1 The Clayton Harrier Newsletter www.claytonlemoors.org.uk May 2014 Runner of the Month WENDY DODDS Sprinting to the finish at the Stan Bradshaw Pendle Round Still at the top of her game after more than 25 years of competing in a Clayton vest. [See pp10 & 12]

May Newsletter 2014 - claytonlemoors.org.uk · 3 Words of Wisdom By resident guru Dave Scott This is my 12th and final ''intellectual'', and possibly thought provoking quote of the

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The Clayton Harrier Newsletter www.claytonlemoors.org.uk May 2014

Runner of the Month WENDY DODDS

Sprinting to the finish at the Stan Bradshaw Pendle Round

Still at the top of her game after more than 25 years of competing in a Clayton vest.

[See pp10 & 12]



The Clayton Website www.claytonlemoors.org.uk

Race Results

All your races will count towards the Club's 2014 Fell Runner of the Year and Road Runner of the Year provided the Club Statisticians have your race results. Please send your Road Results to Richard Lawson 55 Highfield Avenue, Burnley BB10 2PS email: valric55[at]virginmedia.com Telephone 01282 423808 Please send your Fell Results to Andy Brown 2 Brennand Terrace, Grindleton, Clitheroe, BB7 4QZ Telephone: 01200 440880 Email: [email protected] Please send your Cross-Country Results to Harry Manning 4 Wiswell Close, Burnley BB10 2DW Telephone 01282 830458 Cross-Country Results for those races that qualify towards the Club's 2013/14 Palladium awards will be obtained by the Cross-Country Statistician, Harry Manning.

Forthcoming Fixtures

Please notify the Fixtures Secretary, Katy Thompson, 16 Ainsdale Drive, Darwen. BB3 2EQ Telephone: 01254 772013; email: [email protected] The Fixtures Secretary will forward details to the Newsletter Editor for publication

The Clayton Newsletter

Editor: Peter Booth email: [email protected] Telephone: 01282 698268; Mob: 07938 809315 Publication: Blackburn College Reprographics Distribution: Michael Frost Advertising rates are available from the editor. Advertisers' products and services are not endorsed by the committee.

Copy deadline for the June issue:

Monday, 5th May 2014


Words of Wisdom By resident guru

Dave Scott

This is my 12th and final ''intellectual'', and possibly thought provoking quote of the month.

''The important thing (in the Olympic Games) is not to win, but to take part, as

the essential thing in life is not to have conquered but to have fought well''. J.H.

Boothy’s Bit When suffering a long-term injury one of the best ways to keep in touch with what is going on is to help at races. Recently, I have helped at two events which Clayton had a major hand in organising. First, on 30th March there was the inaugural Ron Hill Accrington 10K. It was very exciting when, as I stood at my marshalling post at Baxenden with Pete Hindle, the first runner to pass was Chris Holdsworth. Unfortunately, he wasn’t able to hold onto the lead, but finished second and led Clayton to the team prize– very fitting given that Ron is still very much associated with the club and that so many members, led by Mike Eddleston, were closely involved in ensuring the event passed off safely and enjoyably for the 400+ competitors. The following weekend I was over at Barley for the Pendle Fell Race, this year an English championship counter and the Lancashire fell championship race. Two excellent senior races on Saturday were followed by a series of junior races on Sunday. Again, many Clayton members (lots of them had helped out the previous weekend) assisted David Bailey and Ken Richardson in staging a high quality event enjoyed by over 800 runners and hundreds of spectators. Thank you and well done to anyone who helped in any way. (See David’s message on p28.) You’ve got another chance to help (&/or run) at Mearley Clough FR on 13th May. Please contact Geoff Newsam if you’re available.

[continued on p22]


A plea from Barley Parish Council: Please Pay £1 Car Park charge on each visit. As Pendle Council has withdrawn funding for the toilets at Barley Car Park, they will only remain open if Barley Parish Council receives suffi-

cient revenue from the car park users.


OBITUARY Harry Hartley

In March Harry, who was an enthusiastic member of the club in the 1970s and 80s, passed away in Cornwall, where he had been living since moving from Great Harwood over ten years ago. Before joining the club he was a scratch golf player and in the 1950s was the English middleweight weight lifting champion. His name is listed in the Hyndburn sportsmen’s Hall of Fame, along with past member Alan Ramsbottom who was a Tour de France rider and current member Ron Hill. Under Stan Bradshaw’s influence Harry took up fell running and was a regular competitor in the Ben Nevis race. He revelled in mountain challenges and eventually completed all the Scottish Munros and Tops, along with the Furths which are mountains over 3,000 feet in England, Wales and Ireland. One Munro, the Inaccessible Pinnacle on Skye, is classed as a rock climb but Harry climbed it from the back side without a rope; the vertical drops on the ridge were no problem to him. He attempted the Bob Graham but was unable to complete the round in under 24 hours. After this setback he then became a helper to other contenders by providing refreshments over several years, mainly at 'tea bag tarn' at the top of Stake Pass along with his old friend Roy Phillips. Harry lost an eye early in his life but this disability was never allowed to hold him back, either in his job—as an electrician travelling all over the country—and in his sporting activities. Always keen to attempt a challenge he set off one morning at 6am. to set a record for the fastest rounds of golf at six East Lancashire golf clubs before breakfast. Ron Hill was his caddy and ball chasers included John Haworth and Roy Phillips. We always enjoyed a laugh with Harry and remember one Saturday club run from a Clayton WMC. He took a wrong turn in a farmyard and fell full length into a slurry pit. Unperturbed by the usual club humour about the incident he said a week later that due to the effect of the manure he had grown three inches. For many years Harry came with us on our trip to the Highlands to climb the mountains. On our trip in May this year we will have you in our thoughts as we look up to the mountains you conquered.

Alistair Patten



2013-14 President Dave Scott Tel: 01282 693867 Email: dscott007[at]btinternet.com Chairman James Hickie Tel: 01254 246658 Email: chair[at]claytonlemoors.org.uk Secretary Mike Wallis Tel: 01254 822874 Email: secretary[at]claytonlemoors.org.uk Treasurer & Mike Eddleston, 1 Bridge Croft, Clayton-le-Moors, Membership Accrington, BB5 5XP Secretary Tel: 01254 390757 or 07951 424780

Email: treasurer[at]claytonlemoors.org.uk Media Manager Christopher Holdsworth Email: media[at]claytonlemoors.org.uk

Social Secretary Anne Marie Greenwood Tel: 01254 237485 mgreenwood1969[at]outlook.com Junior Co-ordinator Marion Wilkinson Tel: 07940 418603 j.wilkinson742[at]btinternet.com Welfare Adviser Andy Stubbs Tel: 01282 697628 Kit Manager Val Lawson Tel: 01282 423808 Email: kit[at]claytonlemoors.org.uk Elected Members Andrew Armstrong Tel: 07971 001583 Email: claytonjuniors[at]gmail.com Richard Lawson Tel: 01282 423808 Email: valric55[at]virginmedia.com

Captains’ contact details are on the back page of the Newsletter.


This photo and the accompanying sketch of ‘Clayton Youth’ recently came into the possession of Mick Green. (See p12 for Mick’s time in the 1989 London Marathon.) Even though the subjects were very young, I doubt that any of them are still around to help out with the identification! Mick isn’t sure where the photo was taken—it could have been Clayton-le-Moors or Bury. (Originally Clayton was part of Bury AC.) [It’s certainly a fascinating piece of memorabilia. I’m particularly taken by the kit—especially the shorts and the footwear. I’m also struck by the variety of designs of the club vest! If any other members have similar photos, please send them in & I’ll include them in the Harrier.—Ed]



Pendle Fell Races Over the weekend of 5th & 6th April, over 700 senior and junior runners enjoyed a series of Lancashire and National Championship races organised by David Bailey & Ken Richardson, ably assisted by many Clayton members. Here is Dave Bagot’s report on Saturday’s senior races:

Pendle Senior Fell Race 2014, Saturday 5th April ‘I had unrealistically hoped of running the majority of this climb, as I had finally succeeding at doing this in a training session exactly 3 weeks ago. I had previously never thought that this was possible…’ I arrived promptly to get parked and registered after pre race warnings from the race organisers that it was likely to be busy due to the mass of people gathering in the village of Barley for the first race of the 2014 English Championships. My warm up was timed perfectly with catching the leader of the ladies’ race, Victoria Wilkinson of Bingley Harriers, who had a healthy lead over her competitors as she headed left off the track as part of a changed route which meant, instead of the mile long fast finish, runners were sent up a final short climb around the woods next to Lower Ogden reservoir to finish in the field behind the water works. The first Clayton lady to pass me as I continued jogging along the track was Jean Brown who put in a great effort finishing 34th in a time of 46.03. I returned from my warm up to a packed and buzzing start line, full of eager runners ready get on their way. After upping my mileage over the past few months in preparation for the Yorkshire 3 Peaks, I felt confident of being able to run hard around the 4.5ish mile course, although I was wary to save a little in the legs for final short climb just before the finish. The new race route meant that as well as English Championship points, the leading runners had added motivation of a record being up for grabs, after the previous record of 29.44 had remained unbroken since it was set back in 1984 by Jack Maitland. We were soon on our way, and everyone seemed to have the same idea of making a fast start and not getting boxed in along the track and, despite my best efforts, I still made a slower start than I would have liked. The first mile quickly passed and after making up quite a few places along the track, we turned right and began the 1st of 2 climbs up Pendle Hill. This climb was fairly gradual but I still struggled to get momentum going and despite losing a few places, I was spurred on by trying to stop the Clayton vest of Paul Shackleton from disappearing out of eye-shot into the clag that covered the top of Pendle. At the top of the climb we turned off just before the trig down a fast descent back to the foot of Pendle Hill. We then turned left just before the steps and were faced with the notorious ‘Big End’ climb up the face of Pendle Hill.


I set off running the climb and gained a few places back that I had lost on the descent. I had unrealistically hoped of running the majority of this climb, as I had finally succeeding at doing this in a training session exactly 3 weeks ago. I had previously never thought this was possible but was spurred into giving it a go after being given a motivational training talk from Clayton legend Geoff Gough back at the British Fell Relays in Wales. His statement: ‘Whatever you can walk, you can run,” still sticks in my head when doing hill training. However I hadn’t made such a fast racing start in my training session and so soon tired on the climb, and reverted to trying to keep up a fast walk as the lactic acid burned in my legs. The climb eventually ended and we were greeted by a large crowd who cheered us on towards the trig where we turned left and headed back down the first climb. I lost a few places on this tricky decent but was kept pushing swapping places a couple of times with Clayton’s Paul Shackleton. Before we knew it we were back on the road, feeling far less fresh than before. I held my position on the flat before turning left up the final short climb. This was a real killer and I had no energy to try and cling onto the couple of runners who went past. We then turned right and passed through a few very muddy fields, before entering the final field behind the water works, where we looped around the edge before crossing the finish. The race was superbly organised and marshalled, and there was a great turnout of supporters who provided welcome encouragement on the fell. The runners at the front put on a fantastic spectacle, with constant interchanging of positions around the route and only just over 3 minutes separating the top ten runners. This year’s race winner was Tom Addison of Helm Hill Runners, who led home an extremely fast field in a time of 32.55. He was closely followed by Rob Hope (Pudsey and Bramley), Simon Bailey (Mercia) and Tom Adams (Ilkley) who were all less than a minute behind. The first Vet 40 was Morgan Donnelly (Borrowdale) in 5th place, closely followed by Rob Jebb (Bingley). Youngster James Hall showed tremendous potential, finishing 7th ahead of Rhys Findlay Robinson (Dark Peak) and Tim Ellis (Calder Valley), with Bingley’s Ian Holmes rounding off the top 10. Leading home the Clayton pack was Spencer Riley who despite his focus on long distance training for the Yorkshire 3 Peaks, was still able to put in a great effort and sneak into the top 50 with a time of 38.00. He was closely followed by the ever improving Chris Holdsworth who finished 67th with a time of 38.53. Rounding off the top 3 for Clayton was Matt Perry who was 71st in a time of 39.09. There were some fantastic efforts made by the many Clayton representatives, with the 2013 Pendle Aggregate Trophy winner, Peter Dugdale epitomising the true Clayton spirit completing the race the day after flying back from South Africa. [Thanks for a great report, Dave. Full results will be in the June Harrier.—Ed]


Pendle Junior Fell Races, Barley, Sunday 6th April. Jason Pier

‘As we walked up the field to the starting area we knew the juniors were in for a tough day with conditions under foot quite bad. The juniors got together into their age groups and set off to inspect their race routes with many returning looking like they’d already raced’ We arrived around midday to overcast skies and a cool breeze but nothing compared to what was in store for the older juniors in the later races. In recent years at the Pendle races we’ve had sunny blue skies, snow and today heavy rain showers with much of Pendle Hill hidden in the clouds. The U8s got us underway with a brilliant run from Finley Stubbs who was 2nd boy (1st M7) with Joshua McKay 12th boy (2nd M6). In the U10s Jackson McKay was 6th boy (5th M9) closely followed by Christopher Brown 9th boy (7th M9), Ella Dorrington 12th girl (7th F9), Amelia Dugdale 19th (13th F9), Grace Root 25th girl (8th F8), Eloise Clegg 26th girl (16th F9) and Lydia Wood 39th (23rd F9). Next up was the U12′s race with Briony Holt taking 3rd girl (2nd F11), Millie Stubbs 15th girl (7th F11), Harry Mason 32nd boy (12th M11), Adam Quinn 37th (14th M11) and Daniel Bradley 44th boy (18th M11). As the U14′s prepared themselves the weather began to change but we were still hopeful that it would keep fine. The rain began to fall on the way up to Buttock Farm making conditions under foot even worse. This did nothing to put the juniors off with them showing grit and determination. Tom Bradley was 20th boy (14th M13), Alice Pier 19th girl (5th F13) and Eleanor Root 22nd girl (16th F12). Finally it was the turn of the U16′s and U18′s to brave the conditions, with the U18′s going all the way to the Trig point and back. In the U16′s Jordan McDonald was 11th boy (8th M15), Curtis Holt 20th boy (9th M14) and Beth Quinn 30th girl (10th F15). A great run from Jacob Boyle saw him finish 6th boy (3rd M17), with George Pier after taking a couple of tumbles on the way finishing 17th boy (12th M16). Another fantastic effort from our juniors at the Pendle Junior Fell Races with 22 brave boys and girls taking part. Welcome to Joshua McKay who was making his Clayton debut. Special mention has to go to Briony Holt, Harry Mason, Jordan McDonald and Jacob Boyle for securing top 3 positions in the Lancashire Championships. A truly great effort again from ALL you juniors. Thank you once more to ALL the parents for your continued support and encouragement for the juniors.



Burnley, Padiham, Barnoldswick, Skipton & Lancaster

MARCH JEAN BROWN for FIRST LADY at the BLACK COMBE FR at SILECROFT on 1st Nominated by Harry Manning

WENDY DODDS for 1st F60 at the BLACK COMBE FR at SILECROFT on 1st. for 1st F60 at the CAUTLEY SPOUT FR at SEDBERGH on 2nd. for 1st F60 at the STAN BRADSHAW PENDLE ROUND on 8th for 1st F60 at the CUNSWICK SCAR FR at KENDAL on 9th for 1st F60 at the WUTHERING HIKE at HAWORTH on 15th. for 1st F60 at the ELTERWATER FR at LANGDALE on 23rd. for 1st F60 at the DONARD CHALLENGE BRITISH CHAMPIONSHIP COUNTER at NEWCASTLE N.I. on 29th. Nominated by Harry Manning

TED ORRELL for 1st M75 at the ST ANNES 10M RR on 16th for 1st M70 at the RON HILL 10K RR at ACCRINGTON on 30th. Nominated by Harry Manning

MARION WILKINSON for 1st F70 at the STANLEY PARK 10K RR at BLACKPOOL on 1st. for 1st F70 at the RON HILL 10K RR at ACCRINGTON on 30th. Nominated by Harry Manning


WENDY DODDS For an amazing 7 category wins in the month

Wendy wins a complimentary treatment from Physiofusion.


John Bradley Osteopaths

411 Whalley Road Clayton le Moors

01254 381545

Registered Osteopaths

Covered by most medical insurance companies

For all types of Musculoskeletal injuries

Practice established 1989


REMEMBER: Any member can make a nomination for

Run of the Month. Nominations should be sent to the Newsletter Editor by post or email

(8 Appleby Drive, Barrowford, Nelson, BB9 6EX or [email protected]) .

NB: You can also make your

RUN of the MONTH Nominations on the Club Facebook page.


Covering Old Ground

25 years ago (May 1989)

• The Editors wrote about recent activities - “April was a busy month, with

members involved in races up and down the country on both road and fell....Clayton were well represented at Coniston Road Race but sadly lost the team race to Barrow....Roger Brewster was second and Vanessa Brindle (Peacock) 2nd Lady. Clayton won the Ladies’ team event; the counters being Vanessa, Tina Lewis, Alison Lee (Martin) and Frances Wood. The best performance by a club member at the London Marathon was that of Mick Green who did 2 hours 38mins....Wendy Dodds ran 3hours 9mins and then completed the Three Peaks only a week later, finishing 5th Lady. Vanessa....won the Three Peaks lowering her own record to a superb 3 hours 32mins...Clayton Ladies took the team prize with Vanessa, Wendy and Ruth Pickvance. Peter McWade was first V40 (5th overall)....”

• In the Junior news “We only just managed a full team at Coniston (Fell) –

three Clayton runners started and all three finished. Other clubs were not so lucky, the first four runners were disqualified for not running the whole course. They had been unable to see flags due to the thick cloud and had cut short. Some of them seemed to think it was the race organiser's fault. It goes to show yet again that anyone running in fell races needs to make sure they know where they're going....” (The runners were Jonathan Taylor, Neil Wilkinson, D.O'Sullivan).

• Paul Healey (who's he??) wrote “Just 10 years ago, the Accrington

Observer 'Scribbler' wrote (about the Great Hameldon Hill Race)...'there was no foul language, no gamesmanship, and definitely no hooligan-ism'....quite obviously he had observed Clayton-le-Moors Harriers queueing in orderly fashion at the stile at the foot of Great Hameldon!!! If you think this man might have had a hearing problem you can be forgiven for feeling even more sympathy when you learn he said 'the two young organising members of Clayton Harriers, Mick Raine and Bob Mitchell … deserve great credit.' ….Credit, yes, but 'young'?? This was of course the first Great Hameldon Hill Race in 1979.

20 years ago (May 1994)

• Judith Taylor

Just to add a little more to Katy's story in last month's edition. Phil Taylor wrote about his (their) decision for him to do the Bob Graham whilst assisting John Sergeant on his attempt.... “Just as light was starting to fade, a small group of runners appeared on the skyline above Dunmail Raise. They began to descend the steep grass slope towards the large party, waiting at the roadside. At twenty minutes past ten, John Sergeant


climbed over the ladder stile. At that moment I decided to run the Bob Graham Round the following June. Judith instantly knew it too. She gave me a knowing look as she said, 'It looks like I'll be heating up rice pudding at all the road crossings next year!” In the car, later that night, Judith added, 'I'll run the last section with you. I'll probably come up to Sticks Pass and run to the end from there. I'll make sure that you carry on when you're tired.'

• Editor Gwilym Williams wrote of the club's presentation evening “....The

loudest applause on the clapometer was for Phil Taylor when he received an award on behalf of Judith. An emotional moment.”

In the results:- Caldervale Country 10: 1st V50 Mick Wrigley (22nd) 61.55 15 years ago (May 1999)

• Mike Wallis had been selected to run for England in the Home Countries

International in Ireland after finishing fourth Vet in the first English Championship race and third in the first British (second English). Mike finished third in the English trial race in the Pendle Fell Race.

• Paul Healey reported on a Saturday run we did in preparation for the

Three Peaks. We travelled to Ribblehead to take on Whernside and Ingleborough, completing the loop by coming down Simon Fell. On arrival at our starting point Neil Whalley said he was not up to doing the route and opted for something easier which would take only just over two hours, rather than our planned route of about three hours. Phil Chippendale and Alec MaCauley opted for the easier choice. The main group split into two levels with the slower gang taking a short cut on Ingleborough. The latter two groups finished within 10 minutes of each other on the three hour mark. The unfit gang arrived back after four and a quarter hours at which point I threatened to take Neil's map off him- he said “I didn't use it”....enough said!

• Don Barton gave a valediction at Walt Wilkinson's funeral on 26th March.

Don said “....He had the capacity to be the same to all club members, whether they were a plodder or fast runner and he always made a new-comer welcome....He had a dominating personality which led you on: many's the time on windswept hillsides he would say 'I know a short cut' and we would all think 'here we go again', but would follow him nevertheless....he didn't suffer fools gladly....on a recent visit to his home he reminisced about a glorious summer’s evening run we all did on Pendle and he said 'We should all enjoy such times while we can' and that's how I would like us to remember Walt, as someone who shared his pleasures....we will all miss him.”

• Steve Breckell wrote of his memories of Walt “....I soon found there

weren't just imperial and metric measurements but also Walt


measurements. I worked out that a Walt mile was roughly an imperial mile and a quarter....”

• Mick Green wrote a poem...

Turn Left here, but he'd turn right This was Walter on a Tuesday night Leading a group of 'has been' runners Some of them thinking they could still be winners. Always running in minimal clothing For thermal gear he had a loathing In cold weather he was tough If you wore a hat, “You must be a Puff.” On Thursday nights if you complained Another Sprint was all you gained There was no point in raising your voice Just one more hill rep was Walter's choice He organised races on Ossie Moors Where a six mile run would last for hours You would set off in broad daylight But could return way past midnight As the 'Z' team boss his only aim Was to beat the Ladies once again He'd pick a team that couldn't fail To beat the 'Girls' at Rossendale At Patterdale and Hawes he was always there That wiry figure with the silver hair On and on, and on he'd run 'Til most were saying, this isn't fun But now he's gone and he'll be missed At Patterdale and Hawes when we're all 'P....d' With Clayton Harriers he'll run no more For he's gone knocking on Heaven's door So when our turn comes to die And we go upwards to the sky Walt will be there arranging races Putting the Angels through their paces.


• Paul Healey wrote “....in my early days of running before I knew Walt

well....I was running up Great Hameldon and saw a silver head bobbing up and down....on reaching a stile I bumped into Walt and asked 'Where are you going'....he replied 'up to Baxenden, then Green Haworth and onto Ossy and home'. I thought I'd better stay quiet as this seemed a bit far for me. I said 'where have you come from' ….Walt said 'Slaidburn'....I shut up and felt tempted to throw away my running shoes. I'm glad I didn't as I've shared many longer runs with Walt with happy memories and a lot of good fun.

In the results:- Kirkham 10K: 1st LV55 Val Lawson (30th) 54.45 Southport 10K: 1st V50 Stuart James (17th) 34.46 Caldervale 10: Winner Alan Clarkson (V40) 56.27; 1st V60 Doug Brown (68th) 75.17 10 years ago (May 2004)

• The Presentation evening was to be held at the Pendle Inn in Barley on

Tuesday 4th May starting after Tuesday training.

• Ken Richardson wrote on his and David Bailey's behalf, thanking Keith

Thompson for his help in affording the opportunity to run the English Junior Championships alongside the Half Tour of Pendle. There were 101 finishers (50% from Yorkshire and 12% from Lancashire clubs – none from our club. Ken reported that the only two 'Claytonners' helped (in addition to family and friends) and as a consequence were short on marshalling leaving 'Health and Safety Risk Assessment for Fell Races' questionable.

• The Cross-Country captains reported the season had been looking grim

with relegation staring us in the face but pleas and moanings had resulted in better turn-outs for the last two events at Chorley and Burnley. The improved results at the two races meant our senior men and V50's finished third and our V40's won silver. Our Ladies V35's won bronze. Individual honours went to Mark Aspinall (first V40 and second senior), and Phil Hall (third V40).

• Mark Aspinall reported on the British Masters XC at Durham. Our team

ended up third having beaten strong teams such as Staffordshire Moorlands, North Belfast, Tipton, Telford and Leeds City.

• Run of the Month nominations were Wendy Dodds fo 1st LV50 at Noon

Stone; Mark Brown for 2nd and 1st V40 at Burnley XC, 8th in British Masters XC, and 1st at Burnley 10K; Maureen Laney for 1st L at Half Tour of Pendle; Ted Orrell for breaking the V65 record at St.Anne's 10M; Paul Thompson for his performance in the Noon Stone FR....and thee winner is Ted Orrell.


In the results:- Lancaster Supervets 10K: 1st V60 Dave Scott (10th) 40.44 Harry & Sylvia's (Smith) Celebratory Race: 1st V65 Harry Manning (154th) 24.26; 1st LV60 Val Lawson (179th) 26.26. Half Tour of Pendle:- 1st L & LV50 Maureen Laney (76th) 86.01 5 years ago (May 2009)

• This month Linda Lord was the 'Member's Profile'. Linda joined the club in

1977 having done a couple of fell races and been inspired by Anne-Marie Grindley who had joined a year or so earlier and was the only Lady member (although it is believed there had been female members back in the 1930's). Linda's first race was the Pendle, persuaded by Mick Raine. In 1983 Linda completed the Bob Graham Round (22 hours 35mins) and then 25 years on achieved success on the Joss Naylor Traverse (16.5 hours). Linda also held the record for the Lyke Wake Walk (42 miles of undulating moorland) in a time of 5 hours 55 mins.

• Run of the Month nominations were Martin Brady for completing eleven

XC races in the season; Jack Holt for 1st V60 at Sedbergh School Race, Half Tour of Pendle, and Elterwater; Maureen Laney for 1st LV55 (and 3rd overall) at MLXC Blackburn also LV55 Gold in British Masters XC; Ted Orrell for 1st V70 (and breaking the record) at St.Anne's 10M also Burnley 10K and Coniston Road; Gary Shaw for 2nd at Burnley 10K also first Clayton (10th place) at Littleborough 5K; Vet 50 Team for Gold Medal in British Masters XC....and the winner is Maureen Laney.

In the results:- Burnley 10K: 1st V45 Phil Hall (3rd) 35.19; 1st V40 Barry Brock (7th) 36.41; 1st V70 Ted Orrell (83rd) 45.27; 1st V65 Richard Lawson (101st) 46.26; 1st LV65 Marion Wilkinson (159th) 52.24. Coniston 14: 1st V70 Ted Orrell (334th) 108.57 Littleborough 5K: 1st V45 Phil Hall (12th) 16.56; 1st V65 Richard Lawson (132nd) 22.25; 1st V70 Ron Hill (197th) 25.53; 1st LV65 Jill Scott (228th) 29.34. Silkstone Shuffle: 1st V70 Ron Hill (124th) 39.29 Connemara Half Marathon: 1st V70 Ron Hill (733rd) 116.12 Brenda Robinson 5K:- 1st V55 Pete Booth (59th) 19.16; 1st V60 Barry Mitchell (64th) 19.36; 1st V70 Ted Orrell (134th) 21.53; 1st LV55 Katy Thompson (180th) 23.29; 1st LV65 Marion Wilkinson (230th) 26.00; 1st V80 Francis Heaton (283rd) 35.13. Blackpool Marathon: 1st V55 Lawrence Chew (337th) 4.03.14 Southport 4: 1st LV65 Jill Scott (73rd) 36.47.

Paul Healey



Age 5th Zoe Sharpley 10 years 9th James Dawson 85 years 12th Freddie Long 12 years 17th Ian Hargreaves 55 years 18th David Ferguson 60 years 25th Jack Lowe-Sisson 13 years 27th Finley Stubbs 8 years 31st Thomas Passco 13 years



• Old Style Club Vests £12

• Black hoodies: a few small left.

• Long-sleeved white t shirts with club logo (in same material as vests)


• Orange hooded sweatshirts @ £12

• Rainjackets @ £25—a few small left.

Contact Kit Manager: Val Lawson if you need any of these items.

Tel: 01282 423808 Email: kit[at]claytonlemoors.org.uk


Mick Green 30 years Andrew Orr 30 years Katy Thompson 30 years Simon Thompson 30 years Lisa Richardson 5 years


The Great Hameldon Hill Race 2014

Race Details 2014 This year the race will start and finish at the Peel Park School field with registration for the race taking place in the Peel Park Hotel, Turkey Street, Accrington, BB5 6EW. JUNIOR RACE (distances to comply with the Fell Runners Association Rules) Open to children under 16 years of age and minimum age of 6 years on the day of the race. First event: children under 8 years of age starting at 11am – a maximum distance of one kilometre (just over half a mile). Second event: children 8 years of age and under 10 years of age starting around 11.15 am – a maximum distance of 2 kilometres (one mile and a quarter). Third event: children 10 years of age and under 16 years starting around 11.30 am – a maximum distance of 3 kilometres (just under 2 miles). Entry: Juniors must have parental consent (forms can be obtained prior to the race from the organisers or on the day of the race at Registration) - £1 entry on day only and a medal for all finishers. SENIOR RACE: 9.6 kilometres (6 miles) with 338 metres (1100 feet) of climbing Start 12 noon Minimum age 16 years Entry - £5 on day only This year's race is the 35th Anniversary and the first 250 finishers will receive a commemorative bottle of beer. The race is the first event in the Pendle and Burnley Grand Prix – a series of races through the summer months. Further information – Paul Healey 01254 384885; Marie Greenwood 01254 237485 [Paul & Marie would welcome offers of help with the race. Please contact them if you can be of any assistance.]



Standing: Les Jackson, Phil Chippendale, Frances Wood, George Thompson, unknown, Eileen Woodhead, Les Billington, Lesley Wright, Christine Leathley, Brian Leathley Front row: Fred Mallett, Kath Whalley (Brady), Katy Thompson, Judy Makinson (Ashworth), Carol Campbell, Karin Taylor (Goss) How many did you recognise? Nobody can remember the name of the tall runner on the back row. Can you help?




ADAM STEVENSON For his 3rd place at the Padiham Aquathlon

Adam has been a Clayton member since October 2012. He regularly attends Thursday training and sometimes comes along to the junior fell sessions. He works hard in training

and if he carries on this way may one day follow in the foot-steps of Mum and Dad and become a Marathon runner.

RESULTS Mid Lancs XC, Kendal 1st March U11 Girls 40 Runners Amy Davies Blackburn H 1st 7.23 Roanna Holdsworth 29th 9.31 U13 Girls 39 Runners Keely Hodgkinson Leigh H 1st 6.38 Briony Holt 11th 7.19 U13 Boys 37 Runners Jack Dee Ingham Wigan & D 1st 10.12 Tom Bradley 18th 11.52 Adam Quinn 29th 13.07 Daniel Bradley 36th 15.06 U15 Boys 19 Runners Elliot Matier North Cumbria 1st 13.23 Curtis Holt 14th 15.13 U17 Girls 9 Runners Georgia Hannam Lancs & M 1st 14.16 Beth Quinn 6th 16.47 Northern Schools Championships Longford Park 1st March 54 Runners Alice Stiles Loreto Girls School 1st 8.54 Eleanor Root Skipton Girls H S 12th 9.34 Daffodil Doddle 9th March 203 Runners Nathan Townsend Horwich 1st M 1st M15 7.06 Tom Bradley 7th M 1st M13 8.04 Daniel Bradley 44th M 7th M12 10.09 Finley Stubbs 53rd M 2nd M7 10.34


Georgia Smith Ribblesdale 1st F 1st F15 8.03 Millie Stubbs 18th F 7th F11 9.13 Ella Dorrington 26th F 2nd F9 10.00 Amelia Dugdale 39th F 5th F9 10.35 ESSA XC Championships Donnington Park 15th March 327 Runners Ben Dijkstra Leicestershire 1st 18.46 Jordan McDonald Lancashire 250th 22.16 Stanley Park 5 Mile Road Race 23rd March 102 Runners Luke Minns BWF AC 1st M 1st MS 26.46 Jordan McDonald 11th M 2nd MU20 31.39 George Pier 19th M 3rd MU20 33.47 Tom Bradley 29th M 4th MU20 35.09 Christine Holmes Trentham RC 1st F 1st FS 29.49 Alice Pier 14th F 5th FU20 39.24 Burnley Parkrun 5K March Kenan Eti 15 years 19.03 Zac Jordan 11 years 27.56

CLAYTON JUNIORS’ TRAINING Thursday Training; Spirit of Sport, 6.00-7.00. This is an indoor circuit session to

improve speed and agility. Cost £2

Saturday Training; 08.45 at Towneley Park for endurance running and/or Parkrun.

Please bring clothing that is suitable for the weather and running conditions.

Age Limits for Training Sessions; There's no minimum age limit to be a junior

member of Clayton Harriers (although the minimum age to compete in a Fell race is

six years on race day) however we have decided to apply a minimum age to attend

the coached training sessions. Juniors must be in school year 5 or above. This applies

only to new recruits not to those already attending.

The main reason for this change is that most juniors below this age limit struggle to

maintain focus during structured coaching (especially endurance work) and gain little

from the session. We appreciate that there are exceptions to this however, they are

fairly rare.

EMAIL ADDRESS FOR JUNIORS: [email protected]


Ron Hill Accrington 10K

On 30th March the inaugural Ron Hill Accrington 10K took place on a sunny Sunday morning. Plenty of Harriers made their way to the streets of Accrington for what was a splendid race course. Clayton-le-Moors Harriers managed to secure the team prize through 2nd placed Christopher Holdsworth, Breton Holdsworth (3rd) and Nick Gaskell (6th). We were represented well with 19 Harriers racing, one of which was Ron Hill himself, who managed an excellent time of 59:27. Other brilliant performances came from Stephen Biscomb (41.40), Marion Wilkinson (57:08) and V70 Ted Orrell (51:23) all of whom secured the top prize in their category. [As well as 19 runners, there were as many, if not more, members supporting the race, either by being involved in the pre-planning, or by officiating on the day. Well done to all the Clayton members who helped to make this a special first race for the Ron Hill Accrington 10k, Here’s to many more!]

Boothy’s Bit More… Successful events such as the RH 10K and Pendle FR do a great deal to maintain Clayton’s profile and good name. In recognition of this, the committee has recently appointed Mike Eddleston as Race Promotions Co-ordinator in order to:

• support Race Organisers, particularly by having an overview of those members who are willing to volunteer on Race Day.

• facilitate the sharing of best practice amongst Race Organisers.

• take the lead with the implementation of the new FRA Safety Requirements. In particular, to ensure that the effectiveness of all new systems is evaluated.

You will find Mike’s resume of the new FRA Safety Requirements for Fell Races on p31 – essential reading for any member who trains or races on the hills. Fortunately, my sore Achilles has not prevented me from cycling, so I have upped my mileage considerably. Next month I’m taking on a self-organised charity bike ride that I have had in mind for some time. I’m attempting a ‘Five Peaks’ Challenge’ – cycling to and climbing the highest peaks in the UK and


Ireland in about 2 weeks. 5 peaks Challenge Schedule: Saturday 24th May Snowdon & ferry to Dublin Sunday 25th May Depart Dublin Wednesday 28th May Carauntoohill Sunday 1st June Slieve Donard & ferry to Troon Wednesday 4th June Ben Nevis Saturday 8th June Scafell Pike (from Borrowdale) If anyone would like to join me for part of the journey, that would be great. (I appreciate that much of it is a bit inaccessible from East Lancashire!) Richard Bellaries has kindly volunteered to transport me to Llanberis and accompany me up Snowdon. (No, I’m not taking the bike up the hills.) I would welcome some company up Scafell Pike on 8th June. More important, I’d like your sponsorship. I’m undertaking the challenge to raise funds for Pendleside Hospice in Burnley. I have set up a Justgiving page: www.justgiving.com/peter-booth6 or I’ll have sponsor sheets with me at the Tuesday fell training venues. Thanks in advance for your support. Copy Deadline for June ‘Harrier’ Because of the above, I need your contributions by Monday, 5th May. Ta. Dave’s ‘Words of Wisdom’ This month’s is the last contribution from El P for the moment. Thanks to Dave for taking the time to research these gems. If anyone would like to continue the series, just send some in! Committee News this month is on p24. The number and range of items from the March meeting underlines how hard the committee works on our behalf. Thanks to all. Finally….Did you see the Clayton vest at the elite start of the Virgin London Marathon? It was Anthony Gotts’ first marathon and he did himself and the club proud, finishing in 1:59:51. As he tweeted: ‘Faster than Farah!!’ More details of all our competitors in the Results on pp 29 & 30.



12 members were present, plus David Bailey, RO Pendle FR. The main discussions & decisions were:

• Christopher Holdsworth was welcomed as media manager.

• Received £335 from the Stan Bradshaw Pendle Round, the account of which has now been closed.

• 72 members not yet paid subs. List to be circulated to the Committee. Request for 2014-15vaffiliation fees received from EA..

• Juniors The junior section has been nominated for Burnley community local sports

award team, also Jordan McDonald individually. Funding bid has gone in to Sport England. Pete Booth continues as authority to review documents for Disclosure and Barring Service (old CRB check).

• Captains Road – Men’s team competed at the 12-stage at the weekend.Ladies: No team in the 6-stage relays, shows the lack of focus of the ladies road section. We should be looking at the park runs to attract membership from the numerous unattached runners who partake. Although there are a lot at the training sessions how do we encourage race entry? Fell – Championship races filling rapidly as soon as the entries are open. 3 teams entered for the Calderdale Way relay in May. XC – Spencer Riley has been selected for the inter-counties. In the MLXC the Men have been relegated from the first division. Ladies finished in 3rd place. LV45 bronze and LV55 gold team medals. Paul Archer is taking on the organisation of the MLXC at Towneley.

• Media Report The front page is still too busy and the photos need refresh. The feeds for Twitter, Facebook and w/site do require a common of presentation. Christopher would like reports from the captains which he can then re-tweet to forward to the Clayton feed. One area for media that we have lost over recent years is through the local papers; connections to be re-established.

• Kit Report 13 of the new vests have been sold, part of last month’s total of £500 sales. Further new vests to be ordered. Following the success of the Clayton junior buff a new design is to be introduced as junior prizes for this year. In addition the original design is being sold to senior members.

• Race Promotions This item is to ensure the committee has a greater focus on our races in terms of organisation, support, routes etc. Pendle FR: 5th April English Championship race Update from David Bailey: The FRA is paying for the toilet block hire for both days, (consider this for the FRA relays 2015). Barley council suggested use of a park/ride scheme; however it is too late notice for arrangements to be made.


MEMBERSHIP Welcome: Seniors: Julia Rushton, Tockholes, Nicola Kay, Burnley, Richard Stevenson, Burnley, Resignation: Derek Marsh

They requested ‘usage’ fees of £100 senior race and £50 junior race on top of the village hall hire. The runners count will be made at the field up the fell and at the finish. Stan Bradshaw Pendle Round: Keith and Barry no longer wish to continue as organisers. Interest has been shown by ‘Cannonball events’ but the club will be looking for one of its members to take the race on. Gt Hameldon: Organisation all in hand, the race will be using the runner count system to test on a local out & back race.

• Club competitions Palladium points: competitions for road and fell to be retained. It was agreed that the ladies would not get additional points for beating the men, to retain con-sistency across the palladiums. The last placed runner would get 1 point. Pendle Aggregate Trophy: current races are Pendle, Stan Bradshaw, Full Tour, Mearley Clough and Pendleton. The Pendle Cloughs is not under the FRA banner (now Scottish Hill runners), also clashes with the Gt Hameldon race weekend. Proposal that it is not included in the aggregate trophy was accepted. The Pendle Memorial race is new to the hill and would not be included in the trophy. It was agreed that the scoring of 4 from 5 would count towards the aggregate, with points awarded as in the Club Championships.

• Any Other Business Summer training to remain at 7.00pm. Dave S requested, and it was agreed, that for the V70 class only in the club

championships, qualification would be from the best 3 races. Note that in the MLXC 2014/5 season there will be the W65 and M70

individual classes but not teams. Our wishes go to Keith Windle and Bob Russell who are recovering after

suffering heart attacks. Date of Next Meeting Monday 7th April at 7.00pm venue Peel Park Hotel, Accrington Future meetings

• 12th May /9th June /14th July


Tuesday Summer Training Venues April-September 2014

The format of our summer training sessions for this year will be similar to last year’s. On Tuesday evening, throughout the summer, fell training will follow the usual format of group runs (group according to ability/inclination/level of fitness) from the following ven-ues, at the time stated:

All members are welcome to take part in the Tuesday Fell Runs, The usual arrangement is for 2/3 groups to run from each venue for between one and two hours, although this can vary according to numbers, weather and what members have done at the weekend. If you are new to the Club’s summer training runs/fell running, please make yourself known to a Committee member or group leader before the run and we will attempt to place you in the most appropriate group. All members should ensure that they carry some emergency/extra clothing with them on the run: wind (water)-proof top, over trousers, hat and gloves. The weather can change very quickly on the fells. If you, or someone else in the group has an accident, you can very quickly become cold or hypothermic, even on the most pleasant of evenings. It’s also a good idea to carry a drink and some emergency food (sweets, chocolate bar), in case you are out longer than you expect—it has been known for a group leader to get carried away occasionally.

As lin previous years, there will also be summer training with Mr Roche from

Worsthorne (May & June only).

Meet at 6.30pm in Worsthorne Village Square for runs on the local tracks

and trails.

See page 39 for details of 2014 Summer Series Races.

Date Time Venue

6, 13, 20, 27 May 7.00pm Barley Car Park

3, 10*, 17, 24 June 7.00pm Village Square, Worsthorne

1, 8*, 15, 22, 29 July 7.00pm Calf’s Head Hotel, Worston

5, 12, 19, 26* August 7.00pm Peel Park Hotel, Accrington

2, 9*, 16, 23, 30 September * Summer Series Race

6.30pm Sabden Village Car Park


Beginners Training Monday: 6.00pm at Towneley Park (meet in the car park next to the Children’s Playground). For further details please contact John Roche 01282 431959

Thursday Training 1) Structured training led by John Roche from Towneley Park (meet in the car park next to the Children’s Playground) Beginners meet at 6:00pm Experienced runners meet at 6:30pm for 6:45pm start All abilities and all runners are welcome. 2) Training run from The Memorial Park, Church Lane, Great Harwood. 6.30pm Run the tracks and trails around Whalley Nab, Billington Moor, Dean Clough and Read Hall. 3) Ladies Training All runs start at 7pm. Contact the host (list below) for details of the location. Or, contact Linda Bostock 01282 816269 for more information. If you want to host a run please ring Linda. If you have not been for a few weeks please ring to check as venues can change. 01/05/14 Lorraine Slater 01282 816692 08/05/14 Katy Thompson 01254 772013 15/05/14 Alison Dugdale 07590279794

All Ladies are welcome.


CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP 2014 Cross Country (best 2 races from 3) 4 January – Lancs County Championship Two Mid-Lancs fixtures in Autumn (to be decided when Mid-Lancs dates known) Fell (best 3 races from 5) Thu 19 June 19.15 Aggies Staircase 4M/1150’ (AS) Punstock Road, Darwen £4.00 eod www.dashers.org.uk/ Sun 10 Aug 10.30 Boulsworth Fell 7.5M/1300’ (BM) Trawden Rec £5.00 eod wwwtrawdenac.co.uk/ also P&B Grand Prix Final race in Autumn to be decided when Mid-Lancs XC dates known (may well be Tour of Pendle (AL)) Road (best 3 races from 5) Fri 23 May 19.00 Burnley Lions 10K Colne Cricket Club £5.00 pre-entry & eod P&B Grand Prix Sat 27 July 11.00 Towneley 10K Towneley Park, Burnley £5.00 pre-entry & eod P&B Grand Prix Thu 25 Sept 18.45 Ron Hill 5K Cock & Magpie, Cock Hall Lane, Whitworth, OL12 8BJ

£7 +£2 on night if places www.ukresults.net/14sep.html#ronhill Final race in Autumn to be decided when Mid-Lancs XC dates known (may well be Guys 10)

CROSS COUNTRY Palladium points competition

Counting races for this competition are: 6 MLXC races, plus Lancs, Northern and National Championship Races. Minimum of 4 races to qualify (from 9) in all age categories.


Points gained in all road races and in fell races included in the FRA Calendar determine the winners of awards in all age categories.

Pendle Fell Races Seniors and Juniors 5th & 6th April Myself and Ken would like to thank the many members of Clayton and their wives and friends for all the help over the 2 days of racing. Especially those who helped on both days. All the races went well with no major problems, though the weather could have been better, and I have received nothing but positive feedback from runners who attend the events. Many Thanks again David.


RESULTS ROAD East Hull 20 9th March 1 W Beauchamp Sheffield RC 1.55.15

5 J McKenna 2.00.00

St Annes 10 16th March 1 D Nichols Wilmslow RC 55.35

9 N Gaskell 3rd M40 60.05

19 Diane McVey Wilmslow RC 62.36

71 S Biscomb M60 70.53

152 T Orrell 1st M75 82.27

156 M Griffin M50 82.51

177 A Sco/ M55 84.39

295 ran

Trimpell 20 Lancaster. 16th March 1 I McBride Royton RR 1.51.20

27 P Hesketh M45 2.11.32

294 D Marsh M50 2.41.03

496 finished and 6 didn't

Wilmslow Half Marathon 23rd March 1 M Abu Rezek Alt/Jordan 65.46

33 Julie Briscoe Wakefield 75.28

1683 A Sco/ 1.51.25

2223 Donna Sco/ 1.57.14

3910 finished

Stanley Park 5M 23rd March 1 L Mimms Blackpool W&F 26.46

13 Jordan McDonald 2nd M20 31.39

16 A Life 2nd M45 32.06

21 A Bradley M45 33.39

22 George Pier 3rd M20 33.47

26 J Wilcock 2nd M50 ????

Coniston 14 29th March 1 I Harding Morpeth H 1.17.14

45 R Brewster 3rd M55 1.33.43

54 M Wightman M50 1.34.43

1010 Andrea Brewster W50 2.47.33

1035 G Kissack M60 3.04.02

1044 finished

Ron Hill Accrington 10K 30th March 1 B Lindsay Una/ 34.20

2 C Holdsworth 35.30

3 B Holdsworth 36.00

33 S Biscomb 1st M60 41.40

35 M Dobson M40 41.43

39 A Bradley M40 42.17

44 A Shaw 42.24

48 Julie Brady Acc RR 42.32

68 M Taylor 43.52

70 J Wilcock M50 44.03

114 P Browning M50 47.09

115 A Clarkson M50 47.11

129 M Brady M50 47.43

136 B Wildman M40 48.23

178 T Orrell 1st M70 51.23

199 Jackie Kershaw F40 53.08

230 R Chappell M60 55.01

269 Marion Wilkinson 1st F70 57.08

310 R Hill M70 59.27

342 C Clu/erbuck M60 63.15

354 Sophie McIntosh 65.15

409 finished

3 Bridges 10K Lancaster 8th April 1 D Rigby Preston H 34.06

20 Carolyn Baxter L and M 40.45

21 S Biscomb 1st M60 41.09

65 M Brady M50 46.27

204 K O’Brien M70 59.16

248 ran


Manchester Marathon 7th April 1 A Jones Stockport H 2.16.59

140 P Hesketh M45 3.12.06

197 D Motley 2.59.24

572 S Halliday M40 3.15.40

1213 N Roscoe M40 3.32.30

Virgin London Marathon 13th April Men’s Wheelchair

1 M Hug Switzerland 1.32.41

24 A Go/s 1.59.51

30 finished


1 W Kipsang Kenya 2.04.29

262 J McKenna 2.42.20

2539 A Cran M40 3.12.06

4490 C Shu/leworth M55 3.26.56

4695 M Hogan M45 3.28.11

31487 M Ritson M60 5.40.36

36000+ Finished

FELL Ian Roberts 9/3/2014 BM: 6.4m, 850ft 1 Jack Ross Staffs. Moorlands 48:33

22 Helen Berry Holmfirth H 56:39

38 Geoffrey Gough V50 58:19

149 finished, including 30 ladies. Edale Skyline 23/3/2014 AL: 21m, 4500ft 1 Oli Johnson Dark Peak 2:51:46

25 Lindsey Brindle Horwich Rmi 3:28:49

90 Andrew Armstrong V40 3:55:52

161 John Rusius V50 4:16:03

254 Katy Thompson LV60 4:59:16

303 finished, including 53 ladies.

Donard Challenge 29/3/2014 AS: 4.7m, 2800ft 1 Allan Bogle City Of Derry Ac 1:05:30

53 Jacqueline Lee Eryri H 1:24:19

67 Neil Hardiman V40 1:28:43

82 Wendy Dodds 1st LV60 1:31:08

95 Jean Brown LV40 1:34:32

113 Jack Holt V60 1:37:19

191 Barbara Savage LV50 1:59:08

207 Katy Thompson LV60 2:07:27

226 finished, including 57 ladies. Rivock Edge 30/3/2014 BM: 6.8m, 880ft 1 Jack Ross Staffs Moorlands Ac 50:54

6 David Bagot 58:51

14 Natasha Geere LV45 1:01:22

18 Peter Bu/erworth V50 1:04:29

42 Robert Hirst V60 1:25:35

42 finished, including 7 ladies.


FRA SAFETY REQUIREMENTS FOR FELL RACES What it means to you and our Club

Most members will be aware that the FRA has revised the safety requirements for Fell Races and these came into effect on January 1st. Many competing members will have already had experience of the new requirements and certainly all members who intend to compete and run on the fells would be well advised to read the relevant sections of the 2014 FRA Calendar. Clayton organises several races and the Race Organisers have attended FRA “road shows” over the last few months to discuss the implementation of the safety requirements. The Club supports the FRA in what is now required and believes ALL Race Organisers should be supported by those who enter races and to this end the committee want our members to be fully aware of their own responsibilities when entering ALL fell races run under a FRA permit. These responsibilities are a matter of common-sense but specifically THE COMPETITOR

• Must accept primary responsibility for their own safety on the fells

• Must conform with ALL the requirements of the Race Organiser (RO)

In practice this means the following

• Entering any race on the FRA standard race entry form (available via FRA website and

Calendar) or the entry form as designated by the Race Organiser. The form should be FULLY and CLEARLY completed.

• Wearing your race number on your chest where it will be CLEARLY VISIBLE to race

marshals and at race checkpoints – so be prepared to undo your cagoule to show your number when approaching a checkpoint. DO NOT pin it to your shorts or alter it in any way.

• Once you have collected your race number you ARE a competitor until you either

Withdraw without starting (and inform RO), Retire during the race -including being timed out – (and inform RO) Cross the finish line

• The fundamental requirement is to inform the Race Organiser (not just a marshal) if you

have to retire BEFORE OR DURING a race.

• We advise you to read FRA section 9. RETIREMENT PROCEDURES

• Take and CARRY the correct equipment.

BEST PRACTICE is to carry WATERPROOF (seams should be taped) whole body cover (including non –detachable hood). Other body cover appropriate to weather conditions – so hat, gloves and extra layers. Map of the race route and compass (GPS is not suitable). Whistle, Emergency Food for long races.

As a club we endorse all these requirements and where necessary we can provide advice, guidance and training. So if you aren’t confident about navigating we have members who will gladly help. If you are wondering about your ability or fitness for the demands of a particular race we have members who can give experienced guidance. If you need help on the suitability of equipment our Race Organisers can help. Above all we want our members both to be safe and to represent the club in a positive manner. Race Organisers are fully aware of their own responsibilities to runners and as a club we need our members to acknowledge the part they play and to do it responsibly.

Mike Eddleston


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Sat 7th June Ennerdale Horseshoe AL 23M/7500’ 11.00 Ennerdale Scout Camp £11.00 pre-entry www.cfra.co.uk/ Sat 28th June Dollar Hill Race AM 9.3M/3400’ 14.00 Dollar Academy Cricket Pavilion, FK14 7DU. £5.00 pre-entry & eod


Sat 30th August Maesgwm Muddle AM 8.7M/2800’ 13.00 Heights Hotel, Llanberis N Wales

£5.00 pre-entry www.eryriharriers.org.uk/

ENGLISH FELL RUNNING CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 Sat 3rd May Coniston FR AM 8.75M/3500’ 12.30 Coniston Institute £10.00 pre-entry www.conistonfellrace.org.uk/ Sat 7th June Ennerdale Horseshoe AL 23M/7500’ 11.00 Ennerdale Scout Camp £11.00 pre-entry www.cfra.co.uk/ Sun 20th July Kentmere Horseshoe AM 12.3M3300’ 13.00 Kentmere Village Hall £10.00 pre-entry www.peteblandsports.co.uk/ Sun 17th August Sedbergh Hills AL 14M/6000’ 11.00 People's Hall, Howgill Lane, Sedbergh. £6.00 pre-entry www.kendalac.co.uk/ Sat 13th Sept Hodder Valley Show AS 4M/1500’ 12.30 Ladies The Showfield, Dunsop Bridge, Nr Clitheroe. BB7 3BG 13.30 Men Pay £8 entry to Show, race included. www.bowlandfellrunners.org.uk/




If you need further details of any of these races, contact Katy Thompson Tel 01254 772013 Mob. 07940 250888 email [email protected] MAY’S MEANDERS Thurs 1st Fo Edge FR BS 4.1m/984’ 7.30pm from Cowpe Village Hall

GR837212 £3.50 eod Sat 3rd Coniston FR AM 8.7m/3500’ English Fell Champs 12.30 pm

from Coniston Institute £10 pre-entry on official form available from conistonfellrace.co.uk from 1st March

Pendle Cloughs FR AL 14m/4100’ 11am from Downham GR 785440 £5 eod

Cake Race FR BM 10m/1700' 11 am from Kiln Green Church, Diggle £4 eod

Sun 4th Great Hameldon FR BM 6m/1100’ 12 noon from Peel Park Hotel £5 eod Clayton Race & 1st race in Pendle Grand Prix

Keswick Half-marathon Keswick Rugby Club £14 + £3 eod keswickhalfmarathon.co.uk Mon 5th Coiners FR BM 7.6m/1330’ 1.30pm from Mytholmroyd Community Centre £4 eod Junior races from 10.30 am Wray Caton Moor FR BM 6.8m/1100’ 11.30 am from Wray near

Lancaster (GR 602676) £4 Also Junior races wrayvillage.co.uk Avenham Park 5K 11am from Avenham Park, Preston £7 + £2 eod Tues 6th Geoff Doggett 5K Cock & Magpie, Littleborough £4 + £1 eod Wed 7th Astley Park Trail Series Race 1 of 3 4.6m 7.30pm from Barons

Rest, Astley Village, Chorley PR17 1XA £5 + £2 eod Also 2/7 & 6/8 Junior 1mile at 7pm.

Littleborough 5K Race 2. 7pm from Wheatsheaf Pub, Littleborough £5.50 + £1 eod www.cannonballevents.co.uk

Lothersdale FR BS 3.6m’600’ 7.30pm from Village Hall Lothersdale nr Skipton £3 eod. Junior races from age 7 6.30pm

Fri 9th Pinhaw Moor BS 5m/700' 7pm from Red Lion St, Earby £5 eod Race 2 in Pendle Grand Prix barlickfellrunners.org.uk Sat 10th Buttermere Sailbeck FR AM 9.3m/4314’ 12 noon from Buttermere

Village GR NY174170 £7 pre-entry by 30/04 £10 eod Limit of 150 Cowpe Junior & U23 races 12 noon from Cowpe Village Hall CRO Challenge 12m/26m walk or run from Clapham, N Yorks.

Proceeds in aid of Mountain & Cave Rescue www.cro.org.uk/challenge Last Drop Loop FR BS 5.3m/738’ 1 pm from Last Drop, Bolton

£6 pre-entry/£8 on day



Sun 11th Calderdale Way Relay - Contact Fell Captains if you can run Blacksticks 10K 10am Whitechapel Village Hall PR3 2EP£9+£2eod Tues 13th Mearley Clough FR AS 3.5m/1200' 7.15 pm from Worston £4 eod Wed 14th Wholan Nook Trail Race 5m 7pm from The Waggoners Inn, Manchester Rd, Burnley £5 eod Race 3 in Pendle Grand Prix Blackstone Edge AS 3.5m/1200' 7.30pm from Lydgate Hamlet,

Blackstone Edge Old Road, Littleborough £4 eod Latrigg FR AS 3m/950’ 7.30 pm from Fitz Park, Keswick £5 eod Haigh Hall 4m road race 7.30pm from Haigh School WN2 1PE

NB Change of venue £4 + £1 eod Thurs 15th Ian Casey Cowm Res 5k 7pm from Cock & Magpie, Whitworth £4 + £2 eod Sat 17th Vets Relay, Birmingham Contact road captains if you can run Fairfield Horseshoe FR AM 9m/3000’ 12 noon from Rydal Hall,

Ambleside GR365064 £7 eod Old County Tops AL 37m/10000’ 8am from NDG, Langdale

£25 per pair by 10th May Sun 18th InterCounties Fell Race BM 7.9m/1700’ 11 am from Witton Park,

Blackburn £5 eod Worden Park 10k 11am from Worden Park, Leyland £8 + £2 eod Horwich 5m Tues 20th Diane Modahl 5K 7pm from Oxford Pub, Rochdale £4 + £1 eod Wed 21st Horwich Jubilee Road Race 1 5m 7.30pm from Rivington Village

Hall, Rivington, Horwich £5, Race 2 18th June; Race 3 16th July; Race 4 20th August £15 for series Online entry www.race-results.co.uk/ Stanhill FR BS 5m/800’ 7.15 pm from Britannia Inn, Haslingden

Old Rd, Oswaldtwistle £5 eod only Fri 23rd Burnley Lions 10K 7pm from Colne Cricket Club £5 eod Race 4 in Pendle Grand Prix Club Road Championship Sat 24th Isle of Jura FR AL 17.5m/7800’ 10.30am from Craighouse Distillery, Jura £18 pre-entry on form from

www.jurafellrace.org.uk Hutton Roof Crags FR BM 7m/1300’ 2.30pm from Hutton Roof

Village Hall GR570786 £5.80 pre-entry/£6 eod Sun 25th Saddleworth FR AS 3m/950’ 12.30 pm from Greenfield, Saddleworth GR002038 £4 eod Junior Races £2 Helvellyn & the Dodds AL 15m/4400’ 12 noon from Threlkeld

Cricket Club GR325255 £6 eod Mon 26th Austwick Amble FR BM 8m/1200’ 1pm from Austwick Village

Green GR767685 £5 eod Bowley Hill Trail Race Approx 5.5m part of Great Harwood Show

£7.50 entry to showfield


Tues 27th Welcome Tavern 5K series Race 2 7 pm Walton-le-Dale, Preston PR5 5UL (Also 24 June, 29 July) £6 + 2 eod

Wed 28th Harrock Hill (1) FR 5.2m/900’ 7.30 pm from Farmers Arms, Bisoham GR497130 £3.50/£10 for series of 4

Sat 31st Duddon FR AL 18m/6000’ 11 am from Newfield Inn, Seathwaite GR227960 £6 pre-entry £7 eod duddonvalleyfellrace.org.uk

Kelbrook FR BS 3.4m/700’ 2pm from Kelbrook Parish Church £5 eod Race 5 in Pendle Grand Prix

JUNES’ JAUNTS Sun 1st Edenfield FR BM 6.4m/1565’ 10.30 am from Edenfield CC £4eod Tues 3rd Paddy’s Pole FR AS 3.7m/1100’ 7.15pm Fell Foot, Chipping £5eod Thurs 5th Badger 10K Trail Run Race 1. 7.30 pm from Wildlife Trust HQ,

The Barn, Berkeley Drive, Bamber Bridge, Preston PR5 6BY Also: 3rd July; 7th August £7.40 per race £18.30 for series

Henderson’s End Fell Race BS 6m/980’ 7.30 pm from Rivington Hall Barn, Horwich £4 eod

Hebden Bridge FR BS 6m/150’ 7.15pm from Calder Holmes Park GR993270 £4 eod

Full Bronte 5 mile 7.30pm from Sun Hotel, Haworth £6 by 1st June Sat 7th Weets FR AS 5.5m/1800’ 2pm from Letcliffe Park, Barnoldswick

£5 eod Race 6 in Pendle Grand Prix Ennerdale FR AL 23m/7500’ 11am from Ennerdale Scout

Camp Pre-entry £11 British & English Champs Turner Uphill Junior Champs 1pm from Turner Hall Farm, Duddon Valley broughtonrunners.org.uk Wharfedale Off Road Half Marathon (13m/2300’) 11 am from

Wharfedale RUFC Threshfield BD23 5BS £17.20 via Sportident by 16th May No entry on the day www.wharfedalemarathonevents.com

NB Off Road Marathon cancelled Pen-y-Ghent FR AS 5.9m/1850’ 3pm from Horton-in-Ribblesdale

£4 eod Lowe Alpine Mountain Marathon Sun 8th Morecambe 10K 11am from Station Pub, Morecambe £10+£1eod Wed 11th Holcombe Two Towers AS 4m/1300’ 7.15pm from Hare &

Hounds, Holcombe Brook GR779153 £3 eod Thurs 12th Walsh Two Lads BS 5.25m/900’ from Bridge Inn, Horwich £5eod Sun 15th Knowl Hill FR BM 6m/1300’ 11am from Brown Cow, Norden,

Rochdale GR858146 £4 eod Hendon Brook Half-marathon 11am from Hendon Brook School,

Nelson Pendle Grand Prix Race 7 £10 www.cannonballevents.co.uk/

Tues 7th Bridestone FR AS 4.7m/1230’ 7pm from Harley Wood Playing Field, Todmorden OL14 8EP £4 eod Hare & Hounds Pub


Wed 18th Horwich Jubilee Road Race 2 5m 7.30pm from Rivington Village Hall, Rivington, Horwich £5 Race 3 16th July;

Race 4 20th August Online entry www.race-results.co.uk/ Coppice FR 5m/600’ 7.15pm Peel Park Hotel, Accrington £5 eod Thurs 19th Aggies Staircase Fell Race 4m/1150’ 7.15pm Registration at Darwen Leisure Centre from 6pm £4 eod Club Champs Fri 20th Wicken Hill Whizz AS 2.8m/1050’ 7.30pm from Mytholmroyd Community Centre £4 eod Sat 21st Reservoir Bogs FR BM 7.5m/1500’ 11.30 am Hare & Hounds,

Chiserley GR005280 £4 eod Junior races U8 to U18 from 11.30 Clougha Pike FR AS 5m/1300’ 3pm from Quernmore Village

Crossroads, nr Lancaster GR520591. £1+£2.50 entry to field Buckden Pike AS 3.7m/1600’ 2.30pm from Buckden Village

Green GR 942773 £4 eod Great Hill Fell Race 5.8/1575’ 3pm from Brinscall Fete Field

£4 pre-entry + £2 eod Brown Wardle FR AS 1.9m/856’ 2pm from Whitworth Scut, Longacres Lane, Whitworth OL12 8JS £3 eod White Bear Way 10 or 21 m 8.30 am from Adlington Scout HQ £4/£8 + £1 eod Sun 22nd Tom Tittiman FR BS 4m/700’ 12 noon from Hare & Hounds,

Chiserley GR005280 £4 eod Kinder Trog BL 16m/3500’ 11am from Scout Hut, Hayfield

GR035873 £5 eod www.cs.man.ac.uk/~temples/hc/#races Freckleton Half-marathon 2pm from Bush Lane Playing Fields,

Freckleton £17 at www.ukresults.net No EOD Sotos 10k 11 am from Sea Cadets HQ, Fleetwood £7.50 + £2 eod Tues 24th Welcome Tavern 5K series Race 3 7 pm Walton-le-Dale, Preston

PR5 5UL (Also 29 July) £6 + 2 eod Wed 25th Harrock Hill (2) FR 5.2m/900’ 7.30 pm from Farmers Arms, Bispham

GR497130 £3.50 Thurs 26th Witton Park Trail Relay 3 x 3.65k 7pm £10 per team + £2 eod Todmorden Park 5k Race 1 7.15pm Hare & Hounds, Burnley Rd,

Todmorden £4.50/£15 for series Also 10/7, 24/7, 7/8 Sat 28th Darren Holloway Memorial Buttermere Horseshoe AL 22m/8251’

11am from Loweswater Village Hall GR140211 £10 pre-entry only

Sun 29th Settle Hills FR BM 10.30am from North Ribblesdale RUFC, Settle BD24 9QH £5 eod

Burnley Boys Club 5k 11 am from Barden Track Burnley £5 eod Race 8 in Pendle Grand Prix


SUMMER SERIES The Summer Series will follow the usual format: a conventional first-past- the- post race AND the more subtle art of predicting your time. (Race run without a watch!) Best 3 results will decide the series.

£4.00 per race (£4 for two races on 8th July) . EOD only.

7.00pm 10th June Worsthorne Trail 5M/1000’

Village Green, Worsthorne BB10 3NH

7.00pm 8th July Race 1: Uphill Fell 1.9m/1280′ Race 2: Downhill Fell 2.0m/1355′

Calf’s Head, Worston BB7 1QA

7.00pm 26th Aug Tour of the Hameldons Fell 5.1m/940′

Peel Park, Turkey Street, Accrington BB5 6EW

6.30pm 9th Sept Coppice Trail (three laps) 6m/1170′

Peel Park, Turkey Street, Accrington BB5 6EW



Captain Name Contact No


Men’s XC Paul Archer 07952 461778


Ladies’ XC Irene Roche 07919 077485


Men’s Road & Trail

Tom Brewster 07709 610225


Ladies’ Road & Trail

Candice Heys & Rebecca Rawcliffe

07834 633147 07772 979085


Men’s Fell Dave Motley 07810 895862


Ladies’ Fell Jean Brown 07712 003064


Junior Cross Country Manager

Jason Pier jasonpier[at]rocketmail.com