clinical trial 3. Case control 4. Case series 5. Another weird one I have never seen (it was not Meta analysis)

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Q#6: Her profile according to Cephalo? Convex

Q#7: What occlusion is she? Class 2

Case 5: this was short

She is epileptic. Patient takes Dilatin and a thiazide. Chief complaint: I don’t like my teeth they look short. (How about your gums lady?) The picture looked like this but less severe

Q#1: All of the following are treatment options except: • Crowns • Gingivectomy • Gingivoplasty • Tell patient to stop dilatin immediately (you are suppose to contact physician..she

is epileptic you cant remove the medication…only speak to physician to change it)

Q#2: All are symptoms histologically of this patient except: • Acantholysis

Case 6: pt only had 3 teeth left in mouth. Came for a total denture.

Q# 1: You will place implants on anterior for more retention all are indication except: • Sinus lift in ant

Q# 2: All of the following is true except: • A partial denture will have same retention as implant

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Miscellaneous day 2

-Endocrine stored? Ant pituitary

- All are treatment options for this patient except: Full mouth srps (majority of her probing was 2’s why would you do that)

- Ant 1/3 of tongue taste which nerve ( Chorda tympani )

- Post 2/3 of tongue sensation which nerve ( Glossopharyngeal )

- Which has the most difficult prognosis long term: • Mand molar with class 2 furcation • Other mand molar with probing of 5 and 6 • Tooth with mobility • Don’t remember last option

Not sure about this Q, it can be MOBILITY too, but it depends and the mobility grade.

- There was a case that there was brown pigmentation of the gingiva and it said which of the following medication cause this:

Drug induced: a variety of medications including chloroquine, quinine, minocycline, zidovudine, chlorpromazine, ketoconazole, bleomycin, cyclophosphamide and so on have been known to cause melanin pigmentation. It can involve accumulation of melanin pigments under the influence of drug or deposition of iron after damage to dermis. Minocycline has also been reported to cause pigmentation of the gingiva and lips. Histopathological examination of biopsy specimens from the gingiva and lips showed evidence of increased melanin/melanocytes in the epithelium and melanin/melanophages in the connective tissue.